TUB CITIZEN. JOIW H. & W. C. .VEGLEY, PROPRIETORS. SUBSCRIPTION KATBS—POSTAGE PBKPAID : One yew ?, - j 0 Six months 5 Three months ••• - 40 Catered at Postofflrr at Batlcr ai id riant matter FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 3. IJ*S. COUNTY COMMITTEE MEET ING. Report of Congressional Confer ence Committee Adopted — The County Districted, &c., &c. The County Committee met in pur suance of the call of the Chairman, J. B Mates. The object of the meeting being stated the report of the commit tee to devise means of nominating a Congressman was called for and re ported as follows: "That each county of this Congres sional District shall be divided into guo-districts equal in number to the number of delegates to be elected in that county to the District Conven tion, that each delegate to the Con vention be a resident of the sub dis trict which he is to represent in the Convention, and that each delegate be elected by the votes of the Republi cans of his district at the regular pri mary meetings of the Republican party. The delegate elected from any district be allowed, in case he can not attend, to name as a substitute a Re publican from the some district to represent him, but no voting shall be done bv proxy, and the substitute most have the credentials of his prin cipal; that at the same time the Re publicans of said district shall indi cate their choice of a Congressional candidate by vote or otherwise, ac cording to tne method in use in the county of which said district is a part; that tLe delegates from the respective districts ehali vote in the District Conveution for the candidate who re ceived the greatest vo'.e in the spb district, so loug as ruies hereafter to be adopted shall permit." The report was unanimously adopt ed as read, and on motion C. M Brown was admitted to represent Marion, Dr. Showalter for Millers town and James Stephenson for Sum mit township. On motiou of C. M. Brown a com mittee of five was appointed for divid ing the county into fifteen distticts for Congressional and National dele gate purposes. The committee appointed was as follows: W. C. Thompson, C. M, Brown, Dr. Showalter, A, M Christ ley and J. M Douthett. The Com mittee took a recess till 2 o'clock, at which time the division committee was to report their county division, They reported as follows: The first sub district shall consist of Allegheny aod Parker Twps. Tbe second of Mercer, Marion and Yeuaugo. Tbe third of Slipperyrock, Centre ▼ille and Worth. The loarth of Cherry, Clay and Sonbary Tbe fifth of Washington and Con cord. The sixth of Fairview with all its boroughs. The seventh of Donegal, Oakland, Clearfield and Millerstown Tbe eighth of Summit, Jefferson, Clinton ana Saxonburg borough. The ninth of Winfield aod Buffalo The tenth of Penn, Forward and Bald Ridge. Tfca eleventh of Butler and Butler Twp. The twelfth of Adam? and Middle sex. Tbe thirteenth of Cranberry, Jack son, /••lienople.Evaus City and Con noquenessiag south. The fourteenth of Lancaster, Con scquenessing north and Muddycreek. Tbe fifteenth of Brady, Prospect, Franklin and Centre. The above division was unanimous ly adopted by tbe Committee. A motiou by John Bnrkh irt, that we baye but one Republican primary this year was submitted :»nd curried Moved by J. M. Douthett that the Co. Committee count the votes and declare who has tbn highest vote in each of the sub districts for Congress and National delegate, and issue cer tificates to tbe delegatos elected in each of tbe sub districts; carried. On motion adjonrned. J AS. B. MATES, Chairman. A. M. CHRISTLEY, » 5, . W. C. THOMPSON, >" AY\OIXCKM E XTS. FOB STATE NENITE. DR. J. B. SHOWALTER, Of Millerstown. R. P. SCOTT, ESQ, Of Butler. FOK ASSEMBLY, C. M. BROWN, Of Harrisville. JOS. TIiOMAS, JR, Of Karns City, FOR DELEGATES TO .NATIONAL CONVENTION J. 11. NEGLEY, ESQ. Of Butler. W. C. THOMPSON, ESQ.. Of Butler. Passed By The Senate. WASHI.NOTON, January 31. The Senate 'odav passed a joint resolu tion proponing an amendment to the constitution. It provides that tbe tern* of office of the President and of th-» Fiftieth Congress shall continue until the 30th day of April, 1889, at noi>: that the Senators, whose exist ing i<-rm would otherwise expire on the ttb of March. ISB9, aod thereaf ter. chn!! continue in office until April MO "iicceeding such expiration; tbn l- h .'{oth of April, at noon, shall tl eresift. r be substituted for the 4?.h M.. 'L u- the commencement and terami»ii> u of the official term of the Pres Vice President, Sena tors s.i R-presentives in Congress; and Jl .it the I'2'b article of the a meu<"it:>. iits to tb • constitution shiill be amended by striking out the words '•fourth day of March" ar,d snbstitu ting tLe words "30th day in April, at noon '' O.vr.v one State officer is to be elect? d this fall, that of a .Judge of the Supreme Court. If cur Pittsburg Republican friends unite upon a candidate for Supreme Judee their chanced for the coming nomination will he much better. Judaea Hawkins, Stowe and Ewing are all good tad competeut men, but, they caaaut all be nominated. As the oatter look* no* Judge Mitchell of . Philadelphia will carry away the Judges Gordon, White, Wil aon and 2v*e»le of this end of tbe State, are all spoken of as candidates. COUNTY COMMITTEE. The New Mode Adopted —The County Districted and the Primaries Fixed for April 14. Although the severe wer-ther of | last Saturday prevented a full attend ance of the members of the Republi- I cau County Committee, yet, a suffi cient number were present to transact | the business thsy were called for. The first thing in order before the : Committee was to consider the adop ' tion or rejection of the new plan of fcrred for the nomination of candi dates for Congress in this district. As will be seen by the proceedings of the Committee in another place the new plan was unanimously approved. The nest thing in order was the dis tricting of the county into 15 sub dis tricts, in accordance with the provis ions of the new mode. This was done as will be seen, and the 15 sub districts formed and numbered Un less Mercer county declines also to adopt it, the new mode of nomination for Congress will take place for this year at ieast, under this new mode The election of Delegates to the Na tional Convention for the nomination of candidates for President and ice President, has to be done in similar manner to the way in which Con-: gressmen are selected. The 15 sub districts of this county will therefore have a double duty to perform,to wit, voting at the primary for one dele gate from each as a Congressional! delegate, and one as a National del- i egate delegate, so to speak, j The voter will instruct j said delegates in each case, for Congress and for National dele gate, Whether one delegate can be made to answer for both the purposes cannot be exactly seen as yet,and may depend upon circumstances that can not now be foretold. We may have more light to give on this point here after. The County Committee decided to have but one primary election this year and fixed Saturday April 14, as that date. At this primary all candi dates, of whatever kind, will there fore be nominated. In addition to Congressional delegates and National Convention delegates, two delegates to tbe State Convention of April 25, have to be elected. This latter it wa6 that required the early action taken this year. And. in addition to all above, a candidate for the State Sea ate from tbis district, and two mem bers of Assembly, to represent the county in the next Legislature, have to be chosen at the primary on April 14. And thus it will be seen that there is work ahead for the Republi can yotefs of the county to do, and not a very great time given to do it BROTHER DUMARS, of the Green ville Shenango Valley News, asks, "Why would not the popular vote system be just the thing by which to nominate a Congressional candidate for this district ?" We answer, that we think it would, taking all things into consideration, have been the fairest mode of making a Domination, and that wa have not changed our views as to that. But the trouble was that other 3 thought differently, and if oar good friend Du mars could have, or yet can, devise any way of making said others think as he thinks, and as we thought, we and all others will bs pleased if he makes said way kiiown. The idea at the district conference seemed to pre vail that county equality must bo kept up. That "little Lawrence" should have as much to say in the matter as "big Mercer," or Beaver or Butler county. This view of course set aside at once the view that a nom ination should be made on a ratio of the Republican vote of the district, and carried with it of course a refusal to accept the popular vote system in the whole district. "Little Law rence" didn't think as others thought and, as we say, if our brother of the News can devise a way of making her think different we, with all others> will be gkd if te divulge it. The mode settled upon is the nearest the popular vote that could be obtained, and was voted for, if not proposed, by the committeemen from Mercer coun ty in ths late district conference. If Mercer declines, at her coming Coun ty Convention, or Committee Meet ing, to ratify or approve ot the pro posed new mode, we presume the whole thing will fall through, "the fat be in the fire," and love's labor lost. JURY COMMISSIONERS are to be elected in this County this year. WE are indebted to the Hon. John 11. Mitchell, of Oregon, for copies of his resent speaches in the Uuitcd States Senate, on "Chinese Immigra tion," and "Pacific Coast Naval Sta tions". Mr Mitchell fuvora the abso lute exclusion of the Chinese from this country, and on all public ques tions guards well the interest of the people of Oregon. THE Lawrence county Republican Committee on Saturday last adopted the new plan for nominating Congres sional candidates and, as a cons°- quence, the selection of delegates to National Conventions. Butler county having approved the same day and Bearer county it is said done likewise, it remains now for Mercer county to act on the ques tion. One county of the district, it is understood, refusing to adopt the new plan will cause a failure of the whoie woik. The Mercer County Committee meets on the 23d of this ; month when the matter will be de cided, —A foundered horse can be cured j by wrapping bis bridle bit thick wi'b i the bark of freshly duf? sassafras root, and renewing in twelve hours. This will effect a cure if applied v.itbin twelve Hours after he has been foun dered. THEIR GOLDEN ANNIVER SARY. Mr. and Mr??. T. H. Bracken Celebrate the 50th Year or Their Married Life. From Beaver Falls Tribune of Jan. 2(5.] Fifty years ago yesterday, in the town of Butler, Mr. and Mrs T. rf Bracken were married by the Rev. Loyal Young, D IV Yesterday af ternoon there were assembled, in the Squire's residence on Fifth avenue, his children and grandchildren and a i fault hundred of near relatives and I friends who were present to celebrate in an appropriate manner the aged couple's long and iiappv married life. As a token of remembrance, many brought with them a srolden offering which aggregated §lls WO, besides other beautiful aud cosily presents. During the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Bracken surrounded by their guests, sat down to a bounteous feast which all enjoyed At the conclusion of this part of the celebratiou. Rev. Loyal \oung, wfa;, performed their marriage cere mony at Butler, 50 years aero, read an interesting history of the Bracken ancestry. Among those present yesterday, were Mrs B Moore, of Butler, and Alex Stevenson,of West Newton, l*a. who were witnesses to the marriage half century ago. Last evening Mr. and Mrs Brack en, the Rev. Young and others of the family attended prayer meeting in the Presbyterian church. At the close of the exercises Rev. Moreheyd, pastor, in behalf of members of this congregation, presented the Squire and his wife with a purse containing a substantial token of esteem. Durijg the day numerous letters of congrat ulation were received by Mr. and Mrs. Bracken. Friends from Kins man, 0., Butler, Concellsville, Washington, Crofton, Beaver and other near towns were present. The Rev. YouDg, who is now a resident of Washington, Pa, al though pa3t 80 years ol age, is still bright aud intelligent To him a golden wedding is not now a new thing, Five years ago he celebrated his own half century of married life. Since then he was present at the golden wedding of Mr. and Mr 3 il liam Cochran, of Allegheny, whom he joined in holy wedlock fifty years before, and within a few years past two of his sisters celebrated tha 50th anniversary of their'wedded lite. In addition to those above men tioned in the Beaver Fails Tribune as present on this interesting occasion, tbe following other friends of Esquire Bracken and wife in tbis couuty were also present: Mrs. M. M. Spang aud 3 children,Dr.Byers and wife aud Mrs. R. Wise of Butler, Rev. Shields McCurdv of Cranberry tp, and Mr. Harry M. Caldwell and wife of Mar ti nsbursr, this county. From Beaver county there were preseut Dr. J. S. Elliott aud wile, Mr F\ T. Bower, wife and four chil dren, Misses Ornie and Ollie aud Mr Clyde Parkinson,Mr. James Bracken, wife aud two children, Miss T. A Byers, Mr. Smith Curtis, Mr O. H. Matthews, Mr. Charles Bracken, wife and child. From other places, Rev. T. B. A an Em an of Caunousburg, Pa, Dr. Johns and wife of Connellsville, Pa., Mrs Taggart and Mrs. A. Parker of Allegheny city, Mr. George McCur dv of Kingman, Ohio and Mr. Chas BI iseel and wife of Haysville, Pa. Dr. Young has composed an acrostic and also prepared a history of tbe large Bracken family, whi?h are of great interest to all its many members. Fire at Parker. Parkers Landing was visited by a disastrous fire at 1 o'clock last Friday moruing. Flames were discovered issuinjrfrom the rear of Ivelley's drug store and in an incredibly short space of time the whole building was ablaze. The fire department was powerless to render assistance owing to lack of water. In two hours the fire had consumed or damaged four stores and four dwelling houses. The entire loss will aggregate sls - on which the insurance isj but SSOOO. Tbe following is P list of the losses: —George Kelly, $1500; 11. O Kelly, $2500; I)r. Hoover, 1500; J 11. Borlaud. §300; E.F. Pun!ap,sßoo; W J. Kiskadden, $300; George War ner, S4OOO Miss Carson, $100; W. E. Allen, $2000; It. H. Ramsey, $500; Melville Goldsmith, SIOO. Owing to the rapidity with which tbe flames spread people were forced to fly from the burning dwellings, barely having time to grasp a few ar ticles of clothing. Some were not even so fortunate, and made their es cape attired only in their night cloth ing. Andrew Archors lost every thing he possessed except a piano, which was moved to a place of safety making the thitd time within a year that this instrument has been rescued from tbe fire. No serious injuries to anyone occurred. The Revere Hotel, one of the old landmarks and once familiar to all oil men, wa3 consumed Revenue From Liquor. The Commissioner of Internal Re venue bas just made a very import ant report in response to a resolution passed by the United States Senate, which shows the gross amount of re venue collected on liquor since the present system of such collections went into force, June 1, 1802. flown to June 30, 1887. During tbis pe riod there was collected from special taxes on distillers, $25 128,810: brewers, $4,1132.383; rectiliers, $7. 270,070; capacity tax on distillers under a law laying a tax of $2 p»*r barrel on distilleries having a distill ing capacity exceeding a certain fixed am0unt,57,832,467. The production of distilled spirits during t his time was 1,(100,852,104 gallons, and of fer mented liquors 2(59, 710.782 barrels The amount of tax collected on the spirits was $1,090,370 280, and on the fermented liquors §240,046,110. Wealth of Mercer County SIIARON, Jan. 28.—The Assessor's returns lor the county are all in, and they show tbe real estate value to he £2O (!.S7, !I40; mill?, etc , $1,054 874; personal property. $812,000; money at interest, sl, number of taxabies, IT.CSS; number of dogs, i, 84:}. Rev. Dr. H W. Rotb, late Pres ident of Tbie! College, Greenville, P»„ bus accepted work iD connection with western hospitals, and taken charge of the English Lutheran church at Wicker Park, Chicago, au;l can be addressed for the present at Xo. ;V2 Fowler street, Wicker Park, Chicago, Ille. Mrs. Dinsmore's Acquittal. The case of MM. Eila Dinsmore, trial a* accessory to tb? murder of J. C. Davis, was concluded at Frank lie, on Monday evening of this week. The day was taken up by arguments) of counsel and the Judge's charge to the jury. At 4 o'clock the jury re tired and at 5:30 returned a verdict of not cmity. Tf.e verdict was received with groat applause. The prisoner stood like a statue and seemed completely srunn» dby the verdict. She did not seam to realize what was going ou until she was returned to the jail, when she broke down and wept with joy. Tha verdict is io accordance with tue evidence aud meets witu the approval of ail. Mrs. Dinsmore at her previous trial before Judge Wilson, in Ciariou, was found guilty of complicity with David L King iu the murder of James C. Davis, at one time a well known oil producer. Tnis conviction carried with it the death penalty. She was granted a new trial and change of venue and the case brought to Ve nango county. David L King is now in jail at Clarion waiting sen tence of death for killing Df.ris in Mrs Dinsmore's house in St. Peters burg, reb. 5, 1887. When Davis was flourishing as an oil operator in Clarion county he be come infatuated with Mrs. Dinsmore When Mr. Dinsmore dis covered that Davis's attentions to bis wife were not repulsed he packed up bis clothing and, takiug his little son with biro, suddenly left for the West and has never been heard of siuce. Davis neglected his own family, and his wife, a woman of excellent family in St. Louis, left him and returned to her home. He bought Mrs. Dins more a house iu St. Petersburg and their intimucv became quite notorious. Mrs. Diusmore is closely related to some of the best families in Warren county, and the scandal was soon the theme of the towo. Davis met . Important Decision on the Fence Law. Judge Taylor yesterday rendsred an important, decision on the fence law. The oid colonial law of 1700 requires fences in this State to be con structed of a certaiu height and strength. In 1885 the Legislature passed au act allowing couutifcs to settle the fence question by voting for or against the repeal of the old law. Venaugo county voted for the repeal. Some months ago cattle belonging to a Mr. Cherry, near Itouseville, broke into the premises of a ueigbbor nam ed Frost. The latter sued Cherry for damages before Justice Mustard, of Rouseville, and got judgment for Defendant appealed the c se to court, Hancock and Thorp, of Oil City, appeared for him, and W. J Brcen*. of this city for Cherry. They argued the ease before the court two months Judge Taylor's opinion sus tains the Justice, on the ground that the first section of the act of 1 700 is still ia force in Venango count; also, that the act ol 1885 is unconstitution al, as it is special legislation, iu con flict with Art, 7 of the new Constitu tion. This decision means that if a man would collect damages for the depredations o, his neighbor's breachv cattle, he must show that be main tains the old fashioned fence, popular ly described us "horse high, btill strong, and pig-tight."—-Franklin Ne wg. THE eclipse of the moon as seen here last Saturday evening wna won derfully beautiful. When it rose and could be seen it looked as if painted red, presenting a darkly reddish hue, or copper color. It was at its fullest and best elout 0:30 and tbe «ky be ing clear all the surrounding heavens shone out with unusual splendor. The shade disappeared about 8 o'clock, becoming darker as it went. Altogether it was a grand spectacle. —Mr. Charles Ilewius, formerly of near this place,writes us from Craw ford, Nebraska, "that the thermome tcr had bten 40 degrees below zero there, but being a high, dry climate, the weather WKS not as severe as it would be in Butler county." COMMUNICATIONS, "Anot her of the Same." Mr R Joh neon Grant, of Alle gheny Tp.,this county, was surprised iby a re-union, at his house, ou Jan. I 20rb, the s:>;h anniversary of his ; birth Fifty-frnr relatives and neijh | bors were present He lives ou the farm where he was born, and on which his father, Alex Grant, spent most of his life I He and Miss Phebe Eakiu were j married ()Jt. 15,1857. Muy they and their son be blessed in toe future j even more than they have been in the past, and may Mr. Grant enjoy many a pleasent hour in that easy chair, i which will be to him a memento of Jan 20, ISSS. UNL'S AMICORUM Prospect Whittlings. Ens CITIZEN: —The sudden death j of Mrs. Helwig Grine is another sad 1 reminder of the uncertainty of life, i Little did the beteayed family think t when their beloved mother retired I from the cares of the day in her usu ( al good health and jovfullness, that | she would awake in eternity. The ; husbaod aud orphaned ones have our i deepest sympathy in this their time of trouble and sorrow. Mr. Reuben Shauor was delegate to the A O. U. W Grand Lodge, lately held in Pittsburg Mr Will Webber who has been visiting his father, Adam Webber of this place, has returned with his sis ter Nannie, to Rochelie, Ills. Mr. Samuel Graham has at last ! received his pension. Sam, a tune ! on the fiddle and a toby. —Prof J. F. Shauor has gone to teach in Duff's College, Pittsburg, Pa. Success, John. Al»x. Borland and Dr. Roth have concluded to stay at home and furnish a supper to the colonists when they return home. Charles White, of Washington, Pa. 1 is cutting marble for the Sechler Mar bie Co. Geo. Warren, Jr is learning the tin trade with F. D Millemau. The Odd Fellows who went to Middle Lancaster to help institute a new lodge report having an excellent time. The Courtney stave mill of this place, has again begun to make staves W. B Kerr is manager. Prof. Regnarg, of Greeuviile. Pa, has been performing soma of his wiz ard and mesmeric tricks iu the Acad emy Hall, for the edification of ail Supt. J. L. Snyder is visiting the schools of this section. GOOD W ILL. | The Reading Strike. The following letter written by an official in good standing in the Kuights o!' Labor and one of the en forced Reading strikers of this city, speaks out what many of ths railway strikers aud probably many of the striking miners feel bat hesitate to express: To the Editor of the Times: i thank you for the bonest state ment tfiven in the Times of today on thw subject of the strike Our rHilrimd strike was not approved by one in ten, no, not one in twenty, of the men who were ordered out We had good and steady work, and good pay und prompt pay; but we were put in the position ot strikiug or defying the authority of the order, and being scolded as traitors. If Mr. Corbin had wanted to get the Knights of Libor in a false posi tion and hired Chairman Lee to do it for bim, the work conld not have been done better Lee and those v\ ho are flviug around and living high, while we pay tbe piper, have done more to make trouble among the Knights, aDd to prevent the miners from get ting an increase of than all the corporations of the State; and until we have the courage to strike against such rattle-brained fellows, we wili always have trouble and no promise of safety in work, even when wages and work are all that we want. PHIL'A., Jan 28, 18$!> 11 T.P. The Ledger of yesterday presents the same practical view of Chairman Lee's efforts in the following editorial paragraph: "What a pitable position the rail road strikers are getting into with Chairman Lee as their spokesman writing frivolous letters while the men are without wages, and others of tbsir leaders rejoicing that the strike is solid, and that there are "no more propositions for settlement!" They pretend to treat the strike itself as a good ihiny: (which it may be to them), where at best it can only be the purpose of tbe strika that isgjod, aud their whole aim should be to set tle it as soon as possible on tbe best attainable terms. That is what they would do if they represented the best interests of tbe men " It must be evident to all intelligent and dispassionate iniuers, that they are put into a false attitude by the efforts of Chairman Lie, aud that un til they can dismiss him aud his theories from the dispute there can be uo reasonable hope of ending the strike at. au eiriv tiav, and very little hope of succeeding iu the demand for the increased rate of wages. The miners' strike is a strike for wages. Whether wisely or unwisely begun, it has a tangible aud debatable issue to consider, an! iu would oj>en the way lor the consideration of the wage if the the miners would distinctly sever themselves and their cause from the follies of the Lee crusade. There is natural sympathy for the Schuyl kill miners as there ever must be for labor '.bat is uot well paid, but there is no svm&thy for the iusaue effort to force ihe miters to maintain a strike in defense of railway men who struck aarainst satisfactory work and pay.— Phil'a Times. —The i niportanee of publishing a di.-solution notice in any case of a change of firm is shown by a case re cently decided at. Erie. A note was given for $2500 by a former member of a firm, and the firm name signed to it. This was discounted at a bank and the maker of the note appropria ted the proceeds to his own use. Be ing unable to collect when it was due, the bank t-ued the firm for the amount. They showed that his connection with the firm had ceased before be made the note, bat as they had not published the dissolution previous to that t : n'.3as required by law, judg ment was rendered against them This is a rather common matter in business and is a formality which Bhould never be overlooked. —The oil market at th s place op ened on Wednesday at 90g, and reached to 9H On t his, Thursday morning, it openes at 89y and reach ed by coon to fcG-J. —\V e are requested to state that, to the death of the father of the Rev. Cronenwett there will be no services in the Gerninn Lutheran Church of this place on next Sunday. —F. C. Brightly. Esq., the well known compiler of Law Hooks, and editor for many years of I'urdon's Digest of Pennsylvania Laws, died at his residence in Philadelphia on Jan'y 24th uit., in the "Gib year of his age. jS/jl £\. _fc-6jrwl 1 H iT) Marrituje Xotices Published b>ee. DEMNY—TRIMISI.K—Jaa. •»«, l»s. r,t the resilience <;i" ihe bride's pareuls, by kev. 5? B. Stewart, Mr. William A. Denny aud Miss Jennie E. Trimble, all ol Middlesex tp, Butler county. MORRIS— G.VYLEY — Jan, 20, ISSS, near North Hope, tins county, Mr. Geo. Morris i.ud Urs. K. J. Gay ley, by lt;v. R. B. Starks. PHILIPS—XIECE—By Ttsv. John Peate, L>. I>., Janiestowu, N. Y.. Thursday, Jan. Id, IfSS, Mr. Orin M. Philips, of Sutler, and .Yliss Netty Niece, oldest daughter of S. C. Niece, Esq. ot Saudy Lake, Pa. Mrs. Philips is a highly respecttd young lady who was a compositor iu the JS'i-ics olScc and ever faithfully discharged her uuties.she was a pleasant companion, a devoted mem ber of the M. E church and au active and liberal supporter of the Y.W.C.T.U. ot this pi;', e. flaring the last year she was with us she was one of the editors ot tue White llib bon, a neat monthly published iu the interes of temperance. We extend her and her lius baud our hearty congratulations. May their lives be long, pleasant and eminently useful. They expect to reside iu Butler, Pa.—Saudy Lake Neics. KELLAR—ANDERSON—At the home of the bride's mother, on Saturday eveuiuj, Jau. 28, I*BB, by Kev. S. 11. Nesbit, Mr. Arthur Keliar, of Greeueville, fa., and Miss Mary E. Anderson, of Butler. DAUGHERTY—FORBES— At the Court House, Tuesday, Jau. 31, 1888, by Rev. S. H. Nesbit, Mr Samuel Daugherty and Mi-8 Mary C. Forbes, all ol Apollo, Armstrong county, Pa. DEATHS. Announcements of deaths published free, hut all cominunicated obituaries trill be charged for ut the rate of' onc-hulf cent for each word, /none;/ to accompany the order. I SIIANE—Jan. 9, lfe«S, at the home of her j sou, John Shane, Mrs, ilosauua Shane of i Washington tp. this county, aged about 53 I years. BROWN—Jan. 21, 1988, Mrs. Barbara Brown, wife of Jacob llrown of Clay tp. i this county, aged nearly 70 years. ! HILING—At Pittsburg on the 2."5 d ult, of i typhoid fever, John Hiliug, son of Mrs. James Simpson of Bruin, aged 30 years. , BAILEY—At Sil*versvilie, on the 20th iust, j Mr. Bailey, aged about 61 years. SIKBKKT—In this place, Jan. 30, IS*#, Mr. j Fredeiick atebert, aged s-o years,ll months ! and 18 days. j Mr. Siebert was the father of Mr. William j Siebert of this place and WAS an old gentle | ma'i much respected by all. He came to this J country from Germany in the year 1834, and 1 after living at Chaaibersburg, Pa., t'iree ■ years ami taen at Pittsburg turee years,came I to Uutier county, in IS4U, and settled iu Jef • lerson tp. where he lived until causing to I Butler to live with ills sou. He had 12 • I children, ti of wnom are hying, and 2U grand | children. His aged wife still survives him. : He was buried iu the German Lutheran j Cemetery on Wednesday last. CAKNAHAX—In Allegheny tp, this county, Jan. 15. 1888, Mr. Arauthu? It. Csrnahafl, iu the 54th year of his age. Mr. Carnahan was a sufferer from paraly sis for some years past and had the sincere and deep sympathy of al! his neighbors and and acquaintances. He was a uian mucu respected by all who knew hira. GRINE—At her horns near Prospect, this county, Saturday night, Jau. 21, 1888, Mrs. Anna Catharine Gnne, wife of Mr. Helwtg Griue, aged til years, 8 months and 28 days. ilr. Griue tnd bis family have the sympa thy of all their neighbors aud friends iu this their sudden iireavement. GALLAGHER—At the homa of J. J.Siiauor mar Prospect, Dec. 'Si, 1867, Miss Margar et Gallaguer, aged 72 years. J GARWIG —At her home near Myoma, But ler eouuty, Jan. 11, 18S8, Mrs. Geo. Gar wig, aged 33 years aud 22 days. THOMPSON —At his home iu t'iierry twp., this county, Jan. 27, l¥B3, Mr. James Thompson, aged 7i years. He was one of the oldest citizens of Cherry twp., and died on tile farm he was bjru ou. ENGLISH—Io Franklin tp, sins county, Saturday, Jau, ;j,x, 18sS, Mi»s Mary A. K.igiish, d iugUier of Mr. James V. Eng lish, iiged 25 years, lacsiug 2 days. Sister, thou art gone to test; We will not weep for thee, For thou art now wtiera oft, on earth 'ihy spirit longed to be. Sister, thou art gone to rest; Thine is an early tomb; i!t>» Jew sni'j'n'.'tiL'd inea away: Thy Savior called thee home. Sister, thru art gone to rest. Thy toils and cares are o'er, And sorrow, pain, and sulforing, now Shall ne'er distress thee more. Sister, thou art, gone to rest, j And this shall he our prayer: t That, when we reach our journey's end, '1 by glory we :nav share -E. E. Wli.Si.iN—At his home ,in Mifllm, Ash land county, Ohio, on Friday, Jau. 20, I,S!>.X,Mr. Samuel Wilson, Sr. aged CI years and 14 days. Mr. Wilson formerly lived near Peters ville, Connoqunesaing tp. this county, aud removed to Ohio some years ago. He leaves a widow and four children to mourn his death. They have the sympathy ol all their old friends and acq uaintanees in this coun ty- CARKOLL—In Harmony, Jan. 28, ISBB, Mr. Win. Carroll, aged 44 years, S mouths aud 2d days. He was born in Ireland, but hasleen many years a citizen of the United States. Beware of Scrofula Scrofula is probalily more general than any other disease. It Is insidious in character, and manifests itself In running sores, pustular eruptions, boils, swellings, enlarged joints, abscesses, sore eyes, etc. Hood's Sarsaparilla expels all trace of scrofula from the blood, leaving it pure, enriched, and healthy. " I was severely afflicted with scrofula, and | over a year had two running sores on my neck. I Took five bottles Hood's Sarsaparilla, and am j cured." C. E. LOVE JOY, Lowell, Mass. C. A. Arnold, Arnold, Me., had scrofulous sores for seven years, spring and fall. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured him. Sait Rheum ! Is one of the most disagreeable diseases caused by impure blood. It is readily cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. William Spies, Elyria, 0., suffered preritly from erysipelas a::d r.alt rheum, caused by handling tobacco. At times his lmuds would crack open and bleed. He tried various prep arations without aid; finally took Hood's Sar saparilla, and now says: '• 1 am entirely well." "My son had salt rheum on his hands and on tho calves of his legs. lie took Hood's Sarsapariihi and is entirely cured." J. I>. Stauton, Mf. Vernon, Ohio. Hood's Sarsspai'i^a Sold hy all druKffidta. $1; six for j? r /. Made OLJJT by C. I. lioory & CO., Apothecaries,Lowell, 100 Doses Ono DoiJar All - forms - of - chapped, - rough, - red, pimply - skin - made - soft - and - clear. BU R N^, ' PIMPLES, CHILBLAINS, /MT$ / >/ i piLES ' ETC ' W P '/ " PRAISED - BY-ALL! GET THE GENUINE. BUY, TRY, JUICE. 25 cts. at D-uggrds, or mailed on receipt of s'sr-p-:. HOP PILL C:O., NEW LONDON, COXN. GOI.K 1;V EV.'BV DKIGOIST IX 111.~T1.K8 Life Saved and Health Re o+r-r-orl l> y U'-T Bitrr'K Cod Liver OH aud olui CU Malt. A (erialti remedy for Con sumption, HroncUltls, Astlnna. Scrofula and all throat adn lung diseases. Prepared so as to be quite palatable. Ask Coil Liver Oil and Malt. Il not sold by Druggist.write to the Manufacturers JOHN C. 11.4 K Kit A CO.. si.l I'Hhrrt M., I'liiU. ■tinill •iUenurilril are t hose who read this Ull U' Wand then act; they will and hon -1111 Hi I orabie. employment thai will not 111 UII L I take them from their homes anil families. Tbe proats are large and sure tor every Industrious persou. mjaiy have made aud are now making several ffundred dollars a month. It is easy for any one to make and upwards per day, 'who Is willing to work. Kitlier sex, yonug' or old; capital not needed; we start you. Kverythui'-J new. No speetul ability re quired; you, lender, can do It as well as any one. Write to us at once for lull partlculars.whleh «e mall free. Address stinsou oc Co., rortlaud, Me. Si ppj POWDER Absolutely Pure. i This Powder hever vanes. A marvel of purity, strength and wbolesomeiiess. More economical that the ordinary kinds, and c-»n not he-old iu < <>mpetition with the n.uilitue ot low tests, short weight,aluinn or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKINtt POWDER CO,. 106 Wall Street N. Y. LOOK! READ! I have enlarged my store-room. In faei. made It almost twice as larire as tt was before, and have also Increased my stock. I have, !>y tar. the largest and best selected stock ot Fine Drugs and Chemicals la Butler county, and am now In position to supply the wants of the people of t Lis county— even better than In the past. You will do well to call on mo when in the nee . of anything la the line of Fins Drugs and Medicines. My stock is very complete and PRICES VERY I/>\V In medicine quality is of Ihe first Impor tance. su we particular attention to tilling Prescriptions. our Dispensing r.epartment is complete. We dispense only i'ure Drugs of the Finest Quality, and our patrons may bring us tlielr presertp- I turns, feeling certain that they will b • caretullv I anil accurately tilled. Thanking the public for the very irenerous patronage they have accorded me iu the past. I hope to be able to serve them more a'Veplablv in the future, at the old stand. No. 5, Xorth Main St, BUTLER, PA. | J. C. REDICK, B. & B. ogßiM ms ism. OUR GREAT JANUARY MARK-DOWN SALE I Commences and we purpose it shall he the most noted and Important In character of anything hitherto offered, as the most sweeping reduc tions will he made in all departments through out our eutlro establishments, upstairs aud down. J'.AUOAIXS THAT WIM, BIUXG CROWDS OK BI"VERS. AND AT ONCE. 19-lnch neat BTKI»'I£J> COLORED SILK VEL VETS. 25 cents—Vidue. T.V 19-Inch FKIESE CHECK sII.K VELVETS, me dium bright colors.cents-do wn from 11. COSTI ME VELVETS, In black ani colors, at sped il prices. One lut la-Inch VELVETS, colors, sold at fl usually, and often sold as Silk Velvets—but are cotton lace, hut a good, close pile—are to be closed out at :c cents a yard. V.lai U and Colored UIJOCADE and Striped VELVhTEKXS of trood quallt.- wdl lie sacrificed at 'J,"i een's :: yard; value .">0 cents and upwards. Bargains In PLAIN BLACK SILKS. FAILLE FRA.!NA IS K< RHA D A M ES. FINE FRENCH DKE.SS GOODS. PLAIDS, AC,, at, prices lo make this sale effectual. DOri.LE WIDTH UOODS at AO and T5 cents. Never before suoh rich, choice qualities, partic ularly the 75 c. ones,as they are dowu from $1.25 and per yard. ."10-lnch SITTINGS. SOi'.-value sl—surpassing anything in quality and sfj le ever offered at re tail an', where, .'W-inch MIXED TRICOTS, asc.-durlug this sale. FINE ENGLISH SITTINGS 50 Inches wide, go at 7">e., $i and $1.25. Large lot of CHOICE BROADCLOTHS, sl.i3 — value. $2.25 100 pieces double width SCOTCH CHECKS or PLAIDS In neat styles, medium, bright but choice colorings, we bought at half the cost ot importation—go at this sale, viz; 25c. a yard. French Striped Flannels at 25c., io close. This same method applies also to the Cloak Room. Cloaks never offered at such low prices. Now Is your time to get bargains; space-to lim ited to enumerate—hut write our .Mail Order Department for full particulars. BOSG3 & BUHL, 115,11/1119,121 Federal St, Pa. SUTLER MARKETS. Ihe following are th&«el!iug prices of mer-| nll'Dla ol tills ;>l«»ee ; Apples, per hushel, 50 to to liters. t'ahl>H/e, new, 7 to 1 1 et*. CatifJle-, mold, l-l to 15. cts. Carbon oil. 10 to l,">ets. Cheese, 12 to IS ets per !b. Crackers, 7 told ets. per lb. Chickens, per pair, 40 to 50. ets. Coß'ee, Kio, 2-"i ens. CoflVe. Java. .'ls etc. Colt Roasted, S5 to 30 cts. Coffee, ground, 20 to 2t> cts. Eggs, 25 ets. Fisii, mackerel, 10 to 15 cts. Flour, per barrel, $4.50 to st>. Flour, fier sack, iil .25 to $1.(15.. Feed, chop, per 100 pounds, $1 25. Feed, bran, per li'O lbs. slls. Grain, wheat per bushel, !»0. Grain, oais per bushel :40 to 45ets Grain, corn per bushel 60 ets. Lard, 10 ets. Hams, 14 cts. Honey,2o ets. Hay, sl2 . Shoulders, 10 eta, Macon, Li cts. Dried beef, IS to 25. Corn meal, per pound. 2 cts. Potatoes, new, I*o cts Bushel. Rice, * to Io cts. Sugar hard, S cis. Sugar cofi'ee, 7 cts. Sugar, raw, tij cts. So''|>, 5 to 10 cts. Salt, per barrel, $1.25. Tea, llyson, Guupowder, etc., 50 cts. to !'0 Tea, Japan, etc., 60 to tiO cts. Tea, Break lust, 10 to 80 ets. Tallow, S cts. Buckwheat Flour, 2.50 cts. per cat. Turnips, 50 ets. per bu. Sweet Potatoes, 50 cts. per pk. Cranberries, 15 ets. per qt. nrrn*"'* Wonder* exist In thousands of IIL LlJhnms. but are surpassed by the mar- II | | | v»ls of invention. Those who are In MLVi need of prom able work that can lie done while living at home should at once send Ihelr address to Hallett ic Co.. Portland. Maine, and receive free, full information how either sex. of all aires, cp n earn from !"■ lo $25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have wade over |so In a single day at this work, , AU j PERMANENT STAMPING 'j For Kensingt ) J, Arrasene AND OUTLINE *OBK DOKB Aleo lessons iu sum : given by AMNIK 1 LOU'MAN, North itreet, liuilcr, Pa. ue^Oj.^r Subearibe for tbe Citicen. I Jury Lists for March Term. List of tJrrind Jurors 'I raw a to nerve iu tlie font? . : Quarter Swslous. i-omiuei:elnT the ! iirst Monday or Mareh. i-ss. ileitis Hie .'»tli day: I Adams l.i ;mder. Marion twp.. ;anner. • "lily Tli cua> Marl in twp.. tarru'-r. : Broun ii J.. Merit, 1 !- twp.. fanner. , l'.iiuk K. !•.. Allegheny iwp.. producer. Brown I'cun twp., i.imicr. . t.ar*>Y\ Milton. Baldri'tge. producer, j I*lrnn i.ally. \1 , M\r' J. ti.. I'etrolla. utcrviiaijt. • kirkpatri'.lv Da", id. Center t wp.. liiruier I.ut/. John. Lancaster i«p.. laborer. I.'iiniti •' dm it.. twp. urm»r. ! Musser Jaeo! MiHktyi reek t'.rp., tar:.ier. i V.IA'IX' ' 1H»» .lOSe|!i. V.. nil t\v;„. lai::.er Miller I iter. Mudd>creek twr fanaer. j Mcltlimqr AI x„ Cut two., tutaer. , Md'eriui.tt Owvls. Buffalo twp., farmer. Nl;:>rte Dav I.ia: i r• . i v\inerehant. ♦>rr Joseph. I Ko.-rJo n M.. rv. aril tv. fan Kft;,al lii'iirj .\\ •.sstt::' p :. II i•„ p.. .atra-r. j Ker.no Weo.. .'•■itier *». nl. m imceutter lr.Mitraa>. t eogr, s-'tnmit two., farmer. Wil kiltie Dalai liiiff ! twp.. si;:: keliuaker. We'jer A'hun. Hint"; U >ro.. i-t vrarj. mason. List of Traverse .Juro:* drawn to serve la the I'ii'ir! Oi (;ujr.« i»v Slaivh Term. JBSB. ci lamenting tin _u Moridav, being tlie 12th daj: , Adi.ir.s 1:. t\. sunliurj 1K.r0.. merchant. Bikert Andrew. .IrlTi p-i.n twp fcrmer. Urnr.non Isaac. KranKllr, twp, laruier. liovard Jonathan. twp., tarnier. Bowman l-'ifii, Kixoufturu biro,. >tou(vutter. Blair John. Venango iw p.. f.iriner. Hard *»r.. •.•■•nt'Tviii.' biro.. moulder. Buhl Fred. K\ansnty. inetvhant. liell Win. M.. Mereer twp.. farmer. )f J 1 oovert r\ K.. Jackson twp.. \\ , tanner e : t'hrUtj Wm.. Clay X\\ p.. farmer. „ < aniplx li John s.. >u:iimr\ boro.. teacher ! cluNty Mummer. Washington twp.. *, farmer, j Campbell .Samuel B . Concord twp.. farme. 1 1 UniiDars lonion. Fcrwar* twp.. larmer. tir<-< r Joseph, Venango twp.. iarnvr. Gantlier L. K..Butler tioro> - 1 1 ward, carpenter. (Jordou Samuel, Concord twp.. farmer. Harper l tlmcr. Washington twp., N, marble d t aier. Hall James. For .van! twp., laborer. (Hll'iebrand Frank. Donegal i»\|>.. larmer. [ Kirk Harvey. Hurler bore Edward, llvervman. j King Kaldrldj;e, piiraper. ■ KlUijfler Christ, ivnn trvp.. farmer. Lo-an James. Wintieiu twp., merchant, LeldecktT J. A., Hutler horo., Ist ward, operator t , Lafcver Isaac. Jefferson twp.. farmer j Morrison J. 1... Butler bore.. ward, ffrocer. r Monks Wesley. Middlesex twp.. farmer . iMaurliofT E. L., Clinton 'wp., larmer. Mel:ride Kobert. Franklin twp.. farmer. I Mi intyre John. Buffalo twp.. farmer, j McKee W. I'. WashlUKton twp.. N, laborer I'alnter Jokn S.. Clay twp.. farmer. I'ew Joseph S.. Mercer twp,, painter 0 Patterson W. t;.. tiirmer.' liummel John. Wlnlield twp., contractor. Richardson Newton, Cranberry twp., farmer. e Kenlck G. W.. S!lpp»ryroek tw'p., farmer Stewart Leonard. Washington twp.. farmer. Shlra W. 11.. Parker twp., farmer. Thompson X. 11.. Brady twp., farmer Thompson T. J.. Clay twp., farmer. 1 West John. Butler boro.. '.'rl ward, plasterer Webb John, Sllpperyrock twp., farmer | wick ,1.11.. Concoid twp.. farmer. 1 Walters Jactb. Jefferson twp., farmer. Wiles Joseph, Venango twp., farmer. e Orphans 1 Court Sals ON MONDAY. FEB. :>7, ISSS.at JO o'clock j a.m. on the premises, I will expose at public sale tlie following real estate of ; Samuel Braham, late of Centerviile, Butler county, Pa., dee'd. All that piece of land situate in the ! borough of Centreville, county of Butler, j and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de | scribed as follows: Commencing at a post an.i j running south by New Castle and Scrubgr ass ! road sixty-one f«et to a post, thence west by , an alley ISO feet to a post, thence north by ! an alley sixty-five au.l one-half feet, to a i post, thence east by Inuu of Iteformed Pres ! bvterian Church ISO teet to the place of be : ginning, having erected thereon a frame I dwelling house of six rooms and a kitchen, frame stable and other outbuildings. TERMS:— One-third cash on confirmation of sale by the Court, rem:'inder in two equal annual installments with interest to be secur ed by bond and mortgage. UI Gil BRAHAM, Executor of Samuel Braham, dee'd, T. C. CAMPBELL, Att'y. NEW Clothing Store. , CLOTHING, HATS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, UNDERWEAR, NECK WEAR, OVERCOATS, RUBBER COATS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, ' UM BR ELLAS. SKI UTS. CAPS, SHOEs FOR MEN AND BOYS, &C., All at most reasonable prices. JOHN T. KELLY, , G9 S., Main St., nes t door to p, o.) CHOICE FRUIT. Having taken tlie for the Choice Fruit ri«-rs t Beautiful Shrubbery, Ornamental Trees, An* everything Pise in ill? Nursery line, of the New Kn«j!and Nurseries. Chase Bros. & Co., N. V.. I will call upon >ou in the near f.iture and solicit your ordeis for Spriti.' delivery. A. H, FALLER, Agent, Butlei- - Pa. 1 The o'dc-t aod best Insulation for obtaining I « Business Edncatiou. We have successfoßy | prcpaivd 1 iiousatuis v. voiiiri ln 'u inr the act'.xe UUIK-.0, I .e. Ko < > 'l.lis :u..i|ess. I'. IU KF.v so.Ns, l'« - FOR BALE A lame 1 ;iuie boanlnt!; liouw. eood !o. 1:1011 and doiti!; larjw liu-ine-v, Teiniseasy. Fur further ii.ir;:enlar< i.mniie of 1,. s. Jic.il UK. Jefferson St.. • ISullpr, I'a. ji SURVEYING 1 LAM), COAL BANKS, ANI) LEVELING. Particular attention even to the Retracing ol old lines. AddrcJU, ! It. F. nil,LI Alt S>. 1«. Surveyor North Hope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. 3,5,54.1y . JUDteiOL'S AHD PERSISTENT 1 l.us always proven i aucccsst ul. Before placing any § Newspaper Advertising consul: LORD & THOMAS, .JtKxntll iMBIW AUKSTS, 41 to 49 ttauiloliA blr«l, CHiCACO* i MJB ' 17an ii For Dropsy, Gravel. Brlght's. Heart. I'rlnary i or Liver Dlseasi's. N-r\(msnes«. &-<•. cure licar- } anPed. onice sat Arch street. I'hlladeiphl. l . |i f fierlmt'le. C for i>. At, Druggists. i'ry it. OA LESMEAT! 1 WAITED ] V to canvass for the sale of Nur- -A_ 1 serv Stock: Steadv eraplovtnent gnarantsed. SALAIIV AND EXPENSES I'AID, Apply at once, stating age. i Ktler to tuts paper.) Chase Brothers Cc., BO ™" B WANTED—LADY^r^?? J . iiiohltlrm. Pennft ictu |«»>J tlor* 4ui all the Istfsr N nil tie*. French Felt Silk Hat*. Figured li sso aud Watered Pluhes, Velvets and Si.ks. FANCY I'I,I'SHES, The New \\ Corsets, noul • Her Buspeu'Jers f T«»iiet P.» VVahhes f Rougt and Cosmetics. 4 eth" and '•Svbei's Beerei," DEESS TBIXMINGS, IVcs I nings. Find Fur Trimmings, Newest St\:it (Ja-i. Hair Ciimds and t tiiiiper-, t.h 'dren'- i. it and I'lush (.apt i.nd Ho iils, Toi>oggau>-', -»> Ik. Handkerenieiii aud Aluillers. MISS M, H, EILKEY, BUTLEH, PA | .Hotel Brady f. W. TAIT, Prop'r. New Hotel and Restaurant on the Diamond, Butler. I'a. Mr. T. W. Talt has refitted and furnished tbe Brady House, aud is now l'repared to accotnjao date the public. His Kestaurxnt. in conic"!ion with the hotel will t>e open day and ni/in The tables will b . furnished with everything tlio market affords, FRESH GAME AND OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY. Your patTouage respe •' rally solicited. M.F.&M, Marks Invite your inspection ot their stock of FALL and WINTER Millinery Goods. Receiving goods every week their stock is always FRESH AND COMPLETE. THE CITIZEN IS THE BEST mUG MEDIUI IN BUTLER COUNTY. OFFICE ALL KiNDS OF wo n k: DONE AT LOWEST PRICES.