Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 10, 1888, Image 1

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    VOL. XXV.
New Drug Store
Where you will find a full line of Fine Drugs, Chemicals, Per
fumes and Toilet Articles. Agents for
Mi Alma*
Montrose Dealer.
Eeno, and
Scissors Cigars.
Best 6 and 10 cent Cigars in town.
Prescriptions carefully compounded by an experienced
jfour patronage respectfully solicited.
DR. D. E. WILES, Prop'r.
Will open his new store on Saturday, Feb. 4tli with a full
line of
Clothing, Gents' Furnishings,
I call particular attention to my full and complete line ol
Foreign and Domestic
For making up suits to order. I employ the bent of work
ineu and all garments made by me are war
ranted. and guaranteed to fit. Our
terms are strictly cash and
Give me a call before purchasing,
In I. J. McCandlens* New Building, on Main Street, op
posite the Post Office, Butler, Pa.
Great 60 Day Clearing Out Sale
For the next sixty days, that is, until March Ist, the
time we (alee our inventory, during all that time we
will offer .our stock at way-down prices. If you
need dress goods, if you need domestic
goods, if you need carpets, if you need
furnishing goods, if you need
wraps, call in and we will
give you surprising
have a very large line of Plush Sacques and Dolmans, Ladies'
Newmarkets and Jacket*, Misses'and Children's W raps,
all in new goods, and no reasonable offer will bo
l*Pl nf
■■ " ■— <"■ ■ • ■ '
Iniiuee ud Real Estate
Valtad te« atllr Life Inauraaee and Trust Co..
Money to Buy Homes.
Mo* iWy 4vmn act »ore tbaa a fair rem. I'ay
■aMa dwnaaa yearly. In event of death
«t* cbuptottoa U paviatDla. balance ot en
raaot cueaM.
Money to Loan.
Baal aauto bought and aotd oa commission.
Waata* bouase to reat aad route collected.
No. 88 South Main Bt.,
Butler, Pa.
Ovet Uoa.'a Drug More.
'B—UMll 'I »l>i
H—a lainirr «o<aif aag
iaiM|H|4 Nqac lajaaaoom
tfwn «■* Mmaur
Orphans' Court ' Sale.
Til ? U £ °/ *" ord ' r of thfi Orphans'
Court of Butler county, the unc'ersiirned
•xocotor. of the laat will and testamen? of
John Wyko, dec'd, late of Washington twp.,
Butler oounty. Pa., will offVr at public oit
•aTd°oo«nty/©a"' n Wa ' hin K ton *»P-.
Monday, February 20, 1888.
ULY^-!? I V*L' tb S ! o,lowin * described
real estate: One hundred aad fifty acres of
IU lw P- bonded and
described as follow*, north by lands of Mrs.
L Mt by lanJs George Morris
bTlud? Si? v ' ? merr et 41 * od
J * ruum et *l. mostly
ill* sood5 ood iUlte of clutivation,
well improved and well watered.
One-third purchase money
®5X d °? confirmation of sale bv the Court
'■ two equal annual in
,Mten!" liefer red install*
menu, to be secured by bond and mort K aL'«\
w l). »/,''• No " hr "'
AJWf frame boarding houm. pood location
and doing larjf« Terms ea§v. lor
further jwrtiri l;tr« Inquire of
'• MfItJIKiSI, 17 K. ioftTNon St.,
Hutlir, h.
Advertise in the CITIZEN.
Tlie t*eor>le's Great
; We announce to the people tar anil wide that
we will exhibit our collossfll aggregation of
startling wonders, 10 secure which HI! parts of
the earth— Europe. A«la, ami portions of the l' -
s>. have been searched, and such an aggregation
1 as has sever been seen since the (l»y Noah enter
ed the Ark. The mighty Elephant,the great Rhi
noceros, the Hlppopottomas.the chlmpanzie.the
on-rang-outang or run-out and stick-out your
tongue-out. the greatest living wonders of the
age will excite no wonder wnen compared with
the multitude of monster attractions on exhibi
tion at our grear moral Circus and Menagerie,
i 'l'tie roars unit howls of the would-be competl
j tor who Aprs the methods, but cries down the
I attractions of our own and only Greatest show
I on earth wl!l be drowned In the Joyful aeclam-
I atlons of a delighted populace. Kemember this
! great show possesses no objectionable features
i and is ihe <leli„-lit of the cultured and refined.
1 We show under one canopy four great shows,
the Largest Stock—Greatest variety—Best
Goods and styles-Lowest Price*. We have se-
I cured a magnificent Brass Band which will be
! a prominent leature of our great show. .1 rings
' with a separate and continuous performance
! being enacted In each ring.
attractions. 3 Jolly clowns. The greatest liv
ing. walking, breathing. talking curiosities of
the at;e. I'liiiltnv I'liellows—sure to sell >ou
und all the people "laugh when they see the bar
gains.! lie* otter Other and greater attractions
greet the delighted eye on every side—the Pro
prietor and Managers swinging in the flying
trapeze attached to the highest pinacle of suc
cess. give snch exhibitions of nerve and daring
in sweeping reductions, gorgeous displays anil
wondfriul bat gains as to call forth the plaudits
of the most prudent ana economical. The man
agement beg leave to announce that in their un
tiring zeal in the .search for the rare and curious,
astonishing results have always followed and
we open for your Inspection a collos
sal collection 01 bright and new Kali
Styles in Mens' Bo\s' and Chlldrens"
<'tothing, Hals, Caps I'uderwear, sinrts,
Collars, l uffs. I ies. Hosiery. Handker
chiefs.Mi.fllcis. Gloves. Mittens, Umbrel
las. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, ."straps,
Brushes. Combs, Jewelry, Corsets. Jer
seys, Stockings with a full line of Notions, &C,
Big bargains all through the show.
.Song by the Clown : -
Men and \ontli and boys and all,
Short and So'id.leau and tall.
•Who need a Milt ol cloth* s this fall.
We iio invite \ou now to call
For v.< are lolling Oil the bull.
And >Oll are sure 10 make a haul,
Whaicvi r you purchase,great or small.
Song 2 ••What are the wild waves saying."
Buy your Clothing and Furnishing goods of
D. A. iIKCK.
Song ." "Her bright smile haunts me still."
Tile .smile of satisfaction that beamed from
the face of the laoy who dressed her little
boy m one ol Heck's iriesisfable suits.
If you want to save money and increase your
pile droppiu and C HECK,'and he'll make you
all smile.
He possesses the power to spread happiness
And his store Is tlie place where bargains are
l>oors open at 7 A.M. Close at s r. M. Ad
mittance touts Free. Uidies and children half
price. Hcrneinber the place.
Xo. 11, North Main St.. Uilf)'« Blork,
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard
J. L. fUftVIS. L. O. rUKVIB
5.6. Purvis & Co.
Rough and Planed Lumber
fteprUerman (Jnfholl^dhnrcli
Ofßce at No. 4r>, S. Main streel, over Frank &
Co's Uiuc Store. Butler, I'a.
Att'\ "at, Law—Office at S. E. for. Main St, ;ind
Diamond. Butler. I'a.
Att'y at Law—Office on South side of Diamond.
Butler, l'a.
Attorney at I.aw. cni<e at No. 17, East, Jeffer
son St ~ Builei. I'a.
All work pertaining lo tlie profession execut
ed m the neatest manner.
Specialties Gold rillines, and Painless Ex
traction of Teeth. Vitalized Air administered.
Ufllce on JeflVrsou Htrwt, one door Kant of Lowrj
HOIK, L'p Stairs.
(itllce open daily, except Wednesdays and
Thursdays. Communications bv mail "receive
prompt attention,
Si. B.— The only Dentist in ButJer using the
best makes of teeth.
Office No. <35 South Main Street,
Physician and Burgeon,
No. 10 West Cunningham St.,
0 1/ \VAI.I>!!<»\, Graduate of ttic Phila
• "■ delphia liental ( ollege. is prepared
to do anytime lit the line of bis profession in a
satisfactory manner.
Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block
up stairs. «
J. S. LUSH, M.I) ,
H;is removed from Harmony to Butler and hiu
his office at. No. 9, Main St., three doors below
Lowry House. apr-.'io-tf.
MR. R.~ J. LAMB.
Organist and Choir Master,
St. Peter's German Church. Butler.
Pianofortes and Organs Tuned nn'l Keirulat
ed. T;rins on application. :ki West JctT.ison
ou filti in H II »t 1 la** Advert nip » I nit; 7 '
vr ho will couiract tor advertising at rule**
in d .g e sf< on
peps ia, constipation f
orcjeneral defc»l'fy% headac/ie
lassifuc/e, diseases of Women,
sc. Near]/ joutujp lOGforSOt.
ylfhlcbhoro'.. Remedies, are sc id by
'alldruaqi&S Send oeents for
Ihe beauti'ful colored picture, the
/<\ooftiSHGmi.ffrtilcl>l\oroiQc.ii2 W&II St-N.Y$
| Hop Plaster I
▲ A peculiar and suoceeeful combination of 8 OOth* »
I ;ng, pain-killing; & strengthening agents +
♦ Fresh Hops, Hemlock (jam and Pine Balsam. *
A Pain, soreness and weakness in the back, side, .
J kidneys, chest, shoulder, neck or limbs, are ail
A Instantly relieved and cured. f
T Sweet, freeh, reliable and never-Calling-war-
! ranted the best plaster known. Sold every- J
t where. Price 25cta; 5 fortl. Mailed for price. ,
♦ II OP PLAKTEK CO., Proprietor*, lio» to a. ▼
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary having been granted- by
Hi" Register, totlie undersigned on tin? estate
ot Samuel Snyder, dee'd. late of WinlleUl twp
Butler county. I'a.. therefore all persons having
claims against said estate will present them
duly authenticate.! for :-ett'.ein.'*nt and all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to the said
estate will make immediate payment ot the
same, N. M. KIKKI.ANO, Ex'r
Len.su rvllle.
Dec. :<o. I*B7, Butler Co., i'a.
Insolvent Notice.
Notice is hereby given thai 1 will make appli
cation to the Court ot Common Pleas of Butler
<o.. Fb.. on tlie first Monday <>i Marcb Term,
lsss. foriny ilnal discharge under the insolvent
laws, m me suite ot Pennsylvasla, the court
having lixed said date lor a nnal hearing of the
ease. J. A. STKVVAKT.
Dec. 5, 'S7.-3t.pd
List for Feb. 13, ll^BB.
List of .1 urors drawn to serve in a Special
tei m of Court commencing the id Monday of
Feb. ts»H IK-lng the l.'ltli any.
At well David. Marion twp.. tartiier.
Bowers Martin. Middlesex rp.. farmer,
liryson \V. .J.. Mercer tp.. larmer.
Iturkhart Joseph, I'etrolla. shoemaker.
Campbell J. H.. '• .grocer.
Denny Wm.. Wlntleld tp., farmer.
Daulienspeck 0.K., I'f-jker tp.. farmer.
Kuglisti (ienrge. Muddycreek ip„ farmer.
Kiliot.t Joseph. Butler Boro, 2d w, painter. '
Ekas David. Buffalo tp.. farmer,
Kdmuiidson John, Conno'g tp, farmer.
Kvans J. Karns City. Laborer.
Kngelhardt Philip. Jefferson tp.. farmer.
Fleming Samuel H.. ltulTalo tp. farmer.
Fetzert;. F , MUlerstown. producer,
l'ornnger Sltuoii. Fnlnlew E., farmer,
Uraham James. Butler Boro 2d w.. laborer,
Grossman John cl«y tp. fanner.
(iraham \V B. Baldrldge, farmer,
tilbson G. 11. Venango tp., mechanic.
(iraham I. .V. Evans City. J. P.
llockenberry B. L. Cherry tp. larmer.
Hemphill S. Clinton tp. farmer,
Houston W. J. Buiralo tp. farmer.
Hllllard K. J.. Barker tp, farmer.
.Tatuis.'ii K. K, Venango tp. faimer.
Kohlmeyer M.'B. Venango tp. farmer,
Kennedy Fierce. Muudycreok tp. farmer.
King (ieorge. Fall-view E.,farmer.
Litzlngrr H. (>, Mllleistown. laborer.
McCoy John F. Mercer tp. farmer.
McGucken John, Cleartleld tp. clerk,
McMurry Hnph. Farkertp, farmer.
Mllllnger Lewis. Oakland tp, farmer-
Markle Daniel, Forward tp. farmer.
Miller Henry. Butler Boro 2d wwagoner.
Maxwell J. J. Falrview Boro. Livery.
Xeyman J. 11, Oakland tp, farmer.
Parks Joseph L. Middlesex tp, farmer.
Plsor.l. H. Worth tp, farmer.
I'atton Kob'f, Fairvlew tp. gent.
Rllev Samuel, Forward tp. farmer.
Scott William. Franklin tp. farmer,
schont/. A, B, Jackson W., farmer,
Schenck Peter, Butler Boro 2d w„ carpenter.
Stoner Henry, Washington tp. fanner.
Shancr Charles, Conno'g s. tp, farmen-.
Taylor John. Sr.. Mercer tp. laborer.
Thompson I). M, Fairvlew w. tp, farmer.
Vozel George. Butler tp. farmer.
Wahl Martin, Forward tp. fanner.
Wler A. D. Butter Boro 2d w„ gent.
Wendllng A. 1). conno'g tp, s. farmer.
Wasson w. J, Washington tp, N, carpenter
Jury Lists for March Term.
List of Grand Jurors drawn to serve iu the
< ourt of (Quarter sessions, commencing the
tlrst Monday ol Murch, isss. being the ot 11 day:
Adams Leander. Marlon twp.. fanner.
Baily Thomas, Marlon twp., farrier.
Brown 11. J.. Mercer twp., farmer.
Black R. P.. Allegheny twp.. producer.
Brown A.Penn twp., farmer.
Garvey Milton. Baldrldge, producer.
Gleun'Gally, Jr.' Muddycreek twp., farmer.
hllroyJ. 8.. Petrolla. merclutnt.
Kirkpatrlck David, center twp., farmer.
LutzJohn. Lancaster twp.. laborer.
John it., Middlesex twp., farmer.
Musser Jacob. Muddycreek twp.. larmer.
V.cClymonds Joseph, Worth twp., farmer.
Miller Peter. Muddycreek twp., farmer.
McKinney Alex.. < lay t wp., farmer.
McDeimott own s. Bulfalo twp., farmer.
Niggle Dav:d, Butler boro., wl ward, merchant,
orr Joseph. Parker t« p.. carpenter.
Hose John M.. Forward twp.. runner.
Hoital Henry. Washington twp., N„farmer,
lienno i;™., Butler boro . :td ward, marblecutter
Trouttnan tieorge. summit twp.. farmer.
Wlckline David. BtKTalotwp.. tiasketmaker.
Weber Adam. Butler ixjro.. iward, mason.
List of Traverse Jurors drawn to serve In the
Court of quarter Sessions. March Term. lsss.
commencing the 2d Monday, being the 12th
Adams E. ('., Sunbury lioro., merchant.
Bikerl Andrew. Jefferson twp.. farmer.
Brannon Isaac. Franklin twp . farmer.
Bovard Jonathan. Mercer twp., farmer.
Bowman I'red. Saxonburg boro., stonecutter.
Blair John, \ enango twp., farmer.
Bard Robert. Sr.. Centervlile boro,. motllder.
Buhl I'red. Evans City, merchant.
Bell Wm. M„ Mercer twp.. farmer.
Cooveri F. R., Jackson twp., w, farmer.
Christy Wm.. Clay twp., fanner.
Campbell John s.. sunluirv boro., teacher.
Christy Plumincr, Washington twp., N, larmer.
Campbell Samuel B , Concord twp., farme.
Dunbar Si lomon. Forwari ttrp,, farmer.
Greer Joseph, Venango twp.. farmer.
Ganther L. F..Butler boro. id ward, carpenter.
Gordon Samuel, Concord twp.. farmer.
Harper Fllmer, Washington twp., X, marble
Hull James, Forward tup , laborer.
Hlldcbraud Frank. Donegal twp., farmer.
Ivlrk Harvey, Butler boro.. ad wartl, liveryman.
King v. Baldrldge, pumper.
Kllngler('lirlst. Penn twp., tanner.
Uitran James, Wltiileld twp.. merchant,
l.eldeeker J. A.. Butler boro.. Ist ward, operator
I.afever Isaac. .Jefferson twp.. farmer
Morrison .1. L, Butler lioro.. :td ward, grocer.
Mi inks Weslev, Middlesex twp., farmer.
MaurhotT K. K., ( llntoii twp., farmer.
Mcl'.i lde Robert, Franklin twp. farmer.
Melntyre John. BufTaio twp.. farmer.
McKee W. l'., Washington twp., n, laborer,
l'alnter Jobit S.. ( lay twp.. farmer.
Few Joseph s.. Mercer twp.. painter.
Patterson W. (i.. Baldrldge. farmer.
Hummel John. Wlnfteld twp., contractor.
Klcliardhon Newton, Cranberry twp., tanner.
Kenlek (». \V., NUpperyrock twp., farmer.
Stewart Leonard. Washington twp.. farmer.
Slilra W. 11.. Parker twp., farmer.
Thompson N. 11., Brady twp., farmer.
Thompson T. J.. Hay twp.. farmer.
West John, Butler boro.. _'il ward, plasterer.
Webb John. Mlpperyrock twp,. farmer.
Wick .1. 11., (oinotd twp., farmer.
Walters Jacob, Jefferson twp.. farmer.
Wiles Joseph, Venango twp., farmer.
Orphans' Court Sale.
ON MONDAY. FEB. 27, 1888, at 10 o'clock
a.m. on the premised, I will expose at public
sale the following real estate of
Samuel Braham,
late of Centerville, Butler county, Fa., dee'd.
All that piece of land situate in the
borough of Centreville, county of Butler,
and Htate of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows: Commencing at a post and
running south by New Castle and Scrubgrass
road sixty-one fwet to a post, thence west by
an alley 180 (Vet to a post, thence north by
an alley sixty-five and one-half leet to a
post, thence east by land of Reformed Pres
byterian Church 180 feet to the place of be
ginning, having erected thereon a frame
dwelling house of six rooms and a kitchen,
frame stable and oilier outbuildings,
TERMS:—One-third cash on confirmation
of sale by the Court, remainder in two equal
annual installments with interest to be secur
ed by bond and mortgage.
Executor ofSainuel Braham, dee'd.
T. C. CAMI'IiELI., Att'y.
H|nigl si Krwiirdod arc those who read tills
U]| Ul land then art; they will Mud hou-
Btj I I f| I lorable employment that will not
10 2 IS U I- I take them from their homes and
families. The profits are large and sure for
ever} - Industrious persou. ujan.v have mad'- and
an- now making several hundred dollars a
month. It Is easy for any one to make fo and
upwards per day, who Is willing to work. Either
sex, young or old; capital not needed: we start
you. Everything new. No special ability re
quired; you. reader can do it as well as any one.
Write to us at once for mil particulars,wUk b we
mall free. Address stinson 4' Co.. Portland, Me.
IMI B . , Mil £i*nvjf i»f &lin»nk
N. W. 4YEH A SON, our nattMiirviti*
Origin Of St. Valentine
When old St Valentine was youne,
lie lot v i a maiden for above him:
He told his tale with trembling tongue;
She plainly said she could not love
Hut he was of persistent kind;
And midnight saw him by his taper,
Revolving rhyme* in his tortured mind,
To tell love's story fond on paper.
'T was dainty ver*e when it was done,
It's golden letters ranged in order,
Cupids and hearts each line upon,
And roses running 'round the border.
He signed no name, but .just the date—
The fourteenth day of February
A ki-s for seal, a prayer to fate,
Then sent it to the I'riucesa Mary.
She read it once—her cheek grew red;
She read it twice—her heart grew
And love it warmth around her shed,
While wit soon told who was the writer.
She wrote one little word-twas "Come!"
And sent it to the ardent wooer,
A moment he with joy was dumb,
The next his leet were flying to her.
Aud they were wed: and Valentine
And Mary often gave thankgiviug;
She liked to quote his grand old line:
*• Without love life's uot wort a the
living !"
As lovers' friend he gained renown,
And proved that love was all 'twas
The greatest matchmaker in town
(Jot what he merited when sainted,
'Tis many years ago since then;
Vet leap-year, 'SB, discovers
That Valentine, by maids and men,
Is still beloved —the saint of lovers.
Court and Jury, Law and Law
Goo. W. Merrick, in Wellsboro, IV,
I ask space for a few articles on
the above topics without,so far as I
know, any main purpose in doing so,
unless the pleasure anticipated iu
the writing BDd the possible interest
others may take in the reading bo
such purpose. It it be said this is
uot the highest purpose, it
may still be thought a per
missible one; and should it lighten
an occasional leisure hour for the
writer it will repay him; whether it
will do so for tho reader—he must
take the chauces.
Many an incident in Court, a wit
ty remark from the bench, sharp
shooting between counsel, some strik
ing phase of a trial, a happy hit in ex
amination , a quick retort from wit
ness, a telling anecdote, strong appeal
or blilliant argument,—unless gather
ed up aud saved in some way, all
these fade from the memory and are
soon forgotten. To recall and sketch
as well as may be with a somewhat
unused pen these fleeitng scenes and
impressions, among other things, not
to forget old things already saved, it
is thought to do; but without claim
to originality in matter or manner.
Anything coming to hand which will
serve, of thought or sentiment, fact,
fancy or story, will be used withont
always stopping to credit the author
The Law, written and unwritten,
is the Science of order and justice.
Human society is bnilt up by the
and cross-play of mutual and diverse
interests; and Law, in a word, is the
Science which reconciles and regula
tes the clash of conflicting interests,
not only in the relation of individuals
and groups to each other, but in their
relation to the state And as the stu
dent observes this intricate maze of
manifold interests and relations and
notes the order and harmony which
the law has evolved out of conflict
and confusion, he begins to see glimp
ses or outlines of the science which
will continue to discover unsuspected
truth and beauty to him so long as he
remaius its student.
It is well for the law student that
he cannot, during his novitiate, real
ize the magnitude of his task; |
otherwise tie might be daterred from
undertaking it Hut learning by de
grees the inimeusity of the fields
which open up to research, he be
comes fixed iu his profession before
learning much of the dimensions of
his undertaking, and must perforce go
on Fully equipped, such student, to
begin with, should have a high order
of intellect, a broad grasp of mind
lie should have a collegiate educa
tion; be must have a fair education
[t is a wrong to any young man to
urge him to undertake the law short
of this. He may, by native force and
application, succeed signally without
a classical education, but without a
good English education he will al
ways feel his limitations and seldom
reach distinction in his calling
The standard for admission to the
bar in tbis district ban in receul years
been considersbly raised, and the re
sult in observable in the superior at
tainments and standing of many mem
bers of ibe junior bar. Tbe writer
has served twelve years upon tbe Ex
amining Committee, and can speak
with knowledge of the brilliant exam
inations of many of the younger mem
bers of the bar. Once in a while, of
course, there is one w ho fails to" make
the ritHo," and of such an instance I
have a case in mind. The applicant
was of a hoptlul and confident tem
perament, and was before us for tbe
second time. Confidence is said to
be a plant of slow growth, but in some
breasts it has a phenominal growth;
and it is not always the child of
knowledge, for it grows less as we
more fully appreciate what we don't
know; and this latter condition in
creases as our intellectual horizou ex
pands. In this case a number of easy
questions received problematical an
swers. Tbe following are given as
a sample:
"We now give you a suppositive
question, but you are to deal with it
as it it were true:lf t«ven is one-fourth
of twenty, what is one-half of twen
He dropped his meditating head
into bis hand, where it rested seem
ingly a full minute, when suddenly
raising it, he said:
"That's not a fair question."
"Not a fair question; bow so?"
"Because you don't give me any
thing to Btart from!"
"Well, we'll give you something
to Htart from. Suppose I should sav,
We should have went to tea before
this examination began. Would
that be correct? "Instantly tbe an
swer came: "Yes that is correct, but
it is not so elegant as if
you bad i*aid, We ought to have went
to tea before this examination began "
Additional poiut is given to tbis
when it is stated tbe applicant bad
been a school teacher. lie thought
tbe Committee's standard too high,
for, after a third trial, be failed to
reach it.
A story is told of Wilmot. Ad tun - am
Pierce, of tbe Bradford countv bur
i who were appointed to examine i
young man who imagined he hud oh
tained "a borozontal view"' of Sii
! William Blackstoue, but who on ex
i aminatiou proved to be inuocenl
' of knowledge of that ancient worthy,
bis commentaries or any other rudi
ments of law. But he pleaded for fa
j vor on the ground that he wanted to
I "go West and grow up with thecoun
j try," aud.'he examiners promised to
! move his admission. But how to
; comply with the rule of Court requir
i in? the Commitee to certify that the
! applicant was well-read in the ele
ments of law and qualified to practice
—that was the question. Pierce,
however, was equal to it, aud moved
his admission in these words: "May
it please your Honor, we have exam
ined this young man, and we (lad
him grounded in the law, aud quali
fied to practice—out West."
Courts are honorable institutions
where just ice is dispensed—not dis
pensed with, as disappointed suitors
sometimes are inclined to believe.
Rightly constituted and conducted,
their decisions should generally
do command obedience and respect
in settling disputed questions ot fact
and law. Dignity ajd gravity char
acterize the bench; but occasionally a
cause gets into court, or witnesses in
support ot It do, that prove too much
for vbe dignity of the Court itself
I Lave in mind such a case occuring
in ihls district about ten years ago.
There are witnesses and witnesses,
but perhaps the most trying of any
are tbe garrulous sort, generally old
ladies. This cause was, I think, the re
sult of an affray of some kiud in which
the witness and her two sons were
in some way mixed up. She was
from an outlying district, of full habit
of body and unstayed by the trappings
of fashion. She was rather more than
"fair,'fat and forty"—perhaps bixty.
Her features were round and dimpled,
with prominent eyus>; her voice was
low and soft,and her complexion, which
bad on«e beeu fair had now chang
ed to the appearance of a suet puddle.
She proved to be, what her appear
auce indicated, a great talker; indeed
oue of those inveterate talkers whose
"gift of gab" is sometbiug wonderful
to thoso uot so gifted She went on
with her story for a- loug time iu
great detail, and then ran oil, iu her
soft.insinuating way, upon au outside
irrelevant, interminable matter in
greater minuteness of detail and cir
cumstance, until the opposite counsel,
and then her own counsel, and then
both together in their uuited strength
of lung-power, tried to bead her off
and bring her back to the case in
hand. It was of no use,' and they
gave it up. She still ran on and like
the brook in tbe Bong, seemed likely to
"go on forever." Finally the .Judge
concluded to take a hand in it aud
sharply accosted her several times;
but still tho stream of talk ran on like
a flood tide. She was irrepressible
and bound to finish that story or die
in the attempt. Tbe Judge got tired
and gave it up as an incur
able case, and settling back in his
chair with an expression of enforced
resignation, said : "She seems to
be wound up—let her run down!"
The law is progressive in much the
same sense that theology is, perhaps.
Tested by the smallbov idea, theolog
ical advance is marked. ,The earli
est account I heard of the exodus
from Eden was from a five year old
boy repeating his version of it fresh
from the lips of his teacher - "And
then the Lord He let the bars down
and said: 'Now you git!' and they
got!" From that to the laßt answer
of the bright Sunday school boy tbe
advance may be observed: "Tommy,
will you tell these gentleman what
kind of boys go to Heaven?" "Yes,
sir; only the dead ones "
The progress of the law is seen, not
only as a science but as an art, in its
practice and its practitioners In tie
matter of fees of counsel this Colony
in the seventeenth century not only
refused pay for legal services but put
each lawyer under bail not totake"any
reward whatsoever for his pleading;"
and tbe first case iu which the coun
sel was alio we I to "go snacks" with
bis client was thought to cast great
reproach on "'the dignity of the robe."
The idea was, I suppose, to save the
poor lawyers from the dangers of the
"gift-bearing Greeks " ' Presidents
of tbe courts" were not always requir
ed to be learned iu the law. nnd sen
tences varied from "adjudged to
shake hands aud forgive each other"
to "receive at the cart's tail thirty-five
lashes on his bare back round two
squares of this city aud pay the costs,'
aud "to stand iu the pillory one hour
with tbe offense wrote on his bead."
Causes used to be, it is said, tried
more by main strength, so to speak,
thpn by tact and skill iu development
of evidence and application of tho
law. Advocacy may be used as a
bludgeon or as a rapier. Tho old
time couutry practitioner resorted
sometimes to avocations more clumsy
than tbe law, and thus perhaps
brought to the p actice methods and
manners more awkward thau were
suited to it. His office did not entire
ly keep him. and he did no better by
hia office. It was indeed a dark and
dingy den, aud black enough for
black-letter law; where the soil from
innumerable feet overlaid the
floor and the accumulated dust of
years obscured the few and narrow
windows. The primitive yard square,
saw-dust spittoon—if not thought too
luxurious to be indulged in—formed
the central flower piece of this appro
priate surrounding I well remember
bow forbidding it looked to me as a
boy from the outside—was afraid to
venture inside, it seemed to my boy
ish fancy, colored by tbe pi.pular no
tions about lawyers, like a vast spi
der web spread to entrap unwary hu
man flies. What wonder that the
occupant should be called dry-as-dust
and the law a little musty and rusty,
emerging from such a plact-!
All that iB largely changed now
Law offices as a rule are as cleanly,
airy, habitable and iuvitirg as the
neatest of busiuess offices, and clients
may visit them without danger of in
fection, loss of health or temporary re
turn to the "dark ages " And what
is true of the offices may also be said
of the practice and practitioner. As
the industries of a country become
diversified and classified a tendency to
subdivision of labor is observable in
the practice of the law. Specialties or
single branches of the profession are
pursued exclusively. Oonveyrfncing,
or the law of real estate, arid trusts,
criminal, constitutional, insurance,
aud maritime law are uiuoug such
special brauches.
Tho study, practice, growth and
dtfvelojmH-ot Of Uje law and of Its
| priest, the lawyer, will he touched
} upon in a few succeeding papers.
Life in the Oil Regions.
j It used to be related of Vncle Jim
my Kelly, of Wilkensburg, that he
wad such a free indorser of other peo
ple's paper that he carried a bottle of
ink and pen around with him that he
would always by ready to accommo
date a friend This was probably
true for when Uncle Jimmv died be
was supposed to be worth a million or
two, but it was found that the most
ot his estate was required to pay
other people's debts. Col A. I.
Wilcox, the good natured president
of the Bradford Board of Trade, used
to be troubled himself with too much
! of this same milk of human kindness. !
So did Philo Eckley, burgess of Tar-!
port. When Tarport was a bigger
town than Bradford and the oil ex- !
chauge was over there Col. Wilcox I
bad au office in the exchantro build
ing. (Joe day a tall, lank country
man, with burrs in his hair, came
into the colonel's office and said to
"Be you the public indorser?"
The colonel smelt a mouse, but in !
order to pet the game in sight asked j
the countryman what it was he re- \
"I hev a note fer $3OO and they ;
said if 1 could get the public indorser j
to sign it thet I could get the money I
at the bank. They said you was i
public endorser, an would fix it fer !
"Well," said the colonel, "1 was
public indorser last year, but this
year I was defeated by only seven
votes. Philo Eckley, just around the
corner, is public indorser now. and
you will have to see him.''
So the countryman carried his pa
per around to Mr. Eckley's shop.
"Yes, Col. Wilcox is right," said
Mr. Eckley. "1 was elected public
indorser, but he forgets that 1 have
not yet received my commission or
Bled ray bond. I would be clearly
transcending ray official duty and
would lay mvßelf liable to immediate
suspeusion were I to sign your uote "
Mr. Eckley regretted exceedingly that
he could not perform the duties of
the office to which he hud been called
by an overwhelming'vote of the peo
"Hold 011 tberfl, cap," interrupted
the countryman, "Col. Wilcox told
nie that von only beat bim by seven
votes I kiu wait for my $3OO all
rijfLt, but I don't waut any <;aine
'bout overwhelming majoritiefl. when
I know better. lam no d d fool
if 1 do have fits," and llusticud with
drew iu dome heat — Oil Cit't Der
Reciprocal Jnfluence of Sense
Some interesting experiments on
the reciprocal influence of organs of
sense have been recently made by
Herr Urbanschitsch, oi Vienna His
general conclusion is. says Nature,
that any sense excitation has for re
sult an increase of the acuteness of
other senses Thus, sensations of
hearing sharpen the visual percep
tions. If colored plates are placed at
such a'distance that one cau hardly
distinguish the colors, and various
sounds are then produced, the colors
become generally more distinct the
higher the sounds. Similarly, one
can, while a sound affects the ear,
read words which one could not read
b-fore Again, the ticking of a
watch is better beard when the eyes
are open than when they are closed.
Red and green increase auditive per
ceptious; but blue and yellow weaken
them. Several musicians, however,
were agreed that red, green, yellow
and blue caused an intensification of
souDd about one-eiirht; while violet
had a weakening effect. Tasle.smell
and touch are under like laws. Light
and red and green color, increase
their delicacy; while darkness, blue
and yellow diminish it. Under the
influence of red and green, taste ex
tends from the anterior border of the
tongue to the whole surface Ou
the other hand, a strengthening of
smell, taste, or touch exalte the other
sensitive perceptions. Specially in
teresting is the reciprocal influence of
touch and the sense of temperature
If one tickle the skin with a hair, aud
plunge the hand iu hot water, the
tickling sensation ceases; on the con
trary, if the hand be placed in cold
water, aud a part ol the body tickeled,
the temperature is felt more vividly
Ilerr Urbanschitsch finds in this re
ciprocal action an explanation ot sup
posed double consecutive sensatious
on excitation of one sense.
An Antl Slang Society.
A largo number of Chicago girls
met one evening last week for the
purpose of forming a "Ladies' Anti-
Slang Societv." The meeting was
called to order, and Miss Sadie de
Pork elected President Before tak
ing her seat she said in a clear, calm,
well-modulated voice: "Realelv
girls, I'm too badly rattled by the
honor conferred upon mo to give you
much of my guff It's the first time
I've ever tumbled to anything of this
sort, aud 1 hardly know just how to
catch on. However, I'll try to be
sufficiently up to snuff not to let any
flies light on me while doiug the
President-ofthis-sooiety act. I'm
with you in this move, and don't
you forget it. All over our land
slang words and phrases are multi
plying like flies in sorghum time, and
it is our duty to help knock this cry
ing evil as silly as possible. Let our
motto be 'Shoot the jSlangish.' •'
What Crushed Her.
"I sav, Cbolly, what d'ye think?
I took Clara Upstart to the concert
tne other evening and she askod me
what, an 'opus' was."
"Yes, she did. But I made her
ashamed of herself. I (?ave her a
withering look and told her lound
enough for the people around us to
hear that an 'opus' an andante
in crescendo time with a rallentando
fugue embellishment, and vou bet J
crushed her"
Or. Bull's Baby Syrup accom
plishes its object so quickly and so
satisfactorily that its praises aro in
tho mouth of every mother. Sold
for 2f» cents.
Persons living in unhealthy local
ities can easily avoid all bilious at
tacks by taking an occasional dose of
Laxador. Prico only 25 ceute.
—There was paid for locomotives
last year about $20,000,000.
—Florida tigH treus are putting ou
tl»e &rsi crop oi (or vte year
Quoting Poetry.
j The next time tho Hon Semutd S.
Cox undertake!* to quote aa ancient
New Englaud canticle bo wi!! m-ike
an attempt to pet it as near in ac
cordance with the original as possi
There are too ninny literary gen
tlemen in that section of the country
jealous of the honor of their hymns to
allow them to he misquoted with im
punity in the halls of Congress, even
by so distinguished a quoter as ''Sun
set," late Euvov Extraordinary and
M inister Plenipotentiary of the U. S
to the Sublime Porte, and aow mem
ber of tfie House of Representatives
for th« Ninth district of the State of
New York.
Tne quotation alluded to was re
cited in the course of a discussion of
the Fish Commission's Salary ques
tion in the lower House. A great
deal of ill-feeling had been engender
ed by the remarks of several of the
honorable gentlemen, when
Mr. Cox arose and threw oil on the
troubled water by a little speech in
which he quoted this stanza:
"Ye monsters of the bubblin*deep,
Your Maker's iiame upraise;
l"p from the Mod* ye codlings peep,
And wag your tails alwars."
The quotation was not accurate,
i but none of Mr ('ox's auditors were
| aware of the defect Although not.
, written as a humorous poem, hut
j rather as a solemn hymn for public
: worship, the Congressmen regarded
it as very fnnny, and its quotatiou
had the effect of relaxing the tension
on the salary question.
When the speech was quoted in
the papers the correctness of the stan
za was challenged, an influential
Philadelphia pa per declaring that the
verse Mr. Cox intended to recite was
"Ye monsters of the briny d«ep,
Your Maker'* praises shout:
l*p from the deep ye coddling* peep,
And wa? your tails about.''
By this time a Connecticut paper,
the Hartford Couranl, recognized as
an authority ou New England psal
j mody, took part in the discus
sion, and sat down alike on Mr. Cox
and his Philadelphia corrector. The
Congressmen, says the Courant,
' mangled" the lines, aud its Phila
delphia contemporary "falls short of
accuracy." After searching for the
verse in an ancient psalm-book, the
Courant quotes it as follows, explain
ing carefully that in the origiual tho
word "the" is contracted i,o "th" and
"your" to "vr" after the abbreviating
style affected by the Pilgrims and
their immediate descendants. The
capitalization of the origiaal is rigor
oaslv fallowed:
"Ye Mounters of the briny Deep,
Your Makers Praises spout;
Up Iroin the Sands ye Codlings peep,
Aud wag your Tails about."
It in a subject for deep thankfulness
that this vital point ia settled. It is
to be hoped that the Fish Commiss
ion did not suspend its work while
the subject was under discussion If
it did, though, it should resume op
erations at once, and paste the revised
edition of Mr Cox's quotation on its
bait bottle. — Pilts. Tilegraph.
A Cure For Diphtheria.
The following extract from a South
African paper is republished by re
"We can vouch for tho efficiency of
the following remedy for diphtheria:
A few years ago, when this dreaded
disease was raging iu England,a very
simple and rapid remedy for it was
discovered by the celebrated Dr.
Field. He put a teaspoonful of flour
of sulphur into a wine glass of water,
and stirred it with his finger instead
of a spoon, as the sulphur does not
readily amalgamate with water.
When the sulphur was well mixed he
gave it as a gargle, and in ten min
utes the patient was out of danger.
Brimstone kills every species of fun
gus in man, beast and plaut in a few
minutes. Instead of spitting the gar
gle out.be recommended the swallow
ing ol it In extreme eases,to which
he had been called just in tho nick of
time, when the fungus was too near
closing to allow gargling, he blew
the dry sulphur through a quill iuto
the throat, and, after the fungus bad
shrunk to allow of it, then resumed
the garbling, aud ho never lost a pa
tient through diphtheria.—Toronto
Preserving Telegraph Poles.
Telegraph poles are preserved io
Norway by making auger hole?,about
au inch in diaTete;*, in each pust,
about two feet from the eround, aud
pointing down at a small angle till
the center of the post is reached. From
four to five ounces of sulphate of cop
per, in coarsely powdered crystals, is
inserted, aud the opening is stopped
with a plug, which projects sq that it
can be pulled out to admit of replac
ing the charge every three or four
mouths. The chemical is gradually
absorbed by the wood, which, It is
said, permeates to the very top of the
polo, the whole outside surface assum
ing a greenish tint, due to the pres
ence of copper in the pores. This
simple means of preservation sug
gests the application of the same ma
teerial to other purposes tele
graph poles.
Fit to kill—corsets.
The Irish Question: ' Have you
seen John L Sullivan?"
Getting up with the Ron is common
practice where there is a teething boy
baby in the family.
There will be Gfty-three Sundays
next year. That GIVES UH one more
day than usnal in which to go fish
"I will not leave my post,"remark
ed the hitched horse, when he found
he couldn't break the halter.
Ruskin vayp: "Man should resem
ble a river " Some men do, in one
respect at least* The biggest part of
them is their mouth.
—The total production of the oil
fields of the United States f.iuco the
first discovery of oil in Pennsylvania
has been 317,095,723 barrels, of
which Pennsylvania and New York
have produced 307.6C8.283 barrels.
The total production of oil in the Un
ited States for 188(5 was 28,110,115
barrels, an increase of 20 per cent,
over the production of 1885.' Penn
sylvania gained 21 P'T cent. Ttio
displacement of* coal by natural gas
has been put at 6,468.000 tons.
Rheumatism is caused by lactic
acid in the blood, which Hood's Sar
saparilla neutralizes, wud thus curvs
j Please Send Me A Valentine,
j Somebody.
' St. Valentine's coining tomorrow,
And I'm ail old woman, I know,
Who ceased thinking of posi«« p.ud Cupids
And true lover knots long ago.
My autumn is very near winter,
I've almost forgetten the spring,
But please send me a valentine, some
Just for the fun of the thing.
That the women still youthful and pretty,
Whose lives are yet happy and bright,
Should got all the rhy.n<M of the sexton,
Really does not appear to me right.
I.et then take the love poems. 1 twk bat
A verse that will pleaaant thoughts
So please send me a valentiue. somebody,
Just for the fuu of the thing.
Remarkable Story.
"Cover my defenseless head.
With the shadow of thy wing "
A party of Northern tourists form*
j ed purt of* large company gathered
on the deck of an excursion steamer
that was moving slowly down the
historic Potomac one beautiful even
ing in the Summer of 1881.
A gentlemen who has since gained
a national reputation as an evangelist
of song had been delighting the party
with tne happy rendering of many
familiar hymns, the last being the
sweet petition so dear to every
Christian, "Jesus, lover of my soul."
The singer gaye tho first two verses
with much feeling and a peculiar em*
phusis upon the concluding lines that
thrilled every heart. A hush had
fallen on the listeners that was not
broken for some seconds after the
musical notes btd died away. Then
a gentleman made his way from the
outskirts of the crowd to the side of
the singer and accosted him with:
"Beg your pardon, stranger, bnt
were you actively engaged in the
war ?"
"Yes, sir," the man of song an
swered couiteously. "I fought under
General Grant."
'Well," the first speaker continued
with something of a sigh, "I did my
fighting on the other side and think,
indeed am quite sure,l was very near
you one bright night eighteen years
ago this very month. It was much
such a night as this, If I am not
very much mistaken you were on
guard duty.
We of the South had sharp busi
ness on hand and you were one of
the enemy. I crept near your post of
duty, my murderons weapon in my
hand; the shadow hid me. As you
paced back and forth yon were bum
ming the tune ofthe hymn you have
just sung. 1 raised ray gun and aim
ed at your heart, and I bad been se
lected our commander for the
work because I was a sure shot.
Then upon the night rang the words.
Cover my defenseless head
With the shadow of thy wing,"
"Your prayer was answered. I
couldn't fire after that. And there
was no attack made upon your camp
that night. You were the man whose
life I was spared from taking."
The singer grasped the hand of the
Southerner and said with much emo
4, 1 remember the night very well
and distinctly the feeliog of depres
sion sad loneliness with which I
went forth to my daty. I knew ray
post was one of great danger, and I
was more dejected than I remember
to have been at any other time dur
iDg the service. I paced my lonely
beat, thinking of home and friends
and all that life holds dear. The
thought of God's care for all that he
has created came to me with peculiar
force. If he cared for the sparrows,
how much more for man created in
bis owu image; and I sang the prayer
of my heart, and ceased to feel alone.
How the prayer was answered I
never knew until this evening. My
Heavenly Father thought best to keep
the knowledge from me for eighteen
years. How much of His goodness
to us we shall be ignorant of until it
is revealed by the light of eternity !
'Jesus, Lover of my soul' has been a
favorite hymn; now it will be inex
pressibly dear."
Justice and Mercy.
The quality of mercy is not strain
ed; It droppeth, as the gentle rain
from heaven apon the place beneath:
it is twice blessed. It blesseth him
that gives, and him that takes. 'Tis
mightiest in the mightiest: it be
comes the throned monarch better
than his crown; His sceptre shows
the force of temporal power, the at
tribute to awe and majesty, wherein
doth'sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptered
sway; It is enthroned in the hearts of
kings; It is an attribute to God him
self; aud earthly power doth then
show likest God's, when mercy sea
sons justice. Therefore, Jew,though
justice be thy plea, consider this—
that in the course of justice,* none of
us should see salvation; we do pray
for mercy; and that same prayer doth
teach us all to render the deeds of
mercy, Shakespeare
Agricultural Education Abroad.
It is in point that the little king
dom of. Bavaria, scarcely larger tban
Massachusetts, has twenty-six agri
cultural colleges, besides more than
200 agricultural associations. Wur
temberg, still smaller in area, has six
teen colleges and seventy-six associa
tions Baden, with only a million of
people, has fourteeu agricultural col
leges besides four schools of gar
dening and forestry. Saxony, with
its dense population of two millions
compacted into a space hardly larger
tban two American counties, has four
higher colleges and twenty agricultu
ral schools, besides a veterinary col
lege. and a department of agriculture
with twenty professors at the Univer
sity of Leipsic. Saxe Weimar, with
no more tban 23,000 souls, has throe
agricultural colleges and an agricul
tural department, with fifteen profes
sorships at the University of Jena.
Firemen Clothed in Asbestos.
The London firemen are about to
t>e uniformed lor duty in asbestos
cloth, a material which has already
been adopted by the Paris fire brig
ade with satisfactory results. Equip
ped in this incombustible apparel,
the fireman is practically master of
the tlaraes.
—lt is said that enough Bessemer
ore has already beeu located iu this
country to supply its wants for 100
years, and more ie being found every
—The coke produot of Colorado
lost year was • little over 200,000
NO. 14