Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 02, 1888, Image 2

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    ttpthi mnzEN. i
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Hx month* I
rIM» ■atUr
FRIDAY. MARCH 2. 1888.
Mercer County Adopts tne New
At a special convention of the Re- j
ot Mercer County, held in j
Mercer last Thursday week, the new
for the nominating of a candi
date for Congress in tLis district was
approved. Tbis action has now com
pleted tbe movement, tbe whole four
Cosnties of the district, Butler, Bea
rer, Lawrence and Mercer, having
now ratified tbe new mode. While it
la«u candidates for Congress will be
nfnTl , ff at a district Convention
of the foor Counties, to beheld this
jeer at Sew Castle, Lawrence Co
Tbis Convention will be composed of
aixty delegates, fifteen from each
county. These delegates are to be
eUcUdtnm fifteen sub districts of
each County; Beaver. Lawrence and
Better have already apportioned their
couattea off into these sob districts,
and Mercer is providing for tbe same
Tbe sob districts of our county, as
formed by the County Committee,
have been published. In each ot
these, two delegates are to be elected
one to go to and act in a distrist Con
vention for tbe nominating of a candi
date for Congress, and one to go to
•ad act in a district Convention for
tbe selection of two delegates and
two alternates to tbe coming Nation
al Convention, to nominate the next
Republican candidates for President
and Vice President. The National
delegates have, under the National
rates of tbe party, to be selected in
the same manner that Congressmen
are nominated in tbis district.
The voters at tbe primary will vote
for these, tbeir sub delegates, and
sot direct for the candidates for Con
gress and National delegates. But
the voters at the primary have the
right to tnsfrucf tbeir sub delegates
as to tbeir choice on Confess and
on National delegate. Tbis instruct
ion they will no doubt giro them
Tbe mode is new and a little compli
cated, particularly for this first year
of its trial Where there are only two
townships forming a sub district it
will not be so difficult to have some
anderstaoding between them as to the
delegates to be elected in same. But
where there are more than two town
ships, or more than two election dis
tricts in a sub district, some concert
of ection between and among them
would be advisable. But where this
action is not taken we presume tbe
voters at the primary will, at each of
tbeir polls, elect their own two dele
gates, one for each matter, and when
tbe County Convention meets the
vutes ia each and every one will be
counted op, and the two delegates
having tbe highest vote in all will be
declared tbe ones elected and instruct
ed by the voters in same.
SENATOR QUAY has been compell
ed, on account of his health, to go to
Florida, where he may remain for a
month or aix weeks. Florida is the
point sought now to escape from the
chills of the North. It is the land of
oranges and flowers and it is to be
hoped its delightful climate may be
beneficial to the Senator.
Anti-License Meeting.
The meeting of the citizens of this
place ia the Opera House, on Tues
day evening last, was more largely
attended than was even expected.
Hon Robert Storey presided and
Re*. McKee served as Secretary.
Hon. Bamoel B. Miller of M-rcer ad
dressed the meeting in one of the
moat practical and convincing argu
ments against the license Bystem yet
listened to by onr citizen". He illns
traied the evil# flowimr from license
to the citizens of any place both as to
the morals of the place an well as in
a financial view, that carried convict
ion to all. Mr. Miller referred to the
improvement made in bid own
town of Mercer wnce licenses were
refused there, and said among other
things that no respectable attorney
of that conuty could now be got to
present license applications to their
Conrt. A vote of thanks was given
him by the meeting for bis able
Rev. Nesbit read the resolutions of
the meeting, which will be found in
another plaee. The audience then
responded liberally to a request made
by Rev. Oiler for funds necessary to
make a proper opposition to licenses
in this county. Committees were
appointed to look after the interests
of the citizens in the matter and the
meeting then adjourned.
The Penally for Disturbing Pub
lic Meetings.
There are a number of literaries
he id in the ounty and occasionally
persons attend whose conduct is very
reprehensible. We have been re
quested to publish the law in relation
to the «<ubj«H:t in the hope that it may
bave a salutary effect and prevent
disnrbances in the future. Here is
the law as we copy it from Purdon's
"If any person shall wilfully and
maliciously disturb or interrupt any
■teetinfr, society, assembly or
gati >n convened for tbo purpose of re
llifiou* worship, or lor any moral, so
cial, literary, scientific, ajrriculiural,
horticultural or floral object, cere
mony, examination, exhibition or
lecture, such person shall, on convic
tion, be sentenced to pay a fine not
exceeding fifty dollars and Buffer an
inpriaonment not exceeding tbree
months, or both or either, at the dis
cretion of the court."
Now, if there are any persons who
attend gatherings in the oountry for
the ostensible purpose of disturbing
thosa assembled they should giv»
good bead to tbe law as we publish
it, ar alee they might some day find
I>— >lva* ia the workhouse-
Mr. Blaine Means It —His Dec
laration That He Will
Positively Not Be a
NEW YORK., Feb. 25.—Mr. Blaine,
in the course of a long conversation,
distinctly asserted that under no cir
cumstances whatever would he allow .
bis name to be used in connection
with the next Presidential nomina
tion. He insists on the sincerity of
his withdrawal and asserts that he
bad made up bis mind thereto long
ago. He considers, first, that any
man whose name has been associa
ted with a defeat in a presidential
campaign owes it to his party not to
allow himself to be renominated; sec
ondly he is unequal to facing the
fatigues, worry and excitement of an
other canvass, all the more as he
would feel bimpelf bound to work as
hard as on previous occasions. Mrs
Blaine and the o'her members of his
family are most emphatic in approval
of his withdrawal, which is definite,
and neither hasty nor recent in its
decision, Mr. Blaine will not return
from Europe until June and not until
after the Republican Convention.
He declines to express himself on
the subject of the Republican candi
dates now in the field, but asserts
that he did not retire in favor of any
particular one of them. He is con
vinced of a Republican victory, bas
ing bis conviction in particular on
the tariff question.
When Mr. Blaine was asked tba
direct question whether he would,
under any circumstances, permit his
nama to be used again as a candidate
he replied in the most emphatic nega
tive, but then added: "I do not wish
to make any new affirmations upon
the subject. I have said all that I
wish to say upon this subject in that
letter- That letter, as you must
know was not a bap-hazard, off-hand
affair. It was the result ot much de
liberation and careful thought. You
will remember that I told you in
Paris last December that I had no in
tention of being a candidate again,
and that I haa practically made up
my mind at that time to forbid the
use of my name in the approaching
More than this, there is another
plain reason for my withdrawing. 1
could not go through the burden and
fatigue of another presidential can
vass—such a one as tbe canvass of
the last campaign. To accept a nom
ination and to do less than before
would be impossible."
The correspondent thus concludes:
"Towards tbe close of my last call
I asked Mr. Blaine when he expected
to retarn to America. He said that
he expected to reach New York about
tbe last of June. He expects to
spend the late Spring in London. He
has not determined upon his move
ments. After leaving Florence he
will probably go straight to England
from Italy. He said, with an air of
frankness not to be mistaken:
"Yon have no idea what a relief it
is to me to tbink that I am now out
of the canvass, and that when I come
beck to New York in tho Summer
that I shall not be going back there
to face reception after reception and
to enter into the turmoil and excite
ment of a political canvass. ( can
now come back quietly,after the Con
vention baa once decided the result,
and enjoy my own life in ray own
way, free, I hope, from farthor crili*
cism or comment."
The Farmer And Free Trade.
Tbe free trader delights in assuring
tbe farmer that no agricultural pro
ducts receive the benefits of protec
tion by tbe tariff. The claim is on a
par with tbe other fallacious claims
and theories of tbe free traders. The
tariff list very promptly stamps this
statement as a falsehood and the
thoughtful farmers well know this
The following may be taken as sam
ples of the doty on various articles of
agricultural products-
Wool at 30 cents a pound or less,
10 cents; at over 30 cents a pound, 12
Beef and pork, I cent a pound.
Hams and bacon,2 cent a pound.
Batter, 4 cents a pound,
Lard, 2 cents a pound.
Cheese, 4 cents a pound.
Grape*), 2h per cent, ad valorem.
Wbeat, 20 cents a bushel.
Oats, 10 cents a bushel.
Corn, 10 cents a bushel.
Rye, 15 cents a bushel.
Barley, 15 cents a bushel.
Potatoes, 15 cents a bushel.
Hay, $2 a ton,
Live animals, 20 per cent, ad val
Beeswax, 20 per cent, ad valorem.
Vinegar, 10 cents a gallon.
Honey, 20 cents a pound.
Fruit, shade and ornamental trees,
shrubs, etc., 20 per cent, ad valorem.
All vegetables not otherwise pro
vided for, 10 per cent ad valorem.
To tbe above might lie added other
protected farm products,such as hewn
timbers, sugar, tobacco, rice and
In some cases the rate of duty may
be somewhat too low, but the princi
ple of protection is applied ia spite
of the free traders' declarations.
Mercantile License.
County Treasurer Eagleson of Mer
cer county has received the following
instructions from tbe Auditor Gen
eral of tbe State:
Retailers should remember that
mercantile licenses are not transfer
able from one dealer to another. a:>d
parties going into business after th<3
Ist of M«y, and who have not been
rated by the mercantile appraiser, are
required by law to pay a license at
the rate of twenty dollars for the
whole year, aud any such persons
who do not beforo or within one
month after commencing business,
take ont such license, shall pay tbe
full year of twenty dollars.
4,000 Chinamen Drowned.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 25.—Further
details of tbe second disaster on the
Yellow river, wbieh occurred Dec 4,
and resulted in the drowning of three
mandarins and 4,000 Chinese labor
ers, are given in the Cbiua papers
The men were at work repairing th«
damage caused by the previous floods,
and 2.000 bamboo rafts bad been
laden with stones in order to form a
breakwater, but tbe rafts and all the
people on board inem were engulfed
as soon as they reached tbe middle of
the river. Great suffering is reported
from tbe flooded districts. Cold
weather came on and tbe couutrv
was Boon frozen over, making it im
possible for boats to run. It is esti
mated that 2,000 sacks of millet
will be needed to stop the great gap.
So far tbe utmost exertioue nave not
collected over thirty sacks a day.
, Eight million toels have already been
•xpended on rapaird.
Prospect Cuttings.
Mr. Edward Morlan of Harmony,
ha 9 organized an Iron Hull lodge
The winter term of the acadotnv
closes oil Friday »*VB, March, 2, with
a play entitled "The School Marm,
Mr. Frank Textor and family of
Edineau, were visiting: here last week
and took in the "Martha Washington
Miss Martin lias returned homo
from BlufTion, Ind . aud
brought her brother Homer with her.
Mr. Ciaude Durst, of Pittsburg,
while enroute to Salt Lake city, stop
ped here to viait his brotb?r,Rev.Ro-
bert R Durst.
Miss Jennie Kerr, of Centreviiie,
wag visiting and being visited hern
last week.
While tbe band was serenading
last Thursday eve, Mr. Courtney dis
tinctly heard the music at Grove
City, over the telephone. What an
age of wonders!
Misses Millie and Lin Grine were
visiting friends in Butter, last week
J. 0. Dodds and J. W. Shaffer
were elected school directors at the
late election. Both excellent men.
Mrs. John Reed, of Pittsburg, nee
Sarah Shaffer of this place, died at
her home, on Monday, Feb. *2O. She
was a daughter of Henry Shaffer of
this village.
The latest social was given in hon
or of Mrs. A. Bowers, on Feb 22, it
being her birthday. Mrs B. wa*
the recipient of numerous useful pres
ents. (JOUD WILL
A Pleasant Greeting.
The members of Holvoke and West
Liberty congregations having planned
a surprise to their pastor a gojciiy
number assembled at bis hou*e ou
Feb. 4tb, 1883, (being tbe eleventh
anniversary of the commencemet of
his labors among them), bnoging
with them abundantly, and determin
ed to make things pleasant generally.
A bountiful dinner was spread, of
which all partook till satisfied and
left, as when Jesus fed the multitu
des. Alter dinner, Dr. W. R Cow
den was called to tbe cbair, tbe 23rd
psalm was sung, and the paßtor ied
in prayer. J. C. Moore E:q then, in
a neat and appropriate address, pre
sented to the pastor and his wife, on
behalf of their friends, a fine tea set
of table-ware, aad a large basket ol
groceries.—sugar, tea, and coffee—
then to the pastor's wife, on behalf
of the ladies of the congregations, a
goodly purse of silver, and to the
pastor, from the men, a line sleigh
Besidei they brought a goodly supply
of flour, and feed for bis burse.
Kind friends, we hereby tender you
our most hearty thanks. We are en
couraged, by this expression oi your
esteem and good will to labor more
earnestly, tbat all may be built u;> iu
faitb and holiness, to tbe glory of
God May the good Shepherd abun
dantly reward you, and may he nay
to you, iu tbe fiuul reckoning, "Ina->-
niuch, as ye have it uuto one of the
least ol these ray brethren, ye have
done it unto me."
W. F AND M. E. Shaw.
Venango T wp., Items.
FEBRUARY, 23th, 1883.
EDITORS CITIZEN: —Our election is
over and the result is Democratic as
usual, the Democrats gettine all the
officers save oue, Henry Kingsley,
Watch Heary. lam afraid you are
getting iu bad compauv.
At the well on tbe John McNamee
farm they commenced to drill last
week but owing to quicksand filing
up tbe well tbe drill has been suspen
ded for several days.
There is a company taking oil leases
south of Farmington with tbe ob
ject of putting down a test well, one
mile east of the John McNamee well
The G. A. R. huld what they call
ed a Bean Bake in the basement of
the M. E. Church at Farraiogton last
Friday evening, which resulted in a
very pleasant and atsreeable time.
Prof. Patton delivered a lecture on
the subject of Prohibition at farm
ington on Monday evening last,
which was very good. Prof, Pattori
is a pleasant speaker and a very good
reasoner and sound on th<i Temper
ance question, and well worth going
several miles to bear.
Yours etc., B. &. W.
Resolutions of Kespoct on The
Death of Mr. John Pierce
Aged 77 years.
At a meeting of the Allegheny
Church, B R. C. of Allegheny
Township, Butler County, Pa., held
January 7, 1888, the following pre
amble and resolutions were unani
mously adopted.
WHEREAS, It has pleased God in
the dispensation of Ilis Providence t«>
remove from our circle to the glori
ous one above, our aged brother John
Pierce, therefore be it
Resolved, That in tbe death of
brother Pierce the circle has lost one
of its oldest, most faithful aud wor
thy members.
linnolved, That while we as a circle
mourn his death, we bow in submis
sion to the will of Him who doetb all
things well, believ'ng that our loss
is his eternal gain.
Rexolved, That wo bear testimony
to the integrity end worth of our de
ceased brother, not only as a member
of our circle, but in all other relations
of life.
Rvxolved, That we tender to the
bereaved wife aud cuidren, our siu
cere sympathy ia this their hour of
olllietioD, that they nitty be
sustained by Him who promises to
b;; a husband to the wido.v aad a la.-
ther to the fatherless,
Miss H. M ROSBNBUBV. Preß.
Mus. 8. P. HAKIM, V. Pres.
Pensioned F'or Imprisonment.
WASHINGTON, Feb 21 —The house
pensions committee determined to
report favorably on a bill pensioning
all persons who were 30 days or
more in a Confederate prison and are
now suffering I'rwm disability, reason
ably presumed to ba the result of
Raefi (exposure or hardships; also to
pay $2 per day for the time they
served in t>ucb prison over 30 duys;
also to increase ihe pension ior total
deafness to S3O per month.
•It DUE CLAUK. of the Supreme
Court bus purchased the State exper
imental farm at Indiana, Pa., for ,-
—Friends of Mr. D. A. the
uul'i pi isiap merchant of tbi J plaon,
celt-orated the 50i'u anniversary of
bis birthday on the 17tb ult, ou which
occasion bo aud family were the re
cipient* of many Handsome preneuw.
General Notes.
At tbe meeting of the Nation; 1
Democratic Committee ID VVathiug- j
ton lust Thursday, St Louis was j
agreed upon as the place and TUPS
day, June sth, as the time for tbe
next Democratic Convention to nom- ]
inate candidates for President and
Vice President of the United States. ;
Each State is entitled to a representa
tion therein equal to double tbe nntn
hi j r of its Senators and Representa
tives in tbe Congress of the United
States, a-jd each Territory ami the
District of Columbia are to have two
d legates. ,
Oue of the New York papers de
clares '.bat the new Fishery Treaty is
a dead give away ot all American in
terests, and dances around like a pea
on a hot shovel in cou&»qu«rice. Tbe
Canadian papers insist that tbe treaty
gives away every Dominion interest,
and dance round like more p;-ao ou
another bot shovel. Altogether there
is quite a cotillion.
A strike of employes on the Bur
: lington R R. has closed all freight
traffic, aud it is rumored that a strike
on tbe Peuu'a R. R. is to take place
May 15.
At Newark, N. J., a mother and
two daughters were made crazy for a
time by drinking tea made from
stromonia or "stinking arrow" in mis
take for boneset.
I war'' is advics which uli Europe
I seems to be following. While BiH
! marck cries peace, be is adding large
ly to tbe German army, and Rusaia
is reported as continuing to reinforce
her amry along tbe German frontier,
and as having already massed a Jorca
of Dearly GOO.UOO men and 2 250 pieces
of artillery oa tbe Austrian and
Roumanian frontiers.
An unusually large amount of ;
snow fell in tbe north of England ;
last Monday, and railroad traffic has |
| been seriously delayed iu consequence.
! A number of trains bave been snow
ed tip, and discomfort has been expe- |
, rieuced by passengers Farmsteads j
j and thoasauds of sheep are buried in ,
J the SDOW. A few persons have died j
j from exposure. The storm was more !
; or less severe throughout the coun-1
lry *
The Way the High License Fees
Should Be Paid and Dis
HAURISBUEO, Feb. 25.—Auditor
j Geueral Norris since the beginning of
j the year has received a number of
i communications from county treas
urers relating to tbe distribution of
■ the fees received from liquor licenses.
| In order that there may oe no misun
derstanding in tbe matter he address
ed a communication to Attorney Gen
eral Kirkpatriek, asking bis opinion,
whether the entire amount paid for a
license under the High License iaw
should be paid into the iitate treasu
ry and theuce distributed by tbe Au
ditor General, or whether tbe proper
j city or county treasurer should sim
■ ply return to tbe Commonwealth her
| proportion of tb« lieensft aud regain
j and distribute tbe balance between
1 the county, cities, boroughs and and
townships eatitlcd to a portion of tbe
j same.
I Attoruev General Kirkpatrick, in
, his answer, gives it as his opinion
' tha' tbe entire li -euse fee should be
i paid to the county treasurer or to a
( city treasurer when such <*ity is co
: extensive with the county, for distri
; bution pro rata ia the State, counties,
I cities, boroughs and townships.
In concluding, the Attorney Gen- ;
j eral says: "I would surest, however I
1 that tbe city or county treasurer be ,
' required by the Auditor General to I
' make a report to the department of i
! the entire amount of license fees col
lected, with a statement ot the pro
-1 portion thereof appropriated to the
| several municipalities entitled to
i share therein. In m iking the settle
ment the proper couaty or city treas
| urer shoald be charged ouly with the
1 proportion to which tbe Common
! wealth is entitled u ider the provisi
i ons of the act The return or report
i is for the information and :
protection of the Commonwealth in'
' its F-ttlement with the treasurer and
: collection of the Commonwealth's
proper share of the license fee 3 "
How We Are Growing.
In the almanac of tbe New York
i World of 1 i-< published a census
jof the country's population. The
! Guvernor or some officer of each
I state and territory was to mak»»
lan estimate of the number of people
| within th'.?ir own spt cial limits. The
total of these calculations, with ttie
! exception of the Indian Territory.
! from which no returu is „'iveo, aggre
gates ('>2 874.272 as compared with
50,125,783 given in the national cen
-1 sus of 1880.
■ | This shows an increase in eight
years of 12 718.849, and if appioxi
-1 j mately accurate aud the same percen
' | tage of increaaa contiuues during tbe
j two y«tirs, the population of the eolin
i j try will probably reach fifi,ooo,ooo in
| 181)0, One of the most significant
f! statements in this computation is the
• large increase claimed in the popnla
! tion of Pentktfj Irania. The 1880 cen
j sus gave this Stale 4,282,85)1 people
■ | and the calculation places their present
■ population at, 5,074,527, showing an
I increase of 791,G3(>. The population
of New York State is placed at 5,-
709, 9U9. or an increase of <127.-
i 09l; so, on the basis of this
. computation tUo popuUtiou ot Penn
r!s\lvauia has increased 1(14.538
i j uvrr that of New Y< rk since ISBO.
Every State is believed to contain
J | a larger numbe 1 * of people now thau
. I it did eight years ai?o, but the most
f j mtArkcd frains «ro in Kansas, Miune
. | st)<a, Missouri, Kebrj.ska, Ohio, Penn
> i sv I vania. New York, North Carolina.
. Georgia and 'i'exas, aud the territory
of Dakota. Kansas is supposed to
have added over 000,000 to its popu
lation, Minnesota 7U0.000, Missouri
•marly 1.000,000, Nebraska 500,000,
North Carolina, (100,000, Georgia,
600,000 aud Texas, 1,100,000.
GOVEBNOR BEAVER says be is not
L * a candidate for the Presidential nom
iuatiou, ulthough there are some
r signs that indicate he tnav be.
» Oil 94 Cents.
f Tuc oil market for tl.o past few
j days has been quite lively and shows
f signs of still '"going up " The in xr
; ket at this place on IIIIM, Thursday
1 moruiug, opened at !)4 '"t. Nothing
new comes from the Saxunburg or
Reibold fields, but some new strike
ur Held is expected every day.
The printing ot tbe Auditors'
Report of the receipts aud expendi
tures of this county cost tbe couuty
less by two hundred dollars than it
did last year; and the three papers at
o tbe county seat,to which the printing
i, giveu by tbe Commissioners, jzot
if | no more for the report this
I) year than they did last year. Thus
s- j there wus a saving to tl;e county this
i. I year iusteau of an iLcreasw.
of Butler, Pa.
Of Millerstown. |
R. P. SCOTT, Esy,
Of Butler.
Ol Evans Citv. j
Of Harrisville.
Of Karns City,
of Zelienople. .
Of Brady twp.
of Butler twp
Of Butler township,
Washington twp.
Of Frankliu twp
Of Clinton twp.
Of Butler.
Of Butltr.
Of Butler.
of Butler, Pa.
Of Prospect.
Lawrence County Committee
The Republican County Committee
met in Bower Hall on Saturday lltb
ult. The meetiug was called to or
der at 2 p. m by Chairman Stewart
On motion of Mr. Bower, it was de
cided that each sub district select two
delegates, one delegate to act in tbe
Congressional convention and one to
act in the convention for tbe selection
ot National delegates, wbo shall be
voted for separately, and tbe two del
egates receiving the highest number
of votes in the sub-district shall be
the delegates to tbe respective dis
trict conventions; hut the same person
shall not be eligible to serve as a del
egate in both conventions. Oa mo
tion the Secretary was instructed to
notify the Chairmen of the County
Committees of Butler, Beaver and
Mercer counties of the action ot tbe
committee concerning tbe selection of
delegates. EI. PHILLIPS, Sec'y.
—At a meeting, says the Beaver
Valltty News of Feb 10, ot the Bea
ver Couuty Bar Association oa
Thursday night, a resolution was
unanimously adopted, irrespective of
party, eudor.sing Judge J. J. VVick
hom for the Supreme Bench of the
S'ate. llis name will bo presented
to tbe Republican State Convention
as a candidate, and he will have
the unanimous support of the mem
bers of tbe Bar of our couuty. The
.Judge b*s made a very creditable
record, since he has been on the
Bench in this district, and has the
ability to honor a call to still higher
staiious in the judiciary of the State.
His endorsemeut by the Bar of his
own couuty with such uuanimity, is
au honor of which he mav well be
proud.and will carry great weight.
—The following recommendation is
giveu to a citizen of Meliean
couuty by tbe M'tKeau Miner. "If
a man wbo has just luft Bradford to
engage in tbe hole business in ButW,
by the uame of , had settled
for over lour year's subscription to
the Miner, before leaving, nis reputa
tion for honesty in this section ot
country would bave beeu rated high
er thau it is at present."
—lt is requested thut ttll petitions
signed for "Per Diem Service Pen
sion bill," bo sent in on Mondav next
aud left at the Register aud Record
er's ottice with H. A. AJTCB.
JVC A-I-6RI ill ID
Marriat/e Notices I'iibliskcti tree.
MVJVKU— BCLI.KS -On Feb. Xi, 18S8, at
tne resilience ot lh>! bride's parents, by tne
lti*r. i\ itbfer, dr. Luri* E d »yer of
Beaver couuty, l'a. and .\lis3 Maria lieiles
of Lancaster tp, Butler couuty, Pa.
ALMSON'—BREADKN Feb. », 188S, by
Kev. 11 Breadeu, Mr. Robert L. Allison
and Miss Miunte Brea.leu, both of Coul
tersville, this county.
SCHEMP—KIN*U—In Butler, Feb. 22, I.SBS,
by R«v. E Crimeniveit, Mr. Wiiliain F.
Hchemp aud Miss Annie Kiug, both ot
ELIdOIT—BARTLEY—Feb. 22, 1888, at
the home of the bride, by Rev. E. Ogden,
Mr. George C. Elliott, of Buifalo tp. and
Miss Lizzie M. Hartley of Peua tp. llutler
couuty, Pa.
Ji.iuoe, Feb. 211, ISBB, by R»v. S.H. Neslut,
Mr James F. Calvert, of Venanjjo county,
and M is* Maggie Addlemaii, of Venango
tp Butler cotiiuy.
JD J±3 A-'X*
Announce incuts of deaths published free, hut
till communicated obituaries tcill be chunjed
fur at the rate of one-half cent for e w h
word, money to an U IIJIUIHJ the order.
GOEBEL—In Jeiferson tp, this county, Feb
"J.'i, lsss. Mr. Cliarle-> G je'.de, tir. afjed
about 7;"> yearn,
GIM llitlHr-lu this place, Feb. lit, 1888,
William, sou of Air. R. B. Gilchrist, aged
17 year*.
I'RvrV On Saturday, Feb. 21, 1888, Mrs.
Tracy, wife of Mr .lames lYacy,bf Xorth
WaifliinKlon St. flutter, Pa., utjel <ii years.
WHITE—In WillituuHburg, Kansas, Feb. —
isss, Mr. William C. White, formerly of
Mud lvcreelt tp. this county, and a brother
to 'dr. Edward F. White ot this place,
about i > year*.
I.VoM —ln this place, ThuiFilav niKht, Feb.
IU. IS.BB, Mik. Julia I.yon, wile of T. 11.
Lyon, E-q. in the .'istn year <d' tier avje.
Mrs. Eyon was born iu Brady tp. this
county aud wan a sister to the lion. Joaiuh
M. Thompson, hlte was esteemed by all her
: friends uud acquaintance* and known as a
j woman of more than ordinary intelligence
and activity i i life. Her death is h heavy
blow (o her husband and tamiiy and is
mourned by a very circle ot relatives
' and iVie.ids. Tne funeral Ht.rvnses, held on
j .Saturil.-y the l.sih, w -re larg-dy at leaded and
| wi re conducted by Rev. Oiler, asfiikted by
Rev. Haiulsli.
Why it is Superior to ali
|,.t ITS i hclosod It retains the
lot. temperature so necessary In reiiiuvlujf
the dirt Iriiiu the (foods,
! o-fi TilKltC being no Friction on the
£iiu. clotUlug to wear It.
! Q r ,i THE peculiar action of the water tn the
Oil]. Machine twhlch cannot be understood
I unlets one wees Iti lordii# a stron;; current of
water tUi'H:i.:h the clothtn? at cveiy virbratlon
i of the Agitator, (which Is caused by Hie peculiar
construction of the top of the Ma .-hlue.
Aiu AND best of all is that a :'li'.ld of four years
can do tho work It belli/ »o llji'Ot that
; the operator Bits down whUe doliv.- it.
Machines and County and Township Rlirhta
throughout the State of Pennsylvania. Sold by
SHIftA.3 & HAY 6,
Butler, Pa
Absolutely Pure.
This fowd'T hcver vanes. A marvel ol
purity, etreutrth ami wholesomeiiese. More
aconotuleal that the ordinary kinds, and cin
not he »old in competition with the nicltitue
ot IOW tests, short weitrht.alumn or phosphate
powders. Sold only in cans.
IOC Wall Street N. Y.
|~ oraldoses y
riLtD. \ «. /P < * by ">*l
(SKlH^DelightfullylP«rfum«d. Euily Uwd.
B. & B.
ansaa wjimin
I* now offered buy »rs of securing lante lines of
choicest and most remarkable BARGAINS and
VALUES we have yet offered. We have just
finished our annua! inveu'ory. and all odd lots
and broken Lines of Goods have he*n set aside
and closing out prices put on them without re
gard to real cost or value.
All Winter llrps« Coodi. Wraps. Skirts, Uloves,
Hoods. Tnlnxiiiuii Cups, Ax,,
Reduced co l'riees which will surely move
them. Wo must have the room for Early Arriv
als of SPRING GOODS now beginning to come
Greatly Reduced Prices
Linre Assortment of 88 Inch PLAID DBKSS
Wool filling at 25 cents.
:» Inch All Wool Colored Serges at 37' i cents.
Very speelal value.
Verv large assortment of all Wool Suitings In
Plaids unit Mixtures.6o inches wide, at 50c. IX):.
7.5 c. Ail reduced to (dosing prices and much
below their cost or value.
4-i Inch All Wool Sebastapols, in full line of
colors , at ilj. and 75c.
52 inch liroa l Cloths. $1 in Spring I.lae of
Shades, also all the Dark Colorings.
Closing Pieces ou Tycoon lU pps at Tc, 10c,
1254 c a vard,
i I his Closing Sale of Winter Stock is made
early iu the Soasou —and the goods will be sea
sonable now to !ue purchaser. It means busi
ness without prollt to us, and is your opportu
Among uew SPRING GOODS NOW arriving
; New Shades of Plain All-Wool
50 wide. Spring ' 'olorin ;s. at ">oc cnc,Cso,
1,1 N K otlnch A. W. cheek SultiiißS, spring
Styles. and Shades at «cc. This is eijual to best
value ever offered in Drv Goods Line.
Atwlers'Hi' i (ie:iul"e Persian Crepe*, Tltania
Cloths and t:itn<Uams at IS ', and aoe. Regular
! toe. goods, but last .M-ason stvles.
i \lso tue R"in:iant of I«tsi Season's French
'Sullies. 30c Is are o erert at 15c
New lines of Domestic Satines, IHSc. French
Satines, 25c. :fcie. :!U—t'.ie latest designs—Our
own import vtion and g.> »ls just opened.
Anderson's Scotch Gingh niis. toe.
I. irgt st Assortment of Imported Ginghams at
llanihnrir taiiln-niili'ilcs, litrm, White Cood*.
Xr. Vv, Just on sale.
11l cloak room—All Winter (laments at re
duced prices.
Write <>ur Mall Ordor D partmen'. for Sam
ples. or information .a regui! to flies' Special
and Rare Bargains. Ttv.y vv;!l interest you.
IIS, 117,119,121 Federal SI,
By virtue of sundry writs of Yen. Ex. Fl. J'a..
Lev. l'ii. tc. issued out ot the Court, t.f Common
Pleas or Hurler co'intv. Pa., and o me directed,
there will be exposed to l'uolli; sale at the Court
liouse. In the borough of Butler, on
Monday, the sth day of March.,
V. I».. lKss, at I o'clock r. v., the following de
scribed property, to-wlt:
E D, No, 77, March T, IBBS.
All llie title interest and elalm of John
Smith and .) S Smith of. 11l and to ikm r.cres ol
land, mure or less, situate in Cherry iwp.. Dul
ler Co.. Pa. iMHluded as follows, 10-wlt: Uejfin
nlntf at a JM>SI and stone hy other lands lonn
erly of .John Smith and ruanlnjf theuce south
a* east b.v lands of <£niiin and I'Vrrv. per
ches to a sloiir pile; t nenee by lands of James
Thompson';, heirs, south 71 exst, 5.~, an 1 iVhxi
perches to u po.-»t; thence hy hinds ol David Kits
sells heir.-. •• ut lil', west. tt> anil s-too pen-lies
ID a cnestuut; thence by lands of LLOKH sproull.
bout.li S4 we,i. .',l and t'i-HX! perches to a stump:
tllea <• soul ;i r, west, 4» and 4-10 perches lo a
post; thence north Ml\ west, ill mid ux) per
ches to a pout; theuce south is west, l.'i and
."ri-100 perches lo a pusi; theiicr by lands ot Win
lluckenbeirs s heirs north, n-',, west. :.;i and
s-nm pcr -ln s to a post; thence b.v lan. is formerly
in' John smith, norlli Jo ear. 1J". and K-luo per
cjies !o til • place of be/lnnlns:; mostly cleared,
a t .vo-suny brlelc dwelling house, large
KOtiM. wagon shed. graai house
barn traine stable. carrlmje
han::> oJllce aud about id frame hullulngs and
orchard l hereon, Seized anil taken In ex« i i.tlun
ai the properly of John Smith and J S smith ut
salt ot Uonagiiv & llretlln.
i: 0, No";:, Mareli T, IKSS; Brandon, att'y.
All the right, title, Interest anil claim of Del
McKlnm-v. who survives f A MeKluuey. ot in
aart to ' acreof land, more or le s. sltuat.: In
i .jtii.o itieiiessing twp. IJutlerr.i, I'a. bounded
on the HI.rtII by Powder Mill road, east by Win
r.|;iue|y. r, Clin" by Win HlaKelv. V.I st by i \ Me.
liinne'.; cleared Aid fenced, Irame house, frame
n -.ia and rruii trees thereon Scl - I anil taken
in i i:tlon as the property of Hel .MeKlnney,
s, In. :;in ~ -i c A MeKlnney, at the suit of Uut
icr savings Hank.
i; ii. No'in. March T. I.W: Wli Brandon, att'y
All the title, interest and claim oi Allen
Wll on ill e.'. V, \ stein, aim r. etc. of Allen
Wilson, tl e\i. iinii W ii Mloui;ntoii of. In and to
111 acres of land, snnrc or le sn itate in oak-
I nifl ami < m. iird iwps., ltuili r i o. l'a, bound
en norm v, It ''lyiuor's liclrti aiul realty's
|..-iis. i-aKi'b*. iT. iiior'a li«lr». south by now or
formcrl'. i>v Plililtii l-uluiert, west ic. ( b mor s
Iti-u , ei'ul; 'lti'iia'ne land tl< s- rlbeu 111 ilce.t of
W iiUMiiJi's c:\ecutor to.I N I'urvlauce et al.
dated .1 une 'JS. 'l4, and recorded tn deed bihiK
1,. pajfe ml; parti.' cleared. Oalaucc ilium r land
M-l/.i-d ami taken In e\e eijtlon as tile pinperly
ol Mien W.I-on. deed. W A Stem, adui'r. eic.
and W ir siouifliton at suit of Butler Savings
i: l). No T.'. March T. 18W; TC" Campbell, att'y.
All the rlglil. title. Interest and claim of,IC
calnreuili, .1 i'lialoreatii. ex'r ot ibc last will
of Robert Oalbrea'.ll. ilec'd. Jus llesseltresser
and Dm Id llesyels'esM r. ex rs of Ito jerl llessel
jj.sii r.dec'd. who was assignee of.! r lialbreath
of. In and lo li.s ai-res of land, more or less, sit
iiaie in Wlnfield twp. llutler Co, I'a, bounded
uortli bv Todd lain, east b.v opperman.
south by John Clowes and ltilinker heirs, west
bv lieo KrceUn:,' and Austus Achre: mostlv
cleared, lot; hou.-e. frame barn and 2 orchards
AI.SII—KI acres of land, more or less, situiite
In llullalo tw|.. llutler to, l'a, bounded ntirih Dy
llc-nrv smith's helra. nast oy - Mold, south by
stonccyjilier's heirs west by Alex Watson et al;
mostly cleared, frame house, frume burn, log
stitble and orchard t.ieteoii.
Seized aud taken Iu exeoutlou as the property
ot J C (lalbrcath, J C (■albrcath, ex'r ol fUe last
will of Koliert Oalbrcatli. dee d. Jas llesKelj;ess
er and Oavld llesselgesser, ex is of Robert iles-
HelKtaaer. dee d, who was a isfeneo of J C lial
breath. at s'.Jll of Frapk lilsk'addon, adlli r of
John I'attnaon. dee'd.
E I>. No IT. March T. Thoniption Ac Son. at'y
All the right, t itli), interest and claim of Thos
Btrcb and Mary I'.lleu Bbch of, In aud CO GO by
lso feet of laud, more or loss, situate bl llutler
through, uutlert'o, l'a. boundo<l north by Sarah
Markey, east by au alley. South by an alley or
W s Boyd s Uelis, west by a street; a two-story
Irame dwelling house uud outbu'.ldhiKS tliereou
Bolzcd aud tnj£cu iu execution as the pro;M<rty
of f'nos tilrch and Mur>- El leu Illrch. at suit of
John M Thompson for use,
E I). No 00, March T, 1889; A E Rn-lber. attorney
All the rlirlit, tltlo. interest and claim of R N
Ui-ck and \v II ll<;otiian of. lu and to N) tti-.mi of
more or If* I *, sltuutu In Wunhjnyton twp,
Bu lerco. Pa. bounded north by Pet.;r Billiard
anil >q Holland. e*at by John K Hoi.and. south
by Mcßride heiis. wesl*by Johu I. lU'atty; two
otie-story board houses and thrv<- Iron tanks
theri'Oß; partly cleared. SeUa.l and taken In
execution as the property of K N Beck and W
11 llotTman, at suit ot John B<-rg et al.
E D. No 32 March T 18t>8; c Walker. ..ttornev.
All the title. Interest aud claiia of W J
Martin of. In and to 50 acres 01 laud, more or
less, situate In Parker twp. Butler i'-o. Pa.
bounded north bv Konert Black.. eaj>t by John
Say. south by Harvey <tllnon west by" Maple
Furnace road; about * acres clearec; board
house thereon. Seized and taken In execution
as the property of \V J Marthk. at suit of c.ar
ence \v alker.
E I), So 4,March T. 1*$8; V Koliler. attorney.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of L
H arte ostein of. in ard to 44j by 100 feet of land,
more (»r less, situate In Jeffer.vm twp, Butler Co
i'a. bounded north by J Brand, ei st. by public
road or street, south by .1 Brand, west by J
Brand; a two-story frame house and outbullc
ings 1 hereon, and taken In execution as
the property ol L Hartenslt in. at suit of Peter
E D, No 29. March T. 18Ss; M Slcßrlde. att'y.
Ail the right, title. Interest and claim of M W
Albert of. 111 and to 10 by 100 feet ot lund. more
or less, situate In Milleistown borough. Butler
Co. Pa. bounded north by English Luineran par
sonage. e.ist by »;eo W Uuselt.'n. south bv Eng
lish Lutheran church, west by Main street; a
two-story frame house and outbuildings there
on. Seized and taken In execution ns the prop
erty of M W Alberat the suit of Hays Bro's.
ED. No 39, March T, 1S88: C Walker, attorney.
All the right, title. Interest and cl aim of Mar
tin L Croll of. in and to io» acres ot land, more
or less, situate In Brady twp. Butler Co. Pa.
hounded north by Daniel MCDevltt. east by Asa
B Croll. south by Samuel McDevltt. west by
Manilas Mayer and public road; mostly cleared;
a story and a hall frame house, frame barn and
outbuildings and orchard thereon.
ALSO—72 acres of land, more or less, situate
lit Brady twp. Butler Co, Pa. bounded north bv
public road, east by Margaret Coovert. south by
Slate road, west by public road; mostly cleared
log and frame house, frame bank barn, out
buildings and orchard thereon.
Seized and taken In execution as t:ie property
of Martin L Croll. at suit of ltobert F t.lenn.
ED. No 39, March T, isss; C Walkei. attorney.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of Asa
B croll of. in ana to 1"2 acres ot land, more or
less, situate In Brady twp Butler Co. Pa. bound
ed north by Mate rviail and Margaret coovert..
east by .Jaa tirossmau's heirs, south by Jas Mar
tin's heirs, west oy M L troll; about loe acres
Cleared, brick dwelling house, frame barn aad
out buildings and orchard thereon. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of Asa B
Croll at suit ot llobert t' tilenu et al.
ED, No 70, March T, I 808; F Koh.er. attorney.
All the right, title. Interest and claim or lienry
Leiboiu ot. in and to 100 acres of land, more or
less, situate in Cenrer twp. Butler Co, Pa.
bounded north by J Negley. Widow Birch, Geo
Shod, easi !>y A lio-m, \v in Jackson, et al.south
b»' l'atton heirs, west by Via Jack et al; mostly
cleared, a two-story trame house, log stable and
orch/ird thereon.
ALSO—9O acres of land, more or less, situate
, lu Centre twp. Butter Co. Pa. bounded north by
' Chas Hewlns, east by A Hoon south by Wm
Males ana ti W Cainahau's heirs, west by A
.Morris' heirs; mostly cleared, a two-story frame
house and flame barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution a-i the property
of Henry Lelbold at suit of Claud Gerard.
E D, No 30, March T, ISBS,
All the rl„-lit. title, Interest ana claim of Jas
Klfer of. In and to 60 by so reet of land, more or
les:i, situate hi MlUertown Ijorougii, Butler Co,
Pa, bounded north by Grove Ave. east bv A
| Kieeger, south by J J Donahue, west oy Pitls
ourg &' Western R li; a story and a half board
i house and outbuildings thereon. Seized and
1 taken lu execution as tne property ol Jas lilfer.
j at suit of J T Holland and J A Harding.
1 ED. No 31, March T. 1S8S; C Walker, attorney.
All the right, title. Int.-rest and claim ot A C
" Williams or, in anil to 27 acres of land, more or
less, situate in Allegheny twp. Butler Co. Pa.
bounded north by IILC S liohlrnever, east by
Cross Xarm, soutn by Johu Eagllstleld and G R
. virecn, west by lauds formerly owned by A C
.Mcijuistion; ;a two-story trar.ie house, trame
e iiaru and Ihtee producing oil wells tlvreon: der
. ricks, engine and boiler houses, engine and
. boilers, tuning, casing, rods, tanks and all ma
chinery and llxtures tUereto belonging; mostly
cleared. Seized and taken lu execution as the
1 property of A C Williams, at suit ol George S
I Kelly tor use.
E DNo 70. March T. 18S8; F Kohler. attorney.
All the right, title. Interest au.l claim of
Jacob Troiitman or. in aud to 80 acres of land,
more or less, situate lu Concord twp. Butler Co,
t'a. bounded north by Alf ti Meals, east by 11 a.r
. vey Campbell and <; W Mover. Mouth by Win
Campbell, west by S B and Geo Campbell: about
To acres cleared ; a two-story rr.ime ho LV. log
.-.lablo uud outlili 11 ding.-, and orchard lu-reon.
■ seized and taken In execution as tne property of
Jacob Troutmau, at suit of Claud Gerard.
1 K1) No 22. March T. 1888, Test Fi. Fa. from Arm
• strong Co., I'a; J \V Hill, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
r Vet:el' of. in and to 4o acres of land, more or
less, situate In Buffalo twp. Butler Co, Pa.
f bounded north by Henry Smith heirs, east bv
Isabella llazlett. south by Joseph Wnubold, wes't
by Kelly heirs; mostly cleared; a two-story
house, lrame and log barn, outbuildings and or
chard tLcreon.
ALSO—I 6 acres in Buffalo twp, lSutler Co. Pa.
bounded north by Henry smith heirs, east by
John Vetter, south by Joseph snubold, west by
public road and Martin Sweitzer; mostly cleared
and re need,
ALSO -14 acres lu Buffalo twp, Butler Co. Pa,
[ bounded north by Peter Kepplc, east b> Kllsha
Mecurdy, south by Klisha McCurdy. west by
Andrew Shearer; "timber land and underlaid
wlih coU.
Seized and takeu in execution as the property
ol John Vetter, at suit »r G B Kindly, adat'r. Me.
K1) No 45, March T lss*; W D Brandon, att'y. I
All the right, title, interest and claim of DH
Altvorth of in and to SI acres of land, more or
less, situate in l'Hfker twp. Butler Co. Pa.
bounded north by M S Adams, east by Allison
' Bell et al, south by Nicholas Wally. west by T
Alworth and <»eo Graham; about 24 acres clear
ed and fenced, balance timber.
ALSO -l« acres of land, more or loss, situate
In Parker twp. BuilerCo. Pa. bounded north bv
M S Adams, east by T Alworth. south by T
A 1 worth, west by A. Bell and Kramer; a two
story frame house, trame barn and orchard
' thereon.
seized and taken In execution as the property
of t> 11 Alswori h at suit of Hugh Sproid a Co.
K I) No «; March Term, lsgs; w L Graham att'y.
All the right, title. Interest aud claim of
Christ Miller, or. In and to ::s acres or land.more
or less, situate lu Butler tp. Hurler county. I'a.
bounded north by Johnston heirs, east by white
and Miller, south by Abr McCandless aud Geo
Bauer, west by Dambaeh and Samuel Kobiuson;
about jo acres cleared; house and stable aud
gixjd orchard thereon. Seized aud taken In ex
ecution as the property or Christ MUler. at the
suit of Henry Blckel.surviving partner of Blckel
t Son.
TEItMS OF SALE.—The following must be
strictly compiled with when property is stricken
down :
1. When the plaintiff or other Hen creditor
become the purchaser the costs on the writ
must be paid and a list of the ileus Including
mortgage searches on the properly sold togelli r
with such lieu creditor's receipt* for iLe
amount of the proceeds of the sale of such po* -
Hon thereof as he may claim must be iurnishc .1
the Sheriff.
2. Ail bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will be
continued until L o'clock P.M. of next day, at
which time all property not settled for will
again be put up and sold at the expense aud
risk of the person to whom first sold.
♦See Pardon's Digest, ylli Edition, page 446
1 anil Smith's Forms, page 3*l.
SUeriff'k Ofllce, Butler, l'a.. Feb. 15. I'SB.
Jury Lists for March Term.
List of Grand Jurors drawn to serve in the
Court of Quarter Sessions, commencing the
llitt Monday of March. l*.-fc. being the sth day:
Adams Leander, Marlon twp.. farmer.
Bally Tnomas. Marlou twp.. farmer.
Brown 11. 4.. Mercer twp.. farmer.
Black K. P.. Allegheny uvp., producer.
Browu A. <■.. i'eml twp., farmer.
Garvey Milton. Bulilrluge. producer.
Gl-uu Gaily, Jr.' Muddy creek twp., fanner.
KllrovJ. n". I'etrolla. mercliant.
li I rk |">a trick David; Center twp., frtrm°r.
Lut/. John. Lancaater twp.. laborer.
I.ogan Johu 8.. Middlesex Uvp . farmer,
Viusser Jiieob. Mudoycreek twp., rami :r.
y.ci iMuonds Joseph. Worth twp., rarmer.
Mill' / l'eter. Mudllycreek two., iMi iiie;'.
McKlmiey Alex.. Clay twp., farmer.
McDcrmoit oweiifi. Buff'tlo twp., farmer.
Niggle David, Butler boro.. 2d ward, merchant.
t»rr josepn. Parker twp.. carpenter.
Itose Joun M.. Forward twp.. runner,
itogal Henry, Wusiilngion twp.. N.. farmer,
ltenuo lino.. Butler boro.. id ward, marOl-s utter
from man George. Summit twp.. furm-r.
Wlckliue David. I'.uflaio twp.. oasketinaker.
Wel.cr Adain. Butler boro., Ist ward, mason.
11st of Traverse Jurors drawn to servo in the
I court of ouurter Sessions. March Term, 1888.
commencing the 2d Monday, being the rah
Adams K. ('.. Sunbury boro., merchant.
Blkert Andrew. Jefferson twp.. farmer.
Brannou Isaiu;. Franklin twp . farmer.
Bovard Jonathan. M rcer twp., farmer.
Bowman Fr-d. Saxonburg boro.. stonecutter.
Blair John. Venango twp.. farmer.
Bard itooert. sr., Contervllle boro,, moulder.
Buhl Fred. EvaAs city, merchant.
Bell Wm. M.. Mercer twp.. farmer.
Coovert F. It., Jackson twp.. W, larmer.
curlstv Wm.. clay twp., rarmer.
Campbell John s„ Sunbury boro.. teacher.
< hrl-ty I'lummer, Washington twp.. .N, rarmer.
Campbell Sumuel 11. Concord twp.. mrine.
Dunbar s lomon. Korwara twp., farmer,
tireer Joseph. VctKiigo twp.. larmer.
Gauther 1.. K..Butler boro, 3d ward, carpenter.
Gordon Samuel. Concord twp., rarmer.
Harper Fllmcr, Washington twp.. N, marble
dealer. . ,
Hall Juines. Forward twp.. laborer.
Hlldebrand Frauk. twp.. larmer.
Kirk Harvey. Butler boro., :>d wurd, liveryman.
King V. Baldrlilge, pumper.
Klingler ChrlM, Penu twp.. farmer,
James. Wlnlield twp., merchant.
Leldeclser J. A.. Butler lioro., Ist ward, operator
Uifever Isaac. Jefferson twp.. farmer
Morrl.sjn J. 1-. Butler boro.. ad ward, grocer.
Monks Wesley. Middlesex twp.. farmer.
Maurhotf li. E.. Clinton twp., luxmer.
Mcßriile llobert. Franklin twp.. farmer.
Mclntyre John. Buffalo twp.. farmer.
M'dvee W. P. Washington twp.. N, laborer.
Palmer John S.. Clay twp.. farmer.
Pew Joseph S., Mercer twp,, painter.
Patterson W. G., Baldrldge. larmer.
Rumme| Johu. wlnlield twp., contractor.
UlcharlHon Newton. Cranberry twp., I..ruier.
Boiiick G. W.. Sllpperyrock twp., rarmer.
Stewart lyeonard. Wualilngtou twp., farmer.
Shlra W. li., Parker twp.. farmer.
Thompson N. 11.. lirady twp., farmer.
Thompson T. J.. Clay twp.. farmer. ,
Went, John. Butler boro.. 2d ward, plasterer.
Webb John, Sllpperyrock twp,, farmer.
Wick J. 11., Concord twp.. farmer.
Waiters Jacob. Jefferson twp., farmer.
WlTon Joseph, Venango twp., farmer.
nI A 111 tiUewarJed aro tl» »i«i who read this
li 11 U I I'did thou act) they will tiud hoo
-1111 Pi I I "Table omployinent that will not
111 UII LI take them from their homes and
fa billies. The probts are lurge and sure for
every ludusirloua poruou. many hav« niude uud
are now making several hundred dollars a
month. Ills easy tor any one to make f. and
upwards ia*r day, who Is willing to work. Either
ic.-x, young or old; capital uot ut-eded; wo start
you. Everything uew. No special abUHj* ro
fir.lred; yotl. reader, can do It as well as any Oue.
Write to us at once tor rull particulars,w hKh we
mall free. Address stmson A Co., Portland. Ms.
Advertise in the
Fifteen Pair of Bradley's Blankets, at $4.
Five Fine Plash Dolman*, at $15.00, were S3O 00
Three Plash Coats, at S2O 00, former prices, $4.000
Two Plash Coats, at sl7 50, former prices. $35.00
20 Good Newmarkets, at $5.
16 Childfens' Wraps from One Dollar to Fu Dollars.
A Full Line of Spring Buttons and Trimmings
New Spring Goods Airiving.
Showing the amount of the assessed value of the taxable property In the several districts ol
Butler County, PH.. as returned by the several Assessors to the Co. Commissioners for the year, A.
_ „ 57-7 * | -i | 'g e isr
5T a -ti* o 2, ?. o I ©
£ rvj - c : s i",
DISTRICTS gl s 5» ,5 •" : ig -
§:R- % :: :ft §
I: p| 1 : :5 \i
L ij JJ j I ; - .jy
Adams *x>h iei TC6 ! » r>»»r «c
Allegheny 200 983. if, ft};, ! 15 $37 39
Butler 241 22U 12 682 i 17 *49! 3?t
Buffalo 275 742; 134-2 J 14 6111 «a
Brady 104021! u 64* 1 is 779 *34
Clinton ; 2UK 382 29 9sr. 18 7i3 2SO
Clay 25T> "10 IJI J(4; 1 IS 404 349
Centre I 227 407 13 91 i( I 26 77g; 2«
Clearfield I 163 TOO 17 Pit' 2# 28rs 271
Cherry j 229 633 22 367 17 f26 J3I
Connoquenesslng |2W 7K> 19 oss I 3" 44ij 4m
Cranberry 267 cr.7, 13 w^ : 1 27 m 1 n$
Concord 1 283 450| 15 MX) 10 167, 407
Donegal ' 173 453' 24 « 72 137: as*
Forward • 212 361 ! 20 5W5 : *° 9Uf| 3M
Falrvlew 206 W», 19
Frnnklln _ i 23» 237: 21 lot S M*i 2S«
Jefferson 1276 615 lit ssr 50 765 447
Jackson ' 263 561' 17 7c,s, 40 392 3*
Lancaster I 221 003: u sg«' as 475 jjt
Marion I '-08 756 ig yT«I 34 185 514
Mercer 132*647! \c 317' 13 W l«i
Middlesex 2»-» 470. 20 sci 30 Wi- 34®
Muddycreek I *66 ISO; i«j 3711 j 1* I#o jeo
Oakland : 48« jo 40 336 am
Penn 267 92S 30 a*! | 104 We*
Parker a) 7 3751 as &r ; so 839 41*
Summit ' 2yi IC2 1H 4«. 34 000 31}
silppervrock 306 814. 19 lwt 1 1 31 610 3*4
Venango 212 677. 13 ;.m y 7S» ?4«
Washington ' 236 7M> js so:" ! 3« 2*2 474
Win tie la 1 23t» 637 i2O r2. ; « «»j Mi
Worth 269 520 22 fti:: 1 »oW*
Butler borough I«* o:*' 84 op ;8i it 4&1 31* 220;i«j
Centeirtue I 5* 473 5 i- A ;: 1 | 10 ie 7 Ist
Evans City •• ■ 42 32V oust 17; cX) W JOS! lj|
Falrvlew •• I so i6*\ 5 02. 73; 22 345' 117
Harmony •• ! 7!) sm 4 AM, 110 l* 7M 18»
Uarrlsvllle '• 44 uil| C U lei 3 u 1«» ««', 8T
Karns city ' j*>l COO: 5-~,r- 7i 340 2 M>4 :g6
Millers town si U4 13 t,;i . OK 2*5 o*g
Prospect. •• -if. ;«*! I ! 15 Ml i3x
Petrolla •• 24 *24' 10 '_o| 7m! i fi I*7
Porters vine •' 7"..! S! »•<> 3 331, 1 1 ,? ®^|
Saxonburg " «> s:«>i SOX Iji C2O *1 721' 114
Sunburv •• 31 ;; .'l. J ! * 1,-
Zelleno'ple " <« !«8; # esej iij 1 as; Tl flbsi
We. the undersigned Commissioners of Butler county, ilo hereby cert ay that the aboVe la '•!.
true and correct statement of the ivssesse<l value of the taxable property 01 Butler countv, OH re
turned by the assessors of the several districts lor the jenr 1888. A. .f, IICTCHISON.
S. T. MarshaU, B. M. DCNCAN.
It Will Pay You, !
And it Will Pay Yon Big to
Visit John Biekel's
During the next thirty days. I have about ten tboufaDd dollars worth it
which must be sold in order to make room for Spring Goods, which will ai
rive bj the 15th of March. There will be
A Great Excitement
duriog this sale for I have mode up mv mind to close these goods out quick,
and they must go aud they will fro, for you can buy them at
your own prices.
Men's Rubber Boots. Reduced to $2.00.
Boys' do do Keduced to Si.so.
Youth's, Misses' and Chilurens', reduced to SI.OO.
If you are in need of any Rubber Goods now in the time to huj; don't put it
off, but come soon for they won't last long at the prices I am selling them ai.
This line of goods are being cloa«d out at. almint half p-i>;j aad you are
urgently invited to participate in this Great Bargain S±loan*i secure,some of
these goods for a mere triUle.
Mens', Boys' & Childrens' Boots
Share the same cruel fate.
Mens' Kip Boots, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00.
Boy's Kip Boots at SI.OO to $1.50.
Children's Boots 50 to 75 cents.
Womens' Misses' and Childrens' Shoes.
They go for whatever they will bring- I will carry nou» over. Wo
meus' good every day shoes from 80 cent«to sl. Misses good every day
shoes 50 to 75 cents. Childrens shoes 20 to 65 cents.
Don't Forget to Call.
For I am offering bargains in m; entire stork and if you call duriog the
next thirty days you will nev»-r regret it, tor von can buy
At your own price, but remember that the time is limitsd '.nd in order to
secure the benefits of this sale, you must come soon. For everything is
moving rapidly.
Remember This,
That never before in the history of Butler you have had Mitb an opportuni
ty to Buy Boots, Shoes and Rubber, as cheap as you have now sod if yoa
don't take the advantago of it, you have yourself only to bli>me.
A Bottle of Polish Free with aIT Ladies' Shoe?.
Don't Fail to Call
Youra Very Truly,
89 South Main St.. Butler, P«. ;