THC3O CTETIZBN JHB ■. * W. & KEKLKT, PROPRIETORS. Willi linn T*TB--ratir>E PREPAID : Om Jo sieeeletibe.i..".. *° «l rwtilit «1 MtttmMtluiutkr FRIDAY. FEBRUARY TO. 1888. COAL famine ia tbe East, UD wood famine ia th« West—aad yet this :s »laad of mines and forests. COM oases is opposed to one cent postage, bat Congressmen enjoy tbe fraalrfag privilege with macb pleas are. Baoo KS, alias Maxwell, the convict ed murderer of Prellar, at St. Louis, continues bis efforts to show that his death sentence is illegal. SPRING will be with as in a few weeks,and already merchants are pre poriog to receive tbe goods made for wear it that time. BY a majority of uio«ty tbe lower boose of tbe Massachusetts legislature has voted to let tbe people of the Bay State say whether they want Prohib ition. Ir any working man in this coun try wants to work for free trade wages he can board a steamer at New York and reach tbe "old country" in a few days. Not many try this. THB desire to pnrify tbe dramatic atage is spreadiog in all directions, and finds advocates in eome of tbe best people ia tbe country. A res toration of tbe legitimate drama is ■ow demanded. Tn propoeed change of the day for inaugurating tbe President of the United States may also result in mak ing a similar change in the inaugura tion day of tbe Governor of Pennsyl vania. from mid-winter to a period ia tbe spring of tbe year or early falL SBYBN Common Pleas Jodges will be elected ia Pennsylvania this year oatside of Philadelphia. The dis trict are Yenango, Clinton, Lycom ing. Lehigh, Soeqaebanna, Franklin aad Tioga. All tbe present incum bents want another term. GBOVRR ought to aign Senator Quay's bill increasing the rste of pen sioas for deafness. Grover has been •o long sppeaied to by old soldiers without bis apparent bearing that be ought to have a warm appreciation of pension deafness. THB refineries for petroleum and sugar are said to be controlled by tbe j same capitalists, organised in two separate companies, whkb have ab sorbed nine-tenths of sll tbe establish swnts in this line of business, and oaa now dictate prices to suit their own greed fpr gain. > IR cities snd towns where natural gas is used, tbe destruction of prop arty from its too careless handling is potting Insurance companies on their fasrd ia taking risks Pittsburg is axperieneing this just now, snd will eoetinae to do-so, as great fires like tbfsa which occurred there laid some •fits most valuable property in ashes PBOSPBCTS of sn exedus of colored man in tbe South, in a movement to Mexico, is producing some singular effects. The fashion has been in tbe Soutb, to Isy sll the ills from which tbe section tss ever suffered, and still f uflers, to the colored race. Now that these people propose to leave a locality where tbey are alleged to be a nuisance, the cry goes up that tbey are ingrates for deserting tbe land of their birth, THB Republicans of Pittsburg are ■akiag arrangements for a celebra tion in that City, on Feb. 22. coming, of the birthday of tbe Republican party. Tbe first National meeting, which may be said as giving a Na tional character to tbe party, was beld in La Fayette Hall, Pittsburg, Feb. 22, 1856. General John C Fremont was then and there nomina ted as tbe first Republican candidate for President and quite appropriately he Las been invited to be present and preside at the celebration. Many others of the living public men wbo took part in that first Convention are expeoted to be present, and taken all together it will be a most notable oc oasion, as reviving the memories of the past and marking tbe progress and trials of the party as well as tbe benefits it has conferred upon tbe Country. TQK Supreme Court of Nebraska has made an interpretation oi th* law fixing tbe liability ol liquor sellers which is likely to add enormously to tbe difficulty which saloon keepers have experienced in securing bonds for their business. It is in effc£t,tbat not oaly are saloon keepers- responsible for damages caused 'by s man to vboee drunkeunesft they have con tributed by selling liquor lo him. but that their sureties are equally respon sible also, and that their responsibil ity continues so long as a man is in capacitated for work by reasuu <>' his drinking. Tbe liability thus indicat ed is so far-reaching that it almost cooetitntes a lien upon tbe property of a man who is surety for a saloon keeper, and it will doubtless resnlt io a marked decrease in the liquor sell, in? resorts in that State — Raf'trnan 's Journal. — A singular notion, savs the Der. rick, prevails in some quarters that tbe buroiag of gas absolutely con sumes or annihilates tbe substance and for that reason no flue is ueces aarv f-'»m a natural gas fire. It would bs well for all such persons to remem ber that tbe gas changes form merely bp tbe process of combustion, that from fuel gas there is given of car bonis add, aud other gases which srs Jaleterious to besltb if permitted to taeamalafr in aroons -Good ventlla tioft is as essential to besltb at sll timm aad ia none tha less so because flM«f «■# Ited ia used as fuel. Republican Borough Election. The Repablicar. voters of the bor ough of Bntler are requested to meet at their respective places of Toting, on Tuesday, February 14. 1888, be tween the hours of 4 and 6 and 7 and 9 o'clock P M. to choose by ballot the foliowiug officers, to be elected by each ward, viz: In tbe Fi st Wa'd, three member* of the T"wn Council, one for 1 year, one for 2 years, and one 3 years; Tbree School Directors, one for 1 vear, one for 2 years, and one for 3 years; One ward assessor; one Judge of Election; ond In-pector of election. In »be Second Ward. Two mem bera of Town Council, one for 2 \ears i aud one for 3 years; one school direc tor for 3 years; one ward assessor; one Judge of election: one Inspector of election. In the Third Ward, one school di rector, ward assessor, one of el ection, one inspector of election. They will also, at tbe same time and place, vote for one peraoa for Burjress; one peraoa for Assistant Burgess; one person for Justice of the Peace; hne person for Tax Collec tor; one person for High Constable; two persons for for Borough Consta hik; one person for Overseer of Pi,or; one person for Boro Auditor. The Judges of election of the sev eral wards shall meet at tbe Court House, on Wednesday morning, at 9 o'clock, to cast up the votes of the several warda and declare the result; and the persons having the having the highest vote for the respective of fices shall be tbe nominees, aud shall be placed on a ticket with the nominees of tbe several wards, to be supported by tho people at the election. Let great care be taken that the roles governing such elections be ob served. JAMES B. MATES, JAMES SHANKR, JR , W. C. THOMPSON, Committee of the several wards. Fiftieth Congress. WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.—A large number of re»olutiona aud petitions were preseuted and appropriately re ferred. Tbe Post-office Committee reported adversely upon Senator Beck's proposition to reduce letter postage to one cent, and the report was placed upon tbe calendar after some discussion. The Senate then took up tbe Blair Educational bill aad Mr. Morgan spoke in opposition t»> it "Such unlimited, unrestricted, un guarded, unjust powers, backed with Bach untold millions of mooev as this bill conferred upon tbe Secretary of the Interior," be said, "had never be fore been confided to such an officer —a mere clerk of the President " Mr. Blair spoke in defease of the bill and Mr. Evarts announced his in tention to speak upon it tomorrow. Bills were introduced in thb Senate as follows: By Senator Paddock—Directing the Secretary of the Treasury to pur chase sites and cause to be erected pnblic buildings for the exclusive use of post-offices in all tow us where the gross postal receipts for the three pre ceding years have exceeded $lO,OOO per annum. The cost of the site and ; building in any town is not to exceed the aggregate gross postal receipts for three years._ All towns bavi-iK first-class post-efficea are ' excluded from the operations of the bill. By Senator Cullom—Tbe bill in troduced in tbe House by Representa tive Henderson, of Illinois, for the construction of the Hennepin Canal and appropriating s,>'Jo 000, therefor By Senator Quay—Granting pen sions at the following rates to persons in the military or naval service of the United States confined in Confeder ate prisons: Thoseeonfiued more than two and less than six months, half pension; six and less than twelve mouths, three-quarters pension; twelve months or more, a total pen sion. It also grants an allowance of $2 per day to prisoners of war for each day coufiued. By Senator Ingalla—lncreasing to $3O per mouth tho pension for loss of an eye, to $.35 for loas of a hand or foot, to $4O for lon of au arm within six inches of the elbow or a leg with -10 six inches of tho kueejoint, and to $45 for loss of au arm within six in ches of tho shoulder-joint or a leg within eight inches of tbe hip-joint Also, granting a pension at the rate of $8 per mouth to all persons wbo ] served not less than sixty days in tbe j late war, and increasing all soldier's j pensions below per month to that amount. The pension of minor chil- i dren is increased to $5 per month, and ! tbe Arrears of Pension act is repeal- | ed. -—Congress is slow to proposo, and tbe States even slower to ratify amendments to the Constitution, but the one about to be reported to the House changing the time of the an nual meeting of Congress to the first Monday in January,and m akin if each Congress expire on December 31 in stead of March 4, has so much to commend it that there ought to be no doubt of its adoption The De cember session of Congress ia practi cally wasted time, and might as well bd abolished; but tbo merit of the amendment is that it will convene each Congress within two months of its election instead of thirteen mouths as now.acd prevent thetild Congress from legislating alter tbe p«op!e hav« chosen a new one. The present method by which each Congress holds a three-months session after many of its members have been re, fused a re-election, and have, there fore,uo sense of responsibility to their constituents, is a most pernicious one. The Senate repassed tbe proposed constitutional amendment making April 30 instead of YUrch 4 inaugt>> ration day and making the same day in odd years the la>-t day of each Con gress. The latter part of this amend ment antagonises the proposition (lending in the House to make oa«& Congress terminate in ih«* December after a new one is elected. The Sen ate amendment will perpetuate the pernicious custom of having each Congress serve one seasioa alter its successor is elected, but the House proposition cures that evil and is. therefore, much to be preferred April 80 is a much better day hiatorically and meteoroliglcally for tbe inaugu ration of a president th in the too fre quently cold and wet 4th of March. —Poll*. Time*. THESE will tie uo consideration ot tbe tariff hill in Cobgrees for at least touiv wbeka yet. FUIENDS of Senator Quay desire bim to be a delegate to the National Convention from this Congressional district, while there ia also a pretty general sentjipent through tbo etatc in favor of his election &s ono of the delegates-at-large. to bs sent by tbe i State Convention to the National Convention. Candlemas Day —Some of the Superstitions Connected With It. I Pittsburg Telegraph, K *b. a. J This ia Candlemas Day | It ia tbe feast of th»» purification of the Virgia Mary, aad is very strict ly kept m the Romiu Catualic , ChurcD. A'l the caudles to be used in servi ces throughout the year are blessed on th it d y—hence tbe name. The 01 aof the celebration is bur ied lu antiquity One story is tbat ; before tbe Christian era tae Komaus i were in tbe babit of burning candles on this day to tbe goddess Februa, the mutber of Mira. Pope Sergine, when he ascended tbe ecclesiastical throne, saw that it would be useless to p O.jlbit a practice of so loug stand ing. tie therefore turned it to Cbris j tiau account by eqjoining ,a similar offering of caudles to the Virgin, i The candles were supposed to have the effect of frightening I be devil and all evil spirits away from the persons I wbo carried them, or from the houses ' in which they were placed At Rome, tbe Pope erervyenroffl ciaies at tbo Candlemas festival iu tbe beautiful cbapal of the t|uiriual When he has blessed the caudles he distributes th-iin with his o\vu hands among those in tbe church, each of whom, going singly up L 0 him, kneels to receive it Toe cardinals go first: then follow the bishops, caunous, pri ors, abbots, priests, etc., down to the sacristans and meanest officer of tbe church. The superstition that the ground hog comes forth on Candlemas Day, and if the sun be shining, goes back ; to stay for six weeks more of winter I weather, is probably derived from pagan time?, as uo recoid can be found of its origiu. If there is any truth in tbe legend, the winter should soon break up this year. This morning was very dull and cloudy, aud there was but little chance for tbe animal to see his sha dow if he depeuded upon the sun to do so. The festival of Candlemas, at what ever date it took its rise, has beon designed to commemorate the church ing or purification of Mary, and the candle-bearing is understood to refer to what Simeon said when he took the infant Jesus iu b's arms and de clared that he was a light to Gentiles. Thus literally to adopt aud build up on metaphorical expressions was u characteristic procedure of the middle ages. Apparently, ia consequence of tbo celebration of Mary's purification i y candle-bearing, it became custom ary for women to carry candles with them, when, after recover from child birth, tbey weut to be, as it was call ed, churched. Cleveland and the Cathpllcs. The Washington Xjritic publishes the opinions of the local clergy on President Cleveland's action in send ing a jubilee prcaeiit to the Pope They generally agree that it was iu bad taste on the part of the President, l#r. Little, pastor of Assembly Pres byterian Church, where Civil Serv ice Commissioner Lyman attends said: "I think the action of tha Baltimore ministers is commendible. I regard Mr Cleveland's sending the gift to the Pope as a direct bid for the Catholic vote of this couutry It impresses me as an acknowledgement of the hi . erachy, and the reply of the Pope af fords an entering wedge to influence the Catholic vote tiucb a thing as H part of the country being influenced by outbid* pressure, and especially that of a church, is inimical to the principles of this republic The lial timore clergy did not intend anv bos tilty to th« Komnn Catholic Church, but they saw in Cleveland's actiou a menace to the principles of liberty of tbe ballot ". Dr Butler, of tbe Memorial Luth eran Church, aDd Chaplain of the Uni ited States Senate, said: "It was done for political effect, and for that reason will, I think, be looked upon with disfavor by the Protestants of the country. They hav« no feeling against the Churcb of Rome, as a cburch. bot they will disapprove of tbe recognition by the President of the bieracby." The Beaver County Committee Does Business. BEAVER, February 1 —The Repub lican County Committee met here this afternoon to hear the report of the committee appointed at the last meeting to divide the county into 'l5 districts, in order to meet the arrange menta made at New Castle several weeks ago for the nomination of a Congressional candidate. The report of 'he committee was satisfactory and was adopted. James Courtney. M. F. Meek lorn and Sam P. White were appoiuted a committee to compile rules for the future government of the Couutv Committee. Le'.ters from the County Committees ol Lawrence, Butler and Mercer counties were read, voicing the sentiment of those com mittees on the t5-delegate arrange ment. AH arc willing to give it u trial, but Mercer is not, be cause, it being larger than the other couuties, will not bo purportionately represented. . Early in t he Field. T. P. Ry.nder, chairman of the Uu ion Labor State Committee, has is.»u > the Lib »r party <>t th'i State, in which ho congratulate* it upon its enlarged vote, and urges the prompt formation of Labor to defeat both th« old parties as tn<>r<- or less in the interest of capital. I;, deuouuees banks, calls for ibe speedy payment <>f thu government doht, wants silver coined indefinitely, fav ors tasiff nuluctiou and prop n-es t>) elect the uext President— 7 if tho partv can. i • , Chairman Ryuder evidently be lbves iu the early bird catching the worm, and he is firat in the field for the, battle o* 1S:"S8, although likely to have ihe smallest <>f all the political ar iniea to b« engaged in that conflict Phila Time« —-Miss Minnie Freeman, the voting teacher of the Myra Valley, Nebras ka, district school, had thirteen pu pits, from six to thirtdsn years old A blizzard lately struck the school house, and the building was unroofed .\!id and obliging an offieer that his removal is very generally regretted in that com munity. HON. O. L. JACKSON aud William M. Brown, E«q of Lawrence county, are announced in the New Castle pa pers as candidates for the Republican nomination for Congress in this dis trict. An Acrostic. To Thomas 11. and Sarah B. Bracken, on the occasion of their golilen wedding, Jan. 25 LSIS. A tribute of affection and esteem by H«v. Loyal Young, who married them Jan. 25, I*3B. „ The silken bands which fifty years ago Held fast your youthful hearts, not broken, DO. Only the stronger are as years unfold Memories of tender scenes through wiich you passed Are binding every day those bands more fast. So silken bands have grown to chains of gold. llow strong the heart has felt, but tongue lias neyer told. Sure Heaven shall send some bright and gladsome rays, Aglow with hope, to cheer your future days; Robing your path with light and joy aud peace; And when anion*; the spirits of the blest, How sivee* will be the long, uaDroken rest Bestowed when toil and tears and time itself shall cease, Beloved friends and children, erst away, Return to greet you m this festal day, And some have said "farewell" and gone before, •Couveyed as first fruits to the garner, where Kindred :iud triends are gathering to share Each others joy upon the Heavenly shore, Never to part with Je us or each other more. IMI A Alarriaqt Notices Pub!inked tree. » PENNING TON— F KAZILK— On Jan. 21. lx«S, at Prospect, by R t v. James A.Clark, Mr. William H. PeiiuibgUiu, of Beaver Falis, Pa. and Alius Mary J. Frazier ot Prospect, thin county. GRUBB— SLOAN—At the M. E. Parsonage in North Washington, Feb, 1, 18JS8, by Itey. 8. Fidler, .Nlc'.'lelaud Graff of Boyers to Miss Lizzie L. Sloan of Farm ington. YOURKERS—WEIGLE—Thursday Feb. 2, ISSrt, at the Methodist Parsonage, by Rev. S. H. Ne.bit, Mr. Albert W. Yuurkers, of Ceutre tpuud Miss Cora Weigle, of Frank lin tp. STEEN—GRAHAM -Feb. 8, 1888, by Rev. Jobn S. McKee, Mr. Samuel Steen and Mi.-»s Millie N. Graham, both of Couuo quenessing tp. Butler county, Pa. DEATHS. Announcem<-ntn of deaths published free, but all communicated obituaries will bt charged for at the rate of one-half cent for each u ord, money to accompany the order. BROWN—At bis home in Clay tp, this county. Jan. 2G, IHSB, Mr. John Brown, need about 84 years. Bl'RKE—la Washington county, Feb. 1, lrfti.S, Mrs. John Burke, aged about 2S years. She was buried from the residence of Mr. Richard Burke of '"learliald tp, on Friday the 3 in&t. STOCK —ln this place, Feb. 3, 1888, Mr. Valentine Stock, in the Citkh year of his age, Mr. Stock came from Germany to this place about 40 years ago and was knowa to all as a very honest and liar 1 working man Being a earpenter by trade he was employed by many of our citizens, nil of whom can bear testimony t/> his great industry and integrity. For many yenrs we kn*w Valcn liue Stock n< a faithful and correct laborer, lie leaves a widow and several children here and thiee married daughters living in Pittsburg, to rnoiirn bis loss. On Monday lust his-Jremaius were interred in the Catho lic (.enieterv, after solemn requiem service* over them, held in St. Peter's Church of this place. HF.TZK IXJESSER-On Thnrsday, Feb. 2, 18X8, at his Home iii Wintield twp., Butler comity, Pa., Win. Ueizelgesser, aged about 74 years. Beware of Scrofula Scrofula Is probably more general than any other disease. It Is insidious in character, and manifests itself in running sores, pustular eruptions, boils, swellings, enlarged Joints, abscesses, sore eyes, etc. Hood's Sarsaparilla expels all trace of scrofula from the blood, leaving It pure, enriched, and healthy. " I severely afflicted wltli scrofula, and over a year bad two running sores on my neck. Took five bottles Ilood's Sarsaparilla, and am cured." C. E. LOVE.IOY, Lowell, Mass. C. A. Arnold, Arnold, Me., had scrofulous sores for seven years, spring and fall. Ilood's Sarsaparilla cured him. Salt Rheum Is one of the most disagreeable diseases caused by Impure blood. It Is readily cured by Hood's Sarsrtparllla, the great blood purifier. William Spies, Klyrla, 0., suffered greatly from erysipelas and salt rheum, caused by handling tobacco. At times his hands would f rack open and bleed. Ho tried various prep arations without aid; Anally took Hood's Jsar tfHparilla, and now says:" lam entirely well.'' "My «on had salt rhenm on liis hands and on tho calves of his legs. lie took Hood's Sarsaparilla and Is entirely cured." J. B. Stanton, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. ; nix for fit. Made only by C. I. HOOII & CO., Apothecaries, Low 45 ism ' 0.-ter-vllle borough \ <;niosser ! +i •• ock: I A Dsvlrtson 314 9T, J92 ill 06 18B5* Brady.*. \V \V MrQuLstion 418 28| 1- 05 04 :io - cienrfleld H II Dtill> i I 110 60 • , Frni-klin K M Milliard ion W lo 90 19 •• *l'pnn \v McElvaln »• 98 75 Butler borough C MeAhoy 1 000 oo I 469 Mi •• Harmonv •• FT Shaffer 1-3 00 ! i 210 29 1 Mlllerstown •• tt" B Bverj 110 1-' 4 '.4 19 22i Petrolla ' M l»;tley 19 03 1810) •• F'ortersville •• las Ramsey I 19':; •• suubury " las R C*mnl*-ll 13* 81 11 25 lest; Adams. las Fursvthe j«t; i>9 in 12 14 OR ■■ {Allegheny i 1! Milliard 1 272 on I>l 67 14 m •• Buffalo ►'A Drain 19 41 140 • Brady lolin staff I 361 03 3 7s» 20 4s g* icilnlon I W Tllddie 114 or. r. no •• nay O K Thorn till 24 90 88 31 •>-> • ■ Centre . A .1 Hutchison 92 4<; 1" 13 4 s7 •' i lt-artleld 11 11 Duffy 300 OO -.-jS as' •• Cherry > V Hutchison 503 87 47 57 2S 6* >• Connoqienesslng I Kalteiibaugh 276 46 3 #!> 14 55 ■ cranberry lolin Llcev 456 92; 970 52 .v> •• Concord I H Chrlstv M m 74 44 2s 40 •• Donegal W.lCovle 627 45 43 28 51 44 •• Forward Vlex Shilling 282 52 14 4:: 14 86 •• Falrvlew R J McCullougli; 357 10 77 S7 33 12! •• l'ranklin N S (irosniuii.! 459 00 35 ss 3s 24 22 «7 •• Jefferson D Wnllett 391 31 56 72 53 59, ■ • Jackson H /lnkhorn '. 288 33 2<5 44 41 ;ts •• Lancaster... Fred Chi 370 45 2059 28 5;; " Marlon .laB Doilgan 201 74 44 02 28 92 31 96 Mercer Anson Curry 278 11 15 00 25 08 • • Middlesex J S Park 138 54 35 S9 7 ;» • ■ Muddy, reek D R Kennedy 226 41! II 14 51 14 <• Oakland John l'atton «bs 97 ;4 10 35 19 •• 'l'cnn E Logan 339 111 188 52 74 90 • • Parker- J McLafferty 55 00 44 50 •• sninmit Jacob Heott , 299 80 3945 sllpperyroek ff,l Morrison 694 21! 34 18 48 15 •• Venango Thos Morrow 502 39 02 89 23 44 196 03 •• \\ ashlugton Pl* Hilliard 631 9B 126 73 20 TO O7 • • Wintlsiii J Rivers 5T 32 20 54 38 To •• Worth - Butler borough. (Vn:v \J Hutchison 31 61 1 66 Clearfield H II Huffy 06 42 Cherry V Hutchison 38 30 2 02 Connoiiuenesslng I Ivalteiibautfh 19 40 J 02 Cranberrv John I-elcy 30 01 1 ,>h concord 111 Christy 3i 52i 19. Donegal W F Coyle j 118 33 622 Forward Alex Shilling ' ,a | *• Falrvlew It I MuCullouxh 9u 16 ! 522 Franklin N S Grossman ' I j!? 25 96 Jefferson D Walletr .1 , 3 Jackson H Zlnkhorn 4o oo 1 211 Ijiuca.ster Krc.l 1'h1... •*; , 1 26 Marlon ,las Dougan 48 26 | 254 Mercer Anson Curry "5 °9. 1 15 Middlesex I 8 Parks ■' ,28 Muddy creek D R Kennedy 3,1 *•' 1 59 Oakland John l'atton 1 59.01 311 Penn K Logau .4 74 1 930 , Parker I McCafferty 15 so i:; c>» 3 3.1 Sllpperyrock W J Morrison 28 79 1 51 Venango Thos Morrow 1- iiu, 65 Washington P P HlUlard 47 00 ! 2«o 9-v Winlield John Rivers 41 90; 2 21 Butler borough <; W Zicgler 100 noi j 5 26 144 Centerville '• R M Bard 14 .19 ; 72 Kvanncity '• 01) McFarland 11 ss 1 «3 Kaiiview •• Robt l'atton. m> S4: | 457 Harmony " (l Kline 22 15 , in; Karus< Ity " W J King 11 89 1 us Mlllerstown " I 11 Lackey 4 as Prospect " • Samuel Hoon 51 47 1 57] I'ctrolia " M Dalley 1 941 1 ;; la Portersvllle " R II Oliver 13 11 • 1 06 Saxonburg Chas Kan be 1 4* 70i 2 56 sunbury Jos Mechllng 7 ; ih i 41 1 I Total *1 !C0 28113 £RlsB3 27 217 14 Ain't Collected and Due from Collectors. County Tax. 1887. f r~> j" TT ?~i sp i 9 S ' 5 ! * | S I g. DI3TRICTB, COLLECTORS g S S gj ' f cC s ■' : { i Adams -las Criswell -$12!)1 iio jil:> 22 »:.'4 71 >i 50 ">7 Alletrheny (as JolTey GBB 21 8 Hi> STi}» i Butler ♦' Duffiird Ml 7:;;( 47 25 77 Clinton Thompson 1978 !X) 11 !>8 77 :;j 44 -3 Connoque.nessinif US Henry 1414 35 15 03 5S !K1 105 57 25 8(i Concord N H Campbell 1 55 15 31 707 27 35 37 Cranberry iKlias Easion !> K 7 HO 20 It! '.>ls 01 52 05 Cherry P Otnipbell 7<">H 51 It tjo 942 81 30 53 Clav JeffStoner 019 70 14 <)8 841 22 38 65 Clearfield Fl' Me.Bride 914 31 4'i 14 27 17 229 72, 34 91 Centre W Phulli.iiiius 885 ti4 18 }>2 15 t>2 710 23 41 11 Donegal John llitzert 963 44 yOo 44.S 751 23 81 Franklin J B Stevenson 114.S 80 17 32 028 83 45 58 Fairview John Andrew 148.S 37: 33 81 01) 94 45 Forward Alex Hhilliut; 1117 20 22 SO (155 03 OO 00 Jefferson I August Muder 1532 0o 21 00 3n'o 12 54 42 Jackson I Fyehart t-'7K 95 120 10 579 3-8 (>'B 08 Lancaster L bfh 1352 (>5 20 (.0 23 01 JI4 85i 00 s(i Middlesex J L Parks 1850 45 10 40 70 72 14 0»; 34 99 Maddycreek 'Robt Moore 1725 (81 21 93 17* 00, 57 73 Mercer Alison Curry 050 00 13 27 S3! 43 34 91 Marion.. John Dufly 983 57 12 93 575 no 34 02 Oakland J L Neyuian I 2 i 4 78 44 S3 73 9ti 300 78. 49 47 Parker •' M Sbira 1018 00 12 00 034 92 31 58 p,-tin Jl5 D-ids 1071 80 !l 21 480 7-i 21 25 Slippervrock 1' McGill 1290 uj 17 28 910 34 45 4} Summit iJHCob Reott 804 00 17 04 1005 57, 40 40 Venango jJo« Eakiu 057 13 7 12 927 O.V 18 74 Win field A O F reeling 897 55 18 3l| 83<» SH: 48 20 Washington ■Harper Campbell 915 93 14 02 808 921 38 47 Worth ] iT Patrerum loi>l 05 If 83 437 30 52 18 Butler borough [O W /inkier ! 2001 14 42 00 2454 79 110 09 Cenireville " W Henry Wilson 232 37. 719 201 31 12 01 Harmony 11 jWm Carroll 41)4 (K) 940 179 04 10 47 llarrisville " |J H l'ew 254 0<», 014 111 97 10 77 Kvans City " iCvrus Knox 299 47 838 907 15 21 KarnsCity " Fred Kameier) 92 15, 285 79 83 500 Millerstown " i> Hough 249 20 771 107 32 13 52 Fa'rview '• Robt l'atton 1 105 10' 400 325 141 10 571 I'etrolia " M Daly 1 100 fC)| 150 50. Prospect " l lßHljaner 250 00 7 7.'{j • 181 15 13 58 l'ortersvillc " J ll Kuijer 2*B 20 333 9 30| , (i 50 Sunhury " JCi Hhnll 150 44 819 385 111 10, tl 40 Saxonburg " W Scbrotii 1 20') 00 018 134 92! 10 85 Ztlicnople " A W Philips 300 00 928 302 03 10 28 Total 42944 9P231 52 907 47 31705 411 1579 38 State Tax, Am't Collected and Due from Collectors. 1887. _ - —f y i mrr wrf DISTKICTS COI.I.ECTORS I» ; | « | 5 ! : i ! 'i Adams JasCrl-well '3 Ml 1 lii 18 4ii 3|| AMpgheiiv. Jas.lolly 41 13 50 582 14s IlulTulo P A Drain 43 70 24 lr. no Hlltler M DtiTTord -'I :•» 15 2« 22 IIK ftrady J W Moore 41 04 s4 1 'j? 2.0 ' ilr.ioji M Tiiompsou '2 " 1 51 1 18 connonuenesstcg It s Henry H 91 1 ■/; 340 • 'oiicord H IH'ampliell. 19 08 , 13 68 70 Cranberry Kllas Kaston .'"► l 30 111 21 *»I 292 Ciierrv OPCamplKfU 20 il .-,: i 1 11 • lay." Jcrr Stoner 25 ( 1 ( learlleld H Mcßrlde 57 21 3 111 cenlre VV Paulhamns 2' "V. RSdll 137 lH)iiegal lolin Rltzert 108 2:1 221 •>•: 75 581 Franklin Jll Stevenson 32 .(3 «5 17 :is 1 T:i Fa'.rvlew John Andrew 151 52 7 9T Forward Alex Shilling 93 lo 1 ."0 25 tci 683 Lancaster •' Krb H" 49 6 40 Middlesex I I. Park 56 , 19 Marlon John liulTy 5T 48 lit 16 40 sOB Oakland J L Neyman 109 95 ! j ,v.i 531 I'al'ker I M Slilra <"5 65 1 i:: i_> or, ~s I'enn j B Dodds ' 'til 228 42 SI 1; (») Sllpperyrock 11 M CHI . '59 122 s)> ;;j :: 22 Summit Jacob Rnott , («» 1 :»i 21 (ji> 343 \>nang.» Jos K'kln Wli 'I 4nu Ins Winlield A" Free|in!{ I»l > J J7, >■ ji 7 M Wasldngton .-. arper Campbell M 1" I IKI a«5 I !hi Worth TP Patterwrn hi mi in, in r>2 :•• nu Itutler irtroiiKii (I W Zelgler !•>•'.' 40 hvansClty " Cyrus Knox ii 14 220 3HI Kanis City " Fred Kamerer ■' "I 14 1 75 25 Mllleistown " E Hough 122 62 .1 7;i 'jr. 61 665 Falrvlew Kol.ert l'atton 2:1 :w -ii iti in 1 r,:i Petrolla •• M Daly ir :»T Prospect, 1! Shanor :i5 Is 1 ot 1 92 I'ortersvllle " J II Klnser Sunbury •• Jli Shall 21 i 3 C 6 74 1 IT saxonburg •' W Scrotli IIT 00 Zellenople " A W Phillips 100 3 o>; i L .« 47 r, 4:1 Total ! B9 I os' 1141 01 II! 60 UNS£AT£D I-ANU, " iAm't llko'h by riißAM' ii Palii 10 'fw'c lUI,. Hpn 'I #r ovkk- - 1)2 A WK DISTRICTS lil ~m \~i j ~f\'T I | i y I f!* ! S, ! I |g. i' g. Botler I rough I $lB6 cot 1 (DM do 972 OBITS St'fl to •:<< I i ,1 Falrvlew ' 350 425 115 450 4 25' I 19 HI SiK mi Washington j52 61 4". *>■ 18 '.B ?■.' 02 :w 17 44 m ,'!i: 68 4T i:s is os :i.i 02 Butler.. 177 201 75 331 203 201 58, Fa rvl"\v borough 52 1 9f> 15 :is 1 Allegheny 2% 14 22 52 7ls 13 15 8!« 13 15 22 52 7is cherry 11 1U OC3 4si 51 ra r> 27 Mlllerstown borough 1 52 195 75 3s J is «« A 6314 si Concord 574 t. Ici 12 04 4 t,j4 78 Marlon ;,ft 25 4 tT 377 1 201 " Parker 4 % *H' 3 : 1 32 40 13 41 ;Hll summit P W • r ' 2" ' 1I? 5 iii 118 7,' Venango •' «2 Ho W 2ST 7tm 'i .• 81) | t aj. Winlield 1 37 .'('j I 2 47 y on Worth < I •" I l*> Brady 1 1 70 7 68 Counoquoneaslutf 1 i 52 58 131 Clearfield 150 30 8113 lII# riay ' 2 Cs 74 Forward 14 12 803 Centre , 15 19 3 14 Petrolla borough ; I llarrisville •• I 3 15. 123 sunbury " ! j 2 64' 1 Clinton | • I 1 ■ 19 Donegal I ! ' W 3P siinperyr.x.U ■ 8 37 Oakland j 1 ' j I j a| Totals lie. 33'Ktl U< 43 26 06 ,Vi Bf* « 919 20161 42 ItKJ 01 101 83 7t> 4T 1289' »«« Bor.iutrti* and Townships In Acr't with Kutlr Co. f»r H'xniont ami Warren Hospital*. 3 ! * n Mm Inn f I 253 27 ItutTxlo 56 3K llntan <5 r.i Palrvlew Wt7 T» Petrol* ivrougil 1 2*4 79 ['oiinotiutntsointf nic l!ut!f-r 10100 lltt 4H Parker 22> SB yi villlerst<.wii borough s7 i; 7, 6is »i leffersoj ; I Mil Harmoi.y borough H| 28 3 St liutl. r •• 1W Ri: li>s 1. r , Lancaster sk> oo so 00 Clearfield .. | 1593 si Mlutlrld 102 (10 ;>* no Adams -234 oo 26 oo Cenierville borough ii>6 29 Mercer m 121 40 DnnegaF ion on «a '.'3 Penu is 50 94 50 •ranberry t:i s9 Jackson 31 57. 2fi 00 Forward 74 oy Totals 1 467 35 £1 550 93 Amount Rereltrd. From Coinuisslouers S!G 227 13 Jury tees 285 4» Dog tux 3 no Fines, Illegal liquor selling. & ' 1 G.V! 50 $lB 172 61 Bridge Account. IL II Donaghy, stone for bridge $ 7so VV W Breckenrldge A: SOU. Beltord brl ige 200 on lotui Craney, repairing bridge 3 00 ,1 K Sutton. Building •• ;is 1 W \V Brackeniidge A Son. bridge 60 hi II J Jack. bridge 17;, J B Cunningham, repairing Bull creek bridge 25 00 Win Mongomery, repairing Clinton twp bridge 24 7G Samuel Coiwell, repairing Thorn Creek bridge 2 10 Win I lllmun. repairing Beliurd bridge. 2 52 W J I.aekey, •• itoyustown •• 1 0.1 Geo Armor. •• MeCaudless " 21 42 M \V Shannon, cleaningConnoqueness ing brloge .1 B Cunningham, bal. on UuiTalo tu-hige 22 00 Samuel Caldwell, repairing •• 1 OJ \V VV Bracken ridge, •• Moore- .. 300 77 "■ " " Hook " mi 10 " Beltoid- .. 35 so J M Turner, *• •• 1 ~u .lohn Donaldson, painting Kit tanning bridge 20 00 s .1 Marshall, painting bridge ;;u 00 Il* p.arron. repairing •• . 52 54 A G Kelly, '• •• o (Il j K.l MeCaudless '• •• .. 1 on II W Lcicy Harmony - 7:; so Jno w Monks ulade Mill •• 2.) st;. G B Cuniiinghan " Flick •• 42 ou Will si Clulr •• Neely " .. 12 no N r Mayer •• West Liberty" 125.1 .loan lien J. cleaning spring, lule '• 75 K A liutolilson. repairing Anna nd ale bridge oj 50 h 1; 11 lioyer, repairing Boyer bridge •• ui Tlios F Birch, Cleaning Spriugdale •• i 00 L) vv'allett. repairing Jefferson to " 11, A B Martin •• " 17 00 Peter Kile •• Adams ivvp " ;c; v> Jos White. •• .. V I N Graham •• «• ir<"oi) Philip Burr, planking Renfrew " #134 Thos Birch. cleaning Kreepar, •• stf " " " Sprlngdale •• lon VV VV Bracken ridge , This il Henan. abutment Kensington bridge S J MarsU&li. repair's' Aun>er-un bridge 01 to JJF Auueisoii. spikeo .. 7 ( ; 1-iiillp nurr. repa-.r'g Mcuandies's bridge iT :c. B F Milliard. •• .. j;;, Ralston Kelly •• Christ v •• ." iiu 11 Mm Scott, •• s.mdy 1.i.-k 45 o'j Peter File '■ Parks I'lrlcti Winter '• Kidna •• e w SdUui'.'l Bui i " Martin ** 11) *»(j W It Turner •• tiiade Mills •• " Samuel Col ,veil •' .. II PuaUe, palming J'U.iSie •• " m (») John viMDOen. Rid He and Flick bridge r t John Staff, repaiilug bridge".!!"]'. 'l VVm Porter uieon. repairing Freop .n Hi , VV .1 Ullleian i. ia.ill aili H'Jiai:i 'jit Wil son ltun bridge 132 7S Geo Mai Lwger. luilll ( ailery .iiiucl'i ju 1)11 4O Oil W W KracHenrtdge a- son! naliitiii '". bridges " - 5 (w D M Auv. il, repairing siaith tri lg, : . j A :ti .. , l '^',"'" iin,l i r e So-.:, repairing Keibor bridge •000 WVV Brai K'Hindge Jt Son, sL'jiie work . r M> o» v. .. t.uieiauu, repairing b,-iag;; Joiui Oo:nlsoa. palunug .UcCaliuoat * " bridge.. 45 m ■' ' ll ■ u repauiug .vicCandiess bridge iy 00 .J ii idge OQ ~\" 1 ' " uw abuim'ni.iJeiuno bridge !>;•' mi llios lluaeu, übutuient Fruzler '.llil aw so Wni Si oi-t, repairing ilouiiv Brjok 00 John Boiialdsou. painting Freeport To 00 llu.s Hent>u, abuuneut. extra, Frazl -i- Mill b.-ldge r. W) W W Bnu kemldge, new brldueiFr'a/ier Mill brUgo ' 27". 00 VV J Ullli'land. new bridge.. ".HI 0l) •lohn VVado, new bridge. iMauo'bridge' oil Albert Aderh .'ld. new •• W R Turner •• Adams •• :: ,, 0 11 W l.eley «• 11 arm my •• 351 l*vl Boyer •• Swam •• (u " llannony " 40 W m Gibson " Petrol la and Cen tral Point bridge , r , Murrin, view Murrln hriii>v 149 •'« l»r H C Linn, medical attenuanceno 35 , Jvrainer. Sli'if. boarding, provisions 44200 J N Moot/, coal I> 11 l.yon. hauling ' '-5 Kilter .It Ralston, dry g00d5...'.'.".'.""."" •>] -r, Mrllieole shoes "7 15 Jell Burtner, plumbing ..! . 2111 J .N Patterson, cloiliing J II Conard. plumbing.... « ~r t Uas and Fuel Co, gas 1 r j. CABrown oieaniiigjHii. w Miller Bros, lurnitiu'e 21 00 SG I'orvH.'v Co.lmooer 25 11 John Dnualilkon. painting 150 VJ* rauier, Sh'tT. Beam ill;.. provisions,i. til, ht) J N Molil/. dry giHiils 5 01 Ji», pluiiii (iiij , ""!! 715 J F_ T 5ie1i1e........ 2110 P Kramer, »h'|l, biiardlng. provisions,297 05 .Iplin I !\i'll\. clotiiuig 5,1 J N Moniz.ioal 10 4s P hrauier. Ma a, water repair 200,1 Al Knit, shoes y, it selinelaeniiiii, cinthlng 1 so ( SIOI-k. work :i 7ft J) A Heck, (lolhing 470 P Kiani.-r. Sn'll'. boarding, 4.54 25 John iiii'kle, shoes 7 yo $3:115 07 Count) K.|icn»cs I.SS7, ,'Ga VV ( anipbeli.hantwure.. . ~ Si!i 09 I? G Wahe,,. to »,-is;er .' i 113 VV .1 .."eloil-on li;ioK blndinir 500 00 t bn\ ' «] ;j, V. II I,iihk umiiuir counsel 51,, l-ei s Car Us o.\tu o.ia\ 1 .17 VV I N a litHsnli bojK binding Us *k> I li smtoo arranging papers 11 lieo.S Mialfuer haiillug 1 ~0 VI Cramer Jory bo>: 300 i II Million Indexing lij 01 Miss ikOuiiiso.i pan.otiiue 2 no I 11 I.aekey l'a\ Register, .V 2 no Ns Grossman • 4',5 I. PVV iiiK< r cos s 2 s>7 \ ;in.-,he:| arranging papem U7 ;.o I R':o» tax book 1 00 f;m l ursjuie tat register tkj 1 lion .Mgglo •• | sj v M 1 onielliM " 1 i4i i> I'ruiglt) •• y [ aso I 1» Payne cost i; 20 I lias Book •• '. 75. VV ( 'oopcr " _ fj jo ' f Islie,' •• 0 '^o sainnel Gill •• 5 I'bos I ,slier •' ' j j>.) >V K Slew art •• 7, "a iVL.dcNiglu " 41 72 U 111 VVellei judgment Wi 40 K II Bole cost 1 (ly I lios Vloore dividing Bntler born p) na 4 1* Jiowser Ci>niiiilsj>io,a('rs cuiiiisel ;*> eo . N Gi'alialli djvitilllU BUtler burn 25 00 Ulil (i'!rlit/ seftlllj; sTladt' trees 9 Oil lojiu liuuiphry Ui.idmg Butler boro. .. 10 on I niuK boardiuii Jurors 3 £■, I .SollenbaUgll tax book 71 \ G Williams all county t 0111 2 00 Mary Fitheau assessors not 00 iVatcr * tl»»ry lIIIN. 11,1 Turner : $ or, sn II Pi.vor i 25 I C Kelly* 7 'Hi II Breaden 950 ' tieriinl 4 ini irnblisx Kirk 300 lllckel A' Hlehl 20 00 Flick * Kennedy.., 0 oil May A Albert..'. 350 1 vi Turner • .... 0 r.2 W G 111-Id 4 00 Total li3i on Itrldge viewers #q ■rttte laqjsmi lnu ia ilovaljr Auditor*. K 1: Ma-irUotf.., lino oi Vl U >r}aT lie) mi 1 I G Mvuro 100 00 Totnl $3OO 00 'ourt Auditor fioo 00 lodexlnt. E I llriigh $5OO :in 1 II Suit 11 "VI Miss Jennie MclUvalu lf> 75 *l OW 52 Clerk of Courts. iieulieu McElvalu $4lO !*i l»ff and .lucMmrat for 18t»" I tg~~ O ! s ; g 8 3 DISTRICTS. I f Ad?ms iwp $ % 29 $1986' IS Allegheny 51 99 l. r >79 ;{o Butler 4D 74 ;;■&>» 7 61 3619 74 Cranberry 75 12 1976 02 Concord 33 7:1 1U79 t>3 Donegal 57 95 1445 05 Forward 1.11 82 1820 30 Fairv:ew 15i< 4(i 1618 76 Franklin 52 2:) 1840 53 Jeff- r.s n 122 03 1968 60 Ja> k o 162 50 1953 11 Lan&fter 128 33 1605 5« Marion 7f i 9 1671 67 Middlesex 6o 54 1!'78 64 Mercer 36 19 1032 61 Mnddr creek s7 1983 35 Oakland 117 35 1713 82 Penn ... 262 85 21 >5 80 Parker 91 82 1696 50 Summit 90 39 1933 61 Slipperyrock 120 74 2275 0!' Veuanjro 25 72 1610 64 Washington 108 4 ! 1*37 !'4 \\ inlieiu 154 44 1803 62 Worth 133 60 2011 02 Boro of Kutler 565 08 4668 68 " Centreville. 27 60 453 43 " Kvans City 70 27 332 73 " F.iirview 50 98 259 'M " Harmony 32 63 6i'B *»5 " Marrisvule 97 DS 33.'! 48 " Karns City 675 179 83 " Millerstown 158 67 437 75 " Prospect 38 49' 432 44 " lYtrolia ' 17 97 250 50 " I'ortersville : 245 35 " Saxonburg • 147 00 351 95 " Suubury 24 20 233 OS " 231 99' 688 19 Tote) $4412 42 68333 87' Printing Account. Butler Eagle str.o .is Butler Citizen Rutler Hi mid j7y ar Pet rolbi Record ■£& oi Valley NVr.'.i il;i Millers". 7 00 Architect, J 1* Bailey it T2O mi Commonwealth $3 212 o< Commissioners' Clerk. S T Marshall,days' service ?rs2 "* '• •• balance due from INJU 4uo 00 Total f 1 I*2 8(1 ltistrlct Attorney. s l> Snyder sns on C A Mefiiemn 1 sij Total 3O Dlxraont Hospital. Dr II A Hutchison...s2 211 si County Detect he. John Dobson li;S 8. D L Dunbar ' ~>!Mi 0 total ids si. Election account #2 not 64 Inquest account $202 sf Jury Commissioner!!. Fred Hetinlnger $lll m Z McMlchael 1-.M 44 Total !K Barbara Uennlnger. Jury Corns.' clerk $3O cc Jury account $9 0 John Flu,lloy, transcribing $w 01 Tipstaves' account #1 119 3t Warren Hospital J2SS cr. Western Penitentiary account $7Bl so Refunding account sr> u State Docket K\.miliier. , .111 Sutton sen on Mrs \V li Co.bert 10 1*) Total 17: i 00 Commissioner*' Couniiel* S F Bowser . j«O4 c, W A Forquer 100 O'J Total : $4Ol «3 Tearhrni Institute. J L Snyder $2OO 00 Interest eit Bonds. Coiijions ?:l 913 00 Tax on bonds 140 02 Total $2 053 02 Soldier*' Uurlal Account. Wm Kurtner tor Jotiiali Fleeter, dee'd .*."5 00 Her man Sea ton lor John Navy, dte'd 35 00 It Mc Kee for JBH Maxwell, dee'd ."i5 00 (j F Fumley lor I'IKW McUiunif, dee'd 35 00 Week bt e. > r&< 'ovt ri f>rJ as Dau^beriy, dee'd 35 00 Total $175 00 Soldiers' Tombstone Account. MoCandless Ac Stewart lor Josiati Flee- Iter, dee'd ...$l5 00 Met'aniileKs & Stewart lor Richard II illnml. dee'd 15 00 McCamlles- Slewnrt :br kV JBr .wn, Krowti, d M 15 00 MeCandioss & Stewart lor Jas Max well,'d 15 00 4 Stewart for J W Brown. dee'd 15 00 Mct'vndless & Htcwtirt lor James Dougherty, dt-e d 15 00 Tolal $9O 00 Commissioners' Account. I C Breudeu 313 >iays (11 $782 50 I C Kelly " " " ' 7*2 60 I M Turner '• " " 752 .*0 Total $2317 50 Stationery Acroiint. lohnston .t H'JUSOU.,.. s9fil 65 W T Nicholson 38 75 I i! itoujjiass 3ft 03 liidtruay Publishing Co 33 95 K li liuitvr.u 79 58 &Hhbr & Vincent...:.'. 17 75 II C jleinetnau 5 4" Total $1175 11 . ; j - J CommlHKlonrrx' Travellnv Kxpensen. I M Turner $«0 25 I C Breaden 38 9.V I C Kelly 48 55 Tolal ; $167 75 Exjiress, t Kalston oarrM'ts «V>-* 26 •\rchberirer freacoeiug 939 00 I'eter Schenck arbitrating 12 r ' 00 kV S Foil Ik arbitratine 62 50 VlcCandless *! A vVin Campbell i\ardware 122 64 [) I. t Iceland winding c10ck.... 47 25 llairv ttreifu runnini; boiler . ltMl (K) Hall's H«fe tk Lock Co 580 00 kliscellancous ittma Total $30843 03 B-*hit»r tad Brrordrr'a irwiat. State bill $74 40 Constable return $64 86 Militia Enrollment ace i n' $64 03 Court Hons Janitor, l, * }. Vic . k -$223 00 h T Morlan qq Thos Brown s*o 00 T " tai $826 00 Scalp account „ %74$ 30 KEt'APITI'I.ATIOjr. Treiunrer J A Srßarllc .'i Xrft with BatlerC*. DK. to am 1 i t received From collectors previi to Jau 4, 1887, county uz $ 151*44 go rr.'tu collectors previous to Jan 4, ISB7, State tax 28 County tax for ISS7 42944 91 State tax for 1887 . .... 3210 89 Ree'd from townships u Dixmont ami W arret! hositim 1467 35 Rec'd from Comnih>ir . -rs l < ;; ;• :::: sgg • liquor fine 1056 50 l ury tees 285 48 do- regtsi; lt .un , 300 Amount in Treasury J.u, 2, 18«8... 3814 tj 75 lax ou loans due from 7 72 .treasurer's commission of 4 per cmt. on $55 000 00....:.; 2200 00 Treasurer's commis«i.>u of 14 p*r cent, ou ii-i 312 00 514 (jg Bal. in Treasury Jan J. !588.......1. '28859 29 Tot& ' f121636 80 " tost of Court Uoasc. Building, furnishing, ic., all com- P lete 00 Statement of the Ha*, sof Batler Cooul). At'. I. Amount due from collf Mrs $35 595 gy " " _ townships on Dixmont and Warren l>o«pital«. 4 550 93 Bui. due in Treasury Jan 2, 1888... 28 859 29 ToUl ...'....569 *305 87 „ . . . Liabilities, wonds bearing 4 per ct .t. interest GO 000 00- Bal. assets over liabilities 9 305 87 Bonds above become du, as follows: $25 o IK>, let day of S .ptember. 1888. #2O 000 00, Ist day of S ;>reuiber 1889. sli) 000 00, Ist 10 the best of our judgment and belief, ;•.! 1 the foregoing is a correct statement of the various accounts of said \_auuty aod Ctomtuuuwealth. JQ wit uess whereot we have h> unto aet oar haoda aud seals this od Ol i Vbruarv A D IAM X. S. V UKW OLFE. [SEIL] JAS L lIINDMAN, [SEAL| R. A. K t.N'ZKE, [SKAL] Auditon. We, the undersigne., 1687, order its put- u-ation. 'J. C. K ELLY, A. J. 11BTCHI80N, Afiest: li. M. DUNCAJT, S. 1. MARSHALL. Commissioner* LOOK! BEAD! I have enlarged my store-room, In fart, madu It almost twfve as large ..s it wax- betore, ana . have also Increased my ■' .ct. I have, by far, the largest :iulnof tills counts'— even better ttinu In the i . r. . .. Vou will do »v-11 to call (in tut- when In the Dec < ot anything In the line ot Fine Crags aso Medicines. Mv stock is very complete nad PRICES VERY Lo\\ in medicine quail'. is of the first Impor tance. so we give pe,rt!i u!.:r attention TO* rtlllnsr l'rescrlptlons. our Dispensing: Depnr;;f n». Is complete. We dispense only Pure Druys.e. UlO Finest ■■ Quality, and our patrons may l niu :us their prescrip tions, feeling certain that '.hay will be carefully aud accurately tilled. Thnnktng the pitnTlc fer (he verj" generous-. ' patronage they have accor 'ed me In the past. I hope u> be able to serve uk m more acceptably In the future, at tie old stand. No. 5, North Alain St., , BUTLEIt, PA. J. C. BSDICK, »> r T Wonder* f \t In thoutajidp. of Ii V b ytoims. but are f,a; passed by the rnar- II r|| v»is 01 la»eutlon. Those who are In wtll need ot ■roiitaiilo work that can'be done while living at home should at once st ud their arldroea to HA'.lctt & Co.. Portland. Maine and receive free, f ill Information how either sex, of all ages, crn ' ttrn from ts to -9£> per day and npwai-ds wherever ihey live. You are started free, capital nor, required. Some have made over #OO in a single dot' at this work, A U succeed. ~y -t 4~ A Happy New Year To All. I take this moans of show ing my appreciation of the liberal support given me dur ing the past year, and extend to all heartfelt w shes for their happiness theco ning year. Having gained the confi dence of my customers by hon est dealing and lair prices, I *hall endeavor to continue to deserve it in the iuture. Hoping for a continuance of >•011 r patronage, I im Very respectfully yourt •• * J. H. DOUGLASS, No. 03 S Maut St. BUTLER. - - a-»-87'iy; • BUY YOjlfi HOMES I'nlted Security I.If? Insurance and Trust Co., of Pa. Money to Homes, Mm thly dues not. iniiw.' ihuiiu fair rent. Pv v " uientu decretive yeftrlv. In Vvehf ,rtl Aeuh prior to 11 u pit Men i t 1 ji: en).s. balance «f en L umbrance canceled. * ■ - r Money «-'i It Prop'r. ' A *J FRANK & CO." S—DKALBBt5 —DKALBBt iNrrrr ' CHEkrCfLS AND TfftUT ARTICia; SPONGER, B HUN UK?. AC wr-ni# jaelaW i'Wbcrii•: carefully co^i »* • * nCTSiE 45 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa.