Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 09, 1888, Image 2

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Or* 81 50
Six month* 75 I
rhw month*
Kat*r*4 at PatloSe* »t Mtlfr uHdw ■*H»r
Republican Primary Election, j
Tbs Republican voters of Butler
County are requested to meet at their
qaoal place* of holding elections oo j
Satorday, April 14 h. 18S3. between
the boors of one and seven o clock, p
m. of said dav to vote by beiiot for
one person for State Senate, two per
sona for Assembly, one person for Ju- j
rr Commissioner; two persons for,
Delegates to the Btate Convention
Mid one person for Return Judge. j
Voters will also by ballot vote i
their choice for one person for Con-
gress and one person for Delegate to
ibe National Convention.
Voters will by ballot, in the differ
ent cob-Districts of the coonty, vote
for one person for Delegate to the
congressional convention and One
person for Delegate to the National
Delegate convention.
The county committee left it to the
option of tbe voters of the sub-districts
whether there shall be one person for
delegate to the Congressional conven
tion and one person to tbe National
delegate convention or whether they
will elect one person to fill both pla
ces. tbe two conventions being held
st different times.
The Sob Districts of tbe county
•TP as follows:
No 1, Allegheny and Parker town
No 2 Mercer, Marion and Venan
go townships
No 3, Slipperyrock and Worth,
twps, and Centreville boro.
No. 4, Cberry and Clay twpa and
Buohory borough. !
No. 5, Washington and Coucord
twps. . j
No. 6. Fairview twps, Fuirview,,
Petrolia and Karns City boroughs.
No 7, Oakland, Donegal, Clear
field twps and Milierstown borough
No. 8. Summit, Jefferson and Clm
ton twps, end Saxonburg boro
Ko. 8. Wibfield and Buffalo twps,
No. JO, Peon and Forward twps,
ad Bald Ridge.
No. 11, Butler twp, and Butler bor
No. 12, Adams and Middlesex tps.
No. 13, Cranberry and Jackson tps
Connoqaeoessiog South, Zelienuple
sad Evans City boroughs,
No 14, Connoqnenessing North,
Lancaster and Muadycreek tps
No 15, Centre, Franklin und Bra
dy twps. aod Prospect boro.
Tbe Return Judges are to meet in
convention at Butler on Monday
April 16, at 1 o'clock. P M to count
the votes and declare tbe result, and
to attend to sll otber business that
shall come before them. Said Return
Judges shall constitute the County
Committee for the eusuing year.
The election will be held under the
rales governing primary elections
Republicans only are to participate
in said election.
By order of the County Commit
Ja«. B. Match, Chairman.
W. O. Thompson » K ,
A. M. Cukistllv )
—The oil market opened vesterdav
at - Thursd i J, at 95 J
•od at ODOa stood at 9C£
J CiT now tbe Presidential be*
that does the most bu*zitig will prob
ably gather the least honey.
Rev E. G. Lund has declined to
accept the Presidency of Thiel C >l
-to which be had recently been
The Mill's tariff bill will not bring
grist to tbe political mills of tbe Dem
atrats It grinds slowly, aud en
Barer pass Congress.
The death wmteuce of Kin*. the
Clsrim county convict for m irder.
baa beeo commuted by Gov. Beaver
to imprisonment for life.
JCDOE Henderson of Crawford
eoaoty has refused to grant less than
balf of tbe licenses applied for in
Maadrille. ID other towns of tbe
county aooe were granted.
TUT Democratic members of Con
gra«i are divided about tinkering tbe
tariff. Exactly adapted to their pres
ent position is the old precept. "When
la doubt, don't "
Cleveland's message was intend
ed to disintegrate the ranks of K-pub
licana bat instead of that, the disinte
gration is in the Democratic ranks.
For evidence, cast your eye over th><
Sout'i and West.
Senator Edmunds, in tbe Febru
ary "Harper," replies to Mr. Watter
aon's free trad* argument, printed in
tbe January number. Mr. Eimunds
ak ins Mr. Wattcrson kindly, but be
doe« it effectually.— 'Atlanta (J<>n*ti
tution (Dem )
With thewiol growers of the Uai
ted States solidly united in one asso
ciation, aad tbn wool manufacturer*
and dealers in another, aud both these
working harmoniously t'#iC*itfj«T to
lave the tariff on wjol, tbe Free Tra
der* will have some difficulty iu car
rying through their program.
SL'OAJt, alt. wool, wood, roa!. ores,
v» ;;»*tiibies, mi'k, p "iltry, ond sundry
other farm products of this country,
are put upon the free li*t by the Mills'
tariff bill iotr.duee'l i 1 or
tbe tariff upon them reduced For
who-<> benefi.? That of the
traders only. The poor man of But
ler nnnty would be less able to buv
tbem uuder low wages aud no work
tban at present under good wugt suud
plenty of work.
Democrat, on tariff mvn, "Take
off tbe outy on foreign goods, and
the laboring luan can then buy lis
goods, clothing, snd so forth, cheap
er" '
A«ie*cr of laboring roan, "That
would be u «lirect damage to me, for
if I do not utn home made rondo I
destroy loir"" makers of them, and
that either (brows me and otb;rs out
Of rmpfov roent or lowers onr wages
a level with that of foreigners.
Am-rl-nc goods are good
»nowfh for uie. I don't vnot to
Wrar clothes'and thou pull
tiown w»grn bera at bome. What
benefit would free trade be to me If I
Jh4 no workf"
Four More States.
WASHINGTON, P. C., Merch 4,
Representrtive Springer, in behalf of
the majority of the Committee oa
Territories," has prepared a report
which he will present to the House,
recommendiog the passage ot what i*
known as the "Omnibus" bill to ena
ble the people of Dakota, Montana,
Washington and Xew Mexico to form
State govrrments and to be admitted
into tLe Union on an equality with
the other Slates The report gives a
! statement of the population and re
; sources of each of the proposed States
Dakota, it says, has an area of 9G,-
590,480 acres, an estimated popula
tion iu 1887 of 563 477, and a taxable
property valuation of $158,084 355
Attention is called to the fact that
26 847,115 seres, comprising more
thsn cne fonrth of the entire area of
; the Territory, is Indian reservation
land and excluded from the jnrifcdif
tion of the propo.-ed State. The cli
mate in the northern portion of the
Territory aad the character of the
lauds west of the Missouri river are
also stated to be such as to preclude
the possibility of a dense population
In those regions. If, however, the
Indian titles should be extinguished,
ar.d the population become so great
as to make a single State government
unwieldly, Congress, the report tavs,
mav provide for its division into two
States. No imperative reason is seen
whv the Territory should be divided
at the present time.
Montana, the report says, has an
area of 9 016 648 acres, a population
estimated to amount to 175,000 in
November next, and a thx»ble prop
erty valuation in 1866 of $55,076 871
The Indian reservations in the Terri
tory comprise 20 574 acres.
The area of Washington Territory
is plßeed at 44 795 160 acres,of wbich
4 107 558 are Indian reservation
Ibtdr: its population in November
next, is estimated at 160 000, and its
taxable property in 1887 is given as
about $56,000,000, not including rail
road property. Reference is also
made to its great mineral and timber
The area of New Mexico is placd
at 77 568.640 acres, of which 9 587,-
226 is comprised withio Indian re*er
vati<>ns An official census in 1885
showed its population to be 135.141
and its taxable property in 1886
amounted to $56,000,000.
Salt and The Tariff.
A salt manufacturer writes to the
Wfcllhbnrg, W - Va , Herald, and ilius
trates the effect of placing salt on
the free list, as proposed by the Dem
ocrats. Here is what tho coirespon
dent of the Herald BIVS:
tditor Herald: —You can buy Bait
at tbe works in the Pomerov bend as
low as 63 cents a barrel. The weight
of a barrel of salt, gross, is 300
pounds; 280 pounds, net The tariff
on suit in barrels is 12 cents a hund
red pounds cr 30 cents a barrel by
gross weight. So you see the salt
manufacturer 36 cents worth of
protection, and sccordiug to Grower
Cleveland thio is just this much rob
Therefore the salt manufacturer
ought to sell a b''-l of saltand furoi«h
tbe barrel for63cents less 36cents 0»27
cents. If the barrel is worth 20 cent*
th« manufacturer should only charire
7 cents then for the salt! This proves
that Cleveland is a statesman and »
My folks lost several thousands of
dollars trviug to manufacture salt at,
Pomeroy at 90 funis to sl.lO a barrel
:»od how the G3 cent manufactu-er
prospers puzzles me
To put salt on the free list is to hit
Wet-t Virginia another blow below
the belt. Yours Truly, A B.
Eaten By Wolves.
Minnewa, Kan , March 6 A
bo rible siory comes from Poplar
Grove, a small town 30 miles south
east of Fort Totten. A farmer sent
bis son out ou Saturday morning to
clear a path to a hay stack several
rods away. He bad been hboveiing
•mow for half au hour when his crie*
were heard iu tbe bouse. The old
mau seiz-d his sbo'gun and rushed
out io time to s<'<* b<* boy i*urroundt:J
by a pick of wolven, which were kill
mg biui. After fi'injf both barrel
without efffet, he clubbed bis >run
and made a most de-perate eflort to
defend bin*»'!f, but be w»is powerless
against the wolves From the win
down of the house his agorized wife
and children witnessed the ooc-Hid<-d
fi/ht. The resistance did nut last
long,aud then for an hour ihe wolves
feasted upon their victims.
The woman dare not leave the
house,and remained thereuntil neigh
b >rs came CrunKed,- ll' sbless bori'-n
and cloibing torn to shreds, alone
nbowed where the battle had taken
place. That pare of the Territory is
sparsely settled, and the people, thor
oughly terrorized by the occurrence,
have armed themselves.
Something About Easter.
This year Paster will fall on the
Ist of April—nine days earlier than
last year. The eariiewt possible (lay
for Kaster is the 22d of March, and it
fell on that day in 1818 —for the last
time in ahont 200 years. (Joe object,
in arranging tti's caiundar moon was ,
that Easter might never full on the
same day as the Jewish I'assover
Thev did occur, however, in 1805 on
the 14th day of April, in 1825 on the
31 day of April and will do so apaii:
in 1923 on th<* Ist day ot April, in
10 JT on the 17'h of April, and in
PHI on the Igthof April, Last yetir
E i-t.er and the Passover were scp.u a
ted bv hut a eingle night The J -w
--ish festival u-iual'v occurs in I'ua, n
week, in Lent, and never before the
L'.i hof April. On the other hand,
the Christian feni.ival is u ver before
the 221 of March, or after the 2.Sth of
Apnl In 1013 Ei.nter will fall on
tne 22 of March us it did iu 184') and
1856 The last Easter occurred in
1 887. on the 2f»t.h of April, and will
riot, full on that dale again until 1013
A Democratic Novelty.
fort* tire tM'ing made bv tho youtiir
P niocratic ludies of this place for
the organs ttion of a Frances Cleve
land marching club for the purpose of
taking an active part in tho coming
Presidential election.
The club will he composed of the
lcHding young ladies of this place and
will bo uniformed tastefully, each
wearing a white oilk badge wiib pic
ture of Mrs Cleveland engraved on
it. They will be furnished with tor
ches made especially for the occasion
aud will turn out at every political
procession and will be drilled in the
! rnanufl of arms nod iparcb uiaueijy
: ere by tkHled drill-masters. Sltnil'u <r.
' janizatioDu are to he nlnrled through
out tbo rt unty und may spread over
j the the Stuus.
Election of District Delegated.
From Pittsburgh Com-Gaxette, March 3 ]
i There is considerable doubt in some
j parts of the State as to the methot!
I which is to be pursued in elect
i ing district delegates to the National
j Convention. There ought not to be
any misunderstanding or confusion
iin the matter Tbe delegatesat-large
I and their alternates from any
[ given State are chosea at
; a State convention called for that pur-
I pose, while the district delegates and
i their alternates are chosen ia the
I same way in whicb nominations for
; Congress are made. As tbe cail of
i tbe National Committee expresses it:
! - Each Congressional district in tbe
; Uuited States shall elect its delegatus
jto the National Convention in the
i same way as a nomination for a mein
! ber of Congress is made in said dis
trict "
There is only one way, then, in
which district delegates to Chicago
can be regularly chosen, and that is
in the manner just stated State con
ventions have nothing whatever to
do with tbe selection of district dele
gates, lu tbe National Convention
of 1884 the Committee on Rules
sought to authorize the National
Committee to prescribe a method tor
tbe election of delegates, provided
each Congressional district should
have the right to name its own dele
gate. Tbis proposition was amended
so as to make specific the mode of el
ecting delegatts and their alternates,
and tbe mode is that expressed iu tbe
words used by tbe National Conven
tion above qu /ted.
There oujfbt to be no uncertainty
UK to the method of proceeding, lu
whatever way candidates tor Con
gress are nominated iu a given dis
trict, that is the proper method for
for choosing a district delegate aud
alternate to Chicago, There is no re
striction as to time, each district be
ing left to decide that mailer for it
self. It follows, ot course, that such
a thiug as a State delegation carrying
solid instructions for any candidate
will bd rare, if not impossible. Each
district can instruct or not as it sees
ti*, and the great majority of tbe del
egates wiil probably go uninstructed
The Elair Bill —How It Passed
The Senate.
In the Ui ited States Senate the j
Bl.iir educational bill was passed—
yeas, 39; nays, 29. Of the 39 affirm
ative votes, 23 were Republicans, in- (
cludinc? Messr* Cameron aud
aud 16 Democrats Or the negative
votes, 12 were Republicans and 17
Democrats. The measure now goes
to the House.
The bill appropriates annually for
eij<ht yours the following sums to
be "expended to secure thebonefi',B of
common school education to all the
children of the school age living in ,
the United States:" First vear, $7 -
000.000; second year, $10,000,000;
third year, $15,000 000; fourth year,
$13.000,000; tiliti year, sll OOq.OOO;
bixth year, 89,000 000; Seventh year.
$7 000.000; eighth year, $5,000,000
Toe money is to be divided among
the sereral States and territories and
the District ol Columbia, aud iu pro
portion to illiteracy—the coinput.t
lion to be made-according to thu ceu
sua of 1880 and (afterwards) 1890.
There are to be separate schools for
white and colored children.
No State or Territory is to receive
money under the act until its govern
ment, shall have filed with the Seere
tary of the Interior a statement show
ing tho com .no n school system iu
force in the State, tho urnonnt of
money expended during the precediug
nebool year for the support of com
mon schools,the number of white and
colored children between th » ages of
ten and twenty-two, the uumber of
schools iu operation, the average at
tendance of scbolirs.&c. No amount
is to be paid to any State or Terri
tory in any year greater than the
amount expended out of its own rev
enues iu the preceding year for the
maintenance i.f common schools No
part of the fund is to be used for trie
erection or rent of school buildings,
but an additional fund of $2,000,000
is to be allotted iu the first year for
school houses (either for construction
or renting) in sparsely populated dis
tricts—uot more thau $15,000 for"
eacU building.
When th« vot« wn finally aitioan
ced tbe galleries shook with ap
plause, while tho tears started to Sen
ator Blair's eyes and slowly trickled
dowu his cheeks, lie had been com
pletely wrapped up in this project
and the relief of securing its passage
oy th<f Senate after a ihrnt months'
light was very great. From such
sentiment a-t can l>e gathered itswtns
doubtful whether the hill can get
through the 11 >use (luring the present
The Glass Schedule.
Among tho Pennsylvania members,
says an exchange, tho sentiment
ngainst the Mill's Tariff hill exteuds
from the Republicans pretty thor
oughly among the Democrats. Mr
Scott is for it, of course, for the pulic
ical strategy in it is largely of his rec
ommending Norman Hall, howev
er, from the district adjoining, is very
doubtful about his ability to stand by
it, and, though objecting to taking
ground directly against his party, he
Bays this evening that he cannot vote
for the bill. Mr. Dalzull, of course, is
opposed to it, not only on account of
its iron and uUss schedules, but in
general on account of its undoubted
bud on every industry it touch
es. He Mid this evening that ho had
not studied it enough to giyo any iu
telligent criticism of i's provisions,
but ; hat it seemed to him to l»o illog
ical, badly arranged <tud scaled, and
without any redeeming features wlml
ever iu the way of equalizing dutie*
und removing allege 1 ineqti ilities
Col. Bayrio had only s. the
glu j M ftchedule, hut h • thought it wis
sufficient to c tndemn the bill. Tic-v
I injured the trade so badly that it
c»u! 1 not recover if the bill were pass
ed, but he tbouijbt tti it thcr-j n 'ed be
no apprehension* on that account.
Land For Americans.
Col- fack«oii. member of Congress
for this district, introduced a hill in
Congress recently to reduce the a
inouut <>f public land that may be »*u
ter<'d for a homestead to Ho acres and
to allow none but citizens ol the U ii
ted States to acquire title to public
laud uuder the homestead law or oth
erwise. Mr. Jacksou holds that tho
quantity of good Agricultural laud
now own»-d by the United States is
so tmall and that th« number of citi
zens who do not own auy laud are
1 great that 80 acres is us much as
| should be given one persou Mr
| Jscksou thinks also that denying the
I aliens the beuetjt of the public land
' law will tak'i awav one of the strong
arguments which contractors have to
induce pauper laborers to come here
from forcigu countries under contract.
— lux.
of Butler, P».
Of Millerstown.
Of Butler.
Of Evans City.
Of (Nixon's Home) Butler, Pa.
Of Harrisville.
Of Karns City,
of Zelienople.
• Of Brady twp.
of Batler twp
Of Butler township,
Washington twp.
Of Franklin twp
Of Clinton twp.
Of Evaas City.
Of Fairview twp.
Of Butler.
Of Butler.
Of Batler.
of Butler, P«.
Of Prospect.
Clinton Township Items.
Mr. Stephen Hemphill is seriously
ill with congestion of the brain and
pleuro pneumonia.
Mrs. Maria Love, wife of Obodiah
Love wan buried last Monday.
Mr Samuel Sayder, the Lardin
town merchant, disposed of his goods
tit public salt! oa March first. Ho and
bid sou Al'red intend moving to
(Jlade Mills in the spring, where tbey
will be engaged in the wagon making
business. His melodious vuica will
uu longer be beard in the hollow.
Our schools are in a very prosperous
condition Profs. Corliss and Bricker
of Leasureville have been taking some
very fine photos of our schools, espec
ially of No. 2 where our honorable
board of directors was included in the
proup. Any one wishing a pho:o of
our honorable board will address M.
y Ureor, Kiddle's X Uuuds.
At the late election Mr. S. M.
Love and Mr E Westerman were
ties fo? school director* Being mor
ally opposed to lotteries and refusing
to decide the tie, they both withdrew,
.vkicu will leave the vacancy to be
filled ia the spring,
Prof. Nat. Sefton hasjbeen giving
a aeries ot very instructive and enter
taiuiug exhibitions in the western part
of the county. The Professor is very
popular among the lady teachers.
Mr. A. T. Peters. having been el
ected constable of the the township
has quit the fur business on account
of the pressing letral duties of his po
sition. TOPSV and Tuavr.
In Memorlam.
We the members of the lio.no Mis
sionary Society of the Presbvterian
Church of Butler, Pa , desire to place
(in record this tribute to the memory
of Mrs Julia Lyon.
Remolved. That while we bow in
hutnhle etiotnissiun to Uod's will
we as a Society feel that iu her death
wo have lieeti deprived of a helper ia
the cau-te of Missions.
Resolved. TSat we as Christian
workers learn from her suddeu death
the great importance of immediate
and constant and most earnest work
in our Master's service, "For in such
uu hour as yu think uot the Son of
Maw comoth."
Ueitalutd. That we tender our
h»*arif«H sympathy to th«* bereaved
hu-ibiud and dear children and com
mend thoin to the grace and care of
our Ood, pruying that his promises
may suataiu aud comfort them and
1 hut this bereavement may be sancti
fied to their good. *
A Card.
Wo the undereigned board of
school directors of Butler township
did not discharge K. J. Marshall,
teacher of Sandy Hollow school, as
was stated Feb 17 He resigned on
account of being sick for some time,
aud uot knowing how soon he would
be able to tcuch, aud we recommend
him to any .board of directors to bo a
competent teacher. Signed by the
b'>urd of directors,
Remonstrate! Remonstrate!!
He An St ST Bus:—Asa county Un
ii>i» WII are now tare to face with an
other License Court. The Petitions
are in; and the Remonstrances are
Not one of us can say "It does not
concern me" and each is responsible
for her own signature and as many
others as ehe can secure. I wish
foti could ail read the last year's an
nual Report of Mrs. H. W. Palmer,
rftute Supt. of Lesrul Work, a part of
which waa qu itrfd in the late number
of the Union Signal
Speakiug of remonstrating Mrs.
Palmer suvs. "We *0 ou record that
we will uot live in a community
such things aro tolerated and
bo sileut, aud we uot only put our
aclves ou record but we make others
put themselves also on record—we
nuke Judge*, standing in high places,
standing in bold relief against a back
gronud of law, that can be construed
to serve the Lord or the devil. We
force tbem to put themselves on rec
ord for foture generations to read.
I>o not tell mo it is timo wasted, even
| if.every remonstrance, iu your county
fails. I have no patience with that
weak spirit that cannot ris.i ti<b
ecoagh to com puss the length aud
broftdth of this and who is
exalted or depressed by the success
or failure of her immediate point of
The fact that our rcmoo6traDcea
did not prevail last year does not
now relieve any one from the respon
sibility of entering an individual pro
test against the granting of licenses.
Those who do not sijrn the remon
strance throw their iuflueuce on the
other aide, and to the extent of that
influence, incur the responsibility of
of the result Every name counts
one. See that yours is counted.
General Sheridan Will Not Ac
The following interview with Gen
eral Sheridan sets at rest all connect
ion of the General's name with the
Presidential nominntiou. The repor
ter of the associated press ou Sunday
evening, said to the General: "Of
course. General, you heve noticed
that there has been considerable men
tion of you durint? the past few weeks
as a possible or probable candidate for
the Presidency next autumn.
General Sheridan—Yes, 1 have
noticed it, but have never looked up
on those newspaper articles as any
thing more than the Qt<ual shooting
around in the woods, which has once
or twice before, in Prenidential year 9.
brought my name up in that connect
ion •
But. General, the talk is more seri
ous this time, and there appears to be
something like a concerted movement
to bring about your nomination.
General S Well, I know nothing
more about this alleged "boom" thau
wi at I have read in the papers, ex
cept that now and then some friend
has twitted me about becoming a can
didate But, if the matter is really
now discussed seriously, it i» time
that all parties concerned should be
informed that tLey are wasting their
I have never had the Presidential
bee in my bonnet, I dout intend
to have it, for there is nothing ihat
would induce me to leave the profes
sion in which nearly forty years of
my life have been spent to enter upon
a civil career. So all talk about my
being a candidate uiav as well end
"But suppose the Republican Con
vention should "
General Sheridan—"Nominate me?
I would not accept But there is not
the slightest probability of my boinir
nominated; and, in any evont, I
would not accept N>>! under no cir
cumstances! Ido not want that or
any other civil office.
Pardon Board.
HARKI?BUBG, PA., Murch 4
Among the decisions at yesterday's
meeting of the Board of Pardons was
the granting of a rehearing in the
case of Milton Westou, of Chicago,
now serving a sentence in the West
ern Penitentiary for manslaughter,
for which crime he was convicted ia
Allegheny county. The case will
likely before the Board at its
next meeting on the 3l)th inst It is
the belief of many than Weston will
be pardoned. In the case of David
L King, the Clarion county mur
derer, sentence will be commuted to
imprisonment for life. The board re
fused to interfere with the sentence
of Samuel Johnson, the murderer of
Farmer Sharpless, in Delaware coun
ty, and he will be executed on 15th
Mr. R. J. Turk, of Buttercup
this county, is the agent for and is
securing mauy subscribers for a very
fiu«*ly illustrated work, entitled, "The
Beautiful Story, a Companion Book
to the Holy Bible." It is an interest
ing book, designed to increase an in
terest in the saidy of the Bible, and
was partly edited by the Rev. T De
Witt Talmage. It is worth having
by ail.
—Hon Jonathan E Meredith,died
at his residence in Kittanning, Pa,
ou the 7th inst iu the 77th year of
his age He was the father of the
present State Senator from this Sen
ate district, William B Meredith.
Marriage Noticri Publithed tree.
BARNHART—KNAUSE-Feb 28. 1888, by
Rev. Jiihii H. MeKee, Mr Wm. H. Barn
hart and Mi«H Annie B. Kuause, both ot'
•Summit tp thi* county.
LIJTZ -BAI'DER—By Rev. C. Schfcl, F»b.
22, 1888, Mr. John O. Lutz, of Laucaater
tp, aud MINI Lizzie A. Builder of Muddy
ereek tp thi* connly,
Announce mm t x of dm lit .1 published free, but
all communicated obituariei will he charged
J'nr at the rate of one-half cent fur e och
word, money to accompany the order.
ORNSFlEW—Tuettday, March 8, 188H,at. her
home m Butler, Mr*. llemhew, wife ol
David Hen*hew, ag>-d about 80 year*.
CRAWFORD—At Crawford's Corner*, Feb.
24. 18S8, Mr*. Barbara Kllen, wife of John
I*. Crawford, aged C li yearn.
LOVE—On Saturday, Feb. 188H, Maria
Harvey Love, wife of Obediah Love, ot
Clintou tj>, aged about 40 yearn.
GEARING —ln Cranberry tp. thi* county,
Feb. 12, 1888. Ijouika Gearing, daughter of
Mr. George Clearing, in the 34th year of
ber age.
MURRAY—In Cranberry tp. thi* county,
Feb. 21. IHKB. Mm. Agnes Murray, iu the
22d ye«r of her age. |
CRO<>KSI!A NK —At bin home in Winfield
tp, thin county, SHiurduy evening, Muruh
3, 188 K. Mr. William Crook*hank, ugrd
about 7f> yearn.
Mr. Crookahauk waa one ot the old re*i
dfntx of our county, wa* a food citizen and
ti tiinn much re»|iecttd by IIIH neighbor* and
all who knew bun.
KOBU On Sunday, March 4, IXBB, Sarah
Chrioty Itobb, wile of Robb. Efct|. ol
Oakland tp thiH county, aged 7'.* year*, 3
month* and 20 day*.
Mrx. Robb WHH a daughter of John Chri»ty
E«ti, dee'd, and wa» a woman re«pecie<l by
all woo knew her. tier surviving hunband
and children have the sympathy of all their
and acijuaintancea.
(<>reei/*burg ('a. paper* pliaie copy.)
DI'FFY —Tueaday evening, March 0, 1888,
at her home in i'itUburg, Mr*.Sarah Dully,
in her 87th year.
forbid «frfe
oust (A auurw v*
P»«turn.d. Emil* U.od.
n . n „ I itlUnardml ate those who read ihlH
II I f ill Wand I lien act; ttiey will tlo't lion
till II I I "ruble employment l!i*l will rot.
II I If II I. I take tUem from tlielr liotnoa and
tamllleti. Tbo profits aro large and Mire for
every Induatrloua petaon. ui.uiy have made auii
are *no>v makiuc ueveral hundr«>d ilollare a
uiont'.i. It la eaay tor any one to tiuike and
upwards per day, wiio In willing to work. Lltber
*ex. young or old; capital not needwl; we ntart
you. Kverythlng oew, No Hpeeial ability rtv
diilmd; yod. reader. <-«n do it aaweli uu aiiy one.
Write to u>t at onee lor ftll partltstlani.wbfeh eo
mall Irvt:. Addreaa Mtinuou 4 Co.. I'ort.latHl, Me.
Tli'lh A/lvcn 101 l IK baa alwaja pravou
einxjceeful. li"f«T0 plaotnir any
If wK N'owapapor Advortlalug oooault
Ainr«n»iso IOTTW,
i» U »» »M4v>|>k CKIQACO.
Absolutely Pure.
Tbis Powder hever varies. A marvel ol
purity, strength and wboiesomenesa. Wore
jcouomical that the ordinary kinds. and cm
not be »old In cotnj*tition with the multitue
ot low tests, short weight.alumu or phosphate
powders. Sold only in cans.
106 Wall Street N. Y.
Estate of Robert Patton, Dec'd.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Robert Pattou, dec'd, latt of the borough of
Fairvtew, Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indtbted to said estate
are requested lo make immediate payment
and any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for
R. I'. SCOTT, Att'y. M. S. RAY, Adm'r.
Baldwin P. O , Butler Co., Pa.
Estate of Valentine Stock, dec'd
Letters testamentary on the estate of Valen
tiue Stoek, dec'd. late of Butler, Butler Co.,
Pa., hsxiug been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immtdiate pay
ment and any haviug claims against said es
tate will present them duly authenticated for
settlement. C. STOCK, Kx'r,
Butler, Pa.
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing he
tween lieorgt! McJunkinsnd Edward Wie
gand. ol Butler, contractors and builders, was
dissolved by mutual coaseut oil February 13,
All accounts and books are in the hands of
George McJunkiu lor settlement aud collec
Butler, Feb. 13, 18S8.
Estate or E, G. McCurd y.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Mr. F.. C. Mct'urdy, late of Buffalo tp, But
ler. county, Pa., haviug been granted to the
undersigned, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to the above estwte are requested to
make immediate payment and auy having
claims against said estate will pie->eul them
duly authenticated for settlement.
S. W. McCPItDY, Adm'r.
Crafton, P. 0., Allegheny Co., Pa.
Estate of William Hetselgesser,
Letter.-, testlmenlary navm,' been duly issued
to'lne on the estate ot William Hetselgesser.
dec'd. Inte of Wlufleld tp„ Bu ler county. Pa..
;.ll persons knowing themselves indebted to
said e tate are requested t > make iia.nedi.un
pitviuent. and utiy having claims ag oust said
estate will present th.ni duly authenticated lor
Kaki. lIETSK.I.CKSS at. K\'r.
Leasurevitle, l\ 0., Butler county, Pa.
S. F. Bowser. Att'y.
Estate of Isaac P. Ash,
t.ATK OF FOMWAKD 1 WP. l)K« 't>.
Letters testamentary on the estate of Isaac P.
Ash, dec'd, late of Porwurl tivi.. But ler county,
I'a., hating been granted to us,all persons
knowing themselves Indebted to said estate
will please 'rt.ike liii.n "dlate |> iym 'ut. and any
having claims ag mist said estate will present
them duly autUeiitleated for s"ttlem nit.
K/.K.V LtKKX .1
M.VItV A. «.iKAII\M i
Evans toy. I'a.
Estate of Robert Riddle,
Letters teiMinenturwon the estate of Ilolxrt
Hldtile. dec'd. late of cilntun twp., IPtllerCo..
I'a.. Having tiecn granted lo tne undersigned.all
persons knowing themselves indebted to the
above estate are reque ted to hla'; • Inline llate
payment, and any hiring claims against said
< state v. ill present them duly authenticated for
JOHN 11. I'r.rnus. T
Uiddle X ltoads. I', <>.. Bull r<'o.. Pa
Estate of Samuel Boyd, Dec'd,
I.ATF or f.l TI.KIt fOttXTV.
Letters of iiilililulstration having been ;;raul
ed to Hit undersigned on the estate of Samuel
Boyd, dec'd. late nf Butler county. I'a.. :U1 per
sons knowing themselves Indebted to vlt'l es
tale an' requested to make bnmedlato payiiieul,
auil silly b.ivlug claims against said edit" wl I
prest-nl them Only autheliltented for settlement.
I'IKKI.ITV Tl i t.F. AN|» TItUKT Co.. Adfnr.
lun Diamond St.. Pittsburg. I'a.
MePhcrrln .* Males. Ally's. Butler, Pa.
Applications for License.
The following applications for licenses lo sell
Intoxicating liquors has been tiled In tie- ofllce
of the Cicrk of Quarter Sessions court 'if Puller
county, I'a . and will be presented at a Court of
Quarter Sessions to beheld In llutler. BuUnr
count v. I'a.. In and for said county, on Wednes
day. March'.'l. A. I>. Isss. that being the time
llx'ed by the Sidd Court tor hearing such applica
Pliceifor which
Name of applicant, Residence, application Is
Henry Kltonmlller; ;tl warl, Butler, ;i.| ward.
<;eo. W. Campbell; " "
,loliti I*'. Lowry; 2d ward llutler. !!d ward llutler
Win. 11. Itelchlng;
Samuel Mulliolland Sax cnburg boro; Saxon
burg boro.
I'lmrles Wcltzel;
Francis Laube, Jr; •'
Frederick Strohcckcr; Zelienople boro. Zelieno
ple boro.
Charles Stokey; "
c M Burnett; Petrolla boro: Pet roll i Inro.
Win 11. King; "
Wm. 11. Jelllson; "
John Dolari. Millerstown boro; illlb rsto' n
jfihn A. Harding; "
B. .1. Korqucr; •'
Augustus lloch a
Adolphus A. Hoch; "
JMM -i.li t; in ham; St Joe. Donegal twp ; SI Joe.
Donegal twp.
Wllltntu Laudercr; Middle l.un- M Jll <ll < ■ J.an
caster, bin- easier. Lan
cr.sier twp : Cosfr twp.
Dai Id Stewart; Kenfrew, Peuu twp.; Itenfrew
It u:i twp.
Jacob Feidier; Harmony boro; Harmony boro.
s itnuei Dtainj "
Henry W. Stalker; Kvunbilrg Uiro; Kvan-burg
John N. Miller;
John W. I.aw.ill, Saxon Station, Snxon Sta. lon.
Wlnllclil twp.; Wlnlb-lo two.
Patrick Shields 4; ureal B'-l'. iirr.it Bell.
Mli Aael Shields; JefTerson tw p.; JelTersou twp
(ieorgc Itelber;. ;id ward Butler boro; -d ward
i, rid HUtlerborO.
Jacob Relber; Stl ward Butler boro ; _d ward
nut ler boro.
Thomas "lambic; 2d ward Butler boro.; 'Jd
ward Itu'ler boro.
Thomas E. (iambic;
(o-niiM- Stabl, as n dlMltb-r nnd inalinfacturer.
/elleiiople boro;.XeUenople boro.
• 'lerk ol (/uarlcr se—ipus court.
Buttyt . PH.. i"ei>. ~.i, lust.
t.'olU'd security life Insurance and Trust Co..
ol I'a.
Money to Buy llonu:*.
>lc f lily ducn not more then a ralr rent. I'ey
m«nu iSKNMt }early. In fcvmt or deal#
prior to i«ii pleib ii 11 11.,\n.< iilfc, Udnr.ee ol en
cuuibrance canceled.
Money to Loan.
Ileal estate bought and sold on commission.
Wanted liou.- H to rent, ami rents . <r!iirclt.
L. O. LINN, •
No. '3B South Main St.,
lintier, I'a.
[Over Unn'n Drug Store.
A large frame tsiardlng house, good lucutlou
stni doing large busitiem. Termsetuy. lor
further particulars Inquln- of
i. K. aeJt;.\Kir«, 17|:. Jeffrnum St.,
'-29,t/ llutler, I'a.
C n «|T *" ¥/H«r» In C'h'Cofo, wiH im%J it 01 M© * I
t, 4 , R.-,doi». St.. a finm 9. TUnUKC
kUnil w I tlUlßAvi
■ ™ r »rriniiir- wrr-i fc—Hi * *—
-V". Tmn. Yr. Plaintiff*' At tar** y. PlaitUifi. J)rf»ndantt. i ikjt diitU't Attorney. *
A D 70 Jute, 1887 S r Bowtser 7. T low .<-k Ivate Bnrk LZ Miiebetl
F( D 2 n*c, 1887 It P Sciiit Laura WcGrew et al Ilnya Broa IMcßride 1 Bowser
AD 26 Sept, Ui»7 Modulation and Lusk Satuu'l L Kiddle, Hr John M Amstrong Greer Jt I'-mtau
" 07 S-*pt, ISMS MeCandless John Sherman, et al John Wilson Graham. it;Q A Lyon
" 31 Mir, ISB-i " Miller Uutohuon Ahram Martin !Thom mk»» £ B,in
" IS Dec, l»S*» Greer & flaUton F red 't K Marterer *lbert Aderhold, et al J M They ■son & Brittain
" 5 ) Die. ISs6 Thompson <fc S. and Lowry L) W Huron art Clarence Campbell McC. McJ .« G
" 19 June. l;vr K McJ and CumpWl George lteiber Jacob Bnoa, et al Walker 14 8
" IS Sept, J M Thompson and Brittain Sariih Brell, Anna Bape McJ A G-ioreath
" 19 " IS>7 •' _ Same William Rape "
o7 " ISn7 L Z Mitchell John Q A Kennedy J J Irrin, et al McQmsti n
" '*>2 " 1887 Met an.liess Martha Marshall AS Marshall Vanderli Ae ilcQ.
*' 01 Dec, ISB, Bowser Fl> Goldinger *sa A J Campbell 'Sniw
" »'8 Dec. 1887, " Mary Jane Conwav Cornelius Goruiley Kohler
" 23 Mar, 18.-S Met an<'less and Kohler N cholns lri!»v Caspar Hockenstein. et nx.McQ & V derlin
27 " IWB Greer & Ralston Win Met ouneil, et al Isaiah Wigton, et al |Mc<fend..-s
" 28 " IKB.S Marshall and Thompson Bott & Story J C Sab ine, et al 'Mc«'andi~. & Forquer
" ■"'l " l*sS Hd andless Butler water Co Mutual Gas Fuel Co vieQ <S V. *er
" 33 " 1888 Scott P C Bell M J Brown iMeCandl. ,
" 37 " 1888 Bowser * [Charges B<iugi>ninn John G Lensner. Ex'r MeQ <fc L>m
Prothonotary's OGiee, March 3, 1888. JOHN W. BUG •' X, Proihonotary.
7 I
We are now in our new store-room on S Main St.. and
have the room to accommodate our large stock of groceries,
flour, etc., and have built a large ware-house to accommodate
our stock of feed.
We pay the hi<rhest csish price for p tatces and oil kinds of
Tnr*<»h R<vv< 105 s - MAIN STREET,
jaCOl) -POOS, Butler. Fa. I
Special Bargain Sale of
For 30 Days the Greatest Sale cn Record
Boots and Shoes at Half Price]
While visiting the Eastern Shoe Market 1 met a firm that was closing o'lt their entire busi
ness, :infl having tin li imt a line Boots rtjirt suoes which they otTeied at :i "Treat saciitlce. as they
liatl to (five possession of tne rojm they o -cupied by March Ist. 1 ;iud already bought an itninense
stock of S|iiin? and ordered them shipped by April t. j r. but the offer they made me uas so
tempt ing that I could not resist It. I took tie' goods and had tlieiu shipped at once. They have
arrived and are now opeu lor your Inspection. Sharp cash buyers. I wr.nt to urffe yon to visit my
house as soon as possible and tiike iilvnntaffp of one of the trreatest sales ever Inaugurated in
Ilutler county. Iteinemlx'r, ri\e Thousand Dollars worth of itoots, shoes and Kubbers at half
price, ami even lesson some piods, TUey must all be sold by April u>! .<> make room for my
spring floods, which will arrive at that time. If you want any Hoots. Shoes or Kuhhers at your
own price don't miss this sale, •
Read these Remarkable Prices:
Mens" Fine Shoes. Ou'ton. Hals and Congress wort a s2.sn, selllajf at sl.^o.
Mens' I'luoCalf Boots worth 5H09, selling tor <1.90.
.Metis' Kvery day Itool-s woi tii f j.ao to 50 sellmif now from |l.i's to s2.uo.
Mens' Kvery day SIHH-S worth $1.50 to t'i oo seillug now tor ji.oo. i
Boyu Kin. • Shoe i. Unit on. Bal or Conjfres3, worth sj.oo, selllag now for $l»o.
Boys' Flue Shoes worth $1.50 se;iln>r now for iL.OO.
THIS m liiif m win §i i
I.adles' Fine Button Shoes worth $1.7.'. selling now for Jl.uo.
l.iulles' Fine ISntion Kid shoes worth si.oa selling now Tor j| .25.
I.adlos' Fine Hand Turned Shoes worth si.Vi selling now tor $.'.00.
Ladles' Fine Serge. Congress and l.aeo. Shoes wort n Ji.nr) selling now for US Cents.
Ladles' Warm Shoes and SUop -rs worth #1 25 s dllu:: now for ;.•> cuts.
I.adies' Fine Opera Toe Sllpp. i s worth f I ,'j", sellln, niw or t; i «. -nts.
ladles' Kvery Day Shoes worth si.2.< to Si.oo sellln; now from 7 > cents to SI.OO.
These Prices ate Stunners to Competition,
Misses' Fine Button worth $1 50 selling lor sl-:'
Misses' Fine Kid But. Shoes 4< I7s'*atsl 25 '
Misses' Fine Calf '' '• " 100 k ' at 1 1)0
Misses' " Lace " " 1.00 " atsoto7scj
; Ohil.t's Fine Button ■ hoes " I00'•at 50 cents |
j Child's every day shoes v. orth 75c to $1 k " at 20t0400 j
This Is the largest purchase of It.'' v Shoes ever made liv anv retail dealer In Wectern I'enn"
sylvanln. They are elegant goo.is All •iutton In I'cuble tioat. t'nr. KM, Ulove Kid with Patent
Leatlior foxing—worth ti oin M to on cents it pair.
But They Must Go for 25 cents a Pair.
The only way In whlcli this sale nbe appreciated Is to attend It and reap some benellt of
It. It is an tuiuvnse lot of lioot.s and Shoes to force on to Hi" mark •( In :;■><!.ns. but rein'etnber you
ran buy shoes al .vo ir own price, anil K von are not In lie I or any go is tor immediate Use you
had better buy some for lhe future, tor ii la altogether li:<el\ that you will never ||v» to
llools; and hhoes sold as i tie.ip as they are being sold at my store du.lng tt.e month of March.
M r.s' Rubber Boots. Boston make 00 a pnir.
Boys' Hubber Boots Boston make $1.50 a pair
Ladies' Misses' and Children's Boston make 1 00.
Ladies' Rubbers, till kinds, 25 cents.
Mens' Rubbers, all kinds, 50 cents.
All goods are warranted to be perfect in every particular. Monev cheerfully refunded In case '
goods do not suit.
MeBS Fine Shoes Made to Order
Special ntte idlon Is given to this branch of business and sitlsf icilnn Is Guaranteed. I enrry a
larg" Hue of shop made Klioes null In c.ee >ou cannot wait to have a pair made I can tit you nut or
Stock. I also have a large stock ol Men's Kip Hoots cut from the best leather In the inurket. made
box toe and plain, extra long legs—Just the thing for the ol! trade, l'rlce.-, very reasonable.
t"i • "1 I»o not let Inclement weather or anything else keep you from
'1 O I attending this remarkable sale
kJlt\y\> Ifii I Tin* bargains offered are beyond descilptlon and can never lie
sue is can: mm on his mis
And everybody Is invited. No trouble to show goods.
Yours Very Truly,
22 Soiz±h OTaia Et . EuUsr, Pa.
Iho following lire tin: aelliiltf price* '■( mt-r•
cbp.nt- of tins place :
■Vpplei, per bushel, WO
Ilutter, per pound, .10 to 28 eta.
Beans, per qt. 8 to lOeta.
Cabbage, new, 7 to 12 eta.
Caudles, mold, 14 to 15. eta.
Carbon oil, JO to 15 ets.
Cliceie, 12 to IN cm per lb.
Crocker*. 7 tolo ets. per lb.
Chickens, per pair, 40 to ft(>. els.
CoHee, Kin, 25 ctn.
Coffee. Java, .15 etc.
Coll Bowuil, 2. r i to ;>o eta.
Coffee, ground, 20 to 2tf eta.
Ki(k m , 15 cb.
Flab, mackerel, f» to 15 eta.
Flour, per burrel, #1.50 t» f'!.
Flour, per sack, .$1.25 to s>l.ii- r >..
Feed, chop, per 100 pouuila, SI 25. .
Feed, bran, per 1(H) Ins. f 1 l'l.
I<riuit, wheat per bushel, '.*o.
Oram, omi per bushel |o to 45et.s
(iriiiu, corn pe.r tin •lie I ti.'i ci«
t ,'lovri nei-«l l.artfe, s'• '•> per liu»hcl.
('lover need «infill, {,>.00 per Iniibel.
Timothy need, >1 10 per bushel.
Kuril, 10 Ct».
Hams, t I oln.
Honey ,2 I eta.
Hay, j-12 .
Shoulders, I'.) ct«,
lliieon, 1J eta.
l'ried beef, IK to !!.*>.
Corn meal, per pound. 2 eta.
Putßt'*"<, new, til) to 75 eta buah.
Rice, S to 10 eta.
riltK'ir, hurd, 8 cu.
coti'ee, 7 uta.
.SuK»r, raw, tij eta.
."(oilJ), Jto 10 eta.
Malt, per burrel, $1.25,
Teu, fiyaon, (iuupowdur, etc., 50 eta. to V 9
Ten, Japau, etc., .-'i to CO «St*.
Teu, lircakla.it, 40 to 80 eta.
Titliow, 8 ota.
lJnckwno.it Flour, 2.St cU. put owt. j
Tllruipti, 50 U.l. per LIU.
Hweet I'utatoea, fro eta. per pk.
Crauberrtea, Uict&. per tji.
PinilWUlSto our HHlfMllell. OCTI'IT
\1 IIIIkiIKK. Can etal't you at. our". *'lld 1
vl V Utor t'TUUi l« |
J. AfXTI.Ii Mil AW. NiirM'rjmoli, I tor tin tir. N V
Jury List for April, 1888.
I ,lst. o'Jurors drawn to serve In a sjm'clul TERM '
or Court eoiiiineie ln/ ilia tint \l..;;day ot April, I
l">s, t.elna the ad any: I
Anderson t i Uullcr lioro _'il ward, clerk.
Ml .nd Wm. Itntler l.orn 3d ward, merchant.
Itlaek .b linn T. Marlon twp. farmer.
Iflckett llarvey. Clinton twp. rainier.
Iti'iitt.vJ I. Washington twp, fanner.
Movant .1 K l'arker iwp farmer.
Hcmty James A Oakl.ni I twp. f::rmer.
tluslcr Win. Xellcnople, clerk.
Campbell Clarence, Concord twp, farmer.
Cochran I. M, flutter l«iro 2d war', clerk.
Crawford l> A. Hoiii-jfiil twp. farmer.
ciM'kane David .1. Mercer iwp. farmer.
CiM'kHiic Tlios .1 Merce.' twp. farmer.
cumplN'll \\ it 11. Venan/o twp. carpenter.
Caldwell David. Oal:lau.i iwp. farmer.
iMini.ip .1 :iiuch Butler l»oro id w.irii, surveyor.
niKiiii Jiiitic., Minion twp, farmer,
liuvldsou .i Hues *r. Adamii twp. farmer,
lirenwood Wm. Cleurlleld twp, farmer,
t.rllilx'ii ,Ins. Middlesex twp. farmer.
(IroKNiaan N H, r r.inkltii twp. furmer.
(•nnible w I-;. Allegheny i wp. farmer.
Iloekcuberrv CUWii. <'n ir.v twp s, rami 'r.
lli'liclilhtk r Clirlsi. Suin.'ult, twp. r.irin r.
KllOJt W. -'.I i> >'i» I i>. I'l.n Un ill U.
Klrker W .! i,ancusit'i' i.wp, luitin r.
Kcsselniitti Wm :tutler boro j H t w.ir 1, m lehilitst
Mit'lymni. ! Well r, Mtidd.vc ci'k tun farmer. (
Melk<\lit .ii.inc. <'iciiMi,'id tvvp, liirirmr.
M. enr ty .i « ' ll . " s <;tl• i Kthimu rd. < i" renter. ,
Weiinrv.y 'i.dhew. W ■ •iiourtnu twp s, runner.
Mi'Mlchacl l ine". Mllii i »iuwn ls.ro. a;,'cut.
Na'lit'l i * lie ir , I;u11. r twp. f.irmcr.
I'lsor Wm. Worth iw,i. fitriuer.
I'rlco .(oiini iiiiu Ijini ast- r tup, firm 'r.
fatter on I .1, iVoitll tv. p 'Mrnier.
H' ii.cr it. it'.. Itml "r i i.i j l iv, im. in Mvhanl.
Ittltat ll Snii,,ii'l, i on, oid twp, fiirlner,
UNsell \\ '.. !•' ilr.lcw | . fi, ii!,ie i -,. "'
P v Mlllcr.st^iwa horo, eilltor.
IJlder iJcir ;e. i enter | , jj. mrnier
ItVliti Jacob. \d mis I ivp'. tarnier.
? ailrh Samuel, v\ '.liln son'wp fanner,
start lieriii m. didrd \ twp. fnrui-r
Milll.aa .1 M. Ha icr I'.ir ij I w ira :'ni
ts honck Leouaid, ituLcr Ooio ;;U ward, i hoc
shtevc Jai'ob, t'onno.'pi":i> tiui; twp lartuor.
>uuln W i«, Jai Ic.mju tv. ji \\ , furuier.
Turin i 11. coneorl nvp. t>-:icUcr
Vastier V c. Wortli tup, furiunr
Wnlilron i r-il. forward tu p. fun.n r.
\V"l)flo Kie l. Pro |K'i:t, I', rpenter.
\\ t.i.ou John. \ •'intiiuo p. huckster
Uurt. UiiKhia.;'., m reliant.
tl!uvlr»t«d *.:»t»lv*a» troe.
On and after Mondiy, Hoy. 14, 1887, trmina
wiil lesve Bntler aw fci! 1 xa:
MAKKET at »i:lo a. re arriving at Alleghe
ny at 9:t>o a. in.; er.ni.ee, - tor Blairsville.
EXPRESS at 8:25 a. n. , -rriving at Allegbe.
I ay at 10:20 a. m.; docs ~ot connect for tbs
MAIL ot 2:4«) p. m., :■ d goes through to
Allegheny, arriving eh. re at 4:50 p. m.; ion
neets east.
ACCOMMODATION at '5 p, m., and« m
fects at the Junction •• h Freeport Aocou»«
modation, arriving nt llegbeny at 7:26
in., and connects east ;;.ras Apollo.
I Trains counectiug lor 'utler leave Alleghe
ny at 7:15 a.ni . 3:l> p. ■ and 5:30 p. m.
Trains urrive at Butil at lu:20 a. m. and
5:05 and 7:45 p. m.
s. &. A. it. K.
i On and after Monday, Oct. 24, 1887, train*
will leave Butler as'f..i. r>.
Corrected to last time, 1 hour faster than
schedule time.
I Trains leave Butler • r Greenville from
the Pittsburgh a«d \Y, em depot at 6:45
and 10:30 a. in. and i:4O p. m. Trains
leaving the P. ii. W. pot in Allegheny
city 8:20 a. m. and V:4O p. m. last time
connect at Butler wi: trains on the S,
, it A.
' Traius arrive at Butler t'rora Greenville,fast
time 10:10 a. m. aud > 2:35 and 9:25 p. tn. r
and connect with trams on the P. & W.
arriving al Allegheny jit i.-'O a. ia. and 2:55
o:0o p. m.. last time. lue train arriving at
y:25 uoes not connect fit \llegheuy.
! Trains leave Hilliarn ',5:45, and 11:00 a.
! m., slow time, and arm .• at 9:20 a.m. anil
| 5:30 p. in. Both trains meet at Br&uc.hton
. tor Butler and Greenville.
| P. & TV. H. E.
On and after Momlav. • ict. 24, 1887, trains
will leave Butler hs ful. . >:
Corrected to fast lii. e, oue hour faster
than schedule lime.
Trains leave Butler i. • Allegheny City At
6:15, 8:ls, Jt io:3u a. in 12:45 p. m.&
JSc 6:20 p.m. A train corn ting for New Cast's
and the West leaves !j . ler at 12:45 p. m.
, and arrives at Chicago at 6:00 a. in. nest
1 morniua.
Traius arrive from A t<heny at 9:10 ami
10*21 a. iu. and 12: SO, i. i, 7:55 and 9:30 p.
I Trains leave Butler i • Koxburg and tli«
I Korth at a. m. ano i:4u and 7:56 p. iu.
' Traius artive at Butler 1 n the north at 0:18
and 10:30 a. m ami 6:20 m.
Ou Sunday trains Ic.v'i Butlsr for Alls
gheny at 8:43 a. ui. and v .20 p. m M and fsr
the West at 1:45 p. n' and arrive I'roui
Allegheny at 10:21 and .Vl* p in.ano from th«
VVest at 7.55. A train arrives from tut
. North at «:43h m. aud I arts at 7:55. p.ia
' Tiains leave Allegheuv 'or Butler at 7:OV
I K:2O and 10:20 a. in *1 d 2:40, 5:40 am
I 6:40 |>. m., fast tini".
| Trains leaving Butler 'it »:13 a. iu unfl
I 12:10 ] iu. make 1 lose c- lemtoiu at Caliiir|
j for the West, aud the 2:.ic ram conneets. bii
' uot eli>sely.
Trains arrive at Alley.i y *t 8:10, 10; M
a tn. t'.uti
1 w c> 11 K |