(CARTER'S CURE fU> \ n • *nd rptieTv all the t roubles inel state r<t »h.> sy*t»»ni. mieh a* f> ■•»«, N.IIW-.1. IH-OWHUIMW. l>i*trv<M afi« r •*< ■. I*in th- Side, Ac. While their most actu.u k.*i>le modem has l«*n shown io curing SICK f! - v*. ret r»RTEK'.s I.rrn.K Lrrot Tr i.- ar all* in nMT>ati.,n. cur.', r •i annoyinjc com plaint, tx lii.- ■ •1 . 1 - A all <l~ irH" - r« 1 IIW M " A «? . lii r an-1 r*-£ulau* th*? bowt.s. *■>. iif tix-T only enrwi HEAD a *v~"r w uH »«■ almost psiee!es« to thcxe wl from this .li>«ressliie omplaint: h ; - uat< IT t:.' ir c- i-dnesa d««s n.it en.l .... Mi.-m win fin/1 ; ra!iia!>l» in »■ mniiy ways that »■ - nil not to do without thora. Hu\ iSur all sick head ACHE tl ( v bane of on many lives that here is u here v .. to our rm at Ivast. Our i>ills cure it I rs do n<.t_ ( i jt'» Lrmjt fjvsn Piu.s are very small Vj I -rj .-a«f t<) take. On" or two pi!Ls make • They are strictly ii|(Ww and do B p Title action pi*, i ■ all wh«» f- tli'in In viaw at Sirnits: fur Ji K.l rnn a here, or »-nt l>y niiiL tiSTE io::nrx Trt fcilH Boss. Small Pries, Sweat- Groan• Growl. it be he ray [he the :ng ask nly wollf'sflCMEßlacking \i:quikes no brush. S c Water or Snow. Shoe< caa be wished trp drcaMOg oa!v once a Week ? snce a M?nth for women El-gar.i Harness Dressing % OL 7F St RANDOLPH. Philadelphia : mm EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL .A-ND FYPOPHOSPHITES A . tost as Palatable as WIHk - s ilikgslird that it can b<> takea, d . not. and uulmllatiil by the most a- - . ive n inuck.wkrc ti>« plain oil rain -1 li» (nlrralrtl; au'l *»y the cob>- ! •mf Ikr oil with Ihe hyp»>- <■ narh anorc cfflcacionn. Rra arkaWe as a ie<h prodnrer. gala rapldtf while Ukto* It. - ITU Evrxsio* 1* ackoowle/VMI hy V icaau* to 1« tho Fln<* and lion ir- i ara t: ;a the wor'd fi.r iho relitf and enre ol "OMSUMPTION, SCROFULA, C t RAI DEBILITY. WASTIWC I,'iSEASES, EMACIATION, C JLDSand CHRONIC COUGHS. 7~>m jroo? Ttmurfy for Oamsumi'lion, ana fi'istit jin C3k(! iir \ & hlln/fttlDrnygisis CATARRH pipf HAY-FEVER ELrS CREAM HALM it a liquid. *h"JFor powder. Applied into < W *?m I* tjnuUy abtcrhcd. It f?' antes the An'nys inftammatn»n. Heals the soret. Mt > i the tensts of ta*te and tmell. ft c • at by mall, registered. O) cts Ely Brothers, DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY. OFFICER tCW PKSX AVE. IJ'-PITTSBURGH PA.— !'1 1 wquirinr Cos ! ft>ESll %L 3 . I • r.vn! TM liti- jar« tri'.iM itlh<«l> 4 iryvilhnMic- II- rptt, ;««l. I» . fjkv'lH ii niffnber •ft i: ; 1 ( l in-* in.'l BB'I i an«l m«.-tc\prri» n< c«IS» i:ri al- VT v - ft .1. I exertion, in di '<t • • ■ «li, Ac., car-nirf niid A C. gL■ Ut-, Pilcfi. Ktkenmatihm •t-1 * .» « f>r the Hkliu Blood, Lnnpr i, I'rin -17 ''< r> tr*:it i« • frm :in<l htrirtly •pa wm' .n. "iily. * . Utof>ic«or wl<lrcsi » •.. M.U.r.P.S.orK.J. I.akk.M.O. tasamam * i-«vn lw ii iwrniancmiy cured by L'JiMffllMECaiHl 1 . i 5' -1» \ i' \ . i.*• ■ r i. . nooperatkm ' -■■■■'■ 'r i .i -s. « |-r«»Ti<»u!i«'fd la * ■ i *• ' fi.r < irciflar. C • L'AHANTEED. " - "s jPERFLUOUS HAIR - 4M .1^ t>iemliboa of (ho nkin, ' ' hikir at I »cml|< anrrnxiifally • . ••• 1 ' v ]»r. \MU I>yck. TIJ«J lioctor has 1 ■ 1 ibers tin-, .jf hi-* pa •i»t fan—• - 1: you : . of t!)«khov«Mfmi»lioii, . j" X Uth Mr-«??. Fhiiad«l --j j 0i I* a avenue, PitUborjfh, Pa. im » 1 id-I "«! to 7; y . AN r ,!S ' n 7KJS c -it * ' i^M. TH E CITIZEN. Christmas at Bracebrtdge Hall. (Coutinutd from First Page.) kavu Mimethinf! supernatural about it: for they remarked that, in whatever part of tho hall you went, the eyes of the warrior were still fixed on yon. The old porter's wife, too. at the lodge, who had been born and brought up in the family, and was a great jroj.-ip among the maid-servants, affirmed, that in her young days she had often heard say. that on Midsummer eve, when it was well known all kinds of ghosts, goblins, and fairies, become visible and walk abroad, the crusader used to mount his come down from his picture, ride about the house, down the avenue, and so to church to visit the tomb; on which oc ension the church door most civilly swung open of itself; not that he needed it—for he rode through closed gates and even stone walls, and had been seen by one of the dairy-maids to pass between two bars of the great park gate, making himself as thin as a sheet of paper. All these superstitions I found had been very lunch countenanced by the Squire, who though not superstitious himself, was very fond of seeing others so. lie listened to every goblin talc of the neighboring gossips with infinite gravity, and held the porter's wife in high favor on account of her talent for the marvellous. He wa> himself a great reader of old legends and romances, and often lamented that he could not believe in them: for a super stitious person, he thought, must live in a kind of fairy land. Whilst we were all attention to tho par son's stories, our ears were suddenly assail ed b>- a burst of heterogeneous sounds from the hall, in which were mingled something like the clang of rnde minstrel sy, with the uproar of many small voices and girlish laughter. The door suddenly flew open, and a train caino trooping into the room.that might almost have bceu mis taken for the breaking up of the court of Fairy. That indefatigable spirit, Master Simon,in the faithful discharge of his duties as lord of misrule, had conceived the idea of a Christmas mummery,or masking;and hav ing called in to his assistance the Oxonian and the young officer, who were equally ripe for anything that should occasion romping and merriment, they had carried it into instant effect. The old housekeeper had been consulted; the antique clothes presses and wardrobes rummaged, and made to yield up the relics of iinery that had not seen the light for several gener ations: the younger part of the company had been privately convened from parlor and hall, and the whole bad been bedizen ed out, into a burlesque imitation of an antique masque. Master Simon led the van as "Ancient Christmas," quaintly apparelled in a ruff, a short cloak, which had very much the aspect of one of the old housekeeper s petticoats, and a hat that might have served for a village steeple and mnst in dubitably have figured in the days of the Covenanters. From under this, his nose curved boldly forth, flushed with a frost bitten bloom that seemed the trophy of a December blast. He was accompanied by the blue-eyed roryp. dished up as "Dame Mince Pie," in the venerable magnificence of faded brocade, long stomacher, peaked hat and high-heeled shoes. The young officer appeared as Robin Hood, in a sporting dress of Kendal green, and a foraging cap with a gold tassel. The costmno, to be sure, did not bear testimony to deep research, and there was an evident eye to the picturesque natural to a young pallant in presence of his mis tress. The fair Julia hung on his arm in a prettv rustic dress, as "Maid Marian." The rest of the train had been metamorphosed in various ways; the girls trussed np in the finery of the ancient belles of the briilge line, and the striplings bewhiskercd with burnt cork, and gravely clad in broad skirts, hanging sleeves, aud full-bottomed wigs, to represent the characters of Koast Beef, I'luui Pudding, aud othor worthies celebrated in ancient markings. The whola was under the control of tffe Oxonian, in the appropriate character of Misrule; and I observed that he exercised rather a mis cbievious sway with his wand over the smaller personages ot the pageant. The irruption of this motley crew, with beat of drum, according to ancient custom, was the consummation of uproar and mer riment. Master Simon covered himself with glory by the stateliness with which, as Aucieut Christmas, he walked a minuet with the peerless, though giggling, Dumo Mince l'ie. It was ftdlowed by a dance from all tbe characters, which, from its medley of costumes, seemed as though the old family portraits had skipped down from their frames to join iu tbe sport. Dif ferent centuries were figuring at hards aud right and left; the dark were cutting pirouettes and rigadonns; jiud the days of Queen Hess, jigging merrily down the middle, through a line of suc ceeding generations. The worthy Squire contemplated these fantastic sports, mid this resurrection of his old wardrobe, with the simple relish of childish delight, lie stood chucking and rubbing his nunds, and scarcely hearing u word the- parson said, notwithstanding that the latter was discoursing most au thentically on the ancient and stately dance of Pavon, or peacock, from which he conceived the minuet to be derived. For my part, 1 was in a continual excitement from the varied scenes of whim and inno eeut gayety passing before me. It was inspiring to see wild-eyed frolic and warm hearted hospitality breaking out from among the chills and glooms of winter,and old age throwing oil'his apathy, and catch ing once more the freshness of youthful enjoyment. I felt also an interest in the scene, from the consideration that these fleeting customs were posting fast into oblivion, and that this was. perhaps, the only family in England in which the whole of them were still punctiliously observed. There was u quaintness, too. mingled with all this revelry, that give it, a peculiar zest: it was suited to the time and place; and as the old Manor-house almost reel ed with mirth and wassail, it seemed echo ing back the joviality of long-departed years. Travellers should be prepared for changes of weather and tho effects of ex posure by providing themselves with Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. —A Nashville doctor's prescript io. for a lady suffering with Neuralgia: A new bonnet, a cashmere shawl, a pair of gaiter boots. —and a bottle of Salvation Oil. The lady recovered immediately of course. Marriage, is but. the stepping-stone to those divine institutions, tbe family and the home, which constitute tho very foundation on which our nation rests; and upon the health and strength of the wife, and moth er, depends the sunshine and enjoyment of the home, and the prosperity ol" the fanii ly. Thousands of wives, and thousands of single ladies, drag out a weary existence in consequence of perplexing "female dis orders" in total ignorance of the fact, that j !>r. Pierces Favorite Proscription is a |»'s 1 itive cure, for the most complicated and obstinate cases of lencorrhea, prolapsus, weak back, "female we ilk ess," ante version retroversion, bearing-down sensations, eliroiiic congestion, inflammation, ulcera tion. and kindred ailments. Guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. All druggists. Dr. Pierce's Pellets—cleanse and regu late tbe stomach, bowels aud system gen erally. Oue a dose: purely vegetable. OUR CHRISTMAS GREETING Comes to you heartily for v.-e fesl juat about the region of the heart as you will when you hare shared oifr ia othor worli, we are feeling the jubilant spirit of the season >v > the stock a criti- Val pnblic will soon pas? jndgmcnt npon. IVe had a friendly visit from Mr. AbercoDwaycopenhagenDicodemus arid b : „• r>d wife C! jotersnupphenclat terdonaerblinkterhausson, represent*'; • ' 'I ; kvhighness, Santa Ciaus, who were astonished at our iinuieu.-' o; Il.lui.iy Goods Our last season's trade gave such universal saiLf. 'lion that they appointed us representatives of Hirakyhighneas in Butler fur this season again. We are not onlv proud of the appointment but ais.> t u .ve La i the privilege to se leet the gifts that will bring joy and happine. s . to thousands of homes. We have reached to the top boughs of the Chr - man T and pulled down the rarest gews within the reach of every:. ..! Th<> representatives o Santa Claua were delighted, and up to .! • ■ i>• < bevn disappointed as our holidav attractions please itt uj an \»< |,i.asi: ""J-"® lU M UB 1 - twice in price. Now as you contemplate '' a few purchases to ma Re some friend happy let us suggest a few arti -•* that w- uld make desira . e and useful presents: — . ~ A nice overcoat, suit, bat, a plu-h or fur cap, a trunk, valise or setcbel, mufllers handkerchiefs, collars, tie, a suit <>f underwear, a gold watch-chain or charm for ladv or gent, fine solid gold ring, scarf pin. lace pin, ear ring, cohar buttons, cuff buttons,pocket or bill book,hair or clothes brush, cordigan jade'., silk umbrella with gold or silver handle and nany other things we ba»e in stock. Now, while we a,k you to purchase your Holiday Goods of ufc we don't sav you are a fool if you don't, but we do say you will be fooled if you don't. Take a tip from Santa Glaus, wives and husbands ma's and pa's, buy your gifts of us because, They are free from flies and flaws As is our usual custom we Lave not forgotten our customers ami have made provision for 4000 of our customers during the holidays. V* e intend to peesent every customer with a beautilul souvenir commencing Dec. 16 and continuing up to .lan. 10, bring the little folks andLai your friends along. We shall be glad to welcome everybody, no matter whether they have ever traded with us or not Wishin" everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New lear, I am still, 13. HECK, CHAMPION CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER. No. 11, North Main Street, Daffy's Block, Butler, I'a FASHION EMPORIUM A new supply of goods suitable for holiday presents has just been opened. All the new patterns in veiling, regular beautifies; newest neckwear and beads, handkerchiefs,mufflers, mitts, gloves, hosiery, infants knit goods, Chinchilla and wool fascinators lovely head dresses, black silk caps for old ladies, Childrens silk, plush and cashmere caps, new hats, new bon nets, new styles for dresses, fancy silks for fancy work and dress trimmings The Jenness-Miller styles are shown unsur passed for grace and comfort. Apprentices are taken for six or nine months term,accord ing to wish, and a thorough, practical knowledge of millinery or dress making, cutting and fitting is given. Orders are taken for any kind ol hair work. Miss M. H. Gilkey, N0.025. MAI> KT Is'» TLER, PA OPPOSITE P. O. SPECIAIj x special 110 LI I) AY AX X (>L"X I. EM EXT AND GUAM) CLEARANCE SALE OF A I AK -E LINK OF BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS. In view of the coming holiday eea^-a we buve to make a special drive on all winter goods aud n '-ve room ior ihe latere line of Ho i dav Goods which are now arriving daily. <' i < order to do so we Have marked all goods so remarkably low an to .•. -<-« . Mi - our | urpose, so read carefully each item ai,d then make a striiigb: lice lin.> for our store, where will be fouud an immense fall uud w nter *t- ;-k < f ''.10t,,-. s>l #'jd Rubber Goods. AB the time is near when aareuts are now culling lor their Spring orders, and I am now uiakiug prt punuinn* f.>r .-tariin;> East to buy Spring goodf,' I will sell at a reduction ot 50e. a pair on ull shoes in order to reduce my stock preparatory to placiug my Spring orders. Among other goods are the following celebrated aud well-known makes ».s Reynolds Bro.'s, W II Gocdger, Knppendorf, DittmarA Co ,V. 11. Barrett, <tc All the above are in Ladies', Misses' or Children's shoes. A full stock of Ladies' spring heel shoes; high cut calf school shoes or M'ssi .; and Children A large stock of Men'.- dress and every day sb. es The dress shoes aro made ol fiue calf, kangaroo and cordovan, either in button, lace »r congress, plain or tip on toe, and in order to make a long story short-, there was never such a lot of Men's fine dress shoes put before the market at such prices as I am offer ing these at Call and examine, whether you want to buy or not. In re gard to the Men's every day shoes, we have many different materials, such as genuine oil grain, bellis tongue, high cut, at j>l 75 to $'2.75, which we guarantee waterproof; Men's brogans at ?>1.15 to $1 50; Men s scuff shoes, in lace and congress, single or double sole, at ."?1 25, aud mauy otheiS which I have not the space to tell you about. We request the attention of men and boys and ask you to do us this favor and read the following account of the treat cutting affair in our Men's and Boys' 80. t department. Our boot de partment is in the rear end of the store, where will be found 50 cases Men s kip boots at $1.50 to $2.50, 15 cases ,1 m• .- town boots at $2 lift to 10 dozen Men's tine call boots, band Bided ut 2 !■> to f-j 75; 12 cases of Men's line kip boots at $1.75 to $2 25; o2 cases Boys kip boots at SI.OO to $2 00; S eases Jamestown at $2 00 to $2.50. The abovo boots are in all sizes and in long and short legs I will say no more in regard to boots; call, examine arid speaK lor your elf. Lurgeat disp'ay of HOLIDAY SLIPPERS Kyer shown in Butler. Customers and the public in general are invited to call at our store aud inspect this wonderfully large and elegant se lection of Holiday Slippers Every itesirMblw effect in pattern, shape, color and mat« rii-l Our prices are from 20 to 25 cents lower than the same grades are offered for, while <>ur t'-ek and assortment is by all odds the largest in the county. A line line of Gentlemen's dancing pumps, leather,find ings and shoemakers' supplies. We have e m •< * "l» ot Sheffield sole, oak sole, French and American >■ I' '-en -nd ( harleo Million kip, lining and toping j-kins upper !• tl -r, •- u»'i" ' - "11 kinds uud all nails suitable for sboernaking. Headquarters for Rubber / < .. i (ioous.. We surpass them all in Rubber Go' is, I ;iv -nd complete stock «t seven different kinds of Rubber i- in : ; /< - J widths. The Boston and Woonsoeket specialties at' • t-• I ■ Rubbers made aud we have them in nil si/.- - and • id'l : um, knee and high cut rubber boo'.-. IV ■ >n rn >• r boots at $2 35. A good kuee boot, extr.i thick ball, at $2 to $2 25. Prices on all rubber goods 50 cents a pair cheaper than any place in the county. Call and examine our leathei cd lib goods before buying i and be convinced of our prices before buv :ng. Boots and Shoes Miule to Order. 250 pair shop boots, box t"C; 109 paii sh >p i-l "■ . in button, lace and i congress, ut a very small margin. Repairing promptly done, either in rub ber or leather goods Mail orders v ill ivreive prompt utteulion. A box o! fine Leather I'reserver given free on application. Yours irulv, JOHN IMCKEL, 22 S. Main St. - - Butler, Pa AVould you cure t<> hurc a word of nil vice worth u great deal ? Never t.iinper with your baby'* health by usinjr opiaten t.« Huiel its Ktotnncli troubles, etc.. but use j l>r. TSuU's Haby Syrup isft«tpad. —Thousands of people are leading un- j satisfactory lives, because of thr dispirit- j injr effects of indigestion. Let such try Laxador and be happy. . I>i< not lie induced to take ftuy otliur |iri']iuriitinu it yon have decided to buy Hood's Sar '.iparilla. Alex. Borland, BOOT & SHOE MIKFB J-'IM IKCtDALK, Next Door to Wulltr't. nitf »»' i* 1 AluUm. I The Great American HOG is Coming. The Great American HOG is Coming. | ' The Great American HOG is Coming, The Great American HOG Is Coming. I I T J K A< 11 TSTGr ISpecial Mooroiig Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling Uways ready for use. J PCo- Irt. , iii ~ i !•<'« t« HI I IJ'.IN PA SEE OUR DISPLAY. HOLIDAY GOODS OE ALL DESCRIPTIONS .1 : AN. WARE, FANS, PA ! L\S< : I.S. SCENT BOXES PENS, ALBUMS—TiII L \ . EST AND BEST STOCK EYE., BROUGHT TO BU I'LL R. JAPANESE SCREE*.- BASKETS, PANELS AND BASKETS. OI K S'.( K <> VASES IS THE BI ST i 11 ER EVER HAD. NEW BOOKS Oi' AI ! IN I• - CHURCH BOOK PRESENTS KO BE FOUND AT Heinemai: iV ,Soi: GREAT REDI'C HON i N w LL PAPER. Christmas ( UHHIS RH* E very body. A pplendid line it ' :r>ev «i'' »- • fijl artirles of evi .. «: _r .> < Matcb aares—iu 1 >'• k-1 . • luloid, i xid z'd -:irub Toiiet cases.mauieure >ei fbaviDtr sets, gloves and b i»«-!•«-! i b '.<>•* iu leather and |»1 ut-b. Odor ivi-t'S in I • it:« . • i celluloid. Sin -k r-i • • ■ - fume eiaudy, ami - . > of fine goods', whin ir.upi < ;•» be appreciated. All i\ •; • r !iu»: cheaper thau ever >• .• :<• '.A lie is> invited :•» e• ! at -" k Drugstore, next ' 1. ' '.!;(■ Examine our good* ... " ur pripg#. Business THE FIRM FORMERLY i * I I ED J. & B KEMPER I! CHANGED TO I II KLM , GOOD, COMPETI yppjKijc " EH. ' li 5 -: CARRIED ON AT nil. s;. \i s! PLACE AND IN IE: SAM: MANNER AS I UAI BEST OAK-TAN NIK Li \TH ER WILL BE USKD, \N D I W LL ALWAYS HAVE O ND A FULL ASSORT MEN i >. KIN.E AND IIEAVY I COLI.AKS ROBES, V Hit* AND EVERY I 111 ' . M.U ALLY TO BE HAD IN I N ' I HARNESS S'l'Oßi ALL OR DERS WILL ISE KINi-M v( CEPTED AND MALL ON SHORT NOTICE PAIRING DONE PRO i A [AND PRICE THE LOWEST. | CUSTOMERS I« I I•' 1 CI FIRM, AND ALL IN UL EI ih ARE ÜBTFBORFULLI ED TO CA LL AND IN.. N Fr KluVli KIJ. SCHI'TTK fc O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And Uas Pliurs, ><i i*. ••• < ' ■ euet'. have opened t l.eli * >' block, on Jefferson x. 1 .1 • ;.o«ry Houae. wMta aMBHMOt BMI tMW H"• UAS FIXTUBES.ANO UI.UBES lIANUINt; AND I \liLii LAJIi > NATI UAL t-Afc 1 1 l:M.I - Ac Jobbing prompt !>OUteu<Ud 111. n:nl your | onage respectfully solicited. TUO I IjOU (. ~i (tll.-i BROOKE HALL, For Girls and Yo -. J LU» .~S. Shortlidge Academ\, For Boys and Young Itfei: SWITHIN C SHORTLY »&. All lUAi.VAllii >• ItAl MEDIA, I'i., ('.tar I'b . j »<) iil>]ishe<l E. GRIEB, TJiE JKWKLKR, No 19, N th' Main St BUT! ER, PA.. IJ K A riamcads, «* atchss, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, &c. L Cioly Emblems of all Descriptions. Rej. r, . in all branches skiiltully done anil warranted. BSC EHTABLISHED 1850 ROSENBAUM &CO 510 to 514 Market Street aad 27 Fifth Ave IVt.AMEKBO 11MILK KYRKET I'ITTNHf R«H, PA, CLOAKS AND WRAPS! i !• r ■ • l • i i iu* motr* popular (fcratnbir *t>l«"* t!uu> >OO r« ' line • : I'lcsil Vtrapn. fltixh Jmkrt*. _ . •. t \•* 'lt * !1- I •• - <V.S. I •». ™ -r-a ». .. A , 1:, f- • * "wortfc * prr nut asor*. /; J sTVU'.S CH«.DRt »'$ CLOAKS. $2 to SB. SI ' .7 .■ ■ MILLINERY BUSINESS \ . : ' r. v.,a iu..k lt>>< inmiMl *»4 »•> v \\'v" '•»» **" r ' WW" Vit CORS&TB! COSSETS! CORSETS: -if, l , I o*«r,.<> «"• • ■T c, I' .Ui Ir.D. Ml f. ,' I 1 ' *«* V » l ' US * t: 'f ; - : TA^^ixisra j An-.il i t ' • • 1 ir» rr m«-l>nm priced . j I - >le ' *'*'***■ Our Lk; C ats" FU •,* - CcwpStte »•»«! Pricts t»4 J* mJr j IMHSKAVIOAIt i .>r Ladl t ■ 1 li: n • v.. -• • *» ««.»* Wtm W««> Skirts t-t ' ■ KID GLOVfcb U»ve a • r, ' ; •* ~ , ~,: Klil 1 » .?i Ourbook KM Wc- •», r-lj. .k »' ; tl< -IfcKY. v- I t : : I \IN - I \* v-Dll \Nt>KM:- lll»'FS« \ . . ! K VN • II \N|» r\|IK«'U«KKY l\ < . \ ri.Ess \ AKIKI >. our »|« kot lil. 1 V an-! MI.K rMi ni I. »» «. s, j l r .11 • r in. lif• fru fNWIf ♦* Ilnt al. Is !>t: ■ •> -r " •' •!» • - H»f OUK FIJI MU; ' 1 S AND FUR TRIMMIN >8 \\ civ • - »•* in »l* I^p§ei^baum^(B The Cash Shoe Store ANNOHNCKMENT ! f LOOK! J0" We Bell Hoots, Shoo jiikl |{nl>l)er« for sroT cash. WC\ I -'ositixrlv I litlersell , D? boU j, • : cr» i-, HBd we jjive a truarentpe oo ivitj p'tir ( - Our ( iiiliiivn's Sciiool Siior> ..re ill «*nr:-.nt md iti : 1 » 1 li-iUhcr Wo wi" refund the mitnov in t*u--u k o 1.-4 «rv n> t -ati-i rj Our Lii<iios Shots lire very highly <ikeu o i i r<« '•> -i v> rj ?*:.! •iu then and we feel very t.ur lul to < r -"PI' JMenV i' iiM- Shots. Nu\v we en £ .-ay t. iuu 'i • " ;»r<i to i».<• _■ K lor we #bow the finest line of M .m" • i i-'itl'r, »'« '» ' ' r " , » ♦* ®° to |i.so. All sly li.- Our i{.ul»lM' r ( i(mmls 1 )e|>avtiiH*nt. Wo Luudle ' Ur • li! '• mi-le. I?J»IOO, Casdee Good} , Coto •■ *' A NP ~a* °* 1 »uck BuOts<, wii .(• i n lo or l-'i-.ter i<i oil. [>()ots and Shoes Made to Order. A iicH'jt ""lock ot Oil Mens l>oots and Shoes Always on Hand. lvi'|>airing doao on sli rt not ce. BLACKMOHE & GKIEIS, No. lh> S. Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers