THE CITIZEN. rRIP *Y. MCF.MRF.R 20. I I.i ot. I « .1 l' id alciOl 14 i»»> it i 'hei.m.ii> :y-at of Hull- r (Mily. »UU h'»r rWl«>>\ mtturil g*? so,l uiie » IM mud »> l> a ' ti%* «| I* *> a. lit au-t i*> |> Hi i: 1 Ir.u- Mr •Ineuililf 4 I ... Hi 4MI P HI. Utlhll'W at c «t t> *H i' i\\ ii li ir.m.- «' #w hutlefkr Ail** i ai «-■*. s 'l'' »nd mrl. a u. au4 Irmtt k.Md j«.tiii« soulii <4 butler al l»»i .. in a<«d ti hh l*lit»i.urgh aii.l the f.ast al I£J» ■ im ini*t.urgh at. .i.m p. ru . from the %itl ai <». i. hi . Iroai and Im ..I paaß \%i-ti '4 « »llwv at ptrn. 'itttui ii.- imi' mail "•.! Mi. i Iwsimit arii • • .1 II a ainl !• aves I'.utlrr I". ai 1-' Ui l»all 1..0 l 1.1 i.jflll Hope. 11-IVI-l and .•• i- ;ari. -al it a m. and di|Oit> at \t-i. •.r.1.-r-i . aii t»» »i Up. . ..s Ikey an- made payable 'o I ...I . • 11 . 1,1 IT f I* leHS. SOOI EiTIEE. I'M Al ASSEMBLY • knights of La ir a, r.eete every Friday nirbt in the Car and Joiner* Hall, third floor, Hnsel toa bi.ildiac. Wm. If. QtXSS, Rec. Sec. New Advertisements. I.**- I'anl—l W. Hntchiaon. Enq. H. C. HuivlWin'ii Holiday Slippers, ratterson'c Clothing. Strai-sViGrper 4 Jojwph'* Clothing. Hfrtimi Notice*. Torn, waiiam- Silverware. Holiday ExcnrHons. Sun: —All ail vert is',uver has a picture of the i-ocne of the <-tpl«sion. displayed in del and A llalsti.n's f4i»w-wiadow. —Hui>clton makes a brave di.-play of -lippers for the holidays. See descriptions and price:- in another place. —A ath<.ol teacher of Worth twp. is said t«. ha\ e < Lol ed a • hild of eleven years tin til rt was black in the fat e. —The residence of J»mes Stott on the Graiit farm near Parker was destroyed by *ic U.,J W(-.«,1. —Winter k \ cry bashful this year, but tli'Ti-1 an old t.erman rhyme to the effect that a wohe never ate a winter Ttc I'hilad a C«*. tali building ou Pera St. l*jUfl»urp, was sold to the AVcst- <"•. la* week for ffiOO.OOO. —Whtl a gorgeou* diepLay of colored *eH:t.te*. that in Odbcrt A Dale's t>how —-ii«l:l« ' *t«re it m labarynth of toys; tlx- W n * ill be particularly interested in |t4> t'anlpM vr aad eprin; guts. —Tfc«- neit reception of the Veteran Le ,nm *-fll Iw- held t Sunday, a young lady » o made U-mporarily insane by the applii ofcreisote to an aching tooth. —H'bea I*mf. I>e*lie begins wringing h *rm» and yelling at the Institute, it re *..;.d one of a row in Saxonburg, in ye i>M<« time - wita «lao* will have an cany time Biakiug bis ("elation* in Itutler, this year. iHd yoa cnet re ieh attractive displays in "*r Mr. J. N. I'atterson has MIIUP tiulbs t« t»-ll you regarding hi* clothing this *<*-l It" 3oia* a good fcnui—n't and ccurfing hi- ftore nevt Spring. I «rd Wdgandnowha- a repairing desk i« * ilban: ' ivn k tore, and requests hi> •>H friend- t.. brine tlieir watches and dc 25, IBS 9. All »re ■ ..rainl!r invited to «*» present, iTft'.ir. to &oeece. All Kurope it "Bcrnag and the influenza is Mid to have reached lh> country. It came across the Ca Ll< x —l»r. Higb<-e died at hi* home in Lan i astir. Friday morning. He has been v taU £t:**cintetid*ni of Publi.' Infraction 4K* MM. •—l««hn Wc-t of Itutlex ha.- not jet been granted ap< anion. The pension we noted la 1 wej-k was granted to John Joseph • em of Springdale —Mr Ja< Kcttcrer, the farmer of the (•rphaat-* Home at Zclienople. fell from the hay ILOW. la-: w.-ek, hreakinir a rib >ind -pruning hi He * • ced'r otdip ation* to f 1 »s«"d a « ■ M l>iw«-ll M*«s . |>r« .prictoi - ill-si- Stf-ifwißi, for two beautiful f»r !•*»• —1 • • ■-i du>< < till .1 the "Kentucky • nt.r»od klinnt eselu-ively to t}w »»*l< - und i u-oally indulged in after protract (-d visit* t<> the bar room . —The striking of a good well on the has*-] table farm, located ou the we.-tern border «>f «*«>nrno.jnene»s-ing t*p. makes it • "•■V a« tho rh the belt would extend warty .1 ii«- V>rth This strike has inerea-v *d th. a. tivjtv in that field, and notwith landu.% the terrible condition of tfee roads heivilr laden wag tns started in tki' dwtion from Itntler yenterday mom imf —The l*ittsbargh. Shenango Jt l.*ke Krie Railroad ««n>pany will sell excursion trekets during the holiday* at one fare for roaad trip. Ticket* will be put on sale Dec. 23d. and will be good for letuni trip and in. lading .Nn Sd. IWi. W G. SABi.kAitr, tien Ticket & l'a*«ecger Ag't. isrmmile, Pa, Dec 17, IW tlod bless the little stocking All over the land to-night. Hung in the choice t corner In the glow of crim-on lii»hl' Tin- tiny. «carlet tockinr, With a hole in th>- hei-l and (■.•• Worn by wonderful journey; The darliugs ha\ - to gu. The -locking . of all . i/c And pattern . great and aiall. With niM.v g1.x.1 urjiri < 1 pray, Cod bli- s them t•»• i, At'lti'lai ine :- hoii,-- la-t Satnrda. i veiling. tL- . Mil aiel deli ml two (tutsol t. 1•. fttl uitnre Miiuy are c.iiiieiuplatiuj what kiiid oi preheats thi .i li.ill Lm lor lli. ir Irieu.l I this i'hri-tin,! - The, ~u \ uea.l , everytliiiiif they iu;!i lor at our -lores ltd.l the holiday notice* in tlii.- paiier. —Over in Springdale, Tnesday evening -ome of the boy erenaded Mr Miller's hon-e. where Will Wick board . having conceived the idea that Will hid Lt on married that daj. —At New C'ii lie Li I week, LI ,S. Milli •on formerly of ihi- county war! aeijuitt.-d of the charge of burglary hut oonvietisd oi jail-break rag, and Judge Hazeri .seuteneed him to twenty lliree li-iontlis in the peni tentiary. —Win. Madill v.hi> w.i killed by tlii nitro-glycerine eiplo.-ion lie t week, wa- i son of Win. H. ifu-lill «.f Hckering, c>nta rio, and has a brother living at Saafoid, in same state. Tliey v ero both iioli/ii d of the sad occurrence. —The crowd seemed non plu.■ for a moment, and Ilie leader held a short ton saltation, at tlic end of which he turned and said: "Stranger, what's the matter with lmying mother a nice ea y chair for a Christmas gift at the Miller l!ro ." —The almanac of the Philadelphia !:• cord is the first for to come to our desk this year. It is alway; i hand omely bound and printed book, and besides the ran of statistics which it ii-ually give-, it tlii? ycur contain illu. trated de eriptions of the Johii-ton and Atlantic Cilv di • ■ ters. —James W. Hutchison Lap who e card appears in another column i a ion of James G. Hutchison deceaaod, formerly of Barker Twp. He read la i with S. T. Ilowser L-ip, he i. a man ol good mind and good character, and lie ha opened an office with J. S. Moore K.-.j. in the If tleton bloi k. - -Early Monday morning last, a young man ol Harmony, while returning from a protracted sitting with lii.s best girl iu Ze lieuople, was hailed by the Constable ol that town. The young man mi to..K the Countable for a highwayman and fled, and the Constable took Ihe young man for a robber and pursued him and lired his revolver at him. Both men had stories to tell next morning. —The uiimerou nitro glycerine explos ions of late, emphasize the demand fur a powerful explosive that will not -'go off" until such action is ilc .ired. Many a person' life has been placed in danger from this stuff without their knowing it. Some years ago two ••-hooter-' from about Luileulon got the job of hooting a Well in territory south of Pittsburg, and they < ar ried the stuff in cans placed iu their satch els, on the train to Pittsburg, slept at the Robinson House night with the atcli els under their bed and re nuic.l their journey ne it day. —Jacob Heid ot Forward Uvp. died on Tuesday of last week, aged 73 years and 8 mos. His wife and kur children survivt him The children are Mrs. Jacob i'ich lass, of near Brownsdale; >J ot iu Heid ol Kansas; John Heid, who lives with bis mother on the old homestead, and Jacob Heid, Jr. of Petersvillc. Ilis second wife was a Bietrick, and be recognizes her daughter, Mr.. Bull, in hi will. His farm was good oil producing territoiy, and made hiiu rich. He died possessed of considerable real e.-dalc and some ,|25,000 in cash, nearly |o,ouo of which was in hi safe at the time of bii death. Mr. August Behui is the executor of the will, a note of which we make iu the legal note- —Some of our oil produccrj mitkc money burin? tip old well >, when they can got them for what t'nc> think tho production is worth. In this i-ouuly tin- price lan-res from WOrt to $•>«» per barr. I tlmnglt up ill the Clarendon ticM we have heard of it lie ing as high as #1,200 a barrel. So many things arc now made from erode oil the percentage of refined oil di tilled from it i.s no longer a true index to il value. Wax and paraffin-' ami other sub.itanci ~ oae of which i- now nod extensively in the manufacture of candy, are now-made from what at lir-t war considered worth less—the 1». S. or refn »•. The up country oil is richer in thi> refu e than that of the lower country. —lf you want to gco a nice line of mustache caps, cup nuui 11 Butler i In ■ o. Wm. Mia kL. li.'.nd gum . ..l dtoßipt to cowmil a mi .1. nißni I.i Mi fenced to pay c.. i anil 1, • confined in the All.'L'henv u orkhi.i. ■ 'it Clareraont fort ro motilL - II 1.. i:o . v a., found guilty ot larceny, the prut, tilri bein - All Ann ffarklcaj of Butler, but the Court w i a 1 Ihc ver dict and pranlfil itii rr trial, deft to gi e recognizance iu SIOO, and upon j, >, ni>-nt of cnst. : , and return of alleged t.den pro perty, a nol. pi'i. tii be i iitei-1 in iLi .1 no C A.Liin -, f.niiid fruili , i t.-l -uion lj -tdbhili!: Jae.iti file, f.le- ' . . lileH- i-.i to pav co.-i . and I.e impiironed in th.- A lie-In ny boa for \i ■■ an.l . iv mon th ,In thi . i . tin « -iii il -•> .M'dc-itfd that Adam he indicted 1,.r IMB, ou the •• ;pir ation i.t i ; term In- having ,k kiiov.ledg... 1 while on llle > ilm I'lttd that I iUn wa not his wile i Jacob 11 o o*iu an iudi.f.d i..i adult,, did not appi n hen called m.l lo • it-ro-' i j forfeited 'IL- iisex - Irani; Brown tor . ault and hatter; was continued, dei i to enter into recognizance in S-iiOO E.l Ridel ii.dktc.l at r. pt ti.rni bo i i H oil nath of i.i, ie Croup, wa - ; enteucod to pry to i;, a fine of ten cents and pay Mi ''roup T r i(i, for I-in in e ,|- n. tL, child having died soon after its birth. LKE'B bi :,'Tt'.ei. Quite a crowd assembled in 110- conit room Friday evening lo hear what I Li- Court would do in the la > ie. TL.- young mail wn.; brought in. and Ihe record of the Court wa read to him. Juil;-;e McMiihael then aid after due eonridera tion he had fixed 11m degree of crime it "murder in tin jecond degree," ami asked Mr. Lee if he Lml anything to ay a - to why . i-ntcnce liould not !•.' j.a cd hiiu, whereupon hi leading eoun.el. Col. Thomjiron, v,i-nt ovci the principal e\i dence of the eate and maile . oine point ! for the deft. Tlic Court thc-u v. vote tL.- sentence, committing Lee to the peniten tiary lor fii x year, ami .i. iiioiiili.', pay cost., etc. I.e.- i tlio rceond youiii' man who lia latel come from \ll--ghr-n> • iiy to Bntier county, and got into bad compa ny fir I and trouble next At ILe dance at Evans City that night, oue dmukeii row followed another I.e. went fliere from Renfrew with Harry 1 air, an.l thought he -liould stand by him. The Renfrew crowd was probably in tin- minority, and when ran to tin- fence and pulled off a pal ing he probably thought that he needed nonie weapon with which lo defend him .ri£ lie ii •• .1 iii•• wetpon .ml . iru, i, Ki Call on the li ft temple ;i~ he . .ai , in -elf defense; McC'all being arnied with a Mini lar weapon. Tile force of tho blow ami po ibly an unu?unl structural weakne ol the skull, can-ed il. Call' death. Lee wa arrested for murder. f!y the advice of hi counsel, he plead guilty, aud -i\ of his life is worso than wasted. Lee hail only been working at Hi nfrcw lor twenty fh e days, and in that hoxt time, bad con; pany, with the aid ofliquor wreel .vl hi~ lite." XOTKS. An ••lil man named amnel Cotron, an Lngli.hman, wliohu been boarding v illi another Engli hniau named Juo. Wilkin .-on in Springdale. i in jail on a charge of . ttenipt. il rape, prefened L, Wilkinson. The Wilkin, .in - have a daughter KIL n,but IbartWl fflMa V'ai :Ol ,i;: e. ~.d 1,, ..liege.- that twiee dining the teuiporai-y nbseni e of her parent.- Cotron alleinpte I »i._ places to whicli they v.ore (."inniiti. .l u. I day. The v Hint Jacob 11. id a pr..baled last week. It i dated Sept. '» HB7, and give -hi wife Margaret oue third of the e. tato during her lil'etiim ami pn-.. ,; of the dwelling holier. To lo.i ..u John he given the home tend and firm, and the royalty and income thereof, .mhject to the ri flit of hi' Wife, and on her death the i. maining e lain not di o( hv this wjll to he div ideil in four i <|Hal ). n I bclwi .II hi:; :on Jncoh and Marlin, hi. daughter and his step-daughter ; .o.ih JJrell An other elan e prov ide : that tlio money hall he divided immediately, ind the la I clause read 'aa follow : Ih. leby appoint my friend. Augu.-t I;. Inn. . •! thi. v ill, who hall in all matte i c.. mailt my attorney, John M. Thompson, to whoin I give one tliou and dollar J in fee.'. In witucs whereof I hereunto ::et mi hand and . eal thi ; Oth day of Sept. 1 ST. CASCEU FEIIL, ( . .Ion;-; V.. Tuosu-ot, * J u "" There was ; onio talk of the will being di-puted but we understand that the mat ter ha been . ettie.l Letter* of udmiiiietratioii were /ranted to J. 0. Moore on. late "f John 11 I*u\ i. of 4'eiitre twp. 'I he will ..I Jacob Held "I lot .ml twp wa. probated and letter, granted to A II llehiu, al o will of tiein'/.j < . Pral.e of Worth and no letter.'. Six hundred nauiej are in be placed in the jury wheel for next year 11. N". Marshall, 1. >j. v, a appointed Court Auditor for 1' no. T. It Harper v, a di..-har-'ed jail under the in olvent law M ca e was up in Court last week, but no < haugc were made in the original order. The olit lady i -aid te have gone back to live with the old gentleman 1. AT i: I'UOl-liBTV TUANSt Elt.t. T\V Phillips to t'.eo \V '/.< igler 107 acr. in Rradv for i' 180" E William to I I.' M - M».. lot in flat ler for $5(10. N II Shauer to John J Shinier ;-0 acre in Centre for i-00. Sarah lry to Hannah Wei and lot in Butler for 17.i. Jas Borlaud to liudley lot in Butler for ?850. Geo I'urviance to John ; ; .M.i Uy lot in Butler for fIGoO .1 C Stnnv to I'll Hailbcii peck bd in Dul ler fur HOOO. J W Mover to lane Moore hiFiu Wa I. tun for f'.'oo. Henry Eka to C W llcwialli a. n in Clinton for $1250. Marriage Licenses. John K. !-.ij r cl .. . ..Beaver Co I'luuia 1.. Bail b\ * Muddycriuk twp Edau G. Wolto. MlejjheuyCo Mary A. Mitchell. —At Kittauuiiifc-• J M. Met.i aI. and Marietta Kullman, ol Butler Co. Vt Pittsburg—Frank Mm ri. ami Jennie I i lie of Butler. At Franklin— X. J. .' urrena i i l.'uiler l'o. and I llallly . ipe. 'it ClltttolU ilb . At Yottti J.towfc, <» , —liobeit Henry of Duller and Tillie \lthou e ol Beaver I- ill The harm lean goo, Chicago air gun, Fiuftalo Bill ),i.o, tho olaulk tip gun, tlio toy piatol for euiu ui i. I'. T ti'fKlli.U'ft - (lold I'pcctacleii and ev« (jlaabca at E. Okub'u, ly N. Main fcit Persona). Mi. Cha. Ho-ford and hi family are the gneslK of his wife's folk here, the family of Martin l.Viber, dee'd, and will probably remfiin in Butler all winl.-r ( barley ..Id hi hoti lin Eloomington, 111 v.-eel. ago anil will go into bn. iin iu Bnlb-r ol an available opportunity oiler-. f,', A oDoum-U of Oakland iwp ha j to Botler an.l ii orctij.; ina- Mr Baker's hou.-e on the -id.- Rev. T M Tltoiiip ..ii ol t reeport. in tend leaving his char»;e lh«r. Don. » Larlej <'. 'l'.rwi, end member of e..neri - iV. in thi. di tl ie 4 and Lis wife havi- taken up their u Jdem:e for the v. in ter at the Hotel Ha nilton, 14th -treet, Washiuflon, D. C Mr . L». Greenlee ha returned home tronith.! medical spring much inipro-red in health. Rev. 1 il. fjwau in Butler la t Frt. day i-n busine - He was burned out at McKee's Rock.', on the Pittsburg A Lake Erie, where he was keeping the railroad boarding house, on the 9th of ln-i mouth, and thin I of loeatio rin lit tlt Wadiing t.m Mr. iiniiiel L ; moved to Buller from little Wa hington and i occupying the DeWolfe honse oil S. \l. fc'e in >!. iie i.- an oil producer and operator. "ili ,-i.i tiaii tiie.-u La u., r.l 1.. But le, and i occupy in c the 1: ill Lou e on E. Jefferson St. Hei employed in the Bot tle Gin - \Vorks Mr W . Allen ot Carlo r l wp. h rent ed Charley Ohl's hou .- mi W Mifflin St. and moved into it Monday. Crusade Caiup-Hre. - The Butler WC T 1 ill bold a Cm ; i.i. Camp t ii". Mouil e,- e' enicg, Dec. Th. pla.-e of Hireling will lie announc ed from the pulpiis on S ibbath Foil ovr i the pr,.giaui: Muiic—Cboii Prayer. Refponsive Reading Greeting—Mrs. J. S. Mc-Li-e • Give I.i the Winds Iby Teai.-, ' Alice W iik. "Girls r.f TLe Cnrsade Mads-e Doucr la. Ke< itatiiin—Benlah ail •'ru-ride Incident • Mr .\f E Allen L .ttle Hymn oi tin'i ru nb Choir Ciusade Kxperiem e. M u.a'c. lect Reading Man Wiek M lU'ic. Crusade Alt. ifbou.'bl -M r- u M Chilli). Another «"o t il Hank Aieiilent. While a young man named Brown was working in a r...mi of Livingston's c-osl mine it Billiard, last Saturday, Ihe roof f.-ll in upon him ami i rn dic-il him to death ni i father came to Tiilli uil -.. me time ago and i \vi igh Lo r of one ol the niiuc-s I here The yonng man was about I t years of age, anil was buried iu the M E chimb •< ii-.i it Vn .ii.lal" Monday Holitlay Exclusion Tickets cm lli»? Pennsylvania Railroad. Bur. uant to the us ual policy ul' aidin; its patrons in the interchange of social vi its during the holiday the I'eunsyha nia Railroad Company will, this m i on. place on sale at all its ticket offices, excur sion tickets to be sold between the varion stations on tho system at, the rate of two cents per mile in each direction The holiday excursion tickets v. ill be old from December '.! l. t . IS.HO, to Janu ary Ist., 1W»0, intln-ive, valid b>r return until January Ith, l'-'.»o ineln.-ive This arrangeuieut, however, does mil apply lo the sale of es. iirs.ion ticket: be tv.i en Xew ioik and Cbiladelphia, l.'ai timore and W achingtmi, in either direc tion, nor between any one of the above named • iti> and any ,-th< r of tin e men tinned —Tojy, violind, niiisii; lioxea, toys, pianos, mouth organs, drums, guitars an.l li. ccirlciifid for eule nt .1 F. 'l'. iSf bIILL i Holiday Goods. r l he cheapest place in towu to imy Holiday presents is at Alex. Wil liam j' popular music and jewelry store, uj be is selling < lieap lo est ah li.:li a trade —When in Butlei ne?.t week al tending the Institute, don't forget to call at Williams' popular music and jewelry store. I he Musical Instruments To l»o furniahed for I lie Institute nest week will be from Williams' popular music Eturt! the name as heretofore Slice to <'. Dine. You arc looking around for a rstiita ble fhristnm present for yonr friend—wliy not gu down C'unniii,< ham i'.l. and git him a blanket, rolm, string of i.leigh belij, buggy, tart, sleigli or int. ul harness. Something that he will appreciate and which will he useful. We have cut tin; price away down, jutt to help you lo be clever. We like clever folks. The low price we have made don't leave ti i enough profit to pay the printer for telling it, hut we want to get ac quainted with you ami show you that we carry the largest stock ol these goods in the State. S. 15. M AHTINCOI UX I'N. 1". IS. WE itlso sell Kramer wagona, cheap. —lf you want to flee a nice line of mustache Clips, cups and twicers, China mugs, > having mugs, vasee; silver, glass, stone and toilet nets call at J. F. T. SrKHi.E'FI. — Fresh Ifomemad O candies for tho Holidays at Morrison's City Bakery. Childhood Comes But once. Christmas comes but once U year, make the MOAT ol litem Were tho joy ol receiving in ratio to the price paid then would the poor faro PADLY indeed, but a wise lluler has willed it otherwise, and the little boy or girl feels as much real pleas ure over a toy watch, knifo or doll bought by Sauta Claus at Nickle's !> cent counter AI in after YEAR.} they will over a gold watch or Steinway Grand. Our stock is complete, con sisting of toys. Toys of rare and artistic designs, some ol them, oh, so funny. What huveu'T wo got? What dolls! Such A line of toy books. Beautiful cups and aaneers bought in cuorrnou-i quantities alter a personal examination ol all the leading stocks in the Kastern cities. Marked in our UIIUUL manner, away IN-low all com petition, C-onio and ueo us. Opposite Banks. W. M. NIOELE .— Ft of. iioiaette'S Memory System ia creating greater interest than ever in nil parts OF the country, and *pet sons wishing to improve their mem ory should sond for his prospectus free a.I advertised in another column. — Orders TALUN tor laucy cakes end i.O cream for the holidays nt Morri son'A City Bakery. —"City Legends," A new book of pooiiio by Will Carletou, at I Hi I>OUQI ksu' Wo Uou't Want Vou to buy Xma.i piesenla until you feo what we have. Arc you looking for something lor a little (toy or GIRL? What would LI» nicer than a line pair Slippers. The cost is small, >IT, 75 and *l. Flogout blacking sets, IN, $ I and ?L }Jf>. Bi.AckMonc \ GRUB ! ;>0 DO., kid GLOVED at oOc a pair UI iho New lotk Buzaar. A Grand Concert. The Poco-a-Poco club, of Pitt, burg, gave a highh 11. •f' ■' fill Concert 011 Af <>ii da\ me suui realised The Poco a Polo ; a ovial club f of about tiltj ot the beat -.'duly people ol PitUbllTg, and Builer ha.- rea :-ou to be grateful to them both for the musical treat and the services they rendered the fecliool it is to be hoped that this is but the first of a series of concerts by this talented and cul tivated organization, in this place. "While in Butler the entire club was en tertained l>y Mr and Mr.- W T. Hard man iu an elegant manner, ou the even ing of the concert, and at it.- conclusion, a reception in honor of the members of the Poco-a Poco Clnb, wa held at tho II aid man residence and Wi • attended bt . lar?e number of the favored. The members of the Club eiprt ?ed themselves delighted with-the manner they verc received iu Putler Hue credit ibodd be gir« to Maura 11 (J Phillips and Fred Gamble for their able efforts in inducing the Hub to come, and leading the affair to successful termination Death ni Plummet Shu a. Air A. Pluniimi ehua, a son ol \\ . 11 ciiira ot Parker twp. met his death by ac cidciit, at Economy Station on lb., P I* V 4. Jl C li P la t Thursday He eras a t'iol-drc=ser by trade and hi and Plumuicr Galley were on their way to the oil lield in Beaver county, looking for work They happen, d lo lake a throui/h express train at Pitt, burg, which did not top ut 1., olio my, and v. hen ii arrived there Wall)' jumped < -IT and landed rale bnt Shira -n H. > followed him, lut a pair teep tops leading from the track up thp bill, anil w:i thrown hack under the v. hep] and hilled. 11. «*as ?5 ypai nf ape was mi married ami v i a fine young man. Hi- 1 li "ly vas taken home neit day. Christmas N«des. - I lift heat people are i li#* lir.'il feeders, therefore prepare a good Christmas dinner and invite your friendn to if —--The hui nih-eti gnu, (Jhicago air gun, LJullalo Bill gun, the elastic tip tut!, the toy pistol for sale at J. P. T. STEHI.E'S. Fancy and ornamental rakes for the holidays at Morrison'a City Bak ery. JOHN T. K F.LLY , Next door to the Postoffice, haw a splendid line of Clothing, Overcoats, Pants, Hats and Units Furnishing Q'Ooda in stork, which lie invites everybody to examine before pur chasing. lie feels certain thai ho can save hiii customers money on nil Full and Winter Goods. —Chi'- tiuoa shoppers «alk right Ijy the at- •les that don't advertise. We Want The trade to know ihat onr line ol Holiday Slippers are the finest ever brought to Butler and vary in price from 50 cents to $4. Woman's fine rubbers put up in satin and velvet satchels. A very handsome and useful present. CSee Our Window i'iepluy. Br.AOK.MORK A (iUiEK. -The Eighini.! Patent Shirt for sale at .1. P T. STEHI.E'S. —it you thic.k the CITIZEN a wor thy county paper, help us along by subscribing for it. —Beautiful pictures at very low pi i. es at Miller l?ros ' furniture store, No 19 Jefferson St —We have ten thousand dollars worth of furniture in onr three ware rooms at No. 1H Jell'erson St., P.ntler. I'a. Tl io beat as well as the cheap oat, but all the best, made for the price, All persons will Hud it to their ad vantage to examine our stock and aa certain our prices before purchasing. M u.i Kit lino's —Ailviti- ID tffhse intending to buy Christmas presents: Buy now, while the weather and roads are hail un.l trade in (Jul! If you defer until u day or HO before the holiday, you'll llut till. I us good u stock to choose from, and the dealers will be too busy to,wait <>n you and h<-11• you out. Use Double All O. K 11 ornA and Cftltla Powders,beat in tin* world. A Ruro and speedy cure for heaven, coughs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough ness of akin, ami all kidney diseases For HALE by J C. RE DICK, 2-In 'tin Mo. f>, N. Maiu Hi Bntler, Pa. —Take your children to Zuver's Gallery for Pictures that will unit you. Anderson building —We are aelliug furniture lower than it has ever before been Bold in Hutler, and after using it you will say that it ia what we flaid it was, otherwise no Hale at M tI.LEk BRO'S, No. ID Jefferson St., —Up.e Double All O. K. Horse hini nicnt, best in the wr.rld. For Rwell inga, bruises, Btiffncsß of joints, rheu matism, lameness, Horo shoulders, ring-hone, Hweeny and spavin; it liaa no equal. For Hftleby .t, C. RKDICK, '_' I J 3m. No, 5, N". Main St. Hutler, Pa. —For n holiday present to a friend send THO CITIZEN for one year —/liver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finiah, tone or a correct likeness A full line of childrena' hala and caps at J. F. T. STKDUe'S. —Ureal bargains in Caps at J. F. T. STF.III.E'H Santa Clans 1 l load <|uaitei-\ l ull line of Musical Instruments, Violins, Guitars, Mouth Organs, MUKIC tloxee, llorns, |)<>ll Pianos, for the Holidays, ui J F. T. STEHIJL'S. Artist's luuteiials a specialty at J. H. DouoLASS*. Santa Glaus' Headquarters. Tool-chests, Blocks, Combination Building Blocks, Nine pin Sets and Toy Trunks at J. F. T. ST LULL'S. PI.I 'll ikMf for crt cents at DOUGLASS'. • -ii she tries to hide something when you >lrop ia on her in the eve ning, young mau. doti t be too in ijuisitive. Christmas is close at hand, and it might bo awkward tu a*L ques tioua A New Enterprise. The Perm yl\ am a Railroad Co. a contract la t week agr.c-ing to Imihl a rail road, eipht miles louf. up the l.ip liaffalo from its junction with tb<- litll«> liaffalo, to the ore and limestone depo .it of Winliehl T.vp . and lo complete the road h. the t»t ol July next A company competed r>t Joseph Prittain Joseph Prediu Frank and LLie Anderson, Win. \T all act and others hare 2,000 acres leased there which they intend to operate: and another crowd, called the \li Kte crowd, also have leases there iioth companies intend budding and operating, and in the near future the second largest town in liuiK. county will be located iu "U'infield Twp. Annual Meetings. By notices published iu another column it will be seen that the members of the Glade Mill Fire Insurance Co. will hold their annual meeting for the purpose of electing officers for 1890 ou Jan Bth. the Farmers Mutual of Ilannahstown, Jan. 11; the Butler Mutual and the Worth Alutual. Jan. 14 and Live Stock In A -'iii.a ihe 28th. l.urge Yield ot Corn. Although this triii a remarkably poor year for i orn in tin vicinity. Mr Wiilliam Rape of Forward twp. raised 510 bushels on 3| acre.-* of ground. The ground war high and dry, and had heeu lying fallow for some years, and the corn wao of the yellow shoe peg variety. Mr Rape will make a present of seed corn for nest year to any one in Fuller couuty ■uho can beat thi> Public Sales. Mr Harris Puff of Penn i p near Ma harg Postoffice, v ill hare a Rale of personal property to morrow, Saturdu it 10 o'clock See bills p.>=teil Mr. August VuuV. will <- a public salt* ot personal properly, at hi pbi< e in Win field twp near 1 asou Station on Tue»dtf\ |if. 31. See bills posted Census Supervisor. A lepoit reached Puller \V edne.-day evenlsilg mat Jaa. B Mttti E«| of But ler. had been appointed Supervisor of this Census di-triet; which include- llie whole north-wejteru part ot the Stat.- Mr Mates said utrt morniug that be ha*l re ceivedno official information ot hi ap pointment and knew nothing ot it. lie ul in hi.- application for the ottice t.» ■ i-nator Qnaj. some iiioiit Ii - ago an>l b-i --l.ot beard from him. Born To Mr and Mi - Hiram til lipi H, lssy. a daughter To Mr. and Mr I It Mate a daugb ter. ■Where are you going, in) |. Lounges fl'Oin to $ II at racks from $s to $ :<• Tables Iroin $1 i!f» toslo Wash-stands from f 2 to fl -, Buteaus from |l» to $25. Sets of chairs from | - 2 to fill per set. I'iecietarietf from to (to Kany chairs, haudsonin pictures, room ornaments, etc., any of which would make both useful and appropri ate presents. MILLKR BRO'S No. 19, Jefferson St,. Butler, Pa lieliniou, I'olilks, tu Wat. Agitate n«.l tlic woil.l at pre eut There is one nil ob.iervinir <| a«»-ii..11 That Vakeus thonelit i Imlh "i.l ulea^uut, 111 "Where ia I lie heat place To lni3' 11 nice riiristiuu ? pre:ieut That "one all-abaorbing qnestion'' is fully answered by our advertising columns this week They tell very fully "where is the best place to buy a nice Christmas present. .—Some trades are aU'eclcd by the financial condition ol the country, and others by the prevailing sty leu, but a-< everybody must have stoves, the trade in them increases regularly with the population. For a dean, heat, durable stove or range, try one of Christ Stock's Ktna-Fs and you will have no other. They are the lieat heaters nnd bakers in tiic market; they are up to the times and Chriflt's trade in them has increased with the population of the town I'.uy your Ulankets, Flannels, Press Goods, Cloaks and Underwear at the New Vork Bazaar, you will pave money. The latest styles (.1 hats anil caps just received at J. F T STIUI.K's. What a pleasure it is to see the little tots ga/iug into the wiudows where Sauta Clans is supposed to dwell. Bless their sweet pictures, what would Christinas be without 'em? —Subscribe foi ihu CIi'IZKM, tLc oldest Bepubli. au paper ot the cmuity —Choice confectionary aad toys tor the holidays ai Mortisou's City Bakety —Olll suliS ol Broadt iothi', I lan ntl Suitings and lbess Goods hafe been larger this season than ever I.argo stocks aud lor prices do the business h. STUN \ SON Ag'iiu iloi CLnstina- liuiu 1? hen 'With all its veulil. I' cheer hiinht Lurui the In, uu& . .1 >L« wall The holly ehiiiCj in hut and bull, '.uil tuerrlly from icepli 1 l>i t -li The bail* riug out to earlb iuil 1. I beir uieijsge of ' Good will ULII p«i. .. ilay love abound—aiay lore inor«a«e.' A NFW CHRISTMAS STORY. IST iinl'i il< •>i Time —An evening toward ' ho clo: eof the year, IXSS. Place; one of the main ntre< i- of si bn v thriving town in wr ,»ern Penn'a i ii ttmt I It Ldj been a year ol thrilling in tercvt, great Hoods, great fires, new slates anil new republics Lave been born in a day. Misfortune ami cal amity hac fore me, reaching from one end of the room to the other: I liegan at the hook counter. i HAITEB 1 I I "Of tfifts there seems none more becoming to offer a friend than a beautiful book"—A. lironaon Alcott Here I see staudard book"* in sets Mark the price—Dicken's, 10 vols $5 50; Scott, 12 vols $6 00; Irving, 8 vols. $7.75; Thackery, 10 vols $6.- 25; Elliott, 6 vols. $5 00; Guizot'a France, a vols. tc>.oo, Gibbons Rome ft vols. $2.80; Coo|«?r's, vols s3.7ft. 4uo standard books ol adventure, tic lion, etc cloth biuiliuti at 25c. Il lustrated (t be • .j.iuled in variety and price < HAFTKB V I In the department we saw the most beautiful lino of dolls in the market at remarkable low pri-es, gun.', games, di lies, blocks, engines, horns, ete. c«.K" M -1<• . The conclusion we arrived at from what we saw wn , that the liest place to buy your Christina gifts is at .1 II OouofcASS, i.l S MAIN iir How :vi that ouch c.. nti' i.m iag i!• i.dJ Santa t lans bould cliu-..\ Tl.c line that rich and [i ior divia. lli very m ukti, 1.. • oil! ye whom Fortune's favor-11 ii comes the -tide txrincuibci lbt-5c vbo in .ii?irt See St Nick' - darker ;1^ iiy the New York tl».:aar lor you Dress Goods, Cloaks, Underwear and dry goods You viH save lilO SktJ. Our Flegant Assortment ol \ a»cs, Cups und JSaticer-*, Ulassware. «vc i.c l». T. PAH. Santa Glaus' Headquarters, 'toys, Drums, Horns, Money "ales, Cai j and Eugiues, lor the Holidays, at J. F. T Stsslk'j —New hlai 1. and Colored Jsilka, Hatin Uhadamea, Matin Hei.uxons, Surahs, Moires, tiros . Si o pair at KiTitn A. HAL TT s, 8 : «, a, Jiot the Lind of ginghams yon buy elneivhere si - , ent but 11 • ; r tie.-1 makes •»' I'llTtß & KAI.JIM.C We have the beat !isc wool unit Cashmere hi.- fur i adieu' Gent's an.l children in the countf —at the »r York Bazaar 1. I . ifet'ppillgfc vdt s.i . Jet. .1 The ecu ate 1. tin ■ «u ri hi" »pr" ■ I TTitb piVni t.i (.loft. >f tho r ■ .m> uioney.' do I l>< »i a vl»! Why »tiv,uld I Lai diUi y<» j ... Kefil »Lopper« nev«i luj. A MERRY < -hrif t'iiit i what we wish i you in advance and if you wish ! to add to lie* pleasure «»l" a ft i**n«l by makiu" a ( II I! I.s I'M \8 present, we think you will l>e sure to tin*l just what Hwant-; ed 111 ii ir .store. W« «lo not have an\ olti ,-tu< k, I >• 11 every thing is new and liesh AND A HAl'l'Y combination of design and tin-! ish is seen in all our selections. : We will be pleased to have you visit our store, examine our goods, compare our prices and see il we do not save you i money, Do not wait until the, NEW YEAH comes to turn a new leal and say jou will nut spend so much money, hut save it now in put . chasing Holiday (woods of 0. N. HOYD, Druggist ]diamond lllmk, llntler, T*a. Not ice. IWtlca A loiilliff to Hi u . u,.iUL . i.'-rtaili t to bring fair return*, are invited to < .ue fully investigate tt.r ... In.. mitt • .-n-r.-.t '7 THE BUTLER SALT-HANI I V« ITEIKG COMPANY AND CHEMICAL WORKS The lot k iOU-ijl- i.l - shite-* the par < alae ot v hi. h i ■>> For the furthei developing of tb«- *.ik . some of this stock i - put i.n the Ti.arket 1 or prices and particulars iß.jtiuv ot JA? r HRITHIN Butler. Pa Office on biamoßd. The Markets. erTt K ft UAitrra Oar p lot I.i-au'. 25 tr. :«> lor turuipt, 5# for par-mpt, sto 8 for rahhage. 4»» to :ai for apple-, dressed « hi. ke;. 1" dr. cd turkey a*J cluck 1 1 111 I FCL 8.. PLOW . I Timothy hay iron comitrj « a .>u~ jlo toil.! tuned hay . :»> to - packing hay 7.f4>, mill teed ill to !1> » ton rye "1 to »3, -helled « -»« to 42, car rum 41 to 44 v. h.- »t ;■ to rye H -tn i > tin. k t. heat flour :'i to 2- Potatoes on trav k X'. to 4; p.M.m tt» t 60, applet il to 2 ~*t per l.l»l a - t • quality, t f.- liesh 25, lie bouse l?t to i'n ,'cC'l cluckru, 10 tr» 12 dressed tut key ami Jll. k lit to dre -rt boe 4f to Phea .>ttt > '.I .at a do*. r :■»>«• a pair. Cfthhace < to s. yellow onion > SB to red top turnip I to I ;"io a bhl, huMf 14 to Iti rap 1' iiilfr I hand poked beak* t iirue'* r i IKD i.trt :T.«» At Bur s Island Ifoiidav 1 .I*l tma l.ulloi I M.i* 1""» 11. 1 it (>}r, primi- heeve old ii 4} to ■. fair at 4to 4 aud • imiunn • Bfftar ..Id yeutli&a at 4-. J|. IJ.. • A i isi.r » Id I nol .t t' 1" At E. t Liiiorty >tocker ■ l r isrht 2 to xt. l f<_. lc« 3 to 3J. 1 HE Oil. I «'io- .1 Uondrtr at 1 ftH- Tae nfc.v 1 o.*>t Wedce Jay 1 Kit The gladjfffip gleeful Chriitma-t-oU I' nor- auprmiLiug Biigklj ui(ib a WheL children'* moutbs are "open iriJe And fikiid**iu bat I Uy o ! Santa Clans' Headquarters. Hooka, lIbQIUI, fttTd.i, liaDtc* »Uii FUBIN at ,1. F. T STBMtB'A. HandKercbiefa* Iti t.feie riilk Mull null «Uic prices, at J. K T. STLHI.i i. —< *He of tho aew uier tu v » i.-i a group of doll's ilaio in? a nunnet I >oll« Tl.e largest as«i>rtinent iu Hilller. • llii>.|iie I Mil*, I W a-l.i»l(le IMb JoluteJ I'oils, Was an.l Kuhher I >oll« l»oll« Make your pur. Laara nu« I atnl aroiil the ('real holiday rtHh. Ik T Sal* 1 *- t>t prunt' wen» »i ! *•• to 4. ettutuiull 31 tit I}, aitj roiuL at .i I'ht >l tailil. »t U> • ' J' .... . 1 • 1.1 ... • .ir% I t 1' l.uihs at ft] Ffi !.:r ...1.1 yrallici li I!. ■ o A 1 isi.r .. 1.1 I t:;.I - .it f • t- ♦" At E. t Liixirtj stxkar ■ I r isrht 2 t(» _f. 1 ft' ki'S 3 to 3J. 1 UK oil muci *'lo-cd Uondiir at 1 fc"4. Tneuls.r 1 Of>t Wedue day 1 K">J Tbe gladsome gMni Christina-tuU I» now nuprimckiag t. ~..i. ■ TTheL children* mouths are u»cn w-iJe lid bkaili tn voaJiiiif " tit I bays* Santa Clans Headquarters. Hooka, Albania, Card*, *l»ntta and Phuln at J. F. T STBHtS'*. Handkerchiefs lit Lace Silk Mull aud tiaia*. alao Muitl. r=> in great variety at D T PAtK's A toll line of wiuter glut a*. at low prii-es, at J. F T. Stlhi.e a. —One of tL« new merhaunal to »» is a (.roup of dolls dam iooll« Tke largest assortment iu Holler. • I'olla. I lulls VViitk«kl« I► • • 11- J.iiutoi i'olla. Wax un>l Kubbaf I >oll« I'olla Make jour i»ur> haaea now I loll* ami avoid the iT.-at holiday rn*h. 1» T PAH. I- S Main St of Irene Jfr»mc < art hook* For Mill* at IK»rHLAa* , K.\ amine our atork «»l t'|.>ak:< an«l W raj>* before parHntiiU' We ran you frona two to three dol laraon »-»• •» garment. I. Htiin * S»!» A N<> I all lint>k mattress, f liar atiteeil, not mixed v.itli »l>*leer at a lower liguro than raa !*• had elaa wbt-re in Hutler, at Miller Itroe'. furniture store. No IH Jefferson St. Kx.-elsior Uiarea !•* 1 !<:»♦• at |to«au»'. —J. J. Keit|la, ll^ddjy boraM, :'h«»otlie- l.inry iwhl*«, f»r the Holiday a, at .1 F T. StiHii > tor the Holiday I oil lino of Jewelry at C F. T I'aii A Ba 'a Ir*d« at tL •> i ik Hi, », llni ICk» l(W C'om«! in an-1 ae« t.ur )l no I>U< k «lk a 'v c>n r < jrtat lild Ih t-iay v h, at th« 4m>.* ' tit.. Ltktl uJ aiik at.i} nJahi Doatoi hk't tMlltMtkt MMT* I mr iiy«ia r .Q. e.le that our liroadrloth gets a•* ay with all v.hrio 111 priot*. '(Uality aad atyle, jat Hi.TEA A KiUinX's —Huj your Holiday Uooda at the I New York Bazaar We SM>II at pop : ular low prices Drunkenness—Liquor Habit In All the World There is But One Cure. Dr. Haines 1 Golden j Specific. ii ■ .ii 1.. t i #0 in alup ot tea or . uSea »-Mn i.i.t ll.e k&... U t a e (A the iM.lj.lO ' II I *■ tf«-. in.* j and i iire wnefh.-t tin |n»iimhi 1- i lu-xl'-ral*- itn .fcer or *a ak-.. L :i. ..r. i. 1 1....Mam1-i .4 ltuukaiiia Ut< 1 1 .1. ...v,t «ti . nai>- taken tli<- •"! M.*»n Hw W. Iu I ben .-.aee •> uti. ui ikeir kBo«Ukl(«* (-.ii .4-iteve in«j an.. Mil, ot taeir •l! *: l .rmli.l efte. 14 MM rruM 1 . I aiM Se6j 1 ■ i-ip ular .iii.l Mil iianl. iilar i \.«ilre» in i. .iiAilrni'>- GMtUilri. ,ftfi',.,i« k*y -1 < iucluuail it Ilrlln TVfrT * Iceland \ H:ilst<»n, jewel ifi'i, are still on Ike northwest : corner of Diamond Better prepared than ever to supplv their iiistonicis with tine Dia monds, Hold Watches, and a very large stork ot solid, sterling Silverware ot the very liitest designs direct from har t».ry; never lieen* rehamiled. therefore, l^in! l - frvsh and beautiful. Just n hat vou n»-ed f<>r a Holitlav juvsent. Cone nnd them lielore I >tiv tttw. and you will he pleased to see the tine display they have in tine fixtures and foods. T>. 1,, f'h-eltnd, Practical optician correctly tests the eves and jierlecily lira spectacles of the ver\ h»est makes, should jou v. ish to make a Iriend a pres ent 111 the shape of ti»dd Specta» les. We have jiaet what y«»u want in that line. VI T »* will keep our st.pen every week night until In , t cluck, this month, t'orner nt' Dia mond. Jury List for January Term. I <« m'Trif«rw Juror- drawa tkii .'J .tar of l»». emt>er. A. 1» 1 ***. (a tvr * M imww* at a wl teraa •>(' I'uart "«mm» me uu \! n.taT. the nth .la? ..t faauarf .1 l> I>»<. Alli(U.l i .<..•!•, I NUkMMai tMllit Alike,. JUHS, II#KM l|>, fnm*t Allen, Nicholas, "* Hurney, F. I iuklui tp ratla.i Harud, Tb(-»as, Uflrw ip Am, . Bi.rlaad, IVii, Boiler, tarswr Hla. k , A UrTia, sh|»perTr. 'k laraaac Halph IF, Buiu-i bu«. il » irag*.* i rain. Imiiiel, tp. kilter < iuisller, Curba, -ii|>|»«tTruck Ip, taeuaar. t'ravford, lacaei, Ferrari tp. lartaw i°uiumiii> Saiaoai UUM tp. feriaar Couabf, 1 karle*. P:aa tp. tun*m Erriajt. Aaroa, Parker tp, fanuer Falkuer, BuCUo tp. " Frederick, Adaaa T«J*t*- '* filtilDcr r.cuftce W . Ciauotnj Ip Hl■!r llaak. liaac A, Sutler tp. larmer n*rrej, Samuel Frtutklls tp. fluOMtr llrUiliif. John Lascaatar tp, " Ha ys, T >*pb, • *uoa tp (iiawt Harper, Sbryoeb Waahia«toa tp bra« Heary, K»t>t S, « oaao 4 tp taruier K »aierer, Peter. CMWMI tp, " Kia«, Joka. I>aa«pal tp, Krumvie Ckeriaa, < liuloa tp. karnar. Kepple, Daaiel. Batter Bora J4 »J Meek I Lee oik D«TI4 ir, Jiuwu.tia hnwr I ikeaa, E.ra, fackaa* ip karatar Morrow, rtuma» Worth tp, ** Mi-< f aJH, KatMyvraaa .» km Biitu. Aa« a t oa.-or>l tp, tersaer I'earner. laha 1, ir, Boßakt tp imrmt Kami. Uayh, Slipaary»» k t»» * Kifitvr, HeaiT • leari»»J tp, ** Rn'l«mttia loa BatWt b»e. t*h », ■«■>**■« . -haoer, M K, " • a««a< iller MA. M •. jatpaatar Slbop>, I • WM.mina tp. »f. Satloa k f.idKMiltp.hraM Sot aw. I I FaMvsaai iv Slam to la oh. * orvard tp. " rbwtupaaa, Ueerye t Mtif ip lacaaof I n.-.apdt>u fC, V andiron. I t«u. < taaharry tp. " W iliuiaaia i A, Wahitpw ip. " Weteh, W J I.BarM tp. htaa Wrorht. autuel ( H>ao.,MaMaa« tp. Avaa Wdght. t'drit, PioipMi Boeo, MaAaH. VVi.-S, I V Butler ki », tMafrhoe Krie Fish Market. I 8 t.I»W A KIM. fra^'r Storeroom in Brady btukl iiiK, S. W.itvrwr cf Ihtatuml. Rutin, IV -k, oyi"- ttf, fresh Imttfr aiul »*gg». till |»>«* It ry - All fwA» g—tntPi'l «* iiion»*v Y»*fiin*l***t If yon art* in l)*»ul>t What t.» get li»c i»r**«mt», you ilioiilii to our «"f HOLIDAY 4SCN H)S. thM w-»k W* h®T» such :in imnw»na»* of hptn tiful mi»t*hlt» for all mgtn, >uu rinntit fail t«» •» suite'! Prut*-* tKr h»w« i -«t. f u«l.tT th»* l wtnmne P^rk4tr»- |W, T«»M m>nr*« IM**. K» Asr>n tor ttilmt, r«WI u* longer lit h*rJ. Also, extra full piifs, either §ex, f»v T..i»i Pflwree* givtN with every a»tr mu»l DiititJ M ot womj \ relur.d' J. AJJreic, I. PAW Ha)a. Pr'Kpect, P*. POSITIOH OF rift Elk |if j«« «• .a «t a jif hi jo b«-» it* t•f "4 .k •»*» rt,a «JI It - U•» *tj» »- M ..t-» ▼••Sijsf <• «i « m •l ir •mi • ipt »» t» t * <*t siu. A* i, ilmu »« ,&n: * i,«!*■«•' s*i ■.*•* A - , lr»«t «l 'Bit |Q -II i ittoA :»«.■ '-r» >. T . JubtcriU f«* :M wTTWfi*