(CARTER'S 1 Jip CURE Hek Headache and relieve all the t roubles inel iHt to* Ml Kin state of the system, such aa Mariana, Nattar*. Drowsiness. Distress after aattac. Pata ia the Side. Ac. While their moat remarkable aoceen baa been shown in curing SICK ffeadaeba. CawiwVs Ijrrut LITER Ptu* my equally valuable in r ° nstt I* , J O "- t ™s*2 stimoiAle the livrr tod regulate the bowel*. Even if tbey only- cored HEAD Ache tber would be almost priceless to thoae Who suffer from this distressing complaint; bat fortunately their r-'ineea doea not end fcmi. «■«< those who once try them will find Hi, ,i little pills valuable in ao man? ways that Apr win not be willing to do without them. Bat after an tick bead ACHE (a the bane of ao many lives that here is where we make our great boost. Our pills cure It while others do not. Cut tub's Ln-ruc Urm PILLS are very small aad swy eaay to take. One or two pills make • dost Tfcey are strictly vegetalfle and do ■at grtpe or parrs, bat by their pen tie action please all who uae them. In vials at 85 cents: fcve for sl. BoM everywhere, or sent by mail. "n IBCtCCrZ CO., Vtw Y«i Suld W fiose. Small Price. «- Mb time I havehsltaolad ■"*» 1 *■»**■ c ** d OL T ? ACK ? tx* alvsn brtgbt sod CUML Wolff'sACMEßlacking T» tSe Blading/or Men, Women and T (JLildren. Ti. RICHEST BLACK POLISH. Leather Waterproof ind Durable. _,o Bru sA. A Shine Lasts a Week. £ ;r jdted trUh latter, tame as Oilcloth, final Dressing for Hornets. 3«M V» Bbn*_9toCT : Oroe« PECPSt*. VBIFF A RANDOLPH. PHILADELPHIA. WHAT *PfITT'Q 00N8UMPTI0H wUI I O SCROFULA EMULSION OaSaEB 1113 OIIDCC GOLDS vUljCd WuticgDiseasea Wonderful Flesh Producer Many hare gained one pound per day by its nse. Scott's lEmulsion is not a se cret remedy. It contains the aHmniwiinp properties of the Hypophosphites and pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil, the po tency of both being largely increased. It is used by Phy all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Soldbyatt Druggists. 800TT & BOWIE, Chemists, N. T. „ E "?. CATARRH Cream aaiH^tVsJH „ . neglected ctrtd. One of the kind that Is "sure to be better In a tew days." Thousands or victims know bow It la by sad experience. Ely's Cream llalm cureseolds In the head and catarrh In all Its stogua. DOCTORS LAKE buß ■ PRIVATE DISPENSARY. OFFICE-*, ?0S PKXX AVE. —PITTSBURGH P*.— A" finn- of l>clic»te and Com plicated Diseases requiring COW- FiUENTIALaiId Si IENTIMC SllEDl raiioa are treated at this Dispensary with a suc cess rarely-attained. l>r. S. h.I-ako'ls a member of t'ir ISoyal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and istlieolde-t and ino-t>\pericn r>ISPECIAL IST In the citv h|x-cial attention given toXorv «a« Debility from e*ce«-ive tncntal exertion, In discretions of yooth. Ac., cacsing physical aad mental decav, lr.rk of enrrgr, despomfeucy, *O.; alsof"aarer*. «*l ""errs, rl'.-. I lies. Rheumatism ami all direasee of tlie Skin. Klixsl, I.ungs, l"rin - ('<.ii-uit.it n tire nr. ! strictly Coafl cured !>y 1 'it^S»3l- r«i s"> ■ ' i'UlA. I'a. .t:<»i>ce.t!iM»|)erAtlon «r h*- t«f musifrtHn hu - - • iu- S»jf U4iwr» *4 ,h.i ak'i. i for < ir- uitr. CURE tUAKAHrLED. a—-a solid- STEEL FENCE! EXPANDED"METAL ct7r rErf«£T* £I ' SOMETNING NEW ,Sa*"R*aJdiwosa, OHuncnrs. Cpmetcß'es. Fsmaa v— GAROCNS Gstcs Arhori, Window Csardt, Trelllst* Fire-proof PI.tSTKUINO I. tTTI, DCOK 5 ITS, *c. write for Illustrated Catalogue' mailtd free CENTBAL EXPANDED METAL CO 11A WdterNL, Pttt«bnrur»i. I »n. IfednArt Mem keep li. Give »uinc of tlii» paper WANTED Ken to taka orders for Nursery Stock, on Sala ry or t'ommiasloo. Icanmak< a suuc ssful SALESMAN of anj one who will work and follow my In struction*. Will furnish handsoite outll free. p»> your alarj- or commission every week. Write for terms at once. B. o, GKAUAM. Nurseryman, Kcchester, X. Y. I ■ I The Great American HOG is Coming. I'B IE CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS A Large Pension Roll. Onr republic hu the proud distinction of taking more and better care of her veteran soldiers than any government that ever existed. During the last fiscal year 53,672 names were added to the pension rolls, making the whole number of pensioners at the close of the year 489,720. The average amount paid each one is $132.18, making a total expenditure of $64,246,552.36. —Many diseases date their origin to functional disturbance of the stomach and liver. Laxador corrects these abnormal conditions most surely; hence the increas ing sale. Price 25 cents. Parents will get rest and the baby will be relieved from pain by using Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, a harmless but reliable rem edy. Price 25. —A young lady has invented a lamp that will cense to burn at exactly 10 o'clock. The average lover has no fault to find with the lamp; in fact he would be better satis fied if it would go out as soon as he comes in. If the young lady wants to make a real ten >trike she should invent a father that would go to bed at nine o'clock. —There is a diamond at the Paris Expo sition which weighs 180 carats and is val ued at $3,000,000. It is expected to come to America. —Chronic catarrh quickly develops into consumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures catarrh. —How come the jury to acquit the pris onert" asked the astonished stranger. "The evidence all went to show, did it not, that he killed the nianf" "Tcs," replied the juryman, "but it also appeared in evi dence, before you came in, that the man he killed always persisted in saying "Is that sof" whenever anybody told him a bit of news." —Nothing speaks more disparagingly of the women "in the brave days of old" than the axiom which dropped from the lips of Cesar to the effect that his wife should be above suspicion. From that we infer that in those times it was a very uucommon ; thing for women to be above suspicion, and j that iti.perious Cicsar's vanity was ted fat ! by the thought that his wife should be so j considered—although she was not. In our own day at least two-thirds of the women are above suspicion, and the other third— well, perhaps the other third are not. There is a man in our town And he is very wise, sir. When e'er he doesn't feel just right One remedy he tries, sir, It's just the thing to take in spring The blood to purify, □ e tells his friends, and nothing else Is he induced to try because, having taken l)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to cleanse h'» system, tone it up, and enrich the blood, and find ing that it always produces the desired re sult, he considers that he would be foolish to experiment with anything else. His motto is, "Prove all things and hold fast to that which is good." That's why he pins his faith to tho "Golden Medical Dis covery." —Bob Burdette, who has lived in East ern Pennsylvania long enough to know what he is talking about, remarks that "when you happen to read in a Pennsyl vania paper the notice of the marriage of Lena Aubergestehemutterhauser and Hein richs Koonticheleichter by the ltev. Klaas Uolibausen, don't be too fresh and think you are reading an account of a German wedding. The chances are that the con tracting parties and witnesses speak better English than they do in Boston, and that there wasn't a soul at the wedding that could understand a word of German. These names are heirlooms in some parts of Penn sylvania and the old fainilios cling to them fondly long after speech and accent havo departed. They're mighty good things for the babies to cut their teeth on. —A Lancaster county pensioner drawing sl4 a mouth recently boasted to a strauger that he could set more feuce than any man in the county. When his pension was stop ped he learned that the stranger was a Government detective sent to investigate his case. —The people of Girard, Pa., are con siderably shocked at the manner in which a minister of the Calvinist school is adver tising his sermons in the local paper. "A racy program," "cornet music," "a rich contralto voice," and "superb solo," are some of the phrases he uses to draw tho crowds. —Mrs. Naggers—Do you call yourself sober! Mr. Naggers—Shertinly, my love. "Well, you just say 'Oklahoma is a truly rural country." "Oglvhummeza tooral looral looral 100. Shay! Bezzer gedder rooster—hie! ter shay zat foy y' in ther morniu'." —All women of strong mind wish they had been born men, and all men wish so, too. Drunkenness—Liquor Habit- In All the World There Is But One Cure, Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given la a cup ot tea or coffee with out the Knowledge of the person taking It, ef fecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the pail -nt la a moderate drlulcer or an alco holic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have Ween cured who have taken the Golden Specific In their coOee without tnelr knowledge, and to day believe they quit drluklng of tht li own free I will, No harmful efTec' results from Its ad ministration. Cures guaranteed Seud for cir cular unu full particulars. Address, In contl iuence. GOLDEN SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race Street. Cincinnati, O. Willard Hotel, W. H. REIHING, Prop'r BUTLER, - JE>A.. STABLISO IS COSNECTIOX. SAMPLE BOOH for COXSEBCIAL TBAVELEBS SAMTLE ROOM. LIYEKY IN CONNECTION Hotel Vogeley ( Strictly First Class.) HENRY L. BECK, PROP'S. J. H. FAUBEL, Manager. Butler, Pa. Diamond : - : Hotel, Fronting Diamond, Butler, Pa. THOMAS WASSON, Pro'r. Good rooms, good meals, stabling in con nection, everything first class. EITENMDLLER HOTEL. No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - PA. Near New Court House—formerly Donaldson accommodations for travelers. Good stabling connected. N-9-'Bfi-ly' II KITKNMt'I LKB. Prop'r. NIXON'S HO Mr., 35 N. McKEANBT„ BUTLER, PA. Meals at ull hours. Open all night. : Ilrcakfast 25 cents, , Dinner 25 cents. Supper 25 cents, Lodging 25 cents, SIMEON NIXON - PROP R. I SUPERFLUOUS HAIR I On the female face, hair on the fore arms, above beard line end be- /%* tween the eyebrows / Needle 1 Electro Snrgeon, \ *502 Penn avenue, marks. Moles, 5^ Warts, Men's Red Nose, Enlarged - /WflurT if Veins of the Nose, *1 heads. Liver Spota < : and all diseases and blemishes of the skin, complexion, hair and scalp successfully treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor has had 20 years' experience in the practice of | his specialty, and numbers among his pa tients our most prominent families. If you are afflicted with any of theaboveblemishes, 1 avoid patent medicines and consult Dr. Van Dyck at once. Special terms to all who make month. Book free. Engage ments can be made by mail. Call on or address ; Dr. J. Van Dyck, 40 N. 11th street, Philadel phia, or 502 Penn avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Houra 9 to 1 and 2 to 7; Sundays, 10 to 5. <1 A llAlAr from Ohio. Hera Is a Vuiut « ,ortrmU of rd&ofm ¥,¥ll ton, of ttalem, Ohio. CI 11 i month now have an agency f/> {>, R. C. Allen ACo » album* and publl tttigncd' one who takes hold ot'thia trraud bu»iiieM pi,< % utigranu piofita. Shall we start YOI : in this business, reader'' Write to us and learn all about it f«»r yourself. We C arc starting nwuijr . we will start y«m if you don't delay aintll another get* nhead of you in *n«r part of the countrr. It you take hold you will be utile to "plek up (told fa«t. Ut'uil- On a -'-omit of a f..r. . ,1 manufaetnr. r • Mil- 1 «MM> |»!t AlhtlltU un to be ».-ld to the people for Stench. Bound in If- >.. ? < 'rim-on Silk Velvet l'lush. Charmingly deeomted Inside*. II .nd»on»eM a lbum* in tli<- world. I jirp< »t Bl*e. Greatest bargain* e»er known. wanted. Liberal lerma. Hlf mnnry fnr apvntf. Any one can become a successful agent Sell* Itaelf «n -ipl.t—little or no talking necesaary. Wherever shown, every one wants to pur ehasc. Agents lake thuu ™ 1 we know you tkn if you read carefully and think deeply, you will certainly Thanking our many friends and the public for past favors, and hoping to please you still better in the future, we still remain, Your very humbly servant, D. A. HECK, The Champion Clothier and Fornisher, No. 11 NORTH MAIN STREET, DUFFY'S BLOCK, BLTLER, PA. The Great American HOG is Coming. I FASHION EMPORIUM OF Millinery and Dress-making. The Fall Styles ar3 now displaj'ed, Rough and Ready ■ hate, felt turbans, sailors and broad brim hats, among the lat- f ter the Orient. Dundee, Latona, Anderson and Celeste are among the newest and handsomest shapes. Ihe Caprice and Acme are the newest Toque shapes. The misses Saidee and Oolah are something new for the girls. Embroidered, guimp and jet bands, stripped velvet rib bons, and brocade ribbons in entirely new designs, tips and halt plumes, birds and wings in black and all colors will form the trimmings. Velvets will enter largely into the trimming of both hate and dresses the coming reason. Both plain and fancy makes. - The bustle is doomed but some of the latest imported dresses have graduated sizes of reeds placed at intervals from the belt to the bottom of the skirt. The styles in dresses tend to simplicity in skirts and elab- "* orate waists and sleeves. Now is the time to give your order for a new fall outfit. Miss M. H. Gilkey, IVO. 63 H. MAUN HT, BUTLER, PA. OPPOSITE P. 0. THE PRODIGY CHURN. P4TE.ITKD tKB. 14 ASDJI'ME 1..1M1 JS^ Why it is superior to all Others. Ist. Beeau.-e of its eaey operating. 2nd Because everything nrce.-sary is poiti«d iu : ti f«i«nl ntlt'i|- or making uniformly lie vtrj tea ftnculattd tnllrr. company* each churn ' a-dest work of all my What one ot oar pat- f "-'A liouaebold labor, hut roDS says of the Pr.nli- w ' ll> Prodigy I ain Bowl of Granulated Butter. This Cham is an 1 for sile by Sbirti, Sbira «Sc Havs, man ufacturers of the Calebrated Allen Patent Washing Machine, Batler, Pa. Circulars with full description and directions sent to any address. Agents wanted to sell in every csuntv. lHr>o Established 1850 E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No 19, NorthJ Main St., BUTTER,SPA., 33 K A LK R IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, &c M &c. Society Emblems of ail Descriptions. .Repairing in all branches skillfully done and warranted.. 1850 ESTABLISHED 1850 m CiiOAK OPENING ON Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 31, Nov. 1 and 2, at the New York Bazaar. HITLER, - PA. We beg leave to inform the -J Ladies of Butler county that we have trade arrangements The New York Bazaar, Leading Dry Goods, Millinery and Cloak House, Opposite Postoffice, Ba*.!*r, P*. The Great American HOG Is Coming.