Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 25, 1888, Image 1

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    VOL. xxv.
All Our Immense Stock of
Consisting of all the new thing in Hats, Bonnets, Flowers,
Feathers, Tips, Flumes, Ornaments, Silks, "V elvets. Plushes,
Ribbons, Satins, and everything comprised in a first class
We intend to close oat all the above goods bv July Ist and
will sell them at prices that will enable us to do so. Remem
ber you have a full line
'of new goods
to select from. Also the greatest bargains ever offered in
Dry Goods and Carpets^
- SPECIAL New York Hat that combines
-tfCsfIJTT ■] ,\ ail the good points of sevtral acceptable
"if Y~\ o»es. Designed to suit all faces, It Is
! becoming to everyone.
r* charming new spring colore. Sage Green, Gobe
lln. c: olden Browns. Boreal and Electric.
It admits of
each seems an Improvement last. Our
cut shows trimmed In of the many ways
It comes from our experienced designers.
These bats arc going so fast that would be
oest to come Immediately Its many
styles and trimmings. Wo have a very large
_ stock Just now but when a tli.ng catches the
eve and fancy public as It has,
bound to go. Hc-member our baigalns cannot
la r ' vu ' v,;; ' ks '
*" We've opened, this week, over a hundred dlf
ferent shapes, with all the new trimmings, dl
rect from tlie largest house in America. Among
There seems to lie an impression that because
"TK £ UK ATCH LESS." we are patronized by the fashionable people,we
rioal a. ':«• a).v effort 10 care for those whose pocket books are limit .*l. This I a great »><*•**.
Wkile l» 1 £ obliged.' y having the custom ot the lashlonabl- women, to make special efforts to
pro- i<te tli'm. y«'t we think we can suit the ta«te and means of anyone, however odd the taste,
* Josta wor<; about "LELIA PITII, n To those who have used it we say nothing. Their once
nslii? It :r.M.r s lis use always. To those who never tried it we say. profit by the experience of
manv uiiti try it."
Miss M. H. Gilkey,
New Building, No. 62 S. Main St. THL LEADING MILLINER
The Greatest Spring Stock
All fresh clean new spring styles did not buy out any
one- old Stock, neither do we advertise fictitious amounts
in goods bought thinking it sounds big, No tricky
drives, no deceitful leaders, no tempting baits, no auc
tion goods or old sample lots, but uniformly low prices
on every article and same price to all.
One element in our spring Stock of Shoes speaks to
you with special force, the beauty of the Styles, the ex
cellence of the Stock and workmanship, as to prices you
can t tell what Shoes are by reading prices you must see
the goods especially when unscrupulous dealers will ad
vertise for instance: Ladies' fine Kid Button Shoes worth
$1.75 selling for $1.00; Mens'fine Shoes worth 2.50 selling
at $1.50, this is an old jew trick in trade that has been
discounted long ago, people don't take any stock in such
Ladies' fine shoes unusually large selection especially in
haudturijs, they are glove fitting, very soft and easy to the
foot, our $2.50 turn French Kid Vamp boot is a beauty
can t be matched in the county, cheaper turns we won't
use as they are worthless, then the finer grades at $-5.00
3.50 to 4.50 in all widths both in common sense and
Opera last"*, our Kid Buttou at $1.25, 1.50, 1,75, 2 00 and
3.00, McKay sewed flexible soles are daisies, no sheepskin
genuine Kid, the 1.50 boot is selling as fast as we get
them in, warrant every pair, they are stylish, as good as
other dealers sell at 2.00. See our bright Dongola very
fine stock, is tough, will notscuftin wearing like some Kid
does. Ladies Grain Button boots the best you ever saw at
1:00 and 1.25, Pebble Goat 1:50, 1:75, and 2:00
Ladiet-' tine shoes with Pattori leather tip, now very stvlish for street
vetr up to $3. Old Ladi-s' wide easy shoes iu Bals. mid Coug. up
to No. 8, Slippers, in Opera 50 cent?, best in the land for the price.
Lawn TenDis Shoes iu Aieu.->' VYoaieus' and Childrens'.
SUpfv s, very easy and comfortable, cheap, our full line fine Slippers is
not iii yet, is n little early, will tell you about them later on. Misses'
and 1 iiildrenfr' fine Shoes in Spring heel aud heel, in Kill Goat and St.
Goat. high tops Misses' Kid SI.OO aud upwards, li Childrens T>o cents
and l;»,extra fine Shoes for Ladies that wear small sizes 1 to 2,Shoes for
Bab\.'.s 2.j cents and up.
.Mens' fine shoes very fine style SI 00, 1 25, 1 50 to $2 00, extra fine
Calf Shoes $2 00 to 3.75. Kangaroo, one of the most popular Shoes of
the day in McKay I).iy sewed aud ilaud sewed iu au endless variety of
styles end prices.
All those iu Button Hals, or Con?, all widths tip narrow toe or full
plain te, we show the beat and finest shoe at 1 1.50, 2 00, 2.50
3 00 in Butler
Boys" and Youths' in Calf, Veal, Calf-grain in regular and extra high
tops, tew goods , seamless at $1 50 to 200 and 2 25. I'low shoes. Bals,
and C< np. Boys Button 15 1 25. Mens' I'low Shoe?, lace and Brogans.
Hob Nailed at SO to $1 50. Calf Boots SI.OO to $3 00. Leather and
Findings, large stock We do all kinds repairing, we use the best lines
in tbe market in Boots «fc Shoes, we have positive proof of this in their
excellent wearing qualities,aud still better some of our little competitors
have lately been making every effert to get same line of Shoes and have
so far failed. We control all the lines we use for this town. Come and
see us, will save you money. No trouble to show our goods.
We are now in our new store-room on S. Main St.. and
have the room to accommodate our large stock of groceries,
flour, etc., and have built a large ware-house to accommodate
our stock of feed.
"We pay the highest cash price for potatoes and all kinds ol
Jacob Boos, 105 s ß ff. ST P B a EET '
I have enlarged my store-room. In fact, mailt*
It almost twice as large as It was before, and
have also Increased uiy stock. 1 have, by far,
the largest and best, selected stock ot
Fine Drugs and Chemicals
In Butler county, and am now In position to
supply the wants ot the people ot this county
even better than lu the past.
You will do well to call on me when in the
need of anything In the line ot
Fine Drugs and Medicines.
Mv stock is very complete and PRICES VERY
Lf >\V In nu-diclne quality Is ot the tlrst impor
tance, so we give particular attention to tilling
Our Dispensing Department is complete. \\ e
dispense only l'ure Drugs of the
Finest Quality,
and our patrons may bring us their prescrip
tions, feeling certain that they will be carefully
and accurately tilled.
Thanking the public for the very generous
patronage thev have accorded me In the past, I
hope to be able to serve t liein more acceptably
In the future, at the old stand.
No. 5, North Main St.,
fe*. BACK
The Reliable
Bop Plaster.
Quickest remedy known for backache ami
all sadden, sharp or long-Ktaiwiiiiff pains or weak
nesses of every kind. Virtues of fresh hopa, hemlock
and pine balsam combined. It is wonderfully
Soothing, Pain-Killing and Strengthening.
No failure possible. 25c; 5 for $1 Sold every
where or mailed for price by the proprietors.
COP PLASTER CO., Benton, Mas«.
Office at No. 4R>, S. Main street, over Frank &
Co's Diug Store, liutler, Pa.
Att'y at Law— Office at S. E. Cor. Main St, and
Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Att'y at Law—Office on South side of Diamond,
Butler, Pa.
Attorney at Law. Ofllee at No. 17, East Jeffer
son St., Boiler, Pa.
M. Hoover,
Office over Boyd's Drug Store,
N. E. Corner Main and Way be 'sts.
All work pertaining to the profession execut
ed in the neatest manner.
Specialties Gold Fillings, and Painless Ex
traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered.
Office on Jefferson Street, one door East of Lowrj
HOUM', lip Stairs.
Ofllee open daily, except Wednesdays and
Thursdays. Communications by mail receive
prompt attention,
N. B.—The only Dentist in Butler using the
best makes of teeth.
Office No. 05 South Main Street,
Physician and Surgeon,
No. 10 West Cunningham St.,
0 1/ WALDRON, Graduate of the Phila
. "V. delphia Dental College, is prepared
to do anything in the line of his profession in a
satisfactory manner.
Office oil .Main street, Butler, opposite the
Vogeley House.
J. S. LUSK, M.D.,
Has removed from Harmony to Sutler and has
his office at No. a, Main St., three doore below
Lowry House. apr-30-tf.
L. S. McJUNim,
Insurance and Real Estate Ag't.
Stewart & Patterson.
tractors and Builders, are both men ol years of
experience in lire house building and framing.
All parsons thinking of building wUI do well
to see them and look over their designs.
Residence 011 Falrvlew Ave., Springdalc.
Postofflce, Butler, Pa.
A large frame boarding house, good location
and doing large business. Terms easy. |For
further particulars inquire of
L. S. MrJI'NKIN, 17 K. Jefferson St..
•'-IHl.tl Butler, P».
For Sale.
The undersigned Administrator of Ebenezer
Christy, deed, late of Parker twp., otters at
private sale a farm of 117 acres, situate In Wash
ington twp., near HI Ward's Station. It Is all
cleared and in good state of cultivation, well
watered, und has a two-story frame house, and
log burn, large orchard, and good out buildings
AI.SC>, a T. r » acre piece In Washington twp.,
near the Allegheny slope coal mine, with rail
mad running through It, two-story frame house,
partly cleared and balance good timber.
ALSO, a farm of so acres in Parker twp., be
tween Annlsvllle and Eldorado, one-half cleared
and other half well timbered with chestnut
timber, good land, but no buildings.
All the above pieces are underlal '1 with coal,
and will be sold either for cash or on time.
For further particulars enquire of
32—3 m North Hope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa
A rare chance to buy a good farm, situated In
Wlnfleld tw p., Bit tier County, l'a., on the Butler
Branch of West I'enn Railroad, and within half
a mile of the station and village of Delano, con
One Hundred Acres,
Seventy-five acres of which are cleared and
the balance in good timber, has a two story
frame house ,>f five rooms, cellar, wash-house,
spring-house, bank barn, and orchard of a good
variety of fruit. The land is In a high slate of
cultivation. It is rolling but is not broken by
hills, and Is well adapted for stock raising as
there Is living water in every field, and the
fences are In good repair.
Terras easy. For lurther particulars enquire
4-20-3UI Herman, P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
For the llookeii Nvksekieh, es—'
tabllshed 1835. steady emyloyment, and good
pav. Send for terms at once. 11. K. lIoOKKK
CO., Rochester, N. Y.
SERIES in the countrv. Most llbernl terms.
Unequaled facilities. GENEVA NI'RSERY. Es
tablished 1*46. .
The Time lo Hate
I have a friend—l mean, a foe—
Whom cordially I ought to hate;
But somehow I can never seem
To lay the feud between us straight.
When apple boughs are full ot bloom.
And Nature loves her fellow-men
With all the witehery cf spring
How can you hate a fellow then.'
And then when summer comes, with days
Full of a long and languid charm,
WLen even water-lilies sleep
On waves without a thought of harm,
When underneath the shadiest trees
My hammock hangs in idlest state,
I were an idiot to get up
Out of that hammock just to hate.
Then harvest come. If mine is big,
I am too happy with my store;
If small, is too much occupied
W r ith grubbing round to make it more.
In dim recesses of my mind;
I have no idle hour to spend.
In hunting up the bitter foe
Who simply ought to be my friend.
In winter? Well, in winter—ugh!—
Who would add hate to winds that
All love and warmth that I can get
I want in such dull days as these.
No, no, dear foe; it is no use;
The struggling year is at an end;
I cannot hate you if I would,
And you must turn and be my friend.
Olvive Risley Seward, in Wide Awake for
When my sister and I were chil
dren, our home was on Lake Erie,
near Chautauqua, and we grew up
sharing the common opinion of the
people of that region—that we knew
rather more about wind storms than
those of less favored experience.
More is known about storma now,
than when we were children; for
then there was no weather bureaa at
Washington, no Signal Service any
A cold wave, or a tempest, sweeps
across tbe continent to-day, and pays
flying visits to many out-of-the-way
places, taking no one by surprise; for*
tbe moment it leaves Manitoba, or
even a more distant point, its pro
gress is spoken and made known
everywhere by the telegraphic storm
signals which our government has
organized and maintains for the bane
fit of farmers and seamen.
But when we were children we
never heard of tornado-traps, and
storm signals were uuknown. The
wind on Lake Erie seemed to blow
capriciously, and just for fun, and we
never knew at what moment it might
come. We understood that as a rule
it began blowing among the great
guns of the fort at Detroit, and skip
ping down the lake, stopped for frolics
at Sandu&ky, Cleveland, Erie, and
l>uukirk, and finally ended in a
doble-bankcd cotillion grand-chain at
The maple and apple trees in our
country, by the lake, grew with their
branches turned southeast—that is,
away from the breeze; and a Chau
tauqua boy whom we knew, named
George, who rivaled the west wind
in whistling as it soared around the
church steeple, used to Bincj in high
soprano, while we all battled with a
northwester, on the way home from
" 'A life on the ocean wave'—
The man who wrote it was green;
He never had sailed on the lake
And a gale he never had seeu."
And we never doubted Gaorge'd
knowledge or authority.
We learned later from the seamen
who chanced to come to our country,
and to sail on our lake, that they
really dreaded the winds there, and
made haste to put into the nearest
port whenever a cloud or a flaw be
tokened the prospect of a squall.
Now Lake Erie is a long shallow
sheet of water, narrow, and full of
dangerous channels. It lies in the
track of prevailing winds which sweep
it easily from end to end. The "old
sails" said this was why the gales
were so disastrous, and stoutly aver
red that there was nothing to be
dreaded from mere wind if one had a
good ship and plenty of sea room.
When crossing the Pacific, my sis
ter and I heard tales of the fierce hur
ricanes or typhoons which sweep
that great sea, they had no terrors for
us, for we remembered what the
sailors said. We rather hoped to
meet a typhoon in the middle of the
boundless ocean, and to compare it
with a Lake Erie gale. Our wish
was granted unexpectedly, as wishes
often are, but not exactly in the way
we had chosen, which also may hap
We landed at Yokohama, in Japan,
and for many days wiseacres foretold
that something unusual was about to
happen there; signs appeared, mean
ingless to us, but unmistakable to
them. The air was clear, and the
barometer higher than usual, cattle
were dull and restless, and storks flew
We were going to Yeddo by sea,
a little voyage, of not more than fifty
miles, along the coast, in a United
States man-of-war.
Our ship, the Monocacy, an iron
clad double-ender, carrying four
was built in Baltimore and sent out
to the special duty of waiting in
Asiatic waters for any stirring events
which might happen there, aud she
proved worthy the trust before wo
left her.
The Monocacy had been listlessly
riding at anchor for many months,
and when she now weighed anchor,
and got under way, everyone on
board was glad of the change to a
cheerful outing,
A war vessel always gives a per
fect picture of order and neatness and
discipline, and our ship uow outshone
the highest standard. Freshly paint
ed, and burnished at every point, her
decks newly "holy-stoned," and her
sails juHt bleached, she was as fair, as
crisp and fragrant as a pure pond lily
floating under the July sun.
We were a party of six, and the
captain's guests. Ilis cabin was
quite large and, used for a dining
room and salon, was cosey, almost
The younger officers presided over
the ward room, their special cabin,
"aft," and they had now converted it
into a sort of a boudoir, and had
brought out photographs and keep
sakes, and adorned it furthermore
with nosegays and (lowering plants.
Nothing could be calmer thau the
sea that day, and we steamed slowly
along near shore, the graceful coast
line fringed with palm trees and
Fusiama's fair coce, resting among
the clouds, in full view. Our flag
' scarcely stirred iu the gentle breeze
UB wo sat on deck under the ship's
i ample awnings. The youog officers
were untiring and eager hosts. There
was banjo playing, and some good
ringing choruses, and as the day cool
ed, even a little dancing on deck; but
Inter came the best sport, when the
officers, each in turn, told splendid
stories—regular "yarns," about bat- j
ties, and storms."and pirates, and
cannibals, and all manner of hair
breadth escapes at sea, which gave us j
a pleasant sense of past or distant |
danger, and admiration for the gallant
voung narrators who seemed to have
endured many of the hardships t-hey
now described. No matter how dull
those stories threatened to become,
they always ended well, and sailors
seemed to. have been Bpared always
from the most perilous disasters to tell
the tale cheerfully.
It was sundown when we dropped
anchor in the shallow bay of Yeddo,
about ten miles from shore, and we
expected to row across this stretch in
the ship's open boats.
A heavy rain set in, and we decid
ed to stay on board until morning, to
escape a soaking.
The Monocacy, moored all summer
long off shore, had been taken posses
ion of by a large colony of gnats, who
selected the stateroom cabins for per
manent quarters; when we went to
our berths, tired out at last by the
day's amusements, we found that we
were to be imprisoned in folds of the
strongest netting, nailed above, and
tucked in on all sides to defy the at
tacks of this Japanese mosquito—a
truly formidable foe.
When we entered these filmy en
trenchments, the rain had ceased and
the sea was calm, clear stars and a
soft moon were shining through onr
open ports.
I was awakened suddenly in the
middle of the night by the flash of
what seemed a shining flood of molten
silver pouring through the port, but
which proved to be a waved of cold
salt water, bright with the phosphor
escence which often makes that sea so
This glittering, foamy stream soon
spread over my little bed, and threat
ened to swamp me before I could tear
down the mosquito barricade. My
shoes were floating in the briny wave
when I seized a big wrap hanging
near, and drawing it. around me, step
ped into the deserted ward room to
call for help. No answer came to my
summons, though piercing calls from
the boatswain's whistle, and a run
ning order all along the ship to "close
the ports," showed that the sailors
were on the alert.
Driven again from the drenched
state room, I seated myself in the
cabin. A strange silence pervaded,
the air was heavy, the sea evidently
The ship's barometer was near the
companion way, not far from where I
sat. Leaning against the table, my
head in my hands, I drowsily saw
two officers come down to examine
the glass, and heard their unguarded
exclamations of wonder and alarm:
"It is dropping like lead." "It was
30° at three o'clock—now it is almost
down to 29°." "It is a typhoon."
Wide awake now, I called my sis
ter. Her stateroom was on the side
untouched by the first wave sweeping
against the ship, precursor of the
wind which was fast making its way
toward ns and driving the sea before
We dressed quickly, thrilled with
the prospect of a typhoon at last, and
shortly were on deck, where officers
and crew, all baste and bustle, were
making ready for the storm.
My sister and I had our Bea chairs
lashed to the mainmast where we
could watch the sailors and the com
ing storm in safety.
It was four o'clock—day was
dawning in a grayish green light, a
few dim stars still hung in the sky,
like beryl stones.
After a ringing call to "all bands
down light yards and masts," no
special orders were given. Each of
ficer and man knew his part in pre
paring a ship at anchor for a storm,
and all, even the merriest ensign,
now wore the stern expression of con
scious responsibility. They were "on
duty" to work to-day, not to play as
they had been yesterday.
The battery was now "secured for
sea," the boats and guns made fast
by gripes and extra lashings. The
next move was to look to the ground
tackle. Already one anchor, a bower,
was out, but the second, and two
sheet anchors and coils and coils of
heavy chain, were still in their places
on board, ready to follow. Steam
was getting up to be in readiness to
help the ground tackle, should that
prove in adequate to hold the ship.
At intervals of fifteen minutes, or
wore, sweeping gusts of wind from
one quarter and from another, whirl
ed past us, each follow by a lull. The
greenish dawn passed into a copper
hued day; as the sun rose, a dull
metallic round, the sea rose too, while
the sky lowered, lowered.
Wo were surrounded by shipping:
Chinese junks, queer Japanese boats,
European vessels, and crafts of every
sort anchored as we were and now
preparing for the storm.
A fine Portuguese merchantman
lay between UP and the sharp rocky
ledge of a little island hard by, where
a tall lighthouse stood like a silent
sentinel. The merchantman was so
near indeed that her people on board
had listeued to our music in the even
ing, and now we could scan her decks
aud count her crew.
She seemed to have taken in pas
sengers aDd cargo, intending to weigh
anchor with the morning tide, and be
off on her voyage to the Mediterran
Her preparations for the coming
storm were made with more anima
tion and ado than ours were. Long
after every rope aud screw were in place
on the Monocacy, agile seamen were
scaling the masts and rigging of the
Portugese ship, clearing the decks,
and shifting the cargo. We heard
the sailors' cadenced voices, calling
"heave to!" and "pull my lads, to
gether!" and by the help of our
glasses could see that the brave fel
lows, gay perhaps with the hope of
the homeward voyage, made light of
the coming storm.
It was now six o'clock. The sky
had darkened to the color of umber,
and the air was loaded with brine. A
suffocating brown mist by degrees
shut out the shipping, the island, and
the lighthouse from our view. We
no longer saw the ship's length, and
her breadth was lost in the mist.
Finally we could not see each other,
though we sat close to the mainmast
The blow was now fairly upon us.
The Monocacy had swung grandly
around to the wind, and the remain
ing bower was ' let go;" one sheet
anchor followed, while all the chain
was "veered" out to them; the second
"sheet" and our last, was held in re
serve to use if one of the chains should
Both engines, under full steam,
were workiug for all they were
worth, while four men at the wheel
held the Monococy to her moor
Even now there was no steady
wind, but only great blasts, whirl
ing faster and faster, which lashed
the waves with fierce fury until the
sea seemed a seething caldron of
foam, held down and pressed smooth
by the wind, and bursting forth in
the intermitting lulls to wash over
our decks, sweeping the hatchways
and guns.
Everyone obeyed the captains final
order for all hands to go below, and
the hatches were battened down.
The cabin was dark. Every mov
able thing had been put out of the
way, the hanging lamps and mirrors
taken down, and nothing left save
bare tables and benches screwed to
the floor.
My sister and I sitting near to each
other, in the dark, could not hear oar
own voices above the din of the
storm now raging furiously.
Ah! we had never seen anything
like this Asiatic hurricane in the lake
winds of America. There the wind,
no matter how boisterous, is straight
forward; it blows one way. You
know where to find it. But the ty
phoon, a sudden and eccentric storm,
is in form a spiral curve, which de
scribes a huge circle in its course.
The center of this circle is said to be
quiet and calm, but all the seafaring
people I have met, who have witness
ed the phenomenon, have been, as we
were, in the vortex of the great gyrat
ing disk, and have never seen the
calm center of a typhoon.
Boom! came the wind striking the
iron-clad gunboat, first on one side,
then on the other.
Boom! boom! beating the seas from
beneath the great ship and lifting her
into the air, only to bang her down
again, grating on the sandy bottom of
the bay with a cruel, crashing sound.
At nine o'clock the storm was at its
height. Everything breakable on
board was Bmashed to atoms, the
glass and crockery ground to powder.
At each wailing blast we knew the
Monocacy stood the chance of parting
chains, and we of being dashed to
pieces with her—that the storm might
drive against us any one of those
strange ships which we had seen rid
ing at anchor in the Bay, or that we
might ourselves be drifting toward
the island where the lighthouse stood.
We were all speechless, and calm
enough, too overawed in the presence
of such awful power to realize any
distinct thought or emotion. The
close air, the howling din, combined
to stupefy us, and all, even the captain,
full under a torpor, as of a narcotic.
We were clinging to the tables and
benches in the ward room, and had
fallen in the lethargy near the place
where I first heard the report of the
coming storm. Here again the young
officers came to examine, and report
the movements of the glass. It rose,
faster than it bad fallen The air
lightened, and reached us refreshing
ly through the ventilating shafts.
At mid day we were on deck again.
The wind was going down, the sky
lifting, and sunlight was fast making
its way to earth through the dark,
brassy mist. When this, in turn,
cleared the Bay of Yeddo stretched
out before us; but, alas, no longer
proud and gay with the masts of
many ships. No craft of auy sort
was visible. All had been scattered,
driven out to sea, or wrecked in the
storm, and the waters were strewn
with their timbers and debris.
Our good ship was unhurt, no rope
had broken, nor iron given way, and
we bad no parted chain. But her
paint was gone, and bruised and
beaten by the storm she bore the
shrunken look of age, which a tem
pest of grief or misery may bring sud
denly to the fairest face of youth.
Notwithstanding the force of the
Monocacy'a well-tried strength, we
had drifted a mile and more. Far
ther away from us than when the
storm deyeloped it, the tall, white
lighthouse now kept sentinel as be
fore, but across the rocky ledge of the
island where the beacon stood,
stretched the wreck of the Portu
guese ship, dismembered and deso
late. She had struck the rock in one
of those fearful blasts, and lay broken
half in two.
The dark, fast-flying clouds soon
turned their gold and silver linings
outward, and the day beamed calm
and beautiful; as days will often beam
after the fiercest storms; but as this
storm had exceeded in l'ury all other
storms; so the day surpassed in
beauty all the dayp that we had
known. Sky, air and ocean so lately
shrouded in gloomy mists and temp
est, were now united in a glow of
prismatic splendor; the dancing sun
beams flashed in countless rainbow
hues; while the billows threw back
their radiance from the shining sea
A Bad Scratch.
As this is leap year the girls have
been advised to "look before they
leap." But here is a case of a man
who should have looked before be
scratched his back:
"A railroad man named Beals, em
ployed on the Baltimore & Ohio, near
ilyndman, Pa, was sent to a tool
house to bring some powder. The
can, covered with a board, stood on
the floor close to the wall. Right
above the can, on a little shelf on the
wall, a lot of matches were lying.
Beals entered the house, removed the
board from the can and then turned
round to scratch his back by rubbing
it against the wall. The motion jolt
ed some of the matches from the shelf
and they lodged between his back and
the wall. The same motion igniyjd
the matches, and when Beals straight
ened up they fell into the powder.
An explosion of course followed.
Beals was hurled through the door
and across the track, and he would
have fallen over the bluff had he not
succeeded in grasping one of the
Beals will likely turn around and
look before he scratches his back an
other time.
—One of the biggest pulp-mills in
the world is to be erected on the Pe
nobscot River at Piscataquis Falls,
The Smith & Wesson revolver
works at Springfield, Mass., will be
enlarged by a three-story addition.
Cats are in demand in the west
ern part of Kansas. It is stated that
they sell for $1 apiece.
A little maid in the morning sun
Stood merrily singing and churning—
"Oh! how I wish this butter was done,
Then off to the fields I'd be turnin?!"
So she hurried the dasher up und down,
Till the farmer called with half-made frown:
"Churn slowly!"
"Don't ply the churn so fast, my dear,
It is not good for the butter
And will make your arms ache, too, I feir,
And put you all in a flutter;
For this is a rule wherever we turn,
Don't be in a haste whenever you churn—
Churn s'o wly!
"If you want your butter both nice and
Don't churn with nervous jerking,
But ply the dasher slowly and neat,
You'll hardly know that you're working;
And when the butter has come you'll say,
'Yes, surely, this is the better way'—
Churn slowly!
Now, all you folks, do you think that you
A lesson can find in butter ?
Don't be in haste, whatever you do,
Or get yourself in a flutter;
And when yon stand at Life's great churn
Let the farmer's words to you return —
"Churn Slowly!"
—Lilicoln Journal,
Reply of Hon. John Dalzell to
. Scott's Speech.
Congressman John Dalzell, of Pitts
burg, was dubbed the "lngalls of the
House" this afternoon. The sobriquet
was well placed. He literally tore
Mr. Scott to pieces. Id thirty min
utes he made a speech which secured
him the position he now holds as
one of the best speakers in the
House As iu the late unpleasant
ness in the Senate, Mr. Scott was
onl> able to answer Mr. Dalzell's
arguments by resorting to such uu
gcntlemanly expressions as "I speak
of the member from Pennsylvania as
a gentleman. I may be mistaken in
my estimate." "1 pay no more atten
tion to the gentleman from Pittsburg
than Ido to the barking of a dog in
the streets," and "His statements are
as false as hell itself."
Mr. Seott was goaded until he lost
his temper and didn't know what he
was saying. He had received warn
ing that Mr. Dalzell was going to
speak. So had the members, the gal
leries and the press. Mr. Dalzell did
not secure the floor until twenty
minutes of five o'clock, but the galler
ies were full, and the numbwr of
newspaper men who waited to hear
him speak was unprecedented this
A minute before he took the floor,
Mr. Scott strolled carelessly up the
main aisle of the House and took a
seat in the front row on the Demo
cratic side just in front of John O'-
Neill, the labor representative from
St. Louis. But his carelessness was
soon thrown off, and in a white heat
of anger he was on his feet several
times to interrupt Mr. Dalzell.
The representative from Pittsburg
had only fifteen minutes in which to
speak, but so interesting were his re
marks that no one, not even the
Chairman of the committee, Mr,
Springer, called him to order when
he ran fifteen over Lis time.
The occasion wa3 considered of so
much importance that the majority of
the members of the Ways and Means
Committee were present to listen
to the man who won recogni
tion by his Pacific railroad speech.
The moment Mr. Dalzell took the
floor there was silence, but it scarce
ly lasted through the sentences, for
when he referred to the "Statesman
from Erie" there was a tumultuous
outburst of applause. Even after,
when he spoke of Mr. Scott in this
way, the applause was quick and
ready. Mr. Scott interrupted him
several times and his anger was so
evident that Mr. Dalzell's answer to
the last interruption, "I do hope the
gentlemau will keep his temper," was
received with loud applause and fol
lowed by cries of "Hit him again,
Mr. Outhwaite, of Ohio, tried to
interject a question, but was met
with the withering reply, "I am
only giving way to the mau from
Erie. The gentleman from Ohio can
have his turn later."
Mr. Dalzell, in opening, declared
that he had no intention of making a
speech, and continued: "Only through
the courtesy of the gentlemen from
Michigan and Kansas am I on the
floor to correct some gross misstate
ments of fact that have been made on
the floor of this House, with respect
to certain of the industries of my dis
trict, to expose in their true light the
illogical, inconsequential and absurd
conclusions sought to be drawn from
these misstatements into the private
affairs of certain of my constituents
with respect thereto. I find my text
for the few remarks I intend to make
in the very extraordinary screed
which was read on Friday by the
gentleman from the Erie district of
Pennsylvania. I Jcall it extraordina
ry for one reason—because the gentle
man saw fit to class himself therein
with statesmen, and at the same
time to characterize as a demagogue
with his mouthful of catch-words, and
as a Bourbon, every member that
does not believe that political econo
my is an exact science or the gentle
man from Erie a statesman."
Mr. Dalzell did not take time to ex
plore with precision Mr. Scott's
claims to statesmanship; he left that
to history. Nor wonld he cross
swords with the gentleman on consti
tutional questions; he was satisfied
with the legality of a tariff-tax. He
denied the statement attributed to
Thomas Jefl'ersou by Mr. Scott and
quoted from Jefferson's sixth annual
j message to Congress the pertinent
inquiry: "Shall we suppress the im
post and give the advantage to for
eign over domestic manufactures?"
Mr. Dalzell inquired feelingly fur the
edition of the United States hjatory
which recorded that the campaign of
1800 was fought on the issue of a
protective tarifi, and that the ques
tion was determined on the gentle
man's side by the American people in
favor of Jefferson and the Constitu
tion. He feared that some one had
been imposing on Mr. Scott's credu
"When, however, he leaves," con
tinued Mr. Dalzell, "the department
of statesmanship, which involve phi
losophy, history and quotation, and
gets down to a description of the
present bill, I am not disposed to
find so much fault with him." Mr.
Dalzell then commenced an analysis
of Mr. Scott's description of the bill I
aDd found it framed in the interest of I
the whole people. First, to stay the j
mounting surplua in the Treasury, i
and second, to relieve overburdened !
Industry from pay in e excessive taxes
to trrasping monopolies. "We shall !
see," he said, "that the statesman ,
from Erie is the inveterate and unre
lenting foe of monopolies and trusts |
and the enthusiastic champion of op
pressed labor." The benign pur- !
pose of the bill was also to be scan- '
ned in a two-fold manuer. Indus- j
tries were to be relieved and labor j
interests advanced by throwing open i
American markets to the world, and j
the surplus was to be cut down by
decreasing import duties! 7 per cent,
so that imports now kept out might
be allowed to stream in. This part
of Mr. Scott's essay he dismissed
without any discussion.
Mr. Dalzell then took up Mr.
Scott's farmer at Braddock He
showed that the farmer did not have
to raise wheat now, but found a mar
ket for things he could never sell be
fore. "If the statesman from Erie,"
added Mr. Dalzell, did not know
this, he was grossly ignorant. It he
was not ignorant, then he is a very
bad case of moral strabismus. But
when he pursues his illustration fur
ther to the extent of picturing the
fumer, discouraged and disheartenad,
struggling to pay off the mortgage on
his farm, which cost him SIOO per
acre, the ridiculousness of his illus
tration becomes sublimely grotesque.
The men who bought their farms in
the neighborhood of Braddock for
SIOO per acre have long since sold
tfcem at $2,000 per acre.
Mr. Dalzell's heart ached for the
poor farmer who had to pay 3 3 cents
per pound for steel beams, but he con
gratulated himself that perhaps the
farmer didn't want many pounds and
had something left of the 2,000 per
acre he got for the land. The truth
was the building of the Edgar Thom
son Steel-Works had converted Brad
dock from a struggling village to a
busy city, with banks, schools, an
opera-house, handsome stores and
streets. This misstatement, though
was mild compared to the delusion
of Mr. Scoot as to the profits of the
steel company and the percentage of
wages paid to its employes. "It is
at this point that the gentleman's
moral strabismus bscomes pitiable,"
said the speaker. "He ignores S2O,
000,000 of invested capital, makes no
allowance for depreciation of plant,
for insurance, taxes, tranportation,
commissions, cost of fuel, steam, and
omits altogether the cost of speigeei
sen. His fiyures are absolutely and
mathematically untrue. To suit his
pnrpose Mr. Scott put a fancy selling
price on steel rails ($37 50), when his
own committee reported it at s3l 50,".
Mr. Dalzell then added the cost of
omitted articles to Mr. Scott's cost of
producing steel rails per ton (S2G 79,
subtracted $6 in selling prices and
asked for a definition between a
statesman and a demagogue. He
then took up Mr. Scott's figures as to
percentage of wages, and claimed
that he assumed steel rails grew on
the trees at Braddock, and allowed
nothing for picking them. Mr. Scott,
he claimed, omitted all the expenses
that have to be paid in making steel
rails, and therefore his conclusions
are absurd.
He claimed that Mr. Scott's state
ment that in coal mining 75 80 per
cent, of the price was paid to the mi
ners was false, or else it was paid in
store-orders upan stores kept at
Scott flaven in violation of the Penn
sylvania laws. Having proved the
untruthfulness of Mr. Scott's figures
as to cost of production of steel rails,
Mr. Dalzell claimed that the same
could be dona with his other argu
ments. Mr. Dalzell then congratula
ted Mr. Scatt on his denunciation of
monopolies and trusts. He congrat
ulated more the ranks of labor in se
curing such a convert as the gentle
man from Erie. Only Western Penn
sylvania knows what this means, hu
said. He read the antobiography of
Mr, Scott from the Congressional
Directory, as follows:
"In 1850 in the coal and shipping
business owning and running suvor»l
vessels on the lakes Subsequently
becoming largely interested in the
manufacture of iron and the miuing
of coal as well as in the construction
and operation of railroads, either
President or Director of various linr*
aggregating over 22,000 miles of com
pleted road, the greatest number of
miles of railroad, probably, which auy
one individual was ever an officer and
Director of."
"Think of that for a labor cham
pion," said Mr. Dalzell [Great laugh
ter on the Republican side], "and for
the opponent of monopolies and inde
fensible trusts." "There will be joy
among the coal-miners of Scott Ha
ven over his conversion. There will
be tears of gratitude on many a
blanched cheek, the fire of hope in
many a lack lustre eye., a benediction
and the increase of thanksgiving from
humble hearthstones in the poverty
stricken huts of that great coal region
when the news shall arrive that the
statesman of Erie is no longer their
oppressor,but has become their cham
pion. If it were givun to me to ad
vise the historian of the future, I
would have him choose for his dram
atic page the statesman from Erie,
when, like some Knight of medieval
times, clad in armor, bis visor down
and lance apoise, with pennon flying,
its motto 'Death to Monopoly" he
rides down the cheering line of ad
miring labor, full tilt, in his conquer
ing career of glory. And here I must
leave him with only a word of friend
ly advice, for which I charge him
nothing. It is not statesmanlike to
discuss the private affairs of your
neighbors behind their backs; and,
besides, this House and country are
no more interested in the question
whether Mr. Carnegie has a summer
castle 'mid the hilis of his native
Scotland than they are in the ques
tion as to whether the statesman
from Erie has a §IO,OOO cook and a
$5,000 clerk."
Mr. Scott's temper was not shown
until he arose to reply to Mr. Dalzell,
His face was white and his voice full
of tears. He claimed that Mr. Dal
zell was not a representative of the
American people, but the attorney
for certain interests. lie said there
were 2,000 men at Scott Haven who
who were paid every three weeks in
cash more money in proportion than
the Edirar Thomson steelworks. He
claimed that he never hired foreign
labor in any of bis mines and dared
the gentleman from Pittburg to deny
the statement.
Mr. Dalzell arose and tried to make
himself beard. At last he caught
Mr. Scott's eye and asked: "Does tbe
gentleman wish me to answer?"
"No." shouted Mr. Scott, "I don't
want you to reply."
Mr. Farquhar attempted to mply
to some of Mr. Scott's statements,
but was met with: "I won't listen to
you. You are a general interroga
"How many workmen has this
gentleman from Pittsburg on his pay*
roll at the end of each week?" squeak
ed Mr. Scott ia highest falsetto voice.
"I'm not a millionaire,', calmly re
sponded Mr. Dalzell amid shoots from
the Republican aide.
"You'd like to be, bat can't for lack
of brains to get there," squeaked the
employer of cheap labor at Scott Ha
ven. This reply disgusted even the
Democrats, and there were cries of
"Oh! no. Oh! no."
Mr. Scott then said the price paid
labor for making a ton of steel raila
at the Edgar Thomson Steelworks
was $4 96. He asked whether Mr.
Dalzell denied this.
Mr. Dalzell—Certainly.
Mr. Scott—Then I say he states
what is not true.
Mr. Scott was willing to abide by
the results of the examination of a
special committee which wonld go
out and examine his books and those
of the Edgar Thomson Steelworks.
Such an examination wonld show
that he was the friend of the laboring
man and not an Andrew Carnegie.
"If I ever," he continued, "have been
the oppressor of labor; if I ever eject
ed a single laborer from his home; if
I ever attempted to put laborer
in the place of another, if I ever em
ployed a detective to protect my pro
perty against men working for me,
or who had ever worked for me; if
any or all of these things can be prov
ed against me, I'l resign my seat and
leave this hall."
"How about the coal and iron po
lice?" asked Mr. Brumm, of Penneyl
"I never gave a cent to them in my
life," answered Mr. Scott, "and I defy
you to prove it."
"I can prove it," shouted Mr.
"Your statement is as false as bell,
and I'll make yon prove it," shouted
the now thoronghly-infnriated Mr.
Scott. "I'll have you brought before
the Bar of this House, sir, to prove
your infamous charges. When I
start out to rob anybody, it shall not
be the money of the wage-worker I
The gavel of the Chairman fell,
and the hottest debate of the seasi on
was closed.
Daughter, if Not Mother.
Miss Mary Jamison, a pretty 18
year old girl, whose home is near
Philadelphia, Clayton county, Ga.,
departed a day or two ago for Waco,
Tex., where she will become the wife
of Mr. Simpson Mann, one of the
wealthiest planters of that section.
This is the outcome of a romance in
real life which needs no coloring. In
1868 Mann was one of the most pop
ular young farmers in the county. He
was engaged to be married to the
daughter of a neighbor, whose hand
was sought by many others. The day
for the marriage was set and the
guests invited. Unfortunately for him
Mann espoused the caußs of the Re
publican party, which was in much
odium at the time. Not only did the
lady's father object to the marriage of
his daughter with a Republican, but
the young lady herself declared her
purpose never to wed one whose sym
pathies could be with the party in
power. When the wedding day came
it was a rival, Henry Jamison, and
not MaDn.who stood op as the groom.
The rejected suitor sold out his pos
sessions and removed to Texas, where
he has grown rich, while the lady
who was to have been his bride has
become the mother of an interesting
family, the eldest of whom is Miss
A year ago Mann revisited the old
scene, still single and susceptible to
love. He saw in Mary the image of
ber mother when he last saw her in
ISC9. He conceived the singular
idea of having his old sweetheart for
hi* mother-in-law. The daughter
consented, and the marriage was to
take place this week. A telegram
from Texas told of a serious accident
to her lover, which prevented his
coming to Georgia and asked her to
go there. The brave girl at once de
cided to go, and is now on her way.
Husbands Give Bonds.
It is such an easy thing, says the
Philadelphia Times, for a stranger to
get married in Louisiana. In the
first place, a license costs $2.50, und
the ceremony can be performed
the prospective bridegroom has to
give a bond and security to the
amount of $2,500 for the proper main
tenance of his bride through married
life. Imagine the dilemma of the
man who arrives in the night, knows
nobody except the girl, and wants to
get married at early candle-light and
take the next train. He has got to
go out among strangers, who very
probably have all been apprised be
forehand of the nature of his mission
and are more or less jealous of him,
and make a $2,500 bond before the
ceremony can proceed. This is pret
ty "hard, but everybody will agree
that it better than our Camden sys
tem as it is now being carried on.
They Disliked Dogs.
Alfred de Musset, the French poet,
cordially hated dogs. When a can
didate for the Academy, he called
upon a prominent member, as custom
required. At the gate of the chateau
an ugly and dirty dog received him
most affectionately, and insisted on
preceeding him into the drawing
room. The academician entered,and,
in due course, invited M. de Musset
to the dining-room, whither they
went, with the dog at their heels.
Seeing his opportunity, the animal
placed his muddy heels upon the
spotless cloth and stole a choice bit of
"The wretch wants shooting," was
De Musßet's muttered thought, but
he politely said:
"You are fond of dogs I see."
•'Fond of them," retorted the host,
"I hate them."
"But this animal here?" queried
De Musset.
"I have only tolerated it because I
thought it yours."
"Mine!" cried the other, "only the
thought that it was yours kept hie
from killing it."
NO. 2»