[CARTER'S . [f?^i CURE ■iok i»1 relieve all the trouble incl bilinoa ««!•• >.f ft. ' syatem. such as Num. Drowsiness. Distres-s aft.r •atmir. l*aia in Ufc-Side. &c While their most Mnarkabie mccew has lieen shown in cunu« SICK Headache. yet Cahte*'* Ijmi Lmrit Pru.= ar»- isiumllr valuable in Constipation. coring and pee sent In r this amoving romplaint. «hil. • |h* r also oofT*vt all d»)rt''rs of tn»* stomach, •insulate the liver and rvjjuhue llw I""* K>es If they oaly HEAD Afh* ther vmild paicekva tn tlK*» who uniTer fr m this dtetreoins complaint : hot fnrtanatetv their p. - sinew does not end her* and those who once try them will find (i, K liuip pUis valual.le in an many ways that *ey will not he willing to do without them. Bat after all Rick head ACHE ta the tan* of an manr Hvc« that hero is when* we make nor et**t boast. Our pills curt' It while other* do not. CAtmm* Lrrnjc T.nxm Pili.s are very small aad W»T *•"" to take One or two pills make • (Viae. They are strictly vegetable and do aot rripeor poppe. hut I>t their K»-ntle action blmuc all who iw them. In vials at iifi cents: five for fl. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. aim mcicat co., Kr* int. yn U Boss. Small Price. Sweat-Groan-Growl. §bi 'ay ing U uk ity WolffsflCMEßlackins REQUIRES NO BRUSH. Sheds Water or Snow. Shoe* eaa be wuhei clean, requiting nfi only once a Wcel for mm, aace a Month for women It M alio an Elegant Harneaa Dressing. WOLFF ft RANDOLPH. Philadelphii SCOTT'S EMUISIOK OF PURE COD LIVER OIL .A.ND HTPOPHOSPHITEt Almost as Palatable as SV'ilf la <li(tiiHd that It can bo tain si ilf«atotf,aad assimilated by tlie moi MBSitlTf stomach, when the plain 01 cannot be tolerated; and by the com fetnatlon of the oil vrltb the hypo phosphites la math more efllcacluu Bcoarkafcle at a lesh proturrr. hnw pain rapidly while Uklne It. SCOTT'S KJfCI-SION ii acknowledged 1 nysir-saas to be Uio Finest si.d Uest preiarj boa in the world for the relief and cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTINC DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDSand CHRONIC COUCHS The great remedy for Consumption, air Wasting in Children. SnJd by nil Druggists S*\ DOCTORS LAKE ■MI PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICIOS, UoC PES S AVE. ||HBl —PITTSBURGH All forms of Dclic.-.to and Com plicated Inses-c-i requiring ( ox ni'EKTt ALSlld griKSTiriC MKOt ration are treated at thlsl'ispentary with a sue mmrarely lttainH. Pi. B,K. Lak" l>a membc: af the Koyal < "Hive of I'hyslrians and Burgeons and is tha oldest and mo-t experienced Special IST In thecitv. Siiceial attention given toKerv aaa I»ebillly Rein execs* ive mental exertion, in discretions of youth, Ac., causing physical am Mental dao.y, lack of energy, despondency, Ac. alaoCaneeia, Old bores. Kits, Piles, Rheumatic and all diseases of the Skin, Itlcxvl, Lungs, I'rin ary Organs Ac. Consultation free and strlrtl aonfldaotlal. Offlcc tours 9to 4 and 7tosp. m. Bandars i toHp.ni. only. Call at office or addre* a. K_ L4IK.M.T).. M.R.C.P.B. or K..1. Lake. U.I -Thousand liars ts-. ii permanently cured liy I*lll Is A DELPHI A. I*A. Fjtx-st onre. noop.rallft» or ftim of nnif from bu"liK»s. <.' aw* - ncmrmbks by <«thors w»nt«<l. Hend f »r ( lr< iflui. CURE GUARANTEED. odfitZS&i | ■ ■■ A STMPTOX*- Molai ■ ■ I mm Itching 11 I hi hIV ■ lowed to rontlntan .. Utnon fortaa taiatl ■ ITCHING PILES.^- d ;„5 h :,;v^;;. ■ kMoataf very aoi*. HW/WXKH ill NT- I MMTICafC the Itrblßg an<l blr<-«linr. Im-mU ■ all In a*a««t r«ara n aitiv«•» tkr to ■M*«s B**Tn'l (imaiir %av iMrfi MI r*««tfX «f Met*. •»»«»*: i haw. fl.2*. Ulrao ikuari. DK »*i YKK A BUN, Phliadripbia. P*. Rtbpmi, Itchy, Scaly, Skin Torturca. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT T++ wipfc kfili -ktc i. of " Svifii'a Oiwutrt « taieraai amliclrr. «lil car* wir oaim or Trti«Y. Salt SWAYNE'S OINTMENT ■Pwwb. Biarwarv). Ftlw. lich.Aurwa. Knalßvlna. all SKIN DISEASES O* aatwc !»'.• o».«tlrta'e or too* •lan-tlu 1. Sold hf lr i«l«t«. o» awl br mmii for Mcu a Basra, H A<l<trr«a l»au 9*«raa A boa. rma4*i(<Ua, Pa. Aas joui druggiat for 11 . E "*. CATAWHH hay .and Cold in HeadjJ^.pEVEß A particle is applied Into ea< 11 noslril and I acrs»ali]e Price so eenis at IMgstßta; by uiai mns'eretl m c.-nts, KI.Y fllMrrllßßH, aa Warren St., New Vork. POSITION OFFERED. If you are in need of a (tootl paying posititai and think _yo>i hare *! c ~f •, „,t aale -man. you will do well to write u> once We will pay g»Hsl commi- ion <>t aalarr and Mpen»<»» to « p«mkl man. Tin position we offer is a permanent one. Atl dr« ss at voce. Biiovi:« A ATWOOH Karacryntcn, Ucncva, X. Y New Livery Stable. New Slock, New RiKs —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horaea fed and boarded PETER KRAMER, Prop'r, 39, W. Jeffersoa St., Cutler, Pi nnuEin n 'l3 E CITIZE3ST MISCELLANEOUS The Piggy Queen. Tennyson was one evening dining at court with a little grandchild. It so bap pened that near the end of the meal there was a plate near the Queen with a .-inglt piece of bread ou it. which her majesty reach ed ovel- and helped berselfto.when the child pointed her linger at her and to the horror of all present, who expected nothing u -- than instant decapitation from the darliiif infant, snid: "Piggy—piggy P'S- ''' Queen with great dignity and tac; said 1 ' Quite right, my child; nobody ex cept a ® V<r the last piece ol brwul on tli. plate." When Tennyson told the auecdot to a witty Iri-hwonian she hotly replied ' Why didn't she say nobody but a qneei or a pig?" Know Thyself. "What are we here for?" "Are you .satisfied with yourself f "Do you pay your way?" "Are you in demand?" "Are you in debt/'' "Where are yon going?' "Arc you a fool?" "What do you think of yourself ? These are a few of the questions askei by "The Quiet Observer'' of the Pittsburj That's Queer. -Mr. MeClintoek," shouted I»is l>ettei half. "I want you to take your feet off th parlor table." "Mr*. MeClintoek." he said, in a fixed determined voice. ■ I allow only one per son to talk to mo that way." "And who is thatf" she demanded. "You, my dear.' ho replied softly, as h removed his pedes. The Wisest Gift. "I bought my wife a velvet sack. Thus proudly boasted Mr. Brown. "She'll be. with that upon her back, The best-dressed dame in town." Isut velvet sack or diamond ring Can bring no balm to sufiering wife. Favorite Prescription is the thing To save her precious life. The great and sovereign remedy, kno\ the world over, for all female troubles, in flammation. cruel backaches, and intern displacements is I>r. l'ieree s Favorite Pre suription. It is the only t/tiuraittec<l cui< See guarantee on every bottle-wrapper. A thief in the eastern part of this stat dug up a field of potatoes during the nigh anp carried them off. —Dr. Pierce's Pellets—gently laxative o actively cathartic according to do.-e. 2 cents. —There are strange things in this worli The churches of America raise money : send missionaries to India, which i .i Bril ish possession. In Kngland they manufac ture idols to be sent to the natives of In dia. and the business is one of va.-t propoi tions. —The man who is busy working doesn have time to read np on the subject of cap ital and labor, and the man who puts i his time reading on the subject doesn have have time to work. That's why in one reaches a complete comprehension c the difficulty. —The people's medicine—llood's Sui saparilla. Its success i due to its peculiti medicinal merit. —The Pittsburgh Conunirrial-Oasett saj's: Few persons aie aware that an ali; minum-makingplant is now in full operatio in this city. This industry was cstablishei here during the winter by tln- Pittsburg Testing Laboratory Company, and ha proved a decided success. The product i obtained by a process of which electricit; is a great factor. About fifty pounds of aluminum mot si are produced daily. It is worth about •+' per pound, and this is a very largo sing! output when compared with the product <: the factories in other parts of the world The material is used for various purpose: It has taken the place of silver leaf in Rig: painting, and in that particular has provci a great success. —The Hudson River tunnel, designed t give passage for railway trains under tli wide body of water that separates Nc\ York from Jersey City, is again in proces of construction. Some twenty years hav elapsed since it was proposed in its presen shape by the eminent engineer. Mr. I>. C Haskin. It is the property of the Hudsoi Tunnel Railroad Company, a eorporatioi organized under general laws of the State of New Jersey and New York, but whicl laws were parsed for it., benefit. —"Would you take my business off in; hands, accept all responsibilities, and gc as your compensation your board, clothe and lodging?" inquired a successful busi ness man of a laborer. "You bet wouldn't," was the reply of the man <■ whom the question was asked. "Well, said the merchant, "that's all I'm gcttin; out of it." And yet some people who nr reasonably well to-do are envying thos who are considered rich. A gentleman of Smethport had a pe culiar experience some evenings since While he was glancing over some news papers in his easy chair at home, he hear< a noise in the room and upon looking i the direction saw not a "stately raven' but a hlnck and white animal resembling : cat. The gentleman was greatly alarmct and after much inanecuvering, in u ven humble manner succeeded in getting tin skunklet to depart, without ruining hi home. —Sixty years ago railroads were nr. known in this country, and the populatioi of the I'uited State consisted of 12.000,0' ■> people. To-duy we operate upward of l(i « o<hi miles of rai'road, and onr populatioi has increased to 60,000,000. Sixt v year ago the aggregate wealth of the Unitei States w;i- les» than *1,000.000,000: at pre out it is estimated at ifjC,"00,000.000. Ove our 105,000 miles of railroad there was ear ried last year 475,00,000 people, and flOtt 000,000 tons of freight were transported [Tpoti these lines are engaged 1,000,(MM employee Their e«|uip!Hent consists o 'IO.OOO locomotives, 21,000 passenger cars 7,000 baggage cars, and 1,000,000 freigh car-. The capital invested in coustructioi aud equipment amounts to $3,000,000,00< and the yearly disbursements for labor am supplies exceed $«<Kl.00O.000. —The returns from the Third Congrcs sioual district of l.ouisaiia give Mr. Price the Democratic candidate, about 7.50< majority. I.ast fall the Democratic candi date was credited with 12,500 majority although the party majority in XSMTwa hut It.noo According to the returns, twi parishes that, had over 2,401) Itcpuhlicai votes in 1880 cast barely 1U votes of thai kind in 1888. It j ; evident from tin official figures the elections in that dis trict have come to be the merest farces and the one held last week was no exeep tiou to the rule. Thi Democratic "regu lators" who prevented the holding of Ke publican meeting no doubt took cure thai Uepubiii an ballot: should not be polled nor ccmnteifro any alarming cvtent. It re main* f«r ('"iifrrn to vir«<* «omo rflicion< iAc at) b uf securing fair Cougrc«*iouai dec tioii< ail over the country if Republieai institutions an* to be maintained. « * lie. * i. . t% f* t-uf *Ui>nscd atp-uu. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WF>T FESN B. E. On and alitr Monday, May 13, l&S, train will leave Butler as follows: MARK FT at <1:15 a.m., arriving at Alleghe ny at ;■: 10 5. ni.; connects east lor l.lair-ville with Day KxpreM, arriving at Pbi'ftdelpkia at 7 p.m. . . . ~, . EXPRESS at 8:36 a. m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 10:3' i a. m.; does not connect for the en -t, but connects with A. \. R. R. north and south. , ... MAIL at 2:33 p. n>., and goes through t> Allegheny, arriving there at 4:40 p. in.; toe ni rt> east" for Philadelphia. An t'MJKiKATIos at j:tX» p, ni., and on necisattlie J unit ion with Fret-port Accoin inodatlon, arriving at Allegheny at 7:20 p m., and connects east as far as Aj>o!lo. Trains connecting for Butler leave Alleghe ny at f.'2o a.m., 13 P. m. and 6:4", p. in. Trains arrive at Butler at 10:30 a, m. art' r,:"0 and 8:00 p. in. riTTbliriWi, KBKN'ASIJO & LAKE F.KIK I|,J On and after Monday, Dec. 17, ISSiS, traiii will leave Butler as follows. Corrected to fast time, 1 hour faster thai schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville fr >n the Pittsburgh and Western depot at 7:o' and 10:30 a. m. and '5:05 p. m. Trait leaving the P. &■ W. depot in Atleghenj city 8:20 a. in. and 2:50 p. ro. fast tin., counect at Butler with trains on the S A A. I rains arrive at Butler from (jrvenville,fas time 10:10 a. u>., 2:25 and 0:20 p. in. and counect with trains o:i the P. & W arriving at Allegheny at 12:05 p. ra. and 5:0 and 8:23 p. m., fast time. Trains leave Milliards at 5:15, and 11:00 a UI., slow time, end arrive at tt:l0 a.m. an. 8:55 p. m. Both trains connect at Branchtoi for Butler and Oreeuville. The train that leaves Butler at 7 a. m. con uects at theuango with train on N. V. P. >! 0., arriving at Cleveland at 12:oV p. in., am Cincinnati at 7:55 p. m„ and Chicago a ]i .;;it p. m. It alto connects at Osgood will L. S, A: M. S., arriving at Cleveland at 12:5 in Erie 11:47 a. m, Buflalo 2:50 p. m. am 1 New York 5:45 a. m. all Central time. The 10:30 train connects at Mercer for Oi Citv, arriving at 12:50 p. in. and at Sheuang with N. V. P. & 0., arriving at Oil City a 3:50 p.m. Buflalo 7 p. m. and New York 11. m., i'ito connects lit Osgood with L. S. i M. S. for Franklin and Oil City. V. &. W. U. R. Corrected to fast time —One hour faste than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City a 4:20 and 10:15 a, m., and 3:55 and and ti:2s p m. The New Castle and western mail leave nt'iv4."> a. 111., and the Chicago iz Western ex press at 1:50 p. ni. Trains leaves Butler for the North at 10:1 a. in., and 3:30 p. iu. Trains arrive at Butler from Allegheny a 10:15 a. m. and 3:20 Htid 8:30 p. in., from A I legheny, New Castle and the West at 12:1 p. m. and from Callery at 5:10 p. m. A Uain arrives from Fosburg at 8:45 a. in and from Kane at 6:20. Trams connecting lor l'.utler lea\e All gheny at 7:40 and 10:'(0 a. iu. and 1 40 ate ti:3o p. m. Sunday trains arrive fr< m Allegheny « 10:15 a. m. and 3:20 p. m,; from Nov CHM'k Young.'town and Chicago at 12:10 p. in. Leave for Allegheny ai 10:15 a. ni. at. (,'.•>s p. m.; for New Castle, 8:45 a. ni.; !<• Chicago at I:.'H) p. m. Willard Hotel W. 11. REIMNfI, Prep'r BUTLEB, - I'A STAItI.I.NU IN COSSECTIOX. SAMPLE IJOO3I ror COaJIKUIIAL TUAVELKU SAMPLE ROOM. LIVERY IN CONNK< TIO> Hotel Vogclcv (Strictly First Clax*.) HEJfRY L. BECK, PBOP'R. J. 11. FAUBKL, Manager. Butler, Ps Diamond : - : Hotel Fronting Diamond, Butler, Pa. THOMAS WASSON, Pror. u Good rooms, good meals, stabling in con nectinn, everything first class. fiTftiiiiEfi urn No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - Near New Court House formerly I»ot;akls< • louse «ood accommodations for traveler: Good Ntiitillng connected. jl-y.'MV lyi II KITKNMUI LKR. l'rop'r. NIXON'S HOME, 85 N. McKEAN ST.. BUTLER. PA. Meals at all hours. Open all nlghi lireakfast 25 cents. Dinner as cents, Supper 25 cents. Lodging 25 cents. SIMEON NIXON - - - l'R<)l"H WANTED Men tr> t;ike or<!«*rs r«»r Nurs<-r\ Stock, on Sala rv or Commit lon. I iuak«* a sure* -sful SALESMAN of any one wlio will work anil follow my In Rtruc tluns. Will furnish handsome out lit fie' and pay your salary or comin! ■ every week Write for terms at ouc". 1.. o, CRAIIAM. Nurseryman. Rochester, N. Y. AA VOICE - y* • &v*. ,v " K Hamsl'iirjc. »'• 0 -r:z f;• •«»?<*% /. ' ' r.l •I I 1 ■ uih o ft'* ■ ■: " ' •M«ih* ' ■ frarkl 8I» !»• H • fttart I'OI in f. bu Irtkr l v »V ill ' ••I" I" | U uj» •» ' f:i»! I /'lCrilll • i«»! I.ll* «»l;I ;i I t. ||l »«»'»• • j.. o|>J !• i . . 1.. .. ii i i . » . . ' ' ■ I'lu-li. 1 in»l ; !! nil .!>-> world ljirir- %1 .*:/ • Or<m I'.cimm • kl w»i. bffomn > ■acq—iful mrnit. il*. if <-o * lit—ii" tnlkinir i>f*cr«Miry. \S b*tmr ulionu, vvry •n- \Mtnl* I• | AirritU Uk« Ohmi .in«l» «.l *»i*|» i.i; b«furc known. Gtoil proHu awnll ererjrHOrki i nutkinic I'irtiiii**. I ji'lii h m i!. < • ti'.nrli «« mrn ■ r ciin do mm well mi any on*-. Full lnfommii.»n mi-l l« im- .• s to (bone who write fof »afn. , < with |>nrtl< u!nr» mt<l f • i Kaniily BlblM, Cook* and IVrlodicat®. ifu r you k . i •h"Ul<lyon conrlude to ffooo farther, why no » Aililrcu h. C ALLEN U CO., All.t Planing Mil! —ANO— Liiiutber ai*<S L. PrkV'K. I i>. l'Cf.V 8. Purvis MANI ! ACTURKLfi AND DRAI.KIW !> Rough and Planed Lunibci OK KV«K W DIM'IKIPTION, SHINGLES&LATII I'LAN IN (4 >ll,]. AND VA!tl> •* *• * - vJ WANTED i 1. i v: r>? to t u\. - for tu.- »uik« of Nursery Mt« -c k A ful In • • • . « U»Hl« S anil c*p« n j i»iUt ll# .• < - >.~;ul men. No J UMK . iiimm st-Hiy. Write lor lei Hi--*. .»- •• {M ent'.Mi this paiMT * L. IHM)Tliin NurvTymait, I'.a-•' KoclietfU'r. N. Y. The Result ol Doiujr business on the squar< is always satisfactory. PeopU prefer to deal where they cai get good honest goods with in fancy prices We have th; finest line oi' Hats, the fines line of Furnishing Goods, am the lowest prices in Butler. We buy right from the lac tories for cash and our cnst< mere get the benefit. A coin parison of our goods and price sells them, Light-colored still straws and summer underwea away down now. COLBERT <\: DALE 70 S. Main street, Butler, Ft, To the People o liutlor county. All parties visiting in Butlc during our county fair, are rt spectfully invited to the New York ]>azaar The handsomest and larges DRY GOODS STOKE in I>ul ler county. During fair wee' we will oiler some extra _ r oo bargains in all our depart ments. We guarantee to sav you 2-3 percent on all pui chases. Please call and sc for* yourself, that nobody ca beat us on low prices. No trouble to show goods We have employed an extr force cf clerks to accommodat all our patrons. YOURS TRULY, J. & L. TRAXLKIi B. B T&OS RIME. WIS! Wo want to Bend to every reudt of this, as well us hundreds of ot papers, a copy of our dew fall aid WinterCatalop AND FASHION JOURNAL. You get it free of charge and p< f ntfe prepaid. Don't fail to fend i your name and address, (plainl written on a postal card, will be *u fieient), and mention the paper i wbicbyou rei: 1 our advertisMneiit. If yon received a copy of oi Spring Catalogue, we already ha* your name registered, and you wi also receive the Fall issue. \\ e sii cerely hope y"U will read its pag< carefully, and, if possible, coinpai our prices with those of some i r t:ti other large bouse in America. OUR CATALOGUE Contains I<lo page- of useful inform: tion—is a complete review cf the la est Fashions and Fabrics, and a <l< tailed price list of everything in th< DRY (iOODS line It will be ready to mail about Se] tetuber 25th. VISITORS to the Western l'enr sylvania Exposition, (September -It to October l'.ttb), are cordially invi cd to make our stores their headquai ters. Isig enough to accommodat you by thA thousands. Kvervbod knows where it is. Make appoio m<-nts to meet your friends at "B. . B's." There will be plenty to iuterei you here while you wait. BOGUS & BUHL 113 to 121 FEDERAL ST ALLEGHENY. PENNA LOOK! READ 1 have «-nlarjr'-1 my More rot in, In fa i. time It. almost twin* im largo It was Detore, mi Iwvi iiiln're.i.e<l ui> Muck. I have, li} fa Hie ! 4 and 1" ->t :>• i- •I• • i -loi !; of Fine Druss mid Olicmicals In I;:i!li r coMiiiy. .it,<l :uu i.uv. lr p..r.li n i aupply Iho W:tnla. f the pt. pie of 1 ills * ntj e\. ii belt, r llino la the pits'. You »in <I.I uvll to call on me when In (. nceU Of any thing In the line of Fins Drugs and Medicine: Mv stock Is very complete und PRICES VKB LOW. In liKMlicliio qualllx IK of tl'e HrM lmpo liinee. so «i- Rive ]iurfleular attention to lllllii Prescription*. Our l>lnpeii.-.ln/ Hepi'ttue ni in culnpl i.e. \V dlKbense only Pure Drugs of the Finsst Quality, our patrons may inn.: un ir i>r-- '•«•! j lions. feeling eer* «iri that they will be < »r«*fuli and amirately IIIl«-«l. ThanklmMhe nubile for th" very rot; patronage i hey have ac« orded in • lxi the j» ■ « horn' »<• i.<- able to seni- tin m more ac«vpt!ihi In the future, at fho old stand. No. 5, Not lb Muia St, BUTLER, l'A. J. C. REDICK, FOR SALE, Tin* undersigned offers M»r sale his gener* UH i. ol M RNII BK. and hi* I NDKB I * H IN<» himii.CSH |O«".l!i*d In I'rospeet, I'utler CIHIII l\. r.t. The stock of 1 urnltnrc Ih ail new an Will i e sold at tlr cost, and I also have a in Hi • of CH kcti »tn tin malU I o tlie 1 . «•**: , trlnimli . . good be i •• .•• , lura her and ev- r.\ tli.ii pertaining to the hn>i».e !in ii,<-d!ate p«»**i- .on will • Kiven, » t ini in- ss Is enough to keen one man *•<»n ' anil en ployed, ami occasionally require help Apply to or junin-s L\ M. !••!»M t'M>SON, Prospect, J'a VISITORS To the Pitt>'>ur ,' Exposition wi'l tin«l it both convenient and advantageous to call on ns while here to supply their Fall and Winter needs in OVERCOATS, SDITS AND HATS, Our stock is now complete, and the bulk of the Clothing boinz 01 k own make we cle' i a> 1 • " prove to your satisfaction, that for the same price it stands ottcqua d in (Mr I'-iWt v. fit, handsome patterns and newest styles. Having served the people <>f t his section for the last 22 years, we have 'earned their ■ nis and v«.u can depend upon finding ju-t what you want in our enormous -vrk Our M r. T.*ii.ifing Department is crowded with the many special ly .-elect'd ; i»-- ; n Ove.-eoatiosrs. Suitings and Pantalooniogs from the best foreign dd u -t oin lis. High class work at popular prices is the iuduceun T to < x .mi , ur li'ie Perfect fit always guaranteed. We would also cail voiir attention to our Hat Department, which con tains none but the best standard makes Vou will find the prices a decided savin,' on v. hat you have Keen paying. We keep a complete assortment of the celebrated Stetson hats STRASSBURGER & JOSEPH, Tailors, Clothiers and II at tors, I U>FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PENN'A. v ' Send vour address for one of our Fall Souvenirs. 2 ' Please note that our stores will be closed Thursday, Sept. 26, and | Saturday, Oct. 5, until fi p.m A GREAT BOOM! OPENING OF FALL AND WINTER BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS AT II U S E L TON'S. KEN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' BOOTS, All cut from choice Chicago veal kips, hand made; Jiave these in medium | and extra wide, plain and box toe, hijih and low tystep, high leg. Full line of Dill LEERS' BOOTS in four soles, iu kip and grain, box toe. Prices on Men's boots ristU' i' -C from $1.50 and up; Hoys' anil \ ouths to correspond with Men's. Boys will have dry feet that buy our boots and no doctor bills !to par. MEN'S. BOYS' AMD YOUTHS' SHOES, In calf, kangaroo, veal and English cordovan, all widths, all shapes, wide or narrow, plain or tip Prices in Men's $1 and up. Men s heavy shoes, box toe, with bellus l.v ni high cut. Oid Men's wide, soft and easy shoes. Bro g :is and plow sh>j -at 85c. and up. Men's slippers, extra nice and good, at 75c; others sell at $1 and $1 25 * LADIES', MISSLS' AND CHILDS SHOES. In endii' * \ ri v. See our ladie.-' shoes in at sl, line dongola at $1.25, very lint U $1.50, $1.7") arid $2, both in common sense aud opera lu all widths. Our ladies' hand welts at $2 50 and up, other small deal er,- sell at $.5 to sl. Ladies' slippers at 50c, serg congress at 50c, others sell at 75c t>» sl. infants' shoes at 25c and up. Ladies', misses' and children's spring heel shoes at $1 and up, all widths Then comes the old reliable line <>! kip and calf shoes in lace and button, »s solid as a rock, known far and near for their excellent wearing and water re-istins quilitie.-; kip, unlined, side seams, polka cut, at isc, and up; calf, v. ;,l, oil grain, and glove grain button at $1 25 and up. Wo have high but ton heavy shoes for girls and boys that have a long road to school that will positively wear all winter and keep their feet dry and warm. Children s, 50c and up Old i ..'lilies' Wide Eas,V Shoes, flannel lined, at 75c , :f. iai >1 ;hd $1 25 We sell Uoston, Woonsocket, Lycoming and other mak*s "I rubbers in large quantities Duck boots that will not snag or blister i oil rubber fusion and wood lined. We have the same price to u ij. X i ~. ,or old lu-tv jjb and sample lots in thisstock. Leather and findings It you will stop in and see us we will save you money in footwear. B. C. HUSELTON. Visitors to the Fair Will not find llieir visit complete unles they cull at TROUTMAN'S. vii(3 stv their new lines of Dress Goods, llannels, blank et- v■.• i .:s, t.ihle linen, muslin, ticking, hosiery, gloves, corsets nnd mi lervve.tr, that have already arrived fur the Fall »nd Winter trade, and while at the Fair Ground don't fail to visit j the IF LOR A L HAL L. Where you will see our Display of Carpets, lings, Oil Cloths, lace curtains, curtain poles and window shades. Then you will have an idea of what we carry in our large Carpet Rooms, and at prices that will astonish you. YOURS, <£-c., A. Troutman & Son. P. S it may I■ a little early to speakot Wraps and Cloaks, : but do not a* t one until you have seen ours. We can iave you money, lEstablished 185() E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No 19, Notth Main St., BUTLER, -PA., IJ i-C A L li 1- IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, &c M Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Ri ['Minn'/ in nll'l ranches skilllully done and Iwarranted. iiST/i-BXiISHSD 1850 Farm for Sale. The undersigned owns a small farm of \h acres, located in I Vim Tp., near Mr. Church, which wj, ( . wishes to sell. It in all tillable and in a state (#f cul tivation; li ffoorl wnter. The fields an* well watered. Mood orchard ol all kind> ol fruit. A ... <1 Irani.- house of live rooms, o. i bftfn ' ! . rjf ooUrnil linw. ' si..- n JIV< .< bat : iin <n II for - «T I nrt < h mid nort payments. Inquire on 'he | n mi *:• of M i;s. KI.I/, \I:K 11! •''l■ s S - Glade M ills l*» < Butler Co., Pa. A. J. FRANK CO. DRUGS, MEDICINES, AVI) CHEMICALS FANCY A SI) TOILET AILTICES, SI'ONIIES, HUI'SIIES, PERFUMERY, AN : FL'liyslclaiiH' rrfsrrli'UONA CAREFULLY|OOIA pounded. 5 S. Mair. Street, Butler, Pa. —Subscribe for tbe CITIZEN. JO„ T. 3E» Al* LEAdING lILHRY HOUSE Special Mourning Hats ;.u i Crapes aDd Nuns Veiling always ready for use. No- 18. South Main Street. - - Bl "J J I V> Do Not Neglect Your Eyesight. <*-■ 1). L Cleeland, of the firm of Cleeland & Ralston,. jewelers, having attended a course ot lectures called the Opticians Course, is now prepared to test and correct the following defects ot the eyes Presby opia, llypermetropia, Myopia, and Astigmatism. Come one and all, old and young, that have imperfect vision and have your eyes tested and coirect ed by D. L. CLEELAND, Practical Optician. Corner of Diamond, Butler. Pa, FOR SALE. I will sell the real estate in which the business is now conducted, consisting of a ner lot Wxl'JO feet. fronting on the principal street ot the town, and on which t»" two-s • r> store rooms, a shop a six-room fiatue 1; with good cellar, a barn ami all out buildings are creeled. The lot has a n< \* r f.ul li»e well of good witter. . rwill also sell my Franklin Iwp , f N consisting of 11 acres of g I. ■l«'\el. nl. • laud in a high state of cultivation and all mi*ii to g.Ass. with good and new *tx-r««.ii» house, barn. orchard. t»<> wells—one -"it and one ,i r • ami all necessary out "ulldinßs. EI)Mrf{DBON Project, I'a. Wm. F. Miller. Manufacturer of Stair Hails, Balusters and Newel-pcsts. Ail kinds of wood-turning done t<> order, ulsn Decorated and carved w..0.1-work. sun, a. Casing. *'orner blocks, 1 anels and ;ill kin .s fancy wood-work for Inside decoration oi houses. CAM. AND SEE SAMPLES. Something new and attractive. Also FURItflTtmE at iowest'eash prices. Store at Xo. 40, N. Main street. Factory at No. 59, N, Washington streei BUTLER. PENNA BUY YOUR HOMES Fulled Security Ltfe.lnsurance and Tr'ist Co., of Pa, Money to Buy Homes. Monthly dues not more than a talr rent. Pay menU) Uecrea.se yearly. In event of ilealli prior to completion of payments, balance of ci cuwbranoe canceled. Money to Loan. Real estate bought, and sold on commission, Waited bouses to rent and rents collected. L. G. LINN, No 38 South Main St., Butler, Pa. over Linn's Drug, Store. Steel Wire Fence! I The cheapest and neatest Fence for around Lawns, School Lots. Poultry Yards. Hardens Farms, etc. Also manufacturer* of IJgntan l Heavy Iron Fencing. Cresting. Stabh Flttln.--. Fire shutters. Fin' Kscais® of different designs, and all kinds of IKON AMI WI It K WOltK. TAYLOK 1 )EAN, 404-20.1 Market St.. Pittsburg. P«. THE BUTLER CITIZEN AND TtIK rusimaiu bshher AT S2.I'KB VKAB FOR HOTII, Subscribers to the CITIZI N who are not now receiving the I'rfxbgtcriuu Hnnmr. ami who pay us the above amount, can n I ceive both papers for one year. This offer expires Jan. 1 1890. SCIIUTTE .V O'BltlEN Sanitary Plumbers And Has Kilters,of more than wj ■ >'- exj rl once, have opened their store In the Geo. iicli et block, on Jefferson St. opposite the Lowry House, with a rull line of Plumber's supplies, OAS FIXTI'UKS.AN'I) II LOU I IS. HANGING AND TABLE LAMPS. NATI HAL tiAS IH'IINKKS. Ac Jobbing promptlyjattendcd to. and your pe onage respectfully solicited. UH!6N WUQLiti Hill, BIHLKS . I" t. 11. FULLERTO.N, Prop'r. ItlmikelK, FIIIIIIM'IM UII«1 Varn .WaiiiiliM-lurctl ©fPurc* liiil lei County Wool. We guarantee our go'xls to I"- strictly a" w ""j and noareenlc or any other poisonous material used In dyeing. We sell Wholesale «,r leimi. samples and prices furnished free to ue»i rs on application by mail. vjiiii; this i" oui ..i. !i,"i. oi nil' \ i liii ■ 1 UIU Uiiir tern s to .1. Al sll \ Ml HI Xiirsrr)nmii. lio, ln-.li r. V I I |lr 1,1. 11. f. • . ii, 'I , . ,i |. . ,n luam-'' i» r « «j. ." .< ulun I- ■■ »■ .. « THE PRODIGY CHURN. HIIMtll »» !t • \MI-M >» 1.1 l Why it is superior to all Others. Ist. Because of its easy oferasiug. •Jail Because everything nee. ...,ry is ji. \ • » *i in : mli ip tr nmkirg uniformly the \iry I ■ • :: > ti!.. , _ -n n li ;:ir. A good milk tb«raom* iil*^ l^ . i«r an 1 - • ■ r "»* . ' " **'' *" Wlitl one «l our t>;it- s .-* ;, i, * *y3a *' '' ' °"™ ' r> . mt rum of the Proili- ' lfi !*" iTyChiirußllcrili> : > jeh 3/ .» it To. *' ' <b"i.n * Iv testing it. <■'./. --V.V Vl r "'' <l " fc ™ vt H..1...•, w I--.,,., •* --7^ "®y 1 v • •' " » JQyi l'lni will eerliiy hall Nk ' ■ "■* . 1 have been u .n< <ji: ot " \ , . your t'burii* about i* V -, . - ' ,1 -» **«» "• months ami I can ch < r- lully recommend it as a - m Jt_- ifrainl »uecet>s in every . Howl ot({ranulalcd )>utU k r. This Churn is manufactured an t ' -r »al • \>y S! Ira, S',:rj A Hay*. man ufacturers of the Celebrated A lieu Patent W -l.ii.sr Machine. Bui kit. Pa. Circulars with full description anil >!i»•«».- i • !•. • ■> any 11- - \ wanted to sell in every o>unty. VISITORS !0 FIITSBIIHG Are cordially in «l » • rt n toAftf Hi.* Mlowinf ; article 'A CLOAKS iyif WRAPS \m i I'" r 1 "li. >!i- r I rhil'lceii. ' [ MS# UO MIS H EVRIRIETS I \il . ! -: »-!• - .id prii i j UAUIKS' CLOAKS, i ' i.l rt. th<- la • t varietr in the J ummwm* ixroMi'AKAfii-Y TIII: i.\KM:>t MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ;ind the lowest prices. StylKh w*l«t onfy 50 styles of Kid (Jloves. Hook* r Bu'.'.ons. lfosierv, Poles and Trimming, Woven Ulove#, I'nderwear. Ladies' Neckwear, I<wm, Babies' Wear, Ladies' l>res* Trimntin Apro is. Linen Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Art Km broidery, Lace Curtains, Corsets, Pitinben. Chenille Portieres, Kid (Jloves, Kn''r«iid<*rie-> And lots of articles, largo and " , u ■■ i n- -liul, always dis played on counters. Holiday Present? an ! Fancy Goods OUR TRICES ALWAYS THL LOWEST 510 to 516 Market St., and 27 Fifth Ave PITTSIU IM.II, PA. J. R. GRIEB. PROF. R. J. LAMB. GlilKU & LAMB'S MI'STC STORE. NO. 1G SOUTH MAIN ST 80l I - K PA. <y—; 1 Sole A flits li-r liiitl«-r Ml rr r ar»t| t'lar ili eounti«-H ii»r i>« hr l>iu> Ma: iiilktul f*i- BBj-i "'jSrzjttF 1 • jEH' ii 1 • •• jmmi i'tTtliTf i •»' lira I• ;.t;-, iiml All Kinds <>f Musical lnstruniiMils. Pianos and Or.L'anM »old «>n in.-tallments. MH Iristranents taken in exchange. ainl ee* # us, ;i- w«* can savt \<>u money. Tuning ami H< pairing id ;i!l M : . In-trnuiento Promptly aitendcd to. \IE.\H\ 11.1.K rUWSEBVATORY OF -I 1 ?»> A MffhKrmJe Ib»i taileii »abl.> hh » 'l> mi > ' KBBplo.v- I'iil> t ti ln-r- 1 1 •M - rt. 1 ' ' I * im « 111 I Itl'lliiE MMr.ui-In -> " il I| -tnni. • I •• <• >•' «>pl.* Mnnli-a« an • live «i'i-l 4 , l( . mm , I Ikiumikll ( -nrw • lii fatßtn l'i »« . * • • , . 4. r>l « KrnDKit un> •nrulll..- I ' . , 1 . *1 •» late- Mu.l.nt- ;.iliu>tii.l toai.i r*|.. >. i.l II . nr- h
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers