Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 02, 1888, Image 4

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    I <K'S
For Bnth, Toilet and Laundry.
Snow White and Absolutely Pur
if ir ile«icr doe* r-l kwp While Clonrt Soo,
;J r „u IT un.»!« cat® to tbe maiu.
tjt E3.EraTBSST3'BM2
W Cloth & Cold Binding
B et*~.-J££ J aIM h{u. wiifc fc««I ujiw.aft
2 —*
In r" •» SpocUl Prescription* of
.-- Pfc}Mici*ii. Simple. Safe tMire.
j ctni» ruirz.
Il i'rrfn. CY.newtioo. In(l*mm»tinn«-• .23
V! '.» orsna. 11.-rmlfii r. Worm Colic . ..3
: k |< r.ms Colic, or; 1 :*.=< of I«J*ot. .if
t; t#tarr«ea of Children>cf Adu.t* .£3
.V! I%'arntrrv. Griping. f; ~w 1 - oliC *5
i f.| (Jli«>i»ra %l«rbua, cnutliag. g*
~ 4'oawh«. C. ; liioti«bitw •••>
. ; lti ralniA.
•> H.nd.«ct»es. *>»<* hudMhi. \ertico.. ,3»
J °r Painful Period.. .15
tshvKlM. i.« fr«.i »o frnod ..£5
j:»|t nut. ' i-t I)onlt Brefhm* -5
tlkrgni. Kr>»ipelM. Eruptn.nl. .-S
«S* HbeaawtUin. Si- f m *
till I -»«-r »:.i A_-uc t t hills. U«Jui» SO
17JPilr>. B' nd or -«"!"•* • •■ -• : • -JS
tw«f> .In.v. "r - ■!-•■ or »'»k F.yt»_^AU
JO « houpiuK t ouch. Violent Cosgns . -»JJ
51 \»;h*ni. Oppress. 1 H: "'^nt...... -SO
i-i Kor IM-oh«rcr» Injo.' I Hearicc .30
2*l scrotal.. I .*-ged o.ami- ,„ sw ? ,llD * •?!?
21 Ucnrral Debility. Phytic.lWe.kn... .4®
U Prop.v. mj<l .-scan 'r hocrttoiiM •«»
24. Ac* rlrLnm. S.< ktw 'roio KidiM .3J»
i T fvl4tr<-y l>t-*-»'««-
K* \cr«OC* lability. ti-r>..r«l Wrtk
3«»« r>r , r.vf.l-in'»r7 i>iaciUfl|M I.UU
"9 «orc Mouth. r»nker... ■•••„ , -ft
\0 i nnarv W. akneti., Wettin* E"J .»»
3 1 |-.:ufnl Period., wi'h Spatm .J"
Heort. Pelpiuti.n I W
ST KpMcpov. Spt-ti. M \i;,i-D»nc<- I.WJ
:-t olphtl.rrl*. Uleermted »or» Tt'r<*t
:;&lt hrnr<c f n*\~r~lUi
>..' l >.V Imnn-I- cr-«it tw»« r»'<l on receipt of
o.- J. •SEUIt
oFor Horses, Cattlo, Sheep,
Dogs, Hogs. Poultry.
Mb PAfiF. BOOK on Treat,
mr nt of Aniiunl* ami
(burl Srnt free.
H -n;hr-ys" «Ced. Co., 109 Fulton St.. H. Y.
Tutt's Pills
it' nrfnfc (ho lopplrt liver.wtren«tb>
en recalatc tlie
bomc-i*. nuri nre iiiic-qnuled ait an
a«::i-l»jiiouH luedic-lue. ID
Malarial Districts
their rirtne« are widely rerognizeil,
an they pusscM |k culiur properties
la 1 rit iiiK the *y*t«.-m lr«m that pol
mid. Tl.t* ;Mipnlar remedy rarely
fail* to effectually cure
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness
ami all disorders arising from a
Torpid Li7sr and Bad Digestion.
A Proclamation!
Br. I. tiny Levis, Fulton. Ark.. «aym
"A year ujjo I had bilious feieri
Tntfii Pill* Mere mi biirhly rerrom*
mcotii'd (bat 1 uncdtbvni. Kevertlld
mtillriue have a happier effeet. Af
ter a praeKi-c ol'it <{iiurfer of n cen
tury, I provlaiui tlicm the l>«*t
aitdl?inencr nvd, I aiaaya pre*
■crikt them in ray pra('tlee. ,,
Sold Everywhere.
Office,44- Murray St- Now York.
ton of Useful Reel rpts sent Free.
Aromatic Ceneva Cin
Tt in a paw G*nc\ ti(Swi*n) n : n,r*v-dlp.tn!ed with
Lacfati lea- Itjilmn junio r!mrnH«
fnfita root. Jrc. il ml! Iki fonnd an invaluable
and CT#rt«in euro for Vtrlu;lit'M HU««aMs
hviee in Wf' .'«r, tod ail in'Ummation of tUo
Kidneys aiut frltiary Oi^auv.
Tb« ntiJitjr of Pratt's Aromatic Genora Gio
la Dot ooohnodto diMUped Ktdnay.nalooe. hot is
wb#4 by many wom«»n for h*» virionn complainta
to wtojcb they are BiibjeclPd. We have rweetred
many letter* from ail part* of thn country t#»®ti
fyroc to itx ralaa afia cvra for NUf»pr<^aed.painful,
profoM and irrev.ilar menntruatiou. Ii« >tim
•(ant, tonic, diuratic and bropertieN
allay irritation.rnmore *oothe esctta
bihty and on re the pain. Taken in *ine-fcla»a
--' fall poriienK. tocretber with hot foot or at ••am
bath* it will in all cawa prodneethe dmiirnd effort.
A va'uabfa tre«»ti«Mj on ! i»«-«»*-d Ktdneyathat
9t«rr on* nhcraid read Liid keep, mat lad frea up ou
Jills E. ManniH, Koie Arent.
mil »ALK 1:Y
J. C. KEDICK. Uraffgist,
tiiy .i. nuwHiri rvii- Mr
TMketa nro good for six mcJith J, limited toalxtjdaja
for goto? paa*/>*o with gtop over pririUrroo at pleaa-
Mi witiufl limit of wca' -bound Spoolal ez
aarucn truos leave Bt. Louia via. Iron Mountain
Peomary i«*h and Eantu City via. Mlaaonrl
Fac'.ftc Kallway. i7th. rF" A 1! eoupon
•Scm the Ur.il."l H»a;m and Canada will Mil tiok
jjjja too
fkf fylst in Ihousiitids of
I , ; *'d bv flu mar
-5t • • ifiU'iiii .u. t%lio »rf» In
# ; I •. ui k th.il • -an lie
rtOTj V " ' !i. i ni«- Hbonkl at once
h '' lv ; i ' 1 •i i ■ i i'lirUanci.
•J 1 r . .11 liifonn flori how
, " •*"' • o « ani from it to | g zf»
l"" t- Hi . -r fhov Jive. Vow
® r " i f «'l i rtM'uirofi. Soiiit.*
"• *'' u silicic tU> ul ihtM work.
Hotel Brady
7. W. TAIT, Prop'r.
* 1 <J !!<• ; .'trrt.iion Urn likiMund,
I":.:- r. Pa
'• I !• "•• r, •:!!'• u-I luniinlied the
* ' ■•■..«>. i I-, i;ow |>r>-|)Weil to accomiiKi
'' - .. t:i i->!■ with Hip liotP]
J vli: • •' •' '' Tii<* table. will ii
ion ■ ''<■'!« -'Tj 'n niaikrt n.'iiirdß,
ihj . :\ vr.u daily.
Your . . i.rW.v ~ V.iclt. a.
~ fci- . . W J* I, +.4,-
Ati'l . I'lli 'iVi. r ' c -ml I •ti'iful *tyloi of
1" : «• V r.llu* Paper (it
J. 3. Douglass'
lAr > ■ »rf. ' til mi tow*), from 10c to 7.V* |K?r
t'.v I mtm\ m ol mm
Ir.vi j:i riid [it sret Cards,
Weddi: 1 V■ -.■ • _• (*i u, .Motirtilni;
63 £. JCAIN fcTREET.
A lar 'j.mit" I «n.*il'bc ton ,p. yn<k! localmn
•:«1 • Im-if., -h. Ir.risseaay. lor
I'lHw ~ir> '|iiln- of , •
L. S. MeJIMiIN, 1J E Jerr<-r*on Ht..
v fuller. P..
A*ir«rti«.* iu H<o CiXUEV.
The Great Illinois Ditch.
There has heretofore been a marsh
of some 200,000 acres in extent on the
west side of Mason County, Illinois,
• which lies along the Illinois River,
■ that stream making tbe western
boundary. This marsh, since the
settlement of the State,has been great
I duck and other game hunting grounds
; thoujrh considerable of a nuisance to
! the farmers living on its borders
1 This marsh has recently been drained
bv tbe Mason County Drain Co.,con-
S tisting of tbe farmers owning the ad-
I joining land and the outside proprie
j tors of tbe marsh laud. The main
ditch is 60 feet wide at top, 40 feet at
bottom, aud 8 feet deep. It is fifteen
miles long, has a fall of 4 feet to tbe
mile, and drains with its laterals,
whicu are 30 feet wide at top, 15 at
bottom, and with a depib to corres
ponO with the mains, from 200,000 to
300,000 acres Tbe cost of the whole
is estimated to be $200,000. The
earth removed is sand aud clay mix
ed, aud offers little resistance to tbe
machinery. Tbe dredge doing the
work floats in the water of the ditch
and maki;B 100 feet progress every
day. Tbe assessed cost on some of
the drained laud will ultimately
amount to $25 per acre, and thence
grading down to a trivial sum.
The work has been in progress for
several years, and meantime the land
drained has produced surprising crops
of wheat and corn. Tbe past year—
a year of severe drouth—matters
have not progressed as favorably in
respect to crops, thousands of acres of
torn having been lost by "firing" in
•itinsequence of the sudden withdraw
al of the usual moißture. Tbe thougt
ful among the projectors of the
-cbeme and owners of the land are
now aware that tbey have mado a
mistake in not provided for holding
a portion of the water, and recognize
toe fact that the ditch is twice the di
mensions it should have been If it
.vere not for the fall—4 feet to the
mile—a few locks or dams would hold
tbe water when it will be needed 'or
crops; but now it will take many.
The Dog Was Innocent.
A Demp»eytown correspondent
this readable dog story:
Probably one of tbe most singular
■ases of dog killing and damages that
ver occurred in this part ot the coon
ry wa3 tried before a Franklin Jus
ice of the Peace recently. The par
ticulars are abont as follows: Some
ime ago dogs broke into the enclos
nre of S B. Keely, a resident of
Creek township, and killed six
-beep and wounded several others.
Mr. Keely thought he knew whose
logs did the killing and wounding.
Among tbe number thus set apart
for vengeance by Mr. Keely was a
valuable dog belonging to Israel
Phillips, a neighbor of Keely's.
Keely went to Phillips and told him
hat his (Phillips') dog was one of
tbe guilty animals, and demanded
•e should be killed. Phillips told
Keely to kill the dog if he was among
he number that had killed tbe sheep
Keely took tbe risk killed the
log. Immediately after the dog was
lead Phillips proceeded to hold a
,>ost-mortein examination, which re
vealed tbe fact of tbe dog's innocence,
is nothing was tound in bis teeth,
'tomach or intestines to indicate his
milt Phillips sought advice and
orought suit against Keely to recover
he value of his dog, which he laid
it SSO, and received a verdict for the
ull amount, with cost?—Cochrauton
Duration of Life.
According to Mulball's Dictionary
•if Statistics, the average age of all
living in France is 32 years,2 months
■ind 12 days. In tbe United States
it. is only 24 years, 10 months, and 24
France and the United States show
he extremes of civilized countries
In London tbe proportion of chil
dren under five years is nearly double
hat of Paris, but tbe proportion of
Loudon population between forty and
-ixty is only about two thirds that of
f'aris. Estimated from "Mulhall's
In 1841 only 4 3 per cent of the
population of Ireland were over sixty
years old. In IHBI the percentage
over sixty, was 10 6 of tbe liviog. Iu
Kugland tbe percentage of the popn
lation over sixty, was in 1841, 72,
and 1871 it was only 7.8.
Selling Horace Greeley's Birth
Horace Greeley's birthplace is to
h sold for tixes. It is a low-Htud
ded fannb -use with small windows
fid roof situated io the
t'>wn of Amherst. There Graelev
was bom on February 3, 1811. Wiih
t e 120 acres of land about it, tbe
house now belongs to Fred Colton.
Tiie farm will be sold at public anc
ion for taxes amounting to S2O 52
It is somewhut remarkable that
reeley's father, Zaccheus, lost
he place through the sheriff's aid.
Horace was 10 years old when his
father had to give up the vain at
tempt to pay for his home. Tbe
ground is rocky and tbe noil far from
—To quickly remove headache,
pains iu the back, the discomforts of
indigestion, etc., use Laxador which
promptly relieves all such pains.
If any trouble is attendant npon
the baby's teethiag, don't hesitate to
use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrnp, it is in
yaluabie. Prico 25 cents a botdo.
—lt takes every year 1,000.000
horses' tails to keep a Pawtucket (R.
I.) huir-cloth factory in running or
—At Irwin, Pa. a company has
lieen organized to manufacture hard
ware noveltins, l„wn mowers uud
other machinery.
"It Makes Me Tired'*
to read all these advertisements of
medicines upon mediciueii when
they eou'cerate with such particular
ity and Djinutenens of detail, all tho
direa«es mankind, womankind, and
even "babykind," are heir to. How
cheap c.ue feels to commnnce what
she supposes to be a tragic; or teuder
love-norv, read until her Hrympatbies
nre so thoroughly aroused that she
can scarcely Kieep without knowing
whether tbey were married or not.
and then hnvo it end something liku
this- "Dr. Piwrce's Fai'orite Prescrip
tion is tbe <mly positi vo cure for all
classes of ".female weakness," such as
prolapsus, inflammat ion, periodical
pains, etc. For salo by all drug
Dr. Pieroe'a PellotA are Laxative
or Cathartic according £o size of dose.
—A oonsigameat ot/ 010,000 sal
mon ova, colleuted frorw tbe principal
Scotch rivers, wiw sen', recently to
New Zealand.
A Blackbird Remains Here All
A singular circumstance i& that of
a black bird remaining here in tbe
North all winter and, apparently, en
joying it. On the Derrick Updegraff
farm, on the Long Reach, clo«je to the
city limits, a black bird can be fceen
at almost any time daring tbe day,
generally perched high on a large
black walnnt tree in front of the farm
boose, furnishiDg sweet music 'or
those within hearing ot its voice. Its
first notes in the morning are calls for
its mate —the mate prjb.ibly being in
tbe South, or dead Following these
calls comes forth from its little throat
music ot the most delightful kind It
feeds with tbe chickens in the yard,
and often goes iuto the barn for grain
At night it perches on a Norway pine
in front of tbe bouse, along with sev
eral chickens that prefer that kind of
a roost. It has been noticed, on cold
evenings, that it gets iu uuder a wing
of one of the chickens, to keep itself
warm. During some of the extreme
cold weather this winter it, no doubt,
suff-red greatly, its song from the
w.tlnut tree being very weak; but its
recovery wa3 complete as s »ou as
warmer sunshine appeared It i* a
plump, fine lookiug bird, as it receives
plenty of food.—Williamsport Gazette-
Rules for Horsemen.
Lord Hampden, who recently pre
sided at the annual dinner of tbe Lon
don Cab Drivers' Beneyolent associa
tion, in a pleasant after diuoer speech
commended to the "cabbies" the fol
lowing lines, which be said he
hung up in bis owu stables:
Up hill—whip me not.
Down hill —hurrv me not,
Sick or cold—chill me not
Tired or hot —leave me not.
On level road—spare me not.
Of hay and corn—rob me not.
Loose in stable—forget me not.
Of soft dry bed—deprive me not.
When you are angry—strike mo
With bit and reine—oh, jerk me
With sponge and brush—neglect
me not.
—An exebauge says* "Prof Ezra
Abbot was an extreme Unitarian aud
a foremost biblical scholar. For a
long time he doubted the authenticity
of the Fourth Gospel, very likely be
cause of tbe emphasis St John places
on the divinity of Christ aud tbe
Trinity But it is to Prof. Abbot's
lasting credit that near the close of
his life, after long and rigid investi
gation, and against bis original pred
ilection,he came to theconclusiou that
tb« Fourth Gospel was unquestiona
bly Jobanneun in its origin It is
laie in tbe afternoon to abolish the
Four Gospels. It would be quite as
easy to dam up the waters of the
Hudson with mosquito wings gather
ed from tbe fertile coast of New Jer
Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets be
yond the reach of medicine. They
olten say, "Ob, it will wear away,"
but in most cases it wears th* m
away. Could they be induced to try
the successful m dicino called Kemp'.i
Balsam, which we sell ou a positive
guarautee to cure, they would imme
diately see the excellent effect after
taking the firnt dose. Price s'Jc and
sl. Trial »izefree At all Drug
—A new building material called
stone brick is mado by the griuriii'g
together of lime and Band in a dry
state. It, is tbeu heated by steam
aud transformed into burned hydraul
ic cement.
—A great many people have used
no other kiud for yeur3. Hop I'lan
ters give satisfaction.
Sensible people use sensible reme
dies—Hop I'laxter* quiet and allay
pain instantly. Use one.
—The Unity Club, of Denver, re
cently addressed letters to tbe lead
ing ministers, lawyers, politicians
aud literary men of the State asking
each to furuisij a list of ten u<»vels he
considered the greatest. The results
showed the favorite novels to he in
order named: "Lea Miserable*,"
"David Copperfield," "Scarlet Let
ter," "Ivaubo*)" "Vanity Fair,"
"Iloinola." "Jnne Eyre." "Admu
Bede," "Beu Llur,"aud "Uncle Tom's
For Old And Young.
Dr. TuttV Liver Pills act aB kind
ly on tbe tender infant and infirm old
age, as upon the vigorous system,
eradicating every morbific agent and
invigorating the debilitated organs,
—You cannot dream yourself into
a character; you must hammer and
forge yourself t'roude.
—"Of the dead nothing is left but
the bones," is the way a local doctor
construed "De mortuis nil nisi bo
nam "
—Life is a reckoning we cannot
make twice over. You cannot meud
a wrong subtraction by doing your
addition right.
—Ragged Social Philosopher (lay
ing a dime on the bar): "The rich are
getting richer, and the poor poorer "
"Wealthy Saloon-keeper (dropping
tbe dime into the drawer): "Yes,
that's so."
—Manufacturing enterprise has
broken loose iu North Carolina Sub
scription lists have been started in
about a dozen towns wi'hin thirtv
days for factories and shops. The
preference is for cottou factories.
—One hundred thousand acres of
valuable coal land in West Virginia
have been purchased by Eastern cap
italists for immediate development
Hard timber, splint,, cannel and bitu
minous coal are abundant.
—At Birmingham, Ala., the real
estate cr.vzo has ended, and many
speculators have been mulcted Nev
ertheles enterprises are busy and new
ones are talked of. Additional min
eral laud are being discovered
throughout the state,
—William Dempsev. of Rond«ut,
N- Y.. received a quantity of smelts
and pickerel which were frozen stiff
He put them in n ban el of water to
thaw out. About three hours later
he went to the barrel and found that
♦he piekere) had thawed back to life
but he could find no smelts. The
pickerel bad eaton them
—The Welsh tin plate makers are
trying to corner tin! A committee
has been appointed, aud it is in coni
mnnication with the Paris crowd that
cornered copper. The Welshmen
want to borrow $1 250,000 f'om
Paris to buy up stock American
merchants are standing off to see bow
it Bhall turn out. As a general thing
the latter ridicule tbe idea. Tbe pro
gram is to buy 400,000 boxes.
-- 1*- ,i >• ri •A l V «" . ,
What ? Cured nmong others the
following. They write:
849Ct-niral Ave.. Cincinnati.O.. >
January 4th. ls«i. *
Athlo|'horo» Pill- huve curu>l luei f h\,r
• '•liipiaint aii'l dyst«lffl*. 1 pave ten , t
tie- i'iiUtoa fries,U tronbleJ with
mid L. ha- iuiionved w,.u
lierfUiiy. t . H. KovExaafi*.
1» Hobctt. St. Nov. H ivt D. Ct. >
February lutii. is»'. i
Athl, plieroa PUIP worte-l v.-cta,. r.< in "xy
CO>. O! dyni ep-ia. tain L. L'IJLKE.
Atii-10-pho-ros Pills are sm:;ll nn<l
pleasant to take, yet wmnli rfully
effective. Invaluable for kidney
and liver complaints, dyspepsia, in
digestion, constipation, headache,
etc. They'll take away that tired
feeling giving new life a'ml strength.
,J£s»Seud f, cents for the beautiful colored pic
ture, " Moorish Maiden."
The Register hereby gives notice that the
follow ing accounts ot Kxecutors. Administra
tor-, and Guardians have been filed in his oitic*
according to law. and will be presented to
Court for confirmation and allowance on Wed
nev! ty, the sib day of Match, A. D., 1888, at 3
o'clock p.m. of said dav.
1. Final at-count of J X Fulton, surviving
; d n'r of J n i-'lu-k, dee'd, late of Clinton twp.
Notice is given that J X Fulton v.lll make ap
plication to be discharged at nine of continua
tion of this account.
2. I'ir-t a..<i linal acjouut of Dennis Mcßride
adin'rAndrew Mcßride. dee'd, late of Ctear
tMd tp
.'i. account of \\ m .M (Jlenn, ex r of An
drew M Christy, dee d, late of Cherry tp.
-I. Final account of J VV Uibsou. trustee of the
estate of .lames S Thompson, dee'd. late of Clay
Final account of Julia McLaughlin, adm'rx
o' Bernard McLaughlin, dee'd, late ol Falrvlew
u Final account of Win Campbell, ex'r of
J=is (i Campbell, dee'd, late of Butler boro.
7. Final account of J C Sweeney, adm r of
Patrick Sweenev. dee'd. late of Clearfield tp.
s. Fiuai account of James Wilson, guardian of
the estate of Albert G ( roll, minor child of John
J ('roll, dec d, late of Brady tp.
Si. First, tinal and dis ri out tonal account of F
S Dombaush. ex'r of Xauey Hunter, uee'd, late
of Forward tp.
10. First and Dual account of Simon Young,
ex'r oi Thomas Richards, dec' l. late of Centre
P il, First and iliiiil account of Heim Freshkom
ex'r of Win. I'rcshKorn, dee'd late oi Jackson
'l2. Final an 1 distribution aecount of Eiiz tbeth
K:ckeits. ex'r ot Nancy Rr.keUs. dee'd, late of
Donegal tp. , , .
13. First and final account of Ferd R über,
guardian of Charles li Spang, minor child ol
J R Spang, dee'd. late ot Uutier lioro.
14. First and final account of N Mlvirkland,
acting ex'rof J H -Muder, dee'd, late of Wm
field tp.
15 Final account of Abler J Pattou. adm r of
Samuel Love, d -c'd. late of Summit tp.
li;. first and liual account of .loiin wise,adm r
of< atoiine Wise dee'd. late hutier boro.
17. Final account ot John Wise, adin'r D.B.X.
18. First aud llnal account of Caroline Wise,
adin'rx of Leonard Wise, dee'd lale of Duller
boro, a* liied by John Wise, adin'r of Caroline
Wise, now uC' cased.
19. Final and distribution account of Ceo
Fiishkoru ami Wm Frlshkorn, ex'rs ot l'eler
Frislikom. dee'd, late ol Z lienoplt boro.
2'J. Final iieeounl of Bridget K Shields aud
Susannah Little, ex rs of Margaret MeKeever,
dee'd. late of Donegal tp,
21. Final account ol A'ex Stewart, guardian
ot the estate of Joseph White, minor sou of
.Newton White, dee'd.
22. First and liual account of G W Hays, ex'r
of vV'm Thompson, dee'd. late ol Middlesex t p.
2i. Until and dlstlrbut ion account or Win.
Humphrey, ex r of win Williams, dee'd, late of
i-ortersvllle boro.
•jl. Final account of .Jane Blakely, dee'd, lab
guardian of llarvey Blakely. a minor child ot
Lewis HUkely. dee'd. a* stau-d by H 1 Cooksun,
adm'rof salu Jane Blakely,
j- inal account ot H I Cookson, adm'r of
Jane i;Uk< ly. dee'd late or Cranberry twp.
21. l-'iaal account of A M Frederick, guardian
of Philip Kramer, minor ealid of Philip Kramer
dee'd, late oi Donegal twp.
27. First and llu;U account of J E Miller,adm'r
C T Aor Susannah Chambers, dee'd late ot Al
legheny twp,
2s. First and final account of .J K Mlller.adm'r
of Jaiiit,s II Chambers, dee'd, late oi Allegheny
«<». First, partial and distribution account, ot
J v Klskiidden, adm'r of mien Klskuddeu. dee'd,
late or Alleugheuy twp.
•J}. First. r-arl:al account of Wl> Brandon,
adm'r of Jo Irwin dee'd. late of Hutier boro:
31. I"lr-.t part lal accouut of J b Ktester, ex'r of
Jacob Klesterdec'd, late or Slippery rock twp.
::2. Final account of Harriet vVoliord and F.
H Moniile. adrn'rs of John Wolford, dee'd, lale
of Donegal twp,
3::: Final account or W J Burton, adin'r of
Thomas Burton,dee d late of l'<*nu twp.
31, Final account of W J Cooper, ex't ot Katy
Cooper dee'd, late oc Jefferson twp.
3». I'artlal accouut of Emlltnc SLoughton aud
John il Wigton, ex'rs of John Wlgton, dee'd,late
or l!r nlv twp.
Final account ol Fred Bauman. and J il
Hauiuau, ex'rs or John C Hauioan, dee'd, lale
ot Jefferson twp.
.rT. Final and distribution account of John
Runner, ex'r or Roburt Forsytho dee'd, late of
Adams t .vp,
;M. Third partial account (>f Mrs \d dlue Wal
lace nd Jam s Wallace. oi tile last will of
i r mels Wallace, dee'd, iat Jof Zelieuople Fa.
mi. Filial account or James liarr. guardian or
J W Stauge, minor child ot Adam S aiuge, dee'd
lat>! oi Adiimr, tv.-p.
40. First and final account of Mlcluud Ash
guardian or Margar I KIUMi Ash, Minor child or
Sarah Ash. dec'il late of Oaklau i twn.
41, Final ac 'ouht or I N C tobls ia. adm'r of
James M White, dee'd. late of Venango t'.vp.
Notice Is that the administrator will ap
ply lor his discharge at the lime of presenting
ills accouut.
H. A. AYRES, Register.
i etiiPUTI A tihtw revolutionized the
J y J I 51 j| world during lie- last, hair
lill T « I tSI flceniury. Not least among
I I.< V 111 I I U *ll lie wonders or Inventive
progress Is a ine ihod and system or work that
can be performed nil over the country without
separating the workers from their homes, Fav
liberal; any one can do tbe work; either sex,
young or old; no special ability require, f'apl
ial not needed; you arc started free, something
of great value and Importance to >Oll. that will
start you In business, which will bring you In
mote"nuaiey right away thin anything eb • In
the world, (i.aiid out lit freo. Address Tut;;: it
Co., August i. Maine.
U BosH : oui{h Kood. U»o
M I believe Piso's Cure &
M for Coiwum rition saved Kj
n my life. —A. H. DOWKLL, H
J KiJitor Mliq uirer Ellen- 6J
1 ton, N. C., April SSJ, 1887. ■
A The nriHT Conprh Medi- fc
■ clue is Piso's CORK I-OK
Planing Mill
Ltiiniber Yard
8. Gr. Purvis & Co.
and Planed Lumber
flltwrWermtin Osvlliulletllinn'''
Mutual Fire insurancs Cit.
OiSce Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts.
11. C. i IrJ 1\ KM AN, SKCKKTAUI.
J. L I'urVH, Hamuel Atuierson,
William C.unphell .1. W. Ilnrkhart,
A. I to'itmau. Mnidermui Oliver,
<i «' K,,< ..nig. JiuneH wtfphwiMiu,
lir. W. Irvln, N. Welt/.el,
J. I". Taylor. H. f". Ileliicnian,
; a t> HMI a thorough HuilnaM Mncntloo. or
i„-. onu- in Kipi-rt btiortlisnd and Typo Writer, or
; ir<- to Innrh Speucerl»n Feom»n*htp, l» at ina
HMnaret-.it « itlarH C'olUC*. CltTClaaA O.
iilu u..~4 .j*ue free.
Statement of Am'nt Collected and Due from Collectors. Co. Tax.
2 ! I ?j® 11
, L i i—i ±—i_i_LLL
lsrsimfiaio i* J Kelly ... $ soool $ $ »«,$
•• Falrvlew borough Isaac Iluuk ; ® ti
ls*) Petrolia •• K F Wilson » '°i
Marion T C Vandyke aoo oo .6 45 i
i!>K4 Porter>ville borough A (jolosser ~..1 j *~
•• fcllpperyroclc ■' A Davidson i 314 ••[ 392 111 OS
igßs brady.. \V W McQuLstlon ! 418 281 12 05 tu so ,
» ( learileld H II Dully I 110 60,
•• iFraiikllu K M Illlllard i 100 GO: 1U 90, 9* }?
'■ Penn W McElvaln j 3X7 56* , 98 *6.
•• Butler borough C McAboy , l 000 00i *6B <>||l
.. Harmony FT Shaffer 123 oo i 240 w
Millers town •• W B Dyers lio i2j , 4 '4 H! rii!
.. I'etrolla "• M Daley 19 « l J 10
.. Portersvllle " Jas Ramsey I I i 10 ,3
•• Sunburv •• Jas K Campbell ' 138 81, 11 £>
1880 Adams Jas ForsyUe I 26Ce» : 10 12 14 05
» Allegheny IIJ linllard I 2Ta 05! 151 67 14 S4
.. Buffalo p A Dram ' 19 41; l •W
.. Brady lohn staff ! !«ai 37s *> 48 88 27
.. rllnton J VV Kiddie I 114 05, « o<>
..'Clay O R-Thorn ill 24! po sx 31 rtn
•• Centre A J Hutchison i 9S 4tti 17 13j 4 87;
.. Clearfield 1111 Duffy j soo oo! i 29S 28;
.. Cherry S V Hutchison ' 503 S7| 47 57 28 68
• . Connoti'i enesslng J Kalteubaugh 276 4«! 39y 14 55
. cranberry John Llcev ■ 456 9"j] 9 70' 62 55.
..Concord J H Christy 561 00 74 44 28 40!
.. Donegal WJ Coyle 627 451 43 28| 51 44!
•• Forward Vies Shilling 252 58! 14 43 14 86!
.. Falrvlew !<J Mecullough* 357 10 ~57 33 121
.. Franklin X S lirossman 459 00 35 88 38 24 22 67,
«• Jefferson I) Wallett 391 31 56 72 ; o9 59;
.. Jackson 11 Zltikhorn 288 33 ** 44 41 38
" Lancaster "(Fred Uhl 370 45; 20 59 28 53:
.. Marlon Jas Dougan 201 74 44 02 28 92 ; 3196!
•• .Mercer Anson Curry 278 11 15 oo 85 0o
.. Middlesex J S I'ark 138 54i 35 S9, • 29
.. Muddycreek UK Kennedy 226 41 11 14, 51 14
.. Oakland iJohn Patron 668 97 !U Hi: 35 m
.. Penn j£ Logan ?39 111 ISB 52 1 74 90
.• I'arker .1 Mcl.afferty 55 00 44 50
.• summit Jacob neon 299 80, 39 45
•• sjlpperyrock \V J Morrison 694 21; 34 181 48 Isj
" Ycuango Thos Morrow 502 ay 62 89 23 44 196 0:;
Washington 1' P Milliard 631 98. 126 73 20 70 S2O 07;
I •• Wlldiald j Rivers 57 32 20 54 3b 70:
1 borough! .V........... 1 724 85' 155 20 37 17 83248 1040
•• 'enterville 11' M Hard 312 36: 13 ®>J, loot;
•• Evans 1 icy •• 1) McFarland 25 971 15 61 137
•' Kali-view '• ltobt t'atton 71 91 J J JT>j
Harmony ■ ><eo Kline i 24 36 4 25; 1 28,
•• ilarrlsvi'lle " J S Few 1 as 81 3881 4 46>
■' ivarns Clrv " W J King. I 68 94 20 13 3 63,
•; Mlllerstown " S H Lackey : 17 10 19 47: no
Prospect '• Samuel Hoon 1 14 43 912
• • I'etrolla " M Dalley 436 19 47, 812
• • l'ortersvlUe " 1' H Oliver 105 00; 17 85! 6 41;
• • saxonburg " Chas Laab l - 29 35 12 !>4 680
• • sunburv ■* Jos Mechllng 110 35; 7 55; 650
< Zelienopie •• G Walters i 56 59; 1986 9 58;
Total sls 944 81) $1 719 02; I 522 64 2 798 59 810 40
State Tax. 1886.
—;• " > b i y s?
3gi 3 &
">j [ a 0
i J_
Adams Jas Foray the $ * s^*
Allegheny llJHiUlard » «
isrady • ,o ' l l . s i : , lCr 1 2 ' Ir
Clay A R Thompson | *3 : i J *5
Centre A J Hutchison i 31 4,1 1 1,6
Clearfield H II Duffy i 1,6 *•
Cherry s V Hutchison | ■« -9 202
Connoquenesslng 1 Kaltenbaugh J ~ } ~
( runberry lohn Lelcy JO «> 1 »
Concord 1 H Christy "
Donegal W F Co.vlfi «» » 0
Forward Alex shilling ; * ; tj
Falrvlew It J McCullough 99 10 | 5 ~
Franklln X S Orossman ; » rm
Jefferson D Wallett •' * J 'l
Jackson II Zliikhorn \ "1
Lancaster Fred Uhl • \ rV
Marlon las Dougan ! ** -•"
Mercer Vuson curry ; 2 » 1
Midiiie-a-x isi'arks. I rT
Muddycreek D R Kennedy £» 2.) 1
Oakland John Fatton | ™ i"; J."
Fe:»n K Logan -J; 2^
Farl;er I McCafferly I «68 - f
sllpperyiock W J Morrison •» ' <* xi
Venango Thos Morrow '; ■«
Washington FPHllllard *' 9
Wlnlleld John Rivers « % . -1
Butler borough (1 W Zlegler l'** ® w
Centerville - R M Hard }* »j •-
Kvans City •• u D McFarland " JJ,
Falrvlew •• Robt. Fatton fil
Harmony •• <: Kline » 15, lit
Karns City •• W J King » f?
MUlersiown •• I H Lackey * *£\ if
Prospect " Samuel lloon I "* *;] *{*
Petrolia •' M Dalley I ®<| J
Fortersvllle " Rll Oliver « » „V?
Saxonburg '• Chas Raabe j 4 ® '» -• ,
Sunburv 'S Jos Mechllng ' "j
Total !$l SCO 28 sl3 68 SB3 27 217 14
Am't Collected and Due from Collectors. County Tax. 1887.
> nr, 9 to so
! ! B ;gi 5 j £ |
I ! ® ' 2 §* «
i J '_j . : : l_' :
Adams Jiu Oris well <i> r » i l! » 2 - i <'-JI 74 $ 60 57
Alleirlieuv Ja .lolley 68S 21 8«« K.W fiJ 32 81
Buffalo ... I 1 A Drain I»il4 «.» 840 417 61i 32 2o
Butler I Duffrtrd «I 4 70 12 f»o 110 8 12 409
Brady J W Moore | 555 00 '.»<•> (533 47 25/^7
Clinton M Thompson I!'"** '1 !?'!
RS Henry 1414 35 15 o.< .Ki lf>s ,t 4 -•> 0
Concord ;S H Campbell 122." - r >.> 13 -J4 "ti7 27 •••> •>'
Cranberry I Klias Kasion 9«7 80l .20 lb 015 01 ! »2 05
Cherry O P Ctmipbell 768 51 111 W (-12 81 30 53
Clav Jeff Stotier !•!!• 70 j 14 08 841 22 flo
Clearfield V P Mcßride ;»U 34 4fi 14" 27 17 r>9 72 M 9}
Centre W Pr.ulhamtm SOo til 18 82 L> 6- 710 -3} 41 11
Donegal iJohn Ititzert W»3 44 'J 05 418 75 -3 81
Frank lin J B Stevenson H4B 80 028 SJ. 45 •>
Fairview lohn Andrew '-tHf* .•< 33 81 50 94 4->
I'orwar.i Alex Shilling 1117 20 1 22 80 fi-.r, 03 bO 00
Jefferson !Auffust Muder 1532 (K) 21 Ob, 300 12 >|4 1-
Jackson I Kveliart I*7# M 2; }' 570 38 .8 68
l.ancaaer K Urb »»»2 «» 20 00 23 01 214 8.".; «'0 5».
Middlesex -J I< Parks 1850 4.. 10 40| 76 /- 11 08j 34 f».»
Muddycreek Kobt M'mre 172-> 0" '-} 178 6!';
Merct-r Anson Curry *>• >0 00' It -• 334 4J; • I
Marion 'John Duffy 983 57' 12 M 575 34 02
Oakland .1 L Neyinan 1214 78 44 S3 73 t»b ;i,ni 78 4<" i,
Piirker |J M Shira 1018 <K) 12 (Ml 031 !»2. 3 58
p, nn 1I! D"dds 1671 60 921 480 74 ! 24 25
.Slip,, f-nrock II MeGill 1296 03, | 17 2b «ilfi 31 4.» 41
Sum in it (Jacob licit 804 00 17 04 t |R)5 57| 4h 40
Venn ...iJOK Kikin 6.»7 13 < 12 <127 6:. ; 18 74
W:r fi.id u«rnviin? i «»? «•:> : 3 ' ™
il>i.r|»er < fuiipin-U !M.» 14 02 SbH 92 38 4,
Worth T Patterson 1501 65 19 83 437 36 52 18
Ilutler borough j« W Ziegler 2(Hil 14' 42 0b 2 154 70 110 60
Ccnfreville *' W Henry Wilson 232 201 31 1- 61
Hgrmony ' " Wro (Carroll 104 00l 940 )7 (» 0» 647
llarrisville " J S Pew 254 60: 614 111 07 JO''
KVHUH <'ity " Cyrus Knox j 200 4/j 8 38, 9 bi • j l.i -1
Kuril.-; City " Krrd Kamerer; 1 92 15 -85 ( <) 8.1 500
Millrrstowu " D H«m(fh 240 20 / /l, 1t,7 32 13
Fa'rview '• ltobt Pattou 105 16 400 325 141 10 o'l
Petrolia " M Daly ! 100 o<)| 150.50,
Prospect " K Shaner • 250 00| // J, 101 15 13 56
Portersville " Jll Klnzer 22b 20 333 930 , 650
Bunbury " J G Shull 150 44 8 10, » 65; f, t -K)| b4O
Saxonburg » W Sell roth 20j 00 | 6 18, 134 02, 085
Zelieuople « A W Philips j 300 00 , 0 28| 362 6.3; 16 28
Total 42944 0F231 52,907 47 .11705 41 1579 38
State Tax, Am't Collected and Due from Collectors. 1887.
; 5; j1 f ?11
i i_iJ T I i "| L
Adams .' .lascrlswell 73 80] ,11!. IH 46 -3 14
wraliy"wMiwe:::;;:::::::::"::'''' «w 1 « 137 220
1 llnton M Thompson J. 11 1 ; >1 I L
conno iucneHsliiy U S ll«*nry } 2 £.| .~ * T0
c0ne,,,.1 SII Campbell is <J« f " « •»
Cranberry ICIIas Kastou ID -4 « JJj
Cherrv OF Campbell »*• J® ™ *•; }"
( lav Jeff Siouer SB 00 51 J4 SO 1 «
cieiirheld II Mcßrlde »< jJ j 3 01
I'riifn* . W I'Hiilhaiiiiii) -5 '*? J? I
iCi'wii.::::::::::.J«l... row* ! ??.
Franklin Jll Stevenson »M, 1.38 '
Kiiirvifw John Andrew 1 Jfl' ... ' .
ForwiniAiftxHhiiiinic «! k)
Jefferson August Muder J* on I jW. 9eo J®
Jackson J Kyharl , 2a 8-t 083
Lancaster J Krb ' •»» « - ** **2
SlSfc:::::::::::::::: SS 'S, U
v'arloii Jo'lin'DiitT.v'.'-I- 1 4 * ;1 17 '« ?!*
i•iri'er''- 'SS ,2.,
iN>nn J»lxsids! \ ant ** « ««>
Sllppcrvrock II M <llll ' M»8 122 M j|2 3
summit Jacob Reotl »• oo 1 .in . j 3 4.1
Venango Jos Kakli, » i ,/J »<« > £
Wlnlleld \ <• Krnellng I-"' - 'il . ill
Washington".'.;;...!!! arpor Camptiell I WW ' |!» 2 ST, •
Worth T P Patterson UJ #» 140 li, f,2 •> i»
r.titler borough (1 W Zelgler 38. 40 , .«l 148 oj. 2' 81
Centerville •• WII Wilson j , _ 27 00
llarwoiiv • W Carroll **\ •> -i 4 tn'i
llarrlsvllln •• I S Few >« 29 , J .> 4»
Evans City •• CyrusKnos f 'I" I- f* , „ 3 ?.
Kiirns rity •• 'Five! Kamerer 1 61 I 11 l .r. /•»
MlllelHtown •' K llougli 122 «2 ; 370 » fil « M
l'alrvlew •' Robert Put ton -j .« »li l# 10 IN
Petrolia •• ..' M Daly 1 • »' 1,7
I'rospei't " R Sliunor ®4B 100 1V-
Fortersvllle •• I II KI user | > ,
Hunbury . JO Wmll .1 id <4
Saxonburg " W hcrotli 1V- .
Zellenoplo •• |A W PblUlps tt»M [ 8 a»| W«7| 343
Total ~ 1(3210 »l I 74 OS! 1144 ftl 14 ' 00
VM'I lti.c n i;V TKKAM K FAIHTO'I'wi* ( ll*L In riwr I»V,.K
distiikts '~rTf~
• hp- s'2 arlgitier I S'SC »
lll|[ "f I J : f i* ; IS I \ ! : :j :
Butler boi , ~ t tI BO »'f INW 80172 00170
l'alrvlew !!'!' 380 l» 11.1 4 ftO 4V. , |l# 84 8 181 2HO I
\V„ Intl.'ton 32 M 47 18 M W «t OH 17 44 91 .'Kills 47 «8 IS OS Ml OJ
li.itie,.i .*■ 2 m n 331 201
Kalrvle.v Is,rough B2 I !*., I
Mlelflienv • jr. II 22 7ls la li» • H SKI 13 V> 22 62 '« IH
cherry 11 19 i 4si fi4i , , tsi 6 2^,
M lllci itown borough. 1 ■''' 76 38 18 s». oUJI4 si
Cuncord 874 «06 I <•! _ \l2 01 169 178
M; irl on 38 'J6 4 07 , a 77 I UUi
Fiirker 472 8 11) ;; as 32 40 13 41 111 l
Sllinrnlf . 805 II"' 1 18 h 20 1 IS i
Venango ,27 72 (0 so 2 7DO M .1 811 ' #29
\\ lull i'ld » 'i jg, »7 W, 3 00
Worth • * 10 1 B0 I Bo|
Urady I 1-0 T SS , m
I CODU<M|UiUCBsIIJtf ... »»► » vl
I inauriltfiu lio ao 13 i I !«U
Clay w 74
lorwuTd 1 I* W •"2
Centre 13 m 3 11;
Potroilu borough I .... 4 Co
llurrlsvil'o " j 1 »J
Hunbury •• , > , ! 2"t
Clinton I I I 1°: i
Donegal. 1 ' ! 1* 3C
, Kiipperyrook ! j I : 8 3V|
Oulud j | I I I I "j I
rotait . . iiß w 131 n s m . mo «« w a i<n «vm (t tot «• ' ■ 4.- tw 010
Borough* aad Townaklp* la Acc't with Butler
10. fur Uliual aad Warrea Hospital*
> I s
I 5 I
Marlon •$ • 2tt it ,
Buffalo M »
Clinton S5 61
Fairview ! go? 79
Petrola borough j aw "9
('onnoquenesslng M 16 !
Butler ! moo 102 49!
Parker ! **> vs 91 »
MUlerstown borough 87 «T 518 91
Jefferson M6l 1
Harmony borough 226 28 78 oo
Butler •• us sy joft l.*»
Lancaster 96 uol 26 oo I
Clearfield | 1593 so
Wlnfleld ; 102 00 as 00
Adams 23400 2»; 00
Centervllle borough | 106 29
Mercer I r.'l 40
Donegal ! 100 00 66 23
Penn i is 50 »4 50
Cranberry I 13 89 ;
Jackson i 31 26 00
Forward j 74 00.
Totals Il 467 35 ! k 4 530 93
Amuuot llecdred.
From Commissioners tie 227 13
•' Jury fees 285 48
•' Dog tax 350
Fines, Illegal liquor selling, &c 1 fi.%6 50
$lB 172 61
Bridge Arconat.
J Lll Donaghy. stone for bridge S 7SO
W W ltreckenrldge £ Son, Belford bridge Soo 00
John Craney, repairing bridge 3 00
J K sutton, Building •• 9* :«t
W W Brackenrldge £ Son, bridge 50 00
U .1 Jack, bridge 1 73
J B Cunningham, repairing Bull creek
bridge 25 00
Win Mongomery, repairing Clinton tup
bridge 24 7C
Samuel Colwell. repairing Tnorn Crfcck
bridge •_» t«
WinTillman, repairing itellord bridge. 252
\V J Lackey, •• Boydstown •• 100
Geo Armor. " McCandless " 21 42
M W Shannon, cleaning Connoqaeness
lng bridge 3 10
J B Cunningham, bal. c-n Buffalo bridge 22 to
Samuel Caldwell, repairing •• .. 100
W W Brackenrldge, •• Moore " 306 77
■1 '• •' Book so 10
" " Belloid" .. 35 -!0
J M Turner, •• " . 1 50
•• 2 25
John Donaldson, painting Klttannlng
bridge ... a) 00
s J Marshall, painting bridge 30 00
X 1* Barron, repairing •• 52 54
A 6 Kelly. " 2 00
it J McCandloss '• 1 00
11W 1/elcy •• Harmony •• 73 50
Jno W Monks •• Cilade Mill " 211 !>.»
U B Cuiiiiinghan " Flick •• . 42 00
Wm st cialr •• Neelv - .. 1200
N I'Mayer " West Liberty" 12 50
John Keno, cleaning Sprlngdale " 75
K A Hutchison, repairing Anuaudale
bridge •» 50
E It K Uoyer. repairing Boyer bridge.. 2 00
Thos K llirch. cleaning Sprlngdale •• .. 100
D Wallett. repairing Jefferson tp . 150
A B Martin •• " 17 00
l'eter Kile •• Adams lwp •• 33 ?•_>
Jos White, " •• 5 35
1X Graham •• •• " 10 go
Philip Hurr, planking Kenfrew 31 34
Thos Birch, cleaning Freeport •• .. 86
*' Sprlngdale •• .' 100
W UrackenrUlge <fc Son. New Bridge isu 00
W R Turner, repairing Kelly •• .. 21 00
t> F Kcdlc. '• Renfrew •• 625
Th< s H lienan. abutment Kensington
bridge ts 00
S J Marshall. repalr'g Ambersou bridge u4 60
J;K Anderson, spikes . •• 7i;
I'liUlp Burr, repalr'g 'McCaudless bridge 41 35
B F Milliard. •• « 3 00
Ralston Kelly •• Christy "•• mis
Wm Scott, •• sandy Lick " .. 45 no
l'eter File '• Parks 12 00
I'lrlcii Winter •• Eidna •• 600
Samuel Burr •• Martin - . ty 3t>
\v K Turner •• Glad# Mills •' .. 35 62
Samuel colwell " *• 10 tio
H Phat>e. painting Phabe " 1000
John \1 Kibbeu. repairing Riddle and
Flick bridge 525
John Staff, repairing bridge 1 75
Wm Scott, painting Monroe bridge.. 30 Oo
Porter tilenn. repairing Freeport ".. 10 25
W J Gllleland. lullll and abutm?nt Wil
son Run bridge 132 7^
Geo Miu berger, infill Callery Junction
bridge 40 O'J
W W Brackenrldge & Son, paliitinir 9
bridges * -3 ©<»
DM At well, repairing Smith bridge" i. 91
W W Brackenrldge & Son, repairing
Kelber bridge ..... 20 00
\V W Brackenrldge a Son, Stjne work 30 00
W J Gllielaud, repairing bridge.... 20 25
John Donalson, painting McUaimont
bridge qq
A J Black, impairing McCandless'bridge i» 00
J I. Patterson, planking Freeport •• 18 43
S W Uleuu, repairing Muddycreek 4 Ho
M Mccuilough •• Shaw" •• 40 00
W J GilleUnd. abutment Callery June
tion oriilge 393 22
W J Gllleland, Irons Callery Jc. bridge 2 'S
W W Brackenrldge <t Son •• •• •• #5 oti
" bal. Bonny Brook • no 00
T H Heenan. repairing Kensington Fur
nace bridge ~j
J R Grant, repairing Kensington Furn
ace bridge fts 00
Wm Miller, new abutm'ntDelano bridge 162 w
Thos llenen. abutment Frazler Mill •• *»i)9 80
Win scott, repairing Bonny Brook 25 00
John Donaldson, painting Freeport •• 70 00
Thos Heneu, abutment, extra. Frazler
Mill bridge 5 00
W W Brackenrldge, new bridge. Frazler
Mill bridge '*7s 00
W J Gllleland. new bridge... "9000
John Wade, new bridge. IH-iimo bridge 57 00
Albert Aderbold, new • ■ 14 m
W k Turner •• Adams •• .* 3oc
H W J<elcy •• Harm my •• 3 511
Levi Bojer " swain 10 00
... " Harmony •• .. 4o 1
\\ in (.lb:ion Petrol IK and Cen
tral Point bridge 6» 9"
Jas Murrln, view Murrln bridge'' uv
i.eo Tmuber, repairing bridge # *1
Sm'l Allen, painting Muddy creek bridge 25 00
W W urackeuridge £ son. illllug and
repairing bridge ,%o f)fi
J S Marshall, painting bridge . 4a 01)
Thos C Kelly, repairing Wolfcreek
brldge 9 w
Samuel Graham, painting Cranberry to
_ M 429 83 j
Jail Arrount.
Mrs. Swain. laundry 85
UCHusetton, shoos ' y75
1' Kramer. Slieriff, .'Oaritlng, provisions. lM:i ,V>
Schenek Bros, repair! 11R Jail 224 51
M Balmy,clothing %
Dr 11 C Lain, medical attendance .' 110 35
P Kr.une*, Sh'lf, boarding, provisions ft 112 00
.1 N Miiutz. coal 5 95 |
1> ll l.yon, hauling .!!. 75
Kilter Ralston, dry goods !....' 21 25
Mr Bic- le. shoes . 7 ir>
Jell Burtner. plumbing .1.2 no
J N Patterson, clothing 2 25
J 11 Conard. plumbing..'. « 75
Gas and Fuel Co, gas 1 50
C A Brown cleaning Jaii ............. 1; 00
Miller Bros, fiirniture 21 00 I
K G Purvis ,<t Co.lumO'T 25 39
J oil u 1 lonalil won. painting 1 50
V Kramer, 81,'fl Hoarding. provisions,& 017 50
J N Muni/., ilrv goods 5 OJ
J S Conartl, |«11J1111 ing 7 15
J F T Stehle 2 00
P Kramer, Sli'ff, boarding, provisions,&. 297 05
John T Kelly, elothlng M
J N Mumz.eoal 10 is
.1 .1 .>nun/.,roai 10 IM
P Kratiirr. Sli'il, water repair oo
Al Kilt!, shoes 9 55
II Kehiieldeman, clothing 1 so
i'Siock. work !i 75
I) A Hock, clothing ....!.. 4TO
1' Kramer, sn'lt. boardlnsr. 4.~>i
John Bickle, shoes 7 uo
saair» 97
County KiprnaM ISH7.
.1 (! & W Campbell. hum v. are tail on
0 t» Wallers, tax register 4 1:3
W .1 Mi-hoUon book binding COO tju
A S Asulie tmllot liox 1 so
\V il Liisk auditor counsel r. 00
Jas S I'arK.t until nook .. t ;t7
W T XlcliOlsou hook Wilding 44H ui)
J H Sutton arr-itigliiK papers II
tieoS Ml.ltflUT tIHUIIIIU t .To
Al ''miner J'lrv box a uo
.1 II Sutton indexing to (Xi
Miss Uolilnsou paslolllcn *'oo
J II Lackey Tax lti'glster, & 2 (X)
X S Cross man '• t T.'>
L V WulKer cos:s -j y~
A I'ussell arranging paiiers 67 no
.1 lteott tax biKik 1 00
,l:is Kor.sythe tax register no
Tin)* Niggle •• 1 K5
A M Cornelius " 1 00
K I'riDKle •• 3 no
H l> Puynn cost. »: 20
Thos l$o»k •• 7 65
C W Cooper '• 6ao
1) Mm " c 20
Samuel (till '• a2O
Tllos Fisher " JS 20
W K Stewart '• 3, 20
W It McNight •• 44 12
Win Weller judgment..'. Wi 4»
V 11 Bole cost 1 00
Thus Moore dividing Itutler boro 10 00
S K Bowser ComuiLs-sioner* counsel 30 uo
<J N (irahatn dividing Butler l>oro 25 00
Wm Ulchny setting sliwie trees t (X)
John Humphry dividing Hutler boro 1» 00
J Sink tioardliiK Jurors 3 26
1 Soltcnhauifh tax book 75
A <1 W llliauis all county Com 2 00
Mary Fithcau assessors I'eok 1 00
.1 A Hevdrlck. Boro division 20 00
J H llilllard, collector book. &c 1 00
It II Oliver •• " no
J 1! Thomas, Horn ill vision 10 (X)
W S Waldron " " 10 00
51 401 17
W J Nicholson book binder 200 00
91 GOl 17
Mutual Has Co,. C H and Jail s2o* 00
Water Company 1000 00
Livery Bills.
K.J Turner $ 00 ',O
II I'rvor 1 23
J C Kelly 7 (M)
J I' llreadcn U 50
<;<>erard 4 00
<il*Ul»hrt ,v Kirk 3 00
lllckel .t Blehl. 20 00
Kllck .t Kennedy 1; On
May & Albert 3 SO
,1 h Turner CM
W U Hlehl 4 00
Total sl3l 00
Bridge viewers 1132 20
Bridge Inspectors sloj 49
County Auditors.
K K MaurhoSX (100 00
A J llui per too 00
L i» Moore too 00
Total *3OO 00
Court Auditor siuo uo
K I Brugil svw V)
J II Sutton .443 77
Miss Jennie McKlruin im 78
Total tl 0W M
Cl»rt of CoarU.
Ih'Uiji.'ii >(cBlvalo $4lO 1W
L*rj aad lumhiil for IMJ
" " t !~''2"
I I |
Adams twp U 96 29 $11»86 18
Allegheuy 1 61 99 1579 30
Butler I 49 74 1789 92
Buffalo : 69 63 2062 98
Bind* ! 45 45 1224 02
Clinton ! 44 30 2112 83
Clay 61 65 1814 25
Centre I 60 20, 1651 42
Clearfield 60 22 1262 28
Cherry I 78 28 1753 46
Connoques&ing j 87 61 3619 74
Cranberry j 75 12 1976 02
Concord j 33 73 1979 63
Donegal 57 95 1445 05
Forward 131 82 1820 30
Fairview j 159 49 1618 76
Franklin i 52 29 1840 53
Jefferson 122 03 1968 60
Ja< k-o • j 162 50 1953 11
Lancaster. 128 33 16u5 58
Marion : 76 19 1671 67
Middlesex j 60 54 1978 64
Mercer I 36 19 1032 61
Muddvcreek 39 87 1983 35
Oakland 117 35 1713 82
Penn 262 80 2185 80
Parker 1 91 82 1696 50
Summit ; 90 39, 1933 61
Slipberyrock I 120 74 2275 09
Venango : 25 72 1610 64
Washington 108 44 1537 94
VVintield 154 44 1803 62
Worth 133 60; 2011 02
Boro ot Butler 565 08j 4668 68
Centreville 27 60 453 48
" Evans City 70 27 332 73
" Fairview 50 98 259 22
" Harmony 32 68' 6('B 93
" llarrisville 1 97 98| 383 48
" Karns City C 75 179 83
" Milleratown 1 158 67' 437 75
" Pr.wpecl 38 4iv 432 44
" I'etrolia j 17 97 | 250 50
" Furtersville 245 35
" Saxonburg 147 00| 351 95
" Sun bury 24 2o' 233 08
" Zelienopie ....* ! 234 99 688 19
Total '54412 42 68333 87
Printing Arronnt.
Butler Eagle im IS
Butler Citizen :W6 35
Butler Herald 379 37
I'etrolia Record 252
Valley News 119 52
MUlerst cwn Herald lit; 2'.
Butler Times lww
Total $1 732 21
InNuraa.r Arruuat.
J E Forsythe $ 41*00
Loyal S McJunkln 812 50
11 C Helnenian 5 CO
Total *1 226 10
Boiler llonse.
Schenck Bros *. 126 11
W W Graham 2 00
W seiberi 5 75
Jeff Burtner 25 45
Henry Blehl 1 50
Total ftio 81
Assessing Account $1 435 on
Assessors attending appeal A) 00
Allegheny County Work House $214 85
Court Cr.cr. Lewis Reed S3S7 00
Architect. J P Bailey ti 720 00
Commonwealth $3 212 u7
I'omatUsioaenr Clerk.
S T Marshall, 313 days' service $782 50
balance due Horn lsßo too uo
Total $1 182 no
Dlatrlct Attorney.
SB Snyder ...Jl-W 00
C A Mcl'herrln 531 50
Total $682 50
Dlxmont Hospital, Dr H A Hutchison..s2 211 84
Count) Detect he.
John Dobson S2B 80
D L Dunbar 590 09
Total $6lB SO
Election account $2 tXM 54
Inquest account $202 88
Jary I'oiamlHidoßeni.
Fred Hennlnger slll 98
'/. McMlchacl 120 14
Total .$232 92
Barbara Hennlnger, Jury Corns.' clerk S3O 00
Jury account $9 987 40
Prothonotary Wm M Slilra $427 85
Registration sJts 50
Road viewers $lB7 51
1 Road damages $463 60
Reformed school. Morganza 31122 50
John Flndley, transcribing $lO 00
Tipstaves' account $1 179 58
Warreu Hospital S2SS 65
Western Penitentiary nccount $7Bl 50
Refunding account $43 18
Stale Docket Evauilner.
J H Sutton W
Mrs W II Coibert 10 00
Total ..,$73 00
t'omnilssloncrs* Counsel'
S F Bowser" $304 65
j W A Forquer IOJ 00
Total slOl 65
Teachers Institute.
J L Snyder {2OO 00
Interest on Boads.
I Coupons $1 013 00
Tax ou bonds 140 02
Total $2 053 02
Soldiers' Burial Arrount.
Wm Burtner (or Josiuh Fleeger, dee'd s.'ls 00
Herman Seston tor John Navy, dee'd 35 00
K McK.ce for Jan Maxwell, dee'd 35 00
IG F Khhlley for Thos Mctiiimis, dee'd 35 00
Week beck t r At.'o veri fur J asßaugherty,
' dee'd '. .'ss 00
Total $175 00
Soldiers' Tombstone Account.
McCandless A Stewart lor Josiah Flee
ger, dee'd sls 00
Met 'ami less A Stewart for Richard
Milliard, dte'd 15 00
Mci'autlleNs & Stewart lor W J Brown,
ilrown, dee'd 15 00
Met ainli.iss & Stewart tor Jus Max
well, dee'd 15 00
&. Stewart for J W Hrown.
dee'd 15 00
MrCtindle.hS &. Siewvrt for James
Dougherty, deed 15 00
Total 00
('ommlmiloiierii' Account.
J C Rreadeu 313 days (<v $2.50 $782 50
J C Kelly %... 782 Ml
J M Turner '• " " 782 50
Total $2347 50
SUtlonery Arcoant.
Johnston A. Watson $964 05
W T Nicholson 38 75
J II Doubts* 55 03
Kidgway Publishing Co 33 W>
F L Ilntter 79 58
Ashby A Vincent 17 75
II C ileineman 5 40
Total i $1175 11
CouinibialonerH' Travellnx Kxpeuses.
J M Turner SBO 25
J (' Rrenden 38 95
J C Kelly 48 55
ToUl $lO7 75
Express, postage, Ac stil s<j
Inqaest la Lunacy.
James McMfchan sll 20
RCMcAboy 5 00
Total s'Jl 20
F M Eastman $ 44 50
W E Find ley 305 15
J I) Paujeherty 3D 0. r >
Frnok F. I'elton 13ii(! Go
A 1) Moore - 191 50
TotaH #1037 20
Court House.
It R Taylor halancu 011 oontraot. SI77(X) 00
" extra work 77<»'t 17
" shelving, etc 350 ".'I
Rittcr A ICalston carpets ti. r >J 2o
Archherirer frescHting 9.1 < 00
I'eter Sc.henck arbitrating. 12"> 00
W 8 Foulk arbitrating 'l2 s(>
McCandlAis A Stev/urt marble work 1"0 'XI
W J Butler stcsiu heating 'tiSi' (hi
Electric I.ighit-'o 7(!0 43
Towu Council grading uround
Court House ..." 148 00
Mutual (Jus Co 50 IXJ
Scheuck Bros wood work Itil
J OA Win Campbell hardware 122 04
D L Cleelund winding clouk 47 25
llarry (ireeg runniui; boiler 10<) (X)
Hall's Hale A Loek Co 68<) 00
Miscellaneous items 45f 49
ToUl ...» #30040 03
Bi'Rister aad Recorder's. Arrount
Sute bill $74 40
Constable return ' $64 86
Militia Enrollment acc nut v .564 03
Court Hoasi I sal tor.
J M Wick - 41223 00
E T Morlan 83 00
Thos Brown 52Q 00
Total ...|826 00
Scalp account $748 30
Treannrer J X Xr&arlln in Are't with Batter C».
DK to ami'Ui eceived
From collectors previous 'i Jan 4,
Fr.>m collectors previoi; to Jan 4,
1887, State tax 1360 2«
County tax for ISB7 42U41 9l ;
Sute tax for ISB7 3210 89
Rec'd tn>m townships ot. fixmont
and Warren hnspitsi- 1467 33
Rec'd from Coinuissioi s 16227 13
" " unsested Jr ; ds 386 fiO'
" " liquor fine 1656 50
" " jury fees ". 285 4.8
" " dog registr» a 3 M
Amount iu Treasury Jan 3, 1887... 38149 3?
Total $121636 80
Warrants redeemed $ 86512 06
State tax 280<J 00
Unseated lauds 730 30
Tax on loans due from IsN'j 6 75
Tax on loans due from i-s7 7 72
Treasurer's commission of 4 per
cent, on $55 000 00 2200 00
Treasurer's commission li per '
cent, on $34 312 06 514 1!H
Bal. in Treasury Jan I.'. i -58 28859 21
Total $121636 80
Cost of C'oi.., House.
Building, furnishing, A' all com
plete $147000 00
Statomeut of the Finani .of Butler County.
Amount due from coll . rs $.15 895 65
toviiliips ou
Dixmontand Warren liospitals. 4 550 93
Bal. due in Treasury Jan 2, 1868... 28 859 29
Total $69 3U5 87
L.ubii s*.
Bonds bearing 4 ;>er cei . interest 60 000 00
Bal. assets over liabiliti 9 305 87
Bonds above become <Ji;.- as follows:
$25 00<i 00. In day o: S ieuil>er. 15*88.
*2O 000 00, lrt day of S 'ember, 1889.
sls 000 00, Ist duy of tember, 1891.
We, the undersigneAuditors of liuf!«r
County, in Couiuionweuku of Pennsylvania,
met at the (.'ommissioD'. . otfiee of said Co.,
<»ti the 2d dsy of Jan. l.» -v\, and did audit, fid
just and Nettie the se\ t .. uceounts required
<i| u-, by iaw acoordiiu 10 the best of our
judgment and belief, thu foregoing is a
correct statement of the various accounts of
said County and Comivtouweaiih. lu wft
ness whereot we have h, into set our hands
aud seals this 3d dsy of I Vbruary. A.D , IKBS
I 8. P. I 'fCVVoLFB, [SKAI-]
KA. KtIvZEK, [SfAl.j
We. the undersigned Commissioners of
Butler county, havitu: ex. mined the forego
ing report of the Couon Auditors and believ
ing it to be a correct et-' 'oeut of the receipt* ;
and expenditures of aai conaty for the yea*
A.D., 1887, order it* j>ub cntiou.
Attest: B: M. DPSCAN,
S. T. M AHSHAI.L. Commissioners
Your atti ntlon Is called to the store of W. K.
Rnliton. the Jeweler No. <outhM(tln streei.
where von will find a i-Uolco selection of
Witches, clocks and Jewe, -v of every descrip
tion. Watch and C lock rc.i a lug a specialty,
Np.'nft. • juth Midn street. .
Butler, I'a;
H.ivlug taken ;th© agency u f the Choice Fniit
Beautiful Shrubbery,
Orn. mental Trees,
Ane eveivtlilng.elsn In tin ,'irsery line, o! IIiB
New Ivoglnnd Ntirserii s. < h.L«e Bros. & Co.. N.
V.. I v.'llf call upon >Oll Itt the near future and
solicit your onleis for Spr >; delivery.
A. H, FALLER, Agent,
Butler - Pa.
LAND, ' .. .
' Particular attention give.ti to the Retracing of
old lines. Address,
11. F. ,
. v'-o. purveyor
North Ho;h- P. »>. lutlor Co., Pa. y
TIIK t;li ZKN T ,
' A weekly nnwepaner, in. lished hvery Kri
ilny morning ati Butler, Pa., by JOQN H. &
W. 0. XKIiLKY.
1 Suhsrt-tptfo 1 itatc. / . !
Per year, in advance $1 50
1 Otherwise $2 00
No miliscription will tx .liaoontinned until
all arroaragos are paid.
All communications iattiu.lod for publication !
in this paiif.r mnst lie aec. u»anied by the roaS -
name of the writer, not fur jmblioation bat a*
a guarantee of good.fa^li,
Msrriage and dcath noti-cs mnst be aceoi i- '
panied by a respori|<iblo ni-me. _
, Allrertblig Katjf*.
One square, one insertir". fl; each
qneut iunertiou, 50 oeir.n. ' Yearly advertis«
inente oxcoeding one-four '> of a column, tp ' '
per inch, Figure work d. tl>le tlieee rates';.
additional charges where • I'akly or monthly
changes an made. Loca, Advertisements l'o>
cents per line for first in i tion and 5 centw ■' '
per lino for each a>ldit. noi l insertion. Mai- .-'
nsgeti and dsalhs public.' 1 troe of charge.
Obituary notices local advertise
ments and payable win n I Jed in. Auditors'
Notices. $4; Executor , ml Administrators'
Notices, in each, Estiay, Caution and Dis
solution Notices, not exuewKuti ten luius, <>2
Addiuoe The t': ii/.ns, Butler, Pa.
When .rouhlo.t %r»(h ihom *• ra*»« >low lrrocrularitje-4 tu*
follow ln&i\ coJ«l t»r orwure, or from Con
ititut)*'.ihi WwakiiooMtM H4» p#««;'il...r to Ihi-Ir iw*.
U«o OR. DiiCKOiWC:T Celebrated
riJFAra Btr#n|th«nlti|i lo»!i»' c«tlrw nrrtoin, imj' -jfii
ou«, iritror AOtl utuKXiciLio fore#' .11 faucMoxmot/nxix
i n 4 min<l. l»> mull. mmilm, *).
"ir. Harter MocJlolno - o..StIIOUiS. MC
Life Saved and <«alth Re
ctirirl ,IV Ileki-r'-. i'oil Liver Oil lluji
olul t,U jinTt. a i'»rni! it'inefly for C'on
sumptlon. nroiH'hitls. Astn. i. scrofula anil nil
throat adn lung dlvcuncH. » . ,'pared so u< to t*<
qu Ito pnlatahU
\sk for I. iker't I'oil LI ver !>ll anil Jlslt.
not m>iii i>y Urtigif'!»!.«rite t> ■ ii" Manufacturm»
.MIII.N t *t. IKKK \ CO.. .
si.. Flltiert St.. rhlla.
a*M*;i o- > .li (fioi tin) liiUr.o
uotosai. -ku.(orOTUi. i
or Fei!) <o Kostore Grnl
jlr to i(i VouthM Color." I
uivalnablo lor Uuughli, CvUi, ldwrasl Fulna BxhsetloiV
V*>. T A'dvcrtlslni V s always p«A - ca
|H> Bucoessful. Buforo placing oixjr .
JWSfc NewßpaiHjr A 'verUnluif.coasi.l';
BgS/ , • inTnyHMjiWrtgy T>
HP> « u t9 Men nmb OHKACA