Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 02, 1889, Image 3

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FRI DA Y. AUGUST 3.1889.
" ===
llni ita has .» popula'loa of o\er T**>. t
II I* the iwurty wal of Butler iwmty. wliu
V'our railways, natural gas. and une<iuaiieii
l». ilim - for manufacture*. !
lYoCfss rt«|llai; new buildings nr *
min'nx tnp'o. a pnwlnj ami prosperous town
VkiK |>\v K. K. Trains leme Butler lor
Km-por. lUaimUle. and •£«
a in riti-i *:x~. nn«l saiop m. Mall* close for
v.. . |"nnM ai -<v. a. iu. aud iJtf p. m; and ar- ,
RIVE «II«» a iu. and Sc* p iu.
-I.K>»> >lt H. I'rams leave lor lireenvllle
and ittao*- ui. aad &tf> p. m. Mailt d.tse I
at K.t) and ittw» a. in and arrive at *35 and tsjo (
p. in.
f.tV.ILH Trii i. I- av»- llutjer for Alle
rbem at T'li lid '.atu.% a. m ; and 1:15.
m. »"»r »'.••• North in.'l a. m. ana
»-«» piu Mail' close lor the West at 730
a?tu :tor ntislmr-' an 1 the n-irth at ».so a. m.:
for illtii.iir.- i_'rv'.n at ItK p. m. Mr local points
we«t ofl "aIE-rv at I •_"» |i. m ; fur Mlllerstown
... . ■ tor looal points toutli and eastern
uTroujh mail* at <; p m . and lor till City and
f lUshurii at Tflrt p. m: closed pou hto Pitts
ban; at Tii."> a.m. Malls arrive on Mils road
tr.ni 11:isleuv and Oil City at si" a. m. Pilts
tanr and lora] at MUlerstown s:ls
rituiiurx at U'JW and s p. ni . Parker and North
at *zj» p. in . PitL-liurjt at 7:55.
STAR RortM-I» lily mall for Ml. rhestnut
arrive jatlla. in and leaves lin tier P. O. at l
JI. m lhi;l m ill to North Hope. Hooker and
oile i points arrives at 11 a. m. and departs at
lao p. in.
More-I oniers ean lie at the post
• -.ii.-» -> at l-llkr. Prospect. Sun bury (I'oulters
* ill 1". u). MilU-rstown iKarnhari Mills'.
• •-t.ri-.-vtn.- (Mipperyrock). Petrolia. hams
< and Renfrew. The fe-; Is live cents
| .r all siims a ruler >"• s cenn for tin. or less.
He. Postal notes wlileii are no saler thau en
< i.*»tns money as they arc made payable to
i>hi bod> •■•jst 3 cents lor or less.
1.0 AI. ASSfcMBLY s, Knights of I.s
--|.-.i ui.-ta every Friday uiglit in the Car
le- •. r- and Joiners Hall, thirl floor, Husel
i,,t umidiug, JOHN H. REIUKR, Rec. .Sec.
New Advertisements.
Adjourned Sale of Ream estate.
lUackmon A Grieb's Cast) Shoe Store
Harry < "baa pel's Flowers.
N uvsery A penis Wantcil.
Curry Rusiuess College.
Middlesex Twp. Auditor's Report.
pcryrock Normal. Edinboro Normal.
NUTK —All advertiser* iutcudingto make
change* in their ads. should notify us of
llx-ir intending to do -o, not later than
M«nda\ moming.
—Who i. W. 11. Nidi.
—The Sweet Potato Trust is the latest.
—Jolt work neatly done at the CITIZKS
—The Tareutiiiii < amp ground will open
on the Hth.
—Petrolia and ICurns City have amateur
—A fly iu the hand is worth two iu the
—.•shocking events are going on iu the
w heat fields.
—There are 1"» candidates for sheriff in
itcrks county.
ltutler twp., intends lmilding a new
school house.
—Suulmry, (C.mltersville, P. O.) is now
a money order office.
—Renfrew is agitated over the location
«f it« in'*' .-chool house.
—Candidates for next summer ale. begin
niug lo l»e talked of.
—Next Tuesday will In- Kditors' Day at
<"haiit.ct<|Ua. Sorry we can't lie there.
—The extra ninety days allowed for the
registration of druggists expires to-day.
—The new Heineman building will lie a
eri pretty one. and -a credit to the town.
—New hay is wiling at six dollars per
ton and old at eight dollars in this market.
—tieorge Strance will fill the unexpired
term of W. 1,. Scnilder as School Director
of Karns City.
Dr. Zimmerman has greatly improved
hi.- property on North Main street by doing
away with the front fence.
—liver iu Westmoreland county some
'aimers are afraid of their hay in the mow
burning from spontaneous combustion.
—Somebody trying to bay the Reihcr
building the other day was told that 135,-
<**• would buy it and no less.
—The bumming birds nest in Esq. Don
agby's 10l is quite a curiosity. The little
white eggs are no larger than navy beans.
—The lswu fete in W. 11. Brandon's lot
Tuesday evening, was a great success, and
was greatly enjoyed by the children.
—A new -tone walk has been placed in
front of the Collier! residence on N. Wash
ingfon St.
—We eongratulate Kaq. Muder of Saxon
tmrg upon his nuptials with Mrs. Kurt/,
and wish him many years of happiness.
-Jo- Nigh, of Summit twp., wis badly
injured by a \ iciotis horse Wednesday
m->niiiig. The animal knocked him down
and trampled upon him.
Duller was the scene of five funerals
U-t. Friday—Mrs. Drinker's. Mrs. Vos
brmk -. John Dredin'o, Mike Farrells and
thai of a child of John Larkin.
—Just run your mind oyer the list of
* yonr female acquaintance* and sue if you
n-< olleet having met a woman who stutter
—An indication of a coming Dologua
Saii- ige Tni-I is the application of a New-
York man for all the dogs in I be city bound
unclaimed by their owners.
—Dlackmorc .t (Srich opened their new
'bo«- -ton- on S Main street, yesterday,
snd a ileal litile store they have. You
should call around and see it.
S »: Purvis .I «'o. are enlarging their
machine shops, and an- building brick
hop. to surround and lake the place of
lheir present one- while work continues.
V(W hearing the arguments in the
Ftviium r.ise l«-t Tuesday tiov. Reaver de
• i.bsl lo turn the man over to the South
Carolina authorities.
\pplieation »ill be made at Soptem
ber Term for an extension of the borough
limits of Millcrstown so as to include the
Shakeley farm.
Now is Uie lime In kill weeds, every
Imdy should cut down the weeds in their
garden and also those on the street front
ing their property
A -mart matt who sent .VI cents to n
New York timi for "an easy method of gel
ting rid of debts." received hv return mail
Ibe laconic advice, "Pay them."
.Ml sorts of tarries are plentiful Ibis
lear anil were it not for the fact Unit su
ear is away up the good housewife would
In- able In "put up" lots of ,tutl lor vviuter
The ile of |he balauce of Ibe Ream
property in llarmoiiy and vicinity has I
jm tpoind till Monday, Sept. -nil —Ibe
hr-t day of Court - and lo Ibe Court Rouse.
See advertisement.
A member of the Slattery Club of
PitUlwrg. now camping at Keiater'* sta
lion, acculently -hot one of his big toes off.
oue day last week l»r. tlros.-uian of Coal
town dressed Ihe wouud.
—We are sorry that the bustle is going
••■it of fashion, as a moderate sized one
add- much to the appearance of the aver
•pe woman. The bustle should stay, but
that worst of all abominations, the corset
should go.
He was a brave fellow, and seized with
aviditv . . _ .
A challenge to bailie with General Humid
itr; V . .
Rut. despite all advjee to keep cool, he got
heated. *
tnd kept up the -trfiL'L'le till.badly defeat
lie wilted at la-t. an* in sheer desperation
Drowned himself in njiool of his own per
spiration. \
—One of the towers of the
West Penn is said to be haunted.
--There will lie a festival in the Rink
next Thursday and Friday evenings, for
the benefit of the J. S. Campbell Hose
Company. Admission 10 its, coffee, lem
onade and lunch, loan exhibition, and bi
cycle contest.
—Charles Hindmau of Fairview twp,
lately lost a valuable mare. By some
means one of the marc's hind legs came in
contact with the knives of the mower, and
the tendrons were severed, and the animal
had to he killed.
—The Louisiana Lottery has offered to pay
the Stale debt of sl2. OOO.nOO for an exten
sion of it- license for fifty years, and yet
main" persons are so foolish as to entertain
an idea they can beat the game by sending
it money.— Hlizsard.
—Foi the benefit of visitors to Redforil
Springs, tin* Pennsylvania Railroad an
nounces that the Mail Express leaving
Pittsburg at 1:00 p.m. will connect through
to Redford ou weekdays, reaching that
point at an earl)" hour of the evening.
—Thieves entered the store of Wm. Hum
phrey of Portcr-vi'le on Tuesday night of
last week and stole several pieces of cloth
ing. and then went to Montgovern's tailor
shop and stole a new suit, which happeued
to belong to John Humphrey, Jr. a son of
—A worthy bachelor offers this advice■
free to the girl.-: "When the right (ellow
pops the question, don't blush or stare at
his feet. Just throw your arms around his
neck, look him full in the face, and coin
inenco talking about the low priced furni
ture at Miller Urn's"
—The latest swindle is iu the selling o
ribbon-. Sharpers visit the farm houses,
exhibit rich samples at low figures, take
orders from the ladies, get half of the pay
ment ill cash and promise to forward the
goods, when the n inainder is to be paid.
Neither the swindler or the ribbons are
beard of again.
—We are now in the season known as
"the dog days." which is supposed to last
six weeks. This period is regarded by
many persons a- more unhcatblul than that
which immediately precedes or succeeds
it aud as being a time when mankind is
most liable to attacks from disease caused
by imprudence in the general habits.
—The editor of the Wise county, Texas,
Slewuijer deserves success. Ho seeuis to
be taking life easy aud filling his paper
with good liatured news. Still this appeal
touches our heart: —"We love to live to
eat and eat to live. Rring us a quarter's
worth of peas, peaches, pears, plumbs,
peanuts, polecats or 'possums and get the
best paper for thirteccn weeks. We will
accept, butter, beans, eggs, chickens (if
fully hatched), and any other digestible
vegetables or fruits. We cat anything ex
cept codfish and grindstones.
—The Pittsburg llazetlc ended the 103ril
year of its existence last Saturday, aud the
last man to renew his subscription that
evening was Nathaniel Montgomery who
resides near Wilkinsburg, whose father of
the same name took the first number of
the weekly (lazrttc in July 1786, and whose
name has been constantly on the mailing
list of the paper ever since. We congratu
late the Reed brothers on their ability to
hold the old friends of the paper, as it is
an evidence that tho paper itself keeps
pace with the progress of events.
—Two young men, out berrying, had a
strange experience, Tuesday afternoon.
They filled their pails with blackberries,
but just as they were starting for bomo,
one of them tripped aud fell headlong into
a bush containing a yellow jackets nest.
The insects swarmed around him and ho
received several stings, but he fought them
with his coat and then putting it over his
bead managed to secure the most of his
berries. Tho other young man helped do
the fighting ami was also stnng. Their
frieuds did not recognize them when they
arrived at their homes.
—The proprietor of a New York sport
ing paper lately offered a prize of SSOOO for
any one who could beat the best timo ever
made by a man running—one mile in 4
minutes and l'J seconds, and a friend of
policeman Peter Slater of Millerstowu
wrote the paper an account of I'eter of
which the following is an extract. "I'eter
Slater, who is at the head of tho police
force of Millorstown, is now 08 years of
age aud stands 5 feet 11 inches in his
shoes. He has always been something of
an athlete, and when but 22 years of age he
ran a mile in three minutes. Chief Slater
now resides al liaruhart's Mills, Pa., aud
notwithstanding his years is still halo and
hearty. lie clasms to be double-jointed
in the knees and wrists, and writes that
when iu his 23d year ho could hold his
breath 1} minutes by the town clock.
—lt is saiil that fourth-class Postmasters,
many of whom have been merchants, have
been brought up with a round turn by the
Postmaster-General, who has ordered that
hereafter their salary will depend upon the
number of letters actually mailed, and not
upon tin* number of stamps sold. A prac
tice with many of them has been to arrange
with oily merchants to take stamps in pay
ment lor goods, the result of which was u
large increase of sales of stamps ill country
offices and a corresponding falling off iu
the large cities. Now they are compelled
lo count the letters, and their salaries are
made to depend upon llio actual business
of their respective offices, aud not upon the
sale of stamps as formerly. This change
of the rules lias naturally caused a great
amount of disgust, aud is likely to render
the quest for fourth class Post masterships
much less eager than formerly.
Andy Root of Petrolia wont for a
drive behind his new last horso last Friday
evening; on the way he saw Mrs. Kllen
Con tiers, a New Castle woman who has
cooked in several of our hotels, ami asked
her to accompany him. Sbo did so and
they hail a pleasant drive out tho road
leading to Prospect, but ou their way
home, ami while coining down the bill, the
horse became unmanageable aud started
off at a 2:20 gait. Andy jumped nut and
escaped with but slight injuries; the wo
man also jumped but Iter head struck some
thing that ripped the scalp from just above
her eyes to the top of her head. She was
carried into a neighboring house, while
yet unconscious, and physicians were sent
for and they worked for two hours getting
scalp back iu its place and sewing it on.
It w.is thought that uicht thai sbo would
die, but she recuperated, is doing well aud
is now lying at one of our hotels. Afl.or
Hie accident the horse kept right on at full
speed till be reached the centre of tho
town, and the buggy was not broken. Had
the occupants remained iu it they would not
have been hurt
Musi Publish Your Accounts.
There are townships in this vicinity that
are annually violating the law by not hav
ing a report of their finances published,
and if the matter were brought before tho
Slate School Authorities Ibe annual school
appropriation would be discontinued.
Tho reason for not publishing the report
i peuuriou.uicsi on the part of a few.—
The Merchants Picnic.
On Monday evening the Committee on
Amusements reported that a program of
contests bad been prepared, but that all
the merchants consulted hail not yet agreed
upon their prizes.
The program committee reported that a
general outline had been agreed npon and
prepared but could not be completed until
the arrangements for music were definitely
The music committee reported the bids
of the different bands, and were authorized
to contract with the tiermanin and Grand
Anny band- and the Germania Orchestra.
The committee on printing made their
report and then the meeting adjourned till
Friday night.
The general program for the day is as
11:00 a m. —Rand Concert from Dancing
llall, Germania, 8 numbers.
12 m., dinner.
1:00 p.m., Rand Concert from Dancing
Hall. G.A.K. Rand. 5 numbers.
1:30. Addresses. Dancing Hall.
The Merchants' Picnic. H. II- Goucher.
What we are here for, Jos. T. Donly.
Duller Merchants-. LevMcQuistion.
Their visitors, S. F. Dowser.
2:00, Amusements under directions of
Amusement Committee.
3-00. Registration in east end Dancing
Hull for the purpose of awarding prizes to
the oldest man. largest family, prettiest
baby, etc.
3:30, dancing.
4:30, Rand Concert, G.A.R. Dand, H
numbers, from Pavillion.
5:30, supper.
7:00, .-iuging. national odes, by all on the
grounds, at Dancing platform.
7:15: dancing.
7:45, Dand Concert from the Pavillion,
Germania. 8 numbers.
11:00, "Homeward Round," Good night
chorus, by the Trainmen.
Four-oareil boat race; first prize, umbrel
la, C. Duffy; second, silver cup, Harry
Greib. „ .
Two-oareil boat race, first prize, lap robe.
Wes Koessing; second, silk handkerchief,
H. Schneiderinan. .
Tub race; first pi ize, rocking chair, 11.
Miller; second, croquet set, W. A. Osborne;
third, silver cup. Clecland it Ralston;
fourth, one dollar cash, Kitenmiller House.
Fat men's race; first prize, pair air mois
teners, T. Rockenstine; second, pair slip
pers, John Dickel; third, razor, J. G. & W.
Sack race; first prize, hat.C. R. Grieb;
second, silk umbrella, Racket Store: third,
hat rack, George Ketterer; fourth, sijuare
meal, Hugh McCrea.
Hop, step and jump; first prize, hand
satchel, R. Roessing; second, cake, Morri
son's bakery; third, pair of shoes, Metzger
A Yolkwein.
Running jump; first prize, box cigsrs,
(icorge Yogelev: second, pocket knite, J.
Niggle d- Rro; third, one-half dozen cans
com. Rellis & Graham.
Wheelcbarrow race, first prize, saw and
hatchet, Oil Well Supply Co.; second, pair
shoes, Al Ruff; third, sack flour, Haley &
Phillips; fourth, box cigars, Aiken £• Camp
bell. , .
Ten pin contest, first prize, box of cigars,
John Stein.
Foot ball, first prize, hat, U. Colbert.
Greased pole, first prize, small clock, D.
T. Pepe; second, Pearl shirt, J. N. Patter
Ladies' ball throwing, first prize, fancy
parasol, A. Troutman d Son; second, bread
box, C. Stock; third, silk handkerchief,
Ritter A Ralston; fourth, two pounds cream
mixed candies, Turner d' Davis.
One hundred-yard foot race; first prize,
fine white shirt," I. four
fold linament, J. C. Redick.
Quoit contest, first prize, one pound
best tea, George Reiber & Sons.
Rest lady waltzer, first prize, Haviland
china cup, saucer and plate, A. d H. Rei
ber; second, pair kid gloves, L. Stein d
Soii; third, cut bottle perfume,A. J. Frank.
Rest gent waltzer; first prize, silk suspen
ders, AlfM. Reiber; second, silver uapkin
ring. John Grieb, Hostetter's Hitters, C.
AY uller.
Mule race; first prize, buggy whip, Rerg
d Cypher; second, box cigars, Morris' fnc
tory; third, pipe, N. T. Weser.
Ladies' boat race; first, parasol, Ricter d
Ralston; second, pair slippers,B. C. Husel
Swimming contest; first prize, sack flour,
Harper Bros; second, ham, C. Koch d
Sous; third, box cigars, B. C. Dickson.
Homlicst man on ground; box of cigars,
MeCandless d Kirkpatrick.
Heaviest man on ground; pair of shoes,
Blackmoro d Grieb.
Widow with largest family on ground;
first prize, barrel of flour, W. H. Reihiug:
second, lot of bread, John Richey.
Man with the largest family on ground:
First prize, barrel flour, J. J. Leidecker;
sack flour, E. 11. Anderson.
Man with the largest head: Solid silver
headed cane, Colbert & Dale.
Man with the biggest feet: Square meal,
George Smith.
Putting the sledge: Hammock, H. C.
Heineman; second,leg of mutton, C. Smith.
Best lady elocutionist on ground: Coral
vase with perfumery, J. F. Balph.
Beet girl reader under ten years: First
prize, odor ease, C. N. Doyd; second, bas
ket of perfume, J. L. Wuller; third, large
doll, J. F. T. Stehlc.
To the lady having the largest number
of daughters on the ground who have bak
ed bread: Sack of Red Dall flour, G. Wil
son Miller d Rro.
To the farmer with the largest number
of boys on the ground who are helping him
to farm: 140 pound sack Miller's salt, G.
Wilson Miller d Rro.
The Butler County Record one year to
tho handsomest young lady at the picnic.
The Democratic Herald, one year to the
worst crippled person on the grounds.
The HI TLER CITIZEN, one year to the
most recently married couplo on the
grounds, also to the youngest married coll
ide on the grounds, also to the oldest inar
ried couple oil the grounds.
One year's subscription to the Rutler
Eagle to tho person iu attendance at the
picnic who has been longest in the mercan
tile business in Rutler county.
Oldest person on the grounds: Year's
subscription to the Weekly Times
Attention! 137 th Pa. Vols.
Comrades of the 137 th will take notice
that the time of Reunion ut Rutler has
been changed from August 'Jlst to August
15th, 18S0, when all are requested to be
present. ROUT. STORY, Pres.
JOHN It. McN AIR, Sec'y. _
A New Dog Law.
The Fulton Republican says: Dy the re
cently adopted statute all dogs arc now
personal property and subject of larceny,
there being a lux ou each male dog of fifty
cents and upon each female dog of one dol
lar. This tax is to be assessed iu tho usual
way ami paid lo the treasurer of the town
ship board of school directors annually.
The money thus received is to be devoted
to the payment of claims for sheep killed
when owner of killing dogs cannot be dis
covered. When, however at the end of
any current year there is a surplus of SIOO
in tho sheep fund it shall bo turned over
to the school directors for tho school
Curious Advertisements.
Somebody now in Ireland, probably
Prof. Muckcy, has sunt us a copy of daily
papers published iu Dubliu, date of July
15, from which wo take tho following curi
ously worded advertisements:
STROXII, bumble Girl wanted, able to wash
well and do general housework; must bo
an early riser and well recommeuded;
wages it, all found. Address -IXII Free
man Olfieo.
STRIINH, humble liirl wanted for General
Housework, must lie u good plain washer,
early riser; well recommended; wages £O.
A Pill)' 50 liraut Drunswick si.
GENERAL Servant; wanted a strong, hum
hie Girl; good washer, clean, early riser;
first place no objection; wages £5 a year,
all found. Address 3013 Freeman Office.
If a strong, humble girl, who will get up
early and do all the work, including the
washing, can only earn from S2O to S3O a
year in Ireland, it's no wonder they flock
to Auiorica. The publication of the fol
lowing, after the death notices itidi
cates that it is being published regularly
every 15th of July:
MORROGR—On tho 15th July, 1880, at
Lower lluggot street, Dublin, Christina
Elizabeth Morrogh, widow of Hubert Mor
rough, Esq. late of Carrigdnve, lilackrock,
Cork, most deeply and sincerely regretted
In Ul'ibt grateful, loviug remembrance.
The hearing before Esq. Walker in the
ease of Mary A Croft vs J. C. Beighle was
postponed till Aug. 16.
The Comorer's Jury in the case of Mich
ael Farrel agreed that ho came to his death
from "congestion of the brain, superinduc
ed by the excessive use of alcohol."
Maud B. Williams, by hor next friend E
E. Kelly, has applied for a divorce from
Alexander Williams.
S. L. Kohlmeyer was brought to Butler
from Canada by Detective I>. L. Dunbar,
Wednesday, aiid is now iu jail on the
charge of forgery preferred by Mr. Whit
Miss Mattie A. Fulkman, of Franklin
Tp.. was committed to jail, Tuesday, by
Esq. John M. Heyl, on a charge of assault
auil battery, but she is supposed to be crazy.
The will of Christoff Ammon. of Summit
Tp.. was probated—no letters; also will of
Jacob Weiland, of Oakland, and letters to
Francis Weiland.
Letters of administration were granted
to J. L. Christie on estate of Wilmore L.
Christie of Washington Tp.
Sarah Mac-key to Martha .1 Veamau lots
in Butler for S.IOO.
John K Drum to C Beriuger 2 acres in
Buffalo for S6OO.
E F Muder to Caroline Muder lot in Sax
onburg for sl.
J X Thompson to Mary O Miller tii acres
in Bradv for s.'<loo.
II Q Walker to Caroline Wu'ker, lot iu
Butler for SI,OOO.
Marriage Licenses.
E. Frederick Muder Saxonburg
Caroline Kurtz "
Owen W. Malonev. Cygnet. O
Malinda S. Jolly! Allegheny twp
Adam J. Dumbaugh Evans City
Annie E. Wahl
Thomas S. Springer Penn twp
Wilhclmina Musrush "
Francis H Gardner New Castle
Susanna Grossman Coaltown
William J. Christley Butler, Pa
Lauretta J. Mahood "
At Pittsburg—Henry H Lucas of Xatro
na and Amelia Heck of Delano station.
Prof. C. C. Douglass, of Dayton, 0., is
the guest of J. B. Douglass. He found
some old army friends here.
K. P. Scott, Esq., is with his fumily in
Attica, N. Y.
Mrs. Dale is visiting friends in Centre
Mrs. McKee, of Grand Rapids, Mich.,
who was visiting Mrs. Dr. Byers, was call
ed home by the news of the death of her
Misses Byrne, of Newark, and Sheeky, of
Braddock, are the guests of Mrs. D. H.
W uller.
Miss Stella Aland is visiting friends in
Rev. Cronenwett i.. enjoying a vacation.
Miss Gussle Rauseher, of W. Pearl St.,
has returned from a visit to relatives at
Evans City.
Miss Clara Hosford, of Cincinnati, 0., is
visiting Miss Bella Lowry.
Mrs. Sue Mitchell gave a dinner on Sun
day in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones, of
New Castle, and on Tuesday Mrs. John H.
Negley gave a tea party iu their honor, at
which were present Mr. aud Mrs. Ed
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. David Osborne, Mrs.
Sue Mitchell. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. W. C.
Miss Daisy Craig, of Pittsburg, is visiting
Miss May llazen.
Mrs. H. Schneidemau and Mrs. W C.
Negley, spent a few days in the fore part
of this week at Zelienople, the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Endress.
Mrs. Will Campbell has returned front a
visit at Harmon}'.
Win. Butler and wife of Washington,
l'a., are the guests of Mrs. Butler's father,
John Say of Bruin.
Rev. J. K. Melhoru, of Pittsburg, and
formerly pastor of the Euglish Lutheran
Church at Freeport, Pa., has been called
back and has assumed his old charge which
embraces the Sarversville and Saxonburg
Euglish Lutheran Churches of this county.
He was warmly welcomed by the people
of his old charge.
Rev. Louis Hay, and Harry, Alfred aud
Walter Hay, brothers loing business in
Allegheny had a reunion at their birth
place in Zelienople, Wednesday. This was
the first time in 28 years that they visited
their birthplace together.
Will Findley is home from New York on
a visit.
John Coylc and family of Bruin have
moved to Butler.
X. C. McCollough has been elected Prin
cipal and Mr. Douthett assistant, of the
Karus City schools.
Jno. Heckman and wife of Biuin have
moved to Evans City.
Mrs. 11. M. Caldwell of Bruin is at the
Mrs. Ed Hays of Glade Run, died on the
17 ult., while on a visit to her parents,near
Oil City.
Mrs. Martincourt is visiting friends in
Miss Calvert of Pittsburg, is the guest of
Mrs. A. P. Stewart.
Miss Sheridan, of Youngstown is the
guest of Mrs. llart Graham.
M iss Rankin, of Clarion is tho guest of
Miss Annie Lowiuan.
D. L. Cleelaud started on a trip through
the Great West Tuesday, and will be gone
for some weeks.
Mr. A. L. Bowser, for so many years the
valued and efficient teacher of Room 10,
Union building, has resigned that position
in order to devote his time to his other
profession, that of the law. The best wish
we could extend is that he may be as suc
cessful ill tho law as he has been in the
euually important calling of teacher, in
which he leaves a record of which he may
be proud.—Franklin \< irs
Rev McKoc will take advantage of the
first Harvest Excursion, next Tuesday, to
start for Kimball, Xeb., on a visit to his
father. Mr. F. M. Bole and wife, and Miss
Marks are also thinking of going West that
day on visits to friends iu Western States.
The railroad returns tho excursionists free
of charge.
Senator Greer returned homo Tuesday
evening. lie was with Gov. Beaver around
the State inspecting the different regiments
iu their encampments, and reports having
had a good time.
Col. Young, of Zelienople, was visiting
his friends in Butler Wednesday. He has
just recovered from an extended sickness
but, hopes to regain his wonted vigor.
Oil Field Notes.
It is reported that a fifty-barrel well has
been struck near Sandy Lake, Mercer Co.
The Hoffman well on the McLune farm
twp., is supposed to bo good for 100
barrels a day.
The Phillips well on the Daddy Logne
farm iu Clearfield twp., was shot Tuesday,
aud responded with a flow. It may be
good forten barrels' This is the alleged
fifth saud well.
The Chartiers well of the J. B. Flick
farm is reported to he flowing at the rate of
00 barrols a day.
The monthly oil report for July was out
yesterday, and shows thut 533 wells were
completed during the month with an out
put of 7022 barrels. This is a decrease ol
22 wells and 028 barrels from the showing
for June. 600 wells aro drilling aud 252
new derricks are up; 92 dry holes were
drilled during the month. The Jefferson
Centre well was the only first class well
struck iu Butler county, during the mouth,
it was "shot" three times aud is doing 200
barrels. Washington county produced the
most oil during the mouth.
—Jas. McClung und others have leased a
thousand acres in Clay twp., west of Sun
bury, ami intend drilliug.
—The teacher who intends to pol
ish himself at a normal school this
winter, and who passes the Slippery
Rock School without careful examin
ation makes a serious mistake. Let
him not be you.
—Try to induce ycur neighbor to
At Cross Keys iu Allegheny Co.. one
Jay last week, a two-year old child was
drowned in a tub* containing but three
• inches of water
Iloth the Kittauuiug rolling mills are
shut down.
At Tarentutn, last Wednesday evening,
the rope that Geo. W. Lesley, the tight
rope walker had stretched across, the
street from the Opera House to the Ingrain
building broke while he was upon it, and
he fell to the street. When ho felt him
self going he cried, "Look out/' and swing
ing his balancing pole to his side descend
ed iu au upright posture ami alighted
squarely on his feet. Both ankles, both
wrists, and one knee were badly stored,
but his escape from instant death was con
sidered miraculous.
Judge Baer. of Somerset Co., is a sadly
afflicted man. He went to Sulphur Springs
several weeks ago in hopes that that the
celebrated waters of that place would be
beneficial to his health, as he was suffer
ing from a painful carbuncle and several
boils. He returned home Saturday even
ing with seven additional boils on his neck.
Griffith Williams and a family of eight
have left for Wales. They are survivors of
the Johnstown flood. One of the children,
who was born iu the attic of a house that
was floating along the stream, has becu
christened Moses.
Jacob Reynolds, an experienced rig
builder, while working on top of a derrick,
at Clarion, last Monday, fell to the floor,
a distance of seventy feet, and was instant
ly killed.
The "compound oxgj-en" fad is being
worked on the invalids at Saegertown.
AVhile plowing in a field on his farm, up
the Monongahela river, Mr. Mat Walton
unearthed a portion of an old sword. The
handle and guard of the old blade, being
of gold, were well preserved, and engraved
upon the latter was the name of William
Crawford. It was upon this spot that Wil
liani Crawford was burned by Indians.
Executions to the extent of SIO,OOO have
been entered against the lumber and boat
building firm of Kemp & McGee, of Farm
iugton twp., Clarion county. The firm
has been engaged in business several years
and was considered sound financially.
A gang of men is engaged in cutting
down iron tanks at Brady's Bend. The
tanks will be sent to the Ohio field. It is
said that the National Transit company
will cut down all the tanks, remove the oil
and quit shipping from that point.
A fire in Beaver Falls last Thursday
morning, destroyed Forbes & Patterson's
iecd store and seven stables.
The body of a man was fouud floating iu
the Allegheny river near Boss grove last
Saturday, From papers found on the body
it is believed to be Wallace Wheeler, a
barber of Tarentum. It is supposed he
committed suicide.
The family of C. F. Kenote, of Pnnxsua
tawney, consisting of eleven persons, were
poisoned last week by eating canned aprii
cots. The mother died in great agony and
several ether members of the family were
at death's door.
The most forgetful young man in Snyder
county, Pa., recently went to town with
his best girl, and when the tiino caiue for
his return, actually left without her and
proceeded several miles before he happen
• ed to thiuk he had forgotten something.
A bad accident was caused by a runaway
team, a few days ago, when the people
were returning from the funeral of
Alexander Anderson, of Natrona. Sev
eral horses became unmanageable
and occupants of a number of car
riages jumped out. Mrs. Skiles had
a leg broken, Mrs. Hill had au arm broken,
and two boys, James Baker and Frank
Harrigan, were knocked down and badly
hurt. Mr. Gustus Sweeney was thrown
from his buggy and badly injured. Sever
al wagons and buggies were demolished.
In the window of the Iliehl Bros.' store
is a marvelous piece of automatic work
' mauship, the work of Mr. F. Stark, deceas
ed. It is a mill, and occupies a space of
about three feet by two. It is constructed
so as to be run by any kind of power. The
mill wheel turns rouud, and we see a wo
-1 man ironing, a woman spinning, one grind
ing coffee, another churning, two men
grindiug on a grindstone, one sawing wood,
another chopping wood, a clown turning
on a pole, processions go by, doves on the
roof pecking at the shingles, chickens and
turkeys eating their morning meal, and
other curious things. Mr. Stark formerly
worked iu town, and made this iu his lei
sure moments. He was a brother-in-law
of Mr. Knoble, and of Mrs. K. Biehl, de
, ceased. It is well worth while to stop at
the store and see how the mill works.—
[• Kittauning Press.
The Markets.
Our grocers aro paying 12J for butter, 15
for eggs, 40 for potatoes, 40 to 50 for ap
1 pies, 12 for corn, 3.") for spring chickens, 75
lor onions, 7 for blackberries, 00 i lm. for
peas, 50 a bu. for beans.
—Sales of Pennsylvania fleeces, wool,
have lately been mad e in Boston, at 33
and 34 for X, 34 aud 35 for XX, and 3H and
39 for No. 1.
Timothy hay from country wagons sls
; to $lB, mixed hay $9 to 9.50; oats 27 to 33;
' cloverseed 5.25 to 5.00; timothy seedl.OO to
1.70; red wheat 83 to 91; rye 48 to 52.
Fancy country roll butter 12 to 13, choice
> 9to 11; blackberries 7 and 8; eggs 14 aud
i 15; live geese feathers 50 to 60;mixcd feath
i ers 30 to 36; potatoes 1.25 to 1.50 a bbl;
t live chickens 70 to 75 a pr; spring chickens
t 25 to 50 per pr; dressed young chicken 14
to 15; rags 1j; wild red plums 05 to 70 per
s box.
Sales of cattle were made at from 3j to
I 4|, bulls aud dry cows 1J to 3, veal calves
5 to 6, fresh cows $25 to $45.
f Sheep sold iu a retail way at from 2j to
5 as to condition, spring lambs 4 to Oj.
Garvin sold lambs at sto 6, Wright sold
J sheep 4to 4A aud lambs ut 5} to G, Keiber
H it Sou got 4.10 for sheep aud 5 to 5f for
The supply of hogs was small. Keiber
6 Sou sold a small lot 4].
At the Fast Liberty yards stockers sold
M at 24 to 3i, dry cows were a slow sale at
I j to 3, and bulls at 2 to 3, a lot of (irceuc
' Co. bulls sold at 2c.
I At tho Allegheny live stock yards Jno.
, Soiling sold 40 head of hogs at 4],
3 The oil market closed on Monday, at
I.HO 11,
' Closed Tuesday at 99J, and Wednesday
• at 984.
Excellent advantages und mod
( crate charges at the Normal School,
r Ediuboro.
—Are vou awure of the fact that
our own Butler County Slippery
Bock Normal School is one of the
finest in the State?
—The Normal School, Edinboro,
is spending $25,000 iu .improvements.
—The location of the Slippery
Rock Normal Schol is healthful, the
huildiugs commodious, access easy,
moral surrouudings unsurpassed, and
faculty equal to any.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
II wunting in finish, tone, or a correct
—Send for tho new circulars of the
- State Normal School, Edinboro. It
8 contains items of interest. Address
f J. A. Cooper.
school this winter you owe it to
yourself to examine the superior fa
j cilitios of Slippery Rock Normal
Pennsylvania R. R.'s Seashore j
Those who have not yet tak«-u their hi>!i- |
ilay will liml a most "delightful vacation i
trip in the Pennsylvania Railroad's grand 1
excursion of Thursday. August Bth. to the I
celebrated resorts of the Now Jersey coa.-?.
One can go for ten days to either Atlantic
City, Cape May, SPA"Isle City, or Ocean
City, us his tastes incline, and enjoy ;i royal
holiday by the sea. These trips are not
only delightful in the pleasure they give
but are full of benefit to mind and body.
On August Bth excursion tickets will b<-
sold for regular trains leaving Pittsburg at
4:30 and 8:10 P. M . at the rates quoted
below, and in addition to tho regular trains
a special train of Pullman Parlor Cars and
l>ay Coaches will run on schedule as be
Kate. Train leaves.
Pittsburg SIO.OO 8:50 A. M
Butler 10.00 6:15 A.M.
Philadelphia, arrive 7:10 P. M.
The members of the party arriving by
special train will spend the night in Phila
delphia and proceed to the shore by any
regular train of the following day. Those
arriving by regular train will proceed to
shore by regular train of that day. The
return coupon of tickets is valid for use on
any regular train except New York and
Chicago Limited within the return limit.
The Truth and Nothing but the
T ruth.
Many years ago when we, along with
our fellow citizens, were paying sls*) to
$250 for a buggy, we conceived the idea
that less tdian SIOO ought to buy a buggy
good enough for almost any man. We set
about investigating the matter —went to
the largest manufactories in the l". S. and
made a contract for a full car-load to be
made to our order. We had the cash iu
our pocket, and the result was that the
buggies were made and shipped to ns.
Otu neighbors (we lived in Prospect, this
county, then) said we made a mistake —
that we could not sell them—and we con
fess when we did see them all set up in a
row we felt a little as though we had an
elephant on our hands in a dry summer.
Hnt we had good buggies, bought low for
cash, and of course we could sell low. It
was the first time in the history of liutler
county that a good buggy could be bought
for less than SIOO. In thirty dayr.we were out
of buggies and another carload on the way.
Everybody wanted one of our buggies—
the rich man saw they were good enough
for him to ride in and the poor man for the
first time in his life rejoiced in being able
to own a buggy. Just so it went; our bus
iness grew, neighbor told neighbor; it
spread all over this State and into other
States until we found it impossible to car
ry on our large business without good ship
ping facilities. We selected Butler as the
place last November. We purchased the
old manufacturing establishment formerly
conducted by 0. C. Roessiug <fc Son. on
Cunningham street, where we have located
permanently, and liutler can boast to-day
of having largest wholesale
and retail carriage dealers in the State.
We keep in stock everything in the Car
riage, Wagon, Cart "Harness and Kobe
line. We have top buggies from S4O up to
the very finest hand made work. Carts,
sl2 up: harness, $6 to the very best hand
made harness to be tound anywhere, Ac.
Our success in business we attribute to our
rules first adopted, Never ask exhorbitaut
prices. Sever misrepresent. Thus we have
won the good will and confidence of every
customer. We say with pride that we have
sold hundreds of buggies on time and never
had a man refuse to pay his note on ac
count of the article not being as represent
ed. This is remarkable. 3onsidering our
nine years'business. We have plenty of
money; never sell a note. We discount
every bill, pay no rent; we give our cus
tomers the benefit of all this, and are close
cash purchasers. Our large experience
gives us a knowledge of the business that
can be acquired in no other way. Come
down and see us whether you want to buy
or not; it is only a little walk down from
Main street and it will pay you well. The
members of the company are S. B. Martin
court and J. M. Leighner.
S. P.. MARTINt'Ot'RT A C<>.
—s7s per mouth for active Agents
to canvass. Charles Cooper, Eain
boro, Pa.
—The one hundred and sixty
eight pupils of the Spring term 'B9,
at the Slippery Rock Normal School
eloquently testify by their number to
the excellence of the school
—Tie 81 graduates of Edinboro of
this year, man and womon, are en
gaging School at S4O to S9O per
month. Edinboro teachers are popu
—Send lor catalogue of Prospect
Academy. The Principal will gladly
answer any questions concerning the
school. Fall Term begins Tuesday,
Aug. 13,
F. W. Magee, Prin ,
Prospect, Pa.
Sunbury Academy.
The Fall Term of Sunbury Acad
emy will open August 20. Full
corps of teachers; instruction thor
ough. Information regarding the
school cheerfully furnished, Write
for catalogue. Address
Coultersville, Pa
—A tremendous Tot of Baby Car
riages just received at
—An immense stock of straw hats,
stiff bats and felt hats of all kinds
and at low prices, just opened at
—"Cows in the Wheat Field"— a
new puzzle, just received at
—Good carts for sls at Martin
court <fc Co's, Cunningham St., But
—We have ten thousand dollars
worth of furniture in our three ware
rooms at No. 19 Jefferson St., Butler.
Pa. The best as well as the cheap
ost, but all the best made for the price,
All persons will find it to their ad
vantage to examine our stock and as
certain our prices before purchasing.
—lf you think the CITIZEN a wor
thy county paper, help us along by
subscribing for it.
—We call the attention of those
out of employment to the advertise
ment of II (1. Chase & Go. in an
other column of this paper. The
firm is responsible and has a good
Fancy Silks, Plushes, velvets
and Ribbons at
_s4s is all that it takes to buy a
good top buggy at Martincourt A
Co's, at their own warerooms on
Cunningham St. We live in Butler.
Wo pay no rent nor board bills. We
do the work ourselves—and sell you
the very same buggy for $45, that
others, who aro at expense lor travel
ing, etc., must sell for $55 to sllO.
Do you care for $lO or sls. If you
don't then buy from others. If you
do then walk down Cunningham St.
to our place.
—Use Double All O. K. Horse Lini
ment, best in the world. For swell
ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore shoulders,
ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has
no equal. For sale by J. C. RKDICK,
2-18-3 m. No, 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa.
—Wall papers, mouldings, oil
cloths, window shades at OSIIORNK'S.
—Graduates of Edinboro are filling
many positions as Superintendents,
both city and county.
I)UKITY IN piescriptions \.<
absolutely essential or else
I physician and patient will lioili
be disappointed. Certain drugs
if not properly taken care of
become inert and if dispensed
are worthless. We make t
specialty of filling physicians'
prescriptions and home recipes
and none but pure drugs dis
pensed. every article "guaran
teed to he just as represented.
It we do not have in stock
what is wanted we Iraniky tell j
you so and will be glad to get
it lor you at the earliest pos
sible moment. We are head
quarters for the Drug Trade of
liutler county and it is seldom
you will find us out of what
is called for. We ask you to
come and see us, make our store
your stopping place when in
town, leave your packages and
call for them when you wish.
C. N. BOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, l'a.
For the next sixty days, in order
to reduce our stock, we will quote
special low prices on all our stock.
We have on hands thirty bed room
sets ranging from $lB to $l5O per
Thirteen upholstered parlor suits
ranging from $35 to $l5O per suit.
Parlor stands from $2,50 to $lO.
Lounges from $2,50 to $25.
llat racks from $8 to S3O.
Tables from $1.25 to $lO.
Wash-stands from $2 to $lB,
Bureaus from $9 to $25.
Sets of chairs from $2.75 to $lO [>er
Secretaries from sl6 to S4O.
Easy chairs, handsome pictures,
room ornaments, etc., any of which
would make both useful and appropri
ate presents.
No. 19, Jefferson St,. Butler, Pa.
Normal School. Edinboro, will
open the Fall Sesion Angust 27 A
year at Edinboro has been known to
double a teacher's value.
—Best makes of black end colored
Henriettas from 25 cents to $1.25 per
yard. Silk Wraps Henriettas from
90 cents to $2. Fine serges, de
almas, tamise, sebastopols, and many
other stales of fine Dress Goods at
lowest prices at
—A. No. 1. all husk mattress, guar
anteed, not mixed with excelcer at a
lower figure than can be had else
where in Butler, at Miller Bros',
furniture store. No. 19 Jefferson St.
—SO young men, 50 young women
wanted to earn SSO to $75 per month
Address Charles Cooper, Edinboro,
Who Is W. M. Nickle.
Tho man with the nerve
to give you a dollar's worth of
goods for one dollar, a dozen clothes
pins. one cent; a full paper needles one
cent; a box of 200 Parlor Matches,
one cent; tumblers, two cents; a gal
lon bucket, seven cents; a two gallon
, bucket, ten cents; a one half gallon
. bucket with cover, six cents; at the
5 cent store, opposite Bank.
W. M. NICKLK, Manager.
—Houses and lots for sale in But-
I ler. Apply to W. C. KINDLE Y, At
, tornev, Anderson Building.
Boys' bicycles and tricycles, and
j iron wagons just received at
—Osborne's, successor to Bow
■ man's No, 9, E. Jefferson St. Floor
oil cloths (new line), wall papers,
mouldings, wiudow blinds.
—Fine Challies at cents. Large
lineof Fine Dress Ginghams, Zeph
yrs and Seersuckers at 10 and
cents at
—On White Goods, Embroideries,
Laces and Ribbons we can save you
Base-ball bats, balls, glovc3, and
, guides and masks, at
—The only place in Butler where
you can get those handsome Jersey
Blouses is at
—Just received—a large line of
Stockinet Jackets anil F<ne Beaded
j Wraps at
—Enlarged store, uew lines of
goods, low prices at OSIIORNK'S, NO.
9, E. Jefferson St., Butler.
—lt is well known that we do the
Hosiery trade of the town. One
' trial will convince you that you can
do better with us than any place
—New black and colored silks,
Satin Rhademes, Satin Do Luxons,
surahs t moires and gros grains, best
makes and warranted to wear. Prices
lowor than elsewhero at
Two Buck boards
For Sale. Inquire at No. 25, South
Main St., Butler, Pa.
One Dollar—Every time you spend
Two Dollars for glass or tinwnre or
' notions without first visiting W. M.
NICKLE'S Five Cent Store, opposite
—J. J. Reiber, tho drover, wants
all farmers and stockraisers to know
that he still deals iu stock of all kinds,
i Any persons having any to sell
[ should address hint LOCK BOX 926,
, Butler, Pa., or loave with Jacob
Reiber, Jefferson St.
—Use Double All O. K. Horse and
Cattle Powders,best in the world. A
Bure and s|>eedy cure for heaves,
coughs, colds, inlltttned lungs, rough
ness of skin, and all kidney diseases.
For sale by J. C. RKDICK,
. 2-18-3 m No. 5, N. Main St.
Butler, I'a.
—Take your children to Zuver's
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
1 you. Anderßon building.
—Our lino of corsets can't be beat,
we have them from the lowest priced
goods up to the finest satin at $3.50
I per pair. Also a full line of ladies
, and Misses Corset Waists.
—For pure butter go to the But
ler Creamery.
TO BE <;|\ EN I:Y
The Merchants* of 1 Sutler,
WEMEShAV, At (it ST Dli.
Come and Enjoy a Social Day with Your Friends and
To lli< I'rople of HutU r Cum I >,
The merchants of Itntler cordially i* t'l. .r patrons i ■ ,r i to
join them in :i ll.i-k«-t Pien«- f" lie "vippor rock IVirk on \vTdi 7.
All business will 1>" su-;« iid",l in !'• i!> it de mil yon nn "irs.»td t. n -. in a
regular jolly time.
Trains will leave Butler fur the Park as follows: 7:00, SrOO
10:30, 11:30, a. m., and 1:15,3:30. 5:05,7:00 p. ui. Trains will
be returning every hour.
Fare for the round trip. 40 rent Ticket- on sale a« the -or .in lln tier.
If yon cannot come on train-. conn incurring 1 '■ h»r .hvk. on
foot, or any way at all so that you get th'-re Bring i h.i-i • i
sions. Lemonade and Coffee will be furui I - I fn-e to all
The funny men of the i ouuty w II he j>r.- • at. and tin jv will he u.- ; lt k , , , u „j
amusement. Hy order of Printing Committee.
Permanent Officers- PRANK koril.
W. 11. Rittkr, Pres.. HARRY IJKIEIt.
ti. \V. Mili.kr. See..
Frank Koch, Tresis.
Over Loaded Again!
The Weather Has Done It.
rhis (Jreat Sacrifice Sale!
Kvery one knows that this has been a very poor summer to sell fiim
mer goods. Almost every merchant is watching and waiting for summer
to open up right, so they can get rid of some of their fumraer goods. 1
am tired waiting on the weather, in a few weeks 1 start east, but before I
go I am going to
Make a Noise in Butler.
And it is all to be about shoes and slippers, iam over-stocked and don't
deny it. but I won't be that way long. lam suing to sell boots, shoes and
slippers during the month of July at less than it cost to make them.
There is no sense in carrying them over uutil next season, they pet all
shop worn an- 1 the styles change, and if I should carry them over I might
have to sell them at a greater loss next year than now.
Now is the Time nu<l Tliev Must (Jo.
I want the room and I want the money, aad 1 don't want the goods, do
you understand this? It means simply this, the goods are here and must be
sold, and if you come you can buy them, as no reasonable offer will be refus
Can only last for a short time, and I want to see my old as well as new
customers take the advantage of it. 1 can only ipiote u lew prices, but I
will guarantee every article named to be from 2' to 3:'. per rent under actual
Behold The Slaughter!
( t
Ladies tine Don. Kid Itntton, sl.lO Worth J1.7.»
" Pebble Goat " 1.10 •* 1.7 •
" Don. Kid '• 1-V- " iIW
" " Grain " 1.00 " i-"> 0
" •' •' " !*> " I.i">
" Kvery day shoes 7 r >
" " " slippers 1) " 73
Ladies fine slippers 40, .10, AO and 75 cent*.
Its an Awful Price List but I Am Determined to Make Them Go.
Mens tiue Calf Shoes ?> 1 .**> Worth *>
•• " " •• iar>
'• " Buff Shoes 1.00 " . TTt?»
" " Calf Boot*, »ize <!, 1— • " -.SO
Mens Working Shoes, 7.1, 90 and $1 w
Are selling at extremely low prices and cbildreos and misses shoes were
never sold lower, but remember this, the time is limited on this sale, you
can't buy the abovo goods at all times lor the price* named on them
NOW IS THK TI M K ■« i! « *l—*. »•»- ly *f
tember, but now during this hot dull month of .July and bear iri mind this
that if you expect to reap any ol the benefits of this sale you will have to
act very quickly.
I carry a large stock of Lawn Tcunis, 15ase liali Shoes, Wigwam Slip
pers for Men, Ladies, Hoys, Misses and Children, they are all placed in thi*
great sale.
Hoots and Shoes made to order, liepairing done on short notice
Shoemakers supplies of all kinds.
Come and get cheap foot wear this month.
22 S. Main St. - - - - - Jiutler, /V
—Beautiful pictures at very low
prices at Miller Bros.' furniture store,
No. I!> Jefferson St.
—Just opened a big lot of Fino Per
cales, best goods and choicest styles,
at prices rangiug from 8 to I'JJ cents
per yard at
—Kverything in the Huggy,
Wagon, Cart and Harness line cheap
Cunningham St., Butler.
—Subscribe for the Cm/.EN, the
oldest Republican paper of the county
This Is a Good Chance.
Don't miss it. You need no cap
ital and no experience to represent a
reliable firm that warrants its stock
first class. Work 52 weeks in the
year and good pay weekly. Write
for terms at once and secure your
territory. Address
Rochester, N. Y
—Consult your own interests and
examine our stock of furniture, uphol
stered suits, chairs, mattresses, etc.,
before purchasing. MILI.KK Bun's.,
No. Jefferson St.
—We are selling furniture lower
than it has ever l>efore been sold in
llutler, and after using it you will
say that it is what we said it was,
otherwise uo sale at MILI.KK Bun's,
No. lit Jefferson St.,
—Teacher* and other* will find it a
#ood thin# to do to attend tbe Sum
mer Institute at Slipporyrock Normal
from July 2 to August 2. $ 17.50
will pay all expenses. Write for
room to Hammer Institute, Slippery
rock, Pa.
Jordan's Restaurant
All our readers visiting l'.utler
will do well to RO to Sam Jordan's
restaurant lor their meals. We serve
lunches, soft drinks, tobacco and
cigars. No. 4, S. Main St., under
Schneidctnnn's clothing store
Teachers Wanted.
The SchiHtl i;.. ir.i of M iuli. hl town h(|>
will DU'i't ill tin-C.ntral Si! I h<"n«' on
Saturday, Auguxl 17th. lo < In t Irwlwr
fur the ennniiip ti-rm of siv month Win ".
#35 |•«-r month.
At *T Kill Hll.lMi, IVe
A KH M Stf'jr.
heunjr P »"»
U'IMIII to s..l|«-tl ri r l r
** ( hitli-t' mill |> Mj Nurn-rj Moil.
Mrai|j Hark l»r l.mnrtir
Hahury unl i-xiion-hii i>r ■-'•miai'vttiMi II prrfer
rod. Wrtte aiuoce. suti- As v. AIMHB.
R. G. Chase & Co.
Physician and Surgeon.
.So. In tVrM rumiinchwi St.,