Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 30, 1888, Image 1

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    OL X \
Fif. 31 Pair of Bradley's Blanksts, at sl.
Five Fine Plash Do!m»n«, « $15.00, were S3O 00
Tnree Piash at S2O 00. former prices, *4.U00
Two Plush Coats. at si 7 50, former priced. $:55.00
0 lood Newmarkets, at $5.
161 Wraps from One Mh to Four Collars,
Fuj Line of Spring Battons and Tiiinmings
;,tw Spring Goods Aiming.
a large line of
>pri g and Summer Goods,
* Fine Woolens and Suitings which I am ready to make up it
(J t-ts Ht as reasonable prices as von will find anywhere and
|*o a f. ■: lice of MENS'. BOYS'nod CHILDREN'S' ready made
Clothing at
All the latest novelties for Spring and Summer in
Ge: ts' Furnishings, Goods,
Hals, Caps, Trunks, Valises; latest patterns in
Shirts and Neckwear.
>epßr»m» is Booming Call and make yoar selection for your Spring
Suit 'u those bands< mp patterns 1 have just got in. Prices
reasonable ar.d Gt guaranteed
Tl; -' s'-ng mv patrons for past favors, I solicit a continuance
of the same.
(. Sji.ih Main fetreet. opposite the Postcffi ce, Butler, Pa.
A. Troutman & Son.
Lead ng Dry Gcods House.
3U"!?J rCirL - IP."BJS] TST'A.'
1111111111 1111111111
A " .uiman & Son.
The Dry Goods and Car
je» House* iJtler. Pa
New Fa Dre*nti Goods at prices j
which wil» make tbem move very I
We hav» he largest stock ever
»b >wn ia Butler county, comprising
ill the tev» floods in Checks, Stripes
md Plnin A oaves ia Foreign aad
Black d Colored Silks,
. ,«ecial Values
we have c< v >-r bad such a nice as- j
sortllJfeu•. *fjd so many of tbem.
ID Flsim 'n. Blanket?, Tickings, I
White (guilts, ShawU
Tahl« 1. ..ens, Lace Curtains,
in fact i . -thirijr which can be
found in a
Fiist-Cla Dry Goods Store.
Jury L for April, 1888.
I.ist «f J:iror - ■ r« to vrve In a special t rm
o!«<»i.»t corn ,<lng tIM nr e t Mon :ay of April,
I**.-. u-tag Hi iy:
Aie'le rvn <" i '• r boro -.M erard clerk.
AII.-T IWiv I <<f> id >»ard. merchant.
Uia K \l.rlon twp. fanner.
Hkxlt lliri liielou twp. farmer.
Be-uiyJ I, \\ -..liigioii twp. farmer.
IU. ard 4 K I or twp farmer.
l!c»T .1- 0' - . •> Han i t»p, farmer.
Basl-r Witt, • nople. clerk.
iw>',tiHlU,' i- Concord twp. farmer.
IMbru I. M. ler boro id war '. clerk.
rneinrtliA r.fitl t»|i. brmer.
«v«'k.uw- liavi .mercer twp. farmer.
Ctdtaar 1 liu '!< reer twp, farmer.
W! uango iwp, carpenter.
Caldwell l)a\ i <kland twp. tamer.
]hi';; .p .laen' ' !«t born j>] ward, surveyor.
lw. iti Jame" li*n t ivp. farmer,
lie.. !son I • r. A lams twp. tarraer.
Ofrinvu'd V . rlleM twp. ".arßier.
• irlMn-b .1,.- x twp. farmer.
«,[■ . in IN i>.kiln twp. farmer.
«*ainole w i. 'iienrtwi., farmer.
M'* lcen»* rr. i • • < .-n twp s, former.
llfui Übm! >tim<rilt twp. farmer.
K? \ V. .1,. Mac' .mltli.
K!»»er v* .1. j T l;v;>. I:-.
Kev* im.ni *1 u . tier boro Ist vmil, machinist
JM lyfuon .i*' ; ildvfrfk twp, farnier.
Me'v-rttt Jati une:dt'.vp, farmer.
M<i urdy .Ith* ; rt. re Ist warel. earw-mer.
H'l. 'jvt} Mai Washington twp s. farlner.
M« MW tea« i .l» \!liters'.,.» n r»m. agent.
Nk> le.la- Hem !er twp, farmer.
Pfeor Win. W lap. farmer.
Pri «■
I'jU'eison T .! h t«p farmer.
k»-ii*T Henry «■ 11010 .1 w anl. merchant.
Ku-se|| • .r.ei.rtl |wp lartner.
• u<««-ii W ! -*• twp. teneher.
R«t- (t4ii p \ rnt.rvn fMiro. i-ditor.
KJ.i.-r r tw p. farmer.
Ityan Jacob... i farmer.
Hmlin Samuel. inrtoii iwp larmer.
Ji arr
Htiilivan .1 M. -r Inro M wanl. genf.
l#«. . Ui t.er l. iro il ward. Mi >e
slit-'•• Jaeob ; aoquenesMng tv.p N. farmer.
!•*alu W <i. J K-MJU t. p \v. farmer.
Taiuer V H. • rd twu. tea<-aer.
V»M)er XT. 1 •;h twp. farmer.
Frert rorward twp, tanner.
Wei Fie-«l. |-,...,;iee1. r.arpeuter.
Wl fc''n J.ibn. • « ang'itwp, huckster.
V'j'mg Hurt, 1., .urldjjc, merchant.
tj|/'i-.verUsin* bus alwajra proven
)<i'«Mful. Before placing'uny
Advertising consult
ISfitfP 4 ,0R0 ft THOMAS,
i TKrniiw uon,
Uto« ■wli's* knel, CHIOACO*
Cloaks and WraPs,
for Children and Ladies.
We carry the grearewt variety of
styles, onr stock never wbh as large,
priced never so low, goodß never so
If yon want to see the nice (roods,
pleat-e call and examine our stock.
Ladies', Gents', and Children's
Uudtrwear, every grade, all sizes,
best goods
Gloves, Corsets. Hosiery, Velvets,
Plut>be*, Yarns, etc.
Carpets and Oil Cloths,
never had so inauv—never were car
pets so cheap.
Our stock is complete Don't buy
a Carpet until you have seen our
stock. Body Brussels, Velvets, Tap
ettry, 3-I*l v Extra Super, Hemp, Cot
ton and Rag Rugs.
Window Shades, largest assort
ment, lowest prices.
You will bud on examination our
stock of goods to be the Lowest
Priced in Butler county.
Butler,, Pa
Fittsburgh Nu-ssries.
We '.ii.iln "jr-r everything choice In reliable
KrulU'l'ree-, small Krult.s, Crain- Vines, liest
Vegetable and Flower Seeds. I lardy Hoses,
clematis. Flowering I'lants, New ( ber
ries. Nev. Apples. New Pears. New or
namentals, New Chestnuts. New
<;ulnccs. Murdoch's Superior
Lawn Orass. Sic.
Send three cents postage for our New Illustrat
ed Catalogue for ISHS.
Out of town orders for flowers and llornl em
blems promptly executed.
508 Smithlield St, Pittsburg, Pa
taken the agency for .the Choice Fruit
Beautiful Shrubbery,
Ornamental Trees,
Au» eveijthliiK else in the Nursery line, of Hie
1 New Kngland Nurseries, Chase
, V.. 1 v. ill f-ili upon you In the i." ir future and
solicit your order* for spring delivery.
A. H, FALLER, Agent,
Butler - Pa.
Organist and Choir Master,
St. Peter's (ierman church, Butler, and conduc
tor of Lutler Choral t nlon.
l'lanofortea and Organs Tuned aud Regulat
ed. T-rmson appllcafloi., :,o Weat JeUtirson
ft RVCBTICITBC or othure.who '/vith tocxwnln*
All VCkl I Iwbllw thn pop«r, or obtain Mtimat 4
on sdvcftitin( apt- when in Ctnugo, will tmd it or file 11
ViaMwtiurff^K'". • LORD & THOMAS.
Wm. F. Miller.
Manufacturer of
Stair Hails,
and Newel-pcsts.
All k!nds of wood turning done to order, also
Decorated ami carv ■ I wo>i-worl;.su-!i M
CaslDg. Corner blocks. Panels and r.ll knn.s of
faii.-y wood-work for Inside decoration ol
Somethiug new and attractive. .Vlso
at io\ve~' cash i>rices.
Store at No. »o. X. Main street.
Factor\ at No. 59, X. Washington street.
Paul CroTi6nwett & Co,
Breeders and Dealers in High-class Poultry:
Laogshaus, Houdans. Light Biahmas, S. (.
Blow a I -liliorns. R. f. s. C. White Leghorns,
Plymout.i Rocks, Toulouse Geese, Pekin and
Musocvy Ducks.
Crusheu oyster shells for poultry ior sale at
all times.
W. H. & F. MORRIS,
Fggs $2 ptr 13; 63 for 26.
For Sale.
Tie undersigned Administrator of Eliei:ezer
clirMy, <!> c'd. late of Parker twp.. oilers at
private sale a farm of li*arres. situate In Wasn
inn'r-ii t'.»"<i.. mar liiiliarus station. It Is all
c\ ir<"! and In good slate of cultivation, well
watered, (.tie! has. a two-story frame house, and
lO'.r t irn. large orchard. anil ;:<>Gd outbuildings
Also,;: 7.1 acre piece In Washington top.,
near tee Allegheny'slope coal mine, with rail
roadrunning througn It. two-story frame house,
partlv cleared and balance pood timber.
Al.so. a farm 30 ,feres in Parker two., be
tv. eeu Anidsvlllt: ai.'l ElJor.ulo. oce-half cleared
and othtr hilf well timbered v.lth chestnut
tiia'.'-r. good land, but no buildings.
All the .iDove pieces are underlaid with coal,
and will oo sold either for easti or on time.
For further particulars enquire of
North Hope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa
To sell Nursery Stock. Permanent em
ployment and good salary to houcst, energetic
men. The business is easily learned. We
grow nil the reliable new varieties of Fruit
and Orna nental Trees. Write fur terms.
HOOPES, l!R<). <fc THOMAS,
Established 18.33. .WEST CHESTER, PA
BlElf HUll
And all the other late anil beautiful styles of
Fancy Writing Paper at
J. H. Douglass'
Largest assortment in town. From lOcto 75e per
ho.x. Also full line of new
Invitation and Regret Cards,
Wedding Invitations. Visiting Cards, Mourning
Stationery. Tablets, ete.
MF.&M, Marks
Invite your inspection ol their
stock of FALL and WINTER
Millinery Goods.
Receiving goods every week
their stock is always
Hotel Brady
T. W. TAIT, Prop'r.
New Hotel and Restaurant on the Diamond.
Itutlor. Pa.
Mr. T. W. Talt lias refitted and furnished the
Rradv House, and is now prepared to accommo
date the pul.ilc,
n:-i Rest uirmit. In connection with the hotel
will no open day and night. The tables will b
furnished with everything the market affords,
Your patronage respectfully solicited.
B. & B.
Lace Curtain
We have now on Hale our complete line of all
makes ami nil grades of Lace Curtains. The
most extensive importations we nave yet
brought out. The (foods have all been well and
car" lillly bought, the designs and pat terns arc
all new ana the very latest—no old styles—the
prices which were put on what tjoods were car
ried over, proved attractive enough to move
them fast and they are gone. Only well made
and reliable goods are handled by us, tile ele
gant patterns at moderate prices at which wo
arc offering the goods this season, will certainly
make this sale very Interesting to every house
In rearranging the furnlshment of your home,
It may be of interest to you to know tlmt we
have a complete stock of everything In the Cp
liols.ery line.
Large assortment, of Nottingham Curtains .'«>
Inches wide, no Inches long with taped edges, at
(M) cents per pair.
Nottingham Taped Kdge Curtains, 45 Inches
wide, :i yards long. sl.oo per pair.
Same goods <•« Inches wide, :«>s, yards long.
sl.•■!."> and #1.50 per pair. Special values at
33.u0, $4.00, *»■•><». ?.».«(» per
Extensive assortment of Scotch (iulpure.
Swiss Applique, Irish l'oint and and real lace
curtains up to slon.oo per pair.
orders by mull receive special attention. We
will send :: or "> imlrs with privilege of examina
tion and selection, and will pay exprc sage back
on '"Otis not Kent.
I! niid question, you can get now from this
stock the \ ery best values to be found anywhere
This will put money in your pocket.
All stocK, In our house are now patting on
their Spring fttire.
New importations arriving dally of
£.ilZxs, Pongecst
Dress Goods,
Salines, Anderson's (iinghanis,&c
Kxte nsive stock of
BeadeH Wraps for Spring,
Jackets, Suits, etc,
Will lie reaiiy about April Ist. and will contain a
review o£ »oe leading sryles, etc.. and much val
| nable Infermatlon to every honue. It win tic
, sent free t, ( anv address. Scud your name and
ad sress on postal.
115, l! 7,119,121 Federal St,
, i It was an old house,
1 J|
. .1,1 a very ancient man-
J siou, with its several
gables lacing the
street, showing its
i . - Dutch origin. I'er
-y ' i mitted to go through
it ou a tour of inspee- i
« *iou, a closet emitted a peca
< liar odor and attracted atten-
: v I tiou. It was that pr.agent
7j*- jr"'' J . scent which reminds oue of ;
i' the pine woods and aromatic i
shrubs of the mountains, and which, once |
siueiled, biings fo mind the greattst lem- J
etly of the itge. It was evidently the :
f'aniily cl«et, where remedies for minor j
aches and pains had found place for handy >
use, an! iu modern years the greatest ;
of all these, known l>y ils peculiar odor, j
had worked its wonders for the happiness
of mankind, as the following examples
attest: General G. C. lCnitlcn, A\ar De
partment, Washington, I). C., February 20,
liKi". states: '"For many years my wife
surb retl excruciating pains, frequent and
violent. In In~4 she tried tit. Jacobs Oil. i
It cured her. and prevented any recurrence. '
She has not had any return of pain. I j
trust it may reach the uttermost parts o? 1
the earth to prove as much a blessing in j
other houses, as n inc." Mr. Levi Hottel, j
Corydon, Indiana, under date of June, I*B7, j
wri :ea: In A pril, 1 ~~'4. he had his collar-bone j
broken, atul it was very painful. He used i
two .bottles of St Jacobs Oil. It got en
tirely well, and the remedy worked like a
charm. No return of pain, and used only
the one remedy. Mr. Arthur G. Lewi3,
editor Sovthtrn Society. Norfolk, Va., June
•27, 18X7, writes: "Nothing I ean say
with regard to St. Jacobs Oil will do it
justice ; have used it for a number of years
for all aches and pains, with effects almost
marvelous, and for such, in my opinion, it
is unsurpassed." Mr. Chateau Bizon, 209
Spruce stieet, Philadelphia, I'a., under date
of February 4, ISB7, says: "Have used St.
Jacobs Oil in my family for ten years; two
years ago broke my leg; pains very severe.
It cured the paius and gave streugth to my
lesr. II you desire to publish this, I will
be pleased." If the old house should
tumble down, like the .-cent of flowers
clinging io a broken vase, the closet would
give forth the token of the good this thing
bits done for mankind.
+ * +
* + + pills,
For Sale t>y all Druggists. Price 25 cfa. per Ikiij
B boxe» for 65 cts.; or w nt by null, postage free, on
tectipt ol price. Dr. J. 11. Schcnck 4 SC:J, Flii lud'tu
A peculiar and oucce«»?ul combination of ,
Hoot hi a*, Mtrenigthening «««• I'aiii-KUU
ins agents fresh hops, hemlock ffum and
piue balsam. Pain, soreness or weakness
in the bac'.c, side, kidneys, chest, shoulder. .
iiHCk, limbs or muscles are all instantly PC* J
lioved and cured.
the bent plaster known,— nC ATU
sweet, reliable, infallible. Soid Ut«A lit j
everywhere. Ave for SI- TO
Mailed for price. HOP PLASTER p - ««y I
CO., Propiictors, Boston. "A I W»
Office at No. 46. S. Maui street, over Frank «
Co's Ur ug Store. Butler. Pa,
Att'y at Law—Office at S. E. Cor. Main St, and
Diaiuond, Butler, Pa.
Att'y at Law—Office on South side of Diamond,
Butler, Pa.
Attorney at Office at No. IT, East .letler
son St.. Butler. Pa,
N. E. Corner Main and Wayne Sts.
All work pertaining to the profession execut
ed m the neafst manner.
Spe< laities Hold Killings, and l'alnless Ex
traction of Teeth. Vitalized Air administered.
Office on Jefferson Street, one door Kant of I.onry
House, I'p Stair*.
Office open daily, except Wednesdays and
Thursdays. Communications by mail receive
prompt attention,
N. R. - The only Dentist in RiiJler using the
best makes of teeth.
Office No. G5 South Main Street,
Physician and Burgeon,
No. 10 West Cunningham St.,
DEIsrTIST'P. * .
0 1/ WAI.DRON. tlraduate of the I'iiila
• Iv. delpliia Dental College, is prepared
to do anything l:i the line of his profession in a
satisfactory manner.
office on Main street, Butler, Union Block
up stairs.
J, S. LUSE, RI.U.,
lias removed from lii.rmony to Butler and lias
his office at No. 9, Main St., three doors below
I>owry House. apr-3't-tf.
L. 8. McJUtflKlN,
Insurance and Real Estate Ag't.
lYet.orlptluns carefully c 0...
45 S Main Street, Butler, Pa.
I R<l% ii I 1/ It'urii"J ale. tii ; who r. ad this
Hit M I f and then act; tUe> will tl.id hon
-111 1 111 loiail- . -np'.-I. IJI-'UI l b.'ii will not.
| IB I M IS L I take them fio?u t.li-'tr fiotaes and
fatni:. «. Tli" protlts are large and sure tor
every Indusm-lous person, many have made and
are now making s"ver.-l hundred dollars a
I uion<b. It is euay l«r any one to make and
I upwards per day. who Is w illni,; to work. Either
sex. youns or old; capital not needed; we start
yt>u. Everything new. So special atililty re
, Uiili 'J; you. reader, euu do It aa ell ;is any ono.
Wr:!.•• to n\j at once for full particulars.which wo
■ niat. lice. AiMr.'SH SUlikon a. CO.. Port I wl. M*>
My lyre hath yet, on vibrant string,
Which once was full of melody,
The cadence of the birds of spring,
Flowers, brooklets and loye's rhapso
Isut ob, its unused golden chords
To sorrows' notes were too early struug
And sadness tiuges the gayest words,
That to its sweetest strains are sung.
Not an echo, tlio' I touch the string,
To sing of bright, joyous hours,
Which come with the balmy breath of
The song of birds and perfume of
For oh, this sad query comes to me,
Ever before and above all others,
Huih jihere ever !>ecn— will there ever be
TVTO women who l .ve each ether?
BUTI.EE, PA., March, 1838.
It was snowing up in the moun
tains, light, feathery fUkes that con
tinued to fall so steadily, Sal knew it
was iikely to be a heavy fail before it
Sal bad been to the store and poat
office at Deer Creek, and was iu a big
hurry to reacti home, because she
carried a huge envelope directed to
her father, auu possessed all the na
tural curiosity of hr sex.
Her way led down the mountain
trail to the distant yaliey where nes
tled ihe little shanty on her father's
The cluim was a poor oue, and
Sal's life had known nothing but
hardships and trials. What mattered
a suowy trat»p down the mountain
side to her? She was not afraid of
either bears or Indians, having been
surrouuded by them a good part of
her life.
She was twenty now, a sturdy bor
der lass, and since her mother's
death had been her father's house
keeper, and the small fry at home
looked up to her with all the respect
due a mother.
Suddeuiy out in her path strode a
man dressed us a hunter, a very fine
specimen altogether of the hardy
"Sal, I've been waitin for you "
"Have you?" said the girl, in a
careless, independent tone. "I don't
think there was any special need.
I've been over these roads often
enough to know 'em "
"But, Sal, I wanted to see you,
particularly. You know very well
what I want —what I've waited for
so long, and now—"
"Pshaw! You've only known me
two years; dreadful while you've
waited." ,
"Thunderin' long to me, when
everything is ready, and there aiu't
a bit of sense in vou're cliugin' to
your father so. 'Taint 'cordiu' to
Scripture, no how."
"Seems to me you forget about the
•Honor your father and mother,'
Pete, don't yon? What's the odds
if you do! I know that father can't
spare mo yet awhile. Poor father!"
"Oh, yes. all >er's pity's spent on
the old maa," prowled Pete. "It's
always to b« so, I reckon How many
years do you calkiiate will let you
off Sal?"
"I don't know, not until the little
ten year old Mary can take my place
—about eisrht years, 1 'low "
"Great Scott! we'll both be dead
before that time."
"Waybe so," said Sal, carelessly
"You ain't got no heart, 'tall!"
exclaimed her lover, angrily "You're
jist like flint. Reckon I'd better
look up another girl.'"
Sal's face was turned toward hom9
and away from him. She grew a
little paler, but in the snow Pete
never could have seen it She an
swered readily:
"It will show your sense."
"We've reachod the divide," he
said hoarsely; "my way leads off
from youra. Good bye, Sal."
"Good bye, Pete "
That was all Sal hurried swiftly
forward dowu to the little shanty,
where, in the windows she could see
so plainly the children's bobbing
"Oh, Sal!" they shrieked in a
chorus, as she opened door, "Guess
who's been here?"
"I don't know. Where's father?"
"He's dowu iu the valley with the
stranger mau, somebody or other
from the Slates," explained Joe, who
was twelve, a very important young
ster in his own estimation.
"I've got a letter for father I wish
he'd come Did they expect to go
far in this storm? See how much
fiercer it grows "
The night crept on and the eagerly
expected father did not come.
"He's been gone so long I'd better
go and see if anything could have
happened You children keep up
the lire, and Mary can set out the
Then Sal threw her shawl over her
head and went out into the furious
storm that was increasing iu violence
every moment.
"Poor father, maybe he had a drop
too much I hope he ain't tried to
reach Deer Creek. Who could the
stranger be the children speak of?
Some prospector, likely."
Three hours later the men lolling
in the barroom at the main hotel iu
Deer Creek were startled by the sud
den opening of the door to behold
Sal. white as one dead, covered with
ice and snow, standing on the
"My God, what has happened,
Sal?" cried more than one
"Murder!" was the hoarse reply.
"Murder! where—who—
"Mv father—oh, wait!" struggling
to speak clearly, "dowu the divide.
"Wait, my girl, you'll freeze," and
John Pobl snatched off the wet shawl
and fluufr a warm, soft blanket around
her. "You just btay here and let me
But she struggled out of his de
taining hands
"Maybe yoftr father, was jnst lost
in the snow, lass "
"I tell you he was murdered, I
struck a match. There's blood all
over his bosom. Shot! shot! Oh,
who could have wished to harm my
poor old father?
Her story was true. With great
difficulty was be found, nearly buried
in the snow, and carried to bis home,
to startle the terrified children half
out of their senses.
fcjho was calm; afterward she won
dered at her own control. She quiet
ed the children, coaxed the smaller
ones off to bed, and sat before the
fire in a dazjd, cold way, that troub
led two of their kindly neighbors
greatly, who sat back and talked in
' low tones of the etrauge, uncalled for
"An honester, better fellow never
lived. Poor Tom! Who could have
wished to kill him?"
It was the boy, Joe, who suddenly
cried out in startling, convincing
"The stranger, Sal, the strauger,
that wore a fur overcoat and fur
"describe him. Joe."
"I don't know as I kin, but be had
dark eyes and a beard, and father
seemed much taken with hiru. They
laughed and talked about some prop
erty back in the States, a"d the man
had a bottle, and they drauk several
times, then went out together "
"Would you know him again, my
' Yes," said Joe, 'he had a red scar
near the corner of his eye,his left eye,
T remember "
"We'll find him, if he's in the land
of the living."
The next day a party men set out
over and across the couutry in search
of the stranger. In the afternoon
others assisted at the quiet funeral,
and not until nightfall did Sal remem
ber that letter.
She took it from her pocket tore it
open and read.-
To T/ionuis Shtldmt or his heirs:
You are hereby notified that an estate
awaits you in Greenfield, Nolan county,
State of . Yours,
Attorneys at Law.
February 22, 18 — •
"Oh," said Sal, wonderingly," what
does it mean? An estate!"
"I know," said twelve year old
Joe, "it's money land Oh, Sal, if
father had only lived? He hated baing
poor worse'n any of us."
"I suppose I'd better write and tell
'em there's no longer any Thomas
Sheldon, but there's some six heirs,"
said Sal
Sal wrote in a big, school girl hand
a simple statement of the facts, but
she knew an answer could not be ex
pected short of two weeks.
In the meantime the men who had
gone out looking for the strange man
that Joe had described, failed to find
him, and returned disheartened, and
the mystery of the murder seemed
impossible to unraval
Sal still clung to the rude shanty
and anxiously thought about her let
ter, while the people in Deer Creek
and the surrounding valley offered
her plenty of places to work.
• She's proud, an' she ought to
starve," said more than one, "but I
do pity them little children.
Oue day there came to Deer Creek
a tall, handsome man who inquired
for Miss Seldou.
The men regarded each other blank
ly, until some one said:
"Ob, the dickens! the fellow wants
Sal. I'll point out to you where
she'B to be found "
The supper of mush and milk was
on the table when the stranger tap
ped at their door Sal opened the
door and admitted him.
"I came," he began courteously,
"in reply to yor,r letter. Came to
tell you of the big fortune that is
yours, as next of kin to an uncle who
recently died, and to take you all
back home with me—if you will go
—to such a home as you could hard
ly picture, that is all your own."
"Sal hesitated; she knew the need
of money; she had long known pinch
ing want, but she loved the moun
tains and the valleys where she had
lived so long—and then there was
She hesitated only an instant, the
faces of the children, eagerly expect
ant, decided her.
"We can be ready anytime—to
morrow, if you'd rather."
"To-.norrow, then; we will stop at
the nearest town, and ysu can got
anything you need for the long jour
lie did not linger, but joined his
guide to return to Deer Creek for the
night, and leared for the first time,
the story of the murder.
"You don't say! How strange!
Who could have wished his death?
Poor fellow, with a hundred thous
and dollars waiting for him.
Tom Sheldon always was an unlucky
Sal had hoped to see Peto before
she left, but he failed to put in an ap
"Oh, well, what'B the odds? I
rocken he's found his other girl by
this time. Come childr en, are you
Four years later.
Deer Creek wa-= a big mining town
now, and even Sal herself, walking
its handsome streets, could barely re
call the old landmarks.
If the town had changed, no less
had Sal, in her dress, her walk, seem
ingly her entire self. She bad been
a handsome lass, with a strong, free
step. She was now a very pretty
lady, elegantly and gracefully attir
ed Joe, tall and awkwatd, walked
at her side.
"How strange it all seems, 'little
mother,' "he said fondly. "The
rude shanty where we lived, and
where you toiled so long; and then
poor old fa her had to be killed—»
don't 1 wish 1 could find that man "
"I'd like to walk down the old
road," said Sal. "it is here I said
good bye to Pete. I wonder where
he is."
"He was a rouafh, good hearted
chap, but he wasn't good enongh for
you, not half "
His companion did not answer,
and Joe continued.
"I'll tell you what, if you'll sit
dowu here and wait for me, I'll go
down to where the old shanty stood
and look around a little.
The day was lovely, and Sal felt
old memories stirreJ auew.
"Ob, Pete!" she thought, "you
never knew bow much I loved you.
Did you find that other girl, I won
As if in answer to her thought Pete
stood before her,
"Sal, 1 suppose it's really you,
though the folks now call you Miss
"O, Pete, where did you come
from? I thought "
"That you'd never see me any
"Yes, and,"' trying to smile,
"where's your other girl, the one you
went in search ol?"
"I never found her, Sal. I couldn't
having known you. I went in
search of something else."
"What Pete—wealth?"
"Yes—and your father's murderer.
I didn't find much wealth, I'm an
unlucky chap, but I found him."
I "Oh, Pete!"
"Yes, an' he owned up to the '
whole thing. 110 was on his dyin' bed
when I fouud him—another fellow
h»d put biio there. I didu't httvo tbit.
honor. But be said thai aside from
your dad and you chiidreD, he waa
next of kin, aud would come in for
the whole, if you were never found.
He thought from what the old man
sa d that he had the letter on his
person—that letter ycu pot, and kept.
So he meant to k'll your father and
answer the letter that he was dead
and had left no heirs He committed
the cowardly deed, but failed to find
the letter, when he tied. That's all,
but it's the truth. I followed him
for two years, 'fore I found him."
"Dear, faithful Fete! I am glad to
kuow the truth at last."
"You're fine folks now, you dress
like a lady and talk like one, bat I'm
glad to see you once more, anyhow."
"You can see me always, if you
wish, Pete, always."
"You don't mean it Sal, yon
"Yes, I do. The children and I
are homesick for the mountains, and
are coming to stay."
"Coming back—and to me. Oh,
Sal, my own little mountain lass, in
spite of the fine clothes."
"You'll get used to them in time,
and you'll not find my family very
much trouble; they've enough money
to be independent. Here comes Joe:
see how tuii he is."— Yankee Blade
A Thrilling Slory.
'Talkin' about war reminds ue of
Antietam,'' remarked a man with a
straw hat and a Ion? overcoat, to a
crowd of rneu in a Viue street saloon
yesterday. Tue men did not know
him, but nn old-timer who saw his de
sign and wanted to see a practical il
lustration of it, asked:
"What'll you have?"
"Jest a mite of rye with a "little
taste of lemon Kind o' troubled
with bronchitis, gentlemen." was the
response. Then he poured a four
ounce dose. As he clutched it the
purchnser asked:
"Been to Antietam?"
"Been there?" Well, I should say
"Wounded there?"
"Slightly. You see I was orderly
in the Tenth New York and was de
tailed on (jriuerul Jimberry's staff as
dispatch carrier I was down near
the bridge, as nigh as I remember,
aud there was powerful hot work go
in' on "
The group became somewhat inter
ested, aud the man who was playing
jackstraws with a handful of tooth
picks turnod around.
"The Johny Rebs had charged our
line and driven back the Fourteenth
Massachusetts, the Eleventh Ohio
and Twenty second Illinois Things
looked bad aud wo needed reinforce
ments. The Qineral looked about for
a moment and sez:
"I want a good man that is willin'
to die fur his country."
' Things grew quiet, but I spoke
up and sez: 'Ginerul, Ephrahim Sharp
uever disobeyed an order."
"Brave man," murmured a fat man
who had been chewing lemon peel.
"Jist what the Gineral said," re
plied the speaker "Says he, 'Here's
a dispatch that must reach Qineral
Sl«cum or we are lost. Take it, and
God bless you, my man."
"I mounted ray horse, and gettin'
a good urip on the reins dashed over
the little knob in front of us, crossed
the valley, and just reached the top
of the opposite swell and I enmost
fell outen my saddle."
"Why! Thar wasaregment of Lou
isiana rebs draawn up in a line await
ing the words to go ahead. I wuz
in a trap, you know. I couldn't turn
and thar I stood Sez the Colonel,
'Surrender, you d Yank!' 'Never!
eez I drawing my revolver and mak
in' for him. I seen a thousand rifios
pointed straight at me, but I set my
teeth and dashed forward, and—"
"And then?" eagerly demanded
the crowd, in a semi-howl.
•'They fired, and I fell dead, riddled
to pieces."
Two minut.es later the barroom
wan empty, and the veteran was in
the uext saloon reciting hid adventure
at sea.
How the Parson Got Excited.
The following story is told of old
Parson P , who a few years
ago, lived and preached in the town of
F ,in this State. He was ner
vous, near-sighted and excitable.
One day he had been in the city
with bis horse and wagon, and among
his purchases was a barrel of flour,
the bead of which was partly out.
On the the old man was
overtaken and passed by a young
man, driving a horse and putting on
many airs. Now the parson's horse
was usually a quiet, steady going ani
mal enough, but he could not stand
that sort of thing, so he started off
after him of the first order in good
The jolting of the wagon at length
jarred the bead completely off the
barrel, and the strong wind that was
blowing directly after the parson
blew the flour all over him and the
horse At last the fast young man
wrs left, and the village was reached;
but the speed of his horse was not
In driving through a street to
reach his house he came in contact
with one of hie deacons, who was
naturally surprised to see the minis
ter driving at such a pace, aud sig
nalled him to stop.
•'Why, Parson P ," said he,
"what on earth is the matter? You
seem greatly excited."
"Excited!" yelled the old man,
"excited! who in h wouldn't be
excited? Snow storm in July. Gat
up, Dobbin!"
The deacon smiled, but was silent.
A Good Remedy.
We know of nothing better for
cracks to cows'teats, to which they
are very much subject when first
turned to pasture, than glycerine; one
or two applications will beal them up
The teats should be well washed
with suds made of castile soap—itself
a cleansing, healing application—and
the glycerine put on at night after
milking Maine farmer.
—The foremen's Association, com
posed of the foremen in nearly every
kind of employment in Pittsburg, has
been organized for the purpose of
opening reading-rooms for working
—"What tie precher talk 'bout to
day brudder Julias?" "Ob, hetelled
'bout Sniusou beat deui i'Lilistiues,
en you kuow 1 uiose cry to tiok detn
poor crceterH couldu't get no Salva
tion Oil.
Beware of new remedies for
coupba! Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
b»t) Htood tbtf test tor forty yearn.
"Mad Anthony Wayne."
From Pittsburg Press ]
Oae of the darkest periods in the
early history of the west followed the
defeat of St. Clair iu 1791 In 1792
President Washington sent Anthony
Wayne to retrieve the disaster a of
the previous year, to protect the set
tlers, and to punish the Indians for
! the outrages they had committed
Wayne's reputation for da?h and dar
ing insured him a hearty welcome.
1 The rude fortification, afterwards re
l built nod known as Fort Fayette,
i was made the headquarters for organ
; izing the newly eulisted soldiers.
There was a lively time with drilling
| during the day and feasting, drinking
; aud frolicking at night. It was
more like a holipay gathering than a
banding of men determined on re
' venge for murdered women and chil
j dren.
; The departure of the troops was de
! layed from various causes, chiefly
lack of discipline, the result of the
nigh'ly carousals. The boldness and
inhuman cruelties of the Indians were
the themes of conversation around
the camp fires and served for a time
to keep alive the enthusiasm of the
I men, who had most of them enlisted
i duriDg the first excitement. But
J these delays and a realization of the
' dangers aud hardships ahead had a
! demoralizing eQVct. Desertion and
failure to return from leaves of ab
sence became numerous. An offender
in the latter particular was a young
man whose failure to report on time
was more particularly noticed from
the fact that he was noted for his
cheerful disposition and prompt obedi
ence. He had unfortunately remain
ed over night with his family, and in
the early morning returning met with
an evil genius, u citizen who 6ullenlv
listened to the young soldier as he
jokinglv related his neglect to return
as he should have done the evening
before, and declared that he was go
ing to make it profitable by reporting
the dest-rtion and getting the reward
When the soldier had entered his
quarters the citizen of whom he bad
rashly made a confidant sought the
officers ot the day, reported the young
soldier as a deserter end demanded
the reward for his treachery. The
captain had seen the two men come
to the fort together and had watched
the soldier go to his quarters with
guilty looks He took the man's
statement and immediately reported
the case to the general The latter
had not yet recovered from the prev
ious night's debauch, and being un
reasonable, arbitrary and paspionate
from the effects of drink, ordered a
drum head court martini. The aston
ished soldier made .a statement,
truthfully relating all the circum
stances of his trifliDg lapse of duty.
The finding of the court martial was
against him The general, without
further investigation, signed the pa
per, and preparations were made for
the execution at 2 o'clock. Had the
officers dared approach the impetu
ous Wayne they would haye interced
ed (or the youthful offender, who was
a general favorite, but in the gener
al's maudlin condition it was useless
to intercede with him. The sentence
of the court was carried out, the vic
tim meeting his fate bravely, but
protesting to the last that his exe
cution was murder, unjust and uncall
ed for. There was no carousal that
night. The next morning a council
was called to complete the details of
the delayed expedition.
During the council Gen. Wayne
mentioned the executed soldier as a
fitting person for some important ser
vice. The officers exchanged glances
and remaiued silent. The execution
'had provoked bitter comment and an
outbreak among the soldiers bad with
difficulty been suppressed. Had
there been an engagement at this
time Gen. Wayne would probably
have met the fate by some believed
to have overtaken Gen. Braddock,
and been shot by own troops. Con
tinuing, Gen. Wayne apologized for
his condition of the previous day and
repeated the name of the execu
ted soldier. There was still no an
swer. The General, looking interro
gatively from one to another, saw
that their glances were full of mean
ing. "Gentlemen what's amiss? I
do not understand this mysterious ex
chancre of glances," he demanded an
grily, jumping to his feet.
The captain who had served as
officer of the day stepped forward and
stated the circumstances of the execu
Wayne gazed at the officer in be
wilderment for a momeDt. Then
sinking slowly into a seat, in a voice
scarce above a whisper, he murmur
ed: "Shot to death by my order."
Tears were in bis eyes as he repeated
again and ajjain. "shot to death by a
drunken man's order " Suddenly be
rose from his seat with a dangerous
gleam in his eye and cried out with
an oath—"by the eternal God, if
ever again an officer executes an or
der ot mine when drunk I will hold
him personally responsible. Where
is the miserable hound who made the
information? Where is he ? Have
him arrested at once, at once I say !
Where are the records of that court
martial ?" He tore the leaves from
the book and scattered them right and
left, rapidly issuing orders the while
to complete the preparations for de
parture Concluding, he said to the
surprised officers: "See to it that
this thing is explained. That man's
reputation must not suffer Deserter?
No! No I It was my drunken
folly. We must make all the repara
tion possible."
The passionate words of the gen
eral had attracted theatteution of the
soldiers who had gathered in groups
outside. The eelf-denunciation- nnd
the destruction of the record bad their
effect upon the men, who returned to
their duties, sorrowful but no longer
Shortly after ths incident related
above, tbe troops were hastily march
ed to the newly-erected fortification
called "Fort Legion," where they
spent the winter of 1 793. Lpgionville,
a part of the Economite settlement,
commemorates the spot.
The man who denounced the young
soldier, learning of tbe detestation in
which be was held, secreted himself
until after the departure of tbe troops,
lie never received the price of his in
famy—he dared not apply for it
This man owned property just out
side the eity limits which afterward
became yery valuable. It is now oc
cupied by some of our finest suburban
Many citizens knew tbe man in la
ter years, but his life was a mystery
to most people. It has not been
many years since bis death. It would
be bard to couceive a punishment
more terrible than bis. A silent,
| friendless man, shnnned, despised and
I execrated by all.
My enthusiastic admiration for
Gen Wayne prompts me to hope that
my narration of this almost forgotten
incident of his life will not detract
from a reputation built upon noble
actions and heroic deeds. I would
not willingly take one leaf from the
. lanrels won at Stony Point by the
impetuous soldier, "Mad Anthony
L. D. MCCandlr*S.
Ruin of the Peach Crop.
About this time it becomes the an
nual duty of the press of the country
to report the failure of the peach crop
for the coming season. It may be a
monotonous bnt it is none the less a
mournful duty. Readers as well aa
publishers know it most b? done.
The annual destruction of the peach
crop could not commence under more
auspicious circumstances than those
I of today, yesterday and the day be.
fore. The reports come in from New
•Jersey something like ibis:
"The utmost consternation prevails
among the wealthy and refined own
ers of the peach orchards (the finest
in the world) of this State, universal
ly conceded to be the gem of the
union. Every peach|tree has been
irrevocably ruined by the prevailing
storm, confessedly the worst ever
known upon the coast. Not a New
Jersey peach will be harvested this
year. But the cantalope crop is be
lived to be uninjured, as yet. Cran
berries are also pronounced generally
A 1 Send in your orders
From Delaware an equally dis
couraging outlook is reported. Ad
vices from Wilmington are as fol
"Postal cards sent out to every
peach grower of the peninsula have
elicited responses from all but two,
one of whom fa Saulsbury) is dead,
and the other (a Bayard) abroad.
The reports are unanimous that
every peach bud has been frozen out
with the roots The condition of the
people of the United States next bo tu
rner, when not an eatable peach will
be grown in the country, may be im
agined. It is understood that the
New Jersey crop will be as usual,
bitter, and more than enough to sup
ply the demand."
From Baltimore it is reported:
"The entire crop of Maryland
peaches for 1888 has beeu ruined by
the late frost, which has nipped every
bud. This calamity can be borne
better by the noble descendants of
tbe Pinckneys than by the unfortu
nate people of the other states, who
will have to put up with the coarse,
unpalatable peaches of Delaware and
New Jersey "
The reports from Ohio are moro
cheerful in tone, but even less en
eouraging in conclusions. They
"Peach crop gone, Salt couldn't
save it, bat we don't care a cent
Ohio will send out the biggest corp
ot candidates the country ever ex
perienced. If the union is to be pre
served it must be by Ohio."
From California comes intelligence
of a more uncertain character:
"Last week peach crop was clear
gone, ruined by a dry winter. Un
expected spring rains commenced on
Sunday night, and is now raining
drops worth S2O apiece. Every drop
of rain means a peach the size of a
prize squash. Have just ordered all
our peach cans for 'BB to be made the
size of eighth beer kegs, each pack
age to hold one peach. Look out
for California clings next fall worth
$1 a can
P. S.—The cloud has passed away
and left nothing but a shower of
horned toads. Not a peach from the
coast next fall. Every peach ranch
will be sold off in city lots at SI,OOO
per square foot. We are now bank
ing everything on city lots and cli
From Sitka:
"Prospects for peach crop never
better. If coast steamers continue
weekly trips from terminus of North
ern Pacific we will have plenty of
peaches, and expect soon to be ex
porting bananas, in railroad folders
and steamship display cards "
A careful summary of all the re
ports received makes it appear that
the peach crop is totally ruined,about
as usual.—Pittsburg Preas, March
Alaska as a Territory.
WASHINGTON, Mar. 21—The Sen
ate Committee on Territory to-day
agreed to report a bill to create the
territory of Alaska and establish a
territorial government. The bill pro
vides that settlers who are citizens,
or who have declared their intention
to become citizens, shall be allowed
settle upon auy vacant lands not min
eral. timber, or occupied formerly and,
now claimed by Indians, to the
amonnt ot 160 acres to each head of
a family. Sitka is to be the capital,
at which place the Supreme Court
shall sit The four inferior courts
shall be located at the settlements ot
Sitka Janeau, W ran gel and Unga.
The Legislative Council is to consist
of nine members, and shall pat into
operation the government provided
Senator Cullom, in behalf of the
minority of the Committee on Terri
tories, to-day presented a report op
posing the * annexation of the Pan
Handle of Idaho to Washington Ter
ritory, and tavoring the admission in
to the Union of the Territory of
Washington with its boundaries.
Idaho, the report says, is fully capa
ble of becoming a great common
wealth entitled to statehood, and this
attempt to "ruthlessly take away"
one fourth of the most valuable part
of the territory is declared to have
been made with the hope that "she
will readily fall into the pit dug for
her by her ambitious neighbor," and
ask to have the remainder of her ter
ritory parceled oat among the adja
cent states and territories. A bill to
carry out the views of the minority
accompanies the report.
—The Canadian Parliament will
make a grant toward a fund in mem
ory of the British soldiers who fell at
the battle of Lundy'a Lane:
—A New York fund for Annie
Knierieus, the 15-year-old Dakota lass
who saved a little classmate in a Jan
uary blizzard, amounts to $369.
—Says an imaginative statistician:
"If Texas were a circular lake and
France a circular island, the island
could be anchored ceu*rally in the
lake out of sight of land, twenty-two
miles from any point on the encir
i cling shore."
NO. 2i