Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 17, 1888, Image 3

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    THE citizen:.
New Advertisements.
F.recu.v-'s Notice—E-date of ffm. H»tsel?r>
Exmtor'f Notice—Ertate of Imu P. A*h.
tAer.r -ales for March Tern.
Admit-- "Tmior'j Notice—Estate of Sannel
Diwolu"-oa Notice—McJnnkin t Wieland.
Tkt pmiUe it kereby notify that hereafter
mil Rnnlutitmn of Raped or Comlolenct adopt
od if oryaaiiwfiew • ond ordered puhitthed all
moltem of Chmrch Fair*, Fettiemlt mmd Lei
tare«. mnd mil emmmtmiemted Obitvarir* uriU
hechmrped for al the rmte of one-half cent a
word, wm» to mccompmn jr each order.
Month cmttrary,
S'ometiroee free and
Sometimes chary.
Now quite warai, now
TCT Tflt,
Sed tn-ky, to-
Morrow merry.
Fehrwarv's her*, yon bet;
Aid O, much a*
Ttdoth eriere me,
I will »w«»er, though
Ppee<-h do if*ve me,
I will swear. 1
Pray btlwrr roe.
Tha? nnleea thing*
Much deceive &e
Fcinury'i a coquette.
TVf «•» 15,000 specimens in the eibi
ctU cf ihe Edinboro rtkwl.
—Cp«» TrMtain the leap-year girh are
calling o|«a the i_.ir.-.cd men.
The MiiVrstiwn Fa-' O. ht« struck a
r«dl weil on the McElwee fans in O.ik
tand tw«. •
—Mr <"*"■« Harrison of North Hope baa
and will hereafter receive $.50 per moath.
—The Progle Bros. of hare n»nv
•l ibnie Mate mill to tbc Clark firm, :n
fc -oU twp Lawrence county.
<ti>| the Governor of Dakota to the Gov
ern* <>« *4 ian-s-Ha: "It"a a short time be
tween Wtrzard*."
Now is ik» time to r»tt*r 1 ime around
the tree* aod vine*. It may be used fceely
and liberally.
—The cor id ia pretty even—the piano has
spoiled a:*®* a good diah-we*her and many
a p«od dieh wanher has spoiled a piano,
—The f <inh vrdict ia the MeClafferty vs
Rrrg ev» i* similar to the second. i. e. the
property is divided betweea the parties.
—X nice Jnokiis? young e nuple got a li
cense t- asxrry yesterday m >rninz and both
|aruef their name* with a mtr<.
_Th» wife of T. H. Lyon, Esq of Butler,
a w»ter <»♦ H<xi Jo<d*h *. TtionM«>n.i«iri'i*
dateemo-iy iil a: her boat oi west Jelfsr
wa «»rt.
—* Frenr*! woman in Sfwinjdsle was re -
ported to •uTe given birth to tour children
urn' day tHia week, but the report was uu
-FVr " st>nat» belonging to Caspar Free
line of WintMd twp, were killed lately by
ea?ia«ri"j> that had siond ia an aid oppcr
—At Mercer eonnty last Sstur
4*v. Mr. John O. Finery. son of Joeeph
Faery fell dc*a a coal shaft aad was foully
injaeM .
—William Gilchrist aged 17 fears, and a
ma of R. B Gilchrist, of Batter, ha« beei
hedftet for Wenty oae weeks with typhoid -
—A tomet, with a feather on it, was
heed mm the raw! near Bonnie Brook lately
aad the owoe- ea-< Hare it br calling at the
iiaMswte of Mr. James Stephenson.
—A little girl of Mr. Chin. Hobangh, a
st>ca mason who lives in the north-western
part af town Ml into a tub of hot-water last
Friday aad was badly scalded. f
—Barrier»e gives the interesting inform*-
tiaa that •wentr-eieht female persons in this
mat aad rraat! Re;>nblie, according to relia
ble staatutics, wear troasen.
—The Sewnd Aenasl Ball siren br Bnt
|rrl/ie<l A««emr.!e K.ofL.in the Bright
Light Rink last Fridar erenin?, W4i a suc
eessaad ail i<reeeat enjoyed tbea*eirej.
—Mrs. R. B. of Springdale h«j
written a nipalar song, entitled ''Fnlalie,
Sweet Eal-Jie." Mrs. Copely is a daughter
mf Mr. Ssthan Brown.
—Me«n W H A F Morns have thorough
bred Brahma, Plymouth Bock and White
Leghorn for sale. See card in another
—A Forward twp. eowllately gave birth to
Siaaieae-<wia calves. Thev died and Mr.
I'-ippar. th>-liveryman at Evaaa City, will
Lave their bides stuffed.
—l>ew R «»h of Prmpeet hs« opened a den
t;l offinr at Prineetowu, aad W. 8. Fulkinnu
'oroerly of ("entrerilie ourcha«e! the
V4percal>-1 S/nraf of the Fill* at Benrur
i alls.
—As ton torn on the gas and read of
"iwther Mizcard coming," just remenit><-r it
vill only tie three mouths until the spring
• birds will be here. Get ready for a picnic.
—Na aiaa can go into had company with •
not saflV-riiig from it. The homely old pro
verb has i* very tersely: "A man ean't bite
the bottom Vthe fryiogpan without Kiuut
tiag his no^e."
—A aeii-ntial seys: "I' the land were Umt
tewed oat the *ea would be two miles deep all
orer the warid." If soy man is eauglit
flatteaiag 'Mt the land, shoot him on the
•pot. A grant many of as ean't awim.
—Voters aad tai-payers shonld not fail to
iaainl»i that the aneasment made of real
estate ibia rear holds good for three years.
This being so, it ia important that the Assess
or aad Assistants elected at the approacbiu);
election, be aaen of aonttd judgment.
- —People graablo hecaore the number ISSH
is hard to writ*-, but ibey should console
themselves bv thibking of wh*t they would
have to pat down if the Arabic figure* had
n>-ver been inrented, and we need only the
Roman notation Think of wriiiac
—lt ia elniraed by */-me one who ha* tried
it tfcat frozen potatuek ran be made palatable
by euakiry ifacm in cold water rev era I hours
heforwpv. is( ihern over the fire lor boiling.
As many '.alatf were fro«i bitten during the
fnrid we»iher «f last week tbia information
may prove of value to si*ne of our rea-Wa.
—Mr. Jaaaes A. MeN'.-ea, a native of Worth
twp., hrt *ho«» h me ia now in Lawreife,
Kansas, aad who tins tee a vi»i(in< his folks
t -re this wit t- r, started back last Mondny.
lie will Mr p n lew daya at New Ilrighton
may he joined there by Mr. Newton M<-
< a»rt(e»s ol Blaek Jack, Kaiaas, who ia also
mm a via:t hi bia folks.
—S. E Byeraof Clay twp. bad a bearlig
bafare Eaq. Walker last Satardav on a charge
ot forgery preferred by John Berg of Mie
baakinj firm of John Berg A C of ft-.ller,
waa bei-i tor Cr<nrt, and is now in jail. He
ia aw nit Jof aaakiug a note tor 10 from
KsM. A. Brown aad Th. Brown to JoLo H.
MeFarlaod. dated May St. IMS, aad of huv
i*C U diaoounted at Bergs' bank on Jaae 3,
—The D< mocratie Slate Convention aelectt
their deiegates to th-ir National Convention,
aad tbe delegates elected in Butler last Hat
arday were "instructed to support no man
far delegate rot.be Nationai Conrention who
ia Dot in full accord with the admioisiratinu
oa tbe tat iff <|U.-ation and who <loe» not
aameatly fnvor me renomiaatiou and re-elec
tion of llavir Cleveland to tbe Preaideucy
ia IMB.
—At •neetiagof tbe Democratic County
CaanaiUr* n Bntier last Saturday afteruoou.
Jcha M. Ruth, E-q was elected Chainnan of
tbe Coaatk Coma>ittee; Cleveland'a adminis
tration and Free Trade mearaure weie endora
rd. aad Le.nuel McGill of llarriaville, 1,-v
Mct^aiatio!^. Esq of Bntlrr, George H Ora
•-..Fx) of Fsirview and John M. Hoth of
Maddycrrek were elected delegates to tbe
State Congestion of May Tld.
Marriage Licenses.
ChsrleaS. Fowler, Marshal tp, Allegbtny.Co
Nelta A. Nesbit .....Crat.lierry tp
Harry k Carver bufla'o, tp
Anaie t> Ktntjedy „....BatoLbar :
William H. L'eckect ..Mnidleax tp
Amelii Bteix r_ ..... "
V*. Fio<Hey Ervio Petrol ia
Annie Laura 110-kur. "
V.i I lias •' Grabaw ™..Cherry tp
l,«tbar Dickey Washington tp
liarry L OiLwiddie Peun tp
faiths E. Zollinger "
At Pitifturg, Friday—James W. Borland
oi Ailegt ray county -od Mary E. Norris of
: a tier eoubty, on Katnrday, John McCanuey
of Pittthsrgssd Matilda Bell of Butler
Court met Monday after icon with
Judges Huzen aud MeMicbael pre
The list of Jnror?, and Trial list
were railed over and the case of Me-
Clufferty v« Berg taken no before
Judge Hazpn, atid that of Pavis vs
Albert et al before Judge MoMicuael.
The case of T. H Lyon vs Thos. M
Marpbad et a!, known aa the Mar
shall oil farm case was one of the
first on the list, and "Old Tom" and
A. M. Brown, E*q, of Pittsburg,
were here to attend to it, but it was
continued till Tnursday.
Business in tbe Court room has
been interfered with this week by a
lack of heat in the room. The sup
ply of gas was short Wednesdav
morning,consequently no steam could
be generated.the Court-room was liae
a barn, and Court had to adjourn tor
several hours.
The followicg cases on the list for
this week wtre disposed of up to
Wednesday evening
Daniel, John aad Grace McClafler
ty, J as. Du*rau et ai vs John Berg &
Co ,et a! Ejectment; Feb IG, ver
diet for the plaintiffs for the 30 pcre
tract, and for the defendants tor the
90 acre tract.
Riddle vs Armstrong, continued.
Wilson vs Brown, continued.
McElroy vs Kliugensmith, contin
Marterer vs Adderhald, continued.
Abramß vs McElroy, continued.
Hanuab Craw ord vs Chas Herr,
Win. Biru*, ei al Ejectment; Feb.
14. verdict for defendaa .s. This was
the Petrolia case.
Hoffman Parr vs Anu Stalker,
Brady twp School Board vs John
Dunn and Hugh Grossman. Feb.
13. called and defendants confess judg
meut for S7B aud record costs.
Wobert Davis and wife vs J. D
Albert aud Jus Coulier. Trespass,
verdict in favor of plaintiff* and
against J D. Albert fur $32 40, and
verdict ia favor of Jos. Coulter.
Steiuer & Yoegtley vs K B Tay
lor Fyb 15, verdict for plaintiffs fo. -
$472 92
Jos. Emery Jvs Jos. McElroy.
On trial before Hazm, Judge.
Johu P Getttuau vs Henry Belz
Ejectment; on trial before McMicbael,
Goidinger v» Asa A J Campbell,
replevin lor cow aud continued
on account of sickness of plaiutiff
Although but one week remain* for
the filing of applications for license
but three have as yet been filed. The
Pennsylvania Dictilliog Co wants a
wholesale licence in Buffalo Twp., F
Sirabecker wants a hotel license in
Zelienopie and Samuel Mulholland
one in Saxon burg.
Elizabeth Maizlaod by her father
George Mainland had a capias sur
slander issued for James Harvey, and
required bad in SIOOO. Miss Maiz
land accused Mr Harvey of making
some very rough remarks about her.
Peter McGrady has been returned
to Court on charges ot seduction and
F & B, preferred by Gerthude Blatt;
William D. Crawford for collecting
money by fraudulent representation
on oath of O F. Black; 8. E. Byers
for forgery on oath of Jobn Berg.
Letters of administration were
! granted to Albert Adderhold on estate
|of Washington VVarneck of Saxon
-1 hurjr.aitto to Mary Sherman on estate
of Jobn Sherman of Washington Tp,
also to W A Siein ou estate of Alien
Wilson of Butler county, also to 11.
A Hartley on estate of John Snyder,
Sr., of Mercer Twp.
James A Armstrong has brought
suit in ejectment vs. T. W Phillips,
D Osborne aud the Mutual Gas Fuel
Co. for 32 acres of land in Jefferson
11. A M->orhead deeded property in
Butler to Franklin Miller for S'JSO.
H. L.augb-»ua deeded property iu
Zelienoplo to G. H. Kuuuff for SIOOO.
C. C. Knauff deeded property In
Zelienople to H. Lanirhsus for siooo.
W. J Burton deeded 143 acres in
Bntler twp., to W. Barilev lor $2,-
696 50.
Republican Borough Primary. l
Although Tuesdiy evening was a very ua- !
pleas* ut nine tor ;t primary election on ac- I
count of the rain, nearly two hundred and
titijr vote* were ca»t iu the borough.
The od!y light wai for the nomination fur
Justice of Peace, wuh Me.isre it. C. McAboy
aud H. H. Cali.ijjUer running McAboy
carri-d the !»t aud Ji wards aud Gallagher ;
tne :Ul.
The following ticket was nominated:
J. Q. A. Kennedy
A.wtHtßut UnrgesH,
J»». Milch ell.
Justice of the Peace,
It. C. McAboy,
Tjx Collector,
ftdiituui llu<UeJ.
(j. W. Johitfcoii.
Borough CotisUblen.
Henry Korn,
John Kennedy.
Ovefeerof the Poor,
Wm. Heibert.
C. h. . Ji lui"ton.
'lowu Cmuucil,
W. W. Maxw«.!l, .'t) tarn.
K. W. Kirk, '1 year*.
J. H. (oh »/n 1 year.
School iJireclom.
Dr. J. F. Moore, .1 yearn.
J on. Muler, 'I yeaiit.
John t-indlay, 1 year.
Ward A'hi'cuor,
0. Shatter.
Judy- of Klection,
A. L. Heed.
Inapector of Keleetion,
L. Meciiltny.
Town Conceit,
A. B. Richer.
W. 11. li. Kiddle.
fcLool Direetor,
JoLu M. Greer.
Ward Awwir.
1". Li. Ficlter. t
Ju<ll'« of lileclion.
£>. li. illtMriton.
Icniieclor of Klection,
"E. rt. Kiddie.
Tiiiiin ward.
S-li"<>l Director.
K Pillow,
Ward Aaet-ftKor.
Job a L. Jouea.
Ju<!pe o*" l Jcction,
J*.'*, i), CarMiii.
Inspector of !'.lc-tiou.
John U. Moore.
—Anf'tbtr Belpmn wan hedly cut at tlie
PU.e Worka tail VVedrn wlay morniutf,
I and lo iy In e?. h.!-..«l Plate ulow is exceed-
I iDtily brittle n'.id hat to \n: handteil with
irreat cire. FoOr n>en carry a >-tieef. or plate
Jof xiva, on nduK, by iiltiutf i> with atrapn
I and brkciuf? ii witl. their ahouMera, but toe
i leant kliouk hre.'ita the pl.it'-, whin'u i* «ein:r
--! ally cut flr»-ei;{bt« of an icch thick,mid the
1 UlSi'i); piecen are bo butvy tU-t tlicy are dad*
! gcrou*.
—Consult your owa interests and
examiue our stock of furniture, uphol
stered suits, chairs, mattresses, etc.,
before purchasing. Mili.ek lino's.,
| No. 19, Jefferaon St. _
Col. Jackson of New Castle was
home last week. As a candidate for
re-election 'o Congre s he will be op
poped by W. M. Brown, Esq.
Uo to last Sutur lay eveoing about
1600 aupl cations for liceose had been
filed io Allegheny Co., a decrease of
about 1300 iroui iast year, owing to
the difiicutty of t*eer.riu<j bandsmen
under tbe Brooks law. Tbe Dispatch
The trouble ia securing bondsman
was undoubtedly ciuctd by the iron
clad sort of an articie that must be
signed. It is a judgment b-ind.aad if
a &aloon kf.iper ti fiueii for violatius*
the liquor law, or is mulcted in heavy
damages in a civil suit lor seilicg liq
uor to an inebriate, aud thereby caus
ing injury the latter or his family,aud
fails to pay up promptly,au execution
for the full am mut, with costs, can at
once be issued on the property of the
bondsmen without at;y further for
mality, and becomes a Men upon their
Up at Franklin last Thursday
marnipg when the mercury wa3
standing at near zero, a w< !i defined
rainbow was s»eu in tb» eastern sky.
Mr. Stoner, the hotel keeper of Kit
tauniag, was injured *sy a gas explo
sion io the cellar of tbe toil-house of
tbe bridge lately.
The hvse woolen ciiiis near Wash
ington started up last week.
Some Butler Co., operators are tak
ing oil leases near MiUbrook, Mercer
After serving a term of scvea years
eaer: io the \V«steru Penitentiary for
disposing of western lands frauduieut
ly, William Burns and bis sou Atldi
su a, were released a few days ago.
They were sent from Clarion county
and were formerly promionnt lumber
men and merchants nt Corsica.
The Cambria county mercantile ap
praiser seidons gets left. Tie Johas
town Tribune says. Hotel keepers
throughout the rural districts a-nl iu
towns atr.l villages are reported to be
rec iving letters, signed Michael Mo-
Bride, reading: "Have a comfortable
room ia reserve. Me and Mrs Mc-
Bride will be with you shortly iu the
capacity of Mercantile Appraiser."
New Buildings.
It is already known that many
new buildings will be erected in But
ler next Summer, the largest of which
will probably bo the new school
bmldintr and convent, for which R:v.
Noian and Mr.-. Dougherty are eoo
tribuiiag the bulk of the funds. The
i-chool building will be about 67 feet
cijuare, aud the convent 35x70, arid
together Will co->t about $40,01)0. Td»
plans are here, aad are now in the
hands of the different contractors who
are bidding ou thd job. t
The next largest building will prob
ably be that of Esq. John Huseltou,
on his iot at corner of Main St. and
Diamond,bids for which are also now
being taken. It is to be a three story
brick, with basement, and tnmmed
with Berea, and will undoubtedly be
an ornament to the town.
Mr. Wm. Aland intends tearing
down the old building he is now us
inj:, and erecting a two story brick,
similar to the Stehle building adjoin
Mr H C. Heineman intends tear
ing the old frame between his brick
and Krug's meat market and building
a (>rick store building.
Ot the residences to be erected the
iargest will probably be that of Mr.
Job L. Purvis on S T . Main St. It is
to be a lrarao
Mr. Fisbel, the carpenter, already
has tae frames up for his new bouse
on W. Penn St. and several more of
our citizens are talking of buiidiug.
Pancakes In Variety.
On cold wider mornings pan cakes
oi all kinds hold ait important place
at the breakta«t table. The cherished
buckwheat cake, most prominent of
all, from Thanksgiving Day until
early Spring is seldom absent from the
morning meal iu the genuine Ameri
can household. When properly made
this is the most delicious of all the
griddle cakes, but it has been against
it when made from yeast or risen
over night that it was difficult to
make liirht and sweet, and that dis
agreeable effects frequently followed
its eating It is found thai by the
use of the ll<val Baking Powder to
raise the batter thepe objections have
been entirely overcome, and that
buck wheat cakes, are made a most
delicious food, light, sweet, tender
and perfectly wholesome, that can be
eaten by anyone without the fciight
est digestive inconvenience. Ouce
tested from the following receipt no
other will be used: Two cups of buck
wheat, one cup of wheat flour, two
tablespoons of Koyai Baking Powder,
one-half teaspoonful of salt, all sifted
well together. Mix with milk into a
thin batter and bake at once ou a hot
The purest and richest svrup is
made by dissolving sugar in the pro
portion of three pounds of nugar to
oue pint of water. Many persons
prefer the flavor of syrup made of
Orlt ans sugar to that made of the
Rice grid lie cakes are delici
ous. The rice is cooked until per
fectly soft, drained dry, mashed with
a spoon until the grains are we.l bro
ken up. For each cupful of rice take
two eggs, one pint of milk, oue heap
inir teaspoonful of Royal Raking
Powder, one-half teaspoonful of salt,
and (lour enough to msko a thin bat
For hominy cakes take two cupfuls
of conked hominy, and crush it with
a potato-masher until it is a smooth
mass. Add one level teaspoonful ot
salt,two teaspoonsful of Royal Baking
Powder, and one eupful of fl»ur. Stir
together; then add by degrees one
quart of milk, and lastly three well
beaten eggs. Rake in thin cakes.
Vory delicate and delicious cukoa
are iniiue by allowing two teaspoons
ful o! Royal Baking Powder and one
half teaspoonful of salt to one quart
ot milk, unci sufficient corniueal, mix
ing all into a smooth, thin batter; no
eeirs or butter are used for these
The cakes bake quickly to a rich
deep brown, aud are extremely tender
and light.
A very delicious, sweet pancake is
made bv taking one pint of sweet
milk,lour two tablespoonsful of
powdere d nugar, two tablespoonsful
of melted buttter, one teaspoonful of
Royal Baking Powder, and flour
to make a moderately thin
batter. Beat the eggs, whites and
yokes separately, until **e!l frothed,
stir the butter, sugar, aud oao cupful
iof floor, into which the baking pow
der b*H bc :n mixed, into the yok'*s.
then add tbo milk. If needed, udd
! more Hour. Rake in small cakes,but
ter each on-? as it c ones from tbo lire,
place four in a pile, with very thiu
I layers of any kind of sweet jelljr be
i tween, ai>d powdered sui'ar over the
I top. They (should be baked vory thin
served to eueb person.
What a "Blizzard" Is.
[t is 3ai<l that people who have
never been in a "blizzard" cxi hare
uo conception of one, aud that in some
1 parts of the North-west tbey ore so
blinding »od confounding that people
! have clothes lines running from their |
! houses to their barn doors, so that
they will u»vt iose their way eir
i cums'auces make it necessary to p<»s3
between the two buildings du-iug »
i "bbzzard."
The iollowinp letter from llander
i son, Minnesota, to the editor of the
: Indiana, Pa. Me&tenger, gives tbe
1 best description of a -'blizzard'' that
j %e have yet seen: —'Havingreceived
I several letters from Indiana county
| asking me about the recent biizzud, i
i aud serin? toe accounts in the many
; eastern papers differing so in their j
• descriptions ot it, prompts me to pen j
| tor your many readers a faiut picture
i of the reality:
Thursday morniagr, January 12, j
dawned mild aud calm. A solt breeze
arose from tee south, and people left
their homes iu perfect eouli deuce of a j
safe return. Farmers turned out
their stock to waler wad to exercise
them. Men, women and children
Were away from home alike uacou- ;
scious of their impending fate.
The wiud changes; it is now in the i
north. A telegram reaches us say
ing. "A blizzard is moving southward
at the rate of ninety miles an nour." .
Iu about two hours or near 3 o'clock,
p. m , tbe wild, howling wiud, with >
whirling, powdered, blinoiiig snow, ;
struck us with lb« boom and roar of
a dozen surfs From that time until'
early morning of the following day ;
the terrible siorui raged. The cold ;
became intense. The snow jame in
at the smallest crevices of door or
window. Men who started to their
barns. only a few rods distant, were
lost and waudered bewildered in the
snow. This would not seem possi
ble to persons never having seen a
blizzard. Ouc could not see a build
ing four rods away, aud at two ho'
could not be sure of much but- tbe |
form of some structure before him. !
N»w this may seem strauge, but uote
these facts. One man iu the country
started from his house to go to
his bam; the storm caught
him between the two and
he became bewildered and travel
ed about all evening and at IU p ru ,
found himself iu towu, two miles
from home, almost frozen. The j
school bouse where I am teaching is,
situated iu the suburbs of the town
and when I received word of the ap
proaching storm I dismissed school!
and through the aid of the parents, ;
but with the greatest oifliculty, the j
children were all properly housed i
about 3:30, p m. But none too soon,
for the storm now increased its fury, j
uud you couldn't see see across ttie |
fetreet. Now put persons out of reach ;
of such aid as mrrouuds a town, out j
two, five, or ten miles,uud let them try |
to Gud shelter. No wonder that j
scores perish. We have beard of i
over two huudred. Oue case which j
is a very sad oue. A school mistress
dismissed her pupils during the storm !
aud she, with thirteen of her pupils j
perished. An old gentleman going |
after bis children to brio? them from |
school flouudered the horses in a:
snow drift and all perished Mauy '
scuool childaeu from different places |
were frozen to death, but the above i
is the worst case I have heard of. A i
man by the name of Brown, iu com- i
pany with his ten year old boy, was j
watering his stock at the river, ouly
thirty rods from his house, when the
storm overtook them. They buried
them*elveß in the saow, the mau
sparing all the clothiug be could to i
save his boy. They were found the i
next day; the father being still iu j
death and bis little sou still living!
but almost perished Mauy teachers j
kept their children in the school house :
all night and of course were saved, i
I could recite m iny more cases but this
will give you an idea of it,for through !
this northwest there have been over j
eight huudred lives lost.
Now such are the facts. I cannot
say I do uot know what a blizzard
is. 1 have seeu the worst oue that
has been since 1873, aud no pen cau
fully portray its terrors. For about
24 hours everything seemed to give
way to the reign aud rafje of the very
demons of storm. It. Q. Spknck
General Notes.
—At East. Cambridge, Mass. la->t
Saturday, a jury brought in a verdict
of murder in the first dogrea against
Mrs Sarah J. It ibiisou, who was
accused of poisoaing seven persons;
including her husband, bor daughter,
her son arid her siater, for tb ; j pur
pose of obtaining the insurance up>n
their lives They have not hnag a
woman in Massachusetts for ov.jr a
huurlred years, but this one will prob
aly hang.
—E. B. Jones, of Ltime, Georgia,
ha* married his aunt An ante-nup
tial foature was a hot chase given the
fl'-eing couple by the father of t.hn
trroom, who was also brother of the
bridif, the only thing he gave them
—Advices from Washington wty
that the Manderson Grand Army
Pension bill wa» favorably reported
in the Senate. The bill is similar in
character to the Dependant Pension
hill of the last Congress vetoed by
the President It is balieved that
the causes of objection against the
the former bill have been removed.
A more definite method of fixing de
pendence is outlined in the present
bill, which also limits its provisions
to those who served in the late rebel
lion. The bill increases the pension
of minor children from $2 to s"> per
i month.
—D. It. L»cke, of Toledo. 0..
kmiwu to the country as "Petroleum
V Naabv" died on Wednesday of
consumption, ia the 55th year of his
—At Yonngst.own, Ohio , Wednes
day, th'e b.»y S'.anyard was agiin
convicted of murder ia the first de
Monument Association.
The meeting of The Butler County
Soldier*' Monument Association in
the Court House on Feb 22 will be
opened by music by the (Jrand Army
Band,after which Washington's Fare
well address will be read by Cap'.ain
Jacob Zeigler.
The business meeting of the ABSO
ciation will theu be held.
The public are cordiully invited to
attend the exercises.
—During the last half century
Christianity has wrought wonderful
changes in J:tpan and the time is not
far distant when that Empire will
rank among the leading nations of the
civiliz >d world. In the light of these
facts the lecture ou next Thursday
evening in U. P. Church will be in
tensely interesting.
—Go to W. M. Rom bach's, if you
want, bargains 11c is seiliug out bis
Block of musical instruments, guns,
rcvolvurs, tobacco aud cigars at
Venango County Justice.
Clarion (Pa). Democrat.]
Said a. well informed trentleman of
this county who has just returned
from a week's visit to Venango coun
ty, ' Well. Venaugo county justice is
the most Hugrant example of incon
sistencies I huve yet met. For in
stance, while I wag over there last
week. Mr *. Dinsmore. recently coa
, vietcd of murder in the first degree
was given a trial at Franklin and
found not guilty, in fact allowed to
go scot free. About the same time a
poor laborer was brought before a
Justice of the Peace in Richland
township charged with having stolen
< a cuttiug box valued at $5 from a
neighbor, although it was shown in
evidence that the man had simply
; borrowed the box as instructed to do
. so by his employer and that the al
leged owner had not only given his
I consent to the borrowing but had
even assisted in helping to load it on
the the jury uuder the learn
ed (?< justice's charge, found the man
guilty, he was fiued S3O ami given
HO dajß in Frauklin jail " From this
it would seem that Venango county
justice ,is not becoming notoriously
famous for its uuiformity."
A Very Valuable Book.
Marvellous Wonders of the Whole
World, Comaiuing Graphic Ac
counts of Famous Explorations,
Adventures and Discoveries iu all
parts of tiie Globe; including a full
description of the Wonders of the
Ocean and the Atmosphere, of Au
luiai aad Vegetable Life, Astrono
my, Light, Heat, Electricity, etc,
! etc.
iu this magnificent volume the
reader id made acquainted with all
that id Marvellous aud Wonderful in
the earth, seas aud beayens.
The voyages aud explorations of
the world's greatest travelers, their
thrilling adventures, terribie dangers
and miraculous escapes; tbe strange
custoiris.savage warn,human sacrifices
rude forms o! government of wild races;
the briiliunt scenery, beautiful birds,
ferocious beasts «nd reptibs, the li
e:y volcanoes aud terrible tornadoes
of the tropics are all described la tbe
most fasciuatiug manner.
The book does not stop here, but
'•seeks new worlds to conquer."
The reader is captivated with glov
ing description:) of every realm of na
ture. The ocean, with its hideous
monster*, exquisite shells, beautiful
sea-fl »wcrs, fierce tempests; the at
mosphere with snowy crystals and
optical illusions*, the animal and veg
etable kingdoms, as as well as light,
heat, electricity aud astronomy, with
ail their curious facts, lend interest to
this mo»t farcinatiug work
We cordially commend this book
to our readers. X® one could obtain
the information it contaius without
spending ten times its cost and much
time and labor. Here it is given in a
single volume, which is issued at a
low price. This is the only complete
work of the kind in print, and should
be read by every intelligent persou.
It is published by the National Pub
lishing Co , of Philadelphia, Chicago
and St. Louis.
The work is printed on fine paper,
acid contains 864 large octavo pagen.
It is embellished with 848 fine en
graviug by tbe best artists.
Hundreds of books have been con
densed into this one magnificent vol
ume of thrilling discoveries and mirac
ulous achievements. Tbe goldeu #rain
has been culled and garnered, and the
chaff rejected. The result is a bril
liant array of all that is marvellous
and wonderful iu every laud, in the
mysterious depths of the sea, and iu
the illuminated heavens.
This valuable work is sold by sub
scription only, and Mr. JOSIAH HOW
ARD, who is the authorized agent for
this section, is now canvassing for it.
—That if politics were religion,
ninn teuths of the American nation
would be saved—
Mr. Jacob Boos has rented the
beautiful store-room on S. Main St.
lately erected by Mr. John Stein, aud
will occupy it bv the first of March.
He proposes keeping a first-class
grocery and will have all the facilities
for doing so, aud in the meautime will
sell groceries cheaper thaa over at the
old place.
—Tbe best fresh and cianed Cali
fornia fruits for the Holidays, at
Morrison's City Bakery.
—Go to Morrison's City Bakery for
fresh Oysters and Oyster Stews.
—A. No. 1. all husk mattress, guar
anteed, not mixed with exeelcer at a
lower figure than can be had else
where in Butler, at Miller Bros',
furniture store. No. 19 Jefferson St.
—That the world was never so full
of opportunities for young men of
good thought as ut the present time—
—lco Cream made to order at the
City Bakery.
—Full line of candies and nuts for
the Holidays at Morrison's City Bak
—For fresh Fruits, Oranges, Lem
ons, Mulega (Jrapes and Cranberries,
go to Morrison's City Bakery.
Try ' Our own Special" the best
toby that can be made, at No. 7, N.
Main St.
— L. STEIV & SON. NO. 8. N. Main
St., are offering special bargains in
cloaks and dress goods in order to re
duce stock previous to taking stock.
Call and examine goods.
—That the young man who recent
ly seized a snow shovel, and volun
tarily set to work cleaniug off the
pavements in front of his best girl's
residence, has tbe qualifications of a
good husband. We dou't believe that
be would let his wife get up aud
start the fire these cold winter morn
—Splendid assortment of toboggan
caps and Tam O'Shanters at
—No. 19 Jefferson St. is the place
to buy cheap and good furuiture.
—Great reduction in cloaks to re
duce stock at
—Silk mufflers, cashmere mufflers,
large stock and low prices at
—Everybody will find it to tbeir
j advantage to go to tbe City Bakery
for their bread, pies, cakes, etc.
—Vlixed candy by the barrel for
! the Holidays at Morrison's City
| Bukery.
j —Nice line of trimmings for Christ
mas troos at Morrison's City Bakery.
—That poems in the "Beautiful
j Spring" will noon be ripe
HAVE YOU beeu to our
store? it' not come, it will pay
you, scores ot people who have
been heretolure» dealing else
where. now buy the r goods of
us and are well pleased with
the change. No old stock, but
a nice cheerful room. Fresh
pure Drugs and everything of
the very best, our trade is in
[ creasing daily and onr efforts
jto give the people of this
county a lirst class store is
being appreciated. We have
a bright, cheerlul room and no
expense will be spared to se
cure the best of everything.
Physicians Prescriptions will
always receive special atten
tion, as well as tilling family
receipes, none but pure Drugs
dispensed. Anything bearing
our name will be guaranteed
just as represented. We are
determined to make our store
headquarters for everything in
the iJrug line that the people
of butler and vicinity mav
need. If we do not have
what you want we willj
get >t for you on short j
notice. Country Physicians j
and merchants will fiud it to I
their advantage to call and see|
us. No trouble to sh.»w g<* ds.
Respectfully, C: JN. BOYL),
Druggist, Diamond Block, But
ler, Pa.
—That local politic* are simply
red bot.
—That her Grecian knot is just too
—Use Double All 0. K Horse and
Cattle Powders,best iu the world. A
sure and speedy cure for heaves,
coujhs, colds, iufltmed lungs, rough
ness of skio, and all kidnev diseases
For sale by J. C. Hedick,
i 2-18-3 m No. 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa
—We are selling furniture lower
than it has ever before been sold in
Butler, and after using it you will
say that it is what we said it was,
i otherwise no sale, at Millbr Bro's.
No. 19 Jefferson St.
—Necessities we must have, and a
cook-stove is one of them Chris.
Stock has handled and sold Bradley's
well known Stores and Ranges for
over 18 vears in Butler. By calling
at No. 86, S Main St , you can see
a store-room well filled with the
latest improved Stoves and Ranges,
and a complete stock of Tin and Gran
ite Ware, Cutlery, and everything in
the Housekeeping line. His prices
are among the lowest. A call will
convince vou.
—That all the candidates can't be
—We have ten thousand dollars
worth of furniture in our three ware
rooms at No. 19 Jefferson St., Butler.
Pa. The best as well as tbe cheap
est, but all the best made for the price,
All persons will find it to their ad
vantage to examine our stock and as
certain our prices before purchasing.
—Full line of stamped linens, in
tidies, splashers, scarfs, tray covers,
pillow shams, aprons, Ac.. at
—New line of kid gloves, cashmere
gloves, silk mittens, wool mittens,
muffs, &c.
—Use Double All O K. Horse Lini
ment, best in the world. For swell
ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore ehonlders,
ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has
no equal. For sale by J. C. REDICK,
2-18-om. No, 5, N. Main St.
Butler, P».
—That spring goods are on their
way here
For the next sixty days, in order
to reduce our stock, we will quote
special low prices on all our stock.
We bave on hands thirty bed room
sets ranging from $lB to $l5O per
Thirteen upholstered parlor suits
ranging from $35 to $l5O per suit.
Parlor stands from $2.50 to $lO.
Lounires from $2.50 to $25.
Hat racks from $8 to S3O.
Tabes from $1 25 to $lO.
Wash-stands from $2 to $lB.
Bureaus from $9 to $25.
Sets of chairs from $2.75 to sl6 per
Secretaries from $1 a to S4O.
Easy chairs, handsome pictures,
room ornaments, etc., any of which
would make both useful and appropri
ate presents.
No. 19, Jefferson St,. Butler, Pa.
—That generally speaking,the gen
tlemen who had just accepted a posi
tion is not a bit happier about it than
the man who has just got a job—
Home Made B.ead.
From the best family flour, and
baked in an overi, can always be had
at Mrs. Armor's, at No 98 N. Wash
ington St Butler Pa Special atten
tion to regular customer#.
—That leap year dosen't leap—as
it were speaking in the sense of "to
—That the swinging sign no longer
threatens the pedestrian during a
Fresh Oysters.
New York counts, and extra select
tub oysters received daily at
TATK'H Restaurant.
Fine silk unbrella# wtb gold
and silver heads at
—That pink,yellow, blue.ureen and
red teas are all the rage, the Lenten
season is here and the merry world
will have a rest, but there will be
great fuu during April
—Beautiful pictures at very low
prices at Miller Bros.' furniture storo,
No. IV JefFerson St.
—Go to Morrison's City Bakery
for fine cakes aud ice cream.
—Linen handkerchiefs, lac* hand
kerchiefs, silk handkerchiefs aud
mufflers at
—That when a married man dies
the wile is spoken ot as "bin widow,"
but when a married womau dies yon
never hear the husband spoken ot as
"her widower."—
—Weighing machines,steam pnrops
aud mill machinery, as well as Amer
ican stoves ore finding a ready mar
ket iu Aufctralafcia.
135$ !£?- .1?? L" ; .' 22*3 *2? AE' I=TZ ZTiiTt. .is* lw 1800 1850
No. ly NORTH :>J. " STREET,
Diamonds, Ladies' and Gtnts' Guld ;.ud Silver Watches .
ffiltrmmiTQ "PQ O SLnOpJn I'Ht I;oc l f,,i: t0 810 ttis line of Goods, as it is the largest
DiiVtJl W Ctl V Gu « i.ud most complete stock eyer shown in Butler.
184-7. Rodger Bros. Knives and Warranted Triple Plate. The
Best Qccis in the Market.
I LT TXIY 'C SPECTACLES and EYE OvASSL*, in Gold, Silver and Ste«l framed
i J J\ kJ scieaiiDcal:y adjusted under Dr. King's System.
Agent for the Celebrated Rockford Quick Train Haiiroad Watches-
tree of charge. Place of business opposite Ti-outwau's Dry Goods Store.
IS*"o- 19. iS"orth. Main. {Street-. - ■ - BTJTLER* T* A ,
Is Called to my of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelery,
43 All of which hr.ve ! een selected with great care for
spoohsTk., &c..
All eroods Engraved FREE of charge. If voa wish to buy from a well
ilßS&ai s: ;:i : - L Kra, ° bel " "
Estate of Samuel Boyd, Dec'd,
Letters of ndmlnl .l ration having been grant
ed to the undersigned on the estate of Samuel
Boyd, dec'd. 'ate of Rntier comity, fa., «U per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate are requested to maked'nuiPdiate payment,
and any having elsttiu agilust said estate wi I
present them duly authenticated forsettlement.
FIUKI.IX V TI I'LK '.M> Titi'vr i'o.. Admr.
ICO Diamond ->t.. Pittsburg 1 . Pa.
Estate of William Hetselgesser,
Letters testamentary havingbeen duly is.sued
to me on the estate ot William lletselgesser.
dec'd. lale of Wlulleln f p.. Bu ler county, Pa
all persons knowing themselves ludehted to
said estate are re.|uesfel to 'naive immediate
pavment. and anv having claims agiiust sild
e late will present th-tn duly authenticated lor
Leasureviuc, P. 0., Butler county, l'a.
S. 1". Ilowser. Att'y.
Estate of Isaac P. Ash,
I.AT;: OK KniWAHti rwr. DEC'H.
Letters wstameiirarv on the estate of Isaac P.
Ash. <l<-c (l. late of Forward twi . Butler county.
Pa., having been granted to us, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
will please "flake imafitiate payment, and any
having claims against said est ate will present
them dulj authonl Icated fur settlement.
Evans City, Pa.
Estate of E, C. McCurdy.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Mr. I'. 0. Mc''urdy, late of Buffalo tp, But
ler, county, l'a.. having beeu granted to the
undersigned, all persons Knowing themselves
indebted to the above entitle tire requested to
make immediate payment am] any having
claims against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
S. YV. McI'URDY, Adiu'r.
Crafton, P. 0., Allegheny Co., Pa.
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretotr.re existing be
tween George Mc.l nnkin and Edward Wie
laud. of Butler, v- >ll tractors at.d builders, was
dissolved by inutuul consent on February 13,
Ail accounts and books are in the hands of
George McJuukin lor settlement and collec
(iF.OR'iK McJt'KKIS,
Butler, Feb. 13. IHSB.
Insolvent Notice.
Notice Is hereby given th it 1 will make appli
cation to the court of Common Pleas of Butler
Co.. I'o.. on the tlrst Monday of March Term,
isss. for my final discharge under the Insolvent
laws, of tlie State of Pennsylvania, the Court
having ttx'-j said date for a filial hearing of the
case. J. A. STKWAUT.
Dec. 15, 'ST.-3t.pd
By virtue of a wr.t of levari facias issued
out of the Circuit Court of the United Stales
for the Western Districtof Pennsylvania,and
to me directed, I will expose, to Public Sale,
at the United Stales Marshal's office in the
citv of Pittsburg, Pa., on Friday, the 2d day
of .March, 1338, at 11 o'clock, a.m., all the
right, title, claim and interest of
Matthew McColliugh,
of, in ami to the following described proper
ty, to-wit: All that certain lot, piece or
parcel of land, situate in the township of
Worth, county of Butler, and Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, and bounded and
described as follows: Beginning at a post,
the southwest corner of said tract, tlieiice by
lands of James McOlyuionds north two aud
one-half degrees west, one luudred and thir
ty-two (132) perches to a post; thence by
lauds of VV in. liocken berry north eighty-eight
degrees east one hundred aud thirty-nine
and eight-tenths (i:ii» S) perches to it post,
then, e by lands of (Scorge Sicey and Robert
Walters south, two aud one-half degrees east,
one hundred and thirty perches to a post,
thence by lands of Jacob Cooper aud Geo.
Sicey south, eighty-eight degrees west, one
hundred and thirty-niuc and eight-tcntha
(13!).*'; perches to a post, the place of begin
ning. Containing one hundred and liltcen
(110> acres and fifty-two (52) perches strict
measure; together with the appurtenances,
privileges,liberties, rights and improvements
thereunto belonging, the improvements
thereon cnusixtltig of a two-story train*
dwelling house, frame barn,sheds, a good
orchard, &c.
Seized and taken in execution as the pro
perty of Matthew McCullough at the suit of
j The Mutual Life Insurance Company of
New York.
U.S. Marshal.
Marshal's Office, Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 7, IM>B.
o*phans' Court Sals
ON MONDAY. FEB. 27, 1388, at 10 o'clock
a.m. on the premises, I will expose at public
sale the following real estate of
Samuel Braham,
late of Centervillc, Butler county. PH., dec'd.
All that piece of land situate in the
borough of Ceotreville, county of Butler,
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows: Commencing at a post an i
running south by New Castle aud Bcrubgrass
road sixty-one feet to a post, thence we«t by
an alley ISO feet to a post, tlieuce north by
an alley lixty tive and one-half feet to a
pout, thence east by land of Reformed Pres
byterian Church 1 -<0 feet to the place of be
ginning, having erected there >u a frame
dwelling house «d six rooms an I a kitchen,
frame stable ami other outbuildings,
TER MS:—One-third cash ou confirmation
of salts by the Court, remainder in two *<|tial
i annn.il installments wilb interest to 1A: set ur
-1 ed by bond and mortgage.
Executor «.f Sciuuel liruhaui, liec'd,
j T. C. CAMPBELL, Au'v.
Advertising ltu* ulway* proveo
7> tucotbsfuL lit fore plnoltig any
u »■' Newspaper Advertising consult
AUTWiriMsc Acmit
' (lull CrttCAOQ*
Orphans' Court Sals.'
Ky viriue of iu order of the Orphans'
Court ol' llutler county, i: e nni'ersijjutd,
executors of the last % ill ai <1 te-tnuienc of
John Wyke, dt-e'd, Into of vV.ishinsrton tv.p.,
Butler eouuty. Pa., will oii'er :-t public eat
ery on the premises in Washington twp.,
said county, on
Monday, February 20, 188 S.
at 10 o'clock, a m., (lie described
real estate: One hundred fifty anr.-s of
land, more or less, in said iwp, lx uuded and
described as follows, north by lands of ''lrs.
K. Hutchison.east by lands til George Morris
south by lands of i'. Kmery et al and wpst
by lands of Enoch Varucm et al. mostly
cleared and in a good state of clutivation,
well improved and well watered.
Terms of Sale—One-third purchase money
in hund on confirmation of sale bj the Court
and the balai.ee in two equal annual in
stallments with interest. Deferred install'
tneuts to be secured by bond uud mortgage.
I. N. Mkals, i ~ ,
J AS. H. OIBSON, j "•
P. O. North Hope, Pa.
W. D. Brandon, Att'y.
Widow's Appraisments.
The following ftppraNme-its of pcrso-ial
property aud real estate set ap.rf, for the Iv u
elit of the widows of ileeedeuts have been til
ed in the office of the Clerk of fh:» Orphau'a
Court of Butler Couutv, Pa, as follows:
Conrad I', Rhodes S3GO 00
John UhII no
R ibert Forsythe .'MO 00
Jnraes Duncan ;!00 00
Henry Stehle ;;<).) 00
John Stamrn 00
Jacob Xierlach, Sr 000 00
All persons interested in the ab >ve apprai-.-
mcnt will take notice, thai they will In pre
sented to the Orphans' Court of Butler oui
ty on Wednesday the 7th day March ,1388, for
confii-iUHtion absolutely.
REUBEN UcE LVAIN* .Clerk 0. C.
Final Accounts.
Notice Is hereby given thai t.:-- following re
counts have been tiled la tin* \- .a tue I'ro
thonotary of the four! or Com .1 >n Picas or Hut
lercount.', and that tue s.tmj wdl tie presented
to sal.l Court tor eoullriiiatlon an I allowance on
Ist Wednesday of Manii. a l>. !-<■<:
Final account of James (le-.selge9.ser and
David IJesSelgesser. cx'rs of 1; erf !lesscl„ r >v>-
«er, assignee, dee'ri, or J C l.alnreath, (At c I*
No 800 Dee. term ISTO
Klnal account of II II Vincent, committee of
Amanda K Dtven. a lunatic. (At .1 1> Mo. a
Dec. term is;a.
Final account of \V II Orr, co' irdtlee of John
Snyder, a lunatic, (At M S i>. .<<> ..-j June t-a u
final account of \V s v.'aidron assignee of
Hubert s Klrker for th • benertt m e realtors. (At
M 8 1) No y-i June term, I ..'<n
Final account of M N urecr eo.nmtteo of Ann
Cypher, a lunatic. (At M s i>. v ,s-pt. term,
1W!, o W B tto \V N, l'ruth'y.
Road Reports.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the following
road reports have be n con'dmi-l i.Ki bv tb«
Court and will be pre lented oa Hie ilrst Wed
nesday of March , helm? the T. i day of the
month. issß. If no exceptions are Hied ihey \> ill
be continued absolutely.
K 1) No. 2 Sept sessions, iv;r. County bridge
In Middlesex tp over Anderson's run at ino
place where the public highway, leading from
lilaue Mills to Kvans City eroases uie said An
derson's run In the township aforesaid. Dee. 7
18s7; report of viewers tiled drift as fol
lows: The bridge promised I, ue :e ,sury. and
will require ruoro expense tlMiils roasonablo
the township of Middlesex sh.i bear, and illd
locate the site (hereof on the piwul loeallon <.f
road. No change Is necessary lu course or bed
of road. Court dlreet.s notice to he ,;lven ac
cording to rules or court. i:v toe Colht,
It D N0.3 Sept. Hesslous lss7. 1 ;,:,lle rood from
a point m Wlulleld tp. Itutler i uriP , Pa, on a
public road known a-the Wei coyi -<.
vllle public road where lands el Mis. Caroline
Keck and Elierhari I.ungjoin ion point In said
towns dp and public mud iea.il i ; in a the l'r.- ■-
|sirt pike to said Delitlio and < . \Um :lle public
road, where lauds of ca.trie , ii.tll,,- und Win
Denny Join. Dec. 3 is,',, ivpnrt. or '.'letters llleil
as follows: We are of opinion that the road
prayed for is necessary and nuve in re rare vies -
wl and b id out the v..a«. for nubile ,j yt :lu .|
port the probable co.- t of nieMag road lone
twenty-five dollars and Mid e |„ our ~-,tl im
tlon. should be borne i)' the tin,,. il';p. No dam
ages assessed Approved, and »!dthofr d
at si feet. Notice t-j be glveu ace iru ,u to rules
of court- I V Tus Coin; .
Hutler county M.S.
Certtned rrom the record this-itlt day of Feb
ruary, loss.
Breeders of Iligli-elnss Poultry.
wain? i.icciioii'.s.
1-ggs per 13 ; fli for iti.
fl WANTi:i) \
—s to ('ftiivjiHs for tho ssUe or Xur> *
w*rv Slock! siondv ♦•inf>u»ynu k ui tiara
svi l!U AM) K\I»KMSi:s r \, Apply '
oiiro, Miutinvc ajfe. (l{el«r to (1»1> i- uht.)
Chase Brothers Cc.,
Life Savftd and Hoalili Rc
otnrod by using linker'* Co.I l.ivnr OH and
31UI ell 3(»||. \ i "rinin iem-sly for Con-
Humfitlou. Bronchitis. Aslhln. r -'alai.nd all
throat adr. lung diseases. I'n o ired so as to l»»
quite palatable.
Ask for Hukor't Cod I.ltit (111 ui:<t 'ilalt. Il
not soldliv Druggist.write to (!-•■ '.ae r.aciurera
JOHN C. KtKl ii A t«l..
Sift yilh.-rt St., I'lilla.
PJnJP Foil* to Porforo Qra«-
■tMj Hnir in ift YculhfuJ Cclor.
an n,.lu
AoraliaAi*k« for O-ugli*, Cuklm, luv-.ml i uuu, Jlxliuu«Uo>>.
For Kotisln;.;t j), A rrasorio
AND Ol.TLIia O lv . rli. C M 3
Mao lerKons in so s 1 Iv. jly A.NNIii M
l/IWMAN, Nortb r; t, Sutler, Pa.
Your Generous Trade
Shows You Like It.
The stores aren't alike!
stores of a kind aren't alike!
every clothing store isn't a
store that sells nothing bat
reliable clothing!
Reliable clothing / why
that's the only kind you want
to buy I Nobody would ac
knowledge selling any other!
But there's * bigger profit in
what isn't.
There's a way to make ev
erybody sure it's reliable ! It'n
no hardship to do it if it is! Tell
the quality plainly ! Give a
guarantee with it. Take it
buck if the buyer gets home
mil is dissatisfied with it! That's
our way of saying to you—
i hi- is reliable!
It's better than a ream of
newspaper words to make the
costomer secure f Undersell us
in prices who can! We'll be
under there, and head of our
business on every other point.
Nearly 1,000 styles of goods
for selection.
The One Price Clothier and
Gent's Furnisher, 29, Main St.
I have enlarged my store-room. in fjct. made
It almost twice an Urge »■ It **■
have also Incrrnaed my BtocH. I by t * r '
Hie largest ami best selected stock or
Fine Drugs and Chemicals
In Butler county, and am now In to
supply tlie wauls ol the people of thla count} •
even iietter than in the past.
You will da veil to call on mo when In the
nee.i .if anytMff m the line of
Fine Drugs and Medicines.
My stock Is Tery oomplete and PRICKS VERY
I.OW In medicine quality Uof the flrtt lmnor
lance, so we give particular attention to LI 111QC
Prescriptions. , , .
Our Dispensing Department is complete. W *
dlspeaie only Pure Drug* of the
Finest Quality,
and our patrons may bring us their prescrip
tion!", leellng certain that they will be carefully
ami accurately filled.
Thanking the public for the Tery generous
patronage ihev nave accorded roe In the past. I
Mope u> be able to eenre them more acceptably
In tu future, at the old stand.
No. 5, North Main St.,