Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 23, 1888, Image 3

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TJte pnJLVr it krrrKy notiAfi tkat hrrt after
oil Rrvtlnfrmi of Rrtpect or L'onrfalmn adopt
ed ky grfMi»(<MU end ordrrtd p»iklithrd mil
nolt-r* of Ckmrek Fairs, Frit trait and Ijtc
tum. mnd all rommmirmtrd Obituanrt triU
hr > kmrgem for at tke ratr of ont-kalf cent a
rend, momrv to nrrtimpantf rock nrdrr.
New Advertisements.
Or. ScSeaek's Rrscdiei.
Ciii>t«a twu. AadiMin Report.
N«tic« ii divoree —Putridft n Partridge.
tfheriC V Btk of Piakerua property.
A Sale Store —J. X Patterma.
K»w L*4l«— Indiana Normal Bcha«l. Ez
einkii u» Washington. Roeeabe rg't Cloth
iag. Raa'rvw S*«.rmat.
—Tb» sweet Dotai of the Meg-sparrow are
■ow h-srd ia the land.
—Ja4(« Ewine toil Whit* arc the License
Mikaoo. of Allegheny ©ooetf thi» rear.
EMJ R-<hert MCK»* of Butler twp. is ly
tag (Ut ir-r<.a»ly ill of pneumonia,
Otjr procer* are paying 12 cenu for eggs
and 17 f r tatter.
* -Hr« hut Mt aeal (irh do yon think
there are ia Butler coaniy.
-Wlii not doable roar va'oe by «tudy at
—Tl'* wnd on the "hof-back" on the
Beattjr f»-n» r.ear Milliards ia said to be suit
able tor eriodmg plate glass.
_WI »'e rhr r piDK rail timber on bi< farm
ia tfi. lately, Mr R. P. Br >wn
teailj cL'.jped. ffcue of his big ton.
Jft.r re day, ail fon'a-day, and 'be 6r>-t
•f A|>r.l al! cotne on Farter Sunday this
No»»B« ? nrf «f this county will *nc
•-red R> v Ilnan as paktor »f the German
Esangt K«1 church of New Caatle.
—Tfcoe i« soaw talk ofa wheel barrow and
a<«4 work factory locating in Butler bat
BwUuiig d< noite ia aettled.
—Afi now both Harriaville acd Bailer
are tryiag to-steal that Normal School from
—Tar* large atare buildings have lately
beea bailt near the forka of the road, in the
a*nh*re*tera part of the town.
—The two new big wella— the Bolard 4
tireealee ia thiaoonaty and the Fergas in
Wtxfeiagtoa ccantr—didn't break the mar
Rer. OlUr. of Bailer, will preach at the
(*ai< avilie Prwbvteriau ("horch on Sonday,
March 25. at 4 oYlcck p w.
Mr. Jaaaa* A. Xegley left for Philadel
eua Wednesday to attend the great anle of
ood. Hubbright A Co.'a old stock by Jrthn
W aaamaker.
—The Msttbew McOollooeh property in
Worth twp . lately sold at Marthal'a aala was
bid la by bia sons.
—Mr Mi Bora* of Bonrbnn county.
Kaeta* a fcrmer citizen of thia oouoty was
'lrr<wa< d la the Manaatoa river oa Feb.
—Another citizen of thia onnty baa been
returned to Cnart oa a charge of adultery.
!a there any danger of thia thing becoming
rpilraK 1
—Brafrvw baa a wife-beater, who ia
tbraeieeed with a anat of tar and f«a»hera,
alaa sense bad bora who mi toon ducted tt em
aaltaa at the late"Local Institute
—Mia. Stef hen Over of Slipperrrtwk tp
had a ati*.ke of paralyaia la# Thumday eren
inf aad i« lying very low. She ia about AO
yoai» of age.
—Aa Oil City ana named W. P. Brnu -
■an. or Bowmaa ia reported W> hare died at
the boaneof hia aaother ia thia eoaaty, laat
—Mr Oeerga RU»wer» the foreman of the
faaftf men on the P A W. R. R. who fell
rnua the rrk> at Mobley'« Point on Frida?.
the 6tb inat, died on 'Wedneaday of laa'
—At tho etd of B«-b VcTlella«>d'a trial in
C<vnrt Vordar, bi«C"oa>el raiae«i a cun<>u»
point c'aitned that >b-»u?h th» prwii
t : or b»d t rr-aen »ha< B> b .old liquor on eh»
r>i»tn''t'' in Bn'ler, Ibey hadn't prored that
Butler wo» in Batler county.
—The property of Iywi» Pett«-rf>n near
Ceaterril'» Sa» Keen aelected aa th» place for
tkca*w VviaslSfthn' M' P«"wi «ab
acibod )l»i"».an1 a«kod «2W<»rtHa *' >n l
h.*« raieed sl7 0»O in all and
waat to nake '.t aa etrea (20,0<X>.
—The pew Porter«Til'e encampment. I. O
O. F wit: 'w io«ti«a'ed he Diatrict Depute
(■taail Pitriarck D F Wat«on.on the 2tiih
of tbie BH :>th. Metnbera of the order are in
vited to f
-(iwitf home from Batler oa Wedneaday
evening of Inat week, after the hearinsr of the
Petrolia ii<ji»«r eaaea. Mr Bell, the Millera
t< «a f' -iit 'f ia «a ; d to hare been auhjected
toeorair'erahle akmae. They called him
I retty tttrea, and poured wbiaky over bim
—Aaoer caaa ain«t hare their j«ke. Dar
irg the Hliuard ia New York when the
»'.*w waa piled arreral feet deep oa the graaa
plot*. ar;ir.e |>eraoß stuck up a "keep off the
jrraaa'' aigo on oae af Ibem, and other ridic
dloaa aicna were act ap all over the city.
—According to the almanac the Bon croaa
ed tbe equator, Wedneaday, the data an <
nicbta are now nearly equal, the Yernal
Fqninoi .a apon aa, and tbe | eople of the
Weatera Statea bold themaelrea in readineaa
to dive ir'o tbeir "tornado bolea" at a mo
menta warning.
-Duriiii the late snow stcrm there were
Sfty "de« 4" lr** motives oo the tracks of the
PER, between Philadelphia and New
Vark, aad «n Saturday of last week there
were tweaty-lava tboosaod rara of freight on
Ik* track* in and about Pittsburg. These
were all Parted Kaat during tbe first part of
this nek.
—Oee of oor well known citix»ns latelv
advertised ia the CITIZEN tbe merits of an
article he waatatmdaeiag la thia community.
Oee »f par »«becrtbeni in Ohio saw the ad
«rrtiaea»«nt aad wrote regarding it, and hat
take* the speocy and has aold quite a num
ber of th< artielea. Advertising pays and (he
teat nsfdiota through which to do it in this
oooaty is Tit* BcTLru CITISKK.
—The Hart brothen of this place are
drilliog en the John R Mahon farm, on the
liaa between Clinton and Middlesex twpa.
They re art. ad the "band red foot" laat week
eiaca wbi'h time tha well haa been
flcwicg aho«t tan barrels a dav, but they are
aow drilling deeper. Hart k Conkle drilled
•hist well- ia that vicinity thirteen veara
ago. aad *<«t some oil and a great deal of gas,
ar.d it Is believtd that there Is a good oil
£eld ia that neighborhood.
—la the Allegheny eountv Court on Moo
day aad Tuesday of ihia week 170 applicant*
fwe tieaase were examined, many of
wfco« acknowledged to having sold on Suu
4ay In niae eseea out of ten tha applicanU
ISMS they toed people. The majority swore
to feeding over oae handred people per day.
A earctnl calcalatioo places the namber at
|d.M<3 people fed daily ia the First. S*wv<« l
aad Third wards, m' 4 eounting members of
Ikailiww the large hotels aud if th» propor-
Ues keep* up, over f -ur buudre<l th'.u«aiiil
peopie will bo shown to be fed by small ho
tels and .e-tnorcau io Allegheuy coanty
•very day.
—Two <f la. t week's j'irios were oot all
night. Ih» fir%t wss the jury on the rho»t
lag sff* r •;> the Fib<Ti«iigo R R.. which
ksppesr l x.fiie flu- »H'» <if thi« jtff a
piioority »rre its >r of patii«hing ihv mnri
abo n>ed his pikinl so r«lile«lr, but alter a
r-«ttorm-nt ot twenty-tw.i b'iur< they g«ve
in to tbe n-'-j. rity and pu' part of the C'»-ts on
theK Rto Thf »mb.l was the jury in
tneeae* '•f tbs »hs« .senlta v< Altwrt
llcberlinff where a m<-i *ity pr-ibiblr had
•naMd«u<4e ON to the man's gnllt and tavcr
acquit* -.1. tut who after being penu—l up
orrr twrs r f .ur h .uc t«v« in to the <hher>-
aod agree tto a verdict of guilty. Wb-tber
"r oo forcing a jury to agree, after they re
port that »bey <-a:.n< t agree, is iu the iuterest
o jaatioe i» a <)s»uios.
—Mr W II RiUer Las returned from the
Ka»t alter an eveuttul ~hoppm< tour. He
IRFT lavs HI \londav of la>l week
and hi» fir-t locg atnp was at flarri.lmrg,
Toesday. when the blizzard w*s ra{io< I•
n»'-h an etteot that it a- much as a man
contd do lo grt acme* tbe rquare to the hots'
re»-aarai.i On Wtdt>o»dsy the train got
ihrotub t/i Pi.uadclpbia, after a stall io tbe
•now of »• ersl b<>«rs tau side of Lane .tter.
On Thai* >ay tho traiu got acrna Jersey t/i
Now York, raamag betwooo mouotaiuA of
aoov. aad arrived at New Yorg late that
evening Tbe street* there were rdlcJ full ot
saow, with a tarrow path on ea<d) tidewaU
-ad a ataglc track ou toe street, aud the cab-
BHSB sren asking aa >IGH a* W) to take pa*
Ki|«n to tbeir hotel) or homes.
—A Batter man la food of peta
U« owoa nine dogs, seven cau, eigbt
caaary birds, two white mice and a
monkey. It tbo man wasn't poor no
dc*%* b« wotaH tbe oohectfou.
—Com. vs Atbart Heberling. in.lieted for
ontover 24 huura a verdict of roll*
ia masoer and form h* he st.'od —A
ntw trial was atked for heoring fixed
tor May 7.
i Com. rs Bob MeCJelland, •ellini' li.jasr
wiihoat licen«e, guilty.
—Com vs K K CCU*!ok keeping a divor
derly house, verdict *mltj\
—Caaa. v» S K Bytr», iwrgery, oo trial yes
Win Crcker wai appointed cooitabfe of
Cenierv ille tin Thoe C Cooper,
Wa H licGaflc was appointed an Auditor
for Kara* City borough, Kdward Chin tier
waa appointed auditor of Sazoubarg.
William Nimo has been refnrn<»d to Court
for larcenv oo na'h of S W K-» lie the P i
W H K for maintaining a publi* uuisanat
oa o-tb ot John A Parvi«. ii C Miller t"r
nelling l t)Uur with'Ut licence <>u nMh ol Mr*
Core. C 1.-wreno: Whn.uu- f-ir-adu «ry <e.i
oath of Alice l>avidsen, and iltnry
for fnrni-hing liqu r to mea of iute niperati*
habit-, on oatfc ot H S Walters.
Li euse Court wa- fixed for Wednesday of
thi- tn-K, liui 'b sew o asn>-iiib!e Ito ac end
it fouud the rase of the C-'tn. VH. St liver*,
which was taken np Tuesday aflrrno'.n, y»-i
on trial aud it continued all of thai day aud
part ot yetterday, and there were two other
small caiti on the trial lis»t to follow it.
W'ra Larkin aed J A Bonner were appoint
ed appraiser" of the property of Bractney &.
Haut, who aligned to F P Brackney.
J \ Rimer and Frederick Matlba wer«
appc-ir.ted »|>| rai*er(- or tbe prej-ert\ of M»
t.ida Koflen, who asaigned to John Eorleu.
Mr. dobn V Sloin passed hi* preliniinar;,
examination ano is readiug law.
Mfclviu Pigley had a iuamta* fcnr alaadei
ia«ued for I>ewi-Sen ton.
The will of Wm Gallagher of Franklin tp.
wa# pmbjted and IttU*rs to WBEIISIMI.
Ik.c Mosier and Andy Bortmai were com
mitted to jail fof coats.
C D A!diuK»r has sold property iu Millers
town to .1 .1 Titl»y for s23o').
C L Rhi-d'-s f>o acits in Brady to A W Boo
lie f««r .*I7OO.
W" S BaUton 2 acre* io Connotjueneasiug to
Sarah tlaley lor sl<X>o.
H W Mc<*ollough 5 acre* in Donegal to
C H JohutKin for $379 60.
Jacob Reiber property in Miller»town to
W Vensel for $775.
Mary Dixon a lot ia Bntlsr to C Rebiiune
for £VV).
W D Brandon a lot in Batler to T J Morall
for S4OO
M F. 4J II Bole, lots in Millerstown to
L G R«ep atd J L SlcKte for i sch.
Butler Saving* Bank to J F Btitlian prop
erty in Batler for slsfO.
W 8 Purviauce to iime property in Butler
for $375.
J F Bnttain to licnry Green property iu
Butler for $:!•».
Peter Iv I.awrence to J 11 Hutchison prop
erly :n Muddye»eek for ?1.
J 11 llntctiisoii to Margaret A Lawrence
tame for .>t.
It W Stewart, Fx'r, to W £ Wallace 0
acres iu Penn tor $325.
W A Davia to Sarah J Ray property ic
Butler for $l5O.
Marriage Licenses.
A lice O. Glenu tp
Acnie E. McConnell.... Batler tp
Home F. McCaalia, South Bufl'alo, Arm
strong county. *
SaviU Cravener Lecchburg, Pa
Robert L. M-Collougii Muddycreck tp
Lizzie li. Albert Franklin tp
Samuel F. Porch Sunbury boro
Nannie F. Crowl llarri»ville
John L. Danu Clay tp
Lizzie S McKinney "
Edwin S. Xowatuy Col umbo*, Ind
Beatrice A. Jvlmonda Harmony, Pa
George G. Black Pittsburg, Pa
Jennie E. 1 lagan Mwioa tp
Kruil A. Vry ley Tarentum, Pa.
liary J. Walter
Wm. J. Metz Benver Co Pa
Mftggie B Luiitz Jackson Tp
Jacob S. Hhaffer 7,-lienop!,-
Beile I.u«k Peachville
Jus H Purk Middlesex Tp.
Idn E Miller '
At Pittsburg—-Joseph C. I'avis and Ai.uie
J. Vandivort, both ol Butler,
At Merrer—J E Ilavs of Mercer county
and Etu I».'h«on 'if But'er county. W R.
I'itzs! aud Mtrliic E Davis Greenville. •
New Buildings.
Mr. Fr#d Oenerlinsr i" excavating for a
new bt-uve <>n W Pearl £t.
Mr Johu Ekas inteuds building a fine
resident for him-e!('ou W. Pe»rl St.
I ol l/owry is building a.i addition to his
hou>-e on W Pearl St.
J. B. Mates is building himielf a
reiiJeuce on X. McKean St.
Mr. Henry Fish el's rew residence on W
Penn to<*: is slinixi c^onple.ted.
Mr, Walter Evaus intends buildiug on
Elm St
Frank Miller wiil build on E. Cuuning
ha<n Sr.
I/on Siein will b'jild at cornerof Wa-ihiug
ton and Mifllin stre-t-i
Mr. Canute! SiiufTner ii builiiing oa W.
Penn St.
Fred Glace ia building a' ix-roora house ou
West St.
Mr Jog. Parkins is building three store
rooms near the Piste Gla-s Works.
Public Sales.
Win. A. Ralston will have a »ale ou hi*
place at Ralston's Mill- on Tttekday the 27th.
Win. !*••!ti»njnn will have pale on hi* 1 trtn
near L'motiville, in Centre twp. on WtdiieH
day the 2Sth.
<». W. Armstrong, of Worth tp, will have
public hale of pernonul property next Thurs
day. the
l.awretire McCa tidies* of Centre tp. will
make a public sale ou Thuisday April sth.
Ten Days at the National Capi
Iu ord»r that every one taiv hivi» nn op
portunity of \iailing Washington, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will run a tliirrl
aud the last nj.eeill i-x«'iir-ion to Washington
oo Thursday. March 2i», 1 88. v . The rourid
trip tic'tels will b>; operative for t»!ti djya, H
period of litae ample for a thorough vi«*it to
the capital with its liuudn-ds of interesting
scenes and place*. The public buildings n re
a source of the - reatent interest, while Con
gre»s, the court*, the (iovernmant in*tiin
lion it, and the prominent place* io the vicini
ty, w-rr" to fill the mean tire of pleasure.
In addition to theie, Richmond and Mount
Vernon may be visited ou low rate ticket*
which will be soil to the excnraiouMta. 1 tie
special train of Pullman Parlor Cars and
day coache* will leave at the time Npecified
below, and rouud-trip tiuiteu, allodia* a
atop-over in Raltimore on return trip, good
for ten day*, to be used going only on special
train and return by any regalar train except
the New York and Chicago Limited, will tie
sold from the stations mentioned at the r<tte»
Rate. Traina leave.
Pittsburg *7 '.O 800 A.M.
Blairsvillc 7 00 7.00 '•
Washington arrive 750 P. M,
Domestic Infelicity.
Fro - n Kit'&unirn; Preii j
On S;»timliv ufterttoon n verv
amusing caw* wa-« t.ri«d in the Crirui
vital Court Mm. A 'idrn nAd nm hid
HU«il her hu«li>tad fir de-se/tiou. Sh«
i« h w >min a'nu'. 77 vettr* of
The (JoUrl <>rder< d ttie fl* t«» lirintf
hj the defe ud<»u, whi wii-4 und had
been for nevt-r»l wek* in jail.
Deputy Hurry Montgomery re'urn
ed io a Hbort ntn« with ft pp-at strup
ping youne fellow nt 25. lie look'd
ait if ath»meti o) biniHelt when every
body commenced laughing. ll* fitt
ed hinir-ei! with hi.i back to hi» grand
mother wife and ih* trial comment":*!,
Mrn Ad iios tbut Audv bad
lived with *er about four yearn, and
had sp« Qt, all her money, about S4OO.
and theu had irono off with a young
uud handsome wotuau. Shu naid ne
wart her third buebaad.
"I wan druuk whea I married her "
("aid Aady throwing Lis hat oo the
table uud looking at hi.i wif« with a
t-cjwl i'u bin face. Mru. Ad-ian laugh
ed at bim aud told biui that b >'d
never go to lieaveu if bu didn't tell
tbe troth.
Mrs Adam* told tbo Court tbut sko
wouldu't live witb bim agaiu and tbo
dofeadaot tvaa discharged.
A picture of tbe happy couple, ta
kuo ou tbeir wedding day wad pre
sented in evideuce. Valley townnbip
was tbeir residence before domestic
troubles s»paToted tbeoi.
The Trouble an Old Rubber
Pnrinj; tbe Jattor part of January
or firet k*w Jftjsj of February last,
Mr. Jerome II Downing, who had
beta working for Phia BurcbSeia oa
a well on the Joho Gallagher place,
started to walk to the nearest station
on the West Penn II R. Ou the
way one of his arctic-, which was
torn down tbe side, came ofT in the
snow, and he took a couple of papers
from his packet, stuffed them iuto the
toe, put tbe eboe oo again ami tuade
tbe train
At Delan> Stttion, bath Downing
and Conductor ran iuto the
store of R. & A Krauze and s-ach .
bought a pair of new rubbers, I)ow-:
nii;g leavini; hia old ones with ihs- bits
">i paper in the t> e of one of th>'tn
there Then t! ey got ou the train !
<i:.'ain, und Dowuing went to Lis b me ,
in Washington, Pa , aad t'Xin after |
went to work oa a well near Caauocij-1
Oa Monday of last week, the!
>irb inst. the stori of Ac A i
Krause wa< eutered by burgrl irs, who j
opened the tuonpy drawers aud ticket j
• ffice and took wbe.t was iii j
ihetu, tonk a few pairs of shoes, a h >x |
of silk haiidkercbiefs. and other
things and tried to open the safe but I
Tbe robbery was discovered early !
next morning, &ud a careful ex-imina !
lion discovered no clue or anything
left behind by the burglars excepting
an old rflbber SS'-H; lying alons-ide
tbe safe, and in tbe too of tbe rubber j
>i,oe were two paper.-, one a small |
circular and tbe other an ineur:ince ■
assessment notice, No. 1305, of a j
Pittsburg Company.
Mr. ivraii-e took the papers to'
Pittsburg und finding that the policy j
was owned by Mr. Downing, made!
information against bim, acd bad -i i
detective go to Washington county j
and arrest him
The caso was beard before E*q. i
Keck last Tuf sday afternoon, and Mr !
Downing, wbo is a very respectable 1
looking man, and who is a son of
Thoe. Downing of Mercer county,
had tbe man Le is boardiog with,
aud tbe man wbo is on tour with him
to prove that he has worked steadily
at tbe well in Washington couuty:
since the 20kh of February last, and
that was 3t the well until after
midnight of March 12'.b. Every
thing was explained excepting the Hp- 1
pearauce of the shoe at tha' particu
lar place aud time ar.d Mr. Downing
was discharged
Tbe old rubber was probably left;
there by the burglars by accident or
design—a circumstance tbat has caus
ed Sir D >wuicg the humiliation of
being arrested sud a
sum of money—and is a warning to.
everybody to be careful of their old
papers. There are probably not a
dozen men in this town who have not
at some time in their lives fastened a
rubber with an old letter or other old
An Indignant Protest.
WHEREAS: Our liberties, aacction
ed by time and honored by custom,
<>w rights, granted by common con
sent, and our personal Bafety, never
befure threatened, huve become peril
> d by tbe recent ueiiun of the (Jrand
Jurv anrJ,
W HSHEAS: the Town of Butler, our
furnier friend and staunch protector,
A ti>me and fuirne-s,
bus uever been doubted, is now show
itiir unmistakable of enmity to- :
ward UK, and even talking of having
us r-moved. Therefore,
Be it fiexolotd, Tbut we visit our
hearty condemnation on the Greriri
.Jury, und deplore the fact that even
now, when we are most energetic and i
are accomplishing tbe Diot-t evil, our |
destruction should be contemplated,
Revolved, That the banishment ol
the Washington and Penn St sewer
is viewed by this assemblage of the
streets, alleys, culvert-", sewers, and
cesa pools o' Builer, as an injustice,
and so flagrant a violation of our
rights as to demand our immediate
Remolwd, That for the instruction
of tee Grand Jury of Butler County,
and town Couocii of Butler, and the
Street Commissioner of Butler, we
hereby declare our rights to be as fol
I. The Washington and Penn St
sewer should continue to net iu the
interest ol the Druggists, Doctors and
Undertakers of Butler as in the past,,
and to make pleasant and attractive
the expected visit of onr frieud the
Asiatic cholera.
2nd. The various other sewers of
Butler should remain unmolested and
as fast as the population of tha town
warrants, should be added to in tbe
proportion of one sewer to each adds
tion of 200 people and one for each
additional doctor, drugstore, or uu
31 The streets and alleys should
continue to be the authorized recept
acle for tin cans, old bustles, ashes,
etc, aud that we make an early
appeal tn councils lor the restoration
of the rights of the cows and pigs to
wander ut will through the streets
and alleys to their visible advantage.
4th. The crossings iu all parts of
Butler protest against tbe use of
sbo7el and hoe as harrowing to their
feelings and should be entitled to their
considerable share of tbe real estate
of Butler.
sth. Tbe members assembled
hereby assert their rights to a general
enlargement and increase am is fitting
in this spring of Butler's boom.
Rexoleed, That these resolutions
be printed iu Main Street mud, on a
frame of Jefferson Street clay, par
nished wit h old tomato cans, and pe. - -
futried by being held over the Wash
ington aud i'enu St. fewer one hour,
aad then bung on the walls ot our
meeting room, and that a eopv be
KENT, to our enemy, tue BCTI.BR
W \H!I. ,fc !>K\'N' ST. SEWER, )
MfKKvN HI - GIT I KR, f Com.
Tho Bazar.
The ladieß of the Presbyterian
Chun h of thts town will bold a buztr
in the Church room on Thursday and
Friday evenings of this week. En
ables and drinkables will be (here in
abundance, and thero wiil also be
quite a number of home made works
of art, which the cleverest and hand
somest ladies of tbe congregation
have been deputized to sell Tho ad
mission fee to tb s exh'bitioa of the
beauties of maury aud art b>i3 byeu
fixed at the low sum of tea cents
Come one—Couie all.
March the Breezy
Marcb, the incorrigible with more
wind than the temperauee oiator,
with moro luss than a Borough elect
ion. with more variety tba.n a legis
lative session. March, beautiful
March is still with us, aud only the
best quality of goods is made up at
Rosenberg's Merchant Tailoring Ee
The Fraudulent use of Alum
and Lime in Cheap
Baking Powders.
If consumers prefer to buy an adul
terated article of fo.id because it caa
b* had at a lower price they undoubt
edly have the right to do so, provided
tbo aduliertinta are a.H -f a character
injurious to health If such articles
are not falsely sold as pure and tha
customer ii not deceived as to their
real character, the transaction is not
But the great danger ia the traffic
ia adulterated food arises from the
deception th it is practiced by mtnu
facturers usually classiug ruch goods
a- pure. This is aim invariably
done when tbe adulterant n one that
is injurious to health For instance,
manufacturers ot alutu and lime b;k
iug p iwders not only luii to inform
tue public of the real character of
tbeir goods, bat carefully conceal the
fact that tbjy are mide from these
poisonous articles. Most ot these
manufacturers also cla;m that their
articles are pure and wuolesotne. while
some go still further »ud proclaim
Ooldly that they are cream of tartar
goods, or even the genuine Royal
Baking Powder itself. No consumer
will buy alum baking powders know
ingly, for it w -11 uaderst >od tii it the - /
are detrimental to health. 'I he tale
ot lime and aiutn baking powders as
pore and whoies ile articles is. tbere
fu:e. criminal, aud it is satisfactory to
notice that several persons engaged
in such sale have already been
brought to justice in the courts.
The official analysts have recently
been active in tbo pursuits of these
diehon»st articles. The baking pow
ders of several States have been care
folly aud critically examined. The
officials are surprised at the large
amount of lime and alum goods found.
It is a suggestive fact that no baking
powder except the Royal has been
found without either lime or alum,and
many contain both. Dr. Price's bak
ing powder h&3 been found to contain
nearly I*2 per cent of lime;Clcveland's
11 per ceut. of impurities; the phos
phate powders over 12 |»er cent of
Tbe chief service of lime is to add
weight. It is true that lime, when
subjected to beat gives o!f a certain
amount of carbonic acid gas, but a
quick!imu is left —a caustic of most
powerful nature. A small quantity
of dry iime upon the tongue, or in the
eye, produces paiaful effjets; how
ru >ve serious must thesu effects
be ou tee del'cate membranes of the
stomach, interline and kidneys, mare
particularly of infant aad children,and
especially when the lime is taken in
to the system day after day, and with
almost every meal. This is said by
physicians to be one of tbe causes ot
indigestion, dyspepsia, end those
paiaful diseases jf the kidneys now so
Adulteration with lime is quite as
much to 02 dreaded ai with alum
which has heretofore received the
most emphatic condemnation from
f.<od analysts, physicians and chem
ists, lor the reason that, while alum
may be partially dissolved by the
heat of baking if is impossible to de
«troy or ch iug' - the nature of '.he lime
so that tbe entire amount in the bak
ing powder passes, witu al: its injuri
ous properties, into the pio nach
The larjfe profi s from tbe m*«u
facture of lim-> and alum btkiog p >w
d»-r-» Las placed of them in the
market. Ttiey are to be found i*i th*
stock of aim is' every retail dealer,
and are urged upon customers c tiling
for baking pow <ers up >u all occasions.
Because ot tbeir weii known detri
mental oh trader it is desirable thai
prompt mnans be takeu to suppress
their intuu aclure.
Pure baking powders are one of the
chief itids to the cook i i preparing
perfect and wholesome food. While
those are to be obtained of weil estab
lished reputation, like the Royal, of
whose purity there has never been a
question, it is proper to avoid all
The Petrolia Picnic.
The Petrolia Record of last week
giivo some incidents of the late affair
at that place that did not come out
at the hearing. It said, "A number
of ludicrous incidents took place
while Mr, Bell was serving or at
tempting to serve tbe subpomas. It
will be remembered that the law re
quires subpoenas to be delivered per
sonally to the individuals for whom
they are intended. Mr. Bell was ac
quainted with bat few persons in Pe
trolia, and as Lis presence in town
soon became generally known he ex
perieuced great difficulty in fiudingthe
pa-ties be waited. At one office he
inquired' for a certain you <g man. He
was informed by the individual
whom be addressed, and who was the
party he was seeking, that the young
man was not in, but the accomodating
individual volunteered to go and look
for him. Mr Bell waited aud if he
had tarried until the young man re
turn he would have been there yet.
At another place Mr. Bell's approach
was noticed too late for escape aad
the young man who supposed he was
wanted stepped into a large chest
which was utilized as a seat. Mr.
Bell entered aud inquired for his mau,
and ou beiug informed that he had
just stepped out took a seat upon the
chest and said he would await the
youug man's return. Tue situation
looked bad for tbe man iu tbe box
His quarters were close and uncom
fortable, and if Mr. Bell lingered long
he would be forced to make his pres
ence k'jowu aud come forth. But just
as he was about to succumb and ink
to be released the officer arose and
took bis departure sayiogh s woul I
return at another time The young
man c*u« from his biding place al
ui »st MI (located, and he now declares
that if he must be put in a box he
prefers the wi ness b >x." Tin Con
stuble is .-:iid ' » have als t m tde a
"water-haul" in Karns t ily.
Hie La ;t Excursion of the Sea
son to Washington.
Tbe l>;9t of the series of popular <-x
elusions run from this section to
Washington is arranged for Thurs
day. Maveii 29tb,aud will be over the
Pennsylvania Railroad The date
has been fixed so as to suit tbe con
veriience of as many people as possi
ble by giving tb-m tha opportunity
for a pleasant little trip before the »c
tual spring work bogirid Washington
is v<-ry afraetive -it. this season of the
yThe face of uu'ure is just ba
ginning to smile with the freshness of
the new spring, the parks and gar
derisare iu hud and bloom, and the
Lauddoine city is handsomer thin
cv« r iu tbe radiance of an Easter suu.
Tbe excursion will yo by Bjiecial
tfuia n3 heretofore. Tha tlck-Hd will
be good for ten days, aud will admit
of a stop-over at Baltimore ou the re
turj trip.
—Tbe Spring and Summer term of
tbo ludiana Htato Normal School will
<ipen oa M<#uday, A pril 8, 'BS
Another effort is being made to
discover who murdered Mrs Everhart
1 and her mother at Lickingvilie. Clar
| ion county, two years ago The re
ward offered has been increased to
1 $1,500.
Spiritualise has taken such a hold
! upon the people of New Castle, that
J the e'ergymeu are alarmed and are
preaching against it as "The danger
of the hour." A few nights of Kellar,
the magican, over there, might pro
duce a re ction.
The Philadelphia Record thus
sums up the life of the late Peter
Flordic: The death of Peter Herdic
closes the career of a remarkable man
Li business affairs within the range
of his operations he was a turbulent
element. He brought Wall street
sharpness and Wall street ethics to
fi'-ar upon country dealing Of course,
he broke But he could uot be bro
ken down; and he died speculating,"
A tLree year old boy living near
Braver Fails, this State, before going
to bed one evening filled his ears full
of potato sprouts. Duriug the night
bi-> ears began to pain him, and his
parents who were awakened, thought
the sprouts were worms of some kind,
and became alarmed in consequence.
A physician was summoned, howev
er. aud the mystery explained.
We notice an item of news in the
Parfeer Phoenix which is rather out
of the usual order of human affairs,
and ft o state it briefly: A short time
siuca a young man was arrested in
Parker for violating the liquor law
In the meantime he attended revival
meetings and was converted, and an
nounced his intention to lead an ex
emplary life A number of witnesses
in the case, also youug men, were
converted at the same meetings.
The young man who wa3 prosecuted
had no money with which to settle
the case and the church people raised
the amount and everything wajs satis
factorily settled This is rather a
new way to dispose of liquor cases,
but we don't see that any better way
can be taken, and they will uo doubt
find it more practical than prosecu
The Ebensburg Herald says! We
are informed that a witch has made its
appearance at the home of John Rees,
Jr., in Cambria township and a little
son aged about seveu years is being
tortured thereby. Is is believd thb
witch is iu the shape of a ca\ aud as
a result all the cats in the neighbor
hood have been captured and burned
The child is offl cted with some kind
of fits. There has been considerable
excitement created by the supposed
witch, aud several "cungers" have
taken a hand in hunting down the
"evil thing " There is no such thing
as a witch aud the sooner yoa are
convinced of this fact the better.
Mr. Frederick Staph of Mahoning
ton, Lawreuce Co., jumped into the
river aud drowned himself, last Tuea
Mrs. James Barber, of New Castle,
nee McCre-a, deserted her family last
A Letter for Kitty H.
Joe's corner of Fault an 7 Fortune
for last week contained the following
letter for Kitty II of BuJer whose
letter to T hi N Y H-rald wo pub
lished a week or two ago.
DEEP. KITTY: Feb 25 1688.
i seeu your letter in todays herld
tin if i aint nobody hut the boy i want
„o give von a pjia f er the ol man
swa"i-s wen good speln aud nice lettrs
corn ' in so dont you notice him Kitty
iiu 13 and wen i see your letter i felt
toy hart go out to you say hare you
got a bo if vou bavnt bow wood i fit
vou the ol m ia is a duffer he dont uo
notbio about runniu a magsin if he
did he'd send you a telegraf to come
rite on an run the potry for faim and
forchune if you come youl fine me in
the front oifi :e rappin samples copies
for them as rites and forgits to send
the nickel an tellin the people who
want to see the editor thata the ol
man he never dont want to see no
body they pay him 40 million a m>u
nit for swai iu an i have to do all the
work au git.only to dollars a week
you om rite in au if youl be uii girl
il make the ol man give you the potry
job or else you an rneel bust this
fame and forchune thats me Kit an i
am 13 an never went back ou a girl
yet i booked a letter hed am ritin
while the ole man has gone to his
luach an wea he cums back ile shov
it onto Mr. Mitchl au heel put the
comyossiters mark on it au then it'i
go in an then wont the ol man sware
your verry lovin JOE
l'ostscrip i dont like Mr. Mitchl he
puts on to much ares Mr Ueuderson
lies a bully boy widder nlfcass i he
giv me 5 SEPTS yesterday au i 3en
you mv love
2 Poacrip wen i git aa big us Jon L
iiD gon to slug Mr Mitchl with my
lov yours truly
The Oil Wells.
Bolard <fc Greenlee's new well on
the Lontiz was "shot" Wednesday
aud stsrted off at 40 barrels an hour
The Haymaker well on the Forcht
was reported to be doing 11 barrels
an hour vasterday, and the Schlagle
well 50 barrel* an hour.
Bolard A' Greenlee belong to the
P P. A , but hud permission to drill
along their line, as Golden, Mcßride
Co are operating the Aderhold
farm adjoining
Cheap Excursion To The West
ern States Via The P. &
W. K. K.
On April .Vd and 24'b. Mny Sib
and 22td, June s'h and 19tb, 1
First cluroiiad trij) ti<'.k':ts to rep
resentative iioints in Wentern lowa,
Minnesota.Dakota Nebraska K t'.sus,
Arkansas, IVm and X*w M"Xic>
will >)i! on f^-i.l"■ at ths regular fate one
way f'r on nil ti*:k<'t, stations on the
PiUnlwrg & Western Railway and
leaned lines All tickets good to re
turn within .'SO <lays from date of sale.
On the dates mentioned above first
c'a a s dty coaches will be run through
to Chicago without chmgrt.
Klegant uew sleeping cars run re.'-
ulariy between Pittsburg and Chica
W. 11 B.is*ett, Traveling Passen
ger Agent of the P & W: Railway,
will be at the depot ticket oQioe at But
ler on April 2«d aad .'J: - d ami agaiu
on April 23rd and 24th to ticket pas
sengers who go from Butler and vi
For further information inquire of
the ueareat Ticket or address
Geu. Paaa. Agent.
—Rtudeut<» can enter at any time
at Grove City College, but It is al
ways beßt to enter at the openiug of
a term The Spring term will begin
April 3d $lO will pay the expenses
of a term. Many get through on S3O.
Addresß the President,
OMV'O City, P».
Organizing The Miners.
Wro. M. Bailey, a member of the
General Executive Board of the
Knights of Labor ia uow iu the north
ern part of this ecunty organizing the
miners Mr. B-iiley says there is a
: large numberof mines iu th«t district
without organiz ition. The miners
hive several locals attached to the
' Genera! Assembly, but when Miners'
National Disttict No. 135 was form
ed they refused to attach tnemselves
to the Assembly, nor wore they gov
erned by the ecale. The consequence
ot this has lately become apparent,
as the men are complaiuing of exac
| tions in the matter of offensive mining
i rules aud reductions in wages which
are not experienced elsewhere The
i Executive Buard accordingly directed
Mr. Bailey to go to the mines and
j confer with the men- He has the as
i surance that they will come in and he
will hold mass meetings to firing
them all into sub-Districts Xos 2 and
4 Mr Bailey expee s nearlv one
: thousaud uiiuers to join. Fie will
j then go to New Castle and Wellsboro
to orgauize other miners into the Na
tional Assembly.
—There promises to be such a
wholesome rivalry among the mer
chants of this place the coming sum
mer as to make it evident that a large
amount of business will be transacted
here. Wholesome rivalry in trade is
the life of a town Wtiec men work
for their business they generally iu
crease it Kyerybody is benefited by
—This is the time of the year
when merchants ought to pay partic
ular attention to advertising. Their
old goods are to be disposed of for
the new spring goods, and this fact
ought to be set forth through the col
umns of the town papers. Announce
the adyent of the new goods by full
advertisement. Some of the mer
chants here have already doue so and
we know it will pay them.
—A swindling New York firm,
calling itself the "New York Artistic
Needlework Company," is flooding
the western country with advertise
ments offering embroidered needle
work to be done by ladies at their
homes. A deposit of one dollar is re
quired with the application and fur
ther deposit of five dollars when the
first work is forwarded, The victims
make the deposits and that ends iho
transaction. The N. Y. A. N. Co.
never sends the work,
—A contributor of PucL says: 'la
one gutter I saw a pig; in t.' e other
the semblance of a The pig
was sober; the man was drunk Ttie
pig had a ring iu his nnse; the other
animal had one on his fiuger. The
pig grunted; so did the mau. Aud 1
said aloud, 'We are known by the
company we keep;' and the pig heard
me aud walked away, ashamed to be
seen in the company of the drunken
man .'
—There are stilT a few people, a
very few. we admit, who do not be
lieve in the benefits that result from
advertising These doubters are re
ferred to an incident that occurred in
New York last week Monday. A
concern advertised to give a dollar to
every customer who brought along a
copy of the advertisement aud pur
chased ten dollars worth of goods. In
a single day nine hundred and twen
ty three buyers responded There is
a big sertuoc in that little experiment.
—We are glad to learn that scarlet
fever no longer exists at
the ludiaua State Normal
School The one clearly de j
fiued case was, at once, completely :
isolated from ail the remainder of the
school, ad so remained until her
death, which occurred some ten days
ago. Prompt aud vigorous sanitary ;
measures were, at once, carried into
effect aud no further spread of the
disease is apprehended The general
health of the school was never better
No interruption, whatever, in the
work of the school has occurred, and
every indication points to a success
ful summer term with a large attend
—The faculty of Grove City Col
lege consists of ten instructors and
professors, men and women enthusi
astic in their works. The Spriug
term opens April 3d, 'BB.
ISAAC C. KETLEK, President.
Spring Normal.
All teachers who wish to review
the branches taught in the Public
Schools, and those who have the
teaching profession in view, are cor
dially invited to attend the Normal
Term of Renfrew Academy, commen
cing Tuesday, April 10, at 1 o'clock
The cheapest possible arrangements
will be made for all applicants. For
particulars. Address,
Renfrew, Pa.
—We have ten thousand dollars
worth of fnruiture in our three ware
rooms at No. II) Jefferson St., Butler.
Pa. The best as well as the cheap
aßt, but all the best made for the price,
All persons will find it to their ad
vantage to examine our stock and as
cortaiu our prices before purchasing.
—Ladies, if you want your dresses
to drape nicely you should wear a
Pansy Bustle; they are the best. For
sale at
—lce for sale at Morrison's City
—The Spring and Summer term of
th« Indiana State Normal School will
opeu on Monday, April 3, 'BB.
—Walking parties are being orgnn
iz<-d by some of our young men You
can walk with ease and comfort in
one of lioseuherg's suits—Perfect fits
Hutler Citizens
Ctiri get their Trees, Shrubs CleniatH,
Roses. Hardy vines and Flowering
plants fresher and cheaper by order
ing from the old reliable Pillxbury
Nurnrriex of John R. & A. Murdoch
than thev can by sending to some re
mote Eastern point. See advertise
ment in this paper.
Extra Value in Ladies' Muslin !
Underwear at
L. STEIN fi SON'S, i
Most complete stock of White j
Goods and Embroideries ever brought
to Butler at
—Consult your own interests and
examine our stock of furniture, uphol
stered su its, chairs, mattresses, etc., j
before purchasing. MILLEU BIIO'k, |
No. 19, Jefferson St.
City Bakery,
—The Spring and Summer term of .
the Indiana State Normal School -A ill (
ojpvo on April -V, f 3B.
E -onomy is wealth It is not
the amount a man makes, but what
he saves that makes htm rich; and
there is no way a man can ,-nve more
than iu wi.-el\ purchasing his rloth
' ing where be will get the lull worth
. ot" his money. Rosenberg, on Main
jSt is a firm that gives more value
for the monev than any other iu the
to'.vn, arjd at bis House the ctut* rn-r
wil! have given him even more than
i the value of everv rent he invests,
—The Spring and Summer term of
i the ludiana State Normal School will
opeu ou Mouday, April 3, 'BB,
—No. 19 Jefferson St is the place
to buy cheap aud good furi.iture.
Beautiful pictures at very low
prices at .Miller Bros.' furniture store,
i No. 19 Jefferson St.
The Spriug term of tbo State
S Normal School, Clarion, Pa, will
, Ojien March 27-b. 1888 3 9 Ct.
—New Swiss and Cambric Em
broideries aud Flouncings, largest
' stock and lowest prices at
—Fancy Dress Silks at 30 cents a
! yard worth 75 cents at
—Everybody will Uad it to tbeir
| adviutage to go to the City Bakery
I for their bread, pies, cakes, etc.
Homo Made B:ead.
From the be»t family flour, and
j baked in au oven, can always be he.d
at Mrs.- Armor's, a' No. N. Wash
ington St. Butler Pa. Special atten
tion to regular customers.
—TLe best fre-h and canned Cali
fornia fruits at Morrison's City
Largest stock i.f French Satinet, |
and choicest as.-ortmeat of styles, at
—New Percales, Ginghams, Seer I
suckers and White Goods at Lowest
pi ices at
New Sl'ks and Flushes, new
Spriug Dress Goods, call and inspect
our sicclc.
For fresh Fruits, Oranges, Lem- j
oris, Malaga Grapes and Cranberries, j
go to Morrison'a City Bakery.
Use Double All (). K. Horse Liui
mint, best iu the world. For swell
ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore thoulders,
ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it ha- j
uo equal. For sale by .J, C REIUCK,
2-18-3 m. No, 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa
For the next sixty days, in order
to reduce our slock, we will quote
special low prices ou all our stock.
We have on hands thirty bed room
sets ranging from $lB to $l5O per
Thirteen upholstered parlor suits
runging from $35 to §l5O per suit.
Parlor stands from $2.50 to $lO.
Lounges from $2.50 to $25.
Hat racks from SS to S3O.
Tabes from $1 25 to $lO.
Wash-stands from $3 to $lB,
Bureaus from $9 to $25.
Sets of chairs from s2.7stosifi per
Secretaries from slfi to S4O.
Easy chairs, handsome pictures,
room ornaments, etc , any of which
would make both useful and appropri
ate presents.
No. 19, Jelierson St,. Butler, Pa.
—No advance iu cotton Goods at
—Students in the Senior Class,
State Normal School, at Clarion, Pa.,
can pay all expenses for board, tui
tion, furnished ro >:u, heat and light
during the entire school year of 42
weeks for soo to S»JO.
3 9 Ot.
—A. No. 1. all husk mattress, guar
anteed, not mixed with etcelcer at a
lower figure than can be had else
where in Butler, at Miller Bros',
furniture store, No. 19 Jefferson St.
—Use Double All O. K Horse aud
Cattle Powders,best in the world. A
sure and speedy cure for heaves,
coughs, colds, iufl im«d lungs, rough
uess uf skin, and all kidney diseases
For sale by J. C R.KDJCK,
2-18-3:11 No. 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa
—We are selling furniture lower
thau it has ever before been sold iu
Butler, aud after using it you will
say that it is what we said it was.
otherwise uo sale, at MILLER Bao's.
No. 19 Jefferson St.
—(Jo to Morrison's City Bakery
for fine cakes and ice cream.
—All the latest Styles in Dress
Goods and Trimmings at
L. STEIN & Son'S
Clinton Twp. Auditors' Report.
March 12. ISSB.
TOWNhllir TAX.
Am i uf duplicate for the year isss Martin
Thompson. Collector s til 16
Kxoneratlons i - 1 i
Net amount due township S Mi "3
Wui. M Tlioini l '"'". Treasurer. In acc't ultli
Clinton township.
Uee'd of .Ino S I.ove. former Trent I 77 1.1
" from .lan Itldille, Coll'r ISHI; si ;»l
" Murt'.n Thompson Col 'R7 210 18
Whole ain't ree'd liy Treasurer ?:ii7 i:»
Ain't of vouchers redeemed by Treasurer. Win
M Thompson.
Wm Wlskeman fur plank ? ."2 f>o
John llalsfad griihhlnir out tree 2 •»>
,1 os .limes repairing road 'JO on
.las Watson repairing bridge :i <«>
•• .services its Com 12 at
K E Manrhctr • " 12 m
.Ino MeKibben '* '* 12 00
Jtio MeKlbben cost on Montgom
ery suli ... 1 Hi
Jno M <!r. er attorney fees Sft 00
Win Harvey e<nt on Montgomery
suit and Kiddle bridge 2a
Wm limtner. same 1J no
Wm Harvey M't'vii.Ts « secretary, in ou
T A Hartley services as Coin 12 DO
Win liurtner " " 12 Ot)
C MustalT limber
.lOlim creybli-kei timber 1 t<-'
K \I I'ltrgcson timber
J M Kiddle plank 3S M
Henry Knoeli tint
Atatuotn Monka jiiank
llenty Seftou nun mi Montgom
ery sull 2 '.< l
.1 n Montgomery s nu • 2
it setro'i s ime ... ... 2
('has Krumpe plank J oo
Henry K ne ly eoV.is on MODICUM*
cry suit ... 2 «
l'anl (lerw ig i Imber Uo
Camnhcll Hartley coHtson Mont
gomery suit 2
.1 I! Ciintilugliain sami;
W c (ilbson tlm'ier
KdniirU Hums hauling plunk r> ...
Win liurtner court conts on Mont
gomery salt 12 Tis
\\ m Love timber 2 TO
Au litorC fis'H «; on
l.lglit :ur! fuel three days (>)
Treasurer's p-Teent C 3#
Whole Minotnit - tci'i M»
Amount due Treasurer .... *l* *) J
roon ACOOC.V r.
Vfon' v tn hands of Tre.murcr Wm M.
'1 uompson J2S3 W I
Voucliers r- deemed.
Sundries for Nancy I'ugli i 2 no
Alboi Hartley iK-iviei-a an overseer son
Jno IhlMMll " " Iu 09
Tr a' ir.-i's t»ercent 2 :»
Wliolo llinoitut .»2S ;
Amount tn lialidh of TrenhUfer S2tx) VI !
Interest uu money lourn-d t Nt |
Wliolu i.mouot In ban U of Treas.. (i'c« 21 |
Wo. the iutltor Of 1 'lll.mil t'.vri . Haw i-xitm-
Ined tho aiwrnuc* of Willi -ui 'I. riiompsoQ, I
Treasurer of cUpton tM-p. ttx, and flirt It as l
jiliovh Mated anil lie I lave it to .-a CoriOCt Ibis ;
I2tli day ot Mi roll, is<
TaoMAs WOOD. 1
Wii.t.tAM I.OVE! Audit irs '
Joa.s s. LOVK )
>u the CITIZEN.
i>o YOl
' Usc-ariv ol' the following? -li
s >. call at our suid see j
the go ids atid learn our prices :
i •' lum. Bird Manna
Rosin. l'ii.l JSecd
Blue V triol. i'iid drivel.
Saltpetre. Fish Bene.
Logwood. Flaxseed Meal
Copperas. Cream Tartar.
Kpsoin Salts. Baking Soda.
'Glauber rviits. Cinnamon.
: S*a 1 Ammonia. Cloves.
; Sulpher. Camphor.
i Planter Paris. Borax.
1 Whiting. I-Mie Oigar?,.
We have everything that is
kept in a first-class Drug
Store, and \ou will find it to
! your interest to see our stocK
and learn our price.- before
I buying. Our stock is second
to none in the c unity. and we
can save you money.
You are always welcome,
whether you wish to purchase
i or hut. Kespectluliy,
C N. I>(A [). Druggist
; Diamond Block, Builer, L'a.
j On acJ after Monday, Nov. 11, IW, train* !
t will leave Butler as follows:
H.IKKKr i:l o:l ) ». lii., arriving atAllei'he
! iiy hi !»:uu a. in.; connects toil t< r Biairsvilie
i Exi'UK'-s at h:2*> a. n. , arriving at Alleglie
[ iiy at 10:'J0 a. ui.; does not connect for the i
MAO, at 2:40 p. n>., »ml goes through t< :
Allegheny, arriving there at l:"at p. in.; < cu !
uectb east.
ACCOMMODATION at -1 p, ui., ami «.« T.- I
necls at tlie Junction with l-'reeport Aecuin
' inodaliou, arriving lit AlK',-,IH uy nt ~:_t>
iu., and connects castas lar as Apoiio.
| Tratus coiiueeting lor Butler leave Alleghe j
uy at r:l.i a.m., H: I>p. m. and £>:; iU p. m.
Trains arrive at Butier at lU:-0 a. in. and '
■ i:0o and 7:45 p. ui.
ON and alter Mond;y, Maitli 5, Insß,trains |
will leave Butler as follow*.
Corrected to last Uu:e, 1 hour faster than j
Mjbeuule time.
Trams leave Butler lor Greenville from
the Pittsburgh ami U c«. ra depot at (5:46 '
and 10:30 a. iu. and 1.40 p. i.i. Trains j
leaving the P. A. W. depot in Allegheny j
city 6:20 a. in. and 2:40 p. ni. las', time j
connect at Butler with trains on the S. {
A A.
Trains arrive at Butler trom Greenville,fast j
time 10:10 a. ni., 2:J5 and 9:20 p. iu.,
iiid connect with tiaias on the I*. A W.
driving at Allegheny at 12:20 a. in. and 2:55
j:00 p. ui., time. The train arriving at
,':2o does not connect for Alle^iieny.
1 rains leave Uilllards at and 11:00 a.
ui., slow time, and arrive ill I':_J a. in. ami
5:30 l>. iu. Both trains connect at Branchton
tor Butler and Greenville.
I*. & V. R R.
On and after Monday. Oct. 24, 18S7, trains
will leave Butler as follows:
Corrected to fust time, one hour Caster
than schedule time.
Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City at
i>:ls, h:l*, & 10:30 a in. A 1_':!"> p. iu.it 2:50
At H:2O p.m. A train connecting for New Castl»
atid the We-.t leaves Butler at 12:4.1 p. m
and arrives at Cfiieasro at t!:'jo H. m. nexi
Trains arrive from Allegheny at 9:10 and
10-21 a. ni. and 12:10, 4:40, ": » and !>:.'{i) p.
Traiti* leave Butler for Foxburg an ! th
North at 10:21 a. m. and -1:4«» and 7:55 p. in
I'rains airive at Butler from the north ai *:le
Hid a. m. and ti:2o p. m.
On Sunday trains leave Butler for Alle
gheny at ft:43 a. ni. and 0:20 p. in., and fur
the West at 1:45 p. ni., and arrive Irom
Yllegheuy at 10:21 and 0:.i5 p in,and from th-
West nt 7.55. A train arrives from lb-
North at S:43a m. and departs at 7p.m
Trains leave Allegheny for Butler at 7:i)w
S:2O auil 10:20 a. in. airl 2:4'.', fi:4o an"
0:40 p. ni., fast time.
Trains leaving Butler at 8:15 a. m and
12:1') p. in. make close couueetions at l'aller>
for the West, and Uie 2:50 train connect-', but
not closely.
Trains arrive at Allegheny at 8:1;, 10: So
a.m. and 12:25, 2:55. 5:00 and p.m.
"Am 1 Sato in tliis
Wo must get your good
will. Confidence lirst; then
good-will; then success ItV
the right-hand of business.
We understand that periectly.
We choose unquestionable
qualities and pi ices for our
Rut we can't transfer sky
rocket talk or menagerie
methods to the clothing busi
ness. They wouldn't help
Loyalty on our side must
merit confidence on vours.
And, if you'll notice, J N
I'ATTEUSOX is d >ing that
preliminary work with all his
might. 1 t'n telling from da\
to day. We mean to build
that liiund.tiioii so deep and
broad that you'll know you're
safe in dealing with us, though
there wasn't another clothing
store in reach; that you'll say
"We're all Tiiis.i
.J. N. I'ATTKKSOX'S si ire"
1,000 styles of goo Is to se
lect from.
Don't lorget PAT 1 RRSOX,
the One I'rice Clothier and
Gent's Kurni-her, 2:1 Alain St.
l'artlcular ntt*nlion j;m;u to iln: K<'tr.i..-toi; oi
f»!d Addruw,
hi. KKI.M Uti»,
( u. Nnrv«\y«r
North Uoi'o p. 0.. thulor Co., I'a. ;
Notice fn Divorce. '
In the matter of the application of Benony
Partridge tor divorce from the bonds of mat
rimony with Frances Delight Partridge
I : tne Court of Common Pleas of Butier
county, \. D. No. «J2, Dec. t»rm, 18S7.
And now to-uii. March 7. 18n>, nil moti 'u
of J D. Mc.lunkin, F.sq Walter I. Gri-iam
•. .i- >pp urited by'tiiu Court a Coin;uis<! n-r
to t iki- it -'imouy it, ihe above cast! fi •! re
|-ort to Court. PEU CritlAil
In pursuance of the ah<>ve appointment 1
will take Uie tenlirunay of wiluesses at toe
; i lli -i- 'it .1, D. McJtJukin, E»q. in Butler, Pa.
jon tli-lit day ol May, 18sj<,.b«twee:i the
h ur s ol" 10 a ai. and 5 o'c.oelc piu of si.il
March 10, IssS. Commissioner.
T'i I n iici* I)rlif/kt J'lli tridgt:
\ou art henehj- require i to appear on the
1-t Mondav ot' Juua, IS3S, ai the Cmrt of
t'ommon I'l-as, then aud there to he hol.l. u
in and for Ihe c-vinty of. Butler to mV<-> >-i
--i r :o the petition of said cimplaiu.. ; MI
the above rasey if any you bave, according to
LAW. O. C. RKDIC, Sherill
M.ircli l!'. 1 s»S. I
t.hte«te of Henry Goehring,clec'd.
LATK or tm.no TWI-.
I.ett.TS of administration. T. A. lie*
iiet-n granted to the undersigned on the - ,i«
ot llcnr.v Ui.ehrlng. dee d, late or Budalo 'l' ~ p..
Bniler Co., l'a.. all persons knowing tliuiaselt s
ted to sold estate will please BAKe n
di.'.ie iniyinetit.-midsißT having claims j .•i t
-..iid estate will present thein dulv a'ltheiii:
ed f..r payment.
JOIC? T. MARTIN. Aillii i
SarversrlUe. 1'.0.. HuUei Co., fa. ,
AK.IfSKtN & liALBKF.ATH, Att'y.
Eslate of Wm. Crookshanks,
Letters testamentary on the estate of Win.
( rookolianks, dee'd, late of Winfield tv.p.,
I'utler county. Pa., having been granted lo
the undersigned, nil per-oug knowing tb. ni
j >eives indebted to said estate are reque ;. I
( to make immediate paymcDf, aud auv hav ng
. claims against said estate will present ilum
dulv authenticated for settlement.
Letumreville, Butler Co. Pa.
McJt Nkin & GAI.BKEAT», .
Estate of Robert Patton, Dec'tl.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Kol ert Patton, dte'd, lat of the borough of
! 1 aiiview, Butler Co., Pa., having !• en
; ranted to ih? underwiirneil, all persons
' knouing themselves indebted to said tstute
requested to muke immediate payment
J and any having claims against saidVia'e
, will present them duly authenticated for
' -ettlemeiit.
U. P. SCOTT, Att'y. M. S. RAY, A<!m'r,
Baldwiu P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
Estate of Valentine Stock, dee'd
Letters testamentary on the estate of Yal< n*
line Sii-ck, dee'd. late of Butler, Butler C >.,
! Pa. In.zing been granted to the undersign. 1,
j all pe-sons knowing themselves indebted to
! said estate will please make immediate | y
! meot and any having claims against eaid es
j late will present them duly authenticated i'nr
, settlement. C. STOCK, Ex'r,
Butler, Pa.
Estate of Isaac P. Ash,
Letters testamentary on tire estate of Isaac I*.
Ash, d» cd, late of Forward twi,. Jtutl<-r conn!\,
l'a . having been granted to all persons
knowing themselves Indebted to said estate
uiil please make immediate payment, and any
having claims agaiust said estate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
KICK A I-ikk.V ,I .. .
MARY A,UuaiiAM { vr s
Kvans Ciiy, i'a.
Estate of Samuel Boyd, Doc'd,
letters of adiiiliilstratlon having been grant
ed to the undersigned on the estate of Samuel
Boyd, dee'd. late of Butler uountv. Pa., all per
sons knowing themselves Indebted to said es
tate arc requested to make Immediate payment,
■in 1 any having claims against said estate wi.l
present tneni dulv authenticated forsettli-mi-m.
Fidelity Titlk AND Tm sr Co.. Admr.
too Diamond St., Plttshurg. Pa.
MePherrin & Mates, Atty's, Butler, Pa.
By virtue of an ortlT of the Orphans' Court of
Hut Ic-r County, the undersized cs Admici-.-
ir itor or Henry Goehrlng. late or Buffalo tW|i.
Uutlvrco., Pa . dee'd, will expose to public s;.
ou the premlsCj on
lo'clie-k P.M., all that certain tract or L el
-ituuU iu the township of Buffalo. cyu:uy or
Butler, Stats wf IVuu'a, bounded ana described
as follows, to-wit: On the north by lancln of
Philip Petsluger; on the east by lands of Jose;>li
Harbison; on the south hy lands or John Petsin
and ou the west by lit rids or Wm. Wats a;
containing ten acres or laud, be the same ni' io
or les3, log house, log - shop and frame hank bftt ti
thereon erected, also good orchard and go id
coring rii v.-ater thereon; ail cleari'd and uric:-
fence. W'ltiiln about one mile of Sarvi r.s
•suitlon It. 11. West Penn'a I£. 11. Terms or sale
ash upon continuation of sale by the Court.
Adiu'r C'.T.A. of Henry Ccehrlng. (lee a
Mc.ll SKIS & (t.VI.BHKATB. Att VS.
SherlfT's Sale.
By yirtua of writ of AI Fi Fa, issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co l'a.
ind to me directed, there will be exposed to
public sule, at the premises, on Mondav, tiie
•th day of April, A. t> , 18MS, at 1 o'clec'; p.
in. the followiug deecribed properly to-v. ii:
K. D. No. (!, Juue term, ISSB, Cireer I; -
slon, att'ys.
Ml the right, title, interest and claim ot
Robert J, Pinkerlon, of, in and to 125 acres
d'land, more or less, situate in Adams twp.,
Hulier county, l'a., bounded on tbe north iiy
t W' Kennedy, cast by Win Purvis et til,
ib by lands formerly of J Wallace, n"W
Or Wm livin et al, west by T \V r Kennedy
t al; mostly cleared,a two story frame hoflso,
rame bank barn, oui buildings and ore i i.-.l
hereon. Seized ami taken in execution as
he property of Bobert J Pinkertou at the
-nil of .Milea Coovurt and .lolin Keuuedv.
O. C. REDIC, Sherilf.
Sheriff's Oftice, Butler. Pa, March 15, 1- <.
Notice to Contractors and
Sealed proposals for the erection of a l rick
I'iiun h. near llarrlsvllle. Butler Co. Pa., will Ih>
ri'. elvel liy the building committee of llanii' i.v
t . i' I hureh until noon Monday. April filli, !*->.
IM.ins and specillcattoiis to be seen at the s|o, •
ot i:-> ert Bla-k. llarrlsvllle. also at the offl. it'
Kiiiiengelser it Kllng, Architects, roungst-iv. u.
Olil-i. s.'panite bids will be received for a«
stone, i-rlck and carpenter work and slatia';;
also the entire work. The right Is reserved lo
reject any or all bids.
llarrlsvllle, Pa.
Planing Mill
» jiimber Y aiul
S.G. Purvis&Co.
Rough and Planed Lumber
V - r rciia n 4 'itl Imil lc Citsur«' i
Why it is Superior to all
|,.i ITS being enclosed it retuina the In li
IM. temperature so necessary In rcia c.l:;:
the din from the goods,
o_-J Tll liltK being no Friction on the
£u\i. i lotlilng to wear It,
3_,» THE peculiar action ot the water in the
Machine (which cannot Is- under.-1- • 1
ui.tr-sa one seen It) forcing a Jtrong curie .i of
> ,i.-r througll th" clothing at tivery vlrbrat: a
i t liie \gltator. iwhlch Is caused by the peetill r
i-oiistrui Hon of the top of tbe Machine.
< a AND nest of all Isihat achtld of four >■ tr-,
'rill, can do the work It being HOllght i!> •'
tie- uperaior sits the.vn v.hlle doing it.
il i hlnes and County and Township 1(1. ■ t
ihin'ii bout the staV.' of Pennsylvania. Hold i
Butier, Pa
s 19-iy
« rrn Sm Wonders exist in thousands <1
f» ' t IJlormH. but are surpin»'d by the mill -
" f rvrlsof Invenll in. Those wlro are In
* II nee iof profitable work that, can !- •
done while living at home should at oi. ••
-end their addrWß to Hnllett & Co.. Polll u. ..
Maine, and ristdve free, full Information b • .•
• IllcT sex. or all ceu earn trow «"> to
pr-r day and upwards wherwer they Uvt>. You
«re •railed free. Capital not ro.-julnv!. lir.ii!
i.jj.i ma le over 130 In a Blcglo day at this wo.i.,
Air«n:e. e si