Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 20, 1889, Image 1

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    >l. XXVII
r fW)I 3<j s-MAiN.sr.
I ;ipc ;111< i House Furnishing (roods.
V'W - " v . : Wm rotary
il < - \\ SHUTTLE
\3J \> W S - SEWING
i (2500 Stitches Per Minute.)
m * St
Agricultural Implements,
Kramer Wagons,
Buggies Carts, Wheel Barrows, Brammer Washing Machines,
New Sunshine and Howard Ranges, Stoves, Table
and pocket Cutler}', Hanging Lamps, Man
ufacturer ot Tinware, Tin
Roofing and Spouting A Specialty.
There is no Doubt
As to where you should buy your new dress, it economy is the
object you have in view, and you will agree with us, after you
have examined our line and prices in Silks. Satins, Cashmeres,
Serges, Ilenrettas. Broadcloths, Flannels, English Suitings in
* plain and novelty plaids.
r XT N" JD E R W E: A R
bVr J.adics, Cents, Misses and Children which we know
can not be equaled an) tvhere foi value and price.
Blankets. Flannels, Yarns, Plushes, Velvet*, Ribbon, Hos
iery nud Notions of all kinds.
In all the new fall patterns and designs.
W'e are ~huwim the grandest line of Ladier. Mjsses snd
I Uiildrens
«D i AzzKzzS
Ever brought to Butler, to convince you that the place to do
your trading is with us.all we ask is that you call and examine
prices and be convinced.
T l»() ITT MAN'S,
—Leadin;! I >ry (-roods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa-
Wux o()(ul «_iilts for your children, your
fathers, \<iur mothers, vour sisters,
vuiir brothers, your cousins,
and your aunts.
liny tliein, we say, in fact you will have to buy
them, as you cannot get them for nothing. You do not get
anything in this world without pay—the only question is
v.heth' <• to pay straight or indirectly jjcticioua prices.
i he Grocery Dealer could give you a gift ol Dry Goods if
ho marked his Groceries liiph enough,
'1 lie 15aby Doll Dealer could give 3'ou a gift of a Suit of
Cloth* s it he marked the Dolls high enough.
Ihe Book Dealer could give you a Wrap as a gift if he
marked the Book high enough.
And so on in all the lines, for that is the way it is done,
ilo;\ would you rather buy your gopds? Where you have
the largest assortment to select trom. where you aro sure of
getting square goods and square prices, and where vou will
know just what you arc paying for each article. therefore
you will buy at
Ritter & Ralston's,
So,e A - ents for Butler, Mercer and Clar
■ i ion counties for Behr Bros. Magnificent Pi
* New by & Evans' Fianos, Smith-
American and Carpenter Organs, Importers
vßfc' theCelcbrated Steinmeyer Pianos, and
«r dealers in Violins, Bruno Guitars, and
All Kinds of Musical Instruments.
l'iatn anil Organs sold on installments. Old Instruments
taken in exchange. Come and see us, as we
can save you money.
Tuning and Impairing of all kinds ot Musical Instruments
Promptly attended to.
Soinetliinji' to Say.
To everyone this week, ami il
will In- til \Olir I">
j and 11>i11 kof it
U'H have tIK- most ooniphit»
lino of childiens' hats, from th«
| solid all round school caps al
2oe, to the finest and nobhiesl
i hats made.
We have the largest .stools
of reliable underwear in the
county, and are at our populai
j low prices.
We have everything in tlu
Furnishing line.
We have one price and thai
the lowest.
We like to have people lool
at our goods and get the prices
70 S. Main street,
Butler, Pa.
Do Not Be Puzzled
What to buy for a Christmas Pres
cnt, bat step into the
i w York Bazaar
And see the mammoth display ol
useful articles. We will mention a
few articles here:
Fine silk handkerchiefs, linen and
lace handkerchiefs, silk and cash
mere mufUers.silk and plush neckties,
fine dress shirts, collars and cuffs,
suspenders, culT buttons, scarf pins
and an endless variety of fine jewel
ry suitable for ladies wear, kid glovee
for ladies and gents, new styles in
ladies neckwear, a fine silk or cash
mere drees, aoloak, a fine linen table
cloth, a nice pair of towels, make
very useful presents. Wo have an
elegant stock of fine umbrellas, muffs,
boas, capes, pocket books,silk throws,
fancy linen goods and a hundred
more useful articles too numerous to
Remember tho place,
The Wide Awoke and Popular Store
Willard Hotel,
W. 11. BEIHINCr, Prop'r
Hotel Vogeley
( Strictly First C
J. If. Fatjbkl, Mituaguf. Sutler, Pa.
Diamond : - ; Hotel,
Fronting Diamond, But lei , Pa
Good rooms, good meals, stabling in con
nection, everything fir.it class.
fc. N. MeKEAN 3f., Ui ri.KK, PA.
Meals at;all Loupi. Open all night.
Ilrcakfast £5 cents,
Dinner a cents.
Supper _'s cents,
Lodging -o cents,
No. ad and 90, S. Main St.,
BUTLER, - - 3?-A..
Near New Court House -formerly Donaldson
House good accommodations (of travelers.
Good stabling connected
U d 'tic. ly> II Piop'r.
Hotels and Depots,
W. S. Gregg is now running a line
of carriages between the hotels and
depots of tho to^"^.
Ohargeß reasonable. Telephone
No. If, or leave orders 't Hotel
(iooil Livery in Connection
OAV Livery Stable.
New Stock,
New Rigs.
lloraes fed and boarded.
39, W. Jefferson Ht., Butler, Pa.
Wm. F. Miller.
Manufacturer of
Stair Rails,
and Newel-posts.
All kinds of wood-turning (lone to order, alw
Decorated and Carved wood-work, such n:
Casing, Corner bldfclp, Pantfs and all kinds (il
fancy wood-work fur inside .leonralion ui
! Something new and attractive. Also
at iowestjeasb prices,
I Store at No. 40, N. Main street.
Factory at No. 69, >', WoaUuigtvu ttxteu
bI I I.Li;, i'L>.NA
J A i. warn* <■ r. wii^ow
A t T«>ItNKY s-AT I.A V.
! Collections a spt . iult) "ill ■ai N.i ■ :)'jUiu
I Mhmm, Mhr. fk
! ATTOBNI£« P -AT-I.iW >»b NorsHY fI'IIJC.
Ojtletf In Itooiu No. 1. Second O'joi IliiaellOll
lUi'tk. entrance on Diamond
attorn kv at law.
Kooiu No.X AnJi-i.>ou Building. Hullt-r. fa.
ATTORNEY A l 1. V\\ .
Oitiee on second door of New Anderson BloeK
Main St.,—near Ulanioiid.
Attorney at Law, Office al No ir, Fast Jetter
joii St.. Butler. I'a.
Attorney at Law and Keal Ksfate Agent Of
flee rear of L. Z. Miulicll a oldce on uorth side
ol Diamond, liutler, J "a.
Attorney at-law. Office ou second floor ci
Anderson building, near court House, Duller,
Ally at Law—Olßce al S. E. for. Main 01, and
Diamond, Ilutler, Pa.
Att'y at Law—Office ou South side of Diamond
Butler. Pa.
Attorney-at-Law. OlHee ou South side of i>ia 1
moud, Butler, l'a.
Omn near Diamond, Bdtuii, P.. !
Office at No. 45, S. Main sired, over Frar.k;* '
Co'S Diug Store. Bui lor, l'a,
Physician and Surgoon.
No. 10 tVunt Cuuningh*m .St.,
M. W. Comet iviaia and Noriu sia.
All Work pertaining to the iuxi«il«u exccut
ed ui the neatest manniT.
.S|>ecialtlcs :~C!old Fillings, and Painless Ei
tr;u*tton of teeth, Vitalized Air administered.
Ofltrr on JtlTeriiOa Street, one door tut oM.unrj
llou»e, t'|i Ma Ira.
Offl.ie open dally, except Wednesdays and
Thursdays ('ominnii t_, mull icoelve
prampt aivei«(t(HV,
XI. U.--!he only iR-btlst lu liutlrr using the ;
best nifikt'i of teeth,
Insurance and Heal Estate At j't
Fire and Lite
iiiuuraucu Co,of North America, incor
porated 17S»"*, capital S3,OOO,U<Mj and other
atroiic companies represented. iN«w York
Life Insurance Co., assets iH0.000.000. Office
New llueelton liuildinv n?ar
» • '
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts.
a. C. HOESSINO, Phksidknt.
,f. 1. Purvis, Samuel Anderson,
William Campbell J. \V. liurkhart,
A. 11'outiuau. Henderson Oliver,
(i.C. Roesslmc, .lapieil Stephenson,
l>r \V. (ryit'-i flfury Wliltuilre.
J. »■'. i'ayior. 11. C. Iletiiemnii,
United Security |.lf t 4lhaur.ipce and Trust Co..
of Pa,
Money to Bay Homes.
• Monthly dues uot more than a fair rent. Pay
ments decrease yearly, lu event ot death
prior to completion of paymeuls, balance ot en
eumbrancc canceled.
Money to Loan.
Real estate bought and sold on commission.
Wanted houses to rent and rents collected.
No 38 South ]\lain St.,
Sutler, Pa.
Over Una's Dru&Slore.
Wall Paper.
For the next sixty days we
will offer bargains in all our
and embossed wall papers,
in order to reduce stock apd
make room for Holiday Goods.
J. H. Douglass,
Near Foatuffiee, Butler Fa
Subscribe for the Cmzsji.
1 Tuth ..uJ SCireß WASHIStrto.
W hen 1 woke next luoiniiig, it K euied
J as if all the events of the piecediug eveu
| ing bad been u dream, and n.dhiugbut the
' identity of the ancient chamber convinc
ed me of their reality While 1 lay mus
| ing on my pillow, I heard 'he sound of lit
| lie feet pattering outside of the door, and
a whispered consultation. Presautly a
choir of suiall voices chanted forth au old
Christmas carol, the burden of which was:
Rejoice, our Saviour he was bom
On Christmas day in Uie morning
I rose softly, slipt on uiy clothes, open
' cd the door suddenly, aud belield one of
| tbe most beautiful litlle luiry groups ibat
a painter could imagine. It consisted of a
boy and two girls, the eldest not more
than sis, and lovely as seraphs. They
were goiug the rounds of the house, sing
ing at every chamber door, but my suddeu
appearance fiighteued thctn into mute
hucbfulness. They remained tru a mo
ment playing on their lips with their fiu
gets, and now and then stealing a -h_,
glance from under their eyebrows, until, a j
if bj one impulse, they scampered away,
and as they turned an angle of the gallery,
! I heard them laughing in triumph at their
j escape.
: Everything coiispiied to ptodiice kind
1 au.l happy feelings, iu this ntionxhold of
' old fashioned hospitulity. The window of
in) chamber looked out upon what in aum
• iner would have been a beuutital land
(scape There was a slopiug lawn a tine
stream wiu.ling at the foot of ir, aud a
tract of park beyond, with noble clumps ot
tiees, and herds of deer .it a distance
nss a neat hamlet with the smoke from
the cottage chimneys hanging over it and
a church, with its .lark spire iu strong re
i lief agaiust the clear cold ski The house
I waa surrounded wifh evergreens, accord
inp to the Kuglish custom, which would
have given almost ail appearance of sum
nier; but the oioruiug was extremely li'OS
ty the \ apor of thu precediue even
ing huil been precipitated by Ihe odd, and
. overeil all the trees au.l eveiy hla.le nl
grass with its line crystallisations The
rays of a bright morning sun had a da.
zliug enect among the glittering foliage
A robin perched upon the top of a moun
tain ash, that Luu? its clusters of ied her
lies just before my window, was basking
him.tell iu the sunshine, and piping a lew
querulous notes; and ft peacock was dis
playiug all the gloiies of his train, and
strutting with the pride undpraiity of a
Spanish grandee on the ten ace v.ulk be
I had scarcely dressed myself, when a
servant appeared to invite ine to family
prayers. lie showed me the way to a
small chapel in the old wing of the house,
where. I found tlie principal pail of tbe
already assembled iu u kind of gal
lery, furnished with cushions, hassocks,
ami luikic prayer books; the ..eivants were
seated on benches below. The <>l.l gentle I
man read prayers from a desk in tiont ol
the gallery, and Master f-inion acted us
clerk and made the responses; and 1 must
do him the justice to say, that he acquit
ted himself with great gravity and deco
The service was lolloped b_y a Christ
loas carol, which Mr. Bracebgi.lgu himself
had constructed from a poem from bis fa
vorite author, Derrick; and it bad ).t»en
adapted to a ch\Uf |i by Master
ai there were several good
voices among the household, the effect w as
exircmely pleasing; but I was particularly
gratified by tlio exaltation of heart, and
sudden -ally of grateful feeling, with
which the worthy Squire delivered one
:<fanza; his eye glistening, and his voice
rambling out of all the bounds of time and
"I'is thou that oivwti.t my silitlevUig
With nielli,
Aud giv'.st n;e AVi\s.,d,ile bo.wH-* to drink
Spic'd to the brink
J.ovd, Us thy nlenty-dropping hand
That soiles nty land
Aud iriv'st me for my busliell sow no.
Twice ten for one.
1 afterwards understood that early morn
ing service was read on every Snnday and
saint's day throughout the year, either by
Mr. Bracebridge or soine member of the
family. It was once almost universally (he
case at the sears of the nobility and gentry
of Epglaud, and it
il<4» custom is falling into neglect; tor
tbti dullest observer must be sensible of
the order and sereuity prevalent iu those
households, where the occasional exercise
of a beautiful form of worship in the morn
ing gives, as it were, the key-note to every
temper for the day, and attuneh every
spirit to harmony.
Our breakfast consisted ot what the
Squire denominated tktt# old English tare
lie indulged in some bitter lamentations
over modem breakfasts of tea and
which be censured as «uion e ~ the causes ol
modern eflemiuacy and weak nenes, and
the decline of old English heartiness and
though he admitted them to his table to
suit the palates of his guests, yet there was
a brave display of cold meats, wine, and
ale, on the aideboai.l
After breakfast, I walk s, nbout the
gro.iuds w.tii Frar.k Bracebridge and
Master Simon, as he was ca;le I by every
body tut the Squire We were esccrted
by a number of gentle liitir-upjjs, 'hat
beamed loungers tne establishment;
from the friskiug spaniel to the sUady old
stug hound —the last of which was of a
race that bad been in t. e family time out
of mind —they were all obedient to a dog
whistle which hung aL Master Simon's but
ton hole, aud in the midst of their gam
bols would glance au eye occasionally
upon a small switch he carried in )ii>band.
The oli} u.aujiuu bsid a still mere vener
able look iu the yellow sunshine than by
p„le moonlight; and 1 could not but feel
(lie lorco of the Squire's idea. ILat tbv
fonual terraces, heavily nioul ed balus
trades, and clipped yew trees, carried with
the.tn an air of proud aristocracy.
There appeared to bo au unusual nuui
ber of peacocks about the place, aud I was
making some remarks upon what I termed
a dock of them that were basking under a
sunny wall, when 1 was gently corrected
in my phraseology by Master Simon, who
told me that according to the most ancient
and approved treatise on hunting, I must
say a musttr -:i peacocks. ''ln the same
way,'' added be, with a slight air of ped
antry, "we saw a flight of doves awVi
lows, a bevy of quaiJu, a. herd of deer, of
wreu-i, or craues, a skulk of foxes, or a
I building of rooks." He went on to inform
me that according to Sir Anthony Fiti
berbert, we ought to ascribe to t*ii s bird
understanding mid glory; for, be;y,j prais
ed, he will presently set up his tail, chief
ly iifjainst the sun, to the intent you may
the better behold the beauty thereof. But
at the fall of the leal, when the tail falleth,
be will mourn and hide himselt in corners,
till his tail come again u* it wa<
I could not help :iniliug at ibis display
of small erudition on so whimsical a snb
ject; hut 1 found that birds
of consequence at the Hall; for F;&nk
Iliracebridge iu formed uiu that l bey nere
great favorites w it'., his lather. «ho tu
j extremely careful to keep up the breed
: partlv becau»e they belonged t.. chivalry
I and were in great request at the -tatfl)
baxqneta of tb* olden time and partly he
cause they had a p.nnp aiid magtiiticcnce
about thtni highly be<.omiuy an old fami
ly Inanbion. Nothing, be Mas a. *. u.'.toiOed
lo say, bad an hir of greater -tate and die
nity, than a peacock perched npou a
unique stone ballustrade
kfastes Simon bad now t<> hdrry oil h*.
ing an appointtuenl at the parish cbur. ti
With the Tillage choristers W tin Well- to
perform some music of nis selection
While we wore talking, we beard the
distant toll of the village bell, aud I was
told that ihe Squire wai a little particular
in having his household at church on a
Christmas morning; considering it a day
of pouring out of thank* and rejoieiug for,
as old itisier observed, —
'•At Christmas be merry, u«d thankful
Hi thai
And feast thy good neighbors, the grtat
with the small."
' If you aie disposed to go to church,''
.ai.l Frank Bracehridge "I can promise
I you a specimen of my cousin Simon's mus
| kal achievement.) As the chuivh u des
titute of an organ, he Las foime.l i 1.an.l
from the village amateurs, and established
a musical club for thei. improvement, l.c
has also sorted a choir, as be soiled n.y
l'alLei's pa. k of hounds, according to tbe
dilections of il.akt.a,.. .u Lis
Country Contentment;: tor the ba»s he bas
sought out all tbe deep solemn mouth*
and i..r the tenor the'loud tinging uiouibs
i.moug the country and for
sweet mouths,' he has culled with ciiriou.,
tdfte among the prettiest lassies in the
neighborhood, though these last be r.f
firms, are the most dith. ult to keep in ;
tune; your pretty t mule sin/or beit.g ei
ceedingly wayward and capricious and
very liable to a. i ident
As the morning, though frosty, was re
inaikably fine and i leai, the ui..«t ot the
lauiily walked to the church, which was u
very old building of gray stone, and stood
neai a village, about halt'a mile iioui the
puik gate. Adjoining it was u b.w snug
parsonage, which seemed t.ic.al with the
church. The front i.t it was perfectly
malted with a yew lice, that had bccii
traiued against lis ball? through ihe
tlell.se foliage ot which. apk-ltiilrS l,.id I.ten
formed to admit lighl into the an
tique lattiieS. As We paj.-<t»l thia slieitei
ed la.it, the paiioll limited l.*lth Slid pie
Ced U.S.
1 bad eipeeled to we a sleek well con
ditioned pastor, such a* is often found in a
Htiug living In the vicinity of a rich pat
roll's table, but I was disappointed The
parson was a little iiiHagre, black look logman
with a grizzled wig thai was too wide, and
stood oil'from each ear; so that bis head
eeeined to have shiunk awiij within it,
like a dried tilberl in it.s .shell. He wore a
rusty ooAl,wilb great skills,andporkcisthut
would have held the church bible und pray
er book aml Ins small legs eciucd ill
•smaller from being planted in lar"e -hoe
decorated with t-nr.riuouc buckles
I wa= intoriued by Frank Uracebridge
that the pars..n had been a chntn ot l,i«
father's and had received this lniog al'tir
the latter had come to his estate He was
a complete black-letter huuter, and w.-.nld
scarcely read a work printed in tLe Roman
rharat ter
on reaching the church porch, wt ivund
the parson rebuking the gray headed ae.v
tan for iia ting mistletoe among the greens
with which the church was decorated It
was, he observed, an unholy plant, pin
fane by having been used by the Druids
in their mystic ceremonies, and though it
might be innocently employed in the fes
tive ornamenting of hall < atul kitchen, yet
it had been deemed by the Fathers of the
Church as unhallowed, and totally unfit
for sacred purposes. .So tenacious was he
on this point, that tbe poor sestou was
obliged to strip down u iireat pait of the
bumble trophies of his taste, betore the
parsou would consent to enter upon the
service ol the day
The interior of the church was veuera
Me, but .simple; on the wall several mural
monument a of the Kracehridges, and just
beside the altar, was a tomb of ancient
workmanship, ou which lay the ethgy of a
warrior in armor, vrith his legs crossed, a
sign of his having 1 been a crusader I was
told it was or.e of the family who had -ig
nalized himself in the Holy Land, and the
aiiHic wiuue picture hiicg over Ibe tire
Jllace iu the the hall
Jiuiing service, Muster Simon stood up
in the pew, aud repeated the response*
very audibly, evincing that kind of cere
monious devotion puntnally observed l»y a
gentleman ot the old school, and a man of
old family connexion -
The usual services ol the choir were
managed tolerably well, the vocal parts
generally lagging » little behind the in
strumental, and some loitering Lddlei now
aud then making op fur lost time by trav
£ling over a passage with piodigions celer
ily, aud clearing ruble bars than the keen
est fox hunter, to be in at the death. Hut
the great trial was Ibea uthem that had been
prepared and arranged by Master Simon,
aud ou which he had fouuded great espec
tatiou. I nluckily there was a blunder at
the veiy outfit—the musicians became
hurried; Master ,Simon was iu a lever, ev
erything went on lamely and irregularly,
until they tame to a chorus beginning.
"Now let lis »ing with one accord, ' v. hieti
seemed tu br a signal for parting company
all became discord and coufusiou, each
shifted for himself, and got to the end as
well, or, rather, as soon as he could;
excepting one old choirist, iu a paii
of horu spectacles, bestriding aud pinch
ing a long sonorous nose, who, happening
to stand a little apart, and beiug wrapped
up in bis own nielody, kept on a quavering
wriggling his head, ogling his
book, and winding up all by a nasal solo
of at leant bars' duration
The parson gave us a most erudite *er
muu on the rites and ceremonies ol' Christ
mas, and the propriety of observing it. not
merely as a day of thanksgiving, but of le
joicing; snpporting the correctness of hij
opinions by the earliest usages of the
euurch, and enforcing theiu by the author
ities of Tboopbilus of Ccasarea, SI O'pii
uti, St. Chrysostoui, St. Augustiue. aud a
cloud more of Saints and Father from
whom he made copious quotation-. 1 was
a.htlle at a loss to perceive the necessity
of such a mighty array of forces to main
Lain a point which no one present -*£uU.ed
inclined to dispute; but I »oou found that
the gocd man had a legion oi ideal adver
ycrsaries to contend with; having, in the
course of bis researches on the subject ot
Christmas, got completely embroiled iu the
sectarian controversies of the Revolution
when the JVuitaus made such u fierce as
atiult Upou the ceremonies of the church,
and poor old Christmas was driven out of
the land by proclamation of Parliament
The worthy parson liveil but with tiinr'
past, and knew but little the pre-ent.
1 have -eldom known a sermon attended
apparently with more immediate effects
f..r on leaving the church the congregatiov
seemed one aud all with the
joye",/ oi spirit so esidestly enjoined by
their pastor The elder lolks gathered in
kt&t» in the 'cLonlj-arJ. grseticg a-1
•i.ukuig it.ln.l* and tlie children nu j
crying 'I If 1 I Ir 1 and repeating "tut
uu. onth rlt> u»e-> »te k the p*i ->o. who
ha.l joined us, iufxroed me i,*d t«a
Landed doV i* lr.>Ui .1 .\ .4 t.l » "tr lif >1
lagers doffed their hat< to the -qiti. ras he
passed giving bllli the g.H.d wlilr- d tlie
se4st.ii Willi •Vciy" appeal all. c ol beailtelt
siuceiiti anil t.eie invited b> hlili I" the
' hall to lake bometbifa* to kce|> ..at the
i colli ol the V lalhel anil I heaiii I4r-*lligi
I uttered bv Mrwkl ot in* poto wbi« U «.on
, i in. Ed Die thai ui the uii.lit «.f hi' euj..J"
I lOtlit.-, the worth/ i.1.l i a', alter ha<l 1...1 f«-i
| the tiue Lliri-ilma, futile i• 1 LailL,
| \\ e had liot been !• >Uil hoUie, when lit#
| _..UU«I of iuu u was heard fr.xu a d. tau. e
j A baml lit eoUlitrr lad i, witbottt vdttt .
their .lee\ e_" decorated wilk irreeuJ and
clubs iu their hand - were eeii A.lran, ing
up the avenue, followed Uj a uaiulter
of villager-, an.) peasantry The_v ,t..pp. d
be lore the hall do«»r, where the &IQIH
rtruck up a peiuliar air and the lad* per
formed a cariouj aiid iulncate :»d
van. retreatiug, and their
clubd together Keeping ti*. t liaie lo the
niusi. , while one whimsically crowne-l
with a foa'a akia, U>e tail ..i wbuh daunted
down bu ba. a. kept capering r un.t the
skirts nl tbc daucc ati.l rattHbg a '"hr; t
inai bos ntfh many aulic ferticttlatn cj
rte b.juir* eved tl>u> taricttui exhibiuua
with gr«at interest am! delight, and ga~«
me a full accoact of it« r-bub be
traced to the tiuie* when tbc Kouiai.) beid
pusjcision cd the idaa.l;plainlj pi.
thi* %. aj a lineal defendant vf tbe tword j
dance of the aneieuti ll n bow," be ;
said uemlv extiiitt. but he bad .i. widest j
ally met with traces ot it in tbe neigbb. ]
hood, and bad er.conragcd iu revival ,
tuou e b to tell the tr.ith. it «ai too apt t.. |
l.e followed .ip by cadgel-plaand
broken beadi ia thu evening
After tlie dan<.e wa» con, lude) the
whole paity vsu enteitaioed with biawn
and beef, and --tout b.-nie lire Wad The
Squire l.iin .-ell iiU'iiij/ tbe i.tatici
and «hj ii-cei.ed with awkwaid J«tn
ofdeteicU.i and repaid ll 1' j
tl Ue, 1 pviceiVetl Io or thier ..I tlir
Juunger a< they were lai inf
their tankardj lo thrir uoolthc when the
thing ot a gnuia. c an. l givtnr *-a. h xtbr 1
the »ink toll the ilioiiieUt IheV »augbl iu
eye tlie) pulled I**i.«« ta. « - .li t V iie ,1
ceediugly den.Uie tt itb - in. u
however, Ihfv all -.ecilled 111..re al tbril
Ca.-e till sailed *»Ci*ilpati..tt4 alol aiuUJe
iueiili bad iiia*le bio. well kn..ivii IluoU(»b
out the bci(jhborh...Hl He wa • a vL-itor at
er«ry farm honie and cottage ?.t*»tp«d
with the larmeri aud theii wite* i..mped
with their dany.btem and. like that type of
a \ arrant bachelor the bumble bee t.dle.l
the sweet* iVoin all the n..y li|i.4 of the
country round
Tbe whole 1..>t1-e indeed -W-euied abandon
e.l lo lueiiiuienl ail pa-'.-.l to mv t.-n.
1., dress for dinner, I heard the ■ ■not »t
innate in a small court,au«l ibr..oirb
a v. indow (hat . . lnn.au.led it. 1 pti.ei' ■ d
a hand of wandering liiusoiam with pan
dean pipe.', and tambourine, i pretty
. .lqucttish hi-ostmaid was dan. tag a jig
with a stnart country lad. wbile Kv'eral nt
the other serrinu vrere looking on in
tbe mid it of hut pr.it, tbe fill ( i.»;h! a
glimpse of my face at the v ind..'' »r. l
coloring up ran .'.if with .u air of rrgui <h
atfected coufa^iuii
roc liixvcu
f had iitiishc.l my toilet and was l.dtei
ing with Frank nracebridge in tb. librurr,
wliiiii ve beard a di*taut tUwa. ling *ound
which be informed me was a -ignal i«.r
the serving up ol" the dinn-r The "S.jnue
kept up old customs in kitchen ai well as
ball, and the rolling pin stra. k up .n the
dresser by the cook, summoned the s^r T
ants to carry in the men'
Just in thM nick the Mok knmt.l tl:nr
And all tbe waiters in a t'ice,
His summons did obey.
Lath serving u>nu, with diab m band,
kfarched boldly up. lik.- our traiit band
Presented, aud away
The dinner was Jtrif A up in ibe g>eat
hall, where the Squire always held his
Christina* banquet A bla.iup.rankling hie
of logs ba.l been heaped Ml In IV til... the
spacious apaitiuent. and the rtauie
Went sparkling and wreathing Up the
wide mouthed < hiinney Th- great
picture of the crusader and his
•white horse had been profusely
decorated with «reen* lor the ocasioa
and holly aud ivy h«<l likewise hem
wit.allied round the helinel and weapon*
oil the opposite wall, wbi.h I un.ici;t">Kl
ware the arm* of the <ame warrior. I
mint own, by tlie bye, I had alreag Aoubts
about the authenticity of the painting aud
armor a- haviug belonged t* the etnnidtr
they certainly having the stamp more
rectal day hut I *».■ t.dd that the paint
ing had been >o considered time out ol
mind, aud that as to the armor, it had
been found in a lumber room and cletat
ed to it* present MIHIIIUII by the Squire
whu bt on. e drieimined it IMS the »NU..I of
the family hero, and a. he wai absolute
anthority on all such subject s in hit own
boiiJehold, the matter hu pa > J into cur
rent acceptation, A sideboard vu act
out jost nndei this ekirilrii trophy, on
which WAS a duplay >d plate that might
bare tied iat least in variety i with Hil
shaker s parade ol ibe Vessels ol the tmi
pie; ' 'flagons, I an*, cilpl. beaker yoblets,
basin*, aud ewer-*, the utensil i
of good companionship that bad gradually
Rfciiniulated through manr generafi'»n
jovial housekeeper*. Before these ».>«d
two yule randla' beaming like two -*tar)
oftbehrit magnitude other lights were
distributed in branches and the wh.de ar
ray glittered like a firmament of silver
We weie ushered into this hanqiu-ting
scene with the sonnd ot wia»trtlsy th«
old harper being sealed on a -tod twei.le
the ire place, and twanging his in tr i
raent with a vait deal more power than
melody. Never did Christinas board du
play a more goodly and gratioiu a -~eis
blafie of countenance those who were
not handsome, were, at lea d, happy and
happiness is a rare improver of y..ur hard
favored visage I alway consider an old
Kngliih family as well worth studying a
a collection of Holbein's portrait . or Al
bert Durer's prints There i; lunch ant.
qu&rian lore to tic acquired, mu> h kuowl
edge of the phy iiopnouiiei of former time
Ferhapi it ma> be fi.uu bavine • .-nl in ual
ly before their eye? those nm - of old f.-tini
ly portrait;, with which the uian ~,n < of
this country are stocked. certain it i ih.u
the q'.wiu; ituiuie . el' antiquity ire »tfeu
UlOhl faithfully perpetuated m the HI au
cient line , and I have trai ed an old fatu
ily nose through a whole picture gallery,
legitimately liauded down friuu the time
of the Conquest. Saatlhiuf of th« kiml
wa* to be I'Lvrtid .u the worthy ouipa
y twuiiud uie. Many o| their la. . had
evidently originated in a tiothi-- age. and
Keen merely copied by .ucceeding genera
lion- aud there was «me little gill in par
ticular, of t:iid deiiieau<>(, with a
high Koniitii n<>se, and au antique vinegar
aspect, who was a great favorite of the
I squire' *, Wing as he said a Hr ~ thole
all over, and tfce *et7 . ...mterpart ..i oa.
j of}.; «h- t £ nrrd in the • . ;t
j of lienrv VIII
The parson »a.d grace, f to. h was ... t
| toi lemilar >.ne. such a? u ul ;
tdJreJSii to '.he Dsitj u th«i« uaaer#
buf % k»:»£ »• •urtlr, w#ll
«*f tb* *»»• n»Bf v Taitit
B ■ i J-» i >1 K-M»rtLu/ tt
| |K-iU>l wlkei. ilitilj t£.« t ili«r - iUirJ
I *h« L«li * 'li » >««• .1 «»• I imJk a
i»«* alka4c*l f»» • • **« lu««• h «t4«
Willi 4 hr/r *4l liffbl tti'i l«*4« • Ml el
I di*h. *'t* Hrtkft* l» »*1 ia «
; h«4*l «ir» tlttt I' IrtttJi/ Wittv A
IvHWi ta it 3 hj--utti. »).u k *a
| ■ ill* pt«*l I -.ii.ai.l. a! tt*~ L<-vi -i ill# it
btr Tuc CD -U.rUl lbl« |.l/- ill 'kt>U It?
«H''i tu.'b^rj: .i i, „ a 2 .
. h at »l i.ir 1.-, i.u ..f«b.. i. (►„. ,
UIMIM «a n bu.» fin iLr
Squire. ratv tVith ut air «f tLr uiuM «...«. '
IC PMTit/, atl • »t.t CiiT. t !b>- tr.l k«. -a .1
w tiirh *i' »- (hQm .
Caput apn .lcirr->
Hnlilea) laailri 1 Kxjll :.*»
lli» Lead in liadJ briuK !
With irarla&U* trajr.ao.l ruuroMry
I i-ray .>u ail -vn<«
•V* Kb i® con»f*it»
Thnngh pirpaio.l |.. iv t«jr
tltf M liltlr ((tuaiiti itin f».'iu Wut| my
H'* 1 ' •* tk« <»(f un:.# Il I j«t I
the with wti. k -v .»JJ *
Ji,h «u Mttalocail ...ui-abai perplftni
iu« unlit I k «'h.f>.l r'i ii. itie .-..0. -mi . b
of thi S.jmri i£.| tk' p»i ■. c ttal il . .i
metot I" ft it. f n.«
L »i'i Li4.l -.. Jufc l< iu«ri> - . .«4 ~ r
witli U.U. h camaubi th.- « l „i
thriitu.a» J*, T bk« th rtJ v a«t->o.
*ai«l the n i b>i : if :•
Malel; ieJ pin*:.» in t: it I .t u vi
»bi»?rveJ at th* c> May* at «»vK;J ».
»hub i*u lJikalr.l V( t:a l hi.-1. u.<
tiid -iiig dUaM u br..i*-» t» Btc.| m
t<M ckultM/ixilit iu.l jiiiic'ua
auJ tbe uu<.le «i i . •>&**» Ull—aU a»> j
ItUur-jtluitUll k>UW)B| ifecul M sfca;. 1
goitlii ~| r. I. _ p, .■ U«i
are now in tbair jii'ti'
Tbe i-arnii b *«ra, fx. *> 8..—1 '
MlmMk -n h » •...mm! *».• !
«a* ttwmyi talea Up I. lib H.» i*kt I
tb*U tbr .'KlillUttltl y. Irtl 1., lb*. ll -.tHk
'an » Tr.--. -i. ..I ibe i.ji»l whH-h b- aftrn.
«ii ars« I'taa tb«r mu/ *> . it«£»
Br *rul an » Mil tbr J(. fimtlWit
a . "Uimrul i*l. .i li. jiti llta r -|lag 1 i#u-l
tii(f a. v.'H|.ii.i«"l l.y >iu4ry •itMMiOBa
•Mr»iiii|| biiii'eli at ri< 1 l» tb«
at lai|ie bill r.ii.l.u* Ibrli »«loul. .. .a-l
«aii> ihVariant |.> .'iib«* lata au l ..tb. . ..<• !
|«i IJ. be l«» »ki.} |. ..a »i bl * n iult«t I
«.l a • til. i - iliimbiitii I uut.l b ti in 1..K.1 '
b. - taibaib- 111 Kb liu.tri . .*!• .* 1,. « taf
liraJtil • .t«t Melt bi».. at...
ailcLtlt ti* tbe Jir.tw-i**M ul «
huifr pUtrl'.il ul lark*}
The lable W|»- liter-ill', I,h*Jv4 #Ak (<*"4
i lifel AO>t Jtfr vltlrj itu
Iff »t.uil Uk< r 1.1 11.1 WWI wf ■.lriilK
ib# knlti • A f-t «*• al
li.tml I* Mirirul «irlo»a aa mma tnnW
iMUit-tl it, l.eiur. mlir aU't'-tl. Ill* tlml
anl C.f ..|<t Ell|fll«ll h.-'Jilfilit? *D>I * J..1141
nt yre Wrr uii.l f>il .»f *Tp«< '»ti.m
Tl.rte Wrtt' «eT>T*l lH4«l •|U4tUll .
a'pj »r..i xhi h t.i.l eruUntli maMtnnf
traditii.Bal in ikcii *1 belli ftia—n t.iit
about wiii> b >< I h>! im*l like
peat f.Tft ... • I a trc.l r...
I fulil u>.| b .w* «i bat l<4k* * r .a
u.«!'i..u. tuily Mii>nl«t Wiir. p<*. v~ b *
fcathei *. 11l Utllllllua 1.1 Ttie tall -I tl.at
hit.l whi< b i»vei«iuNk»ie4 « ■ ter*l*te
Us. i lit the t»l.le i r.tr. tbit -n
fckeJ *ak k**iUi..ii *»> *
pl*e&-?*l.t |».«r, ttnUllb * 'fc v »*
ctfMuilr lb* u. .i wit«rth»l ■ iUh
bail I -il. It A lf.«.at»l:r* aiil.'llrf 41K
C..1.L tl.,- A1...U ll.al b>. . . .l-l ||..( pfc
" ill bb-.b 1.1 lb.t II |l» hi * i.fte klllr.i
it Tiiui.l In IwliiiM I" Hit WiNt
icblr: i, <!•.. n.st K(k*il that M.11<4
fciihiM tut (44 u.t thing* t.>
f. hi. L i Jul i littlo girtn. *-f I t» mm
luin tlir i.tiirr atakr t..f» .-.I tbw «»rthf
• .Id lium- rft l.y wliifh h* «*• «n4«*v..r
•Or tn follow tlj,. bt A It limbic Ji»-
taDcr. the i|tuunt «( intently I
w»< [ill anl iMiTfm to *>• the [r«(i*il
jhr.rii t» hi< vhiwH bf it . hthlren *<wl
felslivi who i r.l. i.il frklii) into Ik*
full nf thrm a Hit -ill »<ll
TWMtI iu their p»n h» ibij .l.iwhil#**
been p(«i**l at Ujli) ji .«!.«&■ ial i *il
with R bull the but lei *b<l Mkrt »#ir»nl»
c vetutoi the duties aj i|B#J tt.eni Vt
ever ticullk lb*y r.aJ tu "hi l**fc.i u
eJ lawk, bii* ibtf. ti.c the b...»! part Ve«u
hiuiifflit ii|i iu the L. u rh.-lJ 1-..1 e i..« a
int.. l(i-j>m< With the abt«|a ite.t iwrnmu
buil the h.iui. rj <•! ili bii.l au.l «.'•!
WUf b i.ke.l a|..<b all hi* *kl»Hnl tagtt
1»1...iH b« tii« e<tbl>li»hi-l la »# - t b- b'.ra
ble h .iii<k«).ir.<
Wlirb iba; *"U4b W.« lefli t#«i lb* Wat
lei lia.mgbt 11* a bug# jilvar t# -al .41 rart
kii.l. .»n«>a-( workmiabibip wbu hb*
eii th* Squire It* »fp#arau.v *u
b:nU.l with *•. lanial.- b Ueiiag lb* Wa«ail
B<»*l hi inmiruftl iu ( bntiiaai i**ti»it».
1 t.a f ..utrli! • ba*t Ik«h |>l<y*r*>l bj Iba
S.j.llr. I.kiil jrlt', t»l it 'aka * i^i. cCaaa. IB
tL. .killl'ul laii'lkic ••« «bi> b ba pail .alar
I y ptiJe.l InniMil alUifiiia Ibat •! was too
lkl(i|.< llaltOlaifUi Im tk* i. u»p.abaw
auuulakotdiuai) witaal It **» aJ •
Utidii. iDilacl Ibal b igiit wall in**- tba
brurt of a t'.p«r If ap Wiibin bin
o>uip.<~><*J of the au«l w.o#*
kirblj pu«J au«l »w«*t*b#4 Witb i -. laJ
kppU < k»kbll| kIXHM lb« 'ttlfca.#
lb* ..1.1 jenll#m*i.'« wb»l* .akMIM
braUiail wilb 4 #f«ka |.~ k at .iul* tllikf
tla-lieLt a< Lr nticird tbia a»#bir bowl
llaviug iai<<4 il t« bn hp wiib a baartf
Wiib a«f k many C'hri-'liuj • t.. all pi*a»l
be tent il UiiminiuK iwun-l lb* U..11J, f>-r
every t.n# to follow bi* avanapla aa>
to the primitiva atjl# ikg it ' tb#
auciani touutkiU »f iro<-l fcalmp wbat* all
heart:luet to^ethci
Tber# <■ li< i. b ladfbiiig anj ralt>uaf.
k. lb* l.ntir-l eUi'iUriil >4 t'hlitfM >• .ib
il; cirt ulatril. mil fu ki*s*«l raib'r "flf
bjr the laJie- tint aim it rcki b*<t Ifaitcr
f'lini'U. he runr-l it 111 ba.lb bam!- »ia4
with the air uf a eaaipakiaa »ra« k
up an »M W*, vii 1 dm mm
Tbe bruab baialr.
Tbe ui#rr; Utowb Us lr
Ai it fiwi rnubal iiha.nl a
Kill <till.
I .at tbe wiirbl >ar what it «til
iki Jrink to<m ftU al'. nnt a
Uiu-b •>* tb# i-oBf«r«atioo ifttriky 'linaar
turnril np-.n taiuily U.p.. t.. wbu-!» I
a Itrkiifer Ther# wa bow#vrr a nr#»t
J."«l uf rallvuif .»f lli'irt v i<a->n *b*>at
•nziie »av wiJi.w. with wba.io b- wa* ac
i n*#.l 14 ba\in4 a flirlali-.n flu.* at'k* k
iris (oaHiairtd l>) lb* I -a. t•« ».«t n w*a
oaimtml the .tinner Uj tb*
lat hraale.l obi fentlcmau a*»t lb# par . u
with the per<-Veriuf aa iiliiily of k *U»tr
houud. I.e\u0 one thaia# Uukf r>M
j.ikt.« who thonfb rktli#r 4n!l at -lartinf
gam#, are uoriralleil {«>r th#lr talent- Ik
bun* in if it dawn. At er.-ry pa»i««* ia tb*
f.'Ueral 1 »uver*ati>*a. b<* ieD«*til hi. !>aa
terinK Ib pretfr luoch the .im< trrat#
kinkmg bant al in# with b«'fh #yea «hra
e er h# #ATe U.»'ter >iii»"ti what t»# »'"U
•iilere*! a home tbrn-t The Utter .ml##<l.
*#eib#>l f..b«l «ft» >ll# l< 1 r4 .ib Ibe rolij#rt.
k 01.l ba.he|..|. ar. aid l» fa* JB.l be t.a*
kri'krjka til M-nn uw, iu ala uU-b rtwaa.
tb# Ml ia iju»» *1,.0 i Wa- k pr .han..i«-
|t ba# a..>u.tn ai«l li-- ■• b«-< ••«"» mriuk.
Tbr .'IUU. 1 tune pa *.l a»a_i Ua thl» i- »
.*t iki.—>ut bilat.ty. an*l tl.. t!.■* ..ill
ball laakt ba". I*«. .ii-WJ IR It* tll&a
T,:h la. a *• -U* <■ I tl v'*l 1 at a 1..1
i<- al, yti 1 a. abt >b«tk«i! •• aval *iUM*
«lZ' :• t»•-1 ji-— i-. jW&Z.
H..w »*«j ,t , ... r iw*K e»
ti ~wi knu iaj *.** tiuly
• l.ihl CkrW • fu*iitU«ii >4 i' jitiiT « arfft*
• •»* t»«flkHur t» ilt >.lM> h> it* Aau «
l« 'lk* b> i >%•
« <«*» «•> Mif i«.
fc* **» R«V|>> ' ■> <>■#>— !»■>»
»a •■•*4 i.* rr . mm! it— utU* M.v«»lrw
•(!«« a k. • UIM tut t>Bt 'tXit Ut » Mlk
lor fu« -i In fkilwlkr.ff
t*« i-»ite- te4 tIM -<m
!•(••<•<«•> •* . MM Ah arnrntm M
■kxtnt fan. 0 ikl «»f» MUMfeadl
• hi.* b»t !—»(. ti .it#** mi' Junug 4)a*ar
but »Uk tuDlii tM <lk (if Jim* l»ly '•
«« «J tb.-arh I cmh t iuiii i*»>i »im
't*- <*■«• ««■ Kixk wit ininrf. ;<r 1
<•*« rt«.wi .MiJ maf .ortuli *f -»«•
*.t pMhBM uilWb Ut* Al|Urr * t
«r«T Ail. I-* » Ml# Mr tMt 703#»at <»
f>tMtl -4Xhl iSib-h tkM> A. .J t»r MM
U lut b.-a.- -t «' jJ ta«uf r* tk>W
. «•»' i <a*rr MriuM MtJ tk«r> urn
imm jurial ■ .-mpmimm a%iaal k»t ak#rw
iktjdW' we lalla't % >lt ll< l«.*kta«
fh# -V^Wi * l<*fcj a.*«.al . Oa *4
| r«rl prank • •■-J tJt- (MiMW .a
-•uia .I -1,.l tk» ,a- m— uj t-aak a
•Atra ft.. . 4 u Sm w t.ig .t tb* Mlc J
. f»,-»r* I MM »af .! -1 uafliiJM la*
mil A UUm iuk at* JI«B
I't*' ifc* itwi i * MAy *
l aka t X.. . lief* .liiMM fi .
; ) «»—w- >i »k«t ~.*n iu; u s*J# ky
| ".La;; J.dr. a-. i .l- .a kfc .ba ---**••
' **»t tkj ami „ .4. *. ct* ia*u.i; m k.
4* aaaib . •*» >4»<- . ..» »
; !*#bl at ,1. ay«.l > a- I all iMkiai' ukl UJ
toanakaJ ao * k«ait. v».t iux.4 .*1
I aaa tka p.-at p.. - a -.a .k* a
t.*l. UJ 4..tJ aal «J>M»I M>.
. MbMaf J»at. ..a»a* ;a tk* *al*k.« U
<M»n«fkaa *l*4. ?*.a ;ut< —«a I
| t.. b* a r i.> J alak. *< ~k»J 4.-.
' n it* h.~tt u a. jf ».
' • ti wi -b# w«J «t > >■
M f lt« pa> -..a Ukl * piattf a.. Ik aal J
»I« |B li<> '•*>.* JMI '• Ik* kia I* » <4 HM
I'if ll*« -l4 in awl* aaa ilpkM
' ■■( fch.*- akwb •> l« <i I »..*a4 J*. >pka.
k* I •«nh >«h«»* w** at
d. at! •"I T»nla*«l I • a»
*i> m*l ».lk Ml -44 - —a.— tttaf M>k
»*■*«• *fcl aa *1 IM uipalej
at li< • aik
I !>•••*..t 1k« It4a -I »Saw Mml >»*•
I. I..UJ ..it t* . !*«.< .4 > in )d*MH
TUi..i*|mi>. fit* MIMt >»i Mkki tt
|IK a*. )..#*« <ia< •htliof 4*»««r u
«•' .U II * k«Maa-l •> 4 a.Maftay
p*. kiM a .ik .i#a kt • ..i4 nU '*#■ «•*
at « tMiMi .••mpiaii.i ao-4 fc* • aaa >w
telM lu.i .al u Ik* *id»* H«
fa«« • l«M — t* kfc i« Hk* w l !!'■■ *t t
» l.k.w *bvh fcv IHk—II I IM fc» k*t
ftIMM rifNß an .I'HIH MufrWHl
* 'rk tktuM i ipfcl « 'Uliilnr lw Ut*
4f.4W.Mh4 tatfe
#l..r * «o4 *fct« 1 M ftoatiJMl r.. tatut ak*
tM> &<« t«a* «*» U> ik* <A>-1
li - ift*( ».ll »—• • *mJi.* uuul *m« I all.
hr TBull 3<M <llk k*T -tell I I
But k>4Jlr m W ,A»» tkwi mm* to
TW —«* .k* IK >!»>»■> .4a
(MllltM *t« kkl' in ft turn•»
t«H k , k»l.»r arjk) m*rv <•# f.** Witt— rka*
4#« f*( i.i tfe* hot «•> •*»»■»•
Hack in ik* ii.nl.tf, *»■» m4t fk Hkßii
ib* Uti*. r tii t»ftn « unlf A* p»
an* UJO. .«fu la «ko« tUa ftei >a
b**r bc.Dj w *.« a Jk«« «•»
a Aim atii kit *sf »tuaf *.a >
l< Mk "to# «J« » >«• .a Ifeas jdMCtw* •*
• ar« •WMtm.at .-4 i« r%* sm«*. <M
u i Mioy**t «i tik* fri*at* a 4
Bi.k* «M*l, «2k04» )M*t*MtT ;«WM« iMkl-
Vntf rtj wifk a h*«* -n jMafWk
k!f»i tW 4wmt t*kl« wto Mkwat •»
haN *«* ftraa l« 'n* »>iaf» i—aar
at Iba AkM<i" Tfc.. jfmftmt u* atf i*M*
of M"r mirth kf fk* «»■» —law aa4 Ka in
a»«i# •( -W wail' fUf ml hmr
Mmawi. a* tUf piaf*l at > i»I»I
f»kM I wtifki « <w fkMifci u
u( rk> Idrm a*J yarUrntart# at Aw k .yyi
*«*<rt k k»44 llltt
kol .tl° iba 4fa»iM) ranaa « ba*i*| *•» *#
Th*ir a< unakicf I fa«a4 Ikaaa ««
tk* »t kMa4 mmm ak »# llaOi'
•*!».. i. «Wm *a- ik* t«U« .4 (Wti nnai*
ac.l momJ « ail -cc*«»jaa w ji*l *«
tii. • < t tkal ao..:akl ik» Kant 4
]fim.t« *** .cakMKi miu mmJ« a< tW
kail fk a liat* h«*<a *»ra a* M«f i*»M
bia* *• tt.a aatk ranw tknl 9 «>n»#
I kim fhwktaf al iW <tn« • «4 k»a
1 caal, aoJ ti.jkMm* kiw »itV «r»»> ••»«
in* M-a-rra.l ..f aarxU iMan »ak
bar tfatan bau kit tm '.im »*l c«lh-i«w
bar fr-.lu t».a .a a ilu* kat #»'k lalt ♦ -ra
•(f bar hv>aUaii • . .wpt*i* p*Ru» -4 a
MBf *a* Ik* U.al i. iu.mU.4 a*J ft-.ai
! tb* «l/na*« arstk *k..b U*-tM • ■*» ■«»
at i<b4 Ik* iMkrtar (mm <*l maai I
tki* «iM httl* irmf* m •mmi m*
akiifaJ bar *■• jiwy Ariaktaf m*m >Mi)
I iuyailW >k* i.tg .* ■•» Ma| M* a »b»i
Mora tiiiiJal ika* *a» »ai i«
W kait I »»M»k*4 »w Ik* Jm*« iwml
I f. iU im tat ik* at*
U*t*»,n« ta ik* »W **- iii|i>
ab* iikwJ i* k bi*b '* >*i Mb an .kat*
tii' »«>k .-l »sa . iiuulf ar'ikear 4 f«aw
wk.. b k*J baab b.v*a«k( fnwa «ka ,ibtaa>
Ih b • parti*. ilm »4.ik HI in— h<iß
lix •-«**.-aui» a *f buckitaw. »-»k
abkb bi- N>a.|.. »_» k|wi« mm! la.l w<a aa
fa. • ~ aJu.wakiy m»•■• Mk* *•# laaWa;
(•Hrib tUawf* m niwfi .4 ib* f infiii»r
au|Mi.r ii..ii. ia4 U|nUi .4 Ik* <am*M
iuf •■Mimtif *tlh »i»b ta Ui kair I■ I
a>**|«MivUi4 .a lb« «mraa 4 ki*
rakatweW* laa *a tbikk tka«
ika IJ <a»ila»ai> »»t a.iaaaM n ""bal
U«i'l>uat «if i aa Mk aaa
im; u. b* aka hrm a »aa»aia wJ
M'i4i--i« lib* ia • yaii a* Uk*
c.uatrT ki.4 put* aa*r kla>b (atlas tfali
m wfiaa kiiwt w.tk tk* earwHaaa aa.l
tnywual ira. Be gmtm** <wr*ra. «aa> knla •
of »ha laii.ri <4 tba aaifkk-maf
>4k«ru w lb* <c&fj *t lb* «m aiii aWk
iaf aa tka '••»b bf (k# cbamft altar. Jb
it »•< iba dkif m-tkumaat -4 tka *>aat «
pail ut Ika aaaatry it ba4 alwa) •
'•aaa i*£arJ*4 w.tk a ■imiit "tilinaa
ff Iba |u«l wi«a «t iba 'ill It waa
aij U» gat ky Iraaa tka u«aak aa4 walk Aa
ruun.l* »i Iba «-konekfai4 >a itumf ingfct
partMiiaUrlf aba* it tbakiiaraJ. aat -mm
oM V.'iaui *bn« .tw* -iJail aa Ik*
cb.ir. k»mJ Ua>i **au .i ika w»a
i|a>a 4«i tka ck.tr. * ataaat tka aMk aa iaa
♦k.aly ftk.ag :ip an J ii.aa tka a4M to
wa* ik* WUal iha» *>uaa *» a< IVfcl » iaa
.*rt unra4r*HMt by fba Ja aaaa t*a aaa
Uaxair* ai4>l*a. aba.» i*y< Ika I*«n' (• a
•late at triMkbl* aal rwtto'MMi
«f g>44 aaat ;«•**# ba*ual m •%#
tiiaK *»*f b (W 7» ll» tafl Mkk
ac.l lb»f» >v » «<** '■ •wrwwt » lat ia
ia «<•! tiaa*« ab> • a4*ar»r«ii ta -raab Iba
war ta* iba i( V* jmtt m W
rrx Imml it r*e*ir*4 a * aakntt Ma* *naaa ite
■arblo baa 4 at 'b# att#r wku-k
biui wmb" -m »l»a yaTaaa—t ttmm
I kin wm* !M#kc4 al kr -«a* a# *ka
•UrtW ur'i»if tk* m«tvjf aa« w*we
ai*M tm. •««. ?t». f* vtft W aaa af (k»
<taaal*.l WabaTari rk-*» **• <kl -tf »aaa
tatia* aluaaa m 'W (.../'/a#b 'M !«l aat-
U»- vlwrik'tfj
Fi .Ua tbar** *i..t Ik*a bki Ikat M>
U.ka-1 lb* iaaalM ba ba Mk
ia«..iit* W.- -I «k.-4 <-n*a tki iTlgkalkt
lb. JuinMj a - |»vtaiv -»Wk .
.ia t- kali, aaa bf ika utTMUtv
-a-.:. . ..*J a* /. ..'t% /oft