Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 07, 1888, Image 4
ggARRH SSr-^EVEIR ELI 'S CREAM BALM I, mot « I'vmii. >nmf or ponUr. AffUird ml k*nd AU**y* m/fommattom. ilmh the toit* fttit* Mftur* of tatU and tmeU. P(n t> at Drtuar««a; by •*«. retftewred. <*«' Ely Brothers, 1 YfoftTji TJ- J. H. SCHFVCX h .s publisher **A VCW Al*~D EXjA.BOP.AI 12 BOOK on th* Tre*uatn fc SJi'l Cue o i CONSUMPTION. LIVER COMPLAINT ami OYS wlihcb tfill be tnr.ilf>d I- UtZi£ to a;i who wart it. If jot are, or know mt "T ©a* who ia, f.'jiicted with, cr Itr** 1 " to Mjr ol lufc'C ditdKf. aeac uffi e and •dtlreiS (plainly written) to Dr. JT. H. 3CUE»t:i i COZI. uptr ) Philadelphia i - rOTJTZ's lOtIEAMO CATTLE POWDERS _ - ~ caviimi are nv4 m time. _ prrmt BooOWLlli. I'ovdm will GAM» ** SSJ-iJ tn/-rr»<*» tft»* «yiiMit!tT ol Bill* JtmSSESSri£<£?£ u*««"»*» »>™ rar * * P^ Teßt «too* *▼*"» Hem and < *«'» uc Mtifrt. WIU. «" h»Tt«rACTIO*. DAVIS Z. TOVTZ. Proprietor. BALTIMORE. W® for sale ty J. L WCUJBL Batter. I'm. """V" 1 ?? - r'CLEANFAST -'I BLACK no my oTSCKiKGS i I Xfcv ' <A\ The p. p. Rob'neon Ct.'«. &ye. WfO JEY REFUNDED * ' If t]->-y ni r.i "CLEANFABT" U :t ia * ■ lita*. T- • —». wl < -fclMre•« Merklnaa. Aim'. Hall llw«- _ SILK mWSH,LI3LE,etidCOTTOM •t^uiTr'"EICEIBIBS XDt'ERY CO. 11*3 CIICBTMUT i . i AGE UTS WANTED 'v-' •■•"* BEN BUR awiA «ii tiie other late and beautiful styles ° Fancy Writing Paper at J. E Douglass ijffatMMtment lo town, from foct) T»c bo*. Also fail line of uew Irritation and Regret Cards, W'edd.'t* luvit-itioii"*, Visiting Card", Moiimliifi ete. 63 S. MAIN STREET* r* tIM of tkf Batlrr llticaa who hart Mt «wi»'< M.F.&M,Marks" Spring Goods, We My by all <l«> v» for :will never W a»* otiowlnc a f ill* r II ' 1 ". friyiifs, Trlmrn 1 nitd titan ever lipfopfi. We fcaw rfdd'-d fo <»ir lice ol CorsetH, •■W ARNKK* HEALTH. ' ... TM-»«t*lLl*® HIXIJEP. '•«! waUt, TV "Kl"M:>' K"«'« f, *t aisi a Horded WaJst lor ciiildrt-n. We are also keeping A FULL LIKE OF GLOVES. Wm.F. Miller. Manufacturer of Rails, Balusters. and Newel-posts. AH ktods •» wood-tumins don<- loor.bT.alHo Ik . ami Carred w«K«d-worlt. sufli "; r«(Mt Wortt*. »i>'t »" " f fancy w«otl work Jor lii'Jde iNOor-.tlon " hommi. CAIX ANIi SKK HAMPI.KH. HoMriliinK ww aud attractive. Alio PURWfITURB at inweM eash jrtiee*. st'in- at No. *o. N. M*tii street. Fart< *\ at No. M. N. WaslniiK'o" atn-et. BCTI.KH. SCIII'TTE k O'BRIEN, Sanitary Plumbers a mil timm wtttn- or swre than » years exp«'rl dtr, Have "d 1 Ht/,r<- In U.e If''" l Mock .m .letl'-nwn Ht. opposite tlie l» r » Bow. w«h a full line of Plwnberli Hupplle*. OAS r"l\T< BKS AN»<iI.OUKH. lIANr.INt; ANT) TABI.E LAMPS. BATt'BAL OAS BL'IUtKRS. *c juMfIMT promptly «u*r.d><l to. and jour put ww.lT nmii rii"i'y w>iw-ito«i. DOCTORS LAKE lrn m I rKIVATK liISI'KXSAKY |7 JR riFFHTB.W. I'l-NN AVE., JSSLV -PITTSBURGH. P*.— aU forma of I>eli.al' »»'l , )rt l,j-ra < n r«|'iiriii« •'< MT piP jaiMt. ~M fciti-jitiri.: M' 'lt. a mm »'•• tr aie-l X n.i. l-i-H '' fry «ilh a »«■<•• ' r>r- l»alia.nod. P-.t K. «. Ik. n „-I r.4|< _•« of l'ky»l»-i»i»» and Surit«-o"», *«•'» • r.IT i I all' ll' i' U (Mil lO M" ■"* »' 1 ' •' • 1 J lr>M >1 <>-:■ «• Ut ulal eirrll'.n, lwll> -reHoni • .ml.-* _< P'.ya c«l twl uteulal * cy, lacl ol |".|| l> I . ' I""' '»«' r sOM " | l"-, l;i.. 1.1! '1 '' :iw-aof lll'jt ktn !U*riily«.ne.ni. ; i»l. r^hoi"?#lo«jn> 7 t»S r.. UI--, Sunday." 'I I" «P- «'■ '"'r- t,t ""toßki U. or I.J. lAKK. Al. I' tjeie crnzßU. MISCELLANEOUS- Storm Proverbs. When oxen or sheep collect togeth er os if tbey were seeking shelter, t storm may be expected. . Domestic animals stand witl their beads from the coming storm. Foxes barring at night indicate storm. . P. afowls utter loud cries before i t-torm and select a low perch. Wild geese flying over in grea numbers indicate approaching storm When a heavy cloud comes up Iron the southwest and seems to settl back again, look out for a storm. Iled clouds at sunrise indicati storm. A lontr strip of clouds called a fal mon or Noah s Ark, east and west, 1 a sign of stormy weather, but whei it extends north aod south it is sign of dry weather. North and Sooth the sign of drouth, Kast and West the sigh of blast. If the clouds be of different Heights the sky being grayish and dirty blue with hardly any wind stirring, th< wind, however, changing from wes to south, or sometimes to southeast without preceptibly increasing ii force expect a storm. The aurora, when very bright, in dicates a storm. Coals becoming alternately high and dim indicate approaching storm Fire always burns brighter an< throws more beat just before a storm and is hotter during a storm. It is said that blacksmiths select i stormy day in which to perforn work that requires evtra heat. Scot burning on tack of chimnet indicates etorm. Distant sounds heard with distinct ness dnriDg the day, indicates rain. StULd (leveling far i.nd wide A fitomiy day will betide. The TuatJurt-tLtilj mcderatetbe fore a storm. How to Become Naturalized A boy who came here under the age of 18 years, after be has be rome of age and after a residence here o five years, can go before a judge of a court of record and procure his natur alization papers, and at once become a citizen. He must however, pro duce one citizen who can swear that the applicant came here under the age of 18 vears and has lived in the United States not less than live years, and in the State not less than one vear. Where the applicant was over 18 years when he came to this c« ontry, he most declare bis inten tion of becoming a citizen, and a resi dence of five years in all, and of at least two years alter his declaration of inU otion, is necessary before lie cau become a fully naturalized citi zen. Brazilian Anacondas. Two large anacondas were discov ered in the hold of Ihc bnrkentiue Emma K. Smith, which is now uis cha'L'ing a cargo of phosphate rock |at South Camden, N. J. Each of the I reptiles measures over thirteen feet I long. The captain of the vessel is I unable to account for the snakes being aboard of the ship, and thinks that thev might have reached the ringing from dense overhoDging tropical foli age while tie vessel was lying in the hnrbor of Par«. Brazil, wbic h is con ceded to be the home of the anaconda and the boa constrictor. The rep tiles have thus far shown no inclina- interfere with the crew or the 'iongshor< men on the vessel. The captain will probably dispose of the snakes to some museum snake charm er. tie Honest. In almost every paper wd pick up we find an item explaining how "one of our honest farmers" has been swin dled by two or three three-card monte sharps. It might be a good lesson to the rest of the community in which the honest farmer, who plays three card monte, lives, to arrest hitn for gambling and allow the courts to de termine whether the gambler who takes his chaioa? aud comes out the loser is any lefs a gam bler than the winner. The man who bets on a horse race, three aces or three card mon to takes hia chances, and when he puts up his money ex pects to be the winner, and only be comes the innocent granger when he gets left. Be honest if you can, if not, don't advertise it.—Conneaut ville Courier. A Woman 140 Years Old. Probably in no country are exam ples of longevity so numerous and so striking as Russia. Almost every day the newspapers contain well an thenticated accounts of women and men who took part in, and have a vi vid recollection of, the most notewor thy events of the lust quarter of the eighteenth century. The latest of these instances is that of a woman who is only forty years younger than the Patriarch Isaac when he died This human relic of the past, who celebrated her 140 th birthday some weeks a?o, lived exclusively on pota toes and milk. She whs at all times a strict teetotaleer. S>io is still live ly, bri-k and cheerful, and can read without spectacles. Don't (five up, my poor, tuck friend; While tl:ere'n life there's hope, 'tin n;»id; Sieker person* often mend; Time to j;ive up when you're dead. Purer, richer Mood y»n need; Strength and t<.ne your Hy&iem give; Tlii* ndviee tie wise and heed Take the 0, M. I), and live. Those letters stand for "Golden Medical Discovery" (Dr. Pierce's), the great building-up, purifying, and disease-expelling remedy of the ago. Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit and disgueteverybody with your offensive breath, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and end it. To Bo Taken When CIooI. The following etory was thrown at us yesterday: A farmer while work ing near the creek at the poor farm t-aw a weasel catch a rat. The weasel attempted to swim across the creek, when a pickerel grabbed the weasel, and the rat escaped. Spring this on the children in the cool of day.— Ex. The Homeliest Man In Butler As well ns the handsomest, and others are invited to call on and druggist and g< t //"<<■ a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Longs, a remedy that is selling en tirely upon its merits and is guaran teed to cure unii relieve all Chronic ' and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bron chitis aiul Consumption. l'rico 50 cents and *l. —ln 1801 England imported D>o,- 000,000 pounds of wool,and 615,000,- 000 pounds two years ago. Labor's Interest is the Country's. Tbewealtbv importers wbo are ,argely Free Traders because it would inevitably increase their impor tations and profits (or a time at least, would do well to reflect upon the pa triotic sentiments uttered by Mr. H. K. Thurber.'of the great importing firm of TLurber, Whyland & Co., in his recent letter to the wage earners of the United States, Mr. Thurber says:— .. "Free Tr.ide is a very pretty theo ry but it is mainly professional men who advocate it, and it is gratifying to some to preach 'that all the wor d are brothers' and that consequently we should not protect the labor oi own neighbors, our own citizens, wbo build our towns into villages, our villages into cities, who consume our own raw products. Free Trade may be charity to foreign operatives, hut I for one believe that charity be gins at home first; that my own [ country is entitled to my first regard, that the interest of the wage earner of this country is my interest, that his success is my success. I also be lieve that what European manufac turers want us to do is not for our interest to do. When every Europe an paper bailed President Cleveland's Message with delight as tending to ward Free Trade it convinced me that it was not for the best of this country that he should be re elected.'' The friendly attitude toward the labor movement which Las been wani fested by the Thurbers lor many years addß significance to this unqualified declaration against Cleveland's I* ree Trade conspiracy. Facts Worth Knowing. Measure 209 feet on each of four sides arid you will have a square acie within an inch. An acre contains 4.840 square roods. A square mile contains 640 acres. A mile is 5280 feet, or 1700 yards. A letgue is three miles A hand (horse measurement's four inches. A palm is three inches. A span is 10£ inches. A cubit is two feet. A pace is three feet. A fathom is six feet. A cablc-'s length is 120 fathoms. A L.Ji's breadth is 1-40 of an inch. * A cauldron is 30 bushels. A pt ich of stone is 24 cubic feet. A k z nf nail is 100 pounds. A barrel of (lour weighs 190 pounds A birrcl of pork weighs 200 pound-. A !i kin ol butter weighs 56 pounds. The average of Human life is .51 years The Hrst newspaper was published in 1598 The first horse railroad was con structed in 1820 7. Watches were first constructed in 1475. Loo CABINS were, in the Harrison-Tippe canoe campaign of 1840 ."ifcrf erected in tho large cities and villages, and -Xrr\ f Uf , e d for holding politi cal meetings. Barrels of hard cider were placed in front of the cabins,at,d the "I .r.fr Cabin hard-cider campaign of '4O" IIPB passed into history as the most enthusiastic of our political con tests Log Cabins have for this rea son H permanent place in American history. Warner's Log Cabin Hops and Bnehn Remedies and "Tippe canoe" tonic bitters have secured a permanent place because of their ex cellence. (jeorcfn ii now shipping grapes by the carload, find at sloo net per lead finds tiie.n a paying crop. llttlf-bu.-bel peach baskets are O'V.V nude for about 3 cents each. These ore giv i away with the fruit 1 r ,j use of booties has earned the die •».. linentofthe light Coopers' Uuiou, A°. 7 of Detroit. —New lift, and vigor are given by Hood's Sarc iparilla. 100 Doses One Dollar. Wo import 100,000 bales of cork wood aunu idy from Spain a'i 1 I or- UigHl. It is used lor "cork's" mostly. Some conductors and trainmen on the Long Island Railroad have been discharged for going into a tav ern during working hours. —A "he-ho" whistle factory, near Erie, has manufactured 500,000 of them already this campaign and is making 20,000 per day. from 5 in the morning till 8 and o'clock at night. Women are employ ed in all kinds i>i hard work. —England claims tho largest elec tric light in the world. It is in the lighthouse at St. Catherine's, and itb capacity is 60,000-candle power. —A London barber recently shaved sixty men in fifty-nine minutes on a bet. The men hud been lathered and the razors were in good condition. (Joncral (Jrant was buried on the pecond Saturday of Augunt, 188;). [jenentl Sheridan was buried on tb»: second Saturday of August. 18X8. A coincidence worth noting. The Weisbaden Chamber of Commerce uays Russian petroleum is not as good as the American product. The Russian article is sold cheaper than the American petroleum. —Montreal has thirty boot and shoe manufactories. Four thousand persons, all over 14 years of age, are ■mploycd. Wages average sl2 per week for men and $7 for women. —Any member of the Slate and Metal Roofers' Union of New York i;jt.y who shall work on Labor day will be fined $8 50 and those who shall not be in the parade will bo fined $3.50. —Laborers at painting, hooping and filling barrels at fiarrel-houses of the Titusville refineries, have struck for $2 per day. They recently gain ed an advance from $1.50 to $1.7:» per day. Ducks and g*ese should never have access to a lawn. They pu!! the grass up by the roots. As they are voracious feeders, and not fastidi ous, they can be made to do good service, however, on fields that are covered with young weeds MACHINE PRESSED BRICK, Willi al.wiliitHjr Hi'mill Min n<■ .I'l'-.- awl miulf ot Itutlirr ' liillily <iuy al '.ii-IMrr Hlalloll. 115,000 now mi hands, ami aiiothi r kiln ready, lor 11-nus A n«l PRION UIMI'I-HM, Empire Brick & Tile Company, KKIHTI-Ki F. O. - Bailor county, IV THEY DiD IT. What? Cured among others the following. They write: MHVutral Ave.. Clndn"»t^ O . I January 4tu. * vm to** illJlKoCun *"J **» Il 1 "ll I >WEKAMP derfully H.,«KKAM. 16 Konett.; St.. New HavetM t. February loth. I l ** ) Athlonhoros Pills worked wonders in my <mai: ol dy«l»-t*ia- f.asii L i urn Ath-io-i.Uo-roa lMlls are small an«l pleasant to take, yet wonderfully effective. Invaluable for kidney and liver complaints, dyspepsia, in digestion, constipation, headache, etc. They'll take awav that tired IcelinLi giving new life and strength. *2~Seml i". cents for the beautiful colored pic ture, *' Moorish Maiden. THE ATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 Wall St. N. t- RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST FKSS R. R. On and after Monday, May 14, 18S8, trains will leave Butler as follows: MARKET at 6:30 a.m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 9:32 a. m.; connects east for Blairsville with Day Express, arriv ing at Philadelphia at 7 p.m. . , EXPRESS at 8:35 a. m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 10:33 a. til.; does not connect for the east, but connects with A. V. K. R. nor 1 "mail'at 2:35 p. m., and goes through to Allegheny, arriving there ai 4:40 p. m.; con nects east for Philadelphia. ACCOMMODATION at 5:00 p, m., and con nects at the Junction with Freeport Accom- Stion, arriv,ng at Allegheny at 7:2.3 p. m„ and connects east as tar as ApoUo. Trains connecting tor Butler leave Alleghe nv at 8:20 a.m., 3:15 p. m. and 0:00 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler at 10:30 a, m. and 5:00 and 8:00 p. m. PITTSBURG, SIIENAN'-O & LAKE ERIE K. I On and after Monday, Ang. C, 1888, trains will leave Butler as follows. Corrected to fast time, 1 hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville from the Pittsburgh and Western depot at 7:00 and 10:30 a. m. and 6:05 p. m. Trains leaving the P. <k. W. depot in Allegheny city i>:2o a. m. and 3:05 p. m. fast time connect at Butler with trams on the S. Trains arrive at Butler from Greenville,fast time 10:10 a. in., 2:35 and 6:20 p. m., and connect with trains on the P. & W. arriving at Allegheny at 12:20 a. m. and o:00 and 8:23 p. m., fast time. Trains leave Milliards at 5:45, and 11:00 a. m.. blow time, and arrive at 9:20 a.m. and 5:55 p. m. Both trains connect at Branchton for Butler and Greenville. p. & w. R. R. On and after Monday, Oct. 24, 1887, trains will leave Butler as follows: Corrected to fast time, one hour faster than schedule time. .... r.-, Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City at 6:15, 8:18, & 10:30 a. m. <Sc 12:45 p. m.ic 2:o0 <Sc 6:20 p.m. A train connecting for New- Castle and the West leaves Butler at 12:45 p. m. and arrives at Chicago at 6:00 a. m. next m Trains'arrlve from Allegheny at 9:10 and 10:21 a. m. and 12:30, 4:40, 7:55 and 9:30 p. in * Trains leave Butler for Foxburg and the North at 10:21 a. m. and 5:00 and 7:50 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler from the north at 8:18 and 10:30 a. m. and 6:20 p. rn. On Sunday trains leave Butler for A lie •»l:eny at 8:43 a. m. and 6:20 p. m., an<! fur The West at I:4'. p. m., and arrive Irom Allegheny at 10:21 and 3:35 p. m.and trom the West at 7.55. A train arrives from the North at 8:43 a.m. and departs at 7:55. p.m Trains leave Allegheny for Butler at / :00, S:2O and 10:20 a. in. and 3:05, 5:40 and 6:10 p. in., fast time. Trains leaving Butler at 8:18 a. m and 12:40 p. in. make close connt ctious at I allery for the West, and the 2:50 trai l connects, but " Trains'arrive at Allegheny a 8:10,10:30 a.m. and 12:25, 2:55. 5:00 and B:J3 p.m. TO THES CUBCKEBB! FRONT STORE, No. 10 I, M. Main Sf., (OB [IK iMCSHItS. FLOUR, FEED And Provisions. Call and examine o'ir prices they art! lower than the lowest. FLOUR- A SPECIALTY W. E. McCLUNG, BXTTX/EJtR/, - - - IP.A-. In «a month and expense'*! We actually V I llllf»»V'his to 'our salesmen, OITIII \1 |B||l'ltKi:. ran start you at once. Send W I "r 'Jior terms 01, J. ArST IN SIIAW. Nuineryman, Korhwter, >1 B. & B. m FALL OS! GOODS, In farffc.-it. and finest assortment. now being opened • very day. The values in lirens Fabrics which wo will offer the present, season, will be unequalled. To make room for these new arrival . (we have mi l'iKim in store them awn;,) we have put sacrificing prices on all summer (roods left, over, An Extensive Lot of Satines at Unheard of Pr.ces. These Hoods :il these prices are much cheaper than calicoes, and will w < ar twice as long. S:lr French Sufiiii s now -'I •i.ie ami 3«r Kreni'li SutincH now 15c. I'j r llimioNtlr Sillßfu reiluriMl to i 1 ami tile, varil-nlili Italistis II ,r, rulunil from li'jr ln>t out-hull'|>rire. I.UHIIS, I Or, now theprii-e Is •'»<•, AM EXTENSIVE 1,1 SHOE AMERICAN SUITINGS Hl2i to inch widths, suitable for Hume Itressca or School weal', at bi'jc to Sypnt'l or values. Make our stores your heniiiiuarter»i when In Hie i liy during t lie AI.LKUItKN \ t'tlt VI 1 ( !■.>• I'KNNIAI. » Kl.Klftt A HON, sKI'TK>II»Kit 21 to ill. fli'iily of room and aei uiiiniodatioUM. Our Illustrated Fall and Win ter Catalogue, r>i tin Inehes. containing a review Of the l-,i, i Moiic.fi and the New est rubrics. auo, owent prices for best and newest in Dry flood l,„. will 111-I lltOl'TOt rOllKIt I. ami will nesi-at HIKIiANII POSTI'AIII to any address. Tills I 'it : 11>>; r ll" 1. l-sll'-ll 111 the liltrl'i" ! iif our \l;ilt Order Department mi l of our cistoiners living at a dlstai hence we are ainlnus to liave i hem > rail ' lieni .elves of Its hen -llts. Special attention Klven to. Ordcr3 MaiL rhe Dep.irtinent tiehe,' In cliariie "I ex|ierleneeit ■M-ntilc who ilevoUi their whole lime to It. and icnee are ahle often times to antlelpate the .vants of the customer, and help out with SII«- restlons. etc. ... Hamplei sent, prices I|imtedami and any in 'orii.atlon clven upon request. I.owest prices {Uarauieed. BOSGS & BUHL, 113, 117, 119, 121 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. PENNA. .. .. HINDERCO»WS. Tli-. mf. l.mii '. ..ml l, .ac.,r.- , uir , , ,, M.11ii.,1.;n-,*e. all iM&ln. I »u»ur«v4l ■«' in fort l■ i Hi- f'J t. vi r lalU ic tun . Bawti ßl iwngW* iftiiwa4loa.il you CAN FIND r-jl in fil In I'riTsm le ii "t in-,\-i •••! o i" ! a SSX HEMIHGTOH BROS. who will contract lor ml*ciiiin'i: at SCHOOL ADVERTISEMENTS Washington & Jefferson College WAHHIftKTOV. PA. The veur br-jins Sept. 1-. Classical. 8H entitle and l'reparatOT- liepartm. nt. For In formati<>ll roiiceruinjf l'r< 1 Vpatf men apph to I'KOK. .1. AliOLl'H M IIMI IZ, Primt pal; tor Catalog- or oilier information t< PKES T MOFFAT. BRYANT, STRATTOM & jMITH Fouiiian-tii|i. Mmrl 1 I*"' English Training Hrliool. Send forTiiK UKPOKTKB. an ele„ r .»n!l\ lmuirau Quarterly, ,'lviu-r full Information. hnclow cts. tn SMIT „. MKAI'VIIIE. I'A. STATE llil SCHOOL CALIFORNIA, PA., FA'.L TERM OPENS SEPT 3 Attendance in S ' (hSS - Instructors men and women <.f marked ability. Well-known filters are cu-ago ; furs.r.Ul work, year these were Dr. Edward p,rooks l'svcliolojo*, (1 week). I-* mi k. ! vj* • Methods, \* weekin Byron W. King. Elocution, '"K-si iu everything"; best Instruction, best facilities ror learning how t° tr!u-h hest dormitory accommodations, best table board. '.m'si rates tor student*-. Itoartllng (with furnished room,steam-heat, lisjht, bath-rooms, pure spring water on every lloor. \c.). *...£> a week. TUITION ALMOST FREK To those graduating within two years. (Net cost ol tuition, above State aid, tor wars, onlv thirteen dollars. Who's ft* ;■ Jo those graduating within l'; years. r . l ; u ;; '' l , l temulating a Normal course will gain derided advantages and save money by entering at tal ifori'la. vve want to place a catalogue in the hands of every inquiring teacher and e\ery In terested pan-nt Write for full tniormat.ou. We enjov answering questions. Kngage rooms early. Boarding students turned awaj last year for want of room. THKO. It- SOSH, PH., B-i Principal SUHBURY ACADEMY: The Fall Term opens Aug. 21, anc coDtinues 13 weeks. All the advan tages of a Grst-class Academy art found here. The expenses are as low can be found anywhere. Thorough training for Teachers Preparation for college and for active business life. Send for catalogue Address the Principal, R. W. McGRANAHAN, Coulter9ville, Butler county, 1 a TLiI r | COLLEGE -<» ™B !II I t lL> Kv. Lu Iheram Church. Experienced instructors. Music also. Kai term opens Thursday, Sept. u, lw*. All ex penses low. For catalogue or other lnforma Hon address Kev. I>. M'Kee acting 1 resident 01 Prof. J. 11. Tltzel, reto^ > B^ i v,LLK, Jlerrer Co,, P« ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, NKADYILLE, PA. Fall Term of '.:: rd. year begins Sept. IR. Threj courses iea-iing U) A. ». degree, lliorougl Preparatory Scfiool. Engineering. Military Department. Music. Both sexes, llullng! Hall for young ladles, lllgh grade. Expense, moderate. For catalogues or other informatloi jJ ' Jr |IKV, IVI Ml I - It <J. WILLIAMS, l». President becc.TH* an K-p-rt shorthand »nd Typel Write r, ESS : «i * Illustrated Caulctfuc fret. James McMees, Manufacture r dud d« alcr In stone pumps am waPr pipe, wlslic* J li»* public tonMiicmo«r Mial he comhiiifs Unit bushj sb, sit Jlallston stat ion on the I*. S. «v L K. H. ii. .. For particulars adUress, .IAMKS McNkEfl I'm,m, IV <>.. liutler comity Pa. (iril'tscan b«* left w Ith & l»ro. f I*ut* ler, Pa SURVEY! NG LAND, COAL HANKS, AND LKVKLING. Particular attention given to the Kclraetusf old line.- 1 . AJdre?3, u. r. <O. Surveyor North Hope P. O. Ilutler Co., Pa. BUTLEH COUNTY fcljiual Fire insurance Co. OBicti Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts, •3. C. ROKSSING, I'rehiDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER. li. C. lIKINKMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: ,1 [, Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William ''ampbell -l. W. liiirkliart. A. Tto'.ilinan, Hend.-rs»n Oliver, t; (' itoev.illg. .I.lines Stephenson, |)r. W. Irvin, N'. Wi 11/.el, j. j,\ Taylor. H. Heineman, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Gen. As't- J3 T TTIj ~E JtL , JPJI . Flaniag Mill —A.NL'— Ijinaiber \ ard I. L. PURVIS. L. O. PUKVII 5 , S.G. Purvis & Co. MANI'FACTiniKIIH ANl> UKALBRK IN Rough , and Planed Lumber OF EVtKV DIWUHIPIION. SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MILL AND YAIiD Vci>r(Jer!KHii CJhnrch VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE •.ranch of West I'cnii Railroad. and wlMllli lialf 1 mile of the station and village of Delano, 1:011- alnlng ' One Hundred Acres, Si v 4, iilv liv<r aens of which arc cleared and In- ii:i!an< «* In j:o(Ml Mii|bcr, liivh a two s"»ry raiiK* Don «<• of i.v.j rooms, criiui , wjihli-iiouso, ipring-hoiiHe. hank barn and or.ihanlof aK'""! nill vof frml. I lie land Is In si state of •tilliviillon, II is rolling but is n<»i bn»U« n by on mihl Is w«'ll :i<lapl<*<l for slork rai.il i»tf an urvr \» living wulSr 111 « v-ry Held, and Ibc ' rlViH'c.i"y?'" P>r further particulars enquire ' f AllUt'HTt'K JAIJKMAN, ivo.'.m Herman, I". ()., Butler < : o., Ptt FOR BAIJi A small farm of vs.. acres near 'i'' l ''' l V I I . , 1 I 1 '; ' -litre twp., and alHiul live miles north ot I.til cr. Is for sale 011 rea,onal»ie terms. It Is all > leared and good tillable ground; has rood orchards, and the best of water at tie i>,or and springs In every llelu, GOOD HOUSE. iii i»f :u» aim ;«»o<l stablo. I h part, of Ilic uld vi<-.i*i 11 k 111 pliMM* on 1 lie Mi*rctT road and ad joins 1-.. 1.. Variium and J. Moon*. Kh<|. i;n«|Ulr<- 011 tin* pn uiis* s of, JOHN WALLACE. 'S^^RES^WtßfuL'uSn's'"TT fid Best Couch Sjrrup. rmgtea Ky"*|- 1 1(1 g 1 believe Piso's Cure H ■ for saved B II ISI )| S take it without objection. jjj Ta CURES WHERE ALL ELSE f AILS. □ 13 Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes pood. Use Rl NEW Clothing Store. CLOTHING, HATS, GENTS' FURNISHING (t() Ol) s, UNDERWEAR, NECK WEAR, OVERCOATS, RUBBER COATS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, ' U M B RELLAS, SHI RTS, CAPS SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS, &C„ All at most reasonable prices. JOHN T. KELLY, G9 S., Main St.. (next <loor to P, O. CHOICE FRUIT. Having taken'tlie agency for .the Choice Fruit Trees, Beautiful Shrubbery, Ornamental Trees, And eveiythlng else in the Nursery line, of tli« New England Nurseries. <'liii.se ltros. & « 0., N Y.. I will call upon you in the near future and solicit your orders for Fall delivery. A. H, FALLER, Agent, Butler - I>a otLE S HI EV { 1 WANTfcli. Permanent positions I V guaranteed with s A I.Am AMiJL 1 K\I'KNSKS I'AID. Anv determined man can succeed with us. Peculiar advantage 10 begiu liers Stock complete. Including many fa-.t selling specialties. Outfit free. vidress once, (Name this paper) llltOiVN JIROTHKRB, KI>M—TWB». l!ot MKSTKK, N. QA L E S ME XT k 1 WANTED 1> to liandle our thoroughly reliable misery slock. VVe engage iueu on liberal commis sion, or on salary and expenses, and guaran tee permanent employment and success 1 ! Facilities une<|uale<!; prices reasonable; out fit Irce. Decided advantages to beginners ! ! KLLWANGKR &. BARRY, RoCUKSTKIt, N. Y. A gents Wanted! TO CANVASS IOH ON f. OF Til K I.AUtiKST, o:,M> l KSTAIU.ISIIKI), IIEST KNOWN Nl'U '.Kltl KS in Iho country. Most liberal lerins. I i;e.|>:;iled faclllUes. GENEVA Nl'IWEitY. E3- labVshcd l*4«. . W. A.T. SMITH. (iKNKVA, N. V. WANTED Men I<> lake ordersfor Nursery Stock, on Sala ry or < ommlsslon. I can make a successful SAL E S M A N of anv one who will work and follow iny In structions. V, ill lurnlsh handsome outfit free, and pay votir salary or com mission every week, Write for terms at mice. E. O. (UtAiIAM. -■.ursesyman. Rochester, N. Y. QA LESMEAT WAISTED \\ —' i'or llicllooKi.ii Nni.-ntn.s, es ' lal'll-ili* I 1 Steady ei..> loviMi l.l.and good pay. rtcntf for terms al once. 11. h. HOOkr.K Vii.\ Rochester, N. Y. SALESMEN -W-A.ISTTEID to canvoFß for tbo h»lu of Niifßc.y Htnrkl Stciciy employment guaranteed. SALARY ANDCXPtNSLS PAID. Apply at once Plating age. Chase Brothers Company, <ISS&&BaW». WANTED- AGENTS TO SOI.U'IT OHDKItN. |.-.,r our choice and llar.ly Nursery stock. ;i,,„iv work for energetic, temperate men. Salary nail lixßeiiw*. or commission ir prcicr c,.(i 'i'in» hii iiiu'hs quickly and cushy learned, •ialinftftloia irtiarniitwri to customer* n\\t\ incuts. Write immediately for terms. k»ate at*"* R. G. OIIASE & CO., I l:'. 0 Sol I'JI I'l-.NN SQI-AUK. I'll I I.AOKI.I'III A, 1 A W ANTED iood men to sell our llrsl class nursery stock >ll sr.l irv or coninilsslon. paid weekly. P'-rniii ~-ul cniplo,irn-lit guarantee,l Outlit Inc. "revlous experience not required. Andres* A. J. VAN LIEU, Nurneryui an, ICOC:III;STI:k. <vy. this paper. k GENTS WANTED IS To canvas for one of the lanr<«t. <>hh-st Hi cHlaltlblii'd. IIKS I kM)« > M ltSl.lt II S II in Ihe country. Most liberal l.mis it -11 ei|ualcd laclillles. UKSKU M KNKItt. established I W. AT. SMITH, UEXKVA. ». V. FOB SALK \ large frame boarding house, good location mil doing large business. Terms easy. i.l'or urtlier particulars Inquire of I, S. MrJI'MilN, IJ K. Jeffenum M,. v-29,11 Uullnr. l*«- FOR SALE. Twcntyflve acrcH ol land near Crecce i llj good (arming land and probable oil territory, f-ir terms and particulars (Jy, KIN No. IV. E. Jefferson St., iiutler. Pa ■<7> JUDICIOUS AN* PtRSISTEHT Advertising has always proven miecctirtfiil. Ilcforo plnolngnny / Newspaper Ail vert Imiii? consul. I LORO *. THOMAS, AMMIIWNa AUKSW, || U IU -Irvtl* CHICAGO* ""IF" "JESD LEADING- Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. No- 18. South. Main Street- - * - BVTLEKi PiV- ITS COMING And when tt gets here, everybody will rush to sec it Incitement will run high. and we sir ill have crowded houses day and evening. W hat Is it' Whv Its lIKCK'S MkNAl.hl.il H* a regular Ring-tailed Snorter—and when it comes look out for sk\ rockets and greased lightning. Its not a menagerie of ring-tailed monkey:-, leopards that change their spots, or wild Atri can lions, but it will draw great crowds and will be v;orth seeing. ITS A HOO-D0 and knocks compctlon endwise. It never hurt a customer. l<ut It makes compel it on rim Tliey »:OV<T the ground ciull© rapidly wlien th* \ see It. and cast their coat-tail* to the bre, . ■ leaving VOII in the hands 01 people who v.ill YOU a la'lr deal. Your interests are ours. an. we have made arrangements t«>r excursion! during the season. An accommodation wll leave (iougem every day at T a. m.. making oni\ two stops between Gouglieui and littler. 1-Irsi stop. Ttasntowu. and passengers will bo allow edn minutes to look at the trash. 1 hat wll b< diiite long enough to satwf> 11■»• in that the] must g<i on toHKCK'S. second stop,swindler-; passengers who are crazy enough i<> do st will he allowed to stop over at this station. tin wise portion will go on to IIECK'S. The traiuWi iil arrive at Butler » a.m.. sharp am Heck will be at the depot to receive you Should "ne not. do not be led off by the ilttli Bazaars of side shows, but make a break tur t u big tent. No. It. North Mam s;.. pull* s ldock We blow our own horn and there is nomistak lug it. We are now ready. King the bell—bea tile drum—toot the horn—let the crowd conv and see our magulticent Spring Attractions They are regular LA-LAS and on every point will beat anything t\e shown in this city. , . . The quality, quantity, style, and price ;m' (u> what will suit you. and the assortment so larg that 11 will dazzle you. OUR BAND LEADS, others try to follow us but they can t catch ur Our pace Is 100 much lor them. We are to quick. We are boomers ! We are sootiers! —don t yo l We are rollicking. Jolly fellows. We are rip roaring tip top sellers, Anil when it comes to bargains we can suit yo toa"T" We are liunury for your money do you hear? And we try to be so tunny—we are so queer. If you think we are a honey, come and dro your money. And we'll treat you like a sonny—all the ye.ir. For we have gut the energy and the will. W made up our mind to be the leaders In our lln and the result is. -that we lead" and there it n mistake about It. our prices tilt the tal Tliev are always lower than tho lowest ani quality proves it. We in ike No Ilasli Promises but prove everything we state In the paper when a customer calls at our store, if you wan sterling goods for sterling cash call and mi Magntliceul stock or Spring Novelties In fin clothing of all shapes styles and prices; ll.its Caps. Neckwear. Shirts. Collars, cuffs. I udci wear Hosiery. Handkerchiefs I'mbrella'- Trunks, Valises, Satchels. finishes. Coinbs Harmonicas, .lewelery. Ilamtnucks and Notion generally. We do not atiompt a lull entimera t'oti of our yowls but content ourselves with th statement tliat we have the largest st ick, lates styles and lowest prices. ThE WORLD STANDS AGHASI JTIio realization of tlie fact that our low price: are a reality and not a flctlonary legend make everybody wonder. Ready money Is the won iler worker that has enabled us to place bofori tho public such a gorgeous display of Sprlu; bargains and a determination to be easily satis fled and live tor small profits Is the reason wi can sell so much cheaper than anybody else. D. A. tTECK, Champion Clothier and Furn isher. So. 11, North Slain HI., Duffy's lilork, BOTJjER, - PA, SUFFERING WOMENS! Whto troubled with tboKH annoying frequently following » cold or «-«po*uro, or from Co a ititution.il Weakrten* (»» *o peculiar to their wax, nhcald Use OR, OuCHOJNE'S Celebrated FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. I*h«y urn Strenffthnnhm to tho entire njrfcteui, impiirt «tip, vlKornml rnmcnetio force to nil function* of f»or( jr tii<i mi ml. Kent by lu II I, «ecurely HOH1*»«I, >l. A ilarww, !)r. Harter Medioino Co.. ST. LOUIS. MO, m ■ nil I uK' wnrdi'il are those who read thlt nI 1 111 Vanii then act; they will Mud lion -11l I HI lorable employment that will not 111 Ull LI lake them from their homes anil families. The profits are large and sure foi e\cry Industrious person, many have made anil are now making several hundred dollars n mouth. Ills easy for any one to make U ano upwards per day, who Is willing to work. Klthei sex, young or old; capital not needed; we start you. Everything new. No special ability quiied; you. reader, can do tt i-i wnil an ali.v one Write to us at once tor full particulars.which w* liiall free. Address Hliuson & Co.. Portland, Me Missiutuß nam, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLEH, - - I 3^. Near New Court House formerly Donaldson House—good accommodations for traveler*. IJooil stabling connected H-'J-'hi; ly I 11 KITKNMUI.i.KIi. l'rop r. mL oras mil CONSULT DRi LOBB toATUMT. 329 N. 15th St., below Callowhlll. Phlla., Pa. tlO yearn' experleiwe In all SIMTIHI <, ( ', r ' iniiiiciitly n *tor«»H llio'o VVC.ik» IH'«1 by wirly intM cretlonn, *c. rail or write. Ailvlcyfree nu«l confidential. llourn,Tt»A.M. MM i < 1010 evening*. Jsa~ HeiMj •ct su«ui|» fur Bouk. Steel Wire Fence. The cheapest and neatest Kenee for around .awns, School I,ot i, Poultry Yards. <<nrdetis 'arms, Park and Cemetery l enccs and <od;-s. '( l icet Automatic • late. Also all kinds of \\ tie Aork Write lor Prices. Stale kind and quan- Ity of fence wanted. TAYI.OItA 1»RA«, laimfaclurer-i of l ire K capes and Iron Work. •jo;i and JUi Market Street, I'ltUtburg. I a, BUY YOUR HOMES United Security Lifts Insurance and Trust Co if Pa. Money to Buy Homes. Moi,tidy dues not more than a fair rent. I'ay iicnls decrease yearly. In event of death irlor to completion of pigments, balance ol en umbrance canceled. Money to Loan. Ileal estate bought and sold on commission. Vanfeil houses to rent and nnits collected. L.G. LINN, No* .">8 Soutli Main Hi., Butler, I'u. Ovut Linu s m ug Store. AfEAItVILLE pONSERVATOIiY of Sir. A high uru'lc institution ulili ra<-;:nh-s In .-i„! '.rt ' Emplo\'s onlv tt-achi-rs i-f es|»Tli-:ii «■ .i'.it eittlm i.i .1" i: - ' • ■...ru-- •••a---* lneiudintr nil' hranehes Yoeal and Instrumental. I- . llat. with AH .in n\ t ■ -lie,.' wk! . - Music as an elective study. A thoroii-rli Art IWjr-v Studio, epitope I w'.'i. tl . i»* ! ' ' , r ' r " ability. Diplopias L-rant«il tho-.' r..;,i|.le'emt a->> en- f n •••> . !I.ml • " n » '• * eillties at verv in.nl' rate rates. S' . twits .ilui : I .< .• i . ■ 1 f ' ' •* P "™ Send for Catalogue to PUO». !. KIINM!*.. HiUMIOU. H ! l»tll.Lk. rt. What You Eat! Is the most important consideration of your l'fe, and much of our ,r ood health is due to the careful and conscientious grwr. We buy the l>est in the market, select all our pood" with the greatest care, and claim to liavfe as good a stick ot Groceries as can be found anywhere. We want your trade and invite you to try our Flours, Sutrars, Coflees, Canned Fruits, Dried Fruits. Spices. Hams, Canned Merits, Crackers, Confectioneries, Tropical Fruits, Nuts, or anything in our store room. Country Produce a specialty, and all new fruits and veg etables in season In our China Hall, in tiie second story ot our building, we have the largest stock of Chinaware, (flats ware, Crockery, Lamps and Fancy (roods in the town. (live us a trial, highest market price allowed for produce. C. KOCH & SONS, MAIN ST«r, ■ ■ BU'riiiJHi JACOB BOOS, DKALEK IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, TIAY AND ALL KINDS OF (iRAIN. We are now in our new store-room on S. Main St.. and have the room to accommodate our large stock ot grcceries, Hour, etc., and have built a large ware house to accommodate our stock of feed. We nay the highest cnsli price for potatoes and all kinds ot COUNTRY PRODUCE. Jacob Boos, 105 ffiT' 'BARGANS iii WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry And Silverware. Finest stock of Sterling Silverware in thecounty, and at prices not to l>e squalled tor cash. Watches and Clocks repaired and warranted, at J. R. QRIBB'S IN o. 16 tSouth Main St., 'Sigo »' F.ub-ibi'' Bn-t), BUTLER, l 3 THE 11TH (HIE Fill OF THE Butler County Agricultural Association WILL BE HELD AT BUTLER, Tuesday,' Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 11,12. i<3 & 14- 1888. Theli W*MfeWflMM run every t • mlnut- ■»> 1 • »'. *■ « • '•'I";' "'"J OroUllds. i:. !<.■»■. ,l« • I "■ r " '£ «' ; chalu-ofears. ,v..r,1.m rata,l rallr,.. I«. -r rut- e •» ■ 'r • The uiiparallel'vl ess of Hie A- 1.,1i0n tiifV|ri« e.. ' 11 ' no pain® or cxpenH« to mako tlio comlnjr t'xblbl ' ' ' 1 1 . vanla. rreiiiiunis In all clium* Imve 'n- u earelulli nuv l and ;uv in. iMiallj .Hn-ral. Sple ndicl RacingEachDay. AM BfMMHtHM piM oa IM gioattM m ttoelMl lajt nf ilw <; ; 1 • k Hamhllill iiflwuj rtmff ami Mnffllnl 1 -*• i' l '' l •' ,| ■' 1 tliliis ever wen in Western !vtin:.\i\anl.i. Item. •mtM.r entries for horses and eai; le will !i, Slturliy. v'. . s»» Fur cxeurnlon rates iuid premium INt address. W.P. ROESSING, Secy. 1N."»0 ISstablislicd £. CRXEB, THE JEWELER, No. 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., DEA LEK IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, &c., is. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. | Repairing iu all branches skillfully done and warranted. 1850 EBTikBLISELiD 18SO i