{CARTERS FETSI CURE ronlH'ielMjO'ilcinol In ■• , K « f *T*< *!'••« ■» |T I> -tr» -H ift - 5.. • - |-«intl»'S ■ -.*<•. « -t (■■■rfcaiile m i n ■» ha* be> n shown in curing SICK Rci.Hcb". C*rrr«'« T rrrr v. urn PIT ' « ar- " V in ' '. th. * >'•*T -t »!l <li~Til- i»'*thrt«to'«i»». «» - •>' r «*• ,b ' m***- , *» • «ft .■ ;v1 HEAD Arh* fV - I C . «'.T rfn:n th : custrcssfc; complaint: | ELMIISM 3SO "i'i fin'l «£* i i • • ralttaMe IT. *» many ways that JL-t .. ill i.v* i»- .«• 15 » I*> do r id: JUI them. Boi all- r all *idt 1» a«l ACHE is tV> hano of minimT lires her. is where -p <m-.t V Our p«:!« «W '* > '<• TKit. .. « fjrn.r Lrvcn TiU-P «n» rrry wnall •r ' • r*. • A«V to t.iV • or two nills irnko 9k cripp <*r iwrp • Hal by tl * pintle nrtion tlHm. In x mis nl; * fere f<* ft. KoU Pt -V r~", <-ftnt I 5 UJaIL CA-TX2 mSitTFS Est Trl. fcuEL Sail::. SziHftia Poor, f ooftsh Men. ,K EJSSSSW£S -T SSS nk nMtt-Jf rv» «*>U|» toa.-!J • J»' tm«V •» 1 <lk> -um.ir»n- > j lit '*Ui • t»"w> Wom'sAG M EBlacking A mac I'orp I"--!; PBII-H. whlcl. on V m - i .1 '•• 1 WOLFF ft RANDOLPH. PHIUKLPHUL WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EMULSION or COD IIVER Oil. * 'th HYPOPMOSPHITES. /' i-• ttso* find mm lt rot <1 bp I'hy ticians bcrr'itse it intjn~ It ia Paiata&o as Milk. It is tlu-oa tir.ea a • cfHcacioae oa plain Ccd Liver C . It is far superior to .* ■ c '.or co called Haulsicnr,. It i 3 a perfect Bmakicn, dcos net coparato cr change. It is wcndcrfd r.: a prcducer. It is tiic bc:t "or Consump ticn. Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast ing liceasec. Chronic Cough and Cdds. Soirl In/ all JtruQflißl#. SCOTT «. BOWNI. t N. V. CATARRH HAY-FEVER ELY'S cm:AM HALM it n»t a iu/uul. mut! or powder. Applied into moth ils u quickly ab*or!>ctl. It lUnnst t the Asatt . 1 ■yi injliimmiilioii. JJcaU the tore*, get/tun the trmet of taste anil smell. M efntt at t>y mall, rr?lstor<-1. m els Ely Brothers, S"\ DOCTORS LAKE mm i I'KIVATiS DISFKNUABY. /JbIJF (»>•«, IX, w: FES NAV K. fIBK ,\ PITTSBURGH PA.— \ 1 r,.: ' 1' tf Horn - lULNTI >L"!I I iEMIrK VElll arctn :i!*'<l attli:- irrwlhifiK •at.-1 i. .km . .■*!. l'i. * 1..: i mcEilier •ft . itr. an 1 i- ..1.-* I'M!- IST tli '.■'••• * *.i. 1 nr.. lit; .-ivi-ii toNci v an t>ebil fruii mi, Sn : -.1 and Mt'i.i v.ii l .; al ( r • . !»•!< I!' 1 :utiintigm ■■•J In i, l.unjr „ Trin «n 'i • - .■' '. ' '' ■ i froi-aniT strictly CllM.'li: :■ '■ ll*>'l • I ;i n! 7 t.»S p. I»l.; ml.i .■ ' v. < I ..ilic" nr mmri-M «.K. M.tt.l r.S.O I 1 m. i:. M.l>. rblLAi ka + *toh. r . ■ >|ierailon •r tii cur • '«> i \ta% Ntmi f«.i ftrmflar. CUF.L Ot!AFiANT£EO. offlMi'iouisauis. Steel fe»oe; j liAbi: og EXPANDED METAL o" fSiJE?* 11 * SO*ETHINu new (tor Qt NRNCRS. C CF-TTCP •'5. C' r '■CHS ■ *rtw«x tt'lnd«w Cuar>:>. . r.lliv* ii-- f 11 ts-.j.EJ5': i VIII. ••• ;• Mill. »r. 4'n:e< - ;i'-i»tr«;od V •-lc~u - jr. '.fret CENTRAL EXPANDED T El L CO ' w .• •' -1 VI . I WANTED * r"'. 1 " I ' ' ' il SALES iyj A N mf ■ it, *■ >i V ii*l (i' uW 111 •in .. " . •a<; f * ' • • ' "«••••'. W • -r tft ■ at K. U, 01t.Ul.UI. Nui cr..lii-u. itvA.UtSU.-r, >'. l. The Great American lIOG is Coining. V 13 B CITIZEN. MISCELLANEOUS Departure of the American As tronomical Expedition. The I'iiitcd States war ship l'uusaculu | ( .n Kew York on the 17 th of October for the wont coast of Africa, having on lioartl tho ini'tuhorH of tho #ciontiflo porjis com missioned to go to A frifit to obnorvo the total eolipue of tho sun. which takes placo on the 22<1 of December. Many valuable astronomical Instruments have been pro vided. photopraphie cameras, etc.; also others for deep sea Investigations, which Professor Agasni* will conduct. Professor havid P.Todd, of Amhorst College, Massachusetts, is the chief of the oxpedition. Although a young man, lie HtttutU high as an astronomer, and is ad mirably quulitied for tho position ho has assumed. He will have among his assis tants Prof. 11. F. Ifigolow, of Kacine Col lege, a well-known mathematician jtnd as tronomer; Prof. E. J. 1/ooiuis, of Harvard, astronomer and naturalist; Prof. C. Abbe, of the College of New York; Prof. L. 11. Jocohy, of Columbia College; E. B. Pres ton, of the Coast Survey; W. 11. Brown, of the National Museum; Prof. 11. S. Davis,of Princeton University; J. 11. Carbutt, pho tographer. (Ortho-chromatic dry plates will be used, and superior apparatus, by which images of tho sun, four inches in diameter, will bo taken.) E. J. Wright, assistant photographer; Prof. C. A. Orr, of Clark University; Prof. G. E. Van Guy ding, and others. The appointed station is Maxima, ou the Guanzo River. The total eclipse of sun will be visible in a long, narrow path 5,000 miles long and only 100 miles wide, which extends nearly its entire distance over tho ocean. It be gins in the Caribbean Sea and skirts the northern coast of South America, being visible at only one point there, French Guiana. It then moves eastward until it strikes Africa, a few hundred miles south of the Congo Hivcr. An expedition from the Lick Observatory, in California, will go to French Guiana to view the eclipse there. —Scientific American. The Ten Health Command ments. 1. Thou shalt have no other food than at meal time. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee uny pies or put iu pastry the likono-ts of any thing that is iu the heavens übove or in the waters under the earth. Thou shalt not fall to eating it or trying to digest it. For the dyspepsia will be visited upon the children to third and fourth generation of them that eat pie; and long lifo and vigor upon those that live prudently and keep the laws of health. 3. Remember thy bread to bake it well; for he will not be kept sound who eateth his bread a dough. 4. Thou shalt not indulge in sorrow or borrow anxiety in vain. 5. Six (lays shalt thou wash and keep clean and the seventh thou shalt take a great bath, thou and thy son and thy mau servant and thy maid servant and the stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days mau sweats and gathers tilth and bacteria ouough for disease; wherefore the Lord blessed the bath tub and hallowed it. C. Remember thy sitting room and bed chamber to keep them well ventilated,that tßy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God givoth thee. 7. Thou shalt not cat hot biscuit. 8. Thou not cat thy meat fried. 9. Thou shalt not swallow thy food un chewed, or highly spiced, or just before or after hard work. 10. Thou shall not keep lute hours iu thy neighbor's house or with thy neigh bor's tvife, nor his man servant or his maid servant, uor his cards, nor his glass nor with anything that is thy neighbor's.— New England Farmer. —lt may be well to test tho condition of u cat's paw before stroking its fur the wrong way. What wrought the change? This womans' face Is ruddy with a rose's grace. Her eye is bright, Her heart is light. Ah, tiuly 'tis a goodly sight. A few brief months ago her cheek Was pallid and her step was weak. '•Tho end is near For her, I fear," Sighed many a fricud who held her dear. I can tell you what wrought the change in her. She was told by a friend, who, like her, had suffered untold misery from com plication of female trouble, that I 'r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription would cer tainly enre her. This friend "knew where of she spoke," for she had been cured by the remedy she advised her friend to use. She is enthusiastic in its praise, and tells her friends that Dr. Pierce deserves the the universrl gratitude of woman-kind for having given it this infallible remedy for its peculiar ailments. It is guarantee/I to give satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Drunkenness— Liquor Habit- In All the World There is But One Cure, Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given In a cup o( tea or coffee with out. the Knowledge ol the person takluir 11. ef- Iwtiuir a speedy ami permanent cure, whether the pat I lit Is a modi-rate drinker or an alco holic wreck. Thousands or dru.ikards have lieen cured who 11.iw* taken the tJolden Specltte In tic Ir coffee without tnclr knowledge, and to day tielleve they i|Ult drluklnc of tin Ii own free will. .So harmful tSec' results fron mlniHtration. Cures guaranteed Heud f.r cir cular ana full particulars. Address. In contl dence. UOLDF.N SrEcinc Co.. ISO liace Street, Ciuclunatl, O. 1 —'•Thresher-kitchens" linve come into (federal use ou the jrreat farms of the Pacific slope. The kitchen is on wheel* uihl accompanies nil the working crews that go to the harvest fields. All the reap ers, threshers anil headers use theui, and often the men who gather or dry fruit "on shares," in the orchards. The gangs of shc"i> shearer* often have a traveling kitchen with its inevitable Chinese cook. Housekeepers look upon the system as an unadulterated blessing, the farmer himself finds it eheapcf, and the men themselves like it, becanso their meals are ready "on time," and there is always "hot coffee." If some enterprising fellow would now corner the market on Or. Bull's Cough Syr up he would make his fortune. Beware of frauds. —"For I am declined into the vale of years,"she said a little sadly, but indeed I don't much miud it since 1 can g< t Salva tion Oil for 25 cents. —A sealskin saecjue does not always keep the heart warm. —The pure worship of a puro heart is an inspiration and a song. The history of Hood's Sarsaparilla is one of constantly increasing success. Try this mcdiciDe. —There may l>e loyalty without love, but never love without loyalty. —A golden key will often find the way to unlock many a secret drawer. ||l>r. Pierce's Pellets, one a dose. Cure headache, constipation and indigestion. —Death is a sleepless messenger, and like a wakeful handmaid of creation. —The finest feeling velvety paws of the kitten, often cover the sharpest clows. Willard Hotel, W. 11. HEWING, i'rop'r BUTLER, - I>.A. KTABUNii IS CONDUCTION. SAM I'LL UOOJI fur tOJI JIKKt'IAL TRAVELKRK SAMPI.K ROOM. I.IVERV IN CONNECTION Hotel Vogeley (Strictly First Class.) 11KXKY L. BECK, PKOP'R. J. 11. Faubkl, Manager. Butler, Pa. Diamond : - : Hotel, Fronting Diamond, Butler, Pa. THOMAS "WASSON', I'ro'r. Good rooms, good meals, stabling in con nection, everything first class. NIXON'S HOMF, ST. N. McKBANhT.. l UTLKIt. l'A. Meals aljull hours. Open all niglil. lireaKfi st 2". cents. Dinner 2.5 cents, Supper j5 cents. Lodging 25 cents, SIMEON NIXON - I'ROP'R. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR j On the female face, ! «-ar.H, hands, ariuw. cbeekit above the V 1 heard line and be t weentheejrebrows / destroyed for«v*»r Needle (^oration in arkV * M '» ! Warm, M. u - Uo.t 'l\ >'oso, I) ii lar k o d , y ivUfr * .r*' V»*luh ,f tho lMmnlca, It lack- /TV beads, I.iver Spots and all dimeuKf t «*n«l blemishes of the akin, ' complex i»n, hair and scalp huccesafully tr*'at*d by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor hat had 20 yearn* experience in the practice of his specialty, and Bumbem his pa tients uiir most piominnut fa mi lie*. If you are afflicted with any of the above blemish"*, avoi.l patent znedlciapa and consult Dr. Van Dyck at once. Special terms to all who make engagements^l» month. Book free. iiient<« ran b** made by 1.1 ill. Call on or address Dr J. Vail Dyck, 40 N lith «»'reet, Philadel phia, or . IVun aveiioi l , Plttftbnrjfh, Pa. Hoars r.> l and to 7; Sunday;. 10 to < "■; fiM y 010£ r5 .on, of Salem, Ohio, o writea: "Wo at work on • (arm for K. C.Allen albtmi Vs>w v> • 111 Klin<*. llarrUl.urjr, Ph., ' ' ''" V V,r nown *•" r I Junker.* >lr wrilta. "I profit u often *• miu-hsi *'& " '»«Ti»reilolnv"Qui"»r«twell; •>ne who lake* hiM thia jrr*n.l liii>i,n >• | iun grand ptollta. Shall wi' start YOi in I In* litiMiies** r«-u.'< r ' Write tout BIUI Imjii »M ah..i.T it fur »nurw If. We si !:«•»•«! 1 'i.1,000 |eu «(ol !iav !*:•<.<•> .t AWiilitik i "I tn the M' : • &>'£ ; .1.1 .. . . ( linifiu sllk Velvrt I'Juah.l hnr>.iuiKt\ U« >r >fed uihid-e. II .I. I .1. •«t aibum* In ihr «•' :•! - ... «... ... t ! n err k».-.i. Ar M. wanted l.ibt 11! (■ rtn >. IU K ... y l-r ap-ut. A:.» bcronie a »uer< r.'nl »v> tit. S<*iln itself wit «iKlit— l»tl ic or no talkiuf nee« »t.«rjr. W h n-.i r thna 11. evt-ry •■•«. Mamito |m eha A/ nt» t.il.r t 1 imimL n( < ultra milli rN|<ullt,y .• > bef..r« know n. (»n «i pn.flmwai! e»«ry «orhn Aceul* makinf furtiMMt. Ladiesnmkc •« nisrh at nun Vou.rn. endesswdlsi an/oB«. 1 .. t iu.a 1 to tl».'.v win ill*- 1./rijimr, with |Mtrtn ular* anal term»f Kdiolly r..lt|e«. Hooka and I'rrtodicula. After you kn» »• •• ah'.uld \ ..u 1 hi. liiile to jji>n.. further, <rhj n«> liarm i« AtidrtH J-.. C. ALI.t.N A CO., Atci >m, * • ' •** " ••■•mii* ; - to Sato LORD & THOHASa I THE GREAT SALE I OF Goods Damaged BY WATER IS NOW ON. j IF YOU WANT TO SECURE BARGAINS You Must Come in Quick. Rittei 4 & Ralston's. i r The Great American HOG is Coming. ; VISITORS TO PITTSBURG Art cordially invited to inspect onr immense stock of the following M.T*i articles: K CLOAKS JW WRAPS 1 or ' unit Children. 1 plush mcloth uiiiieas iij All sizes, nil styles nud prices. HABIKS'CLOAKS, Loiig nnd Shew': the largest variety in tht hi ly ci *- Jkl IN COM PAR ABLY THE LARGEST MILLINERY DEPARTMENT and the lowest prices. Stylish Goods only 50 styles of Kid Gloves. Hooks or Buttons. Hosiery, Poles and Trimmings, Woven Gloves, Underwear. Ladies' Neckwear, Laces, Babies' Wear, Ladies' Dress Trimmings, .Aprons, Linen Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Art Embroidery, Lace Curtains, Corsets, Plusbes, Chenille Portieres, Kid Gloves, Embroideries. And lots of articles, large and sluall, useful and needful, always dis played oil counters. Holiday Presents and Fancy Goods. OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST l^p§ei\ba.vms 510 to 516 Market St., and 27 Fifth Ave PITTSBURGH, PA, J. R.GRIEB. PROF. R. J. LAMB. GRIEB & LAMB'S MUSIC STORE. NO- 16 SOUTH MAIN ST , BUTLER, PA. a Sole Ajrent* for Butler, Mercer and Clar ion counties for liehr Bros Magnificent Pi mos, Newby & Evans' Pianos, Smith- American and Carpenter Organs Importers I tin Celebrated Steinineyer Pianos, and ealers in Violins, Bruno Guitars, and All Kinds of Musical Instruments. SIIEET MUaiC A SPECIALTY Pianos and Organs sold on installments. Old Instruments taken in exchang • Come and see us, as we •an *'t you money. Tuning «n 1> I «iii ol 1 Vi usual Instruments ! | I'iouiptiy utteuued to. | OVERCOATS, SUITS AND HATS, ' FOR Men, Boys and Children. Oar stock is now complete, and the balk of tbe Clothing being oca OWN MAKE we claim and can prove to jonr satisfaction, that for tbe same price it stands onequaled in durability, fit, handsome patterns and newest styles. Having served the people of this section for tbe last 22 years, we have learned tbeir needs and yon can depend upon finding just what yon want in onr enormons stock. Oar Merchant Tailoring Department is crowded with tbe many special ly selected novelties in Overcoatings, Snitings and Pantaloonings, from tbe best foreign and domestic mills. High class work at popular prices is the inducement to examine oar line. Perfect fit always guaranteed. We wonld also call your attention to oar Hat Department, which con tains none but tbe beet standard makes Too will find the prices a decided ravine on what you have been paying. We keep a complete assortment of the celebrated Stetson bats STRASSBURGER & JOSEPH, Tailors, Clothiers and Hatters, 101-163 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PENN'A. your address for one of our Fall Souvenirs. A HAPPY COUPLE. KrpHIS happy couple have agreed to get I married, and they are going to do it very soon. Every body said it was about time. But she informed him that there was only one request she wished to make to conclude the contract, and that was that he promised to buy his wedding outfit at the reliable and trustworthy house of D. A. HECK, who always sells clothing and tarnishing goods at the very lowest possible prices. He took the advice, and, happy to say, was soon the happiest rasn on this terrestrial ball. Oar illustration repent, closures, and no doubt they would like to get closer but they can't do it We would like to make closer fig ures but we can't do it, because there is no more room for reduction to ™t <lown the selling price; a little more would be to cut into the cost price, and that would be digging the ground from onder onr own feet Aim" > \* e arc oo close for comfort to the cost mark, and must seU large a P to make it pay. We found that our former room rapidly increasing trade, therefore we built an addiion the roL we had before, and now we have the largest Butler filled from top to bottom with Clothing, Hato, Capa, Shirts CUn,. Cußfa, TU* HandJ^• Overalls, Jackets, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, jewe ry, generally ever brought to this town. We are branching out in our lint, of busi ness continually, and intend to keep ahead as long as ere is a d capable of improvement We aim to be at tbe top of the ladder and U>Zy .h™ if .her. I. jyj- %£2Z »nd low nrlces We back up our business witn energy, B> "■ *"* B or *h ft* , are forward. If the UM. »0» Uw and «• «» <• [ cumferenoe and convince you that a bargain ia always in season. We can force the seasons but we can force a sale. K»nnwinc Howling hurricanes! .hrilUhrieking storm spiriU that blasts! terrible tornadoes that terrify the traveler and frighten the frenzy! the tremendous typhoon, scourge of the the ship and sailor! Sahara', sirocco and storm ofaand, desert, shroud and sepulchre of swirling sand! The word wails at these phenomena, but is comforted and compensated by the feet business to repair damages. Ponder over the~ things. Jhink when you contemplate a purchase of anything in our line, no matter how Act wisely by coming to look over our large and well-assorted stock of new and "enable goods. Look ahead! Cease your reckless ex P en , d ' tur^ a J® _ < ?S2uS the fbture—and save money while you have it to save. After see g q and hearing the price of our goods you cannot resist. It is ter elsewhere. Now, if you can tell the difference between a baby-buggy cheap and a baby buggy-cheap, or a buggy baby-cheap and a buggy- , we know you can if you read caretally and think deeply, you will certainly Thanking our many friends and the public for past favors, and hoping to please you still better in the ftature, we still remain, Your very humbly servant, D. A. HECK, The Champion Clothier and Furnisher, No. 11 NORTH M AIN STREET, PUTTY'S BLOCK, BUTLER, PA. I I t I The Great American HOG is Coming. FASHION EMPORIUM OF Millinery and Dress-making. The Fall Styles are now displayed, Rough and Ready hatn, felt turbans, sailors and broad brim hats, among the lat ter the Orient. Dundee, Latona, Anderson and Celeste are among the newest and handsomest shapes. The Caprice and Acme are the newest Toque shapes. The misses Saidee and Oolah are something new for the i girls. Embroidered, guimp and jet bauds, stripped velvet rib bons, and brocade ribbons in entirely new designs, tips and hall plumes, birds and wings in black and all colors will form the trimmings. Velvets will enter largely into tbe trimming of both hats and dresses the coming teason. Both plain and fancy makes. The bustle is doomed but some of the latest imported dresses have graduated sizes of reeds placed at intervals from the belt to the bottom of the skirt. Theßtyles in dresses tend to simplicity in skirts and elab orate waists and sleeves. Now is the time to give your order for a new fall outfit. Miss M. H. Gilkey, IVO.OC S. MAIN ST, BUTLEB, I*A | OPPOSITE P. 0. THE PRODIGY CHURN. riTKNUD »»B. II UWJtn 4, Why it is superior to all Others. Ist. Because of its easy operating. 2nd Because everything necessary is f.rtvid<d in up mil nt|< j, or making uniformly tfce very o»*t granulated gilt-fdge luti<r. A good milk thermoin- " 'J" 1 . o '.".* eter an<o strainer ac- t.* *" m T company* each churn . -'», .» l,,« u " e ll!>,> r, I.at What one ot our pat- c w ith the Piffl sj I »»« rou-isaysof the Prodi- r' V r i "i *eatc I whi!« cfcurr.i:.< fyChurnafterthorcu({h ~j rr-ir-1 when /testing it. ' " u-r '* At Home, Washing- -t la->. I woul.l ton Butler C O . ] have been USIIIK o::e «>f ■ ■ -., •-. i;ran<o »ncce>» in every JS S— - - Bowl ot Granulate,! Butter. Thia Churn is manufactured an 1 f>r sil» by Shira, Shira \ Iliys, man ufacturers of the Celebrated Allen Patent Washing Machine, Butler, Pa. Circulars with full description and directions sent to any R<i<lre?s A vents wanted to sell in every counts. NO TIME TO STOP TO Consider Losses Xow, But Pushing the 7 C Great Work on, Vntil all Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods will be in the Hands of the Consumer. Our immense Fall and Winter stock has all arrived and this with out a doubt the largest and most complete stock of Boots and Shoes ever brought to Butler. As the fall of 1889 is a dry and backward fail, the consequence ia the demand for Boots, Shoes and Rubber goods becomes less, and in order that there shall be no diminution in the amount of trade we have been doing, it becomes necessary to cut down the prices, so this is the plan we have mapped out—the policy we will pursue in conducting the anti backward season sale. It ia a common remark now to hear said, I expected rain last nigbt and never has there been such a beautiful Fall as the present. It's no master of sor prise under these circumstances that people didn't feel like baying heavy shoes and boots. But these must be sold same as the flne goods. Proflta are out of the question, of course. As the bead of this ad reads, we have DO time to atop to consider onr losses now. We shall devote onr whole time now on selling heavy goods as well as fine. This done, it'll then be plenty } time to figure up our losses. Attention will be particularly directed to onr kip and calf boots in Men's, Boys and Youths. Calf and oil grain shoes, which we guarantee waterproof, also a full line Mrs. Misses' and children's oil grain, calf and kip shoes, which none will be spared in this great -ale. I I have also a full stock of my own make Boots and Shoes, either in plain toe or box tee, sewed or pegged, lonjj or short leg Full stock of the celebrated Edwin Clapp shoes, which are warranted all hand made, got np in very light and neat style, made of any leather desired. A full stock of calf and oil grain waterproof cork sole shoes. In Ladies' shoes we have the best wearing shoes, the most durable and the latest styles. Ladies wearing our splendid line of hand-sewed shoes find their daily walks give a double measure of enjoyment. Nowhere else will you find the same dressy shoes or the same excellence ot make. We handle only the very best of mannlactures. A full stock of Mrs. misses' and children's high cut calf; Pfisters & Vogel's genuine oil Ofrain and big lot of many different makes in kip shoes. We've not forgot the boys and girls with this wonderful sale of onr's, so read carefully the following In the boys' department the goods are piled to the ceiling and consisting of a full line of the ee!eO>rared makes of ijokey & Son, Isaac Proody and other well known makes. A grand liue of boys' fine calf dress shoes in Button, Lace and Congress, plain or tip on toe, at $1 50; they are daudies. Boys call around and see what you tbiok of this lot of goods. In regard to misses'shoes we have a large line and fine dis play, having a complete stock of all sizes n:id widths o! the well-known makes which we handle in Ladies' shoes Full stock of infants shoes, spring or wedge heel, medium, low or high cut, iu any material desired, price 15c. to sl.lO. Headquarters for Rubber (jl<>< xls. We carry Boston, C'andee, Colchester and Bay State. The Boston and Woot) socket specialties are the finest made and we have them in all sizes and widths to fit everyl>ody. Mec.um, knee or high cut rubOier boots. Boston rubber bouts at $2 35. Prices on all ruO>lx*r goods 50 cents apc ir cheaper thau auv pl«ee iu the county Call and examine our rubber goods before buying and Ox- convinced of our prices Boots and Shoes made to order. Repairing neatly done. A full stoek of Leather aud Finding*. A box of fine grease given free with each purchase. YOURS TRULY. JOHN BICKEL, 22 8. Main St. - - Butler, Pa. EXTRA- "Ve have just received another shipment of kip boots, which added to the one received some weeks ago makes in all 100 cases of men's, boys' and youths' boots, which will be sold during this nnle regardless of cost now. Close buyers, now is your time to buy, for after entering my store you are sure to buy, for no reasonable offer will be re fused. The Great American HOG Is Coming.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers