Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 09, 1888, Image 4

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For U>« Bath, Toilet and Laundry.
Soow wblt* and Absolutely Pur
If rmmr In** - «ow not koap WhtM Clood So»i
Ji« ll «M» for mapla eake to tto
JX& & KIRK * CO.,
CMh ACotd Binding
mniii. «■
IH ft
1 if
9n» "?r V -If
i 5
i 8
■ , "DlEjid I.'-ABII. , »•
i "tiiri wiak-
loTnlMtMT Di»ch»xs" -
i ***••• •fx
\ is»
: uk s?r
For Hones, Cottle, Slieep,
Doc*. Hop, Poultry.
■Km ]see PACK loon. •■Treat.
HTS/ aral af Aalaali aa4
Tly Chart Scat PrM.
Bumqtmvyf M. Co.. 10* PultM St., Y.
Tart's Pills
ri—ll linn ut-" thaenttoo mum, u< bo>
an, atomiMi inhinrtfriH rcaouof
—illl iin Bagular habit of body aloaaeaa eor-
M tfeeaa mis. uD nothing wwewdi.ow.tl la
aSli IMllll - - °r •*-'
Mt oaly f tb* «|IH» IWWMH, 5* la oamti
mmghu aad perfect bcaif
h ktakk., Ik* ■«mt wf fcor."i J. tko
■fwortodlEoota(rmrtui i. •«
Sssssi jhwriVs' ,'irJn:
■ka ■MoaaßlaMof aaa, aad em teiooat
Umaad the 4tooaooo which It prodaeoa.
Tutt's Liver Pills
WL> MX AZX SBCQfiim, Mt.
flB Aromatic Geneva Gt
* i'f- !t is tal '"ii into conski
er»tiou ifc..t ' jin u tbn oul\
r a *ptrlt a rei Uk-lnrJ
<i<icl:tj' oliK r n .H n.il.-t
KMOKfI » jauv article 1* required.
IMJH Aromatic Geneva Sin
(■K I«i gentian mt, k-. It will
I be found an lnvUuaijle n-nudr
«nd certain euro for Itrtcbt'o
niieow, Rtonn In Bladder,
I and all InAcinmatlon of tht
" d
MM§ CHAMHVM UT.. 2T£W yobjl
J. C. REDICK, Druggist,
W teanumwuawfi
hr Mop «lf.l
■fcrrn*** cxlKt in thousands of
111 I llronns. but ar- xurpanvl by the mar-
II | § rvrti of Invent Inn. Tbrnte whu are In
Hill n»«d of proOtable work tli»i can be
Oone while livincr at home should at once
wad their .tddreys to Hallett A Co.. Portland.
Maine, and receive rree, fnU information how
«tth«r uex. o* all axrev. er n earn from »*> to |2&
prrdav upwards vrh<*re\-r they live. You
•fe «t*rt<-d free. <"at>ltal not required. Home
have made over tr>o in a single day at thla work.
AH Mteeed
Hotel Brady
T. W. TAIT, Prop'r.
Sew and Recraurant on tbe Diamond,
Butlar. Pa.
Mr. T. W. Tait has rwlUted and fumHhed the
Brady liuitse. and t« now prepared to accommo
date tli» public.
Ill* Keataurant. in eonnectton with the hotel
will N» O|M-D dav and nticht The tables will b
tiirafcthrd with everything the market afiordl,
Tour patrouage reapecttully solicited.
And all the other lute and tieautlful styles of
Fancy WrUln* Paper at
J. H. Douglass'
Largest assortment in town. From inc to 75c per
box Also full line of new
liTltatiea and Rrgret Cards,
Wedding Invitations. Visiting Cards, Mourning
Stationery, Tablets, etc.
For Kenaingt x), Arratene
Um iMnw la mo ftvfo by A>MIX M
ttreet, BnUer, Pa.
MARCH 18TH TO 25TH, 1888
Beloved Sister*:— We call every
anion, and every woman in onr heroic
conntitueucy to spend a week in uni
ted and special prayer, beth private
and public, for such a baptism of wis
dom and courage upon ourselves, and
such a putting forth of divine
power as shall be felt in all this land.
Reasons: The year upon us Is one of
struggle and destiny. Within these
months the temperance cause shall be
in the very heart of a mighty contest.
Then let as pray,
First: That upon our great organ
ization may come a fresh Impulse
from Heaven; and on every active
worker a Dew anointing of the Spirit.
Second: For our unused member
ship held to us by pledge and name,
but not consecrated to the spirit and
activities of the work. Let us »sk
God to call our own women from idle
ness to service.
Third- For the great body of
Christian womanhood who yet stand
afar from tLis greatest of missionary
agencies for the salvation of our own
and other lands.
The meetings of the week need not
be widely public, nor their aim to in
vite universal attention. Begin quiet
ly an afternoon meeting for prayer in
your own nsual place of meeting,or ID
a parlor, with the hearts touched al
ready with a longing for more of God
in our work, and more of His power
on all on* people. Make special effort
first for all members of the unions,
'hat together we may offer our pray
ers. If attendance widens, as it will,
do not allow discussions upon the
temperance reform or sit methods.
Seek God. Seek Him alone for a
great awakening of the church and
ibe nation. The liquor traffic is here
with its abominations legalized be
cause ot spiritual death. We need
conscience aroused and made true
Sisters of the W. C. T. U., set the
week apart, bold at least one meeting
a d-y for the quiet, unostentatious
seeking of God herein suggested.
Two public evening meetings, with
oermons, gospel talks, or conferences
would be of great value. The even
ing of March 25 might be made effec
tive by union aeryices where these
ean be secured. When the churches
cannot give way for this, hold Buch a
meeting in the afternoon of that day.
No topics are suggested lest they
lead from the one central thought ot
ail the days. Many things yon will
remember: our own work} our coun
try's need and perils; the workers
who must go out into the coming
contest; the pleaders at the fireside;
the voters at the ballot ho*; but tbia
one thing seek and find: God's touch
of power upon our own spiritual life,
and the spiritual life of the nation.
On behalf of the National W. C. T.
Dear Sisters: —W« earnestly hope
that this call to prayer by our Nation
al President will be faithfully observ
ed throughout tbe county by oar Un
ions both W. A Y's. Let as unite
oar hearts in common with our sis
ters all over this broad land in earnest
petition to Qod for his blessing using
tbe topics here given as oar gaide.
God's benediction will certainly rest
upon our labors if wa bring Him
hearts united in tbe service of prayer
to this work. Where it is utterly
impracticable for unions to meet so
often,great benefit may be derived by
rbe members personally pledging
themselves to observe a certain hour
of each day specified in the call,for re
flection and prayer for the cause.
While pastors in sympathy with tbe
movement should be eolisted to give
ibe subject prominence at the weekly
evening prayer meeting and on
tbe Sabbatb day.
We hope no Unions will feel that
it can afford to entirely ignore this
By Miss Willard's request the
branch of work under her care hither
to called the department of Social
Purity, had the name changed at the
recent National Convention to White
Cross and White Shield Department,
the former involving the following
pledge: 1, To treat all women with
respect, and endeavor to protect them
tram wrong and degradation; 2. To
endeavor to put down all indecent
anguage and coarse jests; 3. To
maintain tbe law of putity a* equally
binding upon men and women; 4. To
cudeavor to sp.ead these principles
among my companions, and try to
help my younger brothers; 5 To nw
ill possible meaus to fulfill the com
mand, "keep thyself puro " And tbti
latter, this pledge: 1 To uphold tbe
law of parity as equally bindiDgupoa
men and women; 2, To be modest in
langaage, behavior, and dress; 3; To
avoid ail conversation, reading, art,
and amusements which may put im
pure thoughts into my mind; 4; To
guard the purity of others, especially
of my companions and friends; 5. To
strive after tbe special blessing prom
ised to tbe pure in heart. These are
intended for use by parents, teachers,
pastors, and others who have tbe
care of yonng people, and who will
nse, in connection with tbe pledges,
the carefully prepaiid literature of the
National Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union, including the leaflets
of Miss Ellice Hopkins, of England,
and many equally good, written in
oar own country
The White Croee work is for men
and boys; the White Shield work is
for women and girta; and the whole
is carried on under the three beads of
preventive, reformatory, and legal
Miss Willard is assisted in this work
by Mrs. Dr. Kellogg of Battle Creek,
Mich., who has special care of moth
ers' meetings and furnishes literature
for use therein; Dr. Kate Bushnell of
Evanton, 111., who is constantly
speaking and organizing; Mrs. Ada
Bittenbender of Lincoln, Neb., a law
yer of fine reputation baa charge of
legislative work for the protection of
women. Early in tbe year, to meet
an urgent demand, tbree series ot lea
flets were prepared, the White Cross,
Social Purity aud Leaflets or Mothers'
Meetings, all of which have met
with great favor, together with Miss
Willard's valuable White Cross Man
ual, and tbe beaatitul pledge cards
for men, women, boys and girls.
Miss Lathbury baa also contributed
tbe first of ber exquisite "Talks with
a Child"—for mothers only—and
Mrs. Boott's "Boys and Other Boys"
fills tbe want po often expressed for a
little book which mothers can place
la tbe bands of thtir young ibns
Two new series of leaflets have been
issued, (he Signal Lights, tor general
distribution, twenty-one in number,
and the Home Leaflets for Mothers'
Meetings, numbering seven, to be ad
ded to from time to time, the l*t er
covering topics of health, reliei-'ue
training, etc.— Editorial in Union
Nail These Reminders To the
Barn Doors.
If the iron wedge will not draw
build a fire of chips and beat it.
Water, green food and meats fowls
must have to prosper.
Watch tbe outlet* of the tile-drains
that they do not become closed with
There is one p&rt of tbe farm that
is not benefited by drainage; tbe ma
nure heap.
Politeness pays In tbe cow-stable.
A gentleman gets more milk thau a
harsh man.
Straw *and corn-fodder are best
worked into manure by putting them
through good animals.
The best preventive of trouble at
lambing time is daily exercise for tbe
ewes during winter.
Take the bridles with you when
you go to break'ast, and pat them
Dear the stove while you eat.
Separate the weaker animals; tbey
need extra feed, whereas with the
stronger they get scant feed.
Profit in farming comes from tbe
maximum crops, the products of win
ter thought and summer work.
If the chain pump is clogged up
with ice do net give tbe crank a jerk.
Both wheel and chain break more
easily when very cold.
Every farmer may be the architect
of his own fortunes, and it is poor
policy to let the job out to luck.
Harness bung in the stable is dam
aged as much by the uasea and damp
ness there as it is worn by use
When gieen wood is used for fuel
part of the heat is absorbed to convert
tbe water in the fuel into vapor.
If you do not wish cloddy and life
less ground in the spring keep the
cattle off the fields when the soil is
| soft.
Drive your horses a little to one
side when you stop with a load on
the sled. This'makes it easier to
start tbe load
A fire burns better in a hot than in
a cold furnace; it is equally true that
an animal well wintered is half sum
If open, outdoor feed-troughs are
turned oyer at night they will not be
filled with snow and ice in the morn
If you place the ax noar the stove
for fifteen minutes it will cat better
and not be so apt to break aiong tbe
The flavor of the fuel used for
ttmokiog meat is somewhat imparted
to the meat; hence tbe taei should be
selected carefully
You have no right to feed a dog eo
long as you have not the money to
provide your family with good papers
and books.— American. AgricuUu
The Value of Succulencs.
VVe have known of merino ewea
having lambs in too winter, li ia
strong lambs, and not a drop of m:ik
to nourish them. Five born
one very cold night and all saved by
au all-night vigil, only to die the
next dt.y from starvation. That ex
perience was years ago and before
the improtance of succulent food wan
kn»wn. Last winter merino
bore half-blooded Oxford-down lambs
and had abuudance of milk It was a
question of food. Iu the first in
stance the sheep were well fed and
were in fine condition, but their food
consisted of hay and grain, probably
corn. Afterward other merino sheep
were fed hay and oats, and when
their lambs came the tbe older ones
had milk enough. Oar experience
teaches us that to rear lambs success
fully in winter the sheep should have
plenty of bran and roots of some kind
Turnips are the cheapest, and good
enough for tbe pnrpoHe Beets are
excellent, and will make more milk
than tbe turnips. If nothing else
can be had, then feed potatoes.
There is always more or less of these
which are too small for market' and
they tbey will insure milk if fed lib
erally to the sheep. Toese sugges
tions apply to any breed of sheep,
but are more of a necessity to the
merinos These sheep give very rich
milk, and not so much as the downs
or the coarse-woaled kinds She»»p
should never be stinted in food. UN
less well fed the lamb* will be weak
and tbe fleece light. It is always a
pleasure to feed and care for sheep,
as they respond so promptly and re
turn a double income for the trouble
and outlay.— Our Country Home.
English Pronunciations.
Talbut is pronounced Tolbut.
Thames is pronounced Terns.
Bulwer is pronouueud Buller.
Cowper is prouounced Cooper.
Holborn is pronounced Ilxbun.
Wemess is pronounced Wrems.
Knollvs is pronounced Knowles.
Cockbnrn is prouounced Coburn
Brougham is pronounced Broom.
Norwich is pronounced Norridge.
St Leger is pronounced SilliQfcer
Hawarden is pronounced Harden.
Colquboun is pronounced Uohoun.
Cirencester is pronounced Sisxist^r
Grosvenor is pronounced Grovenor
Salisbury is pronounced Sawla
Beaucbamp is pronounced Beecbnm.
Marylebone is pronounced Marra
Abergavenny is pronounced Aber
Marjoribanks is pronounced March
Bolingbroke is pronounced Bulling
Unappreciated Politeness.
A handsomely-dressed young wo
man entered a crowded street car. A
long-whiskered old fellow, wearing a
dingy slouch hat and a suit of home
spun clothes, got up and said:
"Miss, take my seat. I don't look
aB well as these here gentlemen'—
nodding at several men—"but I've
diskivered that I've got more polite
ness "
Tbe yonng woman sat down with
out thanking the old fellow.
"Mißs," said the old fellow,-with a
smile, "I b'leve I left my pocketbook
thar on that seat. Will you please
get up?"
Tbe young woman got up. The
old fellow sat down, aud, stroking his
whiskers, remarked.
"B'leve I'll jest keep on settin' here
Miss. I've got a leetle more polite
ness than these here gentlemen, but
I have dibkivered that I ain't got
uich so mocb sense."— Arluiusas
—Walking advertisements. Every
man, woman and child who baa once
tried Dr. Boll's Cough Syrup canuot
My enough in its praise
Tbe wonderful car* by Salvation
Oil of Mr. M. 8. Gulp, a chronic rheu
matic, 229 G«orge St .Baltimore,Md ,
has awakened w ide-spreed iatarwt.
The Bohemian Oat Industry.
Frotn Franklin Spectator.]
Until of late the Bohemian Oats
business io thia or any other agricul
tura district was transacted by nomf
outside agent dealing direct.y and
alone with the innocent granger who
might be green enough to take the
bait. The same price as at present—
slo a bushel—was asked tor the oats,
coupled with a written guarantee to
sell fur the purchaser the double ol
tbe quantity bougnt by him, out 01
the crop to be raised This guaran
tee was generally worthless; the par
ties to it could not be reached, but
tbe notes giveu for original purchase
were always to the tore and could be
co'lected. This uncertainty ot the
guarantee, or rather the dead certain
ty that it was a swindle premeditated
from the start, had a depressing effect
upon tbe Bohemian Oats industry.
Therefore, it seems to have become
necessary to gut up a new plan of
operating. Asrociations were formed
in this county and wherever else it
was designed to work tbe game
The association, composed ot men
known to the community as reputable
persons, were intended to give confi
dence to persons dealing with the
agent. Thei" - names were connected
with the guarantee. But even thif
sort of guarantee did not seem to be
valid in the case of Mr. J. Y Siiijfins,
of Allegheny township, who brought
suit against the Cbapmanvillu Bohem
ian Hulless Oats Association recent
To speak very mildly, there is
something wrong about the entire
business Intrinsically the so-culled
Bohemian oats are not worth ten dol
lars nor the tenth part of that suui
If sold at that price tne purchaser is
swindled; and if twice the quantity
purchased is sold* tor him by the asso
ciation or syndicate, the operation is
still a swindle transferred to some
body else, it is a bald-faced game 01
gouge all tbe way tnrough, made the
mo:e possible by the sanction of asso
ciations of persons whose greed has
outrun their senses of right and wrong,
or who have thoughtlessly lent their
names to an operation desigued by
crafty and unscrupulous adventurer*
to fleece the unwary. Speaking ot
tbe case of Siggins against the Chap
manville syndicate, our neighbor of
the Evening News justly says, "Lit
tle sympathy can exist for any of tbe
parties to tnis suit." Why should
ttoere be any sympathy in a case
where the people who intended to
gouge tbe general public have only
gouged each other?
Captured The Town.
The village of Johnstown, Monroe
county, Ohio, must contain the green
est set of people on earth if the re
ports of swindling lately d »i.-
there is true. It is said that about
six ago a very slick yountr man
induced VlcGrue Bros. & Bradwiek,
of that place, to pay bim $1 800 for
the right to sell a patent web baiter
A. few days later O'Conner & Sceur
man were caught by another man
with a patent gate hinge, paying $250
for tbe exclusive right in Ltcking
county. A third smooth-spoken geu
tleman came with a wonderful f*n;i: ng
mill. Geo Clark traded hi* small
e'ore, with a $1 000 stock, and a
creamery worth $2,200 for tbe right
of sale in 30 counties. Otber victims
swelled th* fanning mill man's earn
ings to $7,000. After a few days a
washing machine agent came aloog
and readily sold the right to II coun
ties. Licking coanty brintrinir sls'.>.
A fiend with a cyelone fence-making
machine came uext and sold the right
to Cush & Myers fo a S6OO hydrau
lic cider press, 70 barrels of cider vin
egar, worth $6 a barrel and $l5O iu
cash, a total of $1,260.
The amiable gout It-men today load
ed ail their plunder on freight cure
and removed ir. and when it was gone
the victims began to realize that they
had been swindled. It took one car
to carry away the creamery, another
for the cider press, a third for the vin
egar and a fourth for the hardware,
lumber, &c., which had been tender
ed for patent rights.
A Report From Illinois.
Daniel Ward, of Naples, says:
"Tutt's Pillw are even better than rep
resented. As an anti-bilious medi
cine they have no equal. They seem
to act ou the mind as well as body."
Sold everywhere.
--An average of 1,000 people are
drowned through the ice in the Uni
ted States every winter, and an aver
age ol 3,000 are drowned by accident
in the summer. "Don't go near the
water" should be the sign board.
—Colonel R. G. Ingernoll's latest
is that a man can patent a windmill,
but not the wind."
"Penny Wise and Pound Fool
Tha.'s what men are who plod
along—trying to do their business,
are dim and throb; their head aches;
the children annoy them; their wives
lose their charms; they lose their am
bition; they make mistakes in their
accounts; and the whole world looks
blue; they hate themselves and every
one else.' And why ? If you feel so
why don't you stop and think a min
ute—or are you too stupid ? Your
liver and blood are out of order;tbat's
all. You need a.good regulator and
tonic. Take a bottle of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, and you
will feel like a new man. In three
days your wife will be the prettiest
und sweetest woman in the world;
your children's dispositions will be
exactly like your own; your business
will improve; and you will make
money enough to pay for the "Golden
Medical Discovery" a hundred times
over. Don'i be stubborn, but try it.
If >ou suffer trom "cold in the
head" or from Nasal Catarrh, use Dr
Sage's Catarrh Remedy It cures
when everything else fails,
—Sitting Bull has settled down
into Ja contented loafer, thinking of
eating and sleeping more than aught
else. He can't understand why he
was so lout.' satisfied to be a wild In
dian and hustle for his bread and boa
—For 120 days past Minneapolis
has not had enough warm weather to
soften the ice on tho sidewalk, but
the people are happy over it A man
witb four uudershirts on isn't going
to raise a fuss abont cold weather.
The Handsomest Lady in But
Remarked to a friend the other day
that she kuew l£«oip'd Balsam for
the throat and Luugs was a superior
remedy, as it stopped her cough in
s'antly wheu others had no effect
whatever. So to prove this and con
vince you of its merit, auy druggist
will give you a Sample Bottle Free.
Large trize 50c and sl,
—A prosperous merchant has for
bis motto: "Early to bed, and *ar!y
to rise;never get tight,and advertise."
honestly admit that they can't core
Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Other*
say they can but —don't. Ath-lo
pho-ros says nothing but cures.
That's the Secret of its success.
Years of trial have proved it to be
a quick, safe, sure cure.
Concord, N. H.. Sept S, I*B7 ,
In my own family Athl. 'j.hon* was u-sed
u a Ust rwort, the u*er havm* auff.red
from rbeumaO*m for ye* r» and havin*
been treated for tbe disease by different
phynician* in thin State and Matvarhu
setta without even temporary relief.
Upon my recommendation ivon* of peo
ple have naed thi» remedy with the same
results claimed for it. C. H. WIIHON.
Dubuque, lowa. Jan. 3, 1W
Athlophorofi has completely rur»xi me of
nervous and I feei tlutnkful for
all the good it ha* done me.
49* Send 6 cents for the beautiful colored pic
ture, " Moorish Maiden."
A Tame Issue.
Proprietor of N->w York Daily
Newspaper (angrily)—l don't wi
what's the matter with you fellow*!
I uerer rend in mv life such a stupid,
mawkish, dry, dull,worthless wretch
ed sheet this raoroin? 1 s issue
MHO- g nvr Editor —l'm sorry, sir.
The mud slinging edit- r was una
voidahlv detained at home ou account
of sickness
—You need them for cold wenther
pains and soreness— Hop Plasters
are successful every time
Relief is instant,cure is rapid when
a Hop Plaster is applied directly
over pain.
—George H. Clarkson, who was
recently robbed by footpads in Kan
sas City, Mo , has sued the city, on
he theory that it is bound to protect
life and property.
—The best apples in this country,
md therefore in tbe world, are
tn tbe State of Arkansas. These ap
ples have taken prizes at a doz» n
fruit exhibits, and they are likely io
do the same thing at the national
fruit dieplay now in progrets in Cali
—The tendency of people who have
insured tbeir lives to commit, suicide,
or those who intend to commit HUl
cide to insure their lives, introduces a
new into our daily study of
human nature. A jury has made the
discovery !
—ln ac Irish theatre where they
were playiug "Hamlet" the gallery
chaffed the Prince of Denmark uu
mercifully, especially iu the scene
with the Ghost At length Hamlet
stepped forward and, addressing the
gallery, said: "Look here,me boyos,
if viz don't stop yor coddiu'. me an'
the ghost will go up tb*re an' baU
the devil out o' tbe lot ov yiz "
—Advertising has created many *
new business, enlarged many an old
basiuess, revived many a dull busi
uects, rescued many a failintr busines.
and preserved mapy a large business,
md it insures success iu any business.
—Two men who evidently had
beeu looking at land out West with u
view to movinj* there were discussing
the country. One of thein said:"Th»-
*reat trouble with it is, there is DO
jjood society and tio cold water " Au
t-ld rustic who had probably been ou
a ttimilar errand turned around ano
.vtid: "That's just what's the matter
with bad>sa, gentlemen no good socie
ty and uo cool water."
—Tho striking cigarmnkors of New
Yi>rk City say thev are willing to
npend a million dollars to win their
strike Won't somebody rise up with
tear* in his eve* and tell of the pov
erty df New York's cigarmakers.
—The soldiers of the Freuch army
dont like the service any better than
Americans. Ten per cent, of the
number desert every year.and twentv
per cent, destroy their health in the
hope to secure a discharge.
—A Kentuck man who was on hi*
way to Niagara Falls, and got laid
over by an accident, telegraphed or>
to see if the falls operated on Sunday
the same as other days. He wa
much gratified when informed that
business continued right along every
day in the year.
—Col. A. H. Brooks asserts thai
there is more illicit whiskey mad*
within a radius of twenty miles oi
the City Hall in New York than in
all the much talked of "moonshine"
districts of the Sout h Col. Brooks in
Chief of the Internal Revenue Agents
iu New York.
—When the European powers get
through lying and allying to each
other the people of the United States
would like to at>k them about how
much American breadstuff's they will
probably need to carry them through
their wars.
—An old man was found dead in
Lis cabin in Taylor Co., Qa. The
Coroner summoned a jury, who view
ed thecorpco, built a big Gre of pine
knots, emptied a jug ot whiskey and
then rendered the verdict, "We, the
jury, find the prisoner guilty."
—Mr. and Mrs Jaines O Robins m
are solid citizeus of Cnarlestown.
Ma.-s. They have been married 50
years. Mr. Robinson weighs 27S
pounds, Mrs Robinson weighs 225
pounds, and of their seven children
living none weighs less than 200
—"Clara," said the old man from
the bead of the stairs, "hasn't that
young man gone yet?"
"Your daughter isn't here, sir,"
feebly responded the young man.
"She has just stepped into the kitchen
to fill and trim the lamp."
—"John," said a frightened wife in
the middle of the night, "there'ssome
thing moving ic tho cellar, I'm sure,"
John listened intently, 'Oh, it's
nothing but the gas-meter pegging
away," he said, with a sigh relief.
—Mr. Courtenay Van 11. Doolyt
tle (whose hupply ot blue blood is ex
tensive, but whose purse is meagre,
to the plebian but wealthy Mrs C,
Van H D): But if you refuse me
money in this way, you know,
von can't expect me to keep the dig
nity of the iamily name.
For Sale.
The undersigned Administrator of Ebenezer
Christy, dee'd. late of Parker twp.. offers at
private sale n farm of lit acres, situate In Wash-
Ington twp., near llliliard's Station. It is all
cleared and In good state of cultivation, well
watered, f.nd has a two-story rrame house, and
log bam. large orchard, and go'»l out buildings
\LSO. a T.-» acre piece in Washington twp.,
near the Allegheny slope coal mine, with rail
road running through it. two-story iranie house,
partly cleared and balance good timber.
\l,'so. a farm of so acres in Parker two.. lie
tween AnnlsvUle and Eldorado, one-half cleared
and other half well timbered with chestnut
timber, good land, bill no buildings.
All file above pieces are underlaid with oal,
and will be sold either for cash <ir on time.
For further particulars enquire of
l). W. t'URISTT,
32-3 in North Hope P. 0., Butler Co.. Pa
To fell Nnrsery Stock. Permanent em
ployment ami good salary to honr»t, energetic
men. The bu«iue>.s is easily learned. We
grow all the reliable new varieties of Fruit
and Ornamental Trees. Write for terms.
Established lf«3. WEST CHESTER, PA
21# In PITTSBt'B il ut the A'trmtinlui.'- ll»jreuu of
wlu wul auuw Ivr adTvUsUiy h( luw«at rat**.
B. & B.
Is now offered buv.'rs of l:iri»e lines of
choicest and most rem i.'k tfoie BARGAINS ;uid
V.V1.1 KS we have yetotfeiwl. We have Just
finished our annual invenorv. and all odd lots
and broken Lines of Goods have been set aside
HIW closing out prices put on them without re-
K*rd to real cost or value.
All Winter ll res? Hood*. Wraps. Skirts, GIOTfR,
Hoods. Toborcan Caps, &r..
Reduced to Trices which wll surely move
them. We must have ihe room for Karfy Arriv
al- ol SPRING UOODS now beginning to come
Greatly Reduced Prices
I.arze Assortment of B>t Inrh PI,All) DBKSS
Wool fining: at 25 cent*.
:t6 inch All Wool Colored Serges at .TT' j cents.
Very special value.
Very large assortment of all Wool Suitings iu
Plaids and Mixtures, so inches wide, at Mic. 60c;.
tsS. 75c. All reduced to closing prices and much
below their cost or value.
40 inch All Wool Sebastapols, in tull line of
colors . at 05, and 75c.
52 inch Broad Cloths. SI in Spring Line of
Shades, also all the I>ark Colorings.
Closing Pieces on Tycoon Repps at 7c, 10c,
12V4C a yard.
This closing Sale of Winter Stock is made
early iu the Season—and the goods will be sea
sonable now to tne purchaser. It means busi
ness without prollt to us, and is your opportu
Among new SPRING GOODS NOW arriving
NeW Shades of Plain All-Wool
50 inches wide. Spring Coloring*. at 50c 60c.65c.
LINK of 52 Inch A. W. Check Suitings, spring
Stvles, and Shades at 66c. This is equal to best
value ever offered in Dry Goods Line.
Anderson's Genuine Persian Crepes, Titania
Cloths and Ginghams at 15c. and 2uc. Regular
40c, goods, but lasteason styles.
Also the Remnant of Last Season's French
Satlnes. :ioc and 35c goods are o .ered at 15c.
New lines of Domestic Satlnes. 1214 c. French
Satines. £>c. 30c. 3Ho— the latest designs—Our
own importation and goods just opened.
Anderson's Scotch OiafkW. 40c.
Largest Assortment of Imported Ginghams at
Hamburg Embroideries. I.aros, White Goodn.
Ac. N**w Stock just on sale.
In cloak room—All Winter Garments at re
duced prices.
Write our Mall Order D?partment for Sam
ples, or information in regtrd to these Special
and Rare Bargains. They will Interest vou.
115,117,119,121 Federal St,
Allegheny* Fa.
I have enlarged my store-room, in but. made
It almost twice as large as It was before, and
liave also Increased my stock. I liavit, by far,
the largest and beat selected stock of
Fine Drugs and Chemicals
In Butler county, and am now In position tc
supplv tlie wants of ihe people of this county—
even better than In the pu^t.
You will do well to call on me when in the
neeu of anything in the line of
Fine Drugs and Medicines,
Mv stock is very complete and PRICES VERY
LOW In medicine quallry is of the rlrst impor
tance. so we give particular attention to tilling
Our Dispensing Department is complete. \\ e
dispense only Pure Drugs of the
Finest Quality,
and our patrons may bring us their prescrip
tions. feeling certain that they Will be carefully
and accurately /tiled.
Thanking the public for the very generous
Satronage tliev Lave accorded me in tli • i.ast. I
ope to be aide to serve them more acceptably
in the future, at the old stand.
No. 5, North Main St,
OFFfcfe, 90C I'ENN A V K.,
All forms of Delirat* and Cota
plicated Diseases requiring CONFI-
BmUl and bciWiTiFic Medica
tion are treated ut this Dispensary with a BUMOM
rarely attained. l>r.B. K. Lake la a member of the
Royal College of Physician* and Surgeons, and Is
the oldest and most experienced Specialist in the
city. B[>eclal attention given to Nervous Debility
from excetwive mental exertion, liidim-retiona of
ynuth A ~ enufinn physYnl and mental dtcay, lack
of energy, denpoudeney.etc.; »l»o Caart rs. Old Sorea,
Fits, Piles, ltheumutlsni ana nil d muses of the Skin,
llloud, l.tingH, Urinary Oigaßn. Ac. Conaultatioo
free and stru tly confidential. dtEe-i hours Dto 4 and
7toß p. m.; Sundays 2to4p. m. only. Call at office
or address
a. K. LAKU, M. D , M. It. C. P. S. or E. J. LAIC*. M. D.
Wm. F. Miller.
Manufacturer of
Stair Bails,
and Nswel-posts.
All kinds of wood-turning done to order, also
Decorated and carved wood-work, such as
Casing. Corner blocks. Panels and all kinds of
fancy wood-work for Inside decoration of
Something new and attractive. Also
at iowest c.isli prices.
Store at No. 40, N. Main street.
Factory at No. ."■!), N. Washington street.
Paul Cronenwett & Co,
Breeders and Dealers In High-class Poultry:
Langshans. Iloudatis. l.lght Itrahmas, S. c.
lit own Leghurns, It. X S. C. White Leghorns.
Plymouth Rocks, Toulouse (.eese, Pekln and
Musoevy Ducks.
(.'rushed oyster shells for poultry lor hale at
all times.
W. H. & F. MORRIS,
Eggß $2 per 13; 83 for 26.
M.F.&M, Marks
Invite your inspection ot their
stock of FALL and WINTER
Millinery Goods.
Receiving goods every week
their stock is always
BaNlN* VIINCIi DHiiPWi w# i
JUuslraMtCMkMftt*** I
! twu - -mini - 1.1 ■I. ■ ■ .1. imiii' Mil .1.1 nil I • — —^
1850 »» —• ESTABLISHED IwSO 1850 IKSO "isSO 1850
E. CRIES, J E w t K e L, kR.
Diamouds, L .dies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches
RilfTOVTira "PD Q r>on't fuil to see this line of Goods. a- it is the largest
UliV vX W M>A VMI Ujll VvldlUjf * and most complete stock ever shout) iu Butler.
184-7. Rodger Brcs. Knives and Forks, Warranted Triple Plate. Thg
Best Qoods in the Market.
I T3 T\ r /" a SPECTACLES and L\E GLASSES, is Gold. Silver and Steel framed
L/JLV XvXll VJT k7 scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System.
Agent for tlie Celebrated Rockford Quick Train Railroad Watches
fQgfEngravim; tree of charge. Place of busiuess opposite Troutmau'a Dry Goods Store.
IS"o- 19. North Main street* - - - BUTLEEs PA,
a Is Called to my Fine Stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelery,
All of which have been selected with great care for
A complete line of ROGER BROS' Celebrated
tSiT'AII poods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish tt buy from a well
selected stock, call at
Organs! Organs! Organs!
The Dyer & Hugh's lends,
tbem all, 35,000 in actual use.
The following are a few of
the many using tlii* organ in
Butler county: Wm. Sarver,
Sarversville; Jas. Dougherty,
Donegal; D Lardin. Baldriiige;
I. Thorn. Thorn Creek; Jacob
Shoup, Thorn Creek; Baptist
t'hurch. Butler; Presbyterian
Church, Muddy creek; St. John
Church. Haliston Station.
These all recommend the
Dyer & Hugh's Organ highly.
I have contracted to sell a
hundred of these organs timing
1888, and will ofler them at
greatly reduced prices, organs
Irom $47 to SBOO. Come to
Butler and take one ot them
home on trial.
A full line of violins,guitars,
banjoes, horns and all musical
instruments. Don't forget
the name and place
Next to Berg & Cypher's hard
ware store, Butler, Pa.
Clothing Store
All at most reasonable prices,
t) J S., Main St.. (next door to P. 0./
Why it is Superior to all
let 'T" I being enclosed It retains the high
lot. temperature so necessary In removing
the dirt from the Roods,
Onrl TIIKRE being no Friction on the
£llu. nothing to wear It.
O-H THE peculiar action of the water in the
Oru. Machine (which cannot he understood
unless one sees it) forcing a strong current: of
water through the clothing at every virbratlun
of the Agitator, (which Is caused by the peculiar
construction ol the top of the Machine.
A+h AND best of all is that a child of four years
*•111. can do the work it being so light that
the operator sits down while doing it.
Machines and County and Township Rights
throughout tho Slate of Pennsylvania. Sold by
Butler, Pa
Having taken ?thc agency for the Choice l"ruit
Beautiful Shrubbery,
Ornamental Trees,
Ane everything else in the Nursery line, of the
New England Nurseries. Chase Itros. & Co., N.
Y.. I v/ 111 call upon you In the near future and
solicit your orders for Spring delivery.
A. H, FALLER, Agent,
Butler - - - Pa.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts.
3. C. ROESSING, Puxsidknt.
WM. CAMPBELL. Trkabukkb
U. C. HKINEMAN, Secretary.
.f. L Purvis, Samuel Anderson,
William Campbell J. W. Bnrkhart.
A. Ttoutinau, i Henderson Oliver,
G.C. Hitesslug, lame* Stephenson,
Or. W. Irvln. N. WelUel,
J.E.Taylor. |H. C. Helm-man,
I :p,A-
The t*eor)le 5 s Great
We annouuee to the people far and wide that
we will exhibit our collossul aggregation of
startling wonders, to secure which nil parts 01
the earth—Europe„iAsla, and portions of the U"
5. have been searched, and such an atrgregatlon
as has never been seen since the day Noah enter
ed the Arlc. The mighty Elephant.the great Rhi
noceros, the lllppopotmmas.the t'hlmpanzle.the
Ou-rang-oiitang or run-out-and-stlek -out-your
tongue-out. the greatest living wonders of the
age will excite no wonder wnen compared with
the multitude o: monster attractions oa . xhi bi
llon at our great moral Circus and Menagerie.
The roars and howls of the would-be competi
tor who Apes the methods, but cries down ti:e
attractions otour own and ouly Greatest Slo.v
on earth will he drowned in the Joyful acclam
ations ol a delighted populace. Kemember this
great show possesses no objectionable features
and Is the delight of the cultured and rellned.
We show under one canopy four great shows.
| the Largest Stock—Greatest variety— Best
i Goods and styles—Lowest, Prlee9. We have se
cured a magnificent Brass Band which will l>e
a prominent feature of our great show. 3 rings
with a separate and continuous performance
being enacted In each ring.
, attractions. 3 Jolly Clowns. The greatest llv
: lng, walking, breathing, talking curiosities of
' the age. I'hunuy Phellows—sure to sell you
j and all the people laugh when they see (he bar
! gains the} oiler. Other and greater attractions
greet the delighted eye on every side—the Pro
prietor and Managers swinging 111 the flvlng
trapeze attached to the highest pmacle of suc
cess, give such exhibitions of nerve and daring
In sweeping reductions, gorgeous displays and
. w omit rlul oat gams as to call lorlh the plaudits
' of the most prudeiit anu economical. Tlie man
agement beg leave to announce that in their un
: tiring zeal in the search for the rare and curious,
. astonishing results have always followed and
,we open lor your Inspection a cellos
| sal collection of bright and new Fall
I Styles In Mens' Boys' and Chtldrens' .
| Clothing, llals, Caps Underwear. .Shirts,
1 Collars. Cuffs. Ties, Hosiery, Ilandker
-1 chiefs. Mufflers, la loves. Mittens, I ntbrel-
I las. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Straps,
! Brushes. Combs. Jewelry, Corsets, Jer
seys, Stockings with a full line of Notions, &c.
, Big bargains all through the show,
Soug by the Clown : -
Men and youth aud boys and all,
Short and Solid, lean and tall.
Who need a suit of clothes this fall,
We do invite you now to call
For we are rolling on the ball.
And you are sure to make a haul.
Whatever you purchase,great or small.
Song 2 "What are the wild waves saying."
Ruy vour I'lothlng and Furnishing goods ol
1). A. IIECK.
Song 3:—"Her bright smile haunts me still,"
The smile of satisfaction that beamed from
the luce of the lmly who dressed her little
boy in one ol Heck s irreslsiablo suits.
If you want to save money and Increase your
pile droppiu ami C HECK, and he'll make you
> all smile.
He possesses the power to spread happiness
i And his store Is me place where bargains are
Poors ppen at TA. M. Close at 8 r. M. Ad
mittance. Cents Free, Ladles and Children half
price. Remember the place.
No. 11, Xorth Main SI., llalTj's Rlork,
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard
Bough and Planed Lumber
H eo rUermaD Cm holic illinreii
Particular attention giveu to lb« Reiraclug ol
old Hues. Add revs,
Co. Noneytr
North Hopo P. 0., Butler Co., Pa
Advert UC in tbe CXTUIN.
Your atrmrion lscalle ! to the store of W E.
Ralston. the Jeweler No., south Itftln street,
whore you will tied 11 choice selection of
W itches. ("locks and Jew, ry or every d«-scrii>-
tion. Watch and Clock repairing a specialty,
No. 96, South Mala street.
Butler, Fa;
Km Beat Cough Syrup. Taste* good. Use El
IS In time. Sold by ,ironists. ffl
1 believe Piso's Care B
for Consumption saved ■
my life.— A. 11. DOWELL, ■
Editor Enquirer. Eden- I
ton, N. C., April 23, 1887. ■
I The BEST Cough Medi- I
E cine is Piso's CURB FOB I
gf CONSUMPTION. Children H
J take it without objection. ■
■ By all druggists. 25c. H
El Beet Cough Byrup. Tastes irood. Dee 19
BU in time. Bold hy<lrnndito« cM
A weekly newepaper. published every Fri
day morning at Butler, l'r., by JOHN H. Jk
Subscription itnte.
Per year, in advance 50
Otherwise # 92 00
No snbacripfion will bo discontinued until
&11 arrearages arc paid.
All commnnicatione intended for publication
in tins paper must be accc.npauiod by the real
name of the writer, not for publication but as
a guarantee of good fait h,
i Marriage and dtatli norieeti must be aocom-
I paiiied by a responsible name.
Advertising Hares.
One square, one insert ion, *1: each snbees
*juoiit insertion, 50 cent - Yearly advertise
ment* exceeding one-fourth of a column, f5
per inch, Figure work do.title these rates;
additional charges whore veekly or monthly
changes an made. Locid advertisements 10
cents por lino for first ins' i tion and 5 oenia
pur lino for each addition.-tl insertion. M».r
riaijes and deaths pulhulic! free of charge.
Obituary notices charged :id local advertise
ments and parable when bunded in. Auditoi*'
Notices. .{4; Executors. :;iid Administrators'
Notices, v'J each: Est my. Caution and Dis
solution Notices, not exci.e ling ten Unws. i} 2
Address 'l'bk tit i/KV, butler, l'a.
Wb«n troablfld with thono annoj*in« irrwmlariti*.»so
frequently following n cold or ♦ xpo-mra, or srciv Cop
ititut.oual WOHKIMNIIMXF HO peculiar to their eeuK, shoala
Uso OR. DUOHOINE'S Celebrated
rhey are Kirengthflninc to the entire •yftoa, imjxirt
.ma, visor end u»agHAUo all fnncMooa of i>o*i7
ud mind. Bent by mail,fpcur* ? y 1L Addrtu^,
Jr. Hartor Medrome Co.. ST. Oofe, MO
Life Saved and Health Re
•tfiMil bv using Baker'n rod Llvsr Oil :iad
SUlloU Jtalt. A fertuln remedy for Con
sumption. Bronchitis. Asthma. Scrofula and Ml
throat adn lung diseases. I're pared go as to be
quite palatable.
Ask for Bak*r't M l,lt»r <lll aad Malt. U
not sold by Druggist.v. rite i■ - lie Manufacturers
Mi rilliert Ml., Phlla.
The Ksfnt. snntfand bevtaarv F or Corns,BJJJOM, *O.
Btocs all |Aiu. Ensiivi roinfoi I' n UK tiffi Pevrr CiUli
Coeura. it oeou at PruggkitH. ttiacox A Co., U. T.
■ll lir IITI A llhis revolutionized the
leiVLII ) IIS IK world during the last half
IKIf If i 111 l|feutur>. Not least among
IJ'I Ml I 111 lithe v. .uiders of Inventive
progress Is a method and sv.uein of work that
can oe performed all over tiie country without
separating the workers iron: their homes. Pay
liberal; any one can do <1 work; either mi.
youifg or oid; no special ability require. Capi
ta] not needed; you are skirted free, someihlng
of great value and import no W you, that wtn
start you In business, which v. ill bring you In
more money right away tli:- :i :mything else In
the world (iriui l outfit f:< '• AUdrtwe Tacs ft
(io.. Augusta. Maine.
iiiotlrtrra. "*• l'etjesJest pon'tlMi
MdgMilMlarjr. UAY*UhA^rVlMnlU«l'a,*K.l(.