Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 13, 1888, Image 1

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    VOL. XXV
-» BPKDAI. New York Hat lhat combines i
\ all i lit* good 01 ?vi nil ae- ptablf I
]4p'. -Ajf >r\ ones. Designedtomut a'.l fctvs.u l> •
t -r* becoming to eveiyone. I
if'.'jji Comes In ail the flifTeient t.r.ars and tti • .
J, charming new spring colors, sage <Jr»-en, Uobe- I
jflrain. Golden Browns, Boreal
each eems an improvement the last,
cut many
tt from our experienced designers.
Tl."<e hats a p.- going
best to come Immediately to see tt Us many
s t; ;i., 1i;M» very lnige
and fancy of the has. tt Is
bound to go. baigaius can no'
be duplicated in two weeks.
■ -
ferent shapes. new trimmings,
reel from the largest tease In America. Amung
them are the K.M Q." and the "Bunny."
-A*VU B MATCHLESS." There seems to be an impression Uiat because
Wt - nr e paticnlred by the fashionable people, w.-
• m'i ■>» j»b> trST* to care for tlios-t wfcoee peck, t Looks am limited. This lv a gre:it mwuik .
U hlle t-oinjr uMlged, by bating the < t.st-mi of the fashionable women, to make spccl i etTorts to
prnvM* tor tliem. yet we think we can suit the Ui.ste and means of anyone, however odd the last'
or limtteti the nem
J'i*t a word about -LELIA PITH." T.» those who have used it we say nothing. Their once
using It insurr* Its use always. To those who never tried it we say. "profit by the experience of
Miss M. H.Gilkey,
New Building, No. 62 S. Main St. THE LEADING MILLINER
Give us Your Attention
Ye f hrewd farmer In search of Lamias. You arc about to invest in some of
tli* Agricultural implements. You've round it's cheapest to buy the best,
tl course you will f«uv where you get that the cheapest. Confess that
v-w>e y*a th*> d's of some dealers and did not like them. Read too much
like dreos bills.
Yoo'*e heard of the CHAMPION Mowers, Keapers and Binders ? Then
you know they're the best In the world. We've got them so cheap that you
won't hesitate ten minutes if you come around. You know the merits of
the Perry S|wlng Tooth Harrow and the imitations lhat are on the market.
We liavr tbe genuine, and If you need a good harrow, we recommend It.
suppose vou didn't know that we sell more Novelty Pumps. Iron force,
B. B. It., than all Uie hardware firms of Builer put together. We do
Come around and look at our stock. You'll learn something. We
have M>ute other things too: De llaven Sto\es and Itanges, Eagle Klastlc
I'aints. ready mixed.
••eneral Hardware. Wire Screens. Pateut Churns, etc. our stock U not
excelled In the county and we cannot be undersold.
Butler, Pa,
What You Eat!
Is the most important consideration of your life, and much ot
our pood health is due to the careful and conscientious grocer.
We buy the best in the market, select all our goods
with the greatest care, and claim to have as good a stock of
Groceries as can be found anywhere.
We want your trade and invite you to try our Flours,
Sugars, Coffees, Canned Fruits, Dried Fruits, apices, Hams,
Canned Meats, Crackers, Confectioneries, Tropical Fruits,
Nuts, or anything in our store room.
Country Produce a specialty, and all new fruits and veg
etables in season
In our China Hall, in the second story of our bail ding,
we have the largest stock of Chinaware, Glassware, Crockery,
Lamps and Fancy Goods in the town.
Give us a trial, highest market price allowed for produce.
We are now in our new store-room on S. Main St.. and
have the room to accommodate our large stock of groceries,
flour, etc., and have built a large ware-house to accommodate
our stock of feed.
We pay the highest cash price for potatoes and "all kinds ot
JaCOb BOOS, 105 S B^ier. S Pa EET '
"Nothing Succeeds Like
WHY «?
Then Look Back 3o Years Ago
When We Commenced.
Now Look at the Way We Do
Our Business,
And Most Complete in Hutler, ranging in Quality and price
from the Cheapest to the Finest, all Reliable, Well Made
Goods, besides we Guarantee all we sell
Gall and be Convinced.
And Silverware.
Finest stock of Sterling Silverware in the county,
and at prices not to l>e equalled for cash.
Watches and Clocks repaired and warranted, at
No. 10 Boutll Main St., < S 'G N OF ELECTRIC BELL),
Butler, Pa.
Office ::tN-'. i-V, s. Main street, o. r Frank &
fn's I)iug Store. Butler, l'a.
A'.i'y 'it Taw -iKli- e at S. E. Cor. Main St., and
Diamond, Butler, l'a.
Att'y at I-aw—Ofllee on South side of Diamond,
ilutier, l'a.
lii.v MoJ( HKIW.
Att>'»neyat Law. <iftlce at No. 17, Kast Jeffer
son :jt.. Huller. l'a.
Dr. M. Hoover,
OlTicv over Boyd's Drug sure.
N. E. Corner Main and Wayne Bts.
All work pertaining to the profession execut
ed in the neatest manner. .
Specialties Gold Killings, and Painless Ex
traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered.
0 Slice on .ielft r»on street, one iloor Kast ofLonry
House, I'ji Nlairs.
Office open daily, except Wednesdays and
Thursdays. Communications by mail receive
prompt attention,
X. 11. - Tin only Dentist in Ilutier using the
best makes ol'teeth.
Office No. G5 Souili Main Street,
Physician and Surgeon.
No. 10 West Cunningham St.,
0 1/ WAUIKON. Graduate of the Ptaila
. !\. «•« ipiiia Deidal College. is prepared
to do anything Hi tire line ol his profession in a
satisfactory manner.
Office on Main street, lUitler, opposite the
Vogeley House.
J. S. L.XJSTI, M.S.,
lias removed from Harmony to Butler and has
bis office at No. 9, Main :>t„ three lioors below
Lowry Ilouse. apr-SO-tf.
Insurance and Real Estate Ag't.
Stewart & Patterson.
A. M. STEW Alt T and S. A. PATTEIWON. Con
tractoi-s and Builders, are both inen of years of
experience In Hue bouse building and framing.
All persons thinking of building will do well
to see t.lieui and look over their designs.
Uesldeneeon Falrvlew Ave., Springdale.
I'ostoffice, Butler, l'a.
James IYicWTeGS,
Manufacturer and dealer in stone pumps and
water pipe, wishes tli« public to remember that
he cotiil..ueß that business, at 11uli -.r 0:1 station,
on tltt; P. s. TV 1 .. E. R. ](
For particulars address, .Javiks McNbks
Pump, P 0., Butler county Pa.
Orderacan be left with .1. Niggle & liro., Hut -
lcr, I'a
A lar;;o frame board ihK house, good location
and doiug large business. Terms easy. ..For
further particulars iiiqulre of *
1,. S. JIo.H'NkIN, 17K. Jefferson St..
•'-29.U (Sutler, Pa.
l/l WANTED I \
For the Hooker Ncusruifcs, es—'
tabu shed lxtn. steady euiyloynvnt a n<l gool
pay. Send lor terms at once. 11. K. nookhit
CO., Rochester, N. Y.
■"') I'AN v.\- - ! OB OH a OF II! 1. J. A BGEBT,
in tl.e eouiitrv. .Most liberal terms.
I ne<|iialcd facilities. UKNEVA NIRSEIiY. Es
tablished ls4ti.
I have enlarged my store-room, In fact, inado
It utmost twice as large as It was before, and
have also Increased my stock. I have, by far,
t he largest and best selected stock of
Fine Drugs and Chemicals
In Butler county, and am now lu position to
supply the wants of tin- people or tlild county -
even U'tter than In the past,
Y'ou will do well to call on rao when in the
nee j of anything in the liny of
Fine Drugs and Medicines,
My stock is very complete and PRICES VERY
Mrtv, In medicine quality is of I lie first lni|<or
tunce. so we j;tve particular attention to lllllntf
Our Dispensing Department Is complete. We
dispense only Pure Drugs of the
Finest Quality,
and our patrons may brlnsf us their prescrip
tions, fcelltiir certain lhat tlley will l>e carefully
and accurately tilled.
Thanking the public for t lie very generous
patronage they nave accorded me In the past, 1
hope to be aide IO serve them more acceptably
In the future, at the old stand.
No. 5, North Main St.,
Planing Mill
JL*iinl>er Y ai*<l
S.Gr. Purvis & Co.
Rough and Planed Lumber
Kc»rUetm»ii Cutlioli<-< lmrcb
Particular attention given to the Retracing ol
old liucK. Addrces,
11. F. HILI.IAItO,
Co. Survej or
Nortli llope P. O. IJutler Co., Pa.
> ,
The Wicked, Cruel Spider.
i kh'.iw a <lingy corner, wl ere a wieked s]'i
der clicg?;
Wl.ere he si-ins his net) round bottle*, glass
es, jugs, and other things;
And I listened in the shadow as one day I
passtd alons.
Ami I heard the wicked s-pider, as he 3iing
his cruel t,on^:
"Will you take a 1 ittle cider \\ ill you call
while passing by ?"
Said the wicked, craity spider, to the busy
little ily:
"Will you take a little lager ? Surely you
will not decline
Jutt to take a drink for friendsbij ; say, just
sip a little wine."
"lie is coming for his eider I" said the wick
ed, cruul spider;
"He is coming for his wine, and my cords
shall rouud hiui .twine;
While he sits and sips his lager, I will wet
my little dagger,
And wiicu he ha.* drank iiis « ,ue he will find
that he is mine.
Ha! the little fool is coming; I can hear him
buzzing, humming,
He who comes to visit me vainly struggles to
be li'ee.
• * » • • * •
" i'ou are welcome lo my parlor, I am glad
to see you coiue,
Do not stay outside the eutrauce, please lo
make yourself at home;
Will you take a little lager while Ii sharpen
up my dagger?
Will you take <• dr pof wine? then you
surely shall be mine;
1 will bind you, I will grind you, though you
straggle, weep and pray.
I will fie your hand- behind you, you shall
never get away;
I will fight you. 1 will smite you, I will stab
you, I will bite you,
I will make you poor and needy, I will make
ycu old and seedy,
I will make you bleared aud bloated, and
with rags arid tatters coated,
\nd your hat will look so shocking, that the
boys will all ba mocking.
I wili haunt you till you die, then I'll hang
you up to dry."
Oh, my boy, beware of cider, aud of lager
and of wine,
Then the wicked, cruel spider ne'er shall get
a child of mine.
Let us storm his ugly castle, let in tear his
web away.
Lei us driyc away this spider; heaven in
mercy speed t'ne day!
Jockey Todd, TorprdfrMau.
Jockey Todd was always seat with
his juiir of buys on the perilous jour
uty of the torpedo- tDUD. lie was in
the employ of a torpedo company,
and it wan his bdsiness to take the ni
tro glycerine to the oil well, pour the
fluid into ibe cylindrical shell, lower
it to the rock, and drop upon the cap
tbe tbe weight that would relea.se the
explosive to rend the petroleum strat
One day on the Caster road te
gave the bays the whip. They broke
iuto a wild run, and Custerites have
a vivid memory of Jockey Todd's
dash through tie town. He came
down the main street like a whirl
wind, and they held their brfath,
waiting for the explosion. As he
rushed upon them tbey lived an age.
Hut Jockey Todd sat on the box as
carelessly as if he winning a race in a
waik. In the postofTice door stood a
girl of twenty. She bad run out of the
street t<* avoid the team. She had
hardly time to turn around before the
bays "shot past, yet her quick eyes
eyes noted the calmness of the man at
the lines. "Oh!" she cried, "the San
The Sandy was only a small moun
tain stream that flowed into the Tuna,
btu the bridge was torn up for repairs
The plunge into that narrow ditch
would be fatal beyond donbt to the
driver, and be did seem to know
about it.
The spectators, fascinated, couid
not flee. Their hearts beat hard and
their eyes projected as they looked
for the explosion. The bays cleared
the ditch, and the wagon dived into
it. The Custerites could not believe
their eyes, for there on the ground
stood the driver, unharmed, and away
down the road, with tongue bumping
on the ground between them, the
bays were ruuning at full speed tow
ard Ilarford.
Every spectator shouted and ran to
the bridge. Leona .Tervis went with
the crowd, and when she saw Jockey
Todd coollv answering questions she
fell iu love with bim. Noticing her,
he remembered that he hud seen her
in the postofßce door, ana he smiled
as he recalled her frightened look
Meeting his g&zi), she blushed, and
his smile quickly way to a scowl.
Daring always, he strode to where
she stood, and asked, in a harsh tone
' Did you think to see a man in
bits, blowed every direction by the
"No; I come hopin' to see him
clear the ditch as easy as he came to
"I ask your pardon. Mv name is
Todd—Hiram Todd"
"And mine is Leona Jervis; I live
there," pointing to a house on the hill
above the Tuna.
From that impulsive beginning the
acquaintance of Jockey Todd and
Leona Jervis ripened into a mutual
Some davs after this, Jockey Todd
pulled up the bays as he was passing
Leona's home. She was getting
breakfast for her brother (jrip.
When Jockey Todd was leaving,
Leona threw her arms around his
neck and said, "(jive it up, Hiram; I
am so afraid all the time."
"I will, Leona; I will never drink
But tbat was an evasion. She
clung to him tighter, autl pleaded:
"Oh, Hiram, 1 can't let you go back
to it. The terrible glycerine will
surely take your life some day if you
keep on handiin' it, and I'm worried
to death all the time. Wby 1 never
hear an explosion, if it'n only an emp
ty can, without jumpin'. My heart
just stands still while I wonder if it's
you or—or—"
And she stammered into silence,
hiding her face on hia shoulder. He
filled out the sentence, whispering in
her ear—"Or Grip."
Her" face pressed hia shoulder
in assent.
(Jrip was a moonlighter—one who
torpedoed oil wells in the night at the
risk of arrest and imprisonment. The
torpedo company for which Jockey
Todd worked had a patent entitling
them to the exclusive right of torpe
doing oil wells,so that all persons en
gaged in clandestine operations with
the torpedo at the well were in danger
of the law. Such persons were call
ed moonlighters. Grip .Jervis had
long been suspected by the torpedo
company, and detectives had been em
ployed to watch him; but he wascun
| ning, and had never Ixion caught.
I Leona'a admission to Jockey Todd
I wus the first reliable evidence obtained
lir anv one iu tbe company's employ
that <!rip was actually a moonlighter.
Jockey Todd oosed her arms and
jerk; d open the door. Leona's luce
"You're not goiu' to tell on Grip,
are you? He carries a pistol, und
would kill you."
"I u.in't goiu' to do nothin' now.
I'll shoot this well, and think things
over on the way back. lil most like
ly give it up."
"Ob, I'm so glad!" Leoua exclaim
ed, forgetful of her brother in the joy
of having a half-promise from
er that he would abandon his danger
ous business.
" 'Tisu't because I'm afraid of
peltin' killed. When a feller's got to
die he'll do it, no matter what his
business is. Neither me nor Grip's
goin : to get hurt till our time come?.
N<i; its because I'm a regular and
Grip's a moonlighter that I'm bother
ed. I'm mixed between duty and
love. Say, Leona, what did you tell
me for?"
"I didn't quite tell you. You
guessed it, and I couldn't lie."
"Well, kiss me good by, and we'll
fix thicks up somehow."
She watched him drive up a small
hill iu the road. The shadowy ap
pearance of the team and driver in the
fog when they reached the top ot tbe
rise almost made her cry out in ang
uish. With superstitious foreboding
she returned to the house.
Jockey Todd drove slowly; there
was turmoil iu his mind.
He possessed a sense of
bouor, and it troubled him to be de
ceiving those whom he served. He
felt that if he withheld from the com
pany the evidence that Grip was a
moonlighter he wouid treating them
unfairly. He was very glad when he
reached tho oil well that be had come
to torpedo. The exciting task he wa3
about to perform would for the time
divert bis thoughts. He stopped the
borics a short distance from the der
rick, and jumped to tbe ground. Then
be opened the box to get the glycer
ine. There was none there! Tbe
box was empty, yet he himself had
seen the can placed there at the fac
tory before he siarted. He shut the
lid with a slam.
"It was mean, durn mean, of Grip
Jervis to steal my stuff while 1 was
in bis house eourtiu' his sister."
lie put hi 3 foot on a hub of a
wheel, and leaning an elbow on hi»
knee, became thoughtful. He could
not go back to the factory and de
clare that the box had not been filled,
for he bad signed the receipt, and it
was already filed as a voucher for
the quantity he bad taken. If he re
ported to the company that he had
lost the glycerine he might be accus
ed of conniving with the moonlight
ers. At last he saw a way out of
bis difficulty. Being on good terms
with a man who manufactured gly
cerine, aud whose trade was largely
with tbe moonlighters, Jockey Todd
resolved to go to him and try to buy
enough to "shoot the well. He hid
the shell under some bushes, aud
drove to the factory where he suc
ceeded in purchasing the amount of
glycerine he needed. He also bought
a shell.
When he returned to the well,
curiosity led him to look under the
bushes where he had secreted the
other shell. It was gone.
' Grip is tryia' rue mighty hard,"
he muttered, as bo swung a can of
glycerine carelessly from the box.
It was not long until the torpedo
was at the bottom of the deep well
and then Jockey Todd picked up the
three-cornered weight. "I'd like to
drop this on Grip's head," bo said,
between his clinched teeth, as he
stood over the casing through which
the oil was soon to spout.
"Now git!" he said to the men em
ployed on the lease, who were stand
ing in the derrick. They fled.aad he
dropped the "go-devil" into the cas
ing. He heard it strike the petrole
um, and a second later a sound like
the snapping of a percussion-cap
reached him. Then he ran from the
floor. He was only a few paces from
it when the oil shot over the top of
the derrick.
He was always proud of a success
ful shot and a quick response ou the
part of the well, but this time his
pleasure was momentary. As he
turned to look at the (low, something
(lashed iu the sunlight. He shut his
eyes quickly, but not soon enough
to avoid seeing Grip Jervis tying un
der some low-hanging hufehes, and
beside him the shell Jockey Todd
had brought to the well that morn
ing. He became angry, jumped on
the box, forgetting his reel. He took
up.the lines and spoke to the bays.
They started off at a rapid fjait, and
he let them go. The surface of the
road was soft and muddy, and there
were many deep ruts. Into one of
these a front wheel fcank, and he
went out ou his shoulder into a pud
dle. The horses ran on, passed the
Jervis home, aud dashed into Har
Leona saw them and the empty
wagon end her heart stood still. At
last it had come, and Grip would
soon return with the news of Hi
ram's death. She stationed herseif
at a window from which she could
see up the road, A great weight of
dread oppressed her, and a lump
wuj in her throat, but she did not
weep. She had always prided her
self that she was not "one of the
cryiu' kind." Presently she uttered
a glad exclamation. She saw Jock
ey Todd on the top of the little hill.
Ho was walking along rapidly and
she kuew at once that he was angry.
But she did not miud that and ran to
meet him.
"Oh! I'm so glad you're not hurt!"
she said, running into the middle ol
the muddy road.
He was covered with mud, and
presented a sorry appearance. Leo
na's reaction ot spirits was so great
that, unheeding the scowl on his
face, she laughed at him.
"Do you thiuk it's funny?" he
"It wouldn't be if you had been
hurt," she replied, softly, as she look
ed upon him.
This, however, did not appease
"That brother of yours was the
cause of it. I'm comin' to see him
Her smile faded, and her face £ rew
pale. With trembling lips she ask
"Are you comin' alone?"
"I>o you think I'd bring anybody?"
"I don't think you'll liud Grip."
"I will, if you've got confidence in
"Well, what if I have?"
"You won't tell (Jrip I'm comin'
They had been standing in the
mud in the middle of the road, but
! both were earnest that neither
; thought of tl.e ludicrous .-ide of the
I situation. looked steadily «t bi>;i
for a moment after his declaration
, that be meant to come lor supper
llud he caught her band and
held it, or attempted to coax her, ahe
; would have doubled him, am! would
have said that she would tell Grip to
expect him. I>ut sLw saw he wus
I still angry, and was asking no fu
i vors, although he was determined to
■ meet Grip if possible.
"Well," the said deliberately, "if
you come you needn't bi* surprised to
! find plates only for two "
j "That'll be enough, if they're for
Grip anfl me.''
With that he left her, and went
i splashing through the mud toward
j Harford.
I Leona was angry, thoroughly so,
i and called after hiu;: "I s'pose you'il
| cbauge your clothes ami come in your
I Sunday euit, If you and Grip eat
j together, you might need your good
| clothes to be buried in "
Leona had a high temper, auu
! when it was roused her tongue was
i reckless.
) Jockey Todd did not reply nor
j look around. Leona returned to ; bo
i house, called herself a fool for run
ning into the mad to meet Jockey
Tudd, and resolved to inform Grip
that he could expect a visitor fur sup
per. But tbe day passed and Grip
did not come home. She began to
be uneasy about him, fearing he aud
Jockey Todd had met. She bad not
begun to get supper when she saw
Jockey Todd coming up the road.
She was so angry at him lhat she did
not laugh when she saw that he had
wore his Sunday suit. Something
serious was pending, and she withtd
she could warn Grip; but it was too
late, for there be was talking to Jock
ey Todd at the gate. She hud not
eean her brother approach the house.
Grip was laughing, but Jockey
Todd's face was dark.
"You had no business to play me
that trick, Grip."
"The company can stand it," said
lie was reckoning on Jocifey Todd's
love for Leona.
Leona went to the door, and could
hear all that was said.
"I>ut if I report it, the company
won't stand it "
"But you won't report it," said
Grip, still laughing.
' Mebbe I will, and mebbey I
Grip put his hand to his hip pocket
and tapped the butt of a revolver. "If
you tell the company I stole the gly
cerine, I'll put a hole in you " Grip
had ceased laughing, and assumed a
threatening air.
Leona ran down the steps. "'What
are you two fighting about?" she ask
There was no replj'.
+ "What is it, Hiram Todd?" Sue
turned fiercely on him.
"Grip's got to quit moonlighting,"
he answered.
"I guess he'll do as he pleases
about thut," she said, sharply.
"Well, all I've got to say is that
I've warned Grip."
At this Leona's eyes Hashed, and
she shook her fist it Jockey Todd's
(ace. "If you tell on Grip, I hope he
will kill you. Now you can go your
way and I'll go mine. You're a cow
ard to come here and threaten my
"Well, you've got my word for it,
Grip Quit now, when you've got a
chance. Remember the
"Remember this, Jockey Todd,"
Grip replied, and laid the revolver
across his arm.
"I will, and get one for myself."
Jockey Todd turned his back on
the brother and sister, aud started to
ward Harford.
"She never was as pretty as when
she was shaking her list at /lie. 1
think she could make life interesting,
but I have to give her up."
Thus mused Jockey Todd as he
went his way in obedience to her
The brother aud sister —.she in no
amiable mood toward him—went in
to their house, and sat down to sup
per. There were plates for two, and
for some reason.when she was wash
ing them after the meal, Leoua's eyes
became moist.
The next morning Jockey Todd
went to the company's ofliee and re
signed his position, giving as a reason
for leaviDg their employment that he
was afraid the glycerine would soon
number him among its victims if he
did not stop handling it. A few days
afterward he got work as a pumper
on a lease on the hill just above
Leoua's home. He could sit in the
engine-house door and see hor mov
ing about, iu the yard.
One day Grip c-aiue home with the
news that Jockey Todd had quit
shooting wells and <;one to pumping
them. Leona stared at Grip a mo
ment, aud when he smiled said, "You
needn't think he'd give up his job be
cause ho was afraid of you. He
couldn't stay with the company aud
not tell on you."
' Oh, he was afraid, though," said
Grip, with an air of bravado.
"Sume of these nights you'll find
out that Hiram Todd don't fear any
thing. Miud what 1 say, Grip."
Grip only laughed.
When Jockey Todd took up his
abode in the eugino house on the
Ivrohm lease, he was surprised that
the sileuce of the wooils after night
was agreeable to him. He found com
fort in the quiet that was broken only
by the stroke of the pumping-engine
aud the rattle of the rods. These
sounds were so regular iu repetition
that he grew to consider them a part
of the stillucss. The flaming gas jet
threw at the whim of the wind
changeful shadows across the cleared
space in which the derrick stood.
The trees nearest him in tho encir
cling woods were distinctly brought
out by the flickering light* and when
it bent before the breeze, it gave him
glimpses of grim trunks that were In
the darkness when tho llame stood
still, but beyond was the dense night
of the deep forest. He got into the
habit of watching this change of light
and shadow, and of crazing at the im
penetrable darkness.
"Loona acted accordin'to her light,
but she couldn't see any further into
my heart than I can into the woods.
Maybe I can show it to her sometime
as plain as day."
Thus he mused upon Leona, aud
and waited for the lime to come when
she would fully understand him.
Leona begau to regret her hasty
action, as day after day went by and
no harm came to Grip He was still
free and light-hearted, while her spir
its drooped, and sue weut about her
work in a listless, preoccupied man
ner. Olt'jn iu the evening she stool
in tl.e door and looked ap at a ga
j"t. In the dist-iuee i_ was only a
point <ii;;ht» but, frhe kuew ti:v un
dci ir. Jockey Todd was t-ittiuir and
b ■ wteu him and ber the night inter
vened. At lust the sense of the iu
jus lice she bad done iiiiu wad so
heavy upon b'. r thHt she l(.solved to
right it. One evening, just alier the
night fell, ene threw a light shawl
over her bead and started up the bill.
She know th« way, and did not need
the guidance of the gas jet that sud
denly went out.
Jockey Todd was leaning back iu
his chair iu the engine-house, and
wishing he conid see Leona. llis
eyes were clofed, and when, after a
few minutes, he opened them, the
derriek and the cleared place were
lighted only by the rays of the moon
nut yet in the third quarter. Suppos
ing the stronir wind had blown the
light out, he got up to relight the
gas. When he stepped to the dooj;
he saw a man fjoiug to the derrick.
He became cautious at ouce, and re
mained iu the engine-house. The in
truder walked all around the derrick,
and Jockey Todd, watching h<s ac
tions, concluded he was a moonlight
er. lie knew the we'd was to be shot
that night, but for the moment had
forgotteu it lie had been away iu
the early evening, and had uot learn
ed where tbe glycerine had been con
The moonlighter examined each
part of the derrick in turn, and did
not seem to discover the marks left
by the glycerine man who bad hidden
the explosive. At last the moon
lighter struck a match By its li •ht
Jockey Todd recognized <Jrip Jervis.
Moreover, 4ie saw that Grip was
Soon Grip found what he was
searching for, and turning his back
to the derrick, began to pace off a
distance, counting aloud, "Oue, two
(hie), three— '* Then Jockey Todd
ran out ofihe engine-house toward
him. Grip stopped and faced about.
He was so intoxicated that he could
not s'and erect. ' Who's that V
"Me —Jockey Todd."
"Stand where (hie) you are." Grip
felt for bis pistol, but in a second
Jockey Todd was on him, and held
his hand in a firm grasp. There was
a sharp struggle of a moment, and
Grip staggered back uuarmcd.
Jockey Todd put the pistol in his
pocket. "Now, Grip, listen to rea
son: you are too drunk to shoot this
well. You sit down and I will do
"1 ain't drunk. I shoot this well
myself—mintl that. You never was
nothin' but a well-butcher, anyhow "
"I tell you if you pick up a can of
glycerine to night you'll drop it, and
that'll be the end of you."
"Stand out of my road.."
Grip made a lunge forward. Jock
ey Tc:!d evoided the blow, and re
turned it. Grip fell back on a stone,
and iay there sull.
Jockey Todd soon found the glycer
ine and the shell. Hecariied the ex
plosive to the derrick floor, then
quickly fitted together the joints of
the shell. In a few minutes tbe tor
pedo was filled and lowered to the
rock, and he dropped the weight.
On going out. of the derrick to avoid
the flow of the petroleum be was met
with the command: "Hands up, Grip
Jervi:-! I've caught you at last."
Leona, crouching behind a clump
of bushes, heard the words, and shiv
cd in fear, for it would be like Grip to
show fight, aud perhaps be killled.
"I'm uot objectia'to bold up my
hands; but I'd iiko to inform you,
Mr. Perkins, that you've got the
wrong name."
"Weil, I'll be torpedoed," exclaim
ed the detective, "it it isu'c Jockey
"The same."
"Well, I'm done up!" Perkins ejac
ulated, putting away hid revolver.
"I was sure I had Grip Jervis,"
he continued. "You pee, Grip was
in Harford this atternooon, and got
drunk. He did a lot of talking, aad
suid he was going to shoot a well on
the Sextuple Tract tonight. 1 follow
ed him, but he gave me the slip. So
I could do nothing bat watch the gas
jets from the top of the hill. When I
saw this one one go out, 1 made a bee
line for here. I got Lore just as you
were lowering the shell; after you
dropped the weight, I went for you,
thinking you were Grip. Hang it! 1
wish it hud beeu him."
Leona was both relieved and dis
tressed. She was glad that Grip
was free, and troubled because ol
Jockey Todd's arrest.
"Well, I guess you'll have to como
along with me, Todd."
"All right, Perkins. Wait till 1
get my hat."
He leu the way to the engine-house,
careful to keep the derrick between
(irip andd them. Entering the en
giut -house, he reappeared iu a moment
\vilu his hat on, ani a coal over hij
arm. '-Guess I'd better light up,"
he said.
a match, he tired a long ■
pine stick, which he thrust into a |
stream ol frits ht 1 from u pipe,
and instantly the scene was brilliaut
ly yet uncertainly lighted.
Leona, peering through the bushes,
could see his face. It was determined.
Alter the detective and Jockey
Todd were out of sight, Laona enter
ed the open space, meaning to follow
Jiem. She jumped when she came
L»ear stepping on a man, and uttered
a low scream when she saw Grip ly
ing before her.
Bending over him, she caught him by
the shoulder to wake him. It washard
to do, but at last he grunted, and op
ened his eyes stupidly. "That you.
Leona? Breakfast ready?" he asked,
"(Jet, up, Grip. You have fallen
and hurt yourself "
Staggering to his feet, he looked
around iu a dazed way. Presently
he said: "Oh, 1 know'/ Where's Jock
ey Todd?"
"He got afraid and run."
"We had a fight, and he knocked
me down. I was tight, or he couldu'o
have done it."
Leona became strangely excited,
yet she seemed calm, aud her voice,
although constrained, was even, wlieu
she said: "You came here to shoot
the well, and Hiram wouldn't let you,
because you were too drunk. \ou
fought him, aud ho knocked you
"Yes, that was the way; but I'll
get even with him."
"What for?—keepin'you from hem'
I "What do you mean?" Grip sta
red at her blanky.
"That Perkins arrested Hiram for
shootin' this well. Porkius thou
l he had you at first."
".A nd didn't Jo"key Todd squeal
i on me?" .
"Never saiu a ward about you.
Went right along, and kip, Perkins
iruio lookiu around.
Grip bnn." his he.vd aH was silent
p. long while. Wi .ii bo 'poke agaiu
be said: "'Weil, that's what I call
the square thing. A man can't eome
it over tike that way, th'>ugh. I'll
tell Rogers tin? whole «t« ry, and I
know he won't {wish Jockey Todd."
L«'tna said only, "Come, Grip,let's
go borne."
(irip was so taken up with .loekey
Todd't- generosity that he never
thousrht to ask Lcona what she did
Next day Grip did toll the wbolo
story to Colonel Rogers, and, as ho
had predicted, Jockey Todd was not
proceeded against. Grip was ollered
and accepted a position with the tor
pedo compauy. I'hat night hp, Leo
ua, and Jockey Todd sat down to
supper together.
A Retrospective Criticism of the
Nominating Spee.hos at the
St. Louis and the Chi
cago Conventions.
EniToa CITIZEN: —WhiIe absolute
impartiality cau hardly he expected
from any oue tfliliated with either
party, yet now in the lull between
the din of the recent couv 'ations and
the matured excitement of tho com
ing couiilct may l>e the best opportu
nity to view trom a critic's, iustead
of a partisan's, standpoint the recent
nominating speeches at St. Louis and
In expecting a Democratic conven
tion we are curious to know what
will be said and done—what excus
es, if any, will tie ottered for the past
and what pretexts advanced for the
future. But everybody knows the
pride, policy and promises of the Re
publican party. So the very novel
ty and uncertainty of a Democratic
convention possesses a peculiar in
terest that is lacking in a Republican
Novelty, particularly when happy
over success, is pro!fie of wit; and
hence it does not require a subtle
philosop'uv to account for the face
tious character of almost every speech
at Si Louis, Tha delegates, few of
whom had ev<;r attended a canveu
tion following the election of their
party's candidate, were as jubilant as
a pack of si-hool boys over the unex
pected victory of a favorite base ball
nine. Said one speaker: "The Re
publican party favors protectiou, and
God knows they need it " [ Laugh
ter, j Such puns and frivolity char
acterized the proceedings and, no
doubt, made them entertaining; but
more substantial arguments would
have been more likely to influence
voters open to conviction.
Mr. Dougherty's speech, however,
was au exception being of a serious
tone; but it was rather disappointiug
—considering his reputation as au or
ator. However, Mr. Dougherty, is
excusable, owing to the scarcity of
eulogistic material in the character
and career of Grover Cleveland
But the speech, however cleverly
blending fallacy with maxims and
sentiment, will uot stand the tost of
logical analysis. Says Mr. Dougher
ty, I'resident Cleveland's "career il
lustrates the glory of our institu
tions. Kight years ago, unknown
save in his own locality, ha for the
last four has stood in the gaza of the
world, discharging the most exalted
duties that can be confided to a mor
tal." Auv oae that has made a com
parative study of the different kinds
of government knows that one of the
weaknesses of a Republican form is
an occasional tendency to advance a
lucky man too rapidly. Admitting
for the purpose of argument that
Grover Cleveland has proven a coin
peteut President, yet the promotion
of any man from obscurity to the
Presidency iu four years would be a
experiment and a dangerous ex
ample. Grover Cleveland's unprece
dented rise is, to say the least, a poor
illustration of "the glory of our insti
tutions." You might as well illus
trate the glory ol monarchy by citing
the coronation of a king uneducated
for the crown The present indica
tions are that the coming electiou
will afford a better illustration of "the
glory of our institutions" by showing
the caution of the American people
iu deeming it unsafe to keep a man
with ordinary capacity und limit
eel experience in the Presidency more
than one term, aud choosing a suc
cessor distinguished iu military, le
gal aud political life. Dyuastics,
however begin with, are
apt to degenerate into men not supe
rior to Grover Cleveland. —"ihe
glorv of cur institutions" n that we
h:<ve an opportunity to keep great
men at the head <>-. aifa»rs
Most of Mr. Dougherty's speech
cso«Btcd of vague generalisms
which weie an attempt to obscure
the de-tth ill Lis heroin tangible aud
specific merits or achievements.
Notwithstanding an overstrained
effort to press iato service a supera
bundance of jockey phraseology, Mr.
McKeuzie succeeded in exciting a
good deal of laughter; but ho made a
mistake iu introducing Mrs. Cleve
land iuto "the canvass." The Con
stitution provides in no emergency
for the Chief Executive's wife inher
iting or otherwise performing the
duties of her husband's office. The
candidates wives should not there
lore be dragged into '"the canvass."
Mrs. Cleveland is usually described
as a democratic lady with popular
manners, but Mr. McKeuzie calls her
"queenly." The grandest defile in
the Rocky Mountains is named
"The Royal Gorge." The perpen
dicular walls of this majestic canyou
rise hundreds of feet high and are
so close together that there is scarce
ly room for the rail-road track. What
a pity that such sublime American
scenery is called "royal".' "Queen
ly," "royal," and kiu Jred words do
not patriotically describe typical
American people aud places.
Mr. Daniels also endeavored to
mi&appropiiate Mrs. Cleveland's at
tractions i.ito a campaign argument.
II Mrs. Cleveland is to be a factor in
this canvass then there will be ac
rimonious comparisons betweeu her
and .MM. Harrison, which will influ
ence votes for neither caudadate and
servo oalv to rcfloct discredit on
tboir authors. Messrs McKenzie and
Daniels certainly gave us inferior
specimens of Southern gallantry.
In the leading three speeches for
Cleveland, Mr. Dougherty's logic was
fallacious, .Mr. McKeuzie was allured
by the charms of our "uncrowned
quean," wbil; Judge Twiggs quotid
No. :;r»
He oh**'<pi<'OUß word* of (jeorgia's
"lite Convention" characterized
Cleveland "as uniting the wisdom
of Jefferson with the firmness of
.lackoon and the patriotism of War
ren." In three years of tranquility,
then, this c uimor-pla-e man from
obscurity, instructed aud influenced
nobody knows bow much by bis ad
visors, ha. 3 , in full .nfa*uro, develop
ed the distinctive qualities of three
world-renowned heroes whose char
acters were matured and unfolded b J
long periods of military and political
revolution. Why not discuss politics
sensibly, and not make an idol out of
a candidate chosen chiefly on account
of availability?
Th* speeches nominating the can
didates for the si cond place on the
ticket were more spontaneous than
those for Cleveland. The Thurman
speecLes, indiscreet and voluntary
testimony, are overwhelming evi
dence,in spite of all bombastic eulogy
to the contrary, that Cleveland is not
the veal leader of his party, but only
a figure-bead or ruse to catch votes.
An orator appears to best advan
tage when, audacious and hopeful of
success, he contends against great
odds. The most potent speech of the
Si. Louis convention, the one that
oauie the nearest winning a large
nuuu>er of votes, was that of Senator
Voorbees for tho illiterate Gray.
The Republican convention offered
great advantages, but had still greater
disadvantages for oratory. The first
defeat siuco the first victory was to
be reversed, and candidates with in
spiring records were to be presented;
but ou the other baud the ever-recur
ring entbasiasm for Blaine and the
predisposition of the delegates to
make a dispassionate selection, had
a depressing influence on all attempts
at eloquence. Even bad the Republi
can orators recently deceased, been
present, the speech making under the
circumstances would probably not
been up to the historical precedent.
The aggressive Foraker, however,
distinguished himself and from this
on will be as he said of Sherman,
"not of Ohio but of the United
States,'' Others, too, won lanrels;
but on the w f hole the convention was
one of deliberation rather than
oratory, aud the November election
will demonstrate the wise solution of
of the complex problem iu nominat
ing Harrison aud Morton.
A "Milk Shake" Fuss.
John A. Martin, proprietor of the
Fultou Market, No. G2B Smithfield
street. Pittsburg, had a hearing be
fore Alderman Schafer a few days ago
on a charge of selling milk on Sun
day in the form of "milk shakes,"
preferred by James Urben, a drug
clerk. The date of the offence was
June 17, the same day for which
Captain Wis hart, of the Law and Or
der Society, sued Mr. Martin for the
offence before Alderman Carlisle. At
the hearing before Alderman Schafer,
Superintendent of Police Gamble
Weir, testified that Mr. Martin's placa
was the only one where a cool drink
could be obtained on Sunday in that
neighborhood. Francis Murphy, the
temperance ojater, was also present
and argued very strongly in favor of
tbc sale of milk, lemonade and soda
water on Sunday. Alderman Schafer
said be regretted it exceedingly, but
the law was so plain that he would
havo to fino Mr. Martin $25 and costs,
the lowest amount allowed by law,
which Mr. Martin paid.
The law of 1734 allowed milk to ba
delivod before "J A M and after 5 P. M.
on Sunday. In 1804 this was amend
ed by permitting milk to be delivered
ail that day, but the law prohibited
the sale on that day, so that even
drivers of milk wagons cannot sell to
transient customers uor accept money
from regular customers on Sunday.
Mr. Martin has a contract with per
sons at Zelienople, Harmony and
elsewhere to take all the milk they
have. He must take it on Sunday as
well as ou week days. If he cannot
sell on Sunday, he will have probab
ly 400 gallons of sour or stale milk
on baud on Monday moring. As a
result of this suit, an effort will be
made at the next session of the Leg
islature to have the law modified. Mr.
Martiu says it is no use to appeal the
case to higher courts on questions of
law, as they have already been decid
ed in other test suits of recent occur
A Model's Romace.
The artist say it is almost impossi
ble to get beautiful female models.
There is a romantic story told of a
wealthy young artist who advertised
for a model, naming a high price;
scores of women came, among them a
woman who wore a mask
when she posed for him. She was
absolutely perfect, so he engaged her
and painted a picture of her that
made him famous. He never saw
saw her face. Some years afterward
he met a beautiful girl living with an
invalid mother in Venice. He wooed
her and they became engaged. One
night, she fainted, and he, in loosen
ing the throat of her gown, discover
ed on her neck a little dark mark he
remembered seeing on the throat of
his beautiful model. He told her of
it and she confessed. Her mother
had met with reverses, was ill, and
they were iu desperate want.She could
not leave her long enough to work
all day. She saw his advertisement
and answered it. Soon after that a
relative left them enough property to
live abroad comfortably. Of courso,
ho loved her all the more, «fcc. If this
wasn't a newspaper story the girl
would have probably a pug nose and
A Sharp American.
Mr. Cobb, an American citizen
wainted to put up a flour mill in Mo
rocco. Flour in Morocco has always
been ground by hand, and the Sultan
wouldn't let him build a mill to over
throw his ancient and honorable cus
tom. He wrote to the American con
sul and got back a formal note saying
that if tho Sultan wouldn't give him
permission he couldn't build the mill
and that was all there was about it. He
took this letter with the arms and
seal of the United States conspicuous
upon it to the Morocco authorities
aud ft,old them it was an order for
him to go ahead and build his mill,
aud wanted to know what they pro
posed to do about it. They couldn't
read the note, but they saw the seal
and arms, and said that they suppos
ed that rather than have war they
would let him go ahead. He went
ahead, and now eveu the Sultan's
i corn is ground at tho mill.