Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 13, 1888, Image 1
VOL XXV. GREAT BARGAINS 0 Fifteen Pair of Bradley's Blankets, at $4. Five Fine Plash Dolmans, at $15.00, were $30.00 Three Plu9h Colts, at S2O 00. formar prices, $4,000 Two Plush Coat;*, at sl7 50, former prices. $35.00 20 Grood Newmarkets, at $5. 16 Ci iidrens 1 Wraps from One Dollar to Foor Dollars, remnants in silk, en and COTTON GOODS OF ALL KINDS. A Full Line of Spring Buttons and Trimmings New Spring Goods Ai riving. CALL IN AND SEE THE GREAT BARGAINS WTTFB II MAN'S. JUST ARRIVED a large line of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of Fine Woolens and Suitings which I am ready to make up in Garments at as reasonable prices as you will find anywhere and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Al*> a full line of MENS', BOYS' and CHILDRINS' ready made Clothing at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. AH the latest novelties for Spring and Summer in Gents' Furnishings, Goods, Hata, Caps, Trunks, Valises; latest patterns in Shirt and Neckwear. IT IESCHANT TAEOBING Department is Booming. Call and make vour selection for your Spring Suit from those handsome patterns I have just got iu. I rices reasonable and fit guaranteed. Thar king my patrons for past favor*, I solicit a continuance of the same. 1. ROSENBERG. .64 South Main street, opposite the Pcstoffice, Butler, Pa. "JNTOTHI SU LIE SICE" WHY ? BECAUSE LOOK at our SUCCESS inEUTLER THEN LOOK BACK 30 YEARS AGO WHEN WE COMMENCED. Now Look at the Way We Do Our Business, THEN REASON HOW CAN it be OTHERWISE ? WHEN WE CARRY THE STOCK WE DO =TIE LARCEST= And Moft Complete in Butler, ranging in Quality and price from the Cheapest to the Finest, all Reliable, VVell Made Goods, besides we Guarantee all we sell Gall and be Convinced. H. SCHNEIDEMAN, Ho. 4, Main St. OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER CHO3CE FRUIT. Having tftkenttiie :i£«ncv for Ithe Choice Fruit Trees, Beautiful Shrubbery, Ornamental Trees, Ane everything • !se in the Nursery line, of tlie New KhrUukl Surseries. Chase Bros. & Co., X. Y.. I ¥.lll call upon you In the near future and solicit your ord< r* for Spring delivery. A. H, FALLER, Agent, Butler - Pa« MR. H. J. LAMB Organist and Choir Master, St. Peter's tier ; i <"li«irch. Butler, and conduc tor of iiu'Kjr Choral Union. Omin. PU*O> ktk. Vrni.t*. Sisoiwo AND HAR MOKY. Pianoforte* ai. J organs Tuned and Becrulat ed. T»rms on .npiicatlon, 50 West JefTereon street. Pittsburgh Nurseries. (ESTABLISHED 18*0.) W« again nff.-r everything choice In reliable Fruit Tree*, ..ill Fruits. Grape Vines, Bes-t Vegetable a l ' Flower Seeds.Hardy Roses, Clematis, F1 .-rliitr Plants. New Cher rk-s. New ,11ns. New Hears. New Or namental New Chestnuts. New > v Murdoch's Superior; Lwd Grass. *c. HiaA three cent ix>sta;re for our New Illustrat ed Catalogue for law. Oit of town orders for dowers and floral em blems promptly executed. JOHN R. & A. MURDOCH, 508 Smith field St, Pittsburg, Pa THE BUTLER CITIZEN Paul Crononwett & Co, BUTLER. PA.. Breeders anil Dealers In High-class Poultry: Langshans, Houdans. Light Brabmas. S. C. Bunvn Leghorns, K. k 8. C. White Leghorns. Plymouth Hocks. Toulouse Geese, Pekin and Musocvy Ducks. Crushed oyster shells for poultry for sale at all times. W. H. & P. "MORRIS, BUTLER, PA. Eggs $2 per 13; $3 for 26. For Sale. The undersigned Administrator of Ebenezer Christy, dee'd, late of Parker twp.. offers at private sale a farm or 117 acres, situate In Wash ington twp., near Billiards Station. It is all cleared and In good state of cultivation, well watered, und has a two-atory frame house, and log bam. large orchard, and good out buildings ALSO, a 75 acre piece In Washington twp., neartiie Allegheny slope coal mine, with rail road running through It. two-story frame house, partly cleared and balance good timber. ALSO, a farm of so acres in Parker twp., be tween Annlsvllle aud Eldorado, one-half cleared and other half well timbered with chestnut timber, good land, but no buildings. All the above pieces are underlaid with ooal, and will be sold either for cash or on time. For further pari IciUars enquire of G. W. CHRISTY, 32--3 in North Hope P. 0.. Butler Co., Pa Advertise in the CITIZEN. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Rule to Show Cause. in the matter of the petition of W. A. Thonip \on. Executor of Win. Thompson, late or Mid dlesex twp., Butler county, dee d, for discharge from said trust. O. C. No. 75. March Term. is<B. And nmv, April i. 1888. the Court grants a rule im the heirs, devisees, legatees and auditors of said decedent to sliow cause why the petitioner should not be discharged as pra>ed for. return able i o May 7.158*. . „ Butler County, SS : Certified from the Reeord April 4, KKCBFJT MCEI.VAIN, Clerk. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Kutler Co.. Pa., and to ine directed. there will be exposed to public Nile, at the Court House, in the borough of But ler, I'm., on Monday, tne 1 day of April. A.1).. 18sh. at t o'clock r.M.,the following described property, 10-vvir : E. I). No. March T., 1888. Thompson & Son. attorneys. All the right, title, Interest ant! claim of Nicholas Kramer, of, In and to 54 acres of land, more or less, situate lu Connoquenessing iwp., Butler Co., Fa.. bounded as follows, to-vvit: On the north by Rebecca Mag.nis, east by l.eonard Wick, south by Folk man & Graham, west by A. Stewart, mostly cleared, a log house, log barn, out-buildings and orcnard thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Nicholas Kramer at suit of A. L. Oyer for the use of Heiin hlte. 0I 1 ,- E R c . REDIC, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Butler, Pa., April 3, I*BB. Executor's Sale of Real Estate. 11l re petition of Zenas McMicli-l Orphans' Court ael, Executor of Margaret) or Butler Co., Timblln, dee d, to sell real es- -; Fa,, No. 71, tata for the payment of debts, I Dec. T., 1887. 4c. ) Whereas Zenas McMichael, Ex'r.. aforesaid did Present his petition to said orphans' Court Feb. 20, 1888. praying the Court to authorize blm to sell the hereinafter described real estate of said decedent for the payment of debts, sc., whereupon the said Court did refer the applica tion ot said Executor to A. T. Black. Esq., as an auditor to investigate and make report thereon, who pursuant, to said reference did report recom mending that the prayer of the petit.oners should be granted, wiilcn said report the Court did on the 2lst of March, ISBB confirm abso lutely and decree thereon as follows: DECREE OR COURT. And now, March 2lst 1888 the Report of the Auditor appointed by the Court to investigate the facts set forth In the petition of Zenas Mc- Michael, Ex r of Margaret Timblln. dee d, for leave to sell the real estate of said decedent for the payment of debts and tor the maintenance of Isaiah W. Timblln and made report thereon, having been filed and confirmed recommending that the prayer of the petitioner be granted, upon due consideration, the sale of the 54 acres more or less of land, described In said petition is authorized as prayed for. Terms of sale, to be one-third in hand and the balance in two equal payments in one and two years from sain date respectively witn inter est from said date to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises, said petit loner to file a bond in double the amount of said sale condi tioned according to law, and with a surety to be approved by the Court, before confirmation of sale returnable to next Term. BYTHE COURT Notice is hereby given that pursuant to said decree of court the undersigned executor will offer at public sale or vendue, on the premises ill Clay Twp., Butler Co. Pa., on TUESDAY THE sTH DAY OF MAY. I*BB. at 1 o'clock. P. M. the following described tract or message of land to-wlt: Fifty four acres of land more or less situate In Clay tp„ Butler Co., Pa„ bounded and described as lollows; Adjoining lauds of John Webb on the north, lands of Mrs. Smith on the east, lands of George Timblln on the south and lands of T. J. and William Thompson on the west, mostly cleared, with small board house and log barn and orchard thereon. ZEI'.ASMcMICHAEL, Executor of Margaret Tlmblin. dee d. Euclid P. o. Butler Ca Pa. S. F. BOWSER. Att'y. Estate of George Beam, I.ATK OF HARMONY BORO, DEO'D. Letters of administration on the estate of George Beam, deed' late of Harmony boro, But ler county, fa. having been granted to the un dersigned, til persons knowing themselves indebted to said e tate are requested to make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will preseut them duly au thenticated for settlement. ENSLEN BEAM ) A(lm rs SAMUEL BEAM / Anm ra ' Harmony, Butler county. Pa. LEV MCQOSTION, Att'y. Estate of William Gallagher, (LATE OK FRANKLIN T« P., DKC'D). Letters of administration on the estate ot Wm Gallagher, dee'd, late of Franklin twp., Butler countv. I'u., having been granted to the under signed. all persons knowing themselves Indebt ed to said estate will please make Immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. WILLIAM RALSTON. Adm'r, Prospect. Butler (Jo., Pa. Notice in Divorce. In the matter of the application of Bcnony Patridge for divorce from the bonds of mat rimony with Frances Delight Patridge. Iu the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, A. D. No. 62, Dec. term, 1887. And now to-wit, March 7, 1888, on motion of J. D. McJunkin, Esq. Walter L. Graham was appointed by the Court a Commissioner to take testimony iu the above case and re port to Court. PER CURIAM. In pursuance of the above appointment I will take the testimony of witnesses at the office of J, D. McJunkin, Esq. iu Butler, Pa. on the Ist day of May, 1888, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 o'clock p.m of said day. WALTER L. GRAHAM, March 19, 1888. Commissioner. NOTICE. To Francis Delight Patridge: You are hereby required to appear on the Ist Monday of June, 1888, at the Court of Common Pleas, then and there to be holaen in and for the county of Butler to make an swer to the petition of said complainant in the above case, if any you have, according to law. O. C. REDIC, Sheriff. March 19,1888. Estate of Henry Goehring,dec'd. LATE OF BUFFALO TWP. Letters of administration, T. A. having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Henry Goehrlng, dec'd, late of Buffalo Twp., Butler Co., Fa., all persons 'knowing themselves Indebted to said estate will please make Imme diate pavment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticat ed tor payment. JOHN T. MARTIN, Adm'r. SarversvlUe, P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. MCJBNKIN & GALBBEATH, Att'y. Estate of Wm. Crookshanks, LATE OF WINFIELD TWP., DEC'D. 1 Letters testamentary on the estate of Wm. Crookshanks, dec'd, late of Winfield twp., Butler connty, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate paymeut, and anv having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH W. TODD, Ex'r, Leasureville, Butler Co. Pa. MCJCNKIN & GALBREATH, Attornevs. Estate of Robert Patton, Dec'd. LATE OK FAIRVTEW BOROUGH. Letters of 'administration on the estate of Robert Patton, dec'd, late of the borough of Fairview, Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. R. P. SCOTT, Att'y. M. S. RAY, Adm'r, Baldwin P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. Estate of Valentine Stock, dec'd LATE OF BUTLER, PA. Letters testamentary on the estate of Valen tine Stock, dec'd. late of Butler, Butler Co., Pa., hazing been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment and any having claims against said es tate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. C. STOCK, Ex'r, Butler, Pa. Estate of Isaac P. Ash, I.ATK OF FORWARD TWP. DEfl'l>. Letters testamentary on the estate of Isaac P. Ash. dec'd, late of Forward twj., Butler county. Pa., having been granted to us, all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. EZRA LIKKX ,T MARY A, GHAHAM. f Evans City, Pa. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Butler County, the undersigned as Adminis trator of Henry Goehrlng. late of Buffalo twp.. Butler Co., Pa., dee d, will expose to public sale on the premises on WEDNESDAY, APRIL IK, A.D., 1888. at 1 o'clock P.M.. all that certain tract of land situate In the township of Buffalo, county of Butler, Statu «f Penn'a. bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of Philip Petsinger; on the east by lands of Joseph Harbison; on the south by lands of John Petsin ger and on the west by lands of Wm. Watson; containing ten acres of laud, be the same more or less, log house, log shop and frame bank barn thereon erected, also good orchard and good spring of water thereon; all cleared and under good lence. Within about one mile of Sarvers station B. B, West Penn'a R. 11. Terms of sale cash upon confirmation of sale by the Court, JOHN T. MARTIN. Adm'r C.T.A, of Henry Goehrlng, dec'd McJrmm & GALDKKATH. Att'y*. LOOK! READ!: I have ray store-room, in fact, made j i It almost twice as large as It was ht-fore. and j have also Increased nay stock, i have, by tar, the largest and best selected stock or Fine Drugs and Chemicals In Butler county, and am now In position to I supplv the wants of the people of tills county— j even better than in the past. You will do well to call on me when In the i nee < of anything In the line ot Fine Drugs and Medicines, MY stock is verj complete and I'Rl' lIS VEHY LO\V In inerli. ine quality is ot the iir>t impor tance. >.o we -i\e particular attention to Prescriptions. our Dispels.-,lug Department is complete. A e dispense only Pure Drugs or the Finest Quality, and our patrons may bring us their prescrip tions. feeling certain that they will be carefully and accurately filled. Thanking the public for the very generous Jiatronage they have accorded me In the past. I lope to be able to serve them more acceptably in the future, at the old stand. No. 5, North Main St., BUTLER, PA. J. C. REDICK, Wm F, Miller. Manufacturer of Stair Hails, Balusters and Newel-posts. All kinds of wood-turning done to order, also Decorated and Carved wood-work, such as Casing. Corner blocks. Panels and all kinds of fancy wood-work for inside decoration of houses. CALL AND SKIC SAMPLES. Something new and attractive. Also FURNITURE at lowest cash prices. Store at No. 40, N. Main street. Factory at No. 89, N, Washington street. BL'TI.ER. PKNNA. Solid Tratfi' Tw I s No BETTERCATHARTIC No BETTER LIVER MEDICINE THAN THE WORLD-RENOWNED >S°i dc < s j^AiJ DR/ y\ E P ILLS For Sal* by all Drugglito. Mee 25 c<«. per box; 3 lH)»e» for 65 ct».; or aent by mail, <"» receipt of price. Dr. J. H. Scheuck & Son, Phil»d a. "Zi'.BACK**)' The Keliable fi* Bop Plaster. Quickest remedy known for backache ami all sudden, sharp or long-standing pains or weak nesses of every kind. Virtues of fresh hops, bemloc* and pine balsam combined. It is wonderfully Soothing, Pain-Killing and Strengthening. No failure possible. 25c; 6 for #l. Sold every where or mailed for price by the proprietors. HOP PLASTER CO.. Boston, Main. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. G, M. ZIMMERMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at No. 4r>, S. Main street, over Frank & (Jo's Dtutf store. Itutler, Pa. J. F. BKITTAIN, Att'y at Law—Office at S. £. Cor. Malii St, and Diamond, Butler, Pa. NEWTON BLACK Att'y at Law—Office on South side of Diamond, Butler, Pa. IltA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law. Office at No. IT, East Jeffer son St., Butler, Pa, W. R. TITZEL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. N. E. Corner Main and Wayne Sts. _B"CJ TLER PEJMN'A Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties Hold Fillings, and Painless In fraction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. OfHre on Jefferson Street, one door East of Lowry House, Cp Stair*. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention, N. U.—The only Dentist in Butler using the best makes of teeth. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office No. 65 South Main Street, BXJTLER, - PA. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS, Physician and Surgeon, No. 10 West Cunningham St., BUTLEB, ZPZEHSTHSr'A. DENTISTH. * . 0 1/ WALDKON, Craduate of the Phlla • IV. delphia Dental College, is prepared to do anything l:i the line of Ills profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block up stairs. J. S. LUSK, M.D., Has removed from Harmony to Butler and has his office at No. 9, Main St., three doors below Lowry House. apr-30-tf. ~ L. S. McJUNIKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't. 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. BUTLER, - PA. A J FRANK k CO, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS FANCY AND TOIIJ.T A RTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY. &e Prescriptions carefully co.u pounded. 45 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. BUTLKR. PA . FRIDAY, APRIL 13. 1888 SOME KISSES. | The New York girl bows her stately head, ( A o»l sbe 6xes her stylish lips In a fitm, bani way, and lets them go In spasmodic little snips. The Boston girl removeth her specs, And freezeth her face with a smile: Then she sticks out her lips, like an open book, And cheweth a bean meanwhile. The St. Louis girl says never a word, And you'd think she was rather tame, With her practical views of the matter in hand, But she gets there all the same. The Baltimore girl, the pride of the South, In her clinging and soulful way, Absorbs it all with a yearning yearn As big as a bale of hay. The Chicago girl gets a grip on herself, As she carefully takes ofl' her hat; Then she grabs up the prize in a frenzied way, Like a terrier shaking a rat, The Pittsburg girl, so gentle and sweet, Ltts her lips meet the coming kiss, With the rapturous warmth, and the youth ful souls Float away on a sea of bliss. T he Butler girl with her pretty eyes, From which chain lightning shoots, Just glues her velvet lips to yours. And lifts out your soul by the roots. A Queer Bargain. SUSIE ASTER WATTS. Well, you see, said Cousin Sally Baker, when the railroad people first came along here with their queer ma chines a-layin' out the new track, we were all mightily exercised about it. Some took one view and some anoth er. Some was pleased, and said it would open up a market to us and increase the vally o' land; whilst others allowed that the farms would be ruiued, and the wheat fields set a fire, and cattle run over and killed, and the noise itself be an abidin' noo sance. I tell you some of 'em was real mad, but the maddest of the hull lot was ondeniably Betsey Ann Simcoe. She was a single, unmarried wo man about 40 or more, and lived on a poor little place of her own, just above the Cross-Keys tavern. 'Twas only two or three acres of gravelly land, with a two-room bouse on it. Folks said sbe had a leetle money hid away somewhere, for she was powerful sharp at making bar gains, and held a tight grip on all she got hold of; but, all the same, she made a great talk about poverty, as an excuse for not giving more to the missionary-society and for repairs to the meeting-house. Still sbe seemed to get along's well as anybody with her garden, and her cow, and her poultry, and the little gal she'd 'priuticed from the city's poor-bouse to help do chores. She wasn't a bad-tempered woman in gcn'ral. but I tell you she was mighty riled up the day the railroad folks come to her house and told her they were survey in' the track and that it would hev to run straight through her house. She rared up then and 'lowed the property was hers, and nobody had a right to so much as set a foot on it without her consent They were civil enough, and explained, and said they was willing to pay double the vally o' the .hull property for the pri vilege of running the road through. Sbe wouldn't hear it, but out o' sheer contraryness refused every offer, though everybody could see that her mouth watered at the very mention of the money. She said she'd never give up her home, and if they run their injine through the house 'twould be over her mangled body. And she wound up bv threatening if they didn't quit in a short time, she'd have them ar rested for trespasss on her premises. Wei, the next day she went down to Hobb's Holler to see her cousin, Lucindy Parks, and talked over the railroad business. Lucindy and the rest tried to convince her that she'd get the best o' the bargain by letting the railroad company have the land; but she 'lowed she'd not be turned out o' doors to commodate a passel o' sassy men folks that cared for noth ing but their own good. She stayed two days at Lucindv's, and then went back to her own house at Cross- Keys. Least ways, she went to where she'd left her house standing, but when she came in sight of it, 'twas gone, and nothin' of it left but a lot o' wood and ashes. Then there was a row! Betsey Ann accused the railroad folks of burning her house, and threatened to perse cute 'em by the law. They 'lowed they could prove by the neighbors that it bad been done accidentally by a passel o' tramps who camped on the place the night she was away, and made a fire in the woodshed to roast some of her chickens for supper. When the chips and wood caugbt and set fire to the house, they got skeered and made short tracks out o' Cross- Keys. Betsey Ann was convinced the railroad folks knew more about these tramps than they chose to let on. But she didn't say much—only dropped a little hint that she'd be ev en with them bimebv. They offered to build her another house if she'd give up the land. Sbe said she'd consider of it and let 'em know Purty soon they came to an agreement, by which, besides paying well for the land, they was to build her a two-story, four-room frame house, and likewise allow her to tra vel free on the road for the rest of her life whenever she wanted to, with a female companion along. At first they objected to the com panion; but when she explained that she was a lone woman and couldn't think of exposing herself to the atten tions of strange men by traveling un protected, they laughed and agreed to put in that condition along with the rest, which was done, and the papers made out and signed and seal ed according to law, Yon see, they'd hearn the neighbors lading at the idea of Miss Simcoe ever travelin' on the railroad—she had skeercely been fur ther from home than Hobb's Holler or Cowling Green meetin' house in all her life and was most afeard to trust herself out o' sight of her own house. Well, the company kept their word, and run up a two-story, four-room frame house for Betsey Ann—sech as it was. Sbe declared 'twas nothing better than a shanty, that wouldn't keep out the Summer's heat nor Win ter's cold, aud was liable to be blown away by the first high wind that came along. The company said they 1 hadn't stipulated for tte exact way the bouse was to be built, and they'd I done the be6t they could afford to do, j and she ought to be satisfied. She ; I shut up then, but sot her jaw in a , 1 way she bad of her own when she'd j j made up her mind to something she , ' didn'choose to talk about just yet. I At last the road was finished, and j one day everybody turned out to see . the ingine for the fust time, come I tearin' and acreechin' up Cross-Keys. : Betsey Ann Simcoe, she looked on, j with a kind o' smile of triumph, for all the world's if the hull concern be longed to her. Every time the train passed she came out and looked at it till she got used to seeing it and hear ing its unearthly noise. And theu j one day 6he tuck her little white help along, and got aboard the cars and rode up to the next station, as sbe said to Bee how sbe liked it. Next week she went ag'in as fur as Clover dale, and a little after made another trip, 'long with her cousin, Lucindy Parks, clear up to the city. Purty soon she got to be known to all the railroad folks along the line, and there was no end to the jokes about her. "By gosh!" says old Mr. Potter to one o' the conductors, one day. "I'm thinking you'll hev to fix up a car for her spesbal 'commodation, if she goes on this way longer." '•Oh," answered he, a smiling, "it's a novelty to her at present, but we don't object. After awhile, when her curiosity's gratified, she'il be con tent to settle down at home ag'in, and talk over her travels." Well, she did stay quiet for a week or two. and then took ag'in to to riding on the rail. First she went to Cloverdale to buy a tin kittle for 10 cents which she said was a saving 5 cents from gitten it at Cross-Keys. Then she left her gal at home and tuck Lucindy Parks along,all the way to the city to sell her eggs and buy a caliker gownd; and so it went all the Summer. * "Ob, never mind," says the con ductor. smiling a hard kind of smile. "She'il get tired of travelin' arter a while." But she didn't seem to get tired.On the contrary got she to making reg ular trips,taking along first one person and then another, until the conduct ors got to looking aa grum as bears; and even the firemen and injineers scowled or laughed every time she put in an appearance. One injineer used to let off a fear ful screech o' the b'iier whenever he seed her coming; but, arter the first scare, sbe got used to it and took no notice. And once when she was late and the conductor started the train just as sbe and Lucindy Parks was about climbing aboard, she threatened to sue the company if it happened agiu. They knew she'd keep her word, so they were all obliged to be ou their good behavior to her. So she kept it up all the first year or two. Her way was to get aboard with her female companion, whoever it might be for the time, aud jest fix herself comfortably near ihe stove or at a window, 'cording as it was Sum mer or Winter, and thar sit and knit the whole journey through. She'd carry one woman up maybe, and bring another down, and at last it came out that sbe was makin' a regular business of it, with folks that wanted to visit the town or country, they paying her a half and a quarter of the regular fare on what was pass ed off on the railroads folks for a free trip. The company interfered then, and said something about stopping it by law; but she 'lowed they hadn't stip erlated 'bout any business matters o' hern, and she was keeping to the let ter of the agreement. Then they tried to buy her off, but she said she was satisfied as things was and wanted no change. Still, it was clear that she was not only mak ing money for herself but keeping the company out of it. There was one injineer named Wells on one of the trains, and bime by, when this had been going on a matter of four or five years, Betsey Ann Simcoe noticed that he always tetched his cap and looked at her iu a soft, spooney sort o' way whenever he Been her. One day, when she was standing on the bank, ho flung a bokey of pinks and bachelder-buttons to her feet, and another time pitched her a pound o' candy. Then he handed her a newspaper wite some verses in it marked with charcoal—something about his heart being captivated uy a lady "over the way" that he'd never spoken to; and at last came a letter saying as how he'd seen her so often *on the cars, uid he was sure she would make him the good, clever, sensible wife he'd always wanted, if she could only bring herself to fancy him as he did her. Well, she answered the letter, and a meeting was fixed; but meantime one o' the railroad chaps stepped in and told her that Wells was getting so dissipated that the company talked of discharging him, but she might be able to save him only on condition that he'd give up going to bar rooms. He considered of it and said he would if she'd promise to give up her railroad travelin and stay at home and make it comfortable and agreea ble for him and her. So they both put it down in black and white, and got witnesses to it, and took oath to keep their words, and then they was married. Of course Betsy Ann Wells stayed at home now, and set about doing all she could to make it pleasant for her husband. She had plenty of time to do it in, for he didn't make his ap pearance there once a month, skeerse ly; and at last she found out that it was all a put up job of the company's who'd bribed Wells with S6OO to marry her off tho road for good. He was a reckless sort of a chap, but not bad, and had always been as sober and free from bar-rooms as a judge. Betsey Ann was awful cut up when she found it out, for she'd set her heart on him, as old maids are apt to set their hearts on the first man that purtends to keer for 'em. She didn't say nothing,even to Lu cindy Parks, but went right along do ing the best sbe could to make it pleasant for her husband whenever he came to see her. Aud at last, when he met with an accident from a collision on the road aud had to be laid up for weeks be fore he got well again, she had him taken from the hospital and nursed him as tender aud keerful as a mother does her ailing baby. And would you believe it, thut in time she brought the man round to be ashamed of the tricks he'd played on ; her, and to be just as steady and 1 easv-going a husband as any in Cross- 1 | Keys!' / Betsey Ann Wells never weut on I the rails again, except once or twice j with her husband, paying her own I fare And once she told the coudujtor | that spite of every thing the eompa- : i ny had done, she'd got the best of the J of the bargain a good husband and i money enough to make him and her j comfortable for life. __ Dropped Two{ Miles. "It is claimed by the balloonist { Baldwin that he has dropped 5,000 thousand feet from his balloon with a j parachute. I shall drop at least ten thousand feet, and shall attempt what! no other balloonist ever did—l shall drop with the parachute closed, leav ing it entirely to the fall to open it." So said Edward D. Hogan to a a group of newspaper men who had assembled at Jackson, Mich., last Wednesday morning on a yacant lot northwest of the town to see him make his foolhardy venture. Hogan lives with his family at No. 321 Van Buren street. He was for fourteen years employed in a planing mill and only during the last four years has devoted himself to balloon ing as a profession. He has studied the subject thoroughly, however, for many years, having from childhood taken the keenest interest in it. Hs rigged up a workshop at his home and there he spent every spare mo ment experimenting in the construc tion of balloons, ami during the past twenty years has made frequent short ascensions. Daring the past, few months he has given his attention to parachutes, and on Feb. tub. last, an nounced that he would ascend to an altitude of 10,000 feet and drop from the car. "There is no use," be said, "unless I cau beat all previous records and fall further than any living man A few hundred feet, less or a few hun dred feet more will count nothing for me. I must at least double the dis tance." He repeated this talk when getting bis car ready, and at twenty-five m;n utes to ten the balloon ascended. As it left the earth one of the guy rop-is ' holding the parachute broke. As soon as possible Hogan descended. "It'll go up again in an hour," he a said. The second trial was a success, j The balloon at five minutes past j eieven shot up to a distance of fully 10,000 feet. It then settled about 300 feet and hung like a ball in space. The crowd watched the balloon with bated breath. Observers provided with powerful glasses saw Hogan make ready to jump. "He'll weaken," said some one. "No fc " cried another watcher, "he is getting out," Hogan drew up the parachute till he reached the guy ropes, to which he lashed himself. He did not expect the para chute to open for the first two or three hundred feet, and be was afraid he might be shaken loose by the rapiditv of the drop unless he took the pre caution to fasten himself. When Hogan stepped on the edge of the car to spring into space the watchers grew pale and sick. Surely this daring man was going to certain death. A &hout of horror weat up. Hogan had dropped. Down like a cannon ball he fell for j 500 feeet. The parachute had not yet opened. Down it came, like a gigan tic, elongated bird. Suddenly a shout went up The parachute had caught the air. It opened like the wings of a monster eagle. Hogan's flight.; downward was almost stopped with a jerk. Then the parachute settled down to a steady journey earthward with its passenger, and in three minutes from the time the reckless man left the bal loon car he lauded safely in an open field some little distance from where the ascent was made. The correspondent was almost the first to grasp the hand of the aero naut. "I lost my breath," Hogan said, "when I shot down so fast, but I cautrht it again after a while. It was a great jump, wasn't it?" He had never seen a man jump with a parachute, and his was home made, containing 100 yards of stout, cloth. He was much disappointed at the slow time made, expecting to come dewn in ninety seconds. The parachute was twenty feet in diameter. Oscillation was guarded against by means of a four-inch hole in the apex. The Public Road Law. It is a general doctrine of law in this country that tho land in the highways belongs to the owners of the land on each side. The farm generally extends to the middle of the road, and the public has only the right to pass aud repass in an orderly manner, and keep the road in repair. The farmer owns the highway, the soil, grass, trees, stones, gravel and everything else upon the surface or under it, and may use thom in any way that does not effect the public right of passage, and the law will protect his ownership in them just as if they lay inside his own fence. Notwithstanding the fact the farmer owns the land of the road, he cannot use it himself for any purpose which at all interferes with the public right thereto. He cannot put his wood piles, wagons or pig pens thereon, and if he does, and the traveler runs into them at night and is injured, he would not only be liable for private damage sustained but he may be in dicted for obstructing the public high way. No person has a right to pas ture on the side of the farmer's high way any more than in the enclosed lands, nor can he bitch a horse to a tree there without being liable for trespass,especially if the horse should gnaw the tree or do other damage. If a person lets his cattle go into the highway he is liable for trespass they commit by simply being there unlaw fully; for "the injury they occasion to the sod or barking of the trees, and for any other damage they may do. If while there they hook or kick or bite any person, lawfully using the way he would be liable for the inju ry. Turned it White. A Georgia negro, having hurt his leg, treated the wound with mud from the Ocala swamp, and found i when he removed the bantage that the wound was healed and that the leg had turned almost white. The result is that the negroes of the vicin ity are flocking to the swamp and covering themselves with the mud, ( hoping that it will turn them white, j Minne-\va-\va. An Indian Legend of the Sour Spring. This little tale is associated with that portion of Western Peunsylva uia now embraced by B'Uler and Ve nango counties. In the former, where the pleasaut town of Butler is now lound, the glassy Connoquenessing then wandered through a hoary for est. In its meandering the stream did not touch a grander scene tiian that opposite the present mill site in the southern precincts ot that town. The abrupt hill rested its foot upon the rocks which lined the stream and formed a wall just wheje the water went leaping over a precipice and kept singing a neyer-dvin;* anthem to the Most High. The beauty of this sequestered spot—the grandeur of the rock-ribbed hill, and the magnificence of the forest, with their mirrored counterparts in the placid water; ere it went dashing and crashing and splashing over the stony abyss—must' await a description from a more plas tic pen. The pale-face stepped upon the scene and it was changed. The mutilating hand of that prog ress which has no eye for beauty nor care for old land marks, has spared but three of the historic rocks on the stream and has made two of them pay tribute from thsir massive pro portions. Here Massev Harbisou, so celebrated in the annals of Pennsyl vania pioneer history, crossed the chasm on a log with her babe in her arms, a captive to the wily savaga. The central and largest one rises high atid perpendicularly from the water. It has a large, flat top, easily accessi ble trom the hillside, and is promi uently connected with this romance. It is known as the Lovers' Rock, probably from this incident. How erer, the most remarkable object in the locality is a spring of sour water iu the midst of numerous freshwater spriugs. No natural reason has ever been giveu for this phenomenon, and lor these facts the writer is indebted to the time-stained pages of a diary which he found in a rickety old gar ret. It was ensconced among the dusty papers of an old and somewhat eccentric lawyer, who has long since mouldered to dust. So ranch by way of prelude or ex planation. To proceed, the acene is shifted to the depth of a forest which flourished a century since in Venango i county. It was a beautiful spring afternoon. A limpid stream meanders through the forest, and where the genial rays of the 1 sun fell through the interweaving foli acre upon its surface, it sparkled like a thread of silver. A little canoe floated almost noiselessly on its boson. The trio it carried were on thoir pilgrimage to a religious cere mony of the Seneca Indians, and all maintained an oppressive silenca— such as proceeds from heavy hearts. A large, swarthy savage stood in the middle with a paddle; the other pas sengers occupied seats. In one end sat his daughter, Minne-wa-wa, "belle of the Senecas, pride of the forest," in the other, an adopted son, whose complexion and features, despite his gay Indian trappings, disclosed his descent. This was the German cap tiye, Fritz Schleiermann. Only the occasional dash of the pi lot's paddle broke the monotonous silence. The captive gazed thought fully into the water and recalled the past; to the sky and traced a horo scope of his future. Each cruel inci dent of ten yearß of captivity—from his kidnapping on the Susquehanna river to the last punishment for at tempted escape—was reproduced in his mind. His breast rose indignant fell despondent. Impulsively he i grasped his tomahawk. His captor stood with hie back toward him, and one blow would put him out of the way forever. One blow—it was never dealt; the cruel red-skin was Minne-wa-wa's father. This maid of the forest was known far and wide for her exquisite physic al beauty, of which no description has been left to us; but, what is far better, we get an occasional glimpse of the beauty of her character. Amid the darkness and frigid atmosphere of barbarism she bloomed a rare, pure and pretty flower. She heard with the greatest interest the Biblical story —God's mercy and Christ's beautiful life and great sacrifice—as it fell from the lips of the captive. Many a moon fonnd them hid beneath the trees; the captive giving the gist of the scripture passages he had learned | from the Catechism, and Minne-wa wa committed them to memory. Soon the God of the captive was Minne wa-wa's God; and his prayers were her prayers. Secretly she befriended him—lightened his burdens and in creased his joys. Her feeble arm pre vented cruel blows, and her influence frequentlv stayed acts of bloody vio lence. Many braves of distant wig wams aspired to her hand. She re jected the famous, the influential, the honored, for one poor, disgraced, and oppressed. Fritz, the German cap tive, was the choice of Minne-wa.wa, •'belle of the Senecas; pride of the for est." The Indian hater can find in the puro love and fidelity of this child of the wofcds an exception to bis pessi mistic rule. Perhapß, if he makes an unprejudiced examination, he will discover that the Indian is linked to bis white brother by more sympa thies and affections and fewer vices than are usually ascribed to him. After all, we are creatures of the self same God, and all aspiring to an im mortality in which our ideal of hap piness will be perfected. But, while we have been moral izing, the canoe has pulled up among some blooming laurels and our loiter ers have joined the worshipers who preceded them. It was a motley gathering, full of life and talk. Lazy old braves lay stretched in the sun on their blankets. Here and there sat a group of idle warriors smoking, gambling, and feasting; laughing at their rude witticisms or magnifying their own deeds of exploit and advan ture. Wrinkled old women, as they glided about the mess-pots and fires, passed the latest morsels of gossip, which is always the sweetest, from lip to lip. Bevies of gallant youths engaged in savage sports, while the forest rang with their shout aud the applause of interested warriors. Of course there were young damsels there too, adorned in their brightest costumes and smiles, and not at all adverse to doing a little innoceut flirt ing. And, as if to give additional diversity to the picturesque scene, troupes of nude little children with mischievous black eyes went darting about —now here, now there —making the camp ring with the ma- I sic of their jolly voices. Such waß | camp life before worship—a continual 1 holiday; or what oar average youth would dub "a regular picnic," AH might be inferred, these assem blies resulted in numerous barters, betrothals and so on. Their love affairs, like those of our own in which bicoted, aristocratic or mercenary pa rants are concerned, were consumma ; ted with little regard to the bride's choice; but the aborigines possessed less hypocrisy and more honesty than these, and the chap who would give the most, instead of the one who had j the most wealth, got the girl. Amoujf the visitors on this occasion ! was Te-caugh-re-ta-ne-go, a young i sub-chief. He was handsome, "fleet as an arrow, sly as a fox, and strong as a bear;" but he was insolent, j haughty, tyrannical. He saw Minne wa-wa, became enamored, paid her father his price and decided to take his new wife to his distant lodge I when camp dispersed. It was a de sirable match. The young brave was heir apparant to the chieftancy of the tribe, and it was considered as a fine stroke of diplomacy by the bride's father. Minne-wa-wa received the intelli gence with horror—the captive with dismay. This is the beginning of the end. When the time for the ceremony had arrived, the gayety of the camp was transformed into an awfal si lence, and the bands collected on the banks of the creek. A dam had been constructed so as to collect the bub bles of petroleum which rose to the sur face, and also the little streams which occasional run from the banks, and hence the water was covered with a thick scum. Imagine the sublimity of the scene and the grandeur of that temple. Gigantic hills, clothed with majestic forest, rise on every side as walls; the velvet sod forms a beauti ful carpet; the altar is a glassy stream bearing a golden sacrifice; the pulpit is a mossy rock; the music, the song of cascade, and the heavens, an arched roof. In that temple hundreds of gayly decked and painted savages stood motionless during the mysteri ous incantations of their high priest, the medicine man, and the speech of their chief, as he recited the con quests and victories of his people and their valorous ancestors. Then a torch was applied to the scum. The surface of the stream burst into a complete conflagration, The magni ficent flames leaped, one higher than the other—vied with each other longed to kiss the skies with their tongues of fire! Every savage jump ed into the air and, amid the wildest gesticulations, gave forth a shout that made the bills and valleys echo, and re-echo again and again. Here, then, were the children of the Sun in the depths ot the Western forest— here was revived the worship of the East. [The writer firmly believes that the ethnologist can discover in the customs and ceremonies of the Seneca Indians traces that might ultimately reveal the origin of the American ab originese. The fire deity hails from the Orient, and it is said the symbols aud hieroglyphics are almost Bimilar to those of the ancient Egyptians and Persians.] When the excitement was highest the captive and Minne-wa-wa escap ed. Now, all was over and the bands were about to depart. Te caugh-re-ta-ne-go searched in vain for Minne-wa-wa. When the cap tive's absence was discovered the true situation flashed upon his mind. Wild with rage he organized a party and went in pursuit. The trail took to the sooth. We catch our first glance of the fugitives as they emerge from ft thick et with pursuers close in the rear. A shot is fired after them. Another and yet another, whizzes by—but the .lovers are beyond gunshot. Up-hill, down-hill, through underbrush, over stony ground, through swamps—-they speed like arrows. An occasional pheasant whirs from their path or a frightened deer darts past. They continue their speed without the least abatement and perspiration streams from their browa. They in crease ithe distance between them selves and their pursuers, who follow in hot chase. Ten, fifteen miles are accomplished and there is still no evi dence of their slackening pace. It is race for life. They maintain their terrific speed, reach tho Connoquen essing creek and lose sight of their pursuers. Have they given op the chase ? God knows 1 The lovers continue their speed down the stream Their faces and necks are swollen and their veins seem ready to burst. On they bound. Mile after mile is laid behind. They arrive at the rock before described, and there is still no evidence of the followers. They pause a moment—nature revolts. Their breasts heave convulsively and they tremble in every limb. They run out on the rock, which offers a commanding view, to ascertain if pursuit has really ceased. Hush 1 a slight rustle among the leaves. The glimmer of a gun barrel—ft shftrp re port—and the fugitive falls and rolls into the chasm.' A scream—a leap— and Minne-wa-wa is with her affi anced. Anguish did its work. When the red dovils crept steathily to the edge of the rock and looked over, it was only to find her dead; both dead head in each other's arms, They had run the race for life to meet death at the end. The Indians then repaired' to the spring on the hillside, for; they were hot and exhausted. Moreover, the spring was the most famons in the country and pleasant to the taste. "But," says the diary, "the Great Spirit was displeased with the acts of Te-caugh-re-ta-ne-go; he was angry at the death of Minne-wa-wa, the belle of the Senecas, the pride of the forest; and when the lips of the chief tonched the water of the spring, it was curat and became instantly sour." After covering the bodies of the un fortunates with stones, some of which remain even to this day, the Indians went their way, never to return. "Such," concludes my athority, "is the tale of Minne-wa-wa, the belle of the Senecas, the pride of the forest; such is the legend of sour water, of the spring that is curst." P W. N. H. from Lima, Ohio, to Chicago, 111., covering 200 miles, will be ia opera tion in two months. The pipe is of the 6 and 8 inch variety. The capac ity ot the line will be 200,000 barrels a day. NO. 23