COM Belief tmet and CuresM * COLD IS HEAD P^EVER®*! CATARRH |£ ,^/J Hay Pem.B>/ Fm from OHM Drug* and IT f" V P offensive Odor*. H" "' A particle "of the Balm Is applied Into each nostril, IB agreeable M use and Is quickly ab sorbed. effectually cleansing: the nasal passages of catarrhal vlnu, causing healthy secretions. It allays pain aud lnnanunatk'n, protects the Bemltranaf linings of the heart from additional colds, completely heals the seres and restores the sense of taste and smell. Beneficial results are realised by a few applications. A THOItOrOH TUBATMJWT WII.L CrRE. Price 90 cents at druggists; by mall, register ed. » cents, (nrculars sent free. KLY BBOTHERS, Druggists, SG Warren St., S. Y. Catarrh U Not a Blood Dlwi«f. No matter what parts it may finally effect, ca tarrh always starts In the head, and belongs to the head. There. Is no mystery ot ihe origin of this dreadful disease. It bejrlns In a neglected cold. One of the kind that Is "sore to be beiter In a few days." Thousands of victims luiow how it is by sad experience. Ely s CYeam Balm cures colds In the bead and catarrh in all its atagea. THE'BEST/ BLOOD PURIFIER Is that which keeps the Liver and Stomach In healthy con dition. COOD DIGESTION • MEANS # • COOD BLOOD. t Nothing in the world so suc cessfully treats the digestive organs as Mandrake, and the only pure, safe and reliable preparation of Mandrake is DR.SCHENCKS \ MANDRAKE PILLS. Tor Bkl* by all Drugglsta. Prlc« 2S rta. per box; ~ DOCTORS LAKE Lrn 1 PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, 90t. T'ENN AVE., —PITTSBURGH, PA.— All forms of Delicate and Coro plicated Diseases requiring COXFI DEHTTAL and OciKßTivic Medica ' ion are treated at this Db|>en»ary with a surety rarely attained. Dr.S. K. like ia a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is the eldest and most experienced SPECIALIST in the etty. Special attention given to Nervous Debility from excessive mental exertion, indiscretions of yyith, Ac., causing physical and mental decay, lack of mergy, despondency,etc.: also Cancers, Old Sores, rita, RheumatUni ana all diseases of the Skin, ■loud, Langs, Urinary Organs, Ac. Consultant free and strictly confidential. Office hours 9to 4 and Sundays 2tolp. m. only. Call at oihco LK. Lan, M. D..M.R.C. P. 3. or E.J. LAKS, M. D. i— *!*■—»■ ■ ■■■'f - --- FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Bo S9MB win die of COLIC. HOT? or LuNG FE ns. itaM Powder* are used In time. ItoMrt Pewdefs will care sad prevent HOOCHOT.BHA. Foatzt Powders will prevent GAPIS IS JOWLS. Foatt* Powders will lncres>« t»ie quantity ot mil* ad a»aii twenty per cent., and make the butter arm son sweet. riin Powders will care or prevent almost KVMT OLSKASB to wideb Horses and Cattle are subject. Fotm's Powmas WILL GIVK HATISRACTIOS. Bold everywhere DAVID X. FOtJTZ, Proprietor. BAI/TIMOHE. For sale toy 3. U WULLEK, Butler, Pa. f'CLEANFAST" J A®BLACK Wjffi) OTOCKINGS The F. P. Robinson Wammtodiu VlcantuWhit* 7--ISW MO NEYREFUNDED » , If they sUin the feet or CLEAN FAST m washing. Ls4lea', Mime*', and C hildren'* stockings. Men'* Half IIo«e. SILK FINISH, LIBLE,«nd COTTON *«.*2S2 m «CELSIOR HOSIERY CO. • 113 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. AGEtfTS BEN HUR a»H an the other late and beautiful styles o Fancy Witting Paper at J. R Douglass LMawt assortment in town. fV.t.n nc to 7."> c per box. Also full lutu of ii-'.V livitation and Regret Cards, Wedding Invitations, Visiting Oat:l•, Mourning Stationery, Tablets, etc. 63 S. MAIN STREET - Ta tha Iwlin of the Itntler tltuen who have < not e\auil«ed • M. F.&M, Marks' Spring Groods, We aay hy all means do so for you will never regret it. We andttWlng a fuller line of Hats, Bounets. Titmmlngs, and Lace Caps than ever liefore. We have added to our line of Cornets, ~WA*NBRS HEALTH," The -EQCILINE RELIEF," corset, waist. The "FLORENCE" Corset waist, And a Corded Waist for children. We are also keeping A FULL LINE OF GLOVES. Wm. F. Miller! Manufacturer of Stair Bails, Balusters, and Newel-posts. All kinds of wood-turning done to order, also Decorated and Carved wood-work, such as Casing. Corner blocks, Panels and all kinds or fancy wood-work for Inside decoration of CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. Boeaething new and attractive. Also FURNITURE at ioweet'eanh prices. Store at No. 40, N. Main street. Factory-at No. 50, N, Washington street. BUTLER, PKNNA. SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN, Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters, of more than *> years experi ence, have opened th<'lr store in t he <ieo. Relber block, on Jefferson St. opposite the l.owry Houae, with a full line of Plumber's Supplies, GAB FIXTURES AND GLOBES. HANGING AND TABLE LAMPS. NATURAL OAS Bl!ItNEH8. Ac JobMßff promptly attended to, and your ,wt roaage respectfully aottctted. AdftoTtiae in the CITIZEN. THE OITIZEIT. MISCELLANEOUS W. C. T. U. COLUMN. An Explanation. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, chairman of the Womans' Republican Committee, has issued a call for women every where to organize clubs for active service in the campaign. This move mant has no connection with the W. C. T. U., state or national, nor does Mrs. Foster represent either in her action. It has cot therefore the sig nificance that some of the Pittsburgh papers attach to it, as she only acts individually. The two wings of tho Womans' Christain Temperance Un ion, which Mrs. Swift is represented as saying are abont, equal in Penn sylvania, differ only in regard to the policy of the Union as organiza tion, lending its influence "to any one party." The National Union ta3 adopted such policy and is supported in its actiot)|by all the states but Penn sylyania and lowa, and perhaps one or two at the sonth. The resolution pledging its influence "to that party which will give os the best embodi ment of prohibition principles and and will most surely protect our homes," was adopted by the Detroit convention in 1883, and was reported from a committee of which Mrs. Fos ter was chairman, its passage being warmly advocated by her. At this convention a memorial was ordered to be presented to the national politi cal parties the following year. Neith er the Republicans or the Democrats noticed it all, an<? at the W. C. T. U., convention at St. Louis in 1884, the resolution was, by a large majority made to apply to the Prohibition par ty as the only one which had stood the test. Mrs. Foster opposed this application and since then has been the non-partisan leader. She has al ways been a Republican and now announces her intention to remain so. Such a course does not interfere at all with her membership in the W. C. T. U , as no one denies the right of individual choice in the matter. Nor does it even argue inconsistency as a non-partisan White Ribboner. It is however, an example that Prohibition party women in the unions will not be slow to follow. M. S. TEMI'LETON. The American Home. This question of the desolation of the American home and its protect ion lifts itself above every other ques tion relative to American politics. I wish I could put on the canvas en imaginary American home. I would not make a fine mansion on tha ave nue nor an old log-cabin, but I would make a comfortable house with gar dens and line of shade treea, with birds singing the soQg of joy in the morning. Then I would put in this ideal home a husband, wife and chil dren, the eldest boy driving the team to the barn, the second one the cows, and tho third whistling a familiar household tune. Then I would haye Congress appoint a commission of in quiry upon political economy and in quire: "Madam, we have called to know what this American home will do for this American Republic?" She would reply; "Gentlemen, we are trying to keep our home pure; are trying to make our boys patriotic American citizens; we are trying to make our daughter a true American woman; we are trying to love God and keep His commandments, and to cultivate the grace of hospitality. Walk in, gentlemen, and take tea with us." The chairrhan says: "Ma dam, we have called to know what sacrifice this American home will make for this American Republic? This country is in dauger, and we want an answer just now?" "We will talk it over," is the reply. Take our eldest boy; take him away to the battle-field, and if he falls in defence of his country's flag, we will kiss the second one, and say, 'Go fill your brother's place'." Any government that will not protect that home by all the power of its police and the majes ty of its law from the cursed liquor traffic is not the republic it ought to be. It is told of Ben Wade once that he rode upon his horse to find the government. He went to the Presi dent, who said, "1 am not the gov ernment." He went the Senate and Congress, and they Baid. "We are not the government." He then called his neighbors into the old school-house, and said: "I want to talk to the gov ernment." I ask you, if you love this American Republic, then silence the rum power that is destroying our homes— Oeo. W. liain. —"Don't trifle with Niagara," says the Uuffalo Express. There is no danger now. Most of the men who have trifled with Niagara have found that Niagara has trifled with them, and got considerably the best of it. There is no amusement there, aDd the funeral expenses are large.— Judf/e. —lngrain carpets, worn beyond repair, should be cut iuto lengthwise strips, and woven the same as rag carpet. It is unnecessary to sew the ingrain cuttings, weavers generally preferring to overlap the strips as they weave. Mats and carpets as sume quite a Persian look when made in this way. and are very durable. Gardening for Ladies. Make up your bed early in the morning; sew buttons on your hus band's shirt; do not rake up griev ance--; protect the young had tender branches of your family; plant smiles of good temper, and reap a crop of health and happiness; root out the causes of nervous debility ivnd "female weakness," by the use of I>r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a sov ereign specific, and thousands of the fair sex bless the day whau they first heard of it. It is the only inediaine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the manu facturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be re funded. This guarantee Las been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out (or many ytara. To cleanse the stomach, liver, uud system generally, use Dr. Pierce's Pellets. —Ella Bntier, a colored girl 18 years old died the other day at Had donsfield, N. J., and her coftia had to be just 6 feet 8 inches long. —A young man down South has discovered a substance that is 34G times sweeter than Ptigar. It is It years old and wears a bustle. —"Have you seen my wife lately?" asked Smith, who was hurrying through the street. "By Gaorge!" he e*eiaimed in the next breath, "there goes he.- bjistle around the corner now. She can't le & jyreat way off." • —A long breath is called a sigh because of its fcighs. A Successful Man. The Wnrner family originat- QMb. ggpß John Warner, Bishop of Ro ppventcenth cen tury, being one 'troiuincnt mein^- lutionary tame in thi3 country, and Capt. Seth Warner, a valiant man in the war of 1812, and eight distin guished physicians, mark the H. 11. Warner line in America. H. H. Warner was born in Van Buren. Onondaga Co., N. Y. ,Jan 19th 1842. After an education at Dr. Wright's Academy at Elbridge, and acquiring the tinsmith's trade at Memphis,N'.Y. he went west for five years. In 1870 he returned to Rochester as General Agent of the Mosler Safes of Cincin nati, 0., and for ten years was the most successful safe dealer in the country, and amas?ed a lortune. In 1879 he was prostrated by n severe disease. The best physicians gave him no hope of recovery. It was at this time that he used what s now known as Warner's safe cure and was folly restored to health thereby. Realizing that the world needed such a specific for kidney dis ease, he made a yow when sick that if it cured him he would spend his days proclaiming its merits to the world. On his recoyery he began at once to manufacture, and to-day there are sev»?n laboratories and the branch houses in seven different quar ters of the globe. In 1883. the War ner Astronomical Observatory, erect ed and endowed by Mr. Warner, was completed at an estimated expense of $00«,00fl. It is located on East ave nue, and is the fineet private Astro nomical Observatory in the world, the telescope cost $13,000. Since 1879, astronomical prizes to the ex tent of $5,000 have been awarded by Mr. Warner for scientific discovery. In 1882 he was elected a member of the American Association for the ad vancement of science. In 1886 11. 11. Warner & Co. put Warner's Safe Yeast upon the market, and in 1887 Warner's Log Cabin Remedies, de signed to reach diseases for which Warner's Safe Remedies are not spe cifics. The Safe Remedies building *on N. St. Paul St., with its four and a quarter acres of flooring, is one of the busiest and most imposing structures of the kind in the world. In 1887 11. 11. Warner was unanimously elected President of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, a compliment that the city and all who knew him confessed was more than well deserved. His inaugural address to that Chamber was notable for its radical views and thorough going sensible recommenda tions. lie is about six feet high, has iron gray hair, splendid physique, is a man of great energy, and is one of the most thorough going and publi c-gpir ited citizens of Rochester. —The man who contemplatively puffs away at his corncob pipe prob ably does not know that the only factory in the world for making them is in Washington, Mo., and that thd five stockholders in it are drawing dividends of SIO,OOO a year each. In 1878 H. Tibbe received a patent for "a cement-like substanee"with which to fill the interstices of cobs, the said substance being'plaster of Paris, and his royalty on his patent amounts to S2OO a month. The machinery for making the pipes is simple, aud an expert hand can turn out 3,000 of them in ten hours. The Population of Butler is about 7,000, and we would say at least one half are troubled with sonu* affection of the Throat and Lungs, as those complaints are, according to statistics.more numerous than others. We would advise all not to neglect the opportunity to call on their drug gist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal sam for the Throat and Lungs. Price 50c and sl. Trial size Free.. Sold by all druggists. —She: "No, Mr. need not hope. I can never be more than a sister. He: "A sister! Lend me $5." —Major Smith: "Col. Jones, can you tell me where Gen. Robinson got his military title." Col. Jones: "Certainly, sir. He was general ticket agent at Kalama zoo, Mich., for six years," j&L LOG CABINS were strongholds of loye, con 'Y L tentment, health and •) / > r happiness. Coon skins • were nailed to the door y and they were the hnppy homes of strong, healthy, men aad women. The simple but effective remedies which carried them to green old age are now reproduced in Wer ner's "Tippecanoe," nud Wurner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla and other .Log Cabin Remedies. —The upper crust of English so ciety, like that of u restaurant pie, is pretty tough. —Erysipelas and salt rheurn are cured by Hood's the great blood purifier. —Edison has invented a talking clock which say.s "dinner time," "bed time," etc., and it is understood that there will be u 2 o'clock a. ni attachment for tho use of the wiyes of lodge members. Just what lan guage will be used is not stated. LOOK! READ! I have enlarged my slow-room, in fact, made It almosf. twice as large as H was before, and have also iiiereaaed ppy stock, l have, by far, the largest and best selected stout of Fine Drugs and Chemicals in Butler county, and am now In position to supply the wants of the people <>r this county even better than in the past, You will do well to call on mo when in tae atvUQf aftyti'lntfln the line or Fine Drugs M Medicines, My stock is very complete and PRICES VERY LOW In medicine quality Is of the Mrst I moor tance. so we nlve particular attention to tilling Prescriptions. onr I)!.i!>e"slnsr Department is complete. We dispense only pur,. Drugs of the Finsst Quality, and our patrons may brlnif us their prescrip tions, feeling certain that they will be carefully ami accurately tilled. Thanking the public lor tho very crenerous patronage they have accorded ))•<-• lu ti, • pn»i • nope to be able to serve them more acceptably In the future, at the old stand. No. 5, North Main St., BUTLER, PA. J. B. RBDICK, OH! MY HEAD. The pain from Neuralgia and its ! companion disease Rheumatism is excruciating. Thousands whoeould Ih> quickly cured are needlessly suf fering. Ath-io-pho-ros will do for others what it did for the following parties: Willinrasport, Tnd.. Oct. 3 I*B7. Having been alliicted with neuralciu for the lour years, and trying a teott every thing, but in vjiin. 1 nii..,.y heard of Atlilo jihori« After tr.kicK one bottle 1 found it to t)0 helping me. and after tnkine fonr hot tlw of Atlsi >phorr»an>l onfl of Pills, I found that 1 wMeutirely w«ll. i thiuk the medi cine id positively a ire euro < /HATTJfCFTY 15. RITDDICK. Mt. HI.. I>ec ISB7. I havo Athlophoros in my family and find it to IMJ the greatest modictne f«>r ncn ralgiH in existf»nr<» ardhavir? hnd fastf*m»id upon m© foi'tiiepast If) years I know whereof I speak. MRB. JULIA « 'HILTON. <a-Send f> cents for the beautiful colored pic ture, " Moorish Maiden." THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. N. Y. Jury Lists for Sept. Term. List of Grand Jurors drawn to serve the first Moudaj in Septeini>er, being the day. Butler. .1 I). Parker twp. farmer. Kog'-s, K I. Captain. Zelicnople. clerk. Buriis. 1»0, 1'; trvii w twp. t:. i'ari;'.er. t?ati>)'bell. Aaron, '/ratikiii: twp. E. farmer. IK'tiit Ihiiiivi. WllUieUl tvp tanner. (i;.ntz. Lew;Evans City. gent. (iiei.n,.) w, M it or twp. farmer. (ireentlel l, Thomas, Kairvie,. twp, V.. farmer, lb .lame M. Cherry !\ ;>. farmer. Kr.imer. l'cter. Butler Boro. :jrd \\ aid, livery mui. Leise. Henrv. .laekson twp. W. mechanic, Li I- e, .John, Cianfcerri t« p. faruu-r. Mover, Fn-1. I/m .is rtwp, farmer. Aluli. n. < ii.irles. iiaidridge. engineer. McCaudlCc>s. Uussell. Cberr> twp. \\ . larnier. Magee. t; W. .Mercer twp, wagonmaker. MeDermotte, It 11, Kairview t -vp. 1!. tanner. Malzland, tieorge, Clinton twp. tanner, ltoliner. John, i;vans City, banker. Sinra. A M. Parker twp. tanner. I'hl. Fred. Lancaster two. farmer. Wigton Joliti H. Brady t wp, fanner. Weigand, E E, Butler Boro, I'ud Ward, car penter. Webr, Elmer, Muddyercek twp, fanner. List of Petit Jurtirs drawn to serve in the Court of Quarter Sessions. September term. IS.S.S. ci.mmenclng the second Monday, being the 10th day. Armstrong, Oabrii 1. Cherry twp. farmer. AI kens, A M. Fairview twp, Boreland, Alex, Prospect, shoemaker. Boggs. 1) I'. Jackson twp W. mechanic. Balfour, John. Adams twp. farmer. Bowen, Wm. Connoquenesslng twp. farmer. Barnes, It L. Allegheny twp. producer. CUrLst\. -I K. Karns t:ity, laborer. Carlln'Wm. Petrolia, laborer. chrtstlev.T F. Cherry twp. farmer. Campbell. WJ. Fail-vie.7 twp, farmer. Cranmer. Israel, Clay twp, farmer. Dfitz, J M, Fairvi' .. twp K, carpenter. Duttord. Michael. Butler i.vp, tanner. Daubenspeck, Henry S. Parker twp, farmer. Flceger. Ei astus, C--nter twp, farmer, tilbson. -t W. • i.v r.v p, farmer, tiran.un. Wilson. I'< 'Hii t .v p. la: iiier. 4{lace. Fred, liutler I! >ro. Ist Ward.carpenter. (iiitn. (teorge Jefferson tw[i, farmer, tlepliart, \\ m, Jefferson twp, Harvey, Dallas, Butler Boro. 2nd Ward brick layer. Hockenberry, George,) berry twp, farmer, lllmlman. Stewart. Concord twp, fanner. Hill. John i), Adams twp, farmer. Jack, John s, Butler Boro, Ist Ward, hook- Keeper. Kennedy, Wm, Butler Bow, 2nd Ward, livery man. Lang, 11 eriry, Saxonburg, blacksmith. Moore, S ii, Worta twp, i inner. Marberger. (Jeo, Adams twp, farmer. Maekey, cuarl-'s, KrankUn twp. farmer. Mangel, Clote. Penn twp. farmer. Mot latterly, John. Parker ; wp, farmer. McCandless. W T, Baldri.;ge, Pringle, Wm, B:.'Mndgo, producer. Parks, W K. .Middlesex twp, farmer. Patterson, James. Jefferson twp, farm t. Rankin. Chambers, Fairvi -.v tv.-p. W, farmer. Reo'.t, Francis, Jr. Summit twp, urmer. Shields. Wm. Worth t • farmer. Strawhecker, <: J 1), /.eIU-nople. saddler. Timbibi. A i., l-i'irvlew Boro, shoemaker. Turner, W P. Millers)own, druggist. Thompson. Joseph, cherry two. S farmer. White, ,i M, i'onno.pien<'.ss:iig N, carpenter, Wilson, J A, Fall-view Boro larmcr. >n. J«.sit: C. Brad.) tw •. ta 'la. r. Woiiie d, J M, Doti"';;i.l t" p, piodtK- r. We. the un(lersl;,-iied IT rh Sheriff and Jury Commissioners, do est I'fy that tic above is a true aud correct lisi ol tiie names drawn from the proper Jury Wheel to - e-ve P. ti: Jurors In the <-ottrt of i/uart -t'-se a;, ai'-m-ing t In second Monday ol Sepiuiouer, A. !>., 18s8, being da.,. Kit ED IIENNI N'OElt.) . .. . ZENASMi Ml' .'IIA EL, J Mli) Coins. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST PENN K. R. On and after Monday, -May 14, 1888, trains will leave Butler as follows: MAUKKT at ti:.3o a.m., arriving at Alleghe ny at a. in.; connects east lor Blairsville with Day Express, arri? ing at Philadelphia at 7 p.m. . EXPRESS at 8:35 a. m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 10:33 a. m.; does not connect for the east,bat connects with A. V. it. It. north and south. MAIL at 2:05 p. re., and goes through to Allegheny, arriving there ai 1:40 p. m.; con nects east for Philadelphia. ACCOMMODATION at 5:00 p, m., and con nects at the Junction with Freeport Accom modation, arriving at Allegheny at 7:' Mp. m., and connects east as far as Apollo. Trains connecting lor liutler leave Alleghe ny atß:2o a.m., 3:15 p. m. and 0:00 p. in. Trains arrive at Butler at 10:30 a, in. and 5:00 and S:00 p. in. PITTSBORG, SHENANiaO A LAKE ERIK R. R. On and after Monday, Aug. ti, 1888, trains will leave Butler as follows. Corrected to fast time, 1 hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Bailer for Greenville from the Pittsburgh and Western depot at 7:00 and 10:30 a. m. and 5:05 p. in. Trains leaving the P. &. W. depot in Allegheny city 8:20 a. tn. and 3:05 p. m. fast time connect at Butler with trains on the iS. & A. Trains arrive at Butier from Greenville,fast time 10:10 a. to., 2:35 and <1:20 p. nj., and connect v/itu train?! on the I'. & \V. arriving at Allegheny af 12:20 a. m. ami 0:00 ami B:2.'J p. ru., fa..' tir:: . Trains leave Milliards at 5:15, and 1!:00 a. in., slow time, ami a:rive at a. r>t. ami 5:56 p.m. Both trains e'mueet. at Branehton for Butler and Greenville. I', &, \v. It. R. On and after Monday, Oct. 2-1, I S<7, trains will leave Butier as follow:.: Corrected to fa:t time, one hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City at 0:15, 8:18, & 10:30 a. in. & 12:45 p. 2:50 & 6:20 p.m. A train conuerting for New Castle and the West leaves Butler at 12:45 p. m. ami arrives at Chicago at (1:00 a. in. next morning. Trains arrive from Allegheny at !>: 10 and 10:21 a. in. aud 12:30, *1:40, 7:0.) aud :oiJ p. m. Trains leave Butler for Foxburg an', the North at 10:21 a. m. and 5:00 and 7:55 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler from the north at 8:18 and 10:30 a. m. and 6:20 p. m. On Sunday trains leave Butler for Alle gheny at 8:43 a. iu. and 6:20 p. in., and for the West at 1:45 p. m., and arrive from Allegheny at 10:21 and 3:35 p. iu,and from the West at 7.5". A train arrives froui the North at 8:4!.t.m. and depart.; at 7:55. p.m Trains leave Allegheny lor Butler at 7:00, 8:20 ami 10:20 a. m. and 3:05, 5:40 and 0:40 p. m., fast time. Trains leaving Butler at 8:18 a. m and 12:40 p. tu. luuke close < onn ctioris at Callery for the West, and the 2:50 trai i connects, but not ciosely. Trains arrive at Allegheny a 8:10, 10:30 a.m. aud 12:25, 2:55, 5:0 ) anil 8:23 p.m. . TO Wo. !«!, S. ?2assi >N<., FINE FLOUR, FEED And Provisions, call and examine on- prices i hey ar: lower than the lowest. FLOUR- A SPEGIALTY W. E, McCLUNG, BUTuBB, PA. Vk I" Ijp i.v illls I • our .iih .men. oI'TKIT \1 |ll|h'lii:i:. ('an -.tail you at on ■. Send yj k 1 iin , HI J. A IS! I \ MliW Nurseryman, lioilicsl <t, \ Y .A. J. FLIANK >V CO, DKAI.ERS IK DRUGS, MEDICINES, and < IIEMICALS FANCY AND TOILET AKTICES, SPONGES, BRI'SHES, PEKFI MEJ.Y, &c Hf-Phystelans' Prescriptions carefully coin pounded. 46 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa SCHOOL. ADVERTISEMENTS Washington S Jeffsrson College, 2\%. The sxth year Begins Sept.. Classical. SclJ entilSc and Prepantory Dqiutmeat For In f >rm.;'am ' oncei me.. pi rator> Department app' to i i:O: .J. Ati'd I'll st'lIMM Z. I'rincl ; ii; for Ca'alog!!": or other information to I'Rl's'T M' IKK AT. BRYANT, STRATTGN S.^ITH Peiuiii<UNlii|!, Short Ijiic W riiiiit' ami Kmrli-li I'r-iciiit School. INt.d'lNhed In Send for TIIB UFI'OKTEK. an • 'e.-aetly Illustrated Quarterly, giving fuP information. Enclose 4 cts. in stamps. Address A. W. SMITH. MKAOVII.I.f. I'A. STATE Hi SCHOOL, CAIiIFORRIA, PA , FA ,L TLiiifl 3. Attendance ill ISs«, .510: in ISSS, litis. Instructors men and women of marked ability. Well-known teacher-, are engaged for special work. Lasl jar tii se were Dr. Edward Brooks, i*sychology, (1 week.: I.eila E. Patri Ige, jM- thods. t. r . weeks': Byron W. King. Elocution, (Spring TI rin). Motto. "Best In everything"; best instruction, best facilities tor learning how to teach, best dormitory accommodations, best table boai'd, l est rates for student*. Boarding (with well furnlslicd room, steam-heat, light, bath-rooms, pure spring water on every floor. &c.), f:'.25 a week. TIITIO.V ALMOST FREE To those graduating within two years. (Net cost of tuition, above Kt l - aid, tor two solid \ears, only thirteen dollars!) Wholly iree to ttio.-M graiiuaUng within l'. .M';irs. TbOßt 000- templating a Normal course will gain decided advantages and save money by entering at Cal ifornia. We want- to place a catalogue In the hands of every inquiring leacher and every In terested parent. Write tor lull information. We enjoy answeringipiestions. Etigage rooms earl\. Boarding students turned away last year for want of room. TIIKO. 15. XOSS - , PH., D., Principal. SUHBUBY ACADEMY. Tbe Fall Terra Aug. 21, and coiitiaues 13 All tbe advtiu tages of a Grst class Academy are found here. The expenses are as low caa bo found anywhere. Thorough training for Teachers. Preparation for collie and for active business life. Send for catalogue. Address tbe Principal, R. W. McttRANAHAN, Coultersville, Butler county, Pa. COSBY INSTITUTE, PITTSBURGH, PA. OVEIt ii')" STUDENTS LAST YEAIt. classical: Sr-ier.fiiic; Ladies' S"inin;try; Normal: I'ennmanshtp ; Music and Elocution D •>.! ':u: i>ts, Cl'StllY 111 SiSLSS COJ.T.E'iE AND CUUI! Y SCHOOL OF SHORTIIAMI are: ep'>rate schools, each having itown com plete Faculty, providing the most thorough practical drill :n its line ohtainaldo, Sen ; for Catalogue of tin 1 Department you desire tn enter. JAMES CLARK WILLIAMS, A. M., Prest. Jy | COLLEGE -o"' T»E- S Ei 3 tbe in Kr. Lutheran Church. Experienced Instructors. Musie also. Fall term opens Thursday. Sept. is, t» & All ex iie uses low. For or oilier Informa tion address Rev. D. ..1 Ki e acting President, 01 I'rof. J. li. Titzei, Secretary of Faeultv. tiiSKKN VILLK, Mercer Co,, Pa. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, MLADVILLK, PA. Fall Term of 7;; rd. year l» rin . Sept. is. Three cotii MVi le.eiing to A. ii. degree. Tliorough Pri j aratory School. Military Department. Music. Both sexes. Hillings Hall for young ladles. High gtade. l Apensi s moderate. For catalogues or other information address BKV, WILBUR V. WILLIAMS, !> I» . PrcNltient. Place to aecare A tberoncli Kiglntw HOTMik or become r.N Expert sson lipirul HD<l Typo Writer, or prepare to teach Epcncerlaa Puiiniaafihip, 13 at the s; a oeerisa Coiittfe, ClevcluacS, O. lllustrated Catalogue free. lE-x.xzi&st fflji Manufacturer and deal r In stone pumps and' Wat T'plpe, wishes liie public l ie member that; lie continues 'h it. busia, at llalistou ■a. ihe p s. ,• L. K. it. i;. V For particulars address, .1 \MI.S MoNEES Pump, P. 0., But ler county I'a. < lers can be left v. it li J". Niggle & Bro., But ler, i'a SURVE Y ! NG LAND, COAL I> \ NKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to tin: R tracing ol old lines. A Mresw, s<, F. isaiffifiiiiAit':>, 4.1 ft. feiirveyor Nortii Hope P. O. Builer Co., Pa. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. •3. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER. li. C. IIEIJMEMAIM, SECUETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell .1. \V. Bnrkharf, A. Tloutnian. Henderson Oliver, (S. 0. Itoessing, James Stephenson, Dr. W. Irvtn, N. Wcitzcl, J. F. Taylor. iH. C. Heineman, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Gen. B"D"TXjSR, IE 3 A. —AND— I ~ Yard J. L. PUUVI3. L. O. PURVIP, S.G. Purvis iz Co. MAM lACTI'ItKIW AND OKA LERS IN Rough [and Planed Lumber OK KVCBY OaSOKIPI'ION, SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MILL AND YARD \efrrUcrmaii fialitolic VALUABLE FARfd FOR SALE A rare chance to buy a good farm, situated in Winllcld twp.. I'.nt ler t 'onni \ I'a., on the liutler Branch ot vve-i Penn Rallrolul. and within half a mile ot the station aud village ol Delauo, con taining One Hundred Acres, Seventy live acres of which are cleared and the balance In ei,dd tllnticr. has a two story Irame bouse of live rooms, cellar, wash-house,, bank barn, and orchard ol a variety ot fruit. The laud 1 In a high state of cultivation, ii is rolling but is not broken b> Idlls, and i., well a.lapi' d for spiel laisn.u as there Is living water in every held, and the fences are In good repair. Terms easy. For furl her particulars i nquire of Al lil'STrs .lA4 KM \N, I nil Herii)an, P. 0., Butler Co., i'a YOU CAN FIND •ii ;.i- . . Pur bvr«>ll ■ ; i. m . a S S REMINGTON BROS. ivho will contract lor l.'.vcst ratea. HESCURES WHEHE ALL USE FAILS. Q y| He-»t i oii'.'h Syrup. Ts»Ut< U"» CT gj 1 bclievo Piso'g Cnre p B for Consumption saved 9 R my life.—A. H. PowEt.L, ■ H Editor Enquirer. Eden- I 9 ton, N. C., April 23, 1887. 1 HI IHIBIWWiMH 111 'llli'li—Hl 'M The r.KST rough Medi- H ■ <'ine is Peso's Ci'itK FOR $ H CONSUMPTION. Children S take it without objection. tstzw Clothing Store. CLOTHING, HATS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, UNDER WEAK, NECK WEAR, .« OVERCOATS, RUBBER COATS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, UMBR ELLAS, SHIRTS, €APSSHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS, &C„ All at must reasonable prices. JOHN T. KELLY, GJ S,, Main St.. (next door to I'. O. CHOICE FRUIT. Having taken Jthe agency for ;the Choice Fruit trees, Beauliful Shrubbery, Ornamental Trees, And everything else in the Nursery line, of the New England Nurseries. Chase Bros. & Co., N. V.. i will call upon you in the near future and solicit your orders fur Fall delivery. A. H, FALLER, Agent, 13utler - Pa. VJA L E S ME]\T kj WANTED 11 to handle our thoroughly reliable nusery stock. We engage men on liberal commis sion, or on salary and expenses, anil guaran tee permanent employment and success!! Facilities unequaled; prices reasonable; out lit free. Decided advantages to beginners ! ! Write ELL WANG ICR & BARRY, ROCHESTER, N. Y. J\ GENTS WANTED! TO CANVASS FOR O.N F. OKTIIK I.ARUI-ST, OLDKSI ESTABLISH HD, IJ EST KNOWN NUR SERIES in IIM- country. Most liberal terms. 1 in qiialcd facilities. GENEVA NURSERY. Es tablished 1816. W. »;T. SMITH, GENEVA, N. Y. WANTED r'.li 'i to tai:'• orders for Nursery Stock, on Sula ►ry or Commission. I can make a successful 'SALESMAN of itnv one who will work and follow ray In structions. \\ 111 furnish handsome outlil free, and pay your salary or commission every week. Write for terms at once. K. O. GRAHAM, inirsesyman, Kochester, N. Y. OA LESMEAT AVAINTED I \ rN. ' Kor tlnlloOKKit Nil; :1:11s, es -A 1 ta illslfd 1. • Si :•<»-. emylo.MUi'iil and good n m; :or ti rnr I once. U.K. UOOKMt *'«f.. Kochester, N. "1. WANTED to cnnvaSß for the Kale of Nursery Stock! Sternly employment gnaranteed. SALARY AND EXPENSES HAiD. Apjdv at once, stating age. Chase Bioiiicrs Cumpany, '^OCHESTEKW. WANTED- AGENTS TO SOLICIT OK IHCHS. Kor our Choice and llardy Nursery Stock. Steady work for energetic, temperate men. Salary unit l\\,utiles, or con.mission tf prefer red. I'lu-business ipilckly and easily learned. Satisfaction irimraiitcetl to customers and agents. Write immediately for terms. State age. Address R. G. CHASE & CO., 1430 SOLTH PKNN SQUAKK, PHU.AOEI.PHIA, I'A » . Hood men to sell our tirst class nursery stock on ...! try or commission, paid weekly. Perma niiit employment guaranteed. Outfit Irce. Previous experience not required. Address A. J. VAN LIEU, Xnrsery in >lll, ROCIIKSTF.It, N. V. J.« l ~MenUon this paper. I GENTS WANTED In To canvas lor one of the Unrest, oldest HI istillilisliril. ItEST KMOWN NI'ItNE!!«ES Id In the country. Most, liberal terms. In- X ■*« equaled lacilltles. (tI.SKI A Ni ItSLRI. Established is-pt. W. A T. SMITH, GENEVA, S. Y. FOB BALI^ A large frame boarding bouse, good locat ing and doing tarue business, lerhis easy. lurther particulars Inquire of 1,, s. Mc.IUN KIN, 17 K. Jefferson St,. '■'-29 11 Butler, I'tt. FOR SALE. Twenty-live acres of land mar C.reece City -good (armlntr land and probable oil territory. For terms and particulars bii|uhv of 1.. S. Mc.l I N 1\ IN, >io. 17, E. Jefferson St., Butter, Pa FOR SALE- A small farm of 2r> nnv-,, vv- t \v I ni<m\lil»\ < .iji.i- iv,p...; i»'l about livll luljivi north ot Hut lor, ih lorsalo on reasonable H.TIIIS. II Is all chared ami £oo«l tillable ground; ban jfooil orrluiT'ls, aii'l tin* l»« si oi water at tin* door ami springs In every livid, GOOD HOUSE, Its bv :K>, aud good stable. Is part of the old Mc.junklu place on the Mercer road and ad joins K. 1.. Varnum and .1. c. Moore, Esq. Enquire on the premises of. JOHN WALLACE. act. JJI IST Gr Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. No- 18, Sontli IVlain Street* - BUTLER* ITS COMING « And when It gets here, everyliody will rush to sec it—Excitement will run high, and we have crowded houses day and evening. What Is It' Why its lIIXK'S MENAOEKIE—Its a regular Hlnjr-talled Snorter—and when it omes look out for skv rockets and gr- ased llghtntn-. Its not a menagerie of ring-tailed monkeys, leopards that change their spots, or wild Afrl- ; can lions. Put It will draw great crowds and 1 will be v;orth seeing. ITS A HOO-B0 and knocks competion endwise, it. never hurts a customer, but. it makes competition run. They cover the ground quite rapidly when they see it. and cant their coat-tails to the breeze, leaving you in the hands of people who will give you a lair deal. Your interests are ours, and we have made arrangements for excursions during the season. An accommodation will leave t.'ougem every day at 7 a. in., leaking only two stops between <soughem and Butler. Klrst stop, Triislitown, and pus engers will be allow ed 3 minutes to look at the trash. That will be i|Uite loiej enough to satisfy them that they must go on toUKt'K'S. second stop,Swiudlers viiie. passengers who are crazy enough to do so will lie allowed to stop over at this station, the wise portion will go ou to The train will arrive at Butler 8 a.m.. sharp and I leek will be at the depot to receive you. Should he not. do not be led off bv the little l'.a/aars ot side shows, but makea break for the big tent. No, 11. North Main SC., Duffy's Itloek. We blow iiur own hoin and there is 110 mistak ing it. We are now ready. King the bell—beat the drum—toot tlie horn—let the crowd come and see our magnificent Spring Attractions. They are regular LA-LAS and on every point will beat anything ever shown in this city. The quality, quantity, style and price are Just what will suit you, and the assortment so large that It will OUR BAND LEADS, others try to follow us but they can't catch up. Our pace Is too much for them. We are too quick. We are boomers ! We are sooners!—don't you see? We are rollicking. Jolly fellows. We are rip roaring tip top sellers. And when it comes to bargains we can suit you to a "T" We are hungry Tor your money—do you hear ? And we try to' be so tunny—we are .so queer. If you think we area honey, come and drop your money. Anil we'll treat you like a sonny—all the year. For we have got the energy anil the will. We made up our mind to be the leaders In our line and the result, is, "that we lead" and there it no mistake about it. Our prices ten the lale. They are always lower than the lowest and qnality proves it. We make No Rash Promises, but prove everything we state In the papers when a customer calls at, our store. If you want sterling goods for sterling cash call and see our Magnificent stuck of Spring Novelties In line clothing of all shapes styles and prices; Hats, Caps. Neckwear, Shirts, Collars, C'utTs. Under wear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Brushes, Combs, Harmonicas, .lewelery. Mammocks and Notions generally. We do not attempt a full enumera tion of our goods but content ourselves with the statement that we have the largest stock, latest styles and lowest prices. ThE WORLD STANDS ASHAST ■£The realization of the fact that our low prices are a reality and not a tlctloiiiwy legend makes overylMMly wonder. Heady money is the won der worker that has enabled us to place before the public such a gorgeous display of Spring bargains and a determination to be easily satis fied and live for small profits is the reason we can sell so much cheaper tliau anybody else. D. A.. HECK, Champion Clothier and Furn isher. No. 11, Xortli Main St., Ihiffy's Block, BDTIiKK, - PA. SUFFEHiSGWMN^ When troubled with thorennnoyin : !r»-'3«:ulnriiw ,» frequently fol lowing a cold or rxpo.-uro, or *!•>! v'.m jtitutioonl U isikiißs.-fN so pec.iliur to their uhould Use OR. CuC.'.'OltfE'S CcHofcrated FEMALE REGULATING PILLS. rhoy are Strengthening it»tlio eiuirn s»ysteni impart 0110, viyor and muitndic forcuto all functions of body • »*♦! mind. Sent by mail, securely heiilfd, |L A«lnrr»ss, Jr. Harter Medicine Co.. ST. LOUIS. MO. n>Hi|| «■ lie wiiribd arc those who read this JJ I j || a Wand then act; they will limt 11011- (i a I li I |orab|e employment that will not II 3 O Ik L I lake thi-iii from their homes and families. The profits are large and sure lor every Industrious person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It is easy for any one to make 15 and upwards per day, who Is willing to work. Either sex, young or old; capital not needed; we start you. Everything new. No special ability re quired; you. reader, can do It as well as anv one. Write to us at once for full particulars.»vliieii wo mail free. Address ttiiuaon .v Co., l'ortland, Me [ITEIIULI[R HOTEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER. - - VJV. Near New Court House formerly Donaldson 'louse—good accommodations for travelers, (jood stabling connected. [i-y-'sc 11 1 II EITUNMULIiKIt, I'rop'r. AFFLiCT£U^OHFOBTUNAT£ AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT DR U LOEB, 329 N. IsihSt., belowCallowhill,Phila.,P.i. •Jf ►years* experience in ail BPFff at. Perma nentiy res'ores those weakened l.vt-n /y lnd»snci|.»n.* Ae. Oad or write. Advice freo ami •ti fetiy < oniuien tlal. Honrs: lua. in. till auU 7Co evu:lugs. MH 'Send bUui]> for llook. Steel Wire Fence. The cheapest and neatest, fence for around Lawns, School Lots, I'oullrv Yards, (iardens Farms, I'ark and Cemetery Fences and (i.ates. l'erfect Aiitoiinille (iate. Also all kinds of Wire \\ iirk. Write tor Prices. State kind and quan tity of fence wanted. I O l ull ,V 11KAN, Manufacbirers of Fire Kse-ipes and Iron Work. 'JO.') and 200 Market Street , Pittsburg, l'a, BUY YOUR HOMES Fulled Security I .lie Insurance and Trust Co ot Fa, Money to liny Homes. Monthly dues not more to in a fair rent. Pay ments decrease yivuly. 11l event of death prior to completion i f pay menu, balance ol en cuiiibranee canceled. Money to Loan. Ileal (utate bought and sold on commission. WaiiUul bouses to rent and reuta collected. L. G. LINN, No* '>B South Main St., liutler, i'a. lover f.lnn's.l trug hi ore. JIEAWILLE foNsr.i;v.\T(iin\ U -\H'SK\ A hi~h grade b.-M'utlon with la ;uvl i ,„,i •„ iw V.notrT Kmploys only ten.!., i- e| expert- !■ . v r ■ n . : includingalt branches Vocalan-i lusirui...tal. 1 :w.,, v , . ,'-4 • " - """ u 1 A Q»orongt> Art Course. Studi-. wl . • >r in sr • o' ran* alilllt;.. I Hp!, mias granted iho -l K . . c.lltles at very moderate rates. St i lent. . ,n. ied to :i . ; ~;i i r . S tld lor Catalogue to I'KOK. F. A. KfcVNOI.K. Dili . IOK. IMPVILLK. PA. * 7 ■* Ni' l'•''Ali :.>w York li . • .... . ; .tMc ' / ' ■' a «.-• - :it all la- * ti. is i - - ..... .-/ iH-t • : . ;r, r to J" " Coiivslnali the <li ■- . ii- str -v. . at;.l the A . ." cli • r 1.1; ».••< 'ill- r s ~... f' \ »'■ <S"' v"d % t. *1 \ - u " 1 ' " • .•>> '•' ' "«•'• t 'a. , many v S fcUj ' " V " h: ' V " * V " r'V' M r.i • ti-- A. ' , , THE MATCHLESS." w are; all or :•■<! K. the t..>"..t..ii>!«> j-■, we don't make any effor to care for thos ' whose pocket tf : in d. i'h ,i • ■ , ... While being obliged, by nav'ng the r ur-'<>ni oft;.; -I.' t:> ■■■ provide for them, yet we think we can utt the taste and i . i ■ . n ; ■ : t or limited the means. .lu&t a word about ••I.ET.IA mil." T.. th •win have 1 f :• thln«*. It* an using it Insures Its use always. To tfco ~v. Uo never trl I ■' , i; i' ri«- expert' u- • many and trj- It.'' Miss M. H. Gilkey, New Building, No. 62 S. Main St. THE LEADING .MILLINER What You Eat! Is the most important consideration of y«.ur I>l'\ and much ot our good health is due to the carel'ul and c»>rsoitMiti<»u-< i;r ><*t*r. We buy the best in the market, select all our go >ds j with the greatest csire, and claim to hive a- gootl a stock of j Groceries as can be found anywhere. We want your trade and invite you to try our Fiours Sugars, Coffees, Canned Fruits, Dri \1 Fruits. S:>ioes, hams, Canned Meats, Crackers, Confectioneries, Tr »pi il Fruits, Nuts, or anything in our t>tv;rc room. Country Produce a specialty, and all new fruits and veg i etables in season. In our China Hall, in the second :-'.<>rv of our buiidinA we have the largest stock of Chinawa'e, < ii,i,->ware. C'r >ekery, Lamps and Fancy (roods in the town. Give us atrial, highest maiket price allowed for produce. C. KOCH & SONS, ST., - - rJUT2.SR, PA. JACOB BOOS, DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, IIAY AND ALL KINDS OF GRAI X. We are now in our new store-room « n S Main St.. and have the room to accommodate our sto« k«i -ctries, flour, etc., and have built a large ware-house io accommodate our stock of feed. We pay the highest cash pri. e for p e.s ; id all kinds of COUNTRY PKODUCK, Jacob Boos, 105 %£/ ; OT ' Bargans in Watch eh, Clocks, Jewelry And ilvcnvarc. Finest stock of St jrling Sib. erwart' in the county, and at prices not to Ix; •tpudied forca.-h. Watches and Clocks repaired and warranted, at J. R. GRIEKS ISTu. 1G South Mr>iii St., (Si«u of Elcctbic BtU.), 1 JtJTLKI S, 1»- V. OB 1 THK Butler County Agricultural Association WILL BE HELD AT BUTLER, Tuesday," Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 11,12, l.'i <S: 14,1888. The I'. AW. liallroad trains will ruu M'»r> !"• minutes !>■. •! 11 i'i I". AW. de:"it and ■ '.I" (irouiM'a. I'awnsein ou the l\ S. A 1.. I- Ital'.r-- I lib lati the Fair <ironr.d-i ulthottt fiiniiMfi of cars. Special exeurslon'-i .>ll ail rallr.t ti . I" >r e\ .1 n r.»te-> «• .11 p i r<. The unparalleled sueccess of the A In the |ia* eii >ur lie luanap incnt !•> f are no pains or expense to make the cumins cxlilhlt ei tip •un 1 .ilr '■- r I eld In W«Me 11 1* nnsyl vanla. I'remlums In all classes have bei n carefully n vi-' d ui.-l i iiUMiall.v liberal. Splendid Racing Each Day. All premiums paid en tli" grounds on the last da of the / ;Ur. coi.iin li ' c'<» lc n The exhibit or heavy draft and l.looded horses, and tin" i»r«- l catt.l • and Oie '!» will exee any - thing ever whid In Western l'eunsylvaula. Ib-inemlter entries Tor horses and cattle will <l>> > sit tf.l.ij s p .>, at 10 p.m. For excursion rates and premium list nddress. W. P. ROESSING, Sec'y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers