THE OXTXZ E3ST. FKIDAV. Jl SE 29. ISBB. PVBLIC XOr ICE' Tkt fmbltc h 4<Te*jr nufiltca that herea ftrr aJJ A'l Vnftmu of H or Conrioimrt clopt rd iy nrpmn nat Mm* nnd oriitrtd publttfied. ali Mfitti 4,f Ckmrck Fair*, FettimU and fmT'%, end tui > <*m"turn ttfrd Obilmmrttt WW t-r r-kmr ni far at the »att of one-half ctiti a trurU, »■ i.i y to a. utnjmHy tack order. New Advertisements. Fire •*"arks J. H. Douglas. Siuar i'aaapa—Ja*. Mr.N'wt. I In.-4 - Sinaparilla-HotM A Co. Sew L'«ra!«- Not.ce to lot owner*, Fourta of Jnlw Ezcnrsioa.; LIT AL AND GENERAL. LATt VBBSKB. "Wipe, or -thers, wipe with can-! Wipe r tLe pr»aen«-e ol the Free Tradaire. A l iaud wipe wish the rs-e, A Ihi Ml aipe with the hajidunair-. A r.«:l - jtt wipe with the bi* do!.aire. Wipe, i r<*hem wij< wilii enrr' W(t i . Ibe of the tree Tra«laire. •a* WL. F»e broafht woe to all <»;« i \daa called tier lita wLe4. fche wot>ed with lore so kind, He ttji n jtjhou-c«<l it woo-uaa. Bat o'.w, with folly and with pride, Tl.eir tio>i>uid's p.:ckeU 'rioiuiiu^, The U ! itt are no fall of wnim* That people call tfcem whim-men. —S|*irK chi tena are ripe. —Aa mmeote Lay crop is promised. —Severai picnics are billed for the I onrth. —There will he fdecty of fruit on the hißh laada. —The picnic <iaestion is a*itaticg the S«»day SctaaL _Otr farmers and gardentrs are complain ibk «: the potato bugs. —T>» ii>'araiK« oa the bottle glasa works wm* ad>G«ted last week. —Rev. I idler of XartL Waahinj:' a was in Bailer on Wednesday. < ,ir uaaion aerviees will be held in the I ait- d P eabyterian Church on next Sab- Wk —The Braacsdale M. E.Chureh a M give a fnt< va! ic the Church neat Tuesday eve »«C- —Tfc« Prerf»Tterian eongrecation of Cen trtrilir have callel Rev. Port, r of the Plains Chnrrh. —Mr. It. L. McXees of Hallfton wa» in Bntler. tlu> week,in the intenat of the s' -n'.- yxitup bn-ioe*. —Mr. J. H- the Stationer, h*"" a sp'eni.U *<*ort«t-at of fire works, flazs, lan terns, iestMons, ate, oa hania for the 4th. See Mil —The ;rest Gilmore and his wonderful kaai ss'i art.llsry will give two eoncet*' at the Bij- a Theatre in Pitt-hnrg. to-morroTr, Patnpday.afternoon and evening. —The ««affey well on the Gold farm in Middlesex is reported The owners ferl nwhdeat and have plug<e«l the well, an til pipe line conneetions are made. Thursday afternoon, the FUhel* pUy the fa-err ud on Ssijnlif the T. M. Marsh*] 1« of thii •six pis*. i>ith will be good games, docbtb-h. —We • cder»tood llr. O;c, in tbt Trohibi tHM euavcruon. isaiuniay, to challenge any per«oa u iio.ut biat out the diflereoce be l»cn ti.- Itepabl.aan anl Democratic plat foroui. We w-.nld like to bear »nn» one de scribe tfct.r similitude. —Tbis ;» tue last week of the ezhibiiion «f Viakir-T'c frut picture "Christ on <"al very." at the Grand Central Uiuk, Peon avvaor, -ar Sixth street, Pittsburg. Per •ai wi»">iog htlf rate tickets can secure them at this ofiee. —TV- r ••.heb defeated the P.lalrsville club, ti that tAya, Tneaday, by a «cw« of G to 2. 1/ br and IV.Haad were the battery for the Fi»beK, aid Hewphill aad Swill for the HJairvvilles. The Pishels played a good (we, limine but one error. —TV-rhmaettlk of the bottle glass wortts kul being rebniit here on account ■ * la dispute with the gJi company, aad it h sa»d the gp -» men have been offer ed b*c iM'-ney and free gas to gi elsewhere, but we do Lot think the rep-jrU are relia ble. —Mr. June* MeXees wishes »h« public to resember that be '<oatibue« to manufacture »tn pu-nps aco water-pipe at Malls' n <* I'visp postodioe. He makes a gnod t«K«, and will guarantee entire aatis fwtiw for all wells not wore than thirty teet in depth. —Srreral car load* of Pittsburg aod Alle |Wif piei.w iif« pav*ed through Butler last Sn<k; b> it-aiag, on their way to Slippery iwk Ptrt, u4 returuei that ctnii; It i» ■■id thai a nr load of tw had been aent up the cveniur, which would account for the <h uafctJitMM and riotia <; at tribuied 10 {be fWf*- - Tb« i-«a»«d leiji. tx jran in earnest lan «<-*k, the tb«nnmeter going aa t.igh as N°. A at a atber prr.plut predict* that July ; ".:h m: wi!l b* the hottest day ever known ia thin wc rid. He »*y» the thermometer on that day till nrnrd 115 degr* We hope that thai 1 ia a litr. —A! tie meeting of Co. E, in Miller'* Ilall l»U Saturday evening, Serg't Alex. Bnlti d of Pr»| «t «a* elected 2d Lieuten ant, rt~«i<. ee If fcitea to U«Org< MecKling'* i>. Mo sergeant aa> yet been appointed Lai John Dickey bri I* en appointed (<un aisiu; .'-f-paat «f the regiment. —The A" C. T. 1". will not bold their us aal Ts* -?ar steeling otct week, extensive f j-air» in the Pre»by«erlan Cbor< h compel 1- li»C a d.«i..'» of qnarter«, at lea«t tor a time. Week atter f eit the meeting will lie held in the M 1.. < harth, which will eritstinue to b<- tbe he* ' quarter* of tbe Society until further naiiaa. - Ho«n»'.-w!y r*k« f< r a eolation of the fol lowing pnJ»l-n»:—"A certain family in Lin coin uof one Erandfatber, two grand m'-titer' c-if father-in-law, two luothers-iu law, Itirn raolber*. two father*, two daugh ter*, oac - 0. one in law, ore son -1 lw, c+ij and thare are only »ix tn.nirt in U.t lauiily." --The l*<aneylranta It. R.Company will i»:l eic«r»,.»n Ucket* from the principal sta ta-an on t- it-yoiena east of I'lUnburg and lr<e. at a »n ,*le fare fur round trip*, In the 1' ' h ai.i. ver«arjr of the battie of Ucttysburg a> <1 the re wioa of the Northern and fc >uth era anait*. He|(inaiß|r June 28 and good an ti! Jalr f ' •», lUiund trip from iiutler - fr< of I reeport W ' 2, -"(So • lay from home for the neaa." The Kdte? ~.r i, fraaa a c.»rn ibjtort, paper; - *i.i<iii.' Lrffia, the p-year-oIJ daujhUr of Wm. Jjraia, liriair near Itutler, t'a., went lain a thicket last Friday jj<rruoou lo gather wild ll'i*er«. U hife there she attM<-V:ed hy a tliiUukr. whi'h wound i»«lf around her neck a.>d choked her to deati. The acake w». fnand ia thin position *'T a brother of the little girl, and wan killed. It w eight feet laa;. Will Move to Butler. Jbe hna of Shearer A Hick*, manufactur er* <4 iVe Hall I ngine, have concluded to »oTe (heir aork* frvtu Hiadforl lo Hullcr var< a* . -1 oropert/ oa oj>;««>ile ».<!* M t«« .mi in. jj tbe ia'cat I'ey:i depot, aad will tiegia aork on their Imi Miua* w aina aa the ikol laary railroad aaitch i< lo cated 1 hey will build three hutMing*- twa «ach and the other l.Oiov Sir. Sbearer wa« in toan j<tt«rday making the amuy; arraageiiieat* for the building*, aad ah* fur removing hi* family to Butler, lbtfm ptof«wra aiauafactarißg the Hall aad athrt tragiaea, and alao i-oile; s, ud gijl hare aa rtalilithnal that will employ aooat hfty akiiiad tue tiainci. LEGAL NEWS. JTOTKB. On the l«th inst. Julia* M« uller wa= iv I#-Ased fr.-ui i-' l ■ 1 in £->oo bail, v.-irh Henry Wahl a- >urety, f>r hi* aji| -aranc at Sept. Seisiuns, find on the 23d S K lirer- wr.< relea-- i <>n r.-l'it- bill »iih J'.nu K Si: kelev and Ueoge By ere i (DKtr, '.or appearance at Sept. Term. 4">n Thnr-lay nf last week the m .rt£»a<_'e of the I*. A J., i . It. H f Co. to the t.e .iral Trust Co..<>t' New Vork tor the sum ot 000 filtd in tiie cilice o; the Begisttr and Recorder of Butler county. The uiurt,'ag makes twelve page* of printed matter, and w- ~ eiven to *e«*tire bend.-, told by the It. C«». to rai-e money to complete the line to the lake, and to take up old bond*. Forty-six lerses and assignments of leases of pr ir<erti>*« in Middlesex and Clinton twps, were uied, on Tuesday. The iea«es were taken bv .lohn A Hill who transferred them to W S Gutiy anJ others. A M Frederick had summons in ejectment it ued tp The United Natural tin* Lo. lor I'J acre* in Summit twp. Little Jac. Stephou has l»een returned to Court n charges ol AAIJ, and surety of the )>cace preferred by Andrew and Kate lle--.i -.Jeuee. PROPERTY THASSKKIIS. Wia Morrow to Cliartier* Crea.iiery Co. lot in Prospect for A M Reynolds to Margaret MoEhee s>> acres in Y.nango for >llOO. K E McCall to Ja.-> II NlcCall 1 acres in Clsy for »• ;<*' Lyoia S Mcf'lnre to John N Black 34 acres ' i Oakland for £IOOO. Jacob Matiiay to Katharine Pleiler 49 arres in Forward lor j.'MM.WI. Win I'unlap to Kobt Dnulap 1 acre in Adams tor ■: 10, Marriage Licenses. William Byers Clay twp Jane lUiber' on Concord twp Samuel tfe< bier Fconcmy, Beaver Co hila Bodeubaagh Harmony 1 rank McNally Donegal t«p Annie Brady George W. Wioslow Cherry twp Klvina S.Kelly Parker twp William C. Evans Allegheny Co Ba. hael Hays Adams twp Abraham G. Mease! Lancaster twp Sarah C. Rice Samuel Sheldon Petrolia Kliza Folwe'.l John F. Swain Cleartiebl Tp. Margaret A. McCag ue At Mercer— Reuben Fi»her and Mary 1-. Hog* of Butler county; also W. A. Baird ol Clintonrille and Jennie Courtney of liber ty- At Franklin—Beij. C. Miller and Harriett WardweM of Bntler county. —Major J. B. Storey, a clerk in the Audi lor Gecera"h department, has in his posses sion a mwlal which »r in circulation during tbecrmpa'gn ofthe Hero of Tippecanoe. It was presented to Liui by an uncle while he was still ao iiifant. Cpon the one side i* the bust of Gen. W. If. Harrison, w.ih the dkltbi bi: birtb, ''Feb ytb, 1773." Oi: the reverse is the rtprtstciation of a lo.{ cabin, alongside of which is a barrel of hard cider. Above the oaLin is the inscription—'"The People'* Choice," arid below it—"The Hero of Tippecanoe." At this time it is an iuter e-ting rely.—Harrisburg Telfym/ih. Personal. —J. A. Foote the Petrolia, cx pects 11 remove to Grafton, Dako.a. —A. T. Scctt, K «j. oi Uutier nai one of the ushers at the Stewart-Cooper wedding at C!aridj_'e lait Wednesday. —Chai. and Lou it Frederick, sons of Geo. Frederick, loicqeriy of Butler but who oow lives in C olumbiana. 0., Wire in town last week. They are both traveling for facturiug thoe firms. Mrs. W. J. Mates of Penn twp., was !>ud ly hurt by a run off near Shaker's coal batik one day Ir t week. —Mis. Annie Speer of Warren, 0., is viait ingher brother, Mr. Philip Wejsner of K. Jeilert;on .trcct. Mrs. John lieed in visiting relatives in Tarentuui and Smith's Ferry. —Will P. Jack, of Newton, Kama ', the youngest brother ofthe Jack boys of Butler, w; married t» a Votings town, O, lady, Tuesday. —Tom McNair is on a visit to friend** in Virginia. —Col. Lowry his gone to Bedford Springs. —Ed. Riddle and lUve Marshall returned from Chicago, Monday. —Messrs t aid well and Denniaon of Bruin returned home from Chicago on Saturday. —Geo. W. Livipnton, who removed from Km'.enlon to Florida soine years ago, i.s in very poor hc-a'th. —J. W. Ojden, of Big Bend, and Miss Sadie Shaw of Perrysville, near Parker, were ru«rried last Wednesday, by Kl-v. J. K. Adam*. —R. M. Crawford, brother of G. G. Craw ford, i- «n a visit to his lather, in Allegheny twp., |iut!<-r county. Mr. f'rawford is locat <il at t'hsuute, N'etnbn county, Kansas, and ej:|ir< ts to remain at lei t a montii. This is his fir t visit home in 2'l years. lie says that when he l«-ft his home, on the 18th inst, wheat was ab nt one-half harvested and he thought it was about finished by this time. Jt is a fine crop, lie like# the west.— F.tnlcn ton ,V> J . Mr. Roi,t. tcott of Fairvicw returned fr>m Chicago ii™t 1 rid iy, and lir. Burchard on Sunday. —The wife of Josiah M. Thornpsotn, K*i|. of krady twp. has b-en lying very low oi pi ura«y and uiflanniiation. Xl.s« Klia Haxiett had her thumb crash ed and cul, and the bone broken, by a colli* ► i'-u IM-tv.e«-n two lx>at* at Slippery rock Park, Wednesday. The wound was a yery painful one. - Jos. Pfi-iter, of f)akland fwp., lost a child by cholera infa itum, WedurHuay. —Heasrs Harry and Paul Kliogler a'.J'.Tid ed the Ormmeuceiueat etercists »l < upital l iiiversity, I'oluuhus, <)., 1-st week. Alex Nichol s, formerly of this place, was in this year'a graduating class. Senatorial Conference. On Tuoday of this wttk, fir. J. B. Sho waller, our n« ininee tor State Senate, with his oonferreea, Mes>rs Joa. Thomas, Jr Jas. SI. Car'-on ami J. N. Moore, met at Free port wnh "euator Slert lith of Artnhtron<;county, and hi» confi rrtts, took eight bal'ols, and •hen adjourned (ill Thursday, July liith. Sfert'iilh announced l:i« deterininntion to i.tick, ard (•howalter did not ftel jrstiGcd in giving way. The Ih uocraia of Armstrong county have conceded the Domination to Puller, which aaean* that ex Kheriff Hof'i.ian will be tin .r nominee, aud there ia snme talk of Simeon Niaon .unning independent if Sler lith is ours. New PostofTice Arran^enients. The chores that Postmaster F.astman is having made in the posfoffirc will be a great aicotcmodation to the public, and consists, prim ipally in changing the call boxes to luck boxes. These are patented and arc very (ipCMMrti •itm.a it is ncoes.ary Ui (.barge more rent. The price has been fixed by the llepsriment at .Vl cents 11 ipiaiter, and as iwiu as the improvements are completed per «ons owning lock lioxes can secure their mail at any time, Sunday included, excepting be tween the hours o*' midnight and <i a in , and all raaiN arriving on Sunday will lie promp ly handled. There are now 201 lock hotel, and 424 call Itoxes in place, but the call bo.c* will lie changed lo lock boxes aa fast a* the public demands it. The general de livery will he nearest l}ie door:, hi hereto fore, hut will bp opep and larjju, »in{ he pro tecled by a wire s Sam Held on Well. Samuel Km rick, a • «»n of Mr. John Kin rick of Summit twp , had an exciting cxpe rience witli a ru»awrey team lr .1 Thursday evening. He came It town tliat alter noon to purchase puppliea for the festival given by the Summit l'r« nbyterian Church ami had a Uam <om priced cf his own borae ami one of Mart Wright'*, ami jiint before starling for home, lie H' pjw! HI front of the pONloPjre, and ran in, without pitching |iii team, '( lie U am ■ t,irt«-.l oil", ami .Sara lau out ami c:m<(t)t tin: bri<lie of II'MM-, whit.h in very ' hrrd in the mouth," ami which ■!r»»n-:«i him acr' .i the (Jiatnond ami do'.rn Main Mreet below the vV 111iaril iloUHe, when he w: < thrown to the ground, cm-aped iujn ry, UcrptiiiK a alight l.rnite on the hip made by the hind wheel of the wagon utrik ing him. The team ran at full apccil acro«n the bridge, the wagon struck a poht ami the Icatival Mi|ipli<> were thrown out. The wagon we* broken, and deujehed from It e teutat, huu (lie team ran on >ip the lull and I were caught and brought back, nriil 8; iu hir- I ed another wagou and got home. The Prohibition Convention. The morning trains to Butler last ' Saturday brousht in quite a number of dt-Irirales to ibe Prohibition Con vention, which met at 11 o'clock in ifce V M. C A. rooms in the Reiber buibling. The meeting wad called to order by County Chairman, J. W. Orr. Rev. Nesbit of Butler was ♦deeted Temporary Chairman, and Will Harlej, Secretary. Chairman Orr thin stated the ob jects of the Convention wh'ch were the appointing of a County Commit tee, nomination of a county ticket, raiding funds, etc. He read a writ ten .speech, in which he warned Pro hibitionists to beware of Democrats and it- publicans, challenged anyone to point bim out the Uitlerence be tween the Democratic and Republican platforms and wound tip with an elo quent peroration. Dr. Nesbit asked for the pleasure of the Convention, and Rev. McKee moved for a Committee of Three ou Credentials, which carried, and Geo. Ro?ebaugh, Dr Davis and Levi Por ter, were appointed by the Chair. W\ P. Braham, moved for a Com mittee of Five on Platform, which carried, and the Chair appointed Rev. J. S. McKee, Dr A. M. Patterson, HOD. W. P Brahain. Rev. D Decker aud Jacob Dutchman, but Dr. Patter son was not present, and it was stated th'U Jacob Dutchman would not likely be present, as his father was lying very low, so J C. Kerr and J. C. Moore were substituted on the Committee for them. Christy Moore moved that where there was no meeting in a township to select, delegates, volunteers should be accepted, and stated that there wore but two Prohibitionists in Centre township and that the other man was not present. This motion carried. The list of districts was ibeu called nr.d about G.'ty delegates answered to the ; r names, and Rev McKee re quested the delegates to give him a iu!l li: tof all the Prohibitionists in each district, for the Secretary of the State Committee. Mr. Daubenspeck said he could uarne seventy ic Parker Twp, and would claim the Banner Mr. Davis moved for a Committee of Five ou Permanent Organization aud Dr. A. V Cuunicgbam, T. B White, Dr. Davis, and S. C. Bell were appointed. Levi Porter moved for a Commit tee of five on Nominations and J. (J. Marshall, A. C. Wil:-on, J. M. Beat ty, C. J. D. Strole.cker aid H S. Paubeaspeck were appointed. It was then near noon and a mo tion to adjou-n till 1 o'clock carried, and the Convention adjourned by aingiLg tLe long metre doxology, with benediction by Rev. Steffy. Half a hundred men singiug a dox ology at the close of a session of a political meeting was an unusual spectacle and seemed to us an evi dence of their altruism aud reliance in Providence. The afternoon session was opened with prayer by Mr. Orr. The Committee on Permanent Or ganization then reported, and nomin ated W. T. McCoy for Permanent Chairman, A. C.Wilson for Vice Chairman, J. S McKee for Secre tary, and J. W. Orr for Treasurer; but Mr. McCoy could not accept on account of ill health, and towards the close of the session Mr. L C Wick was elected Permanent Chair man or Chairman of the County Committee. Mr. Orr wished to be excused as Treasurer, aud thought a new man and ' better beggar" should be selected, and named Dr. but the Convention thought Mr Orr should continqe. The usual misunderstanding oc curred on Permanent Uhairuian and Temporary Chairman, but it was fi nally decided that Rev. Nesbit should continue in the Chair during the ses sion. Rev Xesbit thanked the Conven tion and made quite a little speech. He feels eure of haif a million Pro hibition votes this year, and of vic tory in "J2. Mr. Orr said their party was the "great party of princ'ple," and that the Democratic and liepublican plat forms differed in .nodes alone, while the Indianapolis platform represent ed the great principles of the day. He also made a plea for money aud said the treasury was now $53 short. The Committee on Nominations then reported, aud suggested the fol lowing names: For Congress, W. P. Braham, and I)r. Benjamin Pear sou and Dr. A V. Cunningham State Senate, J.W.Qrr and Ii C.Wick. For Assembly—J. C. Kerr, B. L Davis, W. M. Bogan and Shryock , Harper. For Jury Commissioners —Wash- ington Bovard and J B. White. A motion was intttle and carried to consider the nominations, for each office separately, and also to vote by ballot, and Messrs. Wilson and Orr were appointed tellers, A vote was then taken for Congress. Dr. Cnn ningham withdrew, Mr. Braham had 1 1 votes and llr. Pearson 20. Dr. Pear son was declared the nominee of the Convention. His home ia in Centre ville. For Sena*;—J. W. Orr had 21 votes and L, C. Wiek 11 —and Orr !of Bruin was declared the nominee For Assembly—B L. Davis and Shry.ick Harper withdrew, and C. Moore was nominated in the Conven tion, Iverr had 20 votes, Moore 21 and fjOgan 22—and Messrs. Kerr of Slippryrock and Moore of Centre were declared the nominees. For Jury Commissioner—Mr. White withdrew, but the Convention insisted upon yqtiog fey hiw, and Mr. .1.0. liawk was nominated in the Convention. Bovard had 22 vot s, White 15 and Hawk ?»—and Mr. Bovard of Cherry was declared the nominee of the Convention. Mr llovard is one. of the best men in the county, an elder in the U. I*. church and an old time Democrat; and as the Democratic nominee fur that office is said to bo a very illiterate man. he stands a good chance of being olevit ctl- The Committee on Resolutions then reported as follows : Tilt'. I't.AITOR.\J. The Prohibition party of liutler county in ('onvention assembled recognizes Almighty | (iod as the sourco of all power in govern ment, the Lord Jesus Christ hs the Ituler of Nations, and the Hible as the guide in all matters pertaining to the welfare of*the State i well is of the individual, and ap iM-.aling to the considerate judgment or fel 10w-citizens 111.ikes the following declara tion o. principles: I The overthrow of the creat crime-pro duci-r and si .in iijmiii our fci\ili. a I'ion, the ualoou, bjr f.ifiili'iry ...■ ! (tonsiitulional pro hibitory laiv • i i our iinmcdiute object. The silence of both old parties on the greatest moral and political iv.ue of the day de ■naml loyalty ' > our principles, and ad herence 11 the only party that de: larej for the ;.5,.0!i.t0 o»'ciliirow of the liquor traf fic. II We emphatically denounce all methods ol raising revenue which involve the tixa tion and eon*e<|ii>-nt permission of evil; and then-lore dcni m l th<-ah dllion ol the inter nal revenu - lax on intoxicating liipiors, and the r--p. il ot all licence laws on the statute : hool. 11 f our Commonwealth. ; li'. Th>-only pr« per ctlitii'.'e of law 1 lowuVii t.r'ttu" ami 1 rune producers is that of I Clod'i law— that of steady ojijiosition. We join I.amis thercl'ur-! with all ni-.i; aa I v/o --1 men who in ju-t ways are aueluug to have Pennsylvania law—constitutional ind statu tnr/—prohibit th-liqujr crime. We declare for Constitutional Amendment, aud will not be louud wailing it' an opportunity be given to the people to deal with that qu-stion. IV. While recojfjaiz'ug the discreditable fa't of the anibi: uity of our License Laws that rdmit of such diverse constructions, we p.-ofjuud regret that our I.icen-e Court has so coust.ue.l that law as to again fasten the saloon evil upon the county. As long as it remains among us we declare our to siaite with all goo J cit.z:us m res'.raiuing and abating it. V. We view with alarm the growing ten dtMicy to do cerate the Holy Sabbath ari l be lieve that the Jintercsts of citizens au l the natioa can best bo conserve Iby the faithful observance o f the day ps a means of rest and worship. And we hereby expr s our disap proval of the liohliug of political meetings on the Sabbath even iu the interest of teni psraute. VI. We advocate * lie extirpation of the '"Motmou Evil," the abatement of illiteracy by the multiplication of public schools, the faithful observance of civil service reform, the-seltlemeut of differences arising between capital au i la!>oc by arbitration, anJ for our further political faith we endorse the plat form of the National Prohibition party as adopted at Indianapolis. The Plutform was adopted as read. The Convention then appointed a County Committee for 18SS as fol lows : Allegheny— Matthew 31«*.a Adams—Geo. 11. MjeOall. Brady--Samuel Wick. Buffalo—W. G. W»-ren. Butler—W. L. Allen. Centre —J .S. Rose. Cherry—Tlios. C. Chri3tley. Clay—J. V. MeKinney. Clf v 6eld—Thos. Martin. Coac-ird—J. C. Daubeuspeek, Harvey Campbell. Cot ic<[uenessing S.—II. Brunetner. '• iJ.—A. G. Stewart. Donegal—S. C Bell. F i view E.—B. L. Davis. " W.—J. L. Carjientor. Forward—J. M. Ro>e. Franklin—J. J. Stephenson. Jackson —Eara Likens. Jefferson —Jas. Caldwell. Marion—L vi Por.'er. Mercer —T. M. Bealy. Middlesex —Wm. Lo'jan. Muddvcreek—J. W. Stewart. Parker—ll. S. Dauoensptck. Penn—Ada-u Brown. Slippery rock —John C. Kerr. Summit—John Erarick. Veur ig> -J. A. McAmv. Wi biug' uX. Win. Miller. S.—l. N. Meals. Winfield —Win. Ualbreath. Worth—G. (J. Drake. Butler—L. C. Will X. Harley ami A. C. Wilson. Cenlrevill -Dr. A. M. Patterson.' Eli ile?'>. Hanisv II —Rev.. . J. Irnbrie. C : ty—V. R. PrJgh. Millersloft i—Solomon 1 leeger. Petrolia—F. M. Small. Prospect—John Marun. Suub.iry—P. W. Conway. Z;'ienopl —A. Winter. Harmony l'd. S' uXer. Evans City—Nicholas Kahiner. Renfrew—R. M. Bowser. The hat was then passed arouud and someth'ug over a hundred dol lars raised. The officers of the party organiza tion for the coming year are : Chair man, L C. Wick, Butler; Vice Chair man, A. C. Wi'sor; Secretary, Rev. J. S. McK !, Butler; Assistant Sec retary, Will X. Harley, Butler; Treasurer, J. W. Orr, Bruin, Pa. When the Convection Lad ;;om- j pieted it 3 work W. Nesbit called on Rev. Steffey, of Prospect, and he closed the Convention as it was opened—with prayer. "Tippecanoe and Tariff Too." The ratification accorded to Harri son and Morton, Tuesday evening was the most enthusiastic ever given by the ci'izons of Butler to the nomi nees of any party, and indicates the success of tiie Republican party at the polls in November. The program was arranged and car ried out by the Young Metis Repub lican Club ol tho town. One band went over to Spriogdale and load tho delegation i»om that part of the to wn to the crossing of Main and .Jefferson streets, where they \yere joined b.y the Clqb Leaded by the other band, all carrying lj tgs and banners, and the.n paraded the streets, At least four hundred men were iu line, and when the crowd assembled oa the Diamond, it was the largest we have ever seen there, probably numbering three thousand. James M. Galbreath, E j q , the i (if the «;!ul» called the meet-1 iug to order, and made the; first speech. | lie went into the history of the Whig . and Republican parting, a poke of thu ; campion of IVJQ, wUen "Tippecanoe j and Tyler too !? the motto of the party, aud thought that now that wc ha/e a grandson of "Tippcaaoo" Har rison for our besarer, our motto ishould be "Tippecanoe and Tariff too"—a very good idea. He was followed by Ntwtou Black Esq, who spoke for the soldier ele ment of the party, and predicted the election of Harrison, and said that on next Memorial day, Harrison would not be foimd irj the Adiron dack*. as wan Clevelaud on last Mem orial Day. J. I). McJuokin Esq , spoke of the mission of the Republican party, thought it had not yet been fulfilled, advised Plus Ultra, Onward, Prog ress, More Beyond—for a motto, and thought a red cotton bandana was a good enough banner for Southern Democrats, but said that Republicans preferred the and Stripes. (jjeo. W. Fleeger Idaq. begun his speech with au impromptu parody on Conkling's speech nominating Grant. "When i' ked what stale he hail* from Our sole reply shall be Hoouierdcw 14 Kis statu (rnd ho marohndj With Sherman to the Sea." Fleeger made quite a lengthy po politieal speech on the tariff and other questions, and gave the personel of of the present Ways and Means Com mittee of the House' the majority of whom are Southern democrats, as showing the origin of the Mills Bill and the animus of the tariff legisla tion of the present House. Jno. M. (jreer Ijsq. said be would always he found on the light side of the fenoe—the Republican side, and made a general political sp >ch. Mr. Galbrcath then proposed three cheers for Harrison and Morton, and adjourned '.he meeting. Notice. A meeting ol the Lot Holders of the North (Cemetery, will be bold in the nllle:! of John i M. (jreer, Ksij.on Monday, july 18SS, at 4 p.m., for the jiurpoaii ot' eliding a Hoard of Director!) for the en uiug year. C'. K. Andkiison, See. Fourth of July Excursion. On July .'ird and Ith the I*. A; V,'. 11. U. will sell roiucl trip tiekc' at all ticket H' i tions goi 1 to return until .Inly'/', IHSS, Hive, at excursion raUss. t'liildreu's tickets, ball excursion rates. No full excursion ticket le i than 2) ceuts. No half excursion rate les»; than l » cents. Tickets to bss Hold to any point on I*. Ai \V. It. It. Notice to Teachers. Notice is hereby given that the applica tions of teachers for the pi'blio u>l,ools of Hutler b arm gh, !> r thi. coining sell >il vctr, ) > r ii« l.e r< l)y tin: Hoard of .School Direc tors of said borough uj> until I'uesday, June 20, IM-H. Applic ttions of all persons hold ing valid certificatei will b - entertained, said certificates, in case of eleel imi, lob : subje :t to approval by Horoujrh Huneriutomiant. P.lciition I ) be i\el'| .Inlv ■> I. Hy order of the H >artt. J. L. l'i itvi-i, J. SI. O.M.IJItKATII, Sec'y. Pre*. —Jumbo fire crackers, the largest size made, and on down to the small est size at J. F. T. STEM 1 tV. —.Hist, received five carloads of Sewer Pipe which will be sold very cheap at M. C Rockknstkin's, No. 11, N. Maiu St. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Michael Shaller or Showlder, who was confined ia the jail of Allegheny i Co., with murdering Bridget Mullen, committed suicide by banging ■ la-t Friday uigLt. The maTricge which was to have taken place at Freoport last Thursday j between Frank Foirest, charged with abortion, and Miss Alice Holibaugh, 1 .he victim, failed to materialize Everything was made ready, but just i as the ceremony was about to be per j formed, the physician who attends j *be pirl stepped forward aud refused Ito allow it to proceed, claiming the girl was too we: k to stand the exeite ; ment as yet. Ije wedding was post | poned indefinitely. Forrest got rid 1 of the Deputy Sheriff who shadowed ! him . o closely by securing SIO,OOO l bail I W. E Vorous, of Millcreek town ! ship, Mercer ccunty, who was shot ! by D. T. Montague on the 7th inst, | and supposed to be fatally wounded, i is vet alive, with fair prospects of re ! covery. L)r. White, a quack doctor, of Indi ana, committed euiciae in jail at that | place last Friday night, after having i oeeu convicted of the crime of produc | ing an abortion, which proved fatal. Dr. White was a blacksmith by trade, ! and of late years had been practising medicine iu various places. Mercer county Prohibitionists have j placed the following ticket in nomiua- ; tion: Congress, W. T. May, of Shar on; Legislature, J M. Brown, of (Jrove City; John M. Dunn, of French Creek; J, XV. Sloss, of Sheuangu. The infant child of Charles Wolf of Lima, O , had its brains crushed out a few days ago under unusual circum stances. M rs. Wolf entered a store- | room and left the little one sitting in its buggy on pavement. A gust of wind started the buggy toward the gutter, into which it upset, throwing the child under a horse which, be coming frightened, commenced kick ing aud crushed the little one to death. In the Mercer Co. court, last week, M. II Moore was sentenced to pay a fine of SSOO, and be imprisoned for 3 mos. Moore too<£ orders for whis ky in the southeastern part of tbe county and sent them to the distill ery at McKeesport. The wet goods were sent to Grove City in due time anl Mr. Moore then collected tbe money, two dollars and lilty cents a gallon. The jury brouht in a verdict ol guilty. John Hancy, an engineer from Freepjrt, made an attempt to cqt his throat last Saturday, at the ji'orty third street bridge, Pittsburg but, for lack of courage, failed. He used a rag ged-edged case knife in the attempt, and gave it one slash across the throat,pai tially severing the windpipe, and theu threw the knife away. No one was present when he made the attempt; but he was found soou ultcr by a policeman, in an almost in sensible condition from loss of blood. Haney was taken to the West Penn Hospital in a wagon, and the.'e his wound was carefully dressed, and he will probably recover. When asked by Superintendent Cowan the cause of his action, Haney replied that he was tired of living, and wan* d to die. A 4 legrara from McKeesport says; A strauge event oceured in the West moreland coijnty natural district recently, \yhiuh has placed the farmers iu that vicinity in a turmoil of excite ment. Recently tho Philadelphia Natural Gas Company lea ;d a por tion of a farm and prooeeaded to put down a well. They had drilled but short distance when a mineral rock was struck, portions of which were sent to the company's headquarters. A-tew days afterwards operations were suspended, the derrick taken away and the hole plugged up. The farmers became very much, edited arid one of them, claims to have got ten u piece ol the rock, which he says is valuable gold quartz. The postal detectives lately arrest ed a mail carrier of Allegheny City, named Cooley. who is accused of stealing letters containing postal orders and money. The Democrats of Mercer Co , have renominated Norman Hall for Con gress. A ypung wotijan named Herman, a de ttuatio in the family of John Logan, who resides a few miles from Kittan ning, was struck by lightning last Saturday aud has beeu blind, dumb and deaf ever since. She was wash ing dishes in the kitchen, when light ning struck a tree 20 rods from the home, followed the,tree to the ground, cut a furrow 10 inches deep to tho kitchen, passed up through the floor and struck the gifl with tho übove fesultj lfiS persons died in Pittsburg last week, 7-5 of whom were children un der one year of ago. Prospect Academy Commence ment. Commencement Kxere'«es of Prosp ct Aeademv. ISacca.aureate Sermon, Sun.lay eveuincr, Juno 21, at H o'clock in the Lutheran Churcu by llcv It. It. Ourst. On Thursday, Jane 2H, 111 the (J. I*. Church, ut 1 p.iu. I'UDdI'AMMK. Prayer by Itov. VV. P. SH*nor, Musie. Oration -"Moniker,• i,nt kv, _»tian;" VV. (i. \ a'eooia, l*a. lintay " Ten lieoailes;" Mim P.rrtha Bor land, prospect, PA. Miiaie. Oration—"The Star of Iviipire;" O. F. Kirtiter, Prospect, Pa. Ksnay -"Heyon«l the Alp* liei Iti''y;" Dot tic Kichar.lsou, Proipact, Pa. Music. Oration—"The Living i.ifc;" J. H. VVi incr, Went Liberty, Pa. AiMreH* to the stu tents an.l I'rieu 1 of edu cation, by liev. J. M. it iy. Conferring <lcj{r»«es awl ijiplom'«. A')i')i;rii:..'.ui. An eutert i,inmcnt w.ill be uivea in the evening by • i ■ Westminister O'lirHlt.!, COII- Nisting of niuiic—vocal and iusirum eutal. —The Glorious Fourth iu coming and wo have all kinds of Fire Works J. F. T. STEIILE. Baby fire crackers, something now in fire works at J. F. T. STEIII.B'S. —We don't wonder at some men. They Way a new mowing machine every year and let it runt out in the fence corner, hut they won't trust their wivci with a uovv cook stove in ten years. This kind of a man never get a BraOloy stove or range. For sale only hy C. STOCK., on 8,. Main : St, Butler, J\i, Wool! Wool! Wanted 25 000 pounds of wool at our store for cash. A TOOUTMAN & SON, Butler, Fa. Adjourned Side, The Hale of the WNI, Gallagher firra in franklin twp., of which Mr. Win Malston is Administrator, was adjourne'i, and th>j property will be offered for sale on Halurday, .June J. 5, at I o'clock P.M , at the Mar tincourt House, i'rospeot. The Retort Courteous. "Slightly disabled but still in the ring" was tbe bulletin issued by the Kishels shortly after six o'clock last, Saturday afternoon. You s< e tbe club had just been amusing itself with the Schuls of Pittsburg, whom they had beaten so handily a week bef re, and had invited up agaiu to give satisfaction for the former defeat. Which was certainly magnanmous Very. Only it was quietly whispered around that out - boys would give the Scbads a drubbing that they would remember, and from sundry winks and mysterious expressions it appear ed advisable to certain Humanitarians that a subscription paper be circulated lor the benefit of the poor Sehads, who would certainly not be allowed to return to Pittsburg under the aw ful defeat that was in store for them Please dq, not weep for the poor homeless fellows tiil you read down a little farther. Why, did you a*k ? Because the Fittsburgers were re ceived on the front end of a brass band when they got home. Why, again? Because the Schads had sent a tel egram home read as follows: "We have met the enemy and they are ourn." The fact was we were hisn. He came down on us as inuocent looking as in the olden time a week ago, but he was a Tiernan in bis bat- ting, a Ward in his base running, a Keeie in his pitching, aud a Mansell in his throwing. His mascot was in prime order aud his umpire was most effective. That umpire's bead needs fixing. The club was hero ou business and our name was Dennis. Bright, our mainstay, hud a sore arm, Boreland had sore hands, Scott had a spraiued hack, Lohr had to pitch and couldn't, McCullough was under a spell, McGrew couldn't find a suitable Cat, Dougherty was trained down under his lighting weight,Gow ing couldn't keep goiug, aud lleine iuan just kinder couldn't play ball. And then none of boys tried to wiu, and luck was against us. The moon was in the wrong sigu. A large crowd witnessed the agon izing spectacle of which the follow ug is a memento: Kibh !Lk ii i' a k Shads k it r a k Mc'(Urew,u:j i I 2 ii Marb'r, s.. -± 2122 Scott, l l 115 ii 2 Smliik. c. .. :i :i 5 u Borl'd, c to ii 3 3 Se'liv u, iu. l o u o 0 McCo'.'U, h.. 1114 l Het/. 'l, ;; 3 3 i l Iiil;, r lit,p,.'i, l oioil Yeajfte, 1., o o l 0 l Lol' ■, ;t a p.. o o I G l lltwley, i. :s 2 12 2 '£ Hi'llM' 11. I 2 2 3 S Nllfllt'll - . 2 2 .1 1 2 lK>u:, r li'y. i\. i ii <> o i Kenkotr, r. I o o <» o (jowiujf, in. o i 100 itrum. p ~ 3 2 2 a 2 T0ta1.... 7 8j" t» 1»' Total ... Is 14 27 21 10 Pollute 2 •'! II 1 II ii o II I— i Ki-ll.ids U 2 0 3 3 Ii 2 II 2 IX Two-bant* lilts -Smliik. !'lupin*. L. M. Oriel). Time of tfiune-Mwo hours and thirty min utes, Oh, for the hitters who used to hit, Oh, for the sluggers, who used to For they took up the bat with confidence, And snv lied the ball on the mujj. ****** What we would like to seo the boys do now is wallop the Freeport ers. If they could he induced to come up on the Fourth of July it would doubtless attiact a large crowd and wouldn't prove very painful to the club .rom the village by the river for they surely never foster any hopes of beating our boys. Uy-tbe-by, we have heard ugly rumors from the lit tle toarn of Uuckeuheimer'a own and only. It appears that remembering oertain defeats they have sustained at the hands of our Fiahela, they hail with joy the rare occasions when we are downed and are plunged into saduess up to their ears when we win. It is said the town went into mourn ing over our kuocking the Scbada out two weeks ago. I'eoplo with good digestion ate no supper that night, Brother McKee put hia office in mourning by draping the office towel over hia desk, and a deep veil of gloom about 30 inches in depth set tled over the place. The victory of the Subada has dispelled all this and if they are allowed to continue the Freeportera will surely begin to think they can "do up" our Fishela. There fore, say we, invite them up to their own tuneral and let the date be the 4th of July and may they rest in peace. Tlio Fishols' Great Ganje. Truly baseball is a game fearfully ami wonderfully made. After chronicling the above game wo learu that the Fishela played a magnificent game at Blairsville on Tuesday and defeated their crack club by a score of l> to 2. The game was characterized by the evideut superior ity of our boys both at bit and in the field, and was an exhibition of such playiug as would havo befitted the greatest professional clubs. Butler's sole error was one of those unimport ant ones that are unnoticed and, prac tically, our boys played in faultless style. Lohr pitched the game of his life and Douherty, Bright and McCul lough gaye evidences of what they can do by making phenomenal catchea "Old Reliable" Scott did the slug ging, having three ba3o hits to his cre dit Butler's boom includes baseball aud just you chalk it down. The score: KINUOIH ~..,....,,0 0 o I) :i O :i or— 3 lllHlr-vllli- 1} I) I ii n n 1 II 0--*J SI; VI>IAICV TWO BASE HLL (MlioriK*. Struck nut. isy Hi-in|)']lll,'.i. liy i<ohr. I. l»»»nl»I<: i»ln.y llrouknr to llcliiuinan. I ui|>> e 1.. M. (Irlcli. A full line of mouth-organs, gui tarH aud banjos at .1. F. T. STEIILB'S. —Consult your own interests and examine our stock of furniture, uphol stered suits, chairs, mattresses, etc., bo for o purchasing. M i M-EII BRO'S., No. 10, .Jefferson St. lce Cream made to order at the City Bakery. Wool ! Wool ! Wanted 25,000 pounds of wool at our store for cash. A. TRUUTMAN & SON, Butler, I'a. —Just ieocived, a new line of (Juitars, Banjos anil violins at J. F. T. STKIM.KV. More Pensions and Bounty. A gentleman representing Milo B. j Steviwis At Co., of Washington, I>. C., can bo seen at the Reynolds 1 louse, Kittauning, Saturday June 23; Phillips House Barker's Landing, Monday 25; Lowry Mouse, Butler, Weduesday UT; and St. Cloud Hotel, New Castle, Thursday 28, by persons desiring information concerning pen sions, bounties, etc., or having claims which they may desire to havo pros ecuted by aaid attorneys. —lce for sale at Morrison's City Bakery. —Extra Value in Ladies' Muslin Underwear at L. STEIN & SON'S. Fur fresh Fruits, Oranges, Len ons, Malaga Grapes and Cranberries, go to Morrison's City Bakery. —We are selling furniture lower than it has ever before bee a Bold in Butler, aud afier using it you will far that it i.-s what we said it was, otherwise no sale, at MILIEU BHO'S, No. 19 Jefferson St. Money to Loan, On town or country property. In quire of F. S. PL'RVIANCE, 40 S. Main St. Flags, Banners, Lanterns and Balloons of all sizes and styles, for the Fourth of July at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. —No advance in cotton Goods at L. STEIN SON'S. —Call on M. C. Kockenstein and get his prices before you buy your Sewer Pipe and you will save money. No 17 N. Main St. Largest stock of French Satines, and choicest assortment of styles, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —New Percales, Ginghams, Seer suckers aud White Goods at Lowest priees at L. STEIN* & SON'S. —New Silks and Plushes, new Spring Dress Goods, call aud inspect our stock. L. STEIN & SON'S. Balls ar.d bats, different stylesat J. F. T. STEHLE'S. —No. 19 Jeffersou St. is the place to buy cheap and good furuiture. Beautiful pictures at very low prices at Miller iJros.' furniture store, No. 19 Jefferson St. —New Swiss aud Cambric Em broideries and Flouncings, largest stock aud lowest prices at L. STEIN A SON'S. Felt hats iu light colors for Sum mer wear at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. —Use Double All O. K. Horse Lini ment, best iu the world. For swell ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu matism, lameness, sore shoulders, ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has no equal. For sale by J. C. REDIOK, 2-18-3 m, No, 5,N. Main St. Butler, Pa. —We have ten thousand dollars worth of furniture in our three ware rooms at No. 19 Jefferson St., Butler. Pa. The best as well as the cheap ast, but ail the best made for the price, All persons will find it to their ad vantage to examine our stock and as certain our prices before purchasing. MILLER BHO'S. Our New Posl master Will do business at tho old stand next door to Kelly's Clothing, Shoe, Hat, and Gents' Furuishiug House. Our Suits are the best for the money; our Shoes are guaranteed aud are sold 11 a reasonable price; our Shirts can not tie beat for Gt or wear; our Hats lead the van, aud our Neckwear takes the cake. We sell Socks so cheap that you can throw them away as soon as they become "rights and lefts," and put on a new pair. When it comes to Cuff-buttons, etc , we can save you money. In Underwear, Umbrellas, handkerchiefs, Rubber coats, Working Pants, Overalls, etc., our goods talk for us and for them selves. Come in. JOHN T. KELLY, Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. —MI tho latest Styles in Dress Goods aud Trimmings at L. STEIN & SON'S. Ladies, if you want your dresses to drape nicely you should wear a Pansy Bustle; they aro the best. For sale at L. STEIN <FC SON'S. —A. No. 1. all husk mattress, guar anteed, not mixed with excelcer at a lower figure than can be had else where iu Butler, at Miller Bros', furnituro store, No. 19 Jefferson St. —Straw hats, an immenso line at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. Bargains* For the next sixty days, in order to reduce our stock, we will quote special low prices on all our stock. We have on hands thirty bed room sots ranging from $lB to $l5O per set. Thirteen upholstered parlor suits ranging from $.'J5 to $l5O per suit. I'arlor stauds from $2,50 to $lO. Louncres from $2,50 to $25. Hat racks from $8 to s.'jo. Tables from $1.25 to $lO. Wash-stands from $2 to $lB, Bureaus front s!> to $25. Sets of chairs from $2.75 to slfi per set. Secretaries from slf, to sio. Easy chairs, handsome pictures, room ornaments, etc., any of which would make both useful and appropri ate presents. MILLER BRO'S. No. 19, Jefferson St,. Butler, Fa. —Use Double All O. K. Horse and Cattle Powders,best in the world. A sure and speedy cure for heaves, coughs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough ness of skin, and all kidney diseases. For sale by J. C. IIEDICK, 2-18-3 m No. 5, N. Main St. Butler, Fa. (Jo to Morrison's City Bakery for fine cakes and ico cream. Baby carriages, a full line, at J. F. T. S'r BULK'S. Full line of Flaying cards, all prices, at J. F. T. STEIILE'S. —The best fresh and canned Cali fornia fruits at Morrison's City Bakery. Full lino of Gents Furnishing goods at J. F. T. STEULE'S. Fancy Dress Silks at .'SO cents a yard worth 75 cents at IJ, STKIN IT SON'S. —Everybody will find it to their advantage to go to the City Bakery for their bread, pies, cakes, etc. —Sky rockets, torches, red lights and Roman candles, in all sizes at •J. F. T. STEULE'S. nini ll ||l.-< «» are those wlio read till" UI 1 U1 V "id (hen M.:t; ttie\ will Tlii'l I - (ill 111 loialil - emphi.viiii-ul luat will not II I ll II I. I lai.i- lie in limn lliclr li iini •> a let i.imlll' s Tin- prolitH ale liik'e ami sure h.r . Industrious |KU on many have made and are now makliur several hundred dollar* a mouth. i'asy Tor any one to make and upwards |»r il.i\.who Is wllllnjf |o work. Kit her sex. youiijf or old; capital not needed; we Mart you. Kverjthliitc new. No s|K a elul ability ii onlri'd; yoli reader, ran do II as well as anv one. Will*- to us al once lor lull particulars.which we mail ircii. AIIIIIVHK Stinsou A; Co.. fori laud. Me WANTED LADY*;,: \ Wit ••I 'I IU liii'in'i'll *-«!. I'r rum »« ul TUA goctJ tnUiwjr. ov v uTio.-i, u iun-i*u> u T. N X "0U can't afiord to neglect 1 reading oilr advertise ment, for your interests are ours, your prosperity, our prosperity and we want to con vince you that buying at our store will be to save you money and at the same time give you only the very best goods. We want your trad* 1 , and if pure goods, lair prices, and courteous treatment will secure it, then we think we are not asking too much to claim a iarge share of it. We are determined to lead the Drug trade of Butler County and there is nothing in .our line that we do not keep or will get lor you. We will not stop to enumerate, but when you need Drugs or Sundries of any description come direct to our store. Kemcmber the place in Diamond Block opposite the Court House. Kespect fully, C. N. liOYl). Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, i'a. Get Thin Clothing To Fit. We're only on the edge of summer. What will the mid dle be without Thin Clothing? We anticipate a strong trade in such goods. Our stock is equipped for it. In the whole round of Thin Hoods there isn't one worthy quality that we haven't. Serges, Seer suckers, Alpacas, and to Of fice Coats as low in price as are worth having. Isn't this as good a time as any to get reliable goods when they're to be got? J. N, PAT TERSON never relaxes his purpose to have the best. We haven't any that we can't en dorse as the best of their class. Suppose Thin Clothing does cost less. That its cost is but a trifle. Mayn't you as well have the best: and comfort for weeks and weeks? Get Thin Clothing that fits. Pie lty of it is just thrown to gether. Too mean to sell. Slim money's worth: slimmer comfort. We'll give you Thin (roods to fit. We're getting a big sum mer trade now. It'll increase as the goodness of our Thin Clothing gets found out. So don't forget J. N. PAT TERSON'S One Price Cloth ing House, 2'J Main St. FIREWORKS FLAGS, LANTERNS, BALLOONS, PAPER, BUNTING, FESTOONINGS, Etc., at J. 11. DOUGLASS', Eagle Building BUTLER. James McNees, Manufacturer and dealer In .stone pinups and water pipe. \VISIH\M J lie public to reuiciiilM r tnat lu* continues tliiil htisliie.w, at llallstoti sUtlnu, on the IV s. «v L. K. It. K For address. .1 %m.!H M» Nkks IV <>., Hurler county Pa. Oners can be lelt wltli «J. NI;ojle & Bro., Hut- SUESREN WANTED - ti> canvane for ilw w»l<' <>f Norflcry _ Stork ! KU-iuEy employment unnranU-Bd. SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID. Alilyiitonrr.'UllnKip- I'liiLsc Brothers Company, 1 rocheste^'n'y. r •; ■ 5,,.-,.. «rl.n IVnin.u.blß. I« .« the i ... U...1ur.. Cllrsr. ChTCtalJ. «. 111. fra free. ________ AFFLICTED •-'UNFORTUNATE AFTER ALL OTHCRB f AIL CONSULT DR. LOBB, 329 N. ISth St., below Callowhlll, PMI*., P«. IS.yiMirVrtp*! liMirnlnnll Sl'l'f*lAl. illMiiM. I'i.tiii*- in'Ul l\ "CHfur.- ! lion. liv r..rly Imllirr.'UotM A. . tvlorwill*. .<iui<l«irfclly IUI. J loin h : Mu. in. 111 l*, VI J W vvvultitfl. hen J bum !• l't ll'O'k. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Estate of John A. Walters, ».AT* WIRTVURM MT'B. I-flu- I of on tw nuu at JML A. Walter*, dee'd. la' • of the Njrougfc »f K*aa» l»arg. ItntlrT Co p*. ha» n* be«i ..ranted M the i.ii.l- .>ll prrtons knowing tkrm s.'lve> iti.i—l>f.-<1 t<> said estate will phrase m. R* :n.Uie.llate [u]mrtt uh| ujr kailaif r|i*M ■gainst ».ild estate win prevent t brat itely a«~ tli.-ntU -fed pa'. IIM-Bt. V. V. KIttH>KM Aim r. „ .. R»UI<1I;. I*. 0.. R P. Scorn. Atty. hui,n m. h. Auditor's Notice. In re nn.>: u.vount of John B. iKkM*. o. C.. X*. un.l 11. I-Patterson. Es rs of J*w M Jim T. I». I)o<ld*. late of rt-an twp.. dee d I Im Now. June l». ls«a. (be loen apamiata T. C. Campbell. Ksq aa auditor t<> d vj.bww tbe .unifs to and . nong UuML- entitled n prayed. Kt m cerarr. Pal. I. SIM -rested WUI Lake Retire lb it I «■ att.-ud tn tbr dntl.-s of Uk' ibotr appwtUHrt at my ortlo" In Butler. Pa.. on Monday. Jut* uk ia-<. at i ...lock r. M. T. C. I AMPBKLL. AIM*. Estate of Julia Roessing. In Be Petition of Al-1 o. C. No. I. June bert K. • sslng. a.lin'ii- , Term. lk«. istratorof li«». J ivutino at Albert iii<. late of Butler, lloeseliig. admlnMra borough. liutler coun- j (or. for lean- t« era IV. Pennsylvania. de r. il estate of (ta.-rttent ••a««d. I R.r ini Bcal of MM. Juße 3. i-mw. Wltuit. petit too presented and a cPaUon Is a»urd<sl upou the parties lut--re*le4 t;» show . ,iuw w by Uie prayer of U*e petition** should no' tie granted. returnable to next i - J turnedl oun or spi-rta) term. [To t * bebl J ana |29. I-**.) iir Tat l orar. r. c. i »»riiu. AtVy. - Estate of Jacob Troutman. LATK or > ONCURP Twr.. r>RC'D. Inciters teslanieutarv lu the estate of Jwok Tn,.., aw. decej.ed. 7Ji ; r( uih.l'd lurliik- ImmgnuMU tfe* dersigneo all persons knowing themselvesto be lii.l.'bU'd to said estate wui pleaar uiaka lunir ill Ue |«..> 11.11r and any hiving elaiim acaiust said estate will present lliem duly authentic*! - til lor payment Mils. St SA.> TKC»IT*AI». KxeeutrlX. Ilooker I*. o. HuUarOo.. fa. rtcejfer & Moore. Attorneyv Estate of Christian Metz. . (i u»oninmrwr..,nii''(.j U-Uem of adiiilulatrallon having lieen Kranted to l lie uitUemiKiied on tUc estate of I'brtaUaa Metz, dei- il, lute of AilaniK twp.. flutter contr, I'u. allpeoons knonluK lliemnelvea ImtrhTtd lo -»ai.l. 'siale will plea.He make Immediate pa»- inent. and any bavinir . laini* afU»t MM eitale w ill prtitent ihein duly a<illieuucal«d for MUlcmeDU ANNAS MKT/.. Adm-r. C'allery . r. 0.. Butler Co.. Pa. Estate of Frederick Siehert, I. tTK or RITI.KR UOKlH'llll, hWt>. Wherea* letter* of A.lmlnhtratloii on tha rm tale of I'r. ilerlek Slebcri. lute of tbe llorotwbaf liutler. Utitler Co., !*.•«., di-e'd. liav.-beeu gTantml lo the umlentlKiied. llierefore all persona know In-,' themselves indebted lo naid estate wU iilease make Immediate payment, and thoaa liiiMiig eialinn uKalnst tbe Hinne will prcatnt tlit'in prunerly authenticated for payment. »Vii.i.iam HIRUKKT Ailmlntatrutor. „ . Batter, Pa. M.'.lunkln K <ialbr>'atli. Attorneys. Estate of George Beam, I.ATB or HARMONY BOKO. LUC'D. Letters ol lulmlnlslration on tbe estate of George Ileum, der'd' late of Harmony boro. But ler county, Pa. havlnif been K' run led to tbe un dersiKiied, ::ll iierunut knowing themselves Indebted lo said estate are requested to maka Immediate payment, and uny liavlnc claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for setllcmcut. • KNHLKN HKAM » Allm _ MAM.KI.BKAM / Adm '*■ Harmony. Iluller county. Pa I.KV MrCJrisTioN, AlCy. Estate of William Gallagher, (un OK m.vkuN rwr., Dia n). I.etlen or adnilnistnitlon on Uie estate of Wm (Jul laH tier, dee'd. late of Kran kiln twp., Iluller county, Pa., havlnir been granted to Uie under signed. all persons knowing themselves Indebt ed lo sal.l estate will please mska immediate payment and any huvlng claims against said estate will present tliem uuly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM UAL.STON.Admr. Prospect. Butler Co.. Pa. Estate of Henry Goehring,dee'd. LATK or BrrrAM> rwr. Letters or administration. C. T. A. bavins been grunted to the undersigned on the estate or Henry Uoelirlng. dee d, late of Buflalo Twp.. Itiilli i Co., Pa., all persons knowing themselves Indebted to sal.l estate will please make Imme diate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticat ed for payment. JOHN T. M ARTIN. Adm?. Sttrversvllle. P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. MC.H'NKIN A I.Ai.BRKArii, >U'y. For Sale. The undersigned Administrator of Kbcnezer Christy, dee'd. laU! of Parker twp.. offers at private sale a Tarm or 117 acres, situate In Waah lugton twp.. near Milliard's Station. It Is all cleared and In good state of cultivation, well watered, i.iul has a two-story frame house, and log barn, large orchard, and good out buildings ALSO, a 75 acre piece In Washington twp., near the Allegheny slo| J coal mine, with rail road running through It. two-story frame house, partly cleared and balance good timber. ALSO, a farm of SO acres in Parker twp.. be tween Annlsvllle und Kldorado. one-half cleared and other hair well timbered with chestnut timlH'r. good land, but no buildings. All the above pieces are undcrlal*l with coal, and will Is- sold either for cash or on time. For further particulars enquire of G. W. CHRISTY. T2--.'trn North Hope P. 0.. Butler Co.. Pa VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. A rare chance to buy a good farm, situated In Wlniield twp., liutler County. Pa., on the Butler Branch ol West Perm Railroad, und Within half a mile of the station and village of Helano. con taining One Hundred Acres. Seventy live acres of which arc cleared Rnd the balance In good timber, has a two story frame house of live rooms, cellar, wash-house, spring-house, bank" bam. and orchard of a gootl variety of fruit. The land Is tn a high state of cultivation. It is rolling but is not broken by hills, and Is well a.lupled for stock raising as. there is living water iu every field, and the are In good repair. Terms easy. For further particulars enquire of ArUISTI'S JAL'KXA*, I ifo-.itn Herman, P. 0., Iluller CO., Pa. Right at Last. I'lic nlace In lluller for Laundry Work. 'I-ace Curtains a specialty) clollHM cleaned, dyed anil pressed; < 'arpeta cleaned. I .allies' ami (ieuts' Hats hlcAchisl. cleaned, re iiliM'ki'd a llll colored. Feather* clean ed and colored. Tl|>s curled. ANDREWS & SHUTTLEWORTH AGE »TM. Laundry Office, THE DIAMOND, Butler, Pa. All work done by experienced firms In lltla burg. iVo Chartjn for Mail or Exprtu• Goods colluded aud delivered In all ports Of town. THE CITIZEN, A weekly now*paper, published every Fri day morning it Butler. I**., by JOHN H. Jt W. C. NKULEY. Subscription Rate. Tor vear, in advance #1 80 Otherwise tl 0# No subscription will be dtwoatiaiMd until all arrearage* an- paid. All communication* iutendod for publication in tins paper must be accompanied by the real uiiiio of the writer, not for publication but aa a guarantee of good faith. Marriage and death notices must be accom panied by a rcsjionsiblo name. Advcrtbdni; Kale*. One Hanaro, one iintertion, ♦! ; eacli anbee i quont insertion, 50 cent*. Yearly advertiea ments exceeding one-fourth of a column, ft per inch, Figure work double thee* rates; additional charge* where weekly or monthly change* ar< made. 1-ocal advartisaaaanta 10 oent* per line for flr»t insertion and ft onti iwr lino for each additional m*ertiou. Mar riage* and deal ha published free of charge. Obituary notice* charged ae local advartfaa nieiitH and payable when handed in. AodiUlfß Notice*, ft; Kxecutor*. and Adminiatratora' Notice*, *:i each; KM ray. Caution and de volution Notice*, not exceeding ten hues, l*i Address Tut Citue*, Butler, Pa. ■trr*!"'* Weafera exfaat In thousands ot nil ll>"iiii*. t.ut are surpassed by the mar llf f rvelsor Invention. Tdoae who are la U LLI need of profitable work that CM W done while living at home should at oace send Ibelr udtlreut to llullett * Co.. Poruana, Maine, and receive [nr. full luformalloa how either wi, of all ajjes. Crn earn from «S to »£J Jht (luy aiitl upwiirtlH whercvar tIMJf -J art? HtAittHl cuplUil imH miulijA liuvt* uuuit' over sgo in u Miuglc* day *4 ttii* worn All a <:>v . JUDICIOUS AMB PUtItTOT AdvertUiiitf haa alwaya prore* ■i? successful. Before placing say « Newspaper Advertising oodmß JK LORD * THOMAS, BBy •staarisixa uimm, 001 MMU ■■!« »* an*, CHICAOO* Advertise in Ibo Citukn.
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