V <»1 v \ II "WILLIAM M'AND.S *, ■IF' *JL§DIISISL J V A^j' 50 st. r,V % THE VERY PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE LEAST MONEY : - Are your wages small. TO SPEND ARE THE ONES , ARO YOU ,L '" HEFTLI O1 A i fatuity? OUR RELIABLE CLOTHING ! * , With marketing bills MEANS MOST TO | LAL „ EV _ i Willi IIOUHP rent a «lr»»*r on you'.' Low prices lor honest, long-wearing Clothing will he a IMMHI to _>< ur pocket-book and your hack. Get an Iron-clml Cloth Suit at sl2. Strongest All-Wo Suit we know «»!'. Nohody else sells it. Get J. N. I'ATTKKSON'S Cloth Suit at slMKI turiiiisx «l*>iao to <»rf« Mlx| VViHi'l-W-trK . HU«*ll n . r«siii|{, Coni'T block*. PMIII'IS ami all kiit«ls <»t fancy v.ri« r al Ni». | ~ S. Main sfm-f. F;wf<»r> at No. M, N, Ur«*«'i. P.CTI.I-J:. I'fcNNA. | •. . i UillftUn ■ln 11 II I li:vr-< I.ass. I't-rniitr.. 11l i WIBII III# p|< .1 int. priilltalilo Idii* for Mm- rli;lii wen i.***! mil.iih-s :iiin«!f | |*l bCRIn "fill | rtvloux i \|,< rli n< ln ''' >vilA Out •I ipf. Witu i.»r t- iuis, tftv li.jc sijjc. CMAKI.Kti II CIIAHK. NuiPerynuui. !!■, liest- r. I CM N. V. Mention Uils pupei. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. I SCIIIiTTE kO'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers lAml < i ,is KlU'-rs, o( iiioi'i; limn 20 j i ■ expi rl i I'M;)', have openr ii iin ir store in tin; (Jen. Itelber : lilnck. on Jefferson St. npfioslle the I/iwry House, with .1 full Inn; nf Plumber's Supplies. OAS HVI l ltlcs.ANl) lil.ollKS. llANtilN'i; and TAISI.K I AMI'S VI i l: A l has l!l i:nki.n A' i! I li' lli: |ii'.iiiipl!y;j,lli>ii.|i rl to, :nnl y.ur pal- OR.'l'/e re pel-tfllll.V w,||,-IH-, A. J. FRANK V CO. DKAI.KKH IN ! lUtICM, M i:i!|< INKS, ,\M> C'llKM h'AUS' I AN< Y AMI T« HI.I:r AKTICKS, I Sl'nv.K-. isltrslll'N, FKltri'MKit Y. Ac* ■ I'lijM. !:| II I'tevilpirtri'- eaietullv Vo.n j ponndiMi. ' SS. Maitt Street, butler. Pa. Something to Say. To everyone this week, and it will he to your interest to read and think of i; \\ v have the most complete line el childien* hats, from the >oiid ail round school eaps at "Joe, to the finest and nobbiest hats made. We have the largest stock !of reliable underwear in the county, and are at our popular low prices. We have every thing in the Furnishing line. We have one price and that the lowest. _ We like to have people look at our goods and get the prices. COLBERT CV DALE, 70 S Main street, Butler, Pa. Do Not Be Puzzled What to buy for u Chriritmaß Pres ent, hut Ht(«p into the New York Bazaar And sec the. mammoth display of useful articles. We will mention a few articles here: Fine nilk tiaudkerckiufn, linen and lace handkerchiefs, Bilk and cash mere uttiniern.Hilk and plush neckties, line dress Hhirts, colljirn und culTs, suspenders, euir buttons, scarf pins, und an endless vurietv of fine jewel ry suitable for ladies wear, kid gloves for ladies and gents, new styles in ladies neckwear, u fine hilk or cash mere dress, a cloak, a fine linen table cloth, a nice pair of towels, make very useful presents. We have an elegant stock of fine umbrellas, muffs, boa u , capes,pocket books,silk throws, fancy linen goods and a hundred more useful articles too numerous to mention. Remember the place, THE NEW YORK BAZAAR, The Wide Awake and Popular Store Opposite Poatoflice. BU TLER, - PA. Willard Hotel, W. 11. REIHING, Prop'r BUTLER, - STAIiI.IMi IS CONNECTION. KAMI'I.K ROO« for COMMERCIAL TRAVELER* SAMPLE ROOM. I.IYERY IN CONNIP TION Hotel Vogeley (Strictly First Class.) IIENUT L. BECK, PROPK. 11. FAPBKL, Manager. Bntler, I'a. Diamond : - : Hotel, Kroutiug Diamond, Butler, I'a. THOMAS WAWSON, I'rc'r. (iood rooms, good meals, stabling in con nection, ever\ thing fir.it class. NIXON'S HOME, 85 N. McKEAN ST.. UUTI.ER, I'A. Meals at'all hours. Open all night, lireakfast •£> cerii.i. Dinner 'i r > cents. Supper 25 cents. L«KlgLii(,' jr, cents, . SIMEON NIXON - - - PROP'R. EITENMOLLER lOfEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BTJTLBR, - - FA. Near New Court House formerly Donaldson House—good accommodations lor travelers. Hood stabling connected. H-9-'n; iv' II KITKNMUI'LKR, Prop'r. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running a line of carriages between the hotels and depots of the town Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders ut Hotel Vogeley. (iood Livery in (lounection. New Livery Stable. J New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horses fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r 39, W. Jefferson St, Butler, Pa. MHSwSEI3oEE9Hi Is the oiden and niont popular scientific uud meehanical paper published ami has the largest circulation of any paper o! its cliik* hi the world. Fully Illustrated. It*l class of Wood Kntcrav- In?*. Published weeklr. Send for specimen cpv. Price f.*l a year, b our mont ha' trial, 91. lIINN X CO., I'l ui iHiii.UH, y»;i Uroadway, N.Y. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERC Edition of Scientific American. O A ifreat success. Each Issue contains colored lithographic plates of country and clt y residen ce •• «»r public buihllnffs. Numerous engravings and lull plans and specification* tor the use of such as conteinpliitc building- Price I- U) a year, 25 eta. a copy. All NN A CO.. Pt'BUBBERS. PATENTS ®iEl A wB hav*- had over ■ 4<» years' experience and have mado over lUO.UUU applications for American and ror eign patenti. Send for Handbook. torres | pondcutc strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. In ra§e your mark Is not registered in the Pat cut Office, apply to Mrxv .% Co., and procure immediate protection. Head lor Handbook. COPV It l(i lITM for books, charts, n.up». : etc., quickly procured. Address JUIJNN Oi CO., Puteut Solictior.. - I Gtxttui orncs; m N. T. PROFESSIONAL <\\RDS. A. T. HOIMT. J. e. w 11-SON. scorr A WII.SON, ATI " ill\ K« N-AT I.A W. ! collections « specially. ofll.e at .Vo. >. South i Diamond. Itatlcr. I'.t. JAMES N. MOORE, i ArrOKNKl' AT-I. UV \Nl' NuilKY I'l iil.iC. 0..1 CC 11l K'l'Xll So. I. SeCol: I I!.. II ol Uu-.eltun Block. entrance on tiluunn 1 P. W. LOWRY, ATTORNEY ATI.AW • Room No. .', Anderson hulldiusr. Butler. l'a. I A. K. RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. otllre ou si-rolnl floor of New A nderaon I! look Main Si..- ii'-ar Diamond. IRA MCJ UNK IN. Attorney at IJUV. Odlce at No. 17, fcaal Jefler son M . Boiler. Pa. W. C. FINDI.EY, Attorney at Law and Ileal Kstate Agent or lice rear of L. Z. Mitchell's oftlce on north side ol Diamond. Duller, IV. 11. H. GOUCHER. All or iiiv at-law. I ifflcc on second flour ol Anderson building, near Court llouae. Duller, l'a. J. T. BRITTA IN. All yat Law Office at S. K. Cor. Main St, and Diamond, Butler. l'a. NEWTON BLACK. All yat l.aw Oftlce on South side of Diamond Holler, l'a. JOHN M. RUSSELL, Attorney-at-I.a\v. Office ou South side of Ola liiond, liutlei, l'a. C. F. L. McQUISTION, KM.IVKKK AMI SI'RVKYOIt, BBCES Of'KICK NKAR DIAIfONII. llirri.KK, I'i. C. M. ZIMMERMAN. I'UYSICIAN AM* SI'IUICON, Office aC No. i't. S. Mailt street, over Frank It eo's Di ujf Store. Butler. l'a, SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. rJo. 10 West Cunningham St., BUTLER, -TPTNINTZTSR' A W. R. TITZEL. I'IIYSICIAN ANI> SUUGEON. S. W.Corner Main and North Sis. B UTLER IPIEIM IST'A. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties -.-(Sold Killings, and rainless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Oilier ou Jefferson Street, one door |:*»I ot l.onrj IIOUKI*, L'|» SUin. Office oiien daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention, N. H. -Tlie only Dentist in llutlcr using the besl makes of teeth. L 8. Mt*JUNKIiV, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. BUTI.ER, - PA. E E ABRAMS & CO Fire and Lite INSUR A N C E lufcuraitcu Co. of North America, incor porated 17U"*, capital $3,000,000 ami other strong companies represented. New York I.ife Insurance t.'o., assets $90,000,000. Office Now Htueltou building near Court House. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. 1. C. ROESSING, PUESI itENT. WM. CAMPBELL TIIBASUKKK H. C. IIKINKMAN, SECRETARY 1)1 RECTORS: J. I. I'urvls, Kanmel Anderson, William Campbell J. W. linrkli.irt. A. Trout man, Henderson Oliver, (i.C. Itoesslug, .lames Stephenson, l>r. W. Irvin, Henry Wliilmlro. J. K. Taylor. H. C. Helneniiui, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Gon. Ae''. PA. BUY YOUR HOWES United Security and Trust Co., of ru, Money to Buy Homes. Moi. t lily dues not more than a fair rent. Pay ments decrease yearly. In event ot death prior to completion or payments, balance of on cumbrance canceled. Money to Loan. Heal estate bought and sold on commission. Wanted houses to rent and rents collected. L. G. LINN, No 38 South Main St., Butler, Pa. Over Unn's I)i ug.Htore. BARGAINS IN Wall Paper. For the next sixty days we will oiler bargains in nil our gilt and embossed wall papers. |in order lo reduce stock and j make room for Holiday (roods. J. H. Douglass, Near Postollice, Butler Pa .—Subscribe for iLe CITIZEN B! TLI'IS, I'A., FRIDAY. DECKMHER 1:1. !*-:i THE STAfiE COACH. A.V oLI> StKTCII BV" \\ ASHIJWroM IUVIXO. In the course of a lieeemher tour in Yorkshire, England, I rode for a long dis tance in one of the public eoacJies, ou the day preceding Christmas The coach was crowded, both inside and out, with pas sengers, who, by their talk, -oeiued prin cipally bound to the mansions of relations or friends, to eat the Christmas dinner. It was loaded also with hampers of game, and baskets and boxes of delicacies; aud hares hung dangling their long ears about the coachman's Imt. presents from distant friends for the impending feast I had three hue rosy-checked school boys for my fellow-passengers inside, full of tho buxom health aud uianly spirit which 1 have ob nerved in the children of hij country. They were returniug home for the holi days, iu high glee, and protni ing them selves a world of enjoyment. It was delightful to hear the gigantic plans of pleasure of the little rogues, and the impracticable leaf t Ihey were to per form during Iheir six weeks'* emaucipa tion from the abhorred thraldom ot book, birch, uiid pedagogue. They were full ol the anticipations ol the meeting ailh the family and household, down lo the very cat and log. and of the joy they were to give their sister by the presents with which their pockets were crammed; but the meeting to which they seemed to look forward with tho greate t impatience wa with Bantam, which I found to be a pony, aud according to their talk, possessed of more virtues than any deed Hince the days of Bucephalns. How be could trot' how he could run' and then such leapt m he would take—there was not a hedge in the whole country that he could not dear They were under the particular guard ianship of the coachuiail, to whom, when ever au opportunity presented, they a, I dressed a host of questions, and pronounc ed him one of the best fellows iu the whole world. Indeed, I could not but notice Ihe more than ordinary air and importance ot the coachman, who wore his hat a little on one idc, and had a large bunch of Christ ma: greens stuck in the button hole of his coat. He is always a personage full of mighty care and business; but he is par ticiilarly so duriug this season, having so many commission* to execute in eonsc ijuenee of the great intcr-'liaugc of pres cut . And here, perhaps il may not be unacceptable to my untravelled readers,to have a sketch that may serve as a general representation of this numerous uud impoi taut class of functionaries, who have a dress, a manner, a language, an air, pecul iar to themselves, and prevalent through out the fraternity; so that, wherever all English stage coachman may be seen, he cauiiot be mistaken for one of any other craft or mystery. tic has commonly a broad full face, cur iomdy mottled with red, as if the blood had been forced by hard feeding into every Vessel of the skin; he is swelled into jolly dimensions by frequent potations of malt liquors, and his bulk is still farther increas ed by a multiplicity of coats, in which he buried like a cauliflower, the upper one reaching to his heels. He wears a broad brimmed low-crowned hat, a huge roll of colored handkerchief about his neck, know ingly knitted and tucked iu at the bosom; and has iu summer-time a large bouquet of flowers iu his button hole, the present, most probably, of some enamored country lass. His waistcoat is commonly of bright colour, striped, aud his small clothes extend far below the knees, to meet a pair of jockey boots which reach about half-way up his legs. All tlii:i costnmn is maiiilaiu«'> uuud ail old w riter'.s aeeoiiut ol Cliimlniai prep parations. "Now capons atnl liens, IM sides turkeys, (feese, and duek.s, with heel and mutton. —must all die—for in twelve days a multitude of people will not lie fed with a little. Xow plums and spice, sugar aud honey, square it. among pies and broth. N'ow or never must music be in tune, for the youth ni'i t duuee aud sing to get them n heal, while the it bv the lire The country maid leave, hall her market, an 1 inu t be sent agaiu. if he for gets a pair of cards on Christmas eve Great is the contention of llolly ninl Ivy. whether master or dame wears the breeches. Liice and cards benefit the but ler, aui if the cook do not lack v it, he will sweetly lick his tiuger •. I was roused from this lii of Imurious meditatiou by a shout from iuy little trav eling companions. They liad been Ue.k iug ont of the coach windows f.,r the last few miles, re<. ognuing every tree and cot tage a they approached home and theie was a general burst of joy—"There's John' aud there's old Carlo' and there's Bantam!' cried the happy little rogues clapping their hauds. At the end of a Fane, there wa • TTi rrnr 1 Aobur looking scivaut in lively , v ailing for then), lie wa• a, coiop.tilled lo a •nperau hunted pointer, and by Ih ■ redonbtalilc Dautanl, a little old rat o! a p niy. with a shairf'V inane and h»iig rusty tail, who stood dozing quietly by the road id. , little dreaming of the liil'itting time, that a'.vait ed him 1 Was pleased to *e, the folldne \\ ith which the little fellows leaped about the steady old f,Hitman and hugged the point er, who wriggled his whole body for joy Rul Itanium wa- Ihe preal object of inter e t; all Wanted to mount at ouce, utol it wa - with some ditlicnlty that .lidin arrailg ed that, they should ri.le by turns, and the eldest hoiild ride first. Off they set at last; one on tli»- pony, with t liming bounding it nil barking before him, anil the others holding John's hand? Woth talking ut once and overpowering him with questions ahont liom<\ find with school anecdote*. I looked after them with n feeling in which I do not know whether pleaiflire or melancholy predomi nated; for I was reminded -f tlnce day - when, like theui, I had neither known cure nor sorrow, und a holiday was the sum mit of earthly lelieity. We stopped a few moments afterwards, to witter the hones; and on resuming our route, a turn of the road brought us in sight »f a neat country seat. I eould just distinguish the forms of a lady an.l two young girls on the portico, and I Maw my little comrades, with Ban Uin, Carlo, and old John, trooping along the carriage roail. I leaned out of the coach window, in hopes of witnessing the happy meeting, but 11 grow of tree shut il from my sight. In tin- evening we reached a village where I bail determined to pass the night. As we drove into the great gateway of the inn, I saw, on one side, tin- light of a rousing kitchen fire beamed through a window. I entered, anil admired lor the hundredth time, that picture of con veuience, neatness, and broad honest en joy men t, the picture of an English inn. It was of spacious dimensions, bung round with copper and tin vessles highly polish ed, and decorated here and there with a Christinas green. Hams, tongues and flitches of bacon were suspended from the ceiling; a smokc-juck made its ceaseless claukiug beside the fire place, and a clock ticked in one corner. A well sconreH deal table extended along one side of the kiteli on, with a cold round <>l beef, and other hearty viands, upon it, over which two foaming tankards of ale seemed mounting guard. Travellers of inferior order were preparing to titlark this stout repast, whilst others ,iat smokiug and gossiping over their ale ou two high-ltacked oaken settles beside the tire. Trim housemaids were hurrying backwards and forwards, under the directions of a bustling landlady: but still seizing an occasional moment to exchange a tlippant word, and have a rally ing laugh, with the group round the lire. The scene completely realized Poor Koh in's humble idea of the comforts id'mid winter: Now trees their leafy hats do barf To reverence Winter's silver hair, A handsome liostoss, merry lio.it, A pot of ale and now a toast, Tobacco and a good coal tiie. Are thiugs this season doth require, 1 had not been long at the inn, when a post chaise drove up to the door. A young gentleman stepped out, and by the light of the lamps 1 caught a glimpse of a counte nance which I thought I knew. I moved forward to get a nearer view, when his eye caught mine. I wus not mistaken; it v. as Frunk liracebridge, a sprightly, good hu mored young fellow, with whom I had once travelled ou the continent. onr meeting was extremely cordial, for the countenance of an old lellow-traveler al ways brings up the recollection of a thou Kind pleasant scenes, odd adventures, and excellent jokes. To discuss all these in a transient interview at un inn, wits impnssi ble; and finding that I was not pressed for time and was merely making a tour of ob nervation, lie insisted that I should give him a day or two at his father's country seat, to which he was going to pass the holidays, and whk h lay at a few miles' distance. "It is better than eating a soli tary Christmas dinner at au iun," said he, "anil I can assure you of a hearty wel come, in something of the old-fashioned style." Ilis reasoning was cogent, and 1 must confess the preparation 1 had seen for universal festivity anil social enjoyment had made feel a little impatient of my loneliness. I closed, therefore, at once, with his invitation; the chaise drove up to the door, and in a few moments 1 was on my way to the family mansi on of the Uracebridges. 'Poor Kutilu s Almanack. ICJI. Thomas had Been Left Out. A number of book men were relating professional anecdotes the other night. "About twenty years ago,' writ! one of them, •• I was employed with the Lippiu cotts. Thomas llughes was at that time being lionized very extensively, and when he came down to Philadelphia of conrio he came to see the great publishing house, and was shown all over. "After he had inspected tin* whole es tablisbinent and expressed his urprise and gratification, the benil of the house took him by the arm, and said: " 'Now, Mr. Hughs, I want to show you one of the greatest publications -Allibone'i Dictionary. It contains the name of, and some information about every author of any account in England and America Now let in see, for example, what il says about Mr. Thomas Hoges ' "So he I limed to 11 , and, lo! the name of the author of 'Tom Brown's School days' wasn't there. It is one of the ottdest coincidences 1 know of, that the only ser ious omission ill this great wmk should have beeu disenved 111 this accidental w ay A swallow tail—The story ot lonah anl the whale. HJIII Roads and TliHr EH'«»ct. lif a country ulo tt.. people have l>.-en i uud.-r tlx- tyranny ot 1.. I road .11 tt a lives, it cau hardly IM- expected that tlo.. Will le.ih/e Ihe lull I V'elll of flu di dv . j tagei under which labor. It , not in easy matter to present 11,c-*- dt.-adviuitagc-* iu fact* aud figures iu such a way as to im pre-* ihe man who has always gone l«> market when the roads permitted, and stayed at home when their condition forbid travel, and who has never looked np»n It. matter as affecting hi ■ prosperity The at tempt lo show the relation between c«~..l ol bail road J and the . oti.liliou ol Ihe pv.i pie hi be. -u made by hundred ~| writer- Students of economy and mhw w ithin a short lime, thank- to an awakening of pen eral interest on the subject The scholar who li.- made ihe subjt*. I .. study, siin down and prepare-a t»bl> of figure- hom ing the great losses occasioned bv the ex tra work put upon farmer* teams-by ihe wear and tear on vehicles —by the on lo'i c try expenditure ol time whi>-. of a lew hour- each ueek. or a little extra work upon his team. llis bla-l uolh lull i • cousideralde. but he i a remarkable far mer tvlio knows jut what it amount )to m a y ear, ■> the average man is in n» position lo perceive any - light in. ri a-e or deciea be the greater uece sity, therefore, for being able to dispose of our local productions ut the greatest p<»- sible advantage. Through the interference of bad roadi they frequently enter the market at the worst possible disadvantage It is time onr farmers were moving vigor onsly to remedy the matter. Not only they, but onr town merchants also, who profit by their trade, are interested, and the matter is one which concerns all Wilkesltarre Reconl A Queer Case. Il wits a libel auit, and came np for triul before a New York Judge last week Thecoinplaimuit was Mr Eliza A Well , "u trance and materializing medium," the defendant Colonel John I'. Huiidy. proprie tor of the Kflifjio-Pliilostiphiciil Juumii' He bad charged her with being a humbug who "use i trick cabinets ami confederates to accomplish her deception." She metl for damages This is how some of the proposed jurors were questioned by the complainant's lawyer and answered: "Suppose it was proved ou evidence that wus not disputed here that a form in human shape appeared all clothed iu white, and then dissolved into the air. would you be lieve tho evidence?" "No, I wouldn't." "If yon saw such a phenomenon your self; if you passed your hand through the form ami lound it v.us only vapor, would you then believe .such a thing was po .siblcf" "No, sir; I don't believe anything of the kind could happen." Another juror was asked: — "Suppose positive evidence was produced here to prove that a woniun was locked iu au iron case competent to bold a tiger, and that she came out without the moving of the iron bars or the unlocking of the door would you believe it*" "Who cullle out, the tiger' ' "No, the woman." No, I wouldn't." "Would you believe iu the uiaterinlura tion of a spirit form if it was revealed here before your eyes!" "No, sir. I would say there was some deception." Judge Beach ruled that all such jurors were competent. The issue to be deter mined, he said, wus whether, as the de fendant charged mid offered to prove, it trick cabinet and confederate bad been used by the complainant, ami the Court did not propose "the trial should wander over the domain of Spirituuli in." The plaintiff's attorneys argued that their client would have no Khow if the jurors would not believe it possible for any one lo do wbilt she proffered to have done But the burden of proof wit. on the tie feudatit, and if she wus innocent of trick cry how could he prove her a humbug? The result was that the complainant wu uoii uitcd and mulcted 111 a heavy uai, which i not likely lo encourage libel tit • of this sort A Close Call lor I lie Children. Cincinnati l-'nqtiirrr. By a vole of 1:2 to 1(4 the presbytery of Ciueinnali concluded thai ' all iuf.ilil d\ ing iu infancy are mini ' lib their dear lit Ilc heart . how I hey mil .1 rejoice at this declaration! But let them pan -«• a mo ment and reflect upon the solemn Is. tthat a cbaugi of only three voles would ha" - ") 1 damned thiui torever Justice K.itily Mistaken. "Irir wi|tiarrel on the • rlr.-i t liiiartuc air a tooi-hoi eat when at the Cr-t consultation fit- ud.l m. Ihr«r facts: 'Yesterday afternoon. md he. ■IIM.UI dusk. my brother. whn reamible* an- niitoivli.it. was < ro*»iug tbe -tn-ft, when b.- met a -Irjoftr I -.Til:u? the other Way The frn. i»f was mttddl the alrafiKTj i tied turn and a .(Barrel e» «ed th*t inrlupwl ml'i a tif»t«r in wbi.fi *■, liialkrr. who hi*.l hi" j.^i.»• i. ■ i.» m his h-tu.l IN NPPISFTL *-r\ .-R«•! 1M..-. » U .L then ran «r«r a- * foKmuM an.l -evera! citizens rami* ii|> \fter »e were all IM bed I i-t nigh'. tbe < Mir lw ihe h.'U ■<• itftri the assailant. and mm b l» Mt > tnrpri.se fts •• v -trraal was made ..m again-f nif \l l.f«.'bi"r i- a man M ili«i|itlr>l habit*, who ha* »VIT«I IIHX l.eeu in lf"UMt* and it the « a** L-i |nv ariii,.»f bun I am afraid b. will be -. iit |.> n,« pen ilenfiary "n the iilhi-i hmul lam a law abiding. iii .ii and ran an ex.-rllrnt rkam Iri N«», übal I frifw In «I<. . l»i -land trial i u llii- i haii •*. plead not guilty, ffiiVi- an alibi. a.' I ran. prove my tbtittUi, aiul lule tl.c* e«a<«|iwM'i Ii and I am willing to par that • ■ k«-p 111; brother nut of pn •m ' 1 tiKil in per iia.l»- my ilml mil >•( rin Ii a roHMlir ywwrtiiy." raaliaanl thn lawyer. "hat he f>. determined. Il«f in order In Jo biin justice in the defen-e I »bl«ii»>J a itiaun- from another larger whn Wi.nld ai I in tbe defense a- if >.nr client were guilty Ur client t« . identi lii .1 by the man nhn hail been stahlwd and by tbe policeman au of lVi*-tr man. a-. they tkaoflit My cli.-ut Wore thai he ilni nut mmmit ili» a ault, bot liiti he *M a' hoiui- at Ihr tiaie when ii ueenrred, an«l hii family -*i>rr tn that M Then •« 7IT:II l. i.l in IT inrmlifr' nf the t hnrch te titifil a< lii his fnmi tharat ler F'-nf 'he jury found him ttiiHy .imt fined him t'f Ht- |> »iit it withonf a rnnrnuir. anil thr riTi.nl nf tii< rimvirtu.n itamt* in tbf nr ilr>r-i «f lh» rmir' ny * ithmit lliii. liiin' I a kill him »hat tu- wniilil have iluii*- it bi" K-lf -.n-ritirinir IIMIII-I 'ivl INWII ..-III(M(4 tn llu- |n-mti.iituir I in ti-liili-il. in th.it null,' .ml bt% if<»l up tii mart ami uckm.wliilfn my o«n Thi-iithH lawv rr wa.< thiiml»-r-.lrii«-t after tbi- tn.il when I tnlil him the fart* He refil-Jiil tu U lirve. ami 'aiil the etnlence VM iifTii ii nt tn i-mit U-t any man »b« livi-il Only the primf <>f f»*\ ihanu-ter uvnl the «| I'll 111 fruin a .were enteßn tn the Mule pri I'll txwii vllle I IKUII# Jtntrmil A Curious Story of Mistaken Identity. Knmi fbii-apii eoini * nne »f the rnwt till Kill-I itwriei uf miitakeii identity kuuWD t» the annals nf crime. In April, W". yi.-bael il'ltrien. a }Mili«-enian. *m mnr iU-r«-il Tiimithy O'tlraily tu ri>nvit-t«ne of them had a « tini »o:i top and it wa.* horrid They've -K-veii parlor chairs, all different, and foor real handsome sofas, and I counted fifteen different pictures in large frame*, bat tl.e men hituded theui out with the picture side in, no 1 couldn't ee what they were like, provoking thiugs. Hut most of the carpels are liody Brussels, ami I think one was a real Wilton. They've two handsome chamber eta anil three lorely brie a brat canes, two of lhem ebony and (We cherry, and three —What's thatf His Tribule. Old l'eter Kkre, lor many years a resi dent of a certain New Kuglalid village, wa one of those unwise aud unjust men who never praise their wives, and who do nut seem to realize how hle.-scd they are iu the way of companions until death coines sod ilenly to leave them desolate and nneareil for Old Peter's kindly, uncomplaiuing and unappreciated wife died suddenly one day. and l'eter came at once to a realising sons of her many virtues, and was evidently fill ed with a longing to prove to his friend that he wa> not blind to bis wife's per fections. This desire increased m the lionr for the fnnerul -errices dr -w near, ami when a'l tlio friend.■ hail a Wlubled at the bouse Peter touched the hearts in well as the palates of tho-e present ti_v -mldeiily np pearinff with a huge yellow IHIWI piled high with doiighuuts in hi band*. I'.l " i inp from one to the other of hi» frii nds he faid with tearful earuestne is: "Have one they arc the vert la t of un pore Mmiei' bakin', and they cau't L»eat no, tbey i ati'L! I'ore. |HU»- UN H I Water cour e and iiml ln < are tin j iilmdi of fever and agne, l.n.idor ba i provedauio.it valnalde pieveiityre of ma laria and an etficoi loUii ■• iue.lv in the | treatlueiil of malarial ill ea e Nolbiiif 'iipelyiuK or dauf.-ruu . m. lamlauiim or < ipiuin. enters into the cum j pi. ition of lb.it famed remedy, iir Bull' ttaby Syrup Price 'St cent. l . \ frn t bite may be Nat urn's tomb ttilt fen < are to berin To try to pmve that it i* MI. b Ai triakci tht. whole wurli kiu xoi AtIHICULTUKAI.. Tbe »-•*.. I tbr t-v- «« iw/Umri ' »I||-I lb« ••*»« bw-1 mj #.44 ikv WIIM • » it will sat* wJ Ist.^ Kigtit -bevp m»y k* kept t>* »-.rxy «.«, » iltil} insii. >' they -*l!l add little • th.- evpen-e. the beep w*«iaiir nun? kinds i.f I.mml that • attb- rejert The ibilk («a be watered ihroagh the ojfen. y nf if e tow. bat by the iw sf nt h t--~l the i»» ran lie made r« yieid milk nf f ««d i)aa!i«r f»d ai..! war -r moke plenty «i il. llt al.d »f ti»e best kind \ gtmd tire-nag "I lUßsrr k.siad eo. h ia pU-rr plant at this *% ■+ will rM« the t an.-' I» gr.iW 1ip..11, ill the syhai' Ouij a lew r-iipbeiry Igtin ore lethal red in iMii lw tpply a mall lawil. ted lOe r- her the gr. aud au.i tw-te maaarc a>e.| t'.e I trif. r Vl..| better the fblil/ I the kernes I'lMiage .talk t t and b-e pt-uti •imply f--r the lot k i.f a UltW >*il t.» fi'.'r I b«- f..«l a plea*iUtl lute Animal Will reject I.t. lrle |..»l a Writ as bnwaa >ti I is r« M-lilial to .11/e-tioß and it •h.ntlt k.- provided There iiei-d he n*i KPU «4 gr. in* l.~i mi., h till if the ft»sl i* t.»M|. w a-. i.e.l with if ton ill .j .aoiifr .>» alt and neler -pnnkled «vtt ,he hat or a>Med to the ma-h will imln. e th.- aaimat- !-• i> li-b it It all fntil val In !■■*■ bet was »t.slt.l and f the whole I luforai if) in appearance ami .(iialit; i« Ifte he-t Utdut-eiuebt to the iretta.ser aad if ha had that the frmt at the bottom «f the had. f 1« equal to that on that top ba frill ask f-t more of the same kind The market Will 8.-Ver Im> htflml over.toeked With ebmt-e. Diuforni f.'iiit Appc.traftt eis a great far tor iu ei itrinf 14' lick sales. The Itasi way apptji alt f» laud i< to mix it with lime «r x-h*« .«•> tetshel «f salt to tea of lime or a.*hea being the pruper proportion It rentiers ike lime more >«h ble, due to ehemieal a. fion To ret good bails nf flowers aeit sprinr pie j.ore the lied* B»w. Spade them Bp sprinkle lime and a«be • "• the earth. rake It over, uid then cortr wall with Bianiire, allowing the manure to re main on the surface to he tßrnad under early in the SPNBG A» turkeys will ba ib demoad h.s* a..a until Jauaary they abo«ld ba fad wall. aa to make tham aa Cat aa pwatUe. AB extra pound will pay tba freight and ea pen.se3 of feetliag, aa wall aa add to tba price. Only rknrt turkeys bring the highest prices in market. Kvery farm »h-.nUl have a few grape vise*. They aerve a* arbors or thada. aad can lie grown where tbey will Bet take Bp muck spoee All poultry yards will he tan proved if grape tiaes are grown abtag the fences, and the fowts will find shade .ft.lrr ibe oterhauging hrAtche in .mmwr STAVrIIK OfT TBI FOTAT" HOT XoW tktt the mmmm m «»ar it f a..t omt <4 place to rail attention to the fact that if the dis eiw i' t» Iw prrwnlrd aeit JMI ■ in thing nioit be done with the refii-nr (item«, Jrrlfnl !«Un, etc > and u.4 allow it tn Iw carried over thr-Migh 1U *iat*-r The lluur Agricultural Etpenment Statma fcaa been it wort in the endenr.ir to en lighten the fanner* in r«|niJ to thi di' ea.*e, but remedies the frovißf *mud May lie ton lite and in order l« avoid the dißonlty all top*. IcttM an. I de raying tuber* shoiibl M bo rut in order t.. destroy the '(M>rr u«4 throw them «>a the ronipo.it heap. as the manure will ..nlf '{•read the disease another *V«II ft i* known that the fungus li*e- over the wiuter in the f..r« «# spu «f f* during Winter the ■>pnre« are known a» mvtpour Being deep •eated in the *** l. when the itfw i* tarn nl under, it *■><« makes its pre |>pe«i< a* a white Mildew, which, i'ii elimination. m found to lie nHH|M>ml of branching folmli known a.i iMrtttoybam. being nunute white oblong bodies, whu h are the -MBi iner spores at the lucgus. known a- urn idia The*e »pore* are liTTied by the winds to other fields. thtu -preadiug the disease. liurmg the summer new wiater >pore« are formed within the stent*, leave* and tuber*, and are tben ready fur d»- •eaiiiiatinf the di -ease the next *ea->u As the parasite U internal, and oaly ap pear- at the surface while produciug MM mer s|M>ren,tbe methods ma t be preventive rather than in. in edlately remedial. The object fcould be to check the growth the summer ip'ttF, which pteveals the op re ail of the disease by distribution through the agency at the atmoephere To do this the should tie sprayed as —.n as the whitish mildew appear* or the leaves begin to blacken with any of the foliowiu|( olutioiu. which haie been tried in France with be&e&cial results Xo I. llu one quart of ammonia water with 3 ounces of carbonate of copper Stir rapidly until a clear liquid i* pvodseed. and dilute to 22 gallons with water No. 2. |ti isolce a pound of onlphatc of copper < Milestone J iu two faiion> of hi»t water. When cold add 14 pints MIB'HUK water, and dilute to 22 gallon* with water Xo. 3 Diseolre 6 pound* sulphate of copper in 16 gallon* of water Slake I pounds of fresh lime into six gallons of water. When cold mix the two solntion*. slowly and thoroughly. Apply with a spraying apparatus or toeee pump He careful to burn all refute now Select seed next d deal like bens The author lays a pb»t and then the editor ait < on it Courtesy iloen't rok M it pay* a mighty big intei>»t on the inveit llli- Id It > uiouotonou ito be tl< h. lull there 1.1 a * nncty about being p--.r lb it ome tiuii * makes one weary A Colorado paper adverti e» a- a Sun day attraction A luand Sacred !>■»» Fight Ti* the la l llf of lOMMrt, left . lawline alone All her |ie kv i ouip«ne>ns are dried up and if one ao bog ot i.ci fcifadred bo l&scct is b.gh. To remiud oae el -.i. merer (OBfalitiiii poor fly.