VOL XXVI TfIirAMKMI. * * . » SSI 30^*AIH.ST.^ x i • |pJ 1 THE VERY PEOPLE WHOj HAVE THE LEAST MONEY j Are your wages small. TO SPEND ARE THE ONES j Ar,> yon the head ol a l family? OUR RELIABLE CLOTHING j „ r , . ~ .... With marketing bills RBEANS MOST TO j largo v With house rent a drug on you? Low prices for honest, long-wearing Clothing will be a boot> to ycur pocket-book and your back. Get an Iron-clad Cloth Suit at £l2. Strongest All-Wo Suit we know of. Nobody else sells it. Get J. N. PATTERSON'S Cloth Suit at $Hi. For dress and everyday wear combined it's wonderful value. No matter how fine a suit you want lor dress or business we have that at a low price. There is no t»j;en question about Boys' Clothing. We are not only pioteers, but to-day's leaders in styles and qualities highest excellence and lowest prices. Kemember the place. J. N. PATTERSON'S. One Price Clothing House, 29 8. MAIN ST., BUTLEB, PA. HENRY 13IEHL 14 NORTH MAIN STREET, BTJTIjER - PEJSI UST'A DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. (2500 Stitches Per Minute.) Agricultural Implement*, Kramer Wagons, Bupgies, Carts, Wheel Barrotvs, Hrnmmcr Washing Machines, New Sunshine and Howard Ranges, Stoves, Table and pocket Cutlery, Hanging Lamps. Man ufacturer ol Tinware, Tin Rooting and Spouting A Specialty. WHERE A CHILI) CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN. There is no Doubt As lo where you should buy your now dress, if economy is the object you have in view, and you will Agree with us, after you have examined our lino and prices in Silks, Satins, Cashmeres, Serges, Hen rettas, Broadcloths, Flannels, English Suitings in plain and novelty plaids. U N" I ) re R W re A- R For Ladies, Gents. Misses and Children which we know can not l»e equaled anywhere for value and price. Blankets, Flannels, Yarns, Plushes, Velvets, Ribbon, Hos iery and Notions ol all kinds. CARPETS, OH, CLOTHS, AND LACE CURTAINS In all the new fall patterns and designs. We are showing the grandest line of Ladies, Misses and Cliildrens o=L,=0 —A=K=B Ever brought to Butler, to convince you that the place to do your trading is with us.all we ask is that you call and examine prices and be convinced. TR OUTMAN'S. ■ I«eadina Dry Goods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa- BARGANS in WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry And silverware. finest stock ol Sterling Silverware in the county and at prices not to lie equalled for cash. Watches r nnd Clocks repaired and warranted, at J. R. GRIEB'S No. 16 South Main St., (Sitfn of ELECTRIC BELL), RIJTLIER, PA. HfEAI>ViLI,K fIONSEIIVATOUY OF \[I!8IC, A hli.li tr.wl.- iii.i.tuttou With fa< ilities m Mum. and Art *eiond lo no school In the count! y. Ktjipioyi. only teachers of ex|» rlf nee and eminent reputation. l ight separate courses In Mutfc Includti.R ait bran. In s Vocal and Instrumental. Is aniliated with Alleghi ny College which #c -TUMusic a* an elective study. Thorough Courses In Painting. Drawing. Wnod-Carvlng and Physical culture. Diplomas granted ttn»i. compk-tlng any one ot the courses. Excellent boarding tacillUas at very moderate rate*, students admitted to any grade. Fall Te nn begins Beptemfci r Ith Send for I'atalogue «« JIKS. /I VIA V HILL, IMrwrtur, BssdOUe, Pa. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. IONAL • Th'* .nit"' r trH'ltulton furoW.ilnln? » HllSilli-.-- :(!!..11. V.,' have successfully Ihp ii i'il I !:o'i-r. ii.J -. timai»:n|». lira.-.;,,-. Kiigliah H.*nr},««, «te. Klv«r laqti', hall-* containing nearly Jo,o«a »«jriarf f«**t, hoainl l»j l iteral ji>, Fur • I the penmen in the work! • nnn#rt«*t with Ui' Oil- •«*. I?t graduate* are a«n:«t~1 In pro 'iirit z k<»Hi !•«•. tir H.tn -,-. stuieota can rnmm<*ncr <1 any Kxpenie* i <-*ily onc-htlf M than any similar school. Kn< •« 4 i «. lu Hann.i :• r the •' Reporter " and elrf*nt uaaut 4.f femn.Miai.il>. * Urfsi, A. W. SMITU. Mea lrtUe, Pa. TIVO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BROOKE HALL, For Girls and Young Ladies. Short lidge Media Academy, For Boys and Young Men. SWITHiN C 3HORTLIDGE. A M (HARVARD GRADUATE.) MEDIA, PA., (Near Philadelphia.) "BARGAINS" IN wall Paper. For the next sixty days we: will offer bargains in all our ! gilt and embossed wall papers, in order to reduce stock and; make room for Holiday Goods, J. H. Douglass, Near Postoflice, Butler Pa. J. E. K aster, Practical Slate Hoofer. Ornamental and Plain Slating Of all kinds iloue on short notice. Office with W. 11. Morris. No. 7, N. Main St„ Residence North Elm street, Butler, Pa. WE F. Miller. Manulaclurer of Stair Hails, Balustsre and Newel-posts. All kinds of wood turning done to order, also Decorated and Carved wood-work, such as Casing, Corner blocks, Panels and all kinds of fancy wood-work for inside decoration of houses. CAI.L AND SEE SAMPI.KS. SO'm thin;; new and attractive. Also PURKITURE at inwext'eash prices. Store at No. to, N. Main street. Factory at No. 59, N, Washington street, lit TI.KK. PKNNA. BUY YOUR HOMESj lotted Security Ltf and Trust Co., of I'll, Money to Buy Homes. Monthly due 3 not more llian a ralr rent. Pay ments decrease yearly. In event, of death prior to completion of payments, balance of en eumbrance canceled. Money to Loan. Real estate bought and sold on commission. Wanted lion -en to rent and rents collected. L. G. LINN, No 38 South Main St., Butler, I'a. over l.lnn's Drug Store. SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters, of more than 80 years experi ence. have opened their store in the Geo. Reiber block, on Jefferson St. opposite the I.owry House, with a full line of Plumber's Supplies. GAS FIXTURES.AND OI.OBES, HANGING AND TABLE LAMPS, NATI'ItAI. GAS BURNERS. Xc Jobbing promptly 'attended to. and your pat onage respectfully solicited. UHIOH WeiLEN 1111, HtlTl.l'll, PA. II KULLERTON, Prop'r, Blankets*, Flannels and Yarn Manufactured ofl'ure llnt lei County Wool. We guarantee our goods to In- strictly all wool and noarsenle or any other poisonous material used In dyeing. We sell Wholesale or retail. Samples and price* furnished free to dealers on , application by mall. \\! ANTED —Agents to solicit orders lor our " choice and hardy Nursery .Slock. Staily Work For Flicriri-t lr lYmiirrato Men. Salary ami expenses or commission If dre;>r d. \V rite at once. State Age, Ad tire ss. R. 6. Chase & PROFESSIONAL CARDS. P. W. LOWKY, ATTORNEY AT I. AW. ftooin No.And>rs,n il<>lilli«e on second iloor i ! Xi-iv Anderson itlock Main Sr . near Diamond. - IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law, Ofllfe st No. 17, East .le/fer son St., Butler. Pa, W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at Lau and lieal Estate Agent, of flee rear of L. Z. Mitchell s office on north side of Diamond, Butler I'.. H. li. GOUCfIEH. Atiorney-at-Uw. OiTlte on second floor of Anderson lmthlitu r , near f'ouff floiisp. Butler, Pa. J. t. BKITTAIN. Att*y at at S. &. < 'or. Main St, :md Diamond, Butler, i'a. NEWTON BLACK. Att'y at I.aw- office o.'i South side of Diamond Butler. I'a. JOHN M. RUSSELL, Attorney-at-Law. Office on South side of Dia mond, Butler, I'a. C. F. L. McQUISTION, K\(. I XKF.It AND SURVEYOR, OFFICE ON DIAMOND, BITTER. PI. G M. ZIMMERMAN. NIVAIL'IAS AND SL'KQEON, Office at No. 43. S. Main street., over Frank 4 i.Vs Diujf Store, Butler, Pa, SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. No. 10 West Cunningham St., | BUTLER, ZPETvTINr'A. W. R. TITZEL. ! PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. S. W. Corner Mnin and North Sta. iBUTJjER PBJM !tT' A. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to tlie profession execut ed m the neatest manner. Specialties Hold Fillings, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Offlrr on Jefferson Street, one door East ofl.owrj liouiie, t'p Ktalra. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention, N. U.—The only Dentist In Rntler living the : lies! nmkes of teeth. | L 8. McJUNKLtf, | Insurance and Keal Estate As't 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. BUTLER, - PA. E E. ABRAMS& CO Fire and Life IN HIT RANGE lnsuranci/ Co.of North America, incor porated capital $3,000,000 and other stroni? companies represented. New York Life Insurance Co., assets $90,000,000. Ofliee New Ilusclton building near Court House. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROEBSING, PBSSIDBNT. \VM. CAMPBELL TUKASUUKR 15 C. lIEINEMAN, SKORKTAIIY DIRECTORS; J, I. Purvis, Sauiuel Andersou, . William Camphell J. \V. lturkhart, A. Trout man, Henderson Oliver, Uoesslnt?, .lames Stephenson, l>r. W. Irvln, Henry Whltmlre. J. F. Taylor. H. C. Ileincnuui, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Oeu. As't- J3TTTXj"EI , IP A. Planing Mill -AND- Liuiiber Yai*d J. L. FURVIh. L. O. FUKVIB S.Gr. Purvis&Co. MANCFA(TUI:I£ttH AND DEALERS IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF ICV IKlf DKaCKtPTION, SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MILL AND YARD NeArUerniau Catholic Ohnrcb L. c. WICK:, DEALER IN Rough and Worked Lumber or ALL KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. & W Bepot, BUTLER, - PA. Jordan's Restaurant All our readers visiting liutler will do well to go to Sam Jordan's restaurant lor their meals. We serve lunches, soft drinks, tobacco and cigars. No. 4, S. Main St., under SchoeideniaD's clothing store. BUTLKR, PA.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER i, IBBD- ME AND URIAH. Me and Uriah luul pot aluue lir. t rale ! fur about tliirty year or o. T hen the lo , of gain pot a hold on ine, and [ made up in} mind to keep summer hoarder There was the ttiinl.er us tin y d inaile enough to Lny a m w kerrridge to t ike uai to iini-iin', ami tlif-ri' was Ihe I'opliu.-es that had all jione into silk • fur the same eau -e; aud I sez lo I rmli. t-'ez 1 "l.onk a here, Henry," that's my pet iiauie for I'riaii. "why not' e/ I. "Well, maniiuy. said 1 riah, lhal his 'pi t tiaiue fur tue; ''trell, I duuiio a there j is any reason pertickeler ajr'in it, only we're been so kinder comfortable a ; we be. We'll hev to do more, and we'll hev to buy lols of things; and cookin' fur twenty ain't like co.ikiu' fur two, 'specially when the two ain't peraieketty and i healthy. ! rou'd on«ht to hear farmer l'oggins wish to ninssy his wife would give up takin' am. She's been to bed. with the doctor comin' twice a day, on account of overwork. Boarders ain't all angels, and keepin' nm ain't ail parrydice." '•But think of the money, my precious! old honey," seat I, makin' potry withont | meaning to do it, or hevin' the talent el' I hed tried with before me and a new bottle of ink sot handy. "Think how you will kinder say tu yourself: "Xow there is so much banked." I shan't spend it on rib lions or kerridges. We'll bank it and get satisfaction out of it, aud you and me won't hev no fear fur our old age. What's a lit tle more workt You ain't but fifty, and I ain't but forty-seven. We've got our health and strength; it won't hurt us." ''lt mar in other ways," sez Uriah. "But I never hinder you from actiu' as you please, aud I never shall, Nancy." And so the next day 1 jez went down to New York and it put inter the paper that Mrs. Pott let on of Stopover would take a few select summer hoarders. Plenty of fresh eggs and milk, fruit, mountain air, and not many inuskeeters. •Say none," sez the young man at the desk, when ho read the advertisement —he wuz a young man I knowed to speak to — "say no muskeeters, Mrs. Pottleton, as the rest does." "The rest tells fibs, then," sez I. "they i? some everywhere." "Leave it out altogether then sez he, and so I did, and put in my prices instead Well, I got lots of answers, and by the middlde of June I had fifteen boarders. Me and Uriah was sleeping in the barn. I wuz obleegi-d to keep help, which wuz a great trial, and I wuz beginning to run down considerahul from work and anxiety. Still ten fifteens is one hundred and" fifty, as I used to keep .-ayiu' to myself when I got up feeling like a boiled owl, and I wasn't going to give up after pettin' inj' own way ag'in Uriah, the way I had pot it. 1 iliinno but I'd hev stuck to it cf it hadn't been for the .lessamys. Tliey were city folkses, and came down one Monday mornin*. The ma, Miss Jessamy, was one of the -away kiud of widilers, dressed prinei pally in bugles. She shone comin' up the road considerahul more'n a tin peddler. The darters was siilceii and eighteen and twenty -one. They were laced aud bust led out, and frizzled and ribboned like Christmas dolls in New York show wind ers. And they brought down trunks enough for an army, and the game ; they called lawn tenuis and archery. The fust was balls and bats and nettiu's. The was bow arrers and a target. But they couldn't find no place for their ten nis, and the lamentin* ond the . igliiu' and the appcalin' to dear Mr. Pottleton to give them ground enough, until Uriah made a blamed fool of himrelf and squared off one of the hay-medders for'nm, and rolled it aud helped 'em to sot nets, and went and made ru >t.ie seats for 'em, and wam't to be seen only ht meal time, for the best part of the week. Well, I calkerlated on I riah belpin' inc. lu old time ef 1 hed pitnkiu pies to make he'i\ cijt up the puukin, and he'd heat up the oven—Uriah was real smart for a man, and never bavin' no children he did lots of things for me—hung out the clothes some times when there warn't no need of him onto the farm, and he used to stand for me drape to my skirts on like a lamb. But now. when I hed more to do th.tn I ever hed in my life before, he didn't come nigh me. I bore it quite a spell before I spoke. But one liipht I waked up in our bed in the barn, aggravated by re.metnberiu' that I'd had to split my own kiudlin's that day, und I said all I had to say—bottlin' up so long I had plenty. "Nancy Pottleton," said he, when 1 got through, "I'm sorry about the kindlin', but as fur comin' in makin' Miss Nany of my self before strange help 1 carn't do it. Be twixt you and me it was all right I told you keepin' boarders would alter things. You've got to entertain company when you've got it." "You've got to feed 'eni good," ssz I; "but I dunno as you've got to kite around accordin' to their directions." "Wall, I've promised tu fix up the tennis grounds," sez'Uriah. "It? a spleudid game. I'm goin' to get a snit and bats tomor rer, aud buy me a bow. I wuz up head at liow-arrer, v. hen I was a boy an' ef I can't hit that bull's ej'e every time I'll give up." "I have give up already, sez I. "Are you goin' to get short trousers and striped jacket?" "Regular teuni i suit," sez Uriah, "what ever it is. I want to show theui York folks that I ant a< good as they be, ef not a little belter." When 1 heerd them words I couldn't express my sentiments no way but in groans. I laid upon my pillar in a kind o' comiuer fur quite a spell: then Uriah nudged me. "Mammy,'sei he, "would you get yel ler clothes or blue aud white?" "Neither," sez I. "Get red, so the folks will kuow what a monkey you be, plnyin' bull and sliootin' bow arrers at your age!" But aiy words wuz of no avail. He got the clothes, and after that a kinder strange ness fell betwixt us. I wuz allers tu work; he wuz allers tu play—ridiu' round or sailiu' round with them Jessamys and the other hoarders, sbakin' down the plums and peaches for 'cm, takin 1 'em tishin'. Si las Prog, the man that hed the laborer's cottage for four or five years, told me he'd given over all farm directions to him aud paid attention to the place, uml as hands dou't work much ef they're not watched he said it wai own in' to him ef we hed any crops that year. As fur me, the help was the sassiest thing I ever knowed, and 1 didn't dur.it dismiss her aud kept on raisin' her wages every time :;he threatened to leave. But at last the climax cauie 1 wuz wore out and half sick, aud seemed tu me fresh air wonld save me; and one afternoon 1 told the help ahe'd hev to get tea herself, and I took my sun bonnet, and went tiff to the archery ground, as they'd look tu callin' the other end oi the orchard. The girls looked as cool as could be there, all dressed up in while, anil the young men talkin' aud siuilin', and my husband—yes, my husband—sittin' on a bench alongside the widder, givin' her them insinuating looks he kill «f lit choose. 1 had slippers ' on, and I came cl-• e up to 'em, without ! makin' any noi;C aud I heered ho say: "Mr. Jones certainly admires iiosetta. ' Nobody couldn't help it." sez I riah. " But Cecelia is the prittie-t. the j widder. ■'Neither of 'em i a.- han' oine n their i ma." sex Uriah. '"Oh, g awaj ! Vim don't think i • sez my hnsliand. Now T'ni cooled off—it's a couple of | year I wouldn't swear into a wmrt of justice that Uriah was going to ki-. the widder, and as a Christian 1 must allow 1 earn't say for certain she'd have let him; ; but tilings appeared to me like she would at that minute, and I off with my sun bonnet and pave her whack over the head j and him another, niakin' remark s which I j prefer not repeatin' if I remembered 'em 1 p.ll which 1 don't. She screeihed. the gals | ran up, Uriah took hold of me and the rest j of the boarders started like cow "I reckon you'll know me the next time I you aee me," £ez 1: !•<»• —{■ me for ipiitf a pell. To day end conduct such as this; you can pit—all of you! ' There's an early train to-uiorrer, and I'll | see that yon fake it; to pack your tmnks to night! The help will give you your j teas. As for for me, I shan't set down ; with a character like the Jessamy: I'm disgusted by hevin' ever clone it!" ''Madame, what do you dare to itisina ate?" sea she. "That you was agoing to kiss iny hn- j band," so* I. Then she struck, and the other ladies j struck, and I finished of!' by grabbin' her false trout of curls off her head aud throwin' it into Uriah's face. Then I went home and went to bed. The boarders all went before breakfast next moruin', and all day long me and j Uriah quarreled. I said I'd get a divorce j from him; he said he'd get one from me ] for bcin' a shrew. "And marry widder Jessamy." sez t. "It would be a change for the better," I sez he. Hammer and tongs, hammer and tongs. ! we kept it up until all of a sudden I turn- ! eil faint and didn't know any more tor \ quite a spell. Then I was in bed. Well, 1 must say Uriah missed me like . a woman, for all 1 kept tellin' him I'd live ( as long as I could to spite the widder .Tei jamy, aud when I did get better he ear ! ried me down "tairj and set me in the ! great rocker on the porch and put piller | under my head and knelt down alongside of me. "Mammy," sez he. - 'y..n're getting well ! now." "Wi h I wuzn'i!" ;c; I. ■What's the I use? Nobody keers fer me!" "Ain't 1 nobody?" says he. "You!" sez I. "oh Uriah! yon was a goin' to kiss her —I aw yon." "I wasn't!" sez Uriah. "Nancy Pottle ton, I'll swear that on a pack of bibles. It was this way The city feller was all pay ing compliments, and I didn't want tu seem like a country puukin, so I paid 'em tu. I couldn't talk tu the gals, so I talked til the widder." "Ah?" sez 1, "you had no thoughts about me, fryin' and -tewin' in the kiteli en." "Did I want yon tu do it'" ::ea he. "Wasn't it agin'my will that you took hoarders? Didn't 1 say there was no know in' what unpleasantness might come of it?" "Wall you did," sez 1. ' Nancy Pol tleton," .sez he, "lots have come of it. I've got a character; for the help went and told that I acted shameful with the. widder, and you found me nut — which is hard, for 1 wuz only puttin' on good manner.. You've been sick —mighty sick you've been —and what should Ido without you? I've got a big doctor's bill tu pay, crops is pannin' out poor, the board ers have cost uigh onto live hundred ilol lars, altogether, and we've fell out. That': the wust—we've fell out! 1 made a skeor erow of that there tenuis suit the other day, and hung it among the squineh trees, wishiu' it was inc. It's like bein' done with life to think you and me has IV-ll out, mammy." "No we ain't!" sez 1. "Anyway, we've made up." Aud we kissed each other as ef it was old courtin' times—me and Uriah. — Fin - xiih I'omjiu itioii. — Nye On Life's Nicelies. The following tender and touching epistle has been received by me: DEAR Slß:— Will you be good enough to answer a few inquiries from one who re spects and admires you partially for your sterling worth and partly for your fatal gift of beauty? "In the first place, will you tell mu some good table rules of etiquette such as may ■suggest themselves to you, as 1 expect soon to visit friends who are dead stuck on good breeding. Wo are pluin folks at home and I live with my parents, who have never had auy advantages. Father has to work on the subway anil so gets no ehauces to improve himself or work up the Delsarte side of his nature. Therefore, Mr. Nye, he is a plain man and eats im moderately and in a very boisterous man tier, tdo not like to y«y this of father, be eautse he and I get along all right, aud he he pays for my education, yet that very education serves to kind of queer me against his low, coarse way. Instead of asking uie pass the bread as one should, he rises just like he was going to address the chair aud slabs a slice of bread with his fork, which is no way to do. When 1 re bukc him, he says he is sorry but is in a hurry aud will get docked if he does not get to lkis job on time. lie is a rough red man with vermillion throat whiskers, but wants me to shine in society. "How do you reckon I can do BO? I love society and crave it. very much, but do not wish whilst entering the social cir cle to cork myself or do what is rude or reckless. My manner is pleasing, but rather embarrassed. To the casual observ er I seem afraid of the cars, as one wonld say, while in society. "Once at this same place where I am now going to, I was asked to lead in morn ing prayers, but I could not thiuk of any thing to say. lam not a good extempora neous speaker and so 1 balled up ou the prayer a good deal. Ought one to try to answer such a request under these eircuui stances, or just say that he never prays in society and so let her go? "Wonld you wear a high hat on a Iraw ride? "Is it proper, when asked by friend to come and dine with tliem, to take one's bag along iu case one should be asked tu stay all night? '•What do you do with these here pillow sliams at night? Do you sleep on them as they are, or throw them over your . houl ders at night? In drinking wine at table what is proper iu regards to quantity, do you think? Do you approve of the custom of carefully concealing a roll or liunk of bread iu a carefully rolled up napkin so that the pre occupied guest will flirt the blamed roll on the lloor and, covered with confusion, try to gather it up unobserved and hiti truly, "EDM t After teaming loose the two cent tamp aud feeling that pos .ibly I may be able to use it airain withont niakin:? myself liable L> the Government. I have decided to re ply briefly to the above question?, not solely for Mr. Plaices benefit, but in order ; that I may bed light on other darkened ; minds. oil say ytiiir manner is pleasing and you do not know how glad I am to hear rmi come nut and say that over your own signature. Many others would have t un i eealed il Yet yon< a\ you have a .-and appearance while in soeiety. tin not let that trouble you. y you knew how mnch -oriely is scared when you enter it. you i would plnck np courage. If yon had never led in prayer before ac cording to the strictest rule- of etiquette, j which I looked into whilst abroad, MMI j could not lie expected to oblige. The men who ian in.ike a pleasing and grammatical prayer in public are very rare indeed. Jut ay when called upon that yon are not g,.od social prayer, but only trying to i lead a Chri t ian life, like the Rev. Myron ? J of Denver IT,. , very liri.'ht ' | people liinie to li'.-V»V hiii'i I'ml.'V j I making a low but earnest prayer, when a gentleman from the Gnnnison country, I who was visiting Denver.tnade the remark, | "Louder!" Mr Reed ceased for a moment, | ! and looking at the gentleman trom over I { the range, said, softly and in a meek | Christian spirit. "1 was not speaking to yon my friend, I was addressing Ciod." He . j then re-unied his prayer. Do not take J your bag with you when invited to dine, j i You can do up a few little articles in a I 1 ... 1 newspaper ami put them into your over ; ; coat pocket so as to be taken more by stir- ; j prise when pressed to remain, ou the : i same principle do not take your trunk j with you to make a party call. A shawl ' I strap is ample, I think. You should not wear a straw hat whilst taking a high ride, nor a high hat whilst taking a straw ride. To ho appropriately ; dressed whilst taking a -traw ride one J should wear a Denman Thompson hat, I faced with gingham, a blue denim jumper. : with suspenders showing through same, a j pair of brown canvas overalls and heavy I kip boots slightly tinctured with a rich, nut-brown flavor of the quiet country life i Pillow-shams may be thrown aside at night. They are mostly for day wear. S for yiißr check or ask the waiter "to make it the same again for all bauds." This is coarse and smacks of the common herd. Watch your host aud keep your wine low cred to the same notch as his. Then you will l>e all right. That is the way they do iu Paris. If you arc afraid to trust your self to drink any more wine while the host continues to dally with the sparkling, you may ask for Vichy water which I find is a good drink to stick to especially for those whose minds cannot successfully grapple with other beverages. Do not hang your eyes out on your cheeks while drinking wine or drink too fast and get. it up your no.-e. It'you ilriuk eotl'ee after your dinner do not, if you desire more than one cup,pound on your saucer with your spoon or look around and exclaim "hi." lie gentle and lady like iu your demeanor, telling some fresh little anecdote to the guests while you eat a sauccrful of olives or pin a fresh sprig of celery on your coat. When you get anything hot iu your mouth, do not get mad and swear, for the other guests will only laugh at you, hut j take it out carefully and ask the hired girl { to put it ou ice a little while for you or make some other bright remark iu French or English as the mood may strike you. In Loudon I notice also that it is no longer de or sachet lor a guest at table to re move his teeth when he gets a blackberry seed under the upper plate. Only in ex treme cases is it allowable for privileged guests for instance, who get olive seeds or oyster shells under the plate of their ar tifieial teeth, to remove them withont be ing excused from table. This custom also obtains iu Paris where they are even more finicky than at the courts of Europe, it seemed to inc. It is now considered perfectly proper to take the last of anything on the plate, for i* is presumed that there i more down cel lar, or if not, the host cau put ou his hat and go down town for another supply. Much laughter may be produced aud gen eral good feeling engendered by little sallies aud jokes taken from a joke book I have an Engli h book of jests which has helped me to pay for many a meal. Some of these jokes are real good. The best En glish jokes I have seen were made iu Phil adelphia. Here is a neat little one which you could use after some one has first played a piece on the piano or violin. "A vain but indifferent performer hav ing amused a company with several sonatas, observed that they were very difli cult. "Difficult," his friend replied, "I wish that they had been impossible." Here is a good one to use when you visit Paris, in order to show that you are familiar with French history. "An aged but bright French actress was once cast for a rather youug part, and so had to spruce up. Atnoug other things she got a new aud beautiful set of teeth at the swell dentist's. But they hurt her luouth exceedingly during the play, aud after the last act she hurried to her dress iug-room aud hastily took them out. She put them iu her pocket, aud, forgetting about the teeth, impulsively sat down on the pocket containing them. With a wild yell and a French oath she bounded in the air. " "What is the matter'' a friend asked her. " Ob, notbiug, monsieur. I only bit myself. " BILL NIK. A Giganlic Tempering Bath. The oil tank of the St. Chamond Work nil the Loire, France, is 72 feet deep, and contains 4-1,000 gallons i.f oil, which is kept in circulation by rotary pumps to pre vent the oil from being unduly heated when masses of hot „teel are plunged iu to be tempered. "Would you share the womlroti beauty Of the golden age benign? . to each duty. Agricultural. Open all drains before the (he -"now J come#. Tlu> facility with which the wa ; ter can pa-- off will regulate the amount nt sin that will adhere to the tree It | convenient, a little clay or fre h cow dung ■ may be added to a i tin making the wn -h j stick. Apply it with a swab or brush about ; the lia-f? of the tree and in the crotches of uiaiu branche . The rain will wash !IT down from time to lime and the whole trunk will receive tin- benefit. In pray lug tin- trees when not iu leaf, 1 usually adil a quarter of a pound or more of pota.-h to each bucketful of soap suds, so as to make quite a strong lye. These washe cost but little and are of great value to the orchard.— Aiuerieau Ayrirultiirixt. tlinili APPLES, OOrtD CIIiKR. (iood eider can be made only from sound ripe apples. After they art- harve ted they I must lie in heaps long enongh to "sweat," ■ but not he allowed to rot or become musty, the juice becomes more concentrated by thisproce- of evaporation. Vtiy taint of mustines; in the apples will persistently cling to the cider throngh all the process lof making and refining. It is an invitria blc rule that the better the fruit the better the cider. The finest grafted winter ap ples and crabs make good cider before they are fitted for the table, the maturing pro cess going 011 iu the juice instead of the I'urit; If possible, it is hotter to keep the juice of each variety suparate. (iood cider cannot be made iu a musty old mill that has become soured and foul with the ac cumulations of years. If there is any taint of mustiness or sharp vinegary acidity about the premises or aparatus, they should be thoroughly purified before they are used. I'otash lye, boiling hot, is the best deterge lit lor this purpose. Having evcrythin-r fresh and clean,grind and press the apples. The cheese should be hi id up with grass-cloth instead of straw between the pomace. Straw is al ways more or less dusty, and oftoll musty, imparting a bad flavor to the cider. Xever water the cheese, as it dilutes and weak ct:s the cider. The juice should be strain ed through a liue hair sieve as it leaves the press. To still further clear the juice of specks of pomace and other foreign mat ters it should be run through a strainer of canton flannel in the form of a bag six inches ill diameter and three feet lons' One of these is hung over a tub. and the juice is dipped into it. (hence il flown into the tub aud is read to barrel .—American Agriculturist. Ot'R COCN'TBV ROADS. The subject ol improving our country highways is being discussed more fully and freely every day. In Delaware county a general and determined purpose is exprc s ed to make nine decided and permanent improvement. Other conuties are also moving iu the matter. In Lackawanna county there is a general rebellion again •( that relic of the dark ages, the toll road. The Providence and Carboudale turnpike has been condemned at an assessed valua lion of $13,000. The company will con tend for a valuation of s'_'o,ooo. but the toll houses will go ut .some price. The Philadelphia Xttrs recognises the fact that spasmodic and scattered efforts at reform will never accomplish the task which the State has before it. The Xetrs says on this point: If the country roads of Pennsylvania, which are about half impassable in wiuter (the most convenient season of the year for farmers to do their hauling), arc ever to be placed in food order, il must be 1111 ■lcr a general plan ami by the State's de cree. Some telling figures upon the cost of bad country roads are furnished by Prof. J. \V. Jeuks. Ilia calculations are ha ed on the condition of country roads in Illinois, where the highways arc perhaps a little more carefully worked than in I'.-nn ylwi uia. but where the softer and deeper "il makes the road more impa able in bad weather than i.- the case with n The net re. ult lof Illinois road making ou the no system which prevails there, a; in most other parts of the Union, i.> that a full load for a two hor-e team can be haul ed three months in the year, two thirds of a load for three months more, and half a load for the other six months. The cost or value of the extra labor iu hauling is over $15,000,000 annually. The result stated in another form is that Illinois farms at .1 distance from the railroad are depreciated by reason of the iiupa able roads tianciful these the worth of improved r..ad wonM this Commonwealth | The Education of Engineers in Prussia. *! * •• \ onnp men desiring to obtain a engineer or architects uuder the Pm i.m government niu. t tin* irradnaie at a gy lu.-'.asium, and then at the of H to go years begin their technical study. Tl4- ile iring to he civil engineer* or nrefcifect 1 comment e with a two years" coUn«e aV one of the trchniral high s.-Uooh >f Berlin. llai'or>r or Aachen and then undergo a preliniinar. exam mat ion in science, math j ematies. and building construction. Then follow- a second two years' course, after which come the lir t examination. The | - uecr - 1 111 candidate become-; a Kegiernngs I'.anfuehrer (a I j t ant engineer or architect on public work 1 Ile then spend' a year ou ome ".ivernioent work without al.ity. ; followed by (K.i j riir:. ns.i tant to a gov I eminent engineer or architect. The v. oml examination then t«kes place, and ; compri e- a ile ign worked out at home. au.l another \n..ilii..d under rtie eye of the J l.( I'. I ."i .-Ti 'c ' riie .■ imti.late is tlicit ap pointed l.'egiemnfs Raumeister (govern mcnt engineer). Intending mechanical engineers have a somewhat different course of study. They commence with a year's ! apprenticeship in an engineer's works, then follow in . uccession two years al the high school, the preliminary examination, two years of practice, one year for passing the second examination—eight years in all. At the end of this probation the candidate is engaged on temporary work at a salary ol i"_' 111 or $3 a day. Five years later he max expect a permanent post. Bo«ton Journal of < 'ommrn'r. Dipsomania or Thirst-madness. ! The periodical desire for strong drink which sometimes besets individuals, other wi -e moral aud exemplary, is a specie* of paroxysmal mania beyond the control of the patient. It i quit.; certain that then are thousands of cases of remittent ea e. The periodical drunkard is not a habitual drain drinker. Hut at particular times he appears to be attacked by with a thirst-madness which deprives him of the power ofvo'ition.and hurries him into the most horrible excesses. During the iuterval between the paronyms, he may be a perfectly ober mau. For many weeks, fir even months, he may have : teaJily refn ed to taste a drop of liquor: may indeed have felt no inelina tioii for it, but on the contrary regarded il with di gu it. And yet, when the fit come on, the raging thirst for alcohol utterly paralyzes his conscience and his will. A man in this condition is a monomaniac, and should be treated as one. if pill 1111 dcr proper restraint at the commencement of thi Juror, the dipsomaniac, in nine cases ont of ten. might be tided over bis_ difficulty in the courso of a week, aud a perseverance in the conrse at the recur reuce of the hallucination would probably eventuate iu a complete cure. It is not easy to persuade the world that all drunk ness is not voluntary. The law doe< not recognize dipsomania, it treats all meb riute.s alike. This -eems to l»e unjust, though it is hard to say where the line should be drawn lietweeu free will ex.es aud that which proceeds from an uiicou tTollable mania.—Km/oriTi Maya:tmr. Brick Kilns. Is the construction ol kilns, as usr.l l>y brick makers generally, not such as to re qiire considerable attention to do rewnu bly fair work* Is the burning of all tin up ami down draught kilns not really a test of good lnckf Does any brick burner say before his kiln is burnt tha( he posi tively know what kind of a burn he is go iug to havcf He tells ns what he expects, if no unforseen interferences occur, which iu fact are always expected. Why . hould the burning of brick depend upon so much knowledge and care, snch as we hear from the old brick yard men is essential? Let us have a kiln that will simplify the labor of burning; a kiln that will automatically regulate the even dis trihution of heat and temperature. I.et ns have a kilu that any ordinary fireman can handle; a kilu that will only bnrn one even hardness aud color, and do it at a large saving of fuel and labor; a kilu with an arrangement of test sights that any or ditiary laborer can learu iu ten iniuute* when the bricks are of the desired hardness and when to cease tiring, a kilu in the tire room of which we cau hang up printed rules by which the firiue is done accordiug to schedule, aud the results satisfactory, and not materially varying in its continu ous output or operation. The Uriel nmkt r. Endorsing. The system of endorsiug is all wrong, and should be utterly abolished. It been the fiuancial ruin of more meu than, perhaps, all other causes. Hook kttyiny, a journal devoted to merchants, clerks and business men, advises our young men e* pecially to study the matter carefully iu all itj bearing., and adopt some ell led policy to govern their conduct, so as to be ready to answer the man who a-ka them to sign his note. What responsibility dees one assume when he endorses a note? Sim ply this: lie is held for the payment of the amount in lull, principal aud interest, if the maker of the note, through misfortune, mi -management, or rascality, fails to pat it. Vol ice. the endorser as nines all thi ■ responsibility, with no veice in the man agement of the bnsine is and no >har«. iu the profits of the transaction, if it prores profitable; but with a certainty of loss if. for any of the reasons stated, the principal fails to pay the note —As the nights grow longer the young luan whose affections are "sot" begins to dream of the long, patiept vigils with the object of hid adoration. —Gout ha., various names according to the parts effected, as p.nlagra, wlieu in the feel, chiragra, wheu in the bauds au.l.Ac but whether the attack is first felt in the lect or the hands, rub with ."salvation t>.l |at once. It annihilates paiu. Price cts Popular trial shows the worth of every 1 article, and -lii years' constant use ha proven the great cttieacv of Dr Bnll s Cough Syrup: it ha no superior Walking adverti .incuts for I»r Sage's Catarrh Remedy are the thou ando it ha* cured. —The public chools al Caiudeu, AUe irheny county, have been closed on ac count of the prevalence of diphtheria. - Mercer has a youug wan less than ill I year of age who can converse iu tier man French, Spauish. Ituliau. Kussian and Portuguese with a- much facility as he can iu Kuglish. —lf you