'-L'-fcLlaJ OXTIZIBrtT. FRIDAY, MARCH 2. IMB. Hew Advertisements. F.nca tor'a Xobca, estate of Robert Riddle, i Unr* City College. Sprier Dry Qooda, L. Stein A San. , , Farm* for ml*, G W. Chrirty. Bargain* ia Wrap*. P.itter A Ralston. Ealrrratament at Renfrew. Married.'e Bakery. I. Pi#o'« Coagh Car*. List nf applicant* far li-en»e. j ( Dr. Lakc'e Private Diepenaary. ~ Saabarr Academy. j PUBLIC SOTICE.' j, Thtyvhlic U krrrbj not,ini that Kereaftrr I mU Hti-xMnmt ot Retpret or Container dopt od by orgoiiizatiMik cud ordfTtd frnhblhtd. oil uTii I ■ of f hurcJt Fain. FettitmU mud Ler tmm; <"-i «// rommnnicalrd Obituartet iritl ir citmrjid for at the rate of onr-half cent a word, money io accompany each order. , LOCAL AND GENERAL _ It pays to attend school at Edinboro. 1 i —One cew announcement thia w tk. —The Sf r'.nr Term of Grore City College i will b»K n April 3d. See local notieei. > —County Commissioner Kelly haa two ] fcmi for rent. ' i —TVe Oakland and Connoqnenessinc twp , ' baars are nndoabtcdly one aad the same ani- j -*• I. —lt is raid that the juryman from Lancaa- J ter twp., for next week, Mr. John Luti, has I ■ever bees ia the town of Butler. —Complimentary politics—"l don't care . asythi&K for yoa, hot 1 don't like your op- i pasicst." —lt i« *aid that standard gauge rails are , brier diMribated along the P, A W. between Butler aad Foxbarg. —Will Rumberger, who attended *chool here anci* yaara ago, was robbed of $75 in Pittsbar? Taut Saturday aigbt. —The V. 8. District Court meets in Scrau toa Next Monday,- Robert Barron E«j. is S Jaror aad started for Scranton yesterday. —Doc't fail to read Stein A Son's new Ice*la. This enterprising firm haa already received part of tU Spring stoci of new dr«» ( ■aada —Mili«r»towa has a new oil ecmpany called the "MoM|aito," which proposes .ink iag its ii.ti* bill into the earth and tacking up as BiUcb oil as iu tank will hold. —A plate of ;la<« twelve fret by eleven ; fcet w»* cast at the I'iate Works here la*t w«^—large eaoogh to cover one of the four : walla of an >*diaary aised room. —Aa t-npJintMa for license ia a strange thtag on which to advertise your basiuess— , oa the *i Plication of George Btahl ol Zelie- - oomta at pears the same of "Samnel Young, EZmt.' —"The raw of Armstrong vs Saakev was Mkra ap last Friday, but waa not anirhed until VFe4aeadav eve. It was a dispute over o*e acre of groaad aad there were forty witsaasea here for nine days. —BMM of the boya of thia town are trri- Mv excited over the rem Fishery Treaty. Tfcay have beaa told tbat it forbids them for bait within three miles of any in IM i B the coantry, lying about the aize . •f the fish they aatoh or fishing on Sanday. —The boys department ef the Armstrong eoaatv flsldisr*' Orpbaaa Hoase waa deatroy • ad by fire oa Moadae of laat week, and teslw al the bsrys haa* beea allotted to the Beaaa brre. Thirty-five go to Mercer aad fatf la I at—town. —Aa extmar&aarv railiaai accident hap paswd at Scmadjbarg, Pa. a few days ago, —nuty, bat now of Kaaaaa, waa expected to go with Mr. Newton MaOwdlesa to her father's b'.me in Kansas, hat iaaaead of that tbe an 1 Mr. Herald took ika train for Jamestown, X. Y. and were —Tbe little threeoeat sickle piece is 4aaaad to be swept out of existeace. The haaae ha- pasaed the bill to diaooniiaoe iu a« d they will ha melted aa they Isakad: to the triatury and go to make fiva aaat pweea.—Thia is a wiaa meamre, as aeaay a tam-eaat nickel piece baa been paid oat, lad m rt-raa, for t dime, intentional aad MkrrVMe, (he two piece* being about the aamaaiaa. —A ditpateh from Grave C.ty dated last Taakr aaid—The reports bar* are meager trw tie delegate Meeting of the miners of Maaoar aad B a tier ooentie* held at Coal town today, hat fraa what can be gathered there will ha no demead f.*#. ae he took the rent of the gang into hi mofedeace.and)they all talked.bear until tbey made s«e people in that vicinity believe that there really were beara in the caves, aud thatone particularly big, black fellow in habited a certtin cave. The aaw mill aaea prnpoeed a hunt wbicb wss joined ia by several others, including a yoaag man naaaed Roe, who bravely crawled into the cave, bat wno ia said to have cntne out quleh. r thaa be went In and very badly misd on sccoaat of the hear having fnrious -2 all ark 1 him. The reet ol the party con aded thkt deacretioa waa the better part Of valor, aad closed ap the month of the cave with atoaea and gave up the hunt for that day. Ot c»aree the bear (?) had a» trouble umsviag the atoaea, alter the party leit, aad ha left souse deep feat marka ia the mud, aaade with the aada of hia flngera Then a seaeral huat waa organ ißed wbioh took place laatSaaday. The different parties oonverg- I cd fom all directioaa, aad when they neared (he cave tbey found oae man up a tree, be hfeiag just tacaped from the furious wild aaiiaaal, aad met another oorerad with mud aad ia the laat at age of eibaaatioa, be bave tag eacapad the ferocious beaat by the bard eat of reaniog before falling belpleaa. The ataoea piled over tba moutb of the aawara ware reaaoved, the bear's traoka were f' —'y visible ia the mud, iadiectiag by their aim aad depth that the animal weighed at leeet a thsaaend poaada. Better ooanaela aa the politicians aay— prevailed oyer that uasd, aad they threw away their hickory shiltoWea aad ret used to their peaoeful£un *"themiw will men have moved to the Bahaat Baary they will have many a iaagh aver the laat bear baut in Butler It Jefftraoa St. is tbe place *• btf ckMf ud good forottvre. LEGAL NEWS. BALANCE OF TRIAL L'.»T. H W Christie T« Andrew Blakeley, et al. Feb 23, rerdict for defendants. Robt Glenn vs Eroaline andl'eter Scheide mantle. Feb. 24. continued at cost ©lff. J H McCain. Kx'r o« John Gilpin vs An drew Campbell. Feb 24, verdict for defdt James Armstrong vs Robert San key, trwj- Feb 14, jurr sworn. Feb 39, venlio: for plaintitl for 4-' datuares, aud establish do nation line commencing a' the unable on the north, then souih past the three white lak donation trees to the stone corner oa the •ontb. This last case vuoa for five days, thouah not continuouslv, as tht Court room* were so cold part of the'time that court could not be held. four: adjourned Wednesday eveuing, r.av ioj bteu iu stssion two ?nd a halt wee&s. NOTES. The commission to inquire into the allege 1 lunacy ol Coorad Kwnuer of Brady twp , reported that he was insaue. and the Coait directed the clem to i-sure a warraut to the Sheriff to take him to Dixmout. J. M. Wilton has brought snit in eject ment v* Thi« aud John McCutntuings and Alfred Grossnun for Jo acres in Cherry t|>. J. 8. and M. Peckham attached money of C. M, Boot in hands J. H. Coeaud others. Jos Powril attached money of J. M.Wehr in hands of Job n Hunt and John M. lhoiup son. The borough of Millerstown has heretof»re been taxed with the keeping of Mary Luce at Warren, but the people of that town tiled objections, aud she is now charged to Karns City. Fleming West has been appointed guardian of Harry, Clark, Joseph, Klrner, George an l Kane "Ziegler, minor children ot George Ziegler, dee d. Win. Detrick was appointed guardian of Lizzie A. Uerter and Berthn Detriek. M. Leizhner was appoint**! guardian of Wm H. Kauttnan. Andrew Woiford has been returned to Court on a charge of carrying concealed lire arm* preferred l>v John McKinley, Alexan der Storey ft r surety of the peace by John H Thompson, Ju ius Moulta for horse stealing by John Loyd, Georje Houieholder for F&B by Sarah J. Moser, S B. Sternberg, Herman Hertztierg, Adam an l Jos. Steinberg for de frauding creditors bv W. J. Adams, George Hboup for assault and battery and malicious mischief by John Kennedy. The will of Scrpbia D Thompson of Marion was probated and no letters; also will ol Kobt Riddle of Clinton aud letters to Joliu II Peters and J B Cunningham. Letters of administration ware granted to Tbos A anil VV P Hines on estate of Edward liines ot Bradv, also to Sarah truster on es tate of John W Gibson of Slippery rock. PROPKKTY TBASSFEES. J B Mates et al deeded 75 acres in Penn to Johii Klitmier for $2500. S P Ara.siroug deeded oil projierty in Pean to P Conner* for frOO-j. J C Reed deeded acres iu Donegal to Chas MeGusre for 57750. C Siniiti deeded Frank Forquer a lot in Butler for j>:sso. Thoa Kobinson deeded Jew Kinser a lot iu Butter for f-i/0. SPRING ELECTION, 1888. xr.ir JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Butler, Robert McKee. " John C Kelly. Buffalo, \Vm Barker. Brady, Matthias Mayer. Cherry, J S Campbell. Forward, I) B DoutUett. Fairview.S W McCollough. Franklin, W B Curry. Jefferson. K.li Graham. Mercer, U Gill. Muddyc.eek, W 8 Moore. " J W ilcGeary. Oakland, Lewis Byers. Parker, John Kelly. Penn, John Kaitenbach. Washington, J 11 Bell. Winfi-ld, X M Kirkiaod. Centrevilla Boro, Alfred Christy. Harmony " J D Lytle. Kara- City " J N Titus. Portersville " STOsenson, Zelien' pie " Jll febay. Butler " A P Stewart. NKW CONSTABLE? 5 . Adams, Ed Br urn. aJ J»Hy. Butler, Dale Thorn. Buffalo Wm Sarver. Brady, J B .Smith. Clav, J M Thompson. Couc ird, I) W Mowr. Centre, J E McKailen Craut-erry, E'ias E,i*ina. Clearfield Geo Berkbichler, Win II Siiiaiior. Clinton, Thos Peters. Donegal, John Riizert. Cherry,Jos Kenehun, Forward, Al Dunbar. Fairview, .1 ' Campbell. Frauklin, L B Snyder. Jefferson. Milton Bjl orJ. Jackson, Henry Lute. I ancaster, Selson Kiefer. Mercer, A Carrie. J»eob Manser. Marion, Newton Mortland. Middlesex, J W Greer. Oakland, Peter Whitmire. Parker, J M Sliira. Peon, George Hay. Slipperyrock, John Grossman. Summit. T J Reott. Venango, Joseph Kakin. Washington, Herman Seaton. Worth, A C Irvin. Winfield, Kllm Acre. Centreville B >ro, T C Cooper. Evans Mty " Hugh McClelland. Ha.'tnony " F Weigle. Harrisyille, " Jos Pew. Fairview " W F Alexander. Kama City " Jos Mechling. Mnlerstown " Jas McMichael. Prospect J C ttoxberry. Portersville " E Lauderer. Petrolia " M Daley. Snnbury " Hugh Dully. Saioiihurg " C B Smith. Zeiienople " A W t'hitlips. Butler " Henry Koru. " " A N McCandiess. More Scamps in Clay. Some young men up in Centre and Clay townships have lately been swindling their neighbors by canva*sii.g for the sale of aaanteririt money, ire'.lins their price in ad vance, and then refusing or neglecting to deliver the c tunteneits. It is said thai they got |is and IV) front each of several parties, none of <{hom care to talk much about il. One man who doubted tne honesty (?) of the gang was ndvised by them to write t<> a cer tain party In Oil City. He did so, and after ward* met a at'auger at Petrolia, who to k his money and haa is paid to have come to Butler lately and given his not* to the bank for s2'io, with which money he bought, a* he supposed, a thousand dol lars in counterfeit aunty, done up in a pack age, but he didn't get any "green-goods" to take home with him, und the greenest thing be took home thai night was his owa sweet self. fecampa are fools. Tliem* sharp Hcarap* < that are swindling the stupid acaiops, coo Id do jn«t as well in honeiit Imtiiiew and, we think, would be lur li»i>i>ier. \ Pittsburg detective who was employed to visit the vicioiiy referred u> kah! thai there were fourtcea iwrsooi in the tb-i '"gang," mostly youni; men who hav« not he.-n to work, but ;u tni-.y had no', act u ally parsed any e tanterfeii money, and ns toeir vii-iiuM di-l not we to expose tlirfra or tbemxel ves be didn't nee that be couid do anything. A Mercer cot'atv detective wan also in that vicinity lately lookiug f-r a rnau who bad Dad a torged note discounted i:> Mercer, and it ia said that some* Butler c irnty boy* lately got a forged note cashed iu New Castle, but the tnrg"ry was discovered, the boy* pursued and the money taken from them soon after crnaMug the county line on their way hoiae. Marriage Licenses. William Bhame Lancaster tp Caroline Scheingrubor - William El. t'arnhart Summit tp Anna K Knause " James F. Calvert Clintonville, l'a Maggie Addiemau Venango tp At Pittobur?—Ooorge Worch ofS.ixonbtirg berg and Wilbelmina Hick of Pittsburg. At Brookville—Will Burton formerly ol Butler and Miss Jennie Matson. —After this year, unless a vacancy Bboald occur by death or resignation, there will ba uo judge of the Supreme Court to elect uutil 1895. At that time Judge Pazson'a term will expire be, with the late Judge Woodward, bave been first elected under the pres ent Constitution. Judge Paxaou will become Chief Justice at the end of tbia year and will havo eix years to serve in tbat position. —lt has been decided in tbe Su preme Court that a person may fry ooioos, regardless of the inconveni ence tbe odor ot cooking gives to tbe neighbors, but tbe decision on uour krtvt bos pot yet bevn baiukd down. The First Temperance Meeting. A f*uso last Tuesday evening to hear Mr Miller oa the License question aDd take actioa in reference lo tbe applications io sell liquor ID this county. Re* called the meeting to order and nominated Judge Story for Cbairuivi ar.«l Rev McKee for Sec'y, both of wbotu were elected, aud Rev. Nesbit aiid Messrs Wick arid Mc- Bride were appointed a committee to drait resolutions. S H Miller K-tj., of Mercer, was then •liireiiucfd. a;;d he made tLie best speech we have ever heard him make, end one that made hitn more ii iei:ds thau has any other speech he ever made here, lie started oif by saying that he was not a Prohibition ist but had been opposing the grant ing of licenses in Mercer county for fi'teen years, and had at last been successful, this year, in shutting out all but tbe Sharon and Stoueboro ap plicants. Wa make a note of tbe Sharon cases in our Neighborhood Notes. Fie theu compared the new license law with the old one aud its supplements, and is of opinion tbat tbe new law entirely separates the liquor question from the tavern or hotel question, a'id gave as a reason for tbe Phiiadelphia and Allegheny county delegations ia tbe Legislature supporting tbe Brooks bill, that the people who wanted to sell liquor there didu't want to be bothered with keeping a hotel or boarding house He is also of opinion that tbe new law annuls the old, aud requires tbe Courts to ssiye due consideration to rem on a trances, as does also the decis ion of the Supreme Court in Reed's Appeal. After Mr. Miller concluded tbe fol lowing resolutions were read aud adopted: the License Court f.>r Rutler county ih »|ip WIIEUITAS, ilie N rook's Liquor Law, now HUthoritive ia the State, gives remon strants agHif!»( i >r lit-eot>e tiou and taudinir 111 license Court, and directs the : I::II{ Ju ! to Lwe " re gard ti We nu'iibs-r >:ri'tiit, in the Reed Appeal, tent-;;ulics the riatit ot nil elti retm.wljetiier m lie or Itmite.to be petitiouers in the License Court; at.il f pecitieji that the necessity a licensed drinking bar shall be ascertaiaeU * * 8 by the number and character of those petitioning for or against hueh application;" h->idiag as follows: "The Court is to hear petitions in addition to that of the applicant in favor or", anil reouderaliiigly opp'ised t ) llinu, tliercl'ire. JUmlvcd 1, '1 hat we, as citizens ->f the boro of Butier Ks-einbled to consider this question, do hereby authorize and :trran/e the taking of such steps as may en thin Us, and those who thiol: v. iui us.m anjjearas remonstrants in the appr.i:ictiiiiij License Court. Resol ed 1 hat we earnestly appeal to our fellow citizens to aid us in this movement U> tree the Borough l'roin liceased drinking b/.rs. Hesolv'dZ. Tnat we appoint J.F.Anderson, Alt' W.uH and C. D. Greenlee, of the Third Ward; D. Osborne, Joseph Hervey and W. J. Montgomery, of the See in 1 Ward, and P. Dau:>en»peck, L. C. Wick and D, B. Erne nck, of the First Ward, as an Executive Committee to have cbargs of this whole intt ter; arranging for collecting signatures to re moustrauces; and taking all needed steps to bring th* remonstrances to tlie atteutiou of the Court; the Committee to have power to fill any vacancies in their number. licaulved 4. That all the ministers of the borough, in sympathy with this movement, be associated with this Committee as helpers. S H. Nesbit, L. C. Wick, I. J. MCBkidk. A collection was then taken up to pay for the ase of the house, a vote of thanks was tendered Mr, Miller, and the meeting adjourned. Bogus Baking Powder Tests. Rather ingenious but not lefs fraud ulent are the pretended tests of bak ing powders being made in many of our kitchen* by agents who are try ing to further the sale of a Chicago article. These so-called teats consist in mixing separately, with water, a sample of the bakiug powder found in the honse and of that carried by the agent. From that found in the house if a pure article, the bubbles of gas will rise and burst on top liks those from a glass of champagne. The Chicago baking powder which they carry, when mixed with water, will show au extra froth upon the top of the mixture which is claimed as evidence of supnriority. 0.1 the contrary, however, it is not only the exhibition of a trick, but is absolute proof that the baking powder which so acts is adulterated. The chemistß have ascertained that the adulterant used is a chemical added for the ex press purpose of producing this action and deceiving housekeepers as to the true value of the baking powder. This is not only a dishonest trick,but a dirty one, for the cnemical is the product of the filthy refuse of the slaughter house, and if this baking powder in used in the preparation of iood passes into the biscuit or cake without change. Of course, auy statements made in ro eronce to other baking powders, by parties caught in practising mi -h tricks as tb*«i for the ' purpose of deceiving the public, will bo entitled to no credit. It i-» probably wise-it in t.hn interest of our families,and to prevent our food Irom being coatamiiiuted bv tramox of this kind, to turn till p rsous woo wish or attempt to tamper with it iin fcerirnoniourtlv from the door, and to n»e those article?! only wh ch experi ence has proved satisfactory, or the oflicial tests havo establinhed as pure aud wholesome. —The Pennsylvania "hemlock belt" embraces a tract probably about fifty miles square, takiug in a part of Potter, McKean, Cameron, Forest and Eik counties. Timber exports claim that this Belt contains nearly one-half the timber now standing in the United States east of tho Rocky Mountains, and to this fact is due the establishing of several new and largo tanneries in the vicinity of Oleau. Lumbermen estimate 15,000 feet of lumber and 10 eorda of birk to the acre in the belt, making 50,000,000,000 feet of lumber aud 10, OUO 000 curtls nf bark. Besides the hemlock there is a variety of hard woodß, includiug cherry of the very j bent quality. —A lamp has more sense than some people. ( lf it is in a room whore there are two souls with but a mar ried thought it iuvariably goes out. —New building, good location,low expense, experienced teachers, aud good honest thorough work at Sun bury Academy. —Beautiful picturos at very low prices at Miller Bros.' furniture store, NV. 19 JVtferjfoti St. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. —Over at Osceola MillH, Clearfield Co.. las'. Thursday, a young man of 18 kidnapped a girl of 15, and bid her in an attic, aud iutended holding her lor a ransom, but the girl got loose and went home, and tbe younif man wns captured and jailed Trash lit crature and whiskey put the idea iu the young man's mind. —A Yolapuk class Las b-?ec form ed in Pittsburg —Up in Mercer county af the J*n uary term <>f Court, the number of n lines on the remoustr n exceeded those on th« petitions Nine of the the ten applicants from Sharon then C'ed affidavits setting fortu tbat names ou the remonstrances fruin that, town were non residents, minors, or not genuine signatures. This brought the number of remonstrants below the uumber of petitioners »*od .ludge Mebard granted eight of the ten applications. At the first meeting of tbe W C.T U after the granting of the liceuses, the matter wua taken up and an investigating committee ap pointed »vho thoroughly re-canvassed the town, and who have accounted for all buc 90 names on tbe remon strances, and the Union has appealed to Judge Mebard for a re bearing of the cases. —Michael McKenna, tbe old man from McKeesport, who was fouud guilty ot killing his wife was sent to the penitentiary for ten years. —Two Pittsburg detectives who furnished evidence against tbe saloon keepers of Wellsville.O,, were mobbed in that town last Saturday. —Rev. John Wendell, an alleged preacher, was arrested for swind.ing, at McKeesport, Saturday. —A new oil well at Findlay, 0 , is said to be flowing 2,00W barrels a day. —Uniontown and Wilkesbarre, this State, were visited by heavy storms last Saiurdav. —Dr. J M. V. White, an alleged abortionist, uf ludiaun county, was arrested iu Kansas, and is now in jail in Gretas burg - . —An insane muu,named Lawrence, of Etuleuton, tried to blow up tbe liotel lioyer in Pittsburg, last Satur day nignt. —The house of Jus. Franklin near Meadville was completely wrecked by a gas explosion last week. Gas bad beeu shut off for months at the main, 200 feel from tbe house, and tbe sup position is tbat freezing caused a leak at tbe connection, thus permitting tbe gas to fill the cellar. Mra. Franklin went into the cellar with a lamp in htr hand, when the explosion occur red, blowiug both sides of the house completely out, leaving both ends standing supporting the roof Mrs. Fr&ukliu was thrown 60 feet and badly bruiced and burned. A young child sick in bed. was thrown 50 feet ont into a snow drift aud slightly bruised. Mrs. Franklin's recovery is doubtful The explosion was felt half a mile di.staut. —The great Edgar Thompson Steel A' orks of Braddocks wure closed la.-n Monday, tbe Nation*! Tube Works, and rolling milis of McKees port are partially closed, some of tbe Conuellcville coke ovens have been shut off, and altogether from to twelve thousand rm-n up the Motion gahala river have Oeeu thrown out of employ ment. —Sheriff Montgomery of Arm strong- county, look Peter Rosenber ger to the penitentiary last week He was convicted io ISSG, but escaped from the Sheriff and went to Ohio, and wa ß ' lately re-captured. —A man in Meadville says he ban a cat that regulates the natural gas fires by turning on more gas when the rooms get too cold If the story be true, we may expect a cat astrophy from that quarter before long. —Three boys, named Veeon, Ma loney and Jackson, whose homes are Newton, Beaver Falls and Connells ville, respectively, escaped the vigi lance of the officials of the Soldiers' Orphan School at Mercer Saturday afternoon, and wore found in New Castle about 3 o'clock Snnday morn ing, almost exhausted They had walked through the mud from Mor c.t to New Castle. Their reason for runuing off was their disinclination to study. They wera returned to the school. —Jacob Elollenberger, aged 20 years, died at Heading, on Tuesday, haying literally Htarved to death Over lour months ago a piece of mol ten iron flew into hia throat while he wis working, closing up the passage way to his stomach. Siuce that time he has beeu unable to eat, and was kept alive by liquid injections. His weight was reduced from 165 to 10 pounds. —The Bradford Era of 22J ult savs: A party of young lads ranging in age from 12 to 15 years have been cauzht in the act of making bogus five cent pieces in an old deserted build'ug in the lower part of the city. They made a mould of babbit metal by getting the impression of a nickle. Into this mould the melted metal wap poured and a clever counterfeit was made by the young counterfeiters. When accused ol their misdemeanor the boys said they were making the Hpurious money "just for fun " They stated further that a mnn hid taught them how the counterfeiting was ac complished bnt would not give his name. Their system of making the bogus pieces was vi-iy simple and if they had been supplied with a better quality of imitation they could have turiiod our, a fair fac simile of the cur rent nickel of the realm. —Judge Ermontrout, of Berks county, ducidns that tbu collection <;f tickets or money for admission to campmeetings on Sundays, is a vio lation of the law of 1794 against worldly employment on tbe Sabbath. That, is the hardest hit the campmeet ing baa got for tbis long time. Sunbury Academy. The Spring Term of Sunbury will open March 27th and continue 13 weeks. Tbe prospects for this term are very flattering. Those desiring ; to prepare themselves for teaching or for entering college will find the ad vantages at Sunbury Academy second to none. Expenses are very low. Write for catalogues and circulars. Correspondence and Inquiry solicited. Addresß R. W. MCGRANAHAN Coultersville, Pa. —New Percales, Ginghams, Seer suckers aod White Goods at Lowest prices at L. STEIN M .1. D. Cl NNINOII\jj/ Kiddle X Roads. P. 0., Ilutlcr Co., Pa Estate of Samuel Boyd, Dec'd, I.ATK OF KI'TLKR COt'NTV. Letters of admiuistration having been grant ed to the undersigned on the estate or Samuel Boyd, dec'd. late of liutler countv. l'a.. all per sons knowing themselves Indebted to said es tate are requested to make Immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate w! I present them duly authenticated lor settlement. Fiuki.ity Titi.k ani> 'l'ttrsT Co.. Admr. 100 Diamond St.. Pittsburg, l'a. McPherrlu S. Mates, Atty's. Butler, l'a. Estate of William Hetselgesser, LATE OF WINFI EI.D TP., DKC'D. Letters testlmentary having been duly issued to ine on the estate of William Hetselgesser. dec'd. late of Wlnlleld tp.. Bu'ler county. Pa., nil persons knowing themselves Indebted to said e tate are requested to make immediate payment, and any having claims ag iiusf said estate will present tlu-m duly authenticated for Rett lenient. Kahi. lIEISKt.CKSSKU. Kx'r. Leasurevllle, 1". 0., liutler county, l'a. S. I". Bowser. Att'y. Estate of Isaac P. Ash, I.ATK OK f'OHWARI) TWP. DKC'I). Letters testamentary on the estate of Isaac I'. Ash, dec'd. late of Forward tW| , I'.ut ler county, l'a., having been granted to 11s, all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay men 1. and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlem-nt. Kzk.V I.ikkn ,1 M.ntv A.Guaiia.m »' Evans City, Pa. Estate of E, C. McCurdy. I.ATK OF BUFFALO TWP. DKO'D . Letters of administration on the estate of Mr. K. C. McCurdy, late of Buffalo tp, But ler, county, !'a.. having beeu grauted to the undersigued, all persons Knowing themselves indebted to the above estate are requested to make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for nettlemcut. S. W. McCUKDY, Adm'r. Crafton, P. 0., Allegheny Co., Pa. Dissolution Notice. i The partnership heretofore enstlng be tween George McJuuUiu snd Ldv.-ar.l Win j gaud, of Butler, contractors aul builders, was I dissolved by mutual colseut ou February 10, ItUW. All accounts and books are in the bandit of . George MeJuukin for settlement aud oolleo ' | tiou. Gkoboe MCJUIVKI.v, IuPWABP WI PU AN P. ! fluljer, kVj, JJ, IBSB. 185Q »'■» '*> E.GHIEB, .1 ~E WKL ER. No. 1* NORTH MAIN STREET, GUI OPENING OF 0 GOODS. Diamonds, Ludies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches Q"! VQ O Srt OPI 91f T7 i)oa ' l fttil t0 ** T *''" '' llc of 48 it is the largest UiiVUl VV (X) 1 Cu V • and most complete stock ever shown in Butler. 1317. Ecdger E:cs. Knives and Forks, Warranted Triple Plate. The Best Qcods in the Market. 1\ 13 T VTV7OO SPECTACLES ar.d EYE GLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel framed 1 /r» JSk_X_±l vJT scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System. Agent for the Celebrated Roekfcrd Quick Train Railroad Watches tree of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. ISTo- 19. ISTortli jVlain fetreet* * 33TJTLER* PA, YOUR ATTENTION Is Called to my Fine Stock of I.(TflfrJjP. "VVatohes. Clocks, Jewelery, iIUVERWARB, Ac., which have been selected with great care for OUR TRADE. Ifi||nra FORKS, SPOOHTSC., M.. tsF**All goods Engraved FREE cf charge. If you wish to buy from a well 1 T) UNION c LOCK. >- VTIu 1.1) U, No. 16. S.. Main Street. Mill Watch cASIj sign o *' electric ®sll e ' pa ' Insolvent Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will make appli cation to the Court or common Pleas of Butler Co.. Pc.. on the ilrst Monday of March Term. 1888. tor my final discharge under tie Insolvent laws, or the state or Pennsylvania, the Court having fixed salu date lor a tinul hearing or the case. J. A. STEWART. Dec. ". "ST.-rtt.p'd Widow's Appraismenis. The following appraisineats of personal' property and real estate set apart for the ben efit of tbc widows «!'decedents have beeu fil ed in the office of' the Cleric of the Orphan's j Court of Butler Couo pa, as follows: Conrad F, Kl.otje* • s.'}f.fl 0!) .lohu lisii oo It »bert For.-.v he 300 00 James Duucau Sim 00 Heury Siehle 800 00 John Statnm ,'JOO Jacob Gerlach, Sr 300 00 All persons interested in t'le above apprais meat will take no'ice, fbs'. they will be pre sented to the OroiiH -j.-*' Court of Butler coun ty on Weduesdsy the 7ihtiay Marc t,is;<, for continuation abs1 s i> No. ;» Dee. term ls?:i. I-'inal aceoiii:f of V," II t'rr. lorcmittee of John Snvdcr, a lunatic, (At d S D, No 22 June term 188S Filial account of W s Waldr 111 assignee ot Robert s Klrkor for th • is.-tieril ofcredit-ors. (At M s It No l'l June term. lssi;. Pinal account of M N < .reer committee of Ann Cypher, a lunatic. (At >! « I). No 1;, Sept. term, lss-V. .1 W BRO\VN, l'roili'y. Road Reports. Notice Is hereby given that the following road reports have been conllrmed nisi by tue Court and will be presented on the lirst Wed nesday of March , being the 7th day of the month. ISSB. If no exceptions are filed they will be confirmed absolutely. R D No. •> Sept sessions, issr. County bridge In Middlesex tp over Anderson's run at the place where the public highway, leading rroui Glaac Mills to Evans City crosses the said An derson's run In the township aloresald. Dec. T issT; report or viewers tiled with draft as fol lows; The bridge proposed is necessary, aud Will require more expense than Is reasonable the township or Middlesex should liear, aud did locate the site thereof on the present location of road. No change Is necessary In course or bed of road. Court directs notice to be given ac cording to rules of court. By tiik Court, R D N0.." Sept.Sessions issT. Public road from a point in Wintield tp. liutler county, l'a. on a public road known as the Delano aud Coylcs vllle public road wlu re lands of Mrs. Caroline Keck and Kberhart Lang loin to a point In said towns ip and public road leading from the l-'ree port pike to said llelano aud Coylesvllle public road, where lands or Charles Duffy and Win Denny Join. Dec. 3 IssT. report or viewers tiled as roilows: We are of opinion that the road prayed for is necessary and have 1 heretore view ed and laid out the same for public use and re port the probable cost of making road to be twenty -live dollars and said cost. In our estima tion. should be borne by the township. No dam ages assessed Approved, and tlx width of road at Xi feet. Notice to be given according to rules of court- liV TiikCoi rt. Butler County SS. Certified from the record this 4th day of Feb ruary, lsss. REUBEN McELVAIN. Clerk H SJ For Sale. The undersigned Administrator of Kbenezer Christy, dec'd. late of Parker twp.. offers at firlvate sale a farm or 1 17 acres, situate in Wash ngton twp., near Milliard's station. It Is all cleared ami In good state or cultivation, well watered, t.nd has a nvo-siory rraine house, and log barn, large orchard, and good out buildings A I.so. a 7f> acre piece In Washington twp., near the Allegheny slope coal mine, with rail road running through It. two-story frame house, partly cleared and balance good timber. ALSO, a farm or so acres in Parker twp,. be tween A mil- % lite and I.ldor.ido, ot:c-hnlf cleared H nil other hair well timbered with chestnut timber, good land, tiut no buildings. All tin- above pieces are underlaid with coal, and will be sold either for cash ot' on time. For further particulars emiulre of W. CHRISTY. X2—3tn North Hope P. 0.. liutler Co.. Pa Paul Cronenwett & Co, BUTLER. PA.. Breeders and Dealers in illgh-elass Poultry: Langshans. Houdatis, Light lirahmas. s. c. Biown Leghorns. 1; .v s. C. While l.< gliorns, Plymouth Rocks. Toulouse Geese. Pekin uml Musocvy Ducks. Crushed oyster shells for poultry lor sale at all times. W. H. hF. MORRIS, BUTLER, PA. Breeders -OF f TII ich-class i» it Eorss $2 per 13; $3 for 20. MF.&M, Marks Invite your inspection ol their stock of FALL and WINTER Millinery Goods. Receiving goods every week I their stock is always FRESH AND COMPLETE. IvJllllpav tills t<> our HHlesmnn. OUTFIT \l iSIIFKEE. Cau btart yl»u «t once. Send IUIU If tor terms to I J. AUSTIN SUAW. NaimrypiaU. UtKhes Ur, N.Y RAILROAD TIME TABLES ' WEST PENS R. R. On and after Monday, Nov. 14, 1887, trains will leave Butler as follows: MARKET at 6:15 a. m., arriving atAlletrhe ny at 9:00 a. m.: connects cost for Blairsville. EXPRESS at 8:2.3 a. m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 10:20 a. m.; does not connect for the east. M AIL at 2:lit p. m., and goes through to Allegheny, arriving there at 4:50 p. m.;ion nects east. ACCOMMODATION at 4:35 p, m. t and crn nects at the .1 unction with Freeport Accom modation, arriving at Ailei;heny at 7:26 tu., and connects east as far as Apollo. Trains connecting for Butler leave Alleghe ny at 7:16 a.m., 3:16 p. m. and 5:30 p. ni. Trains arrive at Butler at 10:20 a, m, and 5:05 and 7:45 p. la. S. & A. R. P.. On and after Monday, Oct. 24, 1887, trains will leave liutler as follows. Corrected to fast tiuie, 1 hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville from the Pittsburgh aud Western depot at 6:45 and 10:30 a. m. and 4:40 p. m. Trains leaving the P. &. W. depot in Allegheny city 8:20 a. m. Rnd 2:40 p. in. fast time connect at Butler with trains on the 8. A A. Trains arrive at Butler from Greenville.fast time 10:10 a. in. and 12:40 2:35 and 9:25 p. in., and connect with trains on the I'. \ W. arriving at Allegheny at 12:20 a. m. and 2:55 5:00 p. in., fast time. The tram arriving at 9:25 does not connect for Allegheny. Trains leave Milliards at 5:45, atid 11:00 n. ni., slow lime, aud arrive at 9:20 a. tn. aud 5:30 p. ta. Both trains connect at Bruucliton for Butler aud Oreeuville. p. & w. R. p.. On and al'ier Monday, Oct. 24, ISB7, trains wiil leave Butler as follows: Corrected to fast time, one hour foster than schedulu lime. Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City at 6:15, 8:18, & 10:30 a. in. & 12:45 p. ui.Ac 2:s't Ac 6:20 p.m. A train connecting for New Castle aud the West leaves Butler at 12:45 p. in and arrives at Chicago ut 6:00 a. m. nexi inoruimt. Trains arrive from Allegheny at 9:10 and 10-21 a. in. and 12:30, 4:40, 7:55 aud 9:30. p. m. Trains leave Batler for Foxburg aud the North at 10:21 a. m. aud 4:40 and 7:55 p. m. Traius arrive al Butler from the north at 8:18 aud 10:30 a. m. aud 6:20 p. m. On Sunday trains leave Butler for Alle gheny at 8:43 a. m. and 6:20 p. ui., anil for the West at 1:45 p. m., and arrive from Allegheny at 10:21 aud 3:35 p in,aud from the West at 7.55. A train arrives from tho North at. 8:43 a ni. aud departs at 7:55. p.ra Traius leave Allegheny for Butler al 7:00, 8:20 uud 10:20 a. m. and 2:40, 5:40 and 6:40 p. in., fast time. Trains leaving liutler at 8:18 a. m and 12:4') p. m. make close connections at Callery for the West, aud the 2:50 train connects, hut not closely. Trains arrive at Allegheny at 8:10,10:30 a.m. and 12:25, 2:55, 5:00 aud 8:23 p.m. BUTLER MARKETS. The following are the selling prices of mer chants of this jdace : Apples, per bushel, 90 Butter, f>cr pound, 30 to 28 cts. Beans, per qt. 8 to lOots. Cabbage, new, 7 to 12 cts. Candles, mold, 14 to 15. cts. Carbon oil, 10 to 15cts. Cheese, 12 to 18 cts per lb. Crackers, 7 tolO CM. per lb. Chickens, per pair, 40 to 50. cts. Coflee, Rio, 25 cts. Cofl'ec, Java, 35 etc. Coif Roasted, 25 to 30 cts. Cofl'ec, ground, 20 to 20 cts. Eggs, 20 cts. Fish, mackerel, 5 to 15 cts. Flour, per barrel, $4.60 to $6. Flour, per sack, $1.25 to $1.65.. Feed, chop, per 100 pounds, $1 25. Feed, bran, per 100 lbs. $1.15. Grain, wheat per bushel. 90. Uraiu, oata per bushel 40 to 45cts (Jrniu, corn ]x:r bushel 65 cts. Clovei seed Large, 55.7 i» per bushel. Clover seed 'small, $5.00 per bushel. Timothy seed, ■s•'! 10 per bushel. Lard, 10 cts. Hams, 14 cts. Honey ,20 cts. Hay, sl2 . Shoulders, 10 cts. Bacon, 13 ets. Dried beef, 18 to 25. Corn meal, per pound. 2 cts. Potatoes, new, 60 to 75 Cts bush. Rice, 8 to 10 cts. Sugar, hard, 8 cts. Sugar cofl'ec, 7 cts. Sugar, raw, 61 cts. Sorip, 5 to 10 cts. Salt, per barrel, $1.25, Tea, liysou, Gunpowder, etc., 50 cts. to 90 Tea, Japan, etc., 50 to t;0 cts. Tea, Breakfast, 40 to 80 cts. Tallow, 8 cts. Buckwheat Flour, 2.80 cts. perewt. Turnips, 50 cts. per bu. Sweet Potatoes, .Wets, per pk. Cranberries, 15 cts. per qt. SALESMEN WAN I E I)" To sell Nursery Stock. Permanent em ployment and Ki><>d salary to honest, energetic men. The business is easily learue l. We grow all the reliable uew varieties of Fruit and Orna-ucntal Trees Write lor terms. HOOPES, BK<> & THOMAS, . Ektablifched 1853. WtsT CHESTEB, PA MAJ'LK AVKNt'E NI'BSEKIKS. PERMANENT STAMPING For Konsingto i, Arraseno AND OUTLINE SVO&K DON'S ileo lesson t> In sain i glrca by ANNIE H j LOWMAN, North itrwt, Butler, Pa. neSty-ft WAMTED-UDYSS»;^»n fell-.1(1 Jlrui. Kv/VtiXtp-'rifc rtivtl. iV»iu ».v nt luv! 4. , 1: Uj »'W, N. ¥. Your Generous Trade Shows You Like It. The stores aren't alike! stores of a kind aren't alike! every clothing store isn't a store that sells nothing but reliable clothing! Heliable clothing/ why that's the only kind you want to buy! Nobody would ac knowledge selling any other! But there's a bigger profit in what isn't. There's a way to make ev erybody sure it's reliable ! It's no hardship to do it if"it is! Tell the quality plainly ! Give a guarantee with it. Take it b.ick if the buyer gets home an«i isdii-satisfied with it! That's our way of saying to you — I hit- is reliable ! It's better than a ream of newspaper words to make the customer secure I Undersell us in prices who can ! We'll be under there, and head of our business on every other point. Nearly 1,000 ttyles of goods for selection. J. N. PATTERSON, The One Price Clothier and Gent s Furnisher, 20, Main St. LOOK! READ! I havo enlarged my store-room, lu fact, made II almost twice a* larjfe an It was before, ana havo also Increased luy stock. I have. by tar. llic largest and best selected stock of Fine Dross and Chemicals In Butler county, and am now tn position to supply ihi* wants of tlie people of this county— even better than In the past. You will do well to call on cie when in the nce.j of anything in the line of Fine Drugs and Medicines. Mv stock Is very complete and PRICKS VKBY I.O\V In medlclue quality Is of the tlrst impor tance, so we nlve particular attention to filling Prescript lons. our Dispensing Department Is complete. e dispense only Pure Drugs of the Finest Quality, and our patrons may bring us their prescrln iions, reeling certain that they will bo carefully ami accurately llllert. Thanking the nubile for the very jrenerous pat ion ace they have accorded ine In the past. I hope to lie able to serve them more acceptably in ihe future, at tho old stand. No. 5, North Main St, BUTLER, PA. J. C. REDICK, ' DOCTORS UKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY jSfc # OFFICES, 800 PENN AVE., ' fwyr -PITTSBURGH, PA.— All forma of Dell<-at» and Ccm- W plic.itcd Dl-fuee ivqi iring CoNFI- Di.MUt uud BCUUITIHC Medic*, lion aro ti.uiej ul ti>U with • mhw r rely ul tamed. Dr. S. JC. L»k« to § member of il>« Koyal CoUefp of Pbyilciiiiu ud Scrjwn*. o. d U> iliu old.! t uud u»st oarpcrieucud OTKa±IA»T is lb* e.ty. his-d.J tit* oiion given to Jlemsua Debmty ir..iu «*-j|-» tu>.utal eierttoo, lrd'.*cmiMki oC v aiU A ~unii.ln/ physVal aad menialqtcu,tack iff c«- r vy. dtfpau'li ucy.i+c.j aWC«»vr»,oWßoiys, l-'iu, fii' i. Ilti«uni.iilMii and alt d.wuica uf lee iikui, in.. (1. I.uags, Urlnury Dituns. Ac. OoMulUtlop frcM uud nii..ily roulldratial. Offiiv* kouni 9to 4 »uJ 7toß p. oi.; Sundays 2t04 p. ui. only. Call at orfttcu or addreeo 3/JK. Lake. M. P. M. fcC.P.U. or E. J. tun M t>-