Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 24, 1888, Image 4

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For Ura Bath, Toilet and Laundry.
Snow White and Absolutely Purr
If TOUT dealer «M not keep White Cloud Snsp
cent* tor Mmple cake to the maker
Cloth ft Gold Binding
I*4 rin, mil atMi !««(,
uiw. r. Ot i»ia. %.j._
la MS ot
ID nmnit PUjwciu- Staple. tele sad Hare.
,o* CCSMM. ruicu.
IIIIMN, Caaantion, lu(Umra«tion« .25
||w«a. Vntn' 1 ' Worm Colic ■■ -W
9 Cryi— rilti or ItMtiu of Infsuu .25
9 Dial I iMtJ Children or Adu.U .23
9 bnaatcrr. Griping. Bdioas Colic 25
■ EnEhk Toothache. Kkwlk -*5
■ ■aSjaehes. Sick Headache. Verlico.. .25
flB. m , ■ Bilious Stomach .... ... .25
flSSrwaael or Painful Periods .25
|| WUtaa. too Profaaa Panods... 4j
Mil,-, Coach. Difficult BresUun*.... ,»
2Mt~bnm, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25
TT Pain* .25
2 Fem aadAiM, Chill*. lUlari* 50
nrUrt, Blind or Jwdinf...... .JO
I Whaepla* loach. Violent Cough*.. .50
HI hatiMsaTOppraaaed BresthiM....... -50
: Bar Plaithai ace. bapairwl Hasnnit 50
; fimfala Knlarrad Glandf. Swellinc .50
3 Geaeral behilltT. Physical Waaknaas .30
Braaar. and Scanty Secntoiua . -50
SaMMtaeaa. Sickness fcom Ridin* .50
ilia*i rr •, -••••• -so
BMEmh DrMlltV. Swomal Weak
aaas. ar lorotantary UUCIHIIM I^J
l ; : i§
i lis?
I. Diphtheria. Olearated Sura Throat .SO
dlWaair faaatsHoaa * EmptKHW .50
For HortM, Cattle, Sheep,
Does, Hogs, Poultry.
yr*/ Beat mt Animala and
Chart Heat Free.
■b,ye- Mad Co.. 109 Fulton St.. M. Y.
Tutt's Pills
Habitual Costivenen
Chaars denamaeat of the entire ■▼item, and be
aaUOlaeaaea that are hacardous to life. Persons of
aouattva tahitare subject to Headache. Deiec-tlre
■earner. (Hooray Foreboding*, Ncrvousness.Fev.-rs,
Kiiiiidim*, irritable Temper and other symptoms,
ahkh unflu im sufferer for badness or agreeable
aasimlail si Regular habit of body alone can cor
rert these cvlla, and nothing succeeds so well In
acMevlngtUlscoadition asTutt's Pills. By their use
act ody is the system renovated, hut In eonse
nraoc of the barm onions changes thus created,
there pervades a feeling of satisfaction: the men
tal faculties perform their functions with Tlvaclty.
and tbfm 1* an exhilaration of mind, freedom of
thoogbt, aad perfect heart* eesc that bespeaks the
toll ccjoyaent of health.
la health.. The wtwt mt fce»'<t»i le the
■ewer tedigest a Draper «aan <i af faad.
Ttiecan aererheaaae when t' iTrr does
sat act lis part. It lathe drt\ .wheel la
Ita ■eehanl— af jaan, and 'ealt la oat
mt erdrr, the whale aysfc-r s.i-caaee de
ie aad Gaienl Debility eaaac. Toreatere
the faactlaaa sfthe Liver and las part (hat
feeaatr which n I ware attenda a healthy
caaatitatlon. Dr. Tatt'a Llrer Pilla are
RrsaarnM. They are not a care-all.
hat are *nlf*N aalely larthe dlaordered
Urer aad the dlaeaaea which It predacea.
Tutt's liver Pills
Arcnaib Gsncva Gin
mm rsir - a^c «-'cra Gin
'a: -pv ii
nS&'HS /!' clanjif acf 'tie
UrJuutL* " 1 rsuap l
JAWESE. Sale (rent.-
1W CH *lf HF£a ST.. XKU' VoHif
J. C. REDICK, Cruggißt,
TWili ara«oodfcral»maßtta.M a tftedto«lxtrdaya
wmtmm AlWJlllUM—■—— mmmm
exist in thousands of
111 L l/'Orms, but are surpassed t>v the raar
ll} ( |v«rw o: invention. Those who are tn
rf.* <* profitable work Mi at can be
•o®e wfciie Hvinir at home should at once
£i«l iLrir address to Hallett & Co.. Portland.
Ka.ne. and receive free full information how
«tr,er »ex, of all ajres. c#ii ej-.ru from sr> to $25
per day «n<l inwards wherever thev live. You
are staned free. Capital not required. Some
"iran'-cd "*** 610 ln a sln^e da J" W this work,
No. 88 and 90, S. Main St.,
Xf«r New Court House - formerly Donaldson
Houw-icnod aerommodat ions for travelers
G«od stabling connected.
[4-a-K«C-i j | H ETTENMCLLKR. Prop'r.
Dtiurrs w
Prescriptions carefully ru-i
45 S Main Street, Butler, Pa.
ÜbluC.i Fire Insurance Co.
OfEca Ccr. Main & Cunningham Sts.
W>«. CAMPBELL, Thkasukkk
H. C. HKINEMAM, Secrst-AK*.
t Samuel Anderson,
* i.liarn Campbell J. W. linrkhart.
A. Ttm-iman. Henderson Oliver.
•.CfcaMat. .lames Stepheuson.
Dr. W. Irvln. N. Weltzel,
J. F. Taylor. H. C. Heineuuiu,
IQiIpnTICCDC 01 otS»t»,»«4>o wi»h tosramlnn
WlllfcM | • Wbl)V IM» paper, or obtain artimc'aa
an advarUfeg whan in Chicago, will find it on (.1* at
Facts For Workingmen.
Mr. John W. Harroer.of Brooklyn,
sends the New York Press the fol
io wine pertinent tariff talk:
The free trade tb claims that the tar
iff increases the cost of all the neces
saries of life, aiid that it is therefore
detrimental rather than helpful t'> the
laboring classes of this country, and,
as a corollary, our wage worktrs are
less prosperous and live poorer than
do the same class of people in Europe
To refuie this oft-repeated statement
ot the free traders, let me here recite
a short colloquy that took place be
tween an English batter and the
writer a few weeks ago in this citv.
Meeting the merchant referred to,I
said: '"I perceive that you are an
Englishman. What brings you to
oar country ? "I am an 'fitter, and
came here to better my condition if
possible to do so." "Well," said I,
"how are you succeeding ?" "Very
well, indeed,"said my English friend,
"for I am earning S2O a week,and my
sou is receiving the same amount,
making as you see, S4O the two of us,
which is $24 more than we ever earn
ed on the other side, as $8 a week, or
sl6 for the two of us, is the mo6t we
ever got a week at 'ome." "I see,"
said I, "bat then you could live bet
ter there on the sifi than you could
hereon $40." "'ow's that?" and
with a look of ill-conceited contempt
he said: "Ow can that be ?" "The
purchasing power of the sl6 is much
greater in England than the S4O is
here, and you could therefore live!
better on sl6 than you can here on
$40," said I. "My friends," said the
Englishman, now thoroughly dis
gusted with my free trade logic,
"whoever told you that was ignorant
of the facts, for 'tis not true. Why
iwe get a great part of what we live
|on England from here —all our corn,
great part of our flour, pork, boef,
cheese, lard, butter, and even the best
apples we get come from America,and
these things must sell at a profit there
over what they cost here, or you
would not continue to ship them to
us. 'Ow, then, can we live cheaper ?"
"But don't you live cheaper ?" said I.
"We live cheaper simply because we
live poorer—much poorer indeed."
"Yes," said he, "my son and I came
'ere because we can save some mon
ey, a thing we never conld do at
'ome." At this point I threw off my
disguise. "You are right," I said,
"my friend, this is the best country
in the world for a workingman,
whether he be a hatter or any other
kind of a laboring man." Whereupon
be grasped my band cordially, much
pleased to find that I agreed with
him in his estimate of this country as
a borne for men like him.
—Although many remedies are
pushed into the market by spicy ad
vertisements Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
lakes the lead and drnggists sell more
than ever before. Price only 25
Mrs. Crow. "Chile buy a bottle
dem Salvation Oil dey cure your
rheumatis sartin. 27cents.
—A Pittsburg mechanic has just
returned from Ontario, where he built
a steel water tower 140 feet high and
thirty feet in diameter. Similar tow
ers have been built in Colorado.
In Love.
Caroline Jones, of Columbia, Pa.,
says: "Tuti's Pills is the best medi
cine for Sick Headache and Indiges
tion I ever used. My friends have
fallen in love with them. Thoy are
a great blessing."
—There are daily utilized in Chic
ago from 8000 to 10,000 gallons of
blood, which is evaporated and used
to manofactnre buttons,cheap jewelry,
brooches, belt clasps and hair orna
—They begin to soothe and absorb
the pain the moment you apply one.
Hop Plasters.
Hoj) Plasters applied to the chest
cure coughs and colds quicker than
any congh syrup.
—The borers after oil in the Indian
Territory have been going through
oil-bearing strata and are all standing
around their wells on tiptoe waiting
for the roar that is to make million
aires out of them.
The Great Strike.
Hello! Hello, there ! Mr. Diges
tion ! "W hat's tho matter with you
down there ?
Hello! Mr. Tongue is that you ?
Ob, everything is wrong down here.
The hands in the Gastric Work? have
"struck" The Food Assimilation
Company have "shot down," and the
Bile Supply Pipe Line can't handle
heir product, and it has overflown
the whole region. Yes! All rtock
on hand in my apartments has "heat
ed" aDd "souredl have stopped
work altogether. Can't move with
out assistance- Say, Mr. Tongue,
can't you send down to me a bottle
or two of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery? Yes That Buffalo
man's remedy. If you do, I can start
op at once. When th» liver,stomach,
or bowels are deranged, or the diges
tive '•forces" are "on a strike," it is
the best "agent" to set the wheels of
nature in motion. Druggists have it.
Don't hawk, hawk, aud blow,blow,
disgusting everybody but use Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
—The Illinois millers have taken
the credit question into hand and
propose to demand more prompt pay
ments. They want a system by
which they can know someuhiug
about the character of the flour deal
ers everywhere.
—.American hardware is finding
ready markets oyer the wcrld. The
exports of tbe weekended .T3DUtj.ry
21 amounted in value to $23,000 to
thirteen countries. Shipments were
made to London, Liverpool aDd Hull
—ln 1850 there were but 58 power
looms in Ireland, but about 25,000
are now used in the production of
liuen fabrics for home and foreign
consumption,besides several thousand
bandlooms scattered throughout the
The Homeliest Man in Butler.
As well as the hamdsomest, and
others are invited to call on any
druggist and get free a trial bottle of
Kemp's Balsam /or the Throat and
Lungs, a remedy that is sellit g en
tirely upon its rae rits aad is guaran
teed to cure and relieve all Chronic
and Acute Coug-hs, Asthma, Bron
chitis and Consutaption. Price 50
cents and sl.
—Woolen olotlts are selling for
from 5 to 10 per c-sat. less than: they
were a year ago.
—There are 30(i0 tons of coke
stacked in tbe ooke- yards awiiting
shipment, and most of the oveu& are
only working half tin^e.
Saved By Plaster Paris.
The life of Gottfried Frick, tie
Williamsport baker who for Bever 1
day lay bleeding to death in that ci y
the result of the extraction of a tootL,
has been saved by Dr. C. A. Kings
bury, of Philadelphia, who telegraph
ed the directions necessary to stop the
A special despa'ch told how the
extraction of one of Frick's teeth by
Dr Rhodes, a leading physician, had
been followed bv a fl >w of blood
which four phvsicians could not
cjeck. When Dr. Kingsbury read
this he was reminded of a similar
case in Philadelphia twenty years
ago, which he bad brought to a suc
cessful conclusion by the application
of plaster of Paris to the bleeding
Remove coagulated blood, apply
j stiff mixed,quick setting plaster Paris,
1 pressing it well into the alveoli, and
keep in place b v compress for forty
eight hours If not too late will save
the patient.
Immediately on receipt of the tele
gram I)rs. Rhodes and Huntingdon
applied the plaster aud telegraphed
Dr. Kingsbury that the patient was
doing well. Some days after the two
Williamsport dentists wrote Dr,
Kingsbury a letter of thanks for his
prompt suggestion and gave the fol
lowing account of their treatment:
In the afternoon we used plaster
Paris, coveriug the" whole left alveo
lus and teeth, using gutta percha base
plate for a compress. This worked
well till Monday when it been became
cracked and blood oo."'n? through we
removed it, thoroughly cleansed aud
disinfected his mouth excepting tr.3
tooth cavity, when it was found that
| the bleeding bad entirely ceased The
patient then took a glass of milk and
| egg and a drink of water, and for safe
! ty we replaced the plaster, but at 11
| p ji, his stomach became disturbed,
I probably from the doctor's medicine,
aud in vomiting the piaster became
broken. We were called; removed
' it, cleaned the mouth, found no bleed
ing, gave nourishment aud replaced
the plaster, hoping it may not tie nec
essary to do so again.
Friek's father bled to death at the
age of 63 from the extraction of a
tooth,aud his son bled for a week two
years ago from the same cause. Some
time ago the present patient bled six
weeks from a eut in the hand.
Steel Pipes.
According to the Chicago Tribune,,
the piping for natural gas to that city
will be made as follows:
A mild steel disk of the required
size is folded under heat by several
applications of specially designed ma
chinery into the structure of the steel,
and made proof against rust, even
muriatic acid producing no effect upon
the metal. It is then drawn cold
over mandrels, which has the effect
of producing the form of a tube. It
is then put upon a mandrel and roil
ed to any desired leDgth. It is next
cleaned with acids and treated to a
preparation of tiu, inside and out,
which permeates its thickness and
increases its tensile strength 25 per
cent The result is very similar lo
that reached in steel wire.
An idea of the strength and tem
per of the metal BO treated may be
framed from the fact that receivers
have been produced under this pro
cess whoso thickness is 41-1000 of au
iuch aud whose bursting presure is
COO pounds to the square inch. The
com pari tive cheapness of the process
is shown by the following figures:
A twelve inch 9teel piping, whose
bursting pressure is one thousand
and one hundred pounds, can be sold
at a haudsome profit for $74 67 per
hundred feet, while the cost of
wrought iron and cast iron piping <jf
much less bursting pressure is s2ll -
25 and $l5O respectively. Another
interesting comparison is as follows:
Twenty miles of twentv-foar inch
seamless steel piping one-eighth of an
inch thick will weigh three million
pounds The same pipiog, if it could
be made of welded iron—as a matter
of fact it cannot—would weigh 12 -
600,000 pounds. The same piping
made of cast iron will weigh 26,755,-
000 pounds. In each case the burst
ing pressure of the steel is nearly
twice that of the iron, and in addition
a glas3 surface and a "positive" (non
leaking) piping is warranted. The
piping will be made in all sizes, from
tbirtv-six inches in diameter, and
even larger if required,to the smallest
used, and will probably be in lengths
of twenty feet.
"Cleveland's Wool Story."
From Kokotno Gazette-Tribune.]
The free trade journals are moved
to modify their estimate of Cleve
land's awful wisdom. At first his
manifesto was looked as simply the
most a we-inspiring aggregation of
wisdom ever dashed off by the pen of
man. It was a terrible thintr, almost
deadly in its immense concentration
of facts, and it was feared that a pe
rusal of it would dizzy niae-teuths of
the ordiuary minds in America That
sorrowful appreheusion is fast disap
pearing, and it is quite commonly
corceded, even by tbe free traders,
that American intelligence will be
able to bear the strain so inconsider
ately thrust upon it About the
wisest thing in the whole paper was
the paragraph on wool Cleveland
had it all figured up that the increas
ed cost on wool aud woolens per year
to the individual consumer, by virtue
of the tariff robbery, would reach S3G.
This looked well enough until a
mightier than Cleveland came along
aud demonstrated that the annual
consumption of wool per capita iu
the United State, for all purposes
does not a7erage seven pounds, and
could not possibly be enhanced in
price by the tariff as much as seventy
cents for each individual. Cleveland's
wool story will rauk with the story
(which has already passad into a
chestnut) about the farmer's boots
The free trade orator had torn the air
at considerable length to convince
him that be might have bought bis
boots for $2.50 less but for the tariff
This passe the farmer's understand
ing because of tliß fact that his boots
had only cost $2, robbery tariff and
A Mean Man.
About the meanest kind of a man
we know of is the man, who, after
taking the newspaper for a number of
years, has the cheek to send th* pn
per back marked "refused." We had
one man of this nature on tbe list up
to last week. He has taken the paper
since Feb. 19, 1881, owes $8 GO. We
have been very lenient with him, aud
gave him his own time to pay us in.
Last waek he threw the paper back
iu the post office marked "refused."
We are gathering information for
special articles for his express benefit
that will bo mighty interesting read
ing, and we propose to give him $8 60
worth of advertising that won't cost
him anything, as soon as we get a
few more "pointers," Liverpool
The Wealth of Pennsylvania.
The grand old Commonwealth
probably never received a bettor set
ter setting oat than was giveu it bv
Geo. F Bear, Esq , in an address be
fore the law department of Pennsyl
vania. Said he:
"Did you ever seriously consider
the greatness of this State? There is
no spot on this earth comparable to
it. The climate is mild; the air is
pure. Like Canaan of old it is a land
of brooks, of water, of fountains and
depths, springing forth in valleys aud
bills; a land of wheat and barley; < f
oil and honey, where you may ent
bn-ad without scarceness; a land
whose stones are iron. Our soil is so
productive that the agricultural pro
ducts of one of our eastern counties
exceed any other in the United States
In the easterly portions we have
those wonderful deposits of anthra
cite coal, whose yearly output equals
in value that of all the goid and silver
of United States. In the middle
and westerly portion are inexhausti
ble fields of bituminous coal, aud west
ol the Alletrhenies the rocks pour out
'rivers of < i ,'aDd naiure'3 gas genera
tors supply a new fuel. Everywhere
there is an abundance of timber and
useful minerals. The natural re
sources of this State are simply fab
A Monkey's Trick.
A few days since, for the third or
fourth time within a year, a monkey
figured as an incendiary, firing the
weil known steam yacht Norma, ly
ing at a wharf in New York. It
seems to have gone about the job
with tbe greatest deliberation, too—
gnawed through the ropes with
which it was tied up, cleared out a
match safe in the cabin, and then
started the blaze in a place which
only a monkey would have thought
of, between the deck aod the ceiling
of the coal bunkers. It took the crew
all night to locate and put out the
tire, which was filling the boat with
smoke, the monkey, whose part of
the affair was established by indis
putable circumstantial evidence, be
ing afterward found on an eccentric
bar in the engine room, quietly grin
ning over the rumpus which it had
raised. lnre and Water suggests
that monkey risks will be next heard
of in insurance circles if this kind of
thing keeps up.
—A large stove manufacturer in
Albany baa secured the coDseut of
his workmen to retain 10 per cent of
their wages to be forfeited to the firm
in the event of a strike.
—The world's supply of pencil
wood is drawn from the gulf coast
swamps on both sides of Cedar Keys,
end the product is shipped to New
York, New Jersey and German fac
—Louisville contributes a case of e,
young man whose mind bus been
rendered unsound by the excessive
use of cisraretts. And yet he only
smoked about forty a day.
The Register hereby Rives notice that tiie*
fodowiiig accounts of Executors, Administra
tors and Guardians have been tiled i.i his olfice
according t>> law, and will be presented tj
Court, for confirmation and allowance on Wed
nesday. the M:» day of .March, A. 1)., lsas, at 3
o'clock p.m. of said day,
1. Filial account of ,f X Fulton, surviving
adni'rofJQ flick, dec'd, late of Clinton twp.
Notice is given that .1 N Fulton will make ap
plication to be dlscnarged at time of continua
tion of this account.
I. First and llual account of Dennis Mcßride
atlm'r o£ Andrew .Mcßride, dec'd, late of Clear
lield tp.
Final account or Wm jM Glenn, sx'r of An
drew M Christy, dec'd, late of Cherry tp,
4. Final account of J W Gibson, trustee of the
estate of .fames is Thompson, dec'd, late of Clay
Final account of Julia McLaughlin, adm'rx
of Bernard McLaughlin, dec'd, late of Fairview
i;. Final account of Wm Campbell, ex'r of
■J:is (i Campbell, dec'd, late of Butler boro.
7. Final account of .) C Sweeney, adm'r of
Patrick Sweeney, dec'd, late of Clearfield tp.
s. Final account or James Wilson, guardian of
the estate of Albert (S ( roll, minor child of John
.1 ('roll, dec'd, late of Brady tp.
9. First, final and dis nbutlonal account of F
S Dombaugii, ex'r of Nancy Hunter, dec'd, late
of Forward tp.
to. First and final account of .Simon Young,
ex'r of Thomas ltichariis, dec'l. late of Centre
11, First and final account oflfenrv Freshkoru
ex'r of Wm. Freshkoru, dec'd late or Jackson
!_>. Final ami distribution account of Elizabeth
KickeU-s. ex'r oi Nancy Ki-'ketts. dec'd, late o£
Donegal tp.
13. First and final account of Ferd Keiber.
guardian of diaries I! Spang, minor child ot
J It Spang, dec'd. late of Butier boro.
14. First and linal account oI X MKirkland,
acting ex'r of J H Muder, dec'd, late ol' Wui
lield tp.
15 i in; I account of Abncr J Patton. adin'r of
Samuel Love, dee'd, latu of Summit tp.
ic. First and linal account of .Jolm Wise.adm r
of Caroline Wise, dec'd. late Butler boro.
17. Final account of John Wise, adm'r D.B.N,
of Leonard Wise, dec'd, late Hi!tier boro.
18. First and linal account of .Caroline Wise
adm'rx ol Leonard \\ ise. dec'd late of Cutler
boro, its filed by John WLse, adm'r of Caroline
V. ise. now deceased.
Hi. bitml and distribution account of <;eo
Frishkom and Wm I'rLshkorn, tx'rs ..of Peter
Frislikorn, dec'd, late of Zclieuoplt boro.
20. Final account of Bridget E Shields and
Susannah Little, ex'rs of Margaret -McKeever,
dec'd, late of Donegal tp,
21. Final account of a 'ex Stewart, guardian
of the estate of Joseph White, minor son of
Newton White, dec'd.
22. First and final account of G W Hays, ex'r
of Wm Thompson, dec'd. late ol Middlesex to.
2a. Final and dlstlroatlou account of Wm.
Humphrey, ex'r of win Williams, dec'd, late of
Portersville boro.
21. Final account of Jane Blakely, dec'd, late
guardian of Harvey Blakely. a minor child of
i.ewi-s lilukeli. deed, as .slated by 11 1 Cookson.
adm'r ol sulil Jane Blakely,
25. Final account of 11 1 Cookson, adm'r of
•lane Blakely, dec'd iate of Cranberry twp.
26. Final account of A M Frederick. guardian
of I'hllip Kramer, minor eidld of Philip Kramer
dee'd. late of Donegal twp.
27. First and iliial account of J K Miller,adin'r
C T A 'Jt Susan nan Cnambers. deed late of Al
legheny twp,
2s. First and final account of J K Miller,adm'r
of James II Cuambers, dec'd, late ol Allegheny
2!). First, partial and distribution account of
Jc Ktskadden, adm'r of Ellen Klskaddcn, dec'd,
late of Allengheuy twp.
First, partial account of W D Brandon,
adin'r of ,1 w ii win dec'd. late of Butler buro:
:;i. First partial account of J S Kiestar, ex'r of
Jacob Klesterdec'd, late oi Siipperyrock twp.
32. Final account of Harrier, Wolror-.l and F.
(I Mounle, adiu'rs o/ John Woiford, dec'd, late
ol' Donegal twp,
Fiunl account of W J Burton, adm'r of
Thomas Burton.uee'd late of l„nn twp.
3f. Final account of W J Coop«r. ex'i of Katy
Cooper dec'd, late o, Jefferson twp.
35. Partial uecouut of Einlllne Stoughton and
John ii U'lgton, ex'rs ol John Wlgton, dec'dlate
ol' Brady twp.
• Fl'nul account of Fred Bauman. and JII
Bamiian, ex'rs or John C Bauman, dec'd, late
or Jefferson twp.
Final and distribution account of John
llohner. ex'r of Robert Forsythe dec'd. late oi
Adams tivo.
,'i.s. Third partial account of Mrs Adeline Wal
la e and James Wallace,ex'rs of the last will of
Francis Wallace, dec'd, late of Zelleiiople Pa.
Final account of James Barr, guardian of
.1 W Stauge, minor child of Adam S'.auge, dec'd
late ol Adams twp.
10. Firs: and I'.aal account of Michael Ash
guardian of Mnrgar t Eiien Ash, minor child of
sarah Ash, deed late of Oakland twp.
41, Final accoulit of J X Cubbison. adm'r of
James M White, dee'd. late of Venango twp.
Notice Is given tout the administrator will ap
ply for his discharge at tlio time of presenting
Ills account.
H. A. AYEES, iiegLster.
Hotel Brady
T. W. TAIT, Prop'r.
Xew Hotel and Restaurant on the Diamond,
Butler. Pa.
Mr. T. W. Tait has refitted and furnished the
Brady House, and is now prepared to accommo
date ihe public.
His Restaurant, in connection with the hotel
will ne open day and night The tables will b
furnished with everything the market affords,
Your patronage respectfully solicited.
2 jpMFSHT' Hi f,f has revolutionized the
Is# ilk im! i :i ' « ri ,v <""Ul during the last half
loi V l I ■ ! 5 1)1 Sj century. Not leas; among
ILiti 3U lithe wonders of Inventive
progress Is a method and system of work that
can be performed all over the country without
separating the workers from their homes. Pay
liberal; any one can do tho work; either sex,
youuir or old; no spo-elal ability require. Capi
tal not needed; you are started free, something
of great value and Importance to you, that will i
start you In business, which will bring you io I
more money right away than anvihtng else In ]
the world. Grand outtlt tree. Addruss Tkik & i
Co.. Augusta. Maine.
I mniis REPOBI oj mm ti. m w.
Statement of Am'nt Collected and Due from Collectors. Co. Tax.
i | • p - ?| : J
1 | 7<^'Buffalo ....'p. I Kelly $ 3000$ * ita iu*
' „ i Falrvlew borough Isaac Hawk 62
isso l>e trolla •• E K Wilson 34 70
isf< Marion T c Vandyke 000 oo 76 15
i«i 1 orU>r>vllle borough A Oolosser 22 44
.. Mippervrock '■! A Davidson 314 9T 392 ill or.
I ' iac-, Brady \\ v> y.cOuistion 4is 28' 12 or> ci no
i iearileld II It Dnfly ! 110 ft;!
1 .. jKranklln K.l llil'.lard 100 GO 10 90 ss 19
P.. Penn VV McElvaln 381 56 98 75
.. liutler borough c VcA'«oy l 000 oo > 469 66
> .. Harmony • 'i' S'jui.V.- 123 oo: : 210 29
.. .tlllerstown •' vv it Byers 110 12 4 74 19 221
.. Petrol la •* M Daley 19 63 ij 10
i .. Portersvllle •• las Ramsey ! | 19 73
.. Sunbuiy " .fas li Campbell 138 81 U 25
lßsr. Adams fas Forsyuie .. 266 89 10 12 14 U5
1 .. Allegheny J B illJiard 1 272 05; 151 tT7 14 M
.. HuiTalo >' A Drain 19 41, 1 40
I .. P.ruly lohn Stall' 3<4 03 378 2148 88 27
.. Clinton J W Kiddie , 114 05 ti 00
.. Clay OK Th.irn 511 24 ! no ss 31 on
.. Centre A J llut.iilson 92 40 17 13 4 s7
.. Clearfleld ilil Duffy 3<K) «O' 298 28
1 .. Cherry S A i;ulcliL.on 503 87i 47 57 23 68
.. Connoquenessing ,1 Kaltenbaugli 276 46 a9y 14 55.
. (rinbt rry John Llcew. 45# 92 970 52 55
1 .. Concord Fit Christy 50400 7444 2s 40
.. Donegal W J Covle' ' 827 45! 4;i 28 51 44:
.. Forward Ylex Shilling 282 r,2' 14 43 14 so !
.. Falrvlew li .1 McCullougli* 3.5710. 77 57 :« 12
« Franklin N S Grossman.. ... 439 00' »88 38 24 22 (Ti
• .. Jefferson D Wnlletr su :il! 50 '2 .">9.59,
.. Jackson H Zlnkl i.ru 288 331 26 44 4138
.. Lancaster |FredChl ' 370 45 2059 28 53
i .< Marlon .'.las uougan '..i'.l 1 201 74 44 02 28 92; 31 <ic
.. Mercer Anson Curry 278 11 15 on! 25 0s!
.. Middlesex J SPark.... 1 138 54 35 89 7 29!
.. .Muddycreek I) JI Kennedy 22641 11 14 si 14
.. Oakland John Patton". . 668 97 94 16 3.5 19 1
•• Perm E Logan " 339 ill 188 52! 74 no
.. Parker .1 Mc Latterly 55 00 44 50
.. .summit Jacob neon jdo so! ;?9 4.5
.. Slippery rock W J Morrison 694 21, 34 18 48 15
•• Venango Thos Morrov> 502 an 62 89 2344 196 03j
•• Wash In prion P P Milliard ! 631 98; 126 73 20 70 320 07
•• Wintlald J Rivers 57 321 20 54 38 7o
Worth ! ;
.. Butler borough <» W Zetgler 1 724 Wi 155 20 37 17 832 4S! 10 40
■ • Centerville " KM Hard 312 3«! 13 6a 1«> 06
.. Evans City " U D McFarland 2.5 97 1501 137
- Falrvlew '• Kobt Patton 7191 I 615
•• Harmony • ueo Kline ! 24 4 25, 1 28'
•. Uarrlsville " J S Pew 1 85 8l ; 3SB *46
.. KarnsClty " W.I King 1...]1 6S 94 20 13 *63
, « Millers! own ■' SII Lackey... . . 17 10 19*7 no
Prospect •« Samuel lloon 14 43 9 12
•• Petrolla " MDa Hey ; 4 30' 19 47 S 12'
• Portersvllle " Kll Ollyer 105 00 17 85 ! 641
•• Sujconburg " Chas Kaab .. 129 :v>i 12 n4. oso
• • sunburj- •' Jos Mechllng U0 :ni 7 .55! 6 56,
Zellenople " ( C U Walters ; 56 Dnj in 86 9 58 i
1 Total sls 044 80 $1 719 02;1 522 64!2 79S 59 $lO 40
State Tax. 1886.
] > ! j? | 3 I S?
3. S j n
"I 2 ! -
a i a. i si ■ o
i 5 s rf : :
Adams Jas Forsythe ,® 1168 $ $ 62$
Allegheny ! K Milliard 'I *'i
Krady jon Staff I 206 oi>; I 199
Clav A R Thompson 23 83 1 25
Centre \.l Hutchison I 3161- 166'
Clearfield Hll Duffy : , tiß 42
Cherry V ilutcMron j 38.(0 , 202
Conuoouenesslng i Kaltenbaugli | 19 46.
CraritaeVry lohn I J*' •" ! 1 W
concor l r H Christy 37 52; 19.
Do .cgal '.V F coyle ! lis xs , 62^
forward Alex shilling s 62 45
Fain lew K.l McCUIIOUgU 99 16 I 5 22,
Franklin N S Grossman 1 1 5 s ®' c
Jefferson D Wallett -1 891 ! 3 <8
.lack oii II Zlnkhorn I 40 06 , 21l
Lancaster Fred I'hl j 23 !x: i 126
Marlon las Doutfan I *8 26 j 254
Mercer '. Anson Curry 21 89 i 1 15
• Middlesex I s Parks •» «*f '■».
Muddy creek Dll Kennedy - i9 23 I 1 59;
Oakland lohn Patton ' 5? 70 ; ; 314
Fenn E Logan ! ' 4 74 i 930
Pai'.er I McCafferty I 16 80 13 6S; 3:«
sllppen rock v»' J Morrison 28 79; 1 51
Venango Thos Morrow 1*29; 1 60
Washington FPHllllard : *' 0!i 260 9t ß
Wlnlleld lohn Rivers i 4 i f*i : 221
Hutler borough (J W /legler 100 00 1 I 526 144 9S
Centerville " KM Bard if snj
Evans City '• (i D McFarland 11 88 | 63
Falrvlew " Kobt Pattou J* > W ;* 57
llannnny •• G Kline « 15; 116
KarnsCity " ... WJKing ll 8n 63
Mlllersiown " :. J M Lackey ; f I 23
Prosiiect " SamuelJloon 51 *7; j 2 71
Pet roli a " M Dalley | ?*1 I 313
Portersvllle " R H Oliver 13 11, 1 66
Saxonburg '• Chas Kaalie *8 76 | 256
Sunbur;.' " Jos Mechllng < 98! 41
i i ! i
Total SI 369 28 sl3 6S SB3 27 217 14
Ain't Collected and Due from Collectors. County Tax. 1887.
• r " r ~ I j > j K | I 0 I
1 B s 5 2. 3-
B 2.
p- B* : • :
Adams Jas Criswell Sl2!>l fi." 20$ fi-24 74$ 60 •>7
Allegheny J.a .lolley -'1 8 fi6 j>n!) C 2 22 81
Buil'alo P A Drain 1(!14 l>-> S4b 417 <>l 22 2f>
Butler '*( Dnfford 034 76j 12 H5 110S 12 34 09
Bradv r W Moore •'"* ;> 7> C 33 47 25 77
Clinton M Thompson 1078 90 11 98 77 .11 44 73
Conuoquenessing RS Henry 1414 35 15 03 58 !'3 105 57 25 86
Concord SII Campbell 1223 55 13 34 707 27 35 37
Cranberry I Elias Easjon "0 lb j)is 01 52 05
Cherry .'OP Cumpbell "*'S ,r> ' H 942 81 30 53
Clay .Teff Stoner 919 70 14 68! 841 22 38 05
Clearfield F P Mcßride 914 34 4rt 14 27 17 oof) 72 34 91
Centra W Pan I hair, us BU3 t>4 18 82 lot!.' 710 23 41 11
Donegal John Kitzert 963 44 9 0-> -I4X 75 23 81
Franklin J B Stevenson 1148 80 17 32 i;-28 83 45 ;>8
Fairviewr John Andrew 1488 3. o3 81 50 94 t 4.> l>4
Forward Alex Shilling 1117 20 22 80 fi.>s 03 60 00
Jefferson August Muder 1532 Oo 21 06 "«»0 12 54 42
Jackson I Eveiiart 1278 95 26 10 579 38 68 68
Lancaster E Erb 1352 o5 20 Oil -■> 01 214 Ssj 60 5o
Middlesex JI, Parks 1556 45 16 4C 76 72 14 08 34 99
Muddycreek IRobt Moore 1725 00 21 93 17S 69| *»7 <3
Mercer Anson Cnrry '>so 00 13 2< 334 43 34 91
Marion John Duffy 983 57 12 9.5 z~?, 06 34 02
Oakland J L Neyman 1244 78 41 S3 73 9b 300 7« 49 47
Parker J M Shira 1018 00 12 00 <m 92 31 58
Penn J B
Slippery rock fl McGill 1296 05 17 26 ;H(J 34 45 44
Summit 'Jacob Reott 00 17 64 jfMls 57j 46 40
Venango Jos E'ikin j 057 13 712 927 18 74
Win field \ G Freeling 897 .*>s 18 31 56] 48 20
Washington Harper Campbell 915 93 14 62 pfis 92, 38 47
Worth !T Patterson 1001 65 19 83 437 36 52 18
Butler borough jti W Ziegler 2061 14 42 06 2454 79, HO 69
("entreville " W Henry Wilson 232 37 719 201 31 12 61
Harmony " Wm Carroll f'J4 00 940 179 04 16 47
Harrisvil'.e " I S Pew 254 60 614 m 97 10 77
P>rms City " Cyrus Knox j 299 4<. 83S 9 1 15 21
Karns Citv " Fred Kamerer| 92 15; 285 79 g3 500
Millerstowu " D Hough 249 20 771 I<>7 32 13 52
Fa'rview '• Robt Patton 1 105 16j 400 325 141 10 571
Petrolia " M Daly ' I<K> 00i 150 50,
Prospect " R Shaner 250 00i 773 161 15 13 56
Portersville " J H Kinzer 226 20 333 9 30, 650
Snnbury " f G Shull 150 44 8 19, 365 04 401 640
Stxonburg " VV Schroth 20'J CK) j 6 18' 134 }»2, 10 85
Zelieuople " A W Philips 300 00 9 28; 362 03! 16 28
1 1
Total 42944 91 231 52,907 47 3170"> 41! 1579 38
State Tax, Am't Collected and Due from Collectors. 1887.
I K ! >? ! B tI a
DISTRICTS Z '■ g® S | E, ! §
COLLECTORS 'J g« v. 5 ■ s
*'? l■ I 3 i :
i I : !
Adams Jas criswell 7:i l ,s •;
Allegheny las Jolly !• f4 13 56 582 148
juinr ;lo P A Drain ; ?•> 24 i~» o»
Blltler iM DnlTord -'lB9. 4:. 26 22 lIK
Sruiv .1 W Moore 41 04 81 137 •- 20
ciintbii M Thompson *- n 161 ; 'is
Connoquenesslng lis Henry *1 94 2 27 ! ■" 40
Cone or J sll Campbell 19 08 z7 1.3 6s <0
Cranberry Ellas Easton r >* ' M 11' 24 64 - '.k.
Cherry..." (» I'Campbell 26 21 53 so 13 141
clay JeffStoner 25 00 51 34 80 134
Clehr:ield II .McHride 57 21 3 01
Centre W Paulhamus 25 u> 52 32 fi.'> 137
Donegal John Kltv.ert 108 2.3 221 S6 75 •'» 81
Franklin J I'. Stevenson 32 33 1 65 17 38 I<3
Falrvlew John Andrew 151 52 7 97
Forward Alex Shilling MlO l W 31 82 r. 00
Jeffei-son August Muder tos 00 1 :tx u i«I 365
Jackson J K.vhart 127 s> 259 25 s;) 653
Lancaster J Erb 119 49 44 6 40
Middlesex..!; J LPark «! 80, 1 87 1 87
Muddycreek Robert .Moore 25 00 i»l 1302 134
Mercer ,!A Curry , 36 19
Marlon John DutTy r,7 48 117 16 46 308
Oakland J L Ne.vman 109 95 2 .".9 • 5 31
Parker I M Shira 75 65 113 12 06 2 !!8
Penn J B Dodds I 211 76 228 42 81 IS 00
SllpiiervrOok II M (Mil 59 98 122 56 32 322
Summit Jacob Reott "O 130 21 00 343
VeualigO Jos E lklli 20 17 JI 406 108
Wintleld Ac; FreeUug b«'- 12 277 524 731
Washington arper Campbell. :, 8 «o l no 4 no
Worth TP Patterson 11l n9 140 16 52 .1 69
Bntler borough O\V Zelgler 3»7 40 791 i4s.!W o?> 81
1 leutervllle •• W II Wilson 27 00
Harmony " W Carroll 25 00 77 556 135
Harrlsvllle " JS Pew :*> 29 279 4no
Evans City " Cyrus Knox 7i 14 2 2<i s sc.
KarnsClty " ! Fred Karuercr 461 14 175 25
Millers town " E Hough 122 62 37n 25 61 665
Falrvlew " Roliert l'atton 29 38 91 19 10 159
Petrolla •• M Daly j 17 97
I'rospeet " It Shanor 35 4S 1 09 1 92
Portersvllle " J II Kluser _
Sunbtiry " J G Shull 21 63 66 <4 lli
saxonburcr " W Scrotli 147 00
Zellenopie •« iA VV Phillips 100 w> 3on
Total ~ I 80 I "4 051 1144 61 141 60
DISTRICTS \~ | 'lT\~§ 'fTf ?iT
=S2SsI § I e I g
?- ~ S. I . £. . :
Butler borough ? £1 50 60S 1 20*22 W1172 69 $76 64 $' I 50' 6011 20
Fairviev.' 350 425 1 15 450 4 25' 19 84 o<> 200
Washington 52 •"A 4. 68 IS us 02 I'S It 14 94 6S 4i *lB Is 08 3; 1 ()_'
Butler 1 *7 201 75 331 203 201 585 | I
Falrvlew borough 52 195 .18 1 j
Allegheny 25 1! 22 52 7IS 13 15 596 13 15, 22 52 7is
cherry 11 19 663 4SI .d 63 527
Mlllersiown borough 52 1 95 75 38 j is sr., 66314 81
Concord 574 666 164 12 01 4591 78
Marlon. 35 25 4 , 67 1 3 77' 126
| Parker 4T> SlO .3 38 33 40 13 JI 1111
[ Summit 805 520 115 1 is' | 520 lIS 7|
Venango 27 f 20 so 297 7no 58 77! 811 1 929
wiclleld 137 59 1 22717 98 3CO ,
Worth 210 100 I I 1 :*>
Brady I 1 '0 7 68
Connoquenesslng 52 58 1 31
clearfleld 1 150 30 S2 13 1 6 16
clay i 1 2 68 "4
Forward 1 14 12 803
Centre 15 19 3 14
Petrolla borough I i j 4 50
Harrlsvllle " ' 315 123
Snnbury •• 1 ■ • 2 64
Clintoa I 1 1 1 1 19 '
Donegal 16 3f
Slipneryrock 8 37 ,
Oakland | 1 i ! , | »|
Totals 115 33 131 4n 43 26 66 53 68 219 20 161 42 196 61 101 83.75 47,1289 9 16
Borough* and Town»hlp« In Arr't with Batlrr
Co. for I> \niont and Warren Hospital*.
'B I £
' Marion $ $ rvt 27
Buffalo .-*j ;j< .
! Clinton 1 ! 25 (!I
I Fairvtew ' ; K»7 ;9 !
' Pc'rola bi rougli | 2*4 7-1
Connoquenesslng 44 iti
; Butler 1 iot <m< lie! 4*»
Parker 22.; ,v>i 91 ,v> ,
>< tI U rstnwn borough : 87 «7 sls «i
Jefferson I ;>4 .;i
Harmony borough ..., 221:2* 7s w
Butler •• n:i xy! ius i.-,
Ijincaster y«-, m., -j-, >«i
Clearfield . ISflo
Wlntleld 1 102 uo 28 oo i
Adams SH oo as oo!
( entervllle borough 106 29 !
Meicer j 12140
| Donegal ioo o.) 23
! ' ® nn i 18 50 »4 50
Cranberry j ;i
Jackson ;t4 .17 a; oo
Forward 7i ut
Totals.. 1 407
Amount Kereited.
From commissioners sl6 2">7 r;
•' Jury fees 2H5 4s
l>og tax 3 50
Fines, Illegal liquor selling, &c......... i GSU 5o
$lB 172 01
Bridge Account.
J LII Donaghy. stone for bridge $ 7so
\V W Breckinridge £ son. BeMord brt lge Sio oo
John ( raney, repairing bridge ;i on
J It Sutton. Building •• >is
W W Brackenrldge A; Ron, bridge 50 oo
H J Jack, bridge i
J 1$ Cunningham, repairing Bull creek
bridge .jr. oo
Win Mongoniery. repairing Clinton t .vp
bridge ; 6
Samuel Colwell. repairing Thorn Creek
bridge » 00
Win Tlilman. repairing Belford bridge. r,2
W.) Lackey, iloydstown •• 100
Geo Armor. *• McCandless " r'
M \V Shannon. cleaningConno<|ueness
lng brluge 3 t0
.1 B Cunningham, bal. on Buffalo bridge -"i w>
Samuel Caldwell, repairing •• i ou
W W Brackenrldge, •• Moore •• 300 7J
"■ " " Book " .. so 10
Beltoid- 4 35 40
J M Turner. 44 •• 1 so
John Donaldson, painting F.Sttannlug
biidge 20 oo
s .1 Marshall, painting bridge.. 30 on
I i' Barron, repairing •• \> 54
AG Kelly. • • •• !. ,w
RJ McCandless '• " 1 00
II W Leiey •• Harmony •• ' 73 50
Jno W Monks •• Glade Mill •• . 20 :ts
G B Cuuningban FUek •• 4->OO
Wm St Clair Neely •• .. 12 00
N b Mayer " Went Übcrty" 12 50
John Reno. cleaning Sprtngdnle " 75
K A Hutchison, repairing Annandaie
bridge 00 ,T>
E R R Boyer. repairing Boyer bridge. 200
Thos I' Birch, cleaning Springdale 1 00
1) Wallett. repairing Jefferson tp 15e
A B Martin •• •• ' 17 tKI
I'eter File " Adams iwp •• " 33 y
Jos White, '• 1 • - ;i5
IN Graham 44 " 15
Philip Burr, planking Renfrew •• ;; si :u
Thos Birch, cleaning Freeport, •• so
" " Sprlngu.-ile " Ino
\v V TJrackenridge & Sou. New Bri :-e ino 00
v, 3: Turner, repairing Kelly 21 00
0 F Redlc, •• Renfrew •• "c
Tlios 11 lluiian, abutment Kensnigtoii
bridge (S 00
S_J Marshall, repatrg Amberson oi hi
J;f Anderson, spikes o ; (i
i'uilil> t;urr, repau- g MeCandleas Dri jue it :a
B F llllllard. *• •- -j
Xlalsion Kelly •• Christv •• " 14 i'y
Wm Scott, •• saudy'Llct " ' 45 mi
Peter 1- He •• Parks •• ' ]•• 00
Ulrlefc Winter •• Lldna •• 0w)
Sam«oi Burr " Martin - " i» 30
W K Turner •• Clade Mills •• " 3562
Samuel Cohve!! •' .■ " 10 00
H Pnabe. painting l'habe " k, 00
John U. Kibben. repairing Riddle anil
1- lick bridge r, or,
John Staff, repairing bridge!'.'.". \
svmsuotr. paint 1 11- Monroe bridge.'.' 30 IKJ
Porter oieu a. repairing Freeport IG x>
W J (illlelniid. luiill and abuunent \Vii
son Ruu bridge I'l2 7S
Geo Maroerger, infill Callery Junction
W W Brackenrldge ic Son, painting s
•••• •••« •••• «... ••••••• 00
!» M Atwell, repairing Smith bridge " 25 -n
AN Urackenrldge i son. repairing
Helber bridge -0 00
w V. I m'V k< ''. lllrt ® ,re . ,s i Soa -Stone work ;» ihi
" J Glileland. repairing bridge v
John Donalson, painting McOaimout
bridge 00
A.) Black, repairing McCandless bridge 19 no
J L 1 uiu:rsou, planking' Fn«eport * 4 IS 43
repairing Muddyereek " 4 so
W J lilllclanO. abutment Callery June
lion bridge ti
W J Gllleland. irons O.i'liery ,ic! bridge '■>
VV \\ Brackenrldge ,t sou " •• o«
i," " . bal. Bonny Brook • nu 00
T 11 lleenan. repairing Kensington Fur
nace bridge - G
J it iiiant., repairing Keusl'ngton Fmn
ace bridge „ ()n
Wm Miller, new abutiii'ntijieiano briil'-e is"' mi
Thos Henen, abutment Frazler Mill •• •>oa so
Wm Scott, repairing Bonny Brook " *25 00
John Donaldson, painting Freeport •• ' 70 «)
Thos Henen, abutnient, extra, Frazler
Mill Oliiige i-111/..ei
\\ W Brackenrldge, new brldj-e.Fra/l'er
.>llll iirldge 7 „- r jy,
W J Gllleland, new bridge ~!»\
John Wade, new bridge, Delano bridge' 57 rx)
Albert Aderhold. new .
wit Turner •• Adams •• nTm
H\\ Lelo •• Harmony •• .. 350
Levi I>oycr •• swalu •• 10 00
'* •' Harmony " '' 40
Wm (.lbson " Petrol la and Cen
tral Point bridge 6 , ( q.,
.las Murrln, Mew Murrln brlti-ro 119
Geo Trimber. repairing bridge...'.' s 21
Painting .Muddyereek bridge 00
V, Brackenrldge & Son. iililng and
repairing bridge -n
J s Marshall, painting bridge. 4.1 00
Thos C Kelly, repairing WoHcVeek
bl 'dge q r.r
Sauiucl Graham, painting cranberry r.o
brid » e 15 00
«4 429 ,s;;
Jail Account.
Mrs. Swain, laundry.. . «->s
BO Huseiton, shoes ~
P Kramer. Sheriff. t>oanllng, provisions. 94i*i 55
Bros, repairl ng jail 5,
M Bahuy. clothing r,,,
I'rH < Linn, medical attendance..*.'.' 110 is
1 <)'«i ,ne . r ' Sh,f : boarding,
,1 .\ Muntz, coal r,
1)11 Lyon, hauling 75
ltltter & Ralston. dr\- Koods "1 w
Mrßiciile shoes...." 7-
Jeft Bnrtner, pluiubinir..! 9
J N Patterson, clothing •" •>-.
J H Conard. plumbing r, 7-,
Gas and Fuel Co, gas 1 50
C A Brown cleaning jail « no
Miller Bros, furniture 24 00
S G Purvis & Co.iuinber . . .]..! •>•-> •«)
John Donaldson, painting "150
V rii-iit-r, sii'ff Boaraint. provisions,&. Cl 7ao
J N Muntz. drv g00d5.... r 0 .
J S Conard. plunn Ing 7 1-.
J F T Stehle. 2 00
'* KrJiner. sh'ff. boarding, provisions,&. 207 05
John 1 Kelly, clothing 50
J N Muntz,coal ]0 4s
water repair »i on
Al Buff, sho#s 9 55
H Schneidenian, elothiuir 1 '--JI
t ' Siock, n ork ... ~'7 R ,
DAlleek. clothing 4 70
P Kranier, su'ff, hoarding, pro visions,S; 454 25
John lllcKle, .shoi-s 7 00
Ccuiitj- K\|irnsrn ISS7.
J G it V," Campbell, hardware $39 on
C <; Walter.-,, tux legisier 4 ft!
.1 N'ii lioNon liook binding 50000
A S Asehe ballot box 1 ,-,0
V.' II i.iihK auditor counsel 5 uo
Jas S Parks oath book 1 37
W I' Nicholson booK binding 44s •«)
.) 11 ut .11 arranging papers 11 25
GeoS Miaflne. h.iniing 1 50
M 1 'rnmer jury box ' 300
j 11 sution niiiexii.g
Miss Robinson |iosiottiee 200
■I II Lackey Tax Register, & .!! Y.Y. 2On
N S Grossman •• 475
L l* Walker cos's 2 97
A Russell arranging papers.... 67 50
J Reotl tax bivik 1 00
Jasl'orsythe lax register 50
Thos Niggle •• 4 83
AAI Cornelius •• .. , 100
R Cringle •• 350
II I> Payne cost '. * t ; ■*>
Tlios Book •• 753
CWCi.oj.er '• 520
I> t Ishei - •• «i! 0
Samuel Gill '• 5 ;>o
Tlios Fisher 44 520
W 1: Stewart 44 55n
WRMCNight 4 4i 2
Wm Weller judgment 01! 4>i
FII Bole cost .1 Ino
Thos M'Kire dividing Ihitler boro 10 On
S F Bowser Commissioners counsei... . 30 00
G N Graham dividing Builer boro 2.3 00
Wm Rlchey setting shade trees 9 00
John Humphry dividing Butler boro.. 10 00
J Sink boarding jurors 3 25
I Sollenbaugli tax book ' 73
AG Williams all county Coin 2 00
.Mary Fithean assessors book 1 no
J A Heydrlck, Boro division <>o 00
J B Milliard, collector book, &e 1 "l 00
K H Oliver " 50
J B Thomas. Boro division !" 10 00
W S Waldron •' 44 10 00
... . ... , , , ~ , . 51 101 17
\\ .> Nicholson bookbinder 200 uo
Si tt)l 17
Mutual Gas Co.. C II and jail S2OK 00
Water Company ; J6OO 00
llvfrj Bills.
RJ Turner $ 6« 50
H Pryor I
J C Kelly ' 7 00
J C Breaden n 30
C.Gerard 400
Grubbs A; Kirk 3 00
Blekel K. Bleb 1 20 Oo
Flick x Kennedy . . . "o no
May .v Albert ' 3 50
J M Turner 6 5-'
wo Blew 4
Total sl3l oo
Bridge viewers $132 20
Bridge Inspectors slll,, 40
County Auditor*.
E E Maurhoff |loo 00
A J Harper )00 00
L G Moore 100 uo
Total S3OO 00
Court Auditor SIOO 00
E I Bnigh S.IOO 30
J II Sutton 443 77
MlssJcnnie McEivaln ! lis 75
Total $1 002 52
Clerk of Courts.
Reuben McEivaln flic 9G
Utj ami A«vf*«iMp»l for ISS!
i «n o
£ 1
» 3
I<| j i §
.vAuns twp $ 96 21* $1986 18
Allegheny 31 90' 1579 30
Butler 49 74 1789 92
Buffalo 59 6;! 2062 98
Brady 46 45 1224 02
i Clinton ' 44 80 2112 83
Clay 61 65 1814 25
Centre 60 20! 16-51 42
Cl-arfield 60 22 1252 28
Cherry 78 28 1733 46
Connoquessing 87 61 3619 74
Cranberry 75 12 1976 02
Concord 33 73 1i»79 63
| Donegal 57 95 1445 05
1 Forward 131 82 1820 30
| Fairview 159 4161S 76
| Franklin 52 29 1840 53
i Jefferson 122 03 1968 60
Jark.-o It;.' s(i 1953 11
i Lancaster 128 33 1605 58
| Marion 7S 19 1671 67
j Middlesex 60 54 1978 64
Mercer » 36 19 1032 61
Muddycreek 39 S7 11>S3 35
(►akland 117 35 1713 82
! Penn 262 85 21<v5 80
Parker 91 8." 1696 50
Summit 90 39 1933 61
Slipuervrock 120 74 2275 09
Venango 25 72 1610 64
Washington 108 44 1837 94
j Winlicid 154 44 1803 62
I Worth 133 60 2011 02
Boro ot Butler 565 08 4668 68
" Centreville 27 60, 453 48
" Evans City 70 27 332 73
" Fairview 50 98 259 22
" Harmony 32 68 6(.S 93
" Harrisville 97 98, 383 48
" Karr.s City 675 179 83
" Millerstown 158 67 457 75
" Prospect 38 49 432 44
" Petrolia 17 97j 250 50
" Portersville 1 215 35
" Saxooburg 147 OOj 351 95
" Stmbury 24 2o| 233 08
" Xelienople i 234 99 688 19
Total i 54412 42 68333 87
Printing Account.
Butler Eagle s4o!> OS
Butler Citizen ;m ai
Butier Herald ::70 37
I'etrolia. Kecoril 04
Valley »ws 119 52
Mlllerst i wn Herald 121; 2.">
Butler Times 100 wi
Total $1 732 21
Insurance Account.
J E For?" the $ 408 00
Loyal s .Mc.lunkln *l2 ">u
H u Helueman r> txi
Total $1 220 1(1
Boiler House.
Sclienck Bros fx li
W W Graham 2 wi
W SeilH-rt a 7.1
.leir Burtner 23 4."
Henry Liehl i ,v
Total f«.i ri
Assessing Account $i 4a". c. r
Assessors attending appeal SO <K
Allegheny County Work House $214 8"
Court Cner, Lewis Reed S::s~ o(
Architect. J P Bailey $i 720 o(
Commonwealth $3 212 ii"
Commissioners' Clerk.
S T Marshall, 3i;i days'service s7s2 ."<
balance due from ISBU 40ii i (
Total $i 182
District Attorney.
S B Snyder sllß «
C A McPherrln 534 r.i
Total 54
Dlxmont Hospital, Drll A Hutchison...s2,2ll s
touiitf Detect ive.
John Dobson $2« si
D L Dunbar s!tu os
Total »uis si
Election account '. $2 on a
Inquest account $202 n
Jury Commissioners.
Fred Hennlnger slll ;>•
/ McMlchael v») +
Total .$232 a
Barbara Ilenning-er, Jury Corns.'clerk S3O u
Jury account $3 ;is7 41
Prothonotary Wm M Shlra $427 fc.
Registration $413 0(
I Uoad viewers sit(7
j ltoad damages $403 C(
Reformed school. Morganza 5022 a
John Flndley. transcribing $lO <x
Tipstaves' account ti 173 a
Warren Hospital S2SS (:
Western Penitentiary account $7Bl 5
Befundlng account *l3 1
State Docket Examiner.
J H Sutton $&•! 01
Mrs W H Co»l>ert 10 0
Total $73 0
Commissioner*' Counsel'
S F Bowser; §304 &
W A Porquer 100 0
Total ;..i4oi <;
Teachers Institute.
J L Snyder S2OO 01
Interest un Bonds.
Coupons „...$1 913 0<
Tax on bonds 140 0:
Total $2 053 0:
Soldiers* Burial Account.
Wm Buriiierfor Jownh Fleeger, dee'd $35 0(
Herman Seaton lor John Navy, dee'd 35 in
R MoKee for J;is SI ax well, dee'd 35 (H
G F Fn&tlev for Thos McGinnis, dee'd 35 0<
WeckbcefcirJfcCover f>r JasDauglierty,
dee'd 35 01
Total $175 (X
Soldiers' Tombstone Account.
McCandkss A Stewart for Josiah Flee
ter, dee'd sls 0<
McCandless & Stewart for Richard
Milliard, dee'd 15 0(
McCandless & .Stewart for W J Brown,
Brown, dee'd..... 15 0(
McCaodiass & Stewart for Jas Max
well, dee'd 15 0<
McCandless & Stewtrt for J W Brown.
dee'd 15 0(
McCandless it Stewvrt for James
Dougherty, dec ; d 15 0(
Total S9O 0(
Commissioners' Account.
J C Breaden 313 days (<p $2.50 $782 5t
J C Kelly " " " 782 0(
J M Turner '• " " 782 50
Total $2347 3C
Stationery Account.
Johnston Jc Watson $964 6."
W T Nicholson 3S 7."
J H Douglass 35 03
Ridtiway Publishing Co 33 9c
F L Hutter 79
Ashby & Vincent 17 7."
II C Heineman 0 4U
Total $1175 11
Commissioners' Traveling Expenses.
J M Turner SBO 2.i
J C Breaden 38 ! [ j
J C Kelly 48 55
Total .$167 7,"
Express, postage, Jtc s6l s<i
Inquest in Lunacy.
James McMahan sll 20
E L Leake 5 00
R C MeAboy 5 00
Total s2l 20
F M Eastman $ 44 50
W E Findley 30-j 15
J D Dautfherty 30 0"
Frank E Pelton 1366 0«i
A D Moore 191 50
Totail $1937 2>l
Court Ilousr.
R B Taylor balance on contract $17700 00
" extra work 7768 17
" shelving, etc 356 2.1
Bitter <fc Ralston carpets 652 2t
Peter arbitrating 125 0(1
W S Foulk arbitrating 62 50
McCandless A' Stewart marble work 100 0C
W J Butler steam heating 650 o<l
Electric Lisrht Co 7iX) 43
Town Council grad.ng around
Court House 148 (K1
Mutual G-ut Co 50 00
Schenck Rros wood work 164 05
J G & »Vm Campbell hardware 122 64
D I. CJeoUnd winding clock 47 25
Harrv Gregg rnnniug boiler 100 00
Hall's Sate & Lock Co 680 0(1
Miscellaneous items 454 49
Total * ,>.#30640 03
Register and Berorder'n Arronnt.
State bill $74 40
Constable return u. $64 86
Militia Enrollment acc .ant $64 02
Court Hon «• Janitor,
i y i Viu , k $ 223 00
h. 1 Mor lan 33 (^)
Tho» Brown 520
Total JS26 00
•Scalp account S~4S 30
Treasurer 4 A Xrßarliti : Are t nitli BntlerCo.
PR. to ifnx'i. ■received
From collectors previ' . o Jan 4 t
ISB7, county tax [$ 15044 80
ir >ni col lectors previ. •. to Jan 4,
1 >7. State tax 1300 28
County tax for IMH7 4JJ44 91
State tax for ISH7 aiilO 8»
Kec'd from townships., Ui.iuiout
and U'arrt-n li'ispi'il 14G7 33
Rec'd from Comnii- 10227 i:t
" unseated ! is 386 (it)
" liquor fin. lojG jQ
" jury fee- 2Hf> 4.S
" " duj? regist- t>a 3 .".J
Amount in Treasury J: ■. 1837... 3314!) 36
Tot* l i 121630 80
Warrants redeemed $
State tax 2SOO Ct)
I useated lands 73,;
Tax on IOHUS due froui 1 >BO 1; 7.";
Tux on loans due fro>n ; --S7 7 72
Treasurer's commis'u.. of 4 per
cent, on $.V> ouit (it) 2200 CO
Treasurer's commission ot lj p«r
cetit. on £34 312 00 .514 (jfl
Bai. in Treasury Jau 2,
Total $12163. ; 80
Cost of Court House.
Building, furnishing, , all corn
_P>« le $147000 00
Statrnif nt of tlie Ffnsures of Kutlcr County.
Amount due from coii« ;ori $35 593 6j
*' on
Dixmoot and Warn 'spirals. 4 550 93
Bal. due iu Treasury Sc. 2, 1888... 2i> fe.59 29
Total $69 305 §7
J. in!,. eg.
Foil's bearing 4 per < . interest 60 000 00
Bal. assets over liabilities 9 305 87
Bonds above become «■••• as follows:
•S2O 00i) 00, IST day of S' member. ISBB.
j>2o 00(i 00, ltt day of .x-Miember, 1889.
sl6 000 0t», Ist dny of September, 1891.
We, the undersigned Auditors of Butler
County, in Common ;v> hof Pennsylvania
met at the Ocmruivi .., ■ office of said Co.'
on the 2d day of Jan. 1 * 8, and did audit, ad
just and settle the pevi'ul accounts required
ot us by iaw accordi i to the best of our
judgment and belief, I the foregoing ij a
correct statement <>f t! - various accounts of
said County and Commonwealth. In wit
ness whereof we have . .-unto set our ha ruin
and seals this 3d d'<y 01 i-bruary, A.D., I.sSS
. I. S. P. .• ieWOLFE, [SEAT.]
• li. A. Kixzer, [SEAL]
We, the undersign <1 Commissioners of
Butler counibavin* t;i imined the forego
ing report of ths County Auditors aud believ
ing it to be a correct statement of the receipts
and expenditures of sal county for the year
A.D., 1887, order its cation.
Attest: B. M. DUNCAN,
S. T. MARSHALL. Commissioners
Your attention Is called ' 1 the store of V,. I-:.
Ilalsron. the Jeweler. No. . South Main strc-i.
where you will And 0 <'lolcc selection of
W itches. clocks ami Jewcirv of every descrip
tion. Watch and clock n., Jrlug a specialty,
Xo. DC, South Main street.
Butler, Pa;
Having taken "the agency i' ir the Choice I'rnit
Beautiful Shrubbery,
Ornamental Trees,
An* everything else in the Oirserv line, of the
New Kngland Nurseries. 1 ise Bros. & Co., N.
Y.. I v/ili call upon yon In the near future atnl
solicit your orders for Spr- ic deliver} - .
A. H, FALLER, Agent,
Hutlei- - - - Pa.
Particular attention givcu to the Retracing of
old lines. Address,
62. I\ laH-WAK^N
Co. Surveyor
North Hope P. ()., Butler Co., Pa.
A weekly r.owspaper. - 'jlißlied every Fri
day moming at Butler, Ps., by JOHN'H. 4
Subscript ion Bate.
Per year, in advance $J 50
Otherwise 82 00
No (subscription will be discontinued until
all arrearages arc paid.
All comannicationa int'.rded for publication
in this paper nmstbe &u:i iijpanied by the real
name of the writer, not <•.!• publication but ais
a guarantee of good faith,
Sltin and dtatb m,: es must be accon»-
panied by a responsible HP me.
AdvertLsinp I ites.
Onb square, ono inser, ->n. $1: each "tiban-.
quent iuxertion, 53 ce;i:.». Yearly advertis,'-
nients exceeding one-fonrHi of a column, £5
per inch. Figure work double these, rates;
additional charges where weekly or monthly
changes an made- Lo;:?.i advertisements 10
cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents
per lino for each additional insertion. Mar
riages and deaths puM.: d froe of charge.
Obituaiy notices charge ;*s local adveriise
ments and [ ayable when .sded in. Auditors'
Notices. f4; Executor. and Administrators''
Notices, each; Est..,'. Caution and Dis
solution Notices, not exec. :ing ten linus, •■fi.
Addieos THE Ct nzEH, Butter, Pa. *
h«n troah!«»d w.th thonr nnroyinn Tmgcinritlr« t:"j
rroqueatiy followia*; a cold o or from 00/i
--i«itutioaul RO POCULIDRTO tWir sex. KhouiJ
OP. DuCHOIN£ u Celebrated
They aro Strengthening to the entire i>y«tem. impair,
one, vitfor and niisaetic force *o oil fancHon* of/wilr
in«l xni nd. Sent by m«il, S )3cur«>]y sooled. fl.
Dr. Harter Medicine Co.. ST. tOIHS. MO.
T «Y. H. kF. MORBIO;
Breeders of High-class Pwltry.
LIGHT Hit MIMAS. I'l.V ()l Til >VO(KS and
WIIITK LK<t! : Dl{.\S.
KRRS per 13 ; s■( for »»
Lif3 Saved and health Re
cfnr pri !i v Ji fod Liter Oil ami
t,U Malt. A CO»t. ~1 remedy for Con
sumption. Bronchitis, And. .. sororula and nil
throat adn lunt r i repared so as to !*•
quite palatable.
Ask for lUker't Cod I.lvtr Oil anil Malt. IS"
not sold by Drug^st, write u, the Manufacturers.
Bta 1 iibert St., rhils.
Advertising baa always proven
oucocßßful. Before placinsr any
J WKSjtoh Newspaper Advortlsingr consult
wiiiiwrwt, CHIXMCO*