iLOOKI BEAD! 1 hmm i ilMfßl 1 to fart. »a«le .wr - i hai* ifi "Jomw?! i'i 1 . i>f. i»> far, tfce l»rgv*«4 *»** be*l leiecusl «U* k «»f Fine (hufs and Cbrmicals Ir Ruler uout). iml am i.«w lu p-' -iH"" to caul<l Uuaco'ott;. —■ W»f U;an in ihe t<«si V*»inhß*» «» thin - in tie- H»e of fine Drugs and Medicines. TIN# ITT RP MI-'- ,n.t R;:I< K> \ KKY LOW t«a»«i t.-m !-«■! -it-ny i. yr uux * wwe w iiiiiug ft fk«Hll|AM& . ... Omr l*s* ~ r * c*«a;>We. « v As> i*m- ran- d li** i' Finest Quality, aad nor patron* may twin; u* tli-ir prcs-rip Unas. .i*ri*tn t !ui u»-y win i-.uvMiiy l ma>i ailed. TKXUMIV- ttw iiut»li«- I'M- the very generous ■atrial .*•*!&• » L |, CATARRH K. K / -o^-'sS JM • />r- r *r /'<•••••'• ray y, <&?■• i •■i ih«"*•' <0; »v. errx/cr D ofor*. 'n X pinitr of the Balm is applied inio cacti mtril. h. ,qjr»— •' > aw an lis quickly nli aorfeel "fwioalb t'u> sutl pu-s^ges «toalarri' <1 itp;-. causing Mtty sec-il; ns. It allay* "<*wt InttastmatK* proiect:; ;lie UM' Unlii.'-m it. liead from nd'lil tonal eoMs. mni(4< «■ ;> I**,".s tho sores n't t>> urn <<* t«mr and Mn« 11. BPocitclal n-vults air fraito'-i! br af< « appt; -it 1>" - a nmmirm rwxni Ikr tv«l Th no laysßO ft iho origin of i tkln arw«f papw ) Philadelphia, Pa. K POUTZ'S IMHISC AND CATTLE POWDERS ItUnvp will' 4 " ' ml w fw.irt Powdrr* ir uwd to Mm*. ftiiani fowtWfawWMi* sHpi*v«it Hoof noixr*. . f o w !»<,* i'ti fi: wot fi'm I* Fomt-S. 9MT> Pow««-rs ». i tH r »i** ' T >* r * gy twenty ;#r otrJ.. «i*t nt:.kc U*c tmttw fina wnr rcn- nr pfvrot r.'moFt KTEBT fprwrAVF IO W'tat**!* u3* J « :>*:%• sir*» k» %iu- atry *ati*T ACIIOS. DAVID XL FOUTZ, Proprietor. BALTIVOU& p« «*]€ tjr J. L. WULLKE, BuU er, l a. /"V DOCTORS LAKE 3 rmVATK bI^I'KNSAIiY WFM"C%«« I'KNS AVE, —PITTSBURGH, PA._ All forni« of D» l! ale ami Oom i'i-'a"' rt-i r.t^; : 1(.:-.. .He Mwlica mm mi « tr. ai*i at U.i> Ixufcnsarj villi a »rt(<«ta (■Mja'iLateoA. Itr.K K. %afa> of Itrskiaiu ami fc .rpcoi .a ■! It At mi u.iA iu'-i extti-i'iKfi in lira elty. firertai ait •' u >.• tfmu •« ii'al eaerli'.n, »• - n-i '1 j «tl» A .. '-»• -in- pi yrr-J :■>• i »»- it I <:■ ■*•., I•< It •faa> J» p iiVw*,«c; iiwi I ?, i •.! *U Ip. m. only. < a!i at oJli«i 1 or K. J. LaKK. *.D. » omofi mm m ni TI KH. i* *. H. -;FULLKIITOi\, Prop'r. RlankH". FMnnt'N an'l Yarn NaauinPiitrt'il of Pure JJui ler C'4»«mi> Wool. We gitara: i<"' our ? to !• • »tri«-t!y :iil v. 'tfi' ant nra nr any otin-r p'-i-vmo t- inai'-ri .1 n-iiM in dyeing. We sell WUiM«:ial<- or r' tall MiipA a-i-1 n->. -s 1 tr •<• to at IV'!m r .station, ur>,ooo now > m Kanil-. no.) ai. • < r klla making icutly. Fur Irrias ainl prk.' * Euii>ire Brick & Tile Company, KKJSTF.M. r. o. Rutier county. r»- - Laundry Work. DYBIN3, CLSANINS, SCOURMa, ANDREWS & SHUITLEWORTH AtiENTH. Laundry Office THE MAMNO, Butler, Pa. <»*Mla colletted-ind d -livewl In iM .parts ol 4>wu. T££B CITIZEN. MISCELLANEOUS- j Personal Enigmas. A L'.-ntlc l i. but ;i Strict dist-tplinarian ~ii IN-. tin- t.-ncber »t a primary «le •.:triiiu>' ! ..fa yoiuis liMli. > il.>eov . r. il that thf pupils were boistcr»>US, di>i»r --.1.-rly ami iiiil)^i><"' - i».ikc in it soft, low but distinct st.e •*;».« -;:ri>rised, f<«r they were he ~ of rclint tl. cnltivatod people, but one .lay :tt recess her eyes were opened. '•Please ini-.5." >-aid <>ne of the girls see ing the jrriev.'d 10-.k .»m tlic teachers fiice. "W** .loll't lii.-i ' to dlMiiH-y yon, hut 3"U d»n i nidi r u< .i- ihe l i-i tcaoher. Mi-s&im nions. did. She unci to hammer !he desk with the ruh-r. and shout ai us till we mind ed. Von speak ~<> jrcntly to m that wo .think v»u don't care If we mind or not. •'Plea* don't cry!" seeing the tears glis tening in iho nervous woman - rye. •' all like v.iu ataeh better than \v.' did Mi# Siuiniot:-., liul we haven't got iwd to j*our lady-like ways." The patient, gentle teacher persisted in her ••lady-like ways," and in time the pu pils had learned to he guided hy her eye. The anecdote illustrates how difficult it ' is for children who have been nsed to a noi- 1 >*v. explosive government to apprehend a teacher whose commands fall as gently as til. dew. Servants al-o are often perplexed by a gentle, forbearing master. The la'- (ieorge 1\ Marsh, when a itiera l>er of t'leigr. -. \va an enigma to hi< IV.ishiiigton servant;. because he never | spoke har.-hly to them. An old i gro woman who had been a ser vant in his iu.iiilv for ii< ■: WiW noticed o:u! day standing i- fore por trait, simiying it intently. "What are you d.-iu^.'' -aid Mrs. Marsh. •■Law- iui>>u-. i try to • bow in«i-:A l««iks!' - 1 ears like l'>e afraid to look at hiui real. "But whv are yo.i afraid? He always speaks kindly to you." ••oh ye, uii.-us. it'- just that! lie speaks to us all kilt o t|iiii*t-like, just zii we'se white folks. 11 he d only swear at i*s ,-ouict me>. and say he d break er heads, we wouldn't be feared uo way; hut he t. so tirefinl -till and deep!" Then turning away from the portrait, >lie lidded, speaking lo herself, "Yes, inassa s deep as ill. sea! Even a poor nigger can make that out. P.ut he docs -mile beauti lui!" \ friend once asked Mr. Marsh how he to refrain from speaking harshly to his servants. "By always remembering," he replied, "how little their poor, narrow lives can < give them at the best." Educational Failure. Farmer Homespun, living in the weslern part of .Vex Vork. sent his son liili to Vale College. He hadn't heard from l!ill in —..111.• time. Inii one day a dandified fellow .ailed .t? the farm hoti-e, and .-aid he was from Vale College, and knew liill. "You be one of them students ai Vale College. IM* yotif" a-ked Ihe farmer. •■Vans. I claim old Vale as my alma I'-ill t« !d mc .•> call in and see yon while i in your neighborhood li-hing. Bill has gone lo N.-w \'ork for a little relax ation. "So 'on kuou my Bill; liill Uoine spill! f" • V, \ cer*: : nl\ I know him. We are ill the -,'ii'ic* boat." * •II .• i- I!i!l coning on? lie hasn't writ to ie in a go. d whib . but he draws drafl pretty ilar." "Bill i improving." "I- he indu-iHons:'" "Jle pi.'-tiec every day four or live hoii.--. He pulls a'pret!\ fair] onr for a !-•■ -lunar. He i learning to leather hi- oar pretty w« II." "How .'.-(1. wan and v-;i cd from long eoiiiiiiuul uierine ailiiieists, are forced to banish : 111 ol niiiiriage. Such nii forlunalu tM'ere-,. -lionld know that Dr. Pierce's Favorite I're-criptioii is a positive cure for ihe most complicated and obstinate caseu of leHeorrht -i. ( ce-rive flowing, pain ful no !■ -I runt ion. unnatural supprc.-ion. prob.p a-, i.r falling of the womb, weak back, "female wcakiies.-.' autc\civion. rel reversion, "bearing down . en-aii.nis," chronic conge-lion, lnllainiualion and ulcer ation of the womb. in Ham Ilia I ion. pain anil tenderness ill ovaries, accompanied willi '•internal heat." l-'or all (lerangcmeiits ol Ihe liver, -toiu aeh ami bowel-, lake Dr. Pierce' Pellets. —lf you know any local, new . reader. I ml it to 11.-: if yon have any friends visit n;r ion give n iln ir names and where they re-ide: if any of your friend' nr relatives tire -criou-P ill. let us know about it; if you know of any accidents, dealli '. marriages, ete., give a- the particulars. It takes a great many items to make an interesting paper a i-i if we are not informer] in some 'ii.i'incr of what i - going on. there arc many i : em .■!' intei'i"' that never get into a j uew.-paper. A tie'A -'i. jier jiulili -lied in Florence. Italy, s,|.-s Unit "during President Blaine's Kuropeaii vis t ('ongre -man Cleveland has been ill charge of the White House. \ week alter Ihe :orill swept over this colli ill* -ill il I; lii. i'.n: iaail illld tile Conli j nenl with ii Tilic power iiii pi nl, ami in i flicted ire b to crop*, already more I than half ruined, the elfect of which was I that the price of it quartern loaf of bread | went up two cent- iii many purls of Lou-. don, w heat jumped rapidly upwards in all the market - of lilirope, and almost a panic of speculation upon the gloomy prospect was created by the uiiuiilc t fact that ling land and tt|e Continent will need 7II,• i 419 women worked iu England at j•. i:ii i and tin r number has increased to 4500. —Chicago's 7000 boot mid shoe workers include !• >' : enr.'s. which i- aid to I Ihe large-' iini::'r of cords ever peeled by a single Imnlu'itnee in i'euns'.lv.inia i;i on! season. The |. from which ibis bark «as peeled when s- - -d art- expected to t. ike i'l'il,ooo !'■■■ : of Inmlier. —Abon! tl.i. ti-'n- Ihe man who swore oil ■iroi'iinity en Jiirii-ary first, and has nobly 1 -Id his own (-v. -. - a f-J hee' of pn lage stamps together in his piM'ket. and revives the accomplishment, j. Isi lo sec ii lie has forgotten bow. —A Maricttii man e-i-iipetl conviction foi rolila ry. and went home and crn hc:l hi orotb'Sr'- skull with it stone and abused his aged mother shamefully. He will get a swee! do-e of Lancaster county justice, and be deserves il. —A jdiysieian says that the jiurity of drinking-water may be tested very cheaply by any person. A few cents will buy an ounce of saturated solution oi permangan ate of potash al a drug-store. If when a droll ol the solution is added ton tumbler of water, the color changes lo brown.jt i- unlit to drink: if it remains clear, or slightly rose colored after all hour, it is. broadly . peak ing sale. —A list of States in the north i ; given where Ihe coal stove has given place lo htc'im healers in pa (cnger cars. We do not see Pennsylvania figure'in the list. In New Vork ti si at nte brought thf cli/inec. Co ercion by public opinion was effective in others. Our own State is.yd. to fall inlo I :ie from one can.-e or another. The en i . imtre- num >'"'i it. .-s:;oo a car. As an oii ,-('t, the eo-t of fuel is -aved, so tliat on alone there will be a -aviiig in the long ITU. —Thai is a basil judgment which in a half sneering way objects io young men (b --v.>t ing time in a -ociul way lo the other-ex. Coticcding llnit there i ; often much that is liglii and fiivoloit-i in this relation, and that il somclinie.. bcirays vonng men into e . peuses beyond their mean . il is (rile that the society of young women i- one of the best safeguards against vulgar excesses. It i- refining mid huinani/ing. Ii promotes neatness of apparel, politeness in manners, chii ten.- iii speech and a certain chivalry of eh:'racier. Any young mini of decent pride v ill guard hint-eH'in hi uncial pleas lire.- and habits, who lias feminine acquaint mice-. That is a tribunal with which he de-ire ■" ol aIL I hiliji- to ~i and Well. What il it doc - co i a lil tie extra money 111 the tail or's and elsewhere.' Keiicr that than ruin, cards and abandoned company. The a -o ciltlion of young ladies is recommended by abundant eoiiHidcraUons, and il i- a . oiircc of jib- i ure as well. —At this sea-oil of the year farmers arc • t really annoyed by the depredations of i i ,-e ps -er-. some of whom carry off IVuit. lei down the fences so that cattle can gel into field- anil destroy the growing grain, or commit other unlawful acts either through | thoughtlessness or maliciousness. The ' J owners of laud have a legal remedy against lill who ire-pass upon their property. In ■ i Ma rib. IXCMI. a bill was passed by the Slate Legislature making it a misdemeanor for any person to carry off fruit, or to destroy • fruit on another man's premi -cs. The ad , was first passed for Huntingdon county, but the same venr was est ended to four or live other counties. The next year the law was 1 made general over the State. It provides that the pcr on offending shall, upon con I victfou. be fined not less than fa nor more than iO>o, one half to go to the informer and I I lie other half to the owner of t lie land; and iu default of payment the offender shall un d.-rgo imprisonment of one day for every dollar lb the fine imposed. SOME DOCTORS honestlv admit that they can't eurft Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Others say they ran bat—don't. Ath-lo pho-ros says nothing hut cures. That's the secret of its success. Years of trial have proved it to be a quick, safe, sure cure. Concord, N. H.. Sept 3.1 relief. Upon my recommendation scores of i*-o l>le have used this remedy with the name results claimed for it. C. H. WILSON. Dubnque, lowa. Jan. 3. iw*. Athlophorr>« lias completely cured me of nervous headache, and I feel thankful for all the good it ha* done nu . Mrs. LOUISE CIIF.RBY. *5-Send 6 cents for the beautiful colored pic- j ture, " Moorish Maiden." THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. NY. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST PKNN E. K. On anii after Monday, May 14, 188S, trains will leave Butler as follows: MARKET at 6:30 a.m., arriving sit Alleghe ny at 9:3'J a. ni.; connects t::-t for l'.lair-\il!e with Day Expre.«, ar.-iv ing ai Philadelphia at 7 p.m. KXPKF.SK at 8:35 a. m , arriving at Ailegiie ny at 10:33 a. tu.; docs not connect tor the ea*t, hut connects with A. \. It. It. north and houth. MAIL at 2:3"> p. m., and goes through tc Allegheny, arriving there at 1:40 p. m.; con nect- east for Philadelphia. ACCOMMODATION at 5:00 p, m., and con nects at the Junction with Freeport Accom modation, arriving at Allegheny at 7:' M p. m., and connects east as far as Apollo. Trains connecting for llutler leave Alleghe 1 ny at 8:20 a.m., 3:1") p. rn. and »>:0<» p. m. Trains arrive at iiutier at 10:30 a, m. and 5:00 and 8:00 p.m. riTTSIiUKO, fiIIEXANtiO ifc LAKE ElilE K. It. On and after Montlay, Aug. 6, 18S8,trains will leave Hut'er as follows. Corrected to last time, 1 hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville from the Pittsburgh and Western depot at 7:00 and 10:30 a. m. and 5:05 p. m. Trains leaving the P. :2O a. rn. and 5:55 p. m. Both trains connect at Bran eh ton lor Butler and Greenvilie. P. & W. R. K. On and after Monday, Oet. 24, 18S7, trains wiil leave Butler as follows: Corrected to lust time, one hour faster than .-( hedule lime. Trains leave ifatler for Allegheny City at , >:l>, it 10:30 a. m. & 12:45 p. m.«U &-):20 p.m. A train connecting for New Castle and the We.- t leaves Butler at 12:45 p. m. and arrives at Chicago at 0:00 a. ra. next m-rnit.-j. Ti ains arrive from Allegheny at 0:10 and 10 21 a. m. and 12:30, 4:40, 7:55 and 0:30 p. rn. Trains leave Butler for Foxburg ant« the North at Mctl a. us. and 5:00 anil 7:55 p. m. Trains arrive at iluil'. r from the north at 8:18 and 10:30 a. in. and ti:2o p. in. On Sunday traits leave Butler for Alle gheny at 5:43 a. m. and o:20 p. in., and tor the West at 1:13 p. m., and arrive from Allegheny at 10:21 and 3:35 p. in.and from the V\ i st. at 7.55. A tr.iin arrives trom the North at .s:4.>.».iii. and departs at 7:o.?. p.m Trains leave Allegheny for Butler at . :00, 8:20 and 10:20 a. m. and 3:')5, 5:!0 ami ti:4o p. m., fast time. Traiii.-< leaving Butler at s,:18 a. m art i i 2:4'» p. m. make cio-ej conn e.tions at t'aiery for the VV'eot, and the 2:"0 trai i connects. Im: not closely. Trains artive at Al-.'Cfhen/ a 8;i0, 10:0- a.m. and 12:25, 2:55. 5:0 > a.'ni 8:23 p.m. S2-D °i.'Q ;B f'HPfWFRPIV I H (¥ N v FRONT STOKE, rOH mt FLOUR, FEED Call and examine our pi lens Lbey are lower than t!:e lowest. FLOUR A SPiIOIALTYj W. E. McCLUNG, | BUTLER, - - - PA' etioiaT;. I Jl] j*'> i. • 'lis I" »imr ■' • ii.•. i it'Ti-'iT If ijt-'tJMR. ran start you at one's. sand I W "fur-term ot. 4. Al--II.N SilW, \ar> Ito.-Sit--*!• r, N.Y B. & B. HEW FALL "DRY GOODS, In largest and finest assortment, now being opened tvi'i';, • I ay. Tllr values-ill tiles* t-'niill-• s wlticil WC will offer the present ioason. * l,l ?jne j we Irn - |tul sacrlflelng prices on all iiiminer floods loit over. An Extensive Lot of Satines ai Unheart! of PricßS. Tit. •• , ,il ihese prices are much .-lieaper f hau fnlieoi -i. and will w i ar fwlee as long. :i:jr J'rrniti Nutiii mi» _'o. mill:Utc l-ienili Satim s now lie. | i Uoiii.-sti. Salin.s n-illlri'.l tu V iiiii! Illr Yai 'l-ni.i i- tl ili-l.- (1 i', n iilK i'il I'ji.m 11! * c jn-1 mi. liiill'inii-e. banii», 10*-. now (lieprice is .V . AX KXTF.XSIVK MNKOI' AMERICA!? SUITINGS In 2t to m Inch wi Iths. ulaOlo llo'i-:e Df --; > orSi'hool v.i ar, at ji; to '.w . Kuperi. or values." Kak«aur stores your headatiartcrß when in i,. i., <: :t jt. 4 ! ruf'-n . I'leiuy of room and a'-eommoilai ions. Our liiusirateii Pali anil Win ter Catalogue, 7s pp. totl • Incite „ tontalnlti'-' a review of the I 111• ! Moil' s and IK N'eviest fabrics, also, lowest i»r111 8 for best and i owesl in liry (ioods Hue. will 111 i Ml. t liot I 111 TOIIKK I • ;iii l will lieserit ! ii! l AN!» I'ltSl'l'Aill lo an> .uliliess. This ( alalo .Hi- Is Issued in ihe 11»' •• i 1 'ol our Mull Order Deparltueiil and of our eii.tomers llvlotr at a disl aie e hniieij we are anxious to have i le in ;■ vail I lieiiise]ves i>f Its Ih:ii -111 S. S|M -i-ial alUutl loii given to. Orders My Mail, The nepartinent hi in / In chnrijt* of experl 'need people who ill - vol thi Ir 11»I ■ • time t«» It. and hem .-art ahie otteti time . 11l mil iel|iat e llie wants of the customer, and help oul with su^- gesl lons, etc. Samples sent., prices iptoled and and any In formation given upon reipiest. Lowest prices guaranteed. IBOGGS i BUHL, ! 115, 117, 119, 121 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. PENNA SURVEYING | LAND, COAL IiANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to the KelraciiiK ol old lines. Address, It. F. lllMillitO, (o. Purveyor North llojie I'. O. Butler Co., l'a. SCHOOL ADVERTISEMENTS CURriY BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL Or SHORT HAND. riTTSIiI'BU, - I'KNN'A. 'l'lie vhools in I heir Hue< in t li" I . S. Theor> ami Business I'r.icl tc makes i-ractical It. ol; ii-pi-rs ot every -„'railu alc. Nalional In patronage ai l reputat.loii. OVEIi ttJ<> STI'UHNT-t l.vsr VEAU. More apjilieailon lor I'.ooUki e,« rs ami Steno gr.i'ihers I l ia we c an (ill. JAMEMCIJMtK V. il i IAMS. A. M.. Presl. Washington & Jefferson College, \\ i'A. The sstli year Ix'ifi 11s Sepl. 12. Classical. s<-i; hi ni.- and Prepay itoi ileparlment. for in f..riii itimi eonccniinir 1 *r« | aratory liepiirtiiient apply to 1'1£( 11..(. AIM I.l'll St'll MIT/. I'rinei pal; for Catalogue or oilier inioririution to I'itllS T MOFi'AT. I'. iuiaii-liip. Mmrt Haml. 'i}|n '.iriiniL and Knirlisli Traiiiini; Srlimil. Kstaulisheil in IM'-.1. Send for I'llk Kki-OKII H. an elegantly lllustraU-il Quarfeiiv. jfiviuij full information. Enclose I cts. In stamps, Aitiiress A. \V. SMITH. MKAHVII I.k. PA. ] STATE iH SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA, PA , FALL TErtKS OPENS SEPT 3. Atti-llilaiii-i- in iss;, 51(1; in ISSS, (S3B. Insi ructors men aiKl xvonieti of markeit ability. Well-known teachers are engaged for MX-I ia! work, l.ast year these were l»r. Eihrnnl I'.iooks, rsveholtiirv. (1 week): U-llali. i'atri.! ;e. Metliods. (f» weeks,; Byron W. King. Elocution, (Spring Term). .Motto, "I'.est in everything"; best instruction, best facilities for learning how lo teach, best dormitory accommodations. It- -a. table ijoa'-'d, b-.-t rules for students. I'-oardin ,' iwitli vell furnlihed room.stt'.im-iieat, liuhi. bailh-r ■■ ms. pure .spring water on every lloor, .ce.j. a week. T11T1«\ ALMOST FR2 I: To tliof-e graduating within two" years. (Net ct-.-1 oi tuition, above Mate aid, for two solid \ears, onij lluri' en dollars!) Wholly free l o iin. .iMiiuatlie; v.Hhin \h years. Those ciui ti I'.ttiaiing a :-.*ortnal course will gain decid l •! Mai save money by entering al < a iforiiii'. We w:. ni to place a catalogue In the hands of eve ■ iie.nli ing teacher and every In terested ian 1-1. Wiin ni- lull informaiion. We eniov an: werit.g ipe ! i--us. Engage rooms early. Itoardlig turned away last year tor want ol room. TIIKO. 11. NOSS, I'll., I>„ Principal. SUNBUSY ACADEMY! The Fall Term opens Aug. 21, and coulio'.K-.- 13 weeks. All the ndvan- of a first class Academy are tound inrc. The expenses are as iu-.v can bo found anywhere. Thorough training for Teachers. Preparation for college and for active biisiai'i-s life. Send for catalogue. Addri.-s the Principal, li W. MoUIiANAHAN, Coullt. rsville, iiutlcr county, l'a. THIEL i: .pi! '.-ii-ed jisst.ructors. Musle also, tall ter-H opens ii'irsila.-. Sept. I), tsss. All cx i -alour. Kor caialogue or other infornia -1101 ,iddi-"s. Ilcv. I). M'-Kee acting rresldenl. 0 - I'rol. .!. It. TiP/ I, Secretary oi l'aeiilly, (iKKK.NVIM.K, Jlcrci-r Co., l'a. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, MKADVII.U:, I'A. I'all Term of V;!rd. year begins S'■ ,'t. Three eour -e ie.e.ia■* to A. 11. He Thorough l-r- ii:.;ator> Seliool. Engiliceling. Alililafy ])cpar'tmenl. ?.llisle. I.nth sexes. llullligs ilail lor .vonag belle.'-. liigli ;r-ade. Kxpenses lie ; .... l-'i r; oi other iriiormation a«ld|i IIKV, \V!!.I!I !S t;. 11.1.1A315, » I) , I'n si.l- nt. 1;a tu secßf. a thorough lin.loc** Education, or I oni ■ r.n •" sliertliscd ami Type Writi-r, or : , i-e t.i t-: tA!i S;i r.ri:rt*ii I'eninanßDlp. i« at- Hie y ,J.'-: 1.1 Kt lHtilU'lll CoU«KV. ClCVft 1 iUld. O. Tllustrated Cat als>gue fres. McMses, * .V iniii' tetun r ait-l dea!< f In stone pumps and'-r islies oh*- ; iblle to ieineml«'i'that lv eoriiliei.- Hi: ' !>•: i,-i- -, at llailston station, etl till' I' - , i.'. li. r;. for ]-.rfi.'-tili.r-' ad n - ,I\MKS alcNkkk Puiiii'. i". <> . Ilute r ,-oeni v l'a. (.|.|er; can be let t w :ili .1. Nip trie & Kro. liut ier. l'a BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. OiUceCor, Main (it Cunningham Si:u, h C. ROfOBSIX(J, PitEHIDBKT. Vv v i. CAM i'BKLlj, TUBAHOKKH. li. (J. II KIN EM AN, iSeck li'f Ak v. DIHECTOItS: .1. 1, Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell W. linrkiiart. A. Ttoiiluiau, Henderson Oliver, (i.e. Itnesslug, .lames Stephenson, I>r. V/, Irvlli, N. Wellzel, J. 1". Taylor. 11. (!. ilt»|nei,iau, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Qeu. Asc't- BirrLiE'R., PA . Planiug Mill —AND— Lumber Yard J I, ei-Kvia. L. O. PUK vi-, Q a Pifvis&rio fW,t-s V: .J. U1..4 VID K?iJ %J\J» M.VNITI'AI TCitl'diS AND lIKAI.KRS IS Rough land FlarieJ Lumber Oir EVWKY !)KS«:ttU-noN. SHINGLES&LATU PLANING MILL AND YAKD IVKi'TfJeriiiau (!iiil linlle VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE A rare chance to buy a good farm, situated In Wlutield In p.. Ilill ler'i .unity. Pa., on I In- Kill l--r llr.incliol W-ist l-tjlill Uallroad. and wllhlii hair :i mile ol l.ljc si a; lon and villigo of It -I. mo, con- I tilling One Hundred Acres, Seventy H\' - acres of which are cleared and the balance In good limber, has a two story Iraine house af live r nr-ar I niiUivlUo, < nl n* lv\ p., ami .ihout II vmi Irs mirlli <»i |sui- LI r. is for sali' on r« , L.-OII:» I »1«• I< mis. It Nail 'lranril ami llllal'l** tfroum!; has on hanls. an**a <»I WAIRR ai MM* iluor and springs In cvry fI«M, GOOD HOUSE, li; by nut I ifoo«l slab'.". Is part <>t tin- oM Mr.iuilKlll plilirt* Oil I !l«? MiTcri 1 I'O.Ml Hid U«l --joins K. 1.. Vanillin ami.l.Moorr, I'isq. Kmpilrc on tlio prrnusr.s ul, JOHN WALLACE. h} I . I -- RS _ CrJ IU ta..e. ■ r gi feOl E Ma£; 1 believe Piso's Cure H B fur Couaum iitinn saved H Eilitor Km)uirer. Kileu jpisol H OiN'si-MiTntN. Children 3 g take it without olijei-tion. g TU CUBES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. R3 ■fls BestC'oi:?U Syrup. Tastes pood. Übo [3 '' IfSa M<^Y Clothing Store. CLOTHING, lIATS, GEMS' 1111 NISI I ING GOODS, UNI) Eli WEAK, NECK WEAR, . OVEPtCOATS, RUBBER COATS, GLOVES, SUSPEND EKS, rMBUELLAS,SIIIRTS, CAPS MlOEb FOR MIN AND BOYS, &C„ All at most reasonable prices. JOHN T. KELLY, OJ S., Mil in St., ( n (. x t door lo I', o. CHOICE FRUIT. Having taken *1 he agency for ;thc Choice Fruit Trees, Beautiful Shrubbery, Ornamental Trees, And i veiytliing else iu the Nursery line, of the New laiglaud Nurseries. Chase ISros. it <'o., N. V.. I v ill call niton yea in the near tutiire and solicit your orders for Kali delivery. A. H, FALLER, Agent, liutlev - J*si. L E S i EM I 7 WANTI K. Perinancnt positions KXI'KS SI S I'AI IJ. Any d Si ; mined man I 111 succeed with us. Peculiar advantage to beirin ners. stock complete. Including many last selling specialties. Out li t, free. Address al once, (Name this paper) uii.v your salary or commission every week, \\ rite for terms at once. K. O. (iICAIIAM. T«.nrsesyman, lioehestcr. N. V. OA L E 8 M EAT M WATSTED j \ J Km- IhellooKMi NntSFRIKS. es " llllillsheil |Shady em>lo.Miient and good pay. Kend loi terms al once. I|.K. IIMIIkKK i It , Itoehe-iltir, V. \V-..A.TN:-!'exd ' ♦o cnnvaßß for the Falc of Nursery Stock! Stcmlv cinpioymcnt guaranteed. SALARY AND tXPENSLS PAID. Ajtplv at once, stating niif ttee UrulliWi Ounifany, WANTED- AGENTS TO SOLICIT OIL IIKUS. I'm- our choice and Hardy Nursery Stock. mm K\|.i'iisc., or i I'ljWi-'sioil if | !"er.r ieii. The li . iness ij-iiiAly and ensliy learned. miilisl,--eiion ..iiuranli'iil lo eiisioircrH and ujirnt i. Vvrlto unmodiat«ly tortenu. siai.-age. Address* R. G. CHASE & CO., |4;:0 Sol I'll I'KNV Si;..AUK, I'll I 1.A1.t11.1-II IA, I'A WANTED (iood men to sell our first class nursery stock on salary or commission, paid weekly. I'erni.t 111-ill elupioyinelit guaranlei d. • lilt li I free. I'rey ions e\perience not reiiuired. Address A. J. VAN LIEU, ,\nrscryiii»ii, KOt'UKSTKI?, V. k t/~ Menlion tins paper. I GENTS WANTED IB To canvas tor one of the Inrvcsl, oldest f* cslaltlislicil, IIKST KNOWN NI list litis || In Hie country. .Most lllteral lerms I'n -I*. eipial-d !: *' • 1111 les. UKNKVA NtltsKltV. i-lstabllsiied I -Hi. W. .V T. SMITH, UENi.VA, N. V. FOII SAf.K A large frame hoarding house, good local ion and doing large lmsiness. Terms easy, i l-'or iurlher particulars inquire of I. s. NKIN, 17 K. .IclTi-rson St.. ' Itutlur, l'a. FOR SALE. Twi-iity-llve acres ol land in ;ir lli'iei e I'ltv -ood farming land auil proltaltle oil lerrllory. l-'or U rms and particulars Inquire of l„ s. M, HINKIN. No. 17, 15. Ji'lterson St.. Bill ler. l'a _ JODICI3O3 ASO PtRS!ST£HT ■|W'' ' l-as al.vayH proven ' Biicocssi iil. Ht ioi'o placing any ■Ji Newspaper Advert is'ng consult s LORD 6i THOMAS, -41 t» it/ Uuuuuii>ii Dirtti, CKICAUO. I>. ZE»A.:E»3e, LEADING Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. !N r o- IH, South Mi tin Street* ... I'A- ITS COMING And when it gets hep', everybody will rush |o see it ICx''lement v> ill run hi.:h. and .• shall have crowi'.ed houses dav and evenlr g. Wliai Is II? Why its IIKt'K'S MKNAfiI ill!: Us regular l;iie,'-iailed Snoiler and when ii comes look onr for -ky rockeisand trreased liyrhliilnjr. lis not a mehajferle of rin.ij-ialleil monkeys, leopards that Chans,'!' Ilu ir ..puis, or wild A!ri ean lions, lull il will draw great crowds and will lie vorth seeing. ITS A HOO-D0 ami knocks compel lon end« ise. I! te" • r hurts ■ enstotuer. hut if makes coiniK tllion run. 'riiev cover the ground ipiltc rapidly when they SL i It. and citsl their eoat-lai's lo tno hree/e. leaving you m the hands oi in'oeie who will give you a fair deal. Your interests are ours, and we ha\e made arrangements ft* excursions during the season. An accommodation will leaveuottgemevery day at ... in.. ii!akln_ r only two stops between (Jougbeln and itutler. l'irst stop. Tiasiilown. and passengers will '•<' allow ed minutes lo look at the irash. Thai will tie iptllc long enough to sallMy ihcm that they ill list go 1.11 to 11 IA'K'S, SC. eutl stop. SV. iinlli'l S vllle, passengers who are eiu/y enough to do so \* ill tu- allowed to stop i.u r at thissialion. the wise portion will go on lo The train will arrive at liuller 8 a.m.. sharp and will lie at the depot to receive you. Should he not. do not he led ofT h> I lie litl ie Bazaars of side shows, but make a break f. i the bi.' tent. No, ii. North Main s;.. Imiiy- itim k. \\ e blow eiir own horn and I here is no mist k ing It. We art-now reailv. King the bell heal Ihe ilriltn tool the horn let the crowd come and see our miiMiittici nt Spring Attract ions. Tliev are regular LA-LAS and on every point, will beat anything, ever shown in this city. The quality, quantity, style and price are just what will suit you. and the assortment so large that it will daz/.le you. OUR BAND LEADS, others try to follow us hut they can't eatcli up. Our pace Is too much for them. We art too quick. We are boomers ! We are sooners!-don't you see? We are rollicking, jolly fellows. We are rip r taring M|> lop sell' : \s, Auu when i eoaii to 'oal ~iins *>,' can suit you loa "T" We are hungry for your money—do you hear ? And we try to IM- SO funnj -we are so qiwr. If you think we area honey, come and drop your money. And we'll treat you like a sonny—all the year. for we have got lhe energy and ti:e will. We made up our miinl to he t tie leader- in our ilne and the result is. "that we lead" anil there ii no mistake about it. Our prices tell the tale. Tlie.v ure always lower than the lowest and quality proves it. We make No Rash Promises, hut prove cner.vtliiu r we state in tlie papers when ;ieu>trtnjer calls ;it our store. If you want si Tliiiif tor sterling rash «*«iII and see «»ur sfock of Spring Novelties in ime clothing oi all shapes styles ami priees; Ua?s f ('apM, Neekwear. Siiirt<'(iHars. i'nfTs, j wear. Hosiery, Ilamlkerehiels rmhreliis, Trunks. Vall-«>. Sa.i«*Sie!s. Ilruslier,. r »aii»s. Harmon leas. .I« wi ler.v. il.iniinoeks and Notions sft.'neraily. We do not attempt a lull < nnmera- I lon of our l»ut e«»ntenl out >e|ves wil h tlit* slatemt*ni lliat we lia\ «* liie larg(.'sl stock, latest styles and lowest prices. ThE WORLD STANDS AGHAST iQTlie reail/.al lon ot the fait that our low prices are a rcaliiy and not a tlctbinary legend makes uveryliody wonder. Heady moms Is (.lie won der worker that has enabled us to place before the public such a gorgeous display or S|irin_: bargains and a deti-rmination (o be eastl.\ -,atis- Ik-d an l live for small profits Is the n-a.-;on we can seii so much eneaper i.han anyltody else. D. HECK, Champion Clothier and Furn isher. No. 11, North Main St., Duffy's BIo«*k, BDTLER, - PI. NO WW jj\p Ar ?' EC When ittn>lile Hi tiiid noil fl 5 I ill I erable employment! hat will not II " If 13 L 1 take them from their home-, and families. The profits are laru'e and sure tor ev ry imln. tlions person, many have ma<: and are now making s«.?veral hnndrod dollars a month. It Is easy for any one to make #5 and upwards per day. who Is willing to work. Kit her se\, yoniiif or old; eapilal t»«»i needed; we start yon. livery tiling new. No special ability re •liiired; you, reader can do II well as anyone. Wrile lo us al f»ia*e for lull pariieulav.*: whleh wn mail free. Address Slinson »v Co., l'oii.iaiitl, ;,r. {ITEXMULUR H a (El, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - PA. Near New <'ourt Hon: e formerly Donald on ilou.-,c .i«.comniodalion.» far travelers, (lood staVilinc connected. LI-ii-'BO ly| II KITKNMULhKK. PropT. ill OTHtHS Fill CONSULT :,sMr DRa LOBB 329 N. 15th St., below Callowhill, Phila., Pa. years' ex|« riem .• in all Spcciiil dlw-iiM-. I'; r iiiuneiit I v restores tlios** wciikciitil by early Inu in ert-1 lons, est, and neatest |*Vnee for around Lawns, School Lois, Poultry Yards, <«ardeiM l-'arms. Park and 1 eineicr.N I'etico, and <»ai« s. Perfect. Automatic 1 »ate. AI •><; .ill kinds «•' NV Ire Work. Write lor I*iiee . Siale kind ai.d ipiaii tiiy of fence \s mi i. I % \ 1.011 A. IM IN, Manufacturers of I ire I .«-apes Iron Work, jn ; and JO3 Market .Stie. t, Pittshuri; l'a, BUY YOUR HOMES llnlUMl Security l.lfe Insurance and Trust Co.. ot I'll, Money to Buy I lumen. Monthly ilues not more Hi in a t.ilr rent. I'.iv iiii-iil.s ileerease yenrly. 11l event ill il-iili prior to 1 niiipieiii 1 imynieiil.s, tiaianee nt en ciiinlii'itnce canceleil. Money to Tionn. I,' eslale hoii-Thl and sold oil coiuinl lon. W anted houses lo rent and rents eollec led. L. C,. LINN, No 38 South. Main St., liutier, l'tt. _ over Linn's imi» r JStore. FIRST ARRIVAL OF FALL BOOTS AND SHOES Now in all the Late Styles; all the Late Shapes at HISIiMS SiillE SHE. In selecting our Fall and Winter stock ol Hoots and Shoes we paid special attention to the wants <1 the J 4 'inner, the Me chanic and their families, lliey must have good solid Uoola and Shoes to rfsi-t the snow, plush and the told wintry blasts, and especially BOYS and GlliLS who have a long road to scjiool. We have good solid tap sole kip boots for the hoys, little hoots lor the little boys; calf and kip shoe?, high cut, in button and lace, spring heel or heel, lor the girls, solid as a rock; will warrant every pair. We have the largest .selection in Butler county. Boys'boots from $1 up, sizes 1-5; /outlin', 75e and up, 11-13; C hildren's, s(!c and up, 7-10; Children's heavy shoes, oOcandup, < s -l-; Misses Tocand up; 11-' J. Women's heavy fhoes. polka cut, 05c and up, also kip and calf in | lace, button calf, A calf, glove grain, and oil grain, standard and pegged. Men's heavy loots irtm $l5O to $:>.75. Our boot trade is immense all over Butler county, because we sell the best goods; our customers know what we tell them about the goods tliev can rely on and at straight prices. Your mouey will buy just as much as your neighbor s; but it won't in some houses m Butler. We keep men's hand made fine veal kip boots in all widths, 111G11 and LOW INSTEP, full "box toe —prime kip. to $4.50 for oil men Milwaukee oil grain boots; Hue grain Napoleon leg, used by oil men for a riding boot. Wool boots for cold weather, with or without foxing; We have everything vou could want in the lx>ot line. We have boots and shoes we* warrant to resist water. You must recollect that you can save from 15 to -o cents on every collar bj> bu; ing these goods. Men's Bovs' and Youths' line shoes in endless variety. Men d from $1 up. We show French call, Ka nraroo, Imported En glish Cord a. - an stock made to our order by the best manufac turers, in button, lace and congress, all widths—make a special ty Boys' and Youths' high button shoes, Lap -soles for school, at very low prices. They are beauties, WE ALWAYS THINK OF THE OLD LADIES. We ' have wide, low-heel shoes and slippers in !> aver tla tine I-lined, with or without leather foxing, with leather or hit >olcs; also fine kid or LVU lace and congress. Tia grandest stock to se lect from in Sutler county at very low ;» ic s, a!i take a bacK seat when we t:-.ik about LADIaS', MISSUS* ar.d t. 11ILDltKN S FIX v. Sil« >:; S. No eud loth? different *>t' -e.< a d prices. Ladies' fin ' shoes $1 ai 1 up. Don t I forget to sv.e our ladies' Bright D;>n >ia. button boot at '51,75. $. §2.50, $2 75 and %?•». all width* and shares, silk t<>p facings, U- AI ,'io soles, solt, mellow stocii; ai.i.) t ;:r. kid and Dongola in hand turns, hand welts, in opera, (. am m sense and Waukenphast lasts, all widths. We make a spt cialty ot Miss* and Chi dr.u's spring heel shots; also inlarits*. from 25c up. Misses' I 1-2, $1 to $2, very line. Ladi / fancy warm slippers in Velvet t'orderoj. Em broidered ents" fancy slippers in the greatest variety, from 75c up. Ihe largest stock of rubbers and arctics in Butler county at the very lowest prices, ;d! fresh Boston's. Vv o.m-ocket's, Can dee's. !,\!- ming, Bay State, Para, all good good*. We cant be undersold. Leather :>nd Findings, larpo Ptot k Hr>pr o'd saiopi* lots. WB HAVEN'T TIME it) WRITE i'OD A LBTTBB Willi KICTI riOtTS I'lU< KS. We are too bu-.v; will leare that f*>r some of our annul ci'ttijifcUiors to .*«j to kill time il i« a rule iu our realized, and to give ABSOLUTELY ACCURATE STATEMENTS »a r*- (r.ird to Boots aud Sboca. Wo waat the oafi lew • ut'»-v-rr rn->om.*r who visits our .-lore, uud caa't afford to induomv • '<> Lold; out bar gains that .iMtnot be rfalized. Pou't .-jwad ouu until *«>u our strck itud get prices. We doa't reeoiuiuviid sbou«ij tfo'_>tj-<, bat s»'il tl»» ost cheap goods iu lluller. Couie and see ua B. C. HUSELTON, NO. 4, NORTH MAIN STitEET, . BUILER, PA* B BOOS, DKALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUII, FKED, lIAY AN!) ALL KINDS OF <»RAI N. We are now in our new store-room on S Main St.. and have the room to accommodate our lar-re st<* k ol Lneeru's, Hour, eie., and have built a lar_re wai v-ii--u~ *to aecomin*» iate our stock of leed. We pay the highest cash pri«vj fir p-s tat res and all kin Is ot COUNTRY PRO DUCK. To/./ A x llww 105 S. MAIN STREET, Jcl(Ol) 1 ><><>>, Butler, Fa. ir j £33 nSfHt nfl iiiff'i Front l ! .«■
  • i- u .1 • .1. V .II li.- .l ; < Vlcry ( .1 ; scnsofi, wlu n the whol. t. in i.- dcl-ililiwd I>r the wear .mil tear of work or |>liv in tin; iwtr- l«" 111.1. t ;:u WII :m •:.! linear 1 ! >" !"I .1 V;n ? 1 SUK* »' * '* I \>[iill llic only h»»t wtalli; r Itinic tbit 1.- • n.t vali; •. < *«»:n| - froi.i tl.i formula of:» MM* ■ |diy-.kiaß, aj a nenl invigor;ilor't Is.:' lt«> r>|iial. Vhfii .11 unil „ ■ Sol.L l>v all driSL". i ts, ?l a IK>I(I«\ Si* tor s■">. WELI.S, lIICIIAIiIKSON & CO., i;»srlin,toti, Vt FOR SALE miithi ! Fine Large Slock & Grain Faim, D IIIm'I ill; IID ill i s ». » u> »•"> • t»->t m til iii-ar tirii-nvlllc, I'a. Tlh IH liiui all tlw* »• ■ - ar\ IHIIIUIIIUS. In r\cHf -lit rrl' tlr n Its :s lil|!'s in. :r i- * \ > i! MI ~I . 'B ot' iiltlviitiosi, att'l s« aluiSMl.tiitly sll(>|i:i« - 'l i tli*- n»<.rt M with Iruli .mil .N.ii'-r. K"i (Hirtii-iiltii'i i -»ll nj «mi I Asu.-uMaine, or a