Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 17, 1888, Image 1

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    [OL. XXV
Sm Drugstore 1
There you will find a full line of Fine Drugs, Chemicals. Per
fumes and Toilet Articles. Agents for
II Alma,
Montrose Dealer*
KenOi and
Scissors Cigars.
Best 5 and 10 cent Cigars in town.
Prescriptions carefully compounded by an experienced
j our patronage respectfully solicited.
PR D. E. WILES, Prop r.
has opened his New Store with a full line of
Jlothing, Gents' Furnishings,
..II particular attention to my full and-complete line of
Foreign and Domestic
lor making up suits to order, I employ the best of work
men and all garments made by me are war
ranted. and guaranteed to fit. Our
terms are strictly cash and
Give me a call before purchasing,
I I. J. Mc(JandlebS v New Building, on Main Street, -op
pouite the Post Office, Butler, Pa.
Jreat 60 Day Clearing Out Sale
for the next sixty that is, until March Ist, the
time we take our inventory, during all that time we
will offer our stock at way-down prices. If you
need dress goods, if you need domestic
goods, if you need carpets, if you need
furnishing goods, if you need
wraps, call in and we will
give you surprising
lave a very large line of Plush Sacques and Dolmans, Ladies'
Newmarkets and Jackets, Misßcn' and Children's V* raps,
all in new goods, and no reasonable offer will be
refused at
ILil-Ul-IL.. I , 1... i 1..X- 111-J.. J. i. J J ..
A. Troutman & Son.
Leading Dry Goods Bouse.
BXJ rx,ji?iEL • IP:E.N ista..
A Trontman it Son.
Tha leading Dry Goods tad Car
pat Hoaaa, Butler, Pi
Naw Fall Dress Goods at prices
which will make them move very
We bare tbe largest stock ever
ibowa in Butler county, comprising
all tbe new (roods in Checks, Stripes I
and Plain Weaves in Foreigo and
Black and Colored Silks,
Special Values
we have never bad such a nice as
sortment and so many of them.
la Flannels, Blanket*, Ticking*,
Ginghams, Wbite Quilts, Sbawls
Table Linena, Lace Cnrtalns,
in fact everytbing wbicb can be
found in a
FM-Claa Dry 6101b Store.
Butler, Pa-
Cloaks and WraPs.
for Children and Ladies.
We carry tbe ffreatent variety of
styles, our stock never wan as large,
prices never BO low, goods never so
If you want to nee tbe nice (foods,
pleane call and examine our stock.
I Ladies', Gent*', and Children's
Underwear, every grade, all sizes,
lient {roods.
Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, Velvets,
I'luxhcs, Yarns, etc.
i Carpets and Oil Cloths,
never bad so many—never were car
pets so cheap.
Our stock is complete. Don't buy
a Carpet until you have seen our
stock. Body Brussels, Velvets, Tap
estry, 3-Ply Extra Super, Hemp, Cot
ton and Rag Rugs.
Window Shades, largest assort
ment, lowest prices.
You. will find 00 examination .our
stock ol goods to be the Lowest
Priced in Butler county.
Xlie .Peoole's Great
We announce to the people tar and wide
we will exhibit our coliossal aggregation of
start llDg wonders, to secure which all parts of
the eartli—Europe.;AMa, and portion.-, ot the U*
s. have been searched, and such an aggregation
as hr.s ever been seen since the day Noah enter
ed the Art. The mighty Elephant.the great Kiil
uoceros. the Hippopottomas.the ("lilmpanzle.the
Ou-rang-outang or run-out-and-stlck-out-your
tongue out. the greatest living wonders of the
age will excite no wonder v.-nen couipari-d with
the multitude of monster attractions on exhibi
tion at our great moral Ciruas and Menagerie.
The roars and howls of the would-be competi
tor who Apes the methods, but cries down the
attractions of our own and ouly Greatest Show
on earth will t>e drowa'.-d in the Joyful acclam
ations of a delighted populace. Remember this
great show possesses no objectionable features
and is the delight of the cultured and refined.
We show under one canopy four great shows,
the largest Stock—Greatest variety—Best
Goods an-J styles—Lowest Prices. We have se
cured a magnificent Brass Band which will be
a prominent feature of our great show. :i rings
with a seperate and coutlnuous performance
being enabled in each ring.
attractions. :: Jolly Clowns. The greatest liv
ing, walking, breathing, talking curiosities of
the aice. fhunuy I'lielloun—sure to sell you
and all the people laugh when th'-y see the bar
gains they oiler. Other and greater attractions
greet the delighted eye on every side—the Pro
prietor and .Managers iw<ngiug in the living
trapeze attached to the highest pinacie of lUC
give such exhibitions of nerve and daring
in sweeping reductions, gor/euus displays and
wondtriul bargains as to eall lortli the plaudits
ol the niosl prudent ana economical. The man
agement beg leave to announce that in their un
tiring zeal in the search lor the rare and curious,
astonishing r«-*ults have always followed and
we o|>en for your Inspection a colios
sal collection ol bright and new Kail
Styles in Mens* Hoys' and Child reus'
Clothing, Hats, Caps Underwear. Shirts,
Collar.. < i:fTK. Ties. Hosiery, Handker
chiefs. Mufllei*. Gloves. Mittens, Umbrel
las. Trunks. Valises, Satchels. Straps,
Brushes. Combs. Jewelry, Corsets, Jer
seys, Stockings with a full line of Motions, &c,
Big bargains all through the "how.
Son>; by the Clown : -
ileu and youth and hoys and all,
Short and So'id.leau aiid tall.
Who need a MUt ot cloth*;* this fall,
We do Invite you now to call
For we are renin*-' cn the ball.
And you are sure to make a haul,
Whatever you purchase, great or small.
Song 2 :-"What are the wild waves saying l ."
Buy your nothing and Furnishing gofsi* of
I>. A. HECK.
Song "Her bright smile haunts me still."
J'he smile of *aii*factlon that beamed from
the face of the lady who dressed her little
boy In one ol HeckS irreslstable suit*.
If you want to save money and Increase your
pile droppiu and C IIEcK/aud he'll niuke you
all smile.
He posaes.se* the power to spread happiness
And his store Is tne place where bargains are
Doors open at TA. M. Close at s p. M. Ad
mittance, < ieuts Free. Ladles and Children half
price. Remember the place.
So. 11. North .Main St., ItiifT)'* Block,
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard
S. 6. Purvis & Co.
Bough and Planed Lumber
Office at No. t;., H. Main street, over Frank 6i
Co m ltmtr Store. Butler, I'a.
Att'y at I.aw--Ofllce at. S. E. t'or. Main St, arid
Diamond, Butler, I'a.
Att'y at Uw—Office on Month side of Diamond,
Butler. Pa.
Attorney at I.aw. Office at No. 17, Bust Jeffer
son St., Butler, I'a.
All work pertaining to the profession exeeut
ed tit the neatest manner.
Specialties :~4iold Filling*, and Painless Kx
tractlou of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered.
OUet ob Jrffertoa Htrsrt, on* door bit ofLosn
Mouse, Lp HUlra.
Office open dally, except Wednesdays and
Thursdays Couimuu I callous by mall receive
prompt attention,
Jf. B.—The only Dentist In Duller using the
beat make* of teeth.
Office No. OR South Main Street,
Physician and Burgeon,
No. 10 West Cunningham St.,
0 1/ WALDHON. Oraduate of the I'hlla
• delphla Cental t'ollege, i* prepared
to do anything In the line ol his profession In a
satlafactory manner.
onice oh Main street, Butler, t'rilon Block
up stairs.
J. S. LOSE, M.D.,
lliut removed from Harmony to Butler and has
hlr. office ut No. #, Main ht., three doom t>e!ow
Lowry Mouse. upr-80-tf.
Organlbit and Choir Maslcr,
St. I'eter'a German Church, Butler.
Ob oaw, I'tAhoioiuK. VroLiK, Stftoi:<o amu Haii-
fbtnnfortes and Organs Tuned and K"gulat
od. l eiinson upplUallotr, M W'cht, Jcffetaoil
cu file in l'Ji<ritiirit<*Jf »t iliu A'l v»«ri-njiip ftiiri'du of
wuw will cvntruct for *t lovnt rule*.
beautiful \mflj OPHORO*
ooforerf WMfi, jURS"
picture,- , .
t*W rc pain ,
niri" ln o3c/(.side orc/jeit
ftTHLOPHORQS J>W they are tvoWA
fiirusairf te r tfftm,
The Reliable V*
Hop Plaster.
Quickest remedy known for h.ickurhe an«l
all sadden, siuiru or lnntMtianrlinff pain* or w«*ak
noves of every kind. Virtue# ol'fresh hops, hemlock
arid pine baLsain combined. It is wonderfully
Soothing, Pain-Killing and Strengthening.
No failure possible. 20c, 5 for $1 Sold every
where or mailed for price by the proprietors.
HOP PLASTKR CQ. 9 Boston, Mastu
Organs! Organs! Organs!
The Dyer & Hugh's leads,
them all, 35.000 in actual use.
The following are a few of
the many using thi* organ in
Butler county: Wm. Sarver,
Sarversville; Ja.«. Dougherty,
Donegal; D Lardin. Baldridge;
I. Thorn. Thorn Creek: Jacob
Khoup, Thorn Creek; Baptist
Church, Butler; Presbyterian
Church, Muddycreek; &t. John
Church, Hallston Station.
These all recommend the
Dyer & Hugh's Organ highly.
I have contracted to sell a
hundred of these organs during
ISBB, and will offer them at
greatly reduced prices, organs
from $47 to S3OO. Come to
Butler and take one of them
home on trial.
A full line of violins,guitars,
banjoes, horns and all musical
instruments. Don't forget
the name and place
Next to Berg & Cypher's hard
ware store, Butler, Pa.
Clothing Store.
i\NI) BOYS, &C„
All at most reasonable prices.
GJ S., Main St., ( I)4 ,xt door to r. o.)
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts.
-1. C. ROEKSING, Pukhident.
J. I, Purvis, Samuel Anderson,
William Campbell W. Bnrkhart.
A. Ttoiitmari, Henderson Oliver,
(I. C. Koesslng, . I allien Stephenson,
Dr. W. Irvln. N. Welt/el, .
J. F. Taylor. H. 0. Heluemati,
Wm. F. Miller.
Manufacturer of
Stair Rails,
and Nswel-posts.
All kinds of wood-turning doiw to order, alto
Decorated and carved wood-work, null its
Casing, Corner block*, Panel* and all kind* of
I*»cy wood-work lor Innldt) decorutlon of
Something new and attractive. AI no
at lowest cash price*.
Store at No. to, N. Main street.
Factory at No. fiO, N. Washington ttiwt.
Why it is Superior to all
|„I ITS being ENCLOSED LI retaltm the high
lot. I<IIT|I'-rii ime T-.U necessary In removing
I lie dirt from tin* goodu,
O„H 'III Kit I: LII-lns: no Friction on the
£IIU. clothing LO wear It.
O-RT '■ peculiar AN ion of Hie water In the
»*L TL. M;K:1I1III iwlil' II cannm IN' understood
NIILI IIM one TW-E ■; LI.) KIN A Mtrong current of
water through tin* clotlilng at every vlrliratlon
or tlie Agitator, (which 1 . canned liy ill" peculiar
construction or »II«- top of tlie Machine.
4TH A.NI) LIEHI of all I* tint a child or four years
till, can do the work IT being mo linhtthnt
tlie operator HLLII down while doing It.
Machines and County and Township flights
throughout the W.ate of Pennsylvania. Hold by
Butler, P»
6-U»- ly
m i a ill || KC nun! I D are thoso who read this
II J I LL I I" 1 "' " >WT; they mil nit'L lion
nil H| I orablo EMPLOYMENT thai will ioi
111 wII L I lake tlmni from their homo* and
fatulllcH. The profit* arc large and *urc for
every lnduHtrlou* portion, many have made and
are now making several hundred dollar* a
month. It, I* easy lor any one to make I . and
iljfwurdtt per day, who l'i willing to work. Either
*<•*, young or old; capital not needed; we atari
you. Kvcryttaliig new. No special ahUlty re
11ulred; yon, reader, can do It iih well an any one.
Write to um at once tor full particulars,which we
mull rrjre. Address htinson \ Co., Portland. Me.
Insurance and Krai Estate A^'t.
| Think Twice Before You Speak.
I Think twice before ye speak, my lads,
' An' dinna blow an* brag.
There's muckle danger in the words
j O' tongues that aye maun wag;
j A wee bit fire will sometimes mak'
| A blaze ye cannot smoor,
An' men are kittle tools tae tak'
! When ye hae made them dour.
Tfce best way to get through the worl'
When ilka project fails,
Is ne'er tae scold, an' snap, an' snarl,
But keep a pair o' scales
An' weigh ilk word ye mean tae say,
Gin it shonld tak a week
WhateyeK ither folks may dae
1 Think twice before ye speak.
I At kirk or market try this plan,
I Few words, an* no ower rough.
1 Who ever heard o' any man
That didna say enough?
; But we ken scores, aroon', my frien's,
! That canna hice their craze,
Who blunter words, like poiuU o' preens,
j Syne rue it a' their days.
Say, alter a' is said an' dune,
| Hid we no' better try
T.ie plan o' plan that injures nane—
j "Let sleepia' doags first lie ?"
I widna fash tUrougb dirt an' glaur,
Some dootl'u' guid tae seek,
Ye may be wronged—it micht be waur—
Think twice before ye speak
Client and Counsel
Statement of Gabriel Foot,
From LoDgman's Magazine.]
The jury re-entered the court after
half an hour s consultation. It all
comes back to me vividly as though
I stood in the dock at this very mo
ment. The dense fog that hung
over the well of the cour.; the barris
ters' wigs that bobbeu up through it
and were drowned again in that
seethiDg cauldron; the rajs of the
fluttering caudles—for ttie murder
trial bad lasted fur into the evening—
that loomed through it and wore a
sickly halo; the red robes and red
face of my Lord Judge oppo-tite that
stared through it and outshone tha
candles; the black crowd around, seen
mistily; the voice of the usher call
ing "Silence!" the shuffling of the ju
rymen's feet; the blank pallor of their
faces as I leaned forward and tried
to read the verdict on them; the
very smell of the place—compounded
of tog and jail-fever, the close air, and
the dinners eaten earlier in the day
by the crowd—all this strikes home
upon me as sharply as it then did af
ter the numb apathy of waiting.
As the jury huddled tnto their
places I stole a look at my counsel.
He paused for a moment from his
task ot trimming a quill, shot a quick
glance at the foreman's face, and then
went on as coolly as ever.
"Gentlemen of the jury"—it was
the Judge's voice—"are yon agreed
upon your verdict?"
"We are "
"Do you find the prisoner guilty
or not guilty?"
"Not guilty."
It must have- been full a minute—
as 1 leaned back clutching the rail in
front of me—before I saw anything
but the bleared eyes of the candles or
heard anything but a hoarse murmur
from the crowd. But as soon as the
court ceased to heave and I could
stare about me, 1 looked toward my
counsel again
lie wns still shaping his pen. He
made no motion to come forward aud
shake hands over my acquittal, for
which he bad worked
uutiriugly all day. He
did nut even offer to speak. He
just looked up, nodded carelessly and
turned to his junior beside him; but
in that glance I had read sotnetbiog
which turned my heart cold, then
sick, within rno, and trom that mo
ment my hatred of the man was as
deep as hell.
Iu the fog outside I got clear of the
gaping crowd, but tbe chill of the
night alter that heated court pierced
my very bones. I had on the
clothes 1 had been takeu in.
It was June then, aud now it was
late in October. I remember that on
the day when they caught me I wore
my coat open for coolness. 4 months
and a half had gone out of my life.
Well, 1 bad money enough iu my
pocket to get a greatcoat; but I must
put something warm inside me first
to get out the chill that cursed law
yer had laid 03 my heart.
I had purposely chosen the by
lanes of the town; but I remembered
a certain tavern—the Lamb and Flag
which lay down a aide alley. Pres
ently tha light from its windows
loomed like a beacon ahead. I push
ed open the door aud entered.
The small bar was full of people
newly come from tho court and dis
cussing the trial in all its bearings
In the babel 1 heard a dozen different
opinions given in as many seconds,
and learned enough, too, to make me
content with the jury 1 had had.
But the warmth of the place was
pleasant, and I elbowed my way for
ward to the counter.
There was a woman standing by
the door as I entered, who looked
curiously at me for a moment, then
turned to nudge a man at her side
aud whisper. The whisper
grew as I pressed for
ward, and before I could reach the
counter a baud was laid on mj shoul
der from behind. I turued.
"Well?" said I.
It was a heavy-looking drover that
had touched me.
"Are you tho chap as was tried to
day for tho murder of Merchant Todd?
be asked.
"Well?" said I again; but I could
see the crowd falling hack as if 1 was
a leper, at his question.
"Well? 'Taiu't well,then,as I reckon,
to be mukiug so free with respectable
1 here was a murmur of assent frem
the gaping mouths turned toward
me The landlord came forward from
behind ihe bur.
"1 wan acquitted," I urged defiant
ly- .
"Ac-quitted!" said bo with big
scorn iu the syllables "Hear 'im
now; 'acquitted!' Landlord, is this u
respectable bouse?"
The landlord gave his verdict:
"H'out yer goes, aud blame yur im
I looked around, hut their faces
were all dead against mo.
"H'out yer goon!" repeated the
luudlord. "And think yerself lucky
it ain't worse," uddod tho drover.
With uo further defense I slunk
out iuto the uigtit ouce moro.
A small crowd of children lle
aveu knows wheu or bow gathered—
followed me up the court aud out iu
to the street. Their numbers swelled
as I went on, and some began to boot
aud pelt me; but wbeu I gained tbe
I top of the hill aud a lonelier district,
' I turned and struck among them with
jmv stick. It did my heart good to
hear their screams.
After that I was let alone, and I
tramped forward, past the scattered
houses, toward the open country and
j the moors. Up here there was scarce
ly any fog, but I could see it by tho
rising moon, hanging like a shroud
over the town below The next town
was near twelve miles off, but I do
not remember that I thought of getting
bo far I could not have thought at
all, in fact, or 1 should have taken
the highroad upon which the jeweler
had been stopped and murdered.
There was a shrewd wind blowing,
and I shivered all over; bnt the cold
at my heart was worse, and my ha
tred of the man who bad set it there
grew with every step. I thought of
the four months and more which
parted the two lives of Gabriel Foot
aud what I should make of the new
one. I bad my chance again; a chance
gained for me beyond hope by that
counsel but for wbom I should be
sleeping tonight in the condemned cell;
a chance, and a good chance, but for
that same cursed lawyer. Ugh! how
cold it was, and how I hated him for
There was a little whitewashed
cottage on the edge of the moor and
just after the hedge-rows ceased; the
last house before the barren heath be.
gan, standing a full three hundred
yards from any other dwelling. Its
front faced the road, and and at the
back an outhouse and a wretched
garden jutted out on the waste laad
There was a light in each of its win
dows to-night, and as I passed down
the road I heard the dismal music ot
of a flute.
Perbaps it was this that jogged
my thoughts aud woke them up to
my present pass. At any rate, I had
not gone more than twenty yards
before 1 turned and made for the
door. The people might give me a
night's lodging in the outhouse; at any
rate, they would not refuse a crust to
stay the fast which I had not broken
since the morning. I tapped gently
on the door with my knuckles and
I waited five minutes, and no one
answered. The flute still continued
its melancholy tune; it was evidently
in the bands of a learner, for the air—
a dispiriting one at the best—kept
breaking off suddenly and repeating
itself. But the performer had pa
tience, and the sound never ceased for
more than two seconds at a time. Be
sides this nothing was to be heard
The blinds were drawn in all the win
dows. The glow of the candles
throngh them was cheerful enough but
nothing was to be seen of the house
inside. I knocked a second time and
a third with the same result. Final
ly, tired of this, I pushed open the
low gate which led into the garden
behind aud stole around to the back
of the cottage.
. Here, too, the window on the
ground floor was lit up behind its
blinds, but that of the room above
was shuttered. There was a bole in
the shutter, however, where a knot
of the wood Lad fallen out, and a
thin shaft of light stretched across the
blackness and buried itself in a ragged
yew-tree at the end of the garden.
From the loudness of the sounds 1
judged this to be the room where the
flute-playing was going on. The
sound of my footsteps on the thin
soil did not disturb the performer, so
I gathered a haudtul of earth and
pitched it against the pane. The
flute stopped for a minute or eo, but
just as I was expecting to see the win
dow open, it went on again. This
time the tune was "Pretty Polly Oli
ver "
I crept back again and began to
hammer more loudly at the door.
"Come," said I, "whoever this may
be inside, I'll nee for mvself at an?
rate," arid with that I lifted the latch
and gave the door a heavy kick It
flew open quite easily—it had not
even been locked— aud I found my
self in a low kitchen. The room was
empty, but the relics or supper lay
on the deal table, and the remains of
what must have been a noble fire
were mill smouldering on the hearth.
A crazy, rusty blunderbuss bung over
the tireplace. Thin, with a couple of
rough chairs, a broken baconrack and
a small aide table, completed the fur
niture of the place. No; to r as I sat
down to make a meal off the remnants
of supper something lying on the
lime-ash floor beneath this side table
caught my eye I stoppod forward
and picked it up.
It was a barrister's wig.
"This is a queer business," thought
I; and I laid it on the table opposite
me as I went on with my supper. It
was a "gossan" wig, as we call it in
our parts; a wig grown yellow and
rusty with age and wear. It looked
so sly and wicked as it lay there, and
brought back the events of the day
so sharply, that a queer dread took
me of being discovered with it. I
pulled out my pistol, loaded it, —they
had given me back both the powder
and pistol found on ine when I was
taken, —and laid it beside my plate.
This done, I went on with my supper
—it was an excellent cold capon,—
and all time the Ante upstars kept
toot-tootling without stopping except
to change the tune. It gave "Hearts
of Oak," "Why, Soldiers, Why?"
'Like Hermit Poor" and "Come, Las
ses and Lads," before I bad fairly
cleared the diub.
"Aud now," thought I, "I have
had a goed supper; but there are still
three things to be done. In the first
place I want drink, in the second I
want a bed, and io the third I want
to thank this kind person, whoever
he is. for his honpitality. I'm not
going to begin life No. '2 with house
I arose, slipped the pistol into my
lailpocket and followed the sound up
the ramshackle stairs. My footsteps
made such a racket on those old tim
bers as fairly to frighten me, but they
n«»ver disturbed the flute-player. He
hail harked buck again to "Like Her
mit Poor" by this time, and the dole
fulness of it was fit to make the dead
cry out, but he went whining on un
til 1 reached the head of the stairs
and struck a rousing knock on the
Tho playing stopped "Come in. "
said a cheery voice; but it gavo no
cheerfulness Instead of that, it sent
all the comfort of my supper clean
out of me us I opened the door aud
saw him sitting there.
There he was, tbe man who had
saved my neck that day, and whom
most I hat'id iu the world, sitting be
fore a snug tire with his (lute on bis
knee, u glass of port wine at his el
bow, and looking so comfortable with
that kowiurr; light in bis gray eye
tirat I could bave killed biu) whore
he sat.
"Oh. it's you, is it?" be said, just
the very least bit surprise, and no
more. "Come in."
I stood in the doorway hesitating.
"Don't stay letting in that mon
strous draft, man, but sit down.
You'll find the bottle on the table and
a glass on the shelf."
I poured out a glassful and drank
it off The stuff was rare, —I can re
member its trick on the tongue to
this day,—but somehow it did not
drive the cold out of my heart. I
took another glass and sat sipping it
and staring from the fire to my com
He bad taken up the flute agaiu
and was blowing a few deep notes
out of it thoughtfully enough. He
was a small, squarely-built man
with a sharp, ruddy face like a frozen
pippin, heavy gray eyebrows and a
mouth like a trip when it was not
pursed up for that everlasting flute
As he sat there with his wig off, the
crown of his bald head was fringed
with an obstinate looking patch of
hair, the color of a badger's My
amazement at finding him here at
this hour and alone was lost in the
hatred of the man as 1 saw the depths
of complacent knowledge in his face,
I felt that I must kill hiiu sooner or
later, and the sooner the better.
Presently he laid down his flute
again and spoke:
"I scarcely expected you".
I grunted something in answer.
"But I might have known some
thing was up if I'd only paid atten
tion to mv flute. It and I are not in
harmony to-night. It doesn't like the
secrets J have been blow into it,it has
heard a lot of queer things in its time,
but it's an innocent-minded flute for
all that, and I am afraid that what
I've told it to-night is a point beyond
what it's prepared to go."
"1 take it it. knows a d—d deal too
much," growled I.
He looked at me sharply for an in
stant, arose, whistled a bar or two of
"Like Hermit Poor," reached down a
couple of clay pipes from the shelf,
filled one for himself and gravely
banded the other with the tobacco to
"Beyond what it is prepared to go,"
he echoed quietly, sinking back in his
chair and puffing at the pipe. "It's a
nice point that we have been discuss
ing together, my flute and 1, and I
won't say but that I've got the worst
ol it. By the way, what do you
mean to do now tfaat you have a fresh
Now I bad not tasted tobacco for
over four montbß. and its effect upon
my wits was surprising It seemed
to oil my though:« until they worked
without u bitch, and I saw my plan
of action m-irked ouc quite plainly be
fore me.
"I)o you want to know the first
step of all ?" 1 asked.
"To be sure; the first step, at any
rate, determines the dirtctiou."
"Well, tbon." said I very steadily
and staring into his fare, "the first
step of all ts that I ant going to kill
you "
,'H'm,"said he aftor a bit; and I
declare that not so much as an eye
lash of the man shook. "I thought
as much. I guessed that when you
camo into the room. And what
"Time enough to think of 'what
next' " I answered; for, though 1 was
set upon blowing bis brains out, I
longed for him to bla/a out into a pas
sion and warm up my blood for the
"Pardon me," be said as coolly as
might lie; ' that would be the very
worst time to cbink of it* For just
consider: In tho first place you will
already be committed to your way of
life, and, secondly.if 1 know anything
about you, you would be far too flur
ried for any thought worth the
There was a twinkle of lrosty hu
mor in his eye as he said this, and in
the silence which followed I could
hear hiai chuckling to himself and
tasting the words over again as
though they were good wine. I sat
fingering my pistol and waiting for
him to speak again. When be did so
it wuh with another dry chuckle and
a long puff of tobacco smoke
-'As you say, I know a deal too
much. Shall I tell you how much ?"
"Yes, you may if you'll be quick
about it."
"Very well, then, I will. I)o yoa
mind panning the bottle ? Thank you.
I probably know not only too much
but a dtml more than you guess First
let ns lake the case for the Crown.
The jeweler is traveling by coach at
night over the moors. He has one
postillion only, Roger Tallls by name,
and by character shady. The jeweler
has money —he was a niggardly fool
to take only one postillion'—and car
ries a diamond of great,or rather ot
enormous and notable value. lie was
a bigger fool to take this. In the
dark morning two horses came gallop
inir back frightened and streaming
with sweat. A search party goes ont
finds the coach upset by the Four
Holed Crass, the jeweler beside it
with a couple of pistol bullets in him
and tho money, the diamond and
Roger TuHis—nowhere. Ho much
for the murdered man. Two or
three days after, you, Gabriel Foot, »>7
character also shady and known to be
a friend to Robert Tallis, are whis
pered to bave a suspicious amount of
money about you, also bloodstains on
your coat. It further leaks out that
you were traveling on the moors afoot
onthn night in question, arid that
your pistols are soiled with powder.
Casu for the Crown closes. Have I
Btat«ri it correctly ?"
I nodded He took a sip or two at
his wine, laid down his pipe as if the
tobucco spoiled the taste of it,took an
other sip urd continued :
"Case fur the defense That Rog
er Tallis has decamped, that no dia
mond has been fouud on you, or any
where, and, lastly, that the bullets in
the jeweler's body do not fit your pis
tols, but <came from a larger pair. Not
very rnnr h of a case,perhaps, but this
lr.si is a strong point."
"Well ?" I asked, as ho paused.
"Now, theu, for the facts of the
case. Mould you oblige me by cast
iug a look over there iu the corner ?"
"1 ►«!« nothing but a pickaxe and
shovel ?"
"II a. ha! very good; 'nothing but
a pickaxe and Bhovel.' Well, to re
sume.. Facts of the case. Roger
Tallis, murders the jeweler and you
mur<'4>r Roger Tallis;after that as you
say, 'nothing but a pickaxe aud sbov
And with this, as I am a living
sisner, the rony-faced old boy took up
hit* flute aud blew a stave or two of
"Oome,Lasses and Lads."
"Did jou dl|f him up?" I muttered
bc»n*ly; and feltbeutrb de»tbly cold I
could feel a drop of sweat trickiiug
down my forehead and into mv eye
'•What, before the trial ?" My
good sir, you have a fair, very fair,
aptitude for crime; but, believe me,
you have much to learn both of legal
etiquette aud of a lawyer's consci
ence." And for the first time since I
came in 1 saw something like indig
nation oq that ruddy face.
"Now," be coutiuued, "I either
know too much or uot enough. Ob
viously I know enough for you to
wish, aud perhaps wisely, to kill me
The question is, whethar i know
enough to make it worth your while
to spare me. I think I da; but that
is for you to decide. If I put you to
night, and in half an hour's time, in
possession of property worth ten
thousand pounds will that content
"Come, come," I said, "you need
not try to fool me, nor thitik I am go
ing to let you out of my sight."
"You misunderstand; I desire
neither; I only wish a bargain. lam
ready to pledge you my word to make
no attempt to escape before you are
in possession of that property, and to
offer no resistance to your shootiag
me in case you fail to obtain it, pro
vided, on the other hand, you pledge
your word to spare my life should
you succeed within half an hour. And
my dear sir, considering the relative
value of my word aud yours, I think
it must be confessed you have the
better of the bargain "
I thought for a moment. "Very
well, then," said I, "so be it, but if
you fail —"
"I know what happens,"replied he.
With that he blew a uote or two
on his flute, took it to pieces and care
fully bestowed it in the tails of bis
coat. I put away my pistol iu mine.
"Do you mind shouldering that
spade and pickaxe and following me?"
he asked I took them up in silence.
He drained bis glass and put on his
"Now I thiuk we are ready. Stop
a moment."
He reached across for the glass
which I had emptied, iook it up giu
gerly between thumb aud forefinger
and tossed it with a crash on the
hearthstoue. Ho then did the same
to my pipe after first snapping the
stem into halves. This done be blew
out one candle and with great gravi
ty led the way down the staircase. I
shouldered the tools and followed,
while ray heart hated him with a
fiercer spite than ever.
We passed down the crazy stairs
and through the kitchen. The can
dles were still burning there. As
my companion glanced at the supper
table he said, "H'm, not a bad be
ginning of a new leaf. My friend,
1 will {allow you exactly twelve
uioaths in which to got hanged."
I made no answer, and we stopped
out into the night. The moon was
now up, and tbe high road stretched
like a white ribbon into the gloom.
Tbe cold wind bore up a few heavy
clouds from the northwest, but for
the most part we could see easily
enough. We trudged side by side
along the road in silence, except that
I could hear my companion every
now and then whistling softly to him-
As we drew near to the Four
Holed Cross and the scene of tho
murder I confess to au uneasy feeliug
and a desire to get past tho place
with all speed. But the lawyer stop
ped by tbe very spot where the
coach was overturned and hold up a
finger as if to call attention. It was
a favorite trick of his with tho
"This was where tho jewelry Iny.
Some fifteen yards off was another
pool of blood. Now the jeweler
must have dropped instantly, for he
was shot through the heart Yet no
one doubted but that the other pool
of blood was his Fools!"
With this he turned off the road at
right angles and began to strike rap
idly across tbe moor. At first I
thought he was trying to escape me,
but he allowed me to catch him up
rapidly enough, and then I knew
the poiut for which he was makiug.
I followed doggedly. Clouds began
to guther over tbe iiioou's face, und
every now and then I stumbled
heavily on the uneven ground; but
he moved along nimbly enough, and
evon cried "Shoo!" in a sprightly
voice wben a startled plover flew up
before his feet. Presently, after wo
had gone about 500 yards on the
heath, tbe ground broke away in a
little hollow, where a rough track
led down to the limekilns and the
thinly wooded stream -that washed
the valley below. We followed this
track for ten minutes or so, aud pres
ently tbe masoury of tho disused
kilns peered out—white in the moon
light—from between the trees.
There were three of these kilns
standing close together beside tho
path; but my companion, without
hesitation, pulled up almost beneath
the very arch of tho first, peered
about, examined the ground narrow
ly, aud thou motioned to mo.
"Dig here "
"If we both know well enough
what is undernenth what is tho use
of digging?"
"I very much doubt if we do,"
said he. "You had boiler dig "
I can feel the chill creeping down
my back as I write it; but at tbe
time, although 1 well knew the gris
ly sight which I was to discover, 1
dug away stewlily enough. The
man who had discovered my secret
set himself down on a dark bank of
ferns at about ten paces distant and
began to whistle softly, though 1
could see his fingers fumbling with
his coal tails as though they Itched
to be at his flute again.
The moon's rays shone fitfully
upon the white face of the kiln ami
lit up my work. The little stream
rushed ooisily below. And so, with
this hateful man us solitary watcher,
1 bared to the light of heaven thn re
mains of the comrade whom, almost
five mouths before, I bad murdered
uud buried there How I had then
cursed my luck because forced to hide
bis corpse away before I could return
and search for Ihc diamond 1 bad
failed to find upon bin body! But as
I tossed tho earth and lime aside and
discovered my handiwork the moon's
rays were suddenly caught and re
flect- d from within the pit, and I fell
forward with a short gasp of delight.
For there, kindled by her broad
glory into countless shafts uud points
of color—violet, green, yellow aud
fieryest red—lay the missing diamond
among the bones of the man who had
committed murder to possess it, and
had been murdered for its sake. As
I clutched tbe glorious gerri a black
shadow fell between the moon and
me. I looked up. My companion
was standing over mo with tbe
twinkle still ia his eye and the flute
in his band.
'•You were a fool not to guess that
be had swallowed it. I hope you
ar<3 satisfied with the bargain. As
we are uot, I trust, to meet again
in this world, I will here bid yon
adieu, though possibly that is scarce
ly tb»* word to use. But there is one
thing I wish to toll you. T owe you
a debt to-night for having prevented
me from committing a crime. You
saw that I had the spade and pickaxe
rtady in the cottage Well. T confess
I lusted for that gem, aud I was ar
guing out the case with my tiule
when you came in."
"If," said I, "yon wish to share-^"
"Another word," he interrupted,
very gravely." and I shall be forced
to think you insult me. As it is, I
am grateful to yon for supporting my
flute's advice at an opportune mo
ment. I will now leave you. Two
hours ago I was in a fair way of be
coming a criminal. I owe it to you
and to my Ante that lam still merely ,
a lawyer. Farewell!"
With that he turned on his heels
and wa9 gone with a swinging stride
up the path and across the moor.
His figure stood out upon the sky
line for a moment and then vanished.
But I could hear for some time the
tootle-tootle of his flute in the dis
tance, and it struck me that its note
was unusually sprightly and clear.
Common Sense Advice.
Here is a lesson with a moral of
universal application. "A Maine
farmer asked in a Bantror store about
negotiating a loan of S3OO. This led
to inquiries and advice of which the
Lewiston Journal makeß effective
use. "It seems that the man had
worked hard ail bis days and had
bought and paid for a $1,200 farm,
bad taken a wife, fnrnished a house,
and now, envious of some of his
neighbors, wanted to build a S3OO
barn. To do thia be proposed to
borrow the cash, giving a mortgage
on his farm. Said the 'druggist after
the story was told: 'Your farm is
clear now?' Yes, sir.' 'You love
your wife?' Yes, sir.' Well, said
the merchant, 'this is what you
should do.' 'Go home, earn that S3OO
first, and then build yonr barn. If
you borrow now, you will think each
night as you lie on your bed that yon
are in debt. You will fret and worry;
your wife will do the same; sickness
and accident may come, or a poor
crop be your portion; there will be a
S3OO skeleton in yonr house, and ten
to one, you will fret and grow peev
ish and have a row with yonr wife.
Don't go into the mortgage business!
Don't go into debt! Live withiu
your income, be Jndnatrions, and
when you build yonr barn own it,
you'll be as proud of it as an English
man is of his castle.' For a moment
the young farmer hesitated. On each
side were interested spectators, and
all was silence. Gradually the head
lowered, and a tear rolled down the
cheek. The man took prido in his
occupation, and wanted that barn.
At last he said: 'Thank you, sir.
To tell the truth, my wife was crying
when I left home because I was go
ing to mortgage the place. I'll take
your advice and go home as I came
down and she'll be glad to see me.'
'There said the Bangor man, 'that
fellow came to a good, wise conclus
ion. I have seen lota of misery on
account of this mortgage business.
He who gives one often gives pence,
comfort and contentlnen t with it.'"
A Theory as to the Origin of
Professor Mendelejef has recently
advanced the theory that petroleum
is of purely mineral origin and that
the formation of it is going on every
day. He has, moreover, succeeded
in producing artificial petroleum by a
reaction that be describes, and be
states that it is impossible to detect
any difference betweeu the natural
product and the manufactured article.
His theory is as follows: Infiltratious
of water, reaching a certain depth,
come into contact with incandescent
masses of carburets of metals, chit-fly
of iron, and are at once decomposed
into oxygen and hydrogen. The .
oxygen unites with the iron, while
tho hydrogen seizes on the carbon
and rises to an upper level, where the
vapors are condensed part into min
eral oil, and the rest remains in a
state of natural gas. The petroleum
strata are generally met with in tho
vicinity of mountains, and< it may be
gruuted that geological upheaves huvo
dislocated the ground is such a way
as to permit of the admission of water
to great depths, If the center of the
of the earth contains great masses of
metallic carburets, we may, iu case
this theory is verified, count upon an
almost inexhaustible source of fuel
for the day when our coal deposits
shall fail us .—Annaley Industriel•
A New Way.
Tho following presciption will rcc- ,
ouimoud itself to the drinker,moder
ate or other:
Hero is a plan: Start a hotel or
saloon in your own house; be the
only customer and you will have no
license to pay, Go to your wife and
give her $2 to buy a gallon of whisky
and remember there are sixty drinks
in a gallon Yon make it your busi
ness every time you are thirsty to
buy a drink from your wife, and by
the time you have drank up the first
gallon, your wife will have the
$2 paid back, $2 to put in tho
bank and $2 to start
business again. And should.
you happen to live ten years and ,
continue to buy booze from your
wife, and die at the expiration of that'
time, with tho anakes in your socks, ■
she will have money enough to bury
you decently, bny a good hou?e and
lot, educate yonr children, marry
some respectable man, and never be
bothered thinking about you. Try it
aud see how the thing will pan out, •
—Bid ine discourse, I will enchant .
thine ear with remarkable tales of as
tounding cures of all aorta of suffering
by Salvation Oil, the greatest euro on
earth for pain. Price 25 cents a bot
It is asserted that Booth and Sal
vina keep their voices clear by the
use of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
—A number of new railroad enter
prises have been annoqnoed since the
opening of the year. Nearly all of
them are in the South and West.
—lndiana has 220 coal m<nes, the'
annual product ot which last yerfr'
was a little over 3,000,000 torm.'
Natural gaa has no perceptible tafia-'
i*nee 6o the output.
NO. 15