Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 15, 1889, Image 2
the citizen • , iccLET - - - r«or«irrot lICs'BtrTIOSI WTB—rOSTAC.E HfPAID: « Inside Omnty One Vet*. OottJJe County r -°° rayaNe In Advance. Cetera »t •« »«"" " " rlM * - ltUr FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 15. IM9. Of <-. h i«wc cm*** kw extra copies mw nr'nv .1 «Urli UCHIt W CIUIMU Of the Sactf *h» are not »ut*cnbe» and their sub tavojr by Ok their n'-lgtifcors, not o»w taking a manly papr. A. :~n«ut>. atiooa wuoded for to this pantr ronstb* aeeompanwsl }*«»>• re*l Mm* ofth* writer. no* foe publication bat as • rnuTu.tee of food *a»U>, Wv ajij death notice ™ a,t *»• » ocom piutd Isr a iwpOMiW* nam®. Tin Pr.—.deat'» proclamation admitting Hon' "a wi« is«ued last Friday. T«.. Kentucky Colonels, named Good foe and Swope. stabbed and shot each other to death, at Lexington, la*t Friday. TIIK cectenarv of the establishment of Bninr.n Catholic Church in the United But- s was celebiated in a manner befit ticc the occasion, at Baltimore, last Sun- THE funniest joke of the season is the Democrat* talking of impeaching President Hairi—n for issuing the Montana procla- Ba: before they coold steal the State. Who would impeach him. prayf State TEKASI eke. William B. Hart, die ", at hi- home in Harrisburg. last Friday I Bight (rum a stroke of paralysis. He re —h:< u-tiil health that evening, and was affle ted about midnight. He was in tho 4T*h year of hi- age, was born in Mont gomery county. and was connected with the State Treasury, as clerk and cashier, lor several year* previous to his election as SUte Treasurer. Hi- place will be filled by appointment by the Governor, until Mr. Bo ycrs term begins next May. The will of Samnel J. Tilden, deceased, formerly of New York, who was consider ed to be. in his time, one of the shrewdest lawyer* in the state, and who was the Democratic nominee for President, some years ago. has jnst been declared void by a mart of thai state, on account of it* alleg ed defect*. When it comes to writing a will which is to provide for vested rights, trn*t«, al»eyance or entailment, you want to get a man who knows his buisness to do it for von. We made a note last week of an nu-';°il proceeding in our court here, in regar.l to a "bar in estate-tail, and we are feforni»<l that for many years the Snprerne Court of this state ruled that the wording ef a deed in regard to heirs should be con strued one way, and that of a will another way. This is one of the most interesting ■abbots in the profession for a young law yer to turn his attention to. TIIK tour of the delegates to the Pan imTioin Congress ended at Philadelphia lant week, and the delegates dispersed to Bert again in Washington next week, to aoii-i'ler questions of commerce and trade between the independent nations of the two continents. Pan means whole and the Congr.-s includes delegates from every in dependent nation of North, South and Cen tral America, and they are all Republics, or at 1 i-t have republican forms of gov eronut. excepting Brazil, which is an ampin*. The Congress was originated by Secretary Blaine, and will probably result is cl e iitnercial relations between the imi- ian nations, a thing that our states Bkci. -li'iuld have paid more attention to year- ago. For instance, we send millions ef dollars to Brazil every year for coffee, and «ur money in turn goe* to Europe for Bacbinerv and other article* that we man Bfoct'ir'- as good and as cheaply as do the ■Brope-sns. but for which we hare no ready trati >portatton, while England has lines of «tear>i"r- running to all the principal ports ef liruil. The delegate of the Argentine Republic *aid that it now takes four months to receive an answer to a letter sent from this country to his, because the letter and answer have to go and come via Europe. His country exports hide*, hard-woods, wool- and and other articles, and imports all it* mechanical appliances, iron and ■teel. marly all of which now comes from Europe. Bolivia, Ecuador, i'eru. Chili. Columbia and Venezuela are all get ting the bulk of their manufactured article-, from Europe at present, ami in in tervica * their delegates expressed hopes of efow-i commercial relations with us. With ear neighbor ol Mexico, and the other •talc* of Central America—Costa Rica, Hooduran anil Nicaragua—we already have • fa.r trade, but it can be improved. J'ittn trarg wa* the laol city Tutted by tin- dele gate aud they were greatly imprenncd by the extent and variety of iu manufacturing MUblixlimenta, and particularly with the Cartiegie steel world at llraddock and tbe plate glaaa plant at Tarentam. Wni s you analyze that decision of tbe Supreme Court in tbe cane of Common weal lb vermin the druggint, Fleming, of PRt«burg; appealed from tbe Quarter Se*- aion- of Mercer county, it doc* not look rUrit- The Supreme Court decided that the *a!<: wa« made in I'ittnbu'g, when Fleming delivered the "good*" to the Kx pre i Company, although they were cou ■igned C. O. !>., which meant that the Kx pre--i Co. wu to, and did, collect the price charred for them, from tbe buyer at Mer cer. Three of the Jtidgen dinaente.l from thi* opinion and hold that the mile wait Bia<)< n Mercer, where the money changed hand that an Expre** Co. in a C. <>. I), aale i« the .agent of the Keller, and that the seller of liqnor murt know the charac ter <»r habit" of the buyer. We think tbe Minority .fudge* are right in thin matter, and it can be demonstrated in thin wav,— ftui >].<• • Ur Joneo, a citixen of Hutler, or der- » < a»e of liquor from a Pittnhurg whol.-nle dealer, the name to lie whipped here C <> I). Tbe liquor come* to llnt |«r. and while lying at the e*pren* office; Mr. Smith of (Sutler, to whom the whole ■ale dealer it indebted get* oat an attach Be:it for it, a* the property of the whole aaiedealer. Wouldn't Mr. Smith'* attach ■lent bold. "if hi* claim wax good? Of cour -■ it wnnld. The projierty in the deal until the Kxprnw Co. receive* the mon ey for it from the buyer If Mr. J one* did not pay for the good* in lintlcr they would 1* returned to the dealer in I'itt* buiAgain. mippoM) that tlm carrier ahoild deliver tbe good,' to Mr. J one* with"n> receiving the money for tbetu, or paying it over, if he did receive it Who, in that caw. would the dealer look to for it nnder thi« deeinion* Not to the carrier, for the Supreme Court, «ay« that it wan the agent of the buyer, and ■ot the dealer. And again the deem ion of the Judge* annul* the dainte* of U»e lew regarding aelling liquor to men ot intemperate habit*, and to iniuor*. Au\' > xl v can now *end to an adjoining •ounty, in which therein a wholesale liquor hou~«- for bi» mpply, and no matter what hit Af. «r what hi* habit*, if thu Mile i* Nalh made to the Kxpre** Co. or any oth er earn T a* the deciaion of the majority of Jndg't would imply, that carrier i* a *ufe barrier between the law and the Jealer. The verdict of the majority of tbe judge* OB tbi- caw, nmell* rery atrougly of the Air oi Allegheny, and Dcrk* and I'lnladel pbla t aunUea. it wouldn't lie a bad idea Cn Lb« f*»p.-emc Court to hold itn Mengionn ok the top of the Allegbeuy Mta., where it Would gwt a whiff of tbe air of tbe whole Mate New Judges. In seven of the 40 Judicial district* of the State Judges were elected on Tuesday by the people. In two of these districts the present incumbents had no opposition. The*e were Hon. Samuel TV. Pennypacker. of Philadelphia, and Hon. F. 11. Collier, of Allegheny county. Both are Republicans, bnt were indorsed by the Democrats. In the Twenty-third Judicial district, which comprises Berks county, Gustive A. Endlich (!>. ). has a majority of about .*>,ooo. In the other four districts there were hot contests. In the Tenth Judicial district, which comprises Westmoreland county, the plurality of Lucein TV. Doty (D.), over A. I» McConnell (R). is now placed at 2,- «X>o. The majority of Calvin Reybnrn (D.), for Judge in Armstrong county, the Thirty third district, over Hon. J. B. Xeale (R-), is over 700. In Chester county Judge But ler (R ), is defeated by Joseph Hemphill (P.), who has a plurality of 32. Judge Charles K. Riee(R.), in Luzerne county, has a majority of 1.000, although the coun ty gives the Democratic State ticket a plurality of 507. In Armstrong and Ches ter counties the fights were made on the liquor ijuestion. and the Democrats won their victories on license platforms. Billiards and Vicinity. James Wasson, Shirn and Hays boss workman, is home this fall. He is as jolly as ever. Abe Barrickman had a public sale last week. He is going to Butler. The McXaulty <fc Co. well on the Adams farm is expected in this week. They had a long wait on account of rope. Rodgers A Jack have commenced drill in? on "the R. A. Mifflin farm near North Washington. Quite a number of our voters from this township were taken to Butler, last week, a* witnesses. Rome of the best democrats came out Tuesday morning and voted. Abe Billiard is the owner of a pair of two year old'l'ercheron colts that tip the I team at 2450 lbs. George Arner is said to have a pair of Clydes, two years old, that weigh 2,<V»O lbs one weighing 1400 lbs and there are lots of other good ones in the neighborhood. The people in this vicinity are improving their stock of all kinds. I don't mean here in the little town of Billiards bnt in the neighborhood. Here in the valley we still have the old native cattle known as the pumpkin splitters. Perry Graham, our townsman and black smith, is getting rich. He keeps a full stock of everything usually kept in a first class shop. Mr. Hilliard. our obliging postmaster, is always ready with a good story when you call for the mail. A gang of fox hunters led by Francis Hilliard went out last week and came near killini; a fox, at least they think they started one up and no doubt would have killed it, had they come up to it. JOK. Zellenople Items. Property lias been changing hands at quite a lively rate for a few weeks past. Jacob Scheffer has sold his brick house to Albert Winter, and has bought a lot on Main St.,where he will build in the Spring. Mr. Fred Strohecker, proprietor of the Bastian House, has sold to Henry Stokey, and has retired to private life. Jacob Kaufman disposed of his fine resi dence on High St. to Jacob Dambach, and will build himself another in the Spring. John Iffl has bonght the Jacob Ketterer property and will replace the old shanty now on it with a new building soon. Rev. V. B. Christy is attending confer ence at St. Petersburg, Clarion Co. Miss Lou Randolph is visiting friends in Sharon. Rev. Yates has been granted a four weeks vacation, which he will spend in the wilds of West Virginia hunting deer. The steeple on the Knglish Lutheran Church wan recently treated to a coat of paint. F. G. Kline was the man who climbed to the dizzy height. The new Home building is fast nearing completion and will present a tine appear ance wl.cn finished. Mrs. Charles Reed has been seriously ill for several weeks, but is now slowly im proving. G. Portersville. Mrs. Monfar, of Franklin, is the guest of Mr. Henry Heberling's family. Miss Hattie Watson fell from a load of hay on Saturday and broke her arm. Mr. Bobt. Oliver wan home from tbe Oil country over Sabbath. Minn Keably mu the gue*t of the Mi** Lebinnn.i from Saturday to Monday. Lily Lehman left on Monday to com mence a five month* term of school in Jacknon Twp. Succenn. Mr. George Kennedy, who in teaching nchool near Centreville, wan home over Sabbath. Rev. ('barley CheHCman conducted com munion nervicen for the Presbyterian* on Sabbath, lie in an elegant preacher and we will welcome hiin back any time. Will Ileberling in talking of going Went. If you do, Will, what will the nchool teacher do* Reed Wiiner, also, ban a weakness for the went! Hut hi* tripn are flying onen, and be ia back before the people have cean ed to mourn hi* departure. Kd Laderer in adding to the appearance of bin houne by having it. weather boarded. VITA. Bailer County Election Re turns, November f>th, I*B9. Mat'- District County Treasurer. Alt'y. Surveyor. 111 fi iTs T i manticm. \ « f ? I § % 9 ■ ?• ? » p i *| y : ; -5 : ; p 5I : : : :! : : x : Adaian, N «« 32 H 47 31 47 82 7 Adaint. H Sfi IR, IFT SN I!I at IS 12 Allegheny.. W 26 r, n! W H;I ■£, 1 Bal<f Ridge... S7 33 4 41 r,i ;,i 42 MutTalo IU ll« r. m *1 1 Hutler VI nr 40 ion ui v> 2 llrady. v, 4.1 15 iw nr. ft 7 4:1, is (learneld W »? 21 ifti W 101 1 Clinton.... 7:I ai a 7 1 ji 74 *1 1 < oneonl W> »' <1 *!» Jl N« at r> • •lay 101 £i 4 I*l 33 103 j < entie <n 411 II 70 «; n.-, ;«» 4 • ■berry. N . 11 11 41 it 37 14 n ("berry, M 4:1 1 11 i 4'> ft(> r<o 2 Conntxi'nlug. N 4!I M H 4!l Wl 61 23 1 ConilO<|'KlnK. H t.l t! 3 4J 37 14 33 Cranberry. V tt 72 n.i no IKinejral Ks 2 4.'. 102 2n lin Kalrvlew, B. r.l IS 4 74 13 «* t7 * Halrvlew, W. 71 I! h 7U II m, |7 7 Forward 1 73 7 70 7« 73 74 I Franklin ' *4 4'. S 47 ft 453 41 3 Jacknon, K LO 30 MI 37 IJ Y, Jaeknou. W. 41 sr. 1 m ao 42 M 1 Jefferson 4« MI 4.'. |lr.' 4n LOO Ijire anter 4S 'MI 43 111 4i. an Mld'lleaex no 47 3 *7 tr, 7n S3 1 Marloi 4:1 4« 4 W 48 34 4S 22 Muddycreek »L bi 3 nn IM <n 1,1 Mercer. !i7 7n 10 100 H2 »7 Ht « 1 laklaml ■;* r,2 71 no 7.*, S2 2 I'arker. . ii 47 101 %; 0; 22 :w I'enn u» »i 1 *" > 42 1 MKnllllt r. >. 2 in 103 2« :il 2 Hllpperyroek »R. R.I n WI v.i ION 3*l s Ven an 37 '.O . xi 72 :m m VS'lnrteld 14 64 «> ( sn <l.l U Washington. N 31 a« 31 an 32 WaHblUKton. S '.4 !> 12 n2 11 7t, 11 1 Worth. iw nn 1 110 7S n:> HI, 1 Itiiller. i*t w. («i 77 3S 111:1 ill 126 «s 4 llutler, 2d w ion 14* 111 r.n 212 107 167 7 Hutler. .Ml w !i* 12>( :> #1 173 !*i |X 4 Hutler, 4tb w 101 113 10 7* Hi 100 ;« « Ituiler. Sth W |iir, n-I S «tn Is> L(». '.HI 2 Centreville 4n 31 n ez j7 m 21 pronpect ;n *n 10 ■/: »»' 33 ;» 5 Haxolibiirg .... '£V 3ft ..I 111 43 22 37j . Hiiuhiiry 31 s :> 34 « ;I2 « ! 7 Mlllemtown 7|> 7(1 II 75' ir.' 2* 141 I'etrolia 30 :>4 1 22 4«, r. 41 « Falrvlew ji 11 11 'jr, s 24 n Kartm City 27 -ri 3 *1 31 26 27 Kvana I 'lty 5« <l2 I 114 »i si. ai Harmony 27 32 11 w si 2n 34 n ZeHmople.... n m a 31 «•. an >..• Total ... .t4tie 2*43 nil 3233 .1307 .3134 21M3 224 Itoyer'n majority, flL'l. Kciber'a majority, 74. majority, 151 TIIK Court of appeal* of New York State ha* Huatained a deci*ion of a lower court, , di-iolving the ('barter of tbe Sugar Trnit. AT the ne**ion of the W. C. T. I', con ventiou in Chicago, Tucmlay, the proponed «o;i-p*rtinaii amendment to the conntitu- Uoii wan lont, and the lowa delegate*, bended by Mr*. Fo»ter, left the hall. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Stimc Lawrenceville capitalists intendl building a #IOO.OOO market house there. In Washington Co. a well i- producing 50 Übls from the fifth sand. A run aw a v coal train on the P. R. L* last Friday, went round Horse Shoe bend at the rate of 90 miles an hour, then crashed into a construction train, killing one man. and wounding several others. The town of Woodcock. Crawford coun ty has a female electrician and dermatolo gist. The Bradford toothpick factory turns out more picks than any factory in the world. Kittanning also has a murder on hand*. On Wednesday last a pnddler named .Ja* Price, shot and killed "Scotty Atkins. Peter Graff, of Worthington, Armstrong county, has donated $25,000 to the Penn sylvania College, at Gettysburg, for the purpose of endowing the professor-hip of hygiene and physical culture. The Sharpsburg Ileraltl tells of a 'toy who swallowed a silver dollar, and when an emetic was given he began vomiting dimes and nickles. A York county schoolmistress lias got into trouble through fastening sticking plaster over the mouths of the pupil* to keep them from talking. There were fifty-one people lost with the destruction of the Hurlbuit House, at Johnstown, and the last one missing has just been found. This was Minnie flous tin, a domestic. Don't get too funny when you're out hunting." Henry Merrit. of Franklin coun ty, was peering into a stone wall the other dav in search of a woodchuek. The ani mal saw him first and bit off the end of his nose. A few nights ago the police of Titusville found five empty beer kegs and four full bummers together. They were repeating "five kegs for four of us, thank God there - no more of us.'' There is a great embankment of slack coal and cinder on the outskirts of Johns town that has been burning ever since the great flood. Tuesday morning the roasted body of an unknown man. about 40 years of age, was found lying on this bank. It was supposed he was rendered unconscious by the gas and that his body was slowly aoasted. There was nothing on his person by which he could be identified. A Brookville firm is now making oil well derricks to ehip 14,000 miles to India. They will work a revolution in the oil bus iness there. At present most of the oil taken out of the Indian field is got by dig ging a hole like an ordinary water well between 100 and 200 feet in depth, into which the natives are let with a windle-- and from the bottom of which, floating on water, the}' dip the oil. The deposit ot oil may be a very large one, as the present crude method of operation never tested it. A dispatch from Kittanning dated last Friday said: The Democrats are jubilating to-night over their victory for President Judge of this, the Thirty-third Judicial di trict. Their candidate, Calvin Rayburn. had 722 majority over Judge Neale. The fight was between license and anti license, as Judge Neale had refused licenses. Ray burn is expected to grant licenses treely. There is some anxietv in Warren, Pa., over the prevalence of diphtheriu. Several cases of it have appeared, and two have re sulted fatally in one family. The school authorities are taking precantionary step*, such as fumigating the rooms of the school building with sulphur every day and thor oughly airing them. The Mirror wisely advises that children attending school should be sent home upon any symptoms, such as a chill, headache, or sore throat ex hibiting themselves, and kept there till their ailment declares itself fully, or the unfavorable symptoms disappear. A young man, after coming upward- of a hundred miles to see his girl in Meadville, called at 8 o'clock p. m. and received word that she was in bed and too indifferent to get up. The Tribune truly infers that such a thing in very discouraging to the ardent and trusting lover. It would have been a favorable time for the poor fellow to have twanged his light guitar 'neath her window and sang, ' Why art thou silent, thou star of my heart?"' On October 15 Mrs. Krisbee, tin- wife of T. 8. Frisbce, of the Superior Mills, Alle gheny, eloped with a man named William Mornsev, taking with her her 14-year old son. Nothing wa* known by her husband of her whereabout* until Detectives <Julia han and Jackson, of Cincinnati, located them at the home of Morrisey's parents, in Cincinnati, last. Thursday. The boy, a bright faced lad, was found employed in a store as cash boy, and contributing to the support of his mother's lover. The couple may be brought back to Allegheny. A peculiar feature of the late judicial contest ill Armstrong county was that each candidate failed to carry his own precinct. Judge .Scale was beaten in Kittanning and Kaybnrn in North Buffalo township. At Pittsburgh Thursday night the Court House tower wore a handsome appearance in honor of the visitors, the i'an American delegation. It was ablaze with electric lights, while in the center, on the (irant street side, was a fiery shield in red, white and blue lights, with the word "America"' beaming out. Crowds stopped to admire it all the evening, and praises could be heard on every side. Richard Tenbroeck, the once fainou • horseman of Kentucky, was •xamined recently by a commission in lunacy at Red wood, f'al. A physician testified that he is insane. Tenbroeck is an old man, and at one time was a citizen of New Castle. He was the most prominent figure in the early turf history of this country. W. C, T. u. The eighth annual convention of the Cut ler County W. C. T. I". will meet in Butler on Thursday. November 21. and continue through Friday. A prominent speaker will occupy Thursday evening and the Y's I'ri day evening. Mrs, Loyal Nottingham, of Millerstown. and Mrs. It. I'. Scott, Mrs. ('. (i. Christie and Mas. Kmuia Colbert, of Hutler. have kindly consented to sing during the even ings. All are cordially invited to attend the evening entertainments and the day sessions as well. I'ROOKAM KOU THCEHOAY. II a. in.—Devotional txercises by Mr A. (». Brum.; convention called to order by Pres.; roll call; appointment of com mittees. 1 p. in.—Meeting of ex-committee. 1:30 p. ni —Devotional exercises by Mr M. K. Nieholls; reading minute-; addre by Pres.; reports by Cor Sec , Treasurer and National Delegate; reports of local Unions. 7:30 p. in.—Devotional exercises by Mi - 11. J. Hoyt; presentation of banner by Mrs. E I). Robinson and Miss Jessie liar per; lecture; collection. I'KOOKAMMK KOH I'll I HAY KVKNIM'i. 1) a.m.—Meeting Executive Committee, 9:.'W —Devotional exorcises reading; niin ntes; reports of County Superintendent'. reports of local Unions continued. 1:30 p. in. —Devotional exercise, by Mrs. J. 11. Sutton; minutes, election of officers; report* of committees. 7:3O:—V. exercises; collection. COMMITTOR. A report comes from Washington that the Postmaster (ieueral, will soon reeoin mend the establishment of a postal Saving Banks. TIIK personnel fur the i-onsti- work of Pennsylvania has been arranged. The State has been divided into ten districts, with a Supervisor for each, and the Supei visors will appoint the Knurnenitors. But ler county Is part of the tenth district .of the State and it is reported that Col. K. S. Durban, the veteran editor of the New Ca < tie Conrant has been slated for the uper visorship of the district. Owes in a while tin- aiithorltie < In Phila delphia do something that cause tli«- civil ized world world to get up and applaud loudly. Last Monday night, a me.'ting of Anarchists was to have been held in that, city, and a thousand or more of red Hag lovers were going to play hob in general and denounce the Government iu juirti<■ it lar. When the Anarchists arrived at tli hall, they weie calmly and firmly told to go about their business, and the event) live policeman near by looked as it' they la ant what they said. There was no An archistic meeting. IT will take a good deal to break the strength of the proposed Union Trust. IDE A/T ZEIS CT" N VI.Vi • HAM—In Slipperyrock twp., Friday, HOT. 1 1889, 01- lii>. il.viirUtor of B. W. Canningham.aged 23 years. Sin- died of typhoid fever. AYLER—In Barker. Oct. 31, 'B9. MM. Reuben A y lor. aeed 45 year*. Mrs \rler born in Butler Co and N- :I - • of Mrs. Luoa-< and Mr. A. Bar clay of Trontman. HK<' 'A" N"—l I '••nil twp. on Monday even- Nov. 4. °S9. Parah Ann. wife of Ka than Brown. aped 71 years. KIMI. i —ln Marion twp. on Sabbath ev -8 BK, "I consumption. Em ma j\imes. aged 22 year*. STEWART—At Evans City, on Tuesday • \ 5, 1888, Of rheumatism, J . M -•••wart, aged about GO years. FOl - w bono of Fred Wet /<*!. in .letl.-rsen Twp., Sundav, Kor. 3d, 1 ■»-!♦. Henry Foertsch, aged about 35 years. FRAZIKK—At Salem, 0. Mr. Fraiier, for ni'-riy of Prospect. Bis b.uly arrived in Butler last Sunday and wis f'lrwsrded to I'rospect next day. HALEY —A: her home in Butler, Monday, Xov. 11. "90. Aline, daughter of George Haley, aged 10 years. THE majority of Hon. E. J. Lampson Kepu!>l : . an candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Ohio is but 42 out of a t''al 'f 7" i.nun votes polled. The plural itie-of the other Republican candidates, excepting Governor, range from 500 to 4, 000. Mi:. "WM. LIY.SBY has been appointed by Gov. B .tver to fill ont Treasurer Hart's term. Catarrh Cured f'aurrh li a very prevalent dl«eMe. with tres&liiK and offensive irmptotnl. Hood's Su •aparilla cfvo« r<».ly relief and tpeedy car*, M t» purifies the blood and tones up the whole system. '• I auffered with catarrh IS years. I took Heed's fiarsaparilla and now I am not troubled aay with catarrh and my general health 1» mack better." I. W. I.ILLIS, Chicago, IIL " I suffered With catarrh tlx or eight 7*ani tried many wonderful curei. inhalers, etf.,epo«g inK nearly one hundred dollarii without bene at. I tried if xid's S ir«ap:irllliand wasfreatly to proved." M. A. ABBEY, Wtfrce«tor, Xass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold tiy all dniccUts. ?l ; six for 9*. Ma4e only by c. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Man. 100 Doses One Dollar ►Something to Say. To everyone this week, and it will be to your interest to read and think of it. We have the inoßt complete line of ehildrens* hats, from the solid all round school caps at 2- r ) c, to the finest and nobbiest hats made. We have the largest stock of reliable uii-lerwear in the county, and are at our popular low prices. We have everything in the Furnishing line. We have one price and that the lowest. We like to have people look :it our goods and get the prices. COLBERT & DALE, 70 S Main street, Butler, Pa. Erie Fish Market. PIT (111 & EDWARDS, Prop'rs. Storeroom in Brady build* ing, S. W. corner of Diamond, Butler, Pa. Handle fish, oys ter.*, fresh butter and eggs, and dres.-ed and undressed poultry. Ali goods guaranteed or money refunded. S i K ADY Our l.urjre Hjiriiif; Stock of Wall Paper. \V< tunc ixi rllcil in former HO*HOHII in ABSORTIIEKT, VARIETY mill Iteauty of DeHigmi. A IKI huvi! ulmont doubled our xtock. Wi: urc prepared to meet nil competition n price*. J. H. Douglass. 63 S. MAIN STREET. New York Bazaar. (>llr Grand (Moak Opening was indeed a phenomenal suc cess. Hundreds of ladies were delighted with our immense stocK of Cloaks, and at such wonderful low prices. Ojrsale of Cloaks will be continued —and the public will do well to inspect beibre buying el sew here. The NKW YORK BAZAAR leads iii Dress Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Hosiery, Underwear, Kihbons and MILLINERY GOODS. Our f-tock is brand new. You will find no last season's goods in this store. Come and be convinced that this is the right [dace to deal. THE NEW YORK BAZAAR, heading Dry Goods House, ISI JTI .Kit, - PA. FOR SALE, REGISTERED BERKSHIRES. The prize winning Berkshire Boar, JOM DODDS, 18.403, Reason for selling, cannot use longer in herd. Also, extra good fall pigs, either sex, sired by Tom Dodda Pedigrees given with every sale and guar anteed as represented or money refunded Address, .J. I'AKK HATS, I 'rospect, Pa. Dompli ngfJ Wi+K Rpyal E ■ Pom C No dessert is moi •ad appetizing than a \ filled with the fruit f ' Utof the Royal BaVing 1 iri:M :> always rendered light, Kttiole. boiled, will be dainty r.r. i • 'y be eaten steaming li 'i ; Racatrr One r, .ii- MMMMM 1 teaspoon of uli. m'j i mm of an exz, and then i !'• ** ! the lour: after the bitter i knead to the contister v af piccoa of dough Inge quarters of an appL- (at rofiag, and lay m sr. ran: ■ ■Ma oatil the fruit i> tender !i' i!. In all receipts calling f l ' "f t.i r -r tad soda, substitute R y. 1 ! !'• > ">r. Less trouble, never fails, tiling anH wholesome fc. .1 :.r<l ■ ••• - aomical. Roval Bald made for use in the preparation ' ; tlic •ltd most deficate coflkery. 1831 THE ci l.Tiv a J >'.)() Country Gcinlrnian THE BEST OK '. HE AGRICULTURAL W.EILIES, HEVOT ED TO Far* Crops and Proc- Horticulturai & Frr ' ' !• Live-S Qtk I DairyW|, While It also Includes .il! u. Rural Interest, such as 11, molegy. Bee-Keeping.' • Vetertuary Replies lai j • swera. Fireside lUadli: and a sumtnarv ot tin- V Maskit Kefohts are much attention Is paid t' : Crops, as thro wlnu 1:I> 1 Important of all qui--'. WUen to Hell. It is ;;l ■ r RECENT ENL.VKCi.MI reading matter than > '■ scrtptlon Price is f-.' vi i .-r SPECIAL REDCCTION In CLUB RA.TKS V* :: 1 *'.«>! Twa Kebsrrl|>tio»», in <W" r ' hlx Habarrlptions, ■ Twelve Subscriptions, dn. IWTo all New S'lbsciT i advance now we will.--i. from our receipt ot the n n -Ist. 1890, wiTuotrr ciiak..: WHpecltren copies In LUTHER TUCKER A - Albany. -V 1. WAN 1 Men to take orders lor N ry or Commission. 1< •> i SALES M A N of an* one who will worr 1 ■trtictlonH. Will luru. n and pay your salary or . mmi Write for terms at in It. O, lIKAII.W V r K . • r. V V. J. E. Kiistor, Practfral Slute l.'ooli t. Ornamental and Plain Slating Of all kinds done o: t. indiee. Office with W ' i i- u -7, N. Main M . 1 • .• i n- e North t 'in i Butler, I il. Wm. F, v. MniiutactMH i Stair Rails, Balusters and V. All kinds of w<H>rt ti Iteeoralcd and Csrveu Casing, Corner blo' l'. i (aney wood-work li.r houses. CAI.L ANl> SKI ' Howeililng uew ami Httiv FURIVU 1 at ioweSt'cash prtee-. Store at NO. I". N, "! I" I. Factory »t No. Mi, N V. BI'TI.KK. !•; NW SCHUTTE Hi 0 iiliili\ Sanitary PlumixTs And (|as Kilters, of iimi" M. ■ ence, have opened ihelr si- Mock, on Jefferson St. House. wlfli a full liui' of I UAH FIXTURES AM' t'l HANUINU AM; I NATI'IIAI. HA" ll' I I fobbing promptly "ntii-rni- d onaga respectfully s'llleti' !. Millinery. New Felt llafs anl "Mi Plumes, Jtlrds and Win.: colors. New satins, nltfeoi brocade ribbons anil >ti tln*«| cord, twlnteil nn<l. In Ladles' and children I < I,Kites' apd ehlldren > mid' 1 children's hosiery. I. i ll' scu and cxirscl walsls l > hose supportnrs. KM t;!■»%• silk mittens and wool n,it:. Latest novelties In 11. : M. P. &M, ilarks. UNI *OO RDTI.« -«' H FHLLKRT(JA, Vv.^v, Blanket*. Fluiiik'l - iiiml V ;irn HannlMClurt'tl ol'l*nr«- Itni- In CoiiiiijiV'xil. We guarantee our ifOoi! M *ad Doaraenlo or any utlie: > ■ I.' 1 1 •I' 1 .11 UWt In dyelnK. We sell Wl . retail. tMiarlati and prices tnrIII I •' i n appllcAlioti by luall. Farm for Sale. Tbs owns w >->il «• ••» *»■ 1 . •eras, loealed in IVnii i|> . ii' • "• " :n' Church, which she w.►ln I" " |t ia all tillable ami in i 'I I eul ti ration, has K<M||| w.ilrr. fi" lield . nr" well watered. Oood 01 frjlt. A good frame li/> » "I 1 1 '•'• . good barn and all neei. Hbe will give a liaruiiiu 1 I'. 11 Srt cash and short piivmeni . !■ ■ .'tire ■> • premisea of Mhfc. LI.IZAUI i'i '' ■ Olade M illi. I' <»., • liutlcr Co., l'«. SHERIFF'S SALES. !t\ \ of «ui dry writ* of Ven. Ex., Fl. Fa 11 \ 1 . i»-.u< out "f the Court of common ! ■■■-<•( But. r «'••., r. . ;iml to me directed, i I ( ■ cs|. •! lo public sale at the < rt II" i-o, in the bor KigUof Butler, on Monchiy, the 2< i day of Dec., A. 1 . ! ■ al 1 o'clock, p. M . the following de — property, to wit I I) SO tt, But. MM. WSBMHI Mitchell. All ti:- right. Utle. interest an 1 claim ol A. J. I. .■!.•■! . ill lo ■ iiTi-i ot I.tti 1. more or I*-- • "jtu.iied in Korw ird Twp.. Butler Co., Pa., i undid i Hon t j-wlt: on the north by (..illi• ail' !i, ( i-i b> Rape, Dambaeli and llulil. walk bj' .west bv CDum»|U'Jues-dng cr.-. k u.l Brliit"ii. Five acres cleared balance In Umber. AI.NO- Vll the right, title Interest and claim o! A J. Kvan-., or. in and to lour (4) acres ol 1 ii i. inore or less, situated In Forward Twp.. l'-.,* 1 r< o. I'i .I mdeit as follows. to-wlt: (in the north by Henry Buhl. Mat by 11 my Mi. i .'li lleurj llulil. wot by rnmioqueQi'SiiDn \ ■ ired. with ImHnUM bOBMi #iie ;n-t mill an 1 one saw mill thereon d and takes in ntciOoi a.> the property of A. ■>. Leans at the sutt ol Zeno Market el. al. K. I>. N.i H. IX. T., is-'. John 11. Thompson, atry. All the right, title, interest and claim of J. M. Mil . i.in and to twenty-Ave (->) acrea of laud, i • -orl situated la Brady Twp . But ■ I'M.. iNiunded a-, follows. to-wlt: untile north by C. WMta ei. al., east by Frank Hall. :i >y ( n irios TagiTi-rt heirs, west by Charles »i out one acre i |. ared; a small one - Irani house and fruit trees thereon 1 niii taken In execution as the property i. >l. Wick at the suit -t (1. A. Bollinger. I i>. N i 1> i' , is»j. John 11. Thompson, any. A ! ill light, title. Interest, and claim of Da', t.l 11. Aiworth. ot. in and to (»t;i acres ot I. HI more or less, situate I in Parker l"wp..But ler i i. I'h. bounded as foUows, to-wlt: On the n th b.. M Adams ust by Thomas Aiworth. '• • itlt 1 :• Hernias Aiworth west bv All. Ilell n; Kramer Mostly cleared; two-story frame h log barn, orchard and outbuildings t . r en --'iie.i ami l-aken in execution as the prup' i . of David It. Aiworth at the suit of l'eter w hltnilre. E. D. No. 12. Doc. T., issii Brandon, att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Hi • rt t.telling, ot In and to elglltv (sO) a> resof land, in re or less, situated In Wlntleld Twp. Butler i 1 Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Wn. ciytuer h-lr*. east by Jolin ll.it/jar. south by Wm. t'lymer lielrs. west by I ia . . . Dc ill; together with a two-story frame hg i on, or'hard and outbuildings i< , .-•iii-.i and taUen in execution as the • ; l;ol ,It lirelllng at the sutt of Mary M. Anderson. i: 1). Mo. s, Dec.T.. 1880. .1. li. Henderson, att'y. I'.- virtue of a writ ot Test. Ki. Fa. from Arm - CO., i—ned out ol tile Court of Common Pleas : Armstrong Co . Pa., and to me directed t.,iTf will be exposed to public . aleat the Court II ,-. in the borough of Butler, on Monday, the ol day of December. A. I)., lssi>. al 1 o'clock P. M.. li.e billowing described property, 10-wit: Aii iii> right, title, interest and claim ol John MciMahan. of. in and to (151; acres of land, more ■i , -.situated in I'arkcr iwp.. butler Co., Pa . • i.nii.-,I as tollows. to-wlt: beglnulllg al a .no 0..: theuce N. 1 W. by lauus of Thomas and Al V ll.' er Wall} and William Allen bin P. i s:one; thenee N. hi. by lauds of Ihe ii- ; oi iMet audlcss 138 P. to a post;tbence > l i. i,j labos of Thus. Allen los p. tu a post; ii . V <J L. by i.tints of i'tios. Alleu 12 1. to i, linn, , ,-s. l 11. by lands of Thomas AUen . pod ItWW s. M W. by lauds ol . Mi kalian - P. to a whitei ak. thence X. v\ ■, lands ot Jatiies Me.Mahan 23 P. to a ibeoi > BS \V. by lauds of James :. in aim heirs i 1 Thomas Mcolll 1M P. lo I • -giuniug; together Willi frame ii, oi i-i.ard ami outbuildings thereon. Jselzed n n execution aatbepropwtj of John >1 M n., ii iii the still of huima Howiung. 1-.. |). No. 16. Dec. T., ls8:i. Lowry, att'y. All 11.c right, title. Interest and claim of Isaac \ 1 of. 11l and to (11X1) acres of land, . or 1»-.-. situated In Mlpperyrock Twp.. ntii i i i';i . bounded as lolb ws, to-wlt: on in- north by llios. Kliudes and H. 11. lJavldson. !, if,. , ,t t">\ .lane s McMhaney. s. by Henry W .nil .i. wi st i.y Jane Brown; together with a i frame houaa, irame barn and out ■ inl<llll_s thereon. Seized and taken hi execu . I.!•• ;,| • rty ot Isiuie A. Davidson at tile sun ot Mr -. A. l.evtno for use of Mary A. Weld man. ~ li. No 10. T., lsjt'j. T. C. Cainplioll, att'y. All the l ight,, title , Interest and claim of Mrs in i niit', or Caroline Cratly. of. in and to mil ;\e i acres of land, more or less, sb i i in Allegheny Twp.. Butler Co.. Pa., moulded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a -i i post at southwest corner of farm of John i; "lib- ri -. iii 'ii. thence by lamls of It. 11. .1' ni i riy s. in ; E. S TJ It. and 23 links to a ' -I el lu.i' nf .in. p.os.-überry; thence by salu . ,o i ■ . It. to a post ou line of snnon r. 1a - i. s heirs; thence by said land N. '2' i 1: loa |osi; tlnni >- by same lands N. V. . 1 I; lou post,thence by lands of Pitls inii. p.irtie- N J I It. to a |«>st. thence - I. 18 1! and 10 links to a post on line of lauds ol John Koaonlwrry. deed, thence 8. 3t\' l. ■> i; and _o links loa stone pout the place of ■ ■ ginnliig. Mostly cleared ana under fence. Al so—All tin- right, title. Interest and claim el Mrs. Abe Cratly or Caroline Cratty. of. in and to-ixi.i; acres of laud more or less, situated In \lleghcny Twp., Butler Co.. Pa.. Iniiuniled as in,low s, to-wlt: Beglniiinx at a cherry tree ou Maple Furnace road, 'hence N. by lauds of Jos. lioseubcriy in W is li. and ;> links to a post In n,1.1.He oi /' i i lealiug from Harrlsvllle pIKe to b n- ■ oi Jn.s.'iiii Boseiiherry. thence N. U l b ~mils ol Cyrus Kosenberry. deed, to a . in mill b of llarrlsvllle pike .'8 It and uo ... - I hence S. 31 II n li. and 21 links along the center 'i HaiTtsTUtfl pllCo. ihence B. W't' by I iinl- I Jos. liosciilH'l'ry '23 11 15 links to a l ie rry tree the place of beginiilng; together mi , on'- ;yry board house ana outbuildings het'COll. AI >o Mi the right, title, interest anil claim .1 Mis Alie I ratty or Caroline Cratly, of, lii and i a, II sof laud more or less, situated In \I„ 11. i RAP.. UutlerCo.. Pa , bounded as fol io-.. •, i wit: beg lining al u post the south v. i "in i . th. a, o by lauds of Levi I*. Kerr 3. - j I. l IHI .',-lo P. lo a post, llience bv lands ot ii i John Waud.-rly and tiadsny s. l' i ,-|ii r to a post, thuncu by lands of Morris i on is In W. ion'• In P., Ihence by lands of 111 I . 11. lihl'des ,S. 21 W. 128-10 I*. to a post, fc ia'■ bv ..iinc siii;, W. 5 11-K, I*. to a posf, ihence bj uune H W. M l-l« P. to Main St.. Main M. a W. lio-io P. by i .no .I Miai cr. M W' K. Iso feet, thence by me N. ■ , i- lai leel, thence by lot of l)r. K. B. i.'hmi s. , | jjn feet, llience by same .l , n-io to liili.son M., tlienco along Olbson aiel .s; I'm - Sis. and iaiulH of John McCalllster s. Ijiii lO I' lo a post tfie place of begin ning. About lorty acres cleared: a two-story :R ~- in, II ,' bam and outbuildings tln-reou. I and lakeu ill execution as the property .1 Mi obi; i ratty or I arolihe ( ratty at the i.ii ol 11. i nilds. doing business as 11. C'hllds £ i. |». No. ;.J. Dec. T.. Issii. \V. D. Brandon, att'y. All the ri lit, title, luterest add claim of Ber u oil Voatonak, of. 11l an I to (M) eighty-four i 1' iot laud, more o. - less, situated In Oakland I n p.. Ihitler Ca., I'a., hounded as lollows. to wlt: on tlieiiortii by lands loimerly of Joseph i lai.e now I i>. east by lauds formerly of Thus Man in now t npt. l'eter (<race. South by Deuuis 0 Dome 11. West by t.eorge Lowry, Jos. I.aiid anil Daniel ih-i k. Mostly cleared iiii'l under a good slate ol cultivation, with a log bum. log liuu.se. or hard aii'l outbuildings thereon. • i/i i and taken in exocutlou as Hie property ■>f I iii ia J,l \ osiiiluk at the suit of the butler MiUn/s Bank lor use, etc, 1. I). Mo. I"i. Dec.'l'., lost). I.usk, att'y. All Hie right, title. Interest unit claim of 11. F. l'i.Uiardt. of. In and to a certain lot of land, mill.' or less, Situated 111 Harmony borough, Pell II II O P. 1., bounded us billows, to-wlt: iTe glniiing at n litis! oil Pittsburg road, running i,•ii i n alon.: i berry Alley 13 rods ID links to a I*, i . i Pile M . thence east along I'ln** St. 2 1, i b, , link- lon po-l. thence south 12 rods ,i iinl. adjoining loi ot l.lUubeth Miller to a ■ I I i i-inn.: road, thence Mouth along said i i i i- / . links to a |Hist ou I'herry Alley i r j' . ol beginning, liHng uut lot No. it'» in .-1..1 i.lan oi Harinony borough; together , i , . two buy irame house, [rune stable. ,i o, lb' ..ml outbuildings thereon. Helzod i.'l i.i ii in execution a. I tie property of 11. I'*. i ,c- rui ai tie ant of Amos Aeguter. I. I) 'io. 17. Dec. T.. 18S8. I.usk. att'y. Ail ii"' right, lnt''i est and claim of John i. ; i. |. i , oi. in anu i" 11., acres of laud, more ti , i 11iat< ■ I in l>i'iicgu| Twp., Butler Co.. I'a mini' .1 11.' tollows, to-wlt; On t|ie north i. d. M .Miiiinley now lluifii Foripier and i i 'ilci .uli' . tsl liy Itliody Boyle, soiilli by ,l ai,, ici i\ciici'iu an, west by s. Shullz; together wiui a two b.ry iniinc dwelling House, frame j .in I o i.iii amy board houses, one produc in oil-Weil, two orchards ami outbuildings iin i• ~n Mostly cleared, under fence and a 'ooii si tc of cultivation. Hcl/.ei: and taken In , ii ui: ma t lie property of John l<lllenplo at Ilie soil of A II llehiii. I. . ,s i and an. Dec. T.. lsw. Kohlir, att'y. A.I ti.e 11, lit, iit|e, Interest ami clnlni of in .. i i.i. ,o- of. in and lo acres of land, i.i-|i limited In i icurilcld Twp . Btllier i i . 11 ,nlllii-11 a lollows. to-wll; on the no i, , , \ I .cully, cast by D. M. laiughlin. mo i i una i heirs, wi si by i lymer heirs; i .iii i i witti .li iinpioveiii.iiitn theruoli. Seized an I i iKi ii In ' xei iitlon as Ihe prolmrty of In ni . -In, In at llic Mill of John Feller aud Jllscph Klllt'J i D Nil l'i and .n, Dec. T., IMill. Koliler, att'y. Ail lie right, title, intcr'Sl and claim ol I'.ii ihi II nis. Michael Hill elds and John Shields, ol In and to (175 acre i of land, more or i ,n n.ii < iin Wlntleld I w p., But icr <'o . Pit., bouinii i as lollows, to wll: on I lie north by I' ll le I \ aii'l N. tialiagher. east liy Iturst, • niih m•> Paul and Oeorge tielsier. west by •lo i'.i i. .1 ou ii niiU Ms and Oshu lielrs; to ol.a i wiih ail bollilings net Improvements in i a .-."1,'. I and taken in ex ilton as the 1.10,11 oi pairiik Shields. Michui'l shields o ,i ..ia .shii Ids at ilio .-.tilt ol Joseph Kriley and Will, i.i-llliold. K D No;, is. 4iJ and 50. Dec. T.. ISH'J. Kohler, ail'y. All Ihe iiglit . title. Interest and claim ol ~|i I d and I'a' 11' k Milelds. of. 11l aud tool i li.ilf i'ai re «i l.iud. more or less, sil n.I in Or al l*ell. Jellerson Twp., duller Co., I'a., hounded as lolloWH, town: Ou Ihe north 11, .Inert "inltli east by The West Ponu Ball •o ni iih by Mlcliael Byerly and Koala, west by William lb-nick; together with a two-story ii.inic hone fraiiin barn and outbuildings iln i' ii. l/cd and taken ■ii execution as tbe j |.rop*ii Id Michael slilelds and Patrick Shields ■lt lie ul' Ol Jo,. Kl'lley. John Fetter and Will. I I.i Itbold. 1 i When tie piuiutill or other lien creditor 'i" come, itn purchaser the costs ou the writ > i.'l ,1 b'- paid and a list of the liens Including mortgage '.car he , on tne properly cold togetU • a wiib hui h lieu i rcilibjis receipt* tor the I amount of lb' proceeds oi the salo ot such por -1 Hun Uieii ol a he may claim ipu.st be turulshed I the Sh' riif. j 2. All bids IllUat lie paid |u full. All ilea not. settled Immediately wllj l»e I • "fit illind II II 111 I o'clock »•. u of next day. at ! which tiun all property not settled tor will be put up and sold at the cnpuu.su and tl.sk of ; the in r "ii to whom first sold, i ' e Purd'iii a Digest, nth edition, page IP.. Hid Snilln's I'nuns, page ;tsl OLIVER i HKDIC. hberilf. Mieriil a OfDce, Butler. Pa., Nov. ti. isss. SALESMEN WANTED •i» • hi i i !<>r Hi*- suit* «if Nnrwry Htork! Nfr.uly • in| !" iw ni nun!anl» « <l. Hftlury ami I;i i<i I-• ■ ur<« Jul Uii'ii. Apply ul oure Hiailnif M' litlou UIIN |iaiwr. niAHJ. HIIOI HEKH COM I'ANY. Ko< Uchtor. N. V. I ADTBRIIM) LU 'BE UITIZSH. LEGAL -ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrators and Executors »,i can secure their receipt lHM>k« the Cm ZFX office. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The RcgUU-r hcrcl>y gl'.. . n 1 i . following accounts ol !: ■ :ul .Vlin;M-'r.i ton and <i .irdlaas. have !>•■. :■ t. • l •• h - according to lan" alet mil t.e pi m I i Court for confirmation an 1 .uio .. m w acsday, the ttli da;. of Dcceiab r. A. I». 1 at 3 o'clock P. M said day. 1. Final account of I'lemnvii/.i v. 'I ir.. administratrix ■! Geo. W. %!•■• tiling. 1. I ' of sun bury borough. Notice Is h'-ri-hy givt n th ,i i A. M- ■ : administratrix ol Ge> W. >!■ nling ili m,»K. application to be discharged .«• tic- tl-ne of con flrmatl u of this ace unit. 2. Final account of I>. Swain an t 1 It. Stiver admlnlstrat r- ■' • S' ■ I- ! . . late of Harmony borousn x Final of account ot .1 i'. v an.lv k- and la-vl Porter, . v of I. 1i... I 11. %an 1 d' 'l late .if M. I ;.»11 I i. I licil aroiiint i>t S'.nxlcr M>T>< ii.il.l , i.i dltui of l.lizle Thompson minor child ■ v| ■ A. Thompson. dtic'd. lale of lilt ' ')iir 5. First and final act ount of Fidelity. Till , andTrustCo.adfnlnt.tratnr.il ■> mi , I I deed late «•! l'enit Twp. ti Final account of Samu. I F. Mill M. 1 cutur of Mary J. Dan .1 late 01 Mm 7. I'iual account of Jam Hum. e\, . uir<\ • Sauuit I iluul. dts d. lale .»i t ;.i> l'wp. s. First ami final accouiu oi Jam. Martin guardian of l>a\i'l <• * mtkshank- -. e it.- ; child of Samuel Crutk.sl.anks, laic I Mi4.li - l'wp. 9. Final account ol M. Kirki.iu ! iv. -a'.ir . nl Samuel Snyder, dee'd, late ..I Wmielt 1 ■ p 10. Final account ot Margaret dnut Istrairlx of Jacob liic-iss, deed, 1««»• of caster Twp. 11. Final account ol J. 11. Morrow g ;.ad..«u of O. M. covert, minor child of S. late of Brady Twp. 12. First and final account of Mary Ellen 1>»H: can and Charles llodinan. administrators >: William li. Uunean. dee d, lale ot MNIIII - \ I; 13. First aud llnal a. count ot lhtvid s.ur-'.'oa. exei utor ot Samuel I'ruikshanks late oi M >11:. - sex Twp. U. First and fln.U accoun' of He 1 I ini v - Denny , executor ot Her. Patri-k Brow n «i.-. . late ol Cleartleld Twp. IS. Partial aecount of S. A. Kentc-iy. t. «■•• under tile vvlll of Jam.". I'ark. dee d, late of ! Adams Twp. Hi. Flual account of John I teed au.i W\ K. Moore, administrator* ol Hugh 11. (.lcna. de <i late of Wortn l'wp. 17 Filial account of itobcrt Klllottanu M. N. Greer, executors ol J.iiucs tltioit, d>*e'd. 1 it.' ol tiiifT.ilu Twp. 18. First, llnal and dlstnbutlou aeio'.M Daniel l>enn>. executor of Daniel \i dee'd. late of Winiield Twp. li«. l lnal account ot J. I> i.r.ihaiu aud <■ M. UraUaiu. administrators ot-.'.orni m i.i.ui • in dee d, late of Conuo«iueucssing Twp. M. Final account of E. K. Aiken aUuilnts'.r.itor c. T. A. ol David Bretineman. dee d, late oi I'or tersvllle borough. *l. Final account of Harvey 11. Lloyd, adiuln lstrator of William S. liuyu. de 'd. late ol I'.ut ler I'orougli. Notice is hereby given that il. 11. Boyd, .id mlulslialor of \V. S. l!o\u. will make applica tion to be discharged at time of continuation ol this account. Vi. Final account ot Win. Humphrey. e\.■. .m of l.eorge Hosion, dee'd, lale oi TorU'isvtile borough. 1-iiial account of John Humphrey, admin istrator ol J. A. llay. deed, lale ol tentrcvule borough. J4. First and Unal account ot John II .Nn lock, executor ol Uachrl Nibloek. dee d, late ot liu tier oorough. ». l lnal account of JoMali May adminis trator ol Jacob \v. Dersbliner, dee'd. late of liutler Twp. H. A. AYKES, liegister Road Reports. Notice to supervisors and all parties interest ed. The following road anil liriuge petitions have been continued nisi by the Court and will be presented lo C ourl lor liual continuation on Wednesday, December4tli, IN- C at which tune. If there be no exi eptlous hied the same v\ 111 lit continued absolutely. No. 1. June Session. Idst). Bridge over hlipperyrock where the public high way crossing said creek leading Ir.'iu the New Castle road to the liutler road, lnt> reed ing said liutler road at the Kelly school-house in said township. Aug .-*. iss'.c viewers report the bridge uecesSary and the same will require more expense than H Is reiisouable ihe'lwp of Worth should bear, and did locate the site thereof where said public road crosees Slippery rock, without change In location of sain road, and recommend a span of eighty leet and abutments raised ten feet above low water mark. No damage assessed. K. D. No. J. June Session, lstu. Petition to view and vacate that part ol the fiueua Vista and I monvilie public road In Con cord Tp. which lies between where the Jam eson mill road leaves said road at or near the barn of Dale llarnliurl and the point where said Jameson mill road strikes said llueu.i Vista and I'lilonvllle road at or near the former residence of J. M. Kounl/,a distance or about 30 or 35 rods. August 31. lssn, viewers report vacation necessary and have therefore vacated the same. It. D. No. 3, June Session. ISBU. Petition for bridge over Little Breukueek Creek, in Adams<Tp.. where public road lead Ing from "Butler road to Freeport road "crosses said stream. August ti, 1 vlcweis r. jiort bridge as prayed for necessary and lhal tin erection of the same will require more e\|>eii.e tnan is reasonable the township oi Adams should bear, and did locate the same and I. |IOII that no change Is needed In Ihe course or It. d of the public roatl to »e connected therewith, an I recommend that the span of said nridge be ai least twenty-live leet and iiial the lp ight of bridge should be two leet higher than the one that is at present there. No UL'TI.KK tdl'MV. SS. Certified irom the record thlsutli day oi Nov ember, 18s». U. MI'KLVAIN, Clerk >1 S. Widowsj' Appraisemonls. The following widows' appraisement • ar> filed In the office of Clerk of courts of liutler County, Pa., viz: Widow of Andrew Norcross j H i n.. '• Anderson White (realty; ■«> uu '■ " Edward Sutlilt t» " " llr. J.W. Abernathy r.'.' Si " l»aul.-l Met rea M It '• " Theodore Kersting -'.".1 " ' hamuel Uepvvorth ou All iK-rsons interested vvlll take notice that the above appraisement* will be presented to Uie Orphans' Court of liutler County, l'.t.. lor continuation 011 Wednesday, the it li day ot December, is-*!). Uki'IIKN MCLLVAIN, Clerk o. c. Estate of Wni. G. Smith, I.ATK OF MARION TWp M DK< 'l». Letters nrailministration iu the estate of William G. Smith, dee'd, late of Marion tp. Butler Co., Pa., havinir been graute.l to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to the said estate will please male immediate payment ami any having claim*. against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settleineut. JOHN DUFFY, Boyer P. o. J. 11. MOBKOW, JaeUsville P. O. j Administrators. Administrator's Notice. Letters of administration having been granted by the Register of liutler county, I'a., to Ihe undeisigned on the estate of Kd ward Sutlill, late of Worth Tp., said county and Ktute, deceased. All persons, therefore, knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make Immediate pnv- ! ment and those having claims against the same are requested to present them to the undersigned administrator properly authen ticated for settlement. JOHN L. HKICIIKKT, Adm'r, .lacksyille P. O. McJuiikin & Galbreath, Attorneys for estate. August 24, ISH'.i. Assignee's Notice. The undersigned hereby gives notice of Ills appointment as assignee of George M. Graham, lately of Whi testowu. Butler Co.. Pa. All i>cr sons owing said George M. Graham vvlll please make Immediate payment and any having claims against liliu w ill present litem duly au thenticated for seltlcincn'. J. It. riaallAM, Assignee. Aug. H. Issy. Whiles town. Pa. Estate of David Meyers. (I.ATK OK MI'PfJVC KKKK Twp.) Letters testamentary on the estate of Davhl Meyers, deceased, lat^ 1 of Muddycreek Twp . Butler Co., pa . having been granted 1.0 the tin deialgmul, all persons know ing themselves In debted to said estate will please make lin mediate payment and any III'VUik claims against, said estate will present them "Inly authenticated for settlement DAVID it. KKNNKHV.i . . ri OIIKN 11. MKT*HS, I Portersvllle I*. <).. liutler Co. I'a. PUBLIC SALE OK REAL EST ATE. In purstiauce of an order and decree of the Court of Common I'leaa of Itutler county. Pa., to me directed, I will expose to sale at public outcry, at the Court House, on Monday, December 2d, 1889, at I o'clock P. M., the following real estate, being purpart No, 1, of Iteatly farm, situate iu Mercer township, liutler county, I'a , bounded aud described as follows, viz: On the north by lands of Joseph Nutt; ou tue east by lands of Joseph Nutt and James Me- Kaddeu; on the south by lands of John M. Dunlap and Jamns I'. Dutilap. and ou the west by purpart No. 'J, the line being flu public road nailed the l'ike, containing l-'d acres.'aud having thereon erected a house and barn aud other buildings. TKKMS OF MALI.:— One-third iu hand at sale, balance in two equal annua! payments, with interest from date on the whole »um ; auuually with the payineut, to be secured by bond and mortgage. OLIVER ('. UKDIC, Sherill. ; New Livery Stable. New Stock, New Rigs, i—OPEN DA Y AND NIGHT—' 1 HoreoH fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r | 89, VV. JefferHOU St, Duller, l'u. Established I E.GRIEB, TilK JEWELER, No 39, North Main St., JIUTJ.EB. PA.. I>] : A 1. K I IST ▼ ® rv -"W t-i ivlinvoUkj, Wat:hes, Clocks. Jewelry, Silverware, Spsctacles, &c., &c. Society Emliiem of ii !; ei jtioiio. Repairing IN nil branches skillfull;. iloiv- unil V. arranteit. 18BQ EST 1- O 1850 The Cash Shoe Store AANO I \< i:\i lv\T ! ..J?* LOOK! We Soil Boots, Shoes and Rubbers FOR SPOT CASH. \\ e\\ill Positively Undersell * any house in Butler f-e I:intr Roods on credit, and *<• give a gu&rentec on every pitr of Sh'»es we sell |Our Children's School Shoes are nil warranted and made of pood s*oli.i leather. We will refund the money in cape goods are not satisfactory Our Ladies' Fine Shoes are very highly spoken of and we are having a very larire trade in them and we feci very thankful to our friends for th"ir suppirt. Men's Fine Shoes. Now we can't say to.> much in regard to tbe<- <r > >ds, for we show the finest liun of Men's Shoes in Butler, rmgir. if in price from SIOO to sf».so. All styles. Our Rubber (woods Department. We handle n large line oC Rubbers Rest qualities made. Boatoo, Candeo Goodyear, Colchester, Goodyear glove-fitlinif .V large line of Duck Boots, warranted not to snag or blister in oil. Boots and Shoos Made to Order. A Larue Stock of Oil Men s Boots and Shoos Ahvavs on I land. Repairing done on short uoti.v IbLACKMOKE & (iRIEB, No. Do S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. RAILROAD TIMK TAULES. WEST i' K.N.N K. K. On and after Monday, N<iv. 1 train will leave liutler 11.1 followx: MAKKIT at »•: 10 n.iu., arrivin. at | uy at :•;!<> a. m.; conned* cant lor Uliitrnville with l>ay Kxjire-!*, arriv ing at Phi'adelpbia \ at 7 p.ru. Expu KSS at .N:3O a. ui., arriviug at Alleghe- j ny at l 0:3. r > a. in.; "I<>< • not it>nn«'t fur tin cast, but coauecU with A. V. It. 11. north ami ftouth. MAIL at 2:15 p. n>., and goes through T< Allegheny, arriving there av 1:10 |>. in.; i on iicctH eaxt tor Philadelphia ACCOMMODATION at .' :iKI |>, m., mid i■ n neet* at the Junction with Preeport Accom- j niodatiou, arriving at Allegheny at 7|> i in., and connects ea»t a» Inr as A polio. Trains connecting tor liutler leave Allcghe I ny at 8:20 a.m., 3:1 •> i>. in. ami 5:1 > p. ni. Trains arrive at Uutler at 10:30 a. in. ami . 6:00 ami 7:50 p. in. riTTSHUKIi, SIIKNANOO & I.AKU KKIKK.It On ami after Monday, Dec. 17, 1888, train will leave llutlrr iu> lollowi. Corrected to last tune, I hour faster limn schedule time. Trams leave Ituller lor Oreenrille from the Pittsburgh and Western depot at 7:00 and 10:30 a. in. and 'MM p. in. Traius I leaving the I*. A. \V. depot in Allegheny { city 8:20 a. ui. and 2:60 p. m. last time ' connect at liutler with trains on the iS. di A. Trains arrive ui liutler froiu Greenville,fas ! lime 10:10 a. m., 2:26 sod ii;2o p. in. sml connect with iiaius on the P. >\c W. ■ arriving at Allegheny at IJ.tjj p. in. and 00 j ami H:J.( p. in., la»t tiiue. Trains leave ililli.irils at .">.4.t, ami 11:00 a. \ ui.. slow time, anil arrive at i>:10 a. ui. ami i 6:55 I'. m. Ho'.ii tr.onk uouueet at liraiiclitnn , lor liutler and Ureenville. '1 he train tliut leaves liutler at 7 a. in. coo- j nrdx at Shcuango with tram on N. V. I*. A: 0., arriving at Cleveland at 12:50 p. in., ami | ( lucinuatl at i:■ >."> p. tu., and ( htcagi at 10."30 p. m. It ai>u conuecU at Osgood with j lj. S. M. si., striving at t (eveliuel .it l_':.»o in trie 11:17 u ••>, liullalo 2:5n p. in. am! New York 6:16 u. ui. all Central tijpe. The 10:30 train connect* ut .Mercer for Oil ! cily, arriving at 12M0 p. in. mid at Mienaiigo with N. V. P. A 0., arriving at Oil < ity at 3:60 p. in. Uulialo 7p. IU. ami Near ork a. m., rlto couuects at Osgood with 1.. .S, «.V . M. >. lor I ranklin and till City. I\ & 11. 11. Corrected to lanl lime One Itour luster tliuu ncln-'lule tune. Trunin leave ISnlli r lor Allegheny tily ut ■1:*0 mid 1 h.1.» ii, in , uml 3:">. r > ami uml |t. HI. I lie New t.uslfi- uml wentern mail leaven ut B:4>'< a. i»<, umi (tie ( liiuajto Wimterii ex jirexn tit 1 :"*0 |> in. Trunin leaven Ituller for the North at 10:1 "> u. in.. ami rt:.iU |>. ut. Trwon arrive ut Cutler front Allegheny »l 10:15 a. 31. nud iti.• 1 h:.'Ki |i. in., Ironi Al lenheuy. New I n»il» an>i tin \\e#t ut rj:lo |>. m. uml froui I ullery ut 10 |). ui. A Uutu ittrtYtn from Foxhuig at )-:l ■ u. ui. unil from Kuue Ht ii.'M. Trunin rouiitetiug lor Ilutler lem< A lit ; Kheny ut 7:40 uml a. m. uml I M ami ! ti.:ii) j». m, Wumluy tiuiun uriive Irom Allegheny At In:I.) u. lit. uml 3:110 p. in.; Imui New « tutle, Vouii|(ntowii nnil ' hlcago 1,1 W.'IO |' m. Leave lor Allegheny ut 10:« » u. m. uml H'.Zb |l. in., for New t untie, I> a in., lor < hlcugn ut l:i>0 p. 1,1 • New Oyster Parlor AMI Confectionery BY Mrs. S. Show alter, In Stolilo buildlngi S. Main St Mru. Shownltrr bun fitted up aoroe ueut ioouih for u Indies restaurant, and uhkM a nbnre of the patronage of the j»t>opl« ot Butler. Meals ut ull bourn. si. § B. Wliut a dollar can buv in tbo way of IJlttfk Dress Silks Generally speak ing th«* $1 grades of H'aek Silks are not very satisfactory as to service ttttil appearance, hut at this special silk sale, both these <|ualities are richly supplied. These lots are u'l special fortunate purchases of large i|uantitics at cut prices ami we ran recommend ibetn as extra qualitie* anij 10 to 20 per j cent hftter than usual qualities and I values sold at sl. 24 inch Black Gros grain Silks. $1 24 inch Black Silk Rhadame. !il 24 in Black Silk Faillo Francaise.! >1 21 inch Black Peau do Soie- SI 21 inch Bltck Arraure Koyal. $1 So much for $1 values. What of the finer qualities? They are here too in these extensive Silk stocks In all grades, tpialities, weaves and tu tikes to suit all tasies at $1 to $3 50 per yr.rd. Many fancy weaves this I season in Black Silks. Colors too are in great M;W < OI.OKKII SII.K ARMIKKS, NKW (Otolith si I k It II \ lit H IS, >I.W tOI.OKHI UII.O MUM AIM NKW « OI.OItKH si It tits. MM XIMIUI.II t.KOS I.K tIUN, In nil the ultra shades for street and housewear, as also in evening shades. WRITE Our Mail Order Department For samples of these special $1 values mentioned above; and also of any thing else in Hry Woods you mav be interested in from medium to finest qualities. Then compare tbo prices i lor like ((utilities This extensive j business we are huiMing and adding t to daily on tho basis of small profits ami increased patronage; an old idea, | but none better Our Catalogue and Fashion Jour ! nul too. may nid you in determining ! on the styles and fabrics in your Fall and Winter purchases. Free. BOGGS & BUHL, 115 to 121 FEDERAL ST ALLEGHENY. PENH A. URE SHORE NURSERIES. JOK L N* -H A.. VII stock guaranteed to be in good eon dition when delivered. We replace nil trees thai fail to grow. CI.KKKfcN'CKS IN lit TLEK: .1 I' Lowrv, W T. Mechluip, Jam en Shatior. .)r , j. K. Pursy the, tieo. Shaffnrr, (' Walker. K-'| , peril Iteiher, Kwj. and I>. I, Cloclund. G. F. KING, AGT. F.ITKNMILLEn Hot'NK, lit TLKS, PA. ■ Oil CAN FlNf' REMINGTON iJiwwo. »au will wliii'cl lur •atrcxUuag >t luwwt