(carter's! |pNi CURE Headacheand relievo nil UH< trouble'; incl dr»t to* Mli-»w • "f tli.> »y«t.m. mieh an *- Naiuw. Dne.vsinefl*. Distr»~w art.-r •atinr l'*ln in the BM<\ <fce While th«-ir ino*t eemarfcauif succciw lu»n Un-n shown in curing SICK vet CAJTRCT's t.rrn.p: LIVFR PILLS an equally lalnalili >n Coiiall|iaHo«i. cartag and prpreritinir this ami com plaint, while they tin cwrect all disorders of the stomach, gtirnvilate the liver and regulate the bowels. Ires If they only cured HEAD Acho thrx »<o Almost pool** to tho*> who miffer fr >m this di*tr«*dnsr complaint : tout fortunately th'ir does not end fcrrv*. an«l tlio** who nno» try them will nn<i little pillsvaluable in so mam- waysi that Cv not >»e willing to do without them. I after ail sick head ACHE to the bane of so many live* that here Is where we make oar creat boast. Our pills cure It while others do not. CARTER"* LTTTLR R.rrot PILI* are very small and wry easy to take. One or two pills make a dr»e. They are strictly ve<retaKle and do ■ot irrine or rurpe. but by their K"title action nleaae all who use them In vlaU at 25 cents: ire for sl. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CASTX3 KCISSHi CO., Hew Iri. biflNL SmlSose, Small Price, What a Comfort! Ho Dirt! No Fuss! No Back Ache! LASTS LONGER, LOOKS BRIGHTER, and nukes the Shoes WEAR BETTER. Don't let the women have all the best things, but use WolffsAGMEßlacking ONCE A WEEK FOR MEN. ONCS A MONTH FOR WOMEN. I find ita tip top Harness Dressing. WOLFF ft RANDOLPH,Philadelphia WHAT OPfITT'O CONSUMPTION OUUI I M SCROFULA EMULSION s;r PIIDCC GOLDS VUnCw Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer Many have gained 0110 pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a se cret remedy. It contains the stimulating properties of the Hypophosphites and pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil, the po tency o£ both being largely increased. It is used by Phy sicians all over the world PALATABLE AS MILK. Soldby all JJniggizts. fIOOTT & BOWNE, demists, N. T. DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY. /fIkJF OFFICE-*, SIM PESX AVE. —PITTSBURGH PA.— |4ira(er| requiring CON ) JI ;S rf AL:I ! SCI L.vn I I< MEM eation are treated at this 1 >i~pcn*riry with a suc leu attain#**!. I>r. fc. K. !-ak<- 1" a roemher of tii«- it »y:«l C«4lcueof lliysjrian and Puryeons, and Utlie olie-t ar:d mo t experienced SpeclAL ■rr \n the< ty. ventoNerr- OQk lability from rxrtvive mental exertion, in dUwTr-non* <- ' phvsieal and cental decay, lark of enerpy, despoixleucy, Ac.; al«x> *'at»rer>. Old Sores, Fit*, Piles, Rheumatism and all 4ifewc» of tbe skin, Hlood, Lunun, Urin ary Orfran-. Ac. Con-.iltat ion free and strictly «mf!denti;tl. Ihmi. m.; fcuttfav* 2 to? 4 ;:.m. only. Call at office or addresi ». LAU.U.I)., M 1t.C.P .8. 0r E. l. LAEE. M.D. Tlwsaridfc have Itei n permanently currd by PfenLAUCLPH 1 A. I* A. at OEKV. no operation or bum of time tn*m bu<«im u. < jtr<>noutircd In ewMMe *fj "ihera wanted. bend for < irciflar. CURE GUARANTEED. om^SSStfc* | ■ pija<iVKi TOV« Molat I ■ | «rr; tutltoHla. PILESs^ IrrcHißG RiiES.KffS: ! S£ ■ luiMH vrrr mt*. HWAOE* UI^T. ■ MBJVT ■<■■■ I HE Itrhtnjr un.l blccdlig, feral* * ■brmfra. Mdla tu. ■Berß. Kwft««a'» otm**.** u •»•'«! ky4rßal»U,«ro»llnlS Mf «Unm on nM{«t '•( iirkt. t b-t: Skou*. |l a 14*1— toMerrn. Die. aWAYM. * »<>>" Pa. Brwaia, Itrhj, Hcal», Skis Tortures. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT T+ * t. «r S**r«»« - IMMIM •M F .MTHS «1U run UT euc of T«i»r Salt SWAYNE'S OINTMENT ftlm, lich. H-rr«. PttbiHci Knilpttol, *ll SKIN DISEASES m* HMf U« «4aue«o eg l-.ar «uu.<! inr. r ? - m tr mm* #•< as iu 3 Hcin. fl .24, AddrrM. Dr. ftitialfiM, rusMkipais. ra. Ask js,ur JruulM Am a „ r "?. CATARRH HAY - FEVER W y Cold in Head{^.F£VEß A particle 1". into each nostril and U l rtce •> n i.ii- at l»rnttfi«li: bv mail f®ft«u rt-l (u cents. 1.1 V DItOTiIEKM, Warren St.. New York. POSITION OFFERED. If you are in need of a pootl JI:H iiig|><>-iti«in •nd thli.k you have the qualities of a pxid •a'eMii.tn. you will do wi-ll to wrile u« .vt once. We will i>#y go<«l coinmisi<)on or talary and Mpcnu-i to a pood man. The positiou we "fTer is a pcnuauent one. Ad dress at once, KBLOYKR & ATWOOU Kurseryuien, Geneva, N. y New Liverv Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horses fed and boarded PETER KRAMER, Prop'r. 8.), W. JeflVrtc D Ft , liti'cr, L'U. IMIMJIr/Vto/IGENTS U2|yNMUUMA*H«TT,N<> I'irkOU THE CITIZEN misc-klkaneous- Paying Assessments. Among the members of mutual assess ment societies there seems to be a prevail ing opinion that if a member does not ile sire to pay his assessments he neeil not do «o. and that is the end of his membership in the organization. A Pennsylvania judge ha* handed down an opinion in which he says that every member is in law a part of the partnership, and is responsible for bis share of any debt or deficiency that may arise. The judge said the members partic ipate in profit in the shape of sick or death benefits, or tiie payment of a fixed sum of maturity, and are responsible for a share of the debts, if any exist. The effect of j this would be if any mutual assessment concern should ever find it necessary to plaee its affairs in the hands of a receiver evcrv member of the society would be lia ble for his share of the debt, and the claim would be collected by suit. Resignations from the order would not avoid, and per sons who supposed that their membership had lapsed from non-payment of assess ments would realize on the subpo-na of a constable that they were still active mem bers of the order.—Kittanning l'rt sx. Treatment of Pneumonia by Application of Ice. l>r. Fieandt, writing in Dundccim, a Finnish medical journal, states that he has now treated no less than 10G cases of pneu monia with ice, and with the beat results. Though ten of the cases were of double pneumonia, only three of the whole num ber succumbed, notwithstanding that the epidemic was by no means a slight one. The method adopted was to apply over the afTected lung an India-rubber bag con taining ice continuously for from twelve to twenty-four hours after the crisis. In ad dition to the local treatment the patients were given such medicines as are usually employed, that is to say, opium, ipecacu anha. digitalis, brandy, etc. The uiethed has. we may rem ark,-received of late some attention in this country.—London Lan cet. Some Curious Misnomers. Arabic figures were invented by the In dians. not by the Arabs. Dutch clocks are not of Dutch, but Ger man (deutscli) manufacture. Irish stew is a dish unknown in Ire land. Baffin's bay is no bay at all. Catgut is the gut of sheep, not of cats. Down is used instead of a down and ut terly preverts its meaning. The Saxon dun is a hill, and a dun is its opposite, a descent. Going down stairs really means going up stairs. \Ve ought properly to say "going a-down." Climate for Consumptives. The several climates of Florida, Colorado and California have each been much pre scribed for sufferers from lung disease, yet thousands of the natives in those states die of this fatal malady. A far more reliable remedy is to be had in every drug store in the land,and one that can be used at home; a remedy which is sold, by the druggists, under the manufacturers' positive guaran tee that, if taken in time and given a fair trial, it will effect a cure, or money paid for it will be promptly returned. We refer to that woild-famed remedy for consump ti<m (or lung-scrofula) known as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is the only remedy for this terrible disease possessed of such curative properties as to warrant its manufacturers in selling it under a guarantee. —The man who shoots his girl to make her love hhu and the girl who throws vit rol in her lover's face for tho same pur pose should marry and have it out with one another. —The largest bar of gold ever cast in the v.