CATARRH HAY-FEVER ELY'S CREAM It A LM h not it Ut/md. snmJT or poirdn. Applied into uostnis i» prickly irtiorW. It i leftist* the head Allays inlfammntinn. Heals the sores. Restates the senses nf taste and smrU. 5A c uts at DniKKlSts: by mall, registered. 6#ctß Ely Brothers, *"""*• Dr. j. H. SCHEJTC* few publico* 1 A NEW A2TO KI.ABOgA" 3 * T3O O K on the Treatment end Cur? cf CONSUMPTION, LIVER COM MO DYSPEPSIA which will be mailed FiiES to all who want it. If jro't are, or know of lay one who is, aHicted with, or liable to usj of diseases, seiltl name and address < plainly written) to Dr. J. H. SCnEJTCK & COT, (Haste paper.) Philadelphia, P<- FOUTZ'S HOIBC AND CATTLE POWDERS HO Bern will die of Couc. Bnr» <or Lrso Ft- TO. tr Fnatn Powiiera med In time. rai l Powderc wlllrtireaml prevent Hog Cbomra . Fotml Powdm will prevent GaMtt is FOWLS. Fowu * Powder* will Increase the.quantity ol nulS ML HI F twenty per cent, and make the batter Dra FOsanTVorwd*n will rare or prevent almost xvkiit piauK to wnieh Hor»«» and « attic are subject. Fora> Powmu wiu am s*n»r*ciioit. Bold ererywhrre. DAVIS E. FOUTZ, Proprietor. BALTIMOP E. " IX For sale by J. L. WVLLKR, Butler, I*a. XLEANfAST J1 fel A BLACK TP M) STOCKINGS s Jf.e F. P. Robinson Co's Dya. MONEY REFUNDED fc* * If {]m*v t*-tin <h« f«x«t ur CLEANTA3T" fa jo in nxhhig. .Hlws'. find Children's Stocl.!n«s. JHca'i. Ilali Hone. SILK FINISH.LiSLE, nr d COTTON 1123 CHESTNUT ST„ Pr*l - AI'EUPHIA. AGENTS WANTED svr 'T' BEN HUR Aid all the otkn late and beautiful styles o Fancy Writing Paper at J. KDouglass' Ijnnt assortment in town. From 10c 1175 c per box. Abo full line of new liritation and Regret Cards, Weddiux Invitations, Visiting Cards, Mourning Stationery. Tablets. etc. 63 S. MAIN STREET" ft the Kiatffl ef tke Bailer t'itizea who hare mat examined M.F.&M, Marks' Spring Goods, Weaayby all mean* di so (or you will never rvfrn. t It. We at* Showing a fuller line of Hats. Bonnets, Trl»iHr° and Lace C«|*i than ever before. We have added to oui line ol Corsets, "WARVERS HEALTH." Tke -'BOCHJNK RKI.IKK." C rset walit. The "FLORENCE" < 'or-<-t waist. And a Oorded Waist for children. We arc also keeping A FULL LINE OF GLOVES. Wm. F. Miller; Manufacturer of Stair Rails, Balusters, and NBwel~posts. All hinds of woodtunitnj? don» to order, also Itmwatol and Carved wood-work, such us Casiiiß. ivmwr blocks, Pant-Is aud all kinds of fancy wood-work for inside decoration of CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. Boata-thing new and attractive. Also FURNITURE cash |*»ces. Wan*- at No. W, N". Main street. Faetory at No. :>n, X, Washington street. BUTLER, PENNA. SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN, Sanitary Plumbers And Uas Fitters, of more than *> years cxperl ewc. have opened their store In the Itellier block, on Jefferaon su opposite the l/mrry Howie, with a full line of number's Supplies. OAS KIXTTRKS AND tJLOBra, HANGING AND TABLE LAMPS. NATURAL GAS BURNERS, Ac Jobi.ln.- promptly att«ndeit to, and your pat naap respeetfully .solicited. " DOCTORS LIKE L m O I'UIVATE DIH'ENSAKY -it JP OFFICE?, 'KW PLNN AVE, mHb _PITTSBURGH, PA— -All form* of Delicate ami COlll (Jilted lrt- -a»es requiring Conki- IMMIJI. and SciKiiTiric mm arc in* oil at tt.ia u r.ry with a « ramlf attained. Kr.S. K. U a member ol'lho •Wyai 04m of rtrncum rnd Hut,'eons, at.d la AaeMntand most tir»erknteJ Spacui.iST In the City. K(*rial aUeai-e n gncn to Neocul Deliilitjr rit* (nf*in Btmia! eirrlii.n, IriliM-nsionj <>f f<«th A «r* |>.. < a t ul and mcutal d> cay, larj, "tc-foeh-ttcj-jeic : cbu < jih- r*.OH Sons, r», rites, Ua-t:i.ultm ami all d saas of the Ski a. Ttleafr <)■ kfc*. Ac. (><u:uliatK>n JW» aaH |»rn ti; nslsl. OtTim houm V io4 and ''JiLm 3lu 4 I'- kl - oo'T- * -11 oifioa h E. laAXB, M. D, M.JL C. P.S. or E.J. Lajuc. M. V. THE oitizeust. MISCELLANEOUS Storm Proverbs. When oxen or sheep collect togeth er cs if they were seeking shelter, a storm may be expected. Domestic animals stand with their heads from the coming storm. Foxes barking at night indicate storm. Peafowls utter loud cries before a storm and select a low perch. VHheese flying over in great nutwßPTindicate approaching storm. When a heavy cloud comes up from the southwest and seems to settle back again, look out for a storm. Red clouds at sunrise indicate storm, A long strip of clouds called a sal mon or Noah's Ark, east and west, is a sign of stormy weather, but when it extends north and south it is a sign of dry weather. North ami South the sign of drouth, East and West the sigh of blast. If the clouds be of different Heights, the sky being grayish and dirty blue, with hardly any wind stirring, the wind, howeyer, changing from west to south, or sometimes to southeast, without preceptibly increasing in force expect a storm. The aurora, when very bright, in dicates a storm. Coals becoming alternately bight and dim indicate approaching storm. Fire always burns brighter and throws more heat just before a storm, and is hotter during a storm. It is said that blacksmiths select a stormy day ia which to perform work tbat requires cvtra heat. Soot burning on l ack of chimney indicates stcrm. Distant sounds beard with distinct ness during tbe day, indicates rain. £< ul(I liavelipg far and wide A Stormy day will betide. Tbt wtailtr ttLtily mcdtrateibe fore a storm. How lo Become Naturalized. A boy who came here under the age of 18 years, alter he has b( rome of age and after a residence here of five years, can go before a judge of a court of record aud procure bis natur alization papers, and at once become a citizen. lie must however, pro duce one citizen who can swear that the applicant came here under the age of 18 years aud has lived in the United States not less than five years, and in the State not less than one year. Where the applicant was over 18 years when he came to this ct nntry, be must declare his inten tion ol becoming a citizen, aud a resi dence of five years in all, and of at least two tears alter his declaration of intention, is necessary before he can become a fully naturalized citi zen. Brazilian Anacondas. Two large anacondas were discov ered iu the hold of the barkentine Emma R. Smith, which is now dis charging a cargo of phosphate rock at South Camden, N. J. Each of the reptileß measures over thirteen feet long. The captain of tbe vessel is unable to account for the snakes being abcurd of tbe ship, aud thinks tbat they might have reached the rigging from dense overhanging tropical foli age while Ibe vessel was lying in the harbor of Para, Brazil, which is con ceded to be the home of tbe anaconda and the boa constrictor. The rep tiles have thus far shown no inclina tion to interfere with the crew or tbe 'longshoremen on the vessel. The captain will probably dispose of the suakes to some museum snake charm er. Jtse Honest. In almost every paper we pick up we find an item explaining how "one of our honest farmers" has heen swin dled by two or three three-card monte sharps. It might be a good lesson to the rest of the community in which tbe honest farmer, who plays three card monte, lives, to arrest birn for gambling and allow the courts to de termine whether the gambler who takes his changes ami comes out the loser is any lets a gam bler than tbe winner, Tbe man who bets on a horse raco, three aces or three card monte takes his chances, and when he puts up his money ex pects to be the winner, and only be comes tbe innocent granger when he gets left. Be honest if you can, if not, don't advertise it.—Conneaut ville Courier. A Woman 140 Years Old. Probably in no country are exam ples of longevity so numerous and so striking as Russia. Almost every day the newspapers contain well au thenticated accounts of women and men who took part in, and have a vi vid recollection of, the most notewor thy events of the last quarter of tbe eighteenth century. The latest of these instances is that of a woman who is only forty years younger thau the Patriarch laasc when he died This human relic of the past, who celebrated her 140 th birthday some weeks aero, lived exclusively on pota toes and rnilk. She was at all times a strict teetot*leer, Sbc is still live ly, brink and cheerful, and ran read without spectacles. Tion't give up, rny poor, siek friend; While there's life there's hope, 'tis said; Sicker persons often mend; Time to give up when you're dead. Purer, richer blood you need; Strength and tone your system give; This advice lie wise and heed— Take the G, M D. t»nd live. Those letters ptand for "fiolden Medical Discovery" (Dr. Pierce's), the groat building-up, purifying, and disease expelling remedy of tbe age. Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit aud disgui-t every body with your offensive breath, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and end it. To Be Taken When Cool. The following story was thrown at us yesterday: A farmer wbila work ing near the creek at the poor farm saw a weasel catch a rat. The weasel attempted to swim across the creek, when a pickerel grabbed the weasel, and the rat escaped. Spring this on tbe children in the cool of day.— Ex. The Homeliest Man in Butler As well as tbe handsomest, and others are invited to call on aud drugfflf-t and gt t frtc a trinl bottle of Kemp's Balsam for tbe Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling en tirely upon its merits and is guaran teed to cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bron chitis and Consumption. Price 50 cents .an d sl. —ln 18(51 imported J50,- 000.000 pounds of wool,and 015,000,- 000 pouQds two years ago. Labor's Interest is the Country's. The wealthy importers who are largely Free Traders because it would inevitably increase their impor tations autl profits lor a time at least, would do well to reilect upon the pa triotic sentiments uttered by Mr. H. K. Tburber,?of the great importing firm of Thurber, Whylaud A Co., in his recent letter to the wnge earners of the United States, Mr. Thurbor says:— "Free Trade is a very pretty theo ry, but it is mainly professional men who advocate it, and it is gratifying to some to preach 'that all the world arc brothers' and that consequently we should not protect the labor of own neighbors, our own citizens, who build our towns into villages, our villages into cities, who consume our own raw products. Free Trade may be charity to foreign operatives, but I for one belieye that charity be gins at home first; that my own country is eutitled to my first regard, that the interest of the wage earner of this country is mv interest, that his success is my success. I also be lieve that what European manufac turers want us to do is not for our interest to do. When every Europe an paper hailed President Cleveland's Message with delight as tending to ward Free Trade it convinced me that it was not for the best of this country that he should be re elected." The friendly attitude toward the labor movement which has been mani fested by the Thurbers lor many years adds significance to this unqualified declaration against Cleveland's Free Trade conspiracy. Facts Worth Knowing. Measure 209 feet on each of four tides end you will have a square acre within an inch. An acre contains 4.840 sqcare roods A square mile contains 640 acres. A mile is 5280 feet, or 17G0 yards. A lecgue is three miles. A hand (horse measurement's four inches. A palm is three inches. A spaa is 10§ inches. A cubit is two feet. A pace is three feet. A fathom is six feet. A cablo's length is 120 fathoms. A hair's breadth is 1-40 of an inch. A cauldron is 3G bushels. Apf rch of stone is 24$ cubic feet. A k«'g of nail is 100 pounds. A barrel of flour weighs 190 pouud.-*. A barrel of pork weighs 200 pound.-i. A li kin of batter weighs 50 pounds. The average of Human life is 31 years. Tti<- first newspaper was published in 1598. The first horso railroad was con strueted'in 1320 7. Watches were first constructed in 1475. Loo CAHINS were, in t ' 3e Harrison-Tippe canoe campaign of IX4O dfe erected in the large cities and villages, and £-i 1 is3< used for holding politi cal meetings. Barrels of hard cideF were {-laced in front of the cabins,and the "Log Cabin hard-cider campaign of '4O" has passed into history as the most enthusiastic of our political con tests. Log Cabins have for this rea son a permanent place in American history. Warner's Log Cabin Hops and Bucbtl Remedies and "Tippe canoe" tonic bitters have secured a permanent place because of their ex cellence. —Georeia is now shipping grapes by the carload, and at $l5O net per load finds tin m a paying crop. now made f'.-r about 3 cents each. These are given away with the fruit. —The grow; use of booties has caused the disb i i iuient of the Tight Coopers' Uuioii, No. 7 of Detroit. New life and vigor are given by Hood's Saroipirilla. 100 Doses One Dollar. —We import 10Q.000 bales of cork wood aauu iily from Spain an J Por tugal. It is used for "coiks" mostly. —Some conductors 'and trainmen on the Long Island Railroad have been discharged for going into a tav ern during working hours. —A "he-ho" whistle factory, near Erie, has manufactured 500,000 of them already this campaign and is making 20,000 per day. from sin the morning till 8 and 9 o'clock at night. Women are employ ed in all kinds of hard work. —England claims the largest elec tric light in the world. It is in the lighthouse at St. Catherine's, and its capacity is 00,000-caudle power. —A London barber recently shaved sixty men in fifty-nine minutes on a bet. The men had been lathered and the razors were in good condition. General Grant was buried on the second Saturday of August, 1885. General Sheridan was buried on the second Saturday of August. 1888. A coincidence worth noting. The Weisbaden Chamber of Commerce says Russian petroleum is not as good as the American product. The Russian article is sold cheaper than the American petroleum. —Montreal has thirty boot and shoe manufactories. Four thousand persons, all over 14 years of age, are employed. Wages average sl2 per week for men and $7 for women. —Any member of the Slate and Metal Roofers' Union of New York city who shall work on Labor day wi!l be fined $8 50 and those who shall not be in the parade will bd lined $3.50. —Laborers at painting, Uooping and filling barrels at barrel-houses of the Titusville refineries, have struck for $2 per day. They recently gain ed an advance from $1,511 10 SL7S per day. —Docks and geese should never have access to a lawn. They pull the grass up by the roots. As they are voracious feeders, and not fastidi ous, they can be made to do good service, however, on fields that are covered with young weeds j MACHINE PRESSED BRICK, Willi nU-rituteljr smooth surface Miile*. and made or Itutlcr county ( lav at liclster Station, 115,000 now on li a mis, ; another kiln making ready. For terms and prices address, Empire Brick & Tile Company, K £IUTE& P. O, - - J)utler couuty, Pft. THEY DID IT, What? Cured among others the following. They write: Av . I inrinimtl. 0.. >> 4tli, isss. f;* 1 ills haw i-.irwl nu nf liter com| limit unit u>-! • ia- I W' 1 '> " tli- l'lilx to a friend who ix troublwl with I Ultimo t ion ami M !»:>« tnienniil wim derfully. P H KoWtBUMP. 10 ltoiiett>- St, New Haven, Ct. ( February loth, t»«. s Atliloiih' I 'M HUh wonders in uiy eat-: of dys|» psia. EMMA U CUM*. Atii-10-plio-ros l'ills arc small ami pleasant to take, yet wonderfully effective. Invaluable for kidney ami liver complaints, dyspepsia, in digestion, constipation, headache, etc. They'll take away that tired feeling giving new life and strength. *»-Sciid I. cents for the beautiful colored pic ture. " Moorish Maiden." THE A THLOPHOROS CO 112 Wall St. N. ¥. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST PKNN K. K. On and after Monday, May 14, 1888, trains will leave Butler as follows: MARKET at 0:30 a.m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 9:32 a. m.; connects east for Blairsville with Day Express, arriv iug at Philadelphia at 7 p.m. EXPRESS at 8;35 a. m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 10:33 a. m.; does not connect for the east, but connects with A. V. R. R. north and south. MAIL at 2:35 p. n>., and goes through to Allegheny, arriving there at 4:10 p. m.; con nects east for Philadelphia. ACCOMMODATION at 5:00 p, in., and con nects at the Junction with Freeport Accom modation, arriving at Allegheny at 7:26 p. m., and connects east as far as Apollo. Trains connecting for Butler leave Alleghe ny at 8:20 a.m., 3:15 p. m. and ti:00 p. rn. Trains arrive at Butler at 10:30 a, ui. and 5:00 and 8:00 p. m. PITTSBURG, SHENANCIO & LAKE ERIE R. R. On and after Monday, Aug. (J, 188S,trains will leave Butler as follows. Corrected to fast time, 1 hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville from the Pittsburgh and Western depot at 7:00 and 10:30 a. m. and 5:05 p. m. Trains leaving the P. &. W. depot in Allegheny city 8:20 a. m. and 3:05 p. m. fast time connect at Butler with trains on the S. & A. Trains arrive at Butler from Greenville,fast time 10:10 a. m., 2:35 and 6:20 p. m., and connect with trains on the P. & W. arriving at Allegheny at 12:20 a. m. and 5:00 and 3:23 p. m., fast time. Trains leave Hilliards at 5:45, and 11:00 a. m., slow time, and arrive at 9:20 a. m. and 5:55 p. m. Both trains connect at Branchton for Butler and Greenville. p. & w. R. it. On and after Monday, Oct. 24, 1887, trains will leave Butler as follows: Corrected to fast time, one hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City at 6:15, 8:18, <Jt 10:30 a. m. & 12:45 p. m.& 2:50 & 0:20 p.m. A train connecting for New Castle and the West leaves Butler at 12:45 p. m. and arrives at Chicago at 6:00 a. m. next morning. Trains arrive from Allegheny at 9:10 and 10:21 a. m. and 12:30, 4:40, 7:55 and 9:30 p. m. Trains leave Butler for Foxburg aat. the North at 10:21 a. m. and 5:00 and 7:55 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler from the north at 8:18 and 10:30 a. m. and 6:20 p. m. On Sunday trains leave Butler for Alle gheny at 8:43 a. m. and 6:20 p. m., and for the West at 1:45 p. m., and arrive from Allegheny at 10:21 and 3:35 p. m,and from the West at 7.55. A train arrives from the North at 8:43 a.m. and departs at 7:55. p.tu Trains leave Allegheny for Butler at 7:00, 8:20 and 10:20 a. ui. and 3:05, 5:40 and 0:40 p. in., fast time. Trains leaving Butler at 8:18 a. m and 12:4') p. m. make close conn< ctions at Callery for the West, and the 2:50 trail connects, but not closely. TraitJS arrive at Allegheny a 8:10, 10:30 a.m. and 12:"..'5, 2:55. . r >:00 and 8:23 p.m. GO TO THIS CHECKERED FRONT STORE, Jfc'o. 10 I, S. Jlalii St., FGit HAS GBOEiBIfS. F*LOUR, F'EED And Provisions. Call and examine our prices they arc lower than the lowest. FLOUR- A SPECIALTY W. E. McCLUNG, BUTTLEE,, PA. wwHßßwwagpß—wwp——st ft Ift n ' month and exiienses! We act uallv \J II ilpay this to our salesmen. OUTFIT A I ISiiKKEE. Can start you at once. Send w I " Ufor terms ot J. AUSTIN' NUAW. Nurseryman, Rorhester, N'.V zamn-r- -c VJ tr ~ B, & B. NEW FALL" DRY GOOOS. In largest and tlnest assortment, now being opened every day. The values in Dress Fabrics which we will offer the present season, v\ 111 be unequalled. To make room for these new arrivals (wo have no room to store them away) we have put sacrificing prices on all summer goods lest over. An Extensive Lot of Salines at Unhsard ef Pr.ccs. These goods at these prices are much cheaper than Calicoes, and will w < ar twice a?; long. :!•'!<■ French Natines now JO. S-»r anil SOr French Satines now lie. li'-.-r BintltgaUn reduced to ■ anil 10c, Yurd-uiiie Balistes <>\c, reiitieed IVom li .e just one half price. f,itivns, lOe, now the price is .jr. AN EXTENSIVE 1.1 N EOF AMERICAN SUITINGS in -it to .'iti inch widths, suitable for House Dresses or School wear, at IJ.Vo to W. Superi or values. Make our stores your headquarters when In the city during the A I.I.KMON¥ COINTY CKN TKNNIAI, CKI.KItItATION. SKFTKM KDIt Jl to Sli. Plenty of room and accommodations. Our Illustrated Fall and Win ter Catalogue, 78 pp. 9x12 Inches, containing a review of tile Latest Modes and the Newest Fabrics, also, lowest prices for best and newest in Dry Goods line, will be ready AISOIT OCTOBER I, and will be sent FUKIC AMI POSTI'A 111 to any address. Tills Catalogue Is Issued In the Interest of our Mail Order department and of our customers living at a distance —hence we are anxious to have them i vail themselves of its ben Mils. Special attention given 10. Orders Mail, The Department being in charge of experienced people who devote Ihetr whole time to it. and lience are able often times to anticipate the wants of the customer, and help out with sug gestion*. tat. Samples erit, prices quoted and and anv In formation given upon request. Lowest prices guaranteed. BOGGS & BUHL, 113, 117, 119, 121 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. PENNA. Sifi ' • "; :,v A fu-' comiKtuc'l iriat ct::vs when all else fall* iJaxcured the worst «• ;• ••• -f Cough, Weak I.un,- •, Asim.ia, Indigestion, Inward Pain ■. Exhaustion. Imuiuabl* I'op Kheumatixm, Female Weakness, and ull pair.s and nls ordcrb of tho btoinach and Jk>\» eLs. IMc. at Drugtfitftn. HINDER CORNS. The safest, surest and best cure for Corns, Bunions, Ac. Stops all pain. Ensures comfort I > the f« et. Never fade to cure. 10 cents at YOU CAN FlNDcim OXI file in i'ITT.MU.'U II ;it the A'\ I (11 , • .. . °& ffSi REMIKGTOIT BEOS. who will contract for adrvi lL>i:.£ at lu*uat . SCHOOL ADVERTISEMENTS Washington&Jefferson College, WAHIIIftUTOW, PA. The sstli year begins Sept. 12. Classical. SclJ uilltlc and' Preparatory Departm -lit. For In formation eonceriiimr Preparatory Department apph to Pill F. .1. AIMII.PII SCHMITZ. Princi pal; for Catalogue or other information to PHES T MOFFAT. BRYANT, STRATTCN & SMITH Peniuaii*hi|i. Mori ilmnl, ij|ii tlritiiiy and Knifli>li Tralninir Srhool. Established In lsi",. r >. Send for Tim KEPOKTKK. an elegantly Illustrated Quarterly, giving full Information. Enclose I cts. in stamps. Address ,\. w. SMITH. MKAKVII.I.K. PA. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CALIFORNIA, PA„ FA'.L T£fiM OPENS SEPT 3. Attendance iu ins;, 510; in ISSS, fills. Instructors men and women of marked ability. Well-known teachers aro engaged for special work. Last, year these were Dr. Edward Brooks, Psychology, (i week : LeilaE. Patrldge, Methods, (5 weeks); Byron W. King, Elocution, (Spring Terra). Motto. 'Best in everything"; best instruction, best facilities lor learning how to teach, best dormitory accommodations, best table boaiil, best rates Tor students. Boarding (with well furnished room,steam-heat, light, bath-rooms, pure spring wafer on every tloor. &c.), $3.2.1 a week. TUITION ALMOST FREE To those graduating within two years. (Net cost of tuition, above State aid, for two solid years, only thirteen dollars!) Wholly free to those graduating within I,'£ years. Those con templating a Normal course will gain decided advautages and save money by entering at Cal ifornia. We want to place a catalogue tn the hands of every inqulrlngteacher and every in terested parent. Write for full information. We enjoy answering questions. Engage rooms early. Boarding students turned away last year for want of room. THEO. K. XOSS, PH., !»., Principal. SUNEURY A3ADZMY. The Fall Term opens Aug. 21, and continues 13 weeks. All the advan tages of a first-claBS Academy are found here. The expenses are as low can be found anywhere. Thorough training for Teachers. Preparation for college and for active business life. Send for catalogue. Address the Principal, R. W. McGRANAHAN, Coultersville, Butler county, Pa. TO it | COLLEGE SISI LLa Er. Lutheran Church. Experienced instructors. Music also. Fall term opens Thursday, Sept. o, isss. All ex penses low. For catalogue or other informa tion address Kev. D. McKee acting President, or Prof. J. R. Titzel, Secretary of Faculty, <;UKK> YII.LE, Mercer Co., Pa. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, IfEADVILLE, PA. Fall Term of T::rd. year begins Sept. 18. Three courses leading to A. 15. degree. Thorough Preparatory School. Engineering. Military Depart ineni. Music. Both sexes, llullngs Hall ior young ladles. High giade. Expenses moderate. For catalogues or other information address BET, WILBUR U. WILLIAMS, I>. I>., President. I Place to fiecura a tliornugh business Edncatlon, or become r.n Expert shorthand and Type Writer, or ','ri'P.irf to teach Npenterlan Penmanship, la at the ><prnrrrlnn Vollcfc. Clcteland. t>. Illustrated Catalogue free. Jam@s McMees, Manufacturer and dealer in sfone pumps and water ripe, v txJio« the public to rt-sii'-.n' er lliat, He continues that hnxiness, at 1 laiiston station, on the r. s. i.. i:. i:. u. Kor particulars address. .James McXkks Pump, I'. <>., Butler county I'a. Orders can tie left w itli ,r. Niggle & Hro., But ler, Pa SURVEYING LAND, COAL 13ANKS, J AND L EVE LIN (J Particular attention ijivcii to the old linus. Addresi, B. F. IIIIiLIIitD, <:«». Surveyor North Hope P. O. Butler Co., Pa. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROESSING, President. WM. CAMPBELL, Treasurer. 11. C. HEINEMAN, Skchetakt. DIRECTORS: J. I. Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell .1. W. Bnrkliart, A. Ttoutman, Henderson Oliver, O. i'. Uoesslng, .lames Stephenson, Or W Iryin, N'. Weitzel, J. P. Tayior. H. t). lieinemau, LOYAL M'JUNEIN, Gen. As't .BTTTXJISIR, jpa. Planing Mill —ANI>— Yai*d J. L. PUKVIB. L. O. PURVIf, S. 6. Purvis & Co. MANUKACTURKRS AND DEALERS IN Rough 'and Planed Lumber OF KVttKY DESCRIPTION, SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MILL AND YARD Necrtieniian Cnlholi? Ulinrcli VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE A rare chance to buy a good farm, situated in Wlntleld twp.. Hntler county. Pa., on the Butler Branch of West IViin Railroad, and within hair a mile of Ihe station and village or Delano, con taining One Hundred Acres, Seventy live acres or which are cleared and the balance in Rood timber, has a two story frame lio ise of live rooms, cellar, wash-house, spring-house, bank barn, and orchard of a good variety .»r fruit. The land Is In a high state of cultivation, it is rolling but is not broken by hills, and is well adapted for stock raising as there is living water in every Held, and the fences are In good repair. Terms easy. For lurther particulars enquire AIT(JUSTUS JACK HAN, 4-20-3111 Herman, P. 0., Butler 00.. Pa FOR SALE. A small farm or 25 acres, near UnionvlUe, centre twp., and about live miles north of But ler. Is for sale on reasonable I erms. II Is all cleared and good tillable ground; has good orchards, and the best of water at the door and springs in every lleid, GOOD HOUSE, 16 bv :10. and good stable. Is part of the old McJunkln place on the Mercer road and ad joins K. 1- Voniuin ami J. C. Moore, Esq. Enquire on the premises of, John Wallace. T« CURES WHERE ALL ELSE MILS. pj BoPt* ouich Syrup. Tftftt**Rond. Cee rSI fSI iu tlrno. Sold by gl I 1 believe Piso's Cure I I for Consumption saved ■ |1 my life. —A. H. DOWKLL, I ■ Editor Enquirer. Eden- ■ IMSoI Tlio HKST Cough Modi- u cine is Flso's CURE FOR S M CONSUMPTION. Children ;J take it without objection. ■ Tsl CURE pa Beet Cough Syrupy Tastes pood. Cse CI NEW Clothing Store. CLOTHING, HATS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, UNDERWEAR, NECK WEAR, OVERCOATS, RUBBER COATS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, SHIRTS, CAPS SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS, &C„ All at most reasonable prices. JOHN T. KELLY, C»9 S., Main St., (n Cx t Joorto p, o. CHOICE FRUIT. Having taken agency for Ithe Choice Fruit Trees, Beautiful Shrubbery, Ornamental Trees, And everything else ix the Nursery line, of the New England Nurseri Chase Bros. & Co., N*. Y.. I will call upon you tn the near future ami solicit your orders for Fall delivery. A. H, FALLER, Agent, Untie i* - Pa. CftLESM EAT V WASTED. Permanent positions I J guaranteed with SALARY >MI A EXPE.NSES PAID. Anv determined man can succeed with us. Peculiar advantage to begin ners. stock complete, including' many last selling spec la Itlcs. Outfit free. Address at once. (Name this paper) BKOWX BROTHERS, NURSERYMEN, ROCHESTEB, N. \ . QA L E S ME "YT kj WANTED ±1 to handle our thoroughly reliable misery stock. We engage meu on liberal commis sion, or on salary and expenses, and guaran tee permanent employment and success!! Facilities unequaled; prices reasonable; out fit free. Decided advantages to beginners ! ! Write J2LLW ANGER & BARRY, ROCHESTER, N. Y. JLGENTS WANTED! WRA CANVASS FOR ONC: OFTHK LARGEST, IV®HST ESTABLISHED. BEST KNOWN NHt- SURKS in the country. Most liberal terms. !%rl«li!;ile<l facilities. GENEVA M liSEKY. Es tablished IMB. W. A;T. SMITH, OENEVA, S. Y. WANTED Men to take orders tor Nursery Stock, on Sala ry or Commission. I c-an make a successful SA LE SMAN of any one who will work and follow my In structions. Will furnish handsome outfit free, and pay your salary or commission every week, Write for terms at once. E. O. GRAHAM, ursesyman, Kocliester, N. V. cjFlesmeat WANTED I \ For the lloobElt NrR.- F.iui>, 03- A ' lubllshed lrtU. steady emylovinent and pood pay. Send for terms at once. 11. E. HOOIiKII CO., Rochester, N. Y. SALESMEN -W-A-IsTTEJD to canvass for the gale of Nnrscry Stock ! Steady employment guaranteed. SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID. Applvatonce. stating age. Clust Brothers Cuiiipiiiy, WANTED- AGENTS TO SOLICIT OBOER^. l J ov our Choice and Hardy Nursery Stock, steady work for energetic, temperate men. Salary ami Expenses. or commission If prefer red. The business quickly and easily learned. Sat infm-tinn emranteed to customers and agents. Write immediately for terms. State a;?e. Address R. G. CHASE & CO., 1130 SorTil I'KNJF SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA, PA f AN I El flood men to sell our first class nursery stock on salary or commission, paid weekly, l'ernia lienl, employment, guaranteed. Outfit l''ree. Previous experience not required. Address A. J. VAN LIEU, All rsery in an, ROCHESTER, IV. Y. fcfir-Melitiou this paper. jl GENTS WANTED |1 To canvas for one of the largest, oldest H established, ItEST KNOWN M IIS Kit IKS II ill the country. Most liberal terms In- XMm equaled laciilttes. GK.NEVA M'KSKKV. Established lsni. W. A T. SMITII, liKNKVA, H. V. FOR SALE A large frame boarding house, good location and doing large business. Terms easy. i.For further particulars inquire of 1,. S. Mc Jl NklN, 17 K. Jefferson St.. Butler, Pa. FOR SALE. Twonty-fivc ot land near Greece City —good farming laud and probable oil territory. For terms and particulars Inquire of L. S. MoJUNKIN, No. IT, E. Jefferson St., Butler, I'a - vIT ov JUDICIOUS AND PERSISTENT Advertising has always proven successful. Ileforo piaolujr any Ju| Newspaper Advertising consul' LORD & THOMAS, AI»TFIIT!?1XO AUKSTS, 41 lo iC 4 iU*et» CHICAGO* LEADING ILIMRY Special MourDing Hats and Bonnets," Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. No- 18. South Main Street, - - 13TJTLER, PA- ITS COMING; And when It gets here, everybody will rush to 1 see it Excitement will run high. and we shall have crowded houses day and evening. \N hat Is It? Why Its lIECK S MENAUEl'lE—lis a regular Itlng-talled Snorter—and when It comes look out for skv rockets and greased lightning. . Its not a menagerie of ring-tailed monkeys, leopards that change their spots or wild Afri can lions, but It will draw great crowds and will be worth seeing. ITS A HOO-D0 and knocks competion endwise. It never hurts a customer, but it makes competition run. They cover the ground quite rapidly when they s-ee it. and cast their coat-tail* to the breeze, i leaving you in the hands of people who will glxe I you a lair deal. Your interests are ours, and ! we have made arrangements for excursions j during the season. An accommodation will leave Gougern every day at T a. m.. making only two stops between Gougliew and Butler. .First stop. Trasntown. and passengers win be allow ed "> minutes to look at the trash. That will be quite long enough to satisfy them that they must go on toHKCK'S. Second stop,Swlndlers viiie. passengers who are crazy enough to do so will he allowed to stop over at thisst&liou. the wise portion will go on to HECK'B. The train will arrive at Butler 8 a.m.. sharp and Heck will be at the depot to receive you. Should he not. do not be led off by the little Bazaars of side shows, but make a break for the big tent. No, 11. North Main St., Duffy's Block. We blow our own horn and there is no mistak ing It. We are now ready. King the bell—lieat the drum—toot the horn—let the crowd come and see our magnificent Spring Attractions. They are regular LA-LAS and on every point will beat anything ever shown in this city. The quality, quantity, style and price are Just what will suit you, and the assortment so large that It will OUR BAND LEADS, others try to follow us but they can't catch up. Our pace Is too much for tliein. We are too quick. We are boomers ! We are sooners!—don't you see? We are rollicking. Jolly fellows. We are rip roaring tip top sellers, And when It comes to oargalns we can suit you to a "T" We are hungry for your money—do you hear ? And we try to be so funny—we are so queer. If von think we are a honey, come and drop your money. And we'll treat you like a sonny—all the year. For wc have got the energy and the will. We made up our mind to be the leaders In our line and the result Is. ''that we lead'' and there it no mistake about It. Our prices tell the tale. They are always lower than the lowest and qaallty proves it. We make No Rash Promises, but prove everything we state In the papers when a customer calls at our store. If you want sterling goods for sterling cash call and see our Magnificent stock of Spring Novelties in line clothing of all shapes styles and prices; llats. Caps. Neckwear, Shirts. Collars, Cuffs, I'nder wear. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs Umbrellas, Trunks. Valises, Satchels. Brushes. Combs, Harmonicas, Jewelery, Hammocks and Notions generally. We do not attempt a full enumera tion of our goods but content ourselves v. ,i u the statement that we have the largest stock, latest styles and lowest prices. THE WORLD STANDS AGHAST SJThe realization of the fact that our low prices are a reality and not a tictionary legend makes everybody wonder. Ready money is the won der worker that has enabled us to place before the public such a gorgeous display of Spring bargains and a determination to be easily satis fied an> 1 live for small pionts is the reason we can sell so much cheaper than anybody else. D. .A.. HECK, Champion Clothier and Furn isher. Ko. 11, North Main St., UafTy-n Block, BUTLER, - PA. SUFFERINQWOMENIS \\hmi troubled with thoso unnoyin»? lrre*rolr»ritl«s so frequently following a cold or exposure, or fronCon stitutioun! \\ eukneeses no peculiar to tbeir sex. should Use OR. DuCHOINE'S Celebrated FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. rhoy aro Strengthening to tfyo system, impart, vj»:or and magnetic ull function* of ho* I j iiid mind. Sent by ui*il, tntcuj-ely sualed, sl. Adar^sH. Or. Harter Medicine Co.. ST. LOUIS, MO. ft I A 111 tf Rewarded are those who read tills Mil II I f ai| d then act; they will find hon (111 fill orable employment that will not 111 UII L I take them from their homes and families. The proilis are large and sure for every Industrious person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It is easy for any one to make sr> and upwards per day, who is willing to work, Either sex, young or old; capital nut RCOdedj we start you. Everything pew. ko special ability re quired: you. reader, can do it as well as any one. Writu to us at once for full particulars,which we mail free. Address Stinson S. Co., Portland, Me EIFEWULIEOOTEL. No. 88 and pO, S. Main St., BUTLER) - - ]P^Y. Near New Court House—formerly Donaldson House—good accommodations for travelers. Good stabling connected. [4-9-'BU-ly] II EITENMUI.LER. Prop'r. OTHERS FAIL •ffj CONSULT Vj-*2 ljfV_ ilUJll) AITMI TREATMENT J# AVI VMM MJ TPr.tTlllV'f. 829 H. 15th St., below CallowMl, Phfla,, Pa. !iO years' exiierieuce in all Suoeiul JiseaseH. lVr maaeutiy restores throw, weakened by early hulls fTctli'u,*, Ac. Call or write. Advice free and strictly Confidential. Hours, 1(» A.M. till:s l'.M..and 7to 10 evenings, Send 2 ct. Stamp for Book. Steel Wire Fence. The cheapest and neatest Fence for around Lawns, School Lois, Poultry Yards, Hardens Farms, Park and Cemetery Fences and (iates. Perfect Automatic Uate. Also all kinds of Wire Work. Write for Prices, state kind and quan tity of fence wanted. T\YU)U *• 1»BA3», Manufacturers of I'ire Escai>es and Iron Work, aw and Mi Market Street, Pittsburg. Pa, BUY YOUR HOMES I'nlicd security Lift* Insurance and Trust Co.. of Pa, Money to Buy Homes. Mot.thly dues not more than a fair rent. Pay ments decrease yearly. In event of death prior to completion of payments, balance of en cumbrance canceled. Money to Loan. Ileal estate bought and sold on commission. Wanted houses to rent and rents collected. L. G. LfNN, No' 38 South Main St,, Butler, Pa. Over Linn's Drugstore. MEADVILLE fIONSEBVATORV of A UlL'li (jradi- institution with f;n Hill, sin Music id Art :>d »«) no -■ n.-.t m ih- 'Untry Kmploysoiily teachers.>f expert- tn <• .'i:J «. itie ni r.- ; :i;i' '..n r. >.• . ~nr » .-« I i MUMC. lncludiuy all branches Wai and Instrumental. 1.,a»;.U. . MVIIUA! t.\ • . . i.:. .. .. ••-pis Music as an elective studv. -«|A Ar « 1 . S,Udi "' • With:::.- -t «!' ! T mru : of r>irc '?n! i?' . '"P'ouias vrrauud tlio*-comple'elii.: .my in< >-t 11c ■>. s. Kx<- il-r.s i.. CULTWN at *er> LU.xl. ra rates. SIN J.NT- a tin S'.l! to an. ,-ra . 11-RN M-,.'.. >-11, Itn. *END to RMIK. K. A. litif NUMis, L>L llKt'Toii. IKiItVILU., Ft. What You Eat! Is the most important consideration of your life, and much of our good health is due to the careful and conscientious grocer. We buy the best in the market, select all our goods with the greatest care, and claim to have as good a stock of Groceries as can be found anywhere. We want your trade and invite you to try our Flours, Sugars, C'oflees, Canned Fruits, Dried Fruits, Spices, Ilams, Canned Meats, Crackers, Confectioneries, Tropical Fruits, Nuts, or anything in our store room. Country Produce a specialty, and all new fruits and veg etables in season In our China Hall, in the second story of our building, we have the larges- stock of Chinaware, Glassware, Crockery, Lamps and Fancy Goods in the town. Give us a trial, highest market price allowed for produce. C. KOCH & S ONS, HXAI"T ST., - - SUTLER, PA. JACOB J3OOS, DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY AND ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. We are now in our new store-room on S. Main St.. and have the room to accommodate our large stock of groceries, 1 flour, etc., and have built a largo ware-house to accommodate our stock of leed. We pay the highest cash price for potatoes and all kinds ot COUNTRY PRODUCE, 1 TaC'i ill 1}( w w 105 MAIN STREET, JdCOU JJOOS, Butler. Pa. I ___ 'BARGANS in WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry And Silverware. Finest stock of Sterling Silverware in the county, and at prices not to be jipialled for cash. Watches and Clocks repaired and warranted, at J. R. GKEtIJSB'O ]N T o. 10 Sou til Moill Rfc., <Sign of ELECTRIC BELI.), BUTLER, PA. THE lITH Mil FAIB OF Til In] Butler County Agricultural Association WILL BE HELD AT BUTLER, Tuesday,' Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September ii, 12, i 3 & 14,1888. Tlio P. .t w. Railroad trains will run every 1"> minutes tvte-.-u the I*, .v W. dep t and • li-* ! ilr Grounds. Passengers on the P. S. & L. E. Hall road will l>- lan 1> 1 r; tlv K.iir Grounds without chnn<je of ears. S|>ec!al excursion rales oa all MSMds. P>r i"cun*m rates see w*ll po«l*ll». The unparall<-le<l sucivi'ss <ii i!u-Assix lalion in t;i''' m i , i >■■ in ,'ic .u -r ' U» v P*r» no pains or expense to make the coming exhibit « . II[» • 1' • r •r • I in \Vc»:ern ivnn-jl vanla. Premiums In all classes have been curelully n \;- 'd anil are unusually liUra!. Splc ndid RacingEachDay. All premiums palil ou the grounds oil the In v .1 i.v i.t the fair, e HU'ii n 'n? at I.' -iVI- k iiK«>n) The exhibit of liea'y ilralt and I I<HKIc 1 how*. :md (la ' bre I c .'tie ;I;I \ ■[» will • \.— 1 any tlilii-j: ever seen In Western Pennsylvania. Remember entries for horses and cattle will close Saturday, s ■;>!. *, ;i 10 p.m. For excursion rates and premium list \V. P. ROESSING, Secy. 185<) Ksiabliwlied IN>(> THE JEWELER. No, 19, North Main St., BUTLER, FA., DE -A LEE IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, &c., &c. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repairing in all branches skillfully done and warranted. 18SO ESTABLISEBD 1850
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers