Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 16, 1888, Image 2

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One year
Tlrf months
Eaten* »t »* ■»tl*r m t4 ru»» »att<-r
" FRIDAY MARCH 16. 18*8.
Republican Primary Election.
The Republican voters of Botler
County are requested to tneetat their
anil places of holding elections on
Satordav, April 14tb, 1888. between
tbe boar* of one and seven O clock, P
k, of Mid day to vote by ballot for
one person lor State Senate, two per
eons for A*««mbiy. one person for Ju-
TT Commissioner; two persons for
Dekf»te« to the State Convention
and cue persoo for Return Judge.
Yoters will also by ballot vote
ttoeir choice for one person for Con
grass and one person for Delegate to
tbe National Convention
Voter* will by ballot, in the differ
ent sub-Districts of tbe county, vote
for oae person for Delegate to the
eoofrmaicn* I coowQtioD iod One
person for Delegate to the National
Delegate convention.
Tbe county committee left it to the
option of tbe voters of tbe sub-district.,
whether there shall be one person for
delegate to tbe Congressional con ven
tion and one person to tbe National
delegate convention or whether they
will elect one person to fiil both pla
ces. tbe two convention* being held
at different times.
Tbe Sub District* of the county
are as follows:
No. 1, Allegheny and Parker town
No. i Mercer, Marion and V enan-
go townships
"No S, Blipperyrock and Worth,
twpn, and Centrsvilie boro.
No. 4, Cherry and Clay twps and
Snabarr borough.
No. 6, WMbington and Concord
twps. . .
Na €. Fairriew twps, Fairview,
Petrolla and Earns City boroughs.
No. T. Oakland. Donegal, Clear
field twps and Millerstowu borough
No. 8. Summit, Jefferson and Clin
ton twpa, and Saxonborg boro.
No. 9. Winfield and Buffalo twps,
No. 10. Penu and Forward twps,
nd Bald Ridee.
No. 11, Bailer twp, and Butler bor
No. 12. Adatas and Middlesex tps.
No. IS, Cranberry and Jackson tps
Connoquenessing Sooth, Zelienople
and Brans City boroughs,
No. 14, Conuoqueneasing North,
Lancaster and Maddycreek twpa
No 15, Centre, Franklin and Bra
dy twp*, and Prospect borough.
Tbe Returns Judges are to meet
ia convention at Butler, on Monday,
April 16. at 1 o'clock, P M, to count
tbe rotea and declare the results, and
lo attend to all other business that
aball come before them. Said Re
turn Judges shall constitute the
County Committee for the ensuing
Tbe election will be held under the
ralee governing primary elections
Republicans only are to participate
in said election.
By order of the County Committee.
JAM B MATZS, Chairman.
W. C. THOXPSO* » J. ,
A THOCGBTFCL Wheeling manufac
tnrer pota it this way on the Mills'
tariff bill: "I'm going to kill you, but
I won't hurt yon."
TDB Atlanta Conttitution calls
Mr. Mill'a "a glittering ass." "This
is •MMwhat tough on Texas honah.
Mb, bat it a neat fit, just the same."
—Explosions from gas are still
mentioned at other place*; but Botler
might be regarded as free from such
danger at present, there not being ga
enougb to make an explosion.
TUB Washington, (P*-) Reporter
has added a now and fast Campbell
press to its office. The porter is
an old and reliable paper in all
Rnomruxoig are pouring into
Congress against tbe reduction pro
poeed by the Mill's tariff bill on wool,
lamber, salt and other of our iudus
ML RieaanD JraMisos, of Brady's
Bend, who was recently expelled from
tbe Producers' Protective Associa
tion, justifies his drilling in violation
of tbe rules, by alleging that the As
sociation granted parmUsion to other
parties to drill near his lines.
EVAXTS is the oldest of tbe Repub
lican Presidential candidates. Hi!
was «0 on the 6th of Feb. Sherman
is tis. Allison 59, Hawley 62.
Edmunds GO, and Cullom 59, thougk
his hair Is still black Frank Hiscoel
ia tbe youngest Presidential candidate
of-the Senate. He was 54 last Sept
Ingalls comes next to him at 55
Robert T. Lincoln is only about 44
VICTORIA, is the name of the new
Empress of Germany, and she is a
daughter of Qaeen Victoria of Eng
land. Should Frederick, now Empe
ror of Germany, die of his disease,
•aid to be cancer in the throat then his
wife will be a Dowager Empress,
which made it importaut to her that
her husband survived his father, the
late Emperor William.
TH* late March days have been the
worst experienced in tho Eistern
p»rt of this country for many years
Railroad travel between Philadelphia
and Pittsburg was impeded by the
great storm and drifted enow, and up
Wednesday of this week but little
mail except from Pittsburg was re
Aeired at the postoffice here. This
oneeasonable blizzard was also severe
in this county and Western Pennsyl
vania, bnt nothing like in the East
It was of eastern origin this time.
MR, RANDALL, who some of th»>
Democrats rwjently said had given up
bis protection views,has introduced a
bill in Congress in opposition to the
Mill's tariff bill. Randall's proposi
tion takes tbs-duty off tobacco and
redooes it on spirits instead of on for
eign import#. This proposition will,
fcowsvar.meet with strong opposition
from members of both parties Tak
tafr ike duly off or reducing it oo liq
* ' nor? is with many s moral as will as
1 fiolitiW tjatstiod and will therefore
|w opposed OB moral grounds.
Sub District Delegates.
We are requested by Republicans 1
of Sub district. No 8, Summit, Jt Her
eon and Clinton Tps. and Saxonburg
borough, to state that a meeting will
be held in Saxouburg oa Tuesday.
March 27, at 1 o'clock P. M , for the
purpose of settling upon the two sun
delegates to be elected in tbe same
for the Congressional and National
Delegate district Conventions to be
held at New Castle.
Oiher sub districts where they con
venieutlv can, will likely take s;nii! ji'
aorion to the above before the Pri
mary of April 14.
Where there are but two townships
in a sab district there will be but lit
tle trouble in having an understand
ing or arrangement about, the said
delegates to New Castle; but where
there three or four, or, as in oue sub
district, No 13, where there are six
election districts, in these it will be
more difficult to have concert of ac
tion or agreement upon the siid dele
gates: There is time remaining
however, to yet have some action iu
every enb district.
The following is the action taken
in Lawrence and Beaver counties of
this district concerning the election o*
these delegates to the New Castle
district Conventions when held:
Each sub district shall elect two
delegates this year, one delegate to
act in the Congressional convention
and one delegate to act in the Na
tional Delegate convention, who sh3l'
be voted for separately, and the per
sons receiving the highest nutuber oi
votes iu the sub district shall be the
delegates to the respective conven
tions; but tbe sane person shall not
be eligible to serve in both couven
—The funeral of the lat* Mr. Peter
Herdic, of Williamsport, Pa , in said
to have bten the largest ever had iu
that city. Mr. Herdic erected the
6oe Park House there, and did much
in his time to improve that place.
MB FRANK S READER, editor of
the Beaver J 1 alls News, declines to
be a candidate for Congress in Bea
ver countv, for which position hi.-1
name was very favorubly mentioned.
THE enterprise among the citizens
of Ceuterville and Slipperyrock two.,
for the establishment of a Normal
School at Ceuterville, is meeting
with much success. Ceuterville is fa
vorably situated for such an institu
W* are indebted to Mr. Snyder,
County Superintendent of Comoi u
Schools, fur a copy of the Report of
the Slate Superintendent of Public
Instruction for 1887, and also for a
copv of the Pennsylvania School
Laws and Decisions up to 1887.
Few delegates to the uext Re
publican National Convention will be
instructed for any candidate. Ibis
iB as it should be* The best wisdom
of the party will be needed and the
best men, not instructed or self .-eek
ing dummies, should be made dele
gates and allowed to freely exercise
their best judgment. —Crawford Jour
—The Sharon Pa., Council proposes
to merge the offices of street commiss
ioner and health officer and pay a
stated aud regular salary. He
would be required to report every
thing coming to his notice to the va
rious council committees It is a
correct Dotiou, but a man without
fear or favor is needed for the poai
—Robert Barron, Esq., of Worth
twp., returned home from Scrantoo,
Pa., on Tuesday last, where he bad
been summoned as a Grand Juror iu
the United States Court held at that
place Mr. Barron was made Fore
man of the Graud Jury, which is al
ways regarded as an honor and com
pliment to the person cbosen and to
the county from which be came. Mr.
James Diulap, of this place, who
was also a Grand Juror serving ut
Scranton, was taken sick while there,
but has returned home safe and is
now in bis usual good health.
'•THAT is wonderful," are reported
as the last words of the Emperor
William of Germany aud King of
Prussia. The Court Minister, stand
by bis side, had read to him the 23rd
Psalm, "Tht Lord is ray shepherd,"
etc, to which the Emperor aud King
listened attentively, and then said,
"That is wonderful." Another re
mark was equally striking. About
5 o'clock in the morning of his death
he talked so much that a daughter
said to him he would tiro himself
The Emperor replied, "I have QU time
to be tired." An interesting account,
of his last moments will be found iu
another place.
—For some years camproeetinir
associations huve charged an admid
«ion fee to their enclosed grounds on
Sundays. A gate keeper at tho
Joanna Heights campmeeting, neßr
Ptiiladelphia was arrested and fti.t-d
for performing worldy employment
on Sunday. The case was appealed
to the Common Pleas Court, end
after hearing argument Judge
mantrout rendered a decision confirm
ine the judgment of the Justice of the
Peace. The judge Bays: "All world
ly employments arj allowed on Sun
days which in their nature cousistsof
neces-ity or charity, whereupon the
custom of soliciting contributions on
Sunday from congregations for reli
gious and charitable purposes was
recognized as lawful " But he places
the asking and receiving of an admis
sion fee on the same grounds as do
ing the *ame for a circus or nnv
other kind of a show. This decision
may revolutionize the practice of
campmeeung organizations which
prevails in Western Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Sarah Duffy's Death.
The manv friends of Mrs. Sarah
Puffy will learn with rpgret of h*r
death at the age of 87 vears at the
house of her daughter, Mrs James M
Sullivan, of Elm St. Mrs. Duffv
was formerly a lesideat of But'er C<>,
where Bbe has been long and favor
ably known, Her maiden name wes
O'Donnell. and the family was re
markable for the ago attained, all
having reached the eighties Mrs.
Ilaffy has be«D blind aod deaf for the
last six years, bnt retained her loving
disposition and kind manners for
which she was loved so much, to the
day of her LU'
patch, March li.
Extraordinary Snow Storm in
New York City.
NEW YORK, March 13.—New ,
York is still iu tbe grasp of 'bo worst
bl:zztrd iu ii* history. To night a
strung northwester i J blowing, and it
is colder than yesterday. Tls thof
mounter is neßriy d<-w n to z>-ro, and ;
ibe city is iu a deplorable state rue
poor are beginning to realiZ" a coal
famine Tb - meat supply is low, aud
Dotbiug but condensed milk is used i
Not a surfe.ee car in the city is turn- |
iug a wheel. Tun "L" trains are
running, but ouiy at irregular iuler- |
Numbers of persons have been ;
found iu doorways and on i.be stre p r.ti ,
expiring from the cold. The fire da
pjrtineut is io a constant
state of alarm lest c.
tire break out ,as it would be
next to impossible to reach it wnb
the machines or hydrants Broad
way is piled five 'eet io hitrbt iu mo«t
places witn finely packed drift* o!
snow. Tbe average fall ou tho lev<ji
is estimated at three feet. Tbe busi
ness is absolutely and on
ly mail wagons aud express wagons
are on tbe street, and the»e have ex
tra borces hitched tandem or other
In front of the Sun building on
Park row a Third avenue car stands
nearly covered with snow Other cars
were dragged away eerly this morn
ing with six horses. Tbe street cars
attempted to run this morning, but
the police stopped them in mercy to
itie horses
Off Sandy Hook at least seven pi-
Jot boats ire stranded, and iri one cot
tage ou Sandy Hook ire 3f>
wrecked skiptiera aud sailors and oue
woman so badly frosted that theii
bauds will have to be amputated
Tbe steward of one boat was brought
iu a dying condition No mails
have reached this city since yesterday
noon. Even local deliveries are da
laved beyond precedent. It is ini
posssible to send messages even from
oue part of the city to tbe other. The
telegraph companies refuse all buni
ness except press, and that is ex
iremely limited. Every downtown
cffi"e is thronged with anxious iuquir
er» for fathers, eons aud brotuers.
supposed to be missing, who buve
not been seen for 48 hours. The
office boy of your correspondent faint
ed from cold on the way from iJi'ook
lyu to the office, au;l was rescued itj
the police whea nearly dying.
At Philadelphia.
PHILAD'A, PA , March 13—'There
is but little improvement today. Tbe
stagnation Of business ciused by ttie
storm coutiuu*3. Toe street-CAr com
panies have generally resumed busi
ness, aud, wan lour-horse teams, suc
ceed iu moving over th* ir rouii-*
with slight deteution 'foe steam
railway systems, however, arc still iu
a paraivzed coudiuou, aud vory little
- ffori is being made to run trains
over auy ot ttie roads centering re,
attention being maitilv given to at
tempts to clear the tracks.
Drifts in Albany Twenty £331
ALBANY, N. Y, \ltrch 13 —From j
10 P. M Sunday uight until now, tor j
tiftv-oue hours, tho bhzzird Las rag- •
wiihoat interruption For twe uy
t'our hours uot a wneel ba-j byen turn
ing on auv railroad centering tiere ex
cept the New York Ceutral, wbicu
this evening drew iu four traios a'»au
doned in snowdrifts two miles west
of the city.
In this"city horse roads and even ;
sleigh traffic is c mplstely embirgoed
Drifts in the streets are from ton to
twenty feet high.
m The Prevailing Storm Unprece
WASHINGTON, D. C., March 13.
At the Signal Olfi it is said that
the present storm is unprecedented
since the organization of ill it service.
The Wtoaperature today was lower
that, fiver before k'io vn at this sea
RL>a of the vear. All wire-* between
here and New Y irk are d JA'J except
one to Baltimore. The only other
telegraphic communication with the
outride world i.-i maintained by means
of two wires sou h and three west.
Germany's Emperor Dead.
BERLIN, March 9 —Emperor Wil
Hani's death occured at 8:30 this
morniug. At midnight ho seemed to
have gained considerable strength
and was given nourishment. But the
revival was only temporary. He
sauk into a stupor, from which he oc
casionally aroused, but at such tinns
his mind waud«red. He was deliri
ous for a brief period a r 5 o'clock, dur
ing which he is reported to havo ex
"1 am a man of peace, hut if Rus
sia forces mo to war I shall faithfully
side with my ally, Austria "
Eye-witnesses of the scenes at the
death state that during tii« last few
hours of his life he sutfere'l uo pan.
Shortly after eight o'clock all tin.*
members of family staying at tho
Palace, th" court (iignitari>-s, generals
aud Ministers of State were summou
ed to the chamber in 'V'luiii tun E.u
peror lav dying Tbo Emperor w>ts
i,i a half sitting position on a camp
bedatead. All the members of the
royal laiuily took places a*, the bed
joule The room Was crowded. Prince
Wiiiiain stood nearest th>.' Emperor, |
alfbeucliug over c<>uch. II
earnestly watched tin; face oi the Mv- j
iug monarch uutil he expired. The j
Emperor died holding the baud of the j
The Iteichsamrigsr gives the fol
lowing details of the last hours of Eui-;
peror William:
On Wednesday, when his strength
to fail, tbe Emperor Hpoke re
peatedly to Prince v V Uliam about the i
condition of the Crown Prince and j
nb;>ur political and military affairs. j
On Thursday be with hi* :
daughter, the (jrund Duchess of Da !
den, aboat the death of her sou, j
Prince Louis At noon be asked for j
Priticfl Bii-marck, who came !
and conversed with him < n the
political si'uatiou The Emperor
t-p 'k« clearly a;<d thanked the Chan
cellor for uis services to the ountry
Increased feebleness aoou followed,
attended with delirium Ilis v > Cf,
j b'-cam« feebler an«l feebler, finally
: sinking to a # wui p>r At 5 o'clock
be was so weak that the members of
J the family, Priuca Bismarck cr>d
j C< UUVVOD Moltke aud the servants
! of the household gathered around the
■ bed. The Emperor, supported by tbe
| doctors, held the baud of his wife ou
i oue side aud his duuit'nter's hand iu
th<? other. Prince Wiliiara stood a
luoe ut tLe head of tbe couch. Chap
lain Koegel spoke a few words of
eou<olati>n, to which the Emperor
.whispered cccusivJiol responses.
At b:il» o'clock the patient manifest-
!ed extreme weakness, and death j
J seemed imminent. Suddenly the
Emperor rallied nod asked tor Count
I vou Moltke and Prince William, with
: both of whom he talked about the .
; state of the army and the Prussian j
' people. entering iuto minute particu- j
lnif* when speaking of military mat- i
: u*rs, to the astonishment of both of I
j his listeners. lie theu referred to j
Gerinnnv's alliances wi;h Various t
Countries and the possibility of A'ar
Bui dursug ihe latter the fantasies oft
! dtiinum *ere mingled with coherent :
i utterauces
This recovery of strength lasted;
till 1 o o'clock At frequent interval--* j
bo conversed iu a toucuiug, earnest
t mauner with those about him Be-,
• Lwcea 10 aud 2 o'cl a;k he appeared j
to sleep. At about 2 o'clock it was
: observed that a serious cnange ivn
j begiuuing to take place in the Em
peror's face, although there was again
1 a slight improvement in his condition,
but ut 7 o'clock it was seen that the |
Emperor's last momenta were near, 1
the members of his tamily were again 1
' summoned to his bedside and at 8:30
| the doctors declared that be was dean,
j During tbe last few hours the Empe !
• ror was parually conecious
Toe evening papers contain what
' are reported to be tbe last words spo
ken by the p]mperor They are:
j "Alexander has promised me that
| he will not mike war agiiust us "
It is reported that the Emperor el
! so said:
"I uln convinced that weonght not
to go to war with Russia, toward
whom the most friendly attitude
ouuht to be adopted "
Tne death of tne Emperor was an
nounced to the populace by the low
eiing to hall mast of the standard
over the Palace Flags at half-mast
were displaced on all the j uhlic
buildings An immen.-e concourse
of people gathered outside the Palace.
The multitude was silent aud sorrow
ful. The Bourse was closed out ot
respect to the dead. To-night, thea
tree are all closed.
The members of tbe royal family left
the palace at 10:30. The Emperor's
remains were covered with a while
cloth on the bedstead on which he di
ed in tbe imperial chamber. The
body was surrounded with candles.
The expression of tne lace was ex
tremely peaceful and placid. Ihe
Emperor will be buried in the mauso
leum at Cbarlutteuburg.
Toe Emperor yesterday wa6 able
to sign the order prorogueiug the
Reichstag, otherwise the signing
functions were assumed by l'riuc*
William* All the troops are kept in
the barracks in readiness for the con
tingency of taking a new oath of alle
Tbe regiments of the Guard were
on full dress parade, in the act ol pre
senting arms, when apprised of tbe
death ot the Emperor by their officers.
They w ill not take the oath of allegi
ance to the uew Emperor until his
oom mauds are received. Prepara
! lions for the reception of the new
sovereign are actively going ou at tbe
Palace. He travel to Berlin ou a
I suecial train, which will will reach
I Turin on S .turd >v night and Munich
I :»t ei ht a'clock Sunday morniug. It
is expected that oue ot His Majesty's
! first steps will be the granting of am
; uest.y to political offenders.
During the last tbirty six hours the
| Emperor was drowsy, delirious and
j conscious alternately, starting at times
: excitedly to ni'ike rem irks relative to
| tamily or political matters Once be
; mistook Prince Bismarck for the
! Crown Prince, and, taking him by
j his hand, pleaded that he would al
; ways bM kind to the Czar. He after
ward recognized Prince Bismarck aud
expressed iu broken seuteuces bis sat
isfaction with the Austro German al
i iiance. About 4 o'clock iu the morn
ing ha talked so much mat th«» Grand
1 Duchess ol Badeo said he would tire
| bimsclt Toe Emperor replied, "I
j have no time to be tired." Prince
' William stood at tbe foot of tbe bed.
j During the last tew moments the Eui
i peror did not suffer. His face wore
a tranquil, almost smiling expression,
j A few minutes belore his death the
| Emperor exclaimed "Fritz! dear
i Fritz!
Emperor William left 300,000 000
murks iu cash. It is expected that
the iuaeral will take pitted next
Profound gloom prevails in Berlin
Ruin is lalling in torrents.
Expelled for Drilling Wells.
BRADFORD. PA, March 11—The
Petroleum Producers' Association
has sent out noticfcS to all iodires that
Richard Jennings, a well known pro
ducer, has been expelled from the as
sociation for drilling wells contrary
to the shut-down contract.
of Butler, Pa.
Ol Millerstown.
' R. P. SCOTT, ESQ ,
Of Butler.-
Ol Evuus City.
| Oi (.Nixou s Home) Butler, Pa.
1 C. M B itO \\ N,
Of Uarrisville.
Of Karus City,
i It. I, BOQGS,
of Zelienople.
Ot Brady twp.
of Butler twp.
Of Butler towaship,
Washington twp
Oi Franklin twp
Ot Clinton twp.
Ot Evans City.
Of Fairview twp.
' J. H. NE'JLEi', ESQ.
Of Butler.
> j Of Butler.
O; Butler.
of Butler, Pa.
J ••►•••• Qf pposject. *
ALLEGHENY TWP ,PS: —Personally j
Appeared before Mr anU Mrs. •! (. |
Kiokatklon. n» their residence in Al- j
legheny Twp , Butler County, Pa.,
quite a number ot relatives and
trieuds who c.ii Tie to celebrate the,
20 ; b wedding anoiversarv of Mr and
Vlrs. K sk.uidon, a>id they acknowl-j
edge this to be their trua act and
dred, and desire the same might i>e
recorded a-* such, according to Law.
Mr. and Mrs Kiskaddoa app-ared
to be well phased with their vi-itors.
A few momenrs paswd in greeting
each othHr;then the women agreeably
took their places in the kitchen and
soon prepared a dinner, and when ah
the good tilings were placed on the
table the aue-Ms were invited to take
their places, which they did without
any back talk.
Mr. K skaddou was placd at one
end of ti.e table and Mrs Kiskad tou
at t)ie other, —p*rhaps ihis was for a
good purpose ii would be impossi
ble to describe the good quiliuesof
the diuuer
We were sorry that we did not feel
well and could not enjoy it. but there
were qui'e a number present wao did
Mr. Ki.-kiddoo, Mr. H Jaruisou, Mr
J C. Redic aud Mr J L Colgin in
particular made up for what we lack
ed. Alter dinner the meeting was
called to order by choosing Mrs. 0
C. Cooper pres dent and John Thomas
Er-q , secretary, and after a lew re
marks there was presented to Mr. and
Mrs K'skaddou as a memorial of
their 20th wedding anniversary, a
magnificent aud valuable china tea
set aud a number ol other valuable
presents, for which Mr. Kiekaddon
in a few well worded remarks return
ed sincere thanks to tbe donors and
to all who bad showed their kindness
and friendship on the occasion.
It was a very pleasant china wed
ding and ail present eujoyed them
selves pleasantly and the happy
couple were well pleased. J. T.
ALLEGHENY TWP., March 12, 1888.
Letter From lowa.
Tbe following letter from an old
Builer, uud for a loug time a Mercer
mau, to Ueueiai Reed of this
place, will be read with luteiest by
many of our people.
OAKLAND, IOWA, Mar. 7. 1838.
Gtn, G IV. Heed:—Ay veuerable
frieua; our mua aud Very interesting
letter ot 2Sih ult came duly to hand,
aud i uow tender you thauks for the
intoimaiiou it contained about my
old neighbors botti living aud dead —
it appears tbey are all goue except
Mrs Caruanau and Wui. Campoell--
aud above all was glad to hear the
account ol your ovvu family. Tue
statement you gave of the factories
and utuer improvements iu j our coun
ty , along With vour statement about
vour railroads, was ail very luterest
lug to uie. Tue mauy railroad lines
tliat couverge at Butler now will
greatly facilitate traue and travel
from ttiere to ail points of the com
pass. Ail IDjs« roads have Geeu
ouilt witniu tue last twenty years—
tlie lirst oue built witniu butler Co.,
was called or known as the "Butler
iJraacD." I'ua Peuosyivauia il. 11
company lied, from time to time, i
promised butler county that braucn,
but :is otien disappoiuted ihe loud ex
pectations ol me people of Lhat couu
ty uul.l iu i 364 i <ur worthy towus
uiau ti>u. <J ti .Negley Oeiug a mem
ber ol ttiai session labjied tor the tul
hllmeut of that Company's promisos
respecting mat nrauou road,and agaiu
iu 1865 J was lirst a uiemoer iu
18ti5 iruui Alercjr couuty aud exerted
m_v luliuenco lor the speedy building
ol it iue Pennsylvania Company
| soou alter built tue road to ii icier
Capialu i'lllow was a member ia
j 1806, and 1 served with him and Mr
j .Negley iu mat year aud witb Mr,
fillow also iu 1867 Captain Pillow
was a wise and prudent legislator,aud
your couuty, iu justice to dim, should
do something iu a tangible aud eu
i duriug form to perpetuate his mem
ory. As to political affaire. I have
thought the defeat of Mr Blaine a
public calamity, and feel sad vvheu I
reflect ou the misfortune of our coun
try 's disgrace, iu having, by a fraud
ulent election, placed au imbecile lib
ertine at the head of the government.
if tho natio-jal couventiou do not
nominate Mr Blaine tba next wisest
tiling they cau do is to nominate
Senator Alii-on.of this State, an able,
! wise aud prudeut statement and very
j popular iu aU part 3of the country,
j and tuliH Depew of New York for
Vice President. With this ticket the
Republicans cau surely elect I mus~
close—lll welt. Respectfully your
f Josiah McPiif.rrin.
Summit Twp. School No. 6.
EDS. CITIZEN: — It was the writer's
privilege and pleasure to be at a
Bpelliugand entertaiument given by
the Lind>ey school No. G, Summit j
Twp., Thursday eveuing th-j Btb
inst., under th' j care of the teacher, j
Mr. J. II Timblin
The scholars showed considerable j
skill iu spelling duriug the lore |
part of the evening,showing that that
very important branch has not btjeu
The school spelled about an hour
and thou there was a short rece.-s
alter which the crowded hous-e was
called to order aud the school pro
ceeded to give a literary entertain
ment, consisting ot ucittilious, dec
lamations, essays, tableaux, aud dia
logues, which were first class
VV « were especially pleased by the
little foiks' appearance on the stage,
| thus cultivating the habit aud self
possession of appearing before mi au
dience while young
The older sch dars also performed
their parts in aa able manner; ou the
whole the school and those who par
ticipated iu the entertainment, did
credit to themselves and their teach
It is evident by the manifestation
ol the scholars tUat thev are "March
ing on" as they sang, also that they
huv<- a progressive teacher who is
I woikiug for the cause of education
; ai.d the building up of his pro fee ni >u.
.Frederick's Grit.
BERLIN, March 13 —Emperor Fred
erick passed a good uight Ou arriv
ing at Cbarlutteuburg Palace he re
fused to be carried to iris apartments
lin a sedan chair. He mounted the
| stairs two steps at a time. After a
j short rest be wrote until 1. A M. He
rose at 8 A M , received Priuc-* Wil
j liam, breakfasted vvitb the Emoress
i aad the children and then transacted
; busines-s Bismarck's oral r.sports
occupied several h mrs In the after
noon the E uperor dined en * fa>ntile
end continued working until evening,
! occasionally addressing his attetidant.
! His voice is audible but very hoarse,
j The Fmper )r will tak ! the oath a'-
cording to VhV'Pit s an C rfstitutioo,
Absolutely Pure.
This fo" d"r bever vane* A marvel c! ]
.nrjiv, sin netb arid wtioleecimeness. '• ore
jL-otioiui.-al that the o. riin ir> kiii<i>. and c-iu
not be -old in <-<!riip<-iiiion wun the ninltitoe
ol mw test-, short weight,allium or phospbate
powders. Soid only in cans
106 Wail street N. Y.
in the presence of tbe Oberbaus and
Uuterbaus at Charlottenburg, on Sat
urday. The President aud Vice-
President of the two chambers today
received an .oral report from Gen.
Winterfeld and afterwards were re
ceived ; n uuuieDce by Bismarck aud
Count Von Moltke. Owing to the
immense crowds wishing to view tbe
remains of Emperor William, the
time lor tbe admission of the public
has been extended.
A great crowd patiently waited to
enter the Cathedral yesterday. On
either side of tbe aliar stand laurel
trees and lofr.v exotic plants embedded
in a mass of flowers iu full bloom, in
cluding large camelian and thousands
of snow blosssoms. Palm branchep
of colossal dimensions conceal the
granite columns. A contiuious striug
of people passed over the bridge which
affords a view of tbe catafalque.
No person was allowed to stO} on the
bridge There Prim* William stood
for an hour, superintending arrange
ments aud giving the final orders,
during which time fifty slalwart
guards du corps, with flue features
and dressed in showy uniforms and
helmets bearing silver eagles, all men
picked from tbe first families in the
lahd, laid floral wreaths at the foot of
rhe dead Etnperor and tbe knelt and
recited a short prayer.
This moruing only artists, photog
raphers, newspaper men and court
ladies were admitted to the eathedral
Marriage Notices Published tree.
SMITH—RALSTON—At the Methodist
Parsonage, Friday, March 2; 183:5, i>y Rev.
S. 11. Xesbit, Sir. Robert Soiith aud Miss
Stella R ilstoa, all of Grove City.
SANKEY —IIU rt'rtlSON—At the Metho
dist Parsonage, Thars lay, March S. ISsS,
bv Rev. S. 11. Mr. Eimer S. S jukey
aiid Miss LucelU \I. liutehisou, all of
Cherry tp, thU c mnty .
MALBON— MOCK— At the Methodist par-
Bouasje, DiUrs J iy, M trch 8, 18S8, by Rev.
S: H N«bit, Mr. Churles A. Malouu aud
Mrs. Louise Moes, all -t Duller.
H)JE£J A_H'ir3L3.
Announcements of deaths published free, 'out
all couitunnicdta:/ obHu tries tall '>' charyed
for at Ihr rale of oii.--lf.ilf cent fore uch
icord, money to acco/njjuny the order.
GALL XCi iir.it -O.t Friday, March 0, 188S,
at tin home in. Fraufeiiu lp. Mr. VViliiaui
age.J ab.>u! 73 years,
j Bli'l'US —Saturday m-iraiu^,March 10,18*18,
j Mrs. Luiaia Konili, wile i°i Mr. .laeot> tJip
j j.u-» ol Oakland tp, *2!> years
j she \va.s a daughter ol llev. Dootli of Clar
j i.»n county Mai was tfiliclcil with cunsump-
I tiou.
BIEiIL —At K.i Manning, on Monday, March I
5, 18:38. Mrs. E'U'n.i Bi*hi. widow of Mr.
Linus tSiehl, ilec'd, aged 31 years.
ilr». Bifhl's nnwden name was llelrubold,
and bhc was bora iu Sax taburg, tins eouuty.
ANOEUSON -At her home it Alleghany,
en Friday, March 2, 18-SS. Mrs, Robert
Anderson, formerly Miss A'ice 8 loan ot
Ksrcs City, in the 22d year of her age.
McELROY— At her home i•: Clint-ouville Pa.
Feb. o, 1888. Mrs. Mary McKlrov. wife of
Mr David vliEiny, tis> >iin; 12th ult.
their daughter, [/turi May, aged 7 years,
and on iliie 23J ult. their uau.;a!or Si«an,
an iniunt.
CROOKSUANK—At his home in Winfield
t|>, this c.ittu:T, Satuidi.y evening, Ma.ch
3, 18S4, Mr vViiliin Cr.» oksliani, iu the
78th year of his age.
tie was one <>i the oldest citizen 1 ; of' VV'in-
Ueld tp and for tu.iuv yeurs a sufferer,
and for the bst eighteen months was confin
ed to his bed, But he bore his sufferings
with Cimstian patience and calronly awaited
the change, He was a consistent roLUiber of
the Buffalo Presbyterian Church tor utmost
score years. Hi leaves a wife and
eleven children, five goas and six daughters,
to m larn his lor.a.
WILLIAMS—Feb 29, IsSS, Mr David Wil
liams, of Franklin, I'a. agel aojut 71
Mr. William's was birn in Sernbgrvs twp.
Venango county, Pa., and was a brother of
Rev. Samuel Williams,pastor ol Mu ldycreek
and I'uionville Presbyterian churches.
ANDERSON —At the house of Hon. Frank
Riddle, in Seruograss tp, Vena ig) emnty,
Pa , M-irch 8, 1888, Mr. Wm. U. Anderson,
in his (ißtli year.
Mr. Anderson walked to Mr. Riddle's—a
distance of less tliau half a mile —and called
to see Mr. Riddle on business, aud was not
iu the house oyer five minutes \vh«n he died
peacefully in llis cnair, from heart disease,
it is supposed, mough subject to epileptic
j (its, he had been very well tor several wauiis,
lip to tae vary ta >ment of his death,
i WALKER—At her liome in Zelienople, on
Wednesday morning, Marcn 11, 1888,
Mrs. Aleii liable Walker, aged 00 years.
Things We Eat.
Dr. Tnos. L. ilazz ird, Professor of
Physiology iu the Western Pennsyl
vania Medical College, lectured h«
f.jrc the Curry Institute Seh>ol of An
atouiv, and is reported as follows iu ;
the Pittsburg Dixpatch:
"The comtaoQ idea that tho stom
i aeh does all the work of digestion j
i whs all wrong Tne mouth i ud the
j stomach," said ho, "as well as the
• intestines, have each their proper
i functions to perforin " The speaker
tiien gave a minute d'sciption of the
! .if the iliiT'reut organs ot digestioa. ii
l !astratintf by drawings how each p-r
--j formed its work, and showed how it
' one became deranged i r affeeted
| the work of the eutire system lie
■ also showed the acii >a ol the gastric
and pancreatic jui<va. How they
were firmed, bow they operated, etc
were explained by the doctor, who
in turn an analysis of the differ
ent kinds ol food, uii ot which went
to blood which iu turn afterwards
become fit, flesh, muscle, nerve and
bone,.t<*. "All food, said the speak-r,
'•should be thoroughly masticated
before swallowed, mashed potatoes
as well ns meat." The sptaker, iu
couciusiiin, laid down three rules lor
digestion. "First," said be, "dou't
eat too much; second, don't eat food
1 hat don't agree vvi'h you; third, dout.
eat whea you havo no appetite. Did
it eyer occur to you?" said he, "what
a conglomeration of stuff we oft-3U put
into our stomachs*—of bread, meat,
potatoes, cabbage, tarnips, macea.-oui,
! pie. custard, pudding, ice cream coffee,
I &c? Some diy when ycu sit dowu
i to dinner, and have timr*, duplicate
j each bita you eat and drini by put-
J ting it ioto a bowl Heat it to the
i temperature of the stoinacb aud see
j what a revolting mess you have, and
i the wonder will not be tk&t the Btoui-
TKIIL I.IST FOR HPFJ 111, COBRf i^llll^lfWS.
„Vo. y.ru. )*/ . Plaimtij At iprwgy. nuntif». DeftndanU. ~D~fc-,-larU't Attorney.
A I) 70 June. 18*7 8 F B..»ser ZTAromiek ~ Kste Burt L ZMiien.sli
FI D Dec l y,< 7 ft P Scut Laura McUrew et al nays Brns jMcßrtd- and Bowser
AD 20 Sept, is-r McQm.-tion and Lusk Sanm'l L Riddle, Sr John ..I Armstrong Greer A rl ilstou
" t>7 Sept McCa&dleaa John Sherman, et i»l John \\ I Graham, K2 A Lyon
" 31 Mar' ISS-i Mi!! r Hntobi«..ii Ahrarn Martin i A B>n
•• IS Dee,' l>Bt;GreerA RaMon Fred'* K Marterer * Ibert A<ierh<dd, et al jJ MTh -i «nn A Brittam
" 50 Dec.' 1 *1 hompson & S and Lowry I) W Barnhart Clarence Campbell McO. MJ AG
" ID June. 1 B*7 K MeJ. and Campbell George Reiber Jacob Hons, et al Walker 1i 8
" is Sept. 1 f>s7 J M Th.-iupsou and Briltain Sarah Brell, Anna Rape |McJ A(i J breath
" ij) " isf>7 " Same William Rape "
•• 57 •' k s >7 L '/. Mitchell John Q A Kennedy J J Irrin, et al McQniiti.io
" t;» " kv»7 McCundless Martha Marshall AS Marshall VandefHn A MeQ.
" til Dec, 1887 Bowser F B Quldioger *»a A J Campbell S-vnt
" »>8 D-c, lt>7 " Mary Jane C«uw*y Cornelias Gormley Kohler
" 23 Mar, 18*8 McCaD<Mess anJ Kobler Nu iioiau t rilev ' ( Ca«p?r R-<cKeosiein, et ux McQ A Vmderlia
j " 27 " ' l»t<8 Greer & Ralston Win Met'ounell, et al Isaiah Wieton, et al jMcCaodiess
" 28 " 1 ssi Manha I and Thompson Butt A St-.ry J C Sah.ine, et al jMc'"andles A Forquer
" 31 " ls*B Met audless Butler water Co Mutual G»u> Fuel Co | VlcQ4 kVn ner
" 33 " ISBH Scott 1' C Bell M.l Bmwn Met 'andlt.-s
•' :i~ " iss.s B"W-er (Charles Banglunan Jdm G Leaner F.x'r M<-Q A ! n
Proth.motary'a Office, March o, 1888. J" IIN w BH " 1 Prothono ary.
JACOB 8008,
We are now in our new store room on S Main St.. and
have the room to accommodate our large stock of groceries. !
Hour, etc., and have built a l uge warehouse to accommodate
our stock of feed.
We pay the highest c-::-.h price for p tatces and all kinds of
T K/wu 105 S. MA IN STREET,
jaCOi) .LSOO.-, Butler. Pa.
Special Bargain Sale ot
Fcr 30 Cays the Greatest Sale on Record
Boots and Shoes at Half Price
While visiting the Eastern Shoe Market I met a firm that was closing out tlielr entire busi
ness. anil having on hand a line Boots auu shoes which they offered at a great sacrifice, as they
had to give possession or tne room they occupied t>v March Ist. I had already bought an immense
stuck or Spring uoods and ordered them shipped by April u-t. hut the offer they made me was so
tempting that I could not resist It. I took tne goods and had them shipped at once. They have
arrived and are now open for your Inspection. Sharp cash buyers. I want to urge you to visit my
house us soon as possible and take advantage or one ot T lie greatest sales ever Inaugurated in
Butler county. Remember. Five Thousand Dollars worth or Hoots, shoes and llubbers at half
price, and even lesson some gi.ods. They must all be sold by April ist to make room for my
Spring Goods, which will arrive nt that tline. If you want any Boots, Shoes or Kubbera at your
own price don't miss this sale.
Read these Remarkable Prices:
Mens' Fine Shoes, Bu'ton. Hals and Congress worth $2.50, selling at $1.50.
M-n< l'ineCalf 150 >ts worth 00, selling tor $1.90.
Mens' livery day iioots worth ii'.jti to t:\ no selling now from $1.75 to $2.00.
Mens' Every day Shoes worth #1.50 to $2 oo selling now for si.oo.
liovs' Fine Shoes, Button. I'. il or Congress, worth #2.00, selling now for sl.lO.
Boys' Fine Shoes worth JI.OO sailing now ror sl.oo.
Ladles' Fine Button Shoes worth st.7s selling now for $i 00.
Ladies' Fine Button Kid Shoes worth ?2.00 selling now for $1.25.
Ladles' Fine Hand turned Shoes worth $3.50 selling now Tor $2.00.
Ladles' Fine S-rge. Congress and I.ace, Shoes worth SI.OO selling now for 05 cents.
Ladies' Warm Shoes and Sllupers worth $l 23 selling now for 5u cents.
Ladles' i ine Opera Toe Slippers worth *1.25 selling now or (kj cents.
Ladies' Every I) ty Shoes worth *1.25 to 52.00 selling now trom 7j cents to SI.OO.
These Prices are Stunners to Coiopgioii,
Misses' Fine Button >hoes worth 50 selling lor $1 j
i Misses' Fine Kid But. Shoes " ITo'•at $1 25 ;
i Misses' Fine Calf " '• " 165 " at 100
I Misses' •' Lace " *' 1.00 '• at 50t075ci
; Ohil 's Fine Button hoes *' I00••at 50 cents;
j Chil I s every day shoes \ orth 75c to $1 " at 20t040e ;
This Is Hie largest purchase of Baby Shoes ever made by any r et:ill dealer In Western Venn*
svlvania. They are elegant goo.ls. All Button In ,I'eoole (jo.it. Cur Kid. Glove Kid with Patent
Leather foxing—wor; h troui ou to tiO cents a pair.
But They Must Go for 25 cents a Pair.
The only way in which this sa'a ''an be appreciated is to attend it and reap some benefit of
it. It Is an immense lot of Boots and S.iocs to force on to the market in 30 davs, but remember you
can buy shoes at yo ir own price, and lr you are not In neel of any goods for immediate use you
had better buy some for the future, for It is altogether likely that you will never live to witness
Boots and Siloes sold as cheap as they are being sold at my store during the month of March.
M 'iis' Rubber Boots, B >ston make $2 00 a pair.
B »vs' Bubber Boots Boston muke $1.50 a pair
Ladies' Misses' and Children's Boston, make 1 00.
Ladies' Rubbers, all kinds, 25 cents.
Mens' Rubbers, all kinds, 50 cents.
All goods are warranted to be perfect in ever}' particular. Money cheerfully refunded In case
goods do not suit.
Mens- Fine Shoes Made to Order
Special atte niion is given to this branch of business and satisfaction Is guaranteed. I carry a
large line of shop made shoes and in case you cannot waft to have a pair made I can fit you out of
stock. 1 also have a large stock of Men's Ivlp Boots cat from the best leather in the market, made
box toe and plain, extra long legs—Just the thing for the oil trade. I'rlces very reasonable.
rs< • "| Do not let inclement weather or anything else keep you from
"1A O f~k 1 O I attending ttiis remarkable sale.
L_7 J H ,1 ; I <ll The bargains offered are beyond description and can never be
I duplicated.
And everybody is ln\ itcd, Xo trouble to show gtxids.
Yours Very Truly,
22 Soufih Main St., Butler, Pa,
ach ocasirmally get out of working
order, but tnat is ever in working or
der. lu nealtb, if you have no appe
tite. dou t etc . Tbe sense of hunger
is reallv not in the mouth nor in tbe
Btoniich; neither is the sense of thirst
iu these organs. It is a demand of
the system. The person who eats
wbon he or she is not hungry, or eats
food which djn't agree with them is
as bud as the man who drink* whis
kv. Yes, as bad as tha man wb'»
gets drunk OH whisk?. And s-prnk- j
ini* of driuki;ig. ? concluded the doctor,
"1 don't, think a drink of cold water j
before a meal will hurt aoyoar; in 1
fact I consider it beneficial, partial-j
larly before breakfast, as it wa-hea or '
clears the stomach for the recepttoa :
of food.
foradl-di^ea^-tf t* S«IN-uj:
PILS f*,§.
riLCJ. \ m lby ir&l >\V
' £«»ily U»o<J.
A lffgo frame l)oi«rdij)K hoi«e, c«o<l location
aDd .lO.UK l.irce Misuiess. Tenua easy. For
i further i>artlciilars inquire of
! 1.. S. ScJI'MUX, UK. •IcffiTson St..
'-a,lf Butler, l'».
i Advertise in tbe CrriZKji.
Mutual Fire insurance C«.
Jflfice Cor. Main & Cunringha-m Sts.
J. L Purvis, 'Samm»l Anderson,
William Campbell w Bnrkliart.
A. Ttoutinan. Henderson Oliver,
' <» C Koessinif. James Sit-phf-uson,
i I»r. W. Irviii. N. Weltzel.
! J. F. Taj lor H. C. Uelneman.
United Security Life Insurance and Trust Co.
of Ta.
Money to Buy Homes.
MO' tlily du» s not more than a fair rent. Var
ments Uefrt-fiFe yearly. In event of dcatn
prior to <<u pletton <■! i»\inetts, to lance of er
cuiutrauce canceled.
M »ney to Loan.
Real eptate bought and sold on commission,
Wanted houses to rent and rents collected.
No. 38 Stiuih Main St.,
Butler, Pa.
(Tver Linn's Drug- Store.
' ; •
jirawiuß nam.
No. 88 and 90, S. Main St.,
Near New Court House—fonnerly Donaldson
House—Rood accommodations for travelers
i Good subline connected.
i y-s-'BB-iyf H Pw'r
I have pn'.anred my sttre-room, in tact, made
It xlinost twice a.-, law as it was before, a-:4
have also Increased mv ■ t.x'k. I have, by Tar.
I the largest and best selo ied stock of
i Fiue Drugs aad Chemicals
in Butler county, und :;m now In position to
supplr the wants of <he people of this county
even better than In the past,
You will do well to ca: on me wbea in the
nee ox .uiythlng la tlic lLuu of
Fine Drugs and Medicines.
Mv stock Is very compute and PRICES YEKY
LO\V Iu medicine qu»i:tv in of the first impor
tance. so we give particular attention to tllllok
Our Dispensing Depa r tment 19 complete. Wo
dispense only Pare Drug** of the
Finest Quality,
and our patrons may brl-.? us their prescrlp-
I tlons. feeling certain that they will be carefully
and accurately filled.
Thanking the public for the very get ero u
patronage they have act nied me In the t, I
nope to be able to serve t i.em more acceptably
In the future, at the old au nd.
No. 5, North Main St,
I r ,,. *