-orld was turned out at the United States Assay Office, at Helena, Mont., on Wed nesday. It weighed f>oo pounds and is " worth a little over SIOO,OOO. I —Don't hawk, and blow, and spit, but r use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Of drug - Jfists. - —The tensil strength of a wet rope is ; found to be only one-third that of the same ■J rope when dry. and a rope saturated with y grease or soap is weaker still, as the lubri l cant permits the fibers to slip with greater i. facility. A dry rope twenty-five feet long will shorten to twenty-four on being wet. —Whoever expects more of this life than victuals and clothes, with a little spare change for the circus, is doomed to a brok en hearted old age. —Kvery bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla contains 100 doses, and is a fair equivalent for a dollar. A young man near Boston, Harvard student, is doing that very commendable thing, earning his way through college, and this time, by peddling milk. READ THESE UNPARALLELED OFEEJIS! THE lIAKRI3BURG WEEKLY TELEGRAPH Is the largest and best newspaper published af the Capital of Pennsylvania. Each nuiiitier contains sixty-tour columns tilled with the latest news, stories, market re ports, and miscellaneous reading. Price, Only One Dollar per Year I)l< kI.NS COMPLETE WOKKS. (15 volumes.) or WAI.TEU SCOTT'S WAVKUI.V NOVEI.S, (/-, volumes.; and the liarrtsfourK WKKKLV TKI.K (iKAPH, one year, will l«e sent to any address, postage pall., for TWO DOLI.AIIS. We will furnish the WEEKI.Y TKI.EOIUPII and •OIK KAMI I v PHYSICIAN' (New Edition, -ivi pares, price ft, for Two Hollars. WKKKIY Tri.wiKAni ami TEXAS SIFTINOS (weekly, price ft; for Two Dollars. W'KF.KI.V I K.I.EL KAl'tl and AMKKICAK AOHICCI.- TVRIHT for Two Dollars. WEEKLY TEI.EO'KAI-II and either CODRIIY HOMK or K Ait M AND HOUK (tnonth'iV) for One Dollar and a quaiter. W EEXT.Y TEI.ROBAPII and AMERICA* I'AKMKK 1 (monthly) for One Dollars. | RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED To solicit Subscriptions in every School District In Pennsylvania. lilil) THritraph, jo per ji'»r. IUIIJ THnrrmpli »B>l blrkrn*' Work*, lially Trli«ra|ili anil Watrrley Morel*, 9'i. I»ail) lYlfirra|ili ninl Family I'llj^lrlan, fli. Ually T.lefrraph ami TEXAN SIHIIIKH. F'' Daily Telegraph anil Fruit Drier, 50. 1 The cash must accompany all orders, and I addressi dto M. \\ . Mi A I.AKX EY, Miniiif/er, llarrisbitrg, I'cnn'a. 1889, Spring and Summer, lßß9 M. F. & M. Marks, DEALERS IN Fine Millinery and I,allies l'lirnisliini' Goods. We shall surpass all previous seasons and fully maintain our reputation of having the best goods anil lowest prices. Receiv ing goods every week during the busy sea . son we will have all the most fn.shiona.ble shapes and trimmings as soon as out. Mourning Goods our Specialty. YOU CAN ~f i . • ■ !•'■■■ . • ~ i „ k ,x :j ; ]t . . RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST PENS K. R. On and after Monday, Ma y 13, I>*, Irani will leave Butler as follows: MARKET at 6:15 a.m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 9:10 a. M.; connect* east tor Blair* vilie J with Day Kiprei*, arriving at Phi'adelphin ; at 7 p.m. . . „ . EXPRESS at S:.'i.s a. m., arriving at Alleghe- , nv at lo:3'i a. M.; does not connect for the east, but oonuects with A. V. B. R. north and south. | MAIL at 2:35 p. n>., and goea thioush t« Allegheny, arriving there at 4:40 p. m.;con- Lecta east for Philadelphia. ACCOMMOPATIOIT at 5:00 p, M., an<l I. n nccts at the Junction with Kreefxirt Accom modation, arriving at Allegheny at 7:20 p. in., and connects east AS far as Apollo. Trains connecting for Butler leave Alleghe ny at 8:20 a.m., .'5:15 p. m. and 5:4.3 p. M. Trains arrive at Butler at 10:30 a. in. an>l I 5:00 and S:00 p. m. PITTSDUKG, SIIKNANIiO A LAKE ERIE R. K tin and after Mondar, Dec. 17, IsSS, train will leave Butler as follows. Corrected to fast time, 1 hour faster that) schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville from the Pittsburgh and Weatern depot at 7:(XI and 10:30 a. so. and 5:05 p. M. Trains leaving the P. &. W. depot in Allegheny , city 8:20 a. M. and 2:5U p. M. fast time j connect at Butler with trains on the S. j <T A. Trains arrive at Butler from Greenville.fas | tune 10:10 N. in., 2:25 and 6:20 p. in. ! and connect with trains on the P. & \V. : arriving at Allegheny at 12:05 p. in. apd 5:00 j and 8:23 p. in., fast time. Trains leave Ililliards at 5:45, and 11:00 a. j m., slow time, and ARRIVE at Y:10 a. m. and 5:55 p. in. Both trains connect at Branchton for ilutlerand Greenville. The train that leaves Butler at 7 a. m. con nects at Shenango with train on N. Y. P. & 0., arriving at Cleveland at 12:50 p.. M., and Cincinnati at 7:55 p. m,, and Chicago at ]O.-.JO p. m. It alto connects at Osgood with L. S, & M. 8., arriving at Cleveland at 12:50 iii Erie 11:47 a. m, Buffalo 2:50 p. M. and New York 5:45 a. m. all Central time. The 10:30 train connects at Mercer for Oil Citv, arriving at 12:50 p. M. and at Shenango with N. Y. P. <K 0., arriving at Oil City at 3:50 p. m. Buflalo 7 p. m. and New Y0rk. 6:30 a. M., i-lso connects at Osgood with L. S. I M. S. for Franklin and Oil City. P. & W.H. R. Corrected to fast time— One hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City at 4:20 and 10:15 a. m., and 3:55 and and 6:25 p. m. The New Castle and western mail leaves at 8:45 a. m., and the Chicago & Western ex press at 1:50 p. LU. Trains leaves Butler for the North at J0:15 a. in., and 8:30 p. HI. Trains arrive at Butler from Allegheny at 10:15 a. RN. and 3:20 ami 8:30 p. M., trom Al legheny, New Castle and the West at 12:10 p. M. and from Callery at 5:40 p. m. A Uain arrives from Foiburg at 8:45 a. M. and from Kane at 6:20. Trains connecting lor Butler leave AHe gheuy at 7:40 and 10:00 a. M. and 1.40 and 6:30 p. M. Sunday trains arrive from Allegheny at 10:15 a. in. and 3:20 p. N,; from New Castle, Voungstown and Chicago at 12.*10 p. M. Leave fer Allegheny at 10:15 a. M. and 6!25 p. M.; for New Castle, 8:45 a. TU.; lor Chicago at 1:50 p. m. Willard Hotel, W. 11. REIIIINO, Prop'r BUTLER, " fA. STAItLINti IS ( ONNKCTION. SAMPLE ROOM ror COMMERCIAL TBAVELEKS SAMPLE ROOM. I.IVELIV IN CONNECTION Hotel Vogeley ( Strictly First Chins.) HENRY L. BECK, PROP'R. J. 11. FALT.EL. Manager. Butler, Pa. Diamond : - : Hotel, Fronting Diamond, Butler, Pa. THOMAS "WASSON, Pro'r. Good rooms good meals, stabling in con nection, everything first class. HUP till iii Hill, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER) - - Near New Court House— formerly Donaldson House— good accommodation* for travelers. GOOD stabling connected. [4-9-*HG-ly l 11 KITENMUI I.KK. Prop'r. NIXON'S HOME, S3 N. MCKEAN ST., lICTI.EK. L'A. Meals at all hours. OJ)eii all night. lireal:fast 25 cents. Dinner :« cents. Supiwr -J5 cents. Lodging 2B cents, SIMEON NIXON - PROP'R. WANTED Men to take orders for Nursery Stork, on feala ry or CommiHSlon. I can make asu ccessful SALESMAN of any one who will work and follow my In structions. Will iurnish handsome outfit free, ar.d pay your Kalary or commission every week. Write for terms at once. E. o. GKAIiAM, Nurseryman. Rochester, N. V. DIAMOND LAUNDRY, East Diamond - - Butler, Pa. FIRST CLASS LACNDRV WORK IN AI.I. BRANCHES. LACK CI UTAINS A SI'ECIALTV. ALSO, CLEAN ING, Dvntxc AXU CAB PUT CLEANING. Goods collected and delivered in all parts of the town. ANDREWS&SHUTTLEWORTH, PROPRIETORS. Bhali we start YOl' in tins IHMIIPSS, wader? Wnie TOU* ■«.<! I«urn all al» o« it for younwlf. \V« you II TUU don t delay ui.lil anoth>r K«-111 ahi'uil of YOU IN \<>ur |«AIT ut the country IF YOU hold vou Hill beald«-lo | I. K up FOLD F«>T. — On H. «.MINT of a for. . ,| 1.0.0u U. lut.-r . AALR I i.'1.000 IEN a-:I|»TI ALL»LLLLT« an-to L>«-AOLD loth# i.-.f<, r **£• ». I, M .un.t n. !£••% i.l < rin.-M.n Hllk VrlvM lluah. Cbarnduftlv .h . « r«l.-.l inahlr. rat in il>* »»-.rl«L L.UIK 1 *t • I I.MIKO'I. nrr linown AIR- a au. « nl HM'!t o o. no INLKINIR M-. canary. W 1.. r. v«-r iliown. . ».-ry •io ».. < elm »•'. Airtnia T«ke lh« iiiand* of onlrn Mlh NJOIM . R IM fore KUOMN. (.rial |.rofin await errrv workrr AR-M .»■ makinir fort ultra. Ladieaiuakr aa nm< H'aa NO n Vo.I r. B.L ■ ran do iia W .11 aa any onr. l ull information ami IN ma |I. . . to thoan who wrllr fur MINE, vailh |*nrlit ulnr- NML trrm» f ■ Family HiI.LRA, Hooka and iVriodi. Ala Afu r you k. •bouldyon ronrludc lo GO no furthrr. why no harm la .! • AUDR.aa E. C- ALLEN 4 CO. AM.I -LA, >l* AIA MII month and CXHII.J S: We U' lualh « J L|||pa> this to our salesmen. OCTKIT •M IIIIKUKR Can startyo lat once. Send UL" Ufor I crin- to » J. AL'STIS SIHH, V iir*» r) Nl.nn, Kuril enter, \ I a j — buuecribe for :Le CITIZEN. The Result ot Doing business on the square , |is always satisfactory. People 11 j prefer to deal where they can I get good honest goods with no fancy prices We have the finest line of Ilats, the finest line of Furnishing Goods and J | the lowest prices in Butler. We buy light from the fac tories for cash and our eusto j mors get the benefit. A coin- i parison of our goods and prices ! sells them. Light-colored still's, ; straws and summer underwear ! away down now. COLBERT & DALE, 70 S. Main street. Butler. Pa. B. B.j YOUR * PLEiSE.i We want to send to every reader : I of this, as well as hundreds of other: j papers, a copy of our New Fall aid ill inter Catalogue AKD FASHION JOURNAL. You get it free of charge and post age prepaid. Don't fail to send us j your ..name and address, (plainly written on a postal card, will be suf ficient), and mention the paper in which you read our advertisement. If you received a copy of our Spring Catalogue, we already have your name registered, and you will also receive the Fall issue. We sin- | ceroly hope you will read its pages carefully, and, if possible, compare j our prices with those of some or any j other large house in America. OUR CATALOGUE Contains 100 pages of useful informa tion—is a complete review of the lat est Fashions and Fabrics, and a de-! tailed price list of evervthiag in the DRY GOODS line. It will be ready to mail about Sep tember 25th. VISITORS to the Western I'enn- ' sylvania Exposition, (September 4th to October l'Jth), are cordially invit- , ed to make our stores their beadquar- i ters Big enough to accommodate' you by the thousands. Everybody ! knows where it is. Make appoint- ; ments to meet your friends at "li. <fc , B's." There will be plenty to interest . you here tvhile you wait. BOGGS & BUHL, 115 to 121 FEDERAL ST ALLEGHENY. PENNA. LOOK! READ!: I havecnliirjjefl my store-rotm. In rait. riunV It almost twice as large as li was ix-fure, .mil liavt: aLso Increased my stock. I have, by lur, the largest and best selected stock of Fine Drugs and Chemicals In Butler county, and am now In position to supply the wants of the people of thlseounty— even better tliau In the past. You will do well to call on me when in tae need of anything In the line of Fine Drugs and Medicines, .My stock Is very complete and I'ltH'KS \ KItV I.OW, lii medicine quality Is of the tlrsi Impor tance, so we give particular attention to lilllug Prescriptions. our Dispensing Department is complete. We dispense only l'ure Drugs of the Finest Quality, and our patrons may bring ns llielr psvs'-rlp Hons. feeling certain that they will he carefully and accurately tilled. Thanking the puliilc for the very generous patronage lliey nave accorded me In the p i t. I nop- (o be able to serve them more acceptably In the future, at the old stand. No. 5, North Main St, BUTLER, PA. J. C. RZDICK, ■ Planing Mill I iuoaberlk ard J. L. I Um i' i . PIJKVib S.G. Purvis&Co. MANUFACTURERS ASi> M.AI.KRS IN Rough and Planed Lumber OK EV *C!{ Y UStUHtH HON, SHINGLES & LATH I'LANLNT-I .>)I IA> AND VAUI> Neariicrd. i'' < »• l. c- wick:, DKALKR IN Rough and Worked Lumber OP ALL KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath AI ways in Slock. LIME, HAIK AND PLASTER. Olllcu opposite I'. A W. Depot, DUTLKII, - PA. I hit • irt s .... . . Im ad/wrtiai.'f. is v>Hen in vxi'l f.r iit on fi l r t VISITORS To tho PilUbur# Imposition wi'l find it hoth convenient autl advanUgeou to cull on us while here to supply their Kail an<l Winter nerds in OVERCOATS, SUITS AND HATS, Our ftock is now complete, ami tb< hulk of the Clothing bein? oi it OWN MAKE wc cla m :>n<l can prove to your satisfaction, that for the same | rice it stands unequaled in durability, (it, handsome patterns nnd n<>w«»t styles, j Having served the people of this section for the l ist 22 years, wc have learned their needs wid v>-« c.-iti depend upon finding jnst whit you want iu our enormous stock Our Morch nt : "if»ir department is crowded with the many itpecial lv c elect < d • 1 ' i« * in Orfn-rvat intra, Suitings and from the best foreign ntid d.michUc nrlis. High class work at popnlur prices is the inducement to ex imiae uUf line Perfect lit ulauys guaranteed. Wc would also cail your attention to our Hat Department, which con tains none but the best standard makes You will find the prices n decided saving on what you have been paying. We keep a complete assortment of the celebrated Stetson hats STRASSBURGER £ JOSEPH, Tailors, Clothiers and Hatters, lt'.l-lf>3 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, I'ENN'A. your address for one of our Fall Souvenirs. Please note that our stores will be closed Thursday, Sept. 2G, and Saturday, Oct. 5, until 6 p.m A GREAT BOOM! OPENING OF FALL AND WINTER BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS H U S E I T O N'S. KEN S. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' BOOTS, All cut from choice Chicago veal kips, hand made; have these in medium j and extra wide, plain and box toe, high and low ' istep, high leg. Full line of DRILLERS' HOOTS in four soles, in kip and grain, box toe. Prices on Men's boots ranging from $1.50 and up; Boys' and \ ouths to correspond with Men's. Boys will have dry feet that buy our boots and no doctor bills i to pay. MEN'S. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SHOES, In calf, kangaroo, veal and English cordovan,'all widths, all shapes, wide or narrow, plain or tip Prices in Men's §1 and up Men's heavy shoes, box toe, with bellus extra high cut. Old Men's wide, soft and easy shoes. Bro- j gnus and plow shoes at Bfjc. and up. Meu's slippers, extra nice and good, at 75c; others sell at $1 and $1.25. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILD S SHOES, Iu endless variety. Sec our ladies'shoes in grain at sl, fine dougola at $1.25, very fine at $1.50, $1.75 and $2, both in common sense and opera, lasts, all widths. Our ladies' hand welts at $2 50 aud up, other small deal- ! ers sell at $3 to $4. Laities' slippers at 50c, serg congress at 50c, others sell at 75c to sl. Infants' shoes at 25c and up. Ladies', misses' aud children's spring heel shoes at SI and up, all widths Then comes the old reliable line of kip and calf shoes iu lace and buttou, as solid ;is a rock, kuown far and near for their excellent wearing and water resistinir ijualities; kip, uulined, side seams, polka cut, at 75c, and up; call, veal, oil grain, mid glove grain button at $1 25 and up. We have high but ton heavy sLoes for girls and boys that have a loug road to school that will positively wear all winter and keep their feet dry and warm. Children s, ; 50c and up Old Indies' Wide Uas.v Shoes, fl«nel lined, at 7oc ! others sell at §1 and §1 25. We sell Boston, Woonsocket, Lycoming aud Other nuik- sof rubbers in large quantities. I)uek boots that will not snag or blister in oil rubber fusion and wood lined. We have the same price to | all. No auction or old rusty job and sample lots in thisstoc*. Leather and findings li you will stop in" and see us we will save you money in tootwear. B. C. HUSELTON. Visitors to the Fair Will not find their visit complete unles they call at TROUT MAN'S. And see their new lines of Dress Goods, ihfnnels, blank ets, yarns, table linen, muslin, ticning, hosiery, gloves, corsets and underwear, that have already arrived for the Fall !, nd Winter trade, and while at the Fair Ground don't fail to visit the F I, OR A L HA L L. Where you will see our Display of Carpets, llugs, Oil Cloths, lace curtains, curtain poles and window shades. Then you will have an idea of what we carry in our large Carpet Rooms, and at prices that will astonish you. YOURS, d'c., A. Troutman & Son. I'. S. It may be a iittle early to speak of Wraps and Cloaks, but do not get one until you have seen ours. We can tave you money. I85(> E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No 19, Notth Main St., BDTLES,!PA., X) K A Li Kli IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, &c., &c. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repairing in all*branches skilliully done and |warranted. 18SO ESTABLISHED 1850 Farm lor Sale. The undersigned owns a small farm •>! 15 acres, located in Penu Tp., near Mr. Ogden's | Church, which she wishes to sell. It is all tillable ami in a good state of cul- I tivation; has good water. The fields are j well watered, Good orchard ot all kinds of fruit. A good frame house of live rooms, good barn and all necessary outbuildings. She will give a bargain on it lor cash, or part cash and short payment.-. Inquire on the premises of MKH. KLIZAUKTH Ton IN. Glade Mills E. 0., UntlerCo., l'a. _ 'UK SIOREHURSERItS. ERIEiPA. AH stock gnaranteed to be in good con dition when delivered. We replace all trees that fail to grow. RICKKHKXCKS IX BUTLER: J. I". 1,0 wry, W. T. Meehling, J nines Shamir. Jr.. J. K. l''orsyth<", (Ji-o. Shallner, ('."Walker, Km|., FerU Ifeiber. Ksq. and I). L. Cleeland. G. F. KING, AGT. KITKNMILLI K HOUSE, ULTLEK, PA. X>„ LEAcIING ILLDIGIY HOUSE Special Mourn ing Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready foruse. No- 18. South Main Strict, - - ! \ I "T [ ,KK« I * \ 1)0 Not Neuleet Y our Eyesishl. T>. L. Cleeland, of the lirni of Cleeland & Ralston, jewelers, j having attended a course of lectures called the Opticians! Course, is now prepared to test and correct the following; defects of the eyes —Presby- opia, Ilypermetropia, Myopia, and Astigmatism. Come one j and all, old and young, that have imperfect vision and have 1 your eyes tested and correct ed by I). L. CLEELAND, Practical Optician. Corner of Diamond, Butler, Pa. _ FOR SALE. 1 will sell the real estate in which the business is now conducted, consisting of a cor uer lot t'>oxl2o feet. Irontinji on the principal street of the town, and on which two two-su-ry store-rooms, a shop, a six-room frame bouse with good cellar, a barn and all necessary out buildings are erected. Tlie lot has a never fail ing well or gc.od water. I will also sell my Franklin twp. property, consisting of 1* acres of good, level, nice lan.t in a high state of cultivation and all sown to grass with good and new six-room house, barn pood orchard, two wells—one > It and one hart—and , a" necessary out buildings. El , MlNusoN Prospect, Pa. Wm. F. Miller. Manufacturer of Stair Rails, Balusters and Newel~posts. All kinds of wood-turning done to order, also Decorated and Carved wood-work, such as Casing. Corner blocks. Panels and all kinds of fancy wood-work for inside decoration of houses. CALL AND SKE SAMPLES. | Something new and attractive. Also FURNITURE at iowestjeash prices. Store at No. 4», N\ Main street. Factory at No. 59, N, Washington streei BCTLEK. - -- -- -- -- PENNA. BUY YOUR HOMES United Security LUeltnsurance and Trust Co., of Pa, Money to Buy Homes. Monthly dues not more than a talr rent. Pay ments decrease yearly. In event ot death prior to completion of payments, balance of rn cumbrance canceled. Money to Loan. Real estate bought and sold on commission. Wanted houses to rent and rents collected. L. G. LINN, No 38 South Main St., Butler, Pa. Over Linn's Drugstore. Steer Wire Fence! ifilfjjj The cheapest and neatest Pence for around Lawns, school Lot-s. Poultry Yards. Hardens, I'ar.ns. etc. Also manufacturers of l.lght and Heav\ Iron Fencing. Cresting. Stabli Hltlngs, hire shutters. Fin- Kscapes of different designs, and all kinds ot lliu> AMI WIKK WOltK. TAYLOR \ DEAN, 20!!-20i Market St. Plttsliurv*. P». THE BUTLER CITIZEN ANI> THK NMIIM BaNNEB AT $2.65 PER YEAR FOR BOTH. Subscribers to tho CITI/.kn who are not now receiving the I'renhi/terian Ultimo-. and who pay us the above amount, can re ecivc both papers for "one year. This oiler expires Jan. Ist 181)0. SOUTH; ,v OMiiii EN Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters, of more than 20 years experi ence, have opened their store In the Geo. Kelber block, on Jefferson St. opposite the Ijiwry House, with a full line of plumber s Supplies. GAS FIXTLHI-S.ANI) (iI.OUKS. HANGING ANI) TABI.B LAMPS. NATURAL (»AS BURNERS, Jtc Jobbing promptly .'attended to, and your pe onage respectfully solicited. UHiON lOOlifi lltl, RVTLKit, IV4. 11. FULLKRTON, Prop'r. liliinketM, I'laiuiels and Yarn Maiuilaefurcil ofPure Hul lei County Wool. We guarantee our goods to be strictly all wool and noarsenle or any oilier poisonous material used in dyeing. We" sell Wholesale or relall. Samples and prices fumlshi d free to dealers on application by mall. Alsx. Eorland, BOOT & M MIKfB SPUINfiDAI.K, Next Poor to W uller's. iiicial attention given to repairing of al I kinds. THE PIiODIGY CHURN. rut Mill FEB M IVIiJI H I. I«'| Whv it is superior to nil Others. Ist. Because of its easy operating. Jail. Because everything necessary is jitvidid in its gtEiial acLeip or making uniformly the very best grotulaled gilt-edge batter. compuuvs each cburn _ '* c 't' T 1 '' *" J"7 What"one ol our pat- ' J ffi I *iu.*bol. I.U.r but rons says of the Prodi- -* " , . T '"" SyCl.urn.ftcrthorouKh I am At'Hol'ie, I 'Washing- A wd »•»« «mM« I. fQ. ''•Mjmwt .h.uvrt?u!n have I*m-II uMt.tf ..t.r V' —■; T *V * 'T* , V ,. v „,. your churns about >ix - - nlk- ■*3 " " M "' fully rwommend it :i • a * grand succei-s in every w ... Bowl ofGrauuhited Butter. This Churn is manufactured ami for sal ) by Shim, Sbira k Hay*, man ufacturers of the Celebrated Allen Patent Washing Machine, Butler, Pa. I Circulars with full description aud direction* s»nt lo any address Agents ' wanted to sell in every ounty. VISITORS TO PITTSBURG - Arc i-'ir<lially iiuitc.l to iiii-jtet-t our iinition-tm-kof the following fAv'", articles: IK CLOAKS "jM WRAPS A. \y For l.ailies. .Missis anil Children. 1: pikh im ciin mnniins ' | All sizes, all styles and prices. jfji | 1»A BIKS'CLOAKS. I.otur and Short; the largest variety in the INCOMPARABLY TIIK I.AIMSKST MILLINERY DEPARTMENT and the lowest prices. Stylish Goods only 50 tstylts of Kid ({loves. Hooka or Buttons. Hosiery, Poles aud Trimmings, Woven Gloves, Underwear, Ladies' Neckwear, Lares, llabies' Wear, Ladien' Press Trimmings, Aprons, Linen Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Art Kmbroidery, Lice Curtains, Corsets, Plushes, Chenille Portieres, Kid Gloves, Kmbroideries. And lots of articles, largo and small, useful arid needful, always dis played on counters. Holiday Presents and Fancy Goods. OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST l^gei\bavirs(§> 510 to 516 Market St., and 27 Fifth Ave iTrrsiM ic<■ ■i. PA. J. R. GRII B. PROF. R. J. LAMB. GHIEIS & LAMB'S MUSIC STORE. . NO. 16 SOUTH MAIN ST . BUTLER. PA. Sole Agents for Duller, Mercer :tnd Clar & ion counties lor Behr Kros. Magnificent Pi :»ni>s. Newhy & Evans' I'ianos, Sinith- MmjpfSfpjffr American and Carpenter Organs, Importers ■brated Steinuieyer Pianos, and Dealers in Violins, Kruno Guitars, and All Kinds ol" Musical Instruments. SIIEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY Pianos and Organs sold 011 installments. Old Instruments taken in exchange. Come and see us, as we can save you money. Tuning and Repairing of all kinds of Musical Instruments Promptly attended to. MEAHVILI.E C().NSi:il\ ATOUY OK MUSIC. A lilitli (traUu InsttlKtlcii Willi larilltn n Musi. ..i. I \rt H" hd tc i... 1..-I In Hi" ""j" 1 '?; Krniilmsoiilv u-acluT> -I < \|« rleiicc and « n.iin-i:t r-1 utat .i. I u»u ••i-Mi-.t*- tuuia.* u m • Includiiiu all braiichi s Vix-al ami liwtruii • ntat. l.iflillii.-il nlil Ul.xli'iij ««rtl.tf<* * •" i i-iii.H Music as au elective situdy. , ■ ii4uiim« 111 i.IIIT li I. .nr.—ln I'NIIII Ins,'. Drawing. W.HMI < .irvli-.-. 'V' \i, .1 \.'i> , . .irrale jprajil. .1 U>"- i 'iiil.l.'lni;; iny on.- nl It iriie». I ... I! 'nM . ..rilli.tf Ji . jatw. students admitted to am Brad-. I |il Ll.."wr^l.r^&J.Ul.. fa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers