Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 01, 1888, Image 2

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One year
Mx month! 5
Three monthi - 40
EaUratf atfaataMnTat Batirr uM rlara utUr
roR.trDOE sci Ksm cocbt.
JAMEN T. MITCHELL, of Philadelphia.
NEWTON BLACK. of Dutler.
DB. J. B. SHOW ALTER, ol Millerstown.
K. IRWIN BcKiGS. of Zollenople.
JOSEPH THOMAS. JR.. of Earns City.
W. rOWIB CAMPBELL of FalrvlPW twp.
The letter of Mr. Blaine' from
Paris, found in another place, settles
all question mto his position. He
cannot accept a nomination for the
tbe Presidency under any circum
stances and gives his reasons therefor.
Nothing but tbe Convention being
unable to agree npon any other man
would seem now to justify the use of
his name in any way.
War is it that when storms and
winds come public buildings suffer
more than private ones? Scarcely a
wind storm occurs but the roofs of
court houses, school houses and
churches are reported as faring the
worst. Tbe only explanation that
can be given is, that they are not
built with the care that they ought to
be, and this probably because of the
fact that the public's back is supposed
to be broad enough to stand trequent
W. L. SCOTT, millionaire Congress
man from the Erie district and Presi
dent Cleveland's right bower, who
baa declared himself » deadly enemy
to tbe industries and the working
idaases of our country, and who came
ont of tbe recent tariff discussion
with somewhat tbe reputation of a fal
sifier, is still good enough to boss a
Pennsylvania Democratic convention.
He had complete control* at Harris
botg M Wednesday, and an endorse
ment of the President's Free Trade
BMMage was pat tbrongh almost
without opposition.
Notice to Delegates.
Tbe district Convention, to elect
delegates to the Republican National
Convention, will be held in New Cas
tle, Pa , on next Tuesday, June 5, at
one o'clock, P, M. The delegates
from tbe different sub districts of But
ler County to the same will please
take notice to above.
The train on the Pittsburgh and
Western road that leaves Butler at
8 o'clock in tbe morning is the only
one that makes close connection at
Caltery for New Castle, and will
therefore be tbe train for delegates to
take in order to be in New Castle in
time for tbe meeting of distrtc' Con
vention. A return train leaves New
Castle at sin the evening and it is
supposed the work of the Convention
will be over in time to enable dele
gates to return on same day by the
same. The above is stated for tbe
benefit of tbe delegates, particularly
those leaving here or along the route
of the P. and W. Railroad.
To Elect This Fall.
The death of Auditor General Nor
ris makes a vacancy in that oflhe that
under tbe law mast be filled by an
election this fall. The death taking
place three months before a General
"Election tbe law requires tbe succes
sion to tbe office to be filled by an
election. An appointment by tbe
Governor, however, was necessary to
fill the vacancy daring tbe remainder
of tbe year and antil tbe first Monday
ef May 1889, almost a year.
Governor Beaver, it will be seen,
has appointed tbe Chief Clerk in the
office, Col. Tkomas McCamant, to fill
tbe Tacancy. Just bow the nomina
tion is to be made for a regular suc
cessor in the office we cannot as yet
state, but are of tbe opinion that the
late State Republican Convention
will either have to re-assemble or a
new one be provided for. There
woald probably be no serious objec
tion to tbo re-assembling of tbe late
Convention, which would seem a
more proper manner of naming the
•oxt candidate than if tbe State Cen
tral Committe should undertake to
name tbe candidate.
The Memorial Sermon.
For some years past the Grand Army
Post of this place has bad religious
service* on the Sunday preceding
Memorial Day, tbe chief feature of
which was tbe preaching of a sermon
to them by one of our ministers. This
year tbey chose Rev. D. L. Rotb of
tbe Engiiab Lutheran Church of this
place to perform that duty. That
Kev. Roth well performed it was at
tested by the bearty congratulations,
handshaking and thanks extended
bim by tbe veterans at tbe close of
bis permon. He took his text from
Jeremiah, chapter li, verse 50.
"Ye that btve eacarwl the xworil, go avr.iyi
•Und not Mill, rwuiernber the Lord."
The application of the text to the
occasion was not only fitting but
Made a sermon which was highly ap
preciated, eloquent and commend
ing very general praise. Tbe church,
English Lutheran, was crowded to
excess, in fact many not being ablo to
within its walls. It was finely
decorated for the occasion. Five Na
tional colors were al>ove or around
tbe polpit, two of the flags crossing
in front of tbe chancel railing. Some
fine palm ferns, lilies, and bouquets of
garden and wild flowers, wore on or
aroand tbe altar and pulpit. And,
more conspicuous than ail, in large
and bright letters, was tbe word,
•'Welcome ', which extended across
and in front of tbe pulpit and which
made all feel at home.
Taken altogether thiri Memorial !
Day servfoe sod *ermon on Sunday,
May 27, 1888, surpassed any yet bold I
in tbia place, and to say that all
t*!t I*oefitted by ibem is bat to ex.
press the general opinion.
Randall's Great Speech on the
Mills' Tariff Bill.
Below we we give the principal
points of the speech in Congress
made by Hon. Samuel J. Randall
against the Cleveland-Mills tariff bill
there pending. Mr. Randall is a De
mocrat,a life-long one,and has he'd im
portant statious in his party. His
opinions are therefore the opinions of
a Democrat, a Democrat answering
the arguments of Democrats. It is
not a Republican replying to Demo
crats, but one of their oldest and
ablest men replying to his old party
friends. Who has changed? Surely
not Mr. Randall. For he shows that
be stands where he always stood on
the question of protection to Ameri
can labor and our industries. But
his party has, or rather is trying to
change and to read him out of its
folds. He takes the right view of
matters, the same as Republicans
hold, and coming from him should
open the eyes of all Democrats who
are being mislead on this important
question of the tariff.
He opened his speech by discussing
the President's position on the tariff,
and, mentioning the remedy he (Ran
dall) proposed, said:
Tne Democratic convention of 1884
declared that internal revenue was a
war tax, and this declaration, takeu
in connection with the other declara
tions of the platform, clearly estab
lished the fact that the opinion of the
convention was that some of the in
ternal revenue taxes should firat t?o,
and that they should all go whenever
a sufficient sum was realized from
custom house taxes to meet the ex
penses of the Government, economi
cally administered. The country
was practicallv in such a condition
now, and the true response to those
declarations warranted the repeal of
the internal revenue taxes to the ex
tent proposed by his bill. He favor
ed now, as he had always done, a to
tal repeal of the internal revenue
taxes, [Applause] In the bill
which be introduced he proposed to
sweep all these taxes from the statute
books except a tax of 50 cents on
whiskey, and he would transfer the
collection of that tar to the custom
officials, if that was found practicable
With Albert Gallatin, he regarded
excise taxes as offensive to the gen
ius of the people, tolerated only as a
measure of emergency, and as soon
as the occasion for them had passed
awav, they should cease to exist.
Mr. Randall here entered into an
explanation of the principles upon
which his bill had been constructed,
and stated distinctly that if it could
be made to appear in any case mat
the measure he had proposed confer
red more protection than was needed
to cover the cost of production, he
was ready to lower it. If in any in
stance the rate was too low to cover
that cost, he was ready to raise it.
Monopolies existed without the tariff.
The Standard Oil Trust, the Whisky
Trust and the Cottonseed Oil Trust,
and others that he could mentiou
the greatest trusts in the whole coun
try—were not protected by the tariff.
He was for the protection of labor—
not in one State, but in all. He was
for the protection and maintenance
of that industrial system that allow
ed to labor a larger proportionate
share of its products than was reali
zed in any other country or under
any other system.
lie then proceeded to a criticism of
the committee bill as follows: A de
clared purpose of this hill is to*secure
"free raw material to stimulate man
facturers." In execution of this idea
the bill places > I the free list a large
number of articles which are really
manufactured articles. At the same
time, the bill leaves or puts upon the
dutiable lists articles which might be
called raw materials. Further, the
bil' not only makes so-called "raw
material" free, but places on the free
list the manufactured products of
these materials. Thus the manufac
tare of such articles is made impossi
ble in this country, except by reduc
ing American labor to a worse condi
tion than that of labor in Europe. In
other words, the bill leaves or makes
dutiable the raw material and puts on
the free list the articles manufactured
from it, thus not only placing an in
surmountable barrier in the way of
making such articles here, but actu
ally protecting tho foreigu manufac
turer and laborer against our own,
and imposing for their benefit, a bur
den upon the consumer in this coun
In some cases the difference be
tween the duty imposed by the bill
on the so-called raw materials and
the articles made from them is so
small as to destroy industries
except upon the condition of leveling
the wages of home labor to that of
Europe. This was so in the cise of
pig load and red lead, which is made
from it, and of pig iron and steel
rails. Such legislation would leave
the ore in the mines, or the pig lead
in the smelting works, or tho pig
iron to rust at tho furnaces, while
foreigners would supply our market
with these manufactured products
Instead of the bill reducing customs
revenue $54,000,000, as was claimed,
it would be fair to estimate that its
effect would be to largely increase
the revenuo instead of reducing it,
while the amount of material wealth
it would it destroy is incalculable.
Those supporting the bill hold
themselves up as the champions of
the farmer, while they take from him
the protective duties on wool, hemp,
!Ux, meat, vegetables, etc. And what
do they give him in return? They
profess to give the manu
facturer better rates than he now has.
If this be so, bow is the farmer to be
benefitted, or where does he cjet com
pensation for the loss of his protective
duties? Much has been said about
removing taxes on necessaries and im
posing them on luxuries. What does
this bill propose? It gives free olive
oil to the epicure and taxes castor oil
97 per cent; it giv.is free tin plates to
the Standard Oil Company and the
great meat-canning monopolies, and
imposes a duty of 100 per cent, on
rice; it gives tho Sugar Trust free
bone black and proposes prohibitory
duties on grocery grades of sugar; it
imposes a duty of 40 per cent, on the
'poor man's' blanket and only 150 per
cent, on tho Axminster carpet of the
rich. It admits free the fine animals
imported by the gentlemen of the turf
and makes free the paintings and stat
uary of the railway millionaires and
coal barons.
Mr. Randall said he yielded to no
man on his side of the Mouse in bisdo
sire for continued Democratic control
in tho administration of the Federal
Government He did not believe tho
adoption of the committee's bill would !
muku such u result certain, and he
added: "I cannot be coerced into'
any particular action upon particular ,
action upon economic questions by '
the direction of party caucus. The J
period of political caucus has depart
ed, never to return, and yet we should
confer and have unity, if possible."
In these matters he spoke only for
himself. "My convictions on the
tariff are strong and founded, as 1
think, upon principle and upon infor
mation and comprehension of the
subject. When anyone here enters
upon the task of invoking caucus
power or other modes of coercion, I
can only say to him, if he acts with a
good purpose: that it will prove a
fruitless undertaking; or if with ill
motive, then I assign him to all the
natural contempt which such self con
stituted superciliousness deserves."
Before Mr. Randall had finished his
speech his time had expired, when
the pitiable scene was presented of
Mr. Mills objecting to allowing him
additional time. Mr. McKinley and
Mr. Breckenridge, who were to speak
after him, volunteered to allow him
fifteen minutes of their time, when he
concluded this terrible lashing of
British supporters in preference to
Butler County S. S. Convention.
The eleventh annual convention of
the Butler County S. S. Association
meets at Millerstown on June 4, 5.
and 6, the first session opening Mon
day eyening c.t 7:30 o'clock. All
Sabbath school workers are invited to
take part. The schools should send
delegates with reports and money at
the rate of one-half cent per member
to pay the State apportionment, etc.
Excursion rates on the railroad. En
tertainment free, for which address H.
J. Hoyt, Barnhart's Mills. By the
removal of the Secretary from the
county, vice-presidents of townships
and boroughs and superintendents of
schools will please see that reports
are sent to H S. Daubenspeck, Sec
retary pro tem, Bruin, Pa. Follow
ing is the program:
Thirty minutes devotional exercises
led by the President.
Address ol welcome, Rev. Eil Mil-
.Response. Rev. J. R. Coulter.
Address—Methods of Bible Study,
Rev. D. Decker.
Collection of questions to be an
swered at next session.
Fifteen minutes devotional exer
Topic—True aim of Sabbath-school
teaching, Rey. Prank Prosaer.
Topic—The relation of the Church
to children. Rev. J. H. Wright.
Topic —How to secure an increas
ed attendance at the Sabbath school,
Rev. J. 11. Breaden.
(Question box opened.
Fifteen minutes devotional exor
Addresses to children —10 minuted
each—Rev. Alex. Kilpatrick, Joha
II Sutton, Jan. M. Gal breath.
Topic—What are the beat mothods
to promote early conversion of Sab
bath school scholar-? itev. B* F.
Topic—Duty of parents to tho Sab
bath school, W I> Brandon.
Question-box opened.
Address—Rev. C. B. Mitchell, I).
D., of Pittsburg
(iaestion-box opened.
Fifteen minutes devotional exer
Business meeting.
Topic —Temperance work in the
Sabbath school —lOminute speeches,
Rev. J. II Marshall, Rev. E. C.
Hughes, .las. W. Orr
Topic —How to interest scholars
in Mission work? Rey. A. B C.
McFar land,
Fifteen minutes devotional ex;r
Topic—How shall thorough pre
paratory training on the part of the
Sabbath-school teacher be secured ?
R')v. S. T. Mtrr-itt
Topic—Place and value of black
board exercise in the Sabbath school,
W. (J. Russell.
RKV. S. 11. NESBITT, I). I). Pres.
11. S. DAUBESSPJCOIC, Syj. pro tem.
The Democratic Convention
Tho Democracy of the State met
in convention at Harrisbirg on Wed
nesday of last week and nominated
J. B. McCollum, Esq , of Susque
hanna county, lor Supreme Judge.
The selection of a candidate for Aud
itor General was left to thoir State
C ommit.tee.
David S. Morris, of New Castle,
was selected as the Presidential Elec
tor for this district, and A.F. Heiilieu,
of Greenville, and W. A. Forquer, of
Butler, as the delegates to the St.
Louis convention.
Hensel was temporary chairman
and Wallace permanent. Randall
wasn't thoro, and wasu't wanted.
Bill Scott run the Convention and
Cleveland and tho Mill's Bill were
almost unanimously endorsed. The
tariff plank of the platform as adopt
ed, is as follows:
The Democratic party of Pennsyl
vania, by its representatives in con
vention assembled, declares that revis
ion of the tariff laws is necessary with
a view to their simplification the cor
rection of their incongruities and in
equalities, the regulation of dutius
in such manner as will pu;, American
industry on a firm and permanent ba
sis, covering the difference butwe.iu
wages in this country and in foreigu
countries, the abolition of taxes on
ruiv nifitcrial for manufactures, and
tbe relief <ft tho people from useless
and onerous taxes and from extortion
by trusts and monopolies controlling
the prices of the common necessaries
of life. That to this end, and that
labor may bo the more effectually
protected in the enjoyments of its
earnings and in steadiness and con
tinuity of employment, wo give our
most hearty and emphatic indorse
ment to the recommendations of Pres
ident Cleveland's last aunual m«s
sag.t to Cougress, and as in lino with
tho principles laid down in that mes
sage we commend to Congress the
prompt adoption of tho Royenue bill
reported from the Committee on
Ways and Means and urge tho Dem
ocratic Representatives in Congress
from this State to give it their earnest
and undivided support.
"WERE it possible for every voter
of the Republic to see for himself the
condition and recompense of labor in
Europe, the party of free trade in the
United States would not receive the
support of one wage-worker between
tbe two oceans."— /llaine'H hull, nr.
Mrs. Allen lectured hero over u
year ago and it is safe to say that a
more popular lecturer never address
ed a Butler audience. Tho admis
sion will bo free but a collection will
Du tak :i up which it is Loped will
be very generous—commensurate
with the abilities of the speaker.
Fifty Cents Reward.
EDS. CITIZEN: —Ah! this beautiful
world, indeed, we know not what to
thiub of it Sometimes it is all glad
uees and sunshine and then it changes
suddenly, and all is dark and sor
rowful. But in the lives of paddest
of us there are bright days, like the
25th day of May, 1888, when many
hearts were made glad when they
met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
J. C Redic of Allegheny tp., in hon
or of the 70th birthday of Mr. Redic.
About 10 A. M., the neighbers and re
latives came in on Mr. Redic withoot
giving him any notice; Mr. Rtdic,
being rather a good natured man, ap
peared to think the guests meant no
harm. About 11 A. M , quite a num
ber of relatives arrived from flntler,
Mercer, Emlenton, and Parker City,
which added very much to the happi
ness and pleasure in all the exerciser
of the day. "The women will soon
get a vote," for they can always pre
pare a erood dinner for the birthday
parties, tnd perhaps they would do
likewise on the election ground. On
this occasion the women prepared a
grand feast for all were who present.
At 12 M. dinner was announced, the
table was filled up at once, with Mr.
and Mrs. Redic and Rev. Miller and
wife at the bead of the table. After
a blessing by Rev. Miller, it was a
pleasant sight to look at the guests
and see how willing they were to
help themselves to the abundance of
good things that were placed before
them. After dinner, the rjeeting
was called to order; EsqHire John
Thomas was elected president, and
William Turner, sec'y-
was opened with prayer by Rev.
Miller, of Parker City, who was also
called on and delivered a feeling and
very able presentation 6peecb, and
preeented Mr. and Mrs. Redic each
with a handsome and valuable rock
ing chair. Sheriff Redic made the
reply to the presentation speech,which
was short and sweet; a number of
other presents were preeented to the
happy couple, by many friends as
memorials of the 70th birthday of
Mr. Redic. Mr. and Mrs. Redic
return their heartfelt thanks to the
donors of the valuable gifts, and to
all who were so kind as to be present
on this occasion. They will say as
they look on these gifts, "See what has
been given us," and they will boast
of the love and friendship of the do
nors. In conclusion would say that
the above reward of fifty cents will
be paid to any person who will pro
duce three men, who will consume as
much chicken and good things at a
Birthday Dinner, as Sheriff Redic, J.
C- Kiskaddon and William Turner.
Yours truly, ONE PRESENT.
Resolutions of the Vestry of St.
Peter's Episcopal Church on
the Death of .lacob Ziegler.
Resolved, That bv the death of
Hon. Jacob Ziegler, Vestryman aDd
S* nior Warden of this parish, this
church has lost a highly valued officer
aad one of its most zealous and useful
members, one whose thought and
laln/f was devoted to its boat interests,
aud whose life was in accord with the
faith which ho profensed.
That ID all our intercourse with
him as a member of the church, as a
citizeD and in social life, he was al
ways found true to his honor, over
faithful, just and sincere in his friend
ships, kind and generous to all, pre
ferring their good and happiness to
his own.
That as an almost life long member
of this community he was greatly es
teemed for his integrity, honesty of
purpose, devotion to duty and good
will to all.
Recognizing in his death the dis
pensation of an nil wise Providence,
we reverently bow in submission, ac
cepting it as another evidence of
man's mortality and as an admonition
to be always ready.
That our most sincere sympathy is
hereby tendered to the bereft family
of our deceased brother, and in their
great affliction we commend them to
the merciful care and protection of
Him who is the father of the father
Tho Storm at Prospect.
PROSPECT, PA., May 28.—We have
just witnessed one of the worst storms
that ever passed through this section
of country. It was about 2 o'clock
this afternoon when far off in the
west a very black cloud came up, and
just in a yery few moments, limbs
were Hying through the air. fences
blown down, and trees of the largest
kind torn up by the roots, aud splint
ered in every possible shape and man
ner. There are ninejtrees here in my
yard that are entirely destroyed,
Twenty-livo of our best sugar trees
are destroyer!. liut the greatest los<»
of all was the finding of my best cow
crushed to the earth uuder a large
maple tree, and after releasing her we
found that her back was broke, and
her ribs crushed. Wo hope that the
next cyclono will be more moderate.
Visiting tho Graves.
El>s. CITI/.KN: A good many
thought the O.A.R. on Wednesday
sh.mld have visited in a body the
South Cemetery as well as the North
one. To merely send a delegation to
the one, and going in a body to the
other, looks like honoring one more
than the other. It is said that about
the [fame number of soldiers' graves
are in the one as in the other, and
therefore tho grounds should be equal
ly honored* if wo cannot go to both
(in one Memorial Day we ought at
least to alternate, year and year
about, as to visiting them. ,
Blaine Wiitos Again.
NEW YORK, May 25). —The Tri
bune to-morrow will print the follow
PARIS, May 17, 1888,
VVhdr.ltiw /li-id, Km/., Kdilor New
York: Tribune,:
DEAR tint.—Sinco my return to
Paris from Southern Italy on the Bth
inst., 1 have learned (what I did not
before believe; that my name may
yet bo presented to the National Con
vention as a candidate for the Presi
dential nomination of the Republican
party. A single phrase of my letter
of .lan. 25 from Florence ( —which
was decisive of everything I had the
power to decide—) lias been treated
by many of iny most valued friends
as not absolutely conclusive in ulti
mate and possible contingencies. On
the other hand friends equally devot
ed and disinterested have construed
my letter (as it should bo construed)
to be an unconditional withholding of
my name from the National Conven
tion. They have, in consequence,
given their support to eminent gentle
men, who are candidates for tho Chi
cago nomination, some of whom
would not, 1 am sure, have consented
to that position, if 1 had de
gir. si to rt'prespnt the party in the
f Presidential contest of IBSB.
If I should now, by speech or by
; silence, by commission or omission,
; permit my name, in any event, to
come before the convention, 1 should
incur the reproach of being ttneandid
with those who have always been
candid with me. I speak, therefore,
j because I am not willing to remain in
a doubtful attitude. 1 am not will
ing to be th 3 cause of misleading a
single man among the millions who
have given me their suffrages aud
their confidence. I am not willing
that even one of my faithful support
ers in the past should think me capa
ble ot paltering in a double sense
with my own words. Assuming that
the Presidential nomination could by
| possible chance be offered to me, I
could not accept it without leaving in
the minds of thousands of these men
the impression that I had not been
free from indirection, and therefore I
could not accept it at all The mis
representations of malice have no
weight, bnt the just displeasure of
friends I could not patiently endure.
Republican victory, the prospects
of which grow brighter every day,
can be imperilled only by lack of
unity in council or by acrimonious
contest over men. The iesue of pro
tection is incalculably stronger and
greater than any man, for it concerns
the prosperity of the present aud of
tcenerations yet to come. Were it
possible for every voter of the Re
. public to see for himself the condition
and recompense of labor in Europe,
the purtv of free trade in the United
States would not receive the support
of one wage worker between the two
oceans. It may not be directly in our
power as philanthropists tJ elevate
the European laborers, but it will be
a lasting stigma upon our statesman
ship, if we permit the American la
borer to be forced down to the Euro
pean level. And in the end the re
wards of labor everywhere will be
advanced, if we steadily refuse to
lower the standard at home
Yours sincerely,
The market opeued here Thursday
at 85{J, about same as for past week.
The Whitmire well, Oakland twp.,
produces 65 barrels daily aud is re
garded us a nice well Others drilling
in that field.
The Reibold field is still holding
up as usual.
The Saxonburg Hold is not improv
ing lately.
—Colonel A. Wilson Norris, Audi
tor General of Pennsylvania, who had
been ill with nervous prostration for
several weeks past, died at his resi
dence in Philadelphia on Monday
week. Colonel Norris was born at
Lewistowu, Pa., in 1842, and educat
ed at Georgetown College, I). C.
He entered the army in November,
1861, and served with distinction un
" til he was discharged in July, 1865.
He graduated at the law school of
the University of Pennsylvania in
1867, practised law in Philadelphia
until 1872, when he was appointed
private secretary to Governor Hart
ranft; elected in 1873 department
commander Grand Army for Penn
svlvauiajin 1873 was appointed repor
ter of the supreme court, and in 1877
judge advocate general of Pennsylva
nia; in 1881 he was elected senator
from the Sixth senatorial district and
was appointed pension agent at Phil
adelphia by President Arthur in
1883; in 1886 he was elected Audi
tor Gauerul of the State. Colonel
Norris' last public appearance was at
the Republican State Convention,
when be presented the name of Judge
Mitchell for the supreme judgeship.
The Governor has appoiuted Mr.
Thomas McCamant, the chiof clerk
in the office, to fill the vacancy caus
ed by the death of the Auditor Gen
eral until an election is had, which
takw place this fall.
"THE issue of protection is incal
culably stronger aud greater than any
man, for it concerns the prosperity
of the present and of generations yet
to come." JAMES G. BLAINE.
Marriage Notices I'ublished tree.
House, May TJ, I.SBH, l»y Rev. S. 11. Nes
bit, Mr. Joseph Bennett ami MtssTresa
Armstrong, ull of Cherry tp, Hutler coun
Ollice at the Court House, May 21, I.SBB, by
Rev. S. 11. Net-bit, Mr. Orlando 11. Kohi
meyer and Misfl Emma Addlemau, all of
VenaiiKo tp. Hutler county.
•list I'arsonage, in Hutler, May 10, ISSS,
by Itev. 8. 11. Neslnt, Mr. Harry McCurd/
or Allegheny City, ami Miss Euiina Crau
nier, of Hutler.
dunce of T. 11. Lyon, Esq. May 2!J, ISBB,
by Rev. I). N. llaruish.Mr. Phil 1 p Schroe
bel and Miss Lizzie C. Stewart, both of
Millcrstowu, Pa.
Lutheran Parsonage, Hutler, Pa , by Rev.
I). I.ttiher Rotii, Mr. Daniel Dierkeu, of
St Joe, and Miss Lillie J. Hlainey, of
Miller*town, this county.
Annotuu rmcnU of rlraths pu'ilisliail free, hut
all rommunii iiteil obituaries will charged
/'or at the rate of one-half cent for cuc/i
word, money to uccompany the order.
McCliEA—May 28, 1888, at the residence of
his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. W. 8. MeCiea,
of Hutler, Sylvester MuCrea, aj{e<l about 1-1
fiIIXESIMK—On Sunday, May 27, 1888, at
bis home in Donegal lp., of Hright's dis
ei.se of the kidneys, Mr. Michael Gillespie,
in the 57th year of his age.
GENTER In this place, May 24, 1888, Mrs.
Rosa Geuter, widow of Mr. Martin Geuter,
ttged about 7tJ years.
I EFT -At her home in Laucaxlcr tp.. Hutler
county, I'a., 011 Friday, May 2.'i, 1888, Mrs,
Sarah llile Hit, wife of Mr. Michael Hit,
aged 78years, 2 months ami ill duys.
IFF!'— On Tuesday, May 2:», 1888, at his
home in Lancaster tp , Mr. Michael lift, in
the 7'ith year of his age.
Mr. lilt was sick for but two or three
weeks, uud soan followed Ins aged wife, who
died the the previous Friday. He was the
father of Mr. W. P. lilt, of Hutler, ami of
Mrs. llenry Suaufl'er uud Mrs. John SnaufTer
of Lancaster tp, He was buried alongside
his wife in the cemetery South of Zalieuople
GLENN On May, I'i, 1888, at the residence
of his son, Mr. Robert Glenn, near Por
tersyille, Mr. Archibald Glenn, in the B'lrd
year of bis age.
And all lite other late and beautiful styles o
Fancy Writing Paper at
J. H. Douglass'
Largest assort ment In town. From toe to 7>e per
ho*. Also lull line of new
Invitation ;ind Regret Cards,
WIMMIHK Invitations, Visiting (';irds, Mourning
SiutJoncry, «tc.
JiAro to Nfctin: * thorough Kdumtloo. or
runr an K*p rt iihorth&n<l i»n4 Trpc Wnt«T, '»r
pr« |»ir«* to Hp«'nr#»rf«n ta at ll»« '
Huriirri'lnn IftutltirM College. O.
Iliuitrated Catalogue fro#. ji
Absolutely Pure.
This Powder hever varies. A marvel of
purity, strength and wholesomenest. More
economical that the ordinary kinds, and can
not be fold in competition with the rauUitue
ol low tents, short weight,alumn or phoephate
powders. Sold only in vans.
100 Walt Street N. Y.
By virtue ot sundry writs or Yen. Ex. Fl. Fa..
Lev, Fa, Ac. Issued out or the Court of Common
Pleas ot Hutler county, Pa., audio me directed,
there will In- exjwjsed to Public sale at the Court
House, In the borough or Butler, on
Monday, the 4th day of June,
A. D.. lfcss. at l o'clock p. m., the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
E 1), No 29. Juno T, 1888; Tho3. Kobinson. att'y.
All the right. title. Interest and claim ot Jno.
Tlmblin of. In and to a lot ol land, situate In
Mlddletown. Concord twp., Butler Co.. Pa
bounded on the north by Church St., east by
.Mrs If lane, south by David I'alton, west by
David Patton; a small board building and out
building thereon.
ALSO—A lot of land, situate in Mlddletown,
■ Concord twp., Butler Co., I'a.. bounded on tue
north by John McLaughlin, formerly, east by an
alley; south by Church St.. west by Main st; a
two story frame house, iri-iue stable thereon.
Seized and taken In execution as the properly
or John Tlmblin, at suit or Chas. Cochran, guar
dian tor Lewis. James and Ellen Tlmblin.
ED, No 28, June T, JW; E S Templeton. att'y.
All the right, title. Interest and claim ot the
Standard Mining Co., ot In and to .'no acres o'
land, more or less, situate in Claj twp.. Butler
Co., Pa., bounded on the north by 11. Cruthers
and Jas. Kelly, east by Samuel Fludlay, south
by John Boozel, west by S. Greer ami Dr. Mc-
Candless hells; the Siime land described In deed
dated 28th Feb. 1883. made by J as. Klldoo to the
Standard Mining Co.; aNo mines, railroads,
chutes platforms, scales, 2 boilers. 1 engine,
blacksmith shop, .oiler house, engine house
and tipple house and all tlxtures in. upon or un
der said laud, together with all tne rights aud
privileges to mine said coal.
ALSO—coal and other minerals In. upon or
under 100 acres of land, more or less, situate lu
Clay twp., Butler Co., Fa., bounded on the
north by S. Stevenson and S. Fludlay, east by
Wilson heirs, south by John Boozel, west by
James Kildoo; same laud described In deed
dated Ken. 28. 18S3, made by Samuel Fludlay to
standard Mining Co., together with all the
rights aud privileges to mine said coal.
ALSO—The coal and other minerals in, upon
or under 15 acres ol land, more or less, situate
in Clay twp., Butler Co., l*a', bounded on the
north by Jas. Kll duo, east by Z. K. Merslumer.
south by John Webb, west by Jas. Klldoo; be
ing laud described In deed or Jane Hunt to
Standard Mining Co., together with all the
rights and privileges to mine said coal.
Seized and taken lu execution as the property
of the Standard Mining Co., at suit or Lorenzo
D Merchant.
E D, No u, June T, 1888; W II Lusk, att'y.
All Ihe right, title, interest and claim of J. C.
and Maria Brown of, lu aud to one-hair acre Ot
land, more or less, situate in Xelieuople boro.,
Butler Co.. bounded on the north by Jacob Koff
man, east by an alley, south by Mrs. Strawheck
er, west by High St; together with a two story
triune bo use, log stable and out building') there
on. Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty or J. C.& Maria Brown at the suit of Sebas
tian Lutz.
ED, No 04, June T. IX.HJ; McCandless and John
11. Thompson, att'y.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of M. A.
Gerlach and C. Gerlacli of, in and to a certain
lot of land, situate lu Euclid. Clay two., I'.utler
CO., Pa., boundel as follows, to-wit: Beginning
at a post at the north corner; thence east ISO
feet along lands or the West I'enn x Shenango
Connecting Railroad Co. to a post; thenee by
lands of Mil ford et al., south 44 teet to a post;
thence by same west tso reet; thence north Kl
feel to the place of beginning, being lot No. 15;
a two slory frame building, two board buildings
boier and engine, aim all machinery and llx
tures thereto belonging. Seized and taken lu
execution as the property of M. A. Oerlaeh and
C. Geiiach at the suit of Jas. I'ryor.
E I). No u«. June T, 1888; w 11 Lusk. att'y.
All the right, title. Interest and claim or Adam
and Margaret Ueuuo or, lu and lu a lot or parcel
or land, situate in Butler I oro., Butler Co.,
Pa. bounded on the north by Pearl SI, east by A
I!. Itlchey. south by an alley not open, west by
Franklin SI; having a tront ol 50 teet on l'enn
St.. and running back 100 feet on Franklin St.,
together with a two story irame house. 10X92
feet thereon. Seized and taken in execution as
the properly of Adam and Margaret Itenno at
suit of Geo. Scheuck and Peter Shecuck.
E I), No 4.1, June T. 1888; W 1> lirandon. att'y.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of Uob't
Henry or, In and to 45 acres of land, more or less
situate In Butler twp.. Butler Co., Pa., bounded
north by lands ot Mrs. McCandless and Charles
Dully, east by Mrs. Lyon et al. south by B. Koes
slng hi Irs et al.. west by M. Kalber et al; to
gether wiiii one two story flame house, bank
barn, orchard and out buildings thereon. So I zed
and taken m execution as the properly or Uob't
Henry at Mill of John Shem.
E I), No ::s, June T. tsss; Lev. Mc(£ulstlon. att'y
All the right, title. Interest an 1 claim or Acbar
Mining Co., 11. N. Haucroft. A. Ilurnelt, J. A.
Burnett, E. 11. Burnett, E. 11. Bancroft and W.
i !. Bancroft of, lo and to coal and other minerals
In. upon or under -15 acres of land, more or lens,
situate lu Washington twp., Hutler Co., Pa
bounded north by Snyder and Duffy, east by
Samuel Milliard eta!., south by McJunkln farm,
west by Christy heirs; together with all the
rights and privileges to mine said coal.
ALSO I t acres or land, more or less, situate
in Washington twp.. hutler Co., I'a., bounded
north by McJunkln farm, east by Sarah -Unions,
south by J. 1., lieatty. west by A. I). Olllespte;
together with railroad track, mine track, three
board houses, tipple house, 2 pair scales, boiler
and engine house, .holler aud engine, blacksmith
shop, iiiiue sliulcs, and all machinery and H.v
tures lu, upon aud under said land; also all (lie
rights aud privileges to mine said coal.
ALSO Coal and other minerals In, upon and
under T.'> acres of land, more or less, situate 111
Washington twp., Butler Co., I'a.. tfounded
north l>.\ .McJunkln farm, east by Acbar Mining
Co., south by J. 1,, iieattv, west by I. N. Meals ;
together Willi all the rights and privileges lo
mine sold minerals thereon.
Seized mid taken lu execution as the properly
of Acbar Mining Co.. 11. N. Bancroft. A. Burnet,
J. A. Burnett, K. 11. Burnett, K. 11. Bancroft
uud W. C. Ilancrort at suit of Sarah li. (inhering
K IJ, No 07, June T,
All the right, tltl«. Intercut and claim of Jacob
Mathay, Jr.. of. In and to 3 acres of land, more
or less, situate In Forward twp., Hutler Co.. I'a.
bounded north by Free port road, east by I'IIITer
heirs, south by Cochrine I'll tier, west liy John
Marberger; unimproved wood land. Seized
aud taken ill execution as the property of Jatoh
Mathay, Jr., al suit of C. V. Brooks.
ED. Noo.l. June T. IBS-!; J M Mool'e, utl'y.
All the right, title. Interest and claim or Fos
ter Bracken or. in unit to 7 acres of land, more
or less, situate In Bullalo twp.. Butler Co., i'a.
bounded north by Kob'f J. Gregg et al. cast by
Anthony Wolf, formerly Grant heirs, south bv
I). K. Mowery, west by township road ; afl
cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the
properly of Foster Bracken at suit of Geo. W.
E I>, No it. June T. isss ; J 1) Marshall, att'y.
All llie right, title, Interest and claim of I*. 1..
Coulter of. qu sad to t acres of land, more or
less, situate in Ceiitrevilie boro.. Hutler Co.. I'a,
bounded as follows: Beginning al the south
east.. tlienee by lauds of John Elder .'W and I 100
peichus lo a post, thence by lands ol Joseph
I tester 20 and '.-100 perches to a post lu Stale
road, thence by said road perches lo a corner,
thence by lauds ot W in. Bingham 51 perches to
place ot beginning.
ALSO A lot ol land situate In Centrevllle
boro . Butler Co., I'a.. bounded north by l>. M.
Barron, east by an alley, south by Buchanan
heirs, west by Main St; a two slory Irame
house and outbuildings thereon.
Seized aud taken In execution a< the property
(> | I'. L. Coulter at suit ol J. It. Martin.
ED. No 2.>, June T, 18-8 ; Mcl'lierrlu A: Mates,
All the right, title, interest and claim ol Del.
Mcl\ Iniicv and A. McKinney and Uob't Me Kin
ney, ex'l's of C. A. MeKlliliey. dee d, 01, In and
to Ml acres of land, more or less, s.luate in ('on
uoquenesnllig twp., Hullor Co., I'a., bounded
noun by road, east by Del. McKinney uud
Blakely south by Frank McKluney, west liy
llenshaw Damb ich , Irame house, irame bank
barn and orchard thereon.
ALSO Three-quarters of an acre of land,
more or less, situate lu Conuoquniiosslng twp .
Bill 1< r ('•>.. I'll., hounded north liy i'oivdcriulll
road, east by Win. Blasely, south by Win.
Blakely. west, by ('. A. McKinney ; cleared and
leuced ; frame barn, Irame house and Hull
trees thereon.
Seized aud taken in execution as the property
ot Del. McKinney. A. MeKlniiey and ICoh'l Me
Kinney, cx'rs ot' C. A. McKinney. dee'd. at suit
ol T. 1.. Ilauuy fi Co., for use of J. Ilanicl.
K D. No l.'i, JuueT, isss ; Greer & Italsloii. att'y
All the right, title. Interest and claim of A. B.
I'cphcr, or \. I'epher. of. In and loa certain lot
or ground, suxl2o feet, more or less, situate In
Harmony boro., Butler Co.. I'a.. bounded north
bv Mill alley, east bv Flowers and I'earee, south
by Fred Welgle, west by Main St ; a story and
a halt brick lious.i. Irame stable and outbuild
ings thereon. Seized and taken In execution as
the properly of A. B. I'cphcr. or A. I'epher, at
suit of 1.. K redid.
ED, No 85, June T. isss ; Brandon, att'y.
All the right, title, Interest aud elalm of John
Vetterof, 111 and to |-> acres ol land, more or
less, situate lu Biltlalo twp.. Butler Co., I'a ,
hounded north by llenry .Smith heirs, east liy
Isabella ll i/lett. south by Jos. Sn-ebob: west
by Kelly heirs ; mostly cleared ; a two story
house, (og Ihi i'ii . and outbuildings and orchard
ALSO 11 acres or land, more or less, situate
lu Bullalo twp.. Butler Co.. I'a. bounded north
by I'eler Iveppel, east by Kllsha McCurdv. south
by Ellsha McCurdy. west by Andrew Shearer;
timber land and underlaid with foul.
ALSO—I 6 acres of land, more or l«w, si tun hi 1
In Bullalo twp., Butler Co., I'a., bounded uorth 1
by llenry Smith heirs, east by John Vetter. 1
soulh bv Joseph Sncetmld. west by public road '
and Martin Sweltzer , mostly cleared ami un :
der good slate of cultivation. ■
Seized and taken lu execution as the property
of Johu Vetter at suit of K. G. Lelthold. 1
E I), No 43, Jure T. IM>B ; Plaintiff.
All the right, title, iuten-nt and claim of Cha«. |
C. Stewart of. In and to WO acres ot lan*. more
'or less, situate In llrady tw p. Hutler Co.. Pa.,
] bounded north by J. W. Anderson, eist bv W.
ill. Curry, south bv I). Kelty. went bv K. II
' Kuiik ; together «Itli 1 two story brick house 1
frame bmik barn, orchard and aon<? >tury board
i bouse thereon ; mostly cleaned. J-eired and
i taken in execution aa the | ropertv of Charles C.
■ Stewart at suit of llmuali Hauniau,
E 1), No 31. Juue T. 13*'•; W I> P.ramloii. att'y.
All the right, tiile. Interest :itid claim of .1. A.
Harding and John Harding of. in ..ml lo a *»
by l'O feet of prouud. more or lens, situate lu
Aitllerstown boro, Hutler Co.. Pa. bounded
north l>y Simpson avenue east by lot <>! li"rii.
south by lot formerly owned by I.eophold west
bv slippervrock St.; together Kith .« t AH slory
franc hotel, known as the Campbell House ; a
small irame Hable and outbuilding thereon.
Seized and taken in execution a* the pro|>ert.v
ot .1. A. Harding and John Harding at suit of
Butler Savings Hank.
TEKMS OK SALE.—The following must be
strictly complied with when property is stricken
down :
1. When the plaintiff or other lien crcdtor
become the purchaser the costs oil the wril
must be paid an t a list ot the liens iuc'uding
mortgage searches on the property sold togetli r
with such lien creditor's receipt* for lie
amount of the proceeds of the sale i f such i>o:-
tion thereof as he may claim must be furnisiit J
tiie Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will lie
continued until L o'clock P.M. of m-xt day, at
which time all property not settled for will
again be put up and sold at tlie expense and
risk of the person to whom first sold
•See I'iirdon's Digest, atli Edition, page 44<;
and Smith's Forms, page 354.
Sheriff's Office, Hutler, Pa., May I'-. 1888.
Estate of Jacob.Troutman.
letters testamentary lu the estate of Jacob
Troutmaii. deceased, late of Concord Tp., Hut
ler county, i'a.. having been granted to the un
dersigned all persons knowing themselves to be
indebted to said estate wl.l please make iinme
dixte payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenticat
ed for payment
Hooker I'. 0.. Butler Co.. Pa.
Fleeger & Moore. Attorneys.
The undersigned executor of the inst will and
, testament of Win. GallaUer, late ot Kiankiin
lu p.. Hutler Co.. Pa., dee d, by authority and de
cree ol the orphans' Court oi said county, at o.
C., No. al. Man n itrm. isss. and lu pursuance
thereof, will offer at public sale at the premises
In Kranklin twp., said county, on
' at 3 o'clock P.M., all that certain tract of laud
i of Win. Gallagher, dee d, sttUa'C 111 Kr.iukliu
i twp.. Hutler Co.. Pa., bounded aud described us
folio'.vs, to-wlt: on the north by lauds of James
Cratty, cast b\ lands ol Hltuu heirs and Charles
Gallalier, south by lauds of James Kiddle, on
the west by lauds ot Win. Kalslon and public
road; containing one hundred and six acres,
more or less. All cleared and fenced. A log
house and barn aud other ou'. budilin ;s thereon.
' A good orchard of about, nine acres. To be
sold ou the usual terms.
1 Executor of the last will aud testament or Wm.
j (iailalier, deed.
Auditor's Notice.
. Iu re lirst and partial account) O. C., No.
of W. l>. Brandon, Adin'r of !- March Term,
1 estate of J. W. lrviu, dee'd. ) 18ss.
And now, on motion of P. W. Lowry. att'y for
• certain creditors of the estate of J. W. Irvin,
, dee d, the Court appoints Ira McJunkln, Esq..
auditor, to distribute the funds in (he lmuds of
the adin'r as appeals by liis account.
May #, 1888, BY THK COI KT.
I All parties interested will please take notice
> that 1 will attend to the duties or tlie above ap
: poiutmeiit al my ollice at No. IT. E. Jeßerson
St.. Buller, I'a.. at 10 A.M. of Saturday, June 2.
, 1888. IKA MoJUNKIN.
Estate of Christian Metz.
I Letters of administration having been granted
to the undersigned ou the estate of Clirlstlan
Metz, dee'd, late ol Adams iwp., Butler county.
Pa. all persons kuowlng themselves Indebted
to said estate will please make Immediate pay
ment, and any Having claims against said
estate » iil present tin m duly authenticated for
[ ANNAS METZ, Adm'r.
Callery, I*. 0., Butler Co,, I'a.
Notice is hereby given that the following ac
counts have been Hied iu the oniee ol the I'ro-
Ihonotary of the Court of Common Pleas ot But
ler county, aud tnat they will be presented lor
i conllrmnllou and allowance on Wednesday,
June ti, 188-s
Final account of James W. Kr Hey, ass luce of
Rhodes fii Christy, tor the beuetlt of creditors.
' (Ms. I>. No. 18. March Term, lssl.)
\ First and llnal account ol Michael Mcßrlde,
• assignee of .lames Murrln. (Ms. D. So. 5. Sept.
' Term, 188 - .'.)
! JOHN BKOWN, I'rotli'y.
Estray Cow. „
1 Came lo the farm of the subscriber In Penn
twp.. Butler county. Pa., on April ttth. Isss, a
' brindle cow with some white ou back aud ulnil
1 feet. The owner Is requested to come forwurd
prove property, pay charges, and take her away,
otherwise she will Us dls|>osed of according to
Executor's Sale.
' The undersigned executor of the estate or
• David Birch, dee'd. late or Ceutie twp., Hutler
- ecuuly, Pa., will offer at public sale, al the Court
• House in Butler on
MONDAY, MAY 21, lfcW,
at o'clock p.m., the coal pit and property of
I the dec'il, known as the lllrch aud coal
4 bank, located In Centre twp.. and opening on
I the Greece city road, together with a clear title
i to over live acres ot ground all underlaid by a
three toot vein or coal, The property Is bound
ed oil I lie north by Henry Lelbold, on the east
; by Lctlold hells, on the south by Geo. Sclioil
I aud on the west by the Moore farm, is partly
l good larmlng laud and partly In limber, no
Terms made known on day ot sale.
Alt.NElt J. FATTEN, Ex'r.
Estate of Frederick Slebert,
Whereas letters ot Administration on the es
' t ale of Krederlek Mlebert, lute of the Borough of
. Hutler. Butler CO., Pa., dee'd. have been granted
■ to the undersigned, therefore all persons know
lug themselves Indebted to said estate wll
, t)lease make immediate payment, and those
I having claims against tlie same will present
them properly authenticated for payment.
WII.I.IAM SIKUKItT Administrator,
! Butler. Pa.
McJunkln & Galbreath, Attorneys.
Estate of George Beam,
Letters or administration on the estate of
| George Beam, dee'd' l.ilc of Harmony boro. But
; ler county, I'a. having been granted to the un
dersigned, ;:ll persons knowing thdwselves
; indebted to saiil e-tate are requested to make
Immediate paymeut, and any liaviu ' claims
against said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
KNSLKN BEAM \ x . Un r .
Harmony. Buller county. Pa.
LKV Att'y.
Estate of William Gallagher,
Letters or administration on the estate or Wm
Gallagher, dee'd, late of Kranklin twp., Hutler
county. I'a.. having been granted to tlie under
signed. all persons knowing themselves Indebt
ed to said estate will please mike Immediate
payment and any having claims ug.itnst, said
estate will present them duly authenticated for
Prospect, Buller Co.. Pa.
Estate of Henry Goehring,dee'd.
Letters or administration, C. T. A. having
been granted to tlie undersigned on the estate
of Henry Goelirlng, dee'd, late or Buffalo Twp.,
Buller Co., I'a.. all persons knowing themselves
Indebted to said estate will please make Imme
diate payment, and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenticat
ed for payment.
Sarvcrsvllle. P. o.TßutlerCo., Pa.
Estate of Wm. Crookshanks,
Letters testumcutary 011 the estate hf Wm.
Crookshanks, dee'd, late of Winllcld twp.,
Hutler comity, Pa., having been granted to
the umlerHgiied, all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, aud auv having
claims against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Leasureville, Hutlor Co. Pa.
Widows' Appraisements.
The rollowtng appralseuietits of personal prop
erly anil real estate sei apart for the bnliettt of
the widows or decedents have ts'eu tiled lu the
office or the Clerk ot the orphiiu's Court ot Hut
lur county. Pa., as follows:
Widow of Krederlek Slebert S.IOO 00
I'hlllp Burger :u»> no
•• James A. Black ais 4V
" Kltstia C. McCurdy itn no
William Hetxelgesser 17."> j. r ,
" Geo. W. Mcchllng (Itealty) .. JVMMI
Minor children of ( atharluc /leglcr. dee d .urn no
Widow ol John Sherman .tin 7.',
" James Thompson 800 no
Valentine stock .ton tin
" Jacob KIIICHS (Keally) (too <M>
' Joseph Allen, Sr .. " :u»i on
T. M. Cross (Itealty) .'mono
Kobert Pulton .mo IKI
" Willhiin Holland ;ioo no
" George Helgcr 301 no
" A- E. Carnahati (Ileal alnl per
sonal) 8.1
All persons Interested In tlie above uppralse.
lueuts will take notice, tliat they will be pre
smiled to the Orflluins' C iiirt or Butler county
on Wednesday the oth day or June, isss, for cou
nrlnatloii absolutely.
D I Alii y Henardod are those who re ol i hh
Ull 11 I fand then ai't; they will find lion
nil. n I I orable employment Hint will not
111 UII L I take ihom rrom their homes and I
families. The profits are large and sure ror
every Industrious |>ci*<>n. ninny have made nnd
tire now making severnl hundred dollars a
month. |t Is easy for any one to niako f. mid
upwards per day, who Is willing to work. Either
sex. young or old; (lapltul not needed; we start 1
you. Everything new. No special ability re- ,
quired; you, reader, can do It as well «.s any one.
Write to us al once for rull particulars,w hich we '
mall tree. Address Simsou & Co., Portland, Me
The Register hereby Klves notice that the
followiiiK Mcounts of Kxecutors. Administra
tors unit liuarui ins have 0 *n tiled 111 Ins oftlce
according to law. ami will .«• pPcsiiil«U to
Court for confirmation and allowance on Wed
iirvlav. the 6th da> of June. A. lat a
o'clock p.m. of sai l «i.ty.
i t. First and final account of IT. 11. Pauben-
I speck. adin'r of /acharlah 11. t 'oun. dee d, late
; of Washington twp.
2. Kirst an<l tln.U ace: of Davit Weft
adm'r ol Michael West. dee'd, late of Franklin
: twp.
I 3. First and liuul a. -otint of David West,
t adm'r of Margaret West, decVl. late of Frank ltn
I twp
4 I'lr--' an<l final account of J. 11. Mates and
i A. W. Mates. Kx'rs of Mary A. Mates, dee d.
I late of liutler boro.
I a. Final a.-count of Kob't McGlhaney. adm'r j
i of ('harl.-s Stewart, dee'd, late of fli rr> twp
Notice Is "tflven that Kob't McKlhauey will
inaKe application to be discharged al the tUn
I of continuation of this account,
i 6. First and Qua: account of Augusta Acre.
I adm'r of William Acre, dee d, late of Winfleld
| 7. Partial account of \v. F. Peffcr, ex'r ol
James is. Matthews, dee'd. late of t/onnoque
nesslujc twp.
8. Partial account of K. t;. Met lure an I
Sarah M i luffeity, ex'rs of l'atr <-k i.allajflier,
dee'd late f Marlon twp.
!». Final ai «■ uat >f Samuel A. 1 ■. le and 1
H. Leslie, adtn'rs of Aphis Leslie, dec'tl. late vi
Middlesex twp.
• in. Fli »1 account of .1. 11 Gibson an 11. >
Meals, trustees tirid-'r will or John Wyke, dec'C
late of Washington twp.
It. Final account ni John t;. Len-n«r. ex'r of
John Wedel. cle d l ite or Jefferson » >vp.
12. First, tlnal and distribution i -count .
M. s. Mc«;arvey at.d .1. J. Mctiurviy, ex'rsof
Wni. MCliarvey. dec d. late of ra'.r. I 'U bu .
Notice Is hereby Klvcn thai M. S VlcUarve..
and J. J. Mctiarvev will i.n.ke appllc 'ti-i'i to »■
discharged at the time of confirmation of this
13. Final account of llngh Ilrah&m. ex'r >f
Samuel Itrahnm. dec d. late of (Vntrcvllle bor>
14. Final account <>r Kolicrt Hamilton, adin'r
of Joseph Adams, dee d, late ot Middlesex l» p
13. Final account ot A.M. Zlegler and (.. M.
Zlejjler. adin'rs of Dnvtd Zicgler, .sr.. dee d, laic
of Jackson tw p.
in. First part I. LI account of Theod >re lleliu
bold, ex'r of J. tj. lielmUjid. deed, late ot sax -
onburg boro.
17. Final account of Wra. Morrow, adm'r oi
Debomh Morrow, dee'd, lateot n omhii I boto.
is. Final account ot George \\ . Hays, e\ rof
Edward Sett on. dee'd. late ot Clinton tw p.
ly. F'irst and linal account or Johns. l)ever.
adm'r, -de bonis mm.' of Mary J. Mct'onnel,
dee d, late of Allegheny twp.
Notice is given Uiat Johns. Diver will niakt
application to be discharged at the time of eou
i urination of this account.
F'irst and final a count of John s. IVver.
adm'r of Ulehard McConnell. dee'd. late of Alle
gheny tw p.
Notice is given that John S. Pever will make
application to be discharged at the time of ■ :i
--tlriuatlon of this account.
21. F'.rst, tlnal and distribution account ot
George and James J. Stevenson. ixis of Na
thaniel Stevenson, dee'd, late or Franklin twp.
22. First, tlnal and distribution account oi
' ltobert H. Henry, ex'r of Joseph llenry. dee d.
late of Counoqueuessing twp.
' 2.1. F'mal account oi Mar} C. Waddle and It.
A. Hartly. ex'rs of Asa W. Waddle, dee'd, late oi
Marlon twp.
24. Final account of John 11. Dodds and K. L.
Patterson, ex.rs of Jesse Is. Dodds. dee d, late oi
l'enn twp.
25. Final and distribution account of .laphla
McMlCliael, ex'r ot Christopher McM.chatel.
dee'd, late of Clay tw p.
2ti. F'irst and lino account of Henry Kkas
adin'r of Mary Kkax. deed, late of Clinton twp
27, Firs, anil (Ml account Of JUDM 11. Mc-
M a lion, aiim'r of Samuel McCdntock, deed, late
of Allegheny twp.
Notice is gIVMi that James McMahoii wli
, make application to be discharged at time ot
confirmation of this account.
2s. First and partial account of J. 11. ami
John Harbison, adtn'rs of It. M. Harbison, dee'd
late of Buffalo twp.
2D. F'irst and tlnal account of W. 11. Gulla
gher and W. F. McCUlloUgh. ex'rs of Thomas
McCullOUgh, dee'd, late of Muddyi reek twp.
3U First and partial account oi John It. Mc
Jurikln and T. 15. Met lymonds, ex'rs ot Davtn
MeJunkin. dee'd, late ot lirady twp.
31. F'lna) account ajf Jacob Gerlacb, Jr..
adm'r C. T. A., of J aeon tierlach. Sr.. dee'd. lat
of Connoquenesslng twp.
32. Final account of Johlah C-oovert. adm'r oi
Leland it. Coovert, deed, late ol
33. Final account of Jacob Damb.ich, guar
dian of Maud 1., (ir.ih'ain (now Carrol) minor
child of James H. Graham, dee'd. 1..1e ol i'ran
berry twp.
34. F'inal account of John K. Gilchrist, guar
dlan of Julia Mid bet ry. minor child of Gtv. It.
Mlilberrj . dee d, late lit Marlon twp.
1 x>. Final account of John K. Gilchrist, guar
dian of Kimlrn J. Gllclirtat. minor child of Win.
H. Gilchrist, dee'd, late ot Marlon twp.
11. A. AV It lis, Register.
Road Report.
Notice to supervisors and all others lntereste 1
■ Is hereby given that the following road reinirt
■ has been confirmed nisi bv the Court and will
be presented on the Ist'Wednesday of June,
isss. being tin? otli day. if no executions arc
llleil they will be confirmed absolutely:
' li. D. No. 3 Dec. Sessions, iss.'. Public roiul to
lesil from a point on the road leading from Con
cord church to McGrath's mill near the (.imp
iieii school iio'ise. to i point on the r MI i running
from the Middlefowu and Sunoury road, at tie
farm of John Starr, to the Butler and s I'ibur.i
road at tne farm or .Mrs. smton, 'o reach sido
road at or near the farm of Mrs. Kle.cr, In Con
cord'w p. March 5. isss; viewers report the
road necessary and have located the same tor
public Us", anil re|>ort the probal>le cost or mak
lng the same to IH I about sixty dollars, and salo
cost should be bo-iue by ihe twp.. ami the dain
! ages assessed should be paid by the county.
Tile following damages assessed and none U
, any others, vu: Jacob Brown. s.'■<> i«».
BITKKR COUNTY, SS: Certified from the record
this Bth day of May. Isss.
ft f f h Srl> Wonders exist In thousands ot
111 L llrorins, but nre surpassed by the inar
[ 11 1 [ | vels or invention. Those who nrc In
ULII need of profitable work that can lie
' done while living at home should at onci
send their address to llulletl X Co.. Portland
Maine, and reoelre free, full Information how
either sex. of all ages. ei> n earn rrom $5 to 125
per day and upwards wherever they live. You
' are started free. Capital not required. Sonn
1 have made over 150 In a single day ni this work
' aii succeed.
: Hotel Brady
T. W. TAIT, Prop'r.
New Hotel and ltestaurivnt on the Diamond
Butler. Pa.
f Mr. T. W. Talt has retltted and furnished the
I Brady House, and is now prepared to accommo
date the puhiie.
Ills Kestaiirant, In connection with Ihe hotel
! will oe open day and night.. The tables will li
furnished with everything the market affords,
Your patronage respectfully solicited.
No. 88 and 90, S. Main St.,
Near New Court House- formerly Donaldson
Mouse good accommodations for Iravelers.
Good stabling connected.
[4-»-'so lyl H ICI'I'ENMfTLI.KIt. Prop'r.
Right at Last.
The place In Butler for Tjiundry Work. (Lace
Curtains a specialty) clothes cleaned,
dyed and pressed; Carpets cleaned.
Ladles' and Gents' lints bleached, cleaned, re
blocked an I colored. Feat h :-s clean
ed and colored. Tips curlod.
Laundry Office,
THE DIAMOND, Butler, Pa.
All work done by evpi Ilcnceil linns iu Pitts
iVo Chnrgm for M til or /■:.<■/»•
Goods collected anil delivered In all parts of
!Vo. 104, H. Main Ni.,
And Provisions.
Call and examine our prices they are
lower than the lowest.
—nrAima IN
twi'hyslcluns' Pres«-iiptloiiH carefully c 0...
45 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa.
anUmTKCDC o»oth»r#,wnow.lit')«*arr*ln* |
HUVmI I Ivtflw pap« r.or ottain » •'
on •(Ivqrtiiing whtn In Chicago, wol find it on file 11 r
t»« Ad A4#*tty of LORD& THOMAS.
1 lie following are the t( . ;ing prices of mc ■
ehants of this rlice :
Apples, per bcshrl.
Butter, per pound. 1 - : j 23 cts.
Beans, fK-r qt. 8 to -•.k.U.
Cabh.ije, n«, tnt • pound,
i smiles, mold, 14 t> 1 .-n.
Cailsin oi!, i'i tol.">ct.
t ueese, 12 to li cts per iu.
Ttackers, 7 tol lets. 'h.
Cn\-kcc.i, jH»r pair, 4.i ; "•<». ets.
Coffee. :Uo. 2> cts.
CofTee, Jtv:i, 30 etc.
Coff Koa ,:c !, 20 to 2 > •'
I Coflee, croun'l, 2d to i «s.
Egjfs, l") cu.
Fuh, mackerel, 5 to 1' . u.
Flour, per barrt', s4.."'' U> f«i.
Flour, i»-r sa- k -1.2> -1
Feed, cuop per lOu j' •• is, $1 25.
Feed, brau. i>er 1 <i I'm.
Grain, per bo.-.:.
tiram, oats per bushel to 4."cts
Grain, corn }«-r bxsii- •" ct».
Clovei 1 .! I.ari»e, *. .er bushel.
Clover seed ? ma;., £"> .*r bushel.
Tiu otbr see<l, 00 per oushel.
Lard, 10 ccs.
Haras, 1 i els.
Honey ,'iu cts.
Hay. >; 2 .
Shoulders, 10 cts.
Bacon, 13 cts.
I>iie<l beef, 1 ~ to 2">.
<\>rn meal, per poun !. J *o 2! cts.
Potatoes, "s to W ct- bu h.
Rice, A to Id < t-.
hard. 8 ets.
coffee, s it.
Sui;sr, raw, t>S ets.
Soap, j to 10 ct».
Si! , per barrel, $1.25.
lea, Hyson, Gan|K>u ier, etc., 50 cts. to 'hi
Tea. Japan, etc . .0 to cts.
Tea, Uriakhut, 40 to Ml cU.
Tallow. 3 to 5 cts.
Onion , Ne.v, 5 cts. a bunch.
liaiiis'ies. New, 5 ct . •• t uuch.
Lettuce, 5 cents a bead.
A we»k!y newspspf r. 7mb)i«bed every Fri
day morning at But!er, 1 i., bv JOHN H. .k
Sul«serl|itl'oi Kate.
Per y<ar. in advxnoe fl BO
Othorv,i»c + > uO
No fnbscrtp'nMi w 'l i < di*.-ontinned n:;iil
all arrearagoH aic paid.
All communications ii»»_ idod for publication
in this paper nuwtbo ac. mpanied by th« real
name of the writer, not ft r publication but as
a guarantee of good faiiu.
Mirriago snd death notice# must be accom
panied by a re»|K>nsib!e name.
AdvcrtL-lu/ Kates.
Onu s<]uare, one insert:an, *1; tacb sub t
quenf insertion, 50 centr. Yearly advrrti »-
monta cicctMiinK one-f>;..'h of a cr.inco;, fft
per inch, Figure work ' >ul.lr> these r.ito«;
additional charges where .. cekly or tu".;i' !y
changes ar< made. Locai id
uenta per iu,.- for liist ,erti< >u aiul 5 ce.it*
per line for each addi; mal insertion. Mar
n-iyes and death ; pul:!'-':<•.! fr. a
Obituary notices cnar-<«i as local atlrert-se
nien'.s and payable i.lien handed in. ATulit.-m'
Notices. $4; Executor*, and Admii'.:~!r*iora'
Notices, ill eaci.; Ectrt/, ('autio.i an 1 1 <.n
solution Notices, not exce-ding ten lows. -2
AddrCf. Thk CITIZKS, Hut lor, l'a.
Is ttof n liquid, SUM ft' or ptri/rr. -4/>/»//. 7 into
nostrils ix qui* klii absorWtl. It (/win .• the
head. A lUiys iitfa m mat ion. Ileals ih*
Restotes the senses of ta* • and smell.
50 cent* at Druggist*; by uriil, regld^red.
Ely Brothers, s «-
Steel Wire Fence.
The cheapest and if-: ' Fence for around
l.auns. School l,ois, Puc'iry Yards, tl.uileus.
Parin ;. lMrk i.i.d Ceinei Ketif , and «;ai< s.
Pertis t Automatic io»t' :>o all kin is « f \\ Ire
Work. Writ.- for Prices. . ate kind and i>uaii
tlty of fence wanted.
TA V l O't \
Manufacturers ol Kire I M S and Iron WorK.
-jti.i anil Jo.> Market SH' t. Pittsburg. Pa,
For Konsingt > "i, Arrasene
Also lessons In sani*: (il*en by ANNIE M
LOWMAN,'_Nortli t tr-'.l, Butler, Pa.
11111 rli TI ft li Ins revolullonlyed the
! VlULki 1111 is world diirlnir the la-1 half
progress Is a method and system of work that
can be p. rformed nil over to'- country without
separating tlw workers from their homes. Pay
IIIHTHI; niiv one c:;i: ilo tne work; elth'-r sex.
voiinsf or oi l; no special al ibiy miulre. rajd
tal not needertfyou are sla> I free, sol'iethlnaf
of (Trent value o.d Import • >to you. <list will
,tart >ou Iu b-i-.lt. whii . wllf brlic,' you Iu
more 'money right aivir, then anvtliln,- •• in
the world. Crand outllt fr- e. Addrc- . Tki°k &
Co., Augusta. Maine.
329 N. ISIhSt., bulow ( .ilowhlll, Phl'a., Pa.
Suj-rari'eTpcrli-m'i'la;.;!.' P-rsia
nei.ll)' rwl'-rc :hi .w. vi".r;v tiic|t.i |.
<. . < a!l or » i Ail-. • • !■ I'trlclly enri«td -«i
il.ll. Hours: lon. 1:1. till r, 7to 1J sveur irs.
Planing Mill
I. L. PUltVIf. 1.. O. PUKVI3,
S.G. Purv is & Co.
Rotiprh and TlHEed Lumber
ni»n ( Hlholit (Hit rcii
Fire Insurance Ca.
OfflcpCor. Main & C - niiighamSts.
\V>l. C'AMl'Blil'lj, TUiSVitKK
11. 0. II KIN KM A. , SkcKKfAi.v
J. I. Purvis, San iel Anderson,
Willi mi i ainpbi II I V." Itnrkhart.
A. Tlouliii tn, 11. -liter.on tlllver,
li.f StepheiiHOn,
|)r. W. Irvtil. N Welt/.el,
J. K. Tiiylor. 11. C. Ueluciiuin,
LOYAL M'JUNiiIW, dan. A<»t