Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 20, 1888, Image 1

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    VOL XXV.
—-.gr- *7 -• —l*l iIA I- >'«w York Hat " ■•; c t.ilm
\ all III' '.fun: poiQtSC'l -.'Viral »• "i-ptabV
cii. s. • -iiodlc -uit all U' • - It
tiiem are the -K M.Q.' and tlie "Bunnv."
"THE MATCHLESS." There 9KU9 to 1* an impression tliut because
we ar> patronized by the fashionable people.w
Ooa.t au> ut rTor t«, car*, lor U»o*° wuoae pc>*.k<-i iwki an llwltnl Tbte is great mistake.
UUJV i« ft* <•*•>«•"<!. hjr kavinf thet .-t«»m of tie taMiioniiL'l women, to n:akc *>>• i:l efforts to
irnKr I «r ret we Uitrk we can suit :be taste and' means ol anyone, however «><lil the taste,
cr SanC • . tjf laeai.*.
JnsS j oni *2- ut L*XIA PITH." To who have used It we say nothln-;. Tlietr once
indac J' i. j>-« its always. To those who never trl-il it we say. - pro.-t by the experience of
taaaj and try It.'
Miss M. H.Gilkey,
New Euilding, No. 62 S. Main St. THE LEADING MILLINER
Give us Your Attention
V. »|.j. v.! r lr. f.n' .U. . ins. To.; rre about to Iree 'ln wlie of
t. •• .*rrwt :itur»i iiuj-i i»t—ii-Ven'vo found It's cheap- tto l>uv the I si.
<*«.r» y*m will i*;. »L«r«- >« n ' t. . in- p, at, ronress that
» «l - : s . • ■! rs uUdlduns ilk.' tiiem. Head too much
itkr f4<-a" MOa.
Yi.Vn beard <4 Ih<-1 I." AVI '< 'N Mowers. 1: • s and l.in lrs Then
;om ki'.v. U'-.s'reth' w r.ii. We've g t tbiui so <i.eap that \oo
»• b*i I»< -.tite ten DJ.U .. all v<mi coin-- around, feu know the n. Ms of
Ite I*«TV sprtusr Tnr*h li* Tow and the Imitations that are on :
V. hare -lie get ilue. aad i! yoa need a good uairow. we reif-Jan. i.d it.
> ;on d .h I know i'.at we •'-11 mor- Novelty I*nnjp>. Iron lorce.
I; ihna ail th. iiaidv.tr> iliius cf jAiti-r put together. We do
Cons*- ar»>Uß'l and lo ka' our slock. Ye'i'il le.irn fw.!i;« Wc
fcav« -»iue .-u.er Il.tugs to«: I*- lU.-.-u Stove-s and Itangts, Kajfle Klasllc
I u-tfc ready mixed.
tiraral llardM are. Uire Screen- pate at ■ hums etc. Our si J:k U not
< xt.fV.--4 in th" ' -tsiit.i and .v. can nut be iai." i - id.
Bu(ler, Pa,
What You Eat!
I> the ? "-•>: important coi siuernhon oi' your l'fe, and inuclj ol' 1
our »i 1 Iwalth it due to tlie careful and conscientious grocer.
We buy tlie !>est in the market, select all our goods
with tlie jrreatest care, and ciiini to have as good ;t .stock of
Groceries can I** found anywhere.
We want your trade and invite you to try our Flours,
Susans Coflees, Canned Fruits, Dried Fruits, Spices, Hams,
•Canned Meivts, ('rackers, Confectioneries, Tropical Fruits,
Nuts, or aiivthinpr in our store room.
Country Produce a specialty, and all new fruits and veg
etables in season
In our China Hall, in the second story of our building,
we have the lanes- stoek <>f Chinaware, (ilas-.-ware, Crockery,
Lainj»f< and Fancy Goods in the town.
(five us a trial, highest market price allowed for produce.
C. KOCl! & SONS,
MAI n T ST., - - BUTLER, PA.
We are now in our new store-room on S. Main St.. and i
have the room to accommodate our larire stock of gr< cories,
flour, etc.. anil have built a large ware-house to accommodate
our stock of feed.
Wc pav the highest ensh price for potatoes and all kinds ol
Jacob Boos, 105
"Nothing Succccds'Likc
Then Look Back 3o Years
When We Commenced.
Now Look at the Way We Do
Our Business,
And Most Oimjdete in Hullcr, ranging in Quality and prir.j
from the Cheape.-t to the Finest, all Reliable, e'l Made
Ijesides we Guarant e all we sell
Gall and "be Convinced.
And Silverware.
Finest f»to<-k of Stirling Silverware in the county,
and at prices not to l>c equalled for cash.
Watciies and Clocks repaired and warranted, at
«J. R. GliiEH'ri
]STo. 16 South M ain St., (Sigu of Ei.m Tim - Wr.\.\.),
Butler, i 3;! ,
Eik.. .
3 ML
Oi:'.. at So.-s."> s. .Main street, over Frank i.
CVS It! - :,' St "re. Lut'.er. Pa.
i Atfyat Law -'KSee at s. E. Cor. 3h!n and
Uiamoad, Eutler, I'a.
\«t'y a! I.aw— < u S i'itli side of Diamond,
j it Itler. T'i..
! A:to:r.ey at Lav- . • Mlii-e at Xo. 17. Jeffer
■ ion Si . liutkr. Fa.
I 3 T£. £&* H-iover,
OWce over Boyd's store,
N. K. Corner Main ai;'l Wayne Sts.
All w rk pertaining to the profession execut
ed in the neatest maimer.
Specialties Fillliics, and Painlf ss Kx
traetion id Teeth. Vitalized Air administered,
liiiii-e ou .litiVrson s(r. one (loor Kast ofLowrj
llouite, I JI sUim.
office ope,i daily, <' vcept Wednesdays and
"J hui.s jays! t '■jiiiini:ul-:aUons bj mail receive
prompt attention,
X. li. The onlv Dentist in Butler using the
best makes oi teeth.
ofln e > i. ri, South Mam Street,
BU'JLKK, - i»A.
Physician and Surgeon.
No. 10 West Cutninghun.St.,
o|/ V. M.liiiON. Graduate ».f the Fliila
. I\. delpiiia Ix-tda! Collejje. is prepared
In do anvthiiiu 1:1 the line ol his pioiession in a
satlsl: ii>r\ manner.
oiiii-e on .Main stieet, Uutler, opixwitc th--
Vogeley lio.i - •.
J. S,XiUSKi IW.B-,
15; s r.'-iuov : from Harm ay to Hut 1. r and :i:..-
lifs oil.i " ai No. 3, .Main St., three tiooi ; tieln'.v
Lov/rj' ilouoe. apr-a«-tf.
L. 6, McJUNim,
lii>iirnnce and Real Estate \<it.
V. F. L. McaniSTlOir,
Oi'ricß ON DIAMOND, licn-Ere, I'A.
Stewart & Patterson.
tractors and I'ulldei .ai >• illi men of jv;us of
exw lence In flpe building* and fnuntnn
All p r-"iis UiiiiUlnjj 'if building will do well
to s'-. tii<-m and loot: over tiielr design T.
liesldeiire Oti i'alrvlew Ave.,Sprih>;dale.
J'ostolllee, Rutler, IV.
James iVlcT^ass,
Manufacturer and dea'.--! jn stone pnmps and
water j.lpe. >.vl- lies iti« piibilc I i ri rncmber tltat
le-eonllnii 'S that be-in: sii, at. Jlallston station,
-A tin- IV s. ,i I„ I;. R. J:.
For p trticulars ailr-. M. .IAMEH .MCNBEII
I'ni.ip. 1* 0.. liutler (f'liinty I'a.
Orders can be Irt with .1. Niggle & 15: 0., liut
ler, i'a
A larire frame boarding house, good locali'iii
and doing lari;o business. Terms easy. t For
fuiiher parliculars imiutre i.T
1,. S. Ili-.il Mi I>, IT i:. Jeirprsmi St..
•'-?9,tl liutler, I'a.
\\ A > r rEI >] \
Fur the IIDOKKK Nfp;si.iti|s. is JL. 1
tabll.-heil iSi' ad.v t-mvlojmen! and good
pav. S"i,'i for teitu -, at once. 11. K. IIOOK lit
< <>'., lioehi ster, N. V.
A 'ori' V.'. - I'"R ONr 01-'THK I.ARGKST,
< Li» ; T i>.i- "-.MM ;-:i>, 11I:.-;T KNOWNNI K
s..,.ii'.s in iiji.i.try. Most liberal tenns.
I'lieiiualed faellitles. GKNKVA N1 HSEHY. Es
tablished islfi.
I have enlargid my ftore-room, In fact, made
ii almost twlee as large aa If was before, and
li.ive alholiiereased m\ stix k. I have, by far,
liie largest and best selected stock or
Fine Drills and Clicniicals
In ISutler' >unty, anil am now In position lo
supply tli" want* of ihe people i»f this county—
even In iter than In the past,
Vou will do well to call on me when in Iho
need ol anything In the line of
fine Crags and Medicines.
My si oi I; :h very complf I ■ and FliK 'KS VIJUV
I,OW, lii raeiiieine ijuailiy Is or the llr>.l linpur
tam-e. v wegivi paiti. ular attention to tilling
l'resi-ri|it ions.
Gur li'-; . n-ilng Department is complete. We
dispense only l'ure Drugs of tlie
Finest Quality,
and our patrons may bring us their preserlp
t ;• in ~ feellnrial II that thej will be carefully
and lu'curai ly filled.
Thanking the tiUitlic tor the very generous
|i:itrona:r<; lin-y have aeeordeil me In the past, I
hopo lo lie alii,- to Her'. • tlieai more acceptably
in the future, at the old stand.
No. 5, North Main St ,
Planing M ill
Lumber Yard
S.Gr. Purvis&Co.
and Planed Lumber
< 'Jf EV 11t Y i)KBCitIPTION,
\« >*r< K(holi«'<;liier( ii
Particular .itt' iiiuin to the Retracing ol
old lines. Ailtlre-H,
It. ]'. lIII.M AUO.
t «. Surveyor
North Hope P. O. liutler Co , Pa.
"Tippecanoe and Tyler Too."
(rnOM A PAPER OF OCT. r>, is to )
' W hat has cau el this great commotion, mo
j lion, motion,
Our couutry through ?
It is the ball a-rolling ou.
«. liOEt'S. —
For Tippecanoe an.l Tyler too—Tippecanoe
and Tyler too,
AnJ with them we'll heat little Van, Yau;
Yaa is a u-eJ up man;
AnJ with them we'll beat littli Van,
Like the rushing of mighty waters, water?,
On it will go,
AnJ its course wilt clear the way
For Tippecanoe, <kc.
j See the Loco standard tottering, tottering,
| tottering,
Down it must go.
And in its place we'll rear the Hag,
01" Tijipecauee, Ac.
j Have you hearJ the news from old Ktutuck'
tuck, tuck,
Good news aud "rue,
Seveutten thousand is the tune
For Tippecanoe, &c.
Have ycu Ltatd from eld Varmounl, mount
All honest and true,
The Green Mountain hoys are rolling
the hall
F'or Tippecanoe, <Sic.
Don't you hear from every rpiarttr, quarter,
Good news and true,
That s-rtiit the bail is rolling ou
For Tippecanoe, ccc.
The New York bojs turned out in thousands
thousands, thousands,
Not long ago,
And at Utica they set their scale
For Tippecanoe, «fcc.
Now you l.tar the Yau-Jacks* talking, talk
ing, talking,
Things look quite blue,
For aii the world seem turning round,
For Tippecanoe, <J:3.
Let them talk about hard cider, cider, cider,
And log cabins too,
'Twill only help to speed the ball
For Tippecanoe, &e.
The latch string haugs outride the door, door
And is never pulled through,
For il never was the custom of
Old Tippecanoe, <Scc.
He always has his tables set, set, set.
For a? 1 honest aud true,
And invites them in to take a bite
With Tippecanoe, &e.
Ste the spoilsmen and leg-treasures, tieas.
ures, treasures.
All in a stew,
For well they know they stand no
With Tippecanoe, &c.
Little Marty's days are number'd, number'd,
Out he must go.
And in ihc chair we'll place the good
Old Tippecanoe, tfce.
Now who shall we have for our Givarn ir,
Govern r, Governor,
Who, tell me, who,
Lct'.-i have ISi!I Seward, for h«'s a learn
For Tipp< ep.tioe and Tyler too —Tippecanoe
End Tyler too,
Aud with them we'll beat little Yan, Van;
Van is a used up man,
And with them we'll beat little Vtin.
Oh, have you heard the news from Maine,
Maine, Maine,
All honest and true ?
One thousand for Kent, and seven
thousand gain
For Tippecanoe, &o.
Eurania's Boys and llow Tliey
Kept House.
A boy from the Western Union
office stumbled up the steps to 530
Poplar Avenue. "Tel'gram," he an
i ounccd laconically to the maid who
opened the door, extending a dingy
yellow envelope.
"Hey?" Norah had recently said
good-by to County Cork, to coin
money in the New World But she
bad been warned against pedlers, no
she said pertly, "Go 'way; wc don't
want nothin'."
"(Jo along with you," said the boy,
grinning at tho stupid face under the
cap, "Take it in; it's for Mrs Eu—
Eu—bother ! something Stebbins
Hurry up now, give her this to sign."
Having disposed of his two papers
the district messenger was free to
thrust both hands in his pockets and
pound bis heels on the vestibule
Mrs. Eurania Stebbins was sitting
down to cutout her spring stock of
underclothing. The cloth had been
sent up the day before, and ever
since, she had been longing like a
general sure of success, to rush into
the fray. She was now clashing her
freshly sharpened shears, aud only
pausing to call out to her two boys
bustling around in tho next room,
"Hurry, boys, you will be late for
school," now seated herself at her
work-table and began.
At the first exhilarating snip of tho
shears, in came Norah with the tele
gram. Mrs. Stebbins threw down
her implements and tore open, with
trembling lingers, the yellow envel
"Come at once. Aunt Betty is
Tho fateful paper fluttered into
Mrs. Stebbins' lap.
' O dear, dear!" she cried like a
woman, immediately in a spasm of
sympathy with no thought of diso
beying the summons, "if Charlotte
were only home!"
"But Charlotte isn't," said Chris
cheerfully. "I'm so glad." Both
hoys hail immediately run out into
the sewing room ou the exclamation
that proclaimed tho advent of the
telegram, and now hung over the
cutting table, in various attitudes of
interest, while they endeavored to
possess themselves of the news
"Aunt Betty sick!" cried Julian
the youngest, who was tho quickest
this time, and waving tho message
high iu tho air. "Oh! take me, ma,
"He says it," interrupted
Norah, ia the babel, and holding out
the other paper.
"Oh, so I must," said Mrs. Steb
bins in a flurry. "Do stop, boys, I
can't hear myself think. Hero, I'il
write an answer. (Jet my pocket
book out of the. upper drawer, Chris.
Fanny will be worried to death till
she knows for a certainty that I'm
"I'm going down to give the mes
sage to the boy and pay him," an
nounced Chris marching baek with
the pocket book, which he had opened
and spilling pennies all the way.
"No, you go straight to school,"
aid his mother wilb a flushed face,
"You'll bo late as 'tis now There,
each give mo a kiss; good by. I shall
. tak.'tbe t-vt ive o'clock train. Now
j be a'ooil liiijfi and miad every single
word vour i'at.lior savs. 1 wish Char
olte was Lota?," she repeated agttin
! anxiously as the two pairs of anus re
leased her coliiir.
"It's g.iy that Aunt Betty wasn't
sirk fill to day," said Julian, tliugiug
down the te eg rain, and rubbing for
his school-bag, "else L'h.irlutte would
not have gone yesterday afternoon,
i Then we'd have under hi-r thumb "
| "I shall go around first to your
father's office, and giye him special
j directions about you, on my way to
I the train,'' said their mother, rapidly
; writing and counting her words, "I
] will go to Portland on the noon
train"—one, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine words—there!
Mr. Stebbius says I never say any
thing in ten words. I'm sure I've
| done it now, aud in nine."
"Ding—ding!" pe tied up over the
"Sure aud that bye'll break the
bell!" cried Noruh with a County-of-
Cork jump.
"Dear me!" cried Mrs. Stebbins,
; fi.shinjr out a quarter of a dollar from
the pocket book, "those boys never
can wait a minute. Hurry, Norah,
be'ore he rings aguiu," thrusting into
the girl's hand the message, the re
ceipt and the money, the last of
which jingled out of Xorah's stiff fist
at the top of the stairs. Mrs. Steb
bius could hear it roll, thumping each
step to drop oa the hall floor below,
so she ran out and called over the
balustrade, "Never mind, Norah; do
stop prowling around. Come get
another quarter. You can find that
Chris and Julian nudged each oth
er, and made a mental note of the in
"Good-by, mother," they pbouted,
cramming on their caps, and flying
down stairs. "We'll be good," and
went eft with the messenger boy
with whom, as there was no one else
to talk baee ball, they engaged in a
lively discussion till the corner was
Mrs. Stebbins, giving Norah direc
tions to put away the cotton cloth
with the patterns and shears, beside
packing her bag, had very little time
to spare after an interview wiih the
cook; and the hasty planning of meals
for at k'ast two days, especially as
that presiding genius of the lower re
gious had ono of her off days as re
garded temper,
"Going off, is it?" she cried,throw
ing the knives, handles and all, into
the dish pan.
Mrs Stebbins pretended not to see
this, and looked at the clock. "Yes,
my aunt is very sick. I must catch
the twelve o'clock traiu. Remember,
Ann, to give them a good breakfast
to-morrow morning. Make a ham
onit iette aud let the boys have cocoa.
And you'll have to look out for No
rah, of course."
"Ilumpb!" grunted Ann, determin
ing to do just as she pleased about
that, as well as the other things.
"And tell Peter to be careful about
washing the windows, he must take
more pains than yesterday, and as,k
Mr. Stebbins about everything. I'm
going to stop at his office on
to the train, so he will be home early
this afternoon. Good-by. There's
the car. I shall come buck day after
to-morrow probably."
The conductor when she asked
him the time, told her twenty-five
minutes to twelve, aud as she pulled
out her own watch triumphantly
pointing with a, "It can't be—mine's
quarter past eleven," said, "What
did you ask me for, if you knew,
then?" and she had the double satis
faction of seeing everybody in the
car smile, while all hopes of stopping
for a word at her husband's cilice,
were at onec demolished.
"If hadn't sent the telegram I'd
take this train," she lamented to her
self, while nervously hunting a nickel
to satisfy the irate conductor who
stood before her, impatiently shaking
his fingers, "I would wait till four
o'clock, but Fanny'll get into a nerv
ous fit like as not if I'm not at the
depot, and"—dowu fell the nickel in
the straw.
The conductor pushed the mass
with his big loot. "I'ui not going to
hunt for thai; you'll huye to giyo me
"I see it,"volunteered a kiud-heart
ed passenger who being very near
sighted, now squinted frightfully at
the Straw. Thereupon all the others
uot to be outdone in such disinterest
ed benevolence bent over and peered
industriously for the missing nickel,
which with depravity usual in such a
case, cunningly rolled deeper yet in
the twisting straws.
The conductor pulled the strap,
and flew to the platform to help on a
fat woman; when he returned the
poking-over process was at its height,
intense sympathy depicted on each of
the faces bent over the straw.
"Hurry up and hand over another
nickel," he demanded crossly. "Gra
ciou.-! if that ain't meanness for you!"
bo added with a gratuitions thrust at
the passenger who hud offended him.
"I'm sure I don't want to be
mean," said Mrs. Stebbins, her face
now of a lively red; "they said they
just saw it. Here, I'll give you an
other," trying to find the back breadth
of her dress for her pocket-book again.
"Just saw it!" repeated the conduc
tor, ready to enjoy his privilege of
conversation where no well-behaved
person ought to answer back. "Yes,
you might see it till doomsday, and
never set your thumb on it. Come!"
His largo red palm being the prom
inent thing before Mrs Stobbiu's
eyes, she sat thereon a fresh nickel,
aud clutching her bug, sat quite erect,
her mind having nothing now to wor
ry over, but fear that she would not
catch her train.
But she did, after running down
every one in her way, who heaved a
sigh of relief when they saw fairly
Just at this time Mr Stebbins'
office boy jumped up the steps of his
residence and handed in a note to the
lawyer's wife. It not b-;dug sealed,
the domes',ics wore well acquainted
with its couteuts, but showed great
surprise when Chris read it out at
luncheon—the cook listening in the
butler's pantry.
Harkins has just come in, and says
the case is on for the fifth. This nec
ecßssitates my catching the one
o'clock train for New York. You
understand. Don't worry about mc.
I don't need a bag. I'll buy what I
want Take good care of
yourself and boys. I shall be homa
Your affectionate husband,
"Hero's a lark!" cried Chris, f.oun-
ding the table with bis brawny fist
while Juiiau squealed in a transport
| "Father catching the oue o'clock
train, mother running for the twelve,
and best of all.Charlotte safe at Uncle
Henry's. What can't we do?"
i "I shan't eat this hash, I know.
It' three davs that Ann's made us
swallow this Tell her to cook me
something else," commanded Julian,
j the first delightful shock over. "Hur
ry, Norah, I'm awfully hungry "
"You've eat it most up," saiil Nor
ah, grinning t-.t the empty plates.
"You're not. to talk," retorttd Juli
an, tipping back his chair and looking
i at her, "only to carry out my ordeas."
"Orders, is it?" said Norah, not so
i fresh from the Green Isle but she had
J a few Boston ideas generously douat
|ed by her new housemaid friends,
i "I ain't hired by you, and I ain't a
j going to take your jaw."
"Well, I'll dismiss you," said Jul
i ian, quite grandly arising from his
i chair, and swelling up. "My father
and mother's away, and we're head
now, and," —
"Ob, grueious!" cried Norah, her
big red face tilted up scornfully
"Head? oh, gracious!"
"You needn't slay till vour week's
out, either," declared Chris quickly,
anxious to do some of the ordering.
! and getting out of his chair to march
' up and down the room as he had seen
his father do.
"Be still," cried Julian hotly; "I'm
attending to her. Y r ou've no busi
ness to interfere."
"I'm the oldest," said Chris, deter
' mined to make a stand for his l ights,
j "and of course I take lather's place."
"Well, then, I take mother's," said
! Julian, accepting the situation quick
ly, aud she always turns off the girls
"I'm a go'tig any way," declared
Norah. "I wouldn't stay for two
dajs, nor for wan, in the house alone
with jez imps, and Ann's a laving
too. He—ee!"
"Ann must not go," cried Chris,
rushing eff into the kitcbeu to meet
the presiding functionary pull in tr iu
her bead from the butler's window.
"Who ever heard of such a thing!
Who's going to cook breakfast, say?"
Ann airily wiped her hands on the
first dish-towel that presented itself
and winked at Norah, who now lent
beiself to the scene, leauiug against
the door. The housemaid burst out
into a noisy laugh.
"Orders is i:?'' cried Norah shrilly.
"Oh the likes of it! B'yes is it, yez
are, or p'raps ytz ud like to make us
belave ytz are min."
"We are the heads this house any
way," cried Chris in a hot wrath,
while Julian pranced up and dowu
crying out pompously, "Who is it we
aren't, say? Well, you sha'n't be
paid any if you run eff this
way. Now we've got the best of
"Stop your tongue, Norah," cried
the cook in the midst, "and leave
things to me. Your mothjr paid lis
up lust night," she vouchsafed to the
boys; then she tossed lazily away the
dish-towel, surveyed her face in a
small mirror ho.ugiug for that purpose
under the clock-shelf, aud hummed a
bar of "Climbing up the Golden
"If I'm goin', catch me doiu' up
them dishes," exclaimed the house
maid, tearing herself away from the
supporting door, to come conversa
tionally near the cook.
Ann now deserted the mirror to lav
ber head close to Norah's, when a
brisk and smothered conversation,
interlarded witii much laughter of a
spasmodic character on the housmstid's
part, ensued. Chris and Julian tired
of waiting, for signs pointing toward
a genera! conversation, left the field,
rushed out to play, and in fivo min
utes forgot all about it.
Six o'clock brought them in speedi
ly to the delights of a hot supper.
Peter the indoorman was just depart
ing through the back gate as the-tioys
raced around the corner.
"Ifulloa, Pete!" they sang out try
ing to tell him that futber and mother
were both away, but that individual
'having private reasons of his own for
getting home early, preferred to show
no intimation of hearing.
Chris and Juiiau therefore thrust back
on their own resources of conversa
tion, whooped over the steps aud into
the house, thanks to tho 1 itch key by
which Mrs. Eurania saved tho steps
of her housemaids.
"Plugue on that Norah!" exclaimed
Chris, opening the vestibule door.
"I'll giye it to her for forgetting to
light the gas. (Jive us a light, Nor
ah!" he screamed out stumbling along
to the top of the basement stairj^
All was silent below in place of the
high revelry that Nor&h's intermina
ble cacklo and good spirits set in mo
"You can't get anything out of
her," said Julian scornfully. "I'll
light the gas myself," which was
scarcely said before it was done.
And running through the different
rooms, tho younger son of the Stebb
ins family speedily bad the lower
part of the house ablaze. "There,"
lie said in satisfaction, "now we'll see
what's what!" to turn full upon the
astonished face of his brother, breath
less after an exploration below stairs.
"They're gone!" gasped Chris, his
pale blue eyes roving wildly, "and
everything's dropped just after din
ner; it's black as an old kettle down
there, the fire's out in the stove,
"They're upstairs," said Julian,
coolly enough, though his heart
seemed to stand still in the face of
such a declaration. "Come ou, id's
order 'em dowu"
But all tho pounding on tho door
of the domestics' room, and scream
ing by both boys of "Ann—An n,
No-o rah" failed to bring any reply,
so i it the boys marohed to find indeed
.an empty apartment, us far as the
presence of either servant was con
"Here's a how-d'ye-do!" cried Juli
an who generally to >k refuge in the
words of others ou great occasions.
Chris said nothing, but rushed over
to the further side, of the room, light
ed the gas, aud then set up a violent
rummaging of the closet, to finally
cast himself on the floor that he might
peer under tho bed.
Julian burst iuto a loud laugh at
that. "Fancy Ann's two hundred
pounds under there, Chris. Come
ou; they've struck, and gone. Who
cares? we (tan have what we like for
supper now."
And they did.
Wheu they could eat no more of
the varied assortment culled from
Moth er Stebbins'cake and preserve
closets, Chris gut out of his chair, i
aud went slowly along the hall to !
tho frontdoor.
j "Come on, Juio," he called, "find
tha' quarter of a dollar, while I get
[ the oap r on the steps "
. "I'll sjet the paper," .-aid .Julian,
with difficulty to lollop
him, and feeling as if u bunded silver
] quarters would uot tempt hini to an
all-fours hunt for the struy bit just
! then.
"No, you won't either,"said Chris,
throwing wide the door. "Oil, ah,
I what do you want?."
i "Does Mr. Stebbins live here?"
a.-ked a man. certainly not favored
with a prepossessing countenance or
"Yes," snid the oldest son, invol
untarily bringing the door to, and
peering through the crack.
"Is he in?" and it seemed to Chris
i that he winked with his left evil
j e .v-'
"No," said Chris; "not yet. What
1 do you want of him any w-y ?"
"He's gone out of town," cried
; Julian, eager to have some part in
i the conversation, and rushing up as
j well as he could.
"AL! He is?" the man gave an
j easy lounge up toward the door,
j which Chris immediately clapped to,
i at the risk of shutting in the visitor's
i nose, and turned the key.
"What did you tell him that for,
j you goose?" he demanded in a loud
i whisper of Julian. "He's a tramp,
jor a burglar, and 1 wanted him to
! think father was coming home."
"A burglar, good!" cried Julian.
| "I've never seen one. I'm going up
1 stairs to look out of the window."
"You better go down stairs and
' see if the kitchen door is locked,"
| said Chris. "lie'li be there the first
; thing you know."
All Julian's desire of seeing a bur
! glar now vanished, and he declared
| his willingness that his eider brother
j should have this privilege of locking
l up the kiu-ht-n, so that Chris was
forced to descend the basement stairs
ia a very knock kneed condition,
while the younger brother hung over
the banister and listened for a possi
ble fray.
"There wasn't anything to be
afraid of," said Chris, coming up
maguiiiceutly. "You're so little
though, of course you felt scared;"
which sting Julian endured siiently
ail the evening.
"I was going to look in the paper
for the advertisemeuts," said Caris
standing up like the utan of the house
as he was, but now of course I can't
get it Never ntiud, I'll go to an in
telligence office iu the morning aud
bring home a cook "
"I shall go too," cried Julian, be
ginning to assert himself ouee more.
"Indeed you'll uot. You'll go to
school," cried Chris iu an authorita
tive way.
"I sha'a't. I guess I ought to help
engage the cook; I might not liko
her. You don't know everything.
I'm going with you."
Chris paid rio heed to this, consid
ering it the cheaper way to watch
bis chance and steal off when the
time came, than to prolong a present
( To be Continued.)
Tippecanoe and Tecumseh.
Mr. William Clark, of Clarksville,
I'a., who is now i) 5 years old,is prob
ably the only man living who was
present at the conference between
General William Henry Harrison and
Tecumseh in 1810. The site ot the
conference was iu a grove near where
Vincennes. Ind , now stands. A ,
guard of soldiers hud been detailed
to insure the safety ot the Geueral
and the other territorial officers prev
ent. Tecumseh came proudly walk
ing into the group, at the head of a
sinail escort of Shawnee warriors
Clark describes him as a tall, digni
fied and noble specimen of the Indian
race, proud and haughty. In his
talk to the white men ho became very
insolent and saury, ending by flatly
calling Harrison a liar. The guards,
intepoeed at this juncture ami com
pelled the chieftain to maintain si
lence. Old Tippecanoe was furious.
Advancing to where Tecumseh stood
he shook his fist under his nose and
said: "You have deceived two of
my best Generals, but I learned the
art of war from a man who fears noth
ing from deception." The proud
savage shrugged bis shoulders, sneer
ed and walked away. The confer
ence was resumed the next day, but
Tecumseh had lost a great deal of
his proud bearing and acted more
civilly. The meeting brought no
amicable arrangements, however, aud
in the border warlare soon after Te
cumseh was slain by Colonel "Dick"
Johnson, an intimate friend of Clark's
and in uiaturer life a candidate for
the Vice Presidency.—Philadelphia
Contagious Diseases.
Scarlet fezer, a coutagi disease
producing a largo annual mortality,
is produced by a speeifn p lisont
which emanatates from the person of
the patient, and can be caused by no
other means, and this poison is re
markable for the tenacity with which
it affixes itself to objects, which, if
portable, may convey it long dis
tances, aud for its tenacity of life,
which renders it difficult to destroy.
Diphtheria, also a contagious disease,
and largely fatal, may also arise from
other causes than contagion, notably
from fermenting filth, and requires,
not onlv isolation, but cleanliness for
its extinction. Typhoid fever and
Asiatic cholera, while riot directly
communicable from p «rson to person,
are spread by the dejecta of their vic
tims, which contaminate the water
supply, aud thus an efficient disinfec
tion of those dejecta is a very desira
ble thing to accomplish. Small pox
may be exterminated oy vaccination,
anil this, I am happy to concede, is a
fact o:i which the public requires less
information than most others, albeit
there arc? skeptics here. It is evident
if the public knew how diseases arise
and are disseminated, it wou'd be'
prepared to more heartily and effectu
ally second the endeavor of sanitari
ans to limit and subdue them. In
proportion to its knowledge of sanita
tion wouid its ztal increase—G. A.
(Jollamore, 31. I)-
—The sale of agricultural imple
ments has been unusually large this
A South Keeno fN II.) firm has
orders from France for sewing ma
—The coal beds of South Russia
are developed to the ex cut of 1 ,<»<)<),-
001) tons per year.
A Waterford (Conn.) firnt has
just made li ft. v silver urns for the
Khedive of Fgypt. [
Only a boy ?
Ouly a healthy and rosy face,
Dea. io - of pain and grief so trace,
Is., ve where ;;t times the . hadows play
Lite tiic clouds ou a summer's
' Ooly a boy ?
Ouiy a loviugand trusting hurt
Ti.at tar 1 aud 'trains for a lonp
life's start;
That yields in love to the gentle
Of one who will no! chide overmuch.
Only a boy ?
Only an earnest and soul
Through which wiid fancies and
wishes roll,
Pterins! Ironi out those eager eyes
At the untried world that around
him lies.
Only a hoy ?
Only the germ of tome unknown
To a world that wavers 'iwixt joy
nud pain,
Tell me of better gifts who can,
To give the woild, than an honest
Only a boy f
Only a man with a saddened face,
Bearing of grief ami sin the trace,
Craving a love that might cleanse the
Oi' the old thoughts that will ecmc
Only a boy ?
Only a spirit that soars at last
O'er the chains and blinds of a pet
ty past.
Hardened, but laiihl'ul, saddened, Uit
Saved—canv the helping hand from
you ?
The Etiquette of Parting.
The social etiquette that regulates
the time a young man will tear him
self away from bis very best girl is
not so rigid in the rural districts as
iu the city. When the clock hands
swing around toward ten and the
pretty maiden by his side reminds
him of the luct, the city swaiu goes
' home. Not so the youth in the rural
■ district. Toward eleven o'clock his
Jauie says:
"You know what time it is, Ned
•'Ot couise I do," he replies, smart
"Well, I guess you'd better put out
for home."
"What's the rush?"
' I'd say 'rush' if I we re you,when
it's most miduight."
"I don't care if it's most day
"Well, 1 do, and you shan't stay
here one secoud after midnight."
"Bjt you a cookie I do."
"No vou shan't. I'il call pa, see if
I dou't."
"Oh, yes, you will."
"You'll see."
"I'll risk it."
"Oh, you're perfectly horrid! Now,
you gei your hat aud clear out."
"Oli, you'd be mud if I
did "
"Vou wrectb! You've got to go
right away for saying that."
"You don't say so,"
'1 do, too; and I—l—if you dare
kiss me again!"
He dares.
"Oh, oh, oh! You are the meanest
fellow. I've a notion to box your
"Box away."
"When are you going home?"
"Wheu I get a good ready."
"J'a'll start you if he comes in."
"He won't come in.'"
"Don't be 100 sure of that. If ma
sees the light she'll scold."
"Let's put it out."
"No, you shan't. You'd better
put yourself out."
"See if 1 do."
"You'll sit here with tho cat then.
I shan't keep you company."
Pooh! A team of horses coundn't
drag you away,"
"Oh, you horrid, horrid thin»!"
But it is midnight before he goes,
all the same, and ho hasn't bad to
sit with the cat either.
The Folly of Haste to be Rich.
Chancellor Howard Crosby, one of
the best preachers and best thinkers
in New York City, has an article in
the Forum for May, in which he says:
"The greatest need otour today is
au education away from the fearful
danger of a haste to be rich, a culti
vation of the quiet and improving arts,
an encouragement of genial and ben
evolent lives, a preservation of homo
virtues, a teaching of tho truth that
moderation best serves the cause of
happiness, aud a demonstration thtt
iu helpfulness to others, man best
helps himself.
"While wise laws can do much to
suppress some of the worst features
of the gold hunt, it is to the press,
the school, and the church that we
inn ;t, lo >k for the inculcation of the
purer und loftier ideas that will meet
and overcome the materialism which
the peculiar conditions of our country
have fostered, and which the thought
less minds of our youths so readily
accept." Contented minds are more
conducive to happiuesss than riches,
glory, or fame. In our lile work lot
us remember th it it, will profit us but
little if we gain a world and lose eoa
teutmeut and happiness.
Not So Bilious as Ho Was.
Ben Tuthill tell) a good story on
himself thus:
"1 have a notion that beer gives
any one a tendency to biliousness,
and, so.thiuking, I have acquired the
the habit of looking at my tongue
whenever I am iu front of a mirror.
The other day in New York I stood
chatting with a party of friends near
the Fourteenth Street theatre. We
were just in front of a little cigar
store with a very bright, clear, plate
glass show window, and as wo chat
ted 1 caught my reflection in tho pol
ished surface, acd just as a matter of
habit stepped up t;» it and put out my
tongue, so, for a look It was all
right and I turned back to my friends
and went on chatting. In about a
minute a man seven feet long came
out of the door of tho cigar storo and
came straight up to me with his lists
doubled up. Siys he:
"You young cub, I'll teach yon to
run out your tongue and make faces
at me.'
"1 believo he would have pounded
me into a jelly if the party had not
interfered. 1 haven't been bilious
—The capacity of the Findlav (O.)
natural gas wells spurting already is
.*>0,000,000 feet, and it is claimed that
if all the beds were developed suffi
cient oil could be obtained to supply
the world.
His Next Fishing Engagement.
I want to go a-fi*hing " •
And twitch the long bamboo;
I wiml to flint; the silk line
And reel the trout in, too,
I want to go a-tishing,
Mr juj well stocked with bait,
My clothing democratic,
As fits our candidate.
r.iit Pan won't let rue oft", sir;
He kee|>g lue at uiv work,
With calls and bills aud papers,
I labor like a clerk.
I'm sick of all this business,
And Pan's the one at fault;
1 think I'll go a-fishiiiii
Up the river kuown as Salt.
A Thousand Years Ago.
An old author gives this sketch of
matters at that time. Iu the year 800
after Christ what was the state of
Europe? Thfc Goths, Visigoths, the
Vandals, the Franks, the Huns, the
Normaus, the Turks, and other bar
barian hordes, had invaded and over
thrown the Romau Empire, and had
established various kingdoms upon
its ruins. These hordes of savages
had destroyed, not only all the works
of civilization, but civilization itself.
Ignorant as they were of everything
that distinguishes and elevates hu
man nature, they broke up the schools,
abolished arts and manufactures, ruin
ed the monuments, prevented com
merce, and reduced the conquered
nations to their own condition, inaug
urating in the completest manner the
reigu of brute force and mental dark
ness. At the time we begin our spe
cific examination wo tiud that in the
so-called Christian nations there ex
isted no science worthy of the name,
and no schools whatever. Reading,
writing and ciphering were separate
and distinct trades. The masses, the
nobility, the poor and rich, were
wholly unaccpiainted with the mys
teries of the alphabet and the pen.
A few men, known as clerks, who
generally belonged the priesthood,
monopolized them as a special class
of artists. They taught their busi
ness only to their eeminaries and ap
prentices; and beyond themselves and
their few pupils no one knew how to
read and write, nor was it expected
of the generality any more than it
would he nowadays that everybody
should be a shoemaker or a lawyer.
Kings did not even know how to
sign their names, so that when they
wanted to subscribe to a writteu con
tract, treaty or law, they would
smear their right haud with ink and
slap it down upon the parchment,
saving, "Witness my band." At a
later date some genius devised the
substitute of the seal, which was im
pressed iustead of the hand, but oft
ener beside the hand, Every gentle
man had a seal with a device thereon.
Hence the words now in use, "Wit
ness my hand and seal," affixed to
modern deeds, serve at least the pur
pose of reminding us of the ignorance
of the Middle Ages.— Secular Re
Death by Electricity.
I)r. Richardson writes on this sub
ject in the Axclepiad as follows: "In
some researches on the application of
the electric discharge for the painless
extinction of the lives of animals to be
used as fojfl, the details of which I
recorded in the Medical Times and
Ga -die. for the year 18G9, this mode
of death was anything but certain in
its efleets Shesp stricken apparently
into instant and irrevocable death by
electricity, after a few minutes show
ed signs of life, aud if they had not
been dispatched in the ordina.y way
by tho knife wsnld havo been restored
to consciousness. Tho same fact has
been observed iu attempts to kill dogs
by the electric shock, and I once pub
lished au instance in which a largo
dog, struck into perfect unconscious
ness by the stroke from a powerful
battery, was submitted to a surgical
operation while lying, to all appear
ances, dead, and was yet so little
afTected as to rnuke an easy and sound
recovery. It need not be inferred
from such facts as these that the elec
tric shock will not kill at one dis
charge*—iu most cases it will—but,
exceptionally, instead of killing oat
light it will simply stun, .and may
induce the semblance of death instead
of the real event. It will be only
common humanity, therefore, for the
authorities of New York, when they
begin to give the coup de yrace by
the electric shock, to supplement the
process by a post mortem examina
tion of the victims, so that the act
may not bo crowned by burying the
victims alive."
A Kentucky Boy's Essay.
A Kentucky boy prepared the fol
lowing essay on "Breathing/' it was
his auswer to the teacher's instruc
tions, to tell all about breathing. Ho
said: "Breath is made of air. We
breathe with our lunsg, our lights,our
liver aud kidneys. If it wasn't forour
breath we would die when we slept.
Our breath keeps the lile going
through the nose when we are asleep.
Boys that stop in a room all day
should not breathe. They should
wait till they go out doors. Boys in
u room make bad, unwholesome air.
They make carbonicide. Carbonicide
is poisoner than mad-air. A heap of
soldiers was iu a black hole in India
and a carbonicido got into that hole
and killed nearly every one afore
morning. Girls kills the breath with
corosits that sqeezos the diagram.
Girls holler can't holler or run like
boys because their diagram is squeez
ed too much. If I was u girl I'd
rather bo a boy so I can holler and
havo a great big diagram.
Solid Petroleum.
Experiments are being carried on
in Russia with the view of finding a
process, at once practicable as well as
desirable on the score of economy and
cleanliness, of solidifying the petrole
urn used as luel. According to the
report made to the Russian govern
ment by Dr Kauffmann, who has had
the principal charge of these experi
ments. a successful method of accom
plishing the desired result consists
simply in heating the oil and after
ward adding from 1 to 3 per cent of
soap. The latter dissolves in the oil,
aud the liquid, on cooling, forms a
mass having the appearance of ce
ment and the hardness of compact
tallow. The product is hard to light,
burns slowly and without smoke, but
develops much heat, and leaves about
2 percent of a hard, black residuum.
Tho production of minerals in
the United States is twica tho output
of Great Britain.
NO. Ti