Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 12, 1889, Image 4

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    tub citizen.
rmiDAY. JULY ts. 18».
LOCAI. A.SSEM HI.Y «>!«s, Kniphts "t
U<r, ertrf Kn4ay night in ibe Ctr
httMgi iod J omen tUil tbiri floor, Ha«ei
tM bftiMiftf, J<>Us H. BF.IBtE,
New Advertisements.
E-* hr«t..r Sale of Property in Middle
•M twp , „
Adooui-lrsUir*" nJh of E-tale «( ui-orpn
BHltfi Sacrifice Sale
HaarHon Winding np the .-season.
tUackinorc A Uritb'r Annoanr-euient.
1 <".lb»n A Dale » Hats. Eu
l»r Clark for July 1* and 1!«.
sh«rthdf» Academy.
Ih-trrr t>llei»
Wa>hington A Jefleraou College.
Boyal Bskiug Powder.
Jurdaii'f Beataarant
New —Flowers.
>"«»Ta —All a<ivertiss-rs ißteadiugU» make
<hanr<-» is their ad* should notify u- of
their intending to do «o. not later than
Moadny ntorumg
—Whoi. W M Nickle.
—The huckleberry crop will be immense
tl»i» year.
—iahu Miller i« to lecture at Ceutrerille
Next Tuesday eveniuir
—Th»- 7«?b P V. will reune at Punx-'i
taw... y ia Oniilnr.
Wheat harvest 1- a little late—it got in
the 'wet" and ha a b.r» head, however
~- Me ir> iMIRWI A Shuttlewortb. the
laat.ilr; ui u. lave di olved partner hip.
—Th' Butler Military Co. will go into
caatf at Gr«va City, dariag tbe latter part
of aelt week
—Wm Arkaian a P AW hrak>-inan
waa ran over and kilted at 3faw Castle
joar-tkm laat ~aturda.
The IJA\ ott.- dance Fran
ea»«e for the piano. f.,r -ale at J F. T
—The U-tting iu Bntb-r latt Monday
waa 2 to 1 in favor of Sullivan, and con-id
eraM money chauge.l bands.
—Considerable clover *a- cut la.-t week,
and this week ha been plendid harvest
—Cro»- in L-wi-tiifii** viciaity are
feeding on ioc'i-U and letting the corn
—A big distillery is to be built at I'nioii
town. Fayette coanty didn't vote that
—The spring chicken i* here. It ia a
light weight hut it takes a heavy puree to
•aiataui it.
—There is straw enough for the oath
crop, and it will be a big one if the filling
torn* oat right.
—C. C. Fleming, formerly of this county,
waa drowned laat Friday while bathing in
the creek near WcUsville, 0.
—The festival in Bink on the 4th. for
the benefit of the new Keforuied church
was a erejt saecesa, and nette«l over s2o<i.
While drilling for water on the Andy
Bogr* lot on West IV-un St., a few days
ago. gas was struck at 40 feet.
—The tax rate for Butler this year will
be mills, divided as follow*, schools 11
* mill*, borough 8, comity 5, and poor 2.
—Mnce the flood, the artesian or drilled
welU in Pittsburg and Allegheny ha vi
be. n of great serriee to tne people of the
two ritiea.
—The Standard Plate Glass Co . of But
ler, ia laying a pipe line to the Sarvers sta
tion gas field. They have 1700 acres leas
#4 there
—lt ia a little early yet, but pr-rsou* who
want to be cennis enumerator- may liegiu
to arrange their business affairs in order to
lie ready when the lightning strikes.
—%h«i company that intends developing
the limestone of Wiufield Tp. has pur
• based fifty acres from Daniel Deuny for
furnace purposes*
—Mr. Alex. Kelly, of Hlippnryrock Tp..
waa caught in the belt of a saw mill in
Clarion Co., laat Wednesday, and had a leg
—On our «ecoud page to-day a-ill lie
found a striking and instructive illustration
of the comparative werth of the various
kinds of baking powders now in the mar
Mrs. Ileckert, widow of Francis lleck
ert, and Mrs. Miller, her sister, also a wid
aw, and both of Conni>(Ucnc**ing twp,
died last Friday within a few boars of each
other, and were buried on Sunday. They
were both aged ladies.
Me»«r> W W. Blackmore and 1,. M.
«»rieh a ill leave town to-day for the Kant
ern shoe market, and they expect to open
their new tore on H. Main Ht. by the Ist of
Augn-t See their card in another place
-Mr Ja M Crook.bank i, of Winfield
Tp , 1# yet traveling for the Waring Maim
taeturiag <Vi,, «»f Color* Md.. inanufai
toners of pho.phate ami agricultural irn
> pleineuts and has a g<»»l trade in tbit
I . eoajty
—lt II Bogg- of Boggs A Buhl, Alio
gheny, has »old hi- lieauttful new residence
on North avenue, aud has purchaM-d the
adjoining lot 110x170, for SO.S, (UK) The
firtn is said to be worth over a million.
Part of the State Orphans' School
Commission inspected the liouie liere last
Monday and expressed themselves well
plea nd with it, and promised to send fifty
more orphans to it. Our Home is one of
the beat in the State.
Ksq. Walker has a bottle of alleged
whisky in his possession, taken from a
era*} drunk man on the 4th, which ia a
cariosity. It'a no wonder the fellow was
temporarily inaane after drinking •uch stuff
as that.
—The new time table on the P. A W
K It. i* so very unsatisfactory that there
ia general complaint regarding it, and the
road is |r»ing its trade between Butler and
Allegheny. A revlsal of the time table la
expected for tha near future aud would be
—The National ensign will hereafter
have forty-two stars aud thirteen stripes.
When Vermont and Kentucky were ad
luittad in 174)1 and 17112 au effort was madc
t« have the number of stripes Increased to
fifteen, but it was vote«l down in Congress.
—There wa« lota of fun aud lots of er
rors in the game of base hall played here
on the 4lb betwi-eu the Centrevilla club
and the Y. M C. As of Butler. There is
tpore fan in a game like that than there i*
■n a doien game* between professionals.
—Mr. AW. MeCollong!) «»f this place M
now in the employ of the Pittsburg Plate
Otasa <50., aa KlaM Hap't. His duties are
to b as*- and drill for ga.-, and maintain
supply Utr ti>e works st Tarentnm, Croigh
Uh, and Kord < ity The Co ,is now drill
ing three well. in the Sarvers Station field
and intend piping the supply from that
field to Ford City, and the bulk of their
•upply for the Tarentnm and CrcighUtu
works come. from the Murray .ville i,i |,l
Capt Ford is the principal tockholder >,|
t the Co , whii hha lao and a hall uiillloua
invested in their plant, and employ about
13*«) roeu Their plate plant at Ford
< ity, l<eloa Kittanning, will he the largest
ia the world when completed.
'i'Hk little greeu apple is at hand
And iittle V»y- join the i-bining baud.
—Job work neatly <1 i>nr* at the CITIZEN
■ —Until the corporation that own- th
\ Vfhenr 1> t-e t»al! !"-onnd« provider emn
f,,r?*l'ie -- -at- for the public at a reasona
'le • all the Pi'.tabarg paper? nhonl l
coaib.'W and refu»e to print any hall new-.
Try it w 1 gentlemen, and see how it
works. \
—The iftivernor of Ix>tii-iana i-nnied a
proclamation urging the peace officer- to
interfere with the -lugging match, just a
thoagh a State that r.-ple!,i-lie- it- tri-a.-nr .
with a lottery hod a moral right to de
nounce a prize fight It i- said that $2,000
go froui Butler to New Orleans every
month for lottery tickets.
A Union Veteran Legion wa- organiz
ed here on the evening of the 2iult. and
-tarted of! with eighty members. To belong
to this organization you mu>t have enlisted
prior to July of ISiJS, served at two
consecutive years, aud have been honor
ably discharged. It cuts out all 9 inos.
and drafted men.
—A tlood in the Moddyereek on Wed
nesday evening of last week, caused by
the heavy rain of that day. did consider
able damage The bridges from Conrad
Snyder's place in Brady twp . to the Slip
pen rock were washed away, the meadows
along the creek were flrxxled A man is
reported to have tpern drowned at Minldy
creek falls.
—By the new -cheduh- on the P. A' W
I: B. the morning paper and >n«il from
Pittsburg -houM arri'. •• at 10:20 a. m , but
the train i- geiicrall} behind tune and it i
often near noon when the mail arrive it
the P. O. Thi- i- a very unsatisfactory ar
raugcuieut for the people at Butler and
we hope that it will t»e remedied a- -non
as possible
—The Democratic County Co.n. met in
Butler la«t Saturday week, aiid nominat
ed Aaron Keilx-r for Di-trict Aft'y, a:.d
Je-s<- Heydrick fur Co., Surveyor I.e.
Mct/nistiou, W A Forquer, Jas Mi Kee
and Pet.-r Kattigau were elected a- dele
g»te. to the Mate Convention, and C. M.
Heineman, Chairman, and Ja •. Mi Kce
and A P. Stewart, Secy" ol the County
The ringing of the Court Hou-e bell at
II o'clock la-t Friday night, told our pen
pie that something was wrong, and the
crowd that a Die milled on the Diamond
was informed that a young son of Walter
Craig of West Clay St., was missing. A
search was made for the little fellow hut
he could not be found, but next da}' he
came home. He had been visiting an aunt
in Benfrew.
—Col. Bedic was called upon on the 4th
Ui preserve order at Slipperyrock Park.
ID- took his soil Sain and Dect. Dunbar up
with him, and succeeded in preventing any
further fighting, tyuite a number of the
coal miners from the northern part of the
county were there that day, with bottles
in their pockets; they became drunk and
quarrelsome arid some of theui hail to be
run off the grounds.
—A little girl of John Sutton of Martins
burg wa- burned to death a few days ago,
uuder peculiar circumstances. She had
been catching potato bugs, aiid burning
them with nil, and while burning one batch
the fire did not blaze strong enough, so
she poured on oil from the can, ttu can ex
ploded, her clothes were saturated with
bunting oil, and she was so badly burned
that she lived but a fewjiours
—A special from Freeport dated last
Saturday said:—George Cramer was com
ing awuy from the coal scaffold on the
bluff above Buffalo creek »ilh a two horse
team loaded with coal, and while making
a short turn the. wagon started back over
the hill taking the horses and driver with
it down the declivity of one hundred feet,
smashing the wagon, injuring both bur-en
badly. Mr. Cramer was badly hurt by the
horse - falling on top (if him. It was a nur
row escape from death.
Mr. W. H H. Biddle may well show
his greenhouse with pride to hi* friends.
It is a perfect bower of beauty, one might
nay Among some of the rarer plants we
saw the other evening were several species
of the Bauaua bearing, Lemons and Or
atiges which soon will bear frilit, and a fig
tree with ripe figs upon it. These were
most delicious. Mr. Itiddle taken personal
care of hia grounds and greenhouse aud
they are undoubtedly among the fine-t in
the Slate.
—The family of Luther Dickey of Chica
go, formerly of Tarcutum, aud who have
relatives in this county, were poisoned in
aotne mysterious manner a few days ago,
and one of the children-- A lice, aged !t
years-died from its effects. At firt t it
was itippo-ed that -oun- corned beef that
tbey hail eaten for supper wa - the cause of
the poisoning, afterwards it wa blamed on
the nwpberriei, but an examination of lln
f'ood in the di ad • hilil' ■ i-.tomoch and of all
the food iu the hou-e failed to reveal Un
real cau <u.
The I'eun'a If ail road it again adrcrti,
ing it excursions lo the horu. Al
regular intervals iluririg the Miuimcr it
►ells round trip ticket - from Butler lo the
seashore and return for $lO, ticket • good for
ten day i. A dip iu the mirf these hoidaysis
delightful, aud bc.-idc this persons taking
advantage of these excursions this year will
see the flooded district between JohtlstoWll
and South Fork,one of the sights of the world
al present Nobody call realize the force
and extent of that flood wi'.hout going
there. The If. It. Co. did a wonderful
work when it got a track through the ills
trict within two weeks of its destruction,
hut to make things as good as Ihey were
will require the work of several thousand
men for months.
—A young I'etrolia couple, Will 11 err,
a son of Norman Herr, and Miss Maggie
Wise, hail a great time getting married
lately. Will in but eighteen years of age
and Maggie is but sixteen and the consent
of their parents was out ol the question; so
they slipped off one tiivriilllg anil went to
Wheeling, W. Va., hut found upon their
arrival there that, the law forbid the marry
ing of couples under 21 years without their
parents' consent; then they started for
Camden, N. J., but WiU saw a mini he
knew who told him that the nearest plan
to go to was Niagara Falls—probably the
Canadian side, as York state has a license
law—and thither tbey went and were mar
ricd. They returned home, nest day, after
three days of almost continuous travel, and
were a very tireil young couple.
—By the notice published iu another
column it will be seen that arrangements
are being made for a reunion of the lo2d
Beg. p. V. at Butler on August 15th, and
the survivors of Co. II are requested to
meet iu Butler on the 20th inst. lo consid
er details. The 102 d was an Allegheny
Co., regiment with the exception of Co.
11, which was recruited by Capt. Thos.
McLaughlin from the vicinity of Chide
Mill* Capt. Mi'l.aiigbliu, now dceca ed,
wuH the lir t Captain of tin
f'oinjjnriy, AIMI I
he was succeeded by Bob'l W Lyon, who
wa afterward • mayor of Piltnburg. The
regiment erved from'ol to'os aud iu the
campaign of '<>4 lost many men and thru
general officer.. Col Palter on. Lt. Col
Mellwaiu and Major Coleman lien Tim,
A Rowley ui Pittsburg, tli« hr.-t Col ol
the regiment, and Col patched, now ot
South lleinl, lii d , will be preacut at Ho
re union
- Hulmcribe for the CITIZEN, the oldest
Kepubiii m paper in the county.
Mr.-. Emma I>untan has brought suit for
-lanlr-r vs. Mike Cypher for calling her bad
name* and claims damages in SI,BOO.
The Butler Water Co.. Clara Brandon.
C G. Chri-tie. W. II II Kiddle, 15. C.
Hnselton. Alfred Wick, S. A. Wick and
Chas. McCandless have appealed to Court
from their asseaement-*.
Greer M*Caudle« has brought suit lor
tre-pa-- vs. W. M. and Max will Huui
The tai collector* l>oofc-i for every dis
trict in the county are ready, and collec
tors are requested t«» call at the Commis
sioners!' office for them at once. The tax
levy for county purposes this year is five
mills. AhitU the Commissioner* estimate
will bring in about $60,000: and th*- only
State tax i- that on rips for hire and on
money at interest which in 3 mills.
At the sitting of Court, Monday. Win.
Xcwall. ofCotlbitrn. was granted a divorce
from his wife Mary Ann nee White.
Col. He-lie has seven guests at present;
those we noted in our la-t issue, and
Arthur KeHer. committed on the Ith on a
charge of desertion.
Andrew C. Gibson has been appointed
tax collector for Fairview borough..
There are no new developments in the
Kohlm-yer ca -, bat some are expected.
of administration have been
granted to June- Bryan on estate of An
drew Thompson, of Concord Tp., also
c T. A. to Lev. M'-Candlcs- on estate of
A. M. Mr-Candle , of Centre Tp.
The will of Wm. Barker, Esq., of Buffalo
Tp.. was probated and letter- to M. N
• ireer; also will of George Kneins, ol Lan
ca-terTp.. and letters to David Z and W.
I hue! - also will of Peter Ohl, of Jeffer
■•n Tp., and no letter.-.
Win. Harker to John Hoover, lot in I'ar
ker for 1250.
Sarah Maokc-y to Samm-I Householder,
lot in Butler for £IOO.
M I. Hole to Johanna Bench, lot in
Donegal for s*2oo
M. E. Bole to Mary E Doty, lot in Don
egal for *2OO
Margaret Covert to Christ. Crahain, 02
acre- in Brady for $2,000.
S. Beiehley et. al to D. G. Courtney, 00
acre - in Mercer for $3,000
J. T Driiily. adm'r to H II Gourher, lot
in Butler for 1
A. Bit-hard on to A. Melz, lot in Adam
Car 1001.
Seth Staple«i to Annas Mctz, 121 acres in
Adam* for SB,OOO.
J. K. Btoup tri D I'. Nicholas, .1 acres in
Adams for s.>lo.
D. Hitishew to J. U. Schattpp, lot in
Butler for $1,200.
M. J. Hob; to J. L. Campbell, lot in
Donegal for S2OO.
I*. Flinner to Benj. Ktokey, 20 acre* in
Lancaster for SBOO.
John Kobb to Mfulison ltobb, 10<) orce
in Parker for $3,500.
Wallace Donaghy to Kllen Johnston, 2
acre i in Buffalo for s4oo.
Jane Mcßride to Albert Lotz, lot in
Evarisburg lor %Üb>.
Elizabeth Rickettato Chas. Fisk, 43 acres
in Donegal for SSOO.
(i. F. Keek to J. C. McKec, lot in But
ler for $l5O.
Bi.-becca M< Call to Frank Markwell, 1
acre in Concord for $01.56.
Marriage Licenses.
From June 27th to the date of our going
to pre** marriage licenses have been issued
as follow*:
Daniel I'. Double Franklin tp
Eva J. Stevenson ...Centre tp
Kobert I'. Miller Pittsburg, I'a
Jemima Marshall Allegheny Co
G. W. Gieslcr Winfleld tp
Eiuina Michel "
Elmer E ltobb Benfrew, I'a
Georgiana Solinger "
Samuel Weber Forward tp
Lucinda Shaffer lackson tp
James M McQuistion Allegheny tp
Kizzie McElroy "
J. A. Eberhart Fairview tp
Fannie Kllcnbergcr "
Win. M. McGregor Cherry tp
Sarah Christy "
Wm. J. Barrickinan Butler, I'a
Sadie Byers Armstrong Co
II O llallack Allegheny tp
Mary MeKissick Parker tji
Henry ('. Shannon Buffalo tp
Ellen I'arrit "
Samuel N. Fornytbe Allegheny, I'a
Elizabeth Crosslin
Joseph C. Vogua Slipperyrock tp
Maggie Miller Brady tp
Hugh A. Maxwell Kaxouburg, I'a
Carrie Wise Butler, Pa
John C. Wolf Tarentnm, I'a
Annie Bitlner Bakerstown, I'a
Jos. L. Knox Clay twp
Martha Fleeger "
C. N. J. Barrickinan Butler, Pa
Clara Balston Cherry twp
Kobert McKinuy Petcrsville, I'a
Clara Weigle Prospect, Pa
Wm. J Wigfield leflerson twp
Virgie Lilldscy Penil twp
Alphons Hiiiterlang Donegal twp
Caroline Ger stner Clearfield twp
Michael Neail Beaver Co., Pa
Mary Miller Clarion, I'a
George Pohrer Allegheny, I'a
Mary Hiiiterlang Summit twp
.1 Hurry Thompson Butler, I'a
HelUe Eagal Centre twp
Andrew P. Jack Washington tWJ'
Maggie Mi Harvey Fair vie*
Jo eph 11. l'oweli Peon tp
Minnie Lav cry ' "
William Newell Coal town
Marv Crnlier Clay twp
At Mercer- S. J. McKcau of Ituller Co
and M L. I'rey of Mercer Co.
'flu- hot weather IK killing the liable,i,
particularly tln> e fed from the bottle,
licorgc Carduer lo I one from cholera til
fanlurn, Tue «lay, and took it lo Murrini
villi- for burial. Fred Leidcckcr |>> t on<'
Weilne day During hot weather cow's
milk i-U dangerous food J'oi babies, ami
when mothers have not enough "nurse"
they lionld lie taught to take prepared
wheat, or mime other food, when but a few
day ■ old. Mot Hinchberger of Butler twp.
also but a child, Wednesday, Mr. Nicholas
J. Shaffer al Butler lost a child by cholera
infuntuiii, Tuesday evening
—One of the saddest stories we have ever
heard is that of Mrs. Burton of Allegheny,
whose daughter, Nellie, was drowned 111
the Contioquenemdng on the 4th. Her hus
band, a machinist, was burned to death.
She suffered from a cataract, which was
only removed after an expenditure of $2,
•MM). The disease caused mental trouble,
and she was scut to an anyluiii for four
year", and wis only released about two
weeks ago. All seemed prosperous at last.
Her son bail an excellent position and her
daughter was receiving a good salary iu
cashier in a store, when suddenly word
win received "that Nellie was drowned
Surely some people have more than their
share of trouble.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 12 for butter, 15
for cgg-i, 75 for new potatoes, 25 for old po
tallies, H for currants, 10 for raspberries, H
for gooseberries, $1 {>, bu. for peas, 1.50 '(>
bu for beans, 'Jc a bunch for beets.
Timothy hay from couulry wagons *l3
to sls; mixed bar $!l; middlings sl2 to sls,
bran sl2; oat -. 27 to XI; clovcrseed 5.10 to
5.60; timothy seed 1.75.
Country butter H to 13c; eggs 15; rags 1j;
tallow 44; spring chicken* 3a to 50 ft. pair;
potatoes I .Ml to 1.75 f' bid; black roapber
rie* 7to 0 '(-• *|'i r '-'' '-i hitokleber
rles 12 to 14; gooseberries :i to 5; currants
H to 10.
I'.ceves sold at 3J to -4 J, dry cow 14 to
:i, veal calves -I to 5, Texas calve,- -Ji to
Bingham .1 Co. of Butler Co. sold cow
lit 1111 average of $35 a hi;ad
Sheep , old at .14 to 4}. poor lambs. 24 to
'I, prune lambii. tt to o|, and common -14 to
5 Wright -old sheep at 44, and lambs at
| toll Prior sold lambs at ■> to 0, and
beep at 5.
liiglit weight hog ■ old al 4J to 4 H.i
l'lverytlnug in thn
Wagon, Curt ami IlarncHH Hue cheap
at M AUTiNi uum Ac Co't,
f.'iinniugbain nt , Duller.
—Uul)M<:rili4t for tho CITIZIN, the
oldest ltepulilicao paper ot the couuty
Mr. A. L. Bowser has rented rooms in
the Henry Miller house on N Main -trcet.
and with'hi- wife will go to housekeeping
there. Al. ha* been elected to hi-old posi
tion in the Franklin schools, but thinks
of remaining here and practicing law.
Mr. 8. S. Babbitt and family of Alle
gheny. spent the 4th in Butler with W. W.
' Blackmore and family.
Mr. George Vosbrink arrived home on
a visit to his mother, who i- in poor health.
George has been located in Chicago tor
some years; he is engaged in the manu
facture of grocers' sundries and is doing
well. Phillip Vosbrink was oat from
Pittsburgh on the 4th.
Mr. Omer Coliuet died at Dnuuensc on
Sunday, June 3oth. of typhoid lever He
was married to IJose Manny of tbi
place eleyen months ago. s&id tliey moved
to Duquense. near McKee-port. but three
weeks before his death. He was foreman
in the new plate glass works there.
Mi-s Florence Stevenson, a daughter of
James Stevenson of Summit township,
and Mi-« Ella Montgomery are home from
the Oscheville, N. missionary school.
Mr. Will Campbell and hi wife have re
turned from their wedding trip, and Mrs.
Lusk and Miss Maine Lusk are their
Kev. Lovaf Young and family have re
moved to butler and are now" occupying
the house on Howard street that he pur
chased <roni Chas. Bebhun. They were
the gnest - of Col. Sullivan while securing
ti house,
Mr. Brymer ha. purchased a lot a>u W
Pearl and intends building.
Mr (juigley Walters, of Pittsburgh, is
vi-iting friends in Butler.
Mr. George Ifft, of the Pitt, burgh Com
(-. -pent part of his vacation with
friends in this county.
Mr. Chas, Herr. of the ftintrii. spent
4th of July week with friend: in Soiner
set. Pa.
Mi Maud Bingham, one of the teach
ers nf Slippen rock Normal, ii* visiting her
i ter Mr J W Brown.
Mrs. Harvey Miller is seriously ill
Adam Spanninghurg and wife, formerly
of this place, were living at Johnstown at
the time ot the flood, and lost their hou?e
and all their hou.seheld goods. They
were glad to e. i-ape with their lives, arc
now living a itb a friend, and Adam ha
re.-uined work in the steel mill.
Ernie Payne, of Titusville, is the
guc tol Mr L. O. I'urvis; Miss Creigh
on, of Pittsburgh, and Miss Mason, of Mo
tiongabala. are the guests of Mrs. Lorry
Fred King, a Butler printer, aud his
wife, -pent last week with his folk - here.
Mi Mertie McKee and her brother Ira
spent the Fourth with Jno. Heed and fain
ily, and John's brother Adam, of Taren
turn, visited him and bis sister Mrs. Will
Mrs. Filhean, of Bradford, is the guest
of her mother, Mrs. Mary Mttnfz.
Ye editor and his eldest took in the
sights of Pittsburg la«t week, and ftn- scene
of the Johnstown disaster.
Miss Bird Gregg was the guest of Mi-s
Madge Douglass last week.
Miss Belle Hall, of Warren is the guest
of Mrs. L. I*. Walker.
Jaineit McJnnkin, of Allegheny, spent a
few days of last week with his mother and
family in Butler.
Kev. Prof. Shaiior, late of Thiel College,
has accepted a professorship vacated bj-
Prof. John Sander, in Gustavus Adolphus
College, St. Peter, Minn. He will enter
upon liis duties iu September.
Kev. W. J. Cooper, late of Washington
county, has taken charge of the Shiloh and
Clinton United Presbyterian congregations,
and Be v. Stewart has moved to Beaver
Miss Amanda Brandon, of Prospect, is
the guest of Mrs. Jas. S. Hayes,
Miss Maggie Bard, of Centreville and
Miss Pierce of Mercer are the guests of
Miss Bell Lowry.
Miss Mollie Kearns, of Butler, and Mr.
Geo. Eaton, of Chicago, were married in
the latter city on the 3rd inst.
Simeon Nixon, Geo. Boss and J no.
Blaine represented Butler at the. Beunion
of the flth C. S. Cavalry, in Butler ou the
4 lb.
Mr. John 11. Beibc-r, foreman of this
office, spent last week with friends in
S. I) Miller anil family of W, Pearl St.,
are at Lake Conneaut.
Mr. Gumnper's three children are sum
inering with their uncle, Mr. Geo. Slump
of Oakland twp.
Mr..Jos. Gray ha-, sold the hou-e in
which he lives t.i Mr. Turner.
Mr. Haines of Boston is the guest of Ilr,
The families of Win. Daubenspeck and
Ab-x Hiilchisou ure Kuuitnering at Mr.
Daubi-nspcck's farm in Washington twp.
The cherry trees ou the farm are loaded
this year, and the ladies expect to pre crve
a large quantity of them.
Miss Bird lleinemun is visiting iu Frank
1 in, I'a.
Miss Bo e Weber and Miv-r , Aland and
Williams, were the guc t ■ of Mrs Wm.
Aland, while iu Butler.
Prof. Bancroft spi*nt last week with
friends in Meiulville.
B. C. Himclthu baa gone east to buy
Mr Jacob Fleeger, Jr of I nioiivilli- is
on the nick Ii t
Itev. W. I'. Shaw of We t Liberty ha
re ligncil hi.* charge, and ivill leave lor
Cuba, Crawford comity, Mi -ouri, thi
Mr. W. I>. Slack of Pittsburg " 'be
guest ol Mrs. I. I*. Walker
Mr i II II Gallagher ha returned from
a vi il to friends iu Pitt -burg.
Ben Hognii ha sailed for Europe. Ili
saiil "I am going to Loudon, and tln-u to
Berlin to carry ou evangelical work. I
i ball t.uy as long as lam successful. The
newspapers are better friends to me than
the ministers. Ouly for the help I receiv
cil from the press I could not make a living
iu the religious field, but with its aid I in
tend to slick, although it i- working lor a
bare crust. Yes, I have made as high as
$75,1)00 a year when I waa keeping gamb
ling houses, bill 1 am out of that bu -iue <*
The reiiiuius of the hrolher of Dr. C II
Lee of New Castle, formerly of Butler,have
been found along Stony Crock, above
Wm. Newell of Coal town was grunted u
divorce la t Monday, anil took out a license
to marry Mrs. (irubcr of Clay twp. on Wed
ncsility. He is (12 and she .>H.
John B. Greer, Eso. In home from Marion
county, Kansas, ami will remain here for
several weeks.
Mrs. Mary Barto of Evans City is the
guest of Mrs. J. J. Beiber of North St.
Jus. M. Thomtison, of Khenango, was iu
Butler tbiH week attcudiiig his son's wed
■ling, and wan the guest of Commissioner
Jas. K. Crow, formerly of this county,
but for iiiaiiy yours head of the fire, depart
ineiil ol Allegheny (.'ity, died ol typhoid
fever at his home iu Allegheny, ou Wed
nesduy, aged S3 years.
Hadji lliissieu Ghooly Khan, the Persian
minister to Ibis country, has resigned his
office ou account of the funny things Un-
American papers have printed about bis
king, the Shah, who Is visiting in Eng
A«ent Orr and Agent Crowe.
In Criminal Court J allies L. Orr is ou
trial before Judge Single oil the churgo of
perjury. The prosecutor in the case is IS
F Crowe. Orr is a real estate agent iu
Allegheny. A abort time ago he lodged a
charge of forgery against Crowe, accusing
biin ot i-iguiiig hi, brother's name to a
mortgage Crowe una tried aud acquitted
llu then iu turn lined Oir tor perjury,
charging liiin with having worn falsely at
the former trial. A unit Waa brought by
Peter Port mini again t Crown y ealerday for
damage i Orr, as agent for I'ortiliaii,
state:, that Ciowc, when be was ug«*ut lor
Portiiiau, collected tllo rent dun, which
he failed lotiiiu over I'itt ■buig Cii.rth
of Wedne, day.
orr wuiloutid nol guilty hul ordered lo
pay the costs
—Kor pure butler go to the Kul
ler Cicßiuery.
Tuesday's Concert
j Tin' Grand Sacred Concert given at the
; German Catholic Church, on Tuesday even
| ing. by the church choir assisted by the
Genuania Orchestra and Miss Rose Weber
of Allegheny, was just -ucb a musical treat
as is appreciated by the music-loving peo
ple of liutler. The audience was ijuite
large, and fully enjoyed the master work
of Prof. Lamb, as shown in the excellent
training di.-pla\ ed hy the orchestra and
The interest centered iu the singing of
Miss Weber and the renditions of the <»r
chf-stra. though the home singers were on
Ily accorded a secondary place because
their merits have been In 11 y realized and
enjoyed by Butler audiences before. Xli-s
Weber >aug "O Salutaris" by Verdi, iu the
manner of an article and her other selec
tions were enjoyed. The Orchestra selec
tions were unusually line and evinced
discriminating taste on the part of the con
ductor. The parts most enjoyed, perhaps,
were Mendelssohn's Wedding March and
the overture "Taneredi" by Uo ini. The
choruses were excellent.
The parts taken hy home singers, were
perhaps, we might say gab losti, enjoyed
most of all. Miss Liua Mueller, Miss J.
lieiseuman, Mr. John Koch. Mr. Thco.
Pape and Mr. John Lewis, are a ijuiutet
who might sing with fitucss in any place,
as liutler people well know, and it is
enough to say that they did as well as they
usually mi.
To Prof. I.anil) belong- the supreme
credit. His careful training and superior
talent was everywhere manifest, and we
but hope that he will continue his work iu
Butler, and give u umre of uch concert
a - that of Tuesday evening, (and not for
get to bring coinps ar«#uad
Oil Field Notes.
The 3,f»00,<i00 barrel.- of producers' pool
oil wa- turned over to the .Standard a few
days ago at tin dosing quotation of that
day's market, viz.. cents. The nego
tiations were completed by W. J. Young,
T. W. Phillip and John I. McKjnney on
behalf of the producer-.
Haymaker d Co. lately got a good well
on the MeShane or old O'Donnell farm in
I Clearfield Tp. It i - fourth uirnl oil auil
started off at ten barrels. They have
located another on same farm.
Campbell and Murphy struck an im
luensc well on the Welsh farm in Jeffer
son Tp., Tuesday. It started olf at "100
barrels a da}'.
C. I). Greenlee's No. i! on the Amberson
came in good Wednesday.
New Buildings.
Frank Bedenbaugh is putting up a brick
residence on a lot he bought fr.un Mr.
Kitenmuller, facing N M< Kuan street.
Phin. liurchfield has a new frame
house up on N McKuan street.
Frank Anderson is building on Clay
Jack K earns is building on X. Washing
ton street.
Co. H, 102 d Perin'a. Volunteers.
I n honor of Company 11, the 102 d Itegi
ment Penn'a Voluutenrs will hold its next
annual reunion at liutler, August 15. Com
puny II should do what it can to make
this meeting a grand success. In order
that ways and means may he devised, the
survivors of Company II are earnestly urg
ed to meet at Butler on July 'JO, at. II
o'clock a. m.
Butler Co. Medical Society.
The next regular quarterly meeting of
the liutler County Medical Society will be
held ut the office of Hr. A. M 4 Xeyman, iu
Butler, on Tuesday, July 10, at 1:30 p. in.
All members und others who should be
members but are not, are requested to be
The "Forty Miners" wi'l
pilgrimage to the Golden Gate and return,
leaving Pittsburg Monday, July-Dili, ar
living at San Kranchco, Wednesday, Aug.
7th, having visited, en route, Chicago, llan
nihal, Forth Worth, Kl Paso, Paso Del
Norte tin Old Mexico), lienson, Tucson
and Yuma, l.os Angeles and the Ostrich
Farm. Han Pedro and the lieaeh, San Diego
and the Orange Groves, Coronado I teach
auil the beautiful Hotel Del Coronado.
from San Kranci to local points of
intere t there will lie daily excursions, iu
eluding a bay excursion to Angel and AI
eatrax I land . I,ime Point and the Golden
Gate. An excursion to Monterey anil the
famous Hotel Del Montr, I'acilic Grove,
Duncan's Mill , and the lt ; „- Trees of Culi
foruia, San Jose and Mount Hamilton. In
San Francisco the Clifl House, Seal Hocks,
Sutro Aquarium, Sutro Height Telegranh
and S'oli Hills, Golden Gate I'urk, the
I'liitcd State - Mint, the State Mining liu
rcau ami <'hinatowu, it* thitatre jo.-
hou es, restaurant and stores, with all tui
dcrgroiilid night vi it, lor tho e who rare
to go
heaving San Kranri co Friday, August
Iflth, cro sing the Sierra Nevada Moun
tains, Keiio, <'ar'on, Virginia City and the
uoi Id I. .noil t/'omstock Mine , Stcauibout,
Springs Ogden, Sail I,ake t'lty, Garlielil
lieaeh, Deiivei and Ouiaha uill be vbiteil.
Stops of a notable length will lie made at
each of the above named point .
The excursion is not re trictcd to Fori)
Miners; all are invited. The nccoiiunoda
tioii' will be practicHlly iinlililited Special
rates to all points will lie made for all H ho
accompany the exem -ion
A practicable and thoroughly conversant
guide has been engaged, who will attend
to every detail to make the tri|i as agree
able, profitable and reimonable u« possible.
We anticipate returning to Pittsburg
Monday, August l!«»lh.
For information regarding all details,
call on or address the undersigned, who
have entire charge of the Kxciirsion.
Jou N fleoiiKs,
Committee of Arrangements.
Hoom Hi. ell lll<H:k, Pittsburg,
or 11. It. KieiiAiiiJHO*, Traveling Pas sen
ger Agent Mi-souri, Kanwis .1 Texa Ity.,
ltoom 206, liissell Block, Pitt burg.
Beautiful Flowers.
The llowcr-loviug jsople of But
ler, of whom wo are glud to say
there are a many, are fast be
ginning to realize ttie superior fucil
ities Mr Harry Chaapel the William
sport florist has for furnishing the
beautiful in bis line. Wo give the
following letter which was sent spon
taneously by one of the leading am
ateur florists of our towu, and one,
too, who is well ijualilied to pass
judgment in that line:
BIJTI.ku, PA , June 17, 1X8!»
Mr Harry (J/ma]>et.
I)KAit Sin—Plants arrived on Sat
urday all O. K They were fine and
much ls:tter thin I expected, coming
through the flood and owing to the
lateness of the season. I am satis
fied that you do not conduct your
business on big catalogues and small
plants but on small catalogues und
large plants. I was more than grat
ified at your liberality.
Very Hespectlully,
l>. A. 11 cm.
There are others who speak just as
highly of this house, and plunts we
got are the finest we ever saw ship
ped from a greenhouse In uddition
to cheapness, Mr C'baapel always in
eludes a number ol extra plants which
have here caused a great deal of de
light and satisfaction. Wo would
advise everyone to sen I for Chaapel's
"Book of Flowers and Plauts" which
will be sent free iu response to any
—Try to iuduce y< ur neighbor to
take Tilts LniztN.
Drowned in the C.onnoijue
The OonnoqniHie~<in«r. a* the ri;.;-U
about three miles above its junction with
the Slipperyrock. w the M nr* <•; .i .•!
disaster on the Fourth Six member* 'if r.
party from Allegheny. who were picnics
inp at the mouth of Dark run. iuto ,i
Iniat anil roweil ar >und Ihi* !>en-i. their
hont was capsized aii i five ot them were
drowned. One of tho party describe the
accident as follow
'"After dinner tin* unfortunate party
went tint in a skill and rowed down the
stream, which w.i> -wollcn higher than i..r
two years previously Jn-t around a Ix-nd
from when; we were .ire rapids which
those of us who had l»e«-n there hefor<
knew to In* dangerous ou m count of hid
den rock-, and we shonted to those in the
boat to warn them of their danger. They
evidently did not understand for sonic
of the girls laughed and waved their band
kerchiefs to us. In a moment they had
disappeared from view around the l>en<l.
and, rnuninx to the brow of the interven
ing knoll, we saw Shcafl'er clinging to the
boat which had capsized and was fast on a
rock. The others were not visible, and ac
cording to SheaflVr'.-acoouut, iliil not cmuc
to the snrfaee after tin boat turned over.
We ran to a neighboring farm house for
rope ; and ancceeded after half an hour "I
bard work in rescuing him. Shoalfer
watch stopped at 2 0.1, which must have
been the time ef the accident.
'•We followed the hanks of the stream to
Rock Point, three mill- below, hnt saw no
trace of our friends, ami v. e believe now
that they were under the boat. I oann
back to WurtemlsTg and •■•ut i telegram
at r> o'clock, which reached this city at
0.'.i0, hut was imt deliver* d until 7 o'clock.
We took Sheall'er. who i an invalid, to a
farmer's house and left lain therein charge
of my mother. We will reach liuck run
aliout daylight und will couimeuce immc
iliately to drag the I renin. Bert Free
man wa a cashier in Horned whole
sale department: Mi- Hiii'tnii was cashier
in Kuhcn's, and Ui - ' i idy was empbn
cd at liogg- tl liuhl' . Mr Rurton ami
ilr Cassidy are widow
The Truth and Not.nog hut the
Many years ago w hen we, along with
our fellow citizens, were paying fI.V) to
$250 for a buggy, we conceived the idea
that less than SIOO ought to b*iy a buggy
good enough for almo i any man. We et
about investigating the matter - went to
the largest manufactoric - in the I'. S. and
made a contract for a lull car load to he
made to our order. We had the cash in
our pocket, and the result was that the
buggies were made and hipped to u
Oiu neighbors (we lived in Prospect, this
county, then) said we miwle a mistake —
that we could not sell them —anil wo con
fess when we did see tlieni all M-t up in a
row we felt a little a though we had an
elephant on our hands in a dry summer,
lint we had good buggies, bought, low l<>r
cash, and of course w.. could sell low. 11
was the lirnt time in the history of liutler
county that a good bui/gy con Id be bought
for less than SIOO. In thirty <1 ay we were out
of buggies and another carload on the way.
IC very body wanted one « >t onr huggie
the rich iiian saw they were good enough
for him to ride in anil the poor loan for the
lirst time in his life rejoiced in being able
to own a buggy, .lusi oit went; our bu
incss grew, neighbor told neighbor; il
spread all over this State and into othci
States until we found it iuipos-ihlc to car
ry on our large bu inc without good hip
ping facilities. We .elected litltleras the
place last Novcmhc We purcha.-ed the
old manufacturing CHtablishuient formerlj
conducted by (i. 0. Koessing A Sou, on
Cunningham street, where we have located
permanently, and Butler can boast to-day
of having probably*!lie large t wholesale
and retail carriage dealers in the Stale
We keep in stock everything iu the far
riage, Wagon, Cart Harm- s and Kobe
line. We have top buggic from +lO np to
the very finest baud made work Carts,
$11! up; harness, ijni to the very best hand
made harness to be louml anywhere, Ac.
Our success in business we attribute to our
rules first adopted, \/ rt r «*/, ishorhitiinl
jirircH. St rtr mint t jiri-sent. Thus we liavi
won the good will and confidence of every
customer. We say with pride that we have
sold hundred < of buggic on time and never
had a man refuse to pay his note on ac
Count of the article uol being as rente ent
ed. This id remarkable, onsidcring our
nine years' business. We have plenty ol
money; never sell a note. We discount
every bill, pay no rent; we give our cu
toniers the benefit of i;! 1 thi . and are eloi e
cash purchasers Our large experience
gives us a knowledge of the bu. iue.-s thai
can be acquired iu uo othci way. Come
down and see ns whether you want to buy
or not; it is only a little walk down from
Main street, ami it will pay you well. The
members of the conipany are S. Ii Martin
court and J. M Ijeighuer.
S. I!. M MiTiseoefcT A Co.
Flowers on Top of tho Allo
At "Overlook," tho Kssick .Moun
tain Homo, Highland hake, Pu, sit
uated high up on tho Allegbenies Mr
Harry Chaapel.tbo popular Williams
port florist bus established one of
the liuest floral displays to be found
at any resort One lied is UO feet in
diameter ittnl filled Tropical Foliugo
Piuiiti. If you are in want of rest or
recreation visit Overlook
A tremendous lot of Baby Car
ringesjust received at
—An immense Block of straw bats,
still bats und felt bats ol all kinds
und at low prices, just opened at
—"Cows in the Wheat Field"— n
new puzzle, just received at
—(iood carts for sls at Martin
court h Co's, Cuiiuinghurn St., But
1 have taken the agency lor the
"Domestic" sewing-machine, which I
guarantee for,fifteen ycurs, and sell
for cash or on the installment plan
Call and examine it before purchas
ing, at M. (' HOCK EN TKI N'S,
No. 17, N, Main St
—Just received —Five carloads of
newer pipe, which was bought before
the big trust was formed, and which
which will be sold very cheap at
No. 17, N. Main St.
Who Is W. IVJ. Nickle.
The man with the nerve
to give you tl dollai's worth of
goods for one dollar, a dozen clothes
pins. one cent; a full paper needles one
cent; a box of 200 Parlor Matches,
one cent; tumblers, two cents; u gal
lon bucket, seven ents; a two gallon
bucket, ten cents; u one half gallon
bucket with cover, six cent*; at the
f> cent store, opposite Hank.
W. M. NII'KI.K, Manager.
—Take your children to Zuver's
tiallcry for Pictures that will suit
you. Anderson building
—(iivo the Butler Creamery a trial
for your sweet milk
—Beautiful pictures at very low
prices ut Miller Bros.' furniture store, |
No. I!l JefTersou St.
.—J list opened a big lot of Fine Per
calos, bent goods and choicest styles,
at prices ranging from N to 12} cent.,
per yard at
Fiye cents will buy two quarts
ot buttermilk at the Creamery
1 KIT V IN* : ij'ti
I I absolute!. en iiti i! 1 > !m
--physician und j»ati -ut \.ill Iwth
ho disappoint d. (\ rt ii:; iiru.'
if not proper! > taken <• "<* ot
! become inert :tr»if cJisjv-nsod
are worthless. We make a
i specialty of filling ph\-ieians
prescriptions and home recipe
] and none but pun* di «lis
-1 jjensed, ever\ article .uruur in
teed to !»»■• just as represented.
It we (h> nut lia\ in stock
what is wanteil we f'ranlk". tell
,><Ml Ml :iil(i will It _lad fit -et
it lor you at the earliest pos
sible moment. We are head
quarters for the Trade ot
liutler county and it i* seldom
you will find us out of what
is called lor. Wo ask vou to
come and see us, make utir store
your stopping place when in
town, leave your packages and
call for them when you \ ish.
<'. N. I'ON l>. I )ru/eist.
Diamond Block, liuth r, I'a.
For tho next sixty days, in order
to reduce our slock, we will quote
ppecial low prices ou ail onr ptock.
We have on bands thirty bed room
aets rangiujr from sls to #l. r it> per
Thirteen upholstered parlor suitf
ranging from to if 1 .">U pi r suit.
Parlor stands from J2,ho to *io.
Lounges from 0 to
Hut rocks from Jts to f;»o.
Table* from $1.25 to $lO.
Wash-stands from $2 to #l*.
Bun-ana from t'.> to $25.
Sets of chairs from s2.7f»tosl(» per
Secretaries from s|t; to $lO.
Kusv chairs, handsomo pictures,
room ornaments, etc., any of which
would make both u rful and appropri
ate presents.
No. lit, Jefferson St,, Botlcr, Pa.
Houses and lots for salt! in Hut
ler. Apply to \V. C. FINIU.KI', At
torney, Anderson Building.
—All Domestic sewing-machines
repaired, free of cliargo, at
No. 17, N. Main St.
Hoys' bicycles and tricycle.-;, and
iron wagons just received ut
—Osborne's, successor to How
man's No, 9, K. Jefferson St. Floor
oil cloths (new line), wall papers,
mouldings, window blinds.
Fine Challies at tijj cents, barge
lineof Fiue Dregb Zeph
yrs and Seersuckers ut 1«) mid 12'.
cents at
—On White tioods, Cmbroidcries,
Laces and Ribbons we can save vou
Base-bull lots, balls, gloved, and
guides anil masks, at
J. F. T. SnsirLt's.
—The only place in Butler where
you can get those handsome Jersey
Blouses is at.
—Just received—a large line of
Stockinet Jueket-i and F'ne Headed
Wraps at
Enlarged store, new linen of
goods, low priees ut OH M MINK'S, NO
K. JefTersou St., Hut ler.
—lt is well known tiiut we do the
Hosiery trade of the town. One
triu! will convince you that you can
do better with us than any place
New bluck and colored silks,
Satin Khademes, Satin Ho Lii.vons,
surahs, moires and gros grains, beat,
makes and warranted to wear Prices
lower tlian elm'where at
Two liuckhoards
For Sale. Inquire at No. 2">, South
.Main St., Butler, Pa
One Dollar—Kvory time you sjiend
Two Dollars for glass or tinware or
notions without lirst visiting W . M
N ICK I.K'H Five Cent Store, opposite
—J. J. Iteibi-r, the drover, want*
all farmers and stockraiflers to know
that he still deals in stock of uli kinds.
Any persons having any to sell
should uddress him ho. K. BOX '.120,
Butler, Pa., or leave wiih Jacob
Iteiber, Jeffemon St
—A. No. I. all husk mattress, guur
antced, not mixed with excelcer at a
lower figure than can Ist had else
where In Butler, at Miller Bros',
furniture store. No. If Jefferson St
—All kinds of lire works at
Use Double All O. K. Horse and
Cattle Powders,best in the world. A
sure and speedy cure for heaves, j
coughs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough
ness of skin, and all kidnev di 'ease's.
For sale by J. C. RKHICK.,
2-IH-.'ltn No. 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa
itomau candles, sky rockets,
mines, at
—The Butler Creamery is uow '
ready to supply consumers with |iur<>
butter, sweet milk, buttermilk, awcH. j
eream, fresh eggs, and sehmierkac u:
Use Double AIM) K Horse hinl
mcnt, best in the world. For swell
ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rbeu j
mutism, lameness, sore shoulders,
riug-bone, sweeny and spavin; it ha.) <
no eijtia! For sale by J. C. BKim K, .
2 H ;,m. No. .'i, N Main St.
Butler, Pa
Wall papers, mouldings, oil
cloths, window shades at OMIOIINK'S.
Bert mukes of black and colored |
Henriettas Irom cents to $1.2.'» per j
yard. Silk Wraps ller.riettas from j
!»0 cents to Fine surges, do
almas, tamise, sebuutopol , and munv
other styles of line Drrss Hoods at
lowest priees ill
—The Butler ('reamer y, No l.'i,
W. Jellersou St., churns fresh butter
from sweet eream every morning.
Any p<*r«ou in need of s< wf
pipe, can save money by calling at
M C Hoi k KN.'il KIN'S,
No. 17, N Maiu St.
Over Loaded Again!
'I he \\ catlhT I Ins I )<nic It.
litis (Jrent Ssu-rittrr Sstle!
B i (' K K L' S
Kvery '»n>* klows t' 'hi* h v.-> • n i vrf i».*>r miiuuit ta -<*il ~uiu
nn-r gc.od.> Almo-t every merchant i« um-s ud wait ue for -uii.m-r
to <•!»- »!' f their summer I
tm tired w.aitii on the uwatker. in i : w * -cfc. I » »rt w., but brtofe I
£<> i :*!!! to
Make a Xoise in Hutler.
Ai i . • ■ 'i l ' > i• t = |a ii rt % r-i*took«d ttd ilxi't
donv if. hut I won't * w*y I-.n i a:u y. n< *»U I. h»M. «hoe» in.l
slipper® durin? the mont* of J>ily at 1.-*- .»u •• >~)<c t« rnak.- thrm
There is no sen-h in carrying Ih 11 ~ver until utst they £et *ll
worn wd lr leu rfcaage, and if I»b mid parry tbem over I »<[U
have to fell th<:n ».? u T-'nter !■>••» next than u >v»
Now is (he Time and Tliev Must <•«.
I vmwil tin- r.ium Hid I wun' ili tuoa-v, an.l I don't *;int tb»- good*. do
you understand thi.- lirn-.ui simjijy in , th<> mlj» are hcrr s;nd rant
sold, and if you come v <•«!! Iniv thrm, tin no rf>a-onableXT«-r will bo n»fu*.
('an only Sunt .>r 1 ft time, md I«nt t> see rnv old as well mww
cuutomcrrt lake the advantage ofi' I c*n only quote n few j»ri«vs, bat |
»ili guarantee every article named t . t>c from 2."> to .: ]»er c. Nt under actual
Behold The Slit i i^htcr!
I,.i'lii - inn- lion K. i liatiim ft.lo Worth fl.Jii
" " !>hblt> Oimil " m " 17'
" " Ki-l '• j.35 •* -rap
" tirain " 1.00 <• um
" I,wry Uv «kns 7*. *' t <»•
»!i|»per« 45 •" 7i
Ln it. < fine »li|>per< k>, J, am) ?'• <*« at*.
Its an Awful Price List but I Am Determined to Make Them Go.
Veil* lint* <'»lf Hh'.-t |UO Waith HM
" " " " - iji 2.00
" iiuS Sh its I.m " IJS
" '• (,'nlf Itu n/.Mi J.&-, •• ;50
Mrna \V -tiip«<, 75, "0 and J|.
Are selling at extremely low priced and chih]r«aa and mi-wea aboes wore
never sold lower, li.it rem-Miiber thi- the timo in limite<l on thiA Bale, you
can't buy the above < > -at «.l tioiad for the prii jd uiuied ou them
_TsO\V IS THK I' I .M |<j. not iii Aufunt, not in B<>p
tvmbet, hut now thit* bot dull month of July an<l bar in miud thin
that if you expect to any <»t the bcncltH of thi<i ile yi>u will have to
net very quickly
I (urry si large mock of Ltwa Teanis, Haw Ball ShoeH, Wigwam Hlip
pern lor Men, Lulio.i, IloyM, \li--i.-4 nail Children, they are all placed in thi*
great Hale.
liootn aud .Shoe* mu'le to onh'r. K< > pairini> i done on whort notice
•Shoemakem fnpplics of nil kimin
Come iu:rl get cheap loot wear this month.
'22 S. Main St. - _ _ Itutier, I'a.
CoijKult your own and
examine our .-itock if furui'ure, uphol-
Htered miim, i-liai.H, niHttreHrn*s, etc.,
Ix-fon* purehamng Mti.t.Eß HUH'.- ,
No. in, .lefl'errtori St
—Zuver'rt I'ii'turcrf l ave nothing
wanting in finish, loi.r or a correct
1 —Leavw ycur orden ut the Itutlcr
' Creamery for w* it t i 1 '<ni ami the
froridn will l»e delivered
Our line of eor, etri can't lie beat,
we have tbom from the lowest priced
goodn up to the line«t mitin at
per pair. Alao a full line of Imlic-i
and M i en Corbet WaiftH.
h. Htkin Son
—We lire roliiiiL: furniture lower
than it liiih ever lie fore been Hold in
Itutler, and aft'T ii in ' it jou will
ftay that it in what we naid it »a«,
otlierwine no sale til Vlii.i.ih It it
No. 11l .lefleritoii St ,
—Teuclu r.i and othera will find it a
good tiling to do to attend the Sum
mer Institute at Slip|K-ryrock Normal
from July - to Aiigu I !. >0
will pay all e\|M-iiiiM Write for
room to Summer Institute, Slip|K»ry-,
rock, I'n
This Is :i (Uhxl Chance.
Don't mi j H it >u need no cap
Itnl and rio luperiem-e to represent a
reliable firm tlia' warrant ■ i' * * .»ek
firht clau.'t Work 'rj weeks In the
year and good pay weekly Write
fir terms at once and secure your
territory. AddreM
Itr.l 11 K V Ll KTi'III'oHIi At Co ,
Itoehenfar, N Y
Kaspberry Festival.
There will be it Itaapberry and
lee Cr am l'« tival in .V* Jlebn
I'n-rbyteriau I'l Wh: wn
on the eyenjntf of July f'.ii f.w the
betielit, of the johndtowu hulferern—
All are invited. Com.
(irovn <"lly t.olleK«'.
The Summer Normal Term of nix
weeka will iH'giu Tut 'day, July 2nd
Tuition i-* sl' will pay all the
expend)* ol th" term (iood board
iiip can be bad for $2.2. r < to ?'.! >0 a
week Prof*. Courtney and llayn
will have eharjre of tie work Nor
mal work will lm a cjweialty In
atritetiona tan alfo Im> had in I.atin,
(Jreek, bi"her mathematics, etc 1'
pay« to attend the Normal Term
Ad drums the I'real dent at tJrove
Cily, I'a.
Sunhtiry AiMileitty.
The Normal Term of Sunbury
Academy, ('oulter> v ille, l*.» ,
July 2nd and eontinuea >-i* wwki
All the comniou braochtrf will be
thoroughly reviewed At the clone
of the term County F*i|»erintcud«nl
W il. Ku <i'll will bold an exaiiiina
tlon for nil who apply lor certilli-ate
Tuition for term, 11
For lurtbi r iulormutiou uddre .
It. W M« t«H\NAH \N.
or I i: M 0» I AT,
CoulterMV ille, I'a,
ltahy lire crackers, unil boy a lir«-
erackurf, and Jmulio liiu cracker at
J. t'. T Sit.iil.l.'.-.
I —We have ten tiioiisand Hollar*
| worth of furniture in nur three ware
rooma at No. l!» Jcflbraon St., liutler.
Pa. The beat a* well km the cbeap
.♦ht, hut all the Iwrtt marie for the pricw,
All {tcraonn will tind it to their ad
vantage to examine pur atock and *»-
| ccrtaiu our pricoa before purr baaing.
Millkk ISK«.V
i —lf you think tb« Citizen a wor
thy county paper, help u» alonir by
aub-w-ribinf? for it
Kuncy Silka, Pluahca, velrot*
and Itibbona ut
—Spin whevla, torixibnti— utA all
kind* of lire woMt^^i^^^
-i—*""X F. T STEH LK'rt
—#!.'■ t- all that it lakm to Imy a
good top at Martineourt .V
Co'*, ut their own warcrooma on
Cunningham St. We lift* In ISntler
We pay no rent nor board Ihllh. We
do the work tmr. -lvc*— and *ell you
the very num. buggy for |45, that
other*, who aro at espnna* far travel
ing, etc., uiu t Hell for $56 to SM»
i>o you t art for #lO or slJ>. If you
don"'. then buy from otbtra. If you
do then walk down Cunningham St.
to our place
S. li. .Marti.m oi kt C«.
Teachers Wanted.
The School lUtard ij4" Win tuwaainp
v. ill meet in Ibn Central St-Ha»-l h»«« «»ti
August 17ih.'it» aWrt tearbeiw
l<»r the w uiiiL'trriu iv month < W »c»- .
93ft per meiitii
An.r*i Kaiiau»«. l"r»»
A. K>UM, Nrt'v.
utanj r.«».
\ Jrfft rMNi
Collier, W iVniiii.
'Hie >ali T r +T l»'v liut 11. l-fctnh al.Mi-tMt
> I 'i immi: • tofcar
u i'i wmii t'nUr n< |i«alari ln >ur<Min(*«i
|>l» u> Fkor J. AlMtl.l'll m II MTt/ l*rt t-«
<•.1.1. iu> Ut «.i»<-r Irif Ti.. u>.«. Ui KKfcjrr
M-'H I I.
ymiitg tflfln .tmt y>uti4 totll**, It«*»«rr. I'a. Hunt
ijutim* aim! frehtm* im
f . nrta, TlilH* M* U vrar 4ttd »•
ti* Ufc, lit- all i»f «ii an. I lit»i )• mt at km.
ular ralri • wty ft ft % S»wrtlrf- r»»r«< y«-«t>
i»rr r k. i mh»K
two • HMli r M ll«M)Lv
For Girls and Young Ladies.
Short Mrtlia
For Boys and Youny Men
'lt*H\ \fel»<tk\lM ATK.) - '
M Kill A. pv . |.H*w n .1 -i-t»*i» >
.lonian's lu k siaiirant
All our reader* yiaitmg iiuUar
will do »cll to ku to Saiu .1 jrdan'*
reMtauriiiit lor their inmU Wo Mtf«
lußihco, aoft drink*. tobacco ami
rig if So. I, S. Mailt St, uader
, .10 Pr*tf«Tl«T
t ilm rt**m
* t»" , » • . «-
v l O^Afc,
,» «w cumrnaom