.JRK'S FLO ATI l»C SOAP THE CHIEF EWh, ToUat and Laundry, gnow Whit* and Absolutely Pure. «e«lr- tat not tear WhlM Clocd soap aw tor Mfto to tbe makers JJtS. S. KIRK & CO., chicaco. WbT\TH SgflwjfeTbH Sr. J. H. SOHmrOZ hM published A NIW AJSD ELABORATE BOOK on tba Treatment and Car* of CONSUMPTION, UVER COMPLAINT »» DYSPEPSIA whieh *lll be mailed FREE to all who want it- If you are, or know of any one who it, afflicted with, or liable to any of thwi diaeaaei, send name and addraaa (plainly written) to Sr. J. X. aOHSVCX * BOH. (Kama thi» paper.) Philadelphia, Pa, ~m PRATT'B Aranatio Qeaeva (Ha O VM.ua DISEAHED KIDNEYS. When It la taken Into cmjald. Nation that Olr u the oniv W a aptrlt poaacwitim .i m> >llclnhl quality other titan AM: -uuUat, a pure article 1* required. UKTH PRATT'S |V|H Aromatic Geneva Gin npiaa la * pare ne-iovatS trial Oln. re dlatulcd with aelcctcd Luchn lettv«.-i,frt Ult.ill njuuiporbcr kdH> fM, Itatiun ro« t, Ac. It will I be fount fif] lr.valnatil" r> meljr L M ""d certalu euro for liright'e lUeenne, Mnce In Chulder. K and all fnfl.jnfnation of the K Id nejra and I'rlnari jrfJT Organa. JA.«» E. MORkTm, Bale A B e«t. .105 pon3 H r rtl ■alii 'lit ol roua. Born or Lt:;o Ka - T*m. if Koatz'a I'owdera are os»d In tin.". Keetr • I'owdertwillcntwand prrxtut HoaC*»unu. •(!! t«r-Tcnt G«r*» i* FowLa. fcmTt ' fowi! ra will liH-rot-r tli« quantltT Of milk aaal cr»»m twenty fx r rent., ainl make tbe butter Una win ewect I mui r«v4m will cure or jirertrit alimiat ztkkt Irraraar u> »ii 'it Hofeca l ull!" arc viHpct. Facrra'a aiu tin H*Tiar*crioa. •eld e»c«T*l«"c DAVID m. roDTX. rrepriatar. BALTIMORE. *•» For ule by J. L WL'LLKH. BuUer. Ha. Wm.F. Miller. Manufacturer of Stair Hails, Balusters and Newel-posts. AO klada of wood-tumlug done to ordor, also Dmmitd and Carved wood-work. *n<-l» us Caaltig. Corner bloeka, Fanrln and all klntla ol hiKT wood work for Innlde decorntlon of hoUBTS CAIXANDSEK BAMPF/EH. ■MMttilnf iif* and attractive. Alm> FURNITURE •t ioweiit cash prlct-s. flu>re at No. m, N. Mkln titreet. Fad or> at No. M, X, Washinifton Nfr»-et. BUTLEB. PKXXA. W.. H. &F. MORRIS, BCTI.KB. FA. •Breeders -OF- High-class Pwiltr.y I.ItHIT lilt A HMAH. I'l.Y MOITII KfM'Ks and WHITE I.Mi ll' HtN'M. In* 99 per 13; t3 for 20. a|Kcnarrt<-vm«-nt. thai will noi 111 VII L I tatt.- tin rn Irorn th«-lr lionn-n and lamllk-*. 7!i" profit* arc laiv ami sure for ever) liidct'rlmm THOti. many have inrul<- and •pc now makine hundml dollars a Bkonth. T» Im '-asv for anv one to make I", and upmardd who Is willing to work. Klth'-r •e* ? oiiu'/ or old; cnriltjil not nwlnl; »!• start yi.ii Ftm II ;• •n< ' No sfm-tal aldllty rc •alroil; von r. a'l»*r caji do It a« w>-|| ;1 h anv one. WrM.- to II .►> oil' .• f»>r full Itarflctilars. which «•« Mall free. Ad a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as it stop[>ed her cough in- Htantly when others had no effect whatever. So to prove this and con vince you of its merit, auy druggist will give you a Sample Bottle Free. Largo ui/.e 50c aud sl, The Pink Eyed Pittsleys. Scattered through the several country towns and villages of Roches ter, Freetown, Lakeville, Loug Plain, Acushnet and Mvricks is a peculitr race of people that stick close to their native backwoods, but on rare occas ions t merjre from their self-chosen re tirement to the neighboring more populous towns of Middleboro and Wareham, and sometimes are seen on the streets of New Bedford, Taunton and Fall River, the observed of all beholders. The local appellation that follows them to all places is that of "Pink eyed Pittsleys " Their peculiarity is piuk eyes and perfectly white hair. This striking singularity is said to have first made its appearance in a family by the name of Pittsleys, in Freetown, a century or more ago, and .-spread through succeeding genera tions among the offspring of those who intermarried with the members of the family, nntil many of the residents of this section of a yariety of family names as well a 9 that of Pittsley have members marked by this peculiarity of the eyes and hair and an accom panying facial expression that is odd in the extreme. The old man Merchant Pittslev was pink eyed, and he had nine children. All five of his sons had pink eyes and white hair, and one daughter was marked the same way; but the other three girls hid as fine black eves and dark hair as any girl in town. They married all but one, and had children, and Komc of their children had pink eyes and white hair, but not all.— Brockton (Mass.) Gazette. One Method of Teaching Calves to Drink. F. VV. Dunn, Riley Co., Kansas, writes: The Prairie Farmer gave several suggestions about teaching a calf to drink, but they were confined to the upper-lip method as I call it. •The difficult part is teaching the calf to put its nose into the pail. This is easily done by the under-lip meth od. Back the auimal into a corner, holding the pail with right hand as sisted by right leg Put left arm over the calf's neck, placing the fing ers in its mouth from the under side. In this position the calf's lower lip rests in paira of the haud and it hunts down for its feed, and thus puts its uuse into the pail of its own accord. Wheu the calf begins sucking, slowly withdraw the fiugers, allowing it to feel about for them by keeping the finger ead3 against its lower lip. (The hand is down in the milk.) I have been equally successful with this method whether the calf sucked its dam three days or two or three weeks, and never ueeded allow the calf to suck my fingers after the fourth feeding, and several drank readily at second. Calves taught to driak by this method seldom bunt the pail about, thus spilling the milk. Do not attempt to teach to drink un til Utey are thoroughly hungry. "The Merry Maiden and the Tar." She was merriest before she "struck" the tar. Her spirits sank as she beheld her new white gown blackened by the tar. This tar help ed a wagon run instead of helping run a ship. Just so a thousand triv ial accidents and neglected "small thing" take the merriment out of the lives of young girls and maidens. Particularly is this the case with dis eases peculiar to their sex which take so much enjoyment and happiness from life. However a remedy is [found in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription for all l'emale "weaknesses" or irregularities, nervousness, neural gia, ami uterine troubles* Ask your druggist. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, or Anti-bilious Granules, have no equals. 25 cents a vial; one a dose. Cure headache, constipation and iudigestion. —A London firm has agents in Pennsylvania and Maryland buying up walnut lumber for furniture and decorative purposes. —A Connecticut firm is said to have recieved an order from the Rus sian Government for 400,000,000 empty copper cartridge cases —Kentucky's sale of lumber last year was about 125,000,000 feet, worth over $25,000,000 A Lumber Dealer's Exchange is projected at L ouisville —Want to lay down your back aches so ? Hop Planter* soothe, ab sorb pain and wonderfully strengthen. Hop Piaster —the only original and infallible pain-killing plaster, soothes, stimulates, strengthen. —Bismarck's paper mills produce fifteen tons a day moro than auy other mills in Germany. He is also the second largest lumber dealer in the Empire. —Two hundred girls employed at a Minneapolis (Minn ) dry goods house have struck for an ad vane» of 20 percent. Some of the girls receive snly *:i.so a week. —The prosecution of Pinkerton de tectives has begun in Chicago for car rying concealed dea'lly weapons. It will lie continued iu other places throughout tho country. Rochester, X. V., has an electric light plant which supplies 1100 arc and 1025 incandescent lamps. The plant is said to lie tho largest ia the world run by water power. A company with a capital of $5,- 000,000 has been formed in New York to engage in the refining of sugar by electricity, which Henry Friend claims can be done at 75 cents per ton. —Kiifht hwndrwl and tliirty-Cve iiiitu! card wont hoiHtod in u tliy re- citntly in tho Central mine at Hytlo I'arU, Scrauton, which is 400 feet do p. Thi.t rt'onl linn porhajiH never been licalcn. —The American Manufacturer HIIOWB that 258 bliiHt furnaeeH in the United StatcH with a weekly output of 110,347 tons were in operation on April !, and :>():! with a capacity of .S-),2'.i7 were shut down. —Seven hundred mileH of railroad have littttn laid in South America un dor the direction of the Government, ami Till) itiileH more are projected The rail* tire bought in Enjflund, antl COH(. NIL nit a ton delivered. —The capacity of the salt-vein din covcred in Kansun ivill soon be over 5000 barrels a tiny. The salt is claim ed to be the bijst in the country. The vein is MOO feet thick. One 11 nL chiftHon company has begun with a productiou of 700 barrels a day. —S line coke operators have con solidated and formed a company with a capital of $1,200,000 which will control 1550 ovens, the second largest in the Connellnvillo region. Frick (Jo. own 27, W. gent, itussell Huston, Ch' ,r.> twp. S, farmer. Kobci IHOII .las. Oakland t.wp, larmer. Itlpper I too. KvaiisClly. blae.ksuil'ii. sli.ilfer I' I Jacks >h twp, W. gent. Staff Win, ilrady twp. farmer, sn.dei I'hiilip ciinum twp. farmer. I lionipion ii It. I'arker twp, toaehor. Welsh Ijiy il \ . Jellersoii two farmer. Welse llciiry. .1 u kson i wo, VV. luintier dealer. Wdgin I VulenMue. Wlulleld twp. farmer V oting H iiiiuei. /elleiiople. editor. Youii;; It 11. ci.'.y ttvp. larmer. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Offico Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. •3. C. ROESSING, I'IIKSIDKNT. VVM. (JAML'IJELL, THKASUUKH 11. C. IIEINEMAN, SKCKKTAKY. DIRECTORS: J. I. Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell J. W. Iliirkhart. A. Ttoutmau, Henderson ililver, t!.C lioesslug, James Stephenson, l>r. W. Irvln, N. Weltzel, J. K. Taylor. 11. (!. ileineiiiau, LOYAL MMUNEIN, Gen. A^'t BTTTOLMR, PA. Rftgt«fer«d Trado Mark 41 CLEANFAST •J fei f BLACK llrUm) uTOCKINGS s Th« F. P. Robln»on | vCTKi \u tef MONEY REFUNDED .. U tli«y Blaln ltn» fwt or CLEANFAST" failn In wiihiiig. I.ildlei', >1 nnd Children'* htncbliiHi. •lien'. Hull B«M> SILK FINISH, LISLE, and COTTON r:.v W!; M EXC ELSIOR HOSIERY CO. 112.1 CHtbTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. AGENTS WANTED She Tried and Knows. A leading chemist of New York says: " No plasters of such merit as I the Ath-10-piio-ros Plasters haveever I before been produced." They are ! h novelty because they are not made I simply to sell cheap, they are the | best that science, skill and money ! can produce, and will do what ia j claimed for them. For sprains, aches, weakness, lameness, etc., they are unequaled. minutes to look at the trash. That will be quite lorn; enough to satisfy them that, they must go on to UKCIv'S. Second stop, Swlndlers ville, passengers who are crazy enough to do so will be allowed to stop over at this staltou. the wise portion will go on to HECK'S. The train will arrive at Butler 8 a.m.. sharp and Heck will be at the depot to receive you. should he not. do not be led off by the little Bazaars of side shows, but make a break for the big tent. No. 11. North Main St.. Duffy's Block. We blow our own horn and there is no mistak ing It. We are now ready. King the bell—beat tin- drum toot the horn—let the crowd come and see our magnltlcent Spring Attractions. They are regular LA-LAS and on every point will beat anything ever shown in this city. The quality, quantity, style and price are Just what will suit you, and the assortment so large that It, will dazzle you. OUR BAND LEADS, others try to follow us but they can't catch up. Our pace is too much for them. We are too quick. We are boomers ! We are sooners!—don't you see? We are rollicking. Jolly fellows. We are rip roaring tip top sellers, And when it comes to bargains we can suit you to a "T" VVc art* hungry for your money—do you hear ? And we try to be so funny—we are so queer. If you think we are a honey, come and drop your monev, And we'll treat you like a sonny—all the year. For we have got the energy and the will. We made up our mind to be the leaders In our line and the result is. "that we lead" ami there it no mistake about it. Our prices toll the tale. They are always lower than the lowest and quality proves It. We make No Rash Promises, but prove everything we stale In the papers, when a customer calls at our store. If you want sterling goods for sterling cash call and see ou>- Macuitlcent stock of Sprlug Novelties In tine clothing of all shapes styles and prices; Hats, caps. Neckwear. Shirts, Collars, Cutis, Under wear, Hosiery. Handkerchiefs Umbrellas. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Brushes, Combs, Harmonicas, Jeweiery. Mammocks and Notions generally. We do not attempt a lull enumera tion of our goods but content ourselves with the statement that we have the largest stock, latest styles and lowest prices. M WORLB STANDS AGHAST STlie realization of the fact that our low prices are a reality and not a llctionary legend makes everybody wonder. ICeady money Is the won der worker that, has enabled us to place before the public such a gorgeous display of Spring bargains and a determination to In l easily salis tled and live for small proill.s Is the reason we can sell so much cheaper than anybody else. D. JrIiCCK, Clianipion Clothier and Furn isher. Mo. 11, North Main St., Huff}'* Bloek, BUTLER, - PA. B. & B. Shopping by Mail MA l)IC A Complete Success. Special attention given to this part of our busi ness. A complete Mail Order Department Km ploying an efficient corps of experienced people In this line to look after the wants of our pat rons living at a distance. By advising our Mall Order Department, what, line of goods you prefer or fancy, your wants will be supplied In .» perfectly satisfactory manner and at very lowest prices. Intelligent, attention to orders Is one requisite. Then. too. the assurance of th • very lowest prices ami best vulues On "everything Is very sat isfying. The assortment of SPRING DRESS F&BRICS DRESS SILKS which we lire showing now are most complete and elegant, and values are unequaled. Samples of Latest Novelties will be sent, to any address upon request. Our Illustrated Spring Cata logue, 'I x I J IIH'IH'H, 72 pp., a review «jf !!»#• Uitirit. Fashions and also much valuable luroruiaf.lnii to uvrry housHioM, I* now unci H III HEFVT FREE and post-paid to any address. Send your nam i ' and address on postal KAItI.Y. as this Issue, al though targe, win not i isi tony. BOGGS & BUHL, IM Wl Fidcnl Sl„ Allegheny Pa. THE ALLEN PATENT WASHER • Why it is Superior to all Others. Itjf I ' s enclosed It. 'retains the high lot. temperature so necessary lu removing . the dirt from the goods, Onil TIIHItK being no Friction on the | £IIU. clothing to wear It. 1 q rr l Til K peculiar act 101 l of I lie water In I he »»l U. Machine (which cannot lie understood cj unless one sees ll) forcing a strong current of watcrthrough the clothing at every vlrbratlon of the Agitator, i which Is caused t>y tiic peculiar construction of the top of the Machine. jffU AND best of all Is that a child of four years " H'lll. cun do the work It being so light that I' the operator slls down while doing It. '' Machines and County and Township UIKIIIH throughout the state of Pennsylvania. Hold by SHIR AS & HAYS, v Hutlor, Pa 8-19-iy 81 JUDICIOUS AND PERSISTENr Advertising has ulwiiy* proven KHL' mjcorwd'ul. Beforo plnuiiiir any Newspaper Advertising consul'. Jg* LORD & THOMAS, fv/ff iIIVKHTIHIXU AUHNtH, || u IV Ka»d<.l|>k Mrr.t, CHICAOO. X>. T. JE».AJF»aES„ | LEADING nil IOOSE Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes and Nuns Veiling always ready for use. !N"o» 18. South. Main Street* - - BUTLER» PA- TRUSUeS SALE, Of Seated and Unseated Lands in Butler Co. for Taxes Due for 1887 and Previous Years. By virtue of sundry Acts of the General As sembly of tin- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to the sale of staled and unseated lauds In the county of Butler, etc.. for taxes due and unpaid. 1 will offer at public sale, at the Court House, In the borough of Butler, l'a.. on the SECOND MONDAY OF JUNE. ISBB, being the 11th day of the month, alio o'clock A.M., the following described pieces of laud or such parts thereof as may be necessary to satis fy the amount of taxes due and unpaid against the same, and continue the sale troin day to da} a3 the same may be fouud necessary. TKKMS OF SALE—The amount ol taxes and costs must be paid w hea the land is stricken off. or the sale may be avoided and the property put up uiul resold. SPECIAL NOT10:-A11 persons correspond ing Willi the Treasurer In reference to lands ad vertised for sale In the following list Uould re mit sufficient to pay postage and stationery. AI.UiUHENY.TWP. Anderson Niggle. V> and 'st ! , luO acres (49.12 Jolly J E, V 5, U acres sou KUTt.HH BOKOI'UH. Sullivan Moses, V>. s lots 5.40 Sullivan Moses, 'ss. 15 lots 15.8U Sullivan c C heirs, one-liall acre ti.Oli . ti.56 Parks W. *BS. lot 6.55 Potts W K heirs, 'ss. one i one-half acre... BUTLER TWP. Marshall Samuel heirs, ' acres 27.28 Conn Ell. 'BS, 100 acres O.«o CONCOKI) TWP. Mcßrldc J. 'Bs,acres 15.07 liuuser llank, 'BO, 1 acre 1.2U Black J no. iiec'U, *Bt>, 100 acres W>o Dully Cbiws, 'BO, ? acres 2.43 Flthian S A. '••Hi and sf 14 acres 8.40 tiordeu S 11, 'BO, 1 acre 1.35 tiold & Patterson, 'so, 7 acres 4.57 McKlbben .) 11 « Co. 'BO and 'B7, 8 acres— 4.84 uvery A Brawley, 'BO, Z'a acres 1.85 I'arks Jas heirs. 'BO and 'B7, ol acres Say Asa & Co, 'BO and 'B7, acres 1ii.50 Thompson Joslah. do and s7. 4 acres 2.85 Wilson AUen, 'BO, 20 acres 4.40 C'RNTUK RW r. Kslieubaugh Euclnda. 'BB, lo acres 5.07 McCrea Mrs.'Bo. ai acrtS 5.51 McCandiess Juo M. 'so, est acres 24.55 McAnallen Jas. 'BO, 50 acres 10.51) CUASFIELD TWP. Ooldlnger M D, 'BO and 's~, 70 acres 28.;;7 RONNOYUR.* loss IN <; r\v p. Anderson H C, 'BS, •»;! acres 25.78 Sllppey I'cter, 'BS, M) acres 1U.40 I'IIKKUV TWP. AlTee Win. 'BS. house and lot 2.8» iJllmore heirs, 'BS. so and 'B7, 70 acres 20.42 Sullivan C f. 'BS. oo acres 0.07 Keed W I*. Vo and 'B7. 00acres 13.30 Smith & Dully, 'BO. lo acres 2.05 FAIKVIKW TWF. Watson Thos, 'BO, house and lot 3.10 FAIKVIKW LLOKOUULL. A'dams M S, 'B4, *BS, 'BO and 's7, l acre 4.70 MUKselman Wash, 'SS, house and lot 0 25 Keed David, 'BS. house and lot 0.25 Kiddle J£ Peanut, 'ws.'KO and 'B7, one-hair lot 3 4-1 Watfuor ltenry, 'ss. 2 tola 2.88 Pat ton Win, »o. 3 houses and lota 14.50 JKUKKHON TWIV Putin l.ardln A Co, 'BO and '87,7 lots 4.01 'ii-rr Jas, 'BO. 1 lot 1.14 (iray Samuel, 'so. l lot 1,17 MAUI ON TWr. Campbdll Jas, 'B6, 14 acres 3.73 l'urvlanee Jno,'Bii and'B7, 40 acres 10.00 Ml I,I.KitsTOWN HOKOOUU. Titus Win,'Bo, 1 lot 2.1!) j OA K I.A N I) T Wl'. l'urvlanee Jno >.', 'so and 's7.l4oacres 50.42 Thompson Jno M. 80 and 's7, lo acres 4.85 Hutchison VV tl, 'so aud 'B7, 7 ai res 2.40 MeClure Mrs. 'BO and 's7, 33 acres 17.74 I'KOSI'KCT itoito. McLaughlin Jno B, 'BO and 'B7, a lots 1.80 I'ARKKK TWP. Shaw <; W. 'BS, 'so and 's7, house and 10t... in.ns Fuller (f 'BS. 'BO and 's7. 10 acres 37.04 ilydrlck Barney, 'so. M acres 9.50 AtweUTJ 'so and'B7.4s acres io.:» ('rest J no, 'so. 50 acres 11 .so Kramer C C X li W. 'BO. 217 acres 37.50 Kramer D,'Bo and 'B7. 00 acres 35.20 Collar lteuben. 'so, 23 acres 4 si Edwards Jas. 'BO. 40 acres ll.os Mi Klaslck Hannah, 'so and'B7. lot 4..V> Pugli Albert, 'so, 2'4 acres 3.20 sliaw David, 'BO, lot 2.18 SUMMIT TWP. Scott K P, 'BS, BO acres 9.58 VKNASDO TWP. Calrr Jas and wife. 's."> and 'BO, 4 acres 7.48 V'anderlln J C. '8« and 'B7. 50acres I7.:ts Itbi'liard Alex, 'so and 's7, 05 acres 1:1.00 Kelly Theodore heirs, 'BO and 'B7. :R) acres.. lo.;t> WINVIRLI) TWP. lireden Jas, 'BS and 'so. 70 acres 1*.).75 WOHTII TWP. Stoughton O I*. 'BO and 'B7. 33 acres 12.'.H1 WASHINGTON TWP. Cunningham Nancy, 'srtand'sl. 10 acres 4.'.1-2 Duubenspts k P 1„ 85. 2\ acres I.#; Todd M 1.. 'BS, house and lot 8.88 Achbai Mining Co, 'BS and '87,14 acres 31.02 Patterson Win heirs, 'so. 75 acres 19.01 lireden Jas. 'sw and 'Bl 07 acres 31.11 Kelly Patrick, 'so and VT. sii acres 39.70 I'onti Jas 1., SII uml s7, 100 acres. 32.t0 Mercer Mining Co, 'so and 'si', Ixo acres— oouo. AMOS SEATON , Co. Treasurer. I*I3W Clothing Store. CLOTHING, HATS, , GENTS' FCJRNISIIING GOODS, UNDERWKA H, NKCK WEAB, OVERCOATS, RUBBER COATS, GLOVES, SUSBKNDKUS, UMBRELLAS, SHIRTS, CAPS, SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS, &C., All at must reasonable prices, JOHN T. KELLY, 1 'i'J S., Main St., (I „. xt door to r, o. I CHOICE FRUIT. , Having taken 'tin* iwiiry lor the Choice Fruit IreeM, Beautiful Shrubbery, Ornamental Trees, And cv#»rvthliiK Hsc I x t !»«• Nursery line, of tin' New KfiKhind N'urscrirs. Cliusc liros. »V: Co. # N. V I will eall IIJMMI you 111 the near future and sollelt your orders for Ktlll delivery. A. 11, FALLEN, Agent, lilltlOl* - Pll. H V tl BUY YOUR HOMES l ulled Hecurll.y IJI~ I ii.suraiic*> and Trust Co., or Pa, Money to Buy Homos. Monthly dues not more t.li:m a fair roil. Pay- J mi nis decrease yearly. In event, of death V prior lo cum pint lon 1.1 |>uyun nls, balance of en w "urnbraoce canceled. fr It! Money to Loan. «- l(«ftl estate bought and HOlfl on eotnndsMlOD. Wanted liounen to rent and rents collected. L. G. LINN, 0 No. ;58 South Muin St., Butler, PA. _ _ -I Advertise in the CITIZEN. I A 1111111111 C+> 1111111111 LACKS. «IIU« RIBBONS, V r 1 \ KTV BCTTONR, KIHiINOS. % ~U r,l w TBI MMINOS, I' H k- ni.i \ TINSEL ODS. .1 Hit AII)\ NI» I* V* Tl LO!. 1 .1) !).»t « >■' »i k.S. "NIUMT DKI T ' ; iUK MU LIoN, iNKANrs V \ A C v,I,JKS ' JACKETS. PAItASOI.S, ' ,' ' WKAPS. SIIAWL.S. K!„\ | VKS. A. Troutman I?ENS' ready t Clothing at ROCK BOTTOM FitICES. All the latest ncvehics ft r Spring and Sun.an rin Gents' Furnishings, Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises; latest patterns in Shirts and Neckwear. MY MERCHANT TAILORING Department is Rooming. Call and make your selection for your Spring Suit from those handsome patterns 1 have just got in. Prices reasonable and lit guaranteed. Thanking my patrons for past favors, 1 solicit a continuance of the same. I. ROSENBEIIG. 64 South Main street, opposite the Fostofllce, Duller, Pa. I*l CMFsmMEAii asuAIIS ■■ ill**! (' fiff ; ON EVERY CASE.^^ Your nlt« ntlon Is to flu* Htiuv of VV. K.I H;il f Oil. I III' > wr!«T. No. tfi. S< nth M.iln Ho t. | wiuT'' you win ti if I ii riuiiri' h«*l«'<; tl>*ii «»r. SV iU'lu'h. < lorks ami JrwHry of cvi'ry «I « i*l|» j lion. WalWi MiiiHlcH'k ri'palrlnj; A H|MM* liilty. i W. E. RALSTON, No •*:. Sotlth M tin st ri-el., Jtiltler, l';i; j SUFFERING WOMENSe" h#n I r >»nl*l-»f! wiih tho' f* annnylntr *t»i i*» *• | iMutiiil y follow iti* n <• 1 i• •« • ••• rot < n J tltulloi.nl itkii.HH«aiMt|M'<-uliuf (< : !»••• r •» •». *h .l>«, vitf«;|" All't iiiuMli'-tii' f.il". fiirt!i lieul. (I>rlii'* tile fitslcst fourth Ileal ::Hi' fnal«*<"t lour lieals ever trotleil or I>ae«il In :» I VI- ami I:: . tliers ratiftlng from ";i. to Itiiffalo l*o> is it standard-broil troller anil l- registered utiUer tin- best rules llini ovist. It's sire iiml ilnm are hot Ii slatiilaril millet ' t .1 ; tili"<. Also. tilranU- HlrcHiiml irvi.iirtdam*. \\ •• o one OL tho (A INUIKWI IWM IIUMHUWI and HULL hi- lias iiml.' ;1.. 1.11.L l.eiler erodes LLIIIU liny V'allmn 111 HIE •.I ...iv. Hl* L arrii S tin* NAME BIT II nl that sent oi ' .faboiitas In IMS ami JFAVR her a rororfl to • iti of .'TLTS,. ami il'L to II IIH'I'I L!"ILI -r lur am, A. 10. SL 'l'pY Turn. :t:: : I.:- , I:IT. liulTalo «.lrl. '.is lirntlu'r. I.'avou !'• > J:IT. imi! tlirmiLTli Iti.- I < >in 11 all'*. l.llUf l.r. •' ntf. .':ll llronn llal, _';i:i. 'l'hrootrh r.uffn! • ".iy s ii.nn ►r- i. .lai Kyi- S a:li<: IMialtis ItnittH. aint oihi-rs. lii'sl.l. s his f i 1 Uniiln.if. Ii :. sl/i> and xt.N If « :ll ri'i imni''ti I . in to -II Intelllifrnt Ll.TSl'iiii'l i, ||l? 1.4 IN ham! ":li, IIIIKHI lia> nltli will!" m i kliif i' 1 W'l .kr al. I*l liiii** Citn show Ids IIIM; . oil ii i-i mil. wlikii m>ul«t !«• a t'ri'dll l<» a in.it IIM'.I ill .ii.lt I win if lioili I irfru mill tint' iI. i. i i I toy will I*- al lowid a r«'»v a; |irmi'il i r.i i fv.Mai until An K'li'l Int. wli"ii l|." wl l in* |i'ii i lr.lining I ar llrs wNlilriif lot --il will !r> vi»|| to Call early, as In 1 "v I iI Lii 111* III" I' i llh'm' UK* tlfuri'S. lor |H ill(ir«' anil jmrt Iri.l ■ all at tho farm or aililri-sN in.- at J'N'KP • '. \L Ml l»\i. Si| KTAtXION « w»v<»n prlzi*H in Kii«r!:in» . Wil I siiiinl at i'IM i .irn of I*. .1 i ii. Htimm.i •.p . i |tutl«?r i>. i fi*. - ■ i ni i I uf I'llk r. IM ■ | WIN *ii MilliTfown aii'l K • t.inrilriK I*IM»I TKUMS: - f"i ;i llvir. cult In a(- I r«':» iniio. J arMuir with • : • Imfor* know a l«» h<» with fori* forfeits I h ' !•• "i. »nrt». flen**ral m- «•- \II! IK* tak *II ' ' IIU RI^IUIIHLIIIT. I<»r HCcrlUt'lllH. r. J. BACH, Owner. Flailing Mill VNU— : I Vnrd jj L. PL'KVia. L. O. riiKV Ist, S.G. Purvis & Co. MAM I A» Tl T.KIIS DRAI.KRK IX | Rough and ri:.'..cd Lumber i : KV«KV l)K-« KIITH'N. SHINGLES&LATH | riiANINU Miu. AND VAHI> • | V»•» » :j(*r.n an l)iill« * i \ ».tk «. A-«.im* % |iMli«r»*»o*>ii, liiMu.a I • H"i«. |. r |ttllli*t j>nntM *<»•*» h