Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 11, 1889, Image 4
(carter's Iff^a CURE Hck Raadacheand re here all the trouble* (net |Bttot bilious state of the system, such as Hniik-s*. Nausea. Drowsiness. lustres# after mttng. Pain in tiie Side. Ac While their most Willi Irililo success has been shown in curing SICK —*■- yet CAB mi's IJTTLE LITCR PILLS are eqnallv valuable in Constipation, curing U4 prerentine this aiinoyinc complaint, while OK.r also correct all disorder* of the stomach, Miniulata the liver and regulate the bowels. Sven If they only cured HEAD. ▲ebs thev would be almost priceless to thoae who suffer from this distressing complaint; bat fortunately their goodneas does not end kwe and those who once try them will And fecae Utile pills valuable in so many ways that *rv will Dot be willing to do without them. Bat after all sick bead ACHE h th* haita of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure It while others do not. CAHTOI'S Lmu Lrvni TILLS arc very small and very to take. One or two pills make a du*>. They are strictly vegetable and do aot gripe or purge, but by their gentle action plm.se all who use them In vials at 2f> cents: if* for SI. Sold everywhere, or sent by maiL CASTZB KXnSQIX CO., i:s* Ink. hull HI USoft Small Price. Bo*— Mother, since I bav*» been csinf TTofflt Aem* Blrte* ;my bhocn longer than over bcfom.tnd Inercr get mj faet wet, tint 1 do not iMck thnylouk a* smooth aa when I first aw»d it. M/oUk *r—lndood, my nan. I as* sorry yon are so cars- ICMI Yoa forjjet thai cvr.zx a g-o-xl tiling is only good when properly used. You hare not even looked at Ito directions, for they.are jst around tin neck of thß bottle. Now yon nicfct. read tbem, end they rill get yoa ont of yaax tronblc Your fat her and I keep oar shoos In elegant order by it? uws. I ÜBO it about Irr ™ % month and papa about once a weok. WolffsflCMEßlacking It vondorfnl; preserving 403 Waterproofing any leather: cMn* it n deep rich blaolc lustre f.iets a week. /Wi UN Do not confound AC ML iil&ckinc vrith any other, gold by Bboe filers, Grocer*. Drosgist*. Ao. Try it t B your Klvcew WOLFF & RANDOLPH, pwuseiphul WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EMULSION o* COD LIVIiR OIL. with HYPOPHOiPHITES. It <* used atul endorsed by Fhy sirians because il is the best. It is Palatable as Kilk. It is three times as efficacious as plain Cod Liver Oil. It is far superior to all other so called Emulsions. It is a perfect Smulsicn, does not separate or change. It is wonderful as a flesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consump tion. Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Colds. Sold by all JVruggista. BSOTT a BOWNE. CMCMIITS. N. V. DOCTORS LAKE fcs* ■ PRIVATE DISPENSAHY. OFFICES, ?0G I'F.KX AVE. —PITTSBURGH PA.— All form., of Delicate and Com plicated UiseaeeH requiring CON- FinEXTiAi snd SCIENTIFIC MEDl •ation are treated at this Dispensary with a BUC KS* rarely attained. bi. «*. k. Lake is a member of the Koyal College of Physicians aud Surgeons, and lithe oldest anil mosicxperienepd SPECIAL IST lu the city Special attention given toNerv •ut Debility from excessivo mental exertion, In discretions of youth, Ac., causing physical and Bental decay.lack of energy, despondency, Ac.; also Cancer-, Old Sores. Fits, l'ilcs, Hiicumatiem and all diseases of Hie skin, Itlood, Lungs, Urin ary Orcaus. !.r. c free ana strictly MBtfentla . OfSee hours 9to 4 and 7toß p. m.; •uxid.-.y> 2 to:* p.ia. oniy. Call at office or aodresi *■ k. X.AKE.M.D.. M.U.C.P.S. or E.J. LAKE. JIJD. Tsioujaii.KiA bSTii n permanently cure*l by PHII.AUEi.PIII A. I* \. at once. n<>operation or 10-v i f time from business. Cas* s pronounced iu euratm* 'jy .abers wanted. >ei.a f« r Circiflar. CURE GUARANTEED, oin^i —la ■ a MmBI R R fit I v urt ; intsrnae lUhlis D|Lto"^S'™s ■ ■■ BD ■ lowed tu continue IrrcHiNG piles-bStEiSS ■ xvr S WAYNE'S IIIXT- I HI- > I >up« tlic ItrtilnK Htiii li!t-«'dfnc* kesJa ™ ml lain. ua«l In int*«| «-aao« rcmnvm tht* tu> >nar». s *i»n » tiix-mcN- Itaokl t»y drmtzlrta. or m»il< <1 to *-r - Mr'ti an r*~ |.t of j rier. a»• * ; 3 Wivti fl.2^ Int ra, DR. riWMYNK A SOS. Philadelphia, Pa. Kcrriii i. li< 10. Scaly, Skin Tnrtures. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT 1 vitt,.i e appUrtbm Of SW4VMI Onmcaar" withota lnttrjAl MoJvclr.-, will cu.e any case of Tstter. Salt SWAYNE'S OINTMENT bMualt wnre, Pl»w. Itch. fUrr«, Pimplra, all SKIN DISEASES B" mattrr lw* obttirtte or luce S'uld hj druggists, •» arft bT mail Ur tu 3 lU,yeH. sl/5 AJdrrST Da. e« a* MB a S«a. PLilalH»»Lla. Pa. AJk juur druggist for Ik POSITION OFFERED. If you arc in need of a good paying position and think you have the qualities of a pood salesman, you will do well to write us at once. We will pay good commission or salary and expenses to a good man. The position wc offer i.s a permanent ono. Ad dress at once, Skloybe £ AT WOOD Nurserymen, Geneva, N. Y New Livery Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horse* fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r. FOR SALE, Tb»* offers lor sale his rpneral •lock of KlliVlTl KK. aud Ins lN«i Dusliicts ItK-sted in ITospeet, (Sutler coun ty. Fa. Tlie stock of Funilturs Is all new and will I* sold at (lrst cost, and I also ti ive a fult Une of • a-kets—from the smallest to the larg est—. trimming*, a good hearse, sleighs, lum •er and ever)flungpertatnlnv to the business, un mediate possession will be given, ami the Ouslliess is euoiiKli to keep one man constantly employed an.l ocisvslonallv require help. Apply to or address ( M. El'M UN IISON. I'rospect. P Hikiin MC l ! LLI { Lass r«*rnmnent W MII IL W j.,. j e >lllons for tin* rl~'il nit ii i mi -al;»r!• s j\lH| i'XIH'TISPS p&iil Li' il lriduct'in inn T ti b< pin ners. N«» prpvlrnp» expfrlpuoo out lit fr»x\ Wrltp for terms, a,*. CfTAKT-KS 11. CHASE Nursoryman. Hocliester. X. Y. M'»!itlon this piper. gfih'fc. V, 1 —f .v 1.,. *-t .uii *:. iI I. .up toiig<v.i -i inr U * #t litli i> I"'•••tJai'A f rn Ti IE CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS Agricultural. Dig up the dahlia roots before frost and store them in the cellar in boxes, the roots covered with dry sand. Farmers should bear in min d that any night may bring a frost at this beason of the tear, and they should be fully prepar ed for the danger. Your pear trees that have blighted will sometimes bend out shoots low down Dear the roots. Such shoots may grow and give the encouragement of a new start, but it is better to dig the trees up and put "some thing else in their place. Garden preparation should really begin in the fall. Gardens, as a rule, contain more weeds than any other plot on the farm. They should be mowed down, rak ed off and burned. The plot should then bo plowed, to remain in the rough condi tion for the frost to penotrate. It will render the cultivation easier in the spring. SOME DAIRY PROBLEMS. The dairyman must study the market demand for his products, whether these are butter, cheese, or milk, aud keep cows adapted for that want. It would be finan cial suicide to sell Jersey and Guernsey milk to the city milkman, when twelve per cent of solids constitute "good" milk, or keep so-called cheese cows from which to make butter. A line of dairying must be decided upon, and held too, for frequent change in dairy methods will never bring reputation, nor very great prosperity. Thou the cow ahould be treated and cared for as a mother, and fed a mother's food, not the food of bullocks. This feed ing and care should commence with the calf. The stunted calf that has been ob liged to rob Us bodily growth to keep from freezing, or spend its summer fighting the "gaunt wolf," has had its energies misdi rected, and in after life it will rarely ever pay to try to make a profitable cow of it. The calf that is raised for a dairy cow should be abundantly—not lavishly—fed on good grass, clover hay, oats, bran and other protein foods. Corn meal should be discarded. Milk-giving is a function separ ate and apart from beef making, and to first induce the beef habit by feeding fat foriners. like corn meal, is to train the heifer in that way, and at last, when a cow, and you wish to "feed her up," the extra food will go to four-cent beef, in stead of thirty cent butter, and a big loss is met with; for tho food that is turned into butter is sold every day, and there is only one sale for the beef. Our heifer calf should be well fed, well housed, and kept warm in the winter, for in a stable of good light and pure air, she will develop the kind of hardiness that dairy cows need, the oats and bran will give solid aud strong muscle and nerve, and also build up the embryo life that she must otherwise rob herself of to supply, or leave incomplete. Then our heifer,if milk ed as long as possible the first year of her dairy life, generously fed to make good, rich blood, out of which to make good milk—for milk-giving is first blood secre tion govered by nerve force —we shall, as a rule, find we have a profitable dairy cow. This cow should be retained as long as she profitably pays her keep, then sold as a "sausager" for what she will bring; for we hold that no man ever fattened an old dairy cow to a profit. Better by far put this food into a cow that does give milk, and get pay for food consumed.—Ameri can Agriculturist. Wanted to Know It. "I notice, Jennie," said one young lady to another, ' 'that you never lace tight now." "No." "What's the reason!" "Well, I've got a beau now and when he squeezes me I want to know it and enjoy it." —NOTE. —Be suspicious of persons who recommend any other article as 'just as good," and take nothing else but Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. A party paid ten dollars for a horse at an auction sale. The horse was lame and bruised all over. A bottle of Salvation Oil costing 25 cents was used; he is now valued at two hundred dollars. —A man never appreciates the value of a newspaper so thoroughly as when he cannot get it. The first copy of a news paper that reached Atlantic City through the floods was quickly bought by a man who thought he got it chenp" for $2.50. The regular price was 2 cents. —Sick headache is cured by Hood's Sar paparilla, the peculiar medicine. Sold by all druggists. —Fully half the girls and women don't know how to walk. They twitch, roll, shuffle, teeter, bob, jerk or waddle. This is the result of carelessness or want of physical training. Soon the style of walk ing becomes set, like that of hand-writiug, and is hard to change. It is both pitiable and laughable to see some girls as they hump and huddle along. Our Girls. Kitty is witty, Nettie is pretty, Lutie is cute and small; Irene is a queen, Annette is a pet, Nell is the belle of the ball; Diantha is wealthy, Bertha is healthy, And health is the best of all. Perfect health keeps her rosy and radiant, beautiful and blooming,sensible and sweet. It is secured by wholesome habits and the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Bertha takes it, and she also "takes the cake." The only guaranteed cure for those distressing ailiueuts peculiar to women. Satisfaction or your money returned. —Of the twelve grand prizes granted at the Paris exhibition of 1886, four were awarded to citizens of the United States. —The electric light on the Eiffel tower, Paris, is reported to be visible at Orleans, 69* miles distant. —A Chicago man eloped with adt ughter of the King of Samoa the other day. She was on exhibition at a dime museum . —Of the 1,1)60 men in the Eastern Peni tentiary of Pennsylvania only 19 were bred mechanics, a fact which shows that men who are trained to work seldoi a be come criminals. —For Constipation or Sick Headlache, use Dr. Pierce's Pellets; Purely Vegetable. One a dose. UAL E S M E N ° WANTED to canvas, fort ha sale of Nursery Stoo Jt! Steadv employment guaranteed. Salary and expenses paid to successful men. Apply at once stating age. Mention this paper. CIIASB BROTHERS COMPANY, Rochester. N. Y. Q WANTED ° A L E SM £ N to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock. A full line of leading specialties. Salary and expen ses paid to successful men. No Experience necessary. Write for terms, stating age [Mention tills paper.) t\ L. BOOTHBY Nurseryman. Has' Paric. Rochester. N. *. | —Subscribe fur the CITIZEN. Willard Hotef, W. H. REIHING, Prop'r BUTLER, - STABI.IM! I* COSSKCTIOS. SAJII'LK KOO* for COMHEBCIAL TBA>ELEHS SAMPLE ROOM. UVKK\ IN CONNECTION Hotel Yogeley (Strictly First Clast.) HEN BY L. BECK, PROP'R. J. H. PAUBEL, Manager. Butler, Pa. Diamond : - : Hotel, Fronting Diamond, Butler, Pa. THOMAS WA.SSOX, Pro'r. Good rooms, pood meals, stabling in con nection, everything first class. EITERNULLER HOTfL. No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - PA. Near New Court House—formerly Donaldson House—good accommodations lor travelers. Good stabling connected. „ . [4-9-'gfr lyi H KITENMUI LEB. Prop'r. NIXON'S HOME, 35 N. McKEAN ST.. BtTTI.ER, PA. Meals at all hours. Open all night. Breakfast ~ R > cents. Dinner i'> cents. Supper as cents. Lodging 25 cents. SIMEON NIXON - PITOP'R. WANTED Men to take orders for Nursery Stoek. on Sala ry or Commission. I<* an make a successful S A L E SM AN of any one who will work an J follow my in structions. Will furnish hrtr.dsome outtH free, and pay your salary or COMMISSION every week. Write for terms at once. E. O. GRAHAM. Nurseryman. Rochester, N. V. DIAMOND LAUNDRY, East Diamond - - Butler, Pa. FIRST CLASS LAI T SDRY WORK IK ALL BRANCHES. LACK CURTAINS A SPECIALTY*. ALSO, CLEAN INP. DYEING AND CAR PET CLEANING. Goods collected and delivered in all parts of the town. AIMS mTLEWORTH, PROPRIETORS. <! A Iff AIM" from Ohio. H»r« la* § AA VOICE ssrSr &£<££ q writes: "Wat at work on a farm for m a month ; I now hava an ayencf IA K, E. C. Allen 4 Cot albums and publl- MBaiion* and oftan make t«0 a day." p W. H.GAftmiSOV. William Kline. liarrHbarr, P«., writes: hare never known | anything to like your album. Ve*t«rday I took order* enough to pay me over S$«V" W. J. El nt >r*. Banror. Me., writes: an ord«-r for your album at every house 1 visit. My profit !• often ss muchas ISO or a s n K e dsy'n work." • lihrn are doing quite as well; h*> e »pn< e to ei ««ts fr».m ih«ir letters. Every one who takes hold of thiarrand busiii«*»* up grnnd pro It is. Shall we start YOI in this business, reader? Write toua and learn all about it foryouraeif. We are starting many we will start you if jrou don t delajrksntil another gets ahead of you in yonr part of the country. Tryou take hold you will be able to pick up gold fa»t. OtjT" JCeia«t— On account of a forced manufacturer's sale 1 3£.1,000 ten dollar Pltofoirrnph Alhiima arrto be sold to the Kople for •£ each. Bound In Hoy«l Crimson Silk Velvet ush. CharniingU decorated insides. Ilitndsomest albums in the world. Largest tSiae. <-rvafest bargains erer known. wanted. Liberal terms. Big money for agents. Ant one r.P bet nine a successful agent. Sells iisvlf on sight—little or no talking necessary. Wherever shown, every one wants to fur chase. Agents take tliousanda of orders with rapidity never before known, Great profits await every worker. Agents are making fortunes. Ladies make as much ss men. You, rcadrr. can do as well as anyone. Full information and term* I'rec, to those who write tor saute, with partu ulars and terms f..» Family Bible*, Books and I'eriodicala. After you know a should you conclude to go no further, why no harm is don'. Address E. C. ALLEN 4 CO.. ALUiaTA. Mat - READ THESE UNPARALLELED OFEERS! THE HARKISBURG WEEKLY TELEGRAPH Is the largest and liest newspaper published at the Capital of Pennsylvania. Each number contains sixty-tour columns ntled with the latest news, stories, market re ports, and miscellaneous reading. Price, Only One Dollar per Year DICKENS' COMPLETE WOItKS. (15 volumes,) or WALTER SCOTT'S WAVKRLY NOVELS. (2ft volumes.) and the Harrlsburff WKKKLY TKI.K IJHAIH, one year, will be sent to any address, postage paid, tor TWO DOLLARS. We will furnish the WEEKLY TKLECKAPH and •OUR FAMILY PHYSICIAN." (New Edition. 480 pages, price 13. tor Two Dollars. WEEKLY TKI.KUKAPII and TEXAS SIFTIMOS (weekly, price $4) for Two Dollars. WEEKLY TKLIFKAPH and AMERICAN AURICCL TTRIST for Two Dollars. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH and either COUNTRY HOME or FARM AND IIOMK (monthly) for One Dollar and a quailer. WEEKLY TEI.KCUAPU and AMERICAN FARMER (monthly) lor One Dollars. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED To solicit Subscriptions in every School District in Pennsylvania. Daily Telegraph, fit art year. Dully Telegraph and Dkkrmi' Work*, $.». Daily Telegraph and Waterier NOTPIH. s."> Dally Telograph and Family I'hjalclan, ««. Dally Telegraph and Trxaa Sift into, *<>. Daily Telegraph aad Fruit Drier, fs iO. The cash must accompany all orders, and be addressed to M. W. McALARNEY, Manager, Harrisburg, Penn'a. READY Our Large Spring Stock of Wall Paper. "We have excelled in former seasons in ASSORTMENT, VARIETY and Reality of Designs. And have almost doubled onr stock. We are prepared to meet all competition n prices. J. H. Douglass. 63 S. MAIN STREET. A. J. FRANK k CO. DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS FANCY AND TOILET ART ICES, SPONGES, (IRI SHES. PERFUMERY. 4c IK Physicians' Prescriptions carefullyicoj. pountVed. 5S .Vair. Street, Butler. Pa. YOU CAN FINDpBK, on (il« in I'll Miiru- it ;»t Ihc A«lvm HIII* Hurcau «if AgX; iIEMINGTON BROS. who will tomi \tvt for adrertlslug ul lowest r-Ua. The Result ot Doiug business on the square is always satisfactory. People prefer to deal where they can get good honest goods with no fancy prices. We have the finest line of Hats, the finest line of Furnishing Goods and the lowest prices in Butler. We buy right from the fac tories for cash and our custo mers get the benefit. A com parison of our goods and prices §ells them. Light-colored stiffs, straws and summer underwear away down now. COLBERT & DALE, 70 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. LOOK! READ! I have enlarged my store-rot m, In fact, made It almost twice as large us It was before, aud have also Increased my stock. I liave, by far, the largest and best selected stock of Fine Drngs and Chemicals In Butler county, and am now in position to supply the wants of the people of this county even better than In the past, You will do well to call on me when In Ine need of anything In the line of Fine Drugs and Medicines. Mv stock is very complete and PRICES VERY LO\V, In medicine quality is of the tlrst Impor tance. so we give particular attention to tilling Prescriptions. Our Dispensing Department Is complete. « e dispense only Pure Drugs of the Finest Quality, and our patrons may brlDg us their prescrlp tlons, feeling certain that they will be carefully and accurately filled. Thanking the public for the Very generous patronage they nave accorded me tn the past. 1 nope to be able to serve them more acceptably tn the future, at the old stand. No. 5, North Main St., BUTLER, PA. J. 0. REDICK, Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard J. L. FURVItS. L. O. FCKVIB S.G. Purvis&Co. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Rough and Planed Lumber OK EV«KY l»B»OKIHTION, SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MILL AND YAKI) Neitr Herman CHtholtc Otanrcb Hi. C- WICK, DEALER IN Rough and Worked Lumber OF ALL KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Slock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. W. Depot, BUTLER, - PA. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST PKNN R. R. On and after Monday, May 13, 188, train will leave Butler as follows: MARKET at 6:15 a.m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 9:10 a. m.; connects east for Blairsville with Day Express, arriving at Philadelphia at 7 p.m. EXPRESS at 8:35 a. m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 10:36 a. m.; does not connect for the east, but connects with A. V. R. R. north and south. MAIL at 2:35 p. m., and goes through to Allegheny, arriving there at 4:40 p. m.; iou nects east for Philadelphia. ACCOMMODATION at 5:00 p, m., and con nects at the Junction with Freeport Accom modation, arriving at Allegheny at 7:20 p. m., and connects east as far as Apollo. Trains connecting for Butler leave Alleghe ny at 8:20 a.m., 3:15 p. m. and 5:45 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler at 10:30 a, m. and 5:00 and 8:00 p. m. PITTSBPRG, SIIENANGO & LAKE ERIE R. R On and after Monday, Dec. 17, 1888, train will leave Butler as follows. Corrected to fast time, 1 hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville from the Pittsburgh and Western depot at 7:00 and 10:30 a. m. and 5:05 p. m. Trains leaving the P. A. W. depot in Allegheny city 8:20 a. m. and 2:50 p. m. fast time connect at Butler with trains on the S. A A. Trains arrive at Butler from Greenville,fas time 10:10 a. in., 2:25 and 6:20 p. in. and connect with trains on the P. Jfc W. arriving at Allegheny at 12:05 p. m. and 5:00 and 8:23 p. in., fast time. Trains leave Milliards at 5:45, and 11:00 a. m., slow time, and arrive at y: 10 a. m. and 5:5& p. in. Both traius connect at Branchton for Butler and Greenville. The train that leaves BuUer at 7 a. m. con nects at Shenaugo with train on N. Y. P. & 0., arriving at Cleveland at 12:50 p. m., and Cincinnati at 7:55 p. ui,, and Chicago at 10:30 p. m. It also counects at Osgood with L. S. dt M. 8., arriving at Cleveland at 12:50 in Erie 11:47 a. m, Buffalo 2:50 p. m. and New York 5:45 a. m. all Central time. The 10:30 train connects at Mercer for Oil City, arriving at 12:50 p. m. and at Sheuango with N. Y. P. «!i 0., arriving at Oil City at 3:50 p. m. Bullalo 7 p. in. and New York 6:30 a. ill., rlso connects at Osgood with L. S. & M. S. for Franklin and Oil City. P. & W. R. R. Corrected to fast time—One hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City at 4:20 and 10:15 a. m., aud 3:55 and and 6:25 p. m. The New Castle ami western mail leaves at 8:45 a. in., and the Chicago A Western ex press at 1:50 p. m. Trains leaves Butler for the North at 10:15 a. in., and 8:30 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler from Allegheny at 10:15 a. m. and 3:20 and 8:30 p. in., lrom Al legheny, New Castle and ihe West at 12:10 p. m. aud from Callery at 5:40 p. m. A Uaiu arrives from Foxburg at 8:45 a. m. and from Kane at 6:20. Trains connecting for Butler leave Alle gbeuy at 7:40 aud 10:'H) a. m. aud 1.40 and 6:30 p. m. Sunday trains arrive from Allegheny at 10:15 a. m. and 3:20 P. m,; from New Castle, Youngstown aud Chicago at 12:10 p. m. Leave for Allegheny at 10:15 a. m. and 6!25 p. m.; for New Castle, 8:45 a. m.; for Chicago at 1:50 p. m. VIIM niDCB is " n Oli'lii Philadelphia \m PAr|ntu I ;££3*s' N. W. AY I PI A SON, our MihorlMd «<r»uu. VISITORS To the Pittsburg Exposition wi'l find it both convenient and advantageou to call on ua while here to supply their Fall and Winter needs in OVERCOATS, SUITS AND HATS, Our stock is now complete, and the built of the Clothing being out OWN MAKE we claim and can prove to your satisfaction, that for the same price it stands nnequaled lu durability, fit, handsome patterns and newest styles. Having served the people of this section for the last 22 years, we have learned their needs and you can depend upon finding jnst what you want in our enormous stock Oar Merchant Tailoring Department is crowded with th? many special ly selected novelties in Overcoatings, Suitings and Pantaloon'ne I .* from the best foreign and domestic mils. High class work at popular pri is the inducement to examine our Sine Perfect fit always guaranteed. We would also call your attention to our Hat Department, which con tains none but the best standard makes You will find the prices a decided saving on what you have been paying. We keep a complete assortment of the celebrated Stetson hats STRASSBURGER JOSEPH, Tailors, Clothiers and Hatters, 161-163 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PENN'A. your address for one of our Fall Souvenirs. Please note that our stores will be closed Thursday, Sept. 2fi, and Saturday, Oct. 5, until 6 p.m A HAPPY COUPLE. . rpHIS happy couple have agreed to get -r —married, and they are going to do it ' very soon. Every body said it was jfiEk" \ \ , about time. But she informed him that there was only one request she wished to fcfrSl <i#*t J- , make to conclude the contract, and that was that he promised to buy his wedding o utfit at the reliable and trustworthy house OF D. A. HECK, who always sells clothing and furnishing goods at the very lowest v possible prices. He took the advice, and, happy to say, was soon the happiest man on this terrestrial ball. Our illustration represents close figure, and no doubt they would like to get closer but they can't do it We would like to make closer fig ures but we can't do it, because there is no more room for reduction to cutdown the selling price; a little more would be to cut into the cost pnce, and that would be digging the ground from under our own feet. Already we are too dose for coSrfto thecost mark, and must sell large to make it pay. We found that our former room was entirely too small forour rapidly increasing trade, therefore we built an addition, which gives us twice we haS before, and now we have the largest and best lighted room in Butler filled from top to bottom with Clothing, Hats Caps, fflurte» n Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Gloves Mittens, RobberJ3tot g. Overalls, Jackets, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Trunks, Vaiises Jewelry, noUon generally ever brought to this town. We are branching out in our line of bus. ness continually, and intend to keep ahead as lon ß M « a d^rtme capable of improvement. We aim to be at the top of the to stay there if there is any virtue in good goods, honest methods fiurde g, and low prices We back up our business with energy, grit and greenbacks. We do" c'wTfor weather or.igh for .nson,. If.the:.ummer i. ™ are forward. If the season is late we are on time, and we cut the cost tothee* conference and convince you that a bargain is always in season. force the seasons but we can force a sale. hellowine Howling hurricanes! shrill-shrieking storm spirits that ride the bellowing blasts! terrible tornadoes that terrify the traveler and frighten the frenzy! the tremendous typhoon, scourge of the salt, seet ing the ship and sailor! Sahara's sirocco and storm of sand, deadly deflator of the and sepulchre of ,wirll„ S .and t The world wj* and.wonder. jt then phenomena, bnt i. comforted and by business to repair damages. Ponder over these things, mok dwply wheo you contemplate a purchase of anything in our line, no matter how small. Ac wisely bv coming to look over our large and well-assorted stock of new and sea sonable goods. Look ahead! Cease your reckless expenditure-have a carefor the future—and save money while you have it to save. After seeing q and hearing the price of our goods you cannot resist It is ter elsewhere Now, if vou can tell the difference between a baby-bugg} cheap and a baby buggy-cheap,' or a buggy baby-cheap and a buggy-baby cheap which we know you can if you read carefully and think deeply, you will certainly Pat Thrmking our many friends and the public for past favors, and hoping to please you stiU better in the future, we still remain, Your very humbly servant, D. A. HECK, The Champion Clothier and Furnisher, No. 11 NORTH MAIN STREETT, DUFFY'S BLOCK, BUTLER, PA. OUR MR. RITTER has been East. He is the only merchant in Biuler who has been East. All the others bought their goods from agents on the road. We will sell you fine drees goods,domestic dress goods and all dry goods, Ladies', Gents' and Children's furnishing goods at less price than our brother merchants have purchased them. We arc selling carpets to citizens of Pittsburg, we buy carpets from the manufacturers, the freight from N. Y. to But ler is the same as that to Pittsburg and our expenses are noth ing comparatively, and that is the reason we sell goods to citizens of Armstrong, Clarion, Venango, Mercer, Lawrence and Allegheny counties. When people want bargains they come to Rittei 4 & Ralston's. FASHION EMPORIUM OF Millinery and Dress-making. The Fall Styles are now displayed, Rough and Ready ha*a, felt turbans, sailors and broad brim hats, among the lat ter the Orient. Dundee, Latona, Anderson and Celeste are among the newest and handsomest shapes. The Caprice and Acme are the newest Toque shapes. The misses Saidee and O'olah are something new for the girls. Embroidered, guimp and jet bands, stripped velvet rib bons, and brocade ribbons in entirely new designs, tips and half plumes, birds and wings in black and all colors will form the trimmings. Velvets will enter largely into the trimming of both hats and dresses the coming season. Both plain and fancy makes. The bustle is doomed but some of the latest imported dresses have graduated sizes of reeds placed at intervals from the belt to the bottom of the skirt. The styles in dresses tend to simplicity in skirts and elab orate waists and sleeves. Now is the time to give your order for a new fall outfit. Miss M. H. Gilkey, NO. OS2 H. JMLA.IIN ST, BUTLER, F\A~ OPPOSITE P. 0, IN. i - SXT —. A w*9 r . » ■■ ■ ■m> -***. ir gfc i «S"r" ■ JL a -Kr wjEiWkm miK. .JfaEr ?g 9 LKA.<II.N"Gi -ILLHBY HOUSE Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready To ruse. No- 18. Soutli Alain Street* Do Not Neglect Vour Eyesight. D. L. Cleeland, of the firm : of Cleeland & Ralston, jewelers, having attended a course ot lectures called the Opticians j Course, is now prepared to! test and correct the following j defects ot the eyes—i'resby-; opia y Hypermetropia, Myopia, and Astigmatism. Come one and all, old and young, that have imperfect vision and have your eyes tested and correct ed by D. L. CLEELAND, Practical Optician. Corner of Diamond, Butler, Pa. ~ FOR SALE. I will Pell the real estate in which the business is now conducted, consisting «>1 a c*»r ner lot uuxlJO feet, fronting on the principal street of tlie town, and on which two two-story store-rooms, a shop, a six-room frame house with good cellar, a barn and all necessary out buildings are erected. The lot has a never fail ing well of good water. f wilt also sell my Franklin twp property, consisting of 14 acres of good, lex el. nice land in a high state of cultivation and all sown to trass, with good and new slx-rooui house, barn, /ood orchard, two wells—one soft and one hart and all necessary out buildings. Prospect, I'a. THE BUTLER CITIZEN AND THE PltSinUlU SiNHEI AT $2.65 PER YEAR FOR BOTH. Subscribers to the CITIZEN who are not now receiving the Presbyterian Banner, and who pay lis the above amount, can re ceive both papers for one year. This olfer expires Jan. ]*t 1890. SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And lias Fitters, of more than 20 years experi ence, have opened their store In the Ueo. ltelber block, on Jefferson St. opposite the l-owrj- House, with a full line of Plumber s Supplies. GAS FIXTURES;AND (JI.OP.ES. HANGING AND TABLE LAMPS. NATURAL GAS BIRNKRS, fic Jobbing promptly^attended to. and your pr.t onage respectfully solicited. Hirers, BOTLEIt, PI. H. FULLERTON, Prop'r, Blankets, Flannels and Yarn Manulacdired of Pure llul lei Connly Wool. We guarantee our goods to be strictly all wool and noarsenlc or anv other poisonous material used in dyeing. We' sell Wholesale or retail. Samples and prices furnished free to dealers on application by mail. LAKE SHORENURSERICS. ERIE^PA. AH stock guaranteed to be in good con dition when delivered. We replace all trees that fail to grow. REFERENCES IX BCTLEK: J. P. Lowry, W. T. Meehliug, James Shanor, Jr., J. E. Forsythe. Geo. Sliaffner, C. Walker, Esq., Ferd Reiber, Esq. and D. L. Cleeland. G. F. KING, AGT. ELTESMILLER IIOt SE. Ul TLER. PA. Farm for Sale. The undersigned 03-n9 a small farm ot' 15 acres, located in Penu Tp., near Mr. Ogden s Church, which she wishes to sell. It is all tillable and in a good state of cul tivation; has good water. The fields are well watered. Good orchard ot all kinds ot fruit. A good frame house of five rooms, good barn and all necessary outbuildings. She will give a bargain on it for cash, or part cash and short payments. Inquire on •he premises of MRS. ELIZABETH TOBES. Glade Mills P. 0., Bntler Co., Pa. Steel Wire Fence! The cheapest and neatest Fence for around I-awns, School Lots, Poultry Yards. Gardens. Farms, etc. Also manufacturers of Light and Heavy Iron Fencing. Cresting stable Fittings. Fire shutters. Kin- Escapes of -iitli r iit designs, and all kinds ot IKON AM> M IKE WORK TAYLOR & DEAN, I iO.'t-iOi Market St.. !>itt»buric, P»- 1889, Spring and Summer,lßß9 M. F. <fc M. Marks, DEALERS IN Fine Millinery and Ladies Furnishing Goods. We shall surpass all previous and fully maintain our reputation or h.i\ ltif. the best goods and lowest prices. R. cen ing goods every week during the busy sea son we will have all the most fashionable shapes and trimmings as soon as out. Mourning Goods our Specialty. AD:£RTISERS on «dv«rtif' g »t» • ,h * r ' l,l »il •■-> d>t on t''t.' Sdv.nr-n# v*" ; LORD & THOMAS. THE PRODIGY CHURN. I'*T»:>TKI» KR U IMtJI «, 1..1 J6L jf Wliv it is superior to all Others. Ist. Because of its easy oj orating. 2nd Because everything neci -sary j* j:<\ r'»d In j.<i<t»l mt« .p or making uniformly the vtry l>tst creLuiauit gilt-edge lutt«r. A good milk thtridom* eter and strainer *•' 1 company* each churn : • -t •«rk «I »h »y What one ot our pat- ( <?V. ' h " t ron« says ol the Prodi- >, "' ' '' ' Jm gyChuruafterthor'agh • iff£ -t-V <tu«i i( Iy tiling it 'JT- •" •' 1 »»"a At ll,»uw, : tr.r U,tt*r » •.on tj., . /«, -■ • ■ i^Dv C'-" *4 v - 1 k Hays <i*utam V W»« I »Ur ul !*• This will certify hat I . ,• „.ti —l' e * have been usioK one o! ".._...,_ 3 *~ m1 1 > **. " ik " 'J**" , months and I enn cheer* _ "* TI3L^!IS *'? luilj recommend it a* a * i;rau<l sucoeas in ever/ - ' - _ . ~.. . Bowl of Granulate I Butter. ITbis Ohi»n istuaauft ur»l >ll i" >r si!- '<•. S i •■», S-.-r.; .V lity*. Dto* ufacturers of the CMebra'" 1 Alltjn Pa <nt Was Muckiir. Butler, Pa. Circulars with full description and di"« '-tior..- t'> anv ■Mi.-- Agent* | wanted to sell in every evinty. VISITORS TO FITTSBBHE Ar * cordially imited t« i r i '%.* the following gVJf' articles K CLOAKS ijW WRAPS I I'M r " ~ an ' Children. ';! PLUSM M» asm MIIKIS [ i All <m all ,-tyl.- and price*. fjj 3 BABIES' CLOAKS, Long ;md >l;<>rt; the largest variety in th« IXCOXPAKABLY THE I.ARUEST MILLINERY DEPARTMENT and the lowest prices. Stylish Goods only 50 styles of Kid Gloves. Hooks or Buttons. Hosierv, Poles and Trimmings, Woven Gloves. Underwear, Ladies' Neckwear, Laces, Babies' Wear, Ladies' L>ress Trimmings, Aprons, Linen Handkerchiefs, Burtons, Art Km broidery, Lace Curtains, Corsets, Plu»bes, Chenille Portieres, Kid Gloves, Frahroideriea. And lots of articles, large and .-mall, useful and needful, always dis played on counters. Holiday Presents and Fancy Goods. OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST 510 to 516 Market St., and 27 Fifth Ave PITTNBI PA. J. R. GRIEB. PROF. R. J. LAMB. GRIEB & LAMB'S Ml SIC STORK. NO. 16 SOUTH MAIN ST. BUTLiuR. PA. w' - Sole A-MMIIH f, r I! I tier. M- rr< r and Clar- W*jggyjjpg ion couiiiiw lor iVhr M •.•nili vnt Pi- v I -t" KHuM," I ios, ud Hp.M-.tici - \ iolin.-. Urn no Guitars, and All Kinds of Musical Instruments. SIIEKT MVbIC A SPECIALTY Pianos and Organs sold on installments. * >ld Instrument.- taken in exchange. Come and so us. Jl> we can savt you money. Tunini: and liepairing ul nil kinds 01 Mu-ieal InstriUMMte Promptly attended to. MEAUMLLi: (:OXSEK\.\TOK\ >'»•' \|l Sir. A high Rradf* liistltut l«n \ tin fa- liti' V! 1 \ ' - n\ •*4 *?* Employs only triAch'T* « ft Including all br»«i< %«► .U unci In'tmi ! 1' . ' cept« Music aa an el*'- i lv»* -tu«l> «..:*«*>- . ThomiiKli In Painting' . v. .! • ' • , .. .t granted tin »•••• i«,mi»l'*t i nic a»J » • r ,"J r .j , , u . rates. Stud»nt« admitte4 to any glad**. *• 1 lii u. * to "» • •