—===== THE OTTIZBN. FRIDAY. JI'XE a. 1888. PUBLIC XOTICEf TV pmHie u kerrbf notified tAitt hereafter mil •/ Rfiprct or ConJoirm* adopt rd lm t-vimalMl and ordered p« VuW ai! MIKV» of Ckwrtk Fain, f rtlirah ond Istc him; «md mil imawuniM (Aitmrvi will tr rltm d for at the rate af ome Molt cent n wrord, m nrf to a. company emt-A order. New Advertisements. Frndl limmin-C. Knrb A Sons. lUrtiitt .a < "«r|**t» Ri tter A AitmiMt'riMr'i N'ouee on Estate of John A. Wnlim. AWHur't Notioe on Kstate of Jess* B. IW*. . „ Xf« Stehle's Fire Works, Prot |«i AciOrtST t nm meDcetaeiit. MttL ANI> GENERAL. SODA WATER. X»«r the tumnrr day« hare cmoc i mi but hear my faucets hum, tot khiniog ;*pi mrs junr «-*e» e<» Blibk. Mick, blink. A* »t Be'fatal ease* of san*troke were re ported W.siacsday. Pittsburg wai the hot te*t city in the country that day. —(Ser.au.r Qimy, from the Committee on . has favorably reported the bill granting i f nmook to wldien and «ailors who were onnrined in Confederate prisons. K«| P. Stewart ha* been aothorized by the !»■ nuty Interna! Bevenue Collector to imc for the tile and manufacture tolw •> in this town and vicinity. —Mr. Luther F., a son of J. J. Beiber, of tHi< plat", fell from a building, on which he wan working ia Allegheny City last Wednes day afternoon and sustained a broken leg and nth. r injuries that may prove fatal. —TW Women'* Missionary Association of Ratler Presbytery. will tueet at White Oak Spriars Jane 2Mb. at 11 a.m., delegate* will be a*«et at Beibnld Station, P. r other. They are alway* re liable. —A p**seager train from the weat due at llaimnn> at 6:41 p.m., Tuesday evening did a*4 arrive there till after 11 p.m. on account of colliding, near Fombell Station, with a freight trsin, Mr. John 11. I)outheU, the ImruKt Agent of Iteavar Fall*, formerly •f thi* cc.ui.ty, waa oa the train. —Good American* are now presented with a hall and bat, instead of a crowu and harp, when they pa** through St. Peter'* gate, and the change i* said to greatly delight them. If yoa can't believe thi* go to the ball ground* to-morrow and nee the Fiabels do up tbe Scbad* again. —Some week* ago we published an ac count of the drowning of a boy while drink ing from a hydrant from which the water flowed at a high preaura; aad at Freeport a few days ago, a man h eld a jug so closely to tbe apigot that tbe air could not escape, which caused the jug to explode, and one of tha tying pieces gave him a dangerous cut ■a the neck. —The majority of the persons burnt out at Dußois were left penniless, on account of baring no insurance. The town was mostly built of wood, had no fire dc pertment and tbe Inturonee companies would take no risks in the th* business portion of the town, ex cepting at very high rates. The State has furniihi'd lent* to shelter the homeless, and young.f'd.a Dußois opened his store and gave away good*, —A prof of County Superintendent Sny der's pies for higher wages for school teach er* did i. t retch u*. last week, until too late fjT putd cation then, but it appears in this i**ue. Mr Snyder makes a strong pica for better wsges for those tea<-hers whose qualifi cation* come up to the standard of the day, and in this matter everybody will agree with bim. In engaging any professional talent, the same rule will apply that is used in bnymg the necessaries of life, £. i and 27. Couueaulville, Sept. 2, 20 and 21. lUtiaUiio, Sept. 11. 12, 13 and 14. Wayrf Wo. Sept. 11, 12 and 13. Brookville, Sept. 11, 12,13 and 14. Indiana. Oct 2, 3, 4 and 5. STATE FA Iks. Pen b»? vsnia Slate Agricultural Society, Cet 1 to 15. Tri-State Exposition, August 27 to Sept. LEGAL NEWS. BALAX« K OK TBI AI. LIST. Commonwealth vs —ll C Miller. selling JUjuor without li cense. Defeudaut called auJ not ausweriug I his reeojniz incj was forfeited. —The P Jt W R K Co., obstructing a pub ! lie crws.»ing—continued to next term, j .lame* Johnston. larceny and receiving stolen goods. Not guilty. —John, Campbell, Wm nnd Georec Arner, horse stealing an i recc.ving stolea goods, not guilty. —Allwrt Heherling, adultry, second trial, an 1 guilty as indicted. -II 8 Walters, A£B. Juue 10. The con ditions upon which a nol pros wxs allowed in this c»«e, not being oomplie I with, deten dant and l«il calle-i and not appearing, re cognizance forfeited. SENTENCES Court met Tuesday at 9 a.m. and after hearing <('iiie a number of motions and pe titions, moiuding a motion to set asile the verdict ia the Heberling case, for the reason that one of the jurors, Ex-janitor of the . I'.-urt II iuse, Tom Brown, had heard the case when tried at March Sessions and had expressed his opinion that Htber.ing was guiltv, and if he were on that jury he would convict, proceeded to call the prisoaers lor sentence. The first prisoner called in was John Young, who plfid guilty to larceny iu the North Washington John is but nine teen years of age, and the Court asked him several (juestious— if there was any arrange ment between him and.the other defendants in the case regarding his evidence, why he didu't testify to what he afterwards told the Court, if any money hid been paid him to testify or not to testify to certain things,why the boys u.ade another key when the church key would opeu the store door and if they had the church key with them that night. John said there was no arrangement regard ing h.s evidence and that no mouey was paid him for it, but he could not or did not ex plain things, and the Court sentenced him to pay conl-s, restore property and be imprison ed in the peaitentiary for one year, and sai 1 he was of the opinion that Jiß'ise had been defrauded in this case. John Fuhi, or Dr. Fuhs, an old German from Kvans City, probably seventy years of age was the next prisoner called. The jury | had c nvictid him of assault and battery upon his wife, and of desertion, and the I Court toid htm that it was unfortunate that he and his wife could utft live together on good terms a;ter having raised a family. The l)r. wanted to argue the case with the Court but the Court thought the prisoner had hail his say at:d it was now the Court's turn, and ►cntecced mm to pay the costs and a fine of j.IU. In the A At: case, and to pay his wife S3O a month iu the desertion case, and give bond iu ■j-'iOO. Fnhs said he wouldn't do it, and wei.t to jail abating his head vigorous ljr. Philip Freemeyer who was fonud not guilty of false pretense, bat ordered by the jury to pay costs, WAS brought in and sen tenced to pay them. Philip said he had nothing ami bis attorneys tried to have him discrarged under the insolvent laws but the Court thought that he should have a good < hance to pay the costs before being let go, ATid he was taken back to jail. It was as serted in Court that Philip had served terms in both the penitentiary and work house, on sentences pass ?d by the Courts of neighbor ing feoßOties. Little Joe Wise of Butler, who was return ed to Conrt a few days ago on a charge of larceny preferred by one of our grocers, and who plead guilty, was next attended to. He coulJ give no excuse for his pilfering, and the Conrt sent him to the reform School. A motion was made to deter the sentence io the Hebt-rliug case till Friday the l!.'th, and es ihe attorneys for the prosecution had DO objections, Heberling's sentence was de ferred till tlitn, and Court adjourned until Thursday the JBth at qrg Ottilie M. Helmbold " Wm. T. Hoon Oakland tp Laura M. Hutchison " Cha*. K. Graham Oil City, Pa Eliza Colbert Butler, l'a John W. Croft Lancaster tp Mary M.Cooper Middlesex tp Newton II Dyke Conno'iuenessing tp Mamie M. Slater....„ " I the b*li park on Satur day and looked oo the thousand por | sons there «vho were silent and gloomy while the Scbads of Pitts bury were making ail the ruus and blanking our own Fishels during the I first live innings, aud then you should h .venoticed the vast change that cauie over tLe crowd when our boys won the game in one inning. It was a great game. The Fidbels started in as though they didn't like shad. They got a big bite in the first inning that nearly nauseated them. Two bases on halls and a single, assisted by several er rors the visitors two runs. Then they kindly allowed our boys to blank them until the fifth inning, wheu more errors let in another. Schads 3, Fiehcls 0. For all this time the Butlers had been going to the plate aa though it was the height of their ambition to put the ball where the fielders would have no trouble taking care of it. That was too bad. Dougherty opened the sixth for | Butler. "Joe is the Mascot," said John Grieb, and sure enough he was ! for he marie a splendid base hit by al ! lo»ved one of the pitched bails to I strike him ou the shoulder. "Good boy. Joe," said all, and every one yelled till he was tired, and then didn't "old reliable" Scott followed with a base hit ? Did he, or are the people all crazy, they shout so ? Do the Schads get rattled aud give Me- Grew his base and have our boys ac tually thiee men on base on base and no outs ? Is this a base hit McCul lougn makes that Dougherty and Scott come in on, or is that whole crowd amass of yelling lunatics? Are the Fishels hammering the ball in every direction and running in score alter score or is that a mnb of people trying to develop their lungs and spoil their voice ? Let us look at the score. Fishc-1 5, Schads «>. The fact was our hoys were becom ing positively fond of shad, aud they continued so to the end of the game. MeGrew distinguished himself by makiog two three-baggers and a sin gle, and some of the other fellows were close behind. Bright pitched a splendid game and Boreland caught his usual fuultless way. Thi.; is the fourth straight victory for the Fishels' and you may put it down that with a little more care in running bases "They'll be all right " The ouly regretful features of the game were the splitting of Scott's finger and the blow which Sullivan of the Schads got while colliding with another of his team in catching a Hy, from which he became uncon scious. The score: FIBIIBL*. K It P \ KSIIAIS K It r A K Scott. 1 l 2 Marb'r, s.. t 0 1 0 0 Melirew, r. a 'i. I u o K.-tzel, p.. 0 0 '2 10 8 M«'."oril. 8. . 2 2 1 0 2 Sulliv'n, 111. 0 0 10 2 f.olir, :i o :i n I I Yeagle,l o :s :i linrl'd. c 3 2 :s ■'< o llawley, t. o i i i llelne'n, 2.. o 2 T a o ltenkotT, c. l oh 4 l lirlght. p.. o i 2 o 2 (lowing, i.. Nt oo l I lass, l 1 o 2 0 0 Dougli'y, in. 10110 Marker, r. o o o o o Tot.il lo 11 27 n i; Total .. s 227 is 12 I'lsli.is 7."..70" 0 0 0 0" 2 0 lu Scliads 2 0 001020 0— 5 Two-base hits— Ueitiemmi. '1 uree !i ise lills Mcdrcw, 2. liase on balls Oil lirUut 2; Uenxcl 2. first bun oti i-rrors l'lshcl, 2; SchadS 2. Pnipire. P. licllor. of I'iiwtmrt;. Prospect Academy Commence ment. Commencement J'xercises of Prospect Academy. BacealaurnaLp Sermon, S-tnilay eveuing, June 21, at ."i nClock in the Lutheran Church by Itev. 11. It. Durst. On Timrsduy, ,(uiu 28, in tho U. P. Church, at 1! p.m. i'UOUUAMMIf. Prayer by R.JV. W. P. SU in >r, Music. Oration—"MonumenU not Egyptian;" W. G. VVils in, Valencia, Pa. E',say—"Ten Decades;" Miss ISertha ISor laml, Prospect, Pa. M usic. Oration—'"The Star of E upire;" O. F. Kiester, Prospect, Pa. Essay—"Beyond the Alpn lies Italy;" Dottie Richardson, Pros|iect, I'a. J1 usic. Orß'ion—"The Liviu™ l uri!.il Tuesday, June 20, 1888. Applications of all persons hold ing valid certificates will lie entertained, said certificates, in case of election, to b.s subject to approval by Borough Su|>eriiiteud:iut. Election lt> be held July ;{d. By onler of the Board. J. L. Poavia. J. M. G M.ntiKATH, Sec'y. I'res. —Jumbo fire crackers, the largest size made, and on down to the small est size at J. F. T. STEUMS'S. Wool! Wool! Wanted 25,000 pounds of wool at our store for cash. A. TBOUTMAN IT SON, Butler, I'a. Adjourned Sale. The sale of the Wm. Gallngher farm in Franklin twp., of which Mr. Wiu. llalston is Administrator, was adjourned, and the property will again bo offered for sale ou Saturday, June 23, at 1 o'clock i\>| , at the Mar. tinoourt House, Prospect. —V full lino of mouth-organs, gui tars and banjos at J, F. T. STMU.H'S. —Just received five carloads of Sewer Pipe which will bo sold very cheap at M. ('. Ituck KNSTKIN'S, No. 17, N. Main St. - •Consult your own interests and examine our utock of furniture, uphol stered suits, chairs, mattresses, etc., before purchasing. Mil,lf.u lino's., No. 19, Jefferson St. —ice Cream made to order at the City Bakery. Woul ! Wool ! Wanted 2q,0(1U pounds of wool at our store for cash. A. TIIOUTMAN er day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. capital not required. Home have made over twin a single day at this work All succeed. Right at Last. The place In Duller for Laundry Work, (Ijice CurtaliiK a specialty) clothes cleaned, dyed and pressed; Carpets cleaned. Ladles' and tieiits' Hats bleached, cleaned, re hlooked and colored. Feathers clean ed and colored. Tips curled. ANDREWS & SHUTTLEWORTH AGENTS. Laundry Office, THE DIAMOND, Butler, Pa. All work done liy experienced linns in I'ltts burg. »Yo Cfuirijrtt for Mail or Exprtat. Hoods collected and delivered 111 all parts of town. SALESMEN WANTED - , to CRIIVUHH for the sale of Nur*®*J (Hock I Steady < uiuloynuait uu*ranUi*l. SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID. Apply *tonr«\ nUtlngatfe. Chwc Brothers Company, 'rocheste^'n'y. Mm> to INM * Ihurinnh Educntloo. or U tiutu «u K»(1. ri Miortl'iud »nd Tv t a Writ*r. ur kr. uarc lo leash Si.rucertui Peum*n»l»li». !• *t tlic unicvrlan Hlitlarta »)oll««e. tl€»tl»»«. O. lllu'.tratttd Catalogue fre* AFFLICTED .-'UNFORTUNATE AFTCR ALL OTHERS f AIL CONSULT DR. LOBE 329 N. ISth St., below C.IIowMII,PhIU.,P«. 'JOywrii l •Ttwrleiweliiall SerriAl.(llx-aiieo. Perma nent 1} *«a'orc»tbuK) weakened t>jr early Imllicrrtt Hl* Ar. Culorwrlln, A«l\ i.-nfii e mi. for llook. * Advertise in the CITUKN, What You Eat! Is the most important consideration of your life, and much of our good health is due to the careful and conscientious grocer. \\ e buy the best in the market, select all our goods with the greatest care, and claim to have as good a stock of Groceries as can be found anywhere. We want your trade and invite you to try our Flours, Sugars, Coffees, Canned Fruits, Dried" Fruits, Spices, Ilains, Canned Meats, Crackers, Confectioneries, Tropical Fruits, Nuts, or anything in our store room. Country Produce a specialty, and all new fruits and veg etables in season In our China Hall, in the second story of our building, we have the largest stock of Chinaware, (rlatsware, Crockery, Lamps and Fancy Goods in the town. Give us a trial, highest market price allowed for produce. C. KOCH & SONS, MAIN ST., - - BUTLER, PA. Give us Your Attention Ye shrewd farmer In search of bargains. You are about to invest in some of the Agricultural Implement.-. You've i"
  • cM Of course you will bnv where \ oil get that the cheapest. Confess that you've seen th'J i il soi some dealers ami did not like them. Read too much like circus bills. You've heard of the CHAMPION Mowers, lteapc rs and Binders • Then you know they're the best lu the world. We've got them so cheap that you won't hesitate U»n minutes If you come around. You know the merits of the Perry Spring Tooth Harrow ami the Imitations tluit ure on the markit. We have tlie genuine, and If you need a good hauow. we recommend It. Suppose you didn't know that we sell more Novelty lumps. Iron force. B. B. 8., than all the hardware Arms of BuUer put together. We do though. Come around and look at our stock. You'll learn something. We have some other things too: Do Haven Stoves and Ranges, Kie'le Flastlc l'alnts. ready mixed. tieneral Hardware, Wire Screens. Patent munis. etc. our stock Is not excelled lu I lie county and we cannot lie undersold. JACKSON & MITCHELL, Biitlei*, Pa. JUST ARRIVED a large line of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of Fine Woolens and Suitings which I am ready to make up in Garmeuts at as reasonable prices as you will find anywhere and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Also a full line of MENS', BOYS' and CHILDUENS' ready made Clothing at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. .All the latest novelties for Spring and Summer in Gents' Furnishings, Goods, Hats, Cape, Trunks, Valises; latest patterns in Shirts and Neckwear. MY MERCHANT TAILORING Department is Booming. Call and make your selection for your Spring Suit from those handsome patterns I have just got in. Prices reasonable and fit guaranteed. Thanking my patrons for past favors, I solicit a continuance of the same. I. ROSENBERG. 64 South Main street, opposite the Postoflics, Butler, Pa. PALACE OF IMZTTSIO. t ESTABLISHED 1831. , HOENE. GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE Peerless Hardman Pianos •» AND IMTFO (OH rHHlll BRAND POWER AND SWEETNESS OF TONE, # UNRIVALED DURABILITY, ELEGANCE OF DESIGN, and 3 PERFECTION OK FINISH, which excellencies cause them to l>o selected anil useil liy the l«'-t must* clans, cultivated amateurs and Intelligent people throughout the I. !S. I'iie JVCatchless Palace Organs, CHASE ORGANS, .CENTURY ORGANS, the most perfect organs made, of surprising novelty, simplicity and ilnr.i bllljy of construction, with the most bouutlXul volco-liko tone ever produced. Also, constantly on hatnl a irrcat variety of other makes of llanos ai.tl Organs, at. the very lowest prices. SECOND-HAND INSTRUMENTS TAKEN IN PARI PAYMENT FOR NEW ONLS. Easy Terms of Payment, either Monthly or Quarterly. . MELLOR & HOENE , PITTSBURGH?' PIANOS TO RENT. TUNINO AND REPAIRING. MK. It-11. LAMKJiOMfMNi St.. W.. llutler. I'a.. Organist and Choir Master of Kt. l'eter's CeiuiHli t liureli end Conductor of the Hullir Choral I'nion. beirs leave to «a> that he has been appointed Sc |e Arci:! fur tin- county ol Itntlrrfor Messrs Mellor A Hoeiie,and that he can furnish any ol the above Instrument;! at the same price anil terms as furnished by Mellor & Hocnv. Pit shtirx. Terms lor tulllon on the itruau. Pianoforte. Violin and ttihKlni; furnishi'R)«i> Tool# which i. EVER fail*. I'ontainuir CELERY and Coca. thoae »< i..1. rlul nerve stimulant*, it H ■ speedily CLIN:* all NERVOUS DISORDERS Ml I W\ A*C HEUMAT,BM - . H 111 I'AINK'H I'lum I'ourot-Nn pmifiea the I I l*a blood ilnvm out th.- lactic acid. which cuiiw-s Hli'-illnattviu. n-stores tli. blosl iiiakiiur or trans to aIK althy condiUou. It la the true remedy for Kheumatiaui 1 -. - m KIDNEY COMPLAINTS H I IS % # I'AlNK's <'I'I.KHY CoMPlirNOipilckly P'Store* the liver and kldn<*ys to |.-rfis.*t heiltli. RTIIA I curative imwer, combined with It* iierv" 1 ■ M tonics. main* It the I-est MUEDY fur ALL m. *. M couiplaiuta. S DYSPEPSIA PAIN e'h Cioit loiirorNri strengthens the B ■ stomach. anil uulet* tlie u.rve* ~f lt« ilitre« MA * - _ _ M tive unraiiH This ta «LIY it curul well UAA fompound constipation I I'AINKV Uci kut «V>MROTRN> LA NOT A I ALHAR. P TIC. IT LA A LAXATIVE. IRTVLHK • AINICI{LLLT