STROM CLARK, A. M., M, D„ PF SPECIALIST la the treatment of Chron ic PlWf Mm con fines his Practice to such cases only as are BO clearly »nH fully developed as to make a com plete and positive diagnosis withoat guessing or allowing patients to make a statement of their condition, on this basis of Positive Diagnosis, for treatment, Dr. Clark's exp?rieuce has become strictly unlimited by a practice which in extent, variety and successful results is equaled by few and excelled by none. Patients i;ot cared by ordinary Treatment or in doabt as to the nature of their dis eases Especially Invited. Dr. Clark Originated, Teaches and Practices Positive Diagnosis aud CAN BE CONSULTED AT PITTSBURG, PR, 7TH AVE. HOTEL, (For Patients outside City) Tuesday Aog. 21, '33. (tltjr A«if. 10 lo IS, *ss.) BUTLER, I J A., LoAvry House, •/ Saturday and Monday, AUG. 25 &27 'BB. New York City, Grand Central Hotel, each alternate week, from Bept. 27. 'BB. to March 15. 'BO. Send ,for Dr. Clark's Paper, The Chronic Practioner, Laboratory (P. O ) Pa. Homer L Clark, A. M. M. D., Clinical Assistant. gmRRH ELY'S CREAM HALM /* mot « liquid, snujf or potcrler. Applied into mmtriis is fuiclciy abtorbed. It rCxtnses the komd Allays injbmmatv,*. I lea Is the torn. I Restore* the tenses of taste and smell, m w»tiat DrugglMfc; by mall, reglsim-d. cts Ely Brothers, • r "" uu * {ndiejesfian is the first form cf Dys pepsia. It may be the . fault of the food, but the CHANCES ARE it is tllC stomach's fault. Whatever tVe cause, it can be cured—and cured permanently—by P^S c .i dc < s PILLS which arc purely vege table and free from all injurious ingredients. Tor Rule l>7*ll Pri -«i 25 rt». fr Imy; a Uamr* far «"> >l>; or - 111 1 v' frw. «>a ncn; t<.r|icic-'. Ur. - So:i. I'LiUJ a. DOCTORS LAKE |MI PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, 906 rKKN AVE., -PITTSBURGH, PA.— A'l foriiit of Delicate awl Com. pliraird requiring CONFI OKSIIAI. and BCIE>TIPIC MHira- Uoa art in-alal at lb in lJix|«oaary with a miifna rani* ai talked Dr.S. K. Lake ta a member ol tbo loyal Cull«w of.l'hyiiciaiM and Barg»-oiis, ami in Ik* oMut ail moat experienced BPW.IAI.IKT In the •ttjr. Sj«rlmJ attrntloa given to Nervous Ifc-l.iiity •«« exn*lre menial, ImJiwrrlionn of prmth A-., rxuilac pbri'ral and menial decay, lack of energy, J, etc.: :IIM> ('am en. Old Sorea, Flu, I'ilaa, Übeumaibiui and all dikeuea of Ibeßkin, ■laud. Lulls', Urinary Orcana. Ac. ContulUlloo tim and Kindly conMential. 018.-j hour*'J to 4 and Sundaya 210 4 |>. n>. only, (ill at office a. K. LAU,M.I>., M.U.I'.P.P. or E.J. LA**. M. D. FOUTZ' S HORSE AMD CATTLE POWDERS *• Hnat will Ille of Cnue. Bora or Line KB via. tl Fouii"* Powdei* are naed m time. Faan Powdera will enre and pret ent Hon*. f'ttMff* Powder* will prevent IIAI-k- ik FOWIA Koatzl Powdera will Inrreaae the quantity of milk a cream twenty per cent, and make Die butter lira •weet. Foam Powilrra will enre or prevent almost EYLKT to wklet. HOPOTHIUI < aUleare mbject. COTTX 1 * PdWIIIU WILL GITI KATIaTACTIOS, ■old everywhere. DAVID X. FOUTZ, Proprietor. ULTIMOU. For Mle by J. U WI'LLER, liutler. Pa. rJJ a 0 BLACK WJW) uTOCKINGS x Lm The P. P. Robinson Co>a D *»- Jnr .MOHEY REFUNDED • • , 'TIU tbey CIIAWfMT («d« tu wu-hiof. UJln', Mlaam*. aa«l Childi en'M Mm-kliif County Treasurer which she Las t>o ably occupied. At a meeting of the geneial officers July 27, this resignation was reluctantly accepted and Miss Eliza Bastian was appointed to fill the vacancy. We are happy to announce her accept ance, and treasurers of local unions are hereby notified to send all State and County dues to Miss Eli/a Bas tian, Zelienople, instead of Mrs. Liz- K. Ayreß as heretofore. The following vacant departments, have been filled; Work among For eigners, Mrs. Iman, St. Joe; Prison and Jail Work, Miss Alfred Wick; Butler.; Flower Mission, Miss Mary Hopkins, Millerstown; Music, Miss Alice Wick, Bntler. Mas. S. M. MCK.EE, Pres. Mas. J. B. Sno WALTER, Cor. Sec. MRS. L. J. MCKINNEY Rec. Sec. In Love with His Wife. "What can I do to regain my hus band's love" ? writes Mrs. Carrie R , of Toronto. She adds that seven years ago she was married under the most happy anspices, and, until six months since, happiness crowned her domestic life; then her husband be came distant in bis manner toward her, until now be iB positively cold. Mrs. R. gives no details, but if she is afflicted with diseases peculiar to women, if her cheeks have lost their bloom, and her eyes their sparkle, it may explain the cause of her com plaint. ID this event, t)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will effect a magical change and restore her to health. As a powerful invigorating tonic, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion imparts strength to the whole system, and to the womb and append ages, in particular. For overworked, "worn-o»t," "run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers,seam stresses. "stop-girls," housekeepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, "Favorite Prescription," Is the greatest earthly boon, being unequalled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic England Opposes Protection. From The Manchester Examiner.] The Republican cause will not commend itself to English Liberals. They cannot but regret that a great party should make the exploded doc trine of protection a leading plank in its platform. Read Hie Next tW Column Arlicle. gT A Reciprocity of Trade. "Did the doctor bring the new baby m»?" asked Bobby. "Yea, dear." "Where did the doctor get the baby?" "Little babies come from God, Bo bby." "Ob, I see," said Bobby, after sufficient thought; "God sends people to the doctors, and after awhile the doctors send 'em back to God. —Don't wait till you are all run down before taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla. Take it now. —A head scenter—the nose. —An assayer knows bow to han dle the ores. Curious Doings of Lightning. A telegram from Crescovillo, Pa , says: During a thunder storm that i visited this region recently, a maple ; tree in front of .Miner Cresco's r«-*i dence was struck by Th only damngc ili»ue to the tree \vu-< ' the splintering of a piece out of the • trunk, midway between t!.e ground and the lower branches, After tli< ftorm was over, Mr. Crefco went j out to look at the tree. On the ground at the foot of it lav an immense black | snake deail, and holding in its mouth : j a youag robin. There was a robin's | I nest in the tree, and it was known to ' j have had thioe youiii; Oiies iu it. As j l the tree had bct-u t-tiuck by lightning ; it was supposed that they had been | killed. A buy went up the tree and found two young robins in the the j nest, alive and lively. It is suppos ed that the black snake had climbed the tree and robbed the nest of oae of the newly hatched birds, and was de scending the truak as it was struck by lightning and killtd with its prey in its mouth. The lightning thus avenged the robin. A dispatch from El Paso, Ttxas, ; says: On a recent date this city and vicinity was visited by a thunder j storm which, in the amount of elec- J tricity discharged, was unprecedent- , ed in this section. One of the pecu- j liar manifestations of the lightning : was in the striking of a tree under i which a flock of goats had taken shel- . ter. Fifty-two of the animals were j killed, but ouly a slight trace of the lightning could be noticed on the tree. Increase of Russian Home In dustries. The British Consul- General at Warsaw, Russia, states that increases which are constantly being made in the Russiau duties are having a ser ious influence in preventing im ports into Russia, and German trade has suffered severely inconsequences. The consul, reporting on the trade of last year, also points out that busi ness with Great Britain has also de creased, there being a noticeable fall ing off in fancy cloths, Manchester cotton velvet, jute, felt carpets, cocoa nut mattings, Nottingham curtains, leather and cotton beltings, Birming ham goods, Sheffield cutlery and tools, agricultural machinery and im plements, leather for bookbinders, earthenware, and glass. There is al so a decrease in cotton yarns and twi9t, knittings. Irish linen, chemi cals, and aniline dyes. The only ar ticles which seem to have held their own are power looms and spinning machinery. The consul further states that in consequence of the diminished importation ot foreign manufactured goods, many small manufacturers in Warsaw have lately taken to produc ing articles which were formerly ob tained from abroad, such as pins and needles, leather goods, umbrellas, cra vats, silk ribbons, stays, etc. also silk, cotton, woolen, and kid glove?, felt and straw hats, small iron wares, tin goods, buttons, ready made clothes, knitted goods, musical iustrume'its toys and dolls, basket gooda and car pets. Warsaw is, in consequence, rapidly becomiug an industrial cen ter. A Great Globe. According to La Nature, an im- I mense terrestrial gornr> relief. Upon my njcommendation score** of j*«'- ple have use«! this remedy with the Rime results claimed for it. P. Jackson twp W, mechanic, lialfour, John. Adams twp, farmer. Bowen, Win. Connoqiieuesslng twp. farmer. Barnes, It L. Allcgr.euy twp. producer. (Christy. J It. Karnscity, laborer. Cai'iln Win. IVtrolia, laborer. Chrlstley, T F. cherry twp, farmer. Campbell. W J. Fairvlew twp, farmer. Craumer. Israel, <'la.v twp, farmer. Deli/., J M, Fairvlew twp E, carpenter. Dufforcl. Michael. Butler twp, farmer. Daubenspeck. Henry S. Parker tv.p, farmer. Fleeger, Erastus, Center tv.-p, farmer. Gibson. J W. Clay twp, farmer. Graham, Wilson, Penn twp. iarmer. Glace, Fred, Butler Horo, Ist Ward,carpenter. Grim, lieorge, Jefier.son twp, farmer. Gephart, Wm. Jefferson twp, Harvey, Dallas, Duller Boro, 2nd Ward brick layer. Ilockeiiberry. George, Cherry twp, farmer, llindiiiau. Mewari'. Concord twp. farmer. Hill, John IJ, Adams twp, farmer. Jack. John S, Butler Boro, Ist Ward, book keeper. Kennedy, Wm, Bntler Itoro, 2nd Ward, livery man. Lang, 'ienry, Saxonburg, blacksmith. Moore, s 11, Worth twp. firmer. Marberger, Geo, Adams twp, iarmer. Mackev,Charles. Franklin tv.p, farmer. .MaiigH, Clote. Penn twp, farmer. Mcciatferty, John, Parker twp, farmer. MeCanclless, \V T. Baldridge, Prlngie, Win, Baldridge, producer. Parks, W K. Middlesex tv.p. fanner. Patterson. James, .lelfersou twp, farmer. Kankin, chambers, Fairvi-nv t>vp, Vv, iarmer. kco't. Francis. lr, Suiunill twp. farmer. Shields, Wm. Worth twp. farmer. Strawhecker, C J D, Zelicnopl.i, saddler. Tlmblin. A 1.. i''airvie'.v Boro, shoemaker. Turner, W P. Mlilerstown, druggist. TUouipson. Joseph, Cherry twp. S. fanner. White. J M, rmiuofiuenessUig N, carpenter, Wilson, J A! Fairvlew Hiro firmer. Wlgton, John c. Brads twp, farmer. Woirord, J M, Donegal twp, producer. We. the undersigned nigh Sheriff and Jury Commissioners, docertily that the above is a true and correct list of tne names drawn trom the proper Jury Wheel to serve as Petit Jurors In the court of " loiiinl lurf. 11.'' i\jh!i!M'9 arc unj | low can I"' IViiiml wl;er«'. Thorcr.wli trninlnT f'f Ttiic!i«rs. \ j rrt'paralimi fir C'»iiege aLfl l«»r ii-tivf : business life i>r <'»:!H!- £»■'. AdsJrc.-ts ' 111* 1'; incp i! U \V. MdiK VNAIIAN I uiiiu r.-viik*, 1' itliT cimruy. I'a ! CURRY INSTITUTE, pit TSIII i;« i:, FA. OVhlt tl «» S nu..\'l'i LAST Classical; SrientiHe; l.adies' Seminary; ' Normal; Feniiinanship ; Music and Floeution | liepartments, CI It ICY IHSINKSS (Ol.I.EI.l: AND CrmtY SCHOOL OF SHOUTHAXO ! are separate schools, each I) ing it s own com- , i plete Faculty, providing the most thorough practical drill in its line.onMinabie, Send for Catalogue of tlie Department you desire to enter. .IA.MKS CLARK WILLIAMS. A. M., Prest. TMi F \ COLLEGE T"K— ~ Elll L L Kr. Lutheran Cliurrh. Experienced instructors. Music also. Fall term opens Thursday. Sept. o, IKSS. All ex penses low. For catalogue or other informa tion address Itev. D. ItcKee acting FNsUort, oi l'rof. .1. l;. Tltzel. Secreiaiy Facunv. «.lIKE\\ II.LK, Mercer Co,, Fa. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, UKAOVILLK, PA. Fall Term of T;trd. year begins sept. is. Three courses leading to A. I;. degree. Tiiurough Preparatory hciiool. laiglnecilng. Military Department. Music. I'.ot.h sexes. Hillings Hall lor .Miiing ladies, lligh giade. Hxpcuses moderate. For catalogues or other information address UKY, niLIU U li. WILLIAMS, li !>., . President. lit; to er-turt a thorough business Edaration, or \ on> :•.<* -rt Micrt» su i toi! Type Writ'r, yr prt jiarv to teach Sprnccrl;»a Hencjiinsaip, la at t'ae -it lit-i i m b!i«l;ieu College- Clevclakd, O. Catalosui.' free. I > ROFESSIONA L CARDS. J. F. BKITTAIN. Att'y at Lav>*—Odlce at S. E. Cor. Main St, and Diamond, lUitler, I'a. NEWTON I.LACK Att'y at Law -Office on Soulh side of Diamond, llutler, I'a. 11! A Mc.JITNKIN, Attorney at Law. Office at No. IT, Ea« Jeifer sou St., Uuilcr, Pa. C.F. L McQUI STION, ENGINEER VXD SURVEYOR, . Okfii'k ON DIAMOND, Botixr, PA. Dr. m. m. Ho over, Office over Boyd's Urug Store, DIAMOND limt'K, ... ni'ri.KK, PA. BTTT ZIMMERMAN, riIYSICtAN AND SfUfiEON, Offiee at No. 4:,, s. Main street, over Frank A: Cos l)iug Store, r.ullcr, Pa. W. R. TIIZEL, PHYSICIAN AN,) SURGEON. N. E. Corner Main and Wayne Sts. S'U TLEU PEJM 3ST' A iDr. S. A, JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties Cold Fillings, anil Painless Kx trwlion of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Oillce on Jefferson Strict, line ioor Kast of Lnury House, l : |i Stairs. Offiee open daily, except Wednesdays an ! Thursdays. Comnnnilcaiioiis by mail receive prompt, attention, N. B.—The only Dentist In Butler nslnfir flic best makes of teeth. •JOHN E. BYF.IIS, PHYSICIAN AN " SURGEON Office No. i' » South Main Street, BUTLER, - • PA. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon, No. 10 West Cunningham St., BOTLEE. I'Jt3Jsr3ST'A or. S. LtTSiC. M.0,, Has removed from Harmony to Puller and has Ids office at No. 0, Main St., three doors below Lowry 11 onse. apr-30-lf. jd E i*• deiphia Denta! College, Is prepared toilo anything l:i llie line of his profession 111 a satisfactory manner. oiliee on Main street, llutler, opposite the Vogeley House. L. 8. McJUNIKIN, I lis ii ranee and Keal Estate t. 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. BUTLER, - I* A. Stewart & Patterson. A. M. STEWART and S. A. PATTKKSoM, Con tractors and llullilers, are both men oi years ol experience In line house building and framing. All persons thinking of building will do well to see them and look over their designs. Residence on Fairvlew Ave., Spi ingdale. Postoffict*. liuller. Pa, Ptight at Last. The place In P.'itfcr for Laundry Work. (Lace Ciirtaliiv: a specially) clol.hes cleaned, dyed and pressed; Carpets cleaned. Ladle-,' and Cents' Huts bleaclteJ. cleaned, re bloeice I and col n'e l. Fea' hers clean ed and colored. Tips curled. ANDREWS & SHUTTLEWQRTH AUKNfS. Laundry Office, THE DIAMOND, Butler, Pa. All work done by expeiienced lirms m I'llts burg. —Xo Chary* fur .Vail or I-'xpresx. Goods collected and delivered in all parts of tow 11. FOR SALE. T\»enly-tive• acres of land near (ire,"ee City -gooil farming land and ptohnhle oil territory. For terms and particular - Impure of r.. s. ;.i. .u NIC IN. Xo. IT, i: en >i lailler. Pa BUTLEit COUNTY WJutsial Fire insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. j •3. C. IIOESSING, President. WM. CAMPHELL, Tkkasi RKR j li. 0. IIKINKMAN, *>kcrk r.\kv | DIRECTORS: J L Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell .1. W . Bnrkhart. A. Ttoutmaii, llemlerson Oliver, (i C liiM'Ssing, .lames Stephenson, Dr. W. Irvin, N. Wcltzei, J. F. Taj lor 11. C. Heiuenian, LOYAL ML'JUNKIN, Ben, Ac't BUTLER, U v iyrui». Tastfie grx>y clnufpistA. (■¥ j**™*j L * 1 Ixdievo l'iso's Cure f 8 for f'onsuiii ption saved S I S Kilitor Knqnirer. Kdcn- 5 9 CONSUMPTION. Children jv take it without ohjeetion. |t By all druggists. 250. ' H rimf s ULasn a Best Cough Tastespoo#!. Uso iTHE ALLEN PATENT i Why It is Superior to aii Others. |,,+ ITS beins enclosed It retains the hlffh lot. teiiiperaiure So necessary in removing the dirt from the goods, ,1 TUEHE t>ein, r no Friction on the i : clothing to wear it. j Q...-S THK peculiar action of the water In the ' v».U. .Machine (whichcannot be understood unl.-R-s one .MH-S it) torctii}; a slrongeurrent "f «atcr through the clothing at every vlrbratlon of 11. Agitator, (which Is caused by the peculiar construction of the top of the Machine, ijil. AND best of all is that a child of ton r years *r HI. c::ii do the work It being so 1 fullt tliat the operator siis down v.hfle doing It. .Machines and t'ounty and Township I,'lshts thro'ighout the state of Pennsylvania, sold by j SHIKAS & HAYS, Butler, Pa s-u>-iy >i:» Clothing Store. CLOTHING, HATS, CENTS' FUKNISHING GOODS, UNDERWEAR, NBICK WEA R, OVEECOATS, RUBBER COATS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, UMBRELLAS,SHIRTS, CAPS SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS, &C„ All at most reasonable prices. JOHN T. KELLY, C) ( J S., Main St.. (utiXt d | o , l 0 Vio . CHOICE FRO IT Having taken "the agency for'the Cliolee Fruit frees, Beautiful Shrubbery, Ornamental Trees, And cveiylbing else U the Nursery line, of the New Nurs»*ri«*s. Cii.ise Uros. & Co., X. V.. I will upon you In the lu'.ir future and solicit your orders lor Fall delivery. A. H, FALLER, Agent, Hutler - Pa. BUY Y9OB HOMES United Security LiiV Insurance and Tru>.l Co.. of I'a. Money to Buy lllOl «*x mai i n i k «l M.F.&M, Marks' Spring Goods, We say by all means do so for you will n- - ,'e.r rejp'et it. We are a f.lller line of II its. ltoiiie ls. Trt n'ainjfs. and Lace Caps than ever liefon:. We added to our line of Corsets, "W \R\Kits III: VI.TII. - I lie •Uut'llJNK UKI.IBF," Corset waist, l'lie ••r'l.oitKNCi;'Cor'et waist. \ud a Corded Waist for children. We are also keeping- A FULL LINE OF GLOVES. JtV.J E fi A' 1 nioutll and! We U.vil\ V'l iilli'.'V tUts t" our s:i|esni n, or l i'iT \I j| fill ITKI:. ( in si;irt Y»'J at once, Sml | Ur<»r tenn.s «»t, J. AI'STI.N SIIAW, .Nur.Hrryniaii, tt«i; , !i. i st'*r^N._Y A. J. FRANK k (0. I)K\LEe.4 IN DRUO3, MEDICINES, AM. ciiE\nn.\LS« FANCY ANI> TOILET AItTIOES, S'l'ON'liKS, IJltll.SU K.S, PEUFUM F.itY, Ac I»»-piijsli lans' Prescriptions carefully eo.ll pounded. 45 S. Main Siree!, Butler, Pa. r«ePARKKR'S Clft 181« TO»r'lJ t , ~ || •.1. .. ~11 1 • t .■ In :i .1.1 •• 4-lm x )Im 'i'Ul< lit* • -•«. ) . '*• v I A tJjllllA. ii.cltf* u«n. ll ill I ic i !'•» f ioii. InvuliMiti "• I'l I'}', •'-fi, yt'UtiAf V.. I . . rid u T I J4IH.M a:.«! li ciucibot the Moiuot'li iiitu Cue. HSNDERCORN3. i Tlie wifet t. mn-.-Ht und cure fort'iu as, l;imtun**,^e. St<.| * ill! twin KIIHUI . h r.imful 11.. llle Ni vx-r f^llc j in CttOth bt llruialfiln, lIIMXOC Jit CO., S. y. 111 tirilTl A ||li:n revolutionized, the IKUL M 1 111 ii world *.l (ll'l hit Hie last, hall I Mill H I 111 |V< •'Otory. Not least among I!t V Lai i I U tithe wonders of luvcnilic progress Is a meiliod ami system or work that e;in lie performed all over the country without separating the workers irom Uielr homes. Fay lllierat; any one can do the work; either sex, young or old; no special ability require, ' api tal not you are started free, something of great value mil importance to you. that will stall vou lu business, which will bring you In lueie money ri rht away than anv'hliig els- In the. world. Crawl out tit free. Address THI'K & < 0.. Augusta. Malic. Advertise io the CITIZKN. 'lTfe JKLMux mMm m JLi LEA^OIISrO I Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Craj es and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. IS] o- 18. Soutli Main Streets - BUTLPJH* 1 "A- ITS COMING ; And when It get> here, everybody will rush to j ' see it—Excitement will ruu high, and we shall j i have crov .led house-? day and evening. WlcU is ll- Why Its Ili:CK> MEN AC Kit IK—Us a I regular King-tailed Snorter—and when i: comes | ! look out for'skv rueket* and greas-.-d lightning ! Its not a menagerie of ring-tailed monkeys, | I leoperd.s that change their spots or wild Afrl- ! I can lions, but it will draw great crowds and j will b ■ forth seeing. ITS A HOO-D0 and knocks compet ion endwise. U ie->. r luirts a customer, but it makes i.omiiet ilioa run. i Thev cover the ground ipiite rapi llv when they j see it. and ea.-i llieir coat-tails to the hree/.e. i leaving yon in the hands of penpli' who "111 give j you a fair deal. Your interests are ours, and j 'we have made arrangements for excursions , during the season. An -'ccommodatlon will i ' leave Uouyern every day at V a. in . making only I | two stops between Colighem and Butler. First j stop. Trastito\vn. and passengers will be allow ed s minutes to look at the trash. That will be | quite hint' enough to satisfy them that they ! hiust goon rollhCK'S. Second stop, Swindler- , \ ille. |»;is anil upwards per day. who Is willing to work. Kit her sex. young or old; capital not needed; we stirt you. Everything new. No special ability re quired; yo;i. reader, can do 11 unwell as any one. Write to u.s at once tor full particulars.which we mail free. Address Stiusoii it Co., Portland. Ale [ITENfiILLER~HOr[L, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BXJTLER, - - JPA.. Near New Court House—formerly IKinaldson Mouse—good accommodations for Snivelers. »na i'i.Jor **rii •. Ail-. •! . •••! •»u tlv<••••.M«|.n- TI.J. Hours: lu;;. F». nil U.A>l 7tJ 1 J rv. :;I ILM. f . J*. >« JUDICIOUS AlfO FIHSISTEMT * Advertt.diig has always pro Ms. BiiecvsE 1 uI. 1!. I'oro placing 1111/ W Newspuper Advertismr c>ll.-1 dt LORD THOMAS, I ■MDrintfli iHItTKISII WIM«, <1 U <» «JJ"lvl|.li "Irrtl, CHICAGO. I »it ram pisfiii ma?, »tu; I Zi >OTK ±5.» K While the Great Majority of the People of Butler Co. j Want Solid, Good, Reliable Hoots and Shoes Worth the money they pay. The 'after go to HUSELTON'S For their Coots and Shoes. They do it h has the largest stock to select from; because they cm and do rely on what he tells them about the Vocds No two or three prices—same to all. IS'o tricky ae vertising doi e, such as goods ;it 4S els, ('.!> cis". et< No auction, or 011> sami-ji; k.ts, put in ::.s \w,uid mak believe at oO cents oil the dollar, but Irish ne\ styles made to ordtr by the best manufacturer in ti countiv to-day. Icu alwa\s w;.nt to keen an ! open on the fellow that says he is giving 'his ueoo away at -50 cts cn the dollar. hither he .rtl < goods is considerably cfi colour. Our selection is huge in Luiikti Shoes of a! kinds at £I.OO, $1 2f>. SLAu, s■_ <.r mid up to tl.*'. We don't ssty tiny arewoith twice the mora\ we as' for them; or to come quick, never get siuhachaiu again; and, at your own price, and all such nti.sonM but do say that nowhere can you find their equal; especially our $1.25, $1 "0 ; l.d £2.t.U Kid 1 nth Boots. r J hey are genuine Kid sind Pongola warrant ed, and very handu me styles in all widths aw. shapes, and we intend to try to supply all customer that want these goods, il we tan get tlam fas: enough l'rom the factory. Have had some troubl* lately on account of our rapidly increasing trade e: these shoes to get them fast t nongh to meet the de maud. We intend to extend this opportunity to you el getting these goods at time, as we intend to kn > a lull stock at ail times. ("hey ate not th-.p worn sample shoes.) Hence, if it don't.. uit \ou to eon.- this week, come next, as we intend to > r o\ tiiem i quantities to meet the demand. St>;ne say, "Mrik while the iron is hot." You em strike anv day o. hour at Uuselton's and find the iron hot. See our Ladies', Misses'and Children's Slippers. Lace Oxfords, Opera, very tine iit of) cts and up. Wigwam, Law n Tennis in Ladies', Gents', Mi.-ses and Children's. Our sales arc very large in Men's Fine Shoe-, in I Button Hals and especially in Congress. We have all styles, widths ami prices from SI.OO and up. You should stop in and see our new lines in lio ; s' am i ouths' Shoes, the finest we have ever shown. The\ are sellers. Why, they s.'U them .-elves. Pon t lo; get to look at our immense .-!•.< .v of' am Childrens' Spring Heel Shoe.-. the fii,, i and be-1 fit ting goods for the least money of an . go !. in th: country. We warrant every pair. Men's. ISoys and Boutin' lir ::ins. Plow She*- liox-toe Kip Shoes for oil couutrv. at low • • ricc I lease bear in mind that in huyin/ at llusciton's \o are protected in prices, styles an l wear. Come an . see us. B, C. HUSELTON, No 4N. MAIN ST. BLTLKR, PA. 1111111111 <+> 11!IIIi111 I.AOES, SILK< lUBBONS. \ n \ i rs BUTTONS. ElxaXOS. V ,!n TKI MAI INCH, Vti *.K ' Vl> RETS < <>| ul.'l J >"|i|;KSS I»f>S, v'lriiT hi riil ' 1"-1:-S! .s ! , J|K Mil MUX INI- \\IX \l II U VM! " ,:KSS KAIIUM > !NrAMlf» " tAK, j y .1 ! \V |. vl; .1 A< K KTS. I-A KAS«U.S. ,s ,~V WRAPS. SHAWLS. hiD OLOVES. A. Troutman & Son. Leadi ig Dry Gooes and Carpet Bouse. BUTLSPo - IPH-JSI IS A_« CURTAINS. - f CMH'KTS WINDOW SUA I IKS. >i « Tl'lNi.s CI'IM AIN IMH.KS i rj-t. v,i| . pi • ANI) FIX! i KKS. J \ r \'\ i s|- |:i , , L O,lnamV^. U ' K,NS ' , " TU * SPECIAL ATT EN' IMON TO 0111 i tt> I>Y MAI I. THIS SPACE IS liKSEHYEI) FOR E. ORI.K]J,TIh' Jeweler, No "North? Main St, BUTLER. LA., Whose advertisement will appear next week.