THE C37TIZE2o ray*bie in Advance. Caterr : »t r«*to(i<»at Butlers* Melast matter FRIDAY. PECEMBER 20. 168?. Of Ci h of then THIS some extra copies •re printed whlt-n sent to citizens of the CMinty who are not »übscnbers and their sub B>e s.»r..'-s of thetr neighbors, not now taking a county paper. * All oonunamcatlout intended for P" in this pacer mast I* accompanied by the real ,L oMb. writer, not for publication but as a *uarautee of good faith, Marr.ape and .Ifath notice* mast bo accom panied by a responsible name. The Holiday Season. Somk seventy rears ago while travelling in the northern part of England, TV ashing ton Irving, than whom the world has pro duced no prettier writer in prose, spent a Christmas day at the mansion of an Eng lish Squire or landlord, the guest of one of the members of the family. He afterwards incorporated a description of the mansion and grounds.of the evening he spent there, and ..f the doings of the nest day—Christ mi—jn his famous Sketch book, and we this week, re-produce extracts from the tiro sketches "Christmas at Bracebridgc Hall"' and the "Christmas Pinner.'' Nothinc of the kind, excepting in the »au-ions of the few very rich, occurs in this country; hut the same Christmas spir it prevails all over the civilized or Chris tian "World. This holiday commemorate* the an nonneemcnt of the religion of peace and lore. It comes in midwinter when onr thoughts arc more concentrated and onr •ympatbics more aronsed; when heart is drawn to heart and we feel more closely our dependence upon one another. It is the season of regenerated feeling, •f kindly charity, of social gatherings and of heartfelt associations. Therefore let us •11 be ai hoppy as we can next Wednes day. and A MERRT CHRISTMAS TO Tor ALL. A *"aiu-Koram from London snys that an epidemic of influenza is spreading over all Europe. Cos «EF.s* will quit the business of intro ducing bills at the end of this week, and not resume for a week or two. GOVEBXOK Beaver has appointed the fo Uowing Commission to report a general road law: Darid McCargo, Pittsburg; Jacob Bollard. Conneautville; Cyrus Gor don. Clearfield; H. S. Goodwin, South Bethlehem; Samuel H. Downing, West Chester. These will act in conjunction with three Senators and five Representa tives —Senators Harlan, Mylin and Sloan, and Representatives Foight, McCullough, Faulkner, Griffith, and Shillito. End or the Cronin Case. The case of the Commonwealth of Illi nois against the five men accused of the ■order of Dr. Cronin, went to the jury at Chicago, last Friday; and they did not agree till Monday afternoon, when they ntnrned a verdict tinding Coughlin, 0 Sul livan and Burke guilty as indicted and gave them life sentences; Kunze was found guilty of manslaughter, and given three fears in the penitentiary; and Beggs was acquitted. Juror John Culver s obstinate opposition to the infliction of the death penalty saved the lives of the first three. Thus ends a famous case. Dr. Cronin was lured to the suburbs of Chicago, and murdered in a cottage, on the 4th. of May last; his body was found in a newer two week* after; suspicion rested on a secret society there, whose secrets Dr. Cronin was known to possess; a score •f arrests were made and these five men were held: nearly two months were taken np in securing a jury; the crime was fas tened upon the men with the exception of Attorney Beggs. who had issued some mysterious orders and who was seen in CSullivan's company; Burke is the man who is believed to have done the killing, he fled the country and was captured at "Winnipeg. The defence was general, and an attempt to prove alibis, failed. * » THE Eclipse of the Sun which is to take place next Sunday, will be the third solar •clipse for this year. It will be a total •dipse, on a line beginning near the Is land of Uayti and extending across the Atlantic in a south-easterly direction, continuing across Southern Africa, and ending in the India Sea. The U S. ob aervcrs are located near the west coast of Africa. First Work, First. The voters of Pennsylvania with those of three other States, during the past year, have stood up, been counted and found lacking on the temperance question by many thousand voters. Men in majorities are not yet convinced that alcohol is an outlaw that should be outlawed. A great work of popular educa tion on that point remains yet to bo done, It may be hard to believe, but it is never theless true, that there is no short road to the prohibition of the sale ol alcoholic Suors under a government of the people, ey. the people, must first be taught that these liquors as beverages are bad before they will prohibit their traffic. A thorough enforcement of the temper ance education laws of Pennsylvania and these other States in their public schools will slowly, perhaps, but surely and per manently change public sentiment on the question. The sooner we temperance workers realize that this first work must be done first, and therefore address ourselves to ••curing the most thorough and intelligent temperance education of every child in all onr public schools that the law demands, the sooner will our States and Nation be rid of the inenbus of the saloon. MARY 11. HIST. Tons of Terror. Three magazines containing ten tons of ■itro-glycerine. exploded at 3 A. SI. Sun day. one mile and a half from Clarendon. Tankage containing 25,000 bbls. of oil in the vicinity collapsed and the oil was lost. Three derricks were destroyed. All the window, in Clarendon were smashed to atoms, and people stunned und almost frightened to death, but as far as known no ane was hurt. The lo>s is $75,000. No •ause is kuown for the explosion, which was undoubtedly the largest ever known. The magazines were owned, one by John Kuhu, one by McCabe it Co. and the other was the property of the Rock Glycerine Company. AT Purvis, Miss, last Saturday, a jury acquitted Kilrain of prize-fighting, but iound hitu guilty of assualt aud batten', whereupon the Court sentenced him to pay a fiue of £2OO aud costs, and be im prisoned in the county jail for two months. The case was appealed. ON Saturday last. the legislature of South Carolina repealed the Civil Rights Law- passed I'jr the Republicans when in power, and providing for the . A«'C accom modation* for both races. by i-owijnon carriers, hotels, and theatres. The I'hun Xjieakrr. of Orangeburg, the principal negro orgau of the State, hitter |j oppo-rtl the repeal of thin act, and pre dicted that it' it was done and separate accommodation*, provided it would lead to blowJ tlied and serious trouble. Tnu Teachers' Institute. On Monday morning of this week the school tc.i her* of Butler Count) iiasemb led in the court room, were called to order by Co. Snpt. Russell and were led in pray er by Rev. Young. The first business of the Institute was the effecting of an organization. Mr. IT. P. Jamison of Petrolia had been appointed Enrolling Sec'y by the Snpt: Miss Ada Findley. Rec. See'y. and Messrs. E. 1-. McCall". M 11. Young, and Miss Jennie Criswell a Committee on Resolutions. A morion was made and seconded that AY. p. Jamison. AY. E. Caldwell and A. M Pouthett be elected a Finance Com mittee. and no objection being made they were so elected by acclamation. A check from Ex-Co. Sup't Snyder to Prof. Mackey for $143.97. the balance of the receipts of the la«t Institute was accepted by the In stitute. A motion to proceed to the election of a Committee on Permanent Certificates was carried, and Messrs. AY. P. Jamison. J. F. Hntzler. M. 11. Young. A. M. Pouthett and Jennie Criswell were nominated and elected. The fee for each teacher was then fixed at $1.50 each, for membership and evening entertainments The room was crowded that afternoon to hear the address of welcome by James M. Galbreath. Esq. He dwelt upon the reasons and motives for progress in education, the growth made in the me chanics and sciences, and the necessity for education keeping pace with them. It was the most scholarly address of welcome ever made at a Teachers' Institute in But ler. Mr. J. S. Christley of Clay twp. who is now teaching Xo. 1 of Penn twp. made the response, lie thanked the people of Butler for their kind welcome, spoke of the responsibilities of teachers, and of the thorough preparation needed for their work. Then the regular work of the Institute began. and Prof. Leslie of Chicago, led off. He is an instructor in music.and is the most forcible, vigorous and versatile instructor we have ever listened to. He forces the teachers to give him their closest attention and has given them some very good in struction .this week. AYe heard one old music teacher say that he made the trans position of the scale as plain as it could be made. Prof. Leslie is of opinion that the elements of mnsic should be taught in all our public schools. He was followed by Prof. Beers who gave some suggestions in the teaching of reading, speaking and cultivation of the memory. Miss Partridge, of Reading, who made her first appearance as an instructor at Institutes, in Butler some twelve years ago. followed with a talk on the new meth ods of teaching. The other instructors at the Institute are Dr. Schaeffer of Kutztown, Pa., who describes the Mechanical Motions of the earth: Prof. G. C. Little of Washington T). I'., an artist in chalk and the funny man of the Institute, and Dr. Maltby of Millersviile, Pa. who, at this writing has not yet been before the Institute, but who is to talk on Map Drawing, experiments, manual training and the educational value of studies. Dr. Hedley's lecture Tuesday evening, was listened to by a crowded house and was well appreciated. lie is an odd genius who tries to conv'nce people that they should have minds of the own. At the Informal meeting of Wednesday morning, the teachers present discussed the question of salaries, and resolved to form a Teachers' Union in the county. The President of the meeting was instruct ed to appoint a committee who were to meet and formulate a plan for such Cuion, and he appointed Messrs. Wilson, Dyke, Christly, Harper. Jamison and Wise. These informal meetings were held every morning from 8 o'clock to 9, and were pre sided over by Professors Magee, Elliott. Sutton and MeC'ullongh, who, with Messrs Meals, Young and Christloy are said to bo candidates for County Superintendent. At the meeting of Directors, Wednesday afternoon, the old question of school books was discussed, and a resolution was passed instructing each Board to send a delegate to Butler on the day of the election of a Co. fcnp't., to take action in regard to a system of free text books. Then Dr. Shaf fer addressed the meeting, and after that the ornamentation of school buildings aud school grounds was discussed. The music of this Institute excels that of any other held in the county, and taken as a whole, it seems to be on a par with its predecessors. Washington Twp. and Vicinity. Iluuting is all the go now. The banging of guns is heard in every direction. Curt Christy takes a stick about six feet long, instead of a gun, when he goe» out hunt ing and can capture more rabbits than the average young Niuirod with a gun. Francis Billiard killed a beef this week that dressed 653 pounds, and it wasn't an old cow either. The McNaulty & Co. well, on the Adams farm, is finished. There was about thirty feet of sand. They put in a 30-quart shot and it showed some oil, but not enough t« pay for pumping. There is talk of two other wells being drilled in this locality in the near futnre. Sain Christy aiul Abe I'arriekman traded horses a few days ago. If there is a tine horse in the country Sam is not content till ho in the owner. Wouldn't have thought -\be would have parted with the gray boss. Ilobert At well, of Marion Tp., spends an evening every two weeks in Washington Tp. Are you coming this week, Robert.' L. M. Dickey put in a hundred rods of tile drain for Dr. Hoover. He' is putting in about th£ same amount for B. M. Stein torf. The tile is manufactured near these farms. There are two different companies that do an extensive business. They als > make brick, and of a very good quality. Any person in need of brick or tile would do well to give these lirms a call—Win. M. Glenn years old, was sitting on the (U>or just where the hole was torn out, and strange to say was not shocked in the least. Not being satisfied with tiiu mischief already done, the current ran into the telephone, in the barroom of the Murtincourt ilousc, and burnt till' the wires and nearly scared Frank Haun to death, as he was sitting close by the phono. He says he don't desire a repetition of tho dose. Leaving this,the current ran along the wire towards liatler, anil followed it to the residence <;f Jesse Datter, where the wire, being down, ran it off into tho ground. A man, who saw it. says it looked like a tubl'ul of tire spilled on the ground. The shock caused by the thunder was very heavy and solid, and scared the people somewhat. West Sunbury Items. The social in the Academy, held ou Mon day iii}?ht, Dec. 9, was a success aud every body went home rejoicing that they h;id beeii there. :i number of teachers wended their way through the town on Monday morning |on their way to to attend tho In ' stitutc in that place. County Supf. Kussell, who bus been ou the sick list, is again ou his feet, though | iiot IX6 healthy looking as he was. iX NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. A man in Bradford deserted his wife a:.d two children ami eloped with n colored woman. An Orangeville pot hunter literally "bagged" eight rabbits recently, lie start eii a ferret into one opening of a bur row. and held an open bag at the other and the "cottons" ran into it. Ex-Senator of Franklin, recently gave the opinion that "the ship canal be tween Erie and Pittsburg will be con stucted about the time that wooden In dians begin to grow whiskers.'' A hog walked into a saloon in Bingham ton, X. Y.. a few days ago. looked around and (juietly walked out again. The hog had four feet. An exchange says: If a gray haired woman of ">0 in moderately respectable attire is put oil the cars in your town be cause she can't pay her fare any farther: if she almost immediately recievcs a tele gram urging her to come home on the next train because her husband is dying, and if she tearfully and desperately, in a pretty loud voice, announces that she is going to walk home 100 miles, you let her walk. Sho and her confederate, who send the telegram, have worked the dying hus band racket in half a dozen Michigan towns at a net profit, it is figured, of sl3 a day." The late Pr. William Gibson, of James town, Mercer county, was a very pious man and was esteemed as one of the excel lent of the earth. The Lord prospered him in his goings, and before his death the Doctor was enabled to erect a monument in the cemetery that weighed several hun dred tons and cos* over $50,000. It now begins to appear that while (retting every thing in decorous order for his linal de parture. the devoted man overlooked one matter. lie neglected to settle with his hired household help. This little flaw was probably permitted in order that his fel low-men might not esteem him as perfect in this sin smitten world. Two weeks ago one of the Gibson maid servants, Ellen Kane, got a judgment in the Mercer Court for $1,500 against the Doctor ~ estate for services as housekeeper. And last week, in Crawford county, AV ilhelmina Beatty, another and older housekeeper, obtained a verdict for over s£,ooo against the estate for similar services. Oil and Gas Notes. Kussell & Co's. well, on the John Mar burger farm, near Evans City, reached the sand Monday, and was reported to be do ing 00 barrels a day. Frazier A Co., on the 0. G. Shannon farm, was rated at 100 barrels, and AYester nian i Co., on the A\ elsli farm, was put at the same. Phillips' well on the Baumgarten, Creat Belt field, is in the satid and is showing good. It is being tubed. Taylor A- Co s. well, on the Cable farm, increased to 100 barrels with deeper drill ing. * Campbell A (Vs. well, on the Marshall farm, and linff.V Co's., on the Bolton, be gau flowing Tuesday. McKee's well, on the Cashdollar farm, Myoma field, is in the sand and the hole is full of oil and water. The Plate Glass Co's. new gasser. on the Freeling farm. TVinfield Tp., has a pressure of 600 pounds. A 600-pound gasser was struck near Bakers town last Friday by the Butchers Oil Co. Murphy A-Cos. No. 2, on Smith farm, llookstown district, is put at 75 to 80 bar rels, and their No. 3. at 25 to 30. Derrick: 01" late there has been war among the 15 manufacturers of nitro glycerine, and rates have been cut down to unprofitable figures. There will be a meet ing in Bradford to-day for the purpose ol establishing a standard of rates from which there will l>3 no deviation. On Tuesday last Perrino & Co. purchased leases on the Burton, Klinger, Winters. Martin and Cooper farms in Butler and Penn Twps. from Thayer <£ Crosby. The leases contain 350 acres and the price is said to have been *40,000. Josiah M. Thompson, Esq., is leasing in Brady Twp.. near Elora, for a Pittsburg company. The Eore.-t Oil Co.'has leased 3.000 acres in Marion and Venango Twps. Buried Alive. MADISON, Wis. Dec. 53. —A sad case of premature burial has just developed here. About a month ago diphtheria appeared in the home of a prominent family. A young domestic was terribly frightened, and decided to go 'to her home in the county, but the attending iau would not permit this, not from fear of spreading disease, but to render assistance to the family. A young child died of the dread diseas c. and this with the horror of the disease, caused the girl to take to her bed, and she apparently died within a few hours, and was at once buried by the au thorities. A few days ago her parents ob tained pcrmi--ii>u to remove the body to the country, and upon opening the ca.- ket they were horrified to discover that the body was lying on its face, the hair wrenched from the head aiui the flesh lit erally torn from the face and hands. Clinton Twp. Items. The indication are that we v. ill have rain in our twp. some of these days. The Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. have leased about 4WO acres of territory in Clin ton and Buffalo twps. and are putting up a rig on the Peters farm in Clinton twp. and expect to begin to drill in a week or ten days for gas or oil. Professors Scott and Campbell gave the first of a series of entertainments in No. 2 school house on the evening of the 13th. It was quite a success. The twp, institute at Rocky Run was quite interesting. The object method of teaching was ably presented !..- >V. 11. Scott, N. W. Campbell and others. Tie institute adjourned to meet at No. I school oil Jan. 11th at 1 o'clock P.M. Subject: Should we have t uniform series of books in the the schools. • C. Clinton Twp. Items. Roads are still muddy. Mr. Holstine I.oye, who cuine home sick a short time ago, is recovering und will soon return to his work in Allegheny. The teachers' institute, held at No. 5 school on the 7th inst., was a grand suc cess. The teachers all seem to be alive to their work. An entertainment given at l.ardiu's Mill school, oil the 13th inst., by W. B. Scott and N. \V. Can: obeli, was well received. ♦ ■ V 7, Rheumatism "Wo doubt if thv*ro i.*, or cmi l»c, a specific remedy for rheumatism; but thousands who have suffered Jls pains have been greatly beu efited by Hood's Sars;tpnri!lu. If you have failed to find relief, try this great remedy. It corrects the aeidity of the blood which is the causo of tho disease, ami huiids up the whole system. " I was afflicted with rheumatism twenty years. Previous to 1888 I found no relief, but grew worse, until I was almost helpless. Hood's Sarsaparilla did ine more good than all the other medieino 1 ever had." 11. T. BAi.COM, Shirley Village, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. St; six for $5. MUWJ only by C. I. ItOOU & CO., Lowell, Jlass. SCO Doses One Dollar ProL Loisette's DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD In spit* id adiillmti'd imitation* which miss tho theory, an-! praeti* r. .Jlioftbe Original, in spite of th« k ' ■ ' r- '.v s I v i ... ' *• .'i»ld ho competitor.*, and in spiteof "bawe attempts to rub*'hiiy of tho fruit of his labors, (all of which demonstrate tho undoubted MitKiriority an I popularity of his teaching). Prof. bdgßlltt's Art • f N< v«-r Forgetting is recognizod tr<>-dny in b ?li • N»S I»H uinrkiriff an Kpoch in Memory Culture ll'< Prospect mm (son? po«. # , free) gives opinion* of people in nil parts of the globu who have act ually studied hi*S;- N m by correspondence, nil v; * ;h*.* his System m */•<•■ I only while being studied, nt j k can fte learned in a*in(/lc j r'eudiiH/, mini '■*,.!> ri >j rnrnl, ,le. For Prospectus, Terms ar.d Tern i Hernials addtema I i'ref. A. IJOJU*£TT£, *37 FifUi Avenue, >i. V TNR appointment of J atnes W. MeKean T '.master at Pittsburg was sent to T > • ate, Wednesday. He was QUAY'S rr Paliell and Magee were for Ford. AT \ HOTEL iu Washington D. C. last Saturday. Franklin B. Gowen. former Pre-ulent of the Reading Railroad, com mitted suicide, by shooting himself. DEATHS VI N!\ ! . W'.nliel.l Twp.. this county. WC :' SDAT morning. Dec. 11, Iec. 9. 1889. of Bright's dis ease of the kidneys. Braden Porter, aged about 60 years. lie WAS a*soldier and a man of excellent character. MCCLYMONDS— In this place. Thursday evening. Dec. 12, 1889. Mr. Samuel Mc < lymonds. in the 66th year of his age. Mr. MeClymonds had been in feeble health for some time and while his death was not. therefore, unexpected, yet it is greatly regretted. He was respected by all and was always recognized as an honest and worthy . iti/en. lie was raised near I'ortersville, Muddycreek Tp.. this county. While vet a young man he came to Butler (about 1830) and was connected for a time with the late William S. Boyd in the mer cantile business. Soon after this he return ed to I'ortersville and was engaged there in store keeping up to the close of the late war. Having a large stock of goods on hand they became depreciated in value by the sudden close of the war, a common re sult then, and this was as unfortunate for him as for many others then engaged in similar business. In 1872 he purchased a lot in Bntler and shortly afterwards re moved here, building and residing in the HOUSE in which he died. In 1878 and in 18*1 Mr. MeClymonds was a candidate at THE Republican primaries for the office of protlnmotnry, but was unsuccessful each . ABOUT the -ame time (1878) he was appointed Clerk to the County Commis sioners. an office he continued to hold for s. vera! years, with credit to himself and to the benefit of the county. After leaving that office his health was such as to pre clude him from engaging in any active business In all the reverses of fortune that may have attended him his good character for integrity WA* never called iu question. On Sunday last his remains were deposited in the U. P. Church portion of the South Cemetery, a church of which all his life he had been a member, and WERE followed to the grave by a large niiui ber of relatives, friends and citizens. The funeral services at the house were conduct ed by Rev. MeKee of the L T . I'. Church, of this "place, whoso discourse on the occasion was appropriate and instructive. lie leaves a widow anil eight children to mourn his loss. The Press (NEW YORK) FOR 1890- DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY The Aggressive Republican Jcurnal of the Metropolis. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES. Founded December Ist, 18*7. . LARGEST DAILY CIRCULA TION OF ANY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN AMERICA. fur. PRESS t lie orcan of no faction; pulls no wires; has no animosities to avenge. The most remarkable Newspaper Succ<„j in New York. The Press is now a National XE>J»n*|ier, raphl- B GROWING In TC.or with Republicans of every State in the Union. ri.E; I 111 v.s. vulgar sensations and trash tlnd MI place A lie hitiins of THE PRESS. It IRF an e.\p< II VE paper, published at the lowest price American Currency permits. THE 1 iir.-s II - tiie brightest Editorial page In New York. IT: parkles with points. THE PBKSS SUNDAY EDITION IS a splendid SLIR tc U page paper, covering every currant toplu ol Interest. 1 UE I'KESA WEEKLY EDITION contains all the good things ot the dally and Kuntiay editions with special N atures suitable to a Weekly pub. licatlon. For those who cannot afford the D ULY or are prevented by distance fioin early re elvlng It, THE \V EKKLY is a splendid substi tute. As an advertising medium 'IHK I'HESS has no :'.ipcrior In New York. It reaches an excellent, class ot readers. Kates very reasonable. Full Information upon application. THE PRESS. Within the reach of (ill. The best and cheapest Ncicspaper published in America. Daily and Sunday, one Year, $•"».00 •* <» iiionflis J hi) k one month, .4o Daily only, one Year ** lour month*, 1 (lO Sunday only, our Year 2 00 Weekly Press, om year 1.00 s.'iul f.-r THE PRESS Circular with full part4c ulurs and list of excellent premiums. Samples free. Agents wanted everywnere. Liberal commissions. Address, THE PRESS, New York. Flailing Mill -AND— I j;isiiber Yard J. I . PURVIY. L. O. PURVIB S.G. Purvis&Co. MANUI'ACTUnKHS AM) J# Rough and Planed Lumber OP KVKKY DKSOKIPTION, SHINGLES & LATH 1 LANING MILL AND YARO .arUermau Clinrcb I J-J. C. WICK, DEALKR IN Rough anil Worked Lumber OF ALL KINDS Doors., Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in StocK. LIME,'HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposito P. old tocompetition with the multitud oilow tests, abort welcht.a ptwpheH* powders. Sold onh, ;n I IU. ROYAL BAKING PO' DEB CO., 106 Wail Street N. Y. DIAMOND LAUNDRY, East Diamond - • utier. Pa. FIRST CLASS LAI v •• k is ALL Bumn. L 1 i:; u*® A SPECIALTY. ALSO, Chw- ISG, DYKIN'H \si> *'AS PUT CLEAKIXO. Goods collected an-; ( i live*red in all parts of the town. AIDREWS & SHUTTLEWORTH, PROriUETOHS. Xew Oyster Parlor AND Confectionery BY Mrs. S. Showalter, In Stehle building- S. Main St Mrs. Showalter L ... up some neat looms for a Istlie.- restaurant, and asks a share of iLc patronage of the people of IJutler. Meals at nil hours J. E. astor, Practical Si.. ■ ■!■ r. Ornamental anj' -Vi Slaiing Of all kinds done on i-tice Office with W. li. Morris Ko. 7, N. M; >lll St., Residence North I'll in street, Butler, Pa. 57 B. Some rure Press (1 'ls Bargains for this month sual * kloes as will make trad these De partments. 50 pes. 50 inch Ti cots at 25 cents —all dark teas : < ■■■<, pood serviceable fabric; pt< df r school and house wear Xo* •ti width 50 inches, 25 cent-. 100 pes. doable . :_ - in choice new colorinu •, •• r. Large lot ol IS'. t.b, ■ ieiiiiiin i»od French Plaids, U w i !«•, all wool, very stylish r. 1 tive, cents, regular pi i.: ; 5i.25. These are plum wd buyers. 50 shades of 4<5 inch, a'l wool col ored Cashmere- f»"» c special value ai.d equ -to qi..: t y, u.-ually gold at ?5 cent*. Another line of -! '• inch colored Cashmeres at 75 c nt >rui SI.OO. For Holiday Presents iu these Dress Goods Depai . we have put up 500 Dress P.ittcrn: in neat attractive boxes, : I c lors and combinations to •• i'i 1- i* s*2 00 to $12.00 for the suit rn Every one of these suit pat at special low price?. For Fancy Work for the Holidays, largest assortmeu's of KiMxms anil Plushes at special low price*. llaudkercbiels and Muftiers, special sale in these Department: all new de signs and at money s.-vin : prices Write our Mail Order Department for samples or inform tiou Catalogue Iree upon request. BOGUS & iSiHI, 115 to 121 FEDERAL ST. ALLEGHENY. PENNA. UNION It, IIUTIJI .I D . 11. FDLLKRTON, Prop'r, ItlmikelN. riitmii ■ .i»«l Ys»rn Kainilaeliirei! ol'J'ure Etul l■'* l 1 h' iti nera. No previous i-xp-re - ir V- out at iree. WHte for tern CUAIU-KS II
  • •» • pounded. 5S Mair Street, Butler l-'n. Adtbftise ic '.he Cities i IIEQAL ADVERTISEMENTS. I Idmiaistrator- ami E*ecnton< <>f estates t run so, -ire their receipt books at the CITI- ' 7. K V otßoe. Election Notice. Ihe aunaai meeting of the member* of the Glade Mill Kire Insurance Co. for the I < r. m , 1 b ■ heM at the home of •!. Mar« Station, on Wedneadar. the >th ilsT of Jannary, 1890, at the hour of I')o'clock A.M. A full attendance is re f|U<-ted as business of importance will be presented. R. TRIMBLE, Sec. J. D. AVDERSOS, Pres. Dec. 11th, I»S9. Notice. The annual meeting of the Worth Mutual Fire lusuranoe Co. to select officers for the ensuing vear will beheld at the I . P. church West Liberty the second Tuesday of Janu ary, lv*o, at lo o'clock A.M. being the Hth dav. W. E. TAYLOR Sec. Notice. The members of the Farmers and Breed er- Mutual l.iv»e Stock Insurance Associa te n of the I'. S. are hereby notified that the annual meeting of said Association will be held at their office in Butler, Pa. on Tues day the Jsth day of January, 1890, at 10 o'clock A.M., said day being the 4th Tues day ot said month—to elect seven directors for said Association to serve for the ensuing year. A. D. WEIR, Prest. Election Notice. The annual election of twelve directors of the Butler County Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the office of the Secretary in Butler on Tuesday, January H, IS'.t.t, between the hours of one and two o'clock p. m. H.C. HEI.NEMAN, Secretary. Notice. The general meeting of the Vartaer* Mutual Ktrc Insurance Company of llannahstown and \ me v will be held .it the rreamerv Building : Satwflur. Januarv 11. m at l t.;■k r. m. sharp All members are Invited to atteu 1. A. KKAVSIE. Pres. Estate of W. J. Abranis, I ATE OF FORWARD TWP., DEC'D.) Letters of administration having been ! .'rented to the undersigned on the estate of j \V. J. Abranis, dee'd, Tate of Forward Twp., 1 Butler Co., Pa., all persous knowing tbem -elves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having ! clßiins against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. EI. LA ABRAMS, Adm'x. Six Points P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. It. P. SCOTT, Att'v. t Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing be l tweeu Joseph and Bernard Kemper, under | the firm name of J. & B. Kemper, harness makers, and doing business in Butler, Pa., was dissolved by mutual consent on Monday, | Nov. 11, 1889, and the business will be con tinued by Frank Kemper at the same place. All indebted to the old firm will pleaae call ! and settle before the Ist of January, 1890, | and those who have any accounts against the : old firm will please hand them in bv that lime. Ail accounts remaining unsettled by the l>t of January, LS9O, will be left lor col | lection. J. 4 B. KEMPER. Estate of Wm. G. Smith, I.ATE OF MARIOS TWP., DEC'L). Letters of administration in the estate of William G. Smith, dee'd, late of Marion tp. ! Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves | indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment and any having claims a ai nst saiil estate will present them dnly authenticated for settlement. JOHN DUFFY, Boyer P. O. J. H. MORROW, Jacksville P. O. Administrators. I Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration having been j granted by the Register of Butler county, l'a., to the undetsigned ou the estate of Ed ward Sutlifl', late of Worth Tp., said county and State, deceased. All persons, therefore, knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate pay , meat and those having claims against the ! same are reijuested to present them to the undersigned administrator properly autben ; licated for settlement. JOHN L. REICHEBT, Adm'r, Jacksville P. O. i .t Galbreath, Attorneys for estate. ' August 24, 188:). Estate of David Meyers. (I. ATE OK MCDOrCUH Twp.) Letters testamentary on the estate of David Movers, ueceascd. late of Muddycreek Twp., liuilerCo., Pa., having been granted to the un ii. rsigacd. all pereons knowing themselves in i »tr I to said estate will please make Ini mi-illate payment and any having claims urns! sapl estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. DAVID It. KENNEDY.) ~ OISEN I). MKVEKS. ( L Porttrsvllle P. 0.. Butler Co. Pa. Dissolution Notice. Notice i» hereby £jylu that th* eo-partner - hip heretofore existing liptweep Mrs. Fay :inil Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, under the lina a ameof Fay and Thompson, iu Butler l'a. was dissolved by mutual consent, ou the j 2nd. day ol Nov, 18S9. The books of the lirm are in the hands of Mr*. Fay who will j collect the accounts pf the firm, and also pay ! its debts. MJTS. ELIZABETH T{IO>IP»OF, Mj«. FAY, Last Notice. The subscription accounts to the CITIZEN up to Sept. 4, 1888, the date of my sale of the paper, have generally been paid or settled by note; but there are some ac counts that are still standing unpaid aud which if not paid between this and the first of January coming will be left with a Jus lice of the Peace for collection. We hope this last no»i«J6 will be taken advantage of by all here referred to and thtjs si}Ver. CI I ASK BROTHERS COMPANY. Rochester, N. Y. WASTEO—. Agent* to solicit orders for our choice una hardy Nursery Stock. Stu*ly tyoik For Currfetlr Temperate tyua. Salarv and expenses or commission If drcfar .l. Write at once. State Age. Address. R. G. Chase ACo.'^Kr 1 ' V J llllpav this to our salesman, OCTFIT \ 111HFREE. Can start you at once, bend U I UUrur terma to ■i. trvi iv siuw. yars«rrjM»»ij»£g*l«giJLl Q WANTED A LESMEK canvass lor the sale of Nursery Stock. A full line uf leading specialties. Salary and expen ses paid to uceeksful men. No Experience necessary. Write tor terms, stating age [Mention this paper.] C. L. BOOTHBY Nurseryman. East Park. Rochester. N. I. Jordan's Restaurant All our readers visiting Butler ■ /ill do well to go to Jordan's I restaurant for <.u<£«r peui*.' Wa 3ar"® lunches, soft drinks, tobacco and cigars. No. 4, S. Main St., ander i Schneideman's clothing store. I I RAILROAD TIME T ' WK.-T PWIN «. I I <)n tad aft. r Monti <», v , will leuth. MAti. at 2. p c>., I Allegheny, arr.\ ; nects ea.«t for Ph:!* !• ACCOMMOpATt A at neeu at the Jmm t mo the N. Y. P. A < >. tor Mt a Bnffalo, Olean at;d Rn Y(M O,gooil City. The 5:00 p. in . bail New Castle, ai l a: : ■ \ and Sharmi. P. A W. fc. B. Corrected to fast time * than schedule time. Trains leave Butler f r \ • at 4:20 and 10:2s> a. m , and The New Castle and wester:: at 8:15 a. tn., aud the th • - V - press at 1:50 p. tn. Trains leaves liutler for .• N a. ui., and 7:55 p. ui. Trains arrive at liutler fro. . 9:55 a. m. and l_.i A train arrives from < Uri :i and from Kaue at ; 1 j t. Trains connecting tor Bir U r \ gheny at 7:40 and lo •.•a. ei ,1 and 6:30 p. in. The 8:15,10:20 and I: '• i tr.i '' tr . r to Callerv.and 7:40 and 1 . tr.i gheny to Butler run on >'i". •r. train that leaves ("allery r Bat arriving at 12:10. Trains leaving Bntler at - 1:50 p- ni. connect at < aHerr fr t ; V m * SOLID*—— STEEL FENCE!| EXPANDED*METAL CVT sOKETHiH ii.' ■' for RESIOENCE3. CSJOCH"! C. - GAROCNS Gate# ARBOR*. U.ndj *. Fireproof PI. ISTKRIXti I \Tii. i Ae. Write for Illustrated C. iul . CENTRAL EXPANDED K. I ' : . IIS Water Nl„ Pllt»tnirt'c ! Wwirt l,a keep It. Give nan; STEEL V r fh* ch«ape«t au-J u- .- Lawa«, fccc O.J l l. «, I" Fariua. ate .%*•*> max:iif.n •. Iron Craatlu*'. v- Bhuttara. Flra Eacap«*« ' klcd* of IEON AM) W: ; TAYLOR & D / 203 and 205 Market Street. - P i o,.'oftK. pnPP IF* r»« «.»»«•• ii | llii»i rtOTtOM Mietk oClukwa •« •• uiam gi is e»«* t j emrry * R.*. . . - - r /mam Shall u e »iari i'Ol rrader » U.H.- t - • I trc jrtinff nwn; e- »»• i UWcUoi'l you will I) < Qn »cc®A»l« f • ■ » tlullui FHOLOCINPH All II I- r £ world. wanted. Lib. ral : !>:- lalkiaf McrwMry W h < A(f«-«i» t4ke ;. » MKIIIF A>rtuu«'■•. L.< ! ■ • can tluMwdluani i I to th<<*« «rh'> *%• rir* n.r I'amll* Itibira. Uookt and I't • • ITIOULDVOU conclude to » Addrtn K. C. ALI.I.N A J 1 i* «t'-. ' ai l i. - man Millinery. New Felt Hats and Houm \ , Plumes, Birds and Wings. N"» colors. New satins, rllihon- v.. brocade ribbons and strip I ; tinsel corl. twi>ted cord, 11 Ladles aud children lura: Ladles' and children > under • I.i-i; children's hosiery. La. 11 .1 Stets and corset waists. L.ui. .i hose supporters, kid glov allk initteas aud w«*>l n. - Latest novelties hi neck"-. . M. F. A- M. -Marks. ukTSTorenursfr KRIE. HA. All atock jfuarant. 1 I ditioa when deliver.- VTp replace all tr. tl • : . BEFEKENCtSINI J. F. Lowry, W T M Shanor. Jr.. j I. ■ • C. Walker. L | • 1" • ' I- L. Cleelan.l. G. F. KING, AG f. ElT«*MIttE« Hot i Li WiVM!Ir/ItiAGENTS 3AMPLE ' " tc iilSMHMa*l«Eo.a.M<>ii,s,. i n.j The Truth Aboutl Out* Clothing. iu»* Miwin} ot <4 «r» lok. .« ** fcark. «t wor .. W«- «- it tfc» h>»- - ** t»»» pcttwiyftm —I" 'i 5' ' *t 'II i! < >l,ll > A YSI.IP J KHs. HUSELT OX'S 13 THE PLACE TO tiET 'EM. Christmas coming calls to mind the good rfj fnMmiji e&mmm of Makinu I'lvsouts to Yout Kri. mk L«: a» «»U J i e>f t (tw ml t!ta .»!, s whi dka pew** aaMMMtr !.»*. •\l *tOr «w C- *«!«* Eremt. aithan«*u>' .la*~i amm ' a * ' 1 «ek liocc: «Aef- H U*#«a at r>. t*> ' At lir ° ur " ,lk «■>"<*»< wh»l tntM; a t«aar»4 paPua. * Man •laNwn* 4,1 * ».-! per. \| s( |,il -*»' at : - 1 * 1 ' I . r iII Cr. l- t. i \f si •u» »«4» aaA»-MIHHtMHtf '■ , fwnw. The wty fwtimi la a »y>aa4fci fc—li afl—at t. m »■«<»> «■>■» 3. W« leya lia ftrtt >an»> mt tmm 'Hfc«>la : m K«4 and Hi>uiar< k Ut. 0*..-riU. Old Wi«' warm li ine>: (ta«. t 'iU4»aa"a .uwl in «' tVJ: «Us>p«»- ta fiiaejr ml- c, afctafk Is faa tin * a-ni ; oa» !»n- i <-•«•«!»«» ta i* la>fi , I , tmm* ha rqaatfeft :!$ aa to rtata m pika. tirt» hay a" fcania. Me fc>y.< Haant IwtWia «S.i-, K*a*xth.ivj ia ti ik«tt |<4 4a>a t.-a*. Th« u. e U «. » »U. rt taataroa «« awl tkm UatMkf%maa tit* «W-aa»l «AK fca Mt*. «• eome earlj aa-i f H :h« of •'»« ia«. i;.r. nrsKi;roN. No. 4, N. Main St, - - Batter. P* STIiS IffltTlßlllE RELIABLE CLOTHING. Too mo* i. twATir Wfivfkt C .'-'kwf ft? «or taMra. Wm ajat fta«af rai a a liti.V is- r»{b«"r than ur J i: **rw-« »r» i;.rwf.rf» wm» r'mrtk i«> oaf i :ril le i thaa ara *b a? » Wa bw rat t?»# at! t *r**mish„ Yuu kn . tl<- i, . i itv a' I • ..hi /.ibf rv th- *«. -• Y« wM pal 1 a Lijfh'-r jwic • • - * very tc» r m«-!ban what w» kar>> mwkr l. sat alt WINTER wftLES OF OV£ CCATS. SUIT'S. HUS4 CAPS. I r M#», I' iy# aatl Ckik'nm, MTST 60, anri ttejp aaitt g*» if ?«• aar* .ii.j f«» All. .Vl«*rrj t*hri.a:riia«! r >mr* t/am, IVare ..»n rarth. jfoed ari!l to m»»' ftonn'l the arnr!»l |jw» rborrn ria« !.♦ t ail heart- rrr>icr an i tins Which \ ).i will '•■•rta inl > »!•» il VHI #«• wi* rnwgh «•» • !«iv vour C'h 0.1 t* of r». Sly •?»*•!< w»« arwr »om. | plcte b. I have addetl more room awl show emm in or «ler to tlt*;>lay th • m >-t elegant tin • of (I »i; 1 *y I „m»» and th'* f» of «*v.*rythini; in W atclies, ( liM-ks, .11 Si I v<*rwart*. iki'j tV<% Jke At the very lowest pritw. J ~H-(;=R=P^z»—H No. Mi Sonth Mrun St., * -*< R HI TI.KH, I» %. f S!M> THE NEW VOBI WML fljaAlD O.Vi: DOLLAR PER YEAR. Is th 3 f't »t ami llb«apmt F imitf Paprr ! -t th# |{n>t«d "§t»t«*. NOW r> THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE imfiinr «,# -- m »»*» it «mb •*-*» n m nvtt ta **•» atm -«aa* aat mm -.amp:aa • • .USTnATIOiV .. tm arn.l *,*••«* *r«.rt*^'rt* , * *a»- rtMTII 11. FtktfJli ! r!»«.*»• ia *i tuir a a«**». at MM ki-r at tamu*. •.rrtaaraa *••• i ! >»r > rt »hh» . »r an nan a »r tES* tt■»!** n*i raw »OIM* at in. «M A.I ire>*. JAMES