Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 13, 1888, Image 2

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One j«a
Hx months '
ItotonO at ml MtWr u i* rlum «att»r
Republican Primary Election.
Tbe Republican voters of Butler
Count? are requested to meet it their
usual places of holdintr elections on
Saturday, April 14th. 1838, between
tbe hours of one and seven o'clock, P.
M. of naid day to vote by bellot for
one person for State Senate, two per
sobs for Assembly, one person for Ju
rr Commissioner; two persons for
Dtffcffatea to the State Convention
and on® person for Return Judge
Voters will also by ballot vote
their cboiee for one person for Con
greaa and one person for Delegate to
tbe National Convention.
Voters will by ballot, in the differ
ent sub-Districts of the county, vote
for one person for Delegate to the
congressional convention and One
person for Delegate to the National
Delegate convention.
Tbe county committee left it to the
option of the voters of the sub-districts
whether there shall be ooe person for
dclcgatr to the Congressional conven
tion and one person to tbe National
delegate convention or whether they
will elect one person to fill both pla
ces. the two conventions being held
at different times.
Tbo Sub-Diatricts of the county
are as follows:
No. 1, Allegheny and Parker town
No. 2 Mercer, Marion and \enan
go townships.
No 3, Slipperyrock and Worth,
twpa, and Centreville boro.
No. 4, Cherry and Clay twps anc
Sun bury borough.
No. 5, Washington and Concorc
twps. .
No. 6. Fan-view twps, Fairview
Fetrolia and Kerns City boroughs.
No. t, Oakland, Donegal, Clear
Celd twpe and Millerstown borough
No. 8, Summit, Jefferson and Clin
ton twps, and Saxonborg boro.
No. 9. Winfield and Boffalo twps
No. 10, Penn and Forward twps
nd Bald Ridge.
No. 11, Butler twp, and Butler bor
No. 14, Adams and Middlesex tps
No. 13, Craaberry and Jackson tpi
South, Zelienoph
and Evans City boroughs,
No. 14, Conuoquenessing North
Lancaster and Muddycreek twps
No. 15, Centre, Franklin and Bra
dy twpe, and Prospect borough.
The Returns Judges arc to ruee
In convention at ButSer, Monday
April 16. at 1 o'clock, P. M, to coud
the votes and declare the results, am
to attend to all other business tha
•ball come before them. Said He
turn Judges shall constitute tbi
County Committee for the ensuin;
Tbe election will be held under th
rules governing primary election?
Republicans only are to participat
in said election.
By order of the County Committee
Jas B. Mates, ChairmaD.
W. C. Thompson > & .
A. M Cheistlxy i
Tbe Last of tbe Shanties.
It is to be regretted that a photf
graph was not taken of tbe last of th
old, small buildings on tbe Douga
rows of this place, tbe removal o
which took place last Monday. Thi
idea of a photograph or this "last o!
the lot" was suggested, bnt the old
"Squire's iffice" went down scone
than was expected. Its peculia
shape, and the broken and disjointed
boards, signs and letters npon it e
front, made it an object worth pre
serving tbe memory of. It had als<
become memorable as a seat of lav
and justice. Esquire Samuel G. Fur
▼is, deceased, for near twenty year?
administered justice in it, as a Justice
of tbe Peace. He was followed b]
others in tbe same capacity, amonj
them Enquire J. G. Muntz, who to
■any years acted usefully as a Just id
of the Peace ia that tenement He wai
followed by L. P. Walker, Esq. R
C. McAboy, Esq,, has tbe credit o
being tbe last one, and was acting ii
the same duty up to recently. Bu
it is gone, gone forever, the place tha
knew it to koown it no more, but to b<
supplied by a new and modern fash
ioned storehouse,to be erected by ou
friend, Mr. Frank F. Anderson.
Primary Election.
The Republican Primary Electioi
comes off tomorrow, Saturday. Thi:
really is the important election for thi
Republicans of this County, as who
ever are nominated now will io al
probability be elected in the fall
Therefore there should bo a full tun
out and the best men nominated.
Tbe positions on the ticket oi Del
" egates to the National and State Con
vcctions are filled absolutely at th<
primary, and the primary tberefon
cods that work. These Delegate*
are trust positions, which should IK
committed by the voters into trust
worthy bands. They are not posi
lions to be hawked about and peddiec
or traveled over the county for. Tht
interest* and M:ntimtnts of tbe peopl*
of tbe county alone should be consult
*-d in tbe selection ofdelearatea to rep
regent them in Conventions. With
candid»i<*n for the offices to b» elected
this fail they cf course are expected
to cinvaso the county, and we believe
have beea (king so, to an extent hi
lrr.st sufficient to bring out a pretty
fair vote at the primary, to-morrow
Tax death of Hon. Benjamin Har
ris Brewster, of Philadelphia, in the
Jjod ve»r of bis age, ends the career
of a notable iuan. Mr. Brewster oc
eapied Mime hij/h positions in boti
the Bu;te and Nation, and was a man
of much learning and eloquence. Re
w«f, however, a most peculiar look
ing as well as in Itis habits and
urt-i-s, alw.-vs dreeing in sicguiar
ai.ci rather saowy style. But with
all Lis ;«.eoliar'.iifc-3 he was respected
and honored for his abilities* and his
personal worth as a mua.
Pox't forget date of ftepufciicfp
fe'rituarj Election—April 14, Sotutv
New Caslle Delegates.
We bud exacted to be aMe this
week to give the full list of candi
dates, settled upon iu each of the 15
Bub districts of th 3 County to repre
sent the same at the coming New
Castle Convention. but up to this
writing Lave not been fully informed
as to the "nine. In some districts we
beiieve they aro fully settled upon,
whiie iu some others there may lw
two or more candidates. Hence W-J
are unable.to give names. It i< a
matter for the voters of each district
to determine at the polls on Saturday.
Qood men should be cho3en
in all cases, men of
standing aud character, who will
faithfully obey aud carry out the de
cision of the people.
THE story of "Minne-wa wa,V to
be seen on the first page of the <_ITI
ZKN this week,will be read with inter
est by the people of this town, as
soma of the principal scenes in the
story are laid as happening at a weli
known spot, now withiu our borough
limits. The story itself is founded
upon old Indian traditions. The "sour >
spring" still exists, but we presume
there would be a difference of opinion t
as to whether its water became and j
remain sour by reason of the cause j
assigned in the story. As to wheih
er Massy Harbison, in her escape anil
flight from the Indians really crossed ■
the Connoquenessiug at that point, i?s i
also an open question. Bat the story j
of Minne-wa wa is very happily and j
well written, and will greatly add to |
the literary reputation of our ycung
friend, the writer, of this place, and
now at College at Columbus, Ohio,
in the journal of which institution,
the "Spectator," we found the story.
REPUBLICAN Primary Election—
The Truth Well Told.
Col. W. P. Hepburn, of lowa, in a
speech delivered at the recent lowa
State Couvention, draws the differ-1
ence between the two parties as fol
lows: . |
"The principal objection which is
now urged against the Republican
party is in regard to its vitality; it ;
won't die. The enemy complains
that it has outlived its usefulness.
The platform which was made in tui.-s
hall three years ago announced that!
no issue is settled until it is settled ■
right. In bis judgment no question j
is settled right so long as 10,000 men
in Georgia elected 11 men to Con
gress while it takes 32,700 votes in
lowa to elect the same number of
men ta Congress. So lonjr as a man
can serve in the Presidential chair no
longer than a dozen months ago who
a letter to South Carolina com
plimenting John C. Calhoun, things
ore not settled right. So long as the
man who commended Jeff. Davis to
the children of the country can be ap
pointed to a high office, so long as a
flag can be degraded to honor the
memory of a traitor like Jake Thomp
son, things are not 6e»tled right.
[Cheers ] So long as a Se.iator can
be taken hy this administration and
placed in the cabinet and subsequent
ly put ou the Supreme Bench, who
says 'no man can call in question the
' patriotism of Jt-ff Davis in my pres
-1 ence,' things are not settled right.
These are questions now prest-iug
' upon the people that no other pujty
than the Republican party can make
right. There is a necessity for the
Republican party which dares to
grapple with these great questions so
long as the anarchists are shouting
for division and destruction. What
party is the friend of Henry George ?
There is not a man in the country
who follows the red flag, who dooa
not hope that victory will porch oa
the Democratic party, as every
polycamist in Utah wishes for it Do
you ever hear of the Democratic party
rebuking the ballot box
the Ku Klux of the South. Where
! do you ever find the Democratic party
grappling with transportation ques
tions; where will you find a Demo
crat, or where can you look with hope
to Democrats to meet the great ques
-1 tion of trust ? Such questions are
i for the Republican party to meet,
and it alone will undertake the work
, Why is it that the Democratic party
is today unwilling that Dakota should
1 become a Slate, having 600,000 peo
- pie, a greater population than at least
; three Democratic States? Because
, they came with a Republican form of
goverment, and because it thoy did it
would be necessary to reform the map
of illiteracy of the United States
If vou examine the maps of illiteracy,
which are prepared so that you can
tell by the dark shadings whore tbc
mo6t* illiteracy comes, you will find
i that the dark shadings are right
, where Grover Cleveland got the ma
jorities which elected him. The real
trouble also in the tariff question is a
" similar one. The Democratic party
I will not dare to attack Ihe sugar tariff,
. for it would lose them Louisiana and
j seven electoral votes. They dare not
ofiend the South, yet they soy they
are tariff reformers. But tiiere is a
' differeuce when the Republicans talk
• about reforming the tariff. When
! the Democrats reform the tariff they
, propose to destroy the protective prin
ciple, which is the vitalizing force of
' all the industries of the country,
while we believe in regarding the
■ principles of the present tariff and
. lopping off the inequalities. They
say we ought to feel as much for the
people across the ocean, but. somehow
we can't do it. We like one of our
* own people here iu America better
■ than one of those from across the
water. The Democratic reformer
says, let the foreigner with his cheap
labor in other countries stacid on au
equality with the mail who has been
' long here and has tniilt up this coun
! try. We prefer that wages should
. be high here rather than they should
' be high there. That is the difference
between the two parties."
Republican Politics in Aral
KITTANNISO, PA,, April 11.; —
There is an animated contest bei'.if,'
waged in this county between Joseph
' R. Henderson and W. IS. Meredith
j for State Senate. Interest has been
! lent to the struggle by the 'act that
. I the Kuigbts of Labor have indorsed
i Henderson. As to the Congression
ial fight, it seems to be nil one-sided.
Col. Jackson will have at least 1,000
i majority For Assembly it looks as
[ ! it Klliott will lead, with Cochran and
; ' Wilaou clo«e seconds. W. W. Fis
j PUS, for Sheriff, and ex Chairman
I Heiner, for District Attorney,
1 no opposition.
■ L'SIUARY —Saturday—Let all vo
j tera U*ra otfjtrr-old as well as young.
Ex-Senator Conkling's Career
Drawing to Its Close.
NEW YORK, April 0. lloscoe
Cmklinu's condition changed much
for the worse last ni«:ht. lie was
buoyed up in the evening by the pre
sence of his wife, whom he bad not
been pe milted to see since bis illness
became serious. After her departure
he sank into a stupor from which no
aroused but at loug intervals, nod
then only to dif-play symptoms of de
lirium. "Dr. Asrnew, the eminent oc
ulist, called at Air. Conkling s resid
ence last night. At the time of his
leaving the patient seemed to he not
much worse, though his temperature
had risen perceptably Dr. Fordyce
Barker said today that he feared Air
Conkling's ocular trouble had caused
an affection of the bram which may
prove fatal. "All I care to say just
now," said Dr. Barker, "is that Mr.
Conkliug has bid a bad change with
in the last twenty-four hours and is
very poorly indeed. I have called in
Dr. Sands acd Dr. Delafield, at:d
they iu company with Dr. Aguew and
myself will visit the patient."
At 2:30 P M. Mr. Conkling's con
dition was unchanged from tbo last
report. At 2 o,clock Drs. Sands,
De'afield, Barker and Agncw called
at Mr. Conkling's house aud had a
consultation. A few minutes after
Hamilton Fish called, but was not
admitted. Dr. Barker, at the con
clusion of the conference, said ti.at
the patient's condition was very un
promising; that he was suffering from
inflammation of the ear which hat] ex
tended to the membranes of the brain.
The probabilities were that Mr Couk
! ling would not recover, though there
was a possibility that that he might
i get well. His temperature was 103 i
j and his pulse 100. Dr. Barker did
; not think that there would be any
j marked chauge in his patient's condi
tion for twelve hours.
The consultation of physicians be
tween 4 and 5 o'clock resulted in the
decision to immediately cut through
the temporal bone to ascertain wheth
er there was pas lodge on the brain.
Dr. Sands was tho operating surgeon,
and it was aunounced as very suc
cessful, a secretion of matter having
been found.
Drs. Fordjce Barker and Sands call
ed at 9:20 and found the patieut. rcst
iut? quiotly and his condition materi
ally improved. Since the operation
his temperature hud fallen to 102 and
his pulse to 92. The operation was
performed by making an incision in
the temporal bone. About an ounce
of pu.l flowed out. The patient was
under the influence of ether, aarl he
relied and tossed so :h'it it was only
with dTiicuLy that the operation
was performed. I>r. Barker said
that while the recovery of the patient
is not assured ho stands a mueh bet
ter chance than before. The opera
tion was very successful, and no dan
ger is apprehended for at least twe;ve
'jours After the-operation Mr. Conk
ling arose, walked iuto an adjoiuing
room and returned. Besides the phys
icians Mrs Conkling aud married
daughter were with the pattern con
stantly. Mr. Conkling has not been
able to recognize anyone but bis wife
during the day, aud he will probably
remain unconscious all night because
of toe anastbetic which was adminis
tered. Drs. Batker and Sands left
the sick-chamber at 9:45 and wili not
return until 9 A. M. tomorrow.
The surgica' operation performed is o.
vary delicate one. It consists ia the
anting out and removal of a part of
th« squamous portion of the tempo
ral bone, the incision being miide up
on the prominence which may '>3 felt
just behind the ear. Beneath liiis
lies the mechanism of the ear, and
in cases in which this mech
anism becomes involved involved
in serious suppuration, as in this in
stance, it becomes necessary to make
an opening through which tho pas
mnv be drawn off. Otherwise the
inflammntion will extend to the tissue
el the brain. Deafness of the ear op
erated on results. The saw or drill
with which the circular piece of spon
gy bono is excised is like a jagged
fcdso on tne oa;i of a piece of small
steel tubirg. it is fixed for the first
few turus by a prop* in the center
The whole instrument is called a tre
phine. When the region of the inner
eur has been reached the circular disk
of bone is carefully extracted aud the
membrane beneath the bone cut
through. A drainage tube is then to
be inserted, through which the mat
ter forming in the abscess eau fl >w
freely into antiseptic absorbent cottuii
at the outer end of the tube This
affords the best chance of confining
the inflammation to its narrowest lim
At 12 midnight Mr Conklir.g was
w '.living up and down his room in a
half delirious condition. He sen; tor
Kdward S. Stokes, and when he ar
rived Mr. Conkling suid to him: "Ed,
it is no use I am gone, i have
fought against this for some time. 1
can't stand it any longer."
Mr. Stokes in go::ig oat saw Dr.
Sands at the door. He asked the Doc
i tor ii Mr Conkling bad uny chance.
Dr. Sands: "He may live forty-eight
hours, but I doubt it."
At 12:1 s Mr. Coupling's condition
was unchanged. He iusi.-ts on rising
and walking about the room, but
! does so in a deiitiuua, as has not re
gained consciousness.
At 1:30 A. M. there was little dilfer
ence in tiie condition of Mr. Conkling
from his midnight. He v\r.:s then sit
| ting up aud was slightly delirious.
Legal Holidays.
As long Ago as ISG9, a-j Act to de
clare Good Friday a Legal Holiday,
I approved the 12th day of April, A.
D. 1309, and signed by Gov..John W.
Geary, and found on pages 20 i-.nd 27
jof pamphlet laws of that year, reads
j as follows:
SECTION 1. Be it euacted that from
! and after the passage of this act, Good
I Friday, in each and every year, shuil
! be deemed and proclaimed as a public
| holiday, and shall be duly observed
! as such. The payment of all notes,
checks, bills of exchange, cr o?.t::>r in
struments, negotiable by the laws of
tho Commonwealth, and becoming
payable on said Good Friday, sha:!
be deemed to come due on the secu
! lor next preccdiug the afotenoen
| tioued days; on which said secular
j day demand of payment may be made
I and in case of non-payment or dis
honor of the same, protest may be
! m■ :!;> aud notice liven in the same
i manner, as if such notes, checks, bills
! of t xebaoge, or other instruments, fell
i 'lce oo the day of such demand, aud
[th rights aud liabilities of all persons
! concerned therein shall be the same
!as in tbo other cases of like iustru
j incuts legally proceeded with: provi
I ded that nothing herein container!
shn.il be so construed as to render
void any demand, notices, or protest
made or given as heretofore at the
option of the bolder, nor shall the
same be so construed as to vary the
rights or liabilities of the parties to
of Butler, i'a.
Of Mill»ratown.
Of Butler.
Of Evans City.
Of (Nixon's Home) Butler, Pa !
C. M. Bi!O\YN,
Of Harrieville.
Of Karns City,
of Zelienople.
Of Brady twp.
of Butler twp
Of Butler township,
Washington twp. ;
Of Franklin twp
Of Clinton twp. |
Of Evans City.
Of Fair*iew twp.
Of Butler.
Of Butler.
Of Butler.
of Butler, Pa.
Of Prospect.
any such instruments heretofore exe
cuted. Signed,
Speaker of the H. R.
Speaker ot the Senate.
An Act was passed or approved
the 2nd day of April, 1873, defining
what days constitute legal holidays.
Is r#ads as follows:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted that the
following days, namely: First day of
January, twenty-second day of Feb
ruary, the fourth day of July, the
25th day of December, and every day
appointed bv the Governor .. this
State or the President of the United
States as a day of fasting or thanks
giving or for the general cessation of
business, shall b« regarded as legal
I holidays and shall, for all purposes
whatsoever as regards the presenting
for payment or acceptance and of the
protesting and giving notice of the
dishonor of bills of exchaage, bank
notes, checks, drafts, and promissory
notes, made after the passage of this
act, be treated and considered as is
the day of the week commonly called
From the foregoinir it will no doubt
he seen how any discuswon came
about. The chief clei kin the State
| Department, whoever it was, neglect
ied to digest or index this »&s>, and
; hence the discussion about the exis
| tence of this law. It could not be
j found in Pardon's Digest, and hence
! this dispute as regarded the existence
|of this law. Hence the only question
I that would naturally arise is whether
1 the act of 1873 virtually repealed the
j act of 1869. Decoration Day. May
| 30:h, has since that time been added
to the list of legul holidays.
School No. G.
EDS CITIZEN:— Please publish the
synopsis of Lindsey School, Summit
The above named school is situat
ed about two miles south-oast of But
j ler ou tho Freeport pik*. Thither
ward might have been see a Young
i Am rica winding iis way with merry
| hiugh and Mailing face ou the 10th of
I October ladt. There it was that I
j have been greeted as teaoher, every
school-day morning, during the past
six months With us seemed to en
ter the God of peace aau suushine,
continuing with us during th-i cutiro
term. Scarcely a ripple ever Aspired
to agitate the surface of our calm sea.
We can call to memory many plea
ant circumstances and events of note
aud interest, but which we will not
relate lest we encroach on the editor's
space; but I cannot cast aside all
memories unnoticed. First
curne the holidays, and with them
their general characteristics.
The scholars memorized the occas
ion by presenting me with a most
splendid call beli of exquisite bc-auty
and design.
Next came Easter with its festivi
| ties, and it is nvedless to say that
kind hearts did not forget their teach
j er. Last, but not least, came the
closing day und likewise, as was their
j woat, came the scholars, wearing
' their usual smiles bringing for their
teacher some beautiful boquets of
which a king might justly be proud
These gifts are not only beautiful,
useful and valuable, but they carry
with them worlds of meaning; mean
ing which has endeared tho brick
j walls of Lindsey school to me. 1
! shall cherish these gilts as precious
i mementos of respect aud good will.
Now as to the progress wo have
I made.
I will not dwell on this point,
i trusting that our progress is suffioient-
Ily obvious to all concerned. True,
; some have progressed more rapidly
j than others, but this is largely owing
| to the efforts put forth by each pupil,
j I am glad to say that quite a number
| beijun some of the commonly
|ed branches. These were new stud
• ies and seemed hard, consequently
j the progress was "rlow.
At the opening of school, none
i were studying Geography, Grammar
or History. During the tertn four
teen began Geography, nineteen
began Grammar and eight began His
The per cent of the attendance in
creased each month; that of the last
: month bi-iug the best in the report
book, which has been in use since
! ISBO. Wa used the report cards.
On the 1 uat day quite a number of
i our friends came to visit us; at noon
' lessons were abandoned aud the re
mainder of the day given up to merry
! mnkii/g.
During our jollity we were agreea
, \ biy surprised by the appearance of a
neighboring school, from JJutler
: | township, who came over in a body
headed by their teacher, Miss Cald
i j will, and joined in our amusement
yr h V: a'?v sr i wl'l. When all
h. i ' "j.iinr weary of mcrritr.oat we j
sraiheri i ti. • r!; >! r<>- ill f.»r the !
Inst tiru". a::ii st fo>v
rcasarks l»y B;)iiiu t»f thd-e prudent, j
the irrvnij hvt»s» wir - .- «iii nut! cH retir
ed to their respective homes.
And D"W ! extent! my biticore I
and grate, ui thanks to Ihft y>ii;ii!-». ,
friend? and patrons of thi* sch-io! for
tiiftir kindnes-, t;enerou« hespita y
ana aid jriTcn me dur ig ny|
short but pleasant stay utnon? you
I bespeak for No. G a prosperous iu
vure. Yours respi.cifui!v
The Glado Mills School.
MIDDLESEX TWP . April 9, 'BB j
Having' finished my term of school'
at Glade Milia, I desire to return my j
grateful acknowledgment to the Pi- j
rectors and patrons for i.hei' k:n Jly ,
Rurip.irt and to th» pupils for their'
regular attendance, dilieeuce and or- j
deriy hubits. For which I will al- i
ways keep iheni in grateful reinem
During the winter there were en-.
rolled 63 scholars. Average attend
ance duriDg the term was 50. Per ;
cent, of attendance 90. Gillie Fore-,
sythe. Harrold Raseley, Laura, Delia :
and Ella Miller, Jennie Foresythe t
and Leona Cooper missed no days
daring the term. Several missed but]
one day. Most of the scholars made
rapid progress.
Duriu>r the term the school was :
visited by rnaDj of the patrons and j
others interested iu education, among j
whom were our Co Sup't. Prof. .T.
L. Suyder, Revs. E Ogden, R E. |
Lnckey, and D. L Johnston. School j
closed April 4th. The morning 'of |
that day the chiidreu and their par-!
ents came to school with well filled j
baskets The morning session was |
called and USURI ciasses recited. At j
12 M. the scbocl v. as disnii.-..-ed for (
I the noon hour The table having |
been arranged the lit v. Mr Lackey ,
asked the blessing after which those
present partook of the good things
upon the table.
In the afternoon tnauy of the schol
ars was called upon for essays and
recitations which were read" aud re
cited elegantly.
The school was then very appro
priately addressed by elegant speak
ers. After which the teacher made a
presentation of books to those who
had merited them by their eilicient
work in their respective classes. Then
the teacher himself was the recipient
of beautiful present, from the schol
ars as a token of their respect.
School work is like rowing a boat
on u lake or river. If but one oar is
used the boat turns round and round
and round, and little progress is made
but when both pupils and teacher
work faithfully the boat of education
flies swiftly over tha waters and the
dilliculties of school work is passed
rapidly by. The pupils worked in
dustriously at their oar and I only
hope that I pulled as faithfully at
EDS CITIZEN: —The residence of
Mr. William Marks in the quiet little
hamlet of Glade Mill was the scene
of a very brilliant wedding, Thurs
day evening, April sth, 1888. The
Contracting parties were Miss Aggie
Marks and Mr. Thomas Marshall, of
Richland Tp., Allegheny county.
Promptly at 8 o'clock a niece of the
bride's, Miss Laura Shepard. sweated
hetvcll at ihe organ and played the fa
mous wedding march "Bells ot Eveu
iug" and to its lively strains the hriuttl
couple,escorted by the bridesmaid and
groomsman, Miss Lulu Marks and
Mr. Elmer Graham, swept into the
brilliantly lighted parlors where th v
were joined in the bonds of matrimo
ny by the Rev. Heaay, of Bakers
town, after which Mr. and Mrs. Mar
shall received the congratulations of
those present, among whom were the
Rev. Ogden and Rev Lackey a&d
wife, then Rev. Heany and wife led
the way to the dining room where the
long* tables 'airly groaued beneath its
load which consisted of tho choicest
delicacies of the season in rich abun
dance. After all were satisfied the
company adjouruea to the parlors
again where music aud enjoyment
reigned supreme till the "wee sma
hours" of the morning. The bride
and bridesmaid were dressed iu black
si lit aai to say the least, both looked
very handsome.- On a table to one
side we noticed ths presents which
were both numerous aud costly. Fi
nally the happy couple started for
their new home in Bakerstown which
was iu readiness for them. That the
Goddess of success and happiness
may smile bountifully on che happy
couple, is the wish ot an
Keister Items.
I. N. Brysoc keeps a little grocery
at Ktister. On Saturday moruiug
he went to visit friends at Now
Brighton, and on Saturday night his
store was broken open and nearly
everything in it stolen. Mr. Brysou
has not yet returned home.
Messrs. Cannon, Dobson and Shan
on arc starting a brick yard at Keis
ter's station.
Mr.Book has bought out the Camp
bell 3tore at Keister.
Johnny Hays' livtry stable is do
ing a tood bus ness.
—The following citizens of this
county have been added to the pen
sion rolls in the pension department
at Washington, 1). C.: Goorge Byers,
Fleeter office; Je.ae Eiliott, Sarvers
ville, Buffalo Tp.
The following ere the selling prices of uier
ill vat ot tin- :>laeis :
;ier hu>!i"l. si..
Butter, per pound, to ets.
lieans, per qt. 8 to lots.
Oaljoajse. new,
Can-He*, moi'l, J4 to 15. ets.
Carbon oil, 10 lo 15ets.
Cheese, 12 to "i 5 ets per lh.
Crackers, 7 to 10 ets. per lb.
Chickens, ;>er pair, 10 to 50. ets.
Coffee, Rio. 2.'i ets.
Coffee, .lava, .'l3 ete.
Cotr Koasted. 20 to 2.'Jets.
COFF«'I", ground. 20 to 2'i ets.
Eegs, 15 cu.
Fish, mackerel, 5 to lit ris.
Flour, per barrel, j.4.50 to SO.
Flour, per &ack, $1.25 t» ; 1.0 -..
Fee-1, ebop, per 100 pounds. $1 25.
Feed, brail, perlOO ltis. $1.15.
Grain, when! per bushel. Si.
Ur.un, oats per bushel 10 to -15cts
Gi un, corn per biishcl <>s ets.
Clove! seed
('lover seyii ""mull, So.oo per bushel.
Timothy seed, $3 00 per bushel.
Ijiird. 10 ets.
Hams, 11 els.
Honey ,20 ets.
Hay. •• ! J .
Shouluen, S ow,
Baeon, 13 ets.
Dried beef, IS to 25.
Cora uit-iil, |.t-r pound, 2 lo 25 ct>.
Potatoes, TT'-W, 75 to !>0 eti bx-h.
H.ee, 5 lo 10 ctss.
Suuar, bsi-il. 8 ets.
tiugii.- S (.U*.
bui<ar-, ru-v, o '. ota.
Si-Jp, 5 m 10 els.
Si-.lt, per barrel, $1.25,
Tea. livhon, tiunpowder, etc.,so ets. to y0
Tea, ete., oO to r,O ets.
Teu, Brtanl'a»t, 40 to SO Cts.
Tallow, 3 tn 5 cts.
Absolutely Pure.
This liever varies. A maivl o! !
purity, strrugth aiul wbolesocienesa. More t
economical tbut the ordinary kin:!*, and cm
net be sold in com petition with t!iu tnu'titue
ol low tests, short we'urht,aluum or phosphate
powders. Sold only in cans.
108 Wall Street N. Y.
2s£ A-IE&IEoX Fi l "J
Marriiu/e Xotices Published tree
PHILLIPPI—K&LEtt— OB April 7, 1888, ftt
the Fugl:sh Lutheran Part uage, liutler,
by th>- liev. I). Liuiu.r Uoth,.\lr. John Fiiii
lipi and jlis* Hannah Kaler, both of the
First ward, butler.
ItOlXiEJia-KING— At .the English Luth
eran Parsonage, liutier, April •>, I,'ito, by
the Kev. I), l.utl.tr Loin, Jir. John T.
Kodgers, of Alillerstowii, and Miss Lizzie
C. Ling, of iJot.ega.l township.
HEYL —FISHER—At the residence of the
bride, xoi-ih iiilvtati s-treet, Sutler, april
5, IS;?!?, by tin ilev.i> Luther Roth, Mr. Sid
ney A. lie}], oi I'orttrsviile, aud Aitss Ella
B. Fisher, ol Butler.
CLAY —CROWE—At the residence of the
bride's father, Mr. 1), B. Crowe, Browns
dale, this county, April 5, 1668, by the
Rev. A. Kilpatriek, Air. S, U. Clay aud
Miss Rtbecea Crowe.
YOI'NG —KENNEDY—At the home of the
bride's pareuts in Summit township. Thurs
day, April 5. 1886, by Rev. S. H. Nesbi t,
iiV VY iiliaui L, Young aud Miss Minnie
Kennedy, both oi Summit towusuip, Butler
April 12th, 1888, by ltev. W. E. Oiler, Mr.
(ieorgeJ. Riederman, of Butler, P:i., aud
Miss Carrie H. llerold, of Summit Twt«.
STAMM— GORDON—At Butler, Pa., April
12tb, 1868, by Rev. W. E. Oiler, Mr. John
H. Bit.it.m <"l Prospect aud Mi.-s Mary J.
Gordon of Coultcrsville.
_DiD ASU 3ED3.
Announcement» of deaths published free, but
all communicated obituaries wilt be charged
for at the rule of oni'-half cent for e uch
word, money to accompany the order.
CROSS— III Clay township, this county, on
April !», 1868, Mrs.Mary Cross, aged over 80
SEYEIiIN—On Saturday, April 7, 1888, at
his home in Jefferson township, Mr. lleury
Severiu, aged about 80 years.
MERKEL —On Monday, April 9, 1888, at
her home in Sa.tonburg, Mrs. Merkel, wid
ow of Esq. H. Th. MerUel, aged about 80
WALTERS—On Thursday, March 22, IKBB,
Mrs. Josephine M. Walters, wife of \ Henry
Waiters, daughter of Alexander 11. Hays,
aud granddaughter of E. W. Hays, i;g?d 27
years aud 4 months. Residence Mt. Hope
street, Butler pi»:e, Etna, I'a.
| And when it set* her?, everybody will rush to
1 see it - incitement will run I'Bfli. arid we shall
| have crcwd"'.i h')':sos d«v ; n.t • •vcrJnr. What
lis it'/ Why i(:i BKi'K's MEN AUK t; IB—Hs a
. rejf;ili:r •'•..o.'ter—ain! wlr-n !' comes
i i<N>k out for stv rockets .;ii ! . »;:v.-f.-e«l llsfhlulng
i !ts not. :• m.-'iiitsrerli. <it monkeys.
! laipurrts that i-liuti;-. I heir srois or wild Atri
] can i. but K will draw great crouds and
| will be worth seeing.
I and knocks comper ion endwise. I' never hurts
la customer. bu r , It :*iu*:e.s competition ran.
I Tllty cover the ground tjitlu r. pe'.lv when they
! see It. and cant their :cosit-talls t-> the breeze.
! leaving yon in the hands of people who v.lll give
you a fair deal. Your interests are o'.trs. and
! nit l.ave i:,ade arrangecieots tor excursions
! during the season. A ll accommodation will
! leave i;o'.!;rem every day at T a m., making • -nl>*
J two Mops between Uoughem and Butler. Firs;
1 step, Triisiitowi!. and passengers will be allow
i minutes to look at the rra.-'li. That will be
! ijjlte lcttg eucMi;:l) to satisfy them that they
| KJ II -1 goon tollK>'K.'S. Second stop.Swludlers
| v!He. p.: <"u;re:\-. wiio arc mi:-.. enough to do so
will i»e ailovred i • over at the siatiou. ihe
j wiwe portion will go on to
! Tiie train wlii arrive at liutler * a.m.. sharp and
: Heck v-.Til be at the depot, to receive you.
! Should he not. do not be led off by the Ht tie
i llar.-.ars of side shows, but niakeu break for 1 he
1 big tent. No, 11. North Alai.: DuiTy's iilock.
We blow our own hern and there is no mist -ifc
: ing it. We tin' now ready. King the h« 11—beat
j the drum—toot 1II" horn—let the crowd eoino
I and see our magnlUcent Soring Attractions,
i The. are regular
and on every point will beat anything ever
shown i:i this city.
The rjuailly. quantity, style and price are Just
what will suit you, and the assortment ;o large
that It will dazzle you.
others try to follow us but they can't eatch up.
Our pace Is too much for them. We are 100
We arc boomers 1 We are sooners! —don't you
We arc rollicking. Jolly fellows. We are lip
roa'lag tin f op sellers.
And when It comes to bargains we can suit you
to a "T"
! We are hungry tar your money—do you ?
| And we try to be so funny—we are so queer,
j If you think we are a honey, come and drop
your money.
And we'll treat you like a sonny—all the year.
j For we have got the etiervv and the will. We
1 matte up our mlud to be the leaders In our "no
and the result Is, ••that we tad" and there i! no
j mistake about It. Our prices tell the tale.
They are ;;lwnys lower than the lowest and
I quality proves it. We make
No Rash Promises,
! but prove everything v. a state tn the papeix.
i when :• e >st iiner calls at our siurr. If you want
at: r!U:_:' gouUs tor ~,'erli;< e.isu eafi :sll.l -'e ear
Matsiittliviii slo'.-k o: spring Novelti-'s in tine
! elotlilng of all shapes scyles and prices: 11.1: 1,
(.'ajis. :,"e. :..vear, S),l: is. i ■ • I ■ -. Cuffs, Ijooer
r.-ear, Hosteiir, umuitMßiit«fli II mbreilas.
Trunks. Vaii. es, S.i; icis, ISi-n'aes. Oombs.
li.a mootca:. .i'"\'*eler>. and N'jtions
generally. We do not aUKnpt * full enutcera
llr.n OI our ;'o'jiis !?.*.! coille'.it oiir^ei.»r- v. ith t.iie
, ste'emeiit ilia \< • h; ve the lar;, st st xW, latest
i styles and lowest piiees.
j The realisation of the faet that ourlov prices
lar • a reality and n it a iietlonary lege.,.! in..kes
everybody wmv.h r. Heady money is the won
der ..'orke" tiVd lnt; enalued ns to place h-fore
the public si ch a gorgeous rtispla; cf Snilng
bargains and a lielerniination t" i-e t... ily salis
lli-d an i ilv ■" for small proUts is the r '.son we
can sell ->0 ei a-h cheaper than anyboily else.
Champion Clothier and Furn
>«i. 11, Xorth Mnln St., Duffj ii IllO'k,
- Pil.
; lutual Fire insurance Ca. I
1 Office Cor. ?»iain 6 C Jr»r.ir#gha?2i Sis.
H. C. IIKINEAiAJS, fct.«ju£TAKv.
j. I. Pun-is, Samuel Anderson, ,
William Campbell T. W. Hurkb.-.rt.
A. Ttoatniau, Henderson Oliver.
O. C!. Uoessing, .lames stepaen.wi , !
Or. W. Irvtn. N. V. eitiel,
J. F. Taylor. 11. C. lleiu«nn»n,
TKV.ll* I'K«T FOII KPECI.t I, r , OURT*;i>JMESVn*CI n93ri>A.Y ( 3* ".Y 7. ISBB.
No. Trrm. Yr. ftaint ' AtHm PL itUijfi. I l)rfe nl'« Attorney.
Cl' o'JT, .!»u. lblx,C. (!. Christie I G >upheri>.iu Jnwph Bnclccnbeny Forquer : Brandon
A D 4. Sept 1-&4 an.i Van ierliu I. M. liredin, u-.e 11. Royal Aekbar (.'oil Co. A. T. Bin. .
'• ">l, " " MrQui.sp.n a. J Uredm Jam. Poweri. Jack fth-Ctiliouch at al J. D. Mtryi ill
" 75, F H 'v-er A. M. Nicholls German Nat.B'k ililierstown Walker
'• sii, June 1 SS." I'. V." I. r. ry I', i. ' ~iru« » Win. MeTacitirt. Nrwioa HUrk
" C 7, s-p' " -« John.- -er; lau et al John WiSon Gral a-u >-;jiii»Haii and Ljoa
»>, Mar V 'ire r A •: .! .m*- \1 <ir S. AA.H. K. Co. Mci audi -- and Thompson
" 4'J, " MrCir.'l -< -rvi Thompson W. \V. I> A N ET nl JOCKS Kelly, u.lni'r Robinuiu
" 35, Die " !. Mi'.-I.ii; \Vm. 1.. MeGmry \V. B. Starader et a! Campbell r. d Brandon
(in, Jn»i* lsS7 Nfv.u.;i rtlje': I'atty sueer Tl.o» M. Thompson ,'rhompsn A. Son
'• s->, Juno l.v>7 •t> av' Varn' riin Jane- !•", IVown, for use Samuel Allen el al K. MeJ , -'of. and Galbreath
" s, nr. !>>; ii !{.:■ . (» V.'. Smith. S. A.'Clark Korquer Pberrin
" 7 1. >ept I.SS7 ; McJ..Mr.i. Gaibrtnth .INTUI Mcu«wan et al Sheuaopo Jfatnral Ga« Co MUQ<ii«i n
, Dec ■>»; VV" T ; ■ • & .*l. .«*: •• ! • !v-«*h Livestock Insurance Co McJuakia and Galbreath
" 04. Pec .>.■•: Mani.., i-.nd l.von V. li. uiiihftu) Henry Aiiler et al K.McJ.,?.icJ.A G.,and T. A Son
" 7i. i.i-T !. V.;.'.>l! ;.i. I Mvphcrrin \ I»ri.' ;■ Wolfor." eta! J. H. Woltorl .Bowser
" L';i ":.r i-, VcCa id. aa'i K oil lor. N. J. Crtley C. et m MeQuisU-.. and Vanderlin.
j " '. V r •' .d.«» B.:tl> ' Water Co.. The Mutual Gai Fuel Co and Walker
M>. Var ;>.■-> »c:t 1 P. l\eit M.J. Brown 1 McCandlta,.. mid Thompson
I " '•*-ir 1 K'. ,\iar> <l| . W. Ekis et a! P. Golden et al : tfcCandli!: and Kohler
' " 52, Var 1 Gr. i-r A Ilalsti.n. Jacob W. Bice Borr.uifh Butler j Eistnia:;
» " 7. June •-..-e Vtttvn i'.' is F K«.re P< t.-r Sinirk • ireer A BnNton
'■ 7. June I- ' J litn H. Ii). -- ;iwn I'etor Kernely Sbiiutnr I Plate Glass Co j Walker, "nttain A Brtdin
" 12. June 1 :•< •! ''niii-fioi' B. G. <ii!li-spie et ai SW. CriwfWnl »t al I
Pr .thoiintnrv's O.H-i;, A:-: i ' JOHN W. ItßOv- .V, Prothonotary.
Special Mourning Hats and Bonnets, Crapes
and Kui's Veiling always ready for use.
TSTo- 18. Sontlx M!aixi Street* ... BTTTT_.H!R» PA.
A. Troutman Son.
leading Dry Goods Ecus?.
1111111111 <1> 1111111111
n I BI , i
I have spared no paius or money in securing for the farmers of Butler
and surrounding counties a very high grade of Seed corn,
And whieh in the npar future will be the Pride of Butler County. I want,
every fnrmer in the county to give this corn a test und I will furnish the
corn free of charge to any one who may call for it. Don't hesitate about
coming for it; it matters not it you are a customer of mine or not, you are
welcome just the same.
Is a 1(5 rowed yellow dent ear, oto 11 inches iil -• nth and IV in
(lit. meter, kernels closely set, above medium aiz.;. It is a dark orange color,
shading t-lichtlv to the tips, cub extra small and red. In a test in a climate ;
similar to this 70 pounds of ears, not selected, !>ut imperfectly dried, prodirr- ,
cd pounds of shelled com, and only 9;} pounds of cobs instead of 14 lbs
as ic the usual proportion.
Stocks ruf i from 7 to 8 feet and quite often bears two ears.
It originated iu a climate similar to tfcit- and the yield has often been
iarge when other corn was a failure. It makes a high, lino grade ol 'neal :
for famil v use and is spoken of in the highest terms by iirst class mii.ers
The animals' teeth are uut wore aud ground down while u.ing this corn.
iTry it Free of Charge.j
A premium often dollars wili be paid by me to the farmer raising the best j
corn from the "Pride of the West." Come and get
some seed aud try and win the ten dollars.
Spring Boots and Slioe^
Have ati arrived; -tv'■*-< grander '.baa ever this year. Mv prices are para*
lyzirg competition. Get their prices; come to
me end 1 will saye you bi Q money
... i
Seed corn free until planting time is over.
Yours Very Truly,
22 Souiii iVlain St-., Buikr, Pa, j
i * .
I • :
| W O 11K
Estate of Samuel ißoyd, Dec'd,
latk of bcti.ki; county.
i letters ol administratis riving tiwn grant
i eil to Hit undersigned on the estate ot Hamurl
: Boyd. dee'd. late of Butier ountv. Pa., all per
sons knowing themselves imiebtwl to said es
: tate are requested to mak • mediate payment,
i ami any having claims ag . t said estate will
present tnem duly autheii 1 " tedforsettlement.
I I'iiii i.n v Titi.k and i'i ' sr Co.. Admr.
100 Dtamoii .-Pittsburg. Pa.
, .McPherrln & .Mates, Attj ' utler, Pa.
Estate of Frederick Siebert,
l. ATB OK HITLER h ran, DEC'D.
1 Whereas letters of Adrr.ii. ration on the es
! t-ite of Frederick Sleber;. •of the Borough of
; Hutler. Butler Co.. Pa.. .U- have been granted
to the undersigned, then: . all persons know
lug themselves Indebted 1 said estate wll
• please ma*e Immediate . yinent, and those
i having claims against t.u.' same will present
lU'-m properly authentleat ' tor payment.
William Sikbk;:. Administrator,
Butler, I'a.
Mc.Junkln*<;albrßath, ». orneys.
Notice to Contractor.;
Nctlce Is hereby given' .t scaled bids will
i>e received, troni April ir> ! until Tuesday, May
Ist. 1888. at the office of 0. •. Sard, ('vheie plaus
and speelUcatlors may t-a - -a) for the erection
'ot tne Sllppcryruclc Suato -mal School build
ings. Plans may also tie seci at the office of s.
W? Foulk. Architect. New Pa. The truf
tees reserve Cue right, to reji • t any or all bids.
<;ROKttJt 11 A- v/KLL. President,
i c. W.'B VKO, Secretary. _
| CeutervUle flipper} rock P. O.), B.itlei Co., Pa.