VOL XXVI * V \ H k J\ ! fo^ J:*', ff . * V "KfcW I&.J II 50 ST. Our >|ii iii0 " * OUR RELIABLE CLOTHING j lA,nil > - With marketing bills MEANS »OST TO J j arge ? With house rent'a drag <>n you? Low price* for honest, long-wearing Clothii g will be a boon to ycur pooket-l>ook and your back. Get an Iron-clad Cloth Suit at sl2. Strongest All-Wo Suit we know of. jSobody else sells it. Get J. N. PATTERSON'S Cloth Suit .-it sit;. For dress and everyday wear combined it'.s wonderful value. No matter how fine a suit you want Ibr dress or business we have that at a low price. There is no open question about Roys Clothing. We are not only pioneers, but to-day's leaders in styles and qualities highest excellence and lowest prices, hemember the place. J. N. PATTERSON S, ()ne Price Clothing llouso, 185(> Kstablished 1850 E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No. 19, North Main St., BUTLER,ii'A.. DEALER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, jQwelry, Silverware, Spectacles, &c., &c. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repairing in all*branclies skillfully done and warranted. 1850 ESTABLISHED 185Q 1881) SUMMER 1880 We are now ready for SUMMER TRADE, having in stock a splendid assortment of FINE DRESS GOODS, MEDIUM DRESS GOODS, LOW PRICED DRESS <^OODS, counting of all the new things for summer wear, with the very latest things in trimmings to match. CARPET'S, Oil cloths, mattings, linoleums, rujis, stair rods, curtain poles, lac<- curtains, blinds and scrims at lower prices than ever before offered. DOMESTICS, it We carry a full line of all the standard domestic goods in twilled and plain sheeting, pillow casing, ginghams, prints, tickings and all kinds of house furnishing goods. OU ITERS will leur.i by examination that it always p«'. them to do their trading at HITTER & RALSTON'S. FASHION EMPORIUM. We mufrt confers ourselves completely surprised at the way our floods have be«-n selling. On the fith we opened the largest stock we had ever brought to Butler. Ou the 20th our shelves were as bare as Mother Hub bard's celebrated cupboard, and necessitated an entire re-stocking at once. To-ruorrow we open the fresh lot. and there is nothing of the showman's talk about in our warning you to conic at once; it is the truth, from the way oar goods are selling. Whether we sell because of cheapness, or quality of good?; whether because of the quantity to Belect from or the knowing how to-f-u't customers: whether from any or all of them, is for your eyes and judgment to deeide—that we do the. business is not doubted. Jui-t a moment for a word or two on our latest novelties The newest thiug in dress trimmings is tho Surah Sash, very wide, and very handsome. We have a fine stock, at moderate prices. They are beautiful. I>ir afTi-ctcd wit h ■ the disease was cured ty* it and I recor;iin« lid it AH a sure cure. It has saved mumany dollars. 11. A. KL'ENXE. Breeder of Fine Fowls. Bakcrsfield, Cal., Ort. 13,1688. I have used St. J;.»obs Oil for sorehead of chickens with prompt. permanent cure. One bottle will cure 10 to 15 chit-ken*; Ito 3 drops cures Wheezes. JAS. BETHAL. Q FX ERA 1« D 111 FJ'TI OXS.—Mi« pill of imtf or 'L ' l.ih A a' -.r 'ttd with St. Jccobe Oil. Jf Vtf foul canif t iHt&/ir force it down the throat Mix sonw corn m* :! dough with the OU. Give UUJUH'J el*e. They wui finally cat and be auxd. AT DRUGGISTS AND DCALEBS. THE o'HARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore. PRESORTS. Purl sajs: ' The white man who drives a H'»l cart has to resort to soap anil water, just as does a negro who has spent the day in whitewashing." Hut the most .strange things of all are us ually resorted to when a limn gets sick. Of conrv - hedoesc't w ant a doctor- at least not lirsi. lie usually goes to the so-called saloon and get* a drink, which makes him feel rather dazed, so he takes another and comes home temporarily elated, supposing himself cured. When he wakes next morning, with a headache twice as had as ever, and feeling feverish and cross, he concludes he will have to try something else. He tabes a dose or whatever he happens to have in the house—some liver renovator, kidney evaporator, or heart enlarger—and sets forth raying if he isn't better to-morrow he will send lor the doctor. Next morning he ia sick in bed; the doctor is called, shakes his head, prescribes two or three kinds of medicine, according to his medical creed, but alwayß insists upon per fect quiet, and that the patient must not go office for two weeks, or the result will lie serious. Jle dots in truth lie in bed lor a week or ten davs, |iis reeoyery retarded by a multi tude of lemedic.-, and the knowledge that his busine-s is g' ing to ruin in his absence. Wliec he does drag "tit at last, he finds that that the family must deny themselves every thing but the common necessities of life for some time to et me. m order that the doctor's bills may le paid, and repairs made in the business. Now. the proper thing for this man to have done was to have bought a bottle of New Style, i'ltasant Taste Vinegar Bitters, the moment he felt the first headache, and to have t»ko>'j(l,» DKI'U CO., tor. Washington nnd Clurlton Sis., X, ¥. Willaixl Hotel, W. 11. liEIIIINIi, I'rep'r BUTLER, - IPA. STABI.IX; IS CONNECTION, s.t Wi i.K KOOM forCOMMEUCIAI. TKAVKI.EUK SAMPI.K ItOOM. I.IVKKY IN CONNKTTION Hotel Vogeley (Strictly First Ctaxx.) lIENKY L. HECK, PROP'BK. J. N. FAUBKL, Manager. Butler, Pa. Diamond : - : Hotel, Fronting Diamond, Butler, Pa. THOMAS WASSON. Pro'r. Good rooms, good meals, stabling in con nection, everything lirst class. EITFLLLUU HOTEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - JP^L. Near NVw Court House formerly Donaldson Hou.se—"ood acconiKiodations for travelers, (jooti stabling connected. [4-9-ly 1 H KITKNM UI'LEII, I'rop'r. NIXON'S IT. N. McK KAN ST., BLTLEit, PA. Meals at all hours. Open all night. Breakfast 25 cents, Dinner •i r > cents. Supper 23 cents. bodging 25 cents. SIM ICON NIXON - PltOrit. WHEN YOU VISIT PITTSBURGH CAM. OS JOHN R. & A. MURDOCH, 8 Smithflel l street, for Trees. Seeds. Lilies or ape Vines. Hardy Ho*"s. (unary i;irds,(»ol I tsli. etc. Dcticrlpitvc Fall Ca'aliUgo uicd tree. "NOV/ I LAY ME." [The AViciiit.i (Ka:i I Etnjie says the fol lowing poem was left at the office by an unknown man, who eaute to ask for work.] Near the eatnpfire's flickering light. In my blanket bed I lie. li.uiii? through the >liaile? of night At the twinkling stars oil high. O'er in** >pirits in the air Silent vigils seem to keep, As I breathe my childhood's prayer. "Now I lay tin' ilown to sleep." Sadly Mug> the whipporwill lit tin- boughs of yonder tree, Laughingly the dauciug rill Swells the midnight melody. Foemen may be lurking near In the canyon dark and deep- Low I breathe in Jesus' ear: • I pray the Lord my soul to keep." 'Mid the stars one face I see— One the Saviour turned away — Mother, who in infancy Taught my baby lips to pray. Her sweet spirit hovers near. In this lonely mountain brake — Take nie to her. Saviour dear. ,- Tf I should die before I wake.'" Fainter grows the tlikering light. As each ember slowly dies; Plaintively the birds of night Fill the air with saddening cries. Over me they seem to cry : '•You may nevermore awake." I. iw I lisp : ''lf I should die I pray the Lord my soul to take." ••Now I lay me down to sleep, • I pray the Lord my soul to keep : If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." THE DEACON'S WEEK. The communion service of January was just over in the church at Sugar Hollow, and people were waiting for Mr. Parkes to' give out the hymn; but he did not give it out —he laid his book down on the table and looked about on his church. He was a man of simplicity and sincerity, fully in earnest to do his Lord's work, and do it with all his might: but he did some times feel discouraged. His congregation was a mixture of farmers and mechanics, for Sugar Hollow was cut in two by Sugar Krook —a brawling, noisy stream that turn ed the wheel of many a mill and manufac tory; yet on the hills around it there was still a scattered population, eating their bread in the full perception of the primeval curse. So lie had to contend, with the keen brain and skeptical comment of the men who piqued themselves on power to ham mer at theological problems as well as hot iron, with the jealousy and repulsion and hitter feeling that has bred the com munistic hordes abroad and at home: while perhaps he had a still harder task to awaken the sluggish souls of those who used their days to struggle with barren hill side and rocky pasture for mere food and clothing, and their nights to sleep the dull sleep of physical fatigue and mental vacuity. It seemed sometimes to Mr. Parkes that nothing but the trump of Gabriel could arouse his people from their sins and make them believe on the Lord and follow his footsteps. Today—no —a long time before today—he had mused and prayed till an idea took shape in his thought, and now he was to put it in practice; yet he felt pe culiarly responsible and solemnized as he looked about him and foreboded the suc cess of his experiment. Then there flash ed across him, as words of Scripture will come back to the habitual liible reader, the noble utterance of Gamaliel concerning Peter and his brethren when they stood be fore the council: "If this council or this work be of men it will come to naught; but if it be of God he cannot overthrow it." So with a sense of strength the minister spoke. "My dear friends," he said, "you all know, though I did not give any notice to that effect, that this week is the Week of Prayer. I have a mind to ask you to make it for this once a week of practice instead. I think we may discover some things,some of the things of God, in this manner that a succession of prayer meetings would not perhaps so thoroughly reveal to us. Now when I say this I don't mean to have you go home and vaguely endeavor to walk straight in the old way: I want you to take •topics,' as they are called, for prayer meetings. For instance, Monday is prayer for the temperance work. Try all that day 11 be temperate in speech, in act, in indulgence of any kind that is hurtful to you. The next day is for Sunday Schools; go and visit your scholars, such of you as are teachers, and try to feel that they have livin" souls to save. Wednesday is a day for fellowship meeting; we are cordially in vited to attend a union meeting of this sort at liantaiu Few of us can go twenty five miles to be with our brethren there; let us go and see those who have been cold to us for some reason, heal up our breaches of friendship, confess our shortcomings one to another, and act as if. in our Master's words, 'all ye are brethren." "Thursday is the da 3' to pray for the family relation; let us each try to Ue to our families of that da 3' in our measure what the Lord is to His family, the church, remembering the words, 'Fathers, provoke not your children to anger; Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter agaiust them.' These are texts rarely commented upon. I have noticed, in our conference meetings; we arc more apt to speak of the obedience due from children, and the sub mission and meekness our wives owe us, forgetting that duties are always reciprocal. "Friday the church is to be pra3'cd for. Let its then, each 113- himself, tiy to act that day just as we think Christ, our great exemplar, would have acted in our places. Let us try to prove to ourselves and the wo' 1 1 about us that we have not taken upon us His name lightly or in vain. Saturday is prayer day for the heathen and aud foreign missions. Brethreu. you know and 1 know, that there are heathen at our doors here; let ever3 r one of 3*ou who will take that day to preach the Gospel to some 011 c who does not hear it anywhere else. Perhaps 3-011 will find work that ye knew not of, lying iu 3'our midst. And let us all, 011 Saturday evening, meet here again, and choose some one brother to relate his experience of the week. Vou who are will ing to try this method please rise." Everybody rose, except old Amos Tuck er, who never stirred, though his wife pull ed at him and whispered to him imploring I3'. He only shook his grizzled head and sat immovable. "Let us sing the doxolog3-," said Mr. Parkes; and it was suug with lull fervor. The new idea had roused the church fully; it was something fixed and positive to do; it was the lever point Archimedes louged for, and each felt ready and strong to move a world. Saturday night the church assembled again. The cheerlul eagerness was gone from their faces; they looked downcast, troubled, weary, ballots were passed about: each one tore a bit of paper from the sheet placed iu the hymn books for that purpose, and wrote on it a name. The pastor said, after lie had counted theui: "Deacon Emmons, tin- lot has fallen oil BUTLER, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, !889- "Fin sorry for't." said the deacon, rising up and taking off his overcoat. "I haia't got the !i"-t "t record. Mr. Pari.' now I tell ye." "That Nu't what we want," .-aid Mr. Parkes. "We want to know the whole ex perience of some among us, and wc know you will not tell us either more or b-s- than what you did experience." Deacon Emmons was a short, thick-set uian, with a shrewd, kindly face and gray hair, who kept the village .-tore, and had a well-earned reputation for honesty. "Well, brethren," he said, "i douo win 1 shouldn't tell it. 1 am pretty well ashamed of myself, no doubt, but 1 ought to be. and maybe I shall profit by what I've found out these six days back. I'll tell 3 011 just as it come. Monday I looked about me to begin with. I am amazin' fond of cofl'ee, and it ain't good for 111c — the doctor says it ain't —but, dear me. it does set a man tip good, cold mornings, to have a cup of hot, sweet, tasty driuk, and I haven't had the grit to refuse. I knew it made me what folks call nervous, and I call cross, before night comes; and I knew it fetched on spells of low spirits when our folks couldn't get a word out of ine— not a good one. anyway; so 1 thought I'd try on that to begin with. I tell vou it come hard! 1 hankered alter that drink of cofl'ee dreadful! Seemed as though I couldn't cat my breakfast without it. 1 feel to pity a man that loves liquor niore'n I ever did iu my life before; but I feel sore they can stop if they try. for I've stopped, and I'm a-goin' to stay stopped. "Well, come to dinner, there was an other fight. Ido set by pie the most of anything; I was fetched on pic, as you may say. Our folks always had it threo times a day, and the doctor, he's been talkin' and talkin' to me about eatin' pie. I have the dyspepsia like everything, and it makes me useless by spells, aud onreliable as a weather cock. An' Dr. Drake he says there won't notbin' help but to diet. I was readin' the Bible that morning, while I sat waitin' for breakfast, for 'twas Mon dav, and wife was kind of set back with washin' and all. and 1 came acrost that part where it.says that the bodies of Christians are temples cf the Holy Ghost. Well, thinks I, we'd ought to take care of them if they be and see that they're kep' clean and pleasant, like the church; and nobody can be clean aud pleasant that has dyspepsia. But come to pie, I felt as tho 1 couldn't, and lo ye. I didn't! I eat a piece right against my conscience; facin' what I knew I ought to do, I went aud did what I ought not to. I tell ye my con science made music of me consider'ble, and I said then I wouldn't never sneer at a drinkin' man 110 more when he slipped up. I'd feel for him and help him, for 1 see just how it was. So that day's prac tice giv' out, but it lnrnt me a good deal niore'n 1 knew before. "I started out next to look up my Bible class. They haven't really "tended up to Sunday school as they ought to. along back, but 1 was busy here, aud there didn't seem to be a real chance to get to it. Well, 'twould take the evenin' to tell it all, but 1 found one real sick, been abed for three weeks, and was so glad to see me that I felt really ashamed. Seemed as tho I heard the Lord for the first time sayin'. 'lnasmuch as you did it not to one of the least of these, \*e did it not to me.' Then another man's old mother sa3's to me be fore he come in from the shed, sa3's she: . He's been a sa3 r in' that if folks practiced what tht.'3" preached, you'd ha' come round to look him up afore now, but he reckoned you kinder looked down on mill hands. I'm awful glad yon come.' Brethren, so was 1! I tell 3-ou that day's work done me good. 1 got a poor opinion of Josiah Em mons, now I tell ye; but I learned more about the Lord's wisdom than a month o' Sundays ever showed me." A smile he could not repress passed over Mr. Parke's earnest face. The deacon had forgotten all external issues in coming so close to the heart of things; but the smile passed as lie said: "Brother Emmons, do 3-011 remember what the Master said,—'lf any man will do his will lie shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak of nn'scir?" "Well, it's so," answered the deacon, "it's so right aloug. Why, I never thought so much of 1113- Bible class, nor took so much iut'rest in 'cm as I do today—not since I begun to teach. I believe they'll come more reg'lar now, too. "Now come fellowship da3'. I thought that would be plain sailiu'; seemed as tho I'd got warmed up till I felt pleasant towardst evcr3"body; so I went around sec in' folks that was neighbors, aud 'twas eas3 T ; but when I come home noon spell Philury nays, *uyx she, 'Squire Tucker's black bull is iuto the orchard a-tearing round, and he's knocked two lengths o" fence down flat!' Well, the old Adam riz up then, you'd better b'lieve. That black bull has been a-breaking into 1113' lots ever scnce we gyt in the aftermath, and its Square Tucker's fence, and he won't make it bull-strong as he'd oughtcr, and that or chard was a 3'oung one jest comin' to bear, and all the,new wood crisp as cracklin's with frost. You'd better b'lieve I didn't have much feller-feeliu' with Amos Tuck er. I just put over to his house and spoke up pretty free to him, when he looked up and sa3's, says he, 'Fellowship-meetin' day ain't it, deacon?" I'd ruther he'd ha' slap ped 1113- face. 1 felt as though I should like to slip behind the door. I sec prett3* distiuct what sort of a life I'd been liviu' all those 3'ears I'd been a professor, when I couldn't hold 011 to my tongue and tem per one day." "Breth-c ren," interrupted a slow, harsh voice, somewhat broken with emotion, "I'll tell the rest on't. Josiah Emmons come round like a man an' a Christian right there. 11c asked me to forgive him, and not to think t'was his'n and notbin else. I think more of him to-day than I ever done before. I was one that wouldn't say I'd practice with ihe rest of ye. I thought 'twas everlastiu' nonsense. I'd ruther go to forty-nine prayer meetiu's than work at boin' good a week. I believe 1113' hope has been one of them that perish; hain't worked, nnd leave it behind to-day. 1 mean to begin honest, and it was seein' one honest Christian man fetched me round to't." Amos Tucker sat down aud buried his grizzled head in his rough hands. "Bless the Lord!" said the quavering tones of a still older man from a far corner of the house, and 11111113' a glistening e3'e gave silent response. "Go ou Brother Emmons," said the min ister. "Well, when next day come", I got up to make the lire, and 1113- Joe hail forgot the kiudliu's. I'd opened 1113' mouth to give him Jesse, when it came over me sud den that this was the day of prayer for the family relation. 1 thought 1 wouldn't sa3 r notliin.' 1 just fetched in the kindlin's 1113-self, aud when the tire burnt up good I called wife. " -Dear me,' sa3's she, "I've got such a headache, 'Siah, but I'll couie in a minnit.' I didn't mind that, for women are always having aches, and I was just a-goin' to say .so when I remembered the text about not beiu' bitter against 'em, so I sa3's, 'Phllur3', you can lay abed; I expect Emmy and me can get the vittles to-day.' 1 declare, she turned over mill pivo me -n me twenty o.M year, 'most >rart because 1 .-poke kind of feelin' to her. I u'ent <«nt ami fetched iu the pail <>' water .-he'd always draw her self, ami then 1 milked the cow. When 1 came in Philury wa> up fryin' the potatoes, and the tears a-shinin' on her white face. She didn't - iy nothir,'. --he's kinder still: Imt she hadn't no need to. I felt a leetle mealier'ti I did the day before. Hut 'twau't liothin' to tut condition when I was goin.' toward nisclit. down the sullur stairs for some apples, so's the children Could have a roast, and I heerd Joe up in the kitchen say to Emmy, 'I do b'lieve, Km. pa's goin' to die.'—'Why, Josiah Emmons, how yon talk!" —'Well, I do, he's so everlastin" pleasant an' good natered 1 can't but think she struck with death.' 1 tell ye. breth ren. I set right down on them sillier stairs and cried. I did, reely. Seemed as though the Lord had looked at me je.«t us he did at Pete. Why, there was my own children never see me act real fatherly and prettily in all their lives. I'd growled aud scolded and prayed at 'em, aud tried to fetch 'en; up—just as the twig is bent the tree's in clined. ye know but I hadn't never thought that they'd got right and reason to expect I'd do my part as well as they therein. Seemed n- though I was findin' out more about Josiah Emmon's shortcom ings than w as real agreeable. "Come around Friday I got hack to the store. I'd kind o' left it to the boys the early part of the week, and things was a little cuterin." but I did have sense not to tear round and use sharp words so much as common. I began to think 'twas get tin' easy to practice after five days, when in come Judge lferrick's wife after some curt' calico. I had a handsome piece all don< ofT with roses and things, but there was a fault in the weavin' —every now and then a thin streak. She didn't notice it. but she was pleased with the figures on't, and said she'd take the whole piece. Well, just as I wrappin' of it up, what Mr. Parkes here said about tryiu' to act just as the Lord would in oui place caine acrost me. Why, I turned as red as a beet, I know I did. It made me all of a tremble. There was I, a door-keeper in the tents of my God, as David says, really cheat in', and cheatin' a woman. I tell ye, brethren. 1 was all of a sweat. Miss Herrick," says I. '1 don't b'live you've looked real close at this good, 'taint thorough wove,' says I. So she didn't take it; but what fetched me was to think how many times I'd done such mean, •nreliable little things to turn a penny, and all file time savin' anil pray that I wanted to be like Christ. I kep' a trippin' of myself up all day jest in the or dinary business, and I was peg lower down when night conic than I was a Thursday. I'd ruther, as far as the hard work is con cerned, lay a mile of four-foot stone wall than undertake to do a man's livin' Chris tian duty for twelve workm' hours: and the heft of that is, it's because I ain't used to it and I ought to be. "So this mornin' couie around, and I felt a mite more cherk. Twas missionary mornin', and seemed as it 'twas a sight easier to preach than to practice. 1 thought I'd begin to old Mis' Vedder's. So I put a Testament in my pocket and knocked to her door. Says I, 'Good mornin', ma'am,' aud then I stopped. Words seemed to hang, somehow. 1 didn't want to pop right out that I'd come over to try'll convert her folks. I hemmed and swallowed a little, and fin'lly I said, says I, 'We don't see you to meetin' very frequent, Mis' Tedder." " 'No you don't!' says she, as quick as a wink, T stay at home and mind my busi ness. ' " 'Well, we should like to have you come along with lis and do ye good,' says I, sort of conciliatin'. "Look a here,deacon!" she snapped,'l've lived along side of you fifteen years,an'you knowed I never went to meetin'; we ain't a pious lot aud you kuowed it: we're poor'n death and uglier than sin. Jim he drinks and swears, and Malviny dono her letters. She knows a heap she hadn't ought to, be sides. Now what are 3-011 a eomin' here to-day for, I'd like to know, and talkin' so glib about meetin'f Go to meetin'! I'll go and couie jest as I daru please, for all you. Now get out o' this." Why, she came at mo with a broomstick. There wasn't uo need on't; what she said was enough. I hadn't never asked her or hern to so much as think of goodness before. Then 1 went to another place jest like that—l wouldn't call any more names—aud sure enough there was ten children in rags, the hull of 'em, and the man half drunk, lie give it to me, too; and 1 don't wonder. I'd never lifted a hand to serve nor save 'cm before iu all those years. I'd said considerable about the heathen in foreign parts, and give some little to convert 'em, aud 1 had looked right over the heads of them that was next door. Seemed as if 1 could hear Him say. 'These ought'ye to have done, and not left the other undone.' I couldn't face another soul to-day, brethren. 1 come home and here I be. I've been searched through and through und found wautin'. God be merciful to me a sinner!" He dropped into his seat and bowed his head; aud man 3- another bent also. It was plain that the deacon's experience was not the 011I3' one among the brethren. Mr. l'aysou rose and pra3'ed as he had never prayed before. The week of practice had lircd his heart, too. And it began a mem orable 3'ear for the church in Sugar Hol low. Not a year of excitement or enthusi asm,but one when they heard the Lord -ay ing, us to Israel of old, "Go forward:" and the 3' obeyed His voice. The Sunday school nourished, the church services were f"ully attended, ever 3' good thing was helped ou its wa3", and peace reigned in their homes aud hearts—imperfect, perhaps, as new growths are, hut still an olTshoot of the peace past understanding. And another 3'ear they will keep anoth er week of practice, 113- common consent. — Ito.sr Tcrri/ Cooke. A Good Man Pained. It was on the San Jose train, and two young ladies—one us serious and good as u little nun, the other with a mischievious black eye—sat behind the youngest minis ter in town. The quiet oue held in her hand a purple pansy so large that it at tracted the attention of the young minis ter. While he was still looking at it the train rushed into a tunnel. The black-eyed 3'oung woman grabbed the pan S3' in the darkness from her compniou, aud leaning over dropped it in the lap of the godly man. When the train reached da3'light again the young minister had turned and with the pan S3' in his hand was glaring re provingly ut the nun like girl between whose lingers he had seen the llower. Her face was blazing, and her downcast (yes seemed to confess her guilt. The whole ear snickered, and the mischievious black eyed girl read her book unconsciously. That is why the young minister preached ou the iniquity of flirting the next day.— San Francisco Examiner. —A shoe merchant's small 1103- at St. Louis, Mich., painted on the fence: "If you want good shoes go to Mr. ."Dr. Case's small kid witnessed the operation, und determined to sustain his father's re putation udiled to the fence the legend: "If you want good babies go to Dr. Case." THE KISS. He threw me a kis-. Mamma didn't know it. She would take it amiss That he threw me a ki>.-. Itut she won't dream of this. For my face didn't show it. He threw me a kiss. And mamma didn't know it (He.) 1 'ray where was the harm When nobody knew it? There's no cause for alarm; Pray where was the harm? That kiss hail a charm; Xo one saw that I threw it. Then where was the harm If nobody knew itf (Mamma.) They think I am old, Getting blind, I suppose; Hut iny heart isn't cold II" I am getting old. I don't need to be told Why she blushed like a rose. Though 1 am growing old. Yes, and blind, I suppose. BORODINO. .As long as military achievements will thrill men. the story of the jrreat French invasion of the Russian empire at the open- > ing of this century will have a peculiarly absorbing interest for readers. The French army under the Emperor ! Napoleon, on it march to Moscow, arrived j ou the evening of the 4th of Sep'ember. ' 18I_. near the village of Itorodino, on the I banks of the Moskwa. The Russian army, j 170,000 strong, was here strongly intrench ! ed. (ieucral Kutu.-otl". the hero of many , desperate battles with the Turks, iu com- 1 maud, having resolved upon the most des- j perate resistance, had ranged in command i ing positions, and behind well constructed '■ redoubts. OX) pieces of heavy artillery. The French army, numbering 12»UHH». approached in three great columns. Na poleon ascended an eminence, and care fully scrutinizing the position of the enemy, with his characteristic promptness, instant ly decided upon his plan of attack. The night was cold and dark, and a dri? zling rain fell upon the French army, weary with their long march. The bivouac lires of the Russians swept around the French encampment in a belt of tlame many miles in extent. The morning was to usher in a battle which would certainly be sanguinary in the hiphi*t degree, and I which might be decisive of the results of the campaign. 1 Until midnight Napoleon was dictating dispatches, and sending reconnoitering parties in all directions. He then retired to the inner part of his tent, where he slept. Soon, however, he sent for Marshal Hessicres, commander of the Imperial Guard, and inquired of him with great mi nuteness respecting the wants and supplies of the soldiers. Still, not satisfied, he rose and went out to inquire himself of the soldiers if they had all they needed. He appeared unusually dejected. Soon after he had returned again to his inner tent, an officer, who had occasion to speak to him found him sitting upon his couch support ing his head with both of his hands. The emperor looked itp and said, sadly: "What is war? It is a trade of bar barians. The great art consists in being strongest at a given point. A great day is at hand. The battle will be a terrible one. I shall lose twenty thou and men." As sook as dawn appeared the emperor was on horseback. The storm of the night had passed, and the sun arose in unclouded brilliance. Remembering the splendor of the sun which had risen on a December day when he had signally routed the com bined strength of Russia and Austria in a single battle nearly seven years before. Napoleon smiled and said: "Behold the sun of Austcrlitz." As he stood upon an eminence,surround ed by but a few attendants to escape ob servation, a Russian battery opened tire upon him. It was the signal for the onset. A terrific peal of thunder hurst from all the embattled host. Three hundred thousand men, with all of the most formidable ma chiner3 r of war, fell npon each other. From five o'clock in the morning until the middle of the afternoon the tempest of battle swept the field without a moment's intermission. Davoust, one of the ablest of the French marshals and the command er who defeated Hluchcr and the Kingot Prussia at Auerstadt, was struck from his horse 113- a cannon ball, which tore the steed to pieces. As he was plunged head long and stunned upon the plain, word was carried to the emperor that the marshal was dead, lie heard the tidings in silence. Soon, however, intelligence was brought him that the marshal was again at the head of his troops. "God be praised!" exclaim ed the emperor, fervently. Count Caulaincourt was a young officer of rare accomplishments. The night be fore the, battle, wrapped in his cloak, he had fixed his eyes, in a sleepless hour, up on the miniature of his young bride, whom he had left but a few days after their marriage. 111 the heat of the battle lie stood by the side of the emperor, awaiting his orders. Word was brought that Gen eral Montbrun, the dashing cavalry leader, who had been ordered to attack a redoubt, was killed. Caulaincourt was ordered to succeed him. Putting spurs to his horse, he said: "I will be immediately at the redoubt, dead or alive." He was the lirst to mount the parapet. At that moment, pierced liy a musket bullet, be fell dead. Thus all day long tidings of victory and of death were reaching the cars of the em peror. Sadly he listened to the recital as courier after courier brought to liiin their reports, while he was still watching with an eagle eye, and guiding with almost superhuman skill, all the tremendous en ergies ol battle. Napoleon had formed such plans that, from the commencement of the engagement, he had entertained no doubt as to the result. During the whole day, while the billows of war rolled to anil fro over the plain, he held in reserve the whole Imperial Guard, amounting to 20,000 men, notwithstanding 11111113' importunities that they might be permitted 10 enter the hotly contested field. At one time Marshal Berthier, the French chief of staff, in a moment of ap pareutly fearful peril, entreated him to send them forward to the aid of a portion of the arm 3'. apparently on the point of being swept back by the impetuous foe. "No," said Napoleon calmly, "the hour of this battle ia not yet come. It will begin in two hours more." The well-ordered movements of the mas sivc columns of the French under Nev aud Eugene, the viceroy of Italy, pressed more and more heavily upon the Russians. Euch hour some new battery opened its destructive fire upon their bewildered and crowded ranks. Gradually the surges of the battle rolled towards one great redoubt where the Russians had concentrated their utmost strength. Both armies gravitated toward this central point, and all the fury of the conflict seemed with magnified in tensity to have gathered there. Ilchind, around and upon these intrench mcnts oue hundred thou-aud men were struggling, with the utmost conceivable ferocity and dcsj i rat ion. I>en-e volume of sulphurous -moke, in a cloud black ami suffocating. enveloped the combatant*. The most rlfid flaslies a- of lightning, ac companied by an ince - sarit mar, as <>t deafening thunder. bur-t I'rimi this volcanic crater of war. Within its midnight gloom and amidst it- billows of flame and blond, horsemen, infantry. aud artillery were rnshing madly upon each other. Napoleon gazed calmly and- ilcntly np on the awful phenomenon. in the midst o, , whose da-diing; waves of death his trno-j,. were contending, and where defeat would j be followed by eonseqnences nmre di na trons than imagination well could paint, i The straggle was »hort. Suddenly the awful roar of battle ceased. The passing brecie swept the smoke away, and t!:< glittering helmets and light armor of the French cnira-siers gleamed through the embrasures, and the proud eagles of France fluttered over the gory bastion-. The sun was now sinking over the bleak hills of the north. Sullenly the Russian \ army commenced it- retreat, but with the indomitable courage characteristic of the Russians, they disputed every inch of ground. Had Napoleon then called in his reserve, the Russian army might perhaps have been destroyed, and the carnage would have been far more dreadful. For not do ing this, he has l>een in a military point of view, severely censured. He. however, remarked at the time to General Dumas: '•People will, perhaps, be astonished that I have not brought forward my re serves to obtain greater success. Hut 1 felt the necessity of preserving them to strike a decisive Mow in the great battle which the enemy will probably give to us in the plains in front of Moscow. The suc cess of the action in which we have been engaged was secured. Rut it was my duty to think of the general result of the cam paign. and it was lor that that 1 spared my reserves." The evening of victory, even to the con querors. was not one of exultation. Thirty thousand Frenchman, including forty-three generals, had been either killed or wound ed. The loss of the Russians was stijl more dreadful. According to his invariable custom. Jia polcon rode that night over the gory field, paying the most assiduous attention to the wounded on either side. llis sympathies were peculiarly excited bv a Russian sol dier in dreadful suffering. Some one. to soothe him. remarked: "It is only a Ktis sian." He replied with warmth: "After victory there are no enemies, but only men." A Valuable Love Letter. Mr. Mayer, the special examiner of the Itureau of Pensions, told of a man who lives up in Butler county. lie is paralyz ed from a sunstroke received while on the march to Washington to the grand review after the surrender of Lee. Not a man could be found to as-ist in proving his claim. All his comrades of the march were scattered or dead. There was not n .-crap of paper of official record. "I am satisfied," said Mr. Mayer, ''that here was n genuine ease. His story was always consistent, and then he was a com paratively helpless paralytic. lie could ! move about a little but conld d<> no work. I tried iu every imaginable way to pet hint to recall something that would give roe a clue, but visit alter visit to hiiu brought nothing. "1 finally asked him one day if he ever wrote letters home, and if he might not have written about that time. " 'Why, yes," he said, 'I used to write to my sweetheart.' •'And where is she now.'" 1 asked. " 'There »he is.' "Did you ever save any of those letters, madam?' 1 inquired. [Just as though a wo man didn't always save her love letters tied up iu a ribbon.] " 'Why, yes, I believe all the letters he ever wrote me are upstairs now.' she repli ed. I'retty soon she came back with a worn and faded package of letters. And among them a letter from her then sweet heart, describing the very incident of the sunstroke. He had written to her as soon as he had recovered sulheiently and told how the day was oppressive and the march to Washington hot and dusty, and how lie had been overcome with the heat and had fallen out by the wayside and had lain uu der a tree all day long while the column* were marching 113-. "That letter to his sweetheart saved the day. It got his pension. lie had been trying since IHti-'i until recently to secure it. It was a ease in which I became pro foundly interested and I rejoiced with them.—Chicago \nr.i. Queer, Isn't It? Here is a pretty how d'ye do. John K. North, of this place, hasacat which recent ly gave birth to three white kittens. John Frampton, who lives next door to Mr. North, has a pair of white rabits, and a few days ago three little bunnies came to the rabbit household. Now mark what hap pened: The old cat lost one of her kitten*, and. finding the rabbits' nest, she took one of the young ones in her month, carried it to her own quarters, placing it beside the kittens, evidently thinking it was her lost offspring. The ears were out of all propor ►ions, to In- sure, but the color was right, and puss was satisfied. Mr. F ramp ton missed the young rabbit and told Mr. North about it, and two or three days afterward, when Mr. North was working around the stable, he noticed the young rabbit in with the kittens, and saw that it and the old cat had assumed the relations of mother and child, lie told Mr. Framp ton about it, who took little bunnie home, but was astonished to find (hat the mother rabbit would have nothing whatever to do with her truant offspring, treating it .is a stranger and interloper. The little rabbit was therefore taken back to the old cat, which was delighted at it> return, and she continues to be a mother to the change ling, and will no doubt bring it up iu the most approved pussy cat principles, teach ing it to catch mice and attend the mid night concerts on the back yard fence.— l'uuxsutawney Spirit. What "Kiltanning" Means. James Altman. a well known citizen from the southern part of the county, was here yesterday. James is quite an au thority on many matters, and a young lawyer here propounded tin- following question : "What is the meaning of the word •Kittauning ?' " "It means," replied Mr Altman with great gravity, "the home of thieves, rub bers, liars and lawyers." No further inquiry after authorities were made from Mr. Altman. — hiitlau Fro I'rrsx. —A violinist is like a charming young maiden in that he likes to get his bow on a string. —lt is the Clerk of the Weather who frequently makes a signal failure. —A youth will never have hi- ways mended by patronizing the -berry cobbler too often. You cannot always tell the amount of I gas in a poem by its meter. NO. 39 A Century Hence--A Startling Problem. Mr. S. L boo mis predicted the result «.f the c« nsus of Is.- within IS.OOO of the ac tual figures. lie e-tiinate- that the popu lation of the country iu 1»90 will reach 67.250.000 an i; r<-a- during the pact de cade of more than 30 per cent. To allow a reasonable margin for possible error we may place the total at 67,000,0*10 and the decennial increase at 30 per cent. Should this ratio of increase continue, onr popula ti>>:i nt the end of each decade during the n< t 100 years will be represented by the following figures, the progresive immensi ty of which will surprise most people and perhaps cause them to womler: W HAT Tills X\TI«>N Is i Olllsi. To. lSmrt $7,109,000 1910 118.230,0110 1920 147.199.000 19." to 191.iVt.7oi> 1940 243,766,300 1950 320.558.290 1960. 416.513.277 1970 M1.467.2Ti0 19So 703.907,425 1990 915.079.64 2 People of a speculative turn of mind may well a-k themselves what is to be done with s,> enormous a population, how tire they to be supported, and many other questions that, though purely speculative now. may assume a vital importance be fore the close of the next century. The total area of the I'nited States, including Alaska, is 3.580.242 .juare utile*, or 2, 291,:i.V!.550 acres. This area necessarily includes the lakes, rivers and uniuhabita mountains and d» serfs, yet we find that there will be an average of more than two and one-half persons to each acre of our total area when the enumerators enter upon their duties one hundred years hence. The exact figures are 2,504. According to Mr. Loomim the ratio of increase of population by births over deaths, although mncli less than it wait a century siuee. is at present 20.1 pet cent, per annum, or 20.1 each ten years. Ac cepting. for convenience, the ratio of deci mal increase as 20 per cent., and casting aside all accretion from immigration, we tiud that iu the year 1990 our total ]>opula tion will be more than 610.000.000. Whether these figures are accepted as reasonably trustworthy or rejected as gross exaggeration, the fact still remains that the natural and inevitable increase of the population, not alone of our own country, but of the whole world. present* a problem that may well engage the thoughtful mind. Washington Hrtninq slur. A Strictly Judicial Answer. One of the best stories of white haired, white chokered, courteous Calvin Record, is about a mellow old lawyer who used to live on the banks of the Androscoggin. The Squire was given to deep potations and was famous for his fine distinctions. It is said that in special pleading he could split a hair even more closely than Mr. Keeord can himself. lint often after the shades of night had fallen, the Squire might have been seen struggling home so booxy that he appar ently could not split a shingle, to say nothing of a hair. One night when he was drunker than us ual. he staggered completely out of his course and could not find it. localizing that he was lost and drifting into nnfamil . iar regions, he called at a house to ask for information. • Madame," he gravely -aid to the lady who came to the door, candle iu baud, "can you tell (hie) me where Squire Itlank lives?" "Certainly," she said, and gave him full directions. 1 Cut as she talked and looked, aud as her caudle gradually brought out the man be fore her, a puzzled expression came into her lace, and she finally asked: "but isn't this Squire Blankf" "Madame." replied the old lawyer, as suming a judicial air. "that is entirely (hie) immaterial."' Col Tee in Liver and Kidney Diseases. It is now more than thirty years since Dr. I.andarrabilco called attention iu the medical journals to the great value of green or unroasted coffee iu hepatic juvfr nephritic diseases. After having continu ed to use tin- remedy for ''.fTward of a third of a century iu many hundreds of cases, he again appeals to the profession, through the Moniltur oy wear pants and a school ma'rm wears her hair all banged on the forehead. She puts paint on her face and has ome big fel ler come and take her home. Ma says a schoolma'rni never gets to l»e older than 18 until she gets married. It takes two schoolma'rms all day to cook dinner. Must Use Automatic Couplers. The bill compelling railroads to cqnip freight cars with automatic coupler# pass ed by the New York legislature last win ter has been approved by the governor, it provides that after Nor. 1. 1 s!r_'. all steam railroad- -hall equip all their owu engine- and freight cars with "such auto niatic self couplers," and that it shall be unlawful after that date to run any of their own cars not thus equipped, except in emergencies. Iu special canes the railroad commissioners may cxieud the time one year. The pcualty for non- compliance is $•">00 for each offense. —The ro.ul to ruin leads through the wicket gate. UiUErKKSHItLK "How dare you treat me thn-f* he wrote. "You saucy little shrew! To call me -mall potatoes just Itecause I m mashed on you." She seized the pen in wilful mood. And these lines off she dashed. "The smaller the potatoe- are The easier they re mashed."