X.PT£J . -ITIZEN. - ' FRIDAY. DECEMBER fi, t*B>. Bn. r > Lii a or over '.**> II h ikrosul) seat ol Kolkr « M(tJ, »•«•« Ycmr raitVA}%. usiar .1 jfjj. au-l ui« .juaJW-J taciiiu». niiii aare-. e\«T>«bcpp; new traiiJ.uiT- » B>aaufju-iur> - > u»t pi>«i|ifr»< io»u TKAIN-S AND M iVij-i Ir- .I. i: Trains I- ->*e ' ' Fi• •«■(, iii.ir-.it:-- » l< r ß x , r : ' x h.jwt nr. *».. l ii-.p UI. Malls . lose t' f lie-*#- prMlit- -* ■« Hi- aliJ P ». sr " llir at tit I K». »n l P "• MMiMwt-l; Tr»i*i l«s»»e lur i.rv«-i.-.ill-r mi is* *1.4 »i .-.»4 P W- Malts i ;.-v --mt ■ » a mi-•*«.*. ». -*i- Hw L -' p tu Fa W. It. I: Tr-.u . t l.utier f»r a:»- ni t-fi v i~. -in! ;■ c. ,iul l.v> sa l 3* t>. u:. t 'tl "■ ol b V ! I'.n hl in. an I I:". ", ' a. mi. Mails lor I !.e HW afj>t .-v»uUa at 7: MtUtiorc'-i ani "I- Nort'ial I'W a. m . p<4rit' W>-*l t ill ~j at I3i p. .n lor points. *->uOi »tii e i<> rn through in ut tl; |tp. 11l 3U>l Inr 0.1 l it) i Mlstsir; aur Bar*lurt* Mitt-, at ' tip. ■». litis ai-m> ami llillruad iMtlJ.' '»dct'.- llaru'i-irCH Ml!: ,-luJ If n. , :i. i -.1 lluLicr at a.ia . ai.4 train i iu-turjli and (be IX m isju b ui Iron hiulsifili at iAO p. to . tr-xo llie Sonli at OA p. rn.. from Iltuburx'u and W>;al j i'Ani- W r*t 14 ( aller) at 7ZZ> pun. Kr ta Koen» - Jiatly mail tor Mt. « !ieitnut arrlrei at ll a.ra. anil leavea r,utl«r I', u. at 12 iu. liallv utail to Xortti Hop*, ll'iokcr and iautt points arrtre* at tl a. m. arul rti-pait- at , P «" Hw-J ut-t fi can W s.-uivj at lilt- p..i- j •48"- nt Boil- r. prwprei, KuMnr C W»rv | itlH- I'. 01. Mi.ler*towii iltaruliart Mill*.. (Mr .111-- -li.,js-t .rctmia. Karna j llc> awl Hi-bit* w. Til- I* !l». rem# l'r ll®. or ' <•»» r<*aal n«jie3 nbk-h ar<- ao**l-r tiitn en- I i „r.iu( f. a ib*v ao iii vh |»jaU>- to ■f.vtxxl' l-.r I", or SOOT . I •> Af. A-.-jKM UI.Y -'•■ Hi. K iiijflits of Ia- [ ta,». I. iri. <--. fry Friday f.igtt in the Car- j ~t,rr- abd J i.era H*il, tl.irl floor. llum.-i --i.hi t.tiiJdiL.' Wu M Oi.»-.-s, Rec. Pee New Advertisements. lloyd'» ( liristmai iiift*. Cit. Ucd A Kalston'g Holiday Preaent*. ■Stehle - .-ai.ta Claui. Ilead(juirter<. Pape'n iHdl*. Vw«i, etc. I'af.* A lim'* Silrerware, etc. l'rofc'sioaal Card—Seott A Wilson. Bickel'* Bargains in Boot* A Shoes. A<*.m'rx Notice —Estate of W. J. A brains !»r (lark lor Dec. 10 and IT. Notice of Application for I'ardon. Tt-acber'e In»titut'-. Jury I-i-t f« r Jan. Term. Doogl**.' Holiday Cools. SoTk —All advertiwrs intending to make « hangc" in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Mundat morn-tig. LOCAL AND GENERAL —hiigbt no kind intention —oil and xrati-r both dropped last week. Little Christina* is over, no*- get ready for big Chriatinas. —Tti< turkey's last re»jtie 9 t was "Don't •toff me with on ions." I'nt alt on your sidewalk*, when they an slippery. f —Hone-'-would male criminals of us , all _ Tl,.- people ol Brady St. have petition- j •-d • wuacil fur fire plug-. I Several school children fell on the slippery »tdowall«, TLur-day Morning. —TLe mother of J. I', spins, dee'd. was iu.- of the .'ifl r- r. by the l. -< r hliurg Cre. , •WriiV shovels mill b* of the .ame I tyl«* U.is winter a lad. There i-i UO I in the design. Thank* were rendered la.it Thursday ' f«tr pretty ninth everything but the weather —-Silly tnarriag.- lieeu -. were taken j «ot in IMtsburg. the day before Thanks giving. —Au exebaage de* ribi s love a being | - two forms with but a single chair, two | mouth/ that seem as one." i —' And i»»w." said the preacher, "let 1 ■ • pray for tl.e |w ojile on the uninhabited ' portions of the earth.'" Mr. Bought - ui-tkes a bne display for the holiday*. Bead bin new ml. and lo cal Mr- D. T. I'ape has secured a i-.plcs did slock of fine «iik good-i, vase* and dress ed doll for Ihe holidayit. See her new lo- I'red. Ix-idceker held No. 314, the lucky tk ket that drew the piano, and as lie didn't want it lie made a prc.teut of it l«i Ihe how compauies. -"Santa claus' Headquarters'' what an innrute nrietjrof holiday goods Mr. J r. T Ste.ble ha«! Bead his new loculi and call ud make your aelection; in time. Some Bntler capitali-t . are talking of building an itnai. me businemi block on Main St., the building to include a new public hall, or opera bouse. —('lceland A Hal ston, make a magnifi cent d. play of «ilver*vare. watches, canes, etc., for the holiday*. Their new show case It a beauty. —><-< r«tary Windoin estimator that ('on grc * will have to appropriate fcitl,4 28,(KSi for the coming fisi-al year. Tho appropri ations for the present year were I :123,495, Ht. —The Niggel Bros' hardware -tore on Je|r,-rM.u St.. was agaiu burgb-rized last Saturday night. The thiejre* got in by prying open the back door, and they took :-ome revolvers, knirr« and fork*. —A decision of a Federal Court, a few •lays ago. gave a New York woman title to a tiacl of Uud in West Virginia, nearly as large a* IHtler co inty, and a linn of rail road runs through it. —Two Tareutuui men, named Dickey and Busier have been granted a patent for a plst'- gt.i 4 carrier which it ii claimed, will sat e a large amount of dangerous In bnr —A ii upright f rand jury of Veuango Co. ignorcil (he bill agaiust the editor of the Kmlcut«:i V< ,r- (or »lealiug Jimmy Og •leu - hors.- The idea of an inlitor stealing wi. Ino ul.iird for a moment's considera tion —ln the list of pensions, increases, etc., grautedlast week the following Butler coun ty nanu s appear:—Sarah K , widow of John Snialley, dee'd of Haxotihurg; Jessie Jones, Ildliards; William Tuylor, I'or'er*- ville. —Mr. Wm. lteiching of tho Willard IIoum; presented bis with a grand dinner on Thanksgiving day. The bill of fare was enough to make one'* mouth wat«-r, and lb* occasion v as a very enjojra ble one, -Mr. I. S. Kda'ards has purchased his partner's inti-re. t iu the I'isli anil I'oullry Market in the Brady buildiiig and i* now conducting the bnxioctt* hiniM-lf. Try hi* fn-ih fish. oy*ter*, egg* and poultry. They are a!way* good Thanksgiving day—Tliiirsday, Nov. •*, tHKi—vaa our fir .t winter day, thi* j-i-ar, anil the freeze of that night made terrible road* n«**t day, The horses of the delivery wagons hail to stop and rest every .apiare or two Von will not remein Iter tin* for a year. -I de-iire to ei ure t*o I allies nml one genlli man lo act a- solicitors for our pub liratioa-. Will pay guaranteed .alary ol from lifty to s« venty live dollar* per month. M«tt deposit |IO to iu\ er costs of sample*. Call on aw at l-owry.Hotwe, Friday Dec. 0. W. A. Mt'Ci/UU. ! \ tj-Qg |,i|| vi ft,, found again-t Thoai •' Lee for the murder at Evan - City. y r c y. Boyd, the druggist, ha-» -e --| -m,-- handsome toilet et», perfume I for the holiday trade. They ' are all new and of the de igns made - C. F. T. I'ap- .I Bro. have purcha ed I -uiuie line silverware, jewelry, etc.. for the ' Holiday tra«le. lleail their local notice . ' and t A.- a bwik at their pretty how win dow \ friend tell- in to advi e per on trouble 1 with tooUi.M-lc- to n--.-n-tar) an i j theri/'-d to adverti ■; for bid - for laying | J ind.-walk.- Ones more! Buy your Cliri.-tnia< good -home. What'» the a*-- of your pack j ing off to i'itt-burg or Allegheny to make | small purchases, when you can buy just as , j cheaply at home? Do you maVe your in''ll j jev in Pitt-l-nrg or Allegheny *Do the pe< : plo of t!io'-e towns -p< nd any n oney in j I Butlerf Not maeh! j —lf a liiaa waats to go fa.:ter than an other one ali. ai of him on the road he i going, he h.i a right to pa* . anil it be i prevented by the other, anil an accident j houbl happen thereby, the man thin ob- J ,-traeting the road i- re-pou ; ible f..r tln damage done. No man has a right to iu fringe upon the righi of other , however, in trying to pa- Toe new peddler's act prohibits the hawking or neddlin? of foreign or dome tic dry goods witlnat a liceme, except that manufacturers may sell art'u-1 . of their own manufaf tore without such licen::;. I.ieen. e t» bawk and peddle can now only be obtained through the courts ou accrtifi catc from two physicians thai the appli cant is unfit for manual labor. —"The burnt child dreads the lir-- Joseph Fleming, the I'ittsburgwhi.ky sell er, is not going to '-ml any more whisky into Mercer or any other county e. o. d.; he -.iys he wouldn't for ♦l'i'w a gallon. He hasn't yet recovered from his fright at that 90 day* in jail to which be was sentenced last January, and ne».t time the Supreme Court might eland four to three in the I com ai on sense interpretation of the law, instead of three to four.—Sharon //< rtiUl. —Tho "pig* in the clover'' puzzle has been supplanted by a new puzzle that i-i a cur'; test for one's ncrvi It eons-Ms of a Uix 4x4 inches covered with glas --. On the bottom m a spider's web designed with a spot on each corner of different colors. A small f.-lt wad corresponds with each spot and the trick is to place the wad on the cpot with the aid of a drop of quicksilver that is in the box. It looks easy but wl =ti tried it i' found that the quicksilveri very quick. —The -ea-ou for shooting partridges and phea-.oils will expire before long. But tridge-i can be killed up lo Dee. lo; pheas ant- up to January 1; rabbits up to Janu arv I. They are plenty this si-a oti, but the la v i a good one that compel oh -er van"- of what i j ile- igued to be u protec tion of the game. So far but little game ba-been killed this sea -m, whi'-h is all the better, as next year there will b all the hooting you may de are. The law i a good one and we are glad to see it -i well observed. dor paper wa* made up rather hurried ly la-t Wednesday eyening, and we print eil thai night o a- to allow our cmpbiyecs to have part of Thanksgiving day for a hoi iday. In making up the third page the firm nam.- of 1,. Stein d Son, which bad been attached to an old ad was aecidently allowed to stand, and il appeared in the pap,-r tut recommending, the good* of an other firm. 1,. Stein it Ron recommend their own alone. They are close and careful buyers, and their cloaks, dress good . underwear, llannels and blanket cannot l,e beat, for the price, iu Bntb-r. -Somebody tried to burn the house of Mrr. Bole, near the Orphan's Home, early Monday morning, by vetting fire to il from the outtiidc. Mr.-. Bole nro e about i-ix o'clock tliut morning, and upon going to the kitchen, di-eovcred that it was on fire and gave the alarm Her hushuiid and neighbors put out the lire, and as the alarm hells were rung the lire companies al o appeared upon the scene. Willi the aid of some shaving , .ticks and oil the would he incendiary, bad started a, lively lire, and when it was discovered the nib of the house win blazing. —Dr. N. W. Van Km an, whose accidcn tal death we noted last week. Was about 63 year- of age, and was well known iu the northwestern part of tho county. A letter Irom Centralia, Va. to the C.rove City Trtipit"ur, gives the particulars of the accident as follows. "He left home Fri day about 10 o'clock, was driving diag onally across the track when a fait through train overtook atld crushed the horse and carriage, lie. was carried about fcixty feet before being thrown to the side of the road. His body was not niaugled, but his head was cut about the face. Death unit havo been in '.aiit.aucoin for liiui who has been so great a sufferer ill life. —A. T. Scott, lw|. who read law with MeJaukiu A tialbreath and whi wa* ad milted to the Bar last May a year ago, ami John B. Wilson, Esq. who read under ("ha*. McCandless, anil who has just been admitted, have entered into partnership under the firm name of Scott A Wilson,and have opened an office at No. M, South diamond St. Mr. Scot I was born and rained in Arm-irung county and while reading law here suppoiied himself hy teaching school. lie applied himself dili gently, and when he left the office of his preceptor* was considered by them to be unusually well posted for a young man. lie j* a man of good mind, and good cdu cation and hi<; reputation for honesty and integrity ia above reproach. Mr. Wilson, i- a on of James Wilson, Esq. of Franklin twp. 18-U a studious and industrious young man, of good character, and starts in life with the good will if all who know him. A number of Jokes on tin- condition of of our Main St., have been perpetrated of late—Htich as "Hogs delight," "could be traversed by ships of medium size" "Mud lake," "rival of lake Chautauqua," "ought to make Butler a fashionable summer re sort," etc.; hut the greatest disgrace to the town at pre-ent is the condition ol the sidewalks of its principal street, for the reaion that, the Council has the power to make people do their duty in that line and do nol do so. This town inu-t Lart a ytcni of SeWcr a/e next rummer, cost wh.it it may, and the .ootier the Council begin to consider plans and specifications for it, the better; tho paving of our principal streets should follow; lnit the sidewalks and cro-sings could and *ltniild tie maintained at all i times, Everybody ii ' * the sidewalks in goinif to and from his or her bu in. ami everybody should lie made lo do hi i or her share. Watch for early arrivah of Hol iday (iooilri at Nicklo'H Five (,'ent Store— there will bo special liargainn, they will not liiHt, yon can not Imy i i elsewhere for double our price, nee. ing is believing—ilon't pay one dol i lar, fur what you euo buy for lifty , coutH Who ih IW. M. NlOKtiß? Oil Field Note^. The monthly oil report a' publir-bed in Ibe Oil City ItrrricL show:- only a flight iiicreifc in Df.v u«>rk but an inorea.-e- iu new production of nu.if than 2.2("t. Thi nearly all come* from Bntb-r tnd the Southwest isrrtSK rorsTY. Xctviith landing the decline of Jeffer -.n Centre and the unfavorable outlook at Myoma. Butler count) di.7 well.-, fi\.- of which were diy. This is an increase of SOlt barrel., nv«r October, with a detTOHj'.- of six completed well The hundred font I ti-iritory is responsible f'»r thi - remarkable -bowing. This territory is uniformly good, j and more prodaction may lie looked for. Anion:' oiV-r surprise; for the month I ju I ended, the fluffy .1 Chartier's Oil Com ' pany's p-r iiap- the nio.-t i-on pit-uou--. Tlie exact 1" ! i-aliim of the Burton well is I, WO feet from the well on the little (Jeorge Hay* farm, I drilled upward ol'tiro years ago, anil .the | direction is northeast. The well on the ! little George Hays farm was itsolf some ' liiing »>f a irpri«- in that it soetned to I represent a detached pool, separate and j apart from tie* wells ol* the Gold develop lin -nt being cnt off, - .to peat, from re lat ion .hip with the Gold wells by inter pn-iug witti dry hole; , if there should l>e coclt a thing a in outlet it inu-t aecc-vitlly be to th.- northwest In thi connection it migLt Uol be ami - not to 10-«; sighl of the la l t th it Baker-down p...<| are notoriously in ceptive. V CSASIJO .I.VD ( LAI:t".V. Venango, usual, .-how a 1 .»riitiui J bor of wells completed with but little pio j ■taction. I'lea aiitville, Kmlentoii au.l j IlaH'o Hun furni .he i the bulk of operation j although more or I.drilling was done iu every section of the i onnty. The n pori -hows lfcfi wells completed which have a prodnction of!H:j barrels, again-t 180 com pleted in October with a production of 1,103 barrel -. In Clarion but a few wells were com plet&l and the »o are not of enongh impor tance to speak of. Th<- new wells coinplot'-d in Butler Co , with their production nr.- put a-, follows: Farm. Owner. fro. Slater, .Seybert Ilro . _•"> Coyle, Fisher Oil Co. 4 To Login-, Itifllips 3 1- Jno Rodger*, Itraneh Cre.!,- Oil Co. I . dry A. B. McKain, Brown A Co. 1 * I tarn hart, Buchanan it Co. I ■< J. iiromiield, Jenningd: Co. ii 3o do Frederick A Venaol .j 1.1 John IJbick, S. I'. 0. Co. 7 10 A. Block, d.. 2 do do 1 ■» do d'i r», 10 Fletcher, Moore (iuii't, Thompson ,1 Co. 1 7"> do Chrintie A Co. 1 17 M. U-aii, Hoffman .1 «'o. I'Ht do do 1 10 ilo ilo 5 - r >o Kadi r, l.'lnrk o S. Balfouer, It. W. Miller A Co. 3 20 Irwin, B. Forelit Oil t'o. 2 drv 11. Welsh, Christie Bros. 3 40 J. Welsh, Hazel ton, V'onng A Co. 1... 40 Bolton, Ituff A Co. 1 30 Bolton, Hundred Foot Oil Co. 2 1"' Ila/lett, Abrames, Walker A Co. I 3O Atubersoii, 11. W. Christie A Amber on, tireenlee A (Jo. 0 Montag, Campbell A Murphy 4 30 Wells completed Production 1003 »ry The total number of wells drilling iu the county i t put at. 132, and new rig" lip at 77. KiiiTP.H. The Chartier Oil.Co' . well on the Bur ton farm, in Middb- ex twp. was opened Wednesday, and proved to he u regular gusher, starting off at 50 bids an hour, or about 1200 a day, and licit da) was doing 2Ti an hour, and flowing toady. The oil wa found in third -and. The Butcher.' Oil Co. well ou the Kioh aril son, Bukerntow n field, was shot, Tluir day, and started off at 50 bl.l au hour, but toon declined to lo bid an hour. The well owned by Brandon, llyer; . Ited Ick, Oiler, Brbcknoy, und Colbert, on the J. W. Brandon larm in (.'ontioqueriemiiig twp. came iu good this week, and . tarted off at 120 bbls a day. Wile A Co' -, well on the old Gerloch iu X. W. corner of Butler twp , one mile thi , ide ol Mt. Chc-.1uu1., has been drilled through the 100 foot They found plenty ol sand but it was too close, ami also had plenty of salt water They will drill to the third sand The Kidimick well on the Sam'l Weber farm in Forward iwp. is aid to lie dry. The Well on the llan'l Cable farm iu Con uiM|ueiies, usual gait, when he slipped ami fell headlong their entire length, receiving an ugly gash In the chin, and bruising his knee, lie became uncoil Kciotls ami remained so for an hour. Ho wa< carried into his office, uud Dr. Hoover sent for, who sewed up the wound, and af lor coining to, wa.i helped to hi. Ironic. Hit? Sale. 'in Wednesday of this week Mr. W. J Campbell, of Miller-down, a brother of Dean Campbell, of Butler, and a ! CominonTiealth v j 'i 1,,, Lee, indicted for luuidi r and inait ( laughter, on oath of fountv detective—a ) 1 1 lie bill. In.irry Fair, ,i ault and hatu ry. on oath Of XT n. ITovi -a true bill. Al Mitchell, larceny- -a true bill. Frank liroau. a.~sault and battery—a true bill. IT. 1). Ri* -, larceny- a true bill. S iTevil:-. assault and battery—not a true bill and county to pay cont - Win. Straw ick. felouioti-; afsanlt —a true bill Jacob Hoffman, adultery—.t true bill, tials- Eyth. carrj-ing concealed weapons —a true bill. .lames I:, (irover, larceny aud receivinfr -■tolen pood.-'.—a trne bill. Frank Fair, Harry Fair, Tlmma - Lee and •laines Kimmel. riot—a true bill. licorge Ilall and I (avid Harvey, larceny —« true bill. I'eter MeCaffcrty, furni. lung li![Uoi- to a man of known intemperate habit-—not a true bill and county to pay cm ts. CLari. s lU-nry l .rc-ny -a trio- lull. Klinei and Dao'l Cousin ! , larceny uot a line bill SIIFEIU'S HALES. «'ol. Ifi-iHe s.,|d the fi.llowini' propertie:, I hi.- week All the riprlit, title and intcre l Oi l. A Oavid.son in 100 acres in Slip pvtryrotk to Josiah Adann for $3,31H1. Of 11. F. Fiekhardt in lot in Harmony lH>niiif.'h tn Amos Aeperter for SIenni Shields and Milo- Shields properties were returned, and the other ale ■ adjourned until to day. The Tteatty farm in llercer Tp. a 01.l | at trrKtce' .»le. Tuemla.',. to E. \ llcutly fo" S .V. It oiilaincd 4'_'3 acre < ONSTA I;Li- ' BKT l ltss. Ti.e con-taldc ol Adams Tp. reported thai the I*. in bad condition. The constable of ilrady 'l',,, reported uliai aeveral i-nlverts in that Tp. were in lion repair. Tho. Marshall, Esip, was appointed auditor on the estate of 11. 11. tileuu, and J. V. Moore. Em|., on the estate of .1. \ Hay. The i.alc made by the overseers ot Summit Tp. of the MeMillin property was eonfirmed. (i.C. Mc.liilikin and wife have broUfrbt nil v.. the I'. I;. I£. for damage Chri.. Klioger wa.. di .charged from jail under the in advent debtor' law; al si \ J Aiken and J. 11. Elder Harry lirieb's suit ys. (leorfre Curry win nun pro cied for want of a declaration; also ull. of Forsyllie va. Ilyerly for -ame reason. lit the ease of W. C. 'l'liompson v. . It. Crawford et. al., a wa enlered ami a partition directed. C. A. I'errottii, of Slipperyrocl. Tp., win /ranted his liual naturalization papers. Letters of administration were (rrauted lo If. M. l'lilteraou on e'tatc of Jin. of Centre Tp.; also to Klla Abraiu; on e late of Win. J. Abi'anis, of Forward Tp. The viewers on the opening of Illuff St., Hutler, reported last Saturday in favor ol opening the Htreet from Clay St. to W I'carl St., and that Ily Wa/ner was en titled to no damage i oil account of the ail valilajOM equaling the value of the ground lal.eu. The viewer on the opening of Clay St. reported in favor of openiii;' it wc.it ward to Che tnut St., takiuK a trip lOx 300 feet front Ily Wairner, and allowed him fo'iO ilamai'c, and as led Michael Audre.WH 11' Si on one piece of properly and (iO oil another; they al -o a c • ,eil the property of Walter Craig ♦SO and the prop erty of Mrs. Mai'i'urcl Spauc +75. The liraud Jury liuislnil '.loir work, Thursday noon and adjourned. Their• pre enluieni is shori, they found every lb in/ iu pretty good hape, recommended some trifling improvements, reported a bridge ill Oakland twp. as unsafe, and returned thanks to the public olllecrs lor courtesie I.ATK PBOI'KUTV TUAMMVKIIN. W I. Lawrence to Jenny Coulter, lot in Centreville lor #l5O Henry Eape by Kx'r to Daniel Slaulb-r, lot. in /idieuople for I l .05ii. ('nth Daiiibiich to Win li Damhach, Is acres in Couuoipiencii ting for 11,.'.00 ,1 M (ircer to J K ISrahani, lot in Hutler for ♦?oo. Ily Young to Maria Kirchner. lot iu I'ronpeet for ♦WHI. C M KIIIIIUIIIIKOII to II Kirchner, I I acres iu Franklin for t1,750. Jno (lillespie to C II Mcliuirc, lot acres iu Donegal bir ifsooo. Marriage Licenses. Win. 11. Voting Forward tp Nora Martin Kvana City Wm. 11. K0rn..... WestSutibury Julia Yeager Summit tp At Heaver August C. I torn bolt, of Beaver Co., and Liz/ie Kiler, of Cranberry TP- , Santa Claus' Headquarters. Tool-chests, Blocks, Combination Building Blocks, Nino-pin Sets and Toy TrtirrLa. at J. F. T. BTEIII.E'S Flush A IbtintM for <><) cents at Dorm. ASH'. Solid Gold Spectacles, From four dollars up ut C. F. T, I'AI'R BIIO'H. Hnllalo Flannels, Blankets and Yarns are the beat goods iu tin? market lor service autl durability. We have them. L. STEIN At SON. 'L'ry to induce y< ur neighbor lo take TUK CITIZEN. Suicide of R. E. Muder. Mr. 11. K. Muder, the harne-s maker, formerly of Saxoulmrg. hut who l'<n the inornin," of the uicide lie ■ >-tn< <>ut leather he hail pur cha ed. and ■ lit one ol his employees out to find the gentleman of whom he had or dered the He idso wrote a letter . onntermanding the order anil sent it to the piMtoffice with one of hi; children. Shortly" after the rhild ii id departed he ot-nt another tn tell him tn bring the letter hack The letter was mailed, however, and when tin* children cauie back and talil him, he »aid it did not make any dif fercnee. Soon alter this he told his wife that as he did not feel well he would go to hi* loom and take a sleep, and that "after awhile'' she might come lip and wake him. About 9 o'clock she called him, bnt he .-aid he would sleep awhile longer. In an hour she again went to his room, when he told her not to worry him. that he was uot feeling well. She then left him and bail been down -tuirs but a .-.linrt time when she beard the report of api -to!. She and her brother, Emile Stark, on ru hing up to his room, found him lying on the floor dead, with a bullet hole in hi right temple, and a re volver lying at his -ide. As soon as it be came known on the . trect that Mr. Muder had hot liini elf, James A. Dnnlap tele graphed Coroner McDowell, aud received a reply telling liiui to act K foreman of the jury, and i'et 'Si|nire Feancd\ to bold the inquest. Personal. Mi (.'urn Fallon, ol Illinoi ,i i the pile t of Mr >. W. r. Turner Valentine lliei»«.-r, ol Clearfield T..p , ha been granted a pen ion Mr Fred Can .her, of Washington •t , Mr Howard Tbouije on of N Mchcan >l and Mr- W. • Negley, of \\ I'eail -i , nre on the ick li.-l Mr. II. HI;, iliaj and Mi Mary \Vi< I daughter of.l. S Wick, will be married next Thur-day. Mi . A. A. Couchcr. of Km Ii I. has patent '•1 an elect air burglar alarm. Mr. < X. |:nyj, the druggi.it, ami Mi Harnett, of' Washington, Fa . a daughter ol Dr. Harnett, 111 Washington and Jell'crsoii t 'ollege, were marrii d in U'« hinglon yes terdajr (Tliur dav). and "ill hold a recep tion at their home on K Hiamond St.. to day, Friday. We heartily congratulate I lie happy couple. S. Campbell llntchi-oii, K-<| , of North Washington, was in 1 Sutler last week, at tending to nine bn im Mr. 11. has not had the lie tof health of l.ile, and i - eldom away from borne. Ml. .icll. liitrlni 1 1 liai ln eli appointed to position in I In- Auditor (Sencrul's otlire at Harrisburg, inntle vacant bv the death ol Major.lamps It. Storey. 11. 11. lioneller. Ksi| moved into bis new hou e, Tuesday. Mr Col. Ifeilic is on the . ick liit. I.'. C. Mc I lily re'., new boil e mi Institutc Hill, is alino. t completed, and they expect lo move into it. next week. Mr Kale Ha. lon Smith i visitiug friend at Kureka, We t \' Mr. and Mi .1. F. Lowry, will hold a rcceptiou ill flie parloi of the hotel this, Friday, evening. Samuel McClvmoml of Duller i • ■ riou ly ill Teachers' Institute. The annual meeting of the Butler County and liorotiK)■ Teachers' In stitute will bo 1,e1.1 in the Court House ul Butler from December lli to 5J<», I HMD, beginning at IO:.'Kl a ni. Mondry INSTRUCTORS. Dr. N. C. Sli seller, Kutzlowti. Pa. Miss Lolla Partridge, Beading, Pa Prof. (Jeo. K. Little, Washington, l>. C. Dr. Albert K. Maltby, Millersville, Pn. Prof C. K. fleblie, Chicago, 111. i.EirrtiUEH Monday—Heo. I!. Lilile, '• Forms and Faces in Chalk anil Charcoal." Tuesday—l >r. J amen Medley," No." Wednesday— Dr. Iledley, "Fail ure and Succeaa." Thursday—Hon. Chin. 'IV Sleek, "The Hero, Beeogni/.cd and Puree ogtiized." Direetora' day, Wednesday, begin ning at 10:.'»<> a in Teaeli'TH and Director* can procure programs and exeurHion tickets by calling on the secretaries of their reapectivo lioardis. W. (}. lit ssK.t.t,, Co. Supt K MACKEV, Bor Supt. —J. .1. Ileilier, tlie drover, wauls all farmers and FitoekraiHern to know that he Klill deuln iri ntock of all kiudH. Any perrtoiiM having anv to Hell bIIOIIIII addrcHH him liock liux Hutler, Pa., or leave with Jacob Iteiber, JederHOli St. —Subscribe for the (JIII/KN, the oldeht Hepublii.au paper of the ciouity lin rg;ilns" For the next aixty days, in order lo reduce our Block, we will quote Hpi oiul low priccH on ull our atovk. We have on handu thirty bed room aetn ranging from $lB to slfi() per act. Thirteen upholHtored parlor Hiiiln ranging from s:tf> to $ I , r io per fliiit. Parlor htandH from s2,fio to $1(1. liOtinirea from s2,f»o to $2. r >. Mat rticka from to Tableii from sl.'2. f » toslo. Waah-Htanda from $2 to SIM. liurvaua from to $25. Seta of ehuira from s2.7filosll> |Mir net. SooretarioH from $lO to $lO. KUHV cliaira, handHomn pictureß, room ornamentH, etc., any of which would make both UHefnl and appropri ate preaentH. MIIiIiKR IMtO'S. No. I'J, Jell'erMOn Si,. liuller, Pa. —Our Httli-M ol HroadelothM, Flan nel Suiting* and ItrenH (Joodn hayo been larger lliiH HCUHOU than ever. Large Btockn and low pricen do the hiiHineHH. Ij. Stkin it Son. —Home trudeH are ullccled by tho iiuuneial condition of the country, und otbera hy the prevailing Sty lew; hut an everybody inUHt have Htoven, the trade in them regularly with the population. For a clean, neat, durable utovo or rauge, try one of (/'hrint Stock'h Mlaa-Kn and you will have DO other. They are the bent heatcrH and bakern in the market; thoy are up to the tiincH and ('hrUt'ri trade in them haH IncreuHod with tho population of the town. liny your lilanket*, Flannels, I trews (joodrt, C'loaku and Underwear at tho Now York Itazaar, you will Havo money. —The latent htylew ol haiH and capHjudt received at .1. F. T. Stui —A. No. I. all IIIIHIC mattrcHH, guar anteed, not mixed with oxceleer at a lower figiiro than can ho had olho where in Ibitlcr, at Miller llroH', furniture wtore. No. 19 Jefferson St Kxceltdor Pitmen lor IHWO at DoDOLAdd'. A MERRY I Cliriftttuiis IM what wislt I you in atlvance anil il v«»u wish |to add lo the pleasure ol a ! friend by making a CI 11! I ST.M AS present, we think \<>u will In sure t > lilid just what H vvanS t d ut our store. We do uot have any old stock, hut even ; thine i* new and Iresh AND A HAPPY combination of design and liu ish is seen in all our selections. We will be pleased to have you visit our store, examine our goods, compare our prices 1 and see if we do not save you money, Do not wait until the 1 NEW YEAR cotnes to turn a new leal and ; say you will not spend so much ! money, hut save it now in pur chasing Holiday Good* «»f C. N. liOYD, Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, Psi. ' otiee. PartiiM, to io\< I uiniicy. Certain to bring fair return-', are invited lo care fully investigate fbe iaduct uo iits offered 'by Till: BCTLKIi SALT MAM FAC TrKI.Vt; COMPANY AMI CHEMICAI. WORKS." The .stock con i tn of S.liiMl i bares, the par value ol which i.j f*i conducted by an able and experienced ed itorial management that spares no expense or labor to add everything possible to its value. Specimen copy ami I'rcmiuin l.i for the current year, can secure the I'arioer I>j sending u. the additional Ku ls. The Markets. BIITLKII MADKKTS. Our grocer i are paying 'jrtc for butter ami eggs, .'lO to 40 lor apples, 4f» to fiO lor potatoes, 'tn for turnip , oft for parsnips, fin lor on ion.i and carrots, loc for dressed chielsei), 4*l for live chicken I'..'} for ilres< ed turkey, and Me for live, I fit) to 1 7"i lor hand picked beans, 'Jj tor buckwheat Hour. tiood timothy bay : ell in Hutler at 7 f, 170 as compared with fn,123,409 for Sciileiiiber of lßfiK, for the nine months, $t»2,02R,C14, against ♦HS, 532,0211 for the corresponding lime of IHHH, an increase of #7,11!1fi,015. The imports of sugar, iiiolasses, sugai candy and i-onfectionery for Sinitember amounted to #5,127,551, against ♦.1,611,710 lor September of IHHH; for the nine mouths, i'77,15.1,1H5; against, tii.i.l'Hl.llo lor the same period in IHHH, au increase of till, (>5,'1,775. The imports of wool, hair of the alpaca gout and other like animals, aud manufactures for September were vain i d f5,215,421. against f 1,001,7.'10 lor Sen tember ol° 1H8H; for nine months, :|.5H,47H, 272, against +So,;t7n,'JH4 for the correspond lug time of IHHH, au increa e of ifH,|Oi,2HH lliilutb is said to have shipped out about 1,000, 000 bushels wheat last week, billed through lo I'nglaiiil via lluftnlo ami l!o: 101 l S.'itila (Watts' Ilcad(|iiarlorH. Foil lino ol I'aby DOIIH, llobliy liorrieH, Shoo IlioM, Liviiry-HtnlileH, for tlio Ifoli<> IIH The largest aHrtortioent in Piiitler. Bisque Dolls, I >«>|lH Wnahahlo Dolls, Jointed Dolls, YVa* ami Rubber 1 >ollM Dolls Make your |»urchus«-i now I >(> IN and avoid tliu holiday rush. D. T. PAPE, Is S Main St. ol Irene .leromo'H art books. For sale at DOIHII.AHK'. OK. It. CLAKK, Specialisl in the trcalinent of (Jliroiiic Diseases, can be eotiHiilted, Iroo of chargo, At MillerHlown, Contrul Hotel, Saturday, Dec. I F At Butler, Lowry Mouse, Monday and Tuesday, Dee. 11l anil Pi. At drove City, Filer House, Wed nesday, Dee. IH Kxaroiuo our Hloek o( Cloaks aud WrapH before |iurehasinK- We caii i>avi> you from two to three dol lars on each garment. 1 1. STKIN AL SON. —"City ijegoudtt," a new book of l>oema by Will Carlntoo, at J. U DOUIU.A»S' TP W-M m K»'WS m S- «9H IS JBLT JHEDB 9 I^l-CA^IINC* ULLINERV HOUSE Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Grapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. TSTo- 18. South Alain Street* - - - HUTJLER* I? A. Santa Claus' Headquarters. Books, Albums, Cards, (iaiucs and Puzzle* nt .l. F. T. STEHLE'S. Handkerchiefs lu Lace, Silk, Mull and Swias; alao Mufliers in great variety at D T. PAT-K S 8, 8, 8, K, Not the kind of you buy elsewhere at 8 cent?; bnt th.* very best mukea at RITTER .t H ALSTON'a We have the b«ht 2f>c wool and . Cashmere boae for Ladles' UenTT nmt - ' children in tin- e.uiiiu al the New York Bazaar. Santa (11 a us' I leaili|U:i i tei ->. Toy St'.vcft ami Hansen, kitchen Si " ert and lablcri lit J P T STUII-R'S Don't buy ura|> until vml have e\amiurd our immense ;jto< k and learned our astonishingly low prices We are overstocked on certain atylea and are 3elling them below roat. 1,. STEIN .V SON 10, 10, 10, 10, Clnlt'.renV woolen school mittens al 10 ceiita ai KITTEK IV BALSTON'S. See the new Vandykf Point Lnce iu White, Black and Cream ut 11. STEIN .V SON'S. The Fiost Blankets in America. Saininl Bradley Sins, il f»0 per pair at BITTER .V It ALSTON'S. —Oyer a hundred atylea ol wool dress irooda ai 'ific per yard at the New York Bazaar. A full line of winter glovea, nt low prices, nt .1 F. T STEIILE'S Highest cash price paid for buck wheat at (Jeo, Walter's Mill, But ler, Pu C loa k u Plush Coats and .laekota, Fino cloth .Jackets and Newmarketa, Stockin nette Jacketa, Misaea' and Childreua' .Wrapa, Latest atylea ami best made goods. We guarantee to nave you money on tlieae good a L. STEIN it SON. W rap; Mann(actured to order and received by express every day at HITTER o doz. kid gloves at Mlc a pair at the New York Bnzanr. —Consult your own interests and examine our stock of furniture, uphol stered suits, chairs, mattresses, etc., liefore purchasing. MII.LEII BRO'S., No. I'J, Jefferaon St. Large stock of Umbrellas in Mo hair, (Jloria and Silk with gold, sil ver aud natural handles for holiday trade at L. STKIN .T SON'S no, 50, r>o, 50, IJO mulls al f.O cents; the bent you ever saw at the price; also a lull Hue of ull nlylcu of fura aud fur trimmings ut BITTER AI It ALSTON'S Our stock of Hosiery, (Boves, Corsets, Bibbons, I laces, Ate. Is al ways kepi up to ila well known Blandard of excellence L STEIN A, bow JOHN T. KELLY, Next floor to thu Pout office, Lots a aplendid lino ot Clothing, Overcoats, Pants, Hats aud tJents Furnishing Goods in ptoek, which be invites everybody to examine before pur chasing Ho feels certain that be can save his customers money <>n all Fall atid Winter (Joodn —The Btghmie Patent Shirt Tor Sale at .I F. T. STEHLK'H —lf you tliii.i tb»> CITIZEN a wor thy county paper, help us along by ttubacribing for it —nPHTTttrrxt pii'ttinm nf vpry —ttrw prices at Miller Bros.' furniture store, No. 19 Jefferson .St —We have ten thousand dollars worth of furnituro in our three ware rooms at No. IK Jefferson St., Butler. I'll. The I test as well as the chcup ast, bnt all the heat made for the price, All persons will find it to their ad vantage to examine our stock and as certaiu our prices he lore purchasing. MILLER PRO'S. —Use Double All O. K. Horse and Cattle Powders,best in the world, A sure and speedy cure for heaves, concha, colda, inflamed lungs, rough ness of skin, and all kiduey diseases. For sale by J. C. KEHIOK, 2-IS ::in N'o. f», N. Main St. Butler, Pa. —Take your children to /liver's Gallery for Pictures that will suit you. Anderson building —We are selliug furniture lower than it -has ever before been sold in Butler, and after using it you will gay that it is what we said it was, otherwise no sale at MII.LKH MHO'S, No. 19 Jefferson St., —l'm* Double All O. K. Morse I.ini ; ment, best in the world. For Hwell ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu matism, lameness, sore shoulders, ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has no equal. For sale by J. C. REDIOK, '2-18-310. No. f», N. Main SL P.ntler, I'a. /uver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in fioish, tone or a correct likeness. A full line of childreoß' hata and caps at J. F. T. STEIII.E'S —Great bargains in Caps at J. F. T. STEIILE'S. BARGAINS IN Wall Paper. Kor tlie next sixty days we will offer bargains in all our gilt unil embossed wall pawl's, in order to reduce stock anil make room tor Holiday (ioods, J. H. Douglass, Near Postoffice, Butler l*a. TWO CHOICE SI MOOI S BROOKE HALL, For Girls and Young Ladieo. Short lidge Media Academy, For Boys and Young Men. S WITHIN CSHORTLID6E, AM (HARVARD OHAIH'ATIt > MEDIA, I'A., (Near Philadelphia.) tm SNBREHUIStHIU. EHIK* PA. All Nt<>< K guaranteed t» )>c iu good con dition when delivered. We replace all trees tliul fail to grew. KKFEKENCES IX lIUTI.ER: J. F. L«wry, \V. T. Mechiiug, Junius Shauor, Jr., .i. H. F win in- < .in-miiy us id uccuratHy IIII«*«I. 'j'liunkin^titiMiiiiuii' for tin- vrry u «*UoV«mi* j< itIMIJUL III" » DAT* in «•« .1.1. Jmo til tliO pilttl. 1 111>i»»• 1.1 Im' lililo fit Mt*rv«l tlk. ltl limrt* A<'< *pt*t>l)r i lii III* rut ur«. ut (In* old utaltd. No. fi, North Main Hi, HIJTLER, PA. J. C. nSDICK, HSUgKSHOSSas ,» Uu.,l Ji Business Change. o TIIE FIRM FORMERLY CALL ED J. k 11. KEMPER HAS NOW CHANGED TO Fn. KEMPER, A OOOD.COMPETENT AND EX. PERIENCED HARNESS-MAK ER.* THE BUSINESS WILL BE CARRIED ON AT THE SAME PLACE AND IN THE SAME MANNER AS USUAL THE BEST OAK TANNED LEATHER WILL BE USED, AND I WILL ALWAYS HAVE ON HANDS A 1,-ITT.f. igaOHTULWTOL' FINE ANDHEAVY HARNESS, COLLARS, BLANKETS, ROUES, WHIPS AND EVERYTHING GENER ALLY TO BE HAD IN A NO 1 HARNESS STORE. ALL OR DERS WILL BE KINDLY AC CEPTED AND MADE ON SHORT NOTICE ALL RE PAIRING DONE PROMPTLY AND PRICES AS LOW THE LOWEST. ALL CUSTOMERS TO THE OLD FIRM, AND ALL IN GENERAL ARE RESPECTFULLY INVIT ED TO CALL AND EXAMINE. Pr. KEMPER. SEE OUR DISPLAY. HOLIDAY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. JAPANES WARE, FANS, PARASOLS, SCENT BOXES, Ac GOLD PENS, ALBUMS—THE LARG EST AND BEST STOCK EVER BROUGHT TO BUTLER. JAPANESE SCREENS AND BASKETS, PANELS AND BASKETS. OUR BTOCK OP VASES IS THE BEST BUTLER EVER HAD. I NEW BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, CHURCH BOOKS, BIBLES, Ac. PRESENTS FOR ALL CAN BE FOUND AT Heineman Son's. GREAT REDUCTION IN WALL PAPER. Hello There! ers, nre still on the northwest corner of Diamond. Better prepared than ever to supply their customers with line Dia monds, Hold Watches, and a very large stock ol solid, sterling Silverware of the very latest designs direct from fac tory; never been rehandled, therefore, being fresh and l)eautiful. Just what you need for a Holiday present. Come and see them before buying, and you will be pleased to see the line display they have in fine fixtures and goods. D. L. Cleeland. Practical Optician, correctly tests the eyes and |>erlectly lits spectacles of the very best makes. Should you wish to mane a friend a pres ent in the shape of Gold Spectacles. We have just what you want iu that line. We will keep our store open every weok night until 10 o'clock, this month. Corner of Dia mond. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg in now running a line of carriages between the hotels and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogelej. fiooil Livery in Connection. Millinery. New Kelt lints aliil Rounds. New lijw, I'linni's, Hint* ami Wings. New vtlreU 111 all color*. New nalln., rlliboui. velvet ribbon*, brucatle übbous and .tripea ribbon.. New ilaid i-onl, l wl.letl nurd, Ixiait ronl. I.aillft anil children t lili nlalilug (oOdn. I.milev and etiildrm'ii undotwear. l-adies 1 and t hildieu'. hosiery. Ladles' and children's cur MU and i or»r( waists. Ijuliw aud children', hose tupportera. Kid flovae, cashmere gloves, ■ilk mittens and wool miutna l.uirit novfliirs in neckwear M. F. Ar M. Marks. YOU CAN FIND oa« liU iu I'll ilkctt'iii 4 llta Xivcili«luK llwitsu a c::. Rmjr® if BROS. aLu .111 rer aa..rltiu<| at luteal ua,