(carters, jp.^B , CURE retier* all the trmihle* mrt 77i n ■ »■■■■ mm.u- •t tw irO' m *urh a* Ihiitw*. XaaaM. I»r»>w*ine«« !»t*trr«a after m *h» kwi» Jtf While thetr mcwt aamw Im he-* show n in curiij „ SICK ■■ dW V **4 P*em'« I.rmi Lrrr* rnj* —j.— 1 '*~ valuable hi r n*rtpir ,i n. enrlri? -nd Jn'iil IT thin uwn*complaint. wliUe th. . a j_n 1 -sH <!••- irier* . f ifc" «*; Tiia.-b. -.—-).t. tb- livrr v l the l>»* Etw tf «her «oIT HEAD aefce «>ct r.*M he alro -* tr> ' hr>w> tCTm£>-r trvat thi. complaint: STfoSmat. lv their goodSM**-"* »«* end H, i ATV j tb ß«e who HK* try them will find Sm- tet> pt"« rahial v in an manv * ay* that hr willing to do wttk-.'Ut them. Et afcer all «ick head ACHE liA.k«»nr ao manr *"* that here !< where _rTT",— grret V«-t Our pilli rure It 'c?lrT«rrLrrTurLnT3« Pio.« are wrmall Mri «T to take One rr two lull* tnake . 4nmr.' Ther are Ktri-tly v-aefabV «rIJo •H grwr or iwrre. hut l>f tk«r penile action tlri" In \iafc at 25 cents: ftofor sl. SnW everywhere. <c acid by tnaiL UCO KC::-~ CO., Vrr Tsl yd Smite. Ss^l!Fries. ~^jjjj|f Wolff's AG M EBlacki ng ■CATS the WorM. It Is the Best HIRHESS BRESSING The BEST tor Man's Boots " " " Ladies' ■ " Children's" JUtMO I.VTMI.T WATERPROOF. •OTTENSaiKIPRESEftveS the Leather On a »—» /w- tamto —4 oac- o aioaA/» ■ i iiii'i w Mr '• "»»"•. It m»ke» tb< Mm Knd nnH jart» | • :*h rna ( rer war Yaa Int lin u> and »«wt with a H»ck h« m* Me -we and try it. Be.auaex.JT MSHIM ei*ke<l bull m no r»i» n yno ataeuM ■at mnrf the « unr tiun ua labor. SaM bi Utwan. DnaM; and Sb.«. Daalara W9LFF 4 RANDOLPH, PHIUDELPHU. WHAT •PfITT'Q 00N8UMPTI0S •Wll 1 O SOBOFULA EMULSION OOUGHiF 113 niDCC GOLDS UUiIM lasting Diseases Wonderful FlesJi Producer Many have pained one pound per day bv its us*. Scott's tmulsion in not a se cret remedy. It contains* the stimulating properties) of the Hypophosphites and pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil, the po tency of both being largely increased. It is used by Phy sicians all over the world PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggist«. 800TT 4 BOWNL", Chemists, N. T. « EL ™, CATAWRH Cream CSLS II nts' K^FXVERS| CATARRH wL fi/M Esr r Jfc* « B*uf Hw /rim /it/'uri JjjU trfnuit* 'Mtort. fESr-FEVER A particle of the Balm Is applied into each ■aMrll. la asm üble to une and U <jul< l.ly nt>- ■artod. effectually i leansithe nasal •f catarrhal »Irtis. • au*ln< Deal!hy Heeretlutin It alia}"* pain abd lntlaunnHil..n. proi.ft.s the SMMbranal lining of th<' b-.ul from ail I:ttonal MUa. Ouiplt UI) heals the giirra un>l r<"~tor«.*s the araae of taxt>- and -in.-11. It> nenclal rt-Milut are reaitw*! t»>- a few appil<*ittlor»>. a miituH liH TMATUKST »II.L CTBIC. PrV* so ccuui at dniKftaitH; l>y iu.nl, n-rlstcr •d. m cent*. ( lrr<ilar, sent fn-c lELY BBOTHKIfs. Urttffbli, WaiT'.-n St., Catarrh fa> Set a ill.. <1 Ill«ea«e. Ho liner what fguta It ma> finally effect ca tarrh always atarta In the head, and iM-louipi to the head. There uno mystery or Hit* orltrlri or tfela dreadful dtneaue. It cold. One of the fcinij that Is "anre to lie better IS a lew Says." Thousands if vtctlDM know hew it Is by sad ezperteni-e Klj "h < 'ream Italm •weaootdn In Uie b- ad and ■ .u.irrli In all Its rnmmm. DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DIBPENriAKY. OFFICEH, 908 PKN N A YE. -PITTSBURGH PA.— All form* nf JHrlir&te »n<l Com* » !i ! ATI *r. an<l S< !i:vTiFi« MEI»I --—t»o» arc treat*-. 1 at thi» I'iMjenttary with a HUC- : Mm rarely aitninM. I>i. s. K. is a member | •f IV* Royal Colkfß of PliThicianM an«l Surireons, •■<l »««!•' \peiieaee«l SrK4*iAL« WT in the rltv. attention |riven to Nerr- Ikebility fntin exc« --ire ni<nt:il exertion, In* Slecrettei.- *.f vnuth, At e.T physical ua«l ■tttsl der*r, kof en«*nrv, dci«ponwirr,Ae.; I tfb»<'aar«r . <»!«! Sf.ro-. K!t«. I'ilea, ItfienmatiKm •** f. ' mrr *»»-■ *• r jMßfi'lrtif!*!. Offlee hour* oto 4 and 7toK n. in.: 11"!4 J'.m. '»nly. <": i l nlnflirc ur nddrcMf ■H.LAk r. M. I».. M .U.C.r.S. or K..M. A*E.M. D. IMaHIEH ~TfcwuAfltlh havrf U r ■,* n:,u.<*rnUy rur»<i by rfIILADKJ.f'If! \ PA. li>«itenn l ßnoperali(« ■f l>eiof iliw frntu li?i«i■ ( Hi** iiriiiiiiiiiii'i'd ln> earmbfe *rf .«tij«rs *» u« < irrtiiar. CURE GUARANTEED. «s^KSA^a POSITION OF FERED. If yoti are in n«ed of a pi mi paying and think you ban- the quali: . , •alestnun you will d- a ell t.i write us at once We will pay (tihhl or aalar}' and expeacea U> a jjimiU man. The poaitMin we <iffer is a permauent one. Ad 4re*« at once. StLoVKE i ATWOOO JTsfoerTmen. Geneva, K. T J. E. Kastoi\ Practical Slate Kuoiar. Omamerital anil Plain Slating Of all kindi. done on >hort notice Office wif Ii W. H. Morris No. ! 7, N. Mnin St., !?eM<i<>nce North Kim street, Butler, Pa. j. » The Great American HOG is Coming. ■X'H E OXTIZEIfcT. MISCELLANEOUS Effects of Alcohol on the Mind. It in one of the curious errors that alcohol stimulate* the imagination, and gives a clearer, more practical insight into the relation of events of life. The whirl of thought roused up by the increased circula tion of the blood in the brain is not im agination; it is not a superior insight or conception of the relation of events, but is a rapid reproduction of previous thoughts, , soon merging into confusion. The inebriate never creates any new ideas or new views; all his fancier arc tumultuous, blurred, and ; barren. The apparent brilliancy is only 1 the flash of mania, quickly followed by de mentia. Alcohol always lowers the brain capacity, and lowers the power of dis criminating the relation of ideas and events. After a few periods of intoxica tion, the mind under the influence of spirits is a blank, blurred page. The poets and orators who are popularly supposed to make great efforts under the influence of alcohol only repeated what had been said before in a tangled delirium of expression The physicians who are supposed to hare greater skill when using spirits have para lyied their higher brain centers, and have lost all sense of fear or appreciation of the consequences of their acts, and hence act more automatically, simply doing what they have done before without any clear appreciation or discrimination of the re. suits. The inebriate is the best of all imag inative persons, and thc2 one ' n w hom the higher brain forces of judgment,- reason, • and conception are the first to give way. • The man who uses spirits to give mental ■ force and clearness is doing the very worst thing possible to destroy this effect. Alcohol is ever and always a paralyzant. It never creates anything; it never gives strength or force that did not exist before; it never gives a clearer conception and power of execution, but always lowers, de stroys, and breaks down.— T. D. Crothe/i, If. D. "I was most ready to return a blow and would not brook nt all this sort of thing," for I knew I would cure all damages with Salvation Oil. 25 cents. —Never "bull-doze a man, but if you meet one with a bad cough you may "bull dost" him to advantage with Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. 25 cents. —"No thoroughly occupied man," says a great writer, "was ever yet very miseru ble." The Chicago Tribuns wants to kuow how about a man thoroughly occupied in dodging a gun. No one should suffer with boils or hum ors when Hood's Sarsaparilla cures so quickly and well. —An orator named Dolliver, of lowa, is in an embarrassing position. Hefore the recent election he often indulged in a fa vorite saying: "lowa will go Democratic when hell goes Methodist." Now that the State has gone Democratic, they're asking Dolliver how hell went. When everything else falls, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures. 50 cents, by drug gists. —Scientists tell us that shutting the e3*es makes the hearing more acute. This accounts for the closing of so many eyes during the delivery of the sermon. —There must be some queer people in Baltimore. A very pretty one pathetically begged a stranger to knock down a pick pocket who was following her. He did so and the woman laughingly walked off. The alleged pickpocket was her husbaud. She didn't stay to see the fight. The Best Testimonial. yet published for any blood medicine is the printed guarantee of the manufacturers of Dr. Pierce's (ioldeu Medical Discovery, wljii:ll ll'tl I I'duL* tUmi wrmtferfitj wmUitnmi to benefit or cure in all cases of those dis eases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it will be returned. It cures all diseases arising from torpid liver and impure blood and their names are lc !7»«IH. All Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous af fections, Kruptions, Sores und Swellings. Salt rheum. Tetter, Erysipelas and kindred diseases, are among those in which the "Discovery" uffected marvelous cures.. Drunkenness—Liquor Habit - In All the World There is But One Cure, Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It ran !»• given In a cup of ten or <olTee wltli '•ut till- knowledge of llie iters, Hl tuklnir !». er- Trctliiif a spe.d> and permanent cure, whet. Ijer ilie |.atl nl Is a moderate drinker or an alco holic wreck. Thousands of dru.ikards have l eeu cured who have taken the Uolden Hpeclflc In their coffee without tnelr knowledge, and to day believe t hey cjult drinking or tin li own free will. No harmful effec' results froin It.s ad ministration. i 'urex guaranteed Send for clr cular aim full particulars. Address. In contl dent*;. (ioLUKN Si'EiiKir Co.. IH!S Itace Street.. 1 I 'lnclnnaU. O. New Oyster Parlor AND Confectionery BY Mrs. S. Showalter, In Stehle building, S. Main St Mm. Showalter ha* fitted up some neat tooma for a la<lien restaurant, and links a chare of the patronage of tbe people of Hotter. Meala at all hour* Adtt>rtiae is the CITIZIN A SOLID STEEL FENCE! EXPANDED"METAL CCT ?KR^T EEI ' SOMETHING NEW POT RESIDENCES, CHURCHES, CEMETERIES. F»RWS QAROENS Gates, Arbor*, Window Guards, Trtlllwa, Hrf-proof PLASTKUISG LATH, POOB Jl tTS ' Jtc. Write for Illustrated Catalogue: mailed free CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO 110 Water St., lMttubnrKb, I'a. ■ttdn are Mea keep lb Give nune of this Dapet STEEL WiK The cheapest and nentest Fence for around LTWFI", School Lota, Poultry Yrdn, Gardeus, Farms, *l* Also manufacturer* of Light and Heavy Iron Fencing, IJ«A.»:INTF. Stable Fittings, Fire Shutter*, Fire Escape* OF J;«T.»ren! design*, andall kinds of IRON A>*D WIRE WOUli, TAYLOR & DEAN, 203 and 208 Market Street. • PITTSBURGH. PA. Willard Hotel, W. H. REIHING, Prop'r BUTLER, - I\A. KTAHI.IMi IS COSNKCTIOX. SAMPLE ttOOM for COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS SAMPLE ROOM. LIVER'S IN CONNECTION Hotel Vogeley (Strictly First Clans.) IIENKY L. BECK, I'ROPK. J. 11. KAUBEL, Manager. Itutler, Pa. Diamond : - : Hotel, Fronting Diamond, Butler, I'a. THOMAS WABSOX, Pro'r. Good rooms, good mcnt>, stabling in con nection, everything first clans. NIXON'S HOME, ST. N. McKEAN ST.. BUTLER, I'A. Meals at'all hours. Open all night.. Breakfast jn cents. Dinner 25 cents, Supper 25 cents. Lodging li'i cent?, SIM HON NIXON - - - I'ROP'B. (IlillllllEß HfIFEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLEH? - - Near New Court House formerly Donaldson House—good accommodation* for traveler*. Uood stabling connected. [4-9-ftO-lyi H KITENMUI LKK.l'rop'r. I SUPERFLUOUS HAIR On the feuiale face, above the IWPHD 111 #ey «I) r<i w■ I I War'., "ilan'i ' K "j N0.., Knlayjad liaaJa, Liver Kpota and all dWaaaea and blnmlahaa of tha akin, complexion, hair and scalp «ucceH*fn lly treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor ban had 20 years' experience LA the practice of 1 "*• specialty, aod number* among his pa tientn our most prominent famille*. If YOU are afflicted with any of the above blemUh<«N, avoid patent medicine* and commit I»r. Van I'yrk Hl.mcr, Special term* to all who mako enKagementaJthls month. Hook free. Engage. : men Lean be made by mall. Call on or addros* DR J. \ an Dyck, 40 FF. 11th street, Philadel phia, or FLO 2 Penn aveuue, Pittsburgh, Pa. L Hours ft to I and 2 to 7; Sunday*. 10 to 5. DIAMOND LAUNDRY, East Diamond - - Butler. Pa. FIRST CLA.SH LAUNDRY WORK IN ALL BRANCHES. LACK CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. ALSO, CLEAN ING, DYKING ANI> CAR PET CLEANING. Goods collected and delivered in all parts of the town. ANDREWS&SHUTTLEWORTH, PIiOPIiIETOBJj. GrRAJNTD BARGAINS AND A GRAND STOCK TO SELECT FROM in American nnd Imported Silks, Henriettas, Broad Cloths, S rges. Diagonalsa nd all other new styles of Dresa Goods and Trimmings. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Wraps. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Underwear. Gents', Youths'and Boys' Underwear. A DRIVE IN FINE CARPETS. Fine Brussels worth 75c. at - .50 j Best Velvet Brussels at • - $1 25 Best Body Brussels at - - - I.oo' Best Axminsters, - - - - 1.50 Oil Cloths, Matting, Druggetts, Stair Rods, Portiers, Lace Curtains. DOMESTIC GOODS. Laporte Flannels, Bradley's Blankets, best standard goods in bleached and unMeacbed sheetiDg, pillow casing, ticking, ginghams, prints, damasks, crashes and all kinds ol boose furnishing goods. We are selling more goods than ever, showing conclusively that it pays to sell reliable goods at low prices. Rittef & Ralston. The Great American HOG is Coming. The Cash Shoe Store ANNOUNCEMENT ! LOOK! jgW We Bell Boots, Shoes and Rubbers 7 FOR SPOT CASH. We Will Positively Undersell * any house in Butler selling goods on credit, and wo give a guarantee on i i.'7ery pair of Shoes we sell Our Children's School Shoes are all warranted and made of good soiid leather. We will refuud th>- money in case goods are not satisfactory. Our Ladies' Fine Shoes are very highly spoken of and we are having a yery Jarge trade in them and we feel very thankful to our friends for their support. Men's Fine Shoes. Now we can't say too much in regard to these goods, for we show the finest line of Men's Shoes in Butler, ranging in price from SI.OO to $5.50. All styles. Our Rubber Goods Department. We handle a iargo line of Rubbers. Best c|iialiti, s madef. Boston, Candee Goodyear, Colchester, Goodyear glove-fitting. A large line of Duck Boots, warranted not to snag or blister in oil. Hoots and Shoes Made to Order. A Largeßtoe k of Oil Men's Hoots and Shoes Always on Hand. Repairing done on short notice. BLACKMORE & GIUEIS, No. 1)5 S. Main Street, Hutler, Pa. < a tMA VOICE Si aon. »f Ha lam, tfelo. O '«rrii«: "Wn at work on a (Am for CM '*• io * UAMiitfi . I now b»vr an ag^m^ «/» - r t. c. A »* n ft A p«wiT p W. |J. WilliamKMne. irarria»-Br»! t JMVW wrlteai bar* n«r«r knowo k anything fo Ilk* your alt-uis Vnatordajr took enough f« pay ma om MA.'* W f CI. Kaoffor. Ma, or-lfr fur y.Kjr allmnal a»ery hnuM I vtill Mr '' Pru«t l« rrfW* a* mtaebaa Sl*6 H9Hn { ViW' , l r • •'»*!• «>ir.work.- Jar ''/ • aaadolnf quha •• wall; * r * ,r lo "* OfM who tak> a hold ofthtarrand buaineaa i-i.ra'upf laaSu Shall we start YOU in this businr**, reader' Write to ua and l«aru all about It for youraalf. Wa arv starting many: wa will atari you If »«u don » dalaykintll another f •la ah-ad of yon in J our part of the roui.trr IT y»u take hold you will be alleto pick up fold faat ®jr |(o M «J - »V'» a- count of a for rd manufacturer a aala I SA.OOO tr n dvllaai- I*h«»t «»uritph Alhuma arrto ba a*.ld to the «W |«'»<-l, It .und 11. I(..ya| ( rimana fltlk Valval J luah. Cbarimngl. d#Co-atad ,„aidaa. llendao*..»«t album* In tha world Larf.ai ftli- « ra^ e « I arfaina itar known Af»ni. wanted Liberal terma lllg'm.).' :/ ft* aganfa. A»»r one ran been me a aurrraaful •rent tie Ifa |ta*lf fa 9 flit ia or »« talking nacnaaary. Wbrttvar ahown. everr to i.ur chase. Agenta taka thouaanda Of order* with ripfaAy naear bef.re known. Ureal pruAta a wait a*er» worker Afantaare j pinking fortunea. Ladi-a make at mmh aa man Ybtt, reader can do as well aa any on<-. full information and inmi fl'rre lo tboa« who writa for Mim, with partiealars and terms far n«.r }'aa.ilr iilblca, Book a and I'arladirala. A Oar you km » a coacl«4» to gouo further, why no liarm la done 4441M< «. C. ALLS* a CO., ALSttii, M.i>. KK^IUV Our Large Spriug Stock of Wall Paper. We bavo excelled in former bvchouh iu ASSOKTMLNT, VAKIETT uud Beauty of DeHigUR. Au<l have almost doubled our hUm k. We are prepared to meet ull com petition U pfa^Oy J. H. Douglass. 63 S. MAIN STREET. l:W?M?k/|to*SEIITSS^W.^g. ■■aaMMMriTii. A. hptt.(HW i->u ciu 1 OVERCOATS, SUITS AND HATS. FOR Men, Boys and Children Our stock is now complete, ana the bulk of the Clothing lvi nl.- i: < n MAKE we claim end can prove to your satisfaction, ti>at for the • jt stands unequaled in durability, fit, handsome pattern* and nt «. -• Having served the people of this section for the last year-, u< i vc learned their needs and you can depend upon finding just what \ i: w.w our enormous stock Our Merchant Tailoring Department is crowded with tli in . \ -j Iv selected novelties iu Overcoatings, Suitings and Pantal« nir '• best foreign and domestic ru'lls. High class work at popular >ir, inducement to examine our line. Perfect fit always guaranty. ■: We would also call your attention to our Hat Departuieo . « : tains none but the best standard makes You will find the pr ■■ - ,-aving on what you have been paving. We keep a complete :t» the celebrated Stetson hats STRASSBURGER & JOSEPH, Tailors, Clothiers and Hatters, IGI-103 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. i'KNVA. your address for one of our Fall Souvenirs. IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE? Kind friends, this a question we ar< , unable to answer to the entire ><ti~ta. /Mf l ' on everyone. Our first parents - "T f~- Afw* when in the Garden of Paradi-.'ditt. i-• I' fr yrjD JWMmsS aud ever since their sons and da .filter v"* v<£ r have launched on the sea of inatrin > rfV" with varied success and expci icii.-e. an. the problem is no Mtn r - lived tl v\V th*tty Adam said i: said it was the serpent. It t' \ IM ' SI " i/' ji \ when the j jllJ \ the leading Indy as |>l> n in ire), and vou can bet v m -i l ~ J ~zt' J 1 that both parties will tell yi»u 111. :. .. is a success. Well, how is it about trie doming and furnishing business, is it a,l . :v.. I.\. since the dav Adam and Eve were snaked out "f, 1 1 il"! ' ■■■ mcnts of tip leaves there has been quite a stir in the clothing busim ». hi failure or not in Butler we are only able to answer for ourselves an,! v.. ■ emphatically NO. but a grand success, and we are playing the part <>t th. I_\ in our illustration. It is not the magnetism of love that draw s people to oui -t.... .1 • sends them away happy and contented, but the of '<<'> <!■'] ;• > » mav be a failure in nianv instances, but it is certain tnat ilei k niur I.IIU t< -.1 1-1 everv customer who ealfs to buy. Satisfactory quantity, satisfactory qnality. • •"*- factor* prices are the rule at Heck's. He is drawing crowded house b> thet .m.. > rendition of that alwavs popular and entertaining piece—The Buv ei>. 1 > 1 ' Constant applause greets every new effort of the management of this ~,,.1, „ , ! to please its patrons, and the public may be assured that if th< v tind p; profit anvwhere it will be at Heck's. No. 11 N. Main St., Butler, a. 1 - room to doubt as to our popularity. Our sales book, our crowded st.ne »,!i . ishing stock all prove it. We may not be much of a aasaiety do.nl, .. .s i. 1. 1. g. ts down to business we get there all over. We believe we ha\< . .1111 laritv, having done more than all others to bring prices on good g.,.d-- .1 t . reach of short-armed incomes. That is where we strike, away below tli on vour pants pockets. We believe in sharing the cream with - .... after we have skimmed the milk on the top we don t tiirn it over and . 1 bottom. It is hard to beat the bargains we are offering. The man 111 MIII . ... t otherwise, but gave up his pet opinion when his dear honey gently \ a.U. .1 l.im . to our store, and so far as our goods are concerned he won t wa.k n t... .... ofthescornf.il again, especially if his dear wife insists, and when la-i - ... dressed from head U> foot from our great emporium, he was a difter. Nt .km; •' r vidual, tilled with pride and satisfaction— proud_ of his wife and sat ! • « ith 1 - purchase; and referring ta the matter attributed all to his better half b> .p Shakespeare: "There in a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the I • «»•!, - 011 to fortune." But I think the following couplet original: It is not wealth, nor birth, nor state, But it's the git up and git, in woman, that makes man grate. Our old room, although BP»P|PUS we found entirely inadequate in niaiiy t to the wants of our rapidly growing business, and were obliged to build .11 a...... doubling our capacity. We feel that we can (Hford more advantages toourtrade n, heretofore, and have laid in the largest, finest and cheapest stock ol mi n > -•> - > . hildren's Clothing, Hats, Caps.KhirU,Underwear. Handkerchiefs Muni.-i>. < • - I'mhrcllH.H, Trunks, Valises, Jewelry, Overalls, Jackets, nnil—w hat >mi <j.»n < ask for—we've tfot it. We have not produced much argument, hut il y.»u think n r riacre is not a success, just call around of your own accord, purchase ft l>i>l us, take them home, show them to your wife, tell her the price, and our '• : you'll say it's a success in your ease. Thanking you again for your vt ry 111 1 i.u | .. ronage, and hoping you may all feel as I do, that marriage is a grand succ. >s. Your obedient servant, i J BE 7 Champion Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, No. 11N. Mgin St., Duffy Block, ;BI TLER, PA. The Great American HOG is Coming. FASHION EMPORIUM OF 1 Millinery and Dress-making. The Pall Styles are now displayed, Hough and Ui-adv hatfelt turhaiiH, etulofa find broad brim huts, among tin- i t ter the Orient. Dundee, Latona, Aiider»gn and <*<■!<• ti* among the newest nnd handsomest shapes. The <'apritv n.d Acme are the newest Toque shapes The ujissep Saidee and Oolah are something new for the girls. Embroidered, guimp and jet bands, stripped velvet rib bons, and brocade ribbons iu entirely new designs, tips and halt plumes, birds and wings in black and all colors will form the trimmings. Velvets will enter largely into the trimming ol both hats and dresses the coming teason. Both plain and fancy makes. The bustle is doomed but some of the latest imported dresses have graduated siies reeds placed at intervals from the belt to the bottom of the skirt. The styles in dresses tend to simplicity iu skirts and < lab orate waists and sleeves. Now is the time to give your or in for a new fall out tit. Miss M. H. Gilkey, NO. <W N. MAIIS HT. lUJTI.KK, L'A OPPOSITE R 0. E. GRIEB, THI JEWELER, • 19, Vorth' 1 ain St I DTI 18, PA.. I>b: J\ LJS u 1N" W atchss. Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, &c M &c. Society Emblems of all DescripUons. Ropairm_ i:; all 1 tranches skillfully done and warranted. 1850 ESTABLISHED 1850 .i. H. GRIEB. PROF. R. J. LAMB. (JIUEB V LAMB'S MUSIC STORE. NO. 16 SOUTH MAIN ST. BUTLER, PA. S> ■ .L-iii lor IJutler, Mercer and Clar t. . . ion ii-.s ibr I. Ii I>ros Magnificent Pi eivlr, c: Kvans* Pianos, Smith i •ui and ( t; j> nter OI L ins, Importers - v l|y> -i o,l,l,rated Stcinmeyer Pianos, and " ~~-$j . .- in \ tolins Bruno tiuitais, and - >3Ubita H'wr - "-*=*** » 'IA in.is of Musical Instruments. - - -11EK1 Ml MC A SPI-iCIALTY i i : I m ans Id en installments. Old Instruments tki n exchange. C'on.e and see us, as we can save vou money. Ti;, . in] ;* j ailinjr ol all kinds of Musical Instruments Promptly attended to. I TIME TO STOP TO Consider Losses .Now, ]>ut Pushing the (ireat Work on, I'ntil all Boots, Shoos ami 1 lubber Coodswill he in the !Lands of the Consumer. 0 immense Fall ami Winter stock all arrived and tLis with out .:!•* ',!.«• !-:rgu-t and ruost complete t-t<rk of Hoots and Shoos ever 1 j broui hi to Butler. , A ti l lc: IsS'.l i- n dry and backward fail, the consequence is the dc i !<••«•'-. Shot - and Rutilxr goods becomes Jess, acd in order Uit ■tl.i il be i:o diminution in the amount of trade wo have been doing, it In imi, si. ii ; >rv to cut down the prices, so this is the plan wo have mapped ou —i • ' >li. ;, we will pursue in conducting the anti-backward season sale. It is i union n mark now to hear ea'd, I expected rain last night and never ha.i then- been such a beautiful Fall a* the present. It's no matter of sur prise uini: r tfcc-M- circumstances that people didn't feel like buying heavy ht i miil !>oi>!r. Hut these must be sold same as the Rue poods. Profits ■ ure (iiii ot the <[; non, of course. As the head of this ad. reads, we have no time to j) to consider our losses now. We shall devote our whole time now on liinir heavy poods as well as line. This done, it'll then be plenty timo to figure up our losses Atn'itiio. u ill be particularly directed to cur kip and call' boots in Men'.-, t! Youths. Call and oil grain shoes, wbicb wo guarantee w rrpr.i > . lull lino Mrs. Misses'and children's oil grain, calf and k ; ;> !■ > which none will be spared in this great sale. 1 :i!- i lull stick of iii\ own make lJoots and Shoes, either in p,. in t 1 - 1/ x c, sewed or pegged, long or short leg. Full stock of the tv! i iu Clnpp sboes, which are warranted alt hand made, got up in v. vIL i neat style, made of any leather desired. A full stock of calf aud oil grain waterproof cork sole shoes. Ii I niii sh'.es we have the best wearing shoes, the most durable and the i; Ladies wearing our splendid line of band sewed shoes ii:..] ti; .I- v ill. - give a double measure of enjoyment. Nowhere else will \ Jti lir.d the same dressy shoes or the same excellence of make. We iunii.. i iily ti ry Inst of manufactures. A full stock of Mrs. misses' an.l child; n' hi.rli cut . ail, l'listcrs «& Vogel's genuine oil grain and big lot ot many different makes in kip shoes. WeV not f" got the boys and girls with this wonderful sale of our's, so read can! . the f Mowing In the boys' department the goods are piled to the cei.i.i ; .nd couMsti p of a full line of th" celebrated makes of Ooltey A; Son, I* me l'r od> and other well known makes. A prand line of boys' Ii: •• caii die. I ■in Butti n, Lace and Congress, plaiu or lip ou toe, at $1 .'>■); i! nreiandif Hoys call around and ee what you think of this It.: ~j . j,-, |. _.ml in mi:-ef>* shoes we have a large line and fine dis |i v. i VI-;. v i:ij- ■ti .-toek of all .• i:v s and widths of the well known ui.i.v v.. h ..II in Ld. -' si; s Full stock of infants? s|ioes, jinn. i, me : inn, low r high cut, in any material desifec], price 15u. to tjil. 10. i iciuiijiiarlrrs for Rubber ( »(>()(Is. , ici . !' ton, \V< oitsocket, C.'nndee, Colchester and Hay State. The H< t< :. .\\ HK-kft specialties are the finest made and we have tbem in /.I S mid widths to fit everybody. Medium, knee or high cut rubber bo I'. t..n iubher bouts at Prices on all robber goods 50 cents ,i j - ■ , . . .-r t! an anv plice in the county. Call and examine our rubber goods ;t ;'.,re l inintr and be convinced of our prices iuii Shoes made to order Repairing neatly done. A ioll s .ck of Leather and Findings, A Ii.;:. of line grcu e free with each purchaso. YOURS TRULY. JOHN BICKEU •22 S. Main St. - - - Butler, Pa. EXTRA- We bat • jast received another shipment of kip added to 1 e one received a me woks ago m-ikes in all 100 i ~ j,■ i . it,,, \. utli-' I) •:>».-•, which will be sold during this sale i\l.nter n \v i y our time to buy for after , , i. , you are .-ure to buy, for no reasonable offer will bo tV< fiired The Great American I IT JL A. \J \ J*. Is Coming,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers