CARTERSI CURE Sick TTeartache and relieve all the tmnhlo* incl d. af to a bilious steto of the system, such as In-Tinea*. Nauaea. l>rarwstae«. Di«tras after Mttnc, I ain in the Bute. Ac. While tbctr moil temarkable suceeas haa been shown In curing SICK IT. viacbe. yet Ourra's Lrrn.a hrrYn Pn.tJ? «!••' Miuallr valuable in ounn* and preventing thN annoying complaint. whll« Uk v also mnvtH all disorders of the stomach, utiriiubtt* the IKor ami regulate the bowel*. Kvvn if they oo|jr e«red HEAD Ache thev rnnM he almost poetess to those who suffer from this d.-rreablng complaint: but fortunately thHr goodm* does not end h< r<». nrxi «:• •<•> wlin once try them will nod ti„ltrtl- pills valuable in so many waysthat Iber will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head ACHE In the bene of so many lives that here fs where irr makrt onr great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. C iRTFK LITTLE LIVER PILLS are very small an-i very ea*y to take. One or two n;!ls make I a dose. They are strictly vegetable anLj ACM hTrKISO^Ksj and in h»T» it eur now. Woiff SACM EBlacking IS A GREAT LABOR SAVER. A SHINE LASTS A WEEK. I?A!N AND SNOW DON'T AFFECT IT NO BRUSHING REQUIRED. MAKES A SHOE WATERPROOF. I'SED BY MEN. WOMEN asv CHILDREN. Can be vubed Iflto OS Cloth, ud ibfolute!/ tcftns end Preserves all kind* of Leathor. t. ■it wl lie ! tT-y "P «■!' foil col i' TOO will U> w*il rewarded £>j£d Ljr bU-« btcrea, Grocul, UrutguAA, Ac. For Harneoa tt i« cneqmlod. WOLFF A RANDOLPH. PHIUUJELPIHI WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EMULSION of COD LIVER OIL lvl -= HYPOPHOSPHITES. It is used and endorsed by Fhy s. sieians because it is the best. It is Palatable as Xilk. It is throe times as efficacious as plain Cod Liver Oil. It is far superior to all other so called Emulsions. It is a perfect Emulsion, dees not separate cr change. It is wonderful as a flesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consump tion. Scroftila, Bronchitis, Wast ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Colds. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT *. BOWNE. Chcmiot*. N. Y. CATARRH _ HAY-FEVER ELrS CREAM HALM is not a liquid, snuff or powder. Apjilied into nostrils '< quickh/ absorbed. It cleanses the head. Alloys inflammation. Heals the sores. Ht htores the senses of taste and smell. •iceuts at Druggists; by mall, registered, GO eta Ely Brothers, S~\ DOCTORS LAKE Jbafl PRIVATE DISPENSARY. OFFICES, 006 PEN N AYE. £j®PsA PITTBCURGH PA.— All form* of ItalteateandC<»m- WfP ).1k tt'-l requiring Com ni'LMUl.ail'l SCIKSTIHCMEIU tat. . ar<* Uvatel it tlibt 1 MiiNNiFary with a sur er -•ia ml j attained. I»r. b. K. Lako a member ef tb*- lU>y;ilC'<»lieire «.f ami sur-eona, an I Uiiic«'|.n- t ami ino»»texperien< « n free ancl Ktrlctlj iential. < ♦fiee l ours uto 4 ami 7toßp. m. lum:v « :> Ui!4p.m.«mly. t ail atofl':r« or aadreiu 1 r Lakk«M.l\s>>.*»r E.J. Lake. M.D fi».iqaiid> tu¥« tw<-a pemiancnUy curod by put! AWI TIIIA I'A. Fa-. -I m»o|-:ratk«u «* i'Mu; isru** frt'tti biLMii-Mfc. Uns ]>ruooonc«xl In c«iaMe)gf "tliar% vaatnl. bci.n f«»r < lrctrtar. CUPE GUARANTttO. n^ViZKTiis. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR ih~ fiielo fact, mod bo. I* by Ui« Lloctrio T* JgC Op«ratlua Wart*, £<•■*• V«fta« of th« Nose, ufiHtr koaJa. Lim Spot* aa4 all dla#a»«>« and bl«naiah«A of the »klr, evujflo*!•»». Lair and %calp ancc«aafully t -1 It t>r. Vai Dyek. Th« Doctor haa I « t .« T»>*ra' •ifterlfac la tho practiro of ) :• »p««• L.iK*g«- r-l. <*all on or a Mrosa l»r. J. Vaa l»y«rk, 4U W 11th atr-of. Philad#-1- I 'uia, or M 2 IVuu aveair, PittslmrKh, Pa. ] lloura If to I and 2to 7; Puaday*, 10 to 5. WANTED LADY:; fcr. .-Mftrm Heierw —-wmW*. lYtj it» »>u:<>n a rnrm<* •* ~ 'mv Ot , Adtarvw is tke Cixus* I . * The Great American HOG is Coming. a iH E CITIZEN. MISCELLANEOUS The Shah's Minister. Detroit Free Press. t.When the Honorable Uadji Uassein Ghooly Khan arrived in Paris he found that his august master, the Shah of Persia, was there ahead of him, enjoying the sights of the city and going up the Eiffel Tower three times a day. J When Mr. 11. 11. G. Khan called at the hotel at which the Shah of Persia was staying, and was informed that his Tre- j uiendous Frightfulness was ill, he salaam ed clear down to the grround and spread his baud* horizontally three or four times, and then ventured into the awful presence. "Well, Ghooly," said the potentate, "how's things? I thought you wcro over in the States." "Your most august tremendousness.'' answered the Minister, salaaming again. "I have just come from there." "Ah, ha," said the Shah, poking him jo cosely in the ribs. "You heard what a time I was having over here, did you, and yon wanted to come and enjoy it yourself for a whilet This is a great town. Beats London all to pieces. If New York is any thing like it I am going there on the first steamer." "Alas, your sublime mightyness, you wouldn't liko it ovor there. I came away in sorrow because of the items which tho papers had been publishing, referring in common, every-day language to your most potential highness." "What did the villains say about met" "Hero it is, your gracious majesty. Here is an item from a vile Dotroit paper, which ' says; "His Majesty, the Shah, has 3,095 ■ wives, and every Monday being wash day [ he never shows up in the regal residence at all." "And does tho varlet who wrote that still livef" "Alas, your gracious awfulness," replied the trembling Minister, "he docs." "Why did you not have his head strick en off?" asked tho Shah' "ith a calm that was more terrifying to the Minister than his previous rage. "If yon please, your gracious Majesty, such is not allowed in that barbarous country. "Nonsense," cried the Shah, "you can't stuff me that way. In the paper you sent mo over it says that his Majesty the President of Harrison had tho heads of his office holders in a basket, and that his mighti ness Wanair.aker had beheaded nearly all of the postmasters belonging to the former government. Is is not so?" "Your Majesty," cried tho terrifibd Min ister, "it is so politically, but not practi cally." "What care I, ' shouted the Shah, "how it is done, politically, or with the broad axe or the sword, it is the same to mo. I care not how tho heads are shorn, so bo it they arc shorn. Hast thou more of that stuff in your scrap-book?" "Aye, your most gracious awfulness, it is indeed full of similar extracts." a "And thou hast dared to bring it in my e presence," cried the Shah, now thorotigly enraged, "while the uuthors still live?" g The trembling ex-Minister made no re . ply. The Shah turned to ono of his retainers - and said: "Just oblige mo by taking this man to the bath-room, whore it will not make too " much of a muss, and take off his head." This was accordingly done. A cable 1 dispatch records tho unfortunate occur ■ rcnco thus: "The Honorable ex-Minister Khan died I suddenly at the Uraud Hotel this morning. - He was ill but a few moments with throat * trouble, but bv the time the court physi- cians of Persia arrived nothing could bo n done for the unfortunate man." y [1 Her Face Was Her Fortune. She was as pretty as a picture and so animated and lively that it did one good to look at her. She tea* all this but she is not now. Poor soul, tho roses linger no more in her che< ks, tho former lustro of her eyes are gone. She is a woe begone | looking piece of humatity now. She has I ono of those troubles so common to women | and needs Dr. Pierce's Favorite proscrip tion. It recuperates the wasted strength, puts the whole system right, restores the roses and the lustre and makes tho woman what she once was, bright, weli and happy. "Favorite Prescription" is the only medi cine for women, sold by druggists, umler a jioxitirr guarantee, from tho manufactur ers. that it will give satisfaction in cvory case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee his been on the bottle wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. —Persons in Switzerland in the habit of handling bank notes |iriut.ed in crccn are said to suffer from irritant poisouing. —The largest collection of coins in the world is in Vienna. They are placed in the public cabinet of antiquities, and num ber over 125,000. Drunkenness—Liquor Habit- In All the World There is But One Cure, Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It c*n be iflv.-n la a cup of tea or coffee with out t IK- knowledge or tlia person taktni: It. iT tectiiiir a s(m-.hl> nml permanent cure, whether the pull n( 1.-i it mixlerate drinker or an alco holic wreck. Thousands or dru.ikards have been cured who have taken the Uolden Specinc In their coflee without toelr knowledge, and to day believe they quit drinking of Hit li own free » will. No harmful effec' results from lit sd iiilniHtrution. <"ures guaranteed Send clr - cular ana full particulars. Address. In contl deuce. UOLlir.s Si-kcim Co., 180 Race Street, Cincinnati, o. New Doctor's Story. i One (lay when they were criticising Dr. Bliss, General Sheridan came to the doe tor's defense. "Dr. Bliss was a good physician," said Gen. Sheridan, "he saved my life once." •'How? Mow did Bliss save yonr life?" asked Dr. Hammond. "Well," faid Sheridan, "I was very sick in the hospital after the battle of Winches ter. One day they sent for Dr. Agnew, of Philadelphia, and he gave me some medi cine, but I kept getting worse. Then they sent for Dr. Frank Hamilton and he gave me some more medicine, bnt I grew worse . and worse. They sent for Dr. Bliss, and—" "And you still grew worse?" "No, Dr. Bliss didn't come. He saved my life!"' Problems for Boys and Girls. 1. A peddler sells a lot of lead pencils, some at 2 for one cent, some at 3 for one cent and the rest at 4 cents each; after selling his stock, which consisted of 20 pencils, he found he had 20 cents as the result of the transaction. How many did he sell at each price. 2. } divided byi gives 2 (whole num bers) as answer. Explain why the divi dend is larger than the divisor. 3. A has 2 loaves of bread, B 3 loaves and C none; they sit down to dinner, and eat all the bread, C paying 25 cents for his share of the meal. How will A and B divide the quarter in equity. An exchange says: There are more puns made on Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, free of charge, thau are paid for by the owners. A good thing deserves the notice of the press. —ln the treatment of rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, sciatica. Ac., Salvation Oil should bo thoroughly rnbbed in. It kills pain. Price 25 cents. —"Bobby/' said his mother, "I told you not to foriret to bring up three scuttles of coal before you went to school, and you only brought two." *'T know, ma, but I forgot the third one. Three scuttles is a good many for a little boy like me to re member." —The population of I'erlin has now reached a million and a half. —The lace trade of France gives cm" ploymcnt to nearly 200,000 persons. Be sure to get Hood's Karsaprilla, the peculiar medicine. Do not be induced to take any other. —The survivors of the crew of the Earn moor, who were at sea in an open boat for many days, say that eleven vessels passed them within signaling distance, but not one gave them the least attention. One British bark ran so clone that they could see men locking at them, but she refused to stop. Man is more cruel than the sea. ] Au Ohio saloonist was told that a band of women were coming at night to clean him out. He arranged a keg of powder to blow.them up, he got drunk in his anxiety to have everything go ofT right, and final ly wandered around and kicked the string and blew his own establishment sky-high. It completed his disgust when he learned that the women hadn't thought of visiting him ' For all derangements of the liver, stom ach and bowels, take I)r. Pierce's Pellets. ' One a dose. —The most ancient statue yet discovered s in Ureece has been found at Tripolitza. It represents a god, seated, and resembles antique Egyptian sculpture. 1 —lf a few guinea fowls can be induced to roost in or near the poultry-house they t will afford protection against chicken thieves. They are light sleepers, and make ' a tremendous racket when disturbed at night. —ln drying oil' a cow be sure that she does dry off, and that milk does not con ( dense into a hard mass iu the udder to ob [ struct and inflame it and play the mischief , when the cow next comes in uiilk. Moru , trouble with the udder copies from neglect [■ in drying off the cow than from any other source. i —The tiiuo is approaching when the fes tive rabbit will be after the tender trees. To head him off, smear the tree with a wash made as follows: Quarter bushel <>l lime, one-half pound of copperas and one half pound of glue; add the glue and cop peras dissolved to the. limo after slaking, aud apply now with a brush. —The hog can be made to attaiu a very large size. A Vermont farmer killed a oow, 8 years old, that dressed 577 pounds, 1 but a hog only two years old, owned by ' another Vermont farmer, dressed 663 pounds. Large hogs, however, are only I* desirable for producing lard. The best B pork comes from hogs that weigh about 150 pounds dressed. —ls it well to let cows have all the t water they will drink under all circum stances! Professor Sanborn found that by reducing the amount of water drank by the cow standing iu the stable be " | reduced the How of milk but improved it.-t quality. Is it not likely that cows that have had water only once or twice a day get thirsty at times aud ' drink to excess when they get at the wat er f —With free access to it, without trav " j eling far, in all probability they would r j drink lc„s and do better. YOU CAN FINDPSS, h ill Uiti /.-I • • I • Off Bin iu oi : i 'A SK REMIHGTON BROS. ' j wlio will cv'iiracv fat nlverlfciug at lowtwl r- Ua. GKRA-ND ( BARGAINS AND A |! GRAND STOCK: TO SELECT FROM in American and Imported Silks, Henriettas, Broad Cl.i'l.s, S rges. J" Diagonalsa nd all other new styles of Dress Goods and Trimming. I adies', Misses' and Children's Wraps. Ladies', Misses' and Children's ( ' Underwear. Gents', Youths' and Boys' Underwear. { A DRIVE IN FINE CARPETS. J I Fine Brussels worth 75c. at • .50 I Best Velvet Brussels at - - $1 25 J Best Body Brussels at - - • I.oo'Best Axminsters, - - - - 1.50 Oil Cloths, Matting, Druggetta, SUir Rods, Portiers, Lace Curtains DOMESTIC GOODS. Laporte Flannels, Bradley's Blankets, best standard goods in lileacbed and unbleached sheeting, pillow casing, ticking, gingham*, prints, damasks, i crashes and all kinds of house furnishing goods. We aro celling more goods than ever, showing conclusively that it pays to Bell reliable goods at low prices. Rittef & Ralston. .. . l I f 1 e 3 1 The Great American HOG • is Coming. P 1 P 1 r 5 e e B 1 * The Cash Shoe Store ANNOUNCEMENT ! ■- LOOK! We Sell i Boots, Shoes and Rubbers FOR SPOT CASH. We Will Positively L ndersell any house in Butler selling goods on credit, aud we give a Kuarantee on every pair of Shoes wo sell Our Children's School Shoes are all warranted and made of solid leather. We will re uuii the money in case goods are not satisfactory. Our Ladies' Fine Shoes are very highly spoken of and we are having a very large trade iu them and we feel very thankful to our friends for their support. Men's Fine Shoes. Now we can't say too much in regard to these goods, for we show the finest lin<- of Men's Shoes in Butler, ranging in price from $1 00 to $.">.50. All styles. Our Rubber Goods Department. We handle a line of Rubbers. Best qualities made. Boston, Candee Goodyear, Colchester, Goodyear glove-fitting. A large line of Duck Boots, warranted not to snag or blißter in oil. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. A Laro-eStoc k of Oil Men's Boots and © Shoes Always 011 Hand. Bepairing done on short notice. BLACKMORE & GRIEB, No. 95 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. "" 5 VOiQggg&rg Scj *"-« » . I do* b«va •• af%tuf *** E* yrTKB " w * tl - cjAKCl * ol '- j ,i , kiln.-. llarnaUanr, fa.. '' I'^'' ir !«f«»ra lf bvary onr who lakr* I. t-f tli.»jrr»iiii ui.grand ptvitt. shall uc stall YOl in Ihlt buHinesn, reader? Wril«- to us m«l lt-arn all about it for y»ui*»!f. Wa are atarting nuiiy . w<- will at art you If v«.u don't 4rUwkiu«ll aii»ili-r*eta alit al„fy. u in your pait of r| ia country IT y-*u Uk« tiol.l vou will br Hi If to |.l. kup (T'.1.l fa»t QST" Baud tin accouutof a for««.l m.nufarlur.r . .ale 1H&.000 ten clollai I'hoioi;) A I burn aam to l»K»ld to Ika pr..|.lu for ">■ l«- Hound In Itoval t rlntaon Rllk Valval l'iuol*. Cbarmiu«rlv dee<>rat«d in»ida». Mmid»oinr»t albumsia ilia world. Largeat '.r«air«t l>arirain» a\er known. Afmtt mauled. Liberal tcmio lll| moMyforigiMa. Any ana ran bocoine a aucccaaAtl aircnt. ttclla llaclf on aigbt— llttla or uo talking nccoaaary. Whrrcvar ibown, rwr* ona »a*u to |»or chaw. Agent* take thouaanda of orders wttb rapidity ntrn before known, tin-ai profit* await every worker. Afanta ara inakiug fortune*. La«li'-an.ake a* muck aa men. Yon, render. eandoa* well *» auy Full Information and lerma free, to thoao wlio write for .«l" Wall Paper. We Lave excelled iu L'ONM-r >-P.-HOUB iu ASSORTMENT, VARIETY and Hcuuty of Dt-^ignii. Aud buvu uliuobC doubled our *t<» k. We aro prepored to meet ull couijictitiou a prices. J. H. Douglass. 63 S. MAIN STREET. OVERCOATS, sons ADD HATS,' FOE Men, Boys and Children Our stock is now complete, and the bolk the Clothing being ova I.WV > vi AKE we claim and can prove to yonr satisfaction, that Tor the same pri« ir f 'tands unequaled In durability, fit, handsome patterns and newe- stvl.-s Elavintr served the people of this section for the last 22 years, we Un earned tbeir needs and yoo can depend upon finding just what you want in >ur enormous stock. Our Merchant Tailoring Department is crowded with the many ly selected novelties in Overcoatings, Suitiogs and Pantaloonings fr. m :l. best foreign and domestic mills. High class work at popular prices i- th<- inducement to examine oar line. Perfect fit always guaranteed. We would also call your attention to oar Hat Department, w h'trh tains none but the best standard makes You will find the pries ad« < • saving on what you have been paying. We keep a complete assortment o' the celebrated Stetson hats STRASSBURGER £ JOSEPH, Tailors, Clothiers and Hatters, 101-103 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PENN'A. yonr address for one of our Fall Souvenirs. 1 ROSENBAUM CO I SlO to 514 Market Street and 27 Fifth Ave (KHTBINCK TNI EITKB STRUT ' PITTSBURGH, PA. jfe CLOAKS AND WRAPS! S—T New Markets, Jersey* and Novetttea. Real Baal Ploah Jacket*. satin lined, to-25. t0..5. nor.U >. •• f\ \\ Real Seat Fluali B*cques »15S0. tI«.TS. *22.50, worm 50 per cent mor?. /AM yy 240 STYLES CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, $2 to sls. VC' We do the largest MILLINERY BUSINESS in the ntv of PUUbursrh. and allow you more Hats, trimmed an l tin aud Ribbons. than any store here, uoue fj UW' cepted. ' J \\\y CORSETS! COESETS! CORSETS; Iftjl Over l» Btytea. Ball* CoreeU. Dr. Warner's. C- P. and I'. D. an. JWf. Madam Warren's. No one can undersell us. | OXJK, DRESS TRIMMIN C - § » Are of our own importation and we certainly Lave more medium prlctd styles, as well as flneet goods, than you will see elsewhere. Out Lias ef Gaata' Fur«l»hi«B» Is Complete and Prices ihe P i I Lswest. UNDERWEAR For Ladles, (ients. Children and Infants. Natural Wool Vests, 68c.. Tic.. sl. <»eul>. Hue Wo.l Slilrts 50C.. 75c., 11. *125 up. KID GLOVES Have always been a CTeat specialty with ua. and we shjUl certainly up n of selling ttie best and cheapest goods. Oar 4-button Kid «c.. CBc.. .9c.. *l. Ours nook ivi if. 7-hook 11. $1.50 arc the best for the money. IUKIVWV NKPKWKiK CURTAINS LACES AND IIANDKKKCIIIKFS C'A>* HE F' 'l NO JN ALL 110S I EBr ui^Dra^AiwTOLIK^ORFANCYWOBK ASP HAND EMBROIDERY IN COUNTLESS VAJtIBTi. Our stock of GLCRIA and SILK UMBRELLAS with rotdor silver handles, fro:,! cheapen to liiicat, Is far larger than any other here. Over 300 styles of handles. *1 to liu. OUR FURS. MUFFS AND FUR TRIMMIN S Were alt bought last Spring, are carefully made, and of the choicest slock in the market. I^o§ei\baum^f V' 1 The Great American HOG is Coming. J rzrui" - '■ ' FASHION EMPORIUM OF Millinery and Dress-making; j The Fall Styles are now displayed, Rough and Ready hats, felt turbans, sailors and broad brim hats, among the lat ter the Orient. Dundee, Latona, Anderson and Celeste are; among the newest and handsomest shapes. The Caprice and Acme are the newest Toque shapes. The misses Saidee and Oolah are something new lor the g " Embroidered, euimp and jet bands, stripped velvet rib- j bona, and brocade ribbons in entirely new designs, tips and hall plumes, birds and wiugs in black and all colors will form the trimmings. . Velvets will enter largely into the trimming of both hats and dresses the coming teason. Both plain and fancy makes. The bustle is doomed but some of the latest imported dresses have graduated sizes of reeds placed at intervals lrotn the belt to the bottom of the skirt. The styles in dresses tend to simplicity in skirts and elab orate waists and Bleeves. Wow is the time to give your order for a new fall outfit. Miss M. H. Gilkey, IVO. (3« H. MAIN ST, BIJTLEK, OPPOSITE P. O. ■* |Ns<> i:«Uil>liwlie K A 1, KI i I N • •% m* * ?. m M 7 - -r» • M ~ W Jewelry, > f 2 ware. Spectacles, &c. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repa:nn<» in all branches skillfully done and warranted. 18SO ESTABLISHED 1850 J. K. C.RIEB. i»:iOF. R. J. LAM&. GUI EH & LAMB'S Ml SIC STORE. NO. 16 SOUTH MAIN ST. BUTLER. PA. -v- —Sole Agents for Butler, Mercer and Clar- S 1 ion counties for Behr Bros. Magnificent Pi jgLfe. 1 1. •• v. v .. ina ! ian Smith- American and Carp-.-nter Organs. Importers >lsl^.^?" ■*'*-: %y >* the Celebrated Steinmeyer Pianos. and Jealers in Violins, Bruno Guitars, and All Kinds of Musical Instruments. SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY Pianos and Organs sold on installments. Old Instruments taken in exchange. Come and see us, as we can save you money. Tunii'i: and I t pairing ol all kinds of Musical Instruments Promptly attended to. If You Want CJood Reliable Boots & Shoes HUSELTON'S IS THE PLACE TO 00. Our wav .{' doing business is the secret of our large and increasing shoe trade. \Ve have the :a me price to all. The people don't want to help pitv lor others shoes in a house that has no fixed price on gootl.-. in other words, you don't want to pay $2, oft for a shoe your neighbor pays $2 for. We pay no rent at the cost of our customers' shoe bills and still better our capital in vested in our vast amount of Boots and Shoes is not borrow ed and no interest to pay at the expense of our customers. We buy direct from the manufacturers lor cash, not from jobbers or middle men, as some do, and thus save all our cus tomers the jobber's profit. We carry the largest stock in Butler county, our prices are the lowest and the people know they can depend that all our footwear is just as represented. We carry an immense stock in Ladies', Misses and Child ren's fine shoes, all sizes, widths and shapes. Old La dies warm shoes and slippers. Misses and Children's heavy slices in kip. calf and veal, all solid. Mens', Boys' and Youths' kip boots and shoes, made for service, our line of fine shoes cannot be surpassed. Mens' box toe boots, 1 soles; Men's low instep boots, hand made. We carry the largest stock of rubbers and arctics. Come and see us, it won't take you long to be convinced that it pays t. trade with a hou?e that does the leading trade, and where you pay lor just what you buy and no more and get value received every time. Boots and shoes made to order and repaired. B. C. HUSELTON. No. 4, N. Main St., BARGANS in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry And silverware. Finest stock of Sterling Silverware in the county and at prices not to be equalled for cash. Watches B "and Clocks repaired and warranted, at J. B. ORIJEB'S No. 10 Houtli Moin St., 'Sign of ELECTRIC BELL), BUTLEB, IVV. - ■ I The Great American HOG Is Coming.