JRK'S FLO ATI NC SOAP THI CHIEF For «!*• Bath, Toilet and Laundry. Snow Whit* •»* Absolutely Pure. if - ocaW Mi no* keep White Cloud Soar www f— —"l* l * e*ke to the makers JXS. S. KIRK & CO., CMICACO. DUSCHENCK'S Ifaafcaka PSHc ha*e a value as a house nmmij far beyond the power of Un py to describe. The family cut hardly be tree to itself that does not keep them «a band far a* in emergencies. • MMORAKE* la the only ▼egetable substitute for that tageroas mineral, MEKCCKY, and while |p as a curative is fully equal, H possesses none of the perilous effects. Ia Constipation, Mandrake acts upon the bowels without disposing them to sub, j|in|i|jfit Costiveness. No remedy acta so directly on the liver, to speedily cures Sick Headache, PILLS. v* all Dr«i|Mi- Pries i£> etfc pw box; ftWcMftv 66 fff : or Mt by mail, poftap trtt, om H.fch«*k * 800, Philad^ jb PRATT'S M Arcaatio GeEora Gin cvnr.a DHVUHKU KillXKVa. w ii'-n it it ui.. ■ oc»; l eTAfl* " th..t fi!s I' the only m a pc u cu-Ufclraa # quality otlier t:..in , llTa I ■¥! * i Hlr ' articio Is ■VfuiA'd. L%j| PRATT'S Hdfc|ffi| Aromatic Geneva Grin I a r.'ir»M. ro distlllKl l»u hu J r- HQS rw. Hflß b« round aa la rnd ontalu r<ire f<jr Hrlfht'i niKHHe* Mono In J Uuidcr, nnd all inJLjmnati on of the I L '** hUneraud Lrl'narr Orguua. SAM. KS E. MOKKIS 8«l« Agent*. iM C.HA MUCRrt ST.. SBW YOUK. POB*SALR BY J. c "REDICK, Druggist, BUTLER, PKKN'A. " DOCTORS LAKE Lm I PRIVATE DISPENSARY MfaM OFFICES, 900 PENN AVE., —PITTSBURGH. PA.— UKaKflDf All forma of Delicate and Com «FV {.ilcaied Übeaaea requiring COSFI DKSTTAL and bciitsimc Medka- KM an> treated at tnia Di»(<en«ary with a aurcuaa mretyailaiued. Dr. 8. K. Lake la a member of the hfil Ctlleaa of l*bjaiciana and Surgeons, mud ia MM oMeet and mot experienced SPECIALIST In the an;. Special aiu.nl lon given to Kcrvoua Debility from tiraaite m«ctal exertion, indiscretion* of ywfh. Ac., (Hueinv physical ami mental decay, lack •f ruirtx, Je»|K>u.li ticy, etc.; aiao < "luu-era. Old Sorea, Flu. Piina, KUeuuui 1.1.1 and all d!aeaaee of the Skin, lloui, Lung*, Urinary Organ*. Ac. Conaultatioo ftiee aad atrirt!) confidential. Oißct* hour* 9to 4 and 1 teljtjL, Sunday* 2to4p. m. only. Call at office fl. L«B, M, D., H. R.C.P.B. or EJ. Lau. If. D. FOUTZ' S HORSE ANO CATTLE POWDERS Ho RNM Win 'lie of roue, ROT* or Lena Fx- Twa, If Fnuu'a Pow«ler* are aM-r| in time. Foatzl Powder* will rare and prevent Hon CIMLXRA. Foam Powder* will prevent r.»p«s iw FOWL*. FOMR's Powder* will Increase Uic uiantity of milk a£ cream twenty per cent, and uiaOTtlie batter Urn rani I'owtlrr* will esn* or prevent almoat svan nwaiaa So si men HOTM* uhl ( attle ore mhjert. term Powmna wtu. Siva SanaraonoK. Md every wkere. Davio a. FOtTTZ, Proprietor. ULTIIfOUi » n For sale by J. L. WCLLER, r.utler. Pa. Wm.F. Miller. Manufacturer of Stair Hails, Balusters and Newel-posts. All ktada of wood-turulnß <lon-- to order, Dmailr I and Carved wo<xl-work, such an CllH Corner blocks. PaneN and all Kinds of taaey wood-work for Inside decoration of CAIXANDSEK SAMPLES. RoMrtlilnK new and attm>:tiv<-. Also FURNITURE at lowest casta price*. Store at No. to, X. Main street. Factory at No. SB, N, WanhinKtoii street. BCTI.tr., PKNNA. "W. H. & P. MORRfs" BUTLKB, PA. •Breeders —OF— High-class Poultry I.IGIIT BRA HM AS . PLY MOUTH KO< KM and WHITE I.e<;- IIOUNS. Ins (2 per 13; $3 for 20. Hej : st»re4TrwlaMarfc Ql EANFAST • >1 m, BLACK m OTOCKIBGS " .ifi' " The F. P. Robinson \\. ) Co'a Ofa. MOMEYREFUNDKO ' riJTitiaT" If «ha»i*al»itbe«aeter tl.C^<< f *BT fid« in VA^iing. I ~ * i«-»% .YlimtV, nuH « bilflr<*u*» SlocliiDCi. Mvu m » Half Klo«. y" < FI'.IEM, LISLE, a' : -nxCtLSIORHrfiifRYCO. • IOTKUT ST., "i•' :« PHIA. tut f> , N • •» *. -• I C.U lut FOR SALE. A wniM f-trm <H a'-re*. near I'nionvllle, twp »n l atmut live niih-M north of llut ler. I* for n«l<- <xi rt-as<Mial>l<- Knns. It IK all etnaisni and IllUtile ground; lint rood oi. and the }x—t ol »al*-r at the 4our *al apltna In etery fl<-l<t GOOD HOUSE, 1* by *) *>» d rorvl staM*. Is part of Hie ol<; M&Kinkin {4stc« «n the Mer«T read and ad Jain* F. L. \ai j'jih and J. c. jloore. Esq. £»i(lrt on the preum*•» of. JOHN WALLACE. THE OITIZEHST. MISCELLANEOUS W. C. T. U. COLUMN. Report of the Committee on Tem perance and Prohibition at the late General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church : "Reaffirming all our former deliv erances on total abstinence aud the prohibition of the liquor-traffic, we submit for your adoption the follow ing sections: I.—PROGRESS AND DUTY. We have ample reason for congrat ulation that the temperance reform is engaging public attention as never before. While some raicds are yet torpid, not apprehending the vital is sues, and while, to some intense re formers, such loitering in the march of reform seems unpardonable, never theless a growing multitude of re doubtable men and women are learn ing both to wait and to hasten with Providence. In this great moral ad vance. we recognize the duty of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with all other Christian bodies, to march at head of the column, to inspire and direct the movement. 11. TEMPERANCE ORGANIZATIONS. In response to the memorial ad dressed to this body by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, we gladly recognize, with high apprecia tion, their great work, "preventive, educational, evangelistic, social, and legal," and the extension of its sphere through its eminent representees abroad in the great Foreign Mission countries. We also tender fraternal greetings and a hearty godspeed to the National Temperance Society,and all other organizations engaged in advancing this reform, especially to all who labor upon a Gospel temper ance basis. We welcome our adopt ed fellow citizens to these expanding ranks. We urge a spirit of kindly conciliation and cordial co-operation among all temperance workers. We recommend that the Temperance Committees appointed by the Quar terly Conferences in all our charges, and the Annual Conference Temper ance Societies, seek to enlist our peo ple more fully in this great movement against the drink customs and the drink traffic which disgrace our civil xation. III.— TOTAL ABSTINENCE. We renew our time honored testi mony in favor of total abstinence from alcoholic liquors. The best modern has irrefragably demonstrated that there is no legitimate place for alcohol, not even in the form of the milder liquors, and in however mod erate quantities, in a healthy living organism. This testimony of science has been independently confirmed by the impartial demonstration of life insurance experts critically seeking sure bases on which to conduct groat financial interests. Total abstinence is now fully vindicated as something more than "a dietetic whim," or a fanatical craze; and we can accept of nothing less than this, as security for personal safety, and as the basal prin ciple of the temperance reform. IV. — SCIENTIFIC TEMI'EBANOE IN BTRUCTION. We hail with joy the enactment of laws providing for scientific temper ance instruction in the public schools of thirty four States and Territories, under which six and a half million of children and youth are being 1 taught the evils of alcoholic beverages. We urge that those laws l>e strengthened, wherever necessary, by suitable self enforcing penalties. We also call for the exclusion from those professedly temperance, but fatally misleading, text books, wl 'ch directly or implied ly encourage the moderate use of the milder intoxicants. We are glad to learn that that many of the publish ers of such books have undertaken a revision, and are now bringing them to the scientific standard of total ab stinence. Let the text books, which are to shape our children's lives,, be closely scrutinized. We trust all school boards will make a note of this. "Age Cannot Wither Her," remarked an old gentleman, as he gazed fondly upon the comely little woman by bis side; "but frankly," he continued, at one time I was afraid cosmetics would." The silly little woman, in order to appear youthful, plastered her face with different va rieties of whitewash, yclept "balms," •'creams," "lotions," Ac. "Yes," in terrupted the little woman, "I did, until my skin became like parchment, and so pimply and coarse " "Well," Mid the listener, "what do you une now? "Use," waa the reply, "noth ing but common sense, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Common sense told me if my blood was pure, liver regulated, appetite good, that the outward woman would take on the hue of heath. The 'Dis covery' did all those things, and ac tually rejuvenated me." Its thousands of cures are the best advertisement for Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, —A farmer who Las tried it says to take the bottoms out of tiu cans and then set them over garden vege tables is the best protection possible from bags. —Barnum says the elephant has got more sense than the average men. Yon can't name a drink outside ol water he will touch, and no one can lead him into bad company. —A Michigan postmaster got the place because he was lume, and yet because be was lame he couldn't overtake n robber who wan making off with all the cash and stamps. —One of the questions asked a candidate by the Military Examining Board is: "What is the weight of a regiment of cavalry ?" Why not ask bow many spoonfuls of sand in a sandbank. —Uncle Sam never forgets. Some defaulting paymasters of ISM are now being sued lor the deficiency, and a hundred veara hence Capt. How gate may suddenly be brought to time. —The money spent for drinks in an American city of 200,000 inhabitants is put down at $25,000 per week the year round. That is $1,300,000 thrown away and worse, and seven tenths of it conies from day laborers. —"Take the poorest and most wretched-looking hamlet in America," says one who has made the tour, "overrun it with dogs and beggars, furnish it with 50,000 rank smells and two dirty hotels, and you have some thing to compare with one of the beautiful Italiau villages some of our folks rave over." —A train on a road out of Cine! nati went out seven seconds ahead of time the other morning, and 32 pas sengers were left behind. Each one bad figured BO closely that he would have been seated in a car had the train left on the mark. THEY DID IT. What? Cured among others the following. They write: fKM Central Ave.. Cincinnati. 0.. > janizary 4tli. lw« i AUilophoros Pilta have cured mo of liver complaint and I gave ten <;f U„ I'ills to a friend who is trvmblcd Wltli iiulim*tion and lia- inmrmrod won derful!}'- 1' - 11. ItoWEKAMi'. 16 Rosette St. New Haven.Ct. ( February U*Oi. !W. ) Athloplioros Pills workiil wonders in my ca-'< of dy-I 'l«a- Emma L. Claiik. Ath-lo*i>ho-ros Pills sire small and pleasant to take, yet wonderfully effective. Invaluable for kidney anil liver complaints, dyspepsia, ni di"estion, constii>ation, heartache, etc. They'll take away that tired feeling giviuj,' new life and strength. j»-Senil 6 cents for the beautiful colored pic ture, " Moorish Maiden." THE ATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 Wall St. N. Y. Peoples, Tongues, Religions. i Tho 04th edition of Daniels Lehr bush der Qeographie presents the following interesting figures: The population of the world, 1,- 435,000,000. Languages and dialects known, 3,- 064. Religious systems, about 1100. People without some religion, none. Protestants, 123,000,000. Greek Church, 83,000,000 Roman Catholic church, 208,000,- 000. 100 other sects calling themselves Christian, 8,000,000. Practice immersion, about 90,000, 000. Jews, 8,000,000. Mohammedans, (75 sects) 120,000, 000. All the above are monotheistic, be lieve in one God. Braminism, 138,000,000. Buddhism, 503,000,000 Other heathen religions, 135,000, 000. Number of souls without hope in Jesuß Christ, 1,003,000,000. Behold what a growth the church has bad in twenty centuries! Behold what a field for missionary zeal and work. Yet lot each Christian do as John and Andrew did and the whole world would be won to Christ in less than three years. The Handsomest Lady in But ler Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough in stantly when others had no effect whatever. So to prove this and con vince you of its merit, any druggist will give yon a Sample Bottle Free. Large size 50c and sl. The Phrenological Journal says: "In choosing a wife, be governed by her chin." A man is apt to be gov erned by the same thing after he gets a wife. —He: "Do you know, Miss Ma bel, I have discovered why my brain is so active 1" She: "No, Mr. Minuswit, what is your theory ?" lie . "It is because I so often start a train of thought." She ; "Ah, yes! the "Limited." —"How is it," remarked the repre sentative of a clothing firm, "that travelers for tobacco houses never of fer a fellow a cigar ?" "The reason is very plain." ' What is it ?" "They don't want to give their cigars away " "What is the most painful position in a base-ball club?" asked the snake editor, "The umpire's," replied the horse editor, with commendable promptness. "No, it is the pitcher's," "Wbv?" "He is always in the throes." GrO TO W. E. McCLUNG'S, No. HI ft, S. 31 si in St., FOR lilt GR9CESIES. FLOUR, FEED And Provisions. Call auct examine our prlnes they aro lower lUiin the lowest. FLOURt A SPECIALTY BUTLER COUNTY fautuai Fire insurance Co. Office Cor, Main & Cunningham Sts. >3. C. ROESSING, Pujssiuent. WM. CAMPBELL, TkraSTJRKR LI. C. HEINEMAN, SKCKRTAKY DIRECTORS: •f. r. I'urviK, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell J. W. Mrirkhart, A. Tloutmau, Henderson Oliver, <}. C. Itocsalng, .(ames Stephenson, I>r. W. Irviu, N. Weltzel, J. F. Taylor. |H. C. ltelneman, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Gen, A*'t BTTT'LSR, JPA-. Hotel Brady T. W. TAIT, Prop'r. New Hotel anil Restaurant on the Diamond, Under. Pa. Mr. T. W. Talt has rcfttted and furnished (he Hradv House, and Is now prepared to accommo date the public. His Restaurant, in connection with the hotel will Oe o|K-n day and night.. The tables will l> furnished with everything the market affords, FRESH GAME AND OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY. Vour patronage, respectfully Solicited. PERMANENT STAMPING For Kensingt )i, Arrasene j A.ND OUTLINK DOTT *3 Mbo lessoriii in sain : given by ANN IK 11 LOW MAW,. North itreet, Butler, Pa. lie2oj-£j JSK iSS 119 liHI SII «*•*•"' 'u-v. Not ' atnoii-: I<• 1 Lll I I<J lliii.- wonders of Inventive progress Is a method and sy-.tem of work t !i.«I can he performed alt over the country without separating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the work; eltiier v--., young or old; no special ability r-ipiire. fnpl lal not needed; you arc started free, :*iinctiiing of value and Importance lo you. tiiat will start you In huslue.s.4, which will biliu you In inorr money right awav than aaxHUng e|; in the world, firaiid outlit free. A tdre-M Tai i:.V Co.. Augusta. Maine. IITERSULLEB HOTEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - JP.^. Near New Court House formerly Donaldson House — good accommodations for travelers, flood stabling connected. H-U-'KU ly| II KITKNMUI'LK.II. Prop'r. |-gr*Adrertiae ia tho Citizen. ii'isi >; ft. The BEST Cough Medi- ■ ( n cine is Piso's C'TTRE FOR h ; CONSUMPTION. Children || k3 take it without objection. r^ R By all druggists. 26c. J* T*4 CUIIES WHERE ALL FTSE FAILS. EZ M Best THE ALLEN PATENT WASHER Why it is Superior to all Others. I_A ITS being enclosed ft ,retalns the high IST. temperature so necessary in removing the dirt from the goods, n_j THERE being no Friction on the £liu. clothing to wear It. O_J TIIE peculiar action of water In the Oru. Machine (which cannot be understood unless one sees It) forcing a strong current o! water through the clothing at every virbratlon of Hie Agitator, (which is caused by the peculiar construction of the top of the Machine. >l4l, AND best or all Is tliat a child of four years H-lfl. can do the work it being so light thai the operator sits down while doing it. Machines and Countv and Township nights throughout the State of Pennsylvania. Sold bj SHIRA.S & HAYS, Butler, Pa s-iu-iy _ BUFFALO BOY, No. 3852, will make the season of IHBS at m> barn in Franklin twp„ 314 miles northeast 01 Prospect, Bulfalo Boy is by the great sire, J ocaliontas Boy, rei ord 2:31, sire of Buualo (TII'I. record 2:1214, made in fourth iieat, (being tiie fastest fourth heat and fastest four heats ever trotted or paced in a race), and 13 OLiiers ranging from 2:17 to 2SSO. Buffalo Boy is a stmdard-bred trotter and is registered under tlii !•••-: rule- that exist. Ilia sire untl dalu ar< both standard under best rules. Also, lilsgrand sires unci gitiiiii'iiiiiis. We clulm Buffalo to be one ol the listest-brej hor.v s la tin- State, and that he has more 2:13 and better crosses than any stallion In the county. He carries tin same blood that sent old Pocahontas In 2:ls and gave her a record to wagon of st:l</i, anu sold to Robert Bonner for $40,000, A .so. Sleepy Tom, 2:12',,; (iein. 2:13; ids sister, Buffalo tdrl TAJX; liis brother, Kaven Boy, 2:17, and through the.Tom Male sMI tie Brown Jug. 2:11 Brown Ilal, 2;13. Through Buffalo Boy's dam we get JaK Eye See,2:lo; Phailas, 2:13 3 i; Itarus, 2:13'.. and others. Besides his fast breeding. ii.s size and style will recommend him to al! Intelligent horsemen, lie is 1« hands high, bl(K)d bay witli white markings. and will make a 1,200 horse. Can show liis rtrsl rolt at my farm, which would be a credit to a matured stallion, it. being bo'Ji large and tine galted. Buffalo I3oy will be al lowed a few approved mares at $2">,00 until Au gn-t Ist. when tie will be put to training. Par ties wishing to breed will do well to call early, as he wlii soon till Ills book at these low litres. For pedigree and particulars call at the farm or address me at Prospect. • AI.ONZO McCANDLESS. LORD BARRINQTON ! THE HOLD MKT) AI. SHIRE STALLION won seven prizes In Knglaud in l.ssT and Hold Medal at the Government Koyal Show held at London, and ilrst prize al Butler. Pa.. In iss7. Lord Rar rlngton is jci Black with white stripe on face and little white on hind foot; rising ihree year o'.d and weighs 2011 pounds, is registered 111 Great Britain and Amerieau Stud Hooks. Will stand at the barn of P. J. Bach, Summit twp„ Butler county, Pa„ three miles east of Butler, between Mtllerstown and Kmanning roads. TEitMS:—sls for a living colt In regular at tendance. Parting with mare before known to be with foal forfeits tin- Insurance. General season from April Pith to August l, lfs.. i are will bo taken but no respotislbity for accidents. P. J. EACH. Owner. NEW Clothing Store. CLOTHING, HATS, GENTS' FURNISIIING GOODS, UNDERWEAR, NECK WEAR, OVERCOATS, RUBBER COATS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, UMBRELLAS, SHI UTS, (J APS J* iiO Es FO R MEN AND BOYS, &C., All at most reasonable prices, 4+. JOHN T. KELLY, 1 (j'J S., Main ot., (next doer to P, O. CHOICE FRUIT. Having taken 'the agency for "the Choice Frurt , Trees, Beautiful Shrubbery, Ornamental Trees, And everything else im Iho Nursery line, of the New KngliUid Nursenes. Chase Bros.it <'o., N. \.. I will call upon you In the near future ami solicit your orders for Full delivery. A. H, FALLER, Agent, Uutlei* - Pa. BUY YOUR HO^ES Unli.ed Security Life Insurance and Trust Co., of Pa, Money to Buy Homes. Moi. ( lily dues not more than a fair rent. Pay ments decrease yearly. In event of death prior lo completion of payments, balance of en cumbrauce canceled. Money to Loan. Ileal estate bought and sold on commission. Wanted houses lo rent and rents collected. L. G. LINN, No. 38 South Main St., Butler, Pa. Over Linn's Drug store. Steol Wire Fence. The cheapest and neatest Fence for around Lawns, School Ix»tM, Poultry Yards, Gardens Farms, Park and < emctery Fences and (iales. Pel l - I Automatic (fate. Also all kinds of Wire Work. Writ : for Prices. State kin I and quan tity of fence wanted. i'AV MHt A. »K V\, Manufacturers of I'. r«- I'scapes and Iron WofK. 2').; a 1.1 20 . M.uk ;• fitrc.-t, PlUsourg, Pa, • j To tli« KI'IKIITH ol* flu* li II II»r CHIZVII nlio liuvc no; cxniiiiiHil M.F.&M. Marks' Hprinnr Goods, We say by ;ilI meatus do so for you will never regret it. We ire showing a fuller line of II t' <, Iloiu.'H, Trimmings, and Lice Caps than evi r lie:,ire. ' VVe have added Lo our line ol Corsets, 1 "WAKNlilts IIKAI.TII." Tl if KLIEF," ' Olse! v.'alot, 'I ne ••I I.' • -t wal t. And a Corded Waist for children. . :> re also keeping A FULL LINE OF GLOVES. What You Eat! [s the most important consideration of your life, and much ol 3ur good health is due to the careful and conscientious grocer. We buy the best in the market, select all our goods with the greatest care, and claim to have as good a stock of Groceries as can be found anywhere. We want your trade and invite you to try our Flours, Sugars, Coffees, Canned Fruits, Dried Fruits, Spices, Hams, Canned Meats, Crackers, Confectioneries, Tropical Fruits, Nuts, or anything in our .«tore room. Country Produce a specialty, and all new fruits and veg etables in season In our China Hall, in the second story of our building, we have the largest stock of Chinaware, Glassware, Crockery, Lamps and Fancy Goods in the town. Give us a tiial, highest market price allowed for produce. C. KOCH & SONS, MAIN ST., - - SUTLER, PA. Give us Your Attention * Ye shrewd farmer In searoh of bargains. You nre about to invest In some of Hie Agricultural Implements. You've found It's cheapest to buy the best.. Of oorrsr 1 vou will bu\ where you L't'l T!:a 1 the cheapest. Confess that y ., ive .—h th i d's Ol' some dealers and dkl not like them. Iteail too much like circus bills. You've hoard of the CHAM PION Mowers. Reapers and Binders ? Then you Know tln.-Vrc the best In the world. We've got them so cheap that you won't hesitate ten minutes if voti come around. You know the merits of the perry spring Tooth Harrow and the Imitations that are on the market. \\ e have the genuine, and if you net d a urood harrow, we recommend it. Suppose you dUln't know that we sell more Novelty Pumps, iron force. B. 11. 1'.., Mian all the hardware linns cf Butler put together. We do i hough. Come around and look at our stock. You'll learn something. We have some other things too: L)e Haven Stoves and Kansres, Kagle Elastic Paints, ready mixed. (ieneral Hardware, Wire Screens, Patent (.'hutns, etc. Our stock Is not excelled in the county and we cannot be undersold. JACKSON MITCHELL, Butler, 3 *a. JUST ARRIVED a large line of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of Fine Woolens and Suitings which I am ready to make up in Garments at as reasonable prices as you will find anywhere and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Also a full line of MENS', BOYS'and CHILDRENS' ready made Clothing at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. All the latest novelties for Spring and Summer in Gents' Furnishings, Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises; latest patterns in Shirts and Neckwear. m MERCHANT TAILOiUNS Department is Booming. Call and make your selection for your Spring Suit from those handsome patterns I have just got in. Prices reasonable and fit guaranteed. Thanking my patrons for past favor-i, I solicit a continuance of the same. I. ROSENBERG. 64 South Main street, opposite the PostcfTice, Butler, Pa. 3?^ l.a.a:e of Music. ESTABLISHED 1831. j mellor 7 * hoene, GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE Peerless Hardman Pianos » AND NOTED FOR THEIR GRAND POWER AND SWEETNESS OF TONE, UNRIVALED DURABILITY, 9 ELEGANCE OF DESIGN, and PERFECTION OF FINISH, wlileh excellencies eauso them to he selected and used l.y the bent must eliviiK, cultivated amateurs and Intelligent pooplo throughout tho L. ». 'the jvlatciiless Palace Organs, CHASE ORGANS, .CENTURY ORGANS, tho most perfect Organs made, of surprising novelty, simplicity and dura bility of construction, 'With tho most beautiful voice-like tone over produced. Also, constantly on hand a great variety of other makes of Pianos and Organs, at the very lowest prices. SECOND-HAND INSTRUMENTS TAKEN IN CART CAYMENT FOR NEW ONES. Easy Terms of Payment, either Monthly or Quarterly. __M | | A gx ■ | mmm K ■ ■■■ 77 Fifth AVO t"l U6| MELLOR & HOENE, PITTSBURGH. PIANOS TO RENT. TUNING AND REPAIRINQ. Ml;, 1t.f.1. l.\Mr..;».hlT»T>on St., W.. Jiullir. I'M.. and Choir Master of SI. I VI »t'S (riu<ii i < 1 1• 11*-11 . and ('«•! *1 n *• I <#r of the lint lor < 'horal 1' niou, beirs leave to nay Ilia! bet u a ppoint c<l s le Atfei.t .for ihotounl> "I Kntler lor Messrs Mollor & noone inul lliat In* fan fnruMi anv of tho above instruments at the same price and tonus as furuMioti k»y Alellor .v Hoc•in*. I'!t< Imrtf. Terms lor tnitmn on tie Ojgaii, Pianoforte, \ lolln and furnished on applieatlon. I*. O. Ilox :Wi». I'ljintiforto.s a lit I Organs tuned and regu lated. Orden.leffc with Air. .I.IK, lirleb. Jeweler, lG South Main Street,will be promptly at tended to. - A NERVE TONIC. Celery and Coca, the prominent in frredients, arc the best and nufeKt V H ■ Nerve Tonics. It strengthens and ■ m ja4A quiets the nervous system, curing J ■ Nervous Weakness, Hysteria, Sleep- A UIIIW &AN7LTERATIVE. It drives out the ixjisonous humors of _ the blood purifying and enriching it, B and so overcoming thoee diseases HBl H JW resulting from impure or imiiover ■B ■ Ka islied blood. M I I V A LAXATIVE. Acting miUiiybut surely on the boweU It cures habitual constipation, nud promotes a regular habit. Itstrcngtli ens the stomach, and aids digestion. M \ M J A DIURETIC. M M M ■ ■ BA 0m In Its composition the best and most Wfi I C|||||fl(|r||l active dmreUiisof the Materia Medlc:i BBL 111 I I arueombinedscientilicaliy withothe.- effective remedies for dls«ivfces of tlio m kidneys. It can be relied on to give quick relief and s|»e«dy cure. ~ m ._„___ ._Hundradaof tmtimouialsluv.baeorncaiTwl For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED TK*» A r T Pn \ WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Propli ine "ULU. J a»UELIIfUTO«. VT. ■■ ■ -wm 4k TESTES™ ■JLm JL m JLr ■JBGImMp LEADING MILLESERY HOUSE Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. N"o» 18. South Main Street* - P-A.- ITS COMING; And wht-n It frets lieiv. evciybody will rush to see it—Excitement will run lilsh, and we shall , have crowded houses Uav and evening. What Is It? Why Its HECK'S ME\'AGEI;IE-Ifs a regular King-tailed Snorter—and when it comes look out for skv rockets and greased lightning. Its not a menagerie of ring-tailed monkeys, leopards that change their spots, or wild Atrl can lions, hut It will draw great crowds and will be v-ortli seeing. ITS A HOO-D0 and knocks competlon endwise. It hurts a customer, tmt It makes competition run. They cover the ground quite rapidly when they see it. and cast their coat-tails to V\e breeze, leaving yon in the hands ot people w' o will give you a lair deal. Your interests are ours, and we have made arrangements for excursions during the season. An accommodation will leave (Sougem every day at 7 a. rn., in king only two stops betweeu (iougheni and Hu: ior. First stop. Trasntown. and passengers will l«e allow ed ."> minutes to look at the trash. That will be quite long enough to satisfy them '.hat they must go on to lIECK'S. Second stop. Swindlers ville. passengers who are crazy enoogh to do so will be allowed to stop over at this ttallou, the wise portion will go on to HECK'B. The train will arrive at Butler 8 a.m.. sharp and Heck will be at the depot to receive you. Should he not. do not be led off by Ihe little Bazaars ot side shows, but make a br :ik for the big tent. No. 11. North Main St.. Dully's Block. We blow our own horn and there Is no mistak ing It. We are now ready. Ring the bell—beat the drum—toot the horn—let the crowd come and see our inngnlllcent Spring Attractions. They are regular LA-LAS and on every point will beat anything ever shown In this city. The quality, quantity, style and price are Just what will suit you, and the assortment so large that It will du.zzle.you. OUR BAND LKADS, others try to follow us but they can't catch up. Our pace Is too much tor them. We are too quick. We are boomers ! We are sooners!—don't you see? We arc rollicking. Jolly fellows. We are rlp roarlng Up top sellers. And when It comes to ttargalns we can suit you to a ••T" We are hungry tor your money—do you hear ? And we try lo be so funny—we are so queer. If you think we are a honey, come and drop your money. And we'll treat you like a sonny—all the year. For we have got the energy and the will. We made up our inlud lo lie the leaders In our line and t he result. Is, "that we lead" and I here it no mistake about It. Our prices tell the tale. They are always lower than the lowest and quality proves it. We make I No Rash Promises, but prove everything we state In the papers when acustomer calls at our store. If you want sterling goods for sterllug cash call and see our Magnlllcent stock of Spring Novelties In line clothing of all shapes styles and prices; Hats, Caps. Neckwear, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, I'nder wear. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs I'mbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Satchels. Brushes. Combs, Harmonicas, .lewelery. Hammocks and Notions generally. We do not attempt a full enumera tion of our goods but content ourselves with the statement- that, we have the largest stock, latest styles and lowest prices. ThE WORLD STANDS AGHAST / The realization of the fact that our low prices are a reality and not a rtctlonary legend makes everybody wonder. Beady money Is the won der worker that has enabled us to place before the public such a gorgeous display of Spring bargains and a determination lo lie easily satis- Iled ami live for small profits Is the mason we can sell so much cheaper than anybody else. D. JL. HECK, Champion Clothier and Furn • isher. No. 11, Norlh Miiln St., Iluffy'K lllork, BUTLER, - PA. B. & B. SPECIAL SI'IUNG SAI.E OK Silks and Dress Goods. IN I'LtlN lll.At KS, COI,OItS, FANCY COMBINATIONS ANI> WEAVES. This Is a most extensive offering, and em braces many KEMAUKABLE BAHOAINS—not every day bargains—but something unusual. I'urchas.M's or Dry < Mods will consult their own Interests by writing our Mall Order Department for samples of these values, which, together with any Information in regard to goods, etc., will be cheerfully sent to any address. This braii' h of our business is rapidly grow lug every <|at. It will coiiLlnue to develop Just In propor l lon as lhe benellts and advantages of purchas ing from our extensive stock (where many rare bargains are constantly offered) comes to lie fully understood and appreciated by buyers liv ing at a distance from the large trade centres. The bargains In the Silk Depariment will in clude 'jo-Inch Black (Jros drains, 7BC, K3e, Hue, fl.ttt. *!.£>. $1.50 to *I.OO. •*i-lnch lllack Surrahs. strictly all Silk, soc.— such quality not shown elsewhere less than 05 and 75c. AHio, Special Values In lllack Surahs, ooe, 65c, 75C, W inch Surahs, li.oo, st.2T>, si.r>o. Full line Black Armure Silks, JO Inches wide, ft r >c ; real value. $1.25. Colored Dress Silks In large assortment, Including Gros Grains, Surahs, Rhadames, Faille Francaisse, etc. A few special numbers In Wool, EAItIUCS are .ic-lncli all wool Checks and Mixtures. Lfii\ a jard regular ,'iOc. quality. l ine of .»;-ilich all-wool goods,elegant quality, 3SC. 40 Inch French Suitings, 50e; down from 75C. and sl.uo. IOU.OINI yards of crinkled Seersuckers sacrificed at Sc. c'i, K\ a yard; line goods, and real value double tliese prices. Verv extensive assortments of DO.MKSTIC SATINKH at I2hc. and •.?«•. and finest French Sal ines at 25c, :«•<•. :t:tc. Wash (ioods of every description Cheeked. India l.llicns, l>ress Olnghiittis, Crepi: Cloths, riques, etc., etc., at less than regular ju ices. "The Best Qualities at Lowest Prices." Parasols and Sun I'mbrellas. Fans, Summer Hosiery and Cloves, I,'adles' Neckwear. Hand kerchiefs, Idblioiis, IjM'fS, Embroideries, etc. the most for your money. Write for prices. boggs & buhl, 115,117,119,121 Federal St., Allegheny* Pa. SUFFERING WOMEN;!" Whan t.oul»l»v! with tho*a annoying \rrw ' irili*-. <. frirfj. Hulljr following a cold or z» o»ur«, or 'rvi (lon itituluKi.il V. mo fHK.uliur to tiioir ** t. should l/ae OR, DiiCHOINE'B C«lobiJif<d rEMALE REGULATING PILLS. 1 !iey am Ktruojft h«niii£ to the nutirii >y«tAi . impart • >m\ vliroriiiiii uimii lic forrctiiiill fanctioi<>» of h<niy .ii*f in in-J. Scut tfy Uiiiil, Micurcl/»culeo, sl. Aildr Dr. Hartor Medicine Co.. ST. LC"IS. MO oiotlww.wnowl«h , cumin Mil VCII I Iwtnv this obtAin cn adverting ipfi.' when in Chicago, will find it on file 41 4J S«., I ABfl ATUAIIifi *!• LwltU tt IIIU MA VI The Greatest Spring Stock : IN BOOTS, SHO3S and SLIPPERS BUTLBR HAS 2VSR S3EN, NOW OPSNINGf AT HUSELTON'S All fresh clean new spring styles did not buy out any ones old Stock, neither do we advertise fictitious amounts in jroods bought, thinking it sounds big, No trii-ky drives, no deceitful leaders, no tempting baits, no auc tion goods cr old sample lots, but uniformly low prices on every article and same price to all. One element in our spring Stock of Shoes speaks lo you with special force, the beauty of the Styles, the ex cellence of the Stock and workmanship, as to prices you can't tell what Shoes are by reading prices you must see the goods especially when unscrupulous dealers will ad vertise for instance: Ladies' fine Kid Button Shoes worth $1.75 selling for $1.00; Mens'fine Sboes worth *2.50 selling at $1.50, this is an old jew trick in trade that lias been discounted long ago, people don't take any stock in such trickery. Ladies' fine shoes unusually large selection especially in hand turns, they are glove fitting, very soft and easy to the foot, our $2.50 turn Frei.ch Kid Vamp boot is a beauty can't be matched in the county, cheaper turns we won't use as they are worthless, then the finer grades at $3.00 3.50 to 4.50 in all widths both in common sense and Opera lasts, our Kid Button at $1.25, 1.50, 1.75,2-00 ami 3.00, McKay sewed flexible soles are daisies, no sheepskin genuine Kid, the 1.50 boot is selliug as fast as we get them in, warrant every pair, they are stylish, as good as other dealers sell at 2.00. See our bright Dongola very fine stock, is tough, will notscuti in wearing lik?» some Kid does. Ladies Graiir Button boots the best you ever saw at 1:00 and 1.25, Pebble Goat 1:50, 1:75, and 2:«>0 Ladies' fine eboes with Patton leather tip, now verv styliah for street wear $2 up to $3. Old Ladies' wide easy shoei in R.iU <*nl op to No. 8, Slippers, in Opera 50 cent*, best in the land for the price. Lawn Tennis Shoes in Mens' Womens'and ChildrenV. Wigwam Slippers, very easy and comfortable, cheap, our fall line fine Slipp*r«« in not in yet, is a little early, will tell yon about ttera Inter on. Mi**" -V and Children*)' fine Shoes in Sprinjr heel and heel, in Kiti Goat and St. Goat, hiph tops, Misses' Kid SI.OO and upwards, H ChiJd.en# 50 ccnia and up,extra tiue Shoes for Ladies that wearninall t-izea 1 lo fur Baby's 25 cento and up. Mens' fine shoes very fine style $1 00, 1.25, 1.50 to $2 00. eitra fine Calf Shoes $2 00 to 3.75. Kangaroo, one ot the p >;<ular Sh.it ■« of the dav in McKay Day sewed and Hand sewed in tin et.l'ess Tarwty of styles and prices. All those iu Button IJals. or Contf. all widths tip nrnri w toe or full plain toe, we show tho best and litest shoe ut $1.25, l.i»0, 2 00, 250 3 00 in Butler. Boys' and Youths' in Calf, Veal, Calf-grnin in regular ai d extra hii.h tops, new goods, seamless at $1 50 to 200 and 2 25. Plow phots. Bak, and Cong. Boys Button 1-5 1 25. Mens' Plow Shoes, lace and Brogans. Hob Nailed at 90 to $1.50, Calf Boots $1.90 to $3.00. leather and Findings, large stock. Wc do all kinds repairing, we u c the best lines in tbe market in Boots «fc Shoes, we have positive proof of this in their excellent wearing qualities,and stili better some of our la:le competitor* have lately been making every elfert to get same line of f ' oea and have so far failed. We control all the lines wc use for this to*rn. Come and seo us, will save you money. No troublo to show our g«,'jd*. B. C. HUSELTON ~ JjSICOB ISOOS, r»KALKR IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, F£ED, IIAY AND ALL KINDS OF ({RAIN. We are now in our new store-room on S. Main St.. and have the room to accommodate our large stock cfgitcnits, flour, etc., and have built a large ware-house to accommodate our stock of leed. We pay the highest cash price for potatoes and all kinds ot COUNTRY PRO DUCK. T., r ..,K TJ (M w 105 S MAIN STREET, J aeon JjOOS, Butler. E»a. "Nothing Succeeds Like -Success!" WHY ? rBECAUSE LOOK at our SUCCESS in BUTLER Then Look Back 3o Years Ago When Wc Commenced. Now Look at the Way We Do Our Business, THEN REASON HOW CAN it be OTHERWISE ? WHEN WE CARRY THE STOCK WE DO HTHE largest^ And Most Complete in Rutler, ranging in Quality and price from the Cheapest to the Finest, all Reliable, Well Made Goods, besides we Guarantee all we sell Call and be Convinced. 11. SCIINEIDEMAN, No- 4, Main St. OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER BBIBEGSEEESEa SSBSHKSRSSS if ; Hi i< »t»jfl* t %i**ak Luiijrv A*tUit»*» I lodijfvrUon, ln»nr<l IVu* l.\hi>ui>l»jii- In\alu»M«» f«ir HkeunuUlMii, Kvntair «H '* " i order* of Um) Btußwh iu»'! HINDERCORNB. Th« vnfrct. mire«t ami h©*t rore fnr<>» liunl«>n«,A* a. nt.if*all i«Un. bunt• ■» ct»:uf«><lU» tU* ' C. .vvn Cadi t J cur». lf» ciota nX i>rujafc*i*. Ill* ox A«f . Y. this ti» out Hajcsiuin, OITKIT \ 1 IIIIKKKH. CUII start you at OIMC. Stud V I U Uror ti rrns <>t A J PRANK & CO. iiukkj i* DKUOS, MEDICINES, am> CHKMM AI-S FAN' 'Y ami TOll.hl AKTIIES, SPONUKS. HRI'MIKS. I'KKFt MKitY. .t«! S^-|*||\.H'.claUS' l'l". rl|' -ia CiftnClJ ' o_l pouuiltrtl. 45 S. Main Sirets, Uutler, Fa. WANTELV LAfilY • ' Z IMoMItm l'i f« n I wnjiwrf ! r*i. j '»Mi tev* HAIf A I*l* >•, 12 »t.. H. V»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers