VOL. XXVII LTEISH®UN). * zfegmfatL k 30 5-MAIN ST. / -zn_. r_ .. "T 1,1 %, 0 \ ,'^ST~: .*t' " . ~z_ . ', ~■ ■ ~ THE VERY PEOPLE WHO) HAVE THE LEAST MONEY j Are your wages small. TO SPEND ARE THE ONES ; Are * ou ,he I,efld "' : \ i family? OUR RELIABLE CLOTHING j ' . ~. .... With marketing talis MEANS HOST TO j , arge? With house rent a:i to yeur |K»i;ket-book and your'back. Get an Iron-clad Cloth Suit at £l2. Strongest All-Wo Suit we know of. Nobody else sells it. Get .J. N. PATTERSON'S Cloth Suit at slt>. For dress and everyday wear combined it's wonderful value. No matter how fine ;i suit you want for dress or business we have that at a low price. Theie is 110 open question about Boys* Clothing. We are not only pioneers, but to-day's leaders in styles and qualities —highest excellence and lowest price?. . Remember the place. J. N. PATTERSON'S, One Price Clothino; House, 29 S. MAIN ST., BUTLEB, PA. HENRY BIEHL BUTLER - ZFE-NIST'A DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. Agricultural Implements, Kramer Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Wheel Barrows, Brammer Washing Machines, New Sunshine and Howard Ranges, Stoves, Table and pocket Cutlery, Hanging Lamps. Man ufacturer of Tinware, Tin Roofing and Spouting A Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN. There is no Doubt As to where you should buy your new dress, if economy is the object you have in view, and you will agree with us, after you have examined our line and prices in Silks, Satins, Cashmeres, Serges, Henrettas, Broadcloths, Flannels, English Suitings in plain and novelty plaids. TJND ERWE^R For Ladies, Gents, Misses and Children which we know can not be equaled anywhere for value and price. Blankets, Flannels, Yarns, Plushes, Velvets, Ribbon, Hos iery and Notions of all kinds. CARPETS, OIL, CLOTHS, AND LAOS CURTAINS In all the new fall patterns and designs. We are showing the grandest line of Ladies, Misses and Children s C=L.=zO —A —KzzS Ever brought to Butler, to convince you that the place to do your trading is with us.all we ask is that you call and examine prices and be convinced. TR OUTMAN'S. Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa- BARGANS in WATCHES, Clocks, ✓ Jewelry And silverware. Finest stock of Sterling Silverware in the county and at prices not to be equalled for cash. Watches r and Clocks repaired andfwarranted^at J. H. GRIFCB'S 16 Soutll ]VTf»in St., (Sign of Ei.ectric Reu,), BUTLER, PA. A. J. FRANK * CO. {yfiUTrn WMiNI Kl ll s l'-< l.A v s. Permanent in II Mil I LIS ple:Ls.uit, pfuUtable t>osltioiis DR'tiS, r '!• Ui.' rl'-lit men . (itxxl salaries ami expenses , MEDICINES, !>:iH we .-UK. Liberal Inducements to betfln- AXD CHKMICALS "erx. S<> previous expei-lenee necessary. out - FANCY AXI« TOILKT AIJTICI'.S, m tie-. rite for terms, glvlne age. SPONGES. HUI SIIKS, FfcßFl MEItY. &? ' "AH! KS II < IIA.SU Nuiservman. l;<.rhcsier, . •. jv Pirf.-rtj.Uoas carefully co.n N. Y. Meutkm tUls pater. SS. Main Street, Butler.. Pa. Adttniße ic rh , Citizen. j -■ " < >7*"* THE BUTLER CITIZEN. 10DUCATIONAL. —— I TheoUlesf m l tf t lastltiilton for obtaining I a liusiness Education. Wo have successfully I I.repiretl Hi. us=.nds 01 youug men n>r the acflxe | ilniiesot 111.- For circulars ;uldre«s. I'. 11l IT Jk SUSS, rittxliiireli. fa. lafeh 'J-liiCM. SIXTH STREET, I'ITTSIII I»i. I'A. Is llie creat college of Business Offices, w lien all the branches tit a complete business educa tion are taufflit by Actual Business Practice. The only member from I'enn'o. of the "Inter- State Business Practice Association of Aiueri ea." The student learns liook keeping ani business by engaging in business transactions. Practical office Work and Banking are spoclal ties. Individual Instruction from 9A. AI. to 4 P. M. and from 7toloP. M. The besi advan i iii shorthand and Typewriting—the high est speed in the shortest time. Send for Cata logue. Call and see the student* at work when you visit Ih.- KviioMtion. Visitors alnays welrome. JAXKS CI..VUK WII'I'IANS, A. M.. Pre*. TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOKE HALL, For Girls and Young Ladies. Shortlidge Media Academy, For Soys and Young Men, SWITHINC. SHORTLIDGE. AM (HARVARD GRADUATE.) MEDIA, PA., (Near Philadelphia.) "BARGAINS IN Wall Paper. For the next sixty DAYS we will ofler bargains in all our gilt and embossed wall papers, in order to reduce stock and make room for Holiday Goods, J. H. Douglass, Near Postoflice, Butler Pa. ,T. E. Kastor, Practical Slate Roofer. Ornamental and Plain Slating Of all kinds done on short notice. Office with W. H. Morris, NO. 7, N. Main St„ Residence North Elm street, Butler, Pa. Wm. F. Miller. Manufacturer of Stair Rails, Balusters and Nswsl-posts. All kinds of wood-turning done to order, also • Decorated and Carved wood-work, such its Casing. Corner blocks. Panels and all kinds of fancy wood-work for Inside decoration of. houses. CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. Something new and attractive. Also FURMITURE at iowest'eash prices. Store at Xo. 4