Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 06, 1888, Image 3

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    the oitizbit.
FRIDAY. APRIL 6. 1888.
The public is hereby notified that hereafter
ah Resolutions of Respect or Condolence adopt
ed by organizations and ordered published, all
notices of Church Fairs, Festivals and Lec
tures; and all communicated Obituaries will
be charged for at the rate of one-half cent a
tcorri, money to accompany each order.
New Advertisements.
Pay's Millinery.
Srhbeideman's Clothing.
Huselton's Boots and Shoes.
Prof. Lamb's Pianos and Organs.
E. Grieb's Jewelry.
C. N. Boyd's Drags.
Treasurer's Sales for Jane 11.
Sheriff's Sale for April 23.
Dr. Clark'a Announcement.
Rule on heirs of Wm. Thompson.
Ceotreville boro—Ordinance.
New Locals —Stock's Stoves, Rosenberg's
Clothing, Swan House, A. Troutman A Son's
—Harry Moorehead of Karns City expects
to move to Butler.
—The tirst of April and Easter Sunday
brought fine w< ather with them this year.
—'"Pump" is the name of the new post
office on the 5.4 A. R. R. near McNees'
stone-pump and crock factory.
—Monday aud Tuesday of this week were
rood moving days—barring the streets and
—A Brownsville blacksmith has invented
a machine forsearpening a horeshoe without
removing it from the foot.
—Subscribers who have changed their
ro.toffio« addresses should notify us immedi
ately, giving the old as well as the new ad
—Mrs. Isabella Birch, widow of David
Biirh of Centre twp. has been granted a pen
sion and will receive S6OO of back money.
—\ young man who has been proposed to
and has promised to be her husband is
ioas to know whether he should allow her to
kiss him before they are married.
—Mr. Samuel Staples and Mr. Thomas
Johnston of A.darns twp. had horses stolen
oae night ot last week. Both horses were
raeoyered in Beaver Falls.
—Dr. Bvron Clark, the celebrated special
ist, will be at the Lowry House, in Butler,
on Friday and Saturday, May 4th and sth.
See announcement in another place.
—Mr. B. C. Huselton has received his
Spring and Summer stock of Boots and
Bhoes, and has something of especial interest
to aay to our readers in this paper.
—The no full moon in February joke ap
parently attracted but little attention. But
one of gar subscribers has as yet mentioned
—On Monday of this week Judge Weir
received from Kittanning the sorrowful
news of the death of his daughter Ida, wife
of Dr. Blaine of that town. She was in her
29th year.
—Prof. R. J. Lamb, now has the agency
for the celebrated pianos and organs of Mel
ier A Hoene, and he has something to say
to oar readers this week. The Professor is
meeting with great success in Butler.
—Family history and pedigree seldom ap
pear in an advertisement but they are entire
ly appropriate in the little biography of Buf
falo Boy, a beautiful horse now owned by
Mr. Alooan McCandless, which appeu-s in
another place.
—After the special Easter services in the
Sunday School room of the M. E. Church of
ihia town, last Sunday, the children contri
buted- sll4 towards paying the Church
—Some men who make a little money pro -
ducingoil have an irreaistble impulse to go in
to tike market- One of our oil producers drop
ped SIOOO on a falling market last Mon
—County Treasurer Seaton has something
to say this wsek to seme property owners
jrbo have neglected to pay their taxes. See
notice of Treasurer's Sales under the laws of
the Commonwealth in another place.
—Knights of Labor will do well to notice
(tm on and after Friday, April 6, 1888, the
meetings of L. A. 8598, will be held in the
ball of the Carpenters and Jointers' Union,
3rd floor of the Schneideman building,corner
of Main and Jefferson Streets.
—The Town Council of Centreville has
ordained that horses, cattle, hogs and sheep
«h»ll not rua at large in the streets or alleys
•f that town, and give public notice to that
effect. See ordinance in 'another plaoe.
-T*« wife of James Piper of Beaver
Falls formerly of Millerstowu ran a splinter
into her finger about three weeks ago. Blood
poisoning set in and her arm had to be am
putated a few days ago.
—James Coyle a son of Neal Coyle of
Donegal twp. «as badly burned at a well at
Glade Ran on Tuesday afternoon and is not
expected to live. He was dressing tools at
the tune and a spark set his clothes, which
were saturated with oil, on fire.
—Dt, Lnsk met with a severe accident last
Tueeday. as he was driving along the plank
ruad near Mcßride, the king bolt of his bug
gy came out, causing the buggy to part and
throwing him to the road, and in his fall his
bend struck the spring and his knee the
dashboard badly bruising both.
—Friday the 27th inst.has been designated
by GOT. Beaver as Arbor Day. Everybody
aboald plan tat least one tree, and several
might be planted in the school house lot on
Jefferson street, and a fence might be put
around it with oat doing it any harm.
—Tbe Haysville literary society has been
refased the farther use of School House there
for the holding of its meetings, the director
giving as a reason that he had he had been
informed that the meetings have been "dis
orderly and indecent," a reason that has
Banned some indignation in that vicinity?
—Tbe Glatsau well on the Walt Boggs
tea, Reibold district, was reported doing 50
barrels per hoar Tuesday. Boggs gave a
graded lease and at that rate of production
bad a half royalty, or would have nad, if he
bad not made a foolish sale of his interest in
tbe well before it was completed.
—Two men named McCoy and Reed were
drank in Butler last Thursday afternoon.
Then they fought and both were put in jail.
Seed went first and then the officers got after
McCoy and captured him near the depot,
wbere his wife was waiting for him to come
and take the train with her for their home
■ear Harrisville.
—Mr. Nicholas Henchberger of Butler tp.
has moved into Adam Webers house on
Washington St*, and be has purchased a lot
•n W. Penn street on which he is building a
■tore room and residence, and in which he
proposes keeping a grocery store. John
Denny has removed to New Castle.
—The saloon of Mr. Owen McCarthy at
Ko. 15, Sixth street, Pittsburg, is a favorite
reeort for anti-temperance people of this
county, and ten of the citizens of Petrolia,
who thought it poasible that their names
might be on tbe drug store or "French
Mrry" subpoenas, are reported to have been
in that vicinity last Saturday.
—Mrs. D. T. Pape has received an im
mense stock of Spring Hats, Bonnets, Trim
mings, Millinery, Veiling and everything to
be found ia a complete millinery store. She
baa a betutifal store room, and able and ac
tive assistants, and ladies who select their
hats and trimmings there can have them
made ready to take home in a few moments.
—Now is tbe time for street Commissioners
and road Supervisors to look over their
streets and msds for mud holes and places
tbat need repairing. Here in Butler our
atreet Commissioner has the most extensive
job in tbe county—too much for any one
man to attend to. We should have three street
lonMniasionerg, one for each ward.
—Mr. H. Sehneideman, the successful
filthier, ha- mmething to **Y to oar readers
this week. Ha riot: began business for him
self in Butler «ome fitteen years ago, and by
elrwe attention to his own affairs and correct
principles hw become one of the independent
bub'new men of Butler, He carries a large
and varied stock of goods, and guarantees
everything he sella.
—The malicious reports,widely circulated,
that typhoid fever was raging ii Grove City,
are false and without any foundation what
ever. There hare been only four cases with
in the pact two month* and these have about
eoavaleseed. There have been no new cases
for more than a month. More H».n 200 stud
ent* were present Wednesday. K.
—Messrs W. D. Brandon and A. If. Corne
lias, Attorneys at Law, have removed their
office* from the Berg building to Dr. Byer's
building, adjoining the postoffice, and are in
the rooms formerly occupied by the officers of
the Live Stock I noarance Co. The offices of
the In*aracoe company have been tempo ra
ni ly removed to the second story ot the
Betaock building, bat will be permanently
located in the *econd story of the poatoffice
building, as soon aa that proposed improve
ment is completed.
Court met Monday at 1 p. m. with Judges
Hazen and McMicbael on the bench. A
petition to amend the bond of tieorge aud
Jacob Reiber in their application for whole- j
sale license, was presented and allowed; i
Judge Hazei then gave bis views on the li
cense laws of the State and the duties of
Judges in the matter and proceeded to read
over the lists of applicants, and decisions as
W. H. Reiching of Butler. This, his
Honor said, was a close cuse and it would be
unsafe for Mr. Reiching to come into Court
again under similar circumstances, but the
bond was approved and license granted.
Henry Eitenmiller, Butler. This applica
tion, the Court said, was fatally defective,
and the license was refused.
John F. Lowry, Butler. Bond approved
and license granted.
George W. Campbell, Butler. Bond ap
proved and license granted, but Court trust
ed the admonition given regarding loagng in
frout of his hotel would be heeded.
George and Jffcob Reiser, wholesale, But
ler. Bond approved and license granted.
Thomas E. Gamble, wholesale, two appli
cations, Butler. One granted and one rei'us
ed. .
Jacob Feidler, Jr. Harmony. License re
fused, not net-ess ary, and application and
testimony at variance.
S. Beam, Harmony. Bond approved and
license granted.
W. H. Jellison, Petrolia. Bond approved
and license granted.
W. H. ting, Petrolia. License refused.
C. M. Burnett, Petrolia. Bond approved
and license granted.
Francis Laube, Jr. Saxonburg. Bond ap
proved and license granted.
S. Muihollaud, Saxonburg. License re
fused, the Court having doubts as to the
applicant being a fit person to have it.
Chas. Weitzel, Saxonburg. Bond approv
ed and license granted.
J. A. Harding and B. J. Forquer, Millers
town. Refused on grouuds of continuous
and persistent disregard and violation of the
law, aud the Court notified others to take
John Dolan, Millerstown. Bond approved
and license grauted.
A. &A, A. Hoch, Millerstown. Bond ap
proved aud license granted.
John N. Miller, Evansburg. Bond approv
ed license granted.
H. W. Stokey, Evansburg. Bond approv
ed and license granted.
Chat). Stokey, Zelienople, Bond approved
and license grauted.
F. Strohecker, Zelienople. Bond approved
and license granted.
George Stahl, wholesale, Zelienople. Court
refused applicntion on the grounds that the
applicant is not a fit person.
John \V. Lawall, Saxon Station. Applica
tion refused on grounds of house not being
Joseph Graham, St. Joe. 'Refused as not
P. &M. Shields, Great Belt. Refused as
not necessary.
David Stewart, Renfrew. The Court said
this was another close case on account of the
sale of liquor to minors, aud it would be un
safe for Mr. Stewart uf come back with other
offences of that kind charged to him, but
bond approved and license granted.
Wm. Laderer, Middle Lancaster. Refused
as not necessary for accommodation of the
The Clerk was directed to issue these li
censes on payment of all lees to the County
Treasurer provided they were called for
within fifteen days, and if not called for
within that time they were revoked.
Z T Aumick vs Kate Burke. April 3, ver
dict for the plaintiff for $24.48.
Samuel L Riddle, Sr. vs John M. Arm
strong. April 4, Jury find in favor of
the plantiff for the South half of the land de
scribed in the writ, andthe north half for the
Marterer vs Adderhold, etal, discontinued.
Reiber vs Boos and Walter, discontinued.
Sarah Brell vs Anna Rape and Wm Rape,
2 cases of slander, settled.
J Q A Kennedy vs Irvine, and Shenango
Gas Co., settled.
Martha Marshall vs A S Marshall, dower,
case settled April 4, as per paper filed.
F B Goldinger vs Asa A J Campbell, con
tinued on accouut of reported death of
Mary Jane Canvay vs Cornelius Gormley,
replevin, settled.
McConnell, adm'r, vs Wigton discoutiuu
Andrew Bott, er al, vs J C Sabline, Reep
& Sutton, et al, Plaintiffs takes a voluntary
P C Bell vs M J Brown, case continued at
cost of plaintiff.
Chas Bachman vs J G Lensner, ex'r of
Jno Wedel. April 4, verdict for plaintiff for
All other cases on the list were continued,
To-day, Friday, is appeal day from Mer
cantile Appraisers assessments. The Ap
praiser will be in the the Commissioner's
office to-day.
Jas. S. Hays replevened one bay stallion
in hands of A. L, Findley.
Letters of administration were granted to
Jos B Ziegler on estate of Cath. Ziegler of
Cranberry yp. also to Wm Siebert ou estate
of Fred'k Siebert of Butler boro, also to J K
Holland on estate of Wm Holland of Hil
Williamson Bartley deeded John Keefer
20 acres in Butler tp, for SI2OO.
Benj Garvin deeded Geo Knauff 89 acres
and 130 perches in Cranberry for $4490.62.
Cath. Carson deeded P Nicholas 50 acres
in Forward for $2500.
Jon. Flick deeded David Lefevre 32 acres
in Middlesex for SI2OO.
J N Milliard deeded T H Heenan 35
acres in Washington, and Heenan deeded
same to Sadie Hilliard.
W J Crow deeded Geo W Crow 62 acres in
A M Harper deeded property in N. Wash
ington to J D Meals for $230.
J D Meals deeded T M Smith property in
N, Washington for $375.
Thos P Martin deeded C M Seidel property
in Harrisville for $950.
Cath. Bergbichler deeded Jno Bergbhhler
82 acres in Summit for sl.
Jas Billingsly deeded 50 acres in Cherry
to O G Gold for SIOOO.
M Eisler deded a lot in Butler to J McCoy
for $350.
J H Gibson deeded 156 acres in Washing
ton to W P Wyke for S3OOO.
W P Wyke deeded 53 acres in Washington
to Martha Mclntvre for SIOOO.
Marriage Licenses.
Jas. W. McKee Forward tp
Hattie Cheers "
Frank J. Schnur Pittsburg, Pa
Maggie Ober Summit tp
John T. Rodgers Donegal tp
Lizzie A. King "
Henry Gerner Winfield tp
Annie M. C. Reonigk "
Thomas Marshall Bakerstown, Pa
Aggie S. Marks "
At Kittanning—E. H. Coulter of Butler
and E. C. Barger of Miller's Eddy.
At Mercer—lsaiah J. Wighton of Brad
ford and Annabell Dobson of Butler coun
Spring Excursion to Washing
ton via Pennslyvania
The popular demand for tickets for the
Pennsylvania Railroad's select excursions to
Washington has been so great and the dispo
sition of our people to visit the National Cap
ital is so determined, that the company has
arranged another excursion for Thursday,
April 12th. Of the entire seties this fcas,
without doubt, the most desirable date, as it
comes at a time when Washington is in the
first flush of the activity, social, political,
and natural, of early spring. The side trips,
too, to Richmond aud Mount Vernon, are
peculiarly attractive at this season.
The excursion will be run on the same
plan as heretofore. The train will be com
posed of parlor cars and passenger coaches,
and will be run through on a fast schedule.
The tickets will be good for ten days, to be
used going only on special train, aud to re
turn by any ragular train, except the New
York and Chicago Limited. A stop-over in
Baltimore on the return trip is permitted.
The special will run on following schedule,
and tickets will be sold al the rates quoted
Rate. Trains leave
Pittsburg $7 50 8:00 A.M.
Blairsville 700 7:00 "
Washington arrive 7:55 P.M.
—By the new license law the wholesalers
who took out license paid the County Treas
urer S2OO eaoh, the retailers in boroughs $l5O
each and in townships $75 each, with costs
amounting to $3 each. The Mercantile Ap
praiser assessed the hotels of this town under
the old law, and taxed them S7OO each with
costs, but it didn't stand. Part of the money
Kid into the County Treasury belongs to the
roughs and townships for road
The dwelling house of Calvin
Neale, occupied Dan Cousins, at
Craigsville, was destroyed by fire
last Thursday, including all the
household goods and SIOO in bills
owned by Mrs. Woodrow.
Ia Freeport on Sabbath morning of
last week, A!f. James and Harry Ir
win started to ruu a foot race across
the railroad bridge ever Buffalo creek
Harry's foot slipped and he fell head
foremost, a distance of about twenty
feet to the creek below, striking the
ice with his head and shoulders.
The ice broke which saved his life,
for had it been solid his neck would
Lave been broken, The water was
deep enongh to drown him. but he
maDaged to scramble out, and strange
to say is not seriously hurt.
Mr. A. P, Gorman, of McKeesport,
Alleghenv Co,, has been for years an
inveterate tobacco chewer, but he has
sworn off for A few days ago,
going to work he, as usual, took the
plug and bit off agoodsized mouthful.
Feeling some foreign substance in
his mouth he extracted it and was
horrified to find the end of a man's
finger, which had been cut off in some
tobacco factory and becoming mixed
with the tobacco h»d been worked up
in the plug. To say that Mr. Gor
man became ill is "patting it mild."
At New Castle, last Thursday,
Judge McMichael granted 22 licenses,
held 2 over and refused 5. Judge Mc-
Michael said: The Court has no writ
ten opinion to hand down, but will
stats that it decides there can be
made no distinction between hotels
and restaurants and eating houses;
that under the cew law restaurants
and eating houses are permitted and
licensed to sell vinious, spirituous,
malt and brewed liquors, the license
being same as granted the hotels.
The act of Assembly of 185G made a
distinction between hotels and eating
houses. This law was re enacled in
1867, and it provided specifically just
what eating houses should sell, limit
ing them to domestie wines, etc.
The Brooks law make bo such dis
tinction and this Court has no right
to say what shall be sold by those
who are granted eating house and
restaurant licenses.
The P. R. Ft. Co., proposes* mak
ing extensive improvements at Point,
and has purchased 150 acres adjoin
ing the picnic grounds.
In Pike county the deep snows
and severe weather forced the
animals and birds to seek sheter and
food in the very cteor yards of farmers
and others who live in the clearings
of that isolated community. It was
a common thing to see deer stealing
and feeding with ths cattle in the
barnyards, and pheasants fly from the
hemlock and tamarack swamps and
mingle with the chickens aud other
poultry to pick up such food as they
can get. One farmer discovered three
deer—a buck and two does —eating
with his cows the hay and cornstalks
he had thrown down to them.
A riot occurred at the limestone
quarries at Carbon, Lawrence Co., of
which John A. Logan, Jr , is man
ager, last monday, the result of a re
duction in wages, but the rioters were
dispersed and afterwards discharged.
The rioters were Italians and were
armed with knives, pistols and clubs,
and the nerve show* by young Logan
and Sheriff Warnock alone saved their
Thomas Colwell, a freight conduct
or on the Valley road, lost a little 3-
year old girl last Saturday evening.
The little one was playing near a
tubfull of scalding water, when she
acoidently fell backward into the tub,
being literally scalded to doath. She
lived in great agony until Sunday
evening, when death came to her re
lief. This makes tho third child of
Mr. Colwell's that has met a violent
doath. While living at Rosston. a
little child fell into a well aud was
drowned, while another one was
burned so badly by its clothes catch
ing fire that death ensued.
A coop of eight Antwerp carrier
pigeons were sent l'ror* Philadelphia
to Meadville last week, with instruc
tions to the coneignee, John McFar
land, to free the birds. He turned
them loose Sunday morning at 7
o'clock. In leas than two minutes
after the birds began circling upward
they took their direction and started
on their long journey to the Quaker
City. At 3-25 p. m. a dispatch was
received from Mr, Stein, one of the
owners, stating that the first 4 the
birds struck his loft in Philadelphia
at 12:25, making the length of the
State in 5 hours and 25 minutes.
Four other birds came in 20 minutes
later, and two young ones were still
oat. The time was remarkably good
considering that the day was cold
and murky, a chilling rain at times
prevailing Franklin Neivs.
—A new and clever swindle has
appeared in our neighboring counties,
and it is well to "look a leedle oudt"
for the rascals. An agent appeared
with a new soap, and in order to ad
vertise its superiority over all others
he proposed to put a box of thirty-six
three-quarter-pound bars into each
house. One-half of this box, or eigh
teen bars, was to be a gift. For the
balance he charged the merely nomi
nal price of sl, much less than would
have to be paid for the same amount
of any firßt-class«oap in the market.
The "gift" was in consideration of
paying for one half of the box, and
the hope that the buyer would fur
ther patronize these goods and use
his influence to induce others to do
the same. Purchasers were advised
to let it "season" a little before using.
To those who did not, it may be a
surprise to learn that this 27-pound
box of soap dried down in four weeks
to weigh only three pounds. As the
cost of this amount of soap, together
with the box, could not possibly have
exceeded twenty-five cents, aud as
the man disposed of several hundred
of these "gifts" in Williamsport, it is
not difficult to see that the giving
was not of the kind that impoverish
—At the Congregational m eeting in the
Presbyterian church of this town last Mon
day morning, the Trustees announced that
the last of the debt of SIB,OOO, incurred some
ten or twelve years ago for enlarging and re
pairing the church was paid, and some mon
ey left in the Treasury. The Trustees then
voted to do what they have wished to do for
years, t. e. increased Rev. Oiler's salary to
S2OOO per year.
—Mr. Matthew Cunningham, of Jefferson
twp. one of our good old citizen s, was in
town Tuesday last, and seeing the tearing
down of the old Dougal corner building,
said that if he had all the money that had
been made in that old corner he could buy
out Jefferson township entire. Mr. Cun
uingham says he bought violin strings from
the late William S. Boyd, then keeping
store there, in the year 1833.
—Great excitement was caused in
Butler yesterday by the sight of a
man running towards the Diamond
at full speed. With visions of mur
der, burglary, arson or embezzlement
filling their minds, the officers and
several citizens intercepted the indi
vidual just as he was about to escape
When questioned as to his motive for
such hasty entrance to the town he re
plied: ''Release me instantly, I have
just read in the CITIZEN, that Rosen
berg is making and selling clothing
cheaper than any other man in But
Paradise Regained.
The hearing of the Petrolia liquor
cases took place, as per programme,
before Esq. McAboy in Butler last
Mrs Core and her counsel were
present; the defendants and their
counsel were present, but of the sev
eral dozen witnesses whose unntes
were on the subpienas, but teu an
swered to their names.
Mr. Alexander, the Constable, said
he had tried to do his duty, but
couldn't End the men, and as to one
party, said he "came within one" of
getting him: The troubles that the
Pilgrim encountered in bis Progress
to Heaven are nothing compared to
those of the Constable who presumes
to look for supposed drinkers of ille
gal ly sold liquor in Petrolia.
The case of Dr. Foote waa the first
taken up, and Michael Daly, Cousta
ble of Petrolia, was the first witness,
lie never saw or knew of any viola
tion of the liquor laws there.
. John Clark got liquor at Foote's
drug store, but only on prescription.
Casper Yough sad Jas. Gilbert the
Jas. Aiken never got any liquor at
Foote's, and neither did Albert Gib
son, and Albert never drank any
liquor in Foote's back room.
Richard Doyle and Harry Wil
liams got liquor there, but only on
prescription and for sickness.
In the case vs. the Drs, Foster,
Jas. Aiken, C. Yough, W. P. Jame
son, R. Doyle, Isaac Roberts,
Jas. Gilbert, of Karns City, and Har
ry Williams were sworn, and neither
of them got liquor at Foster's, ex
cepting on prescription and for med
icinal purposes.
We did not hear the evidence in
"French Mary's" case, but are told
that nobody present criminated her,
and when Mike Daly said she was a
lady, as much of a lady as Mrs.
Core's counsel was a gentlemen, that
settled it, and the defendant's were
"It was the worst case of "Para
dise Regained" that has ever hap
pened iu the county, and when those
citizens of Petrolia who fled the
threatening storm return to their
homes they will find the white winged
angels of peace hovering oyer the
once again Happy Hamlet.
The Danger Before Us.
We have already alluded to the
importance of housekeepers paying
more attention to the kind of baking
powder used in leavening their bread
This is a matter to which we cannot
draw attention too often, because it is
something which involves the most
serious cousequences to the general
body of maukiud. Temperance apos
tles tell us—and there is ample foun
dation for the statement—that there
is disease, both moral and physical,
in the intoxicating cup; and in the
same way there is disease, slow per
haps, but certain, in the leavening
agent which is employed in one half
of the homes on this continent; sick
ness, perhaps death, in the bread we
eat at every meal—slow poison, plac
ed there, too, by loving hands, by
mothers whose every thought is for
the health and happiness of their chil
dren, by wives whose chiof solace is
the life and comfort of their hus
bands. The victim of intoxication
goes to his fate with a full conscious
ness of what he is doing, but the vic
tim of the adulterated and poisonous
baking powder falls and knows not
whence comes the blow that struck
him. The certificate of chemists
with high-sounding titles have baen
read in confidence; the toothsome
cake has been given in generous abun
dance to the children; the daily bread
has been eaten in fancied security.
But all the time the poison has baaa
working its slow effect. There comes
spells of headache, loss of appetite, a
fluttering of the heart; the child is
seized with an apparently causeless
cough, the coating of the stomach
is destroyed perhaps; one of the vital
organs is rendered almost useless; the
kidneys are attacked with Bright's
disease. The health of the child is
irreparably broken down; the adult
becomes a chronic invalid. These
are the doings of the modern cheap
baking powders that are composed of
lime, alum, acids and other vile
In view of these facts surely all
housewives should exercise the care
that is, we know, now exercised by
some in their selections of a proper
brand of baking powder. She who
does not do so, whether the neglect
is the result of ignorance or reckless
ness, cannot free herself from the re
sponsibility for the health, perhaps
life, thereby endangered. No house
wife need be ignorant of the quality
and composition of the article which
she uses to leaven her bread, biscuits
and cake. The official reports of the
government chemists, who are certain
ly unprejudiced, have been published
and show very clearly the quality
aad strength of all the baking pow
ders in the market. The Royal Bak
ing Powder, which is accessible at
every hand, is reported absolutely
free from lime, alum, phosphatic acid,
or any injurious ingredients. It is
further stated by the most eminent
authorities on food hygiene that food
leavened with it is more wholesome
than when raised by any other meth
od. Its use is therefore to be com
mended. It is to be regretted that no
other baking powder, when there are
so many in the market, some of which
will find their way into use, is free
from all of these substances. They
all contain either lime or alum. The
housekeeper who regards the health
of her loved ones should not only or
der the Royal, but make personal ex
amination to bo sure that no other
brand is sent her in its place.
Y. M. C. A.
BUTLER, PA., April 4, 1888.
The second quarterly meeting of
the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion will be held in their rooms on
Tuesday evening, April 10, at 7:30
o'clock. All members of the Associa
tion are particularly requested to be
present. In addition to the regular
routine business of the Association,
a program has been prepared which
will make the eyening pleasant and
enjoyable for all. Every young man
of Butler is cordially invited.
China Mattings.
At the Extraordinary low price of
$5.00 per roll of 40 yards at
—We don't wonder at some men.
They buy a new mowing machine
every year and let it rust out in the
fence corner, but they won't trust
their wives with a new cook stove in
ten years. Thiß kind of a man never
get a Bradley stove or range. For
sale only by C. STOCK, on S. Main
St., Butler, Pa.
—We are selling furniture lower
than it has ever before been sold in
Butler, and after using it you will
Bay that it is what we said it was,
otherwise uo sale, at MILLER BRO'S,
No. 19 Jefferson St.
Tragedy in the Woods.
RENOVO, PA., April I—A report
has reached this point of a brutal
murder committed four or five miles
south of Curwensville, iu Clearfield
county, but the full particulars, owiog
to the distauce of the point from any
telegraph office, are hard to obtain.
Miss Lizzie Eastman, a young lady
teaching school in one of the farming
districts of Clearfield county, was
found dead in the school house last
Tuesday evening. Her tongue had
been cut from its roots and lay beside
her dead body. The school had been
dismissed as usual at 4 o'clock and
the pupils left their teacher alone in
the school house. In the right hand
of the dead woman was found a lead
pencil and on the floor near her dead
body was written in her handwriting
the revolting particulars of her death.
Two tramps bad entered the school
house after the pupils had been dis
missed. They overpowered and out
raged her, afterwards severing her
tongue with a knife and then fled,
leaving her for dead. She recovered
sufficiently to write on the school
house floor and had succeeded in giv
ing the above particulars with discrip
tion of her assailants, when she grew
too weak to write more, and died be
fore she was found.
The affair has created a great sen
sation here, where the young ladj
was well and favorably known. Miss
Eastmen was a remarkably beautiful
girl, but of a most fearle3S disposition
She had often been warned against
tarrying too long after school, as
tramps were not infrequent in the
neighborhood. She always laughed
at such remarks and asserted that she
was not afraid of being molested.
As soon as the body was found, a
posse was organized to go in pursuit
of the villians whohad murdered Ler,
but so many hours had elapsed since
the deed was committed that the men
made good their escape. The descrip
tion left by the young girl is sufficient
ly complete, so that the men can
probably be identified if found, unless
they have taken extraordinary precau
tions to disguise themselyes.
A young man who was engaged to
the unfortunate girl is almost crazy,
and swears that he will not rest until
ho has found the iieuds and slain them
The parents of the girl are bowed
down wiih grief, and there is general
mourning among her many friends.
Her pretty ways and pleasant man
ners had enderred her to every one.
"Swan House."
March IG, 1888. j
Ens. CITIZEN, Dear Sirs: —This
property after being used as a hotel
for more than half a century has been
sold and so disposed of as to unfit it
for hotel purposes. Nearly forty
years ago it was the "Bull's Head,"
and Adam Bepler was proprietor for
some four years. Then it was the
"Carson House" for eleven years
with James Carson proprietor Then
it was the "Rolshouse Hotel," with
George llolshouse proprietor for four
years and Robert Rolshouse proprie
tor for three pears. Then "White's
Hotel," with Nathan White proprietor
lor seven years. Then "The Garvin
House." B. Garvin proprietor four
years. Then the "Swan House" the
past four years.
In order to accommodate my many
friends and patrons, and the farmers
and public generally, I have leased
the "North Side Hotel" at 180 Feder
al street, where such "hosts" as Mc-
Donald, Kelly, Tinnemeyer and oth
ers have held forth. I will thorough
ly renovate and refurnish the old
stand and after the first of April will
greet my old patrons there, and be
glad to offer them my services. It
will be my pleasure to supply my ta
ble with the best in such quantities
as will satisfy the hungry and tickle
the palate of the epicure. My stable
is the best public stable in the city,
and my hostler cannot be equaled. I
invite the public to give me a trial at
the "North Side."
Wilton and Moquette
Carpets, the first season that we have
kept the above goods and the only
house that does. Borders to match
Home Made Bread.
From the b33t family flour, and
baked in an oven, can always be had
at Mrs. Armor's, at No. 98 N. Wash
ington St. Butler Pa. Special atten
tion to regular customers.
—The best fresa and canned Cali
fornia fruits at Morrison's City
—Largest stock of French Satines,
and choicest assortment of styles, at
—New Percales, Ginghams, Seer
suckers and White Goods at Lowest
pricea at
—New Silks and Plushes, new
Spriug Dress Goodfc, call and inspect
our stock.
—For fresh Fruits, Oranges, Lem
ons, Malaga Grapes and Cranberries,
go to Morrison's City Bakery.
—Use Double All O. K. Horse Lini
ment, best in the world. For swell
ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore shoulders,
ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has
no equal. For sale by J, C. REDICK,
2-IS-3m, No. 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa
For the next sixty days, in order
to reduce our stock, we will quote
special low prices on all our stock.
We have on hands thirty bed room
sets ranging from $lB to $l5O per
Thirteen upholstered parlor suits
ranging from $35 to $l5O per suit.
Parlor stands from $2,50 to $lO.
Lounges from $2,50 to $25.
Hat racks from $8 to S3O.
Tabes from $1.25 to $lO.
Wash-stands from $2 to $lB,
Bureaus from $'J to $25.
Sets of chairs from $2.75 to sl6 per
Secretaries from sl6 to S4O.
Easy chairs, handsome pictures,
room ornaments, etc., any of which
would make both useful and appropri
ate presents.
No. 19, Jefferson St„ Butler, Pa.
—No advance in cotton Goods at
—Students in the Senior Class,
State Normal School, at Clarion, Pa.,
can pay all expenses for board, tui
tion, furnished room, heat and light
during the entire school year of 42
weeks for SSO to S6O.
—All the latest Styles in Dress
Goods and Trimmings at
Lace Curtains Cheap
Also Curtain Poles, Chains, Hooks.
Come and look through. YOA will
be surprised at the low prices and at
the assortment.
Attention Farmers !
No money required to buy Phos
phates from
Bovers P. O , Butler Co., Pa.
—We have ten thousand dollars
worth of furniture in our three ware
rooms at No. 19 Jefferson St., Butler.
Pa. The best as well as the cheap
est, but all the best made for the price,
All persons will find it to their ad
vantage to examine our stock and as
certain our prices before purchasing.
—Ladies, if you want your dresses
to drape nicely you should wear a
Pansy Bustle; they are the best. For
sale at
—lce for sale at Morrison's City
—The Spring and Summer term of
the Indiana State Normal School will
open on Monday, April 3, 'BB.
—Extra Value in Ladies' Muslin
Underwear at
—Most complete stock of White
Goods and Embroideries ever brought
to Butler at
—Consult your own interests and
examine our stock of furniture, uphol
stered suits, chairs, mattresses, etc.,
before purchasing. MILLER BRO'S.,
No. 19, Jefferson St.
—The Spring aud Summer term of
the Indiana State Normal School will
open on Monday, April 3, 'BB.
—The Spring and Summer term of
the Indiana State Normal School will
open on Monday, April 3, 'BB,
—No. 19 Jefferson St. is the place
to buy cheap and good furniture.
—Beautiful pictures at very low
prices at Miller Bros.' furniture store,
No. 19 Jefferson St.
—The Sprint; term of the State
Normal School, Clarion, Pa., will
open March 27th, 1888. 3-9-6t.
—New Swiss and Cambric Em
broideries and Flouncings, largest
stock and lowest prices at
—Fancy Dress Silks at 30 cents a
yard worth 75 cents at
—Everybody will find it to tbeir
advantage to go to the City Bakery
for their bread, pies, cakes, etc.
—lce Cream made to order at the
City Bakery.
—The Spring and Summer term of
the Indiana State Normal School will
open on Monday, April 3, 'BB.
—A. No. 1. all husk mattress, guar
anteed, not mixed with excelcer at a
lower figure than can be had else
where in Butler, at Miller Bros',
furniture store, No. 19 Jefferson St.
—Use Double All O. K. Horse and
Cattle Powders,best in the world, A
sure and speedy cure for heaves,
coughs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough
ness of skin, and all kidney diseases.
For sale by J. C. REDICK,
2-18-3 in No. 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa.
—Go to Morrison's City Bakery
for fine cakes and ice cream.
Carpets! Carpetsl
Cheap, look at our styles and prices,
Our Stock is the largest. It will be
to your interest to examine our line
"Am I Safe in this
We must get your good
will. Confidence first; then
good-will; then success It's
the right-hand of business.
We understand that perfectly.
We choose unquestionable
qualities and prices for our
But we can't transfer sky
rocket talk or menagerie
methods to the clothing busi
ness. They wouldn't help.
Loyalty on our side must
merit confidence on yours.
And, if you'll notice, J. N.
PATTERSON is doing that
preliminary work with all his
might. It's telling from day
to day. We mean to build
that foundation so deep and
broad that you'll know you're
safe in dealing with us, though
there wasn't another clothing
store in reach; that you'll say
—"We're all right. This is
J. N. PATTERSON'S store."
1,000 styles of goods to se
lect from.
Don't forget PATTERSON,
the One Price Clothier and
Gent's Furnisher, 29 Main St.
14 r r vtKea Wonders exist in thousands of
nil llforms. hut are surpassed by tho mar
-11 f f pvels of Invention. Those who are in
V 111 need of profitable work that can be
done while living at home should at once
send their address to Ilallett 4c Co.. Portland,
Maine, and receive free, full Information how
either sex, of all aires, caa earn from 15 to S2B
per dav and upwards wherever they live. You
are started free. Capital not required. Some
have made over *SO In a single day at this work
All succeed.
Will send us your name and
address on a postal card and
ineutiou this paper you will
learn of something to your in
! terest. We would prefer to
have call iu person, however,
I and we will be pleased to show
| you through our store, which
|is headquarters for Drugs,
Medicines and Sundries in But
ler County. We do not seil
goods at what they cost us, but
charge a fair profit aud our
customers are saving money.
We give you good value and
gaurantee everything to be just
as represented. Our stocK is
such, both in quality and quan
tity that you need not go else
where. .Nice new store, no
old goods. It will be to your
interest to come to our store.
Physicans Prescriptions and
Family Recipes receive our per
sonal attention. No matter
what you want in our line
come to us, we have it or will
get it for you.
C. N. 150 YD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
Of Seated and Unseated Lands
•in Butler Co. for Taxes Due
for 1887 and Previous
By virtue of sundry Acts of the General As
semDly of me Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
relating to itie sale ui stateil ana unseated lands
In tlie county of Duller, Lie., for taxes due and
unpaid, 1 will oifer at public sale, at the Court
House, In the borougn of Ktttler, Fa., on the
being the nth day of the month, at to o'clock
A.M.. the following described pieces of land or
such parts thereof as may be necessary to satis
fy the amount of taxas due and unpaid against
tne same, and continue the sale from day u> day
as tlie same may be found necessary.
TERMS OF SA i.E—The amount or taxes and
costs must b8 paid when the land is stricken
off, or the sale may be avoided and the property
put up and resold.
SPECIAL NOTICE—AII persons correspond
ing with the Treasurer in reference to lands ad
vertised for sale in the following list should re
mit sufficient to pay postage and stationery.
Anderson Niggle. 'BS and '56,100 acres...s<9.l2
Jolly JE, *85,13 acres 3.00
Sullivan Moses,'B3, 3 lots 8.40
Sullivan Moses, ••*>, 15 lots 15.se
Sullivan C C heirs, "fv, one-half acre ti.st,
Parks W, 'BS, lot u.55
Potts W K heirs. 'BS, one & one-hal f acre... 3.72
Marshall Samual hell's, 'BS, 05 acres 27.38
Conn Eli, 'SS, 100 acres 6.60
Mcßride J, '85,28 acres 15.67
Bunser Ifank, 'Bti, l acre 1.26
Black Jno, dee'd, '»>, 100 acres 24.80
Duffy Chas, '8«, 7 acres 2.«
FitUian S A. 'si; aud 'si 11 aires g. "j
(iorden S H,'86,1 acre 1.35
Gold & Patterson. 'B6, 7 acres 4.57
Melilbben J H & Co. 'B6 and '»7, 8 acres 4.84
Overy .t Brawley, 'BO, 2.V acres 1.85
Parks Jas heirs, 'BO and "87, 61 acres 32.33
Say Asa & Co. 'B6 and 'BV, 25 acres 19.50
Thompson Josian, 'so aad 'B7,' 4 acres 2.85
Wilson Allen, '86,20 acres..; 4.40
Bsheabaugli Luclnda, '86.10 aeres 5.07
McCr** Mrs, 'B6, 21 acres 5.51
Moore Mary Jane. 'B6, 25 acres 6.40
McCandless Jno M, 06. 09 acres 24.5">
McAnallen Jas, 'BO, 50 acres 16.59
Gordon Samuel, 'so, 11 acres 3.35
Goldlnger MD, 'B6 and 'S7, 70 acres 28.37
Anderson II C, 'BS, 43 acres 25.7S
Slippey Peter, 'BS, 60 acres 19.46
Affee Wm, 'BS, lioust and lot 2.89
Gilmore heirs, \ss, 'so and 'B7, 7o acres 20.4'-'
Sullivan C C, 'BS, 61) acres 6.01
Heed W P, 'so and 'B7, 00 acres 13.30
Smith & Duffy, 'BO, 10 acres 2.05
Watson Thos, "86, house and lot 3.10
Adams M S, 'B4, 'BS, 'B6 and 'B7, 1 acre 4.76
Musselnian Wash, 'BS, house and lot 6.25
Keed David, 'BS, house and lot 6.25
Kiddle & Pearsol, '85,'86 and 'B7, one-half lot 3.44
Wagner Henry, '85,2 lots 2.58
Patton Wm, 'B6, 3 houses and lots 14.50
Putin Lardin & Co, 'B6 and '87,7 lots 4.01
Eerr Jas, 'B6, 1 lot 1.14
Gray Samuel,'B6,l lot 1,17
Campbell Jas, '85,14 acres 3.73
Purviance Jno,'B6 and'B7, 40 acres 10.00
Titus Wm,'S6, 1 lot 2.19
Purvlano* Jno N, 'S6 and 'B7.l4oacres 56.42
Thompson Jno M. 'B6 and 'B7, 10 acres 4.85
Hutchison W U, 'B6 and 'B7, 7 acres 2.40
McClure Mrs, 'B6 and '87,35 acres 17..4
McLaughlin Jno B, 'B6 and 'B7, 2 lots 1.80
Shaw GW. 'BS, 'B6 and 'B7, house and 10t... 10.52
Fuller <1 c, 'BS. 'B6 aud 'B7. 10 acres 37.04
Hydrlck Barney, 'BO, 26 acres 9,56
Atwell T J. 'se and 'B7, 45 acres 16.39
Crest Jno, 86. 50 acres 11.80
Kramer C CiUW, 'B6. 217 acres 37.50
Kramer D,'B6 and 'B7, o acres 35.20
Collar Reuben, 'so, 25 acres 4.81
Kdwards Jas, 'so. 40 acres ll.os
McKisslck Hannah, 'BO and'B7, lot 4.55
l'ugh Albert, 'BO, 2>i acres 3.?")
Shaw David, 'B6, lot 2.1s
Scott K p, 'BS, 50 acres 9.53
Caler Jas and wife, 'BS aad 'B6, 4 acres 7.48
Vauderlln J C. 'B6 and 'B7, 50 acres 17.38
Blrchard Alex, 'BO and '87,65 acres 19.00
Kelly Theodore heirs, 'St: and '87.39 acres.. 16.35
Brcden Jas, 'BS and 'B6, 70 aires 19.75
Stoughton OP, 'B6 and '87,33 acres 12.90
cmnnlngham Nancv. 'BS and'B7,lo acres 4.92
Daubenspeek P L, 'BS, 2)i acres 1.97
Todd M L, 'BS, house and lot 8.85
Aclibar Mining Co, 'BS and '87,14 acres 31.02
Patterson Wm heirs, 'B6, 75 acres 19.01
Breden Jas, 'S6 and 'B7 07 acres 31.11
Kelly Patrick, 'B6 and 'B7, 86 acres 39.7u
Conn Jas L, 'B6 and 'B7,IGJ acres 32.60
Mercer .Mining Co, 'B6 and 'B7. 180 acres |6OOO.
AMOS SEATON. Co. Treasurer.
Be it ordained by the Burgess and Town
Council of the Borough of Centreville and
it is hereby ordained by authority of the
That all horses, cattle, hogs and sheep
found on the streets, alleys or any public
place within the borough limits, running
loose (unless accompanied by driver), shall
be taken up by high constable and placed
and held 111 custody until the owners pay the
costs in lull of said arrest. The costs shall
be for the first offense SI.OO aud actual cost
of holdiug such animals until the owners
redeem them, and $2.00 for every offence
This ordinance goes into effect as prescrib
ed by law, 10 days after publication.
L. D, KEISTEE, Burgess.
CENTREVIU.E, April 3, 1888.
Rule to Show Cause.
In the matter of the petition of W. A. Thomp
son, Executor of Win. Thompson, late of Mid
dlesex twp., Butler county, ilec'd, for discharge
from said trust.
O. C. No. 75, March Term, 1888.
And now, April 4. 1888. the Court grants a rule
on the heirs, devisees, legatees and auditors of
said decedent to show cause why the petitioner
should not be discharged as prayed for, return
able io May 7,1888.
Butler County, SS : Certified from the Kecord
April 4,1888. REUBEN MCEI.VAIN, Clerk.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and
to me directed, there will be exposed to public
sale, at the Court House, in the borough of But
ler, Pa., on Monday, tne 23d day of April. A.l>.,
1888. at 1 o'clock P.M., the following described
property, to-wit:
E. I). No. 99, March T., 1888. Thompson & Son,
AH the right, title, Interest and claim of
Nicholas Kramer, of, In and to 54 acres of land,
more or less, eituate in Connoquenessinr twp.,
Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On
the north by Itebecca Mag.nis, east by Leouard
Wick, south by Folkman £ Graham, west by A.
Stewart, mostly cleared, a log house, log barn,
out-buildings and orcharii thereon. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of Nicholas
Kramer at suit of A. L. Oyer for the use of
Henry E. White.
Sheriff 's office. Butler, Pa., April 3, 1888.
Placo to lecure a thoroufh ttuilnwi Education, or
become an Expert shortliand aad Type Writer, or
prepare to teach Spenceriao Penmapibip, la at ut
Mpvneerlan Boilltu Calltft, Cl*T«laa4, 0<
IlTuitraUd Catalocuc fraa.
The Greatest Spring Stock
All tre.sli clean new spring styles did not buy out any
one* old Stock, neither do we advertise fictitious amounts
in goods Lob<rht thinking it sounds big, No trickv
drives, 110 deceitful leaders, 110 tempting baits, no auc
tion goods or eld sample lots, but uniformly low prices
on every article and same price to all.
One element in our spring Stock of Shoes speaks to
you with special force, the beauty of the Styles, the ex
cellence o( the Stock and workmanship, as to prices you
can't tell what Shoes are by reading prices you must see
the goods especially when unscrupulous dealers will ad
vertise for instance: Ladies' fine Kid Button Shoes worth
$1.75 selling for $1,00; Mens' fine Shoes worth 2.50 selling
at $1.50, this is an old jew trick in trade that has been
discounted long ago, people don't take any stock in such
Ladies' fine shoes unusually large selection especially in
hand turns, they are glove fitting, very soft and easy to the
foot, our $2.50 turn French Kid Vamp boot is a beauty
can't be matched in the county, cheaper turns we won't
use as they are worthless, then the finer grades at $3.00
3.50 to 4.50 in all widths both in common sense and
Opera lasts, our Kid Button at $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2-00 and
3.00, McKay sewed flexible soles are daisies,no sheepskin
genuine Kid, the 1.50 boot is selling as fast as we get
them in, warrant every pair, they are stylish, as good as
other dealers sell at 2.00. Sec our bright Dongola very
fine stock, tough, will not scuff in wearing like some Kid
does. Ladic's tJrain Button boots the best.you ever saw at
1:00 and 1.25, Pebble Goat 1:50, 1:75, and 2:00
Ladies' fino ehoes Patton leather tip, now vejy stylish for street
wear $2 up to *3. Old Lading' wide ea«y shoes in Bals and Coug. op
to No. 8, Slippers, in Opera, 50 cents, best in the land for the price.
Lawn Tenais Shoes »"u Mens' >Vonien3' and Childrens'. Wigwam
Slippers, very easy and comfortable, cheap, our full line fine Slippers ia
not in yet, is" a little early, will tell you about tfcem later on. Misses'
and Childrens' fine Shoes in Spring heel and heel, in Kid Goat and St.
Goat, high tops, Misses' Kid £1 00 and upwards, lj Childrens 50 cents
and up,extra fine Shoos for L.idies that wear small sizes 1 to 2,Shoes for
Baby's 25 cents and up.
Mens' fine shoes very fine style SI.OO, 1.25, *1.50 to $2.00, extra fine
Calf Shoes $2 00 to 3.75. Kangaroo, one of the most popular Shoes of
the day in McKay Day sewed and Hand sewed in an endless variety of
styles and prices.
All those in Button Bals. or Cong, all widths tip narrow toe or full
plain toe, we show the best and finest flboe at $1.25, 1.60, 2.00, 2.50
3 00 in Butler.
Boys' and Youths' in Calf, Veal, Calf-grain in regular and extra high
tops, new goods , seamless at $1.50 to 2.00 and 2 25, Plow shoes. Bals,
and Cong. Boys Button 1-5 1.25. Mens' Plow Shoes, lace and Brogans.
Hob Nailed at 90 to $1.50, Calf Boots $1.90 to $3 00. Leather and
Findings, large stock. We do all kinds repairing, we use the best lines
in the market in Boots & Shoes, we have positive proof of this in their
excellent wearing qualities,and still better some of our little competitors
have lately been making every elfert to get same line of Shoes and have
so far failed. We control all the lines we use for this town. Come and
see us, will save you money. No trouble to show our goods.
E. GRIEB, The Jeweler,
Wo. 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA.,
Whose advertisement will appear next week.
3P_A-Hi,_a_oie of MirsiO.
Peerless Hardman Pianos
which excellencies cause them to be selected and used by the }>est musi
cians, cultivated amateurs and intelligent people throughout the TJ.
tfhe Matchless Palace Organs,
the most perfect Organs made, of surprising novelty, simplicity and dura
bility of coustruntiou, with tlio most beautiful voice-like tone ever produced.
Also, constantly on hand a great variety of other makes of Pianos and
Organs, at the very lowest prices.
Easy Terms of Payment, either Monthly or Quarterly.
MR. K. J. LAMB. 50 Jefferson St., W.. Butler. Pa.. Organist ana Choir Master of St.
Peter's Cerinau Church, and t 'onductor of the Butler Choral Union, begs leave to say that
he lias been appointed Sole Agent for the county ol Kutler for Messrs. Msllor & Hoene.ana
that he can furnish auv of the above instruments at the same price and terms as furnished
by Mellor & lloene, Pittsburg. Terms for tuition on the Or«an, I'iaiioforte, Violin and
Sinning furnished 011 application. 1". O. Box Pianofortes and Organs tuned and regu
lated. Orders left with Mr. J. li. Urieb, Jeweler.lt; South Main Street,will be promptly at
tended to.
Steel Wire Fence.
The cheapest and neatesf Fence for around
Lawns, School Lola, Poultry Yards, Gardens,
Farms, Turk and Cemetery Fences and Oaten.
Perfect Automatic Ciate. Also all kinds of Wire
Work. Write lor Prices. State kind and quan
tity wanted.
20.1 and aO.-1 Market Street. I'lttsburp Pa,
tnoJdllrm. Reference* re*nijred. lWjuaaentp«v.itip»
inrffeed sultry. UiV A lsttus., I? ttarvhur &, N. if.
M.F.&M, Marks
Invite your inspection ot their
stock QF FALL and WINITR
Millinery Goods.
their stock is alwafys
Ifll/CDTICCDC ototh«*,i«J»owi3fi toenamii*
MIT MI I lacn? thi« paper,or obtain »
on advertitmg sp£u£ when in Chicago, will find it on file rl