Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 01, 1889, Image 3

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B Km t h haa a population or over Wt.
|t is thr county scat of Kutl<-r county. with
■ Four railways. natural gauftl une.|U«ll«*d
H !*iUU<-s fur tii&auiartun-s. '
Mrrywhejv: new buildings, new
uuuiufart un-s. a growing and prosperous town
■ * ti*T I-KVN K it Train* leave Duller for
V rrr* p..rt P.iairs.llle. lUMbun: at ;ai iM vs..
■ tly and CIS U<l :'»M> ™> M « n " _
■ umv puiu- ai - a- ™ a»nl 2*« p. i«; and *'r
■ rtve *» Ht."v«a. ni and p in.
■ K i: Trains h-ave tor (ireenville
■ jj,, ai,j ii ii... ai . and fcu. p. tti Malls elude
at Cju ~ii.l law a. I.i and arrive at -■ 3 and £!3O
I p. m.
I I'iW R It -Trams I'-ave llutierfor Alle
■ cb»-n\ at l-t >». i"a:, a n».. and lot ana«rju
I tDi lor tl.. North t«:lj I". and »:3o p. 10.
I Mail*- clow lor the W«t at saw a. m.; for
I littst»uiv iUi<l tlw nortli at I.M a. m.; for I'ltts-
I b«re airMliiat tor local points west of
■ rv il i-»p. In: !«* local points soutli
■ , astern through mails at« p. in., and fur
I OU Cttv and 1 Ittst'iiri; at T.Vip. m. Malls ar
■ live ub this r..a 1 to.m Pittsburg and Oil City
■ at TS- p. til: l"ttu4>urv and local at l(e4n.
■ Millers!, « n p. ni ; rittsburg at lL'ttjaud
& k p m. ParV'-r and North at fr.?> p. in
V" arMßorrc- 1 laity mail for Mt. Chestnut
■ arrl\<-, at 11 a.m. and leaves Itutler P. <>. at 1-*
H ni. lially mail to North Hope. Hooki-r and
K tttv irriv. vat llum and departs at
V 1-.TB p m
■ Mon<-> Kiteis ran br KCWd at the post -
■ at imth-r. Prospect, stinhury (CuUlter
■ *ll*e P. t» Mtllerstnwn (llariilmrt Mills
H < rtjtr iIIV ,M;pi- frrock). I'etrolla. Karns
■ C4tv and Kentivw. Tin- f<v Is live cents
■ lor "all sains mi l«-r »"■ 'cents for HO. or less.
■ He. P«fctal in»t<* *lileh are nosal'-r than eu
■ rltadtig to.,n* y. as they made payable '.*>
■ anitmlt cost 1 rents for $Y or less.
1 soci ELTIES.
UK'AI. ASSEMBLY k'.h.s, Kaigbliof U
■ fcor nierts every Friday night in the Car-
B penter* and Joiners Hall, third floor, llusel-
W ton hmMin*. Wv. M. C.I.FSN, Rec. Sec.
■ New Advertisements.
W Public sale of stock in Middlesex twp
■ Marks Millinery.
I Kukri's IVxvts and Shoes.
H Ilr Sttnp-on, in llutler Nov. 5.
■ Kilter Js Ralston'.- Wraps, etc.
■ Cbinene Medicines.
■ Snperflnon* hair.
■ Clnbbtng Noti«-e.
■ X«itk — All advertisers intending to make
change* in their ads. »hould notify us of
I their intending l<> do so, not later than
Holiday morning.
—Who is W. M Sickle.
—Where did you get that cold'
—Job work neatly done at the ClTllK.s
—The frost has curled np the front door
step parties.
—The pumpkin crop is immense, this
—Rubbers are now called "sneak
»fcoe« "
—The circulation of the CtTUKN con
tinues to increase.
—Reader, it pays to read the advertise
—Kvery man in town, excepting Voje
l»y's Indian, has a cold.
—The price has gone up. but the beer
will g« down the same as ever.
—The hogs in parts of Armstrong and
Indiana counties are dying of cholera.
. —Jas. Wright, a brakeuian on the P. <fc
* W.. was killed at Rock Point. Monday.
—The window-glass makers of Pittsburg
hare advance their prices.
—Five and five-eighths casing is the
•hottest crop in this connty at present.
—The new M. E. church at Evans City
was dedicated last Sunday.
—The growing wheat iu this part of the
country looks first-rate.
—The new postal card is to be big
enough to write quite a letter on.
—Nature, like uian. begins her fall by
painting things red.
—The man who i> not proud of his coun
try hasn't mnch else to be proud of.
—The Butler P. O. does a business of
over ten thousand dollars a year.
—Kig builder* in the 100-foot field are
baring trouble in securing their supplies.
—llr. F. W. Huidckoper of Meadville
has been appointed Receiver for the P. S.
A L E. K. R.
—The Sallivau hair cat is no 1 jnger fash
ionable; the Buffalo Bill cnt is the style
—The Western and Atlantic Pipe Line
Co. haj rented a room in the Geo. Reiber
tailding on Jefferson St.
—The official map of the borough is
hanging in the office of the Marshall Bros ,
where it can lie seeu by any body.
—lt's only seven weeks till Christmas,
and taat's the reasou Johnny Stehle is
getting in his Holiday goods.
—A Teacher- Institute will be hold at
Kiddles X Roads in Clinton twp. next
—Mr. W. H. Ritter returned from New
Tork. last Monday, bringing an immense
stock of Dry Goods with him.
—Our readers would confer a special fa
vor upon us if they would send us all items
faf local news.
—Krupp, tho great gun maker of Ger
many is sai.l to be buying property up the
Monongalia! a.
—Put a pinch of salt on your chestnuts
a* you eat them, and thus improve their
flavor and save trouble.
—lt will be to the interest of any sol
diet confined in a Southern prison duriug
the war to his name and address to
R P. Scott. Esq. Butler. PH.
—Me fcigbth Annual Convention of the
Butler county W. C. T. C. will meet in
Butler, on Thursday and Friday. Nov. 21
and 22.
—Some Iteautiful Chrysanthemums are
in bloom in Butler. Those in Mrs. Henry
Wagner s parlor window arc admired by all
passers by.
—The anniversary meeting of the Butler
T. X. C. A. will l>e held Sunday evening.
i«r. 1», and will be addresseed by Rev.
John Prugh of Pittsburg.
—"Apple •chniuings - ' are now in order
in the country and there is more fun to the
square inch at a •'Sebnitzing'' than any
amusement we can think of.
—From the crowd on our streets crerv
Saturday afternoon, one would judge But-
Wr merchants did a large business that
—The West Penn B. R. was inspected
by the general officer* of the Company,last
w»ek. They came a few weeks to late
this time
—ld the -pnng a young man's fancy
lightly turns to thoughts of love, but the
craze catches the old bachelors along about
the fall of the year *
—The tax rate of Butler, at present, is
high—higher tb;.n that of neighboring
towns —and we swn should something
to show for it.
—Fourth-class postmasters were ap
pointed for this connty. last Thursday as
follow*—Valencia, J A. Anderson; Sandy
Point. A C. Mcyuistion Chas. Book was
appointed for Harlansburg. Mercer coun
ty. Mr. T. n. Burton succeeds Mr.
Donthett as P. M. at Brownsdalc
—The wintcry wind i s bringing down
the leaves.
—The Misses M. F. A M. Marks have re
ceived Uieir Fall stock of Hats, Bonnets,
Tips, Plumes and other Millinery. Sec
their new card.
—The law should require every man to
give from three to six month-: pnblic no
tice of his intention to do so, before it al
lows him to transfer his property to his
- The • liinny" seaaon is here. While
.-.ome boys were shinnying an old tin can,on
TV Pearl St. one day last wcek.it was
knocked into the face of one of the boys
and cut him hadiy.
—The manufacture of lamp black is ono
<if those industries that seems to be over
done. A year ago the product was worth
forty cents a pound, hut now it is worth
but -even.
—The Penti'a K. K. will sell excursion
tickets for the Catholic Congress which is
to In- held in Baltimore on the 10th to 13th
inst<. Tickets will be sold from all sta
tion < from the 7th to 12th. good for return
till 10th.
All the circuses have left the country
for the winter and the base ball season
closes this week. The foot ball lighters
will have to fill in the amusement gap un
til Congress meets.— Com Gazette.
—An exchange says, '-when a man but
tons his suspenders on fonr penny nails
it is certain a indication that he has been
disappointed in love. It may indicate
more—that he lias a devoted missionary
fur a wife.
—When a girl ha finally made up her
mind that she is eternally homely and
decides not to feel bail about it any more,
it unsettles lier dreadfully to have a man
fall in lovi with her and begin to pay her
—Mrs. David Birch of Oakland twp.,has
received a pension voucher for f240fl nuil
sl2 per month for the death of her husband,
who was a member of the 11th Reserves,
and who died of disease contracted in the
—Mis. D. T. Papc has opened a pretty
little store 011 Jefferson Kt., in the old
drug store building, and has made a pres
ent of it to Eugene, who is but fifteen
years of age, an! who will keep a stock of
notions, toys and all kinds of novelties for
—The champions of the League and As
sociation, N'ew York and Brooklyn, played
their match games last week and this, and
the Giants come out ahead. Keefo put his
deadliest curves 011 the ball, Ward slid as
if Heaven were to be won on bases and
Ewing was gripfnl beyond precedent.
What an embarrassing thing it would have
been for the world to have come to an end
before this matter was settled.
—Alexander Stewart, Esq. left a basket
of apples at our office Wednesday, which
are the finest and soundest we have seen
this year. One Kallowater measures 14
inches and is perfectly sound, and the
Kings and Baldwins are beauties. Esq.
Stewart's farm is about a mile below
Whitestown. and he has one of the best
orchards in the county. Ho sold 200 bush
els of hand-picked apples this year,besides
many eider apples.
People who had occasion to perambu
late Main St. during the rains last Satur
day and Sunday nights tramped into several
pools of water more than shoe-topdeep, and
could have found several hundred of such
places, if they had looked for them. But
ler has neither sewerage nor paved streets,
but her greatest disgrace at present, and
the one that most reflects upon the borough
authorities is her miserablo sidewalks.
—The Pittsburg Comiucrcuil-Gazette is
one of the best daily papers published in
tho country, as you can easily prove to
your satisfaction by comparing it with the
dailies of Philadelphia, New York or any'
other city. It gives all the general news
of interest, its market reports are unequal
led, and its "Quiet Observer" column is
peculiar to itself. Tho people of Butler
are proud of the tla;rtte, and of tho suc
cess of its proprietors, the Beed brothers.
—The sensible custom, which prevails so
extensively iu the eastern part of this
State, of advertising public sales in the
columns of the newspapers in the same vi
cinity, is each year becoming more com
mon in this county, but is not yet as gen
eral as it should be. In no other way can
farmers and others having sales give such
wide publicity of the fact for the same ex
penditure of money as through the col
umns of the local papers. It does not
cost much and is well worth the trial.
—This, Thursday, evening is All-Hal
loween, the eve of All-Saints day, which
is consecrated to the memory of martyrs
and champions of the truth, but the boys
generally improve the recurrence of tho
evening by trying to make martyrs of
everybody, though the mischief done to
day i* nothing compared with that done
twenty-live years ago. The intelligent (f)
girl, also, will, this evening, step down
the dark cellar stair backward with her
hand-glass, looking for the features of her
future husband to be reflected ill a mystic
gleam of light. It is a harmless amuse
ment, aud when the stars beam down on
a clear and frosty Halloween, it is pleas
ant to court the fanciful customs that ex
isted when garrets were haunted with hob
goblins, and elves, the groves with were
wolves, and when ghosts, spectres and
vampires followed the triple Hecate's
Oil Field Notes.
On Thursday last T. W. Phillips i-truek
a good well ou the Negley or old Dan
Duffy and Gallagher farm in Jefferson Tp.,
on the Freeport road, about 5 Utiles south
east of Butler and a mile aud a half north
east of the Jefferson Centre ojjeraticms.
Mr. Phillips has leases ou the Byorly,
Baumgartner. Wagner, Sheats aud other
adjoining farms. The well is considered
good for from 30 to . r >o barrels, and opens
up some new territory.
As we go to piess the indications are
good for another first class well on the
Thomas farm. The well is situate close to
the maiu road leading to Six Points. The
Thomas 4 Cooper well which was struck
two weeks ago is pumping 50 barrels a day.
—Parker Phoenix.
The Harmony Oil Co. is drilling on the
Frank Wilson farm below Jijlienople.
Mr. I. S. Yard, rig contractor and
builder, has four sets of hands at work in
the hundred-foot territory.
Sueo <fc Co., on the Belfour, Myoma dis
trict, is iu the sand and showing for a good
Christie it Co's No. 3, on the Greeuert,
Centre field, is completed and good for
20 bbls. Campbell 4 Murphy's first well
is doing about 250 a day.
Hite, Wing £ Co., have struck a 500
pound gasser on the Karns property, east
of Butler.
Wick <t- Co. got no hundred-foot what
ever on the tiibson, aud are drilling for the
fourth saud. Jim McClung pumped a
quart of oil out of it, Tuesday, with the
bailer, thereby winning Alf. Wick's pet
white goat, which Alf bet against a live
dollar bill, that the well would never pumu
a quart of oil.
Tljc Bellas and Co. well on the orman
Graham farm is expectod iu tu-duy. It is
about two miles nqrtb east of tho Welsh
farm, und one mile north east of tho Shan
non, aud if good will open up a large scope
of new territory. The well was complet
ed Wednesday, and is said to be good for
from 8 to 10 barrels.
50 Cents on the Dollar
at the Wet Uoods Sale. Dress
Goods, Flannels, Wraps, &c., at
Dr. Rob't W. Watterson, formerly of
this place, but now practicing his profes
sion at Zelienoplc, Pa.,and Jennie L. lltin
ter, of Rochester township, were married
one eveningjast week, at the home of the
bride.—Beaver Tunis.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Phillips, of this
city, have bceu attending a church con
vention iu Louisville, K3'. —New Castle
Mr. Chas. li. llurlburt of Pittsburg. Gen
eral Secretary of Y.M.C. A of the (state,
was in Butler, Sunday and Monday, look
ing after the interests of the Ass n here.
He preached in the M. K. Church Sunday
morning and in the C. P. Church that ev
ening, and attended the meeting of the
Directors of the Ass'n Monday afternoon.
A Sce'y for the Ass'n here has not yet been
Mi". \V. 11. Alexander has returned from
his trip to California and has again settled
down in good old Butler County." He
writes us from Whitestown to renew his
Miss Anne E. Wadsworth is the new p.
m. at Iviester, and not Ann E. Kiester, as
onr types said last week.
Al. Heck expects to complete his green
houses this week, and has already placed
bis plants iu tlicm.
Mr. Alex. Jfoyd has removed to Dll
- Allegheny Co.. where he superin
tended the erection of a plate glass works
in which he has an interest, and of which
he is manager.
Mr. John Stewart, of Evans City, is ser
iously ill.
Win. Miller, Jr., of Mercer, has been ap
pointed Bank Examiner for Western Venn
Dr. Irvine did a kind act for Dr. Cowdeu
last Monday by lending him enough money
to stay the execution on his place. The
Campbell mortgage amounted to f.fOl'O.
Mrs. Payne, of Titusvillc, is the gnest of
Mrs. L. O. Purvis.
Mr. and Mrs. and Alico Wick, Belle
Lowry. Rev. Oiler, Win. Campbell, Sr., 1.
J. McCandlcss, Mr. and Mrs. Dauhenspeck
and Mrs. Maxwell and son attended the
funeral of Rev. Marshall at Middletovn,
last Tuesday.
11. 11. (ioneher, Esq., has rented a part
of Mrs. Martin's house on East Pearl St.,
and Mr. Minick has inirved into his house
on Elm, having sold his business at the
depot to Mr. Mangold.
Martin (ireer has removed his family to
Euclid, but retains his situation at Free
Mrs. Mcßridc und her daughter Melissa,
anil Mrs. Dal Harvey, who lives next door
are all down with typhoid fever, as is also
Mrs. Cochrau."
Mi. Win. M. Lardin of Fayette Co., is
visiting his friends in Butler Co. He is a
brother of Daniel Lardin, and brother-in
law of Harry Moorhead and Jos. S. Miller.
Mr. Lardin was formerly in the oil business
in this county, and moved to Fayette Co.,
in 1878, and is now engaged in farming and
stock breeding.
Mr. W. P. Kelly, of Millerstown, takes
John Reed's place in Huselton's store.
Robert Gillcland, Esq., of Summit Twp.,
is seriously ill.
Mr. Alox. Grieb lately submitted to an
operation for the removal of a tumor
around his right jugular vein, that has
been growing there since he was a boy of
fourteen years. I). Hays Agnew, the cel
ebrated surgeon of Philadelphia, was the
artist, the operation was successful and
Alex, is now lying in a hospital at Phila
Mr. Nathan Swart/, of Chicago, was the
guest of Mr. I. Rosenberg this week.
Mr. J. P. Kirn, one of Franklin's leading
chess players, spent Tuesday in Butler,
the guest of another devotee at the shrine
of t'aissa.
M iss Alice Brown has returned from an
extended visit to friends in Titusville.
Hon. Adolplius Itebstock, one of the
Judges of Shelby county, Ohio, —one of the
populous counties of the western part of
the State, —visited Butler this week and
was tho guest of Mr. Joseph Niggle. He is
well remembered by his old scholars here as
the etlicicut teacher and principal of our
schools. While teachiug he read law with
John Graham, Esq., and, after his death,
with Thompson d- Jfipple. and following
his admission to the bar in 18fi0, located in
Sydney, the county seat of Shelby county,
Ohio. He rose in his profession, and last
year was elected Probate Judge of the
county—the business of the Courts there
being divided between tho Common Pleas
and the Probate Judges. He received a
cordial welcome from his old friends here
who were pleased to see him, and to again
take him by the hand and congratulate nim
upon his success in life.
Mr. F. E. Dutoit and wife spent a few
days in Butler last week, the guests of Mr.
Reihing, of "Willard House. Mr, Dutoit
now lives in Columbus, 0., and travels for
the Ohio Furniture Co., of that place. His
wife was a Miss Korn, of Butler, an aunt of
Mr. Beihing.
- Property Notes.
Geo. W. Ziegler Jr. has purchased H.H.
Goueher's 35 foot lot in Main St., and 15
feet more from Sheriff Donaghy, which
gives him 50 feet front in all, and he in
tends building next summer.
J.ll.Negley Esq. has lately improved his
property on Wayne St. by putting on a
slate roof and making other improvements.
W.E. Beed has purchased the Wick and
Hammond tenement house in S.MeKean
for $1,200.
Nicholas Shafer is building on Franklin
County Commissioner Hutchinson of But
ler, and Alex. Frazier of St. Joe have pur
chased lots on Institute Hill.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 20 cts cash or 22
in trade for good butter, 22 for eggs, 4Q for
apples, GO for potatoes, 45 a pair for spring
chickens, 12 lor dressed chicken, 17 for
Timothy hay sll to sl3; mixed hay $8;
oats 23 to 2": rye 4S) to 52; wheat 80 to 84;
car corn 40 to 44; shelled corn 37 to 40;
rye flour 3.00; wheat 3.75 to 5.50; country
cloverseed 3.50; timothy 1.45.
Fancy Burbauk, rose, snowflake and
Hebron potatoes sold on track at 45 to 50;
choice 40 to 45; mixed 30 to 35, at retail
potatoes sold at 40 to GO as to quality. Ap
ples sold at from 1.00 to 2.25 as to quality;
spring chickens 30 to 45 a pair; dressed
chicken 9 to 11; dressed J3 to
droned duck ll to 12. Butter, mixed
country roll 8 to 12: choice 1G to 18; fancy
18 to 20. Cider, 4.50. Eggs, strictly fresh,
21 to 22. Bags 14.
At Herr's Island, Mondav, beeves sold
at 3 to 5J as to ouality, bulls and dry cows
I.J to 21, veal calves 5£ to 6f, grass calves
2 j to 34, fresh cows $25 to SSO.
Good to prime sheep sold at 44 to
5, fair to medium at 3J to 4, common 3 to
Lambs sold at 44 to Gj. Allen sold
lauibs at Si to s|; Wright sold sheep at 4
to 41, and lamb's at Jj to Q. ifcNeoae sidd
lambs at to <j.
Sales of hogs wore made at 4} to 4.80.
McNoese sold at 4 to 4J, Keaay wholesaled
at 4.35, and Needy & Smith sold at 4 to
At the East Liberty yards, the better
qualities of stockers sold at 2J- to 2}, and
feeders at 3 to 3.35.
Closed Monday at 106£, Tuesday at 106f,
Wednesday 107.
A sensational report from Warren Co.,
Monday, staggered the bulls and broke the
market 34 cts, but it recovered.
The situation iu the field is very bullish,
and the fact Bussia is sending to the Unit
ed States for larger orders of oil than here
tofore would seem to indicate a rapid do
cline in the Russian Held and is very en
couraging for the gentlemen in the oil
trade who are adorned with horns.
Eye, Ear, Nose and
Dr. Simpson. of Pittsburg, the
well-known oculist, will visit Butler
agaiu in Tuesday, Nov. sth, where
he can be consulted at the Lowry
House regarding all diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, in
cluding Cataract, Cross Eyes.Catarrh,
etc. lie has had a large and varied
experience and is an expert in his
line, hence persons requiring treat
ment shonld call and see him at once
at the Lowry House. One day only,
Tuesday, Nov. sth.
An Accident and its Lesson.
On Thursday morning of last week,
while Mr-<. Walter Ziegler. of E. Pearl St.,
was in her yard, lier little lioy, aged 2 or 3
year- I .placed his foot on the prate, in which
the gas was burning low, so that he could
tie his garter. A tongne of flame reached
his clothing, wlich mostly of cotton,
and in a moment it was in flames. A
little sister of the boy grabbad him by the
hand anil pulled him towards the door, and
Mrs. Ziegler met the children and hastily
extinguished the tlames, but the boy was
badly burned about the hips and neck and
for a while it was feared that ho had
breathed the flames—a thing that is always
fatal. His little sister's action in pulling
him away and thus throwing the flames in
another direction, and the pmmpt action
of the mother saved his life; but there is a
lesson in this and similar accidents occur
ring daily in the gas region, of which all
persons nsing gas for fuel should take heed,
and that is the dispensing with fenders
places the lives of your children in con
stant danger.
There are very few people in Hutler who
did not do away with their fenders when
they put gas in the house; and there stand
the #pen grate fires, always ready to set
Cre to the cotton aprons worn by all chil
dren—aprons that burn in a moment, right
up under the children's chins, and a whiff
from the flames of which issure death. So
put back your fenders, the higher the
better, and if your children must wear
cotton aprons and cotton underclothing,
make them an fire proof as possible by put
ting salt or alnm, or both, in the last rinse
water. This won't hurt the fibre in the
least, and it will make the goods burn
slowly, if accidentally set on lire.
Burglars Around.
An attempt was made to burglarize the
safe of the new feed store on Jefferson St.,
last Thursday night, but Policeman Henno
discovered the midnight mechanics at
their work and put them to flight. They
entered the building by forcing open the
front door, and blew open the safe, and
were scared away immediately after.
On Saturday night the safe of the P. A
W. station here was blown opou, but the
burglars secured hut a little small change
for their trouble.
The store of Jas. Morgan in Parker twp.
was robbed last Monday morning, of goods
worth fifty dollars.
The Buffalo Mill near Freeport was en
teicd on Tuesday night of last week; and
an effort was made to blow open the safe
of the West Penn station at Freeport Sat
urday night.
Burglaries have lutely been committed
in nearly every town within fifty miles of
A clothing store at Parker was burglar
ized Tuesday night.
Public Sales.
On Thursday, the 7th inst., Mr. T. 0.
Craig will have a sale of personal property,
stock, farming implements, grain, hay etc.
on his farm in Oakland Twp., three miles
north of Butler.
On Wednesday the 13th inst., Mr. Mich
ael Stepp of Middlesex Twp., will have a
public sale of fifteen head of Percheron and
Clyde horses, twenty head of Holstcin and
Short-Horn cattle, ninctoen head of Poland
China pigs, and some farming implements.
Mr. Stepp is one of the most extensive
stock raisers in the conuty, and this sale
will attract considerable attention.
W. C.Findley Esq. leased 100 acres of
Samuel Park's farm in Adams Twp. last
week, also parts of several other farms in
that vicinity.
C.F. L.McQuiston leased a part of Mrs.
Marshall's farm iu Connoquencssing Twp.
Mr. Jas. S. Hays is leasing iu T'nionvillc
and vicinity, for a company which propos
es putting down some test wells there^
—lt was rumored on our streets yester
day, that H. W. Christie had sold his in
terests in the hundred-foot territory ior
Cross Eyes Straightened.
Dr. Simpson,the oculist and auriat,
straightens cross eyes at once and
without pain or risk and as they are
detrimental to both appearance and
vision, no one should neglect to have
them corrected. Consult Dr. Simp
son at the Lowry House on . next
Tuesday, Nov. sth. He has operated
upon scores of cases without failure
and can assure success. Now is the
opportunity for those who have cross
eyes to have th em corrected at a rea
sonable cost.
A Strong Statement.
You will fiud a larger assortment
of Ladies', Misses' and Childrens'
wraps at RITTER & RALSTON'S than
is shown by any house in Pittsburg,
and at much lower prices. No rent,
light expenses. Same freight from
Neiv York as Pittsburg.
Chinese Medicines.
The distinguished Chinaman, Gun
Wa, who is located in Pittsburg, in
spite of a foolish prejudice against his
people, has won many iriends and
converts to the Chinese method of
treating diseases. Though not per
mitted to practice or to visit the sick,
his office is thronged daily with
sufferers, who have heard of his fame
and come to buy his celebrated medi
90 Cents and Up,
Blankets, at RITTER & RALSTON'S.
Cataract blindness and all diseases
of the eye or its appendages are
promptly cured by Dr. Simpson, the
oculist, when cases presents them
selves for treatment in time. Con
sult him at Lowry House, Butler, on
next Tuesday, Nov. sth.
—Some trades are affected by the
financial condition of the and
others by the prevailing styles; but as
everybody must have stoves, the
trade iu them increases regularly
with the population. For a clean,
neat, durable atove or range, try one
of Christ Stock's Etna-Es and you
will have no other. They are the best
beaters and bakers in the market;
they are up to the times and Christ's
trade in them has increased with the
population of the town.
—Spectacles scientifically and ac
curately adjusted in the most difficult
cases by Dr. Simpson, the oculist.
Call on him at Lowry House, on
Tuesday, Nov. sth.
We still have a large lot of Wraps
that were with the goods damaged
by water. are perfect, bqt sell
in? at lesß than half price.
—Nasal polypi, catarrh and all
other diseases of the nose and throat
are scientifically and successfully
treated by Dr. Simpson, the ocnlist
and aurist. Persons requiring treat
ment should consult him at the
Lowry House, Butler, on next Tues
day, Nov. sth.
For Sale.
A good horse. Inquire at CITIZEN office
Butler, Pa.
The Supreme Court, sitting in Pittsburg,
Monday, handed down decisions in three
liijuor cases, arising under the Brooks
liquor law. one from Jefferson Co., one
from Somerset Co. and one from Butler
Co., in each of which tho lower courts were
sustained. The tir.-t case was that of a di>
tiller who applied for a mandamus on the
Conrt to grant him a license: the second
was that of three men convicted of illegal
liquor selling after taking out a County
Treasurer's license, and the third was the
appeal of James Sellers, of this county,
from the judgment and sentence of the
Quarter Serious here At Sept. T.. ISB7. on
grounds of the unconstitutionality of the
act, defective title, etc. The Court in its
opinion holds that the act is sound and
constitutional, that the title is a true index
to its contents, and that as the license was
granted in April, 1887, prior to the passage
of the Brooks law, sentence should not
have been passed according to the pro
visions of that act The J ustiee said the
object was to leave intact the laws enacted
prior to the adoption of the present Consti
tution, and when the defendant accepted
his license he did so subject to the laws
then in force, or that might thereafter be
passed. The Commonwealth does not in
tend to barter aw»v the right to legislate
on the subject of intoxicating liquor. Error
in the trial was not shown and the judg
ment of the lower t'ourt i- allirmed and
record remitted. Xo other Butler county
cases have vet been decided.
The Supreme Court ha-* refused to inter
fere in the case of Zach. Taylor, of
Greene Co., sentenced to be hanged for the
murder of the drover McCausland, and who
appealed on the ground that one of the
jurors was incompetent for the reason that
he made the remark, "We will hang the
whole gang of them." and also that some
of the jurymen had read the accounts of
the murder. The Chief Justice says: ""We
have repeatedly held that the test of the
competency of a juror in a capital case is
hi° ability to render a verdict upon the
evidence alone, uuinfluonced by any
opinion he may have previously formed
from newspaper or other reports of the
In the l". S. Court, last Friday, the sen
tence of R. 0. Day, convicted of counter
feiting, was again suspended; and young
Texter, convicted of opening letters, was
sentenced to one year in the county jail.
At Pittsburg, last Saturday. Judge
White sentenced two j-onng men, one to
six years and the other to three years in
the penitentiary, for enticing a 15-year-old
girl to the city "for immoral purposes. One
of the men sentenced was a merchant of
A novel point came up in the criminal
court of Delaware county, Wednesday, in
volving the construction of the Brooks high
license law, a yeung man in Chester being
indicted for giving liquor to a minor. The
Brooks bill fixes a penalty for giving liquor
to a minor, "with or without a license."
The court held the party was not liable to
indictment, as the title of the act was "to
regulate and restrain the sale of liquors,
etc.," and that it only applies to persons
who are in the business of selling liquors,
who give to minors. The case was taken
front the jury by the judge and the defen
dant acquitted.
General Kpwley, of Pittsburg, and sev
eral others have brought suit vs. the P. R.
R. Company for damages caused by the
accident at Sarver station.
Special Court for the trial of civil cases
meets in Butler next week. The following
cases are on the trial list: Pringle for' use
vs. Christie; Stayton for use vs. Graham
ct al; Xegley vs. P. & W. R. R.; Stephen
son et al vs. Bovard et al; McElroy, trus
tee, vs. Klingensmith ct al; Kaylor ct al
vs. Kaylor ct al; Bole vs. Mcßride; Wal
ter vs." Lawall; Boylo for use vs. Smith
man; Dal/ell Bros. vs. P. R. R. Company;
Titley vs. Pierce et al; Marshall vs. Mc-
Kee; Wilson vs. Frazier; Gibbs «i- Sterritt
vs. Hazlett ct. al.; Brackney A Hunt vs.
llusclton; Bartueski vs. Magee et. al.;
Donnelly ct. al. vs. Billiard et. al.; Don
nelly et. al. vs. Norcross et. al.; Dindinger
vs. Kin rick; Cranmer for use vs. Tebay;
Knapp vs. Earhart; Hartzell vs. Titley;
Magee vs. W. it A. Pipe Line; Kennedy
vs. Crawford; Kelly et. al. vs. Uildebran'd
et. al.; Kilroy vs. Poor District of Petrolia;
Magee vs. McCrea; Harbison vs. Shnster,
2 cases; Daniel vs. Hays Bros.; McCandless
vs. Humphrey et. al.; Scheel vs. German;
Armor vs. Vogeley et. al.; Tiflt Sons it Co.
vs. Stoughton.
Letters of administration were granted
to Eva Kehling on estate of Jos. Kehliug,
of Summit township, also to Adam Byerly
on estate of Eliza Byerly, of Buffalo, also
to Erailinc Croup and Samuel Schlagel on
estate of Lyman Croup, of Butler township.
Chas. Harkless had John Vogel returned
for stealing a dog. and W. E. Reed re
turned Paul Mcßride for surety of the
The will ol' Satuuel Sheldon, of Parker
township, was probated and lotters to W.
A. Fleming and John T. Barr; also will of
Elizabeth Pfeister, of Oakland township,
no letters; also will of Rheinhart Dmshell,
of Forward township, no letters; also will
of Henry Rape, of JSelienoplo, and letters
to A darn Rape.
L. S. Merit is in jail on a charge of as
sault and battery.
The County Commissioners are sending
out the election papers this week.
Jas. Bredin to H. 11. Goncher, lots in
Butler for $3,000.
L. Hammond to AV. E. Reed, lot in But
ler for $4,200.
G. K. Keck to Ada Albert, lot in Butler
for $250.
A. B. Eshenbaugh to "W. D. Eshenbaugh,
93 acres in Clay township for $5,000.
John Berg to D. B. Campbell, lot in
Butler for $3,500.
J. G. Hoffman, trustee, to S. M. Gold,
120 acres in Butler, Centre and Franklin
townships for sl.
G. C. Roessing to J. M. Leighner, lot in
Butler for SI,BOO.
M. E. Cooper to J M. Leighner, lot in
Centrevillc for S4O.
I). A. Renfrew to R. S. Kirkpatrick. lot
in Renfrew for $75.
M. E. Bole to Mary Gray, lot in Donegal
lor S2OO.
F M. Campbell to Eliza McXanghton lot
in AVest Sunbury for S4OO.
W. H- Bitter to Geo. H. Lcidockor lot in
Butler for $3-100.
Marriage Licenses.
Wendcl Aschc Summit twp
Katie McDowell Summit twp
George Black Rochester, Pa.
Nancy Johnston Harmony, Pa.
Anderson J. Kennedy Adams twp
Sadie Rosebaugh Adorns twp
Chas. L. Patterson ...Middlesex twp
Jennie BotUU. --, T Penn twp
JaUii A. Lackey Oakland twp
Emma Hamilton Fall-view twp
John Huggins Allegheny county
Emma Day Clay twp
James B. Nicholas Butler twp
Nannie Bell Summit twp
James D. Todd Winfield twp
Lilias Amelda Clark "
At Pittsburg—Monday, Edward C. Dap
ple. of Allegheny, and Anuip C. Helmbolu.
of Butler county.
—J. W. Xunstie, of St. Joe sta
tion, was operated upon (or cross
eyea by Dr. Simpson, the oculist, dar
ing bis last trip to Butler, lie went
home much pleased with the result
and was charged only a third of the
price asked before by another oculist.
Silks and Fine Dress Goods.
A larger stock and finer assortment
than you cau find in the combined
stock of all other dealers, at
—J. J. the drover, wants
all farmers and stockraisers to know
that he still deals in stock of all kinds.
Any persons having any to sell
should address him Loc£ Box 92C,
Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob
Reiber, Jefferson St.
—Best makes of black and colored
Henriettas from 25 cents to $1.35 per
yard. Silk Wraps Henriettas from
90 oents to $3. Fine serges, de
almas, tamise, sebastopols, and many
other styles of fine Dress Goods at
lowest prices at
—Onr Mr. Bitter has just returned
from New York, where he has been
purchasing our third stock of Pry
Goods, Carpets, Wraps, for thin
season—how is that for trade:
No. 3.
We told you in the early spring liow we
had begnn nnd carried on our l>ui~ne« for
nine years; al*o why we liad hx-ated at But
ler. And lastly, we told you of onr success
in business. Now we are poinjr to tell you
something that will be especially interest
ing to you if you want a vehicle of any kind
or a set of good harness for a very low
]>rice. The winter is approaching and we
are selling lots of work., yet we liud that
unless we sell at least one hundred buggies
spring wagons, buckwagons. 4c., during
the next month, we will not have room
enough for our large stock of sleighs, <tc.,
that we have coming on. and will have to
let something .stand out in the weather.
This wont do. It would damage the work
and cause us great loss as well as annoy
ance. Therefore we have decided to stand
the loss bv giving it to onr fellow-citizens
instead of the weather. Now listen: dont
misunderstand us; we mean it; we never
lie if we know it; listen carefully: From
now until November 15 we will "sell any
thing we have in the buggy, spring wagon
buckwagon, and harness line at prices away
below what either we or anyone else can
afford. We don't like to do this, but its
"Hopkins choice" with us—either sell them
cheap or let them stand out in the storm.
We prefer to do what will most benefit our
fellow-citizens, for we are going to stay
here, and whatever helps our fellow-men
will in the end help us. Now don.t forget.
This is only for the next 30 days—till No
vember 15—for to make such prices any
longer would mean bankruptcy in sis
months, we have always sold cheaper
than anyone else, but the prices we are
making now almost make us sick. But
come along. Keep us company, whether
yon want to buy or not. We don't want
any time to think ov«r our losses. Its got
to be done, and we go to this trouble and
expense to give all a fair chance without
any distinction on account of race, color or
creed. We have every kind of work from
the cheapest to the very best. Come and
see. We have over is,ooo square feet of
floor packed solid with all kinds of work.
Come along and get the bargains, for we
wonld rather give it to yon than run the
work out in the weather. It's one way or
the other. Take vour choice. We liave
everything in the Cart, Barness, Robe and
Blanket line.
S. B. MARTiscoraT & Co., Cunningham
Street, Butler. Pa.
—Try to induce ycur neighbor to
—We have ten thousand dollars
worth of furniture in our three ware
rooms at No. 19 Jefferson St., Butler.
Pa. The best as well as the cheap
est, but all the best made for the price,
All persons will find it to their ad
vantage to examine our stock and as
certain our prices before purchasing.
—Use Double All O. K. Horse and
Cattle Powders,best in the world. A
sure and speedy cure for heaves,
coughs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough
ness of skin, and all kidney diseases.
For sale by J. C. REDICK,
2-18-3 m No. 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa.
—Take your children to Zuver'a
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
you. Anderson building.
—Subscribe for the CITIZEN, the
oldest Republican paper of the county
—We are selling furniture lower
than it has ever before been sold in
Butler, and after using it you will
say that it is what we said it was,
otherwise no sale at MILLER BRO'S,
No. 19 Jefferson St.,
—Use Double All O. K. Horse Linij
ment, best in the world. For swell
ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore shoulders,
ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has
no equal. For sale by J. C. REDICK,
2-18-3 m. No. 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa.
—s4s is all that it takes to buy a
good top buggy at Martincourt &
Co's, at their own warerooms on
Cunningham St, We live in Butler.
We pay no rent nor board bills. We
do the work ourselves—aud sell you
the very same buggy for $45, that
others, who are at expanse for travel
ing, etc., must sell for $55 to SGO.
Do you care for $lO or sls. If you
don't then buy from others. If you
do then walk down Cunningham St.
to our place.
—A. No. 1. all husk mattress, guar
anteed, not mixed with excelcer at a
lower figure than can be had elso
where in Butler, at Miller Bros',
furniture store, No. 19 Jefferson St.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
—Beautiful pictures at very low
prices at Miller Bros.' furniture store,
No. 19 Jefferson St.
—Just opened a big lot of Fine Per
cales, best goods and choicest stylos,
at prices ranging from 8 to 12J cents
per yard at
—On White Goods, Embroideries,
Laces and Ribbons we can save you
For the next sixty days, in order
to reduce our stock, we will quote
special low prices on all our stock.
We have on hands thirty bed room
sets ranging from $lB to $l5O per
Thirteen upholstered parlor suits
ranging from $35 to $l5O per suit.
Parlor stands from $2,50 to $lO.
Lounges from $2,50 to $25.
Hat rocks from $8 to S3O.
Tables from $1.25 to $lO.
Wash-stands from $2 to $lB,
Bureaus from $9 to
Sets of chairs fram $2.75 to sl6 per
Secretaries from sl6 to S4O.
Easy chairs, handsome piotures,
room ornaments, etc., any of which
would both useful and appropri
ate pre9onts.
No. 19, Jefferson St,. Butler, Pa.
—The only place in Butler where
you can get those handsome Jersey
Blouses is at
—Everything in the Baggy,
Wagon, Cart and Harness line cheap
Cunningham St., Butler.
Attention, Farmers 1
50 cents per bushel is offered for
1 will make you 24 to 25 pounds of
flour to the bushel out of dry buck
wheat. The merchants are paying
$2.£5 to $2.50 per cwt and that
equals you 55 to C 2 cents for your
buckwheat, and still have the feed
NOTE: —Eveu at 2 cents per pound
your buckwheat will bring you 50
cents and still have the feed.
Alex. Borland,
SPKIIIGDALE, Next Door to Waller s.
1 \ M I '■ ■
.iperil attention given to r*pairiug of al
Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes'
and Nuns Veiling always ready for use.
No. 18. Honth Main Street, - - - HUTLERi
I)UKITY IN prescriptions is (
1 absolutely essential or else
physician and patient will l>oth
be disappointed. Certain drugs
if not properly taken eare ol
become in»-rt and if dispensed
are worthless. We make a
specialty of Idling physicians'
prescriptions and home recipes
and none but pure drugs dis
pensed, every article "guaran
teed to be just as represented.
It we do not have in stock
what is wanted we lrnnlky tell
you so and will be glad to get
it for you at the earliest pos
sible moment. We are head
quarters for the Drug Trade of
Butler county and it is seldom
you will find us out of what
is called for. We ask you to
come and see us, make our store
your stopping place when in
town, leave your packages and
call for them when you wish.
C. N. IJOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
Parties wishing to invest monej', certain
to bring fair returns, are invited" to care
fullv investigate the inducements offered
WORKS." The stock consists of 8,000
shares, the par value ot which is SSO.
For the farther developing of the works,
some of this stock is put on the market.
For prices and particulars inquire of
JAS. F. BHITTAIN, Butler, Pa.
Office on Diamond.
If You Want
to see the largest assortment of
Ladies', Misses'and Children's Wraps
go to Bitter <fc Ilalston's. Bemem
ber,these wraps have not been travel
ing all over the couutry since last
June as samples, but are new, fresh
goods, made this season to our order,
for our trade.
—The latest styles of hats and
caps just received at
J. P. T. STEnLE'S.
—Fine Challies at f>{ cents. Large
liuoof Fine Dress Ginghams, Zeph
yrs and Seersuckers at 10 and 12A
cents at
—A full line of childrens' hats and
caps at
—Consult your own interests and
examine our stock of furniture, uphol
stered suits, chairs, mattresses, etc.,
before purchasing. MILLER BRO'S.,
No. 19, Jefferson St.
—Great bargains in Caps at
—Good carts for sls at Martin
court <fc Co's, Cunningham St., But
—A full line of winter gloves, at
low prices, at
Merino Sheep for Sale
All Btock —both sexes—guaranteed
as represented. Also the Holstein-
Friesian bull, No. 2378, 11. F. H, B
For particulars address,
Slipperyrock, P.O.
Butler county, Pa.
—The Eighuiic Patent Shirt for
sale at
Next door to the Postoffice, has a
splendid line of Clothing, Overcoats,
Pants, Hats and Gents Furnishing
Goods in stock, which he invites
everybody to examine before pur
chasing. He feels certain that he
cau save his customers money on all
Fall and Winter Goods.
—New black and colored silks,
Satin Bbademes, Satin De Luxons,
surahs, moires and gros grains, best
makes and warranted to wear. Prices
lower than elsewhere at
Who is W. M. Nickle?
How many stores does he buy for?
Does ho steal his goods?
It looks like it.
Such a stock. Such prices. A two
hundred box of matches, one cent; one
dozen clothes pins, one cent; a full
size one pint tin, one cent; a two
quart covered bucket, 0 cents; one
gallon bucket, 7 cents; a paper of
needles, one cent; a full set dinner
plates, 25 cents; tumblers, 2 cents; a
ull line glassware, full line tinware,
ewelry, notions. Opposite Bank.
—Our line of corsets can't be beat,
we have them from the lowest priced
goods up to the finest aitia at $3.50
per pair. Also a full line of ladies
and Misses Corset Waists.
—lf you think the CITIZEN a wor
thy county paper, help us along by
subscribing for it.
—Just received—a large line of
Stockinet Jackets and Fine Beaded
Wraps at
—lt is well known that we do the
Hosiery trade of the town. One
trial will convince you that you can
do better with us than any piaeo
Alllf KTBTIQEOQ or oth«rs.wno *o •iimlt*
«U J til I Ivklld tM , s* obUin »
on idvtrti&lng tfC , N y.ucn in will find tt on fi'e *4
The Cash Shoe Store!
Boots, Shoos and Rubbers
We Buy for Cash!
Laro'e Stock ot' Shoes!
Large Stock of Slippers!
Large Stock of Boots!
Large Stock of School Shoes!
Large Stock of Rubbers!
Our Motto "Low Prices."
Our Watchword "Cash."
We cau save you money,
iSo. 1)5 8. Main Street, Butler, Pa.
I have enlarged ray store-rocm. In fact, made I
It almost twice as large as It was before, and
have also Increased my stork. I have, by far.
the largest and best selected stock of
Fine I trims mid Chemicals
In Butler county, nnd am now tn position to
supply the wants of the people of this county
even better than In the past,
You will do w-11 to cull on me when in tar
need ol anything In the line of
Fine Drugs and Medicines,
My stock Is very complete ami PRICES VERY
I.OW, In medicine quality Is of the first Impor
tance. so we give particular attention to nuiiitr
our Dispensing Department Is complete. We
dispense only Pure Drugs of the
Finest Quality,
and our patrons may bring us ineir prescrip
tions, feeling certain that they will he carciully
and accurately filled.
Thanking the public lor the very geuerous
patronage they nave accorded me lu the past. 1
Lope to bo able to serve them more acceptably
In the future, at the old stand.
No. 5, North Main St.,
Do Not Neglect Your Eyesight
1). L. Cleelaud, of the firm
of Cleeland & Ralston, jewelers,
having attended a course of
lectures called the Opticians
Course, is now prepared to
test and correct the following
defects of the eyes —Presby-
opia, Hyperraetropia, Myopia,
[and Astigmatism. Come one
! and all, old and young, that
have imperfect vision and have
your eyes te6ted and correct
ad by
Practical Optician.
Corner of Diamond, Butler, Pa.
East Diamond - - Butler, Pa.
Goods collected and delivered
in all parts of the town.
B* J nilpav this to our salesmen. OUTFIT
\II||IKKKM can start you al once. Scud
U I Ull fur terms to
J. AUSTIN SHAW. Niir«rrj m»n, Rorkeatcr, N.Y
I ———
AtlfbUide in »liH CjTIZKN
TO 00 TO
If you want good goods and get jußt
w hat you pay for, for
several reasons:
FIRST. The stock is three tim««
as large to select from as any other
house in Butler
SECOND. Each and every custom
er is told just what the goods are
made of and the same price to every
one be they rich or poor.
Some storeß size the customer np
as be entors their door and nams the
price on the boot or shoe accordingly,
if you are a judge of boots and shoes
you may get even, but the chances
in ten to one against yon, of having
u jay an extra half dollar on your
shoes that the fellow that jußt went
out as you came in got off his pur
chase to even up things (as yon see)
they saji.
THIRD. We buy direct from the
the manufacturer, others bay from
jobbers or middlemen, we save yoa
this profit other dealers pay to the
jobber, that extra money we give to
our customers in solid leather, Style
and the lowest price that caa be
These are a lew reasons why our
trade is increasing all the time all
over the county. Our reputation for
good reliable Boots and Shoes and
Straight Prices is A No. 1. Good
poods and low prices, do the work.
1 You can't afford to buy from any
house that don't sustain a reputation
for straight business and reliable in
every respect.
We want you to see our immense
stock of Men's, Boys' and Yontha'
kip boots. Mens, $1.50 and op;
boys, 1-5 $1.25 and up; yonths, 11-13
$1 and up; childrens, 50c and up.
In high and low instep, i D. S. or i
soles with box toe, at $3 and up.
Women's, Misses' and Childrens'
calf, kip and veal unliued at 75c and
up, in women's, endless variety in
lace and button, in grain, glove
grain, oil grain and calf at $1 and np.
Childrens' School Shoes.
We lead them all. We have the
goods. They will resist water.
Wear all winter. What's the matter
with our competitors is they Bhould
be in the 3 minute class and they are
entered in the 2:2o—it is far to fast
for them, they can't win.
Men's, Women's and Childrens'
fine shoes aud slippers in endless va
riety of styles and prices, try a pair,
they will win your lasting favor.
Old Ladies' worm shoes and slip
pers at 50c, 75c and sl.
We lead in rubbers in quantity,
styles and prices.
leather and Findings.
Wu do all kinds of repairing.
Wo will positively save you big
money in footwear.
Come and Bee us.
tn old flrni Kff«rfniv» *v»iuirv»!. VermJUK^!
4mU >*r? s uit fcuoJ., I